Visual memory how to develop. Powerful exercises for training memory and attention

Some people have a good visual memory, it helps them remember large text, phone numbers, poems, small details of a person who has been seen for two seconds. These are ordinary people, they just have a well-developed visual memory from birth.

A well-developed visual memory helps a person easily cope with remembering a large stream of information that he sees.

According to psychologists, a person sometimes develops only one type of memory - visual, auditory or smell.

A person on his life path must constantly remember something, and visual memory can be a great help to him.

How to develop visual memory if it is naturally underdeveloped?

Visual memory needs to be developed daily, this will take a little extra time, you can do it in the evening, on a day off, on your way to work, at lunchtime, while shopping, and so on.

By performing simple exercises, you can develop visual memory well and not only memory, but also attention.

Exercise 1. Remember and reproduce

Take ordinary matches, lay out some figure on the table, remember it, turn away and reproduce exactly the same figure from memory.

Now turn around and check if your shapes match or not. This exercise takes a little time, but it trains visual memory well.

Exercise 2. Remember the picture

Open any picture book, select the picture you want to remember. Look at this picture for one minute, close it and tell from memory everything to the smallest detail that you remember in this picture.

To perform this exercise, you can use paintings, vases, a pattern on the carpet, and so on.

Exercise 3. Look and draw

If you are good at drawing, look at some object, for example, a vase, close it and draw exactly the same on paper. After you draw the vase, compare it to the original. Look at what you missed in your work and correct the shortcomings.

Exercise 4. Exploring the world around you

On the way to work or to the store, look around very often you walk the same route and do not notice what beautiful trees grow here, what beautiful architecture the buildings have. Look carefully at what surrounds you, find something new and beautiful for yourself.

Try to change your usual route and take a different path, study everything that gets in your way, watch and remember. In the evening, be sure to remember and scroll in your head what you saw new and unusual today.

Exercise 5. Reading books

Exercise 6

In this exercise, you need to remember the rhombus, which consists of words. Given a word of three letters, then four, then five, and so on, then the words decline and the number of letters in them decreases.

This column of words looks like a diamond, look at it and remember. Thirty seconds are given for memorization, then the diamond closes, and you write down the words to memory. After you have written all the words, check them with the exercise.




Exercise 7. Mental image

Take some object, for example, a toy, examine it for one minute, close your eyes and try to imagine it, mentally draw it in front of you with your eyes closed. Open your eyes and compare your painted image with a natural toy, what is the difference between you. You can repeat this exercise if you remember little.

Exercise 8

Take any five objects, put them in front of you and look at them carefully for thirty seconds. Cover these objects with some material and try to describe these objects aloud.

The description should be detailed and clear. Then open all the items and look at them again carefully. What did you miss in your story? Describe again.

Exercise 9. Describe from memory

You can describe from memory the furnishings of a new room or a new office. For example, you went to visit and in the evening, when you came home, you can describe the situation that you saw at a party. This exercise develops attention and visual memory well.

Exercise 10

In the evening, be sure to remember what you did today from morning until lunch, remember all the little things that happened to you or around you.

Then remember yesterday at the same hours from morning to afternoon and compare how these two days differ.

Then remember again, the previous day before yesterday and what happened that day from morning to afternoon.

So you remember, consolidate your memory and visualize the events that happened at the same time, and at the same time, only on different days.

You can develop visual memory not only with the help of exercises, but also with the help of educational games.

Educational games for visual memory

Game 1 "Submarines"

The game "Submarines" develops the child's attention.

Submarines move in the sea in the following directions: left, right, down, up. The question appears on the screen: “Where are the boats pointing?”, “Where are the boats moving?”. Look carefully at the question, at the movement of the boats and their direction. Use the arrows to answer the question correctly. For the correct answer you get points and play further. If you have three incorrect answers, the game ends.

Game 2 "Red-black Schulte tables"

The game "Red-black Schulte tables" develops attention and visual memory

The main essence of the game is to correctly click the black squares in ascending order, and the red squares in descending order.

This game alternates between numbers and buttons. Read the question correctly and press the correct number. First you need to press the minimum black number, then the maximum red number, now again the minimum black number, then the maximum red number and so on. If you answer correctly, then you continue to play further and score points.

Game 3 "Concentration"

The game "Concentration" develops attention and visual memory.

The main essence of the game is to remember where the pairs of identical objects are and click after the cells are closed.

In this game, objects are given, you need to remember these objects, where they are, then the cells are closed. You need to remember where these objects were and click on these cells. If you answer correctly, then score points and play on.

Game 4 "Space"

The game "Space" develops attention and visual memory.

The main essence of the game is to quickly indicate where the spaceship is flying.

In this game, a spaceship flies, you must quickly indicate where the spaceship is flying. You can answer using the arrows on the screen. If you answer correctly, then score points and play on.

Game 5 "Comparison of objects"

The game "Comparison of objects" develops attention and visual memory.

The main essence of the game is to compare the right and left pictures.

In this game, two windows are open, in these windows there are different images, you need to look carefully and compare whether these images match or not. If the images match, answer "yes", if they do not match, answer "no". If you answer correctly, then score points and play on.

Game 6 "Visual search"

The game "Visual search" develops attention and visual memory.

The main essence of the game is to find a figure that is not like the others.

In this game, different geometric figures are given, you need to find among all the figures one that is unlike the others. If you answer correctly, then score points and play further.

Game 7 "Airport"

The game "Airport" develops attention and visual memory.

The main essence of the game is to indicate where the blue plane is flying and where the red one is flying from.

In this game, helicopters, planes and various aircraft fly across the sky. An airplane is drawn in the center, it is necessary to correctly answer the questions posed and indicate: "Where the plane flies" and "Where the plane flies from." If you answer correctly, you score points and play further.

Game 8 "Flanking task"

The game "Flanking task" develops attention and visual memory.

The main essence of the game is to indicate where the bird flies in the center of the flock.

In this game, a flock of birds flies across the sky, you need to determine where the central bird flies. You can answer using the cursor. If you answer correctly, score points and move on.

Game 9 "Find the figure"

The game "Find the figure" develops attention and visual memory.

The main essence of the game is to find a pair to the hidden picture.

In this game, many objects are drawn; from them, you need to choose one object that is similar to a given object. If you have chosen correctly, then you score points and play further.

Game 10 "Moving"

The game "Moving" develops visual memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is to remember the movement of the treasure chest on the map.

In this game, the treasure chest moves around the map, you need to remember where the chest is and carefully follow the arrows where they point, using the arrows you will determine where the chest has moved. If you answered correctly, you score points and play on.

Courses for the development of intelligence

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump your brain and improve intelligence, memory, thinking, concentration:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course is to develop the child's memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to remember for longer
  3. The speed of remembering the necessary information will increase

The secrets of brain fitness, we train memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to overclock your brain, improve its performance, pump up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting puzzles, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you :)

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and brain pumping will begin for you.

Money and the mindset of a millionaire

Why are there money problems? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, consider our relationship with money from a psychological, economic and emotional point of view. From the course, you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to read interesting books, articles, mailing lists and so on very quickly.? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain starts to work many times faster, which opens up many more possibilities. Attention, concentration, perception speed amplify many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very fast
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as they are extremely important when reading quickly
  3. Read a book a day and finish work faster

We speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular tricks and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course, you will not only learn dozens of tricks for simplified and fast multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, calculating percentages, but also work them out in special tasks and educational games! Mental counting also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained in solving interesting problems.


Engage in improving visual memory, you need it every day and throughout your life. With a good visual memory, you will memorize a lot easily and a lot. Play educational games and do exercises. We wish you good luck.

Once I saw a program about people who had amazing visual memory.

It was enough for them to look at the page for a minute to retell the text verbatim, they accurately determined what had changed in the appearance of people, noticing the smallest details, reproduced a column of several dozen numbers.

I was simply amazed by what I saw, but I was even more surprised after the words of the program expert, who claimed that anyone can achieve this.

Among the guests was a specialist who gave practical advice, .

I then wrote down the tips I heard, and while preparing this material, I found one more useful exercise to help you deal with visual forgetfulness.

What is visual memory and why should it be developed?

Psychologists believe that nature instilled in a person is “friendship” with some one type of memory.

For example, it is easiest for someone to perceive information by ear, for someone it is enough to look at the picture once to remember everything that is located on it, and someone even remembers with their nose, that is, they unmistakably recognize and recreate those smelled once smells.

Most often, combined memory works in people, but anyway, one of the analyzers (vision, hearing, smell, etc.) prevails over others.

Not so long ago, Californian scientists conducted an experiment: a group of people, each of whom had been working with an Apple laptop for a long time, had to reproduce the logo of this well-known company.

Just don’t snort now: “What could be easier?! A bitten apple!"

The answer is, of course, correct.

Do you remember the fruit bitten on the left or right? Is there a leaf on top? And if so, in which direction is it tilted?

The test subjects were also in deep confusion.

And only one out of a hundred coped with the task.

The rest, obviously, advice would be useful, how to develop visual memory.

"Memory is what replaces the view from the window for me."
Silence of the Lambs

Scientists were shocked and diagnosed: visual sclerosis in modern society.

In principle, if you don’t wander around the streets of your own city, don’t try to break into the next entrance, believing that this is where your apartment is located, and don’t ask your husband, with whom you have lived for more than one day: “Man, who are you?”, That special problems no worries.

However, there are those who definitely need to improve their visual memory:

  • Children. After all, you don’t want to create problems for your child in adulthood because he even distinguishes people poorly.
  • Police officers, artists, military men - in general, all those specialists who cannot do without visual memory in their profession.
  • People who want to improve daily and are not going to put up with their shortcomings.

My friend and her visual memory

Lena and I have been friends for a long time, so we are not afraid to share our pains and joys with each other.

While still at school, a friend complained to me that she suffered a lot from the fact that she did not remember faces, terrain, and many other important things. Everyday life details.

We talked, I consoled her as best I could, and gradually this conversation was forgotten.

Not so long ago it turned out that Lena seriously took up the issue how to develop visual memory, even read special literature and performed some exercises.

But most of all she helped in solving the problem - drawing.

She is a graphic designer by profession, so she loves to draw since childhood.

And so she used her talent to improve visual memory.

I bought a large notebook that I always carried with me and practiced in my spare time.

For example:

  1. She looked briefly at the branch, and then, turning away, tried to accurately reproduce it.
  2. I scattered about a dozen toothpicks or matches on the table, looked at the order of their arrangement, covered them with something opaque and quickly sketched everything.
  3. A classmate came in a beautiful beaded jewelry with some kind of cunning weaving. Lena took a closer look at it, and then on a couple reproduced this necklace on paper, etc.

A friend claims that such exercises greatly improved her visual memory, although this did not happen so quickly: over several years.

If you want results much faster, then you have to work hard.

Very effectively develop visual memory:

    In children's magazines, such a task is very often printed: two pictures side by side and the caption "Find 5/10/15 differences."

    The Internet is also full of such pictures.

    The game that we sometimes play with friends during gatherings helps a lot.

    The host carefully peers at others, and then leaves the room.

    At this time, everyone else changes something in their appearance.

    The facilitator returns and announces the changes that have taken place.

    Ask to be the leader more often.

    Yes, the usual reading to yourself.

    Devour at least 100 pages a day and your memory will improve quickly.

    Even if you have been working in the same building for ten years, this does not mean at all that you will be able to reproduce, for example, the number of windows per floor, the clear arrangement of offices, the color of walls in different offices, etc.

    Make it a habit not just to glance over, but to notice.

    Carefully consider the buildings you pass by, the people you ride with on public transport, the clothes of colleagues, and then in the evening try to reproduce all this in your imagination as accurately as possible.

    Choose new routes for going to work, travel (even if these are neighboring settlements), meet new people, etc.

    At the same time, do not go into yourself, do not fence yourself off, but try to literally take in all the details with your eyes.

According to psychologists, the most effective develop visual memory this exercise helps.

Focus on an object for 1-5 minutes.

Don't let yourself be distracted by anything!

Then, turning away, try to mentally, verbally or graphically reproduce this object exactly.

Gradually complicate the exercise: choose things with a lot of detail and reduce the time for looking at them.

I propose to pass an elementary test to test visual memory!

Press Play and memorize the words 🙂

If you try, then in just a few months your visual memory will improve, and if you continue to train, then in a year or two you will be able to get into a program like the one that impressed me and inspired me to write this article.

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The brain is such a thing that loves to be lazy. The opportunity a little turned up, he “turns off” and begins to “toil with foolishness”.

In order to kick him a little and train his memory, I offer some interesting exercises from Angels Navarro's book "Memory does not change."

Exercise 1

Difficulty **

Memorize for a minute the location of the dots and lines in the first four lines. Then, without looking at them, add the missing lines on the bottom four lines.

Exercise 2

Difficulty *

Come up with associations for numbers and words in accordance with their external form. You can spend as much time on this as you need. Then close them and answer the suggested questions.

Answer the questions:
1. What number corresponds to a snowman?
2. What numbers correspond to the ravine and the candle?
3. What numbers correspond to the sailboat, egg and snake?
4. What numbers correspond to a balloon, a bird, a children's slide and a duck?

Exercise 3

Difficulty *

Look at the figure on the left for 20 seconds. Then, without looking at her, say which of the four figures on the right is identical to her.

Exercise 4

Difficulty *

Memorize the shopping list for the time you need. Then, without looking at him, say which of the lists below is correct. Please note that the order may have changed.

Exercise 5

Difficulty ***

Memorize the group of animals shown in the picture for one minute.

Then, without looking at the drawing, write down the names of the animals in alphabetical order on a piece of paper.

Exercise 6

Difficulty ***

Study two lists of words. The right column contains anagrams for words from the left. Link each word from the left column to the corresponding one from the right and memorize them.

Look at the columns below and say out loud the words that are missing.

In the previous lessons as part of this memory development course, you received a basic understanding of the principles of high-quality memorization of any material. Despite the fact that understanding the laws of human memory can, without special exercises it is difficult to achieve high results. As in sports, music, speed reading, oratory and acting skills needed for memory development proper training. This lesson will tell you how to effectively train our ability to arbitrary memorization, as well as exercises, techniques, programs, free Online Games, methods and techniques for the development of visual and auditory memory.

Ways and methods of memory development

To begin with, it is worth noting that we often train our memory and attention using various everyday situations in everyday life. We remember what we want to buy in the store, try to remember the birthdays of relatives, friends and acquaintances, retell the contents of a recently read book or textbook - all this and much more is a good memory training. However, it gives us the opportunity to concentrate on the specific goal of developing a certain ability of our memory.

Speaking of memory training, it is important to understand that it is almost impossible to directly train a specific ability to memorize material. Memory always develops in close connection with our attention, perception, thinking, sense organs and other phenomena of human nature. Therefore, most of the exercises below have a complex effect on our thinking, as well as on our memory as an important component of thinking. For convenience, the exercises are divided into 2 groups: visual and auditory, and in their totality they form an important part of ours.

Visual memory training

Exercise 2. Training of photographic memory (Aivazovsky method)

This method of training photographic memory is named after the famous Russian-Armenian marine painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (Ayvazyan). Aivazovsky could mentally stop the movement of the wave for a moment, transferring it to the canvas so that it does not seem frozen. It was very difficult to solve this problem, it required the artist good development visual memory. To achieve this effect, Aivazovsky watched the sea a lot, closed his eyes and reproduced what he saw from memory.

You can use a similar way to train visual memory. For 5 minutes, carefully look at an object, part of a landscape or a person. Close your eyes and mentally restore the color image of the object as clearly as possible. If you have a desire, images can be recreated not only in your head, but also drawn on paper, which will increase the effectiveness of your workout. This exercise can be done occasionally or regularly, depending on how well you want to train your visual memory.

Exercise 3. Playing matches

The game of remembering matches is not only useful, but also convenient way visual memory training. Throw 5 matches on the table, and within a few seconds, remember their location. After that, turn away and try using the other 5 matches to make the same picture on another surface.

At first, the exercise may be difficult for you. If you didn’t manage to remember everything, then take a look at the matches for another second and recreate the image more accurately. Skill will come with practice. As soon as you feel that this exercise is easy for you, increase the number of matches and reduce the observation time.

This exercise allows not only to train visual memory, but also to monitor progress as a result of training. And the game form adds excitement when performing the exercise.

Exercise 4. Roman room

As already noted, the Roman room method is very useful for structuring memorized information. However, this famous technique can also be used to train visual memory. So when memorizing information using the Roman room method, try not only to remember the sequence of objects and the data attributed to them, but also the details, shapes and colors of these objects. These attributes can also be assigned additional remembered images. As a result, you will memorize more information, and at the same time train your visual memory.

Auditory memory training

Despite the fact that the famous Russian proverb states that “it is better to see once than hear 100 times”, auditory memory can sometimes be just as useful. So, without auditory memory it is difficult to achieve success for musicians, actors, politicians and even intelligence officers. To understand how important auditory memory is, remember that listening to a lecture is remembered better than just reading a textbook or viewing slides.

The peculiarity of auditory memory lies in the fact that, unlike visual impressions, which are perceived faster, memory often retains well-remembered auditory impressions better. Here are some tips and tricks to help you learn how to memorize auditory information effectively.

Exercise 1. Reading aloud

Reading aloud is definitely one of the most effective exercises for the development of auditory memory. It is reading aloud that helps to increase the working vocabulary, improving diction, intonation, emotional coloring and brightness of speech. Reading aloud helps us better remember the auditory components of the material we read.

  • pronounce words clearly, expressively and with placement;
  • do not pronounce the text monotonously, but as if you are expressing your own thoughts (telling).

Exercise 2. Poems

Memory training does not have to be limited to any specific exercises. Get into the habit of memorizing a short poem every day, or at least every week. Try to delve deeply into its meaning, think about the techniques used by the poet.

When you learn a poem, you will repeat it either out loud or to yourself, using your articulatory apparatus. The more repetitions you perform, the better your memory will remember the poem. Over time, you will train your memory and begin to memorize verses as a result of much fewer repetitions.

In addition, the poems themselves are often used for long-term memorization of any abstract information. You can see the applied use of the method in some materials on our website, which describe the principles of memorizing such information as:

Exercise 3. Eavesdropping

When walking down the street or on public transport, try to hear and retain in your memory an excerpt from a conversation between strangers. Then try to reproduce to yourself what you heard with the right intonation, and also mentally imagine the faces of the people who said it. This exercise allows you to learn to fluently perceive the text by ear, and also allows you to be more attentive and sensitive to the tone of speech.

Most people periodically complain about their "girlish" memory. As a rule, they practically do not part with diaries, in which they carefully enter all their plans for the next day. However, difficulties lie in wait everywhere. Sometimes the inability to remember someone's name can be quite embarrassing. Or the desire to help the child with the lessons will turn into a complete fiasco.

In an adult? Forgetful people ask themselves this question from time to time. And those who not only look for an answer, but also begin to implement all the recommendations in life, eventually notice an excellent result.

Causes of bad memory

As people age, the ability to memorize deteriorates, and absent-mindedness also appears. A person needs to keep too much information in his head, because of which he sometimes forgets the most obvious facts.

But it's not only that. The older a person gets, the worse his ability to reason sensibly. The causes of poor memory in adults are hidden in age-related changes, and in the wrong lifestyle, stress, poor sleep and much more. There are fewer nerve cells, and along with this, it is more and more difficult for a person to delve into something new.

In an adult, it may be the result of certain diseases. It is noted that the ability to remember, as well as thinking, is adversely affected by:

  • high pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • completeness.

Sometimes memory impairment can be the result of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Memory Improvement Methods

An amazing ability can be trained, like, for example, a muscle of the body. For this you need to do special exercises for memory. In adults, of course, training will require some effort. After all, it is easiest to do this in childhood. Toddlers try to remember everything that catches their eye.

The load on the student's memory is already quite significant. But when a person finishes studying and starts working, his memory is no longer amenable to systematic training. Life becomes more boring and mundane. In order for memory to continue to develop, a person must receive impressions. It is good if various pleasant events take place, and people try not to forget them.

The influence of tobacco

How to develop memory in an adult? First of all, he needs to get rid of the harmful effects of nicotine. Numerous studies have confirmed that tobacco significantly impairs the ability to remember.

If we compare a person who trains memory and at the same time smokes, and another who does not work on the ability to remember, but he does not have a bad habit, then it turns out that the first one has a better result. However, if their conditions are equalized, it turns out that tobacco still impairs memory.

Studies have shown that students who smoke perform worse on assignments than non-smokers. Although tobacco has the ability to instantly increase concentration, however, this quickly passes.

The influence of alcohol

Even a small dose of alcohol reduces the ability to remember. Its systematic reception deprives a person of the opportunity to fix something in memory. Therefore, those people who are thinking about how to develop memory in an adult should give up alcohol.


Some medications can also interfere with memory and even trigger them. These include various sedative or stimulant drugs, as well as painkillers, antihistamines, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

There are rules that allow memory to always remain in working condition:

  • enrich the blood with oxygen;
  • be sure to sleep well;
  • do not abuse alcohol and tobacco;
  • refuse (if possible) drugs that reduce memory.

Genius memorization techniques

Psychologist Carl Seashore believes that the average person only uses 10% of their memory, while 90% remains unused.

Few people know that almost all methods of memory development in adults are based on the three natural laws of memorization. It's about emotions, associations and repetition. Knowing these rules can help both in everyday life and in responsible situations.

The law of emotions says that for better memorization, it is enough to get vivid impressions about a given subject. The most famous person who used this rule, was Roosevelt. He always maintained an excellent concentration of attention. Everything he read he memorized almost verbatim. The secret of this method of developing memory in adults is hidden in the need to fully focus, at least for a short while, on the necessary information. It is in this case that it will be remembered better than if you think about it for a long time and get distracted.

Napoleon left behind an amazing technique. He perfectly remembered the location of each of his fighters and his last name at the review of the troops. The secret to remembering a person's name was to get a more vivid impression of him. For example, asking how his last name is spelled.

President Lincoln had his own memorization technique: he read aloud what was important to remember. It turns out that you need to use as many senses as possible. This allows you to effectively influence the development of memory in adults. Exercises that involve multiple senses are recommended by most psychologists. For example, to remember, it is enough to write down, and then mentally imagine what was written.

Mark Twain often lectured. To remember a long text, he wrote down a couple of words from the beginning of each paragraph. Before the speech, Twain repeated the entire lecture using this cheat sheet. But then another idea came to his mind - and he began to draw what he needed to remember.

Thus, the geniuses of the past were able to embody all three laws of memorization.

Preparing for classes

Memory training in adults should begin with the following exercises:

  1. Keep a completely thought-free mind for 5-10 seconds. This is necessary for training concentration.
  2. During this process, there should not be any tension: nervous or mental.
  3. From five seconds it is very important to gradually reach thirty seconds of continuous being in this state.

Development of the ability to remember

It is very important to develop not only the visual or auditory ability of memorization, but also other types. You also need to remember that short-term and long-term memory are equally necessary for a person.

  • can be trained if you try to remember the appearance of people passing by. A fleeting glance at a person walking towards you is enough, and then you need to try to imagine his appearance in all details.
  • It is very useful to ask yourself from time to time what the wrapper of your favorite candy looks like, what is shown there. You can try to imagine what you saw when you once again passed by the store, what kind of sign was there. At the same time, you need to try to remember everything to the smallest detail.
  • In order to improve sound memory, it is enough to regularly read aloud or learn poems with a child. Sing the song you just heard. In the street noise, try to hear snippets of phrases and fix them in your memory.
  • While eating, imagine yourself as a taster who thoroughly remembers the taste of the dish. Associate each meal with something. Play guessing dishes with your eyes closed.


Everyone has memory. Some people just have a phenomenal ability to remember. Others confess that they are the owners of a "leaky" head. According to psychologists, there are very few people with bad memory. At the same time, there are a lot of those who do not know how to use it correctly or do not know how to develop memory in an adult.