T-shaped fingerboard with your own hands. Bar pull for deep back work

It consists in fixing one end of the neck. As a result, there is no need to control the trajectory of the neck and only the back muscles are involved in the work, excluding the work of the stabilizer muscles. There are several simulators for performing the element, allowing you to work from a prone or standing position. In the absence of the latter, you can connect an ordinary barbell to work.

Execution technique

The technique for performing the t-bar thrust in an incline is as follows:

  1. We take the bar and set it on one end required amount pancakes. We fix the other end of the inventory in a corner or rest against something hard on the floor. We fasten on the neck next to the pancakes the handle from the simulator for horizontal thrust. In the absence of the latter, we take the bar with both hands closer to the pancakes. At the same time, we place one hand a little closer to the pancakes, and the other a little further. After each approach, the position of the hands must be changed.
  2. We place the bar between the legs slightly bent at the knees. We bend over, keeping our back straight with a natural deflection in the lower back. We strain the muscles of the legs and the press and take the end of the reef in our hands. The gaze is directed forward.
  3. We pull the bar of the bar towards us, exhaling. At the same time, the latissimus dorsi muscles should work. We linger at the top point for a few seconds, while bringing the shoulder blades together. The contraction of the back muscles should be felt.
  4. Slowly lower the bar while inhaling to the starting position. At the same time, the muscles relax, the elbows do not unbend to the end, and the pancakes do not touch the floor.
  5. We do three sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Important! When performing the element, watch the work of the back muscles. Legs should take only static load. It is also necessary to control the trajectory of the movement of the elbows: they should always be close to the body.

Exercise options

Before starting the training, you need to decide on the load, depending on which part of the back you are going to pump. In accordance with this, the following options for the execution of the element are distinguished:

Bent over t bar to chest

This variant of the bent-over T-bar row is used when it is necessary to emphasize the load on the upper back. In this case, you just need to get away from the part of the neck on which the pancakes are attached. At the same time, try to calculate the distance at which you should stand as accurately as possible, otherwise you risk getting a careless blow to the head with a sharp jerk of the neck.

Traction t neck to the belt in an inclination

This type of exercise is used when pumping the lower part latissimus dorsi back. Here you should take a position as close as possible to the edge of the simulator, i.e. to the end of the neck with fixed pancakes.

Grip is also important. The wider it is, the stronger the small and large round muscles will work. Parallel and narrow grip work the latissimus dorsi more. A reverse grip will allow you to work deeper lower part latissimus dorsi, connecting biceps to work.

In order for the exercise to bring the best result and not entail possible injuries, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. correct initial position. Particular attention should be paid to the angle of inclination. The smaller it is, the stronger the load on the lower lats. When approaching the angle of inclination to a straight line, it will be worked out more strongly top part back. Whatever angle of inclination you choose, you must keep your back straight with a natural deflection in the spine.
  2. Weight selection. Do not overload yourself: start with small weights, gradually increasing the load. For larger weights, you can use athletic belt. But remember that it makes it difficult to keep your back straight and prevents correct breathing. Choose smaller plates: large plates interfere with the grip and reduce the range of motion.
  3. Control over technology. Make sure that during the execution of the element the back works, and not the biceps. Watch your elbows and back position: the first should always be closer to the body, and the second should remain straight at each point in the execution of the element.
  4. Pace. Choose for yourself the most comfortable pace of the exercise. Avoid jerking, all movements should be smooth: slowly lower the bar and quickly raise it.


Bent-over bar row is a very popular exercise among athletes. It does not require serious physical training and complex equipment, and for pumping the back is just perfect. Take weights that are comfortable for you and start training: the result will not be long in coming!

T-bar pull- an old and very effective exercise aimed at large-scale pumping of the back. Today, probably, there is no room where there would not be a simulator for performing this exercise. However, beginners most often fail to master it the first time. How to be? First of all, forget about the simulator and grab the barbell, which, unlike the simulator, adapts itself to you. This exercise can also be called - T-bar pull.

From the very first movements, the load is felt across the entire width of the back, no matter what angle is set, the exercise is right on target! T-bar pull - so effective exercise, which was part of the arsenal of Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. The biomechanics of the exercise is not so complicated, but let's take a closer look at the execution technique.

Starting position:

  • Hang a few pancakes on one end of the bar, rest the other end in a corner or ask a partner to hold his foot.
  • Lean forward, pass the barbell between your legs and grab the bar with your hands. Try to get as close to the pancakes as possible.
  • Slightly decrease the tilt of the body to lift the pancakes off the floor. This will be our starting position.
  • Keep your back extremely straight, while statically tighten your abs.

Performing a T-Bar Row:

  • Exclusively due to the efforts of the back muscles, pull the pancakes towards you. Do not connect the biceps to the work, all movements are carried out only by pulling the elbows back. Only in this case the back receives the proper load.
  • Pause at the top and lower the bar to the starting position. Without lowering the pancakes to the floor, feel the strongest stretching of the back muscles in lowest point.
  • Perform the planned number of repetitions.
  • Plates of large diameter significantly limit the amplitude of the T-bar pull, so, if possible, use similar weights of a smaller diameter, but thicker. If this is not possible, hang a sufficient number of 10-kilogram pancakes.
  • Pulling with a crooked back can lead to lower back injury, so keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Do not spread your elbows to the sides, try to keep as close to the body as possible. This will significantly increase the load on the bottom of the widest.

Related videos: "T-Bar Row Technique"

Bent Over Row - Basic basic exercise, which belongs to the three most effective exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the back, but despite its good reputation, many gym visitors prefer not to do it (this applies to beginners). Performing this exercise, you include several joints at the same time: elbow joint, shoulder and shoulder blades, and as you know, the more joints work when performing a particular exercise, the more effective it will be in building muscle.

Bent Over Row or T Bar Row

The movement occurs in a uniform reduction of the shoulder blades. The reduction of the shoulder blades must occur completely, otherwise, the effectiveness of the exercise decreases and its amplitude is reduced. When performing bent over rows, the legs and torso must be kept still. The muscles involved in the pull contract smoothly.

Note. Most of muscle mass a person is made up of the muscles of the legs and back. Therefore, if you want to develop your back, take Special attention precisely these muscles and spend more time working out these muscle masses.

Tilt Lifting Technique

  1. First stage: Lower the bar down and put weight plates on it. After that, bend your legs, keeping your back parallel to the floor. You should look ahead. The palms should be perpendicular to the body, and also hang over the projectile. This is the starting position before you start lifting the barbell.
  2. Second step: Keeping your torso still, exhale and pull the bar to your lower chest. In the process of lifting the barbell, keep your hands close to the body, using the forearms to hold the projectile. At the very top of the amplitude, tighten the muscles of the back.
  3. Third step: Gently place the projectile and exhale. Repeat this procedure as many times as you need.

Key points to consider

  • it is not recommended to move on to maximum weights until you learn how to competently do a barbell lift in an incline and master the technique at the right level;
  • do not let the body "walk" from side to side while doing this exercise;
  • throughout the entire amplitude, tilt your back parallel to the ground;
  • during execution, do not pull the projectile and take your time;
  • do not lift the projectile very high;
  • use a weightlifting belt while working with weight;
  • remember that looking down at the floor will immediately round the spine.
  • if you have problems with the flexibility of your ligaments, lift the barbell, keeping the buttocks close to the vertical support;
  • at maximum scales use weightlifting straps.

Benefits of exercising

The barbell raise is a favorite exercise among professional bodybuilders because it guarantees:

  1. Increasing the size and strength of the back muscles. Bent over rowing is a lot like rowing a boat, and as everyone knows, rowers have some of the most wide spins. The latissimus dorsi takes on the bulk of the load, and the rhomboid and trapezius muscles are also worked out at a sufficient level. This muscle mass is responsible for almost the entire back.
  2. Improvement in overall flexibility. By performing bent over barbell raises, your body will become much more flexible. This will happen due to the stretching of the thigh muscles.
  3. Excellent posture. Among other things, this exercise strengthens the lumbar spine. Traction teaches a more harmonious contraction of small and large muscle groups, "fixed" on the spine. As a result, their strength is leveled and the person gets a healthy posture.
  4. Increase in strength indicators and maximum power in the main basic exercises. A scientifically proven and practice-proven fact - lifting the barbell in an incline positively affects the progress in the classic bench press, and also improves performance in the deadlift.
  5. Fast burning of calories. Many trainers refer this exercise to the class of “weight loss”, since the maximum cumulative effort of several at once is generated. muscle groups which promotes a faster metabolism.

Disadvantages of pulling the bar to the belt

It takes a lot of time to complete the deadlift, which is not very good, since the workout should not go more than 45 minutes. Another disadvantage is the high risk of back injury, since learning how to properly do traction in this position is possible only after several weeks of training.

This basic exercise perfectly works out the muscle mass, increasing its width and thickness. Be sure to incorporate the bench press into your workout.

The T-bar row is a fairly old and incredibly effective basic exercise that allows you to perfectly work out a wide range of back muscles.

T-bar pull neutral grip.

Props for performing such traction can be found in absolutely any gym, and its effectiveness is confirmed even by the fact that the T-bar thrust never left the training program of the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger.

What muscles work

Working muscles when pulling the t-bar

The T-bar pull provides an opportunity to work out:

  1. Posterior bundles of deltoid muscles;
  2. diamond-shaped;
  3. Infraspinatus;
  4. Trapezoidal;
  5. Long extensors;
  6. Large round muscles of the back;
  7. The broadest, on which the main load falls.

In addition to the biceps and forearms, which are actively involved in the implementation this exercise, hips are also involved in the work, pectoral muscles and press. The pull of the T-bar allows you not only to develop the muscles of the back, but also. The high efficiency of the exercise is not least achieved thanks to a comfortable grip, which significantly reduces injury risk and increases the load on various departments back.

Execution technique

In the absence of a special simulator, you can completely get by with a barbell bar, one end of which rests on the floor (it is best to use additional equipment to give maximum immobility), weighting in the form of pancakes is placed on the other.

Bent Over Row (standing)

Bent-over T-bar row. Timko Ilya. Photo source site tvoytrener.com

If the exercise is performed with an ordinary barbell, you must first arm yourself with a V-shaped handle. You can borrow it from a block simulator on which horizontal traction is performed.

You need to stand in such a way that the neck is located between the legs, the feet are securely fixed, and the legs are half-bent at the knees. It is important to straighten the shoulders and “bring” the chest out, while maintaining the deflection in the lumbar region. To save right position the back should always keep the head slightly elevated.

  1. Having taken the starting position, you need to grab the handles at the level of shoulder width.
  2. After removing the bar from the simulator or tearing it off the floor, you need to take a breath, and then, as you exhale, pull it to the chest area. Elbows should be in close proximity to the body.
  3. When the top point is reached, you need to stay there for literally one second. Then the barbell slowly lowers on inspiration to the starting position.

Unbending the elbows at the lowest point is definitely not worth it, since a significant part of the load in such a case will transfer from the back muscles to the biceps of the arms and forearms. The lowering is carried out slowly, the rise of the bar is much faster. Since the T-bar row is a basic exercise, it is recommended to do it at the very beginning of the workout after a 10-15 minute warm-up and warm-up of the joints.

Traction with an emphasis reclining, with a pressed chest

The thrust of the T-neck with an emphasis allows you to develop powerful back with deep relief.

This exercise is characterized by a rather high injury risk, so it is recommended to gradually increase the load and pay maximum attention to the execution technique. The advantage of this option is the ability to accentuate the middle part of the back and correct asymmetric muscles.

  1. Having equipped the simulator with the required number of pancakes, you need to take the starting position: the stomach and chest are tightly pressed to the platform for support, the gaze is fixed on the floor.
  2. Grasping the handles with an upper grip at shoulder width, you will need to tear the projectile from the racks.
  3. The weight is pulled up on the exhale, while the emphasis is smoothly shifted from the chest, which is slightly detached from the platform, to the abdomen.
  4. It is necessary to pull the projectile up to the top point, where the shoulder blades are almost completely brought together.
  5. You need to lower the weight slowly, not allowing the latissimus dorsi to completely relax at the bottom point.

It is strongly not recommended to use too large weights that do not allow the chest to come off the back of the simulator. Also, do not hold the projectile down due to effort. biceps arms and spread elbows out to the sides. The back should remain in tension throughout the exercise.

Narrow (neutral) grip pull

With a neutral grip, the main load can be shifted to the middle part of the trapezoid and the lower back.

The neutral-grip T-Bar row technique differs little from other variations of this exercise. If there are no special handles for a narrow grip on the simulator, then an ordinary neck should be used, at one end of which the required number of pancakes is put on.

There are the following rules, following which you can achieve best results and avoid negative consequences:

  1. You should not spread your legs wider than the shoulder line, since such a step significantly increases the risk of injury and complicates the exercise.
  2. The body should not be excessively tilted forward, but it is also not recommended to keep it in a level position.
  3. It is best to use an open grip, which will make it possible to achieve an isolated load on the back.
  4. The optimal position during the exercise can be called a position in which the neck touches the lower abdomen.
  5. For a competent distribution of the center of gravity, the feet should be slightly turned to the sides.
  6. Due to pancakes with a large diameter, the amplitude of the thrust is significantly limited. For this reason, it is worth using similar weights with a smaller diameter.
  7. Elbows, spaced apart, relieve the load from the latissimus dorsi, and increase the risk of injury.

In the case of traction in the simulator, a lot depends on the width of the grip used. narrow grip allows you to significantly increase the amplitude, but it shifts part of the load on the biceps. Wide grip, respectively, reduces the amplitude. The best option for complex back training is the alternation of grips. A typical mistake beginners are jerks that can lead to sprains or more serious injuries. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to a certain pace with a slow lowering of the bar down and a quick rise up.

How to replace the exercise

One of the more popular alternatives to the T-bar row is the bent-over row. This exercise is one of the core basic ones, and allows you to perfectly work out the rear deltas, as well as the latissimus dorsi.

Bent over rows are not recommended for novice athletes, because in the case of wrong technique it can cause injuries to the joints of the elbow and wrists. Beginners can include this exercise in their training program, however, it is necessary to use only small weights for its implementation.

Another replacement for the T-bar row is the belly row. block simulator, which loads the upper and middle back, as well as the chest and biceps.

Contraindications and disadvantages of exercise

When performing this exercise, many different joints, stabilizers and muscles are exposed to the load. Therefore, before you start it, you need to warm up well. To do this, it is best to do a warm-up and a couple of approaches with a minimum weight or an empty neck.

For athletes with lumbar spine injuries, it is best to abandon the T-bar thrust, replacing it with a more gentle load. In extreme cases, you can include in your program a variation of the exercise with emphasis and pressed chest.

In order to minimize the risk of injury, it is worth gradually increasing the working weight and paying maximum attention to the execution technique.

Be sure to read about it

Physical education hello! Wednesday on the calendar 11 May, which means that we have a technical note on the agenda, and today we will talk about the T-bar row exercise with an emphasis.

After reading, you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and the technique of performing the exercise. We will also conduct some comparative analysis of various variations and find out the degree of effectiveness in terms of the impact on the muscles of each of them.

So take your seats, we're about to begin.

Thrust T-neck with an emphasis. What, why and why?

I think I won’t discover America if I say that the most popular back exercises for visitors gyms are - and . In second place in popularity are free weight pulls, such as: barbells in an incline or dumbbells to the belt. And in the very backyards there are traction in simulators, for example, traction of the T-bar. We have already talked about this exercise earlier, but today we will analyze its rarely performed variation with emphasis and find out how it can be of interest to us and whether it is worth paying attention to it at all.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of basic (conditionally basic) with the type of force pull (pull) and has as its main goal the study of the muscles of the middle / upper back.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - back;
  • synergists - trapezius (middle / bottom), rhomboid, latissimus, large / small round, infraspinatus, posterior delta, brachialis, brachioradialis, pectoralis major (sternal head);
  • dynamic stabilizers - biceps, triceps (long head).

A complete muscle atlas is such a picture.


By performing the T-bar row with an emphasis, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • development of strength and muscle mass;
  • thickness development;
  • accentuated study / isolation of the middle of the back with minimal inclusion of supporting muscles;
  • better focus on muscle work (compared to the classic version) due to the lack of need for balancing;
  • the ability to adjust;
  • the ability to perform with problems with the lower back.

Execution technique

The thrust of the T-bar with an emphasis belongs to the average / intermediate class of difficulty. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step #0.

Equip the simulator by putting on it the required number of pancakes. Take a position on top (face down), pressing firmly chest to the base site. Grab the handles and tear the bar off the rack, placing it on outstretched arms. Look forward. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Inhale and as you exhale, begin to bring the handles towards you / up, bringing your shoulder blades together and squeezing your back as you move. Make a peak contraction at the top point, lingering for 1-2 seconds and while inhaling, return the projectile to the PI. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

On the move so...


In addition to the classic version of thrust with emphasis, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • two dumbbell row reverse grip on a bench at an angle up;
  • traction of one dumbbell lying down with an emphasis on the bench at an angle upwards.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • throughout the movement, do not tear your chest off the support platform;
  • do not crawl your hips on the simulator and do not move your legs;
  • bring the shoulder blades together and squeeze the back at the end point of the trajectory;
  • slowly lower the projectile down and explosively bring it to you;
  • keep your arms/elbows fairly close to your body when pulling;
  • do not lower your head much down and do not look under your feet;
  • do not use large weights, because. this will compress the chest and make breathing difficult;
  • while pulling, do not jump or use cheating;
  • breathing technique: exhale - when bending the arms / for effort, pulling up; inhale - when extending the arms;
  • numerical training parameters: number of sets 3-4 , repetitions 8-10 .

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

Is the T-Bar row with an emphasis an effective exercise?

The method of electromyography (EMG analysis) allows us to judge the effectiveness of the exercise, in which the electrical activity of the muscles is measured during the performance of certain exercises. Research data 2015 years, published in The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, tell us about the following EMG values:

  • tilt bar pull - 97% ;
  • thrust T - neck with an emphasis - 90% ;
  • thrust T - neck - 86% ;
  • traction of the lower block to the belt - 80% .

Thus, the classic T-bar row and with emphasis are exercises of the same class and are included in the top 5 back exercises.

Which traction option to choose: with emphasis or classic?

In resolving this issue, it is necessary to build on your state of health and the current training program. Row with an emphasis is more suitable for beginners and those who have problems with the lower back. If you are an experienced athlete and your PT lacks variety, then the emphasis option will be a great solution.

Actually, we figured out the theoretical and practical parts, let's summarize.


Today we got acquainted with the thrust of the T-bar with an emphasis. I'm sure you can't wait to try the exercise in practice and make your verdict on its suitability. Therefore, we finish reading the note and blow into the hall ... well, did they blow? :)

That's all, let's take our leave, see you soon!

PS. Colleagues, what back exercises do you use?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.