Pre-workout complex - energy for muscle growth. Do-it-yourself pre-workout complexes Pre-workout cocktail at home

There are many pre-workout supplements on the market - they increase sports performance and help you reach your optimal fitness level. Pre-workout sports supplements help achieve best results. A pre-workout can contain one ingredient or a combination of more ingredients, so you need to choose the best option for yourself.

What is a pre-workout and what does it give

Pre-workout complexes often in the compositions contain. However, creatine has more benefits than just athletic performance. Existing sports supplements use hybrid versions of creatine such as creatine HCL.

Creatine monohydrate is the first pre-workout to try before moving on to other blends.

Also there are pre-workouts without creatine. Many of them contain a proprietary blend and various ingredients, all of which will be shown on the label, although the true amount will remain a secret from the manufacturer.

Composition of pre-workouts

  1. Creatine- known for giving strength and muscle growth. Major brands still add creatine as an active and important ingredient.
  2. Amino acid complex:, as well as other amino acids are added to support metabolism, and also help in the transport of fluids and minerals, increase energy and help focus. BCAAs are very useful as a pre-workout ingredient as they promote muscle protein synthesis. BCAAs are the main ingredient for increasing muscle mass especially leucine.
  3. Vitamin B complex. They play an important role in maintaining metabolism and stimulating energy.
  4. Complex of stimulants- it may contain many individual components, including caffeine, betaine and. Caffeine also enhances energy. However, it should be noted that caffeine supplements should be consumed no later than 6-8 hours before bedtime. The stimulant may also be a proprietary blend. The stimulating complex provides energy and strength during training.
  5. Endurance Complex: during intense training, the body needs endurance, for this they add creatine along with citrulline, and together they work well. Most brands do not add citrulline, but it is a powerful ingredient that helps in releasing nitric oxide.
  6. Pumping. is a key substance in the synthesis of nitric oxide, which creates a pump.

Side effects of pre workouts

  • Insomnia is one of the main problems associated with supplements. Caffeine can interfere with some people's sleep cycle if consumed less than 8 hours before bedtime.
  • Nausea, headaches, itching, vomiting. This is very individual - some ingredients in the powder may cause a certain reaction in some people. It is advisable to stop consumption if the listed signs are revealed.
  • Heart problems. Recommended doses should never be exceeded.
  • Dehydration - dehydration. Creatine and caffeine are diuretics, they remove water from the body. Higher doses of pre-workouts are inappropriate due to problems leading to dehydration. Again, stick to the recommended dose.

Rating of pre-workout complexes

It's hard to judge which one is best for you as they're all different, but studies have shown that supplements that have BCAAs along with the B vitamins, creatine, betaine, arginine, and citrulline in the right amounts appear to be more effective. Complexes in the form of a powder are diluted in water or juice, portions are indicated for each manufacturer on the package.

Drink in small sips 20-30 minutes before your workout.

1. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Pre-Workout

The optimal quality of the brand gives fantastic results that help to activate the body before training. beta-alanine brand Carnosyn The 5 grams present in the supplement helps to reduce fat and create better muscle strength through energy leading to intense workouts.

2. ANARCHY by MuscleTech

Muscles grow under the condition of hard training every day. But there is a way to make your workout last longer without getting tired. This supplement will make your muscles more bloated with the perfect shape and size of your dreams. This product has best reviews from its users, because it provides explosive force.


The supplement has excellent ingredients to make your workouts intense and impressive. Product free of gluten, GMOs and hazardous chemicals that spoil health. It has traditional ingredients such as citrulline, arginine, L-ornithine and taurine to help focus on high performance workouts.

Do-it-yourself pre-workout complex

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water (0.2 l) 3 bags of black tea, wait 10 minutes.
  2. Add 300 ml cold water and pour a liter bottle into the floor.

Second option

  1. Brew 3 black tea bags in a cup (200 ml) with boiling water and let steep for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Add 1 gram of vitamin C and dissolve completely in water.

Chill the drink in the refrigerator. Take before and during your workout.


The quality of pre-workout supplements has changed a lot - companies are investing more and more in research to produce amazing innovative products. But not all companies have the same product formula, and ingredient lists vary. Be careful and read the composition and instructions for use. When choosing a pre-workout, make sure that there are no ingredients that you are allergic or sensitive to. And Not recommended add additional ingredients to the mixture.

Pre-workouts in video format

Also read, all you need to know about fat burners,

How to cook a powerful pre-workout with your own hands at home - 4 main ingredients of the best pre-workout complex.

Pre-workout supplements are big business. Manufacturers sports nutrition combine multiple ingredients to create pre-workout energizing foods. Only here their cost is not always happy. However, with the right ingredients, you can make your own pre-workout drink. Below you will find outhow to make a powerful pre-workout with your own hands at home.

Do-it-yourself powerful pre-workout recipe

This pre-workout complex is designed for those who want to increase their energy levels without the subsequent breakdown. In addition, by buying individual ingredients, rather than a ready-made pre-workout, you will save money. So here's what you need.

1. Caffeine (100-300mg)

Caffeine will be the main component of your pre-workout.

This stimulant improves concentration, which is especially important for those who work out in the morning.

Start small (about 100mg) and only increase if you feel the need to. Never use more than 300 mg - this leads to overexcitation of the central nervous system and, accordingly, insomnia, tachycardia, problems with blood pressure etc.

As a rule, you can buy about 100 tablets containing 100 or 200 mg of caffeine for 500 rubles. This is 5 rubles. for a pill.

Useful article:

2. L-arginine (5 g)

L-arginine increases nitric oxide levels in the bloodstream, which in turn increases blood flow to your muscles. As a result, your endurance will improve and you will be less tired during exercise. At the same time, the blood vessels expand, a more pronounced pumping is felt. 5 g of L-arginine should be enough for you.

250 g of L-arginine can be bought for about 2200 rubles, which corresponds to 44 rubles. for 5 years

3. Creatine (5g)

Creatine monohydrate is perhaps the most researched substance in sports nutrition.

It improves strength, muscle endurance and muscle recovery after training.

Creatine can be found in many supplements as a supporting ingredient. But since it is often viewed as a "bonus" supplement, you can't always be sure of its quality and the presence of a working dosage. Therefore, it is best to buy a pure product for a pre-workout.

You can easily find 500 g of creatine monohydrate for about 1200 rubles, which is only 12 rubles. for 5 years

Let's move on to energy stimulants

With this publication, I am going to kill three birds with one stone and accordingly I plan to write three articles.

1) Testing various factory-made pre-workouts and energy drinks to determine their suitability for a variety of workouts in the gym, for long sets. And for spherical survival, when you need to go far and quickly with little or no rest, i.e. actually a march
In the first part I will try different variants present on the sports nutrition market and analyze the composition, the effect and general impressions

2) I will try to find the most matching recipe for a homemade energy drink and evaluate its effectiveness, as well as the cost, i.e. whether there will be a gain over factory counterparts.

3) I will try to choose the simplest and most budgetary, while naturally working recipe for a pre-workout / energy drink, the ingredients for which can be bought at any pharmacy.

We will start with the first point of research - testing factory pretrain samples.

I want to note that the reaction of my body may not coincide with yours. As always, all actions at your own peril and risk.

To do this, I ran around the sports nutrition store and bought a few samplers.

The average price of one sampler (i.e. one serving) revolves around 100 rubles. We will take this amount as a maximum when "designing" our own recipe.

Tested first Magnum Limitless - the most expensive of those presented in the review - 150 rubles. per serving.

Niacin - 20 mg (100%)

Creatine Isolate
Creatine Purivat
Creatine Phosphate
Carnosyn® Beta Alanine
Isolate whey protein 90%

L-Citrulline - 5 g
Betaine Anhydrous (trimethylglycine) - 2.5 g

HAPPY BRAIN™ - 1.42 g
caffeine anhydrous
Bacopa Monnieri Extract 30:1 (50% Bacosides A & B)
Choline Bitartrate Nutmeg Fragrant (Myristica fragrans) extract 10:1
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Beet Root Extract (50% Betaine) – 500mg
Pine Bark Extract (90% Oligomeric Pro) - 100 mg
Chromium 454®

Other Ingredients: Maltodextrin, natural flavors, silicon dioxide, medium chain triglyceride oil (from coconut and/or palm kernels), sucralose, red 40.

Let's take a look at the ingredients:

Niacin is nothing but nicotinic acid or vitamin B3.
Isopower complex. Consists of creatine, beta alanine and protein.
Creatine is a natural compound produced in the body from three amino acids (arginine, glycine and methionine). Enhances short-term athletic performance.
Beta alanine - increases fatigue threshold, eliminates muscle pain after training, reduces recovery time.
Protein is just protein.
L-Citrulline is an amino acid. Increases endurance.
Betaine is a vitamin-like substance. Increases muscle endurance.
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid. Eliminates fatigue, improves concentration and mood.
Caffeine anhydrous is a stimulant.
Next up are two herbal extracts and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is a nootropic.
Further, extracts again - from beetroot and from pine trees, as well as Chromium 454® i.e. chromium is good that it is not bromine.

The composition is of course interesting, but we are interested in the effect.

The tests were carried out on a climbing wall. One and a half hours of climbing and half an hour of standard strength exercises: pull-ups / push-ups / press / hyperextension. Then walk 5 km.

From taking Magnum Limitless, of the possible effects, there was an increase in enthusiasm at the beginning of the climbing process. In general, that's all. The results did not change, fatigue and muscle sensations remained similar to training without the use of energy drinks.

Four hours after taking it, a "rollback" began: lethargy, drowsiness, laziness.

Taste - fruit punch, did not like it. It knits, a sediment remains at the bottom of the bottle after dissolution.

Fallen Angel - 100 r. per serving

Creatine, Beta Alanine, Taurine, Tyrosine, Mucuna, Aspartic Acid, Agmatine Sulfate, Betaine, Caffeine, Citrulline, Green Tea Extract, N-methyltyramine, AMP Citrate, Arginine, Pikatropine.

Exact dosages are not specified.

From what we have not yet analyzed, it is present in the composition.

Taurine is a stimulant.
Aspartic acid, agmatine sulfate, increase testosterone production.
N-methyltyramine is an almost complete analogue of amphetamine.
AMP Citrate is a CNS stimulant that pairs well with caffeine.
Arginine - restores muscles after training.
Pikatropin is a nootropic.

Judging by the composition - a whole complex of stimulants + almost a complete analogue of amphetamine, An excellent combination))

Took half an hour before training. Liked the taste

After about 20 minutes, the pulse at rest jumped up to 100 beats, there was a feeling of a heart bursting from the chest. This effect lasted about an hour, I was just doing cardio and wondering if I would die right there from a heart attack. It worked out. But I didn't like it very much.

From positive. After exertion, the muscles very, very quickly stop hurting. This made it possible to increase the duration and effectiveness of training by about one and a half times, after training there was no pain in the muscles, just as I had not been exercising.

After the cessation of the "stimulating" effect in the form of an overestimated pulse, I began to discover states of wild "impatience" in myself, I wanted to increase speed, do exercises faster, even faster. Arguing with people, conflict. A kind of feeling of "youthful recklessness", but with a negative connotation. I didn’t like it, as if you were going to drive yourself like a horse. But rushing is not childish, yes.

At the same time, concentration, attentiveness significantly decreased, and fine motor skills were severely affected.
Increased libido.
The mood hasn't changed

After 4-5 hours from the moment the action began, all effects disappeared. There is no rollback and particular fatigue, as well as no pain in the muscles. General state cheerful.

In general, the effects were rather disliked. But the results have really improved. Can be recommended if needed. It will be good for a march on foot, you can go and go and go and go, then run, then go again))))

MESOMORPH 120 r per serving

Synthenox Carnosine/Nitric Oxide Complex: 6500 mg
Beta Alanine
L-Citruline DL- Malate 2:01
Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate
Mesowell Cell Volume ATP Matrix: 4500mg
Di-creatine malate
Creatine Nitrate
Ascorbic acid
Creatinol-O- Phosphate Agmatine sulfate
Neromorph-Neuro Energized: 1870 mg
Methylxanthine Anhydrous
Geranaburn (geranium oil)

In the composition, everything is standard, from the unknown so far:

Glucoronolactone - metabolite/stimulant
Methylxanthine Anhydrous - regular caffeine
3,7-Dihydro-3,7-Dimethyl-1H-Purine-2,6-Dione is nothing but pentoxifylline - it improves microcirculation.
Naringenin - grapefruit extract.
Geranaburn (geranium oil) is a stimulant that jocks pray for.

Because the internet is full positive feedback I expected more, in short, not pearl.
The taste is pleasant.
Half an hour after the reception, the mood improved. From the side of the central nervous system, no changes were noticed. The training went on as usual.
After training, there was no pain in the muscles.
Libido increased
An hour later, a rollback came in the form of general fatigue and slight depression, it passed quickly, in 40 minutes, then everything was as usual.

IN overall result dissatisfied, did not notice much effect.

Old Jack Genone 100r per serving.

- creatine monohydrate
- beta-alanine
- taurine
- L-Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate
- anhydrous caffeine
- theophylline
- 1-3 Dimetyhlamylamine
- extract of Chinese magnolia vine berries (Schisandra A)

1-3 Dimetyhlamylamine is nothing but geranium extract.

Despite the mediocre composition, the effect exceeded all expectations. About 15 minutes after ingestion, the mood began to rise rapidly, and the body accelerated.
I wanted to run/jump/exercise. At the same time, the reaction and concentration were not affected. Enthusiasm is the same all the time of the action, and this is about 4 hours.

Workout went great, no muscle soreness or fatigue

There was no waste. Slept well.

The effect is recognized as excellent. Of all the pre-workouts I've tried, this has been the most interesting and effective.

PSYCHOTIC by Insane Labz 100r per serving.

Anhydrous caffeine (caffeine Anhydrous)
Resprin - soothes nervous system increases mental clarity, normalizes blood pressure.
Huperzine - improves cognitive functions (attention, memory, language, visual-spatial perception)
Hordenine is a fat-burning component that adjusts the body to maximize energy consumption due to body fat, in other words, the body receives energy from stored fat.
R-B-methylphenylethylamine is a nervous system stimulant without side effects. AMPiberry
Creatine Monohydrate

After the reception, the state began, like a sack. Excessive sweating, feeling hot, depressed mood. In short, the exact opposite of the intended effect.

I didn't like it very much.

Gold Star Black Annis 100r per serving.

beta alanine
- DL-malate 2:1
- N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
- arginine alpha-ketoglutarate
- di-creatine malate
- agmatine sulfate
- methylxanthine anhydrous
- geranium oil extract (Geranabum)

Despite the rather standard and seemingly working composition, I did not feel the effect at all.


In terms of the combination of effects on my body, pre-workout has the best effect. old jack, I opted for it and bought a whole jar. When buying a jar, the cost of one portion turned out to be 67r

On this, I finish the research on industrial designs and move on to homemade products.

If I stumble upon a probe that is not covered in the review, the review will be supplemented.

Studies have shown that whether you eat before a workout or not, the body burns the same amount of fat. However, by exercising on an empty stomach, you are not giving your body enough "fuel", which often results in you simply not having the energy to work. intensive classes sports.

This is where special energy cocktails come into play. For athletes who train regularly, this is not only an easy source of energy, but also a way to significantly increase their endurance levels. It's like a magical elixir that gives strength.

What it is?

The name "pre-workout shake" speaks for itself. These are special supplements that you need to take before training in order to increase the intensity of physical activity.

Such an energy boost is achieved mainly due to such components as amino acids, creatine, taurine.

Pre-workout cocktail gives energy, endurance. This is a fairly popular remedy for most bodybuilders.

Pre-workout shake: what you need to know

Each person's exercise regimen is highly individual, and what works for one person may not work for another.

First of all, consult with a specialist, especially if you have chronic diseases. Before buying, carefully study the composition, as many of these supplements may contain, for example, caffeine and other substances that have contraindications.

When you've finally chosen "your" pre-workout shake, take your time. Stick to the following simple rules:

  • Try taking the shake on an empty stomach. This will prevent it from diluting with other products and possibly weakening the effect.
  • Take a cocktail before training for 25-45 minutes. That way you get the maximum benefit.
  • If you train shortly before bed, try to limit the amount of supplements, otherwise you simply won't be able to fall asleep.

TOP 10

Finding the right pre-workout shake is no easy task these days. The sports nutrition market is literally crammed with a variety of complexes. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to:

  • reputation of the manufacturer;
  • price and number of servings per package;
  • reviews on the manufacturer's website and trusted forums;
  • taste, color, texture;
  • compound.

The complexes described below, according to user reviews and value for money, are considered the best at the moment.

ANARCHY by MuscleTech

MuscleTech is a company that has long established itself on the positive side. This name is known all over the world, most of their products can be easily found in sports nutrition stores in many, even small, cities. The pre-workout cocktail of this manufacturer will provide you with a charge of vivacity and concentration. Increases endurance and muscle strength

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Pre-Workout

Without a doubt, is the most reliable brand in the field of sports nutrition. Gold Standard Pre-Workout is made with premium ingredients such as natural caffeine from coffee beans and tea.

The disadvantage of Gold Standard Pre-Workout is the lack of essential amino acids in the composition. Nevertheless, this is a fairly economical way to qualitatively increase performance during training.

Jym Pre-Jym

A pre-workout shake with an expert-approved all-in-one formula. It contains BCAAs for anabolic stimulation and black pepper extract, which enhances the absorption of all ingredients. The total number of useful substances in it reaches 13.

BPI Sports 1.M.R Vortex

The composition of this complex includes such a large amount of caffeine that pumping will be felt on the verge of pain. With the 1.M.R Vortex, you will not only have a good workout, but you will also be able to toss the bar like a balloon.

This is a great way to get quality new level training whether you are a bodybuilder, weightlifter, track and field athlete or just a "fitness enthusiast".

Rich Piana's 5% Nutrition Kill It

The very fact that the entire line is the brainchild of a successful bodybuilder inspires confidence. This complex contains a huge amount of nutrients and stimulants. In addition, it is available in various fruit flavors.

This pre-workout shake will allow you to work out the entire workout not even at 100%, but at 105%

ENGN Pre Workout by Evlution Nutrition

The complex was designed for athletes of all directions. The owner of the company is professionally engaged in performing tricks on BMX. This gives reason to believe that the cocktail formula is not one of the many supposedly multifunctional, but in fact - suitable only for weightlifters. ENGN Pre Workout will help you find motivation literally out of nowhere. The consumption of this cocktail also prevents the formation of lactic acid and speeds up blood circulation.

Pro Supps Mr. Hyde

This complex lives up to its name. in you, as in famous novel Stevenson's "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", a second entity will awaken, full of energy, incredible strength and endurance. And the L-leucine included in the composition will provide protection to the muscles, because, training like a beast, it is easy to overdo it and start burning muscles.

C4 50X

This premium pre-workout shake includes cortisol-inhibiting vitamin C and creatine. C4 50X gives a powerful boost of energy and, most importantly, retains it for a long time. For the average "fitness enthusiast" it may seem a bit pricey, but for professionals it's a great solution.

Betancourt Bullnox Androrush

Eight amazing flavors and an incredible charge that lasts all day. Be careful if you train in the evenings - as part of the complex caffeine, cocoa extract and guarana. Pumping, an extreme increase in strength and endurance, and many other benefits - all this is Betancourt Bullnox Androrush.

Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK

This sports cocktail is used by many professional bodybuilders, athletes to build lean muscle mass. Beta-alanine, BCAAs, taurine, choline, caffeine - a total of 20 beneficial substances allowed Transparent Labs to create the perfect pre-workout shake. Sports world exults. The product is relatively new, but has already earned a lot of positive feedback. Perhaps due to the fact that the company decided to take the path of least resistance, using simple formulas and effective ingredients.

Now you know which ones to buy. However, remember that for any ailment or sign of allergy, you should immediately stop using the mixture and consult a specialist for advice.

Promotes better concentration in training, increased strength, endurance, pumping. The effects are certainly cool, but there are a number of but .... Now I will describe to you personal feelings and observations of acquaintances from the gym.

Cons of pre-workout

1. Fast getting used to sensations.

For a while, I got hooked on them. So friends, it’s more interesting and effective to work out with a pre-workout, but then you don’t want to train at all without it. No longer such endurance, not such a fuse, you become a lazy bag. You get addicted like a drug.

2. Getting used to dosages.

First, you are inserted from the floor of the scoop, then you move on to one, and so on. How many times have you noticed gyms that the guys interfere with themselves by 2 scoops, because from a smaller dosage they no longer insert them.

3. Harm to health.

Listen professional athletes, such as Alexander Kodzoev or Mikhail Prygunov, these guys took it every day for a year, instead of coffee, to be more alert, and then they got heart problems. This is what they personally said in an interview on video.

4. Exhaustion of the nervous system.

My opinion is that all the stimulants that are part of this supplement give you energy as if in debt. It feels like you're tired, accepted pre workout, worked out, and the next day you are even more exhausted than you were before the appointment. And as you wanted, the body asks for rest, and you forcibly invigorate it. You have to pay for everything.

5. Problems with sleep from excessive overexcitation of the central nervous system.

Now I would like to analyze the composition of most pre-workout complexes.

1. Caffeine is the main ingredient in this supplement. Stimulates the nervous system. The price is three kopecks.

2. Creatine - Increases efficiency. It would be nice to put only the transport system, but they manage to put the usual creatine monohydrate, which will begin to act when you have already finished your workout.

3. Arginine - for better muscle pumping with blood. But even here this supplement is ineffective, you can read the article, I cited a number of studies in it. Personally, I don't see the point at all in pumping for natural training, the blood has come and gone. Natural training is work to increase strength, unlike training on the course, where both pumping and all methods are good.

4.BCAA and Glutamine. Why are they added here at all? Their insignificant amount in the amount of 1-2 grams, this is so for extras for the amount of ingredients listed on the label, but there is no sense from them.

Summing up

1. Watch and read the ingredients and look for newer and better formulas, with creatine transport systems, etc. Personally, when I want to cheer up, I just drink pharmacy caffeine and this is quite enough, and then it cannot be taken constantly.

2. Do not take this supplement on a regular basis. My advice if you want to take a pre-workout, then use it only when training legs, because. this workout requires the most effort.

3. If you feel that you have no strength, do not take a pre-workout, but rather take a break from training, otherwise you will drive yourself into overtraining.

Friends, take care of your health, you have one, and there are many sellers of sports nutrition))))).