Thrust with one hand on the simulator for the widest. How to develop back width

The back muscles are the second largest muscle group in human body. She loses only to her legs. The middle part of the back is formed by the latissimus dorsi, or, as they are also called, the wings. The development of these muscles makes the back wider, more prominent and forms a V-shaped silhouette. One of the exercises for training the widest is the lever traction or traction in the hammer simulator.

Benefits of the simulator

Leverage purposefully acts on the middle part of the back. The beauty of doing the exercise in the simulator is that your body is securely fixed and the spine does not experience unnecessary overloads. At the same time, you are free to use the vertical and horizontal handles to change the grip and adjust the height of the seat to shift the emphasis of the load on the upper, middle or lower edge of the latissimus lats.

The exercise effectively develops the back.

In other words, doing traction in the hammer, you get a fairly large variability of movement, moreover, the spine is safe. The latter, in turn, allows you to work with large weights.

In a hammer, it is convenient to do traction with one hand. In this case, some athletes prefer to perform the exercise while standing, resting their other hand on the back.

The broadest muscles.

Among positive effects, which you will receive by including the exercise in the training program, it can also be noted that the development of a large muscle group gives the figure a visually noticeable athletic and sporty look.

It is also worth mentioning the contraindications. In case of problems with the spine or its injuries, any exercises that load the back can only be done with the permission of a doctor. Otherwise, the traction is quite safe.

Execution technique

The thrust in the lever simulator on the back is done as follows:

  1. Prepare the equipment. Adjust the seat height to suit your height. When performing the movement, your brushes should be directed towards the belt.
  2. Sit down and rest your chest on a vertical surface. The spine is absolutely straight, the shoulder blades are pressed. Extend your arms and grasp the handles of the machine. If you are using a close grip, keep your elbows close to your body. When pulling the horizontal handles ( wide grip), the elbows are placed to the sides.
  3. Pull the handles towards you, bringing the shoulder blades together as much as possible at the end point of the movement. The chest during the movement is “glued” to the supporting surface of the simulator, the position of the spine does not change. Don't lean back. It is also a mistake to turn the upper body to the side when performing thrust with one hand.
  4. Lower the weight, but do not return it to the support. Muscles must be in tension all the time.

As a rule, lever pull is done in 3 sets of 8-12 times. It can be included in the workout along with other exercises on the back: barbell row in an incline, dumbbell row with one arm or rows in block simulators.

An important feature of this exercise is that when pulling the levers to the body, the biceps are included in the work.

The more effort you produce at the expense of the biceps, the less the back muscles get. But the biceps itself is smaller and weaker than the back, and accordingly gets tired earlier. As a result, you can no longer pull, and the lats are not properly loaded. To avoid this problem, try to pull back not the hands, but the elbows. Focus on the work of the back muscles and try to turn off the biceps as much as possible. This ability to control muscle work does not come immediately, but it is necessary for every athlete to achieve high results.

The load on the widest depends, among other things, on whether you pull the handles of the simulator to the belt or to the chest. In the first case, the top of the widest ones is loaded the most, in the second - the lower and middle parts.

Not so often, but still in the halls there are lever simulators that allow you to do vertical traction. This is actually a lightweight analogue of pull-ups. They allow the latissimus dorsi to grow not only in thickness, but also in width.

By exercising your back, you not only make your figure beautiful and athletic, but also stabilize the spine, thereby benefiting your health.

This is the final part about the back, I will consider the remaining exercises.

The first exercise will be the pull of the horizontal block.

We will consider it for a start, using the example of this video.

In general, the man in the video talks about the trapeze, and about the load on them, but we'll just take the example of this video, since a lot of people work in this way, without at all striving to get into the trapeze.

Let's start with the fact that he tightens his shoulders, if your task is to load the back as a whole, and not just the trapezoid, and in many ways, their upper section, then this is absolutely impossible to do. As soon as you shrug your shoulders, you turn on the top of the trapezoid and change the vector of movement, from horizontal, it becomes diagonal, that is, you will only load the upper back. The shoulders should be in a natural position, while the handle will go to the stomach, and not to the bottom of the chest, as in the video.

The next moment is the tilt of the body. I use a different video because the patient does not cheat there.

In fact, the same thing, as the body deflects, the load goes to the very top of the back, the more we lean back, the more we bring the vector of movement along the body, and turn the movement into shrugs.

With the classic performance, the slope of the body should be either zero, that is, you sit evenly, or even slightly negative, tilt towards the block, then you turn off the upper back more and transfer the load to the middle and bottom.

In movement, you should strive to bring the shoulder blades together, but you need to do this by bringing your elbows as close to the body as possible, you do not need to rake your hands through the sides.

Another point is that the grip is too narrow, I sometimes see how people remove the classic handle for pulling the block from the block and hang, for example, the handles from the crossover, with which they do chest information.

Actually, as in the first video, at the beginning, but in the middle of the video, he still changes the handle.

With such a handle, the grip is very narrow, and then when moving, your elbows will be turned outward a lot. A similar position of the elbows does not allow the maximum contraction of the back muscles. Try to do a deadlift with such a super- narrow grip, and then spread your arms a little wider, on a standard grip, slightly narrower than your shoulders, thereby pressing your elbows to the body, and you will feel the difference in the contraction of the back muscles.

Regarding the wide grip, I this species grip is rather negative, it greatly shortens the amplitude, and puts the muscles of the middle of the back in a disadvantageous position, transferring the load more to outer part back, and there are better exercises for that. In addition, the rear beam is also more strongly included in the work.

Let's also consider cheating. In this exercise, they often cheat, but they do it fundamentally wrong.

Cheating in such a deadlift is allowed, as in a tilted barbell deadlift, but with a "rollback", even below the working angle and return to it, during cheating. That is, cheating is not like in the first video at 0:33, then we do the same as described above - we create a tilt of the body, which transfers the load to the trapezoid.

We go down in the opposite direction, to the block, by 20 degrees, and make a jerk, leaving the body in a vertical position, where the main part of the work of the back takes place. At the same time, do not cheat as a means of lifting non-lifting weight, then the movement will be jerky, jerky, without negativity. Cheating is used on moderate weights as a method of intensification, and despite it, you still make a smooth negative and positive.

The advice is sometimes heard to let the weight fully retract the arms so that the shoulders move forward, ostensibly to stretch the muscle. I do not recommend doing this, just because the back muscles are stretched too much, and as a result, at the extreme point of stretching, they are in a disadvantageous position for switching on, and breaking the weight will strongly turn on the synergistic muscles: deltas and biceps. In general, you work in full range, straightening your arms, but without fanaticism, your shoulders should remain approximately in one point, and your back muscles should not be overstretched.

In general, we have already considered all the basic exercises, but I was also asked to talk about the hammers. Here I will rather describe not errors, but the features of setting up simulators.

For starters - a horizontal hummer

This is an imitation of any horizontal rods, rod, block, it doesn’t matter.

First - how to sit in it? It is best, as with horizontal traction, to sit down either strictly evenly, slightly arching the lower back, and pushing back, or even with a slight inclination forward, resting your chest on the front .... pillow ... I don’t know what it’s called, in short, this one crap.

Further, if this "crap" in your simulator is regulated, then you should set it so that before removing the weight, your hands would be in a slightly more extended position than the one in which they will be in the working amplitude. That is, you are a little drawn to the weight. Then, having broken it, with the help of a pedal or a partner, you will automatically find yourself at the extreme point of the working amplitude. If the “crap” is set too far from you, then your working amplitude will be artificially shortened, and if it’s too close to you, you will have to lift the weight while standing, then sit down with it, and holding it already in your hands, try to - to take the correct position.

Grip width. Of course, there are different designs, but if yours involves changing the width of the grip, then I would recommend a grip at shoulder width or slightly narrower than them. This is exactly the grip that will allow you to concentrate the load on the middle of your back as much as possible, and at the same time, it will allow you to work in the longest possible amplitude.

By the way, if there are vertical and horizontal handles, then I would rather prefer the vertical option when thumb looks up while gripping.

What is the height of the seat? It depends on its height to which part of the body the handles of the simulator will be brought. The lower they go, the lower the load is distributed. In the classic performance, when your task is to distribute the load on the back relatively evenly, your hands, at the point of maximum contraction of the back, will be slightly below the chest, approximately at the level of the upper press cubes.

But if you want to somehow change the direction of the load, you can lower the seat lower, bringing the handles to the chest, and thereby more loading the upper back, or vice versa, raise it, transferring the load lower.

Otherwise, the rules are the same as everywhere else, elbows along the body and no need to work with the body, trying to throw weight. Throughout the movement, you do not come off your chest from the "crap". This is the meaning of the hammer, in the maximum isolation of movement and its maximum control. Twitch on other exercises, in the hammer you need to do it cleanly.

And consider such a thing as a vertical hummer

The machine is excellent, its main advantage is that the separate handles do not force you to "dodge" them, as in the pull of the block, and you can hit the lats much better.

Actually about setting. In fact, there is not much to talk about here, the only point that I would like to note is the location of my beloved on the seat. You should sit directly under the handles, so that when moving down, your hands go strictly to the side of the body. This is the whole point, on a regular block you would beat yourself on the head with a handle, but here you can sit under the handles, evenly and efficiently bring your hands to the body, through the sides. No cheating or tilting, perfect technique will ensure a perfect hit in the lats.

Like, please the old Jew!

The lever pull is a highly effective exercise that is technically easier to perform than many other back exercises. It is also safer than similar exercises, such as dumbbell rows or. The traction exercise in the lever simulator is aimed at developing latissimus dorsi, effectively expands and thickens the back. There are two types of simulator, as well as options for performing the exercise. Let's look at the features of each of them.

Advantages and disadvantages of traction in a hammer

The main advantage of lever rods is the lack of load on the spine. Traction in the hammer allows you to work out the muscles of the back as efficiently as possible due to the large amplitude of movement. When performing this exercise, the latissimus dorsi muscles are well stretched and contracted. This exercise increases the width of the back, and also forms a V-shaped silhouette. The traction in the lever simulator allows you to work with large weights. This type of traction can be used in training by athletes with back problems. This is possible due to the emphasis and fixation of the spine throughout the entire range of motion.

But there is still a fly in the ointment! Despite the fact that this exercise relieves the load on the back, it is not recommended for those athletes who have shoulder injuries.

What muscles work

Also to work indirectly involved the following muscles:

Types of grip in leverage in the simulator

There are three grips: horizontal, vertical and intermediate, in which the brush is at an angle of 45 degrees.

  1. When pulling horizontal grip the load is accentuated on the upper back, namely on the trapezius muscles, large and small round muscles, the latissimus dorsi and rhomboid muscles, rear deltoid muscles.
  2. Vertical grip, in addition to the latissimus dorsi, focuses on the rhomboid and round muscles.
  3. Intermediate the grip is rarely found in the halls due to the design of the simulators. As such, it does not have an effect on a specific muscle group.

Horizontal pull in a hammer

This exercise is reminiscent of Of course, traction in a hammer is much more convenient to perform, and the athlete does not receive a load on the spine due to the emphasis that fixes the torso.

To perform the exercise correctly and get maximum effect from performing traction, you should properly set up the simulator. To perform the exercise, you need to take a sitting position. Adjust the seat depth in such a way that the hands are at the level of the elbow joint when moving. If the hands are higher during the movement, then the biceps will be connected to the work.

  1. stop for chest located at the level solar plexus.
  2. The loin should be in a natural deflection, as well as top part back.
  3. During the exercise (pulling the levers towards you), an exhalation is made, while it is necessary to bend the thoracic region and bring the shoulder blades closer to each other.
  4. Elbows during traction should be pressed to the torso as much as possible. This nuance will provide maximum load on the latissimus dorsi muscles.
  5. Return to the starting position slowly. Stretching the latissimus dorsi should be maximal - with the arm extended in elbow joint. It is not necessary to return the lever to the support. During the return of the levers, a breath is taken.

You need to perform the movement concentrated and smoothly. There should be no jerks and sharp, fast movements in the technique. Sudden movements will connect, which, in turn, will reduce the effectiveness of traction, and can also easily lead to injury.

Features of traction in a hammer with one hand

Leverage trainers make it possible to work with one hand. Sometimes one-handed work will be more relevant due to the performance of more concentrated movements. When performing thrust with one hand, you need to fix the position of the body with your free hand. Pay attention to the fixation of the hand in the peak position of the amplitude. Usually, when performing an exercise with one hand, the body turns after the movement of the hand, thereby connecting the biceps and.

Top hummer pull

The traction in the vertical type simulator strongly resembles. This version of the exercise is considered more “advanced”, since in the lever simulator the exercise can be performed with one hand. If we compare the work of the muscles, then there is no difference in the exercises, and the traction upper block you can do the same with one hand. This traction option is suitable for those athletes who cannot perform. The execution technique is exactly the same as when performing the thrust of the upper block.

  1. During the movement, the back should be kept straight and the lower back bent.
  2. While pulling the weight down, an exhalation is made.
  3. And inhale - during the return of the load up.

For even greater involvement of the latissimus dorsi, the torso can be slightly forward.

Link arm technique in video format

In the training process, traction in the simulator should be put in the second or third exercise after pull-ups. For beginners or athletes who cannot do pull-ups, traction in a lever machine can be used as.

Here is an example of training the back muscles, the sequence of exercises and traction in the lever simulator, as the final exercise.

  • Pull-ups.
  • Thrust of the upper block (for the head).
  • Traction in the lever simulator (vertical grip).

Athletes with a certain level physical training , you can perform exercises in the range of three to four sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Beginner athletes the number of approaches can be reduced to 2-3, and the number of repetitions can be performed in the range of 12-15.

For physically unprepared women, this exercise will not be a good option. It can be replaced with various traction options, both in block simulators and with sports equipment(free weights). Lever thrust may be of interest to athletes of the weaker sex who have reached high level physical training. The exercise is performed as the main one in back training. The number of approaches should be limited to three, the range of repetitions is from 15 to 20.

For the majority of the public gym the classic scheme of the training process is suitable, which consists of 4 sets and 12 repetitions, not counting the warm-up approach, of course.


Unfortunately, not all athletes have such simulators at their disposal. At home, this exercise cannot be replaced by anything. In any case, the same safe for the spine. When performing traction in a lever simulator, do not neglect. The first approach should be performed with a light weight and the muscles should be stretched properly, even if this exercise is not the first in training process, since the thrust in the lever simulator is stronger than other exercises stretches the muscles of the back.

This is the final part about the back, I will consider the remaining exercises.

The first exercise will be the pull of the horizontal block.

We will consider it for a start, using the example of this video.

In general, the man in the video talks about the trapeze, and about the load on them, but we'll just take the example of this video, since a lot of people work in this way, without at all striving to get into the trapeze.

Let's start with the fact that he tightens his shoulders, if your task is to load the back as a whole, and not just the trapezoid, and in many ways, their upper section, then this is absolutely impossible to do. As soon as you shrug your shoulders, you turn on the top of the trapezoid and change the vector of movement, from horizontal, it becomes diagonal, that is, you will only load the upper back. The shoulders should be in a natural position, while the handle will go to the stomach, and not to the bottom of the chest, as in the video.

The next moment is the tilt of the body. I use a different video because the patient does not cheat there.

In fact, the same thing, as the body deflects, the load goes to the very top of the back, the more we lean back, the more we bring the vector of movement along the body, and turn the movement into shrugs.

With the classic performance, the slope of the body should be either zero, that is, you sit evenly, or even slightly negative, tilt towards the block, then you turn off the upper back more and transfer the load to the middle and bottom.

In movement, you should strive to bring the shoulder blades together, but you need to do this by bringing your elbows as close to the body as possible, you do not need to rake your hands through the sides.

Another point is that the grip is too narrow, I sometimes see how people remove the classic handle for pulling the block from the block and hang, for example, the handles from the crossover, with which they do chest information.

Actually, as in the first video, at the beginning, but in the middle of the video, he still changes the handle.

With such a handle, the grip is very narrow, and then when moving, your elbows will be turned outward a lot. A similar position of the elbows does not allow the maximum contraction of the back muscles. Try pulling with this super-narrow grip, and then spread your arms a little wider, to a standard grip, a little narrower than your shoulders, thereby pressing your elbows to the body, and you will feel the difference in the contraction of the back muscles.

Regarding the wide grip, I have a rather negative attitude towards this type of grip, it greatly shortens the amplitude, and puts the muscles of the middle back in a disadvantageous position, transferring the load more to the outer part of the back, and there are better exercises for this. In addition, the rear beam is also more strongly included in the work.

Let's also consider cheating. In this exercise, they often cheat, but they do it fundamentally wrong.

Cheating in such a deadlift is allowed, as in a tilted barbell deadlift, but with a "rollback", even below the working angle and return to it, during cheating. That is, cheating is not like in the first video at 0:33, then we do the same as described above - we create a tilt of the body, which transfers the load to the trapezoid.

We go down in the opposite direction, to the block, by 20 degrees, and make a jerk, leaving the body in a vertical position, where the main part of the work of the back takes place. At the same time, do not cheat as a means of lifting non-lifting weight, then the movement will be jerky, jerky, without negativity. Cheating is used on moderate weights as a method of intensification, and despite it, you still make a smooth negative and positive.

The advice is sometimes heard to let the weight fully retract the arms so that the shoulders move forward, ostensibly to stretch the muscle. I do not recommend doing this, just because the back muscles are stretched too much, and as a result, at the extreme point of stretching, they are in a disadvantageous position for switching on, and breaking the weight will strongly turn on the synergistic muscles: deltas and biceps. In general, you work in full range, straightening your arms, but without fanaticism, your shoulders should remain approximately in one point, and your back muscles should not be overstretched.

In general, we have already considered all the basic exercises, but I was also asked to talk about the hammers. Here I will rather describe not errors, but the features of setting up simulators.

For starters - a horizontal hummer

This is an imitation of any horizontal rods, rod, block, it doesn’t matter.

First - how to sit in it? It is best, as with horizontal traction, to sit down either strictly evenly, slightly arching the lower back, and pushing back, or even with a slight inclination forward, resting your chest on the front .... pillow ... I don’t know what it’s called, in short, this one crap.

Further, if this "crap" in your simulator is regulated, then you should set it so that before removing the weight, your hands would be in a slightly more extended position than the one in which they will be in the working amplitude. That is, you are a little drawn to the weight. Then, having broken it, with the help of a pedal or a partner, you will automatically find yourself at the extreme point of the working amplitude. If the “crap” is set too far from you, then your working amplitude will be artificially shortened, and if it’s too close to you, you will have to lift the weight while standing, then sit down with it, and holding it already in your hands, try to - to take the correct position.

Grip width. Of course, there are different designs, but if yours involves changing the width of the grip, then I would recommend a grip at shoulder width or slightly narrower than them. This is exactly the grip that will allow you to concentrate the load on the middle of your back as much as possible, and at the same time, it will allow you to work in the longest possible amplitude.

By the way, if there are vertical and horizontal handles, then I would rather prefer the vertical version, when the thumb looks up during the grip.

What is the height of the seat? It depends on its height to which part of the body the handles of the simulator will be brought. The lower they go, the lower the load is distributed. In the classic performance, when your task is to distribute the load on the back relatively evenly, your hands, at the point of maximum contraction of the back, will be slightly below the chest, approximately at the level of the upper press cubes.

But if you want to somehow change the direction of the load, you can lower the seat lower, bringing the handles to the chest, and thereby more loading the upper back, or vice versa, raise it, transferring the load lower.

Otherwise, the rules are the same as everywhere else, elbows along the body and no need to work with the body, trying to throw weight. Throughout the movement, you do not come off your chest from the "crap". This is the meaning of the hammer, in the maximum isolation of movement and its maximum control. Twitch on other exercises, in the hammer you need to do it cleanly.

And consider such a thing as a vertical hummer

The machine is excellent, its main advantage is that the separate handles do not force you to "dodge" them, as in the pull of the block, and you can hit the lats much better.

Actually about setting. In fact, there is not much to talk about here, the only point that I would like to note is the location of my beloved on the seat. You should sit directly under the handles, so that when moving down, your hands go strictly to the side of the body. This is the whole point, on a regular block you would beat yourself on the head with a handle, but here you can sit under the handles, evenly and efficiently bring your hands to the body, through the sides. No cheating or tilting, perfect technique will ensure a perfect hit in the lats.

Like, please the old Jew!

All athletes, both beginners and professionals, dream of a wide back. In this article, we will tell you how to maximize the development of the latissimus dorsi, how to develop the width of the back. Also in this complex, we will tell you how to effectively combine back training with pumping the rear deltas, which are lagging behind for most bodybuilders, and it makes sense to work them out twice a week, directly on shoulder day and combining with back training.

Traction in a horizontal Hummer

The first exercise to start with is horizontal hummer row, which is best done with one hand for a long time, in order to better concentrate on each latissimus muscle individually and direct the maximum load clearly to the back muscles.

By doing this exercise use straps to eliminate the work of the forearms and biceps. Follow the technique: so that the shoulder does not remain motionless, but moves both forward and as far back as possible. Try to contract your shoulder blades and feel how the latissimus dorsi is working.

You should start the exercise with a warm-up approach for 12 repetitions, after which do 4 more workers in the number of repetitions of 6 times. With each approach, increase the weight, and the hardest work will fall on the last approach, in which you need to give it your all.

If you give all your best in each approach, as many do, then they simply cannot carry enough serious weight in the same number of repetitions. If you are doing 2-3 sets with the same weight, then this indicates that you are not finishing. The hardest and most failing approach that completely kills your muscles can only be one.

How to Develop Back Width: Vertical Hammer Row

The second exercise in training, in order to develop the width of the back, it is necessary to perform vertical hummer row with narrow setting hands to engage in work lower part latissimus dorsi, which are closer to the spine.

During the movement, bend back to eliminate the work of the biceps, and concentrate on the work of the lower lats. Do 4 sets of 6 reps, increasing the weight on each set. For efficiency, finish the last set with a drop. That is, after 6 repetitions of 4 sets, lose weight and do another set without rest.

Pull in a horizontal block in the belt

The third exercise is traction in a horizontal block to the belt. Since you performed the previous exercises with a narrow grip, here you need to work with a wide grip and emphasize the load on the inner parts of the latissimus dorsi. We perform similarly - 4 sets of 6 exercises with an increase in weight in each approach.

Traction of the vertical block in front of you

The final exercise, in order to develop the width of the back, is to perform the pull of the vertical block in front of you. The execution technique is the same as in the previous exercises: bend a little to concentrate the load on the lower regions of the latissimus dorsi, grip in the area of ​​​​shoulder width.

Too wide grip limits the amplitude, and it does not allow the muscles to fully stretch and contract them. There is a misconception that the wider the grip, the wider the back muscles, but this is not true. It all depends on how you feel, stretch and contract the target muscle.

Incline dumbbell mahi

Another exercise in the program is dumbbell swings in an incline on one arm. If you have good technique, then the weights can be taken large, and one exercise is enough to work out the rear deltoids. After all, the muscle group is quite small and it can be overtrained with a serious load. One serious exercise is enough.