Shoulder and back training program. Back training program in the gym (Working scheme)

Almost all men dream of beautiful body, the back in this case occupies one of the leading places. Girls like guys with big muscles and broad back. Read on to find out which back workout is in gym will be effective for pumping.

The muscle mass of the back is necessary to protect the spine from bruises and injuries. Muscles allow the body to perform tilts, turns, etc. In order for the back to look pumped up, aesthetically attractive, it is necessary to perform different exercises. This is especially important for men.

Beautiful broad back bodybuilders always attract attention. Because many seek to pump it. Strength training of the back in the gym has certain features. They are under control experienced trainer so as not to get injured. For a uniform pumping of the back, you need a whole program.

Back training for men: process features

A ready-made set of exercises for men for the back consists of many movements, strength training, which help the development of all the muscles located in this part of the body. Below is a diagram with the names of the muscles of the back:

The name of the muscles in the back area is studied in detail in anatomy. They are of the following groups:

  • External- these are the two broadest, dentate, trapezius muscles, extensors. They play an important role in the effectiveness of the back, spine. That is why they are given special attention.
  • Internal- these types muscle fibers are located under the paired outer ones. These are such as round, diamond-shaped, etc. If you train them, you get a deep relief on the back, they are able to push even external muscles outward.

Before you start exercising on simulators, you immediately need to decide what is important to you. Do you want to have a relief silhouette, like a bodybuilder, or just want to reduce fat mass a little. Usually skinny guys have a goal: to gain weight and build muscle.

To succeed, do your workouts, paying attention basic exercises. This means that you will need to do exercises with dumbbells, barbells, etc. Just before the load you have to prepare a little. You can not immediately start heavy loads, so that there are no injuries.

For weight loss and increase muscle mass men will have to do intense exercise, eat according to the regimen. However, you will need to train your back in the gym with a load on the muscles. The only thing is that the classes will need to be alternated. For this, there are certain programs and their adjustment for each athlete. The instructor takes into account the characteristics of the human body, and sets him a certain complex individually.

Tips for training your back on simulators:

  1. It is better to start training without heavy basic exercises. After all, when muscle mass is not yet developed, an athlete can easily get injured. Therefore, the trainer is advised to deal only with dumbbells for a month, gradually increasing the weight.
  2. The most powerful back training program is considered to include exercises on deadlift . Just to reach good results it is also advisable for you to do auxiliary gymnastics in order to work out uniform loads on all muscles. Then back training will give its result.
  3. Do not think to immediately start training and give heavy loads on your back with big weights. Indeed, as a result of such actions, diseases such as hernia, prolapsed discs and other problems arise that are fraught with bad consequences.
  4. With time to build up large muscles you still have to switch to heavy weights, otherwise there will simply be no growth in muscle mass.
  5. In order for the lumbar muscles to also hold their load, it is not advisable to use safety belts. These auxiliary elements will not allow the muscles in the sacrum to fully swing.
  6. To achieve great hypertrophy, alternate basic back workout with power load and carry out back exercises on simulators.
  7. You can not immediately do two strength (basic) exercises on the same day. More precisely, never combine thrust: deadlift, neck and in tilt.

Below is a set of exercises for training back muscle mass:

IMPORTANT: Only an experienced mentor should plan the classes. After all, training your back in the gym is a responsible and traumatic business. The trainer will be able to show the correct exercise technique, tell you what load it is better to give your muscles in order to avoid problems.

Back workout for men: exercises

Today, many people suffer from back problems due to a sedentary lifestyle. This leads not only to a violation of posture, but also to other problems. Therefore, a good back workout for men in the gym will not hurt anyone. Below are examples for pumping the muscle tissue of the back, which will allow you to cope with postural disorders and diseases of the spinal column. Thanks to them, you will become an attractive man.

Name What muscles are working? What accessory muscle fibers are involved? View Where can you practice?
Strength training on a rowing machine two diamond-shaped two lats work Base In the hall
With a barbell - deadlift both diamond-shaped involved: both lats, trapezoidal Base In the hall
Barbell - Bent Over Row both lats work rhomboid, trapezoid Base In the hall
Power - with kettlebells to the belt two diamond-shaped bottoms of trapezoidal, two widest Base In the hall
With a barbell - on straight legs traction muscles - rectifiers two diamond-shaped, both widest Base In the hall
Power - narrow stance (bar pull) both lats trapezius muscles, rectifiers of the back are involved Base In the hall
Strength - Trap Bar Row bundle of both rhomboids both lats, bottoms of the trapezium Base In the hall
Power - kettlebell snatch muscles - rectifiers trapezoidal, two rhomboid and both latissimus Base, lever In the hall and at home
Power - kettlebell push with a full cycle two diamond-shaped trapezoidal, two diamond-shaped Base, lever In the hall and at home
hyperextension muscles - extensors For isolation In the hall
Incline with a barbell muscles - extensors both deltas, triceps For isolation two lats For isolation In the hall
Standing barbell lift bottoms of the trapezoid tops of the trapezius, both upper deltas For isolation In the hall
thrust upper block to the chest two lats two diamond-shaped For isolation In the hall
Exercise - traction for the head both lats trapezius, biceps For isolation In the hall
Exercise - traction in a horizontal position two diamond-shaped both lats For isolation In the hall
Sumo Deadlift muscles - rectifiers rhomboid, both broadest For isolation In the hall
Shrugs with dumbbells the top of the trapeze For isolation In the hall
Exercise - shrugs with a barbell behind bottoms of the trapezoid the tops of the trapezoid For isolation In the hall
Exercise - shrugs with a barbell in front the top of the trapeze the middle of the trapezoid For isolation In the hall
trapezoidal bottoms posterior bundle of both deltas Complex In the hall
Exercise - Bent Over Dumbbell Row both lats two trapezoidal, both diamond-shaped Complex In the hall
King pull exercise both lats bottoms of the trapezoid Base In the hall, at home

Back workout for men in the gym:

  • Work on the rowing machine functional productive exercise that promotes pumping not only diamond-shaped muscle masses, but also includes other back muscles. Such a back workout in a simulator for men is considered a regular gymnastics to improve the condition of the muscle fibers on the back. Exercise, practically, safely, has no traumatic consequences.

back pumping
  • Barbell Exercises - Deadlift- especially effective for the development of muscles in the lumbar region. When an athlete performs it, the longitudinal muscle fibers are mainly tensed. First, you should take the starting position - sit down on the bar, take the bar, reduce the shoulder blades to the limit, then pull the bar. You need to pull it with your legs, and not with one back. Stand up with a barbell so that your back is straight. Now that you have lifted the bar, return to the starting position and lower it to the floor. Below is a photo of how to do traction correctly, and which muscles work when doing the exercise.

  • Exercise - bent over row also popular with men, because it is effective for pumping the latissimus dorsi and deltas. When performing this thrust, you will increase the power output for the deadlift. As you can see in the photo below, the athlete first makes a grip (holds his hands slightly wider than his shoulders), and then bent legs lifts the sports instrument, pulling it towards him on exhalation, and lowers it on exhalation.

  • - with the correct execution of traction, pumping the muscles of the back is much more effective than with traction in an inclination. Desirable this exercise work out only in a standing position, otherwise it will not be as effective for the muscle mass of the bodybuilder's back.

Griffin pull
  • - this traction is best for beginners to replace the classic traction (deadlift), as it is less traumatic and the development of muscle mass is much more effective.

  • Kettlebell snatch- the load is designed to work out muscle fibers shoulder girdle. Even with the help of this exercise, a relief appears on the trapezius muscles, deltoid. Thanks to jerks, it will become more beautiful top part back. And you will learn how to do jerks correctly from the photo below:

  • hyperextension - This exercise is popular with both girls and guys. Indeed, thanks to him, not only the muscles of the back are pumped, but also the muscle mass of the buttocks. You can also strengthen the tendon apparatus with the help of exercises. The figure shows how to perform hyperextension. Bodybuilders can still use a pancake to increase the load. He is held with his hands near the chest, and bends are made.

  • Bent over with a barbell- with such strength training you can pump the extensor muscles, buttocks, muscle tissue in the abdominal part of the body. The shoulders are still working. There are several uses for barbell inclines. See examples below in the picture:

How to do barbell crunches?
  • Barbell curl for biceps- Suitable for beginners and advanced athletes. Why does my back hurt during this exercise? Let's find out - the mistake is that many, without calculating their capabilities, immediately grab onto large weights. Then, due to this error, other muscles also tense, which should not have taken part in the exercise. The joints in the elbow bends can also hurt for the same reason.

Still such traction can be done with dumbbells, the effect will be the same.

  • - if you do this exercise, then the deltoid and latissimus muscles will form. Dumbbells should be slowly raised, bending elbow joints and then lower. The same can be done with the barbell. Perform the exercise, both on an inclined and on a horizontal straight bench.

  • Sumo with a barbell This exercise is done with the feet wide apart. First, the barbell is lifted to the shoulders, as in the figure below, and then the athlete rises to his feet and lifts the barbell up. The extensor muscles of the back and the latissimus dorsi, rhomboid muscles are involved.

  • Shrugs with dumbbells- lifting shoulders with a load. If the athlete has injuries to the shoulders, neck, then shrugs should not be done. Or consult with your doctor, maybe he will advise, on the contrary, such exercises to improve the condition, but with a low weight.

Shoulder raises - shrugs
  • Bent Over Dumbbell Row- the complex is designed for pumping deltoid muscle fibers. The athlete becomes in an inclined position and spreads, and brings his arms from side to side.

  • King thrust- when the bar is busy, you can do this exercise. It is just as effective as deadlift. Just do it right: bend over on one leg until your fingers reach the floor. Bend your knee slowly until your hands reach the floor. And get up slowly.

King pull exercise
  • Traction vertical block - effective for a whole array of back muscle mass. The picture shows which muscles work when performing traction.

So, back training in the gym does not involve losing weight. Its dimensions may change slightly, this is due to the fact that the muscle mass acquires a tone, as a result, the back looks more toned than it was before. Back training for men for mass is the growth of muscles in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. And for weight loss, you should delve into dietetics, change your diet and combine sports training.

Video: Back workout - program for men

A set of exercises should consist of those movements that will help to work out latissimus dorsi back, trapezium, and lower back. It is these muscle areas that form appearance and the figure of an athlete.

Before starting classes in the gym, you need to determine the main goal of the training. Most often, novice athletes try to build as much muscle mass as possible. To do this, you need to perform heavy basic exercises. Work with dumbbells and a barbell in the range of 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets. The weight of sports equipment must be maximum. But we must not forget that you can start working with weights only when your body is ready.

If you want to dry out (reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat), work at an intense pace. Do a large number of repetitions of one exercise. This will help you special programs on relief. Also, you should consume fewer calories than you burn.

You can train your back muscles according to the "full body" system. This means that in one lesson, the bodybuilder must work out the whole body at once. But most often, athletes pump only one or two big ones per day. muscle groups. Thus, the athlete will be able to fully recover between workouts.

Athletes combine pumping back and biceps. These muscle groups perform a similar contractile function in most movements. Back exercises in the gym for girls are somewhat different, but generally similar, basically the whole difference is in the load.

A professional mentor will help you create an effective lesson plan. He will pick the best best exercises and show the correct technique for performing movements. Be sure to exercise under the guidance of a trainer if you are a beginner in the gym.

Bodybuilding exercises for pumping up your back in the gym in pictures

The muscles of the back control the movement of the spine, arms, legs and head. The muscles of the back are divided into three groups - upper, lower and deep muscles. Various exercises for the back in the gym and develop different groups back muscles.

The lower back muscles, or psoas, work together to extend and flex the lumbar spine, and to move the pelvis back and forth. The psoas muscles are involved in the formation of posture in a person and work in almost all movements of the upper and lower torso.

The upper back muscles (teres, latissimus dorsi, and trapezius muscles) raise, lower, and rotate the scapulae, and adduct, abduct, and rotate humerus. The basic (basic) exercises for the upper back are pull-ups and pull-ups of the lower block. The upper back mainly performs pulling movements.

Deep muscles (paravertebral, vertebral-sacral) make up the so-called "muscular corset", which is necessary to maintain the position and curvature of the spine, its stability.

There is no such movement in which the back muscles do not work.

It follows that it is very important to train them and know what exercises for the back exist. Consider the exercises in pictures

To increase the width of the back, the following exercises should be performed:

This movement is best for developing the latissimus dorsi, the teres major and, when we bring the shoulder blades together, the rhomboids and the lower and middle parts of the trapezoid are also included in the work.

This exercise engages the latissimus dorsi and the teres major. Also included in the work shoulder muscles and biceps.

This is an excellent exercise for widening the back, it focuses the load on the middle part of the lats.

The pull of the upper block behind the neck perfectly develops the width of the back, its bottom and top, and the large round muscles are also well loaded.

This great exercise for the development of the entire latissimus dorsi and the large round muscle. The trapezius and rhomboid muscles work with the reduction of the shoulder blades, and the rear deltoid muscles are also included in the work.

The straight-arm pulldown engages the lats, as well as the long heads of the triceps and the teres major muscles.

Back thickness

The following back exercises mainly work those parts of the muscles that are responsible for the thickness of the back. If you want to have a massive and thick back, then you need to perform these exercises.

The pull of the lower block perfectly forms the thickness of the back, including the latissimus dorsi, teres major, rear deltoid muscles, brachioradialis and biceps, and when bringing the shoulder blades together, the rhomboid and trapezius muscles.

The one-arm dumbbell row mainly engages the lats, teres major, rear delts, and the trapezius and rhomboids at the end of the movement.

Bent-over barbell row works out the latissimus dorsi, large round, rear deltoid muscles, biceps, and when bringing the shoulder blades together, the trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

The T-bar row focuses the load on the muscles of the back without requiring much force to hold the body position.

This exercise mainly works the latissimus dorsi and the teres major muscle.

Trapezius back exercises

The vertical pull works the trapezius muscles, mainly the upper part, as well as the deltoids, the levator scapula, shoulder muscles, biceps, forearms, abs, psoas, and buttocks.

Shrugs with a barbell mainly affect the upper part of the trapezius muscle - the occipito-clavicular bundles and the scapular part.

Dumbbell shrugs are designed to work the upper part of the trapezius muscles.

Shrugs on the simulator are excellent exercises for the back, or rather the upper parts of the trapezius muscles, as well as the muscles that lift the shoulder blades.

Deep back exercises

This exercise involves the gluteal and quadriceps muscles of the thigh, while working out the vertebral-sacral and trapezius muscles.

Lumbar extensions train mainly the extensor muscles of the spine, quadratus lumborum, and to a lesser extent the tibialis and gluteus muscles, with the exception of the short fascicle of the biceps femoris.

Trunk extension on the simulator works out the muscles that straighten the spine, concentrating the load on the lower back, most of all on the sacro-lumbar group of the spinous muscles.

Perform the above exercises for the back, and you will see how it affects the overall muscle mass.

We have described to you the most proven exercises for the back in the gym. Choose which suits you best and use them in your workouts.

Bent over row

We continue to talk about which exercises for the latissimus dorsi are the most effective. Next up we have a wonderful basic exercise, which gives the “wings” volume - the thrust of the bar in an inclination. The most important rule The thing to stick to is a straight back during execution. The grip can vary from wide to narrow, from straight to reverse. The best option is a grip slightly wider than the shoulders, because it is in this case that the lats are worked out perfectly. As for the reception of the grip (reverse or direct), here you can tell a little more.

When performing bent over rows, it is important to move the elbows along the body. If you start to spread your elbows to the sides, then the lion's share of the load goes to the rear deltas and trapezoid

If you use a reverse grip, then the elbows will rise strictly in a vertical plane. From this we can make a logical conclusion that with a reverse grip it will be easier for you to stick to correct technique performance than with a direct grip.

Finally, the last aspect of the exercise is tilt. The lower it is, the more actively the back works and the less the trapezoid. In general, the optimal angle of inclination should be in the middle position from 30-35 degrees from the horizontal.

Home exercises for the back

If you decide to train at home, then you will need minimal equipment. In our case, these can be collapsible dumbbells from 5-10 to 25-30 kg, as well as a crossbar (horizontal bar in simple words). Well, let's start listing quite realistically performed effective exercises for the back at home.

  1. Pull-ups. Where without them? We have written all the necessary information about this type of exercise above. When training at home, do 3-4 sets to the maximum. For additional load, you can use all kinds of weights. By the way, pull-ups are the best back exercises for kids.
  2. Australian pull-ups. This is something new! For the exercise, you will need 2 stools and any thin pipe ( gymnastic stick or mop). It is necessary to put stools in parallel and hoist this very pipe on them. What is the execution technique? Lie down under a homemade crossbar so that it is located at chest level. Grasp it with a wide straight grip and place your feet on the floor. Pull the body to the chest, lowering the elbows down and return to the starting position without touching the floor with your back. Do 4 sets of 12-15 reps.
  3. Now we will tell you what are the best exercises for the back with dumbbells. In principle, we will not tell you anything new. The best exercises at home are dumbbell shrugs to strengthen the trapezium, rows of one dumbbell to the chest (each side) to strengthen the lats and, finally, reverse hyperextensions for the extensors of the back. More about the last exercise now. How to perform it at home? You can connect 2 stools, and then lie on them with your stomach. The legs should hang down and the toes should touch the floor. Hold on to the legs of the chair with your hands and start the movement itself - raise your straight legs to parallel with the floor. You need to do it not in jerks, but smoothly. For a good result, you need to perform 15-20 repetitions.

To increase efficiency, you can do this set of exercises for the back in a circular pattern. This means that the exercises are performed one after the other with minimal rest. The number of such circles should vary from 4 to 6. Such a simple complex will allow you to maintain a good physical tone of the body without going to the gym. By the way, if you were looking for exercises for losing weight on your back, then all of the above movements with systematic training will allow you to remove excess fat from this area, bringing your body into tone.

How to organize a workout

According to experienced trainers, traction exercises have the greatest effect, since most of the back muscles have a fibrous multilateral beam structure. Therefore, they do not give a lot of repetition of exercises. desired result, especially since non-traction training is very difficult and tiring. Optimal training the back should consist of the following blocks:

  • 2 or 3 basic pulling exercises, repeat 3-6 times per set;
  • 2-3 auxiliary exercises for 10-12 repetitions.

Such pumping on simulators and with shells will provide a comfortable increase in glycogen and a gradual increase in mass. How to properly organize each training session, an important role is played by the preliminary preparation of the athlete, both physical and psychological.

The rest time between sets should be at least 60 seconds, but not more than 90, otherwise the effectiveness of the training drops sharply.

The number of workouts per week is enough 2 times for beginners and to keep fit, and 3 times for those who want to pump up their backs in an intensive mode.

How to build a strong back

When buying an apartment, what do we pay attention to? On the architecture, layout, on the reliability of the building. But besides that, we also look at the courtyard, the surroundings, the amenities of the infrastructure.

It would be truly foolish to take such a responsible step without taking into account all these points. Similarly, we need to think when we want to shake our back.

Our back does not consist of many muscles, which can be conditionally divided into 2 types:

  1. The superficial back muscles are the most visually represented, and as a result, the most interesting back muscles for training. We are talking about such muscles as the latissimus dorsi or trapezius.
  2. The deep muscles of the back are precisely those point muscles, thanks to the full training of which we will be able to pump up beautiful back. This list includes muscles such as rhomboids, serratus, extensors of the back, and levator scapulae.

Of course, having set out to swing our back, we must first of all concentrate on how to swing the latissimus dorsi. However, if you use the so-called wide-angle approach, the result will be much more impressive! Having pumped up all the muscles of the back, we will be able to cover a large area of ​​the swung muscles.

Of course, this will not make your back much wider, but it will look much more powerful! When using a wide-angle approach, the back will resemble a topographic 3D map, on which, in addition to the latissimus dorsi, many dotted muscles are visible:

The number of repetitions and approaches in exercises for the back

The number of repetitions and approaches depends on your goals:

12-15 reps in 3 sets for each exercise

Beginners in the gym need to do at least 12 repetitions with a small weight in order to learn the correct technique, the body remembers the mechanics of movements. Then gradually increase. For the first time, train completely without weights or with the lightest dumbbells / empty bar, you can do it at home. In each workout, try to do more reps than the last. When all 15 repetitions are easy, increase the working weights.

Such caution is needed so as not to beat off the little finger on the left leg or other vital parts of the body with a heavy dumbbell.

High Intensity Workout for Fat Burning and Muscle Drying: high repetitions and little rest - this way you keep the intensity of the workout high.

6 to 8 reps in 3-5 sets

Mass training. Do more basic back exercises with free weights and low reps.

Latissimus dorsi exercises for rapid progress

Greetings! Today we will talk about exercises for the latissimus dorsi. We will analyze work in the gym, at home, as well as with dumbbells, a barbell. As a result, you will get the most effective exercises and understand how to pump up your back muscles without consequences for the body.

A beautiful and textured back is a sign of pride for any bodybuilder. It is impossible to win competitions without devoting enough time to pumping this part of the body. We have already talked about strength exercises for the back, but the main emphasis there was on training at home.

The latissimus dorsi muscle lower part back. Scientists say that we got it from primates who pulled their bodies up on branches, and now its main function is to help pull the arm back and rotate it inward. It also acts as an occasional accessory muscle for breathing.

Many people have a question: how to make yourself a wide back

To do this, you need to pay attention to the study of the latissimus dorsi. Their upper part forms the width of the back and its strength.

There are many different exercises for this muscle group, and we will list the most effective:

Horizontal thrust in a block simulator

Performing the exercise requires a special simulator. And it's great if your room has one. The growth of the lower part of the “wings”, which are largely responsible for the width of the back, is stimulated. You must sit in front of lower block, barely bending his knees and resting his feet on the platform.

Grab the handle and lean back. When performing the exercise, the chest should be straightened and perpendicular to the ground. As you inhale, pull the handles towards your stomach. In this case, the elbows must be wound as far as possible behind the shoulders. When returning to the starting position, exhale.

Dumbbell row with one hand

A good isolation exercise, straining the latissimus dorsi. The left and right parts are worked out separately, which allows you to correct the disproportionately developed latissimus dorsi. Such cases are quite common.

The dumbbell must be taken in hand with a direct grip. Stand in front of a support bench and place one knee on it. If you are doing the approach with your left hand, then you need to lean on the bench right foot. The left one can hardly be bent at the knee, while bending, the body should be parallel to the ground.

Rest your free hand on the bench

Particular attention should be paid to the back: it should be flat and slightly arched in the lower back (as when performing a deadlift or squat). Inhaling, raise the dumbbell to the body

When the maximum amplitude is reached, hold the dumbbell for a couple of seconds. Then exhale as you return to the starting position. Then you should perform the exercise with the other hand.

Bent over row

A basic exercise, it perfectly works out the middle part of the back, helping to achieve the desired width. When performed, the trapezius muscles of the back also work. Keep your torso parallel to the ground, keep your lower back in tension as in the previous exercise, keep your back straight.

Take, with a direct grip, place the barbell of your hand a little wider than your shoulders. The legs are slightly bent at the knees. In the initial position, the arms are below, straightened at the elbows. Slowly lift the bar to your stomach, bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible. At the top, hold the bar for a few seconds and straighten your arms to the starting position.

Vertical pull of the block to the chest with a wide grip

Another great back exercise that requires a block machine. Securely fix your legs, resting your hips on the rollers. Grasp the bar and pull to the chest, the effort should be precisely the movement of the shoulder blades. Follow this. Pull the bar to your chest and, after holding for a while, return to the starting position.

Pull-ups on the bar

The most effective exercises that do not require any special equipment and simulators. Everyone knows the pull-up technique. The main thing is to make sure that the movement is carried out due to the effort of the shoulder blades. Technique is more important than quantity: do better with fewer repetitions, but slowly, excluding jerks. Pull-ups are effective both to the chest and behind the head.

Now you know how to pump the latissimus dorsi. But this is only part of the great work that is yet to come. You will learn more about how to gain muscle mass, pump up your shoulders and legs in proportion to your torso from this course.

Now watch this video. In it you will learn how to quickly pump up wings

Also, be sure to read on our blog about a set of strength exercises for men or about strength exercises for women at home.

Stay strong!

Sotsky simulators Novosibirsk

5 exercises for perfect posture in the gym

Strengthening the muscles of the back is important for the formation beautiful posture and a healthy body in general. Many in the pursuit of a perfect back make mistakes in training.

In this case, every wrong step can cause injury. We asked the famous Russian bodybuilder Alexander Fedorov to show the best exercises for strengthening the skeletal corset.

Basic exercises for back training:

Hyperextension - a fly-extensor exercise that affects the muscles of the back and buttocks, has a fairly low level of injury. The exercise is performed on a special simulator.

To do this, lie on your stomach, rest your legs under the roller and lean forward, and then, while inhaling, stretch up.

It is important to adjust the machine to your height so that you can easily swing your back with full amplitude. Important: When performing hyperextension, you need to keep your back straight, otherwise, it will no longer swing the back, but the buttocks

Important: When performing hyperextension, you need to keep your back straight, otherwise, it will no longer swing the back, but the buttocks. For maximum productivity, hands should be kept behind the head or in the lock in front of you, as advised by the most titled bodybuilder Alexander Fedorov

“Eagle swings”, as hyperextension is popularly called, can be done with weighting, for example, with a 10 kg pancake, but this will increase the risk of injury. Therefore, we advise women to do such an exercise in slow pace with a delay at the top

For maximum productivity, hands should be kept behind the head or in the lock in front of you, as advised by the most titled bodybuilder Alexander Fedorov. “Eagle swings”, as hyperextension is popularly called, can be done with weighting, for example, with a 10 kg pancake, but this will increase the risk of injury. Therefore, we advise women to do this exercise at a slow pace with a delay at the top point.

The pull of the upper block behind the head is an exercise aimed at developing the latissimus dorsi. It is performed while sitting on the simulator: legs under the roller, and hands pull the handle behind the head.

It is important to keep the elbows in line with the body or even move them slightly forward. A common amateur mistake is to push the elbows back and slouch back.

Try to determine for yourself such a weight that you could handle without breaking the technique. The counterweight of the crossbar should “pull” up.

Important: Breathe evenly, as you exhale, pull your arms towards you, and inhale, stretch: a weight pulling up can help you do good stretch. Traction of the lower block to the belt while sitting - a basic exercise for the latissimus dorsi

This exercise is performed on the simulator while sitting, resting your feet on the footboard. Alexander Fedorov focuses on compliance right position legs and shoulders

The thrust of the lower block to the belt while sitting is a basic exercise for the latissimus dorsi. This exercise is performed on the simulator while sitting, resting your feet on the footboard. Alexander Fedorov focuses on maintaining the correct position of the legs and shoulders.

Important: Make sure that the shoulders are at the same level, and the back remains straight. When performing the pull of the block to the belt, you should straighten your legs in knee joint, and when unbending the arms, try to stretch forward along with the body

Thus, the muscles are stretched during the exercise, preventing acidification and reducing the risk of injury.

Pull-ups on the Gravitron are pull-ups on a special machine with a counterweight. Ideal for women who cannot pull themselves up on a regular crossbar. In this exercise, not only the back muscles swing, but also, depending on the grip, the biceps, deltas.

Important: In order for the load to fall more on the back, you should pull yourself up strictly in one line, without leaning back. Traction in the simulator while sitting to the belt - this exercise resembles the thrust of the block to the belt while sitting

It differs only in that the emphasis goes more to the chest, and not to the legs. Pull the handles of the simulator to the belt, straightening the chest and pulling the elbows back

Traction in the simulator while sitting to the belt - this exercise resembles the thrust of the block to the belt while sitting. It differs only in that the emphasis goes more to the chest, and not to the legs. Pull the handles of the simulator to the belt, straightening the chest and pulling the elbows back.

Important: Try to pull your arms at the same time and keep your shoulders at the same level. Prepared by: Anastasia Kuzheleva

Prepared by: Anastasia Kuzheleva

#Alexander Fedorov #hyperextension # healthy back#perfect posture

The main types of movements

A complex for the development of back muscles is usually performed before training other parts of the body. This big muscles and therefore they are processed first. Conventionally, exercises for building muscle mass can be divided into basic and auxiliary. The first group includes:

  1. Deadlift.
  2. Pull-ups.
  3. Rod pull when tilted.

To increase the muscles, it is necessary to increase the weight when performing the exercises of the main group. It also requires a small number of repetitions. Auxiliaries include:

  1. One arm exercise with dumbbells.
  2. Hyperextension.
  3. T-traction on the simulator.
  4. Traction of the lower, upper block.

What auxiliary exercises a person needs to perform is decided by the coach. He will take into account all the features of the training, the level of training. The main and auxiliary exercises should be considered in more detail for all groups of back muscles.

Upper back

For this muscle group, a whole range of exercises is performed. The main three of them are:

  1. Raising and lowering the shoulders with a barbell in the hands (for pumping the occipito-clavicular sections of the trapezius, scapular muscles).
  2. Movements with dumbbells in hands (for trapezius, middle, rhomboid muscles).
  3. Shoulder shrug on the simulator (trapezius, scapular muscles are strengthened).

The load at which the upper back is pumped is directed to it in a standing position, the legs are spaced shoulder-width apart. To the bar (simulator) turn to face. If this is an exercise with dumbbells, the arms are lowered along the torso. In the case of an exercise with a barbell bar or simulator levers, the arms are slightly apart, do not bend at the elbows.

On inhalation, the abdominal muscles tense, shoulders rise, on exhalation they are gently relaxed.

Proper breathing is very important when performing movements.

Mid back

There are many load options for this muscle group. In this case, an individual approach is extremely important. The main exercises are as follows:

  1. Pull-ups (contribute to the development of the latissimus dorsi, large round muscle).
  2. The press of the upper block with a narrow grip (in addition to those listed above, the trapezoid, rhomboid muscles also develop).
  3. Dumbbell bench press (the rear side of the deltoid muscle, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, large round muscles are subjected to a load).

In each case, the trainer explains the technique of performing the movements. Pull-ups involve bending the arms, hanging on the horizontal bar. Then, while inhaling, the person pulls himself up to the crossbar. As you exhale, straighten your arms.

The thrust of the upper block is done in a sitting position, facing the simulator. Legs are fixed under the rollers. Handles are taken narrow grip. When inhaling, they are pulled down to chest level. The body should lean back a little. Exhalation ends the movement.

The dumbbell press is performed with the palm of your hand facing you. It has a projectile in it. The opposite leg is placed on the bench. On inspiration, the dumbbell rises to the body, the elbow moves as far back as possible. Extension is performed on exhalation.

These are the basic exercises. However, they are sometimes supplemented or replaced with barbell rows, standing in an incline, deadlift, T-bar press.

Spinal straightening

An important stage of training are movements to straighten the spine. Without sufficient training in this area, it is strictly forbidden to increase the load. This group of exercises includes the following:

  1. Lumbar bends.
  2. Trunk extension.

Various options for performing these movements allow you to adjust the level of load. Backbends in the lumbar region are performed on a training bench, where it is possible to fix the ankles. In the initial position, the body is relaxed and the torso is tilted down. A breath is taken, and the breath is held a little, the body rises. The deflection is performed in the lower back. On exhalation, the initial position is taken.

To increase the load with good fitness, the movement is performed with a barbell disk. It is held behind the head or near the chest.

For beginners, the trunk extension on the simulator is ideal. They are performed 10-20 times. The body is tilted forward. The roller is located at the level of the shoulder blades. On inhalation, the back is straightened as much as possible, on exhalation, they return to their original position. This allows you to correct your posture and prevent back pain.

By following exactly the recommendations of the coach, distributing the load correctly, you can achieve good results. The back will not only gain relief and correct posture, but also health. If there is a possibility of developing pathologies of the spine, the complexity of training, as well as their regularity, will avoid problems in the future.

Lower back exercises

Leaning forward with the subsequent straightening of the torso, holding a heavy barbell in your hands, is a truly basic exercise. It affects the maximum number of muscles human body. In combination with squats and weightlifting bench press, deadlift helps to gain good muscle mass.

The exercise is done due to the lumbar rectifiers, leading the muscles of the thigh, buttocks, latissimus dorsi, trapezius and forearms. It is performed with the largest weights.

Recommended number of repetitions in each working approach:

a) for an accentuated study of the lower back - 10/12; b) for a set of total muscle mass of the body - 6/8; c) for the development of strength in traction exercises - 3/5.

Technical nuances of the most common version of the deadlift

1. We stand in front of the bar so that the shins practically touch the neck. We place the feet a little narrower than the width of the shoulders. Slightly spread the socks out.

2. Straighten your back and bend in lumbar. Pull your shoulders back and bring your shoulder blades together. We fix the body in this position.

3. We lean behind the bar of the bar, by pulling the pelvis back and bending the legs at the knees. The back remains straight. The chin is parallel to the floor.

4. We take the bar with the same or opposite grip with a gap between the hands, slightly exceeding the width of the shoulders.

5. Pulling the bar a little and creating some tension in the hands, we tear the bar off the floor with the strength of the back muscles. The lower the pelvis is located, the more load on the initial movement will go to the muscles of the legs: the buttocks and quadriceps. The higher the pelvis is, the more the lumbar rectifiers of the back and hip extensors will be loaded.

6. We start slowly and at the same time unbend the legs and back at the knees. The bar should pass (slide) along the shins. The closer the bar is to you, the less stress will be placed on individual small muscles of the lower back. This will allow you to work with the heaviest weight.

7. When the bar reaches the middle of the front of the thighs, the knees should be fully extended.

8. We complete the straightening at the top point, giving the pelvis forward, due to the work gluteal muscles. At this segment of the amplitude of movement, the bar of the bar must be in contact with the body.

9. We take a position parallel to the vertical axis. At the same time: the body is straight, the chest is straightened, the shoulders are laid back, the shoulder blades are brought together, the stay is in the lowered straightened arms and slightly touches the front of the thighs. We look ahead, in front of us.

10. Stay at the top 1/2 second peak. Focus on tension in the lower back.

11. Downward movement is the mirror image of uphill movement.

Back exercises in the gym for men

The main task of men attending the gym is pumping up muscles. The complex, designed for this purpose, provides the formation of a wide, embossed back and builds muscle mass in this area.

Basic training consists of:

  • pull-ups
  • deadlift
  • rod traction
  • exercises with dumbbells
  • upper and lower pulley

When pulling up, it is worth remembering that the wider the grip on the crossbar, the wider the back will be. It is necessary to use only the spinal muscles and not pull the shoulders to the head. You can additionally use a pancake belt - it will provide a greater load and make the workout more effective.

Using a sports bench, you can pull dumbbells to your stomach. One arm and the corresponding leg, bent at the knee, act as a support, the second - holds Sports Equipment. The back is bent at the waist. When inhaling, the dumbbell is lifted to the lower back, while exhaling, it returns to its previous position. The number of approaches each determines for himself.

Deadlift is the most effective type of exercise. It is necessary to aim not at the amount of weight lifted, but at the execution technique. The exercise should be started after a warm-up and a strengthening press series. On initial stage exercise under the supervision of a trainer. This will allow you to more accurately familiarize yourself with the features of the performance and avoid injury.

The thrust of the upper and lower blocks are performed in final stage training. It consolidates the result and promotes relaxation. While pulling the block, inhale is carried out, while straightening the arms - exhale. It is necessary to strain the back muscles and reduce the shoulder blades. The back should be in a straight position all the time, light swaying can remove part of the load received. On average, you need to do about 2-3 approaches per workout.

Do not neglect the warm-up before and after classes: doing exercises on unheated muscles will not bring results and increase the chances of injury, sprains.

You will be interested

Among all the variety of splits, training the back and shoulders in one day is the best way to show that the athlete has long ceased to be an inexperienced beginner. Only advanced athletes generally think about such combinations for splits, although the pros have been using this combination in their training for a long time. And most importantly, you do not shift the focus to any one muscle group, since in all exercises they work separately (for comparison, for example, in an arm + shoulder split, there is a high probability that you will score arm muscles already training deltas , and you will not be able to give all your best in profile exercises).

If you're starting to hit a plateau, stop seeing impressive and consistent growth and want to change something in your program, training your back and shoulders on the same day is what will guarantee to explode both muscle groups. It remains to consider how to do this as correctly as possible, and this article will be devoted to this.

Is it effective to train your back and shoulders on the same day?

Any mediocre trainer will immediately tell you that back and shoulder training are incompatible and these muscle groups need to be worked out on different days. And after that it will immediately become clear that this is an ordinary amateur who is unlikely to have sufficient knowledge. Moreover, such statements will cause laughter among professional athletes.

Therefore, the answer is unequivocal - with the right approach, this combination can give many advantages even to those who have been training in the gym for years. It is important to understand that “the right approach” is a key term, so in the following sections we will consider it in as much detail as possible. The combination of working out the back along with the shoulders is based on two principles:

  • alternations;
  • Consolidation of stress.

The first point is more difficult and for proper training microcycles will need to be well thought out. It is most often used in cases where one muscle group trains in the usual mode (mainly the back), and the other in a static-dynamic mode. This training aims to develop different types muscle fibres. It is practiced only by professional and advanced athletes who at least understand the basics of physiology.

The second principle involves combining shoulder training with back muscles for an effect called stress consolidation. In fact, this is the reverse analogue of the usual study of antagonist muscles. With such training, the back and middle bundles of deltas are usually included in the “back day”, and the front delta is worked out along with the chest. Such a split has its advantages, but they appear only in cases of competent organization of recovery. This is the basic requirement for this scheme to work.

In general, no one said that chest/back workouts are more effective than back/shoulders or other similar splits. The only difference is that the first option is more massive, and they use it not because it is the best, but because it is popular.

It is not always necessary to take all the advice of the pros 100%, their training is a completely different universe, which not every amateur can “try on”. However, if you want to pump up your back and pump it on the same day as your shoulders, bringing the return on training to the maximum, then you can’t do without the advice of the pros. What do athletes who have enviable championship shoulders advise?

It is quite obvious that the main resource - energy - will not be enough to work out all the muscles in training, so you have to correctly weigh the priorities and build the order of work in the gym. If your training program includes the back and shoulders on the same day, then try to do no more than 1-2 basic delt exercises, as well as one isolating movement for each beam. The back can be trained in the normal mode, but without the hardcore, performing the most basic “base”.

After Professor Seluyanov popularized stato-dynamics, and a number of professional athletes proved its effectiveness in practice, the technique began to be used everywhere. What's more, it's perfect for the shoulders, delivering incredible results with near-zero injury risk. Professionals recommend combining static-dynamic training for the shoulders and the classic study of the back in this split.

Even when the pros train and combine their back and shoulders in a split, their training technique is far from ideal. What then can be expected from ordinary gym goers, for whom professional athletes are an example? As a result, the concept of correct technique is distorted according to the principle of a “damaged telephone”. And if the pros hardly suffer from this, then for amateurs it can be disastrous. At a minimum, the most popular consequence is no growth. Therefore, try to treat the technique as filigreely as possible and put it several steps higher on the priority scale than any other criteria (weight, number of repetitions, approaches, etc.), especially when working out the shoulders.

If for exercises on the back the question of amplitude is absolute and there is only one option (full amplitude), then everything is not so simple with the shoulders. Modern programs, especially in splits where shoulders and back are worked out, most often include only static-dynamic work in incomplete amplitude.

Tip #5 - Eliminate Back Muscle Work When Training Shoulders

It is important to understand that if you have fully trained your back, when you work on deltas, you need to exclude it as much as possible. To do this, try to use exercises where you can fix the body and avoid movements where you need to maintain balance on your own. For example, when breeding dumbbells in an inclination to the rear deltas, it is better not to stand on the floor, but to sit in a simulator or on a bench, limiting back work and inertia. The same applies to lifting the dumbbell in front of you.

Difficult, not always good, and shoulder training clearly confirms this principle. Look at professional athletes, they don't use tricky exercises that 1 in 10 people can get right. For the back, most often there are thrusts (tilted, horizontal, vertical, with a barbell, with dumbbells, etc.) and strict pull-ups. For the shoulders - swings (to the sides, in front of you, tilted to the deltas), as well as bench presses with dumbbells or in the simulator.

In general, such a split, with the right approach, will have some advantages. Muscle growth is greater, the load on the spine is less (considering that the shoulders swing in a static-dynamic mode). It remains only to properly organize rest and nutrition in order to observe incredible muscle growth.

When you combine back and shoulder exercises in one workout, it is very important to choose the right ratio. Otherwise, one muscle group will always fall behind. When planning each workout in a cycle, you need to take into account the experience of the athlete and the ability to focus the load on specific muscles when performing exercises.

It is also worth considering that for beginners and experienced athletes, the number of approaches and repetitions performed will be different. Serious weights can be used when pumping the back, but it is important to remember that in many tractions, the rear bundle of deltas is actively involved, and for a high-quality study of this head, it will be enough to do one exercise. Now consider the most popular examples that will be an excellent starter program for athletes.

For newbies

If your coach says that stato-dynamics is a method for advanced athletes that is not suitable for beginners, then you can safely look for another, more experienced coach. If the back requires a powerful "base" in full amplitude, then the shoulders - on the contrary. Stato-dynamic exercises for the shoulders, after training the back, do not have a harmful effect on the shoulder joints. You can use their full potential without the risk of injury.

It is important to consider that if we compare the programs of pros and beginners, then the difference will also be in the number of workouts per week. If the pros can easily get 2 sessions a week working their shoulders and back on the same day, beginners will always have -1 workout. Firstly, this is the only way to invest in a three-day weekly split, and secondly, such a regimen will protect against overtraining.

If we consider a specific example for beginners, then one of the split options can be distinguished.

For the latissimus dorsi:

  • Thrust of the upper block to the chest - 3 * 12, 10, 8;
  • Bent-over barbell/dumbbell row – 3*12, 10, 8;
  • Lever rod - 3 * 12, 10, 8;
  • The thrust of the horizontal block - 3 * 12, 10, 8.

If pull-ups are given on the crossbar, then you can alternate them with vertical block traction for weeks.

For the waist:

  • Hyperextension - 3 * 15, 12, 10.

Shoulders (all in partial amplitude) - in each exercise, a session of 3 sets of 40-45 seconds under load is performed (rest 35-45 seconds).

  • Dumbbell bench press while sitting (or in the simulator);
  • Breeding arms to the sides in the simulator;
  • Mahi dumbbells in front of you.

It is important to take into account that, given the abundance of traction movements, in this split, the middle delta is worked out in front of the rear and front bundles.

For professionals

For advanced athletes and pros, one workout per week will no longer be enough. Firstly, it will be difficult to work out all the muscles in one workout, and secondly, if this succeeds, it will be only due to overtraining, which will not benefit. Therefore, it is best to swing your shoulders and back on the same day, using the program for two sessions a week. This will allow either to combine static-dynamic work on the shoulders with the classic training of fast muscle fibers, or to correctly divide the load on each bundle of deltas.

If we take an example of a program that combines effective exercises on the back and static dynamics on the shoulders, then the following complex can be distinguished.

  • Pull-ups with extra weight (alternate with Gironde pull-ups) - 4 * 12, 10, 8, 6;
  • Top block pull wide grip – 4*12, 10, 8, 8;
  • Bent-over barbell/dumbbell row – 4*12, 10, 8, 6;
  • T-bar thrust - 4 * 10, 10, 8, 8;
  • Good morning - 3 * 10, 8, 6;
  • Hyperextension or reverse hyperextension 4 * 15, 12, 10, 8.

Shoulders (stato-dynamics, in each exercise, a session of 4 sets is performed for 40-45 seconds of load followed by 30-40 seconds of rest):

  • Shoulder press in the simulator;
  • Breeding arms in an inclination (with an emphasis on the chest in the back on the bench);
  • Lifting the dumbbell in front of you while sitting;
  • Mahi to the sides while standing (in incomplete amplitude).

It is very important to ensure that the swing technique is correct. Every centimeter of movement must be controlled. Stato-dynamics does not tolerate any inertia, the main task is not only to work in partial amplitude, but also to constantly focus the load on the working muscle. According to this principle, it is necessary to perform all exercises on the shoulders when compiling a split with the back.

The club of athletes who sweat in the gym, but do not think about muscle growth outside the training room, is replenished every year. Its members can be easily recognized by their almost complete lack of progress. Nevertheless, avoiding such a fate is quite simple, the main thing is to understand that progress is three components, not one. Beginners focus on one component and get a well-deserved 33% of the result. What are the components? The answer is obvious:

  • Workout;
  • Nutrition;
  • Rest and recovery.

Remove one point and your progression is guaranteed to decrease, remove two - it will hardly be noticeable, no matter how actively you try. What can help you go beyond the standard 100% by improving every aspect? And again, the answer is obvious - sports nutrition. Supplements are not a substitute, they are not even required, but they greatly improve the results of your efforts and multiply them.

If we talk about the main additives that need to be provided in the first place, then it is worth highlighting:

  • Protein;
  • Creatine;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes.

Partially, BCAAs can be attributed to the list if you care about the quality of your muscles and do cardio / morning jogs.

To maximize your productivity in the gym, you should choose pre-workout complex. It is verified and effective way get the most out of every trip to the gym. You can also consider the option of taking beta-alanine separately; in complex supplements, its dosage always falls short of the required norm. This will help you train even longer and harder by buffering lactic acid (which is especially important with static-dynamic training).

For recovery, the so-called "dream books" (GABA and others) are ideal - supplements that improve sleep and speed up recovery. By supplementing them with omega-3 fatty acids, you can maximize your physical and mental recovery.


What can you expect from a set of exercises where deltas and back are worked out at the same time, you can see in 3-5 weeks. Even if the reflection in the mirror does not amaze with huge peak deltas and bulging lats, at least you can see progress in increasing strength and endurance. When working in the static-dynamic mode, the shoulders will burn with fire even with small weights, which will certainly very quickly affect the total renewal of the entire wardrobe - your deltas will be very crowded in old clothes. But all this will be subject to proper training and compliance with all recommendations.

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    Back training is a fundamental factor in the further and development of the growth of the athlete's muscles. The back corset is involved in almost all basic exercises, and in terms of size, this muscle group takes second place, second only to the legs. How to train and what exercises for the back to choose? Let's consider further.

    General anatomy

    Before choosing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, let's look at the anatomy of this part of the body. As in the case of the chest, the back is not one muscle, but a group of different muscles that are responsible for different joints. Most of them are the deep muscles of the back, responsible for fine motor skills torso. It is pointless to download them separately, since they are already involved in almost all exercises to strengthen the back.

    If you do not take into account the deep muscles, then all the muscles of the back can be divided into several groups:

  1. The latissimus dorsi muscles are responsible for bringing the arms together. They consist of two bundles: the middle one (responsible for the thickness of the back) and the lateral one, located next to the serratus muscles (responsible for the appearance of the so-called "wings" of the athlete).
  2. The rhomboid muscles of the back are located in the upper layer and lie along the entire back. Responsible for retracting the scapula. They consist of three different beams, each of which works with any movement.
  3. Trapezius muscles of the back. Responsible for rotation in the shoulder joint. They consist of three bundles: middle, upper and lower.
  4. Lumbar muscles. Although they are not the largest, they are responsible for stabilizing the hull and require a separate deep study, because form a muscular corset that holds the human body in a straight position. Participate in almost all exercises as a fixing body stabilizer.
  5. The extensor muscles of the body are thin muscles that run along the entire spine. Correct posture and keep the body in a straight position. Participate in all types of drafts with an inclination of the body.

To work out all these muscle groups, you need an integrated approach. At the same time, it is desirable to work out each muscle group from different angles, which will ensure local growth of the muscle group.

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The general principles of pumping the back are very specific and require the strict and strict implementation of certain rules.

  1. Do not use basic exercises in the first months of training. The reason is that under large muscle groups lies a huge number of small muscles that are easy to injure if the muscle corset is not sufficiently developed. That is why any trainer will advise in the first month in the gym to use exercises on the back with dumbbells or exercises on block simulator. Isolation load allows you to use fewer small muscle groups and has a fixed amplitude, which is safe when working with small weights. Only when you prepare your muscle corset for serious loads, you can proceed to the classics in the form of a deadlift and traction in an incline.
  2. If you want to increase the result of the deadlift, do not use the deadlift. As strange as it may sound, the most powerful exercise for the back muscles - deadlift - does not allow for a constant progression of loads. This is due to the fact that the psoas and accessory muscles get tired faster than the rhomboids. Therefore, if you run into, you should work out all the auxiliary exercises on the back in the gym and only then return to the deadlift.
  3. Strict technique. Unlike stretching the muscles of the arms or legs, sprains and microdislocations of the back are fraught with a hernia or problems with the spine in the future. It is better not to chase the scales and do not perform exercises in the border technique: this is dangerous for health.
  4. Large muscles respond well to heavy weights. Even if constant growth is not your goal, remember that a high number of repetitions with low weight will not help in training your back.
  5. Do not use a safety belt. Although it is an important part of training safety, the belt restricts movement in the lumbar region, due to which the psoas and extensor muscles of the back are no longer involved in the exercise. It is better to use lighter weights and choose a smoother progression of loads.
  6. Base + isolation. Like any other large muscle group, the back is trained in 2 stages. First, basic prefatigue with extremely heavy weights, then targeted finishing of the muscle group in the simulator. This provides a large load, and therefore a large one.
  7. Do not use two basic exercises on the same day. Avoid combining deadlifts and bent over rows, as well as deadlifts and sumo deadlifts.


A set of exercises for the back traditionally consists of basic exercises, although most trainers do not recommend starting with a basic one due to the reasons described above. Consider the full range of exercises for the gym and at home.

Exercise Main muscle group Auxiliary muscle group Type of exercise Home / for the hall
broadestTrapeze bottom + rear surface hipsBasicFor home
diamond-shapedlatsBasicFor the hall
diamond-shapedLat + trapezium + hamstringBasicFor the hall
latsRhomboid + trapezoid + back of the thighBasicFor the hall
diamond-shapedTrapeze bottom + latsBasicFor the hall
Back straightenersBasicFor the hall
Neck pull with narrow setting handslatsTraps + back straighteners + hamstringsBasicFor the hall
Middle bunch of diamond-shapedLat + bottom of the trapezium + back of the thighBasicFor the hall
Back straightenersTrapeze + rhomboid + latsBasic leverFor home and hall
diamond-shapedTrapeze + diamond-shaped + widest + back of the thighBasic leverFor home and hall
Spinal extensorsinsulatingFor the hall
Spinal extensorsDeltas + triceps + hamstringsinsulatingFor the hall
Pumping biceps with cheatinglatsinsulatingFor the hall
Trapeze bottomTop of the trapezium + upper deltasinsulatingFor the hall
Vertical block pulllatsdiamond-shapedinsulatingFor the hall
latsTraps + bicepsinsulatingFor the hall
Horizontal block pulldiamond-shapedlatsinsulatingFor the hall
Back straightenersRhomboids + lats + hamstringsinsulatingFor the hall
Trapeze topinsulatingFor the hall
Barbell shrugs behindTrapeze bottomTrapeze topinsulatingFor the hall
Trapeze top with accentMiddle of the trapeziuminsulatingFor the hall
Spine stabilizersWhole bodyComprehensiveFor home
Spine stabilizersWhole bodyComprehensiveFor home
Incline Dumbbell RaiseTrapeze bottomRear bundle of deltasComprehensiveFor the hall
latsTrapeze + diamond-shaped + back of the thighComprehensiveFor the hall


To work out the back, four basic exercises are traditionally used in a complex way.

  • Deadlift. The main exercise in and crossfit. It engages all major muscle groups with a strong focus on the rhomboid muscles of the back. First of all, this exercise develops the thickness of the back.

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  • Pull-ups. home option tilt bar pull. It has a low injury risk and a fixed body weight, which allows you to work out your back in multi-rep sets. For the progression of loads, weighting agents are used. The main focus of this exercise is on the latissimus dorsi.

  • Bent over barbell. A heavier version of pull-ups, which is distinguished by strict execution technique and large weights. The main load falls on the widest; depending on the angle of inclination and the width of the grip, you can work out both the thickness and the width of the back. Works great on the bottom!
  • Pull bar to the chin. The only basic exercise with an emphasis on trapezoid exercises.


    But the number of exercises for the isolated study of the back is much larger. This includes working with simulators (block pull), and types of shrugs, and even a cheating version of pumping the biceps, which was used by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    The main task of isolating exercises is not only to give a suitable load to the target muscle group, but also to work out small deep muscles that are not involved in basic exercises due to a different amplitude.

    Traditionally, there are 3 main isolating exercises in the gym for the back.

    • Vertical block pull with a wide grip. Preparatory exercise for pulling the rod in an incline.

      © Makatserchyk -

    • Thrust of the horizontal block to the belt. A good alternative to the deadlift.

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    • An exercise that works the top of the trapezoid.

      Exercise at home

      Pumping your back at home is not easy. It has to do with the anatomy of the movements. It is not possible to repeat them without weighting or special cargo. And those exercises that allow you to load your back with your own body without special equipment are ineffective when it comes to serious loads. Consider the basic exercises for the back at home.

      • Pull-ups. A serious complex exercise that can be performed even without a horizontal bar. It is enough to have a strong door that can support your weight. You can also use any other similar devices.

      • Boat. good exercise, which develops the rhomboid and latissimus dorsi muscles. The technique is extremely simple: lie on the floor, slightly raise outstretched arms and legs.

      • Bridge. Static exercise With own weight, which perfectly develops the extensors of the back without injury. Suitable for recovery training or maintenance. It is recommended to perform for everyone who seeks to develop not only strength, but also the flexibility of the spinal muscles.

        © vladimirfloyd -

      • Farmer's walk. This exercise is in the home category because it can be performed with any home weight. It is enough to take 2 tight bags, evenly fill them with books and proceed. Develops all muscle groups with an emphasis on the trapezius muscles. There are options in the form of lunges, which additionally load the muscles of the legs.

        Exercises in the gym

        For the development of the back in the hall, a huge complex of various exercises is provided both with free weights and with specialized equipment or simulators. Consider the main training exercises developing the back:

        • A safe analogue of full-fledged pull-ups. It has a more isolated load due to the shutdown of the muscles of the press and legs.

          © Makatserchyk -

        • The pull of the upper block with a reverse grip.

          © Makatserchyk -

        • . An excellent basic exercise that engages all muscle groups with a serious emphasis on diamond-shaped. It has no analogues for home use or with free weights. It is considered the most natural exercise for working out the back with the least trauma.

        • Crossover pull. It is performed similarly to traction in a block simulator. The key difference lies in the freer amplitude. Thanks to the adjustment, the widest and diamond-shaped ones are worked out at a more difficult angle. Ideal for those who do not perform basic exercises for one reason or another.

        • Lower crossover link.

        • Hyperextension. The only isolating serious exercise in the gym, which will strengthen the lower back and reduce the risk of injury in the future.

          © Makatserchyk -

          Complexes for the development of the back

          Consider the main training complexes for the development of the back in the gym and at home.

          Note: there are no circuit workouts in the table, because. their main task is not to use the back muscles, but to give a powerful hormonal anabolic boost for further body formation.

          Complex Exercises Task
          Split at the lats

          Cheating lift for biceps - light weight.

          The main task is to focus on the lagging lats. It helps to increase the number of pull-ups and the width of the back by developing the wings.

          The bicep curl is used to increase arm flexor strength to remove weight restriction.

          Split into diamond-shapedWarm-up deadlift - 20 times empty bar.

          Block pull to the belt 5*20

          Pure lifting for biceps on the Scott bench 3 * 8

          A good complex for working out the thickness of the back, more difficult, but giving a serious base for further training in any sport.

          Biceps training allows you to increase working weights in the future.

          Profiled WorkoutWarm-up deadlift - 20 times empty bar.

          Deadlift 5 * 8 (70% of the repeated maximum).

          Block pull to the belt 5*20

          Bent over row 5*8 (70% of rep max).

          T-bar row 5 * 5 (60% of the maximum)

          Thrust of the upper block behind the head 5 * 20.

          Pulling the bar to the chin 5 * 5

          Shrugs with dumbbells 3 * 3 (max possible weight)

          Hyperextension max*max

          Suitable for athletes who can afford a full day of back training. The best option for professionals.
          PreparatoryPull-ups or pull-ups 3*12

          Horizontal block pull 3*12

          Hyperextension max*max

          It is used in the first month of training, since the muscle corset is not yet ready for profile circuit training. Optimizes the tone of small muscle groups.
          RestorativeBridge 5 - for a while

          Farmer's Walk 100 Steps with Light Weight

          Hyperextension max*max

          Negative pull-ups on the simulator with a counterweight 5 * 3

          Body slopes in different sides

          Hanging on the horizontal bar for a while

          Suitable for recovery muscle tone after a long break or after an injury. All weights and number of repetitions individually. After the completion of the recovery course, it is recommended to engage in a preparatory complex for another month.

          Breeding hands with a chest expander

          Traction of its own weight with a rubber band.

          Horizontal pull-ups with harness

          farmer's walk


          Shrugs with any available weight

          Pull any available weight

          Everything that can be squeezed out for the back at home in order to somehow seriously load it.

          Exercises with non-standard equipment

          If you have a chest expander, fitball or rubber band(), choose the appropriate one from the presented exercises. They will noticeably diversify your load and allow you to work out the muscles at a more natural angle. Suitable for both home and gym.

          1. Reduction of the shoulder blades with a chest expander. A unique exercise that simultaneously works out the rhomboid and latissimus dorsi muscles. It is considered one of the most difficult. It has the most natural amplitude for a person.


            And finally, I would like to debunk one popular female myth that exercises for losing weight on the back do not exist. The back can lose weight, that is, atrophy under specific drying loads and when adjusting the diet. For example, if you use training in multi-repetition mode. But the back itself does not lose weight, just the muscles acquire tone and look toned. Concerning local fat burning, then it also does not exist. Therefore, instead of torturing yourself with ineffective exercises, it is better to delve into nutrition and try to combine serious basic complexes with a calorie deficit.

    What will be required

    Beautiful and voluminous shoulders are an attractive appearance for both an athlete and an ordinary person. Developed shoulders bring the shape of the body closer to the V-shaped, making the figure more athletic.

    Consider basic shoulder exercises that will help you achieve a powerful top and will be an excellent incentive for further muscle gain.

    How to organize training?

    The decision to build shoulders does not arise from scratch. Either someone strongly recommended it to you, or in the process of working on yourself, you felt that not everything was in order with this zone. In the first case, the most logical option is to start going to the gym. And you will definitely need a trainer who will assess your initial condition, prioritize and advise on a course of effective shoulder exercises.

    If you are not new to the sport, an instructor is not required: you will be able to develop a training plan on your own. It does not matter where you train - in the gym or at home. The main thing is to have access to the necessary athletic equipment.

    And don't forget the three principles of effective training:

    • regularity;
    • continuity;
    • progressiveness.

    In other words, classes need a system. Let the interval between training days be long, but stable. The training process itself must be continuous. If you have given yourself 1 hour, then during it you can not take unplanned pauses. It is important to gradually increase the load, but at the same time maintain the correct technique.

    Shoulder Anatomy

    The shoulder muscle is otherwise called "delta" for its similarity to the triangular shape of the Latin letter of the same name. Biceps and triceps are located below and to deltoid muscle do not apply. Therefore, an athlete doing exercises on the shoulders must understand that as a result, only the top will be pumped out, but not the arms themselves. It is for this reason that delta exercises are suitable for girls who want to have relatively broad shoulders but don't want to be too muscular.

    The deltoid muscle is attached to three bones: the humerus, scapula, and collarbone. When performing exercises, consider the individual characteristics of the body. If you have had fractures or dislocations of the listed bones, it is recommended that you only work with a trainer, and the load should be limited. A similar requirement for injuries shoulder joints or their connections.

    The delta consists of three bundles: anterior, middle (lateral) and posterior. Let's look at their location and participation in training in more detail in the table.

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    The two main functions of the delta are to push the load away from you and to pull it towards you. These two components give rise to all the variety of movements that we use in exercises to train the shoulders. When we do swings in front of us, presses with dumbbells and barbells, we develop the pushing function (front beam). Mahi through the sides or in an inclination, as well as all kinds of traction - this is the second component (middle and rear beams).

    For the full development of the deltas, you need to perform at least one exercise for each of the beams. Most often, athletes “fall out” of the back and middle ones, since the front one is quite easy to pump due to its participation in all presses, and the exercises for the other two beams are either neglected, or not done enough, or with wrong technique(for example, swings with heavy dumbbells with cheating).

    Warm up

    - a very important step before each workout. In this case, it is necessary to warm up the shoulders and minimize injuries. For 5-10 minutes, do simple warm-up exercises in the starting position - standing on the floor:

  1. Head tilts in different directions and rotations in a circle.
  2. Circular rotation of the shoulders forward and backward.
  3. Alternately raising the arms up through the sides and lowering.
  4. Horizontal arm swings.
  5. Again, circular rotations of the arms back and forth. Then one hand forward and the other back. Change hands.

- one of the most common, so pay due attention to the warm-up, do it as carefully as possible.

Basic exercises

We bring to your attention some of the most effective basic shoulder exercises so that you can choose the most suitable for yourself. The first few workouts are best done with an instructor so that he controls you, explains and shows the execution technique.

Also, do not forget about isolation exercises - most of the movements on the middle and back beams are just that, but this does not mean that they are ineffective. It is only necessary to correctly combine the base and isolation, depending on the goals, length of service and training experience.

Bench press from the chest standing and sitting

Otherwise called army press. Exactly this effective exercise for the development of the pushing function of the deltoid muscle.

And that's why:

  • Free weights work a lot of stabilizing muscles.
  • Large range of motion: you can touch the bar to your chest, you can lower it to the chin if you feel uncomfortable doing it too low.
  • Exercise is within the power of any person, not just weightlifters. It is enough to choose a comfortable weight.

Advice! The grip of the neck for such an exercise should not be taken too wide or too narrow. The best option: slightly wider than the shoulders. At the same time, the forearms in the initial position should be perpendicular to the floor. When lifting the bar, do not follow it with your eyes. Do not fully extend your elbows - this is true for all shoulder presses.

Exercise can be performed while sitting:

It seems to many that this will reduce the load on the spine, but in fact the opposite is true - the load on the intervertebral discs in this movement will be greater in the sitting position. And if there is not much difference for small weights, and you can start doing the exercise while sitting, and then switch to the standing version, which is more difficult in technique, then with large weights it is definitely worth working only in a standing position.

Another option is to sit in Smith. Here, the movement will be strictly set by the design of the simulator, which “turns off” some of the stabilizing muscles and makes the bench press a little easier. That is why the weight here will be a little more. However, the given movement vector can be a problem - the risk of injury to the shoulder joints increases, since here you will not be able to move the projectile in the plane of the floor, only perpendicular to it.

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Bench press from behind the head standing and sitting

In this exercise, you will take less weight than in the previous version, although the amplitude here is obviously shorter. But the shoulder joints at the same time have less freedom, which increases the risk of injury. In addition, you need to lower the projectile behind your head more slowly and under control - you can accidentally hit the back of your head.

Raise the bar from behind your head strictly vertically upwards, in the same plane in which the forearms are located. Deviation forward is fraught with the fact that you will fall and drop the projectile on your neck. And if you lean back, you can get injured in the shoulder joints. It is better to do this exercise in front of a mirror or with an instructor.

Similarly, the exercise is performed while sitting (including in Smith), but for this, as in the previous exercise, you need to have a pumped lower back and healthy spine. It is also more difficult to drop a projectile in a sitting position. While standing, you can step back and forth to adjust your balance.

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Many believe that the exercise is aimed at developing the middle beams of the deltas. They really work, but still the front ones take on more load. That is why all bench press exercises should be attributed to the base on the front deltas.

Attention! We do not recommend this exercise to anyone. Leave it to those who play sports professionally. The risk of injury to the shoulder joints is too high. This exercise can be completely replaced with a bench press from the chest or dumbbells without loss of effectiveness.

Seated Dumbbell Press

Along with the military press, this is the best basic exercise for building massive deltas. Many professional athletes even prefer it to the bench press.

It is best to perform the exercise on a bench with a backrest set at an angle of 90 degrees or close to it. At the top point, you do not need to touch the dumbbells; also, do not straighten your elbows to the end. At the bottom, lower the shells to the most comfortable depth.

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Arnold press

This is a variation of the previous exercise, which allows you to actively use the middle delta in addition to the front one. It is named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, who, by the way, did not have well-developed deltas. But the actor-athlete still remains the benchmark for many athletes, and such a modification of the bench press is really very good for a variety of training process.

The difference here is that in the initial position, the hands with dumbbells are in front of the head, and not to the side. The grip is reverse, that is, the palms look back. In the process of lifting the shells up, the brushes turn 180 degrees. At the top point, everything is similar to a simple dumbbell press. When lowered, a reverse turn occurs.