3 day weight training program. The Effective Approach: The 3-Day Bodybuilder Workout Program

It's no secret that splits are more effective at gaining muscle mass than full-body workouts. Often in priority 3 day program weight training, which is convenient to observe during the working week. And this is quite justified. Such a program will never let you down, and will help build impressive muscles worthy of admiration.

Although training on this system alone is not enough to fully realize its full potential in 3 days a week. But do not despair, I will guide you. I will provide the perfect 3-day split program for fast muscle growth for men.

It is impossible to reap the benefits of split training without a competent integrated approach. This means that everything must be considered, from the choice of exercises, the combination of muscle groups, the frequency and intensity of training to the length of rest between sets. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the expected results and justify all the hopes placed on this complex.

A split is a variety strength training, implying the simultaneous load of several muscle groups on the days of the week. Therefore, in one day you do not work on the whole body as a whole, but only on individual muscle groups.

The two main advantages of this method, which ensure its high efficiency in bodybuilding, are related to the fact that the split allows you to concentrate on each muscle group, working them out more thoroughly than during full-body workouts. Also, you have more days to recover and grow muscle fibers.

If you read my previous post about, you know that the two most important aspects of building muscle along with a balanced diet are training intensity and good rest.

A three-day split meets all these requirements. Moreover, this system is very easy and convenient to practice. Personally, I alternate three-day and four day splits: 90 days I am engaged in the first program, and 90 days in the second, and so on in a circle. For me, this is the best mode.

Reasons for the popularity of the three-day split

9 out of 10 average heavyweight athletes who live in a frantic rhythm and find time to maintain a good physical form It is always preferable to have a training program for gaining muscle mass 3 times a week. It is perfectly balanced because 3 days of training is not too much, but not too little. With this you can live full life and pay attention to other duties without the risk of becoming a permanent resident of the gym.

It will be easy for you to stick to this program, so you won't miss too many workouts (which is crucial for muscle growth). But a key productivity factor this complex is the ability to choose the most optimal combination of the six largest muscle groups for each training day.

This complex is also notable for the fact that a 3-time visit to the hall fits perfectly into the framework of the working week. So, you can train chest and triceps on Monday, back and biceps on Wednesday, and devote Friday to pumping shoulders and legs. See how simple. You don't even need to write anything down to remember the sequence.

What are the main benefits of 3-day splits?

Comfort is far from the first sign of shock training. If the program's only asset is its convenience and scheduling flexibility, then don't waste your time on it. Easy and effortless activity has not yet brought anyone significant results in any area of ​​life, and fitness is no exception.

The true benefit of three-time split training, as I summarized above, is precisely the ability to focus on a particular muscle group and work harder on it than during full-body circuit training.

Proper rest

Each muscle group is given a weekly rest. When you are not exercising, your muscles are growing. IN gym you destroy muscle fibers and when you come home, you create the conditions for their self-healing through an optimal diet and rest regimen. Therefore, when you purposefully load your chest once every seven days, then during the remaining six, these muscles recover and grow.

Even when you do not perform special exercises for a particular muscle, it still contracts, playing an auxiliary role in the development of neighboring groups. For example, by training the muscles of the shoulders, you thereby load and pectoral muscles due to their adjacent location and proximity of attachment points. So in reality, the muscles are never idle for a whole week, which is even good.

The intensity with which the stabilizer muscle has to be strained provokes even more growth and does not harm the recovery process at all. Excessive rest should be avoided. If you ever visit third world countries, you will be surprised by the number of people with well-developed arm muscles who, nevertheless, have never been to the gym. The muscles of these guys grow through daily manual labor and the use of environmentally friendly products.

I do not call you to this way of life, but you should keep it in mind when you are in next time want to count calories, or start worrying about not getting enough rest or sleep. All that is required of you is not to cheat in training, eat well, do daily activities, and everything will work out. the best way. So, I gave enough arguments in favor of the split method and listed all the advantages of a three-day training complex. It's time to give you what you came for.

Weight training program 3 times a week

Do all the exercises in the exact order. Rest no more than two minutes between sets. Before static stretching, do a series of dynamic stretching exercises (this is optional, but very helpful). When starting the exercise, do not forget to warm up by doing a couple of approaches using 40-60% of your working weight. Keep in mind that the warm-up does not count towards working sets, so after it you will have three main sets with the maximum working weight.

Monday: Chest, triceps, abs


  • Bench press: 3 sets of 6-12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 3/8-12
  • Hand reduction on the simulator: 3/8-10
  • Push-ups on the bars on the chest: 3 / 8-16 (legs back, body forward)


  • Arm extension: 3/10-12
  • Dips for triceps: 3/8-12 (holding legs in front)
  • Extension of arms with dumbbells from behind the head: 3/6-10
  • Bench press narrow grip: 2/8-10 (elbows forward, arms about 12 cm apart)


  • Hanging leg raises: 3/8-12
  • Fitball crunches: 3/8-12
  • Incline bench sit-ups: 3/8-16

Wednesday: Back and biceps


  • thrust upper block: 3/8-10
  • Rowing thrust: 3/8-10
  • Deadlift: 4/ 6-8
  • Pull-ups: 4 / maximum number


  • Dumbbell Hammer Curl: 3/8-10
  • Barbell curl: 3/8-10
  • Narrow grip chin-ups: 4/8-10

Friday: Shoulders, legs, abs


  • Raising dumbbells through the sides: 3/8-10
  • Military press: 3/6-10
  • Raising hands forward on the lower block: 3/8-10
  • Seated Dumbbell Press: 3/6-8


  • Flexion on the simulator: 3/8-10
  • Extension on the simulator: 3/8
  • Squat: 3/6-10
  • Rise on socks: 4/8-12


  • Situps: 3/8-12 (with slow and controlled muscle contraction)
  • Crunches: 4/8-12 (slow, can be made more difficult by adding weights)
  • Leg raise: 3/8-12

This easy-to-perform complex will help with a set of muscle mass. Remember that the working weight should allow you to complete a given number of repetitions. Therefore, you should not take too light shells and immediately stop the exercise when the desired number of repetitions is reached. So you won't get results. Instead, stop at a weight that you can't do more reps than indicated.


LEVEL: ADVANCED NATURAL "from about six months to a year of the beginning of training"
TRAINING FREQUENCY: Three times a week, Monday, Thursday, Friday
WORKOUT DURATION: 50-60 minutes
WARM-UP: Not required, use a warm-up first set of each exercise in pumping mode

MONDAY (chest triceps)

1. Bench press from the bench. 5 approaches. 1st - warm-up with an empty bar for technique for 20 repetitions.
2nd, 3rd, 4th sets working weight for 6 reps
5th approach working weight for 8-12 reps to failure.

2. Breeding hands with dumbbells. 4 approaches. 1st, 2nd approaches working weight for 6 reps

3. Incline Dumbbell Press
3rd and 4th approach working weight for 8-12 reps to failure.

4. french press 4 approaches. 1st, 2nd approaches working weight for 8 reps
3rd and 4th approach working weight for 8-12 reps to failure.


WEDNESDAY (back biceps)

1. Wide grip pull-ups 5 approaches. 1st - warming up in the gravitron, with rubber bands or traction vertical block for 20 repetitions.
2nd and 3rd set for 8 reps
4th and 5th set for 8-12 reps to failure.

2. Deadlift 5 approaches. 1st - warming up in an empty neck for 20 repetitions.
2nd and 3rd approach working weight for 8 reps

3. Lifting the bar for biceps 4 approaches.

3rd and 4th approach working weight for 8-12 reps to failure.

3. Lifting dumbbells for biceps with supination 4 approaches.
1st, 2nd and approach working weight for 8 reps
3rd and 4th approach working weight for 8-12 reps to failure.



1. Barbell squat 6 approaches. 1st warm-up with or without empty bar for 25 reps.
2nd 3rd approach working weight for 8 reps
4th approach working weight for 8-12 reps
5th and 6th working weight to failure for 8-12 reps

2. Dumbbell bench press from a vertical bench 5 approaches.
1st warm-up for 20 repetitions.
2nd and 3rd set and working weight for 8 reps
4th and 5th approach working weight for 8-12 reps to failure.

3. Mahi through the sides 4 approaches.
1st, 2nd and approach working weight for 8 reps
3rd and 4th approach working weight for 8-12 reps to failure.

4. Swing in tilt 5 approaches.
1st, 2nd and approach working weight for 8 reps
3rd, 4th and 5th approach working weight for 8-12 reps to failure.



Or in other words, the three-day training program is one of the most popular and common training systems, not only among beginners, but also among advanced athletes. What is a three-day training program or, in other words, a three-day split for mass and how to create a training program yourself?

What is a 3 day split?

3 day split- a separate training system, according to which you divide all the muscles of the body into three individual groups and work each muscle group, usually once a week. For example, on Monday you train the back and biceps, on Wednesday the chest and triceps, and on Friday the legs and shoulders.

It is thanks to the huge popularity and prevalence of three-day split programs that there are a lot of people in all gyms on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. True, most of them are beginners who practice intuitively, without adhering to a specific training scheme. Of course, this is a road to nowhere, marking time. Therefore, I always say that you need to stick to and keep a training diary.

How to write a three day workout program

There are many options for compiling a three-day split program. Most often, muscle groups are divided according to the “push-pull” principle, working out pulling muscle groups in one workout and pushing muscle groups in another. Legs are usually trained on a separate day.

Some options for a three-day split:









As I said above, there are many options for compiling a three-day split. Frankly, I like the first option the most. In the first workout, I work out the muscles of the back and biceps. In the second workout, chest muscles and triceps. In the third workout, the muscles of the legs and shoulders. Personally, I prefer this division of muscles by day, although each option has its own disadvantages and advantages.

I see the advantage of this three-day split option in that each muscle group processed once a week. During a workout, the backs are always included in the work of the biceps, so it makes sense to “finish them off” at the end of the workout. The same goes for the chest muscles and triceps. After training the legs, I work out the muscles of the shoulders. The fact is that leg training gives a powerful anabolic response, so the deltoid muscles get the best stimulus to grow.

Three-day split for mass - a classic training program


1. Pull-ups wide grip 3x8-10

2. Deadlift with a barbell 3x6-10

3. Pull to the belt in the slope 3x8-10

4. Lifting the bar for biceps 3x8-12

5. Hammers with dumbbells 3x8-10

Wednesday (CHEST, TRICEPS)

1. Bench press 3x8-10

2. Incline Press dumbbells 3x8-12

3. Push-ups on the uneven bars 3x8-12

4. Close grip bench press 3x8-10

5. Twisting on an inclined bench 3-4x20-30


1. Squats with a barbell 3x8-12

2. Leg press in the simulator 3x8-12

3. Rise on socks 3-4x12-20

4. Bench press sitting 3x8-12

5. Rod pull to the chin 3x8-12

Under bodybuilding, it is perceived primarily to reduce the level of adipose tissue and build muscle mass. Classes aimed at increasing mass are quite different from strength training. It is very important to plan the training scheme correctly: the number of workouts, a set of exercises, the number of approaches and sets. It is difficult to achieve the desired effect if the program is not developed. An excellent scheme that fully copes with the above tasks is a three-day split for mass. Let's look at what it is, what exercises are included in the program and how to do it to ensure muscle building.

What is a three-day mass split?

What is this scheme? A three-day mass split is nothing more than a 3-day training system per week. This scheme is quite popular. She found approval among professionals, advanced athletes and beginners who are just learning the basics of body formation.

According to this scheme, all muscles are divided into certain groups. During each training session, only one group is worked out. Thus, during the week all the muscles are involved, and at the same time only once. For example, on Monday, the biceps and back are worked out. On Wednesday - work on triceps and chest. On Friday, leave the shoulders and legs.

For a long time, bodybuilders tried to pump all muscle groups in one workout. However, over time, it became obvious that such programs are far from perfect. The athlete had to do a lot of exercises, approaches. Of course, such a load led to fatigue. And as a result, the last groups of exercises no longer provided the necessary muscle pumping.

This is where the three-day split for mass came to replace exhausting, not providing the necessary effect. The basis of such training is separate pumping different groups muscles.

Key Benefits of Split Classes

You already understand why the choice of many athletes stops at this training scheme - it becomes possible to better work out the muscles. But this is not the only advantage of this training scheme.

Split by mass has a number of advantages:

  1. The duration of the workout. Since only a certain muscle group is being worked out, the duration of the lesson is reduced accordingly. If earlier training could take 1.5-2 hours, then according to the split system it lasts only 30-45 minutes.
  2. Lesson intensity. It is much easier to pay attention to a specific muscle group than to the whole body. Naturally, in this case, the selected fabrics will be worked out much more efficiently and better.
  3. Mood. No one will argue that this factor plays an important role in achieving the result. Agree, training, lasting 2 hours, after which, instead of a favorable effect, you feel extreme fatigue, hardly anyone will like it. Another thing is a 30-minute session, after which there is a slight sipping in the muscles and, at the same time, the results are much better.

Compiling a split

Trainers have developed many effective 3-day split programs. Despite their differences, most often they are built on the same principle - “push-pull”. This means that a split for mass gain involves working out the pulling muscles in one lesson, and the pushing muscles in the other. On the third workout, they are engaged in legs.

What options can be offered to the athlete? The following three-day splits are recognized as the most effective.

The first option consists of working out:

  • spinal muscles - biceps;
  • breast tissue - triceps;
  • lower extremities - shoulders.

In the second version, they are pumped:

  • back - triceps;
  • pectoral muscles - shoulders;
  • leg muscles - shoulders.

In the third option they do:

  • back - chest;
  • upper limbs - shoulders;
  • feet.

The fourth option is characterized by pumping:

  • spinal muscles - biceps - rear deltas;
  • chest - triceps - front deltas;

Choice of option

As you can see, experts have developed many training schemes. That is why a person often faces the question: which one to give preference to? Each of the options has its own advantages, and is not without drawbacks. Therefore, the best three-day split for mass is the training scheme that best suits you.

Most often, trainers choose the first version of the training program. Experts see the advantage of this division in the following:

  1. Each muscle group is worked out 1 time for 7 days.
  2. When the back is trained, the biceps are necessarily worked out. Therefore, it is necessary to “finish off” these muscles at the end of the workout.
  3. The above rule applies to another group: chest muscles - triceps.
  4. Pumping the legs ends with work on the tissues of the shoulders. Lower limb training provides the strongest anabolic response. This provides a powerful incentive for development.

Features of the right choice

At the same time, choosing the most effective scheme training, there are many factors to consider:

  1. Floor. Split workouts for men and women are significantly different. This is dictated by many reasons, including the different structure of the muscular corset and different goals. Girls start training to get rid of excess weight and give the body a slight relief. The three-day mass split for men is a build beautiful figure. The stronger sex resorts to such training, seeking to provide “tuberosity” to the biceps and “brickwork” to the press.
  2. Level of preparation. If you are a beginner, then you should not immediately move on to split workouts. Experts recommend the first time, during one session, to pump all muscle groups. This will ensure a balanced and even development of the body. And only by increasing endurance and strength indicators, you can safely move on to split exercises.
  3. Body type. All people are divided into 3 types: ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs. Depending on the physique, some are able to quickly improve their body. For others, this task is almost impossible. That is why the approach to training should be completely different.

Very often, men with such a physique have many complexes. After all, they are characterized by a very “slim” figure, thin and long limbs. These people have a hard time gaining weight. This is dictated by an excellent metabolism. However, do not despair. The right approach to training will allow you to transform such “disadvantages” into advantages.

The three-day mass gain split for ectomorphs is based on these guidelines:

  1. Focus on core exercises.
  2. The duration of the lesson should not exceed 45 minutes.
  3. Repeat exercises for each muscle group 6-8 times. Approaches should be 4-6. This will ensure maximum results from physical activity.

In addition, if you are an ectomorph, then remember the main rule: more is not better at all.

Ectomorph Workout Program

Now let's consider what the training scheme should be so that a rather thin person can properly pump the body.

On the first day, take care of your legs and shoulders with the following exercises:

  • squat (repeat 8 times, doing 3 sets);
  • leg press (6-8 times - 3);
  • dumbbell bench press in a sitting position (6-8 - 2);
  • bench press, pushing it from behind the head / from the chest, while standing (6-8 - 3).

On your next workout (after 1 day off), target your sternum and triceps using:

  • barbell presses, in the supine position (8 times - 3 sets);
  • French presses in a lying or standing position (6-8 - 3);
  • push-ups on the uneven bars, you can use presses, complicating with weights, on an inclined surface (6-8 - 3);
  • extension upper limbs standing on the block (6-8 - 2).

The last workout of the three-day course (after a day of rest) is aimed at working out the back and biceps. This goal is achieved:

  • pulling up (weight is recommended) with a wide grip (repeat the maximum number of times, do 2 sets);
  • barbell pull, while tilting, to the belt (8 - 2);
  • deadlift (3 to 6-8);
  • (6-8 - 3).

After the lesson, rest is provided - for 2 days.

This category includes people who naturally have well-developed muscles, a wide chest, and a long torso. They have a great increase in muscle mass. People with such a physique are the easiest to form a beautiful body.

The split for gaining mass for the mesomorph is based on the following rules:

  1. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 8-12 times. Approaches must be made 6-8.
  2. Allowed to include special exercises aimed at improving muscle shape.
  3. In one lesson, it is recommended to work out 2-3 groups of muscle tissues.

Complex training

The three-day split for the mesomorph is based on such classes.

On Monday, the muscles of the back and shoulders are worked out with the following exercises:

  • pulling up (load is turned on) on the crossbar (repeat the maximum number of times, do 2 sets);
  • barbell row, body inclined (10-12 - 3);
  • deadlift (8 times - 3 sets);
  • bench press, pushing it away from the chest, in a standing position (10 - 3);
  • repeat the exercise, but now in an incline (12 times - 2 sets);
  • lifting dumbbells, carry out through the sides (12 - 3);
  • press (25 - 5).

On Wednesday, a session to improve the pectoral muscles and arms consists of:

  • breeding dumbbells on a bench, lying down (12 times - 2 sets);
  • bench press, in the prone position (10 - 3);
  • lifting the bar (for biceps) (10 - 4);
  • extension of the upper limbs on the block in the downward direction (12 - 3);
  • dumbbell bench press, while lying on an inclined surface (12 - 3);
  • lifting dumbbells (for biceps) (12 - 3);
  • on the bench, with a barbell (10 - 4);
  • press (25 - 5).

On the third day (Friday), take care of your legs with:

  • squats, holding the barbell on your shoulders (12 times - 3 sets);
  • extension of the lower extremities on the machine (12-15 - 2);
  • raises on toes in standing, sitting positions (14-20 - 4);
  • leg curls while on the machine (8-10 - 3);
  • leg press (8-10 - 3);
  • press (25 - 5).

Features of classes for endomorphs

Training for endomorphs is built on the following principles:

  1. The training is based on heavy exercises that burn calories and lead to an improvement (growth) in muscle mass.
  2. The minimum time is allotted for the rest interval between sets - no more than 60-90 seconds.
  3. The duration of one workout is from 90 to 120 minutes.

Training complex

A three-day mass split for an endomorph consists of the following classes.

  • squats with holding the barbell on the shoulders (12-15 times - 4 sets);
  • leg extensions on the machine (12-15 - 3);
  • presses lower limbs on the simulator - lying down (12 - 3);
  • leg curls, also on the machine (10-12 - 3);
  • barbell presses, pushing away from the chest, in a standing position (10-12 - 4);
  • press pumping (2-3;
  • dumbbell presses in a sitting position, holding hands above your head (12 - 3);
  • jumping rope, jogging (about 10-12 minutes).

On Wednesday, diversify your workout with:

  • bench press while in horizontal position(10-12 times - 4 sets);
  • breeding dumbbells, lying on a bench (12 - 3);
  • dumbbell press, remaining lying on incline bench (12 - 3);
  • downward (12 - 3);
  • french bench press with bar EZ, lying down (10-12 - 3);
  • exercises for the press (2-3 types);
  • running, skipping rope (10-12 min.).

And on Friday, improve the body with these exercises:

  • pull-ups to the chest / chin area on the crossbar (8-15 times - 4 sets);
  • barbell pull while tilting to the stomach (10-12 - 3);
  • deadlift (3 to 8);
  • pull of the T-bar to the chest area when tilted (8-10 - 3);
  • lifting dumbbells, sitting on a chair, for biceps (10-12 - 3);
  • lifting the bar, while standing, for biceps (8-10 - 3);
  • swinging the press;
  • running, jumping rope.

For your split workouts to be as effective as possible, it is best to conduct them under the guidance of a competent instructor. This is especially important for beginners.

A three-day split is a simple, understandable and working programm weekly workouts for men. Professionals have their own view on mass gain. They can load muscles every day and still grow, but for those who prefer natural bodybuilding, this is the best option. Such a weekly training cycle allows you to seriously pump both large and small muscle groups, giving them enough time to recover and grow. True, on one condition - if it is compiled correctly. But I want to tell you how to draw up a training program for a week for mass gain. The most interesting thing about training and sports nutrition on my telegram channel

Analysis of popular training programs makes you think. Most of them are a set of exercises for one large and one, rarely two, small muscle groups, for example, chest-triceps. And here you don’t have to be an expert to understand - the lion’s share of the load with this method of training will fall on the pectoral muscles, and crumbs will remain on the share of the triceps.

But putting the cart before the horse and pumping triceps before doing chest exercises is also not an option. It’s just not possible to train chest with tired triceps. What to do, what muscles to pump together so that they grow? The way out will be training program which I want to talk about. But first, answers to important questions.

Why a three-day split?

Before compiling a three-day split for mass, you need to understand what tasks we set for ourselves. And in general, why three days, if training is the stimulus for muscle growth, why not train more often? Indeed, to increase muscle volume, you need to train, and hard. But muscles do not grow in the gym, during sleep.

For a full recovery after the next meeting with iron, they need (depending on the load group) from 24 to 36 hours. Therefore, the rate of growth of muscle mass directly depends on the quality and duration of rest.

There are exceptions, but for most people, a cycle of mass training + a rest day, or even two, is best suited.

There are other split options that involve more frequent workouts. But since the topic of the article was a weekly training program for a man who does not have outstanding genetic data, I propose to take a three-day split as a basis.

Conclusion: muscle recovery takes up to 36 hours. This period should be devoted to rest, training against the background of fatigue, gaining weight will not help.

Why is this mass gain program for men the best?

We decided on the number of workouts per week. Now we need to decide on priorities. Everyone has their own, but most men who come to the gym want:

  • Just dial muscle mass. The weight of the body is given by the legs, the chest is the back. This means that the program should be aimed primarily at their development. This is priority #1
  • Pump up your hands. So, increasing the biceps and triceps is priority # 2
  • Get wider. Therefore, mass gain shoulder girdle, especially the middle delta - this is priority # 3

Drawing up a training program for a week for a man, you need to start with a scheme for pumping large muscles. This is important because the rate of mass gain is directly dependent on the level of anabolic hormones: somatropin () and IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). The higher and more stable their level, the faster muscle increase in volume.

The most powerful factor in their increase is stressful physical activity, that is, not just any, but the most difficult and difficult. For the body, this is a kind of signal that requires the production of more hormones responsible for the volume and strength of the muscles in order to cope with stress.

In this regard, the best are the basic exercises with a barbell - squats and deadlift. The hormonal response from or dumbbells is weaker, but also significant.

the importance of basic exercises for mass gain

There have even been studies on the topic of determining the algorithm for performing exercises for testosterone. It turned out that performing squats and deadlifts with a weight of 80% of one RM (repetitive maximum) in 5 sets of 5 repetitions each gives the greatest effect. Rest between them should be 1 minute.

The same exercises, but performed with a high number of repetitions (10-12) also stimulate the growth of hormones, though to a lesser extent. But it remains in an elevated state longer.

A three-day split for mass is based on a controlled increase in the level of testosterone, the main male sex hormone. For this reason, for training the strong half of humanity, it is best suited.

Conclusion: training small muscle groups after large ones is of fundamental importance for them. You need to pump muscles together because they grow faster this way.

Weekly workout program

There are many options for a three-day split for mass gain, but ours will be this:

  • Legs-biceps
  • Chest-triceps
  • Back-shoulders

Note: chest stands after leg day is not accidental. Barbell squats put a lot of stress on the extensor muscles and lower back. This means that by the day they still may not recover.

And if these assistant muscles are tired, you will have to forget about the effective implementation of heavy traction on the back and the growth of its mass. By giving your stabilizing muscles time to rest, we increase the effectiveness of the entire training program for the week.

This training split looks spartan, because it does not have, and for calves. If desired, they can be added to the program, but there are two important points:

  • Small muscles always work when doing basic exercises. Traps - in deadlifts, abs - in front squats, forearms - in traction exercises on the back. These exercises involve the use heavy weights, therefore, the load on the small muscles falls, albeit indirect, but tangible.
  • Along with anabolic hormones, the body also produces catabolic hormones. The former contribute to mass gain, the latter destroy it. One of them - . It reaches its peak value after an hour of heavy physical activity. This means that the duration of a mass workout (excluding warm-up) should be 45-50 minutes. Pumping small muscles will have to increase the duration of the lesson, and this is the risk of losing the gained volumes.

Conclusion: thoughtful distribution of large muscle groups in a weekly training cycle is very important. This way you can use your strength to the greatest advantage for gaining mass.

Day 1.Legs - biceps

This ligament seems strange, but the idea of ​​pumping leg muscles and biceps together has a logical rationale. There is even one in which barbell squats come first. Squats raise testosterone levels, it promotes the growth of leg muscles, and an increase in the volume of the biceps itself. As a result, both legs and arms grow.

were held Scientific research, the results of which say that when doing exercises on the legs, the biceps grows, even if it is almost not pumped. I suggest you watch the story on this topic:

Is it possible to build arms without training legs?

The beauty of leg training itself is in its simplicity. There are many exercises for them, but the best for the front of the thigh (quadriceps) are. An addition to the basic exercise for the legs can be one insulating, for example.

WITH rear surface the hips are a bit more complicated. As scientists say, this is bending the legs on the simulator. They can be complemented by the good old Romanian deadlift, but two heavy basic exercises in one lesson is too much, so I advise you to limit yourself to the simulator.

Heavy squats take a lot of energy, so there will be almost no left for a set of exercises for biceps, but you still need to pump it.

A good option for pumping biceps would be a superset (performing two exercises without a break):

  • The first one is base()
  • The second is stretching (bending arms with dumbbells on an incline bench)

Note: A three-day bulking split using supersets and trisets saves time and effort, while giving you the chance to grow small muscles at the same time.

Conclusion: leg program - biceps is not the easiest and most comfortable, but very effective, especially for the biceps of the shoulder.

Day 2chest - triceps

Chest-triceps training loads two large pressing muscle groups at once. A set of exercises for the chest can be anything, but they tend to believe that it must include:

  • basic exercise on an incline bench (bench press or dumbbell)
  • stretching (wiring with dumbbells, push-ups on the uneven bars)
  • squeezing (reduction of hands in a crossover or in a butterfly simulator).

The chest is a whole group various muscles attached at different angles and such a complex allows you to pump them all and with high efficiency.

The triceps will be actively worked during each chest press, whether it be a barbell press or a dumbbell press. This means that by the end of the workout, he will already be tired. There is no point in trying to pump it with large weights. By analogy with biceps, trisets will become an option for pumping triceps (performing three exercises consecutively without interruption). And the number 3 is key here.

Consists of three bundles. Each of the exercises for triceps loads them all, but with different intensity. And trisets allow you to load the entire triceps entirely and very hard. The algorithm for compiling a triset is similar to a set of chest exercises:

  • basic (bench press with a narrow grip)
  • stretching (French press)
  • compressive (extension of the arms to the bottom in the simulator)

Note: the group of pressing muscles also includes the deltoid. But the chest-shoulders-triceps training program is very stressful. elbow joints and rotator muscles of the shoulder. Therefore, the shoulders will train along with the back.

Conclusion: chest-triceps workout allows you to pump the muscles of the press group together with high intensity, but without overloading them.

Day 3. Back-shoulders

The back-shoulders workout completes our three-day mass split. The back belongs to the pulling muscles, and the deltoid muscles, (for) to the bench press. This combination allows you to pump a large group, almost without loading a small one.

The width and total mass of the back depends almost entirely on the development of its latissimus dorsi, so the lion's share of the back-shoulders workout will be devoted to them. The set of exercises for the back is as follows:

  • Pull-ups. Serve to expand and lengthen the latissimus dorsi
  • Rod pull to the belt. Makes the back thicker
  • Deadlift. Increases back strength and testosterone levels

The deltoid muscles are made up of three main bundles. But for building broad shoulders, only is important. The front delta takes an active part in all chest exercises, therefore, as a rule, it does not require a specialized load.

The rear delta is a different story. This shoulder area works in many back rowing exercises, but it usually requires a separate program to develop. Despite this, pumping deltoid muscles as part of the mass gain program will include both anterior and posterior segments, and will also be built using the triset method.

As scientists say, training each of the beams separately is less effective than three at once. But our goal is the middle delta, so the main burden will fall on it. Triset looks like this:

  • Raise the bar in front of you. An easy exercise designed to fatigue the front delt.
  • Dumbbell press sitting with an emphasis on a vertical bench. Basic exercise for weight gain in the middle delta
  • Mahi dumbbells back with an emphasis on an inclined bench. Medium weight exercise for pumping the rear delta.

The study of deltas using the triset method against the background of weekly fatigue is quite difficult and requires the concentration of all remaining forces. But the return on the use of such a complex is very high.

Conclusion: back-shoulder training allows you to work out very important muscle groups without reducing the degree of load.


This version of the weekly microcycle for mass gain is not the only true one. There are a lot of such training programs and from time to time they can, and even need to be used. But still, the three-day split that I talked about is one of the the best programs weekly workouts for men.

It allows you to quickly increase the total body weight, while acquiring powerful arms and broad shoulders. Muscle growth in a natural way is as difficult as they want to inspire us. You just need to train hard, eat right and get enough rest, and then there will never be problems with mass gain. May the force be with you!