Exercises for posture in the gym and at home. Exercises for posture in the gym Exercises for posture in the gym

Correct posture has a huge impact not only on the ease of gait and the beauty of the figure, but also on the health of the spine in the first place. The spine is known to be supported by the back muscles, but If you don't do posture exercises, these muscles weaken. And this will sooner or later lead to a weakening of the spinal corset and provoke the formation Not correct posture, which can result in a number of diseases.

We warn you right away that even if you constantly monitor your posture, but have long forgotten what physical exercises for posture are, then curvature of the spine cannot be avoided. That's why, to save the correct posture, step by step to the fitness club, where you can regularly do a set of exercises for posture.

Before performing exercises to correct posture, you should warm up:

  • 1. Clasp your hands in front of you. Now bend forward, pushing your stomach forward. Next, pull your stomach in and round your back.
  • 2. Relax your arms and neck. Now start bending over until you feel a nagging pain in your lower back.
  • 3. Do a regular hang on the bar

Effective exercises for posture with a bodybar

When choosing a bodybar, please note that it should weigh a little more than your handbag. Therefore, the lightest bodybar will not be suitable for straightening your posture.

The first exercise to correct posture:

  • - bending your elbows, inhale and press the bodybar to your stomach
  • - exhale and lower the bodybar

Second exercise for straightening your posture:

  • - lean forward and place your feet shoulder-width apart
  • - lower the bodybar below the knees
  • - without straightening, raise the bodybar just above the knees

Third exercise to improve posture:

  • - take a bodybar wide grip
  • - with bent arms we lower it behind the head
  • - while inhaling, raise your arms with a bodybar above your head
  • - exhaling, return the bodybar to the head

Exercises to develop correct posture will help in a short time bring your figure in order and relieve aching pain in the lower back. Work out three times a week and do this set of exercises with a bodybar for posture in three sets of 35 times.

Correcting posture in the gym

IN gym a beginner cannot do without consulting a professional. However, if you are like a duck to water among the variety of exercise machines, then we are looking for a pulley block so that you can perform exercises on it to prevent and correct posture. Us both pulling a block behind your back and pulling a block to your belt while sitting will be useful.

The main thing here is to soberly assess your strengths, so you need to choose a weight that matches your physical characteristics so that exercises for correct posture do not result in injury.

When performing exercises to strengthen your posture, make sure that the back was straight, and the shoulder blades were brought together to the end.

Remember, while in the gym, your attention should be drawn to exercises for the arm muscles, because... they all put stress on the back muscles.

Where to go for correct and beautiful posture?

When thinking about your back health, be sure to think about Pilates. It was created specifically for people who have problems with the spine. Pilates exercises for posture may seem very easy and simple to do. However, they give a tremendous load and stretch to all the muscles of the body.

It is noteworthy that by doing a set of Pilates exercises for posture even once a week, you you can quickly forget about lower back pain and become the owner of beautiful posture.

The same can be said about therapeutic yoga. Almost all yoga exercises train the muscles of the back and spine.

If you don't want to go to the gym, you can start visiting the pool. Exercises to straighten your posture in the pool will make you perfect and healthy back . In addition, there are no contraindications to this sport.

A set of exercises to correct your posture you can do it at home. All you have to do is find a video online that shows exercises for posture, and allocate a few minutes a day to practice.

What you need to know and do if your posture is poor

Monitor your posture periodically. To do this, go to the wall and lean your back against it. With correct posture, your shoulders, shoulder blades, head and buttocks will be pressed against the wall.

Remember that wearing high heels, as well as switching from low soles to high heels, causes back pain and poor posture.

Sleep on an orthopedic mattress, it will keep your spine in the correct position. This mattress is good for both prevention and correction of postural defects.

Make sure you are comfortable sitting at your workplace. At home an office chair can be replaced with a fitball. This will have a good effect on both posture and leg muscles.

Watch your posture. Be active - go to the gym or go to the pool, and you will forget about back pain. The doctor promises!

Exercises in the gym can have a bias not only towards the development of strong muscles of large volumes. Some posture exercises in the gym will help improve the vestibular system, improve overall well-being and strengthen the body.

Influence exercise on posture is very positive if done correctly. During this process, great attention should be paid to the back muscles. Their development will lead to correction of the shape of the spine, as well as strengthening of the entire muscular system.

How to have correct posture

For a straight back with well-developed muscles, it is not enough to constantly perform exercises in the gym. To consolidate your success, you must follow these recommendations:

What exercises in the gym can quickly correct your posture?

As mentioned above, the effect of physical exercise on posture is significant. But you shouldn’t get carried away with increasing weight, as this can, on the contrary, undermine your back and remove all the results previously obtained. Before starting the workout, you need to stretch your muscles well for 15-20 minutes. Special attention pay attention to top part torso.

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Example of warm-up exercises:

After warming up, you can start training your back for posture; for men, it is better to warm up with small weights.

    1. thrust upper block Per head. Very useful exercise, which allows you to quickly pump up your entire back and improve the quality of your posture. But the main bias is given to the latissimus muscles.
      Correct execution: sit on a bench, placing your knees under a special clamp that will hold your body while performing the posture exercise with greater reliability. Smoothly lower the block behind your back, hold for one second and return to the starting position. It should be remembered that the block must be pulled as you exhale, inhaling while moving backwards.
      The first set of lat pull-downs should be done with minimal weight and very slowly. Even after an intensive warm-up, the muscles should be given a small load to improve posture. In the gym total There should be no more than 4 approaches, including the warm-up. 10-12 repetitions are enough.

    1. Traction of the lower block to the belt. Exercises on such a machine require constant control of your back. Just like pulling the upper block behind the head, it develops latissimus muscles backs.
      Correct execution: rest your feet on a special platform, take the handle and gently, while exhaling, pull it towards you. It is necessary to pull the block until the elbows touch the torso. You need to fix this position for one second at the edge of the body and return the block to its original state.
      When pulling a block to the belt, you cannot arch your back and spread your elbows to the sides. This error creates additional stress on the spine. When bending your arms, your legs are fully extended at the knees. When extending, your knees should be slightly bent. At the end of the approach, returning the block to its original state, you can slightly bend your body and stretch your whole body. This action allows you to stretch the muscles after exercise and has a beneficial effect on your posture in general.
      As with the previous exercise, the first set of rows should be performed with a light weight. Together with the warm-up, the total number of approaches should be no more than 4 times. 10-12 repetitions are enough.
    2. Hyperextension. These posture correction exercises can be performed with or without weights. Do it carefully and smoothly, without sudden movements or jerks. You will need a special simulator. For beginners, it is better to do it on a fitball.
      Correct execution: lie on your stomach and fix your legs under a special cushion. Lean forward and take a shallow breath. As you exhale, straighten your back until your torso is in a horizontal plane. Hold this position for one second and return to the starting point.
      You should not arch your back too much, just straighten up correctly. Hyperextension is classified as a low-risk postural exercise. But even a few extra kilograms, with incorrect execution, can increase the load on the back several times. The first approach should be done without weight, concentrating all attention on the correct execution. Subsequent approaches can be performed with or without weight. The exercise is performed 12-15 times, no more than 5 approaches along with the warm-up.

Let's sum it up

The role of physical exercise in the formation of posture is very great. To achieve good posture, you should spend at least 3 days a week in the gym. The remaining days can be set aside for rest, but correcting posture without exercise equipment is very useful. extra weight. If the above exercises cannot be performed correctly, you should purchase an introductory training session with a trainer. It should be recalled that Pilates for posture has the same beneficial effects as physical activity.

The formation of correct posture should begin from childhood. To do this, you need to regularly perform gymnastic exercises and cultivate such a way of life in yourself and in your loved ones. It is gymnastics that gives the answer to the question: “How to form the correct and?”

Anatomy and physiology

To better understand what posture is, you need to know what makes it up. Several anatomical structures take part in the formation of our posture, these include:

  • . It consists of several curves (lordosis, kyphosis), which are fundamental in the development of anatomically correct back position.
  • . Some muscle fibers are attached to the spinal column and are responsible for its support, flexion and extension. What muscles form posture? These are mainly paravertebral (deep), superficial (trapezius, splenius, latissimus) and other muscle fibers.
  • Secondary formations. Also, ligaments, intervertebral discs and anatomical features of the vertebrae take part in the formation of correct posture.

Of all of the above, it is precisely necessary to “pump up” to help the spine form a beautiful and correct posture. To achieve this goal, you need to visit the gym or do some fitness at home.

Criteria for correct posture

How to distinguish the normal arrangement of the bones of the spine from a developing pathology of the back? First of all, some types of pathological changes can be identified:

  1. A simple medical examination ( shoulder girdle has different heights on the right and left, a strong tilt of the spine forward or backward, and its deviation to the side).
  2. Instrumental methods (x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography).
  3. On your own at home. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the wall, leaning on your head, shoulder blades, and sacrum; in this position, the distance between your neck and back should be approximately 5 cm. If there is a large distance during this test, then you may have a curvature of the spine and incorrect posture.

To prevent the development of such pathological complications or for treatment, perform regular exercises.


There are many exercises you can do in the gym, but not all of them have the same effect on your back muscles. The most beneficial strength movements will be:

  • Wide grip pull-up. The essence of the exercise is to bring the shoulder blades together as much as possible and physiologically stretch the vertebrae. If you cannot pull yourself up, then you can simply hang, additionally weighing your legs with a load. When pulling up, the head should look straight ahead and not rise up. The main force effect is aimed at the latissimus dorsi muscle.

  • Hyperextension. It is performed on a special simulator, where we rest our pelvis on a soft cushion, and our legs are fixed with our heels. Next, we perform a swing-extension exercise, which is safe to perform if the technique is followed. When bending and extending, the arms are behind the head, which increases the load on the back muscles. For more advanced people, you can pick up dumbbells. It is important to note that when performing this exercise the back must be straight, otherwise the main physical impact will not be on it, but on the muscles of the buttocks.
  • Swing your arms with dumbbells. First of all, choose the optimal dumbbell weight for yourself. They should not quickly tire the arm muscles. With this exercise you train the shoulder girdle and the muscles adjacent to the shoulder blades. Swings can be performed to the sides and forward.
  • Bent over dumbbell row. Similar exercise, but additional training muscle fibers back (especially lumbar). To do this, lean forward, creating a 90-degree angle with your body, and when bending your arms, try to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible.
  • Pull a horizontal block to the belt. When we move the handle of the exercise machine towards ourselves, we tilt our back a little (10–15 degrees), and when we return, we lean forward.
  • Lever rod. It has a similar training mechanism, but allows you to adjust the weight of the load. Can be performed with one hand (not recommended) for training individual muscles.
  • Raising your arms to the sides with additional resistance. The mechanism of action is similar to the dumbbell swing, but has a greater effect on pectoral muscles and on the shoulder girdle.

When performing any posture exercise, it is important to control the position of your back; it should not be slouched, bent or twisted, only straight and level.

At home

You don't have to go to expensive gyms to ensure good posture. . by the most effective exercises are:

  1. Minimum loads are bending and rotating the body. To make it heavier, you can stretch your arms up (or behind your head) and take a load in them.
  2. Exercise boat. Lying on your stomach, lift your legs and arms off the floor (leaning only on your abdominal muscles), and straighten up like the frame of a boat. An easier option is to lift only the upper half of the body.
  3. From a standing position, we place our hands behind our backs and try to connect our palms at the level of our shoulder blades (fingers must be pointed upward).
  4. To demonstrate correct posture, it is recommended to stand against a wall every day, creating 4 points of fixation with your body (head, shoulders, buttocks and heels). This is exactly the pose you should cultivate in yourself and train it regularly.

Taking care of yourself at home is a difficult task; it is very difficult to force yourself to do anything in your free time. This is why many people choose a gym and work out with a trainer. But if this is not possible, then regularly motivate yourself to do gymnastics at least 3-4 times a week. Force it, because it is in childhood most habits are formed. This will be very useful to him in later life and will allow him to avoid most spinal diseases.

Your back may respond to intense workouts with pain. After any strength approach, do not forget to rest, and do a good warm-up before training. The key to any intense back workout is arching (straightening) the back, bringing the shoulder blades together and straightening the shoulders.

There is no need to perform exactly all the movements; you can choose the most effective and convenient ones for yourself, the main thing is to do them correctly. Get into the habit of controlling the position of your back (spine straight, head raised, shoulder blades retracted). The younger the person’s body, the easier it is to straighten and train the back; exercises are especially effective in childhood.

Correct posture makes us visually slimmer. It also helps you breathe deeply, which means you spend more energy during workouts and regular activities. Besides, correct position The spine is the key to the high-quality functioning of all systems and organs of the body. Those who don't slouch are generally less likely to suffer from chronic disease and have stronger immune systems.

We are used to thinking that if posture is bad since childhood, nothing will help in adulthood. In fact, you can always strengthen your muscles and teach yourself to walk, stand, and sit correctly. And this is easier for adults than for children, because they act more consciously. True, correcting posture is quite difficult. You will need special strength and aerobic classes and at least 3 months of time.

Twenty years old

It will be useful for you to know that even serious scoliosis can be corrected if you take up the matter before the age of 27. So stop complaining about your tough textbook childhood and take action. Your muscles are already quite developed, but, nevertheless, you shouldn’t do strength training in the gym with heavy weights yet.

If there are postural problems, you first need to strengthen your back with softer means. At the same time, you are bored in your Pilates class. There is a solution. You need two dance training in the style of hip-hop, funk, street jazz, and two classes called Core.

Dancing will teach you to move with a straight back and “return” your shoulder blades to the correct position from almost any position. They will also remove the “shoulder tension” and you will stop lifting them up, which means your trapezius muscles will no longer hurt.

Core – classes on special unstable platforms or Bosu hemispheres. They are excellent for strengthening the latissimus dorsi and transverse abdominis muscles - the main muscles for your posture. Also, exercising on an unstable platform teaches you to maintain your posture in any situation and relieves stress on the spine. If you don’t have Core at your disposal, practice on a fitball or Power Plate.

Thirty years old

If you have not been involved in fitness before, you should start gradually. At this age, you have a huge potential for developing strength, but quite a bit of time for training. Therefore, it is worth choosing the most “economical” programs that allow you to work your body from heels to crown in an hour.

Beginners to fitness should swim in the pool 2 times a week for 45 minutes and attend a Pilates Matwork class twice a week. If you're used to going to the gym five times a week, add a Body Ballet class for an extra workout on your legs. Before you start swimming in the pool on your own, hire a trainer to show you the technique. Lazy hanging on the side will not affect your posture in any way. Best style to “straighten your back” - breaststroke.

More advanced clients can try

Pilates Reform

– classes in special Pilates machines. They are identical in load strength lessons, but do not give axial pressure on the spine, but allow you to strengthen the muscles in a gentle manner.

Forty years old

At this age, you need to concentrate not on the quantity of activities, but on their quality. You should try yoga. Classic Hatha Yoga is suitable for beginners, and more “advanced” ones can choose one of the dynamic styles - Ashtanga, Vinyasa. Yoga should be practiced three times a week to achieve significant spinal traction. It is better to work under the guidance of an instructor; as you improve, you can move on to independent studies at home. Yoga classes will not only correct your posture, but will also serve as a preventive measure for osteochondrosis.

Additionally, you can choose either a moderate cardio workout on the elliptical or rowing machine, or swimming. Beginners can limit themselves to just one additional lesson per week

At any age, constant monitoring of posture is important. Buy comfortable furniture for work; your sitting position should not be tense. Choose comfortable shoes and do not forget to tighten your stomach and bring your shoulder blades towards your spine.