Leg exercises while sitting on a chair. Exercises on a chair, simple gymnastics for every day

Each version of the exercise is aimed at training certain muscle groups. For women, the priority is training the hips and buttocks. Performing the exercise chair will help to put a load on the muscles of the legs, it can be carried out against the wall or without additional support. The convenience of such squats is that you can carry them out anywhere where you can sit down.

What is an exercise chair

It is possible to conditionally divide all exercises in sports into dynamic and static. The first helps to increase muscle mass, their tone and contractile functions. Static exercise the chair is aimed at strengthening the muscles, and not its growth, increasing the strength of the tendons of the legs. Such a load makes you stronger, but does not increase muscle mass. Technique is at the heart of training. martial arts, where strength was preferred over volume. The high chair will give your hips, buttocks nice shape but won't make them anymore.

What gives the exercise chair

Benefits of this sports movement consists in strengthening, working out a large number of muscle groups. such squats strengthen tendons, ligaments, which play an important role in attaching muscles to the skeleton. Another name for the chair is the wall exercise, it contributes to:

  • increasing spiritual concentration while maintaining control over breathing;
  • normalization of blood circulation, pressure;
  • foot training, helps to correct flat feet (if performed barefoot);
  • promotes the return of organs to the desired position during omission (for example, "floating kidney").

What muscles work

The movement during such a workout is very simple, but during its implementation several large muscle groups are involved at once. The chair belongs to the basic (multi-joint) exercises, the hip, knee joint works, you can additionally use the arms and shoulders. The following are the muscles that are involved when squatting in a chair:

  • gluteal muscles;
  • the quadriceps or quadriceps, which is located on the front of the thigh, gives the legs a beautiful shape;
  • hands;
  • back: top, Bottom part and neck;
  • calf muscle;
  • press (all departments).

High chair - leg exercise

This movement will be most effective if performed regularly and with correct technique. Statics is an excellent option for strengthening the muscle corset, tendons. The leg wall exercise involves the hips, buttocks, back, abs, so you should properly prepare before classes:

  • warm up all the parts of the body involved, warm up;
  • clothing should be comfortable so as not to hinder movement
  • choose a wall near which there is enough free space for the lesson;
  • lean back tightly against the surface, imagine that you really want to sit on a chair;
  • lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor, your knee should be at a 90-degree angle;
  • stay in this position for 1-3 minutes, then return to the starting position;
  • rest 20-30 seconds and repeat the movement.

Buttocks chair

This is the initial option for training the buttocks, because the wall takes some of the load off these muscles. Such classes are well suited for those who are just starting to train and want to bring the body into tone, strengthen the muscles. Squats against the wall for the buttocks will not help you pump up your butt, but they will give a beautiful shape to this part of the body. Movement is performed as follows:

  1. Stand against a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. With your back firmly against the surface, begin the movement as if you were sitting in a seat.
  3. Keep your arms extended in front of you.
  4. Lower yourself until your knee is at a 90-degree angle.
  5. Fix the position, hold it for 1-3 minutes.
  6. Rise up slowly.
  7. Do required amount repetitions.

What is useful exercise chair

Each person tries to choose a comfortable and at the same time effective exercise for training. The chair is well suited for both of these parameters, it helps not only to strengthen the muscles, but also tendons and ligaments. You can perform workouts in any convenient place where there is a wall. The benefits of the exercise chair are as follows:

  1. You can independently adjust the number of repetitions. The muscles should start to “burn”, this signals that they have received the necessary load.
  2. The chair is an extremely "unpretentious" movement. No additional equipment, special simulators are needed. At first, you will only need a wall for support, but as your strength grows, you will be able to do the exercise without it. The minimum space required - the maximum result.
  3. You can train using this method every day, some people even do a high chair in the morning and evening. Muscles recover quickly after a static load
  4. You minimize the chance of getting injured while exercising, knee joints will remain safe and sound (which cannot be said about barbell squats). Physical activity should be not only effective, but also safe.
  5. Exercise is a good prevention of spinal hernia, like all back workouts.

How to do the exercise chair

With any workout, it is extremely important to maintain correct technique. If you place your foot incorrectly, do not straighten your back, this will not only reduce the effectiveness of the lesson, but can also lead to injury. Exercises against the wall are not particularly difficult, but correct execution you should still know. You should always start with a warm-up to warm up the body and prepare it for the load. Perform tilts, lifting on toes, squats, turning your knees to the sides.

The technique of the exercise has a classic version of the execution and with additional objects, movements. The first option is good for beginners, with the growth of your skill, you can move on to using dumbbells or squats on only one leg. In this case, the number of repetitions is not so important, the time that you can keep the body in a static squat is more important. After a workout, be sure to warm up again, stretch.

Basic exercise

This is a classic version of the chair against the wall. All the above muscle groups are involved, perfect for those who are just starting to train. If wall squats come first in your routine, be sure to do a warm-up. The exercise technique is as follows:

  1. Stand close to the wall (preferably without a plinth), press your heels, keep your feet straight (better to do barefoot training) at shoulder distance.
  2. Keep your hands along the body, do not put on the wall.
  3. As you inhale, lower down, leaning on the surface.
  4. Lower until you sit in a chair (imaginary). The thighs should be parallel to the floor.
  5. Keep your neck, back straight, the back of your head pressed firmly against the wall.
  6. Lock the position by tensing all the muscles. Breathe evenly, silently count the seconds. For the first time, 30-40 is enough, over time, increase the time in statics to 2-3 minutes.
  7. Keeping your back and neck straight, rise up, pushing yourself out of the chair. At this stage, the muscles of the buttocks and thighs will work more.

With a fitball

This is one of the variations of training with a static load. Squats with a fitball against the wall differ only in that its use helps to pump the stabilizers of the back muscles more actively. The exercise technique completely repeats the one described above with one difference: a fitball should be placed between the wall and your back. All other training details remain the same. This fitness ball does not take up much space in the apartment, it can be used for other weight loss workouts.

Without a wall

This technique is borrowed from oriental style martial arts wushu. The high chair exercise without a wall is very similar to the mabu step. Outwardly, the movement is similar to dynamic squats:

  1. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, shins perpendicular to the floor, thighs parallel, feet flat.
  2. As you exhale, lower to the “sitting on a chair” position.
  3. Keep your back and neck straight.

The main difference is that a wall is not used for additional support. In this case, it is recommended to stretch your hands in front of you. Keep all the muscles in tension, breathe evenly, counting the seconds. When it seems to you that there is no more strength to stand, start to rise up, maintaining the position of the body. Stretch well, bend over a couple of times and proceed to the next approach.

With dumbbells

Be sure to do a little warm-up before starting your workout. Squats with dumbbells in hands are a complicated version of the chair exercise, which is aimed at additional load on the shoulders and arms. the load also increases on the main muscles involved in the movement: quadriceps, inner part hips, back stabilizers, soleus. The movement is performed like this:

  1. Lean your back against the wall (or without it).
  2. Spread your legs at shoulder level, start to squat.
  3. Stretch your arms out in front of you while holding dumbbells.
  4. When you get a 90 degree angle at the knee, stop the movement.
  5. Stay in this position for 1-3 minutes.
  6. On an inhale, begin to rise to the starting position.

With leg up

Here there is a certain similarity with the "pistol", which everyone performed in physical education at school. The main difference is that the squat was performed completely to the floor - this is a dynamic load. The high chair is a static load that transfers all the stress only to the right or left leg. The execution technique at the wall is the same as in the classic version. The difference is that one of the legs should be extended forward and kept as parallel to the floor as possible. During training, be sure to alternate legs to distribute the load.

Video: Wall Squats

How to support good shape"without breaking the sweat of production"

Office work forces many of us to adopt a sedentary lifestyle that is not in the best way affects health. When in the evening comes the realization that you got up from your chair a couple of times during the whole day, it's time to change your usual daily routine!

The modern rhythm of life does not always allow you to spend time on full-fledged workouts, so some exercises can be performed “on the job” - right at your desk. On average, you need to spend at least half an hour warming up during the working day and do, for example, 5 minutes every hour. Even for these 5 minutes of movement, your body will be grateful to you! We will tell you what exercises will help warm up while working in the office. This will help us Samantha Clayton, participant Olympic Games, Member of the American Aerobics and Fitness Association (AFAA) and Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.

Warm up

Gradually knead all parts of the body, starting with the neck:
  • slowly tilt your head to your shoulder;
  • hold for 10 seconds;
  • return to starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • make a circular rotation with your shoulders forward;
  • the same - back;
  • repeat 10 times.

Now let's stretch our wrists to prepare them for work at the computer:

  • pull out right hand forward palm down;
  • with your left hand, grab your fingers with your right hand and pull them down, hold for 3 seconds;
  • then pull your fingers up, hold for 3 seconds;
  • do 3 times for each hand in turn.

And with the last movements we will relieve the feeling of fatigue from the legs:

  • lift one leg off the floor, keeping it straight;
  • bend your ankle, pulling the sock towards you;
  • now stretch your ankle, pointing the sock as far away from you as possible;
  • repeat 10 times and move on to the other leg;
  • then draw a few circles with your toe, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, and change your foot again.

In addition to warming up, at the workplace you can perform a series of simple, but effective exercises that will work all the major muscle groups.

Exercise 1: Chair Squat

Stand in front of a chair, take a flat position of the body and spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and then lower yourself down as if you want to sit on a chair. However, you should not touch the seat - as soon as you get as close to it as possible, start slowly climbing up. At the same time, keep your back straight with a slight deflection in the lower back, and do not bring your knees beyond the stop line. And do not forget to fix the wheels on the chair so that it does not leave you during the exercise! Squats are the best, proven over the years exercise to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Exercise 2: Leg Raises

Sit on the edge of a chair so that most of the thigh is in weight. Pulling the sock away from you, lift one leg. Hold it at the top until you feel a strong tension in the abdominal muscles, then repeat with the other leg. Perform 5-7 lifts with each leg. This exercise works the muscles of the abs and legs, making them more toned.

Exercise 3: Reverse push-ups

Place your hands on the chair seat, stretch your legs forward and bend your knees so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then bend your arms and lower your body down, keeping your elbows straight back (not to the sides). Reaching up to bottom point, rise to the starting position. Do not forget that body weight should put a load on the arms, not on the legs. These “reverse” push-ups will tone your triceps muscles and make your arms leaner and stronger.

Exercise 4: Strengthening the press

You can work on beautiful abs cubes right in your office chair! To do this, sit back, straighten your back, put your hands behind your head and raise your knee to your chest - with the same feeling that occurs when performing regular crunches on the press. Try to touch your right knee to your left elbow and vice versa. This exercise will strengthen your muscles. bark .

Exercise 5: Chest toned

This exercise allows you to keep the chest firm and defined. It is convenient in that its implementation is almost imperceptible to others. Sitting at the workplace, straighten your back, remove your right hand under the table and press it with your palm against the table top. The left hand is on the surface of the table. In this case, the hands are not located under each other, but at a shoulder-width distance. Then, at the same time, press as hard as possible on the countertop with both hands, hold for 5-7 seconds and release. Repeat 5 times. It is important to ensure that the pressure of the hands is the same (that is, the muscles work evenly), and the back remains straight.

To make office fitness more fun, try motivating colleagues to join you! It has been experimentally proven that movement during the working day not only avoids problems with the spine, blood circulation and joints, but also seriously increases labor productivity!

For more effective exercises for the office, check out this hilarious video from Olympian, AFAA Member, and Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife Samantha Clayton.

November 3, 2015, 14:22 2015-11-03

Maintaining physical activity is one of the main components of a healthy and long life. But what about those pensioners who, by the time they retire, cannot boast of health?

Is it possible to break the vicious circle "disease - the inability to engage in physical education"? Yes, they will help Exercise therapy exercises sitting on a chair for the elderly.

When and what exercises can you do while sitting on a chair? The information, photos and videos in this article will help you figure it out, and perhaps become a “cheat sheet” and a motivator for the elderly and the elderly.

Which of the elderly is shown to exercise while sitting

A set of exercises sitting on a chair for the elderly can have a specific therapeutic focus, and individual exercises or a group of them can be an integral part of the exercise with a general strengthening effect on the aging body. Sitting position allows you to perform almost all types breathing exercises, and also, if necessary, perform exercises with objects: gymnastic stick, hoop, ball, expanders, rubber band, dumbbells.

For the treatment of the disease, the exercise therapy complex while sitting on a chair should be compiled by a doctor. For preventive and restorative activities, his approval of a selection of exercises will also be more than appropriate, and will help prevent the development of undesirable consequences.

For example, in case of problems with the lower back, it is forbidden to lean forward, and almost all photo and video complexes for the elderly sitting on a chair posted on the Internet contain this exercise without any reservations.

Exercise therapy classes while sitting on a chair are prescribed for the elderly:

  • after an acute period of the disease and transfer to a semi-bed rest;
  • after heart attacks and strokes, with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, the severity of which makes it impossible to engage in standing, as well as receive cardio loads (do exercises in motion, walk, work on an exercise bike, swim);
  • in the treatment of gout, arthritis and arthrosis;
  • with severe diabetes with complications in the heart and legs;
  • temporarily or permanently moving on wheelchair.

It is recommended to engage in simple physical exercises while sitting on a chair and at a calm pace for deep old people who, already due to deep age-related changes, cannot move and are forced to observe bed rest, but can still sit.

On a note. For those elderly who feel cheerful and exercise regularly, there are special sets of exercises that are performed while sitting on a fitball, including with objects in their hands. These activities help diversify physical exercise and, due to performing exercises in an unusual position, have a beneficial effect on the activity of the brain and central nervous system generally.


To perform exercises while sitting on a chair, as well as for any other therapeutic or "ordinary" physical education, there are both private and general contraindications.

Please note that doing exercise therapy and doing exercises while sitting on a chair is prohibited when:

  • pathologies that impose a ban on staying in a sitting position, for example, after operations or fractures of the spine in the lumbar and sacral region, after fractures hip joint or with degenerative-dystrophic changes in it;
  • acute pain syndrome in any part of the body or internal organ;
  • acute form of an infectious or catarrhal disease;
  • high arterial, intraocular or intracranial pressure;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • feeling unwell, which, according to experience, can lead to the development of a heart attack or a hypertensive crisis.

Advice. With coxarthrosis (damage to the hip joint) or when recovering from a fracture of the femoral neck, do not sit as long as possible, especially do not do exercise therapy while sitting on a chair. These exercises are only available final stage rehabilitation. Practice lying down, on all fours or standing.

Rules for performing exercise therapy complexes for the elderly (sitting on a chair)

There are no special requirements for exercises while sitting on a chair and the complexes made up of them.

Nevertheless, we list the basic rules for exercising in old age, even if they are performed in a lightweight starting position:

  • should be practiced daily, preferably several times a day;
  • the duration of one lesson is determined by how you feel - from 5-7 to 30-40 minutes;
  • before performing the complex, a warm-up is not needed, but if necessary, you can do a small self-massage of problem joints;
  • strength, coordination and exercises for the joints should be performed in accordance with the respiratory cycles and additionally alternated with "pure" breathing exercises;
  • the number of repetitions of one exercise, as a rule, is 6-10 times, and if a greater load is needed, the increase occurs due to an increase in the number of approaches (cycles) with short pauses for rest between them;
  • taking into account the age of the student, the pace and nature of the exercises - calm, without jerks and jerks, slow or medium.

For your information. Training while sitting on a chair does not give a full load on the cardiovascular system. The price of a special home exercise bike for the elderly is palpable, but exercising on it will help support the work of the heart, joints and blood vessels of the lower extremities.

Examples of exercise therapy complexes sitting on a chair

When choosing a set of exercises for the elderly, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the age category, the state of health and clearly understand the purpose of the classes. Therefore, we give such examples of selections of exercises that can be performed without the consent of a specialist.

A set of exercises for weakened and deep old people

It should be understood that it is very difficult for old and weakened middle-aged and elderly people to study alone. Therefore, the presence of a relative nearby, who would maintain a positive mood, as well as counting, setting the rhythm and directing the change of exercises, perhaps performing them together, is not just welcome, but necessary. It is desirable that during such a “training” music that is pleasant for the student plays.

The complex consists of 6 exercises, each of which must be done 10 times. They are so simple that they do not require special explanations, photo galleries will be enough.

When making a complex, observe the following nuances:

  • do the exercises in the given order;
  • do 2-3 cycles between exercises diaphragmatic breathing- while inhaling, you should stick out your stomach, and while exhaling, pull it in;
  • “Bilateral exercises” do not alternately, but in a row - 10 times in one direction, and then 10 times in the other.

Tai chi complex for the elderly moving in a wheelchair

Learn Chinese recreational gymnastics it is possible even for those age patients who temporarily or permanently move in a wheelchair. Adapted exercises from tai chi and qigong can also be performed in a regular chair. They are indicated for those elderly people who have problems with balance and cannot perform standing exercises for the elderly.

On a note. During tai chi classes, according to the proposed video set of exercises for the elderly on a wheelchair, breathe calmly. Inhalations and exhalations should be superficial, smooth and long.

American Adaptive Chair Gymnastics for Seniors with Diabetes

For retirees and seniors who have complicated diabetes, mobility and balance problems, diabetic foot and neuropathy, the North American Council on Exercise (ACE) recommends doing the following adaptive exercise program.

This selection is also suitable for those who are looking for exercises for older people with sore backs and legs:

Image and title Brief instruction

Sit straight, stretch your back and neck "in line". Raise your chin. Do not lean on the chair with your hands, they should be free along the body.

Take a few breaths of diaphragmatic breathing.

Use it in the future, as pauses for rest between other exercises, this or other complexes described below.

Walking while sitting with movements of the arms and legs should continue for a long time. The required aerobic effect occurs at 20 minutes of walking. Therefore, for ease of execution, turn on the appropriate music. For a change, periodically make movements with your hands that imitate boxing punches, uppercuts, hooks.

Watch the position of the back and neck.

Sit straight, connect your feet, bend your elbows, pull your fists to your shoulders.

As you inhale, simultaneously spread your arms up and to the sides, unclenching your fists and spreading your fingers, and spread your legs with emphasis on your heels. While exhaling, return to the starting position. It takes a long time to do the “Jumping Jack” - 10 minutes. Take small breaks when you feel tired.

Extend and bring your hands in front of you as shown in the figure. Don't forget about breathing. Raise your arms as you inhale, and bring them together as you exhale. In the future, to enhance the effect, this exercise must be done with dumbbells, the weight of which will need to be gradually increased.

Load dosage - at least 5 minutes, with pauses for respite and rest.

The author of this complex, certified diabetic rehabilitation specialist Leanne Langdon, recalls that the source of health and the best drug for prolonging youth that you don’t even need to buy is regular and moderate physical exercise.

Image and title Brief instruction

Raising your arms up and stretching your back as much as possible, further stretch your back muscles, simulating hands moving along the rope. Breathe voluntarily, shallowly and shallowly.

Dosage - 3 cycles of movements until fatigue, with pauses for rest.

As a small respite and also for the prevention of humeroscapular periarthritis and rotator cuff problems shoulder joints, make several (8-10) movements with your shoulders forward and then back. Move your joints slowly, matching the movements of your shoulders with your breathing. At the moment when the shoulders almost touch the ears, inhale, and at the lowest point, exhale.

In old age, one should not forget about such important joints as the wrist and ankle. Do it first rotational movements in the wrists, and then, with each foot, in turn, with a toe, draw your last name, first name and patronymic in the air. As an auto-training, you can “write” with a toe not a full name, but motivational and healing mottos.

The penultimate exercise suggests once again giving a power load to the muscles of the back, abdomen and shoulder girdle.

Sitting on elastic rubber band, take it by the ends. Spread your arms in different directions (up, forward, back, sideways, diagonally), thereby working out different muscle groups. Spreading your arms, inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale.

After completing this exercise therapy complex do not rush the movements. Sit quietly for a few minutes, periodically taking deep breaths in and out, raising and lowering your hands, making vibrating movements with them.

Complex "Yoga on a chair for the elderly"

Modern yoga therapy offers older people who, for certain reasons, cannot fully practice yoga, diversify their motor activity with the help of adapted asanas and postures performed while sitting on a chair.

The proposed video set of yoga exercises for the elderly goes to English language, but this somewhat does not interfere with doing exercises with an instructor. On the contrary, foreign speech will additionally stimulate the brain.

Adaptive gymnastics on a chair for the elderly from Pavel Smolyansky

Today, former coach By athletics, Pavel G. Smolyansky is engaged in recreational gymnastics with Muscovites of middle and older age. Training takes place on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center. There is no video of Smolyansky's adaptive gymnastics on the network.

We are posting a photo gallery of 20 exercises he suggested for senior citizens, but note that most of the movements are performed in a standing position. Therefore, this complex is recommended for those elderly people who need to gradually increase the load and switch from half-bed to completely free.

  • Head tilts.
  • Circular (forward and backward) movements in the shoulder joints.
  • Movement of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Circular (inward and outward) movements in the knees.
  • Compression and unclenching of fists, rotation in the wrists.

Not all exercise therapy specialists agree with the sequence of movements proposed by Smolyansky. However, it won't do any significant damage.

  • Tilts forward, trying to touch one of the feet with your hands (alternately). If you have lower back problems, skip this exercise.
  • "Swimming". First make an imitation of movements with your hands, imagining that you are swimming in the Crawl style on your chest, and then, waving your arms, “swim” on your back.
  • "Scissors". Sit on a chair with your hands upper part back legs of the chair. Make cross movements with your legs. To ease the load, rest your back against the back of the chair.
  • "Boxing match". Throw your hands forward, imitating boxing punches. You can take lightweight dumbbells in your hands, which can be replaced with plastic 300-gram mineral water bottles. They are convenient in that they allow you to change the weight by changing the amount of water poured into them or poured sand.
  • "Sipping". Breathing exercises. With your arms folded across your chest (clasping your hands together), inhale. As you exhale, straighten your arms forward, turning your palms away from you. At the end of the last “sipping”, twist your arms to the left and right several times, while not disengaging them.

  • Raising the arms to the sides, overcoming the resistance of the spring expander, which can be replaced with an elastic rubber band.
  • Tilts to the sides (with dumbbells).
  • Lunges forward (with the support of one hand on a chair). This type of physical movement can be complicated by adding to it, after a lunge, twisting the torso in the opposite direction from the chair.
  • elaboration ankle joints- socks from oneself and towards oneself, circular movements, setting the feet on the outer and inner parts.
  • Pull knee to chest.

The last block of exercises is represented by such movements and manipulations:

  • Push-ups from the back of a chair. Our recommendation is to do push-ups from the countertop, as not all chairs are stable.
  • Self-massage of the scalp and face. Sitting on a chair, massage with both hands:
    1. with fingertips - the back of the head, rising from the neck to the crown, and the area above the eyebrows, in directions from the center to the temples;
    2. smooth the skin from the edges of the nose line to the temples;
    3. palms - cheeks and chin (circular movements);
    4. pat under the chin with the back of the palms;
    5. first, we pass with pinching movements along one calf muscle from the bottom to the top, and, tearing the thigh from the seat, along rear surface thighs, and then on the other leg;
    6. edge of the palms - tapping the front surface of the thighs.
  • Tilts. Cross your legs so that the ankle of the top leg is next to the knee of the bottom. Grab your knee with your hands. In this position, move your torso forward and freeze for a few seconds. This exercise should be repeated fewer times than all other movements. Each time changing legs in places, do only 4-6 slopes. If there are problems with the lower back, "listen" to the sensations. As soon as discomfort arises, immediately stop and proceed to the implementation of the complex further.
  • Turns (twisting) of the body.
  • "Penguin gait" or walking in place (on straight legs).

Smolyansky's adaptive gymnastics for the elderly should be completed in a sitting position. Stretching your legs forward and to the side, lowering your head forward, and hanging your arms along the body, you should relax all the muscles as much as possible. It is necessary to sit in this position for at least 45-60 seconds.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching another video of a set of exercises on a chair at a calm pace for the elderly. Perhaps this particular complex will seem to you the most pleasant and accessible for starting physical education, which is certainly one of the indispensable components of healthy longevity.

In contact with

Five exercises that will save you from insanity. People get older and different problems come with the years. One of them is senile insanity or senile dementia. But even in this sinusation there are recommendations not only for medication.
Now more about what experts advise to do so that the years do not affect the sharpness of the mind.

A unique set of exercises will help strengthen the ability to think sensibly.

1. Memorize the list by “assigning” a picture to each item - for example, landscapes that you see during your daily walk. This will activate additional neural circuits and improve memory.

2. Break things that are difficult to remember into parts: phone numbers, for example, are easier to remember if you group numbers in threes. At the same time, you will train your attention.

3. When reading a newspaper article, first make an outline in your head - a headline plus summary(what the text says, who are the main characters, etc.)
Form a mental image of the material, and then read it in its entirety: a pre-prepared structure will facilitate memorization.

4. Be careful! You can drive, for example, from home to work and not remember a single detail of the trip, because the frontal lobe was “off” at that time. Learn to stop and think, ask yourself questions more often: where am I, what am I doing? - thus, attention is activated.

5. Solve crosswords and puzzles, play computer games. These activities significantly strengthen mental abilities and do not allow the brain to age.

In addition to these exercises, physical exercises help to keep the youth of the mind. After four months of aerobics, patients not only began to breathe easier, but also to think easier. had an effect and proper nutrition- low-fat diet.

Therapeutic exercises sitting on a chair.

I was worried about pain in the spine, numb hands, dizzy. The doctors prescribed therapeutic exercises. I reacted with irony to such a recommendation, but decided to try it, the pills were already tired. Surprise awaited me after 10 sessions of exercise therapy. My health has improved. I continued to do gymnastics already at home for another three months, then laziness and good health did their job. At first, I didn’t do exercises every day, and then I completely abandoned it. But as soon as the symptoms of the disease return, I immediately begin to do life-saving exercises. It is very light but effective. I recommend. It helps me to recharge. The doctors were right.

A set of exercises. All gymnastics is performed while sitting on a chair.

01. Brushes on your knees. We clench our fists with a little tension.
(15-20 times);
02. Through the side, raise your hand up, behind your head, reach
to the opposite ear. Then to the starting position. Same
with the other hand. (10 times);
03. Sliding our hands along the back legs of the chair, we lean in
one side, then the other smoothly, not abruptly, as far as possible.
(10 times);
04. Turns the body back. Grasp the back of the chair with two
hands on one side, then hands on knees. And on the other
sides, as far as possible, turn the body. (10 times);
05. Head tilts to one shoulder and to the other. Fine, not
sharply, stretch the muscles of the neck. (10 times);
06. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale. Exhale hug yourself
stronger. (15 times);
07. Brushes to the shoulders. Circular movements forward and backward. (10
08. Brushes in the castle. Stretch forward from yourself, straightening your arms
at the elbows. Then back to yourself, relax. (15-20 times);
09. Brushes in the castle. We press now on one brush, then on the other,
straightening your fingers. (15-20 times);
10. We turn the fingers in the lock with one side towards us, then
the other with little tension. (15-20 times);

Exercises with a gymnastic stick.
01. Put a stick between the feet. Move forward everyone
body as far as possible and back to the starting position.
(10-15 times);
02. Circular movements in one direction and the other, as far as
it is possible, if possible, leaning with the whole body as far as
Can. (10-15 times);
03. Take the stick by the edges. Raise up - inhale. Lower - exhale
(10 times);
04. Circular movements. 3 circles forward from you and 3 circles back
to yourself. Alternate (5 times);
05. We take the stick to the side and back, turn the body along
the course of the stick. Then we put her on her knees. And turn into another
side. (10 times);
06. Take the stick in the middle on outstretched arms in front of you.
We twist it in one direction and the other with a little
voltage. (15-20 times);
07. Vertically take a stick in one hand. Take it aside and
back, turning the body along the stick. In front of
pass to the other hand and turn to the other side. (10
08. Take the stick by the edges, slightly tilting the body forward,
imitate kayaking.
09. Raise the stick up - inhale. As you exhale, bring it over one shoulder.
Then up - inhale over the other shoulder.
10. Stick behind your back. Take it closer to the center - massage the back
down up. (15-20 times).
11. Take the stick behind your back diagonally. Rub your back like
washcloth on one side and the other.
12. Put the stick on your knees. Roll it back and forth
palms, the back of the palms, the outer and
internal. (10-15 times);
13. Raise the stick up - inhale. We lower - exhale. (10 times).

Charging for all muscle groups.

Everyone knows the benefits of exercise. The tone rises. Feeling better. Health is added. If you are not lazy, then you can forget about the sores. Having developed individual complex morning exercises, you will perform it with pleasure, and be energized for the whole day. If some diseases do not allow you to do a complex gymnastics complex, then you can limit yourself to a complex - “ physiotherapy". Any gymnastics is useful. The existence of very simple or complex gymnastics makes it possible to choose a wide range of exercises for individual use. Charging should improve mood. If it will be very difficult for you to do, then you will not do such a set of exercises more than once. And we know that only regular classes bring us positive results.

My friend gave me this set of exercises. She likes him very much.

Chest exercises.
Stand up straight.
Legs apart.
Connect the palms of the arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest.
With amplification, press either with your right or with your left hand.
Repeat 16 times.

Waist exercises.
Stand up straight.
Legs apart.
top torso to tilt to the left, pulling the right
arm to the armpit, and vice versa.
Repeat 16 times.

Forearm exercises.
Stand up straight.
Legs apart.
Keep your arms bent at the elbows in front of you.
Straining the muscles, reduce and spread the elbows.
Bringing your elbows together, exhale.
Repeat 16 times.

Exercises for the buttocks.
Lie on your back.
Bend your legs, spread your knees, and raise your buttocks so that
hips, abdomen and chest were on the same line.
Tighten and relax your buttocks.
Repeat 24 times.

Abdominal exercises.
Sit on the floor.
Bend arms and legs.
Raise and straighten your legs, while moving your arms back.
Repeat 16 times.

Back exercises.
Lie down on your stomach.
Draw out your hands.
Raise the torso up, spreading the elbows, bring them to the body,
Repeat 16 times.

Exercises for the thigh muscles.
Sit on the floor.
Roll over to the right, then to the left thigh.
Keep your legs up.
Alternately bend and straighten.
Repeat 32 times.

Exercises for quadriceps.
Lie on your back, lean on your forearm.
Bend the leg, raise and lower, sticking out the toe.
For each leg 30 times.

Exercises for tailor muscles.
Lie on your left side.
Lean on the floor with your palms, bend your left leg at the knee.
Alternately raise and lower the right leg, sticking out the toe.
For each leg 30 times.

Bruises and bumps in summer.

Summer. Finally on fresh air our children can spend most of the day. Bicycle, roller skates, active games call to the street. With active games, it can not do without bruises and bumps.

Something cold should be applied to the cone.
A tissue soaked in cold water. As soon as the napkin is hot, cool it again in cold water. The procedure takes about two hours.
If you lubricate the bump with a mesh of iodine or a heparin-containing ointment, it will resolve faster.
A lotion of sauerkraut or a mixture of raw chicken protein with honey will also help with bumps.

Cycling, rollerblading sometimes lead to abrasions and cuts.
An abrasion or scratch without fail requires treatment with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution purchased at a pharmacy. When the wound stops pinching, treat with a weak 5% solution of potassium permanganate.
In 100 ml. cold boiled water is good to dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate.
Iodine can burn baby skin. You shouldn't use it.
A not very large and deep wound can not be sealed with a plaster after treatment so that it heals faster.


When the condition of the cartilage tissue of the joint worsens, doctors say that it is arthrosis.
Aches and discomfort in the joints (arthritis of the joints) begin to interfere with a full life.
Treating osteoarthritis is practically a very difficult task, but you can try to curb the discomfort with the help of diet.
Doctors advise to help the joints by eating soy products, avocados (at least 1 piece per week).
Vegetable oils, seeds - pumpkin, sesame, sunflower are also good for the joints.

But there are foods that are “not loved” by the joints.
Tomatoes, red meat (beef), milk, any canned food.

Infusion of celery root.
Take 1 table. a spoonful of grated celery root.
Pour 2 cups of boiling water, close tightly and let it brew for 4 hours, strain.
Take 2 tables. spoons 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Cold, oddly enough, can help during an attack. Make an ice compress. Put a terry towel on the sore joint, and on top of the ice pack for 20 minutes

All physical exercises can be divided depending on the position in which they are performed. The position of the body for the exercise is not chosen by chance. It depends on which muscles are being worked on. Naturally, it is better to pump the press in the prone position, although there are exercises for the press that can be performed in other positions. Often it is necessary that no other muscles participate in the exercise, except for those that are being worked on. Right choice position for a particular exercise can significantly enhance its effectiveness.

In addition, there are situations when a person, due to health problems, cannot perform the exercises the way everyone else does. In this case, you can perform, for example, exercises in a sitting position. This will provide the necessary mobility and allow you to maintain muscle tone. Sitting exercises allow you to work with the muscles of the back, abs, arms. If you wish, you can pick up exercises while sitting, which will strengthen the muscles of the legs, hips and buttocks. Exercises in a sitting position can be very diverse and, on their basis, it is quite possible to create a full-fledged complex for effective workout. This is all the more true because you can sit both on the floor and on a chair, or on another high surface, which allows you to vary the load and change exercises in a sitting position.

"Sedentary" charging

Some sitting exercises will help keep those who are engaged in sedentary work cheerful during the day. As you know, long sitting in one position in the most negative way affects our well-being. Particularly affected cervical region spine, and in other parts of the body develop congestion. If you are forced to spend most of your time in a sitting position, we recommend that you simple exercises sitting.

Exercise 1. Neck. Sitting on a chair, tilt your head to your chest, describe a semicircle with your head, pressing your chin to your chest. We perform 6 times. Then we tilt our head back and draw a semicircle behind. We perform 6 times.

Exercise 2. Neck. Sitting on a chair, we tilt our heads forward, backward, to the right and to the left. We perform the exercise 4 times in each direction. The pace is slow.

Exercise 3. Back. Sitting on a chair, raise your hands up, join them in the castle and stretch up. We linger for a few seconds at the highest point and relax, lowering our hands down. We repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 4. Back. Sitting on a chair, we bring straight arms back and connect them into a lock. With effort we pull our hands back, we linger. Then we return to the starting position. We perform 6 times, then we do the same exercise, stretching our arms forward.

Exercise 5. Press. Sitting on a chair, the back is straight, the buttocks are tense. We take a deep breath and strongly draw in the stomach, linger for a few seconds, then relax. We perform 50 times.

This simple set of exercises while sitting will help prevent congestion and during the working day you will feel great. In addition to the simple exercises suggested above, seated exercises can work your abs and other muscle groups very effectively.

Exercises sitting on a chair for the muscles of the press

In order to perform this set of exercises while sitting, you will need a regular chair. With patience and doing the exercises regularly, you will get an excellent result in the form of a trained abs without a drop. excess fat. Here are some seated chair exercises suitable for training the abdominal muscles.

Exercise 1. We sit on the edge of the chair, rest against it with straight arms, stretch our legs forward. We pull the right bent leg to the stomach, then return to the starting position and repeat for the left leg. We perform 6 times for each leg.

Exercise 2. We sit on the edge of the chair, with straight arms we rest against it, leaning back a little for balance. We tear off the legs bent at the knees from the floor and pull them to the chest. We perform 20 times.

Exercise 3. We turn sideways, with one hand we hold on to the back of the chair, the legs are extended straight. Slowly raise the body and at the same time bring bent legs to the stomach. Then we lower ourselves to the starting position. We perform 15 times.

In order to put the press in order, you can pick up other exercises while sitting on a chair, but even doing these exercises regularly, you will very quickly notice changes for the better in your figure.

Exercises sitting on the floor for the buttocks

Exercises while sitting on the floor are often part of different complexes exercises. In this position, it is convenient, for example, to carry out stretching exercises or strengthen the abdominal muscles. Also, in this position, you can work on the muscles of the arms, chest and back. Depending on the difficulty, sitting on the floor can have a healing effect, or help you lose weight and strengthen muscles.

In this position, you can work on the shape of the buttocks. The easiest exercise for this is “walking” on the buttocks. To do this, we sit on the floor, stretch our legs forward, hands behind our heads. We begin to actively “walk” on the buttocks back and forth. As a result of this exercise, body fat in this area and the buttocks become elastic and toned.

Another great exercise for the buttocks is tilts performed in a sitting position. We sit on the floor, cross our legs, hands on our hips. We alternately tilt to one and the second thigh, transferring body weight to the buttocks.