What develop push-ups on the uneven bars. How to pump up on the uneven bars, types of exercises, training program and the correct push-up technique

Every man at least once in his life thought about how to make his body better. First of all, each of them was interested in exercises for which visiting gym not necessary. Today we will talk about one of these exercises. And, more precisely, about push-ups on the uneven bars. You will learn which muscles work during push-ups on the uneven bars, as well as options for performing this exercise.

Push-ups on the uneven bars: the benefits

Very good exercise for upper body work. And, more precisely, to work out all the pressing muscles:
  1. Breast.
  2. Triceps.
  3. Front deltas.

This exercise is basic., because it involves the shoulder and elbow joints. Many bodybuilders include it in their training programs.

If you do not want to go to the gym, then this exercise will be enough for you to properly work out your pressing muscle groups. There are two options for push-ups on the uneven bars:

  1. With an emphasis on pectoral muscles.
  2. With an emphasis on triceps.

How to pump up the pectoral muscles on the uneven bars? For this, it is necessary to perform This is an exercise in the following technique:

At the first stages of classes, it is necessary to master the technique of performing this exercise. If you do it in any way, then there will be no result. Moreover, you risk injury. For starters, learn how to do this exercise at least 20 times per set. After that, you can go to push-ups on bars with weights.

If you are interested in working out triceps, then the push-up technique will be different:

  1. During the approach, try to keep your elbows as close to each other as possible.
  2. When lowering and lifting, take your elbows back.
  3. Rise sharply and powerfully - within one second.
  4. Fully straighten your arms at the top. This will maximize the load on your triceps.
  5. It is necessary to linger at the top point for a couple of seconds in order to properly feel the tension in the triceps.

It is necessary to perform such push-ups at a higher pace than for the chest. The number of repetitions is not limited. Many fans of horizontal bars and uneven bars reach several hundred repetitions. The main thing is that you like it. To increase the mass of the triceps, you can also hang weights from the belt.

What can replace push-ups on the uneven bars

There are three exercises, which can replace push-ups on the uneven bars:

It is better, of course, not to replace push-ups on the uneven bars. Do not be lazy, walk around the area and find a platform where there are bars. Firstly, you do not have to perform exercises that will bring discomfort. And secondly, this will be an occasion for jogging before training.

Common Mistakes

For many athletes, this exercise does not bring the desired result due to the fact that they constantly make mistakes. The most common mistakes made when doing this exercise are:

If you are a beginner athlete, then the following push-up scheme on the uneven bars is ideal for you:

After you have completed this program, start working on the maximum number of repetitions in the approach.

For a quality study of your pressing muscles, the following training scheme is ideal:

  1. Push-ups on wide bars for the chest - 3 sets for a maximum of times.
  2. Push-ups on narrow bars for triceps - 3 sets for a maximum of times.

If you are able to do many times in one set (more than 30), then you are recommended to use weights. The easiest option is to put on a backpack on your back, in which any heavy objects will lie. Such training will quickly increase the volume of your chest and arms.

Find in your area workout area. There are bars of different widths, and you can train the muscle groups you need according to your training program. Wide bars are more suitable for the chest, and narrow bars are more suitable for triceps.

Don't neglect your traction muscles. You can not neglect any muscle groups. This can lead to disproportion in your body. The ideal training schedule is two workouts a week on the uneven bars, and two on the horizontal bar.

Warm up properly before training. There are many cases when an athlete did not warm up well, and in togas he received sprains of muscles and ligaments. Do you need it?

The right approach in any business is to constantly act and not wait for anything. If you really want to reach high results then forget about the freebie! Exercise regularly, and do not flatter yourself when you notice the first results. Don't give up and don't skip workouts!

Now you know how to do it right push-ups on bars. By putting into practice the recommendations from this article, you can pump up the broad pectoral muscles, as well as the arms and shoulders. The main thing is to train regularly, and then the result will not be long in coming!

Push-ups on the uneven bars is an incredibly effective exercise aimed at the harmonious development and pumping of the triceps. It has become popular due to its availability, because this sports equipment can now be found in any gym and almost every sports ground. This article discusses the following important points: what muscle groups are involved in push-ups on the uneven bars, exercise technique, main mistakes, benefits, as well as types of push-ups on the uneven bars for athletes of varying degrees of training.

To know how to pump up on the uneven bars, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich muscles work when pushing up on the uneven bars. The muscles of the chest are also involved here. The emphasis on working out certain muscles can be shifted by adjusting the execution technique. The front deltas and stabilizer muscles are also actively involved in the work.

What muscles work when push-ups

Exercises using the described projectile are extremely effective for recruiting muscle mass and increase endurance. To the question “How much can I build muscle on the uneven bars?” there is no single answer - it all depends on your initial data and the intensity of training.

Execution rules

Before you start exercising on the uneven bars, be sure to warm up your muscles well, this will reduce the risk of injury. Perform the exercise slowly, controlling and stabilizing the body through the muscles of the core. Do not move your head, legs, or rock your body in an attempt to help you pull yourself up.

Push-ups need to start from the top point. The weight of the body must be transferred to the hands. The back should be straight, and the shoulders laid back. You need to go down very slowly, leaning forward with the body and maintaining tension in the muscles. Then you can briefly fix in lowest point. The angle at the elbow should be kept within 90 degrees. You need to climb as smoothly and under control. Special attention it is worth paying attention to breathing: inhalation should be done while lowering, and exhaling while lifting.

Advantages and disadvantages

Barbell training can be both useful and traumatic, so if you decide to include parallel bars in your training program, be sure to familiarize yourself with their advantages, disadvantages and contraindications.


  • accessibility of the exercise - a sports ground with bars and horizontal bars is available in almost every yard;
  • you can even practice at home, you just need to choose the right projectile;
  • suitable for any level of training;
  • strengthen the body, making it more beautiful, pumped up and functional;
  • improve posture and straighten shoulders;
  • muscles work well shoulder girdle, back, chest,
  • improve results in other bench press exercises.


  • increased risk of injury;
  • due to the strong extension of the shoulder during the bench press, it is contraindicated to train in the presence of chronic dislocations or pain in the shoulder joints.

However, these shortcomings become insignificant if you use the right technique and follow the appropriate recommendations.

  1. Before each workout, be sure to do a warm-up.
  2. To avoid injury, choose the appropriate width of the bars - their dimensions should not significantly exceed the width of the shoulders.
  3. Strive to do push-ups slowly and measuredly, avoiding sudden movements.
  4. A beginner should prepare the body for the load with less difficult exercises, for example, push-ups from the floor or bench.
  5. It is advisable for women to start acquaintance with push-ups in the simulator (gravitron). To facilitate the development of the exercise will help to perform push-ups on the uneven bars with an elastic band.
  6. You do not need to practice on the uneven bars every day. Give your muscles rest and time to recover. The optimal training regimen is 3-4 times a week.
  7. When doing push-ups on the uneven bars with weight, increase the load gradually.


Consider two types of exercises using this sports equipment.

Push-ups from the crossbars lying

Push-ups lying on the crossbars of the projectile is a simplified version of the exercise in question. It is recommended to start classes with him. The main difference from the standard ones is that this option allows you to lower the chest below the level of the hands. Try to lower your chest as low as possible, and press your elbows to the body.

Weight training

To improve the results of training, use at work extra weight, for example, weighted vests or belts with a chain for hanging kettlebells and pancakes. Weighted bar push-ups should be done with extreme caution. The training program on the uneven bars with weight should be drawn up correctly: you need to start with small weights (about 5 kg) and a small number of push-ups. It is necessary to increase the load gradually and only after mastering the classical technique.

For newbies

Most women, as well as beginner athletes, do not have well-developed muscles of the chest, arms and back. As a result, the bench press on the uneven bars will not be fully implemented. Accordingly, many people have a question: how to learn to do push-ups on the uneven bars from scratch? We suggest using the following recommendations:

  • Start training in the gravitron. This simulator greatly facilitates the implementation of exercises due to the counterweight.
  • Strengthen your muscles with other exercises. Perform various types of push-ups from the floor, bench, bench press.
  • On early stages try pushing up using a partial amplitude, increasing it over time and bringing it closer to the normal position.
  • To put good technique and do it right in the future, use the help of a coach.
  • First, learn how to do negative push-ups. In them, the main emphasis is on the slow lowering of the body, and not on the rise. By exercising in the negative phase, you can increase the effectiveness of training and develop muscle strength.

Training on the simulator for advanced

If you are an advanced athlete, we suggest you master several new, more complex types of exercises:

  1. Push-ups with a "corner";
  2. Push-ups on bars with weight;
  3. Push-ups from pillars;
  4. Horizontal push-ups without legs;
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars reverse grip, i.e. palms out;
  6. Push-ups upside down.

How to replace the exercise?

Those who do not have the opportunity to do push-ups on such a projectile are wondering "how to replace push-ups on the uneven bars?". The following options may be the answer:

Push-ups from the floor as a replacement for bars

  • Push-ups between chairs;
  • Push-ups from the floor with an average grip;
  • French bench press standing or lying;
  • Bench press head down.

Dips and bench presses are very similar in terms of the muscle groups involved in the two exercises.

The scheme of push-ups on the uneven bars

In your workouts, you can focus on the following program for push-ups on uneven bars for beginners:

1 week: 3 sets x 5 push-ups.

Week 2: 3 sets x 10 pushups.

Week 3: 3 sets x 15 pushups.

Week 4: 3 sets x 20 pushups.

If you have a good physical training, try using a more complex program, which will be presented in the next paragraph.

Schemes for increasing the number of push-ups

To the question "How to increase the number of push-ups on the uneven bars?" the following scheme, designed for 2 months of training, will help answer:

Week 1: 5 sets (10-5-5-3-2 reps)

Week 2: 5 sets (15-15-10-5-5 reps)

Week 3: 5 sets (20-20-15-15-10 reps)

Week 4: 5 sets (25-25-20-15-10 reps)

Week 5: 5 sets (30-30-25-20-15 reps)

Week 6: 5 sets (35-30-25-20-15 reps)

Week 7: 5 sets (40-35-30-20-15 reps)

Week 8: 5 sets (40-40-30-20-15 reps)

Possible training problems

It often happens that during push-ups, joints crackle or click. If they are accompanied by painful sensations, it is necessary to stop training and seek qualified help. If there is no pain during push-ups, then the crunch may be due to too much range of motion or improper technique.

Common mistakes

  1. Too wide grip. Push-ups on the uneven bars wide grip unnecessarily load the front deltas, increasing the risk of injury.
  2. Not correct technique breathing. The previous paragraphs have already said how to breathe correctly when doing push-ups, but it is worth noting this point again: before lowering down, you need to inhale, and the rise should be done on the exhale.
  3. High execution speed. You need to push up slowly, without jerking, with a delay at the bottom point.
  4. Bad and short workout. Any set of exercises on the uneven bars should begin with a warm-up and warm-up of the muscles.
  5. Too high loads when working with weights. Additional weights it is worth adding only when you can confidently perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions with the current weight.

Such exercises have a positive effect on the relief of the body and train good endurance. With the help of this sports equipment, you can pump up the muscles of the shoulder girdle, chest and back, but for more effective workouts experts advise using other shells: horizontal bar, barbell, dumbbells. Whatever exercises you use for training, perform them under control, concentrating on the work of the target muscles.

Girls should limit the degree of load, reduce the number of approaches and exclude the use of large weights. Otherwise, the bench press for girls is no different from doing the exercise for men. If the exercise is difficult to complete, women can use a counterweight, such as a gravitron or rubber loops.

It is not for nothing that the bars are present at every street sports ground. After all, on this projectile you can do much more options for interesting exercises for the development of the muscles of the torso and shoulders than even on the horizontal bar or crossbar. Moreover, most of the exercises gymnastic elements it is easier for beginners to do it on the uneven bars. The bars are an excellent ally, with the help of which the strength and endurance of the torso develops, as well as the relief is worked out and specific muscles are pumped. Let us consider in more detail what benefits can be derived using this projectile.

What muscle groups swing when exercising on the uneven bars (diagram)

Bars are one of the most popular sports equipment, present on most sports grounds, both open and closed. The projectile consists of two parallel crossbars located at a distance of 60 cm from each other on racks. Exercises on the uneven bars are mostly multi-joint and when performed, many muscles of the body swing at the same time.

The main muscles, the development of which is aimed at training on the uneven bars:

  • pectoralis major and minor;
  • triceps or triceps;
  • deltoid muscles - front muscles of the shoulders;
  • trapezoidal and latissimus dorsi back;
  • biceps brachii or biceps.

Also, while working on the uneven bars, you can perform some types of exercises to work out the abdominal press.

Bars are a great upper body workout for both men and women. There is an opinion that even doing only on uneven bars, without using a barbell, horizontal bar and block simulators, you can bring your torso into excellent condition. But you need to do it right on the uneven bars. And if intensive muscle growth is necessary, then various weighting agents should be used.

Exercises on parallel bars

If you're planning to tone up your torso by working out on the uneven bars, it's important to follow a training regimen and exercise regularly. The most preferred training schedule will be classes every other day, i.e. 3-4 days a week. Every day is not recommended, since the muscles must be loaded in such a way that about 48 hours remain for rest and recovery.

Directly during training, the following principles should be observed:

  • Even a very short workout should start with a warm-up to avoid injury and sprains.
  • During training, be as focused as possible on the exercise.
  • For training, dress according to the weather on the site. If it is cold outside, then try to dress in such a way as to avoid hypothermia of the muscles. The hotter the muscle, the softer, more elastic and less susceptible to traumatic factors.
  • Small breaks are required between sets.

And now let's look at what exercises are the most popular and effective for pumping the muscles of the torso on the uneven bars.

Horizontal dips on bars

Push-ups on the uneven bars is an exercise similar in technique to push-ups from the floor with narrow grip. It is performed in the lying position, and the legs and arms are on the bars from above. The only difference is that on the bars you can lower the body much lower and, accordingly, work out the muscles of the shoulders and chest more effectively. When performing this exercise, it is important not to bring the pelvis forward, as this reduces the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and increases the load on the lower back. It is allowed to move the pelvis back a little, but ideally the body and legs should form a straight line.

Exercise technique:

  1. Starting position - emphasis lying on the uneven bars. Hands hold on to the crossbars with a direct grip with the thumb inward, feet are on the crossbars with toes.
  2. While inhaling, we lower the body as low as possible, bending the arms at the elbows, the back remains straight.
  3. Exhaling, slowly rise to the starting position.

This exercise creates a good load not only on the muscles, but also on the elbow and wrist joints, so you should carefully monitor your feelings during the workout, especially if you have had an injury.

Triceps push-ups

For the harmonious development of the figure, it is important to monitor not only the development of the biceps, but also to pump the triceps.

Triceps push-ups differ in technique from classic push-ups, which involve the chest to a greater extent. At correct execution this exercise not only a beautiful relief of the shoulders is formed, but also the posture improves, muscular coordination, strength and endurance develop.

To perform triceps push-ups, you need parallel bars located at a standard distance from each other.

Triceps push-up technique:

  1. We focus on the uneven bars, leaning on straight arms. The body is vertical. Legs can be bent or crossed. The gaze is directed forward, the back remains straight.
  2. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself down, bending and pulling your elbows back. Elbows do not need to be spread to the sides. Try to keep your body upright. We bend our arms to approximately an angle of 90 degrees, it can be a little lower.
  3. Exhaling, straighten your arms, returning to the starting position.

Video: Triceps push-ups on uneven bars

To effectively work out the muscles of the chest, push-ups on the uneven bars will also be very useful. Despite the seeming similarity of the exercises, their execution technique is completely different. To work out the pectoral muscles, it is necessary to slightly round the back and spread the elbows to the sides when doing push-ups. This will allow you to use the necessary muscle group.

Technique for performing push-ups on the chest:

  1. Starting position - emphasis on the bars, elbows look to the sides. The body is located vertically, the back is slightly rounded at the shoulders, the head is lowered down.
  2. While inhaling, we bend our arms, spreading our elbows to the sides, we go down. We bend our arms to about a right angle. Below is not needed. The range of motion must be incomplete.
  3. As you exhale, we rise up, trying to feel the muscles of the chest as much as possible.
  4. We repeat required amount once.

Video: Chest push-up technique

Raising the legs in an emphasis

Exercise on the uneven bars to work out the muscles of the press and back. It is easy to perform, even easier than a similar exercise on the bar, because it does not require a strong grip. Also, unlike performing a similar exercise on the simulator, on the projectile it is a little more difficult, because the back does not receive support. This allows you to develop muscle coordination and balance.


  1. Starting position in emphasis on the uneven bars on straight arms, the back is straight, the shoulders are fixed.
  2. As you exhale, raise your legs up as high as possible. We linger in this position for a couple of seconds.
  3. Then, while inhaling, slowly lower the legs to the starting position.

The benefits of push-ups on the uneven bars

Push-ups on the uneven bars have a number of advantages over classic bench presses.

  • Availability. There are bars on every open sports ground and every gym.
  • Convenience. You don't need the help of a coach to deliver the barbell. Work comes from own weight, sometimes with a little weight.
  • When push-ups on the uneven bars develop a sense of balance, coordination of movements.
  • Pants are universal. On them, you can work out almost any muscle group of the body.
  • When exercising on the uneven bars, the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back and chest are perfectly stretched, which allows them to be worked out several times more efficiently than in the gym.

However, there are also disadvantages to this exercise. The main problem is that the uneven bars are almost completely contraindicated for those who have had a shoulder injury or elbow joint because the load on them is very high.

Weekly uneven bars training program for boys and girls

The uneven bars training program must necessarily include not only the exercises themselves, but also a high-quality warm-up of all the joints that will be involved during the workout.

It is better to practice on the bars and the horizontal bar according to the principle of two workouts in a row every day and one day off. In this case, the first workout should be hard and intense, and the next one should be light. Then a break of one day and again a hard workout. It's easy behind her. This is followed by two days of rest. This mode will allow you to achieve tangible results in the shortest possible time.

Day one: hard workout.

  1. Simple push-ups with a direct wide grip 15 times in 3 sets (for beginners, you can reduce the number of times).
  2. Push-ups on the uneven bars for triceps 15 times in 3 sets.
  3. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip (beginners can use Swedish wall), 10 times in 4 sets.
  4. Raising the legs in an emphasis 4 sets of 15 times.
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars horizontal 15 times in 2 sets.
  6. Raising the legs in the hang on the horizontal bar or uneven bars 20 times in 4 sets.

Second day: simple training.

  1. Push-ups on the uneven bars for the pectoral muscles 15 times in 3 sets.
  2. Raising the legs in support 20 times in 4 sets.
  3. Push-ups on triceps 15 times for 3 sets.
  4. Squats 16 times 3 sets.

Third day: rest and recovery. You can just walk, massage and water treatments will also be useful.

So, the bars can become a full-fledged replacement for many simulators, but it should be understood that classes on this projectile require increased attention to technology. If in the hall you can perform isolated exercises on any muscle group, pumping it and spending a minimum of effort on control, then the situation with bars is more complicated. It is important to follow the technique and work out exactly the target muscles. Only in this case regular workouts on the uneven bars give a visible and tangible result.

Push-ups on the uneven bars are an unsurpassed exercise for working out the triceps and pectoral muscles, as well as for strengthening the shoulder girdle. Along with the horizontal bar, the bars are one of the most affordable simulators. They are in almost every gym, on street sports grounds, and some even at home. In this article, we will look at how to do push-ups on the uneven bars and analyze the features of this exercise.

Working muscles

The main load of push-ups on the uneven bars is created on the muscles rear surface shoulders, or triceps. The essence of the movement is to raise your body from the lower position to the upper one by extending the arms at the elbows (namely, this is the main function of the triceps). No matter how we put our hands, do not reject the body and do not change the position of the elbows - the triceps work in any case.

The large pectoral muscles act as synergistic muscles (assistants). The technique for performing push-ups from the bars can be changed in such a way that these muscles are included in the work to a greater or lesser extent. Since the chest and triceps work in pairs, the more the chest is loaded, the less the triceps are involved and vice versa. The pectoral muscles are larger and stronger, so at the first opportunity they pull the load on themselves.

The function of the pectoral muscles is to bring the shoulders (arms from the elbow to the shoulder joint) in front of the body. Accordingly, to transfer the emphasis of the load from the triceps to the chest, the push-up technique should imply not only the extension of the arms, but also the reduction of the shoulders from a wide position to a narrower one. We will consider in detail the technique of push-ups on the uneven bars in the chest and triceps style in the corresponding part of the article.

In addition to the above muscle groups, a significant load falls on the front beams deltoid muscles and bundles shoulder joints. To perform the exercise, the shoulder girdle must be absolutely stable, because you not only hold all your weight due to it, but also move, creating an additional load.

Precisely because of high load on the ligaments of the shoulders, push-ups on the uneven bars are considered a somewhat traumatic exercise. However, as they say, forewarned is forearmed. If you have injuries to your shoulders, elbows, or wrists, refrain from doing the exercise until you are fully recovered.

Along with the triceps, pecs, and deltas, barbell dips include core stabilizers (abs and back, and numerous small muscles). If you bend your legs back, the biceps of the thighs and buttocks work statically.

Actually, we analyzed the work of the muscles. We turn to the technique of performing various variations of the exercise.

Focus on triceps

In fact, this is a classic version of push-ups from the bars. Approach the projectile and jump on it. The distance between the bars should be slightly wider than the shoulders. Grip - palms to the body.

  1. In the starting position (upper point), your body is vertical, you hold on to straight arms, your elbows are turned back.
  2. After inhaling, lower yourself down as far as the flexibility of your shoulder joints allows. Focus on a 90 degree angle at your elbows. During movement, the elbows are turned back and pressed to the body.
  3. As you exhale, by extending your arms, rise up. If the exercise is given to you with great difficulty, straighten your elbows at the top point. This will give the triceps a short break. If you are an experienced athlete, leave a slight angle at the elbows so as not to remove the load from the target muscles.

When working on triceps mass, aim for 10-15 reps in 3-4 sets. Go down slowly and go up quickly.

Once all this is easy enough for you, start mastering push-ups on the bars with weights. You should not rush into this matter, because by overdoing it with the load, you can get injured and, in general, deprive yourself of training for a long time.

In the triceps training program, it is better to put push-ups on the uneven bars at the beginning. Additionally, you can do exercises such as extension of the arms in an inclination, reverse push-ups, push-ups with a narrow grip, Hindu push-ups.

Emphasis on the pectoral muscles

In order to transfer some of the load to the chest muscles, we need to change the technique so that it has the mechanics of bringing the shoulders together. To do this, we, firstly, will spread our elbows a little to the sides, and, secondly, we will tilt the body forward. Maximizes the exercise lower part chest. The pectoral muscles are well stretched at the bottom point, which increases the range of motion, and, consequently, its effectiveness.

Do not try to perform the exercise on too wide bars. This can lead to injury. The best option for the distance between the crossbars is a little wider than your shoulders.

The technique of push-ups from the bars with an emphasis on the chest is as follows:

  1. Jump on the projectile, turn your elbows slightly to the sides and tilt your body forward about 30 degrees.
  2. As you inhale, lower your body down, spreading your elbows to the sides. Do not try to spread them too wide - everything is within the limits of anatomical comfort. At the bottom, you should feel a good stretch in your lower chest. Focus on a 90 degree elbow angle.
  3. As you exhale, contract the pectoral muscles as much as possible, lift yourself to the starting position. At the top point, bring your chest even tighter and linger for 1-2 seconds.

As in the case of triceps, when training the chest for mass, perform 10-15 reps in 3-4 sets. As soon as you solve this problem, master push-ups on bars with weight.

In the chest training program, the exercise can be set, for example, after bench presses.

For newbies

Often, for beginners, and especially for girls, the muscles of the upper body are not yet sufficiently developed to complete the exercise to the fullest. Accordingly, the question becomes relevant, how to learn to do push-ups on the uneven bars from scratch. There may be several options here:

  • Performing push-ups in the gravitron. This is a special machine with a knee support cushion that partly compensates for the weight of your body and makes the exercise easier.
  • Push-ups with partial amplitude. The lower you lower the body, the more difficult it will be to raise it to the top point. Try to do the exercise with incomplete amplitude, gradually increasing it to a normal value.
  • Support from a partner or coach. At first, someone can help you by supporting your legs.
  • Negative phase training. Learn how to descend under control from the top point first. This will help strengthen your muscles and prepare you for the positive phase of the movement.

And finally, the simplest recommendation. If the strength of your triceps and pecs is not enough yet, strengthen the muscles more simple exercises. For triceps, this can be: extension of the arms in an inclination, push-ups from the floor with narrow setting hands, french press. For the lower chest: bench press with head down, (hands on the bench) and others.

In order for push-ups from the bars to become really useful for you and effective exercises and did not lead to injury, when performing them, consider the following recommendations:

  • Holding onto the bars, do not bend your wrists. The grip should be tight and stable. The same goes for the shoulder joints.
  • Do not use too wide bars (much wider than shoulders). This makes the exercise more traumatic than useful.
  • Try to keep your spine as straight as possible. The abdominal and back muscles help stabilize the body.
  • Before you start doing push-ups, be sure to warm up. Rotate your shoulders, forearms and wrists, stretch your muscles.
  • Avoid jerking, slow movement, firstly, requires more effort, and, accordingly, loads the muscles more, and, secondly, it is safer.
  • Do not relax or sag at the shoulders at the bottom. All phases of movement should be under your control.

Push-ups on the uneven bars, if done correctly, can give a powerful impetus to the growth of the muscles of the triceps and chest. In addition, their implementation develops the flexibility of the shoulder girdle, trains the ligaments and increases the overall strength and endurance of the athlete. A huge plus for your health will be training on fresh air. Work on yourself and the results will not be long in coming.

Do you know the phrase “Everything ingenious is simple”? It is this “genius” and simplicity that ordinary parallel bars have. Hello friends. The topic of this article is both practically useful and quite interesting in its content, and it is called like this - "Bars: which muscles swing."

In the program of any bodybuilder, or rather on the days of pumping and triceps, you can find exercises related to working on the uneven bars. So why are ordinary and uncomplicated, it would seem, parallel bars so popular with gymnasts, weightlifters of various “colors”, athletes and even (Oh, my God!) football players?

Everything is simple! Push-ups on the uneven bars are among the multi-joint basic exercises, which involve in addition to the main large groups there are also many small muscles. We can safely say that the bars, or rather, exercises on them, allow you to harmoniously develop the entire torso of the body, starting from physical qualities types of strength and endurance, and ending with the volume of specific muscles.

What else is remarkable about the bars?

A complete list of muscles that actively swing during work, as well as those that are auxiliary and grow a little more slowly, will be given below. And now I can only say that pushing up on the uneven bars, you always have the opportunity to influence specific muscles in different ways.

What I mean? I'm talking about the position of the body in relation to the floor if you train in the gym, or the ground if your classes take place on the street - on the sports ground. By shifting the body forward, as if falling over, you thereby provoke a shift in the center of gravity forward, which, in turn, causes the pectoral muscles to contract more actively, or rather, their and slightly smaller middle sections.

The opposite option is possible, where the emphasis is on triceps arms, that is, triceps. Here it is enough to keep the body more or less even (without any collapse or deviation forward), which will affect the greater activation muscle tissue triceps.

Additionally, I can say that in the first case, the anterior bundle of the deltoid muscles (“deltas” or, as everyone used to call it, shoulders) is more loaded, and in the second, the middle one, although in both cases the shoulders work completely.

Core muscles

As you have already understood from all of the above, the main muscles in working on the uneven bars are the pectoral, triceps and deltoid muscles.

It is on the development of these large muscle pairs that athletes rely various kinds sports. And with full confidence I can say that doing only on the uneven bars (without a barbell or other simulators) you can bring your torso into full order. I mean pull him up and gain some muscle mass.

But if you are interested in growing further, as well as increasing your strength, then I recommend that you use additional weight. If you want to be embossed / embossed and have great endurance, then simply increase the number of sets and repetitions in the exercise "flexion and extension of the arms on the uneven bars."

In addition, speaking of bars, we understand that you can do not only regular push ups(when the legs hang down), but and, push-ups from the bars in the lying position, if we are talking about long ones, gymnastic bars, and not about short ones that combine a horizontal bar.

In this case, you can simply throw your ankles on top of the bars and additionally work out the muscles described above.

If the bars can be adjusted in width, then in this case you can safely change the width of your arms in the emphasis while lying on these same bars. Just rest your hands on them and put your feet on them (in any way - sideways, on your toes). Now you have the opportunity to do push-ups with a comfortable grip: the weight of your own body does not press on your wrists, your fists do not hurt.

When push-ups lying on the uneven bars, by the way, the same muscles also work - only the nature of the loads changes.

I'm sure not all of us knew about this. non-standard exercise, which can remarkably diversify the same type of training program.

Additional muscles

To the number additional muscles, involved while working on the uneven bars, can be counted, trapezius muscles (some of their departments), round, rhomboid (that is, the muscles of the shoulder blades), and also (no matter how strange it may sound) the biceps of the hands and the muscles of the forearms are tensed. Yes, trust this fact.

It will not be possible to pump up these muscles as the main ones thanks to exercises on the uneven bars, but it is possible to tone them up and keep them in working condition.

I wonder how, for example, biceps work? Then look: during the repulsion phase, that is, when you push your body up, the main muscles work, but during the lowering phase (when you don’t fall down easily, but try to go down smoothly), additional ones turn on. And although the degree of their tension is not enough for full growth, but it is it that allows you to maintain working muscles in good shape.

By the way, the abdominal and lower back muscles also contribute to keeping the body in a certain position.

In short, I consider the bars to be a universal and indispensable simulator and assistant. Although now modern "simulators" have imitating exercises on uneven bars.

But (my personal opinion) all this was invented for "show-offs", and there is less real practical value there. Do you need to pump up or show off in front of the opposite sex, friends? Then decide for yourself which simulator is more useful for you.


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Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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