Boat exercise contraindications. Beautiful posture and a healthy back with boat exercise

“Superman”, “swallow”, “boat” are different names for an exercise familiar to everyone since school physical education lessons. Due to the therapeutic effect on the musculoskeletal system, it is included in the programs exercise therapy, bodyflex, Pilates.

Most great advantage"Superman" - no load on the joints. It can be safely performed by athletes after injuries, people with chronic back diseases. With daily classes after a month you will get a guaranteed result. In addition to improving the back and spine, pleasant bonuses await you in the form of tightened buttocks and hips. With it, you can:

  • strengthen the spine and muscular corset of the back;
  • prevent development osteochondrosis;
  • form straight posture;
  • strengthen cartilage tissue;
  • take off muscle spasms in the back and compression from the nerve roots;
  • restore transmission nerve impulses;
  • put away fat fold in the lower back and tighten the stomach.

Also, due to the increased flow of blood, yoga technique help in treatment inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, alleviate the condition with PMS. In addition, it returns anatomically correct position bundle ring and restores neuro-reflex connections between organs.

How to make a "boat"

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in technology, but this is far from the case. It is quite difficult for people with atrophied muscles to make deep backbends.

Action algorithm:

  1. Lie on the mat with your stomach, align your body in a line.
  2. Stretch your arms forward with your hands up, place your legs in line with your hips.
  3. Tear off your head and fix your gaze at one point.
  4. Tension of the gluteus maximus muscles and sacral department simultaneously tear off all 4 limbs and chest from the floor by about 40 cm.
  5. Make sure that the center of gravity is distributed between the hip bones.
  6. Freeze in a pose for 10 seconds and return to the starting position, gently lowering the limbs to the floor.

note to head position. It is always directed forward. Neck rotation can lead to displacement of the cervical vertebrae.

How much and how to do

Take a breath and repeat at least 4 times. Every day, increase the number of repetitions and the time spent in statics. If you find it difficult to work with full amplitude, experiment with the height of the rise of the torso.

Breathing mode doesn't matter. However, before you begin the process, do a breathing cycle that will help disperse the blood. On an inhalation, pull the stomach towards the spine, on a noisy exhalation, push it out. In the exercise, lifts can be performed on inhalation and exhalation, at the climax, the breath is held involuntarily.

Curvy girls it is not very convenient to perform a “swallow”, for convenience, try twisting the towel with a roller and putting it in the area solar plexus.

"Superman" on the back

  1. Roll over onto your back, put your hands next to your torso.
  2. At the same time, raise straight legs and shoulder girdle to a height of 30-40 cm.
  3. Try to stay in this position from 5 seconds. If this is not possible due to loss of balance, simply bring the shoulder blades together.

Then every day raise your back one vertebrae higher, thus developing flexibility and stretching the spine.


If necessary remove a couple of centimeters from problematic female areas perform this modification.

  1. Take the classic position face down.
  2. Now imagine that you need to stretch the body.
  3. Raise your limbs, keeping your body weight on your pelvic bones, and begin to pull your palms and feet in opposite directions.


  1. Lying on your stomach, bend your legs and point your feet towards you.
  2. Grab them with brushes and tear them completely off the mat chest, shifting the fulcrum to the center of the abdomen.
  3. Now, with oscillatory movements of the body, imitate rolling on the waves.
  4. Rock back and forth with an arched back.

A minute later let yourself relax 10 Seconds.

Lateral "swallow"

  1. Roll over to your side.
  2. Put your feet on top of each other.
  3. By the same principle, lift the body and freeze in static.
  4. Here the fulcrum falls on the pelvis and the lower zone of the thoracic region. If you add a couple of turns, the efficiency of the exercise will increase significantly.
  5. From the position on your side, roll onto your back, then turn around to the other side. Then do the same in reverse order, remembering to linger at peak points for 7-10 seconds.

Make a "swallow" daily, allocating for execution up to 10 minutes.

Exercise "boat" in video format

For people who want to improve the shape of the body, strengthen the back, general state health, very suitable effective exercise, which is performed as in the training gym, and at home - a boat exercise for the back. Very productive exercise to improve posture.

It has a beneficial effect on the press, effectively strengthens the spine and nearby muscles. The exercise has several options, each of them is designed for a certain level of muscle development.

Therapeutic effect on the body

The beneficial effect of the "boat" is obvious. People who do this exercise systematically, after a few weeks, lose unwanted centimeters in the waist, hips, etc. In the process, the elasticity of the muscles in the abdomen appears, the correct aesthetic posture is built.

The impact of exercise on the muscles, back, spine:

  • a mixed navel ring is put in place;
  • helps to strengthen the solar plexus;
  • effectively affects the vertebral muscle corset;
  • makes posture correct;
  • the pain syndrome at articulate diseases decreases;
  • improves the production of the cartilage component;
  • normalizes joint mobility;
  • normalizes blood circulation in the muscles;
  • are given in the form of a waist, a stomach;
  • improves the work of the heart muscle and overall tone.

Options for the "boat" and a description of the correct execution of the exercise

Each type of "boat" has its own characteristics and differences. The "boat" of the classic version is done as follows.

The exercise is used in both amateur and professional sports.

Option 1

Lying on your back, you should straighten your arms along the body, press them as tightly as possible. Next, connect the legs together, you need to touch the heels and socks in pairs, the stomach is pulled in. It is required to inhale more air, then raise the limbs up by 25–35 cm. At the same time, they raise the head (upper torso) and legs at a given distance from the surface. The support is the gluteal region, the sacrum. This position is held for at least 8 seconds, after rest, the exercise is repeated.

Option 2

Another type of "boat" is performed as follows: it is necessary to lie on the stomach. Stretch your arms, turn your palms down, hold upper limbs in width shoulder girdle. lower limbs pull out, socks away from you. Raise the limbs at approximately the same distance (top, bottom). The belly serves as a support hip part. The limbs (arms with legs) are stretched for 8-10 seconds. in a different direction.

Option 3

Perhaps an addition to this exercise called "storm". The body is located as in the previous versions, but instead of a stationary state, the torso should be rocked, as if the waves were swaying the body, arms, legs. Outer side feet from time to time touches the floor, as well as the palms of the hands. This exercise should be done up to three minutes.

Option 4

There is another type of boat, which is called a side boat. Lying on its side, the torso straighten the top (arms), lower part- Legs are straight. Raise the upper and lower limbs by 20 cm from the base of the floor and hold this position for a minute. The reference point, as always, is the pelvic bones.

Option 5

Good sports uniform makes it possible to apply the following version of the exercise. All stages of the exercise are done in turn. First, the side version, then the classic, then again the side and taking up the starting position.

How to achieve the most effective result?

If you exercise regularly according to the above examples, then you can strengthen your back well within three months, lumbar, adjacent muscles, also chest muscles. Great benefit will bring a "boat" to women. cleans up body fat waist as well as hips. Serves to strengthen the buttocks, works out the muscles of the press. It is required to breathe correctly when performing, most of the load should be exhaled.

By adjusting the diet by eliminating junk food, it is possible to achieve effective weight loss.

The result will not be long in coming

Gymnastics with the use of this exercise is possible in combination with physiotherapy exercises:

  • in case of curvature of the spine;
  • with osteochondrosis and displacement of discs;
  • helps to normalize the condition shoulder joints and back muscles.

If the exercise is supplemented, it is perfect for general strengthening of the human body. Systematic classes contribute to best result. The exercise is quite simple, but nevertheless versatile and multifunctional. This is an excellent way to normalize the functioning of body systems, and, of course, to form an attractive, regular figure.

The “boat” exercise is aimed at improving the human body and is one of the best to date. The article presents a detailed description of the "boat" exercise. The article also contains useful photos of the “boat” exercise.

"Boat": what is the effect of this exercise on the human body?

The boat exercise is truly unique in its kind. What is its feature? How does the “boat” exercise affect the human body? Let's consider in more detail.

1. Engaging Postural Muscle Layers

Most conventional exercises work only the superficial layers of the muscles. The “boat” exercise also affects postural ones. Postural muscle layers are internal muscles. They are located at the spine, deep in the body. On strength training it is very difficult to work out the internal muscles. The "boat" exercise is indispensable for this purpose.

2. Perfect posture

Exercise "boat", like no other, improves posture. With its regular implementation, you can easily correct both small and more significant imperfections in the spine. This happens due to effective elaboration internal muscles described above. Elastic postural muscle layers straighten the spine, thereby improving posture.

3. Absolute freedom of the joints and spine when performing

Usually the action of some simple exercise performed under its own weight. Also, most exercises are not complete without stress on the joints. All this puts restrictions on people suffering from problems with the spine or diseases of the joints. The “boat” exercise is performed lying on the floor, thereby eliminating any load on the spine and joints. This makes it accessible to absolutely everyone, even those suffering from joint diseases and back problems.

Note! Despite the complete lack of load of the “boat” exercise, people who have serious back health problems should consult their doctor before doing it.

Working on perfect posture: a description of the boat exercise

The "boat" exercise includes two options:

Classic boat;

Reverse boat.

Note! Before you start the exercise, you should know that the "boat" is not aimed at burning fat. This exercise is not power, but static.

The “boat” exercise is aimed at increasing the tone and strengthening the following muscles:

flat muscle abdomen

long muscles back;

Gluteal muscles.

It is on the above muscles that the main work of this exercise is accounted for. So let's move on to more detailed description boat exercises.

Exercise "classic boat": how to perform it correctly?

Exercise "classic boat" is best to start with 8-10 times. The number of approaches is three. This is especially true for beginners.

By exercising regularly, you will gradually strengthen your muscles and train your breathing.

After a few days of training, the number of times and approaches can and should even be increased.

The pace of training should also increase and become more intense. So, let's start the exercise "classic boat".

The correct starting position is:

1. Lie on the floor with your stomach down and relax;

2. Legs should be extended and pressed against each other. In the correct starting position, the toes and heels will touch. We do not bend our legs at the knees;

3. Place your hands “at the seams”. Firmly press them to the body, stretching along the body.

The following describes the correct execution of the "classic boat" exercise.

You need to start with breathing. Lying in the starting position, begin to breathe deeply as follows: inhale - the stomach is drawn in as much as possible, exhale - the stomach is pulled out as much as possible;

Having got used to such breathing, proceed to raise the legs, head and torso. This should be done as follows: legs closed together should be raised by about half a meter. Simultaneously with them at the same distance, you need to raise the head and torso. Imagine that you need to reach as high as possible with the back of your head and the back of your shoulders. From the side, your body should resemble a semicircular line. When lifting, you should hold your breath;

Gently lower your legs, shoulders and head as you exhale, returning to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times.

Note! When performing the “boat” exercise, both the classic and the reverse version, watch the position of the head. It should only be directed forward. This rule cannot be ignored. If you allow yourself to turn your head from side to side, the risk of injury increases - displacement of the cervical vertebra. Most of the work is directed to the back and stomach.

Exercise "reverse boat": we perform correctly and effectively

If you want to remove a couple of extra inches from your hips and waist, the reverse boat exercise is most suitable for this purpose. Compared to the classic version, this one is more complex. The reverse boat exercise also works more effectively on posture. The most optimal option for the initial implementation of this exercise is four sets of 10-15 seconds. Over time, increase the number, time and intensity of the exercise.

What is the correct starting position for the reverse boat exercise?

1. Sit on the floor lying on your stomach. Relax;

2. Legs should be stretched back. It is not necessary to touch them tightly. A small distance between the legs is allowed. Stretch your socks as far as possible;

3. Place your hands in front of you, stretching them forward. Lower your palms down.

Now we proceed to the correct and effective implementation of the “reverse boat” exercise.

As in the classical version, this exercise should begin with the regulation of breathing. Lying in the starting position, begin to breathe deeply as follows: inhale - the stomach is drawn in as much as possible, exhale - the stomach is pulled out as much as possible;

Next, let's move on to the exercise. You need to do this as follows: similarly to the classic version, raise your legs, head and torso at the same time to the maximum height, forming an arc. I remind you that the head must be kept straight;

In this position, you need to linger for 10 seconds without breathing. In this case, you need to stretch your arms and socks as much as possible in different sides. Imagine that you need to stretch your body;

After the specified time, relax. Slowly return to the starting position as you exhale. Repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise "boat": what are the advantages of doing it?

Some of the benefits of the “boat” exercise have already been mentioned above. It not only forms a figure, it saturates the body with health. Consider the question of the benefits of the “boat” exercise in more detail.

Flat tummy. This exercise perfectly strengthens the press, thereby making the tummy beautiful;

Straight back. The “boat” exercise guarantees the straightness of the spine, which is especially good for women with a magnificent bust;

Disease prevention. As a result of various injuries, injuries, or simply over time, the body weakens. Fat accumulates, brain function is disturbed, insomnia appears, efficiency decreases, the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract weakens, and so on. The “boat” exercise effectively prevents this;

Circulation. This exercise is great for stimulating him.

Exercise "boat" is especially useful for those people who have a sedentary lifestyle. It perfectly normalizes the work of the body and forms an excellent figure.

The most common women's problem lies in the imperfection of the figure. This becomes especially noticeable after a woman becomes a mother. Maternal responsibilities, including feeding the child, lead to aggravation of deficiencies. The chest sags, the shoulders stoop, folds of fat appear on the sides. The reasons are clear to everyone - weakened muscle tone leads to loss of shape. And yet you want to have perfect body! And this dream does not pass with age. Do not take shape changes as an inevitable reality.

Love for yourself, for your body can work wonders. To regain elastic muscles - start physical education. Special attention focus on your back and posture. It is she who paints the figure, being the core. stooped back and fallen shoulders give a woman self-doubt, signal to others about her complexes and add age. And excess fat under the shoulder blades completes the unsightly picture.

Sometimes the main problem of the figure becomes not from excess weight, but exclusively Not correct posture. Weak dorsal muscles make it unattractive, the spine curves, the stomach protrudes forward. To avoid such a metamorphosis with a figure, even women with normal weight should pay more attention to the back in order to strengthen it. Specially designed physical exercise help you achieve the desired effect. Do not put off classes until later. Let's do an exercise today that gives elasticity to the chest, back evenness, posture and gait of grace.

What benefit does the “Boat” task bring to the figure?

It strengthens the muscles of the waist and abdomen, positively affecting the back in its upper part and the shoulders. The principle of the exercise is similar to a children's carousel. The outward simplicity of the task is deceptive.

"Passive" athletes and physically weak people will have to work hard to do it in the early days. However, the regularity and diligence of implementation will allow not only to develop a habit, but also to see good resulttightened chest and reinforced back.

If you move a little on " sedentary work”and inactive outside of it, then the“ Boat ”is recommended to you. The abdominal press will pump up, blood circulation and digestion will improve, fat reserves on the sides will disappear. You will forget about breathing problems and strengthen the solar plexus area. Intestinal disorders in the form of constipation, pain in the abdomen and navel area will become a thing of the past.

You will leave insomnia and lethargy, acidity and diseases of the pelvic organs. The skin will gain elasticity and freshness, and the muscles will become elastic. And, of course, all these favorable changes in health will improve your mood and add positive to everyday life. You will feel the unconditional benefit from the class and the loss of extra pounds in the very near future.

How to prepare for a workout?

If your goal is serious and constant exercise in order to eliminate body problems, get rid of pain in the back and overweight, then the classes must be approached responsibly, diligently prepared. Practice directing your back muscles by alternately tensing and relaxing them, which will avoid strain and injury.

All movements must be performed cyclically and not abruptly. The correct decision will be to balance the diet during the period of sports. Exercise should not be performed on a full stomach. Best time for training - morning. Maintain water balance.

We strengthen the muscles of the back with the help of the "Boat"

It is necessary to lie on your back, stretching your arms parallel to the body, and slowly begin to raise your legs. The height of the lift above the floor is thirty centimeters. We try to keep our legs straight and not bend them.

Together with the legs, we raise the head and the upper body with the shoulders from the floor surface. We keep the adopted position when counting to ten. The direction of the head forward, the muscles of the back and abdomen are tense. We return to the starting position and do the exercise three more times. Breathing is even. If there are difficulties with raising the chest and shoulders, then you can limit yourself to bringing the shoulder blades together.

Exercise number 2 on the stomach

"Boat" for weight loss is performed in a pose on the stomach. We begin the exercise from a prone position, with feet tightly adjacent to each other. Feet rest on socks, keep together. Hands lie on the sides on the floor with tassels down, resting the chin on the floor. At the same time we exhale and spread our legs.

Bent at the knees, we grab the legs with our hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ankles or feet. We exhale. Holding the breath with extension of the knees and separation from the floor of the head and chest. The hips also come off the floor. The lower back is strongly bent, and only the navel area rests on the floor. When counting to ten, we slowly make swinging movements in the direction back and forth.

It is like rocking a boat on the waves. We relax and repeat the lesson again. Initially, do the exercise no more than five times. Gradually increase the number of approaches. You are guaranteed to remove fat on the hips and waist, significantly improving the shape of the body. In addition, improve microcirculation spinal cord, normalize the endocrine system and metabolic processes of the body, which will have a beneficial effect on weight.

In two months, weight loss of up to five kilograms is possible. will improve appearance skin due to the disappearance of the "orange peel" in the abdomen and buttocks. Your well-being will improve and your mood will rise.

"Boat" No. 3 on the back

This exercise "Boat" is useful for the neck, spine, abdomen and back, waist area. Starting position - lying on your back. We make a grab with the legs bent at the knees. We strain the muscles of the back and make swinging movements. The duration of the exercise is ten seconds.

After returning to the starting position, we stretch our arms parallel to the body, straightening our legs on the floor. We sharply touch the toes of the feet with our fingers, keeping the legs in an unbent state. Reaching your toes is very difficult at first. Persistence and constant repetition will lead to success. Muscle atrophy will pass with time, which will achieve a good result.


Set aside time to exercise daily. At least ten to fifteen minutes. Control your posture by trying to walk and sit straight without slouching. Performing the exercise will develop and strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, which will allow you not to experience problems with the spine even in old age.

Others will notice your perfect posture, inspiring you to continue sports activities. Constant training will become a habit and will bring not only health, but also a positive mood to you and your surroundings.

It is impossible to be truly beautiful and healthy without having correct posture. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the state of the muscular corset, which is the main support for the spine. Strengthen the muscles of the back, shoulders and abs physical exercise, which include the "Boat" complex, which can be performed by people of any age group.

The benefits and purpose of the exercise "Boat"

The complex is often used in classes physical therapy for the back. It also has a positive effect on the human body as a whole, with its help:

  • the muscular corset and the solar plexus area are strengthened;
  • curvature of the spine is corrected;
  • the correct location of the umbilical ring is established in case of its displacement;
  • pains caused by osteochondrosis decrease;
  • improves blood circulation, as well as joint mobility, due to increased production of cartilage tissue;
  • the activity of the heart muscle is normalized, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs;
  • neuro-reflex connections are stabilized;
  • weight is reduced, the figure acquires a clearer outline.

How to do the “Boat” exercise: types and technique

This complex comprises several variations one exercise. Therefore, everyone can choose exactly the one that suits him at a certain stage. physical training. You can also perform the entire complex as a whole.


Classic variant"Boats" is performed as follows:

  • the starting position is taken lying on the back;
  • the legs are brought together, while the socks and heels are in contact;
  • with a maximum breath, the stomach is drawn in;
  • legs rise up about forty centimeters;
  • at the same time, the head and upper body are raised to a similar height, while the support falls on the buttock and the sacrum area;
  • hold your breath for eight to ten seconds;
  • After that, you need to exhale the air, return to the starting position and relax.

When performing the classic version of the “Boat” exercise, the head should be directed forward, and tension should be felt in the abdomen and back. Also need monitor proper breathing.

At the beginning of classes, you can limit yourself to three repetitions, and then gradually increase their number.

Boat "on the contrary


  • the initial pose is taken, lying on the stomach;
  • arms stretched forward, shoulder-width apart, palms should be pointing down;
  • legs straighten, socks stretched;
  • at the same time you need to raise your legs and upper part torso to the maximum possible height, support falls on the pelvis and abdomen;
  • holding your breath for ten seconds, you need to try to stretch your arms forward as much as possible, and your feet back;
  • exhaling and assuming the starting position, you need to rest a little and do four more repetitions.

This version of the exercise helps to quickly reduce the circumference of the waist and hips and improve the condition of the spine. At regular classes the initial slight pain in the muscles will be replaced by a surge of strength, endocrine and metabolic processes will normalize, the skin will acquire elasticity and tenderness, cellulite and other irregularities will become less noticeable. In addition, overall well-being will improve and mood will rise.



  • the position is taken, lying on the stomach;
  • on inhalation, the legs rise and the feet are covered with hands;
  • body swings forward and backward;
  • you need to do the exercise for three minutes, after a short rest, repeat several times.

For beginners this enough difficult exercise but don't stop doing it right away. In the process of training, the body gradually gets used to the load, and very soon classes will be held with ease and good mood.

Lateral "Boat"


  • the position is taken, lying on its side, with arms extended upwards, legs are straight;
  • the limbs rise about twenty centimeters above the floor for one minute, the support in this case is the pelvic bone and the bottom of the thoracic region;
  • having done several approaches, you need to roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise.

Contraindications and effectiveness

During preliminary preparation and correct execution complex of exercises "Boat" there are no contraindications to its use.

The complex of exercises "Boat" is used not only in physiotherapy exercises. It is used in bodybuilding in combination with a load to work out biceps, triceps, latissimus dorsi and wings. Using it in bodyflex exercises, it is possible to reduce the waist circumference and strengthen muscles in a short time abdominals, as a result of which, with the help of the “Boat”, not only a beautiful posture is formed, but also overall figure improves.

The block of exercises "Boat", if performed correctly, takes no more than ten minutes. Performed in the morning, it will be a good preparation for an active working day, and in the evening it will contribute to unloading a tired spine, stretch it out and relax.

If you decide to do serious training in order to improve your health or lose weight, you need to preliminary training. It consists in the correct tension and relaxation of the back muscles. This will help smooth out abrupt transitions and provide cycling. In addition, it will help to avoid injuries (stretching, rupture of ligaments, etc.).

During training, do not neglect breathing rules, the greatest load should fall on exhalation.

If the complex "Boat" is aimed directly at weight loss, then in parallel it is necessary to correct the usual diet and choose appropriate diet. First of all, you need to exclude all heavy and too fatty foods, as well as foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins. At the same time, you need to increase the consumption of vegetables (fresh, stewed, steamed) and greens.

In order to unload the spine after the end of the course you need:

  • stand up straight, feet together;
  • raise your hands and pull them up as far as possible;
  • lean forward, making the girth of the knees with your hands;
  • touch your forehead to your knees;
  • put your palms on the floor and get on all fours;
  • arch your back strongly, and then sit on your heels;
  • press your forehead to your knees, lower your hands down and stay in this position for thirty seconds;
  • get up and relax.

After performing this exercise, a feeling of lightness will appear not only in the spine, but throughout the body. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that even such a simple set of exercises as the “Boat” can have versatility and versatility that simultaneously normalize the operation of numerous systems human body and form a beautiful figure.

If you conscientiously practice every day, after two months, you can get visible results: reinforced dorsal, lumbar and pectoral muscles, correct posture, relief press, elastic buttocks.

At the same time, the circumference of the waist and hips is significantly reduced, the side fat folds, straightened shoulders. It is especially useful to regularly perform these exercises for people who are passive, passive lifestyle. This complex will allow them to raise their vitality, and, accordingly, their mood.