Type "Hand-to-hand combat. Warm-up complex

1- arms to the sides, 2- arms up, 3- arms to the sides, 4- I.p.

2. I.p. - stand, legs together, hands in the castle in front of the chest. 1- straighten your arms forward, 2- I.p. 3 - straighten your arms up, 4 - I.p.

3. I.p. - right hand above, left hand below. 1.2 - abduction of straight arms back, with a change in position, 3.4 - the same left at the top.

4. I.p. - stand, legs together, hands to the shoulders. 1-4 - opposite circular

rotations with arms in one direction, 5-8 - opposite circular rotations with arms in the other direction.

5. I.p. - stand, legs apart, hands in front of the chest in the castle. 1,2 - torso turns to the right,

3,4 - torso turns to the left.

6. I.p. - stand, legs apart, hands on the belt 1.2 - tilts to the right, 3.4 - tilts to the left.

7. I.p. - stand, legs apart, hands on the belt. 1,2,3 - forward bends, 4 - I.p.

8. I.p. - stand, legs apart, arms to the sides. 1- tilt forward with a turn to the right, touching right hand left leg. 2- I.p. 3- tilt forward with a turn to the left, touching the right leg with the left hand. 4 - I.p.

9. I.p. - squat on the right leg, left side straight. 1-3 - tilt forward to the straight leg, 4 - transfer of the center of gravity to the left leg.

10. I.p. - lunge with the right foot forward, hands behind the back, back straight. 1-3 - springy swaying, 4 - changing the position of the legs with a jump.

11. I.p.-stand, legs apart, arms forward, slightly to the sides. 1 - swing with the right foot to the left leg, 2 - I.p., 3 - swing with the left foot to the right leg, 4 - I.P.

12. I.p. - stand legs apart, arms below. 1.3 - jump, clap above the head, 2.4 - jump, hands to the starting position.

Complex No. 2

General developmental exercises without objects

1. I. p. - about. s., at the expense of 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 hands to the sides, up, forward, down. 4 times.

2. I. p. - legs apart, arms to the sides. 1 - tilt forward, clap your hands behind your left knee, exhale; 2 - i. p., inhale; 3 - tilt forward, clap behind the right knee, exhale; 4 - i. p., inhale. 4 times.

3. I. p. - the same. 1 - hands on the belt, turn to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3 - 4 - the same to the left. 4 times.

4. I. p. - about. s., I - sit down, hands on your knees, exhale; 2 - i. P.; 3 - sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, exhale; 4 - i. p., inhale 4 times.

5. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - raise the legs bent at the knees; 2 - straighten; 3 - bend; 4 - i. p. 4 times.

6. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, raise. 1 - 4 - circular movements of the legs forward ("bike"); 5-8 - the same, rotating the legs towards you. 3 times.

7. I. p. - lying on your back, put your palms on your stomach in the hypochondrium region. 1 - 3 - exhale, lightly pressing the palms on the stomach; 4 - pause; 5 - 7 - inhale, sticking out the stomach; 7 - pause. 3

8. I. p. - legs apart, hands on the belt, 1 - tilt to the left, hands 2-3 - the same to the right. 4 times.

9. I. p. - about. s., hands on the belt, raise the right leg, bent at the knee; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg. 4 times.

10. I. p. - about. With. 1 - tilt forward, relax the muscles of the hands; 2 - straighten up, arms up; 3 - tilt forward, relaxing the muscles, "drop" the hands, let them swing freely; 4 - i. n. 4 times.

Complex No. 3

outdoor switchgear in place in pairs

1. I.p. - standing with their backs to each other, holding hands, hands down.

1- arms to the sides, 2- arms up, stand on toes, 3- arms to the sides, lower on the heels, 4- sp.

2. I.p. - standing with their backs to each other, holding hands, hands up. 1,3 - the first partner leans forward. 2.4 - the second partner performs a tilt.

3 I.p. - standing with their backs to each other, holding hands. 1.3 - the first partner leans forward, 2.4 - the second partner leans forward.

4. I.p. - standing with their backs to each other, holding hands, hands at the top. 1.3 - tilt to the right,

2.4 - tilt to the left.

5. I.p. - standing in an inclination facing each other, legs apart, hands on the partner's shoulders.

6.IP - standing facing each other, holding hands, hands at the bottom.

7. I.p. - standing in an inclination facing each other, legs together, hands on the shoulders of a partner

Forward bends with the help of a partner.

8. I.p. - standing facing each other, holding the partner's forearms.

Circular rotations with turns.

9. I.p. - standing in an inclination facing each other, legs in a wide stance, arms to the sides, clasped into the lock.

Turns of the body to the right, to the left.

10. I.p. - standing facing each other, holding the partner's elbows.

Circular rotations with turns.

11. I.p. - standing with their backs to each other, holding hands, hands at the top. 1, 3 - lunge forward with the right foot, 2.4 - lunge forward with the left foot.

12.I.p. - squat on the right, left to the side, facing each other, holding hands.

Transfer of the center of gravity from one side to the other.

13. I.p. - the right (left) hand of one partner in the hand of the second.

Turns with imitation of throwing the ball, with a step of the left (right) foot in the direction of throwing.

Complex No. 4

Outdoor switchgear in place (in columns):

I.p. - standing in columns, hands on the shoulders of the person in front. 1- hands to the sides, 2.4 - I.p., 3- hands up.

I.p. - standing in columns, hands on the shoulders of the person in front. 1-3 abduction of straight arms back, 4 -I.p

I.p. - standing in ranks, holding hands, hands at the bottom. 1- hands up, right foot back on the toe, 2.4- I.p., 3- hands up, left foot back on the toe.

I.p. - standing in ranks, holding hands, hands at the bottom. 1-3 tilt forward, take your hands back, 4- I.p.

I.p. - standing in ranks, holding hands, hands below. 1- hands up, bend over, 2- lean forward, 3- squat, 4- stand up.

I.p. - standing in ranks, hands on the shoulders of the person standing next to him. 10 forward bends at your own expense.

I.p. - standing in columns, hands on the shoulders of the person in front. 1.2 - tilt to the right, 3.4 - tilt to the left.

I.p. - standing in columns, hands on the shoulders of the person in front. 1 - lunge to the right, 2.4 - I.p., 3 - lunge to the left.

I.p. - standing in ranks, holding hands, hands below. 1 - lunge forward with the right foot, arms forward, 2.4 - I.p., 3 - lunge forward with the left foot.

I.p. - standing in ranks, in a lunge with the right foot forward, hands on the shoulders of the person standing next to him. 20 jumps with a change in the position of the legs in a lunge, at your own expense.

I.p. - standing in ranks, hands on the shoulders of the person standing next to him. 12 squats under own account.

I.p. - standing in ranks, holding hands, hands below. 1-3 - jumps in place, 4 - turn 180 degrees.

Complex No. 5

General developmental exercises with a big ball

1. I. p. - deep squat, ball in hand on the floor. 1-2 - stand up, ball up, right foot back on the toe, stretch, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. The same, but the left leg back. 6-8 times.

2. I. p. - wide stance, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - turn the torso to the right, the ball "to the left hand, exhale; 2 - turn the torso in I. p., left hand with the ball to the side, inhale; 3-4 - the same, but turn to the left. 8- 10 times.

3. I. l.-stand legs together, the ball in the hands below. 1-3 - lean forward and roll the ball around the floor around the legs, exhale; 4 - take the ball, return to and. p., inhale. Perform with straight legs. Roll the ball in a vicious circle once to the left, another time to the right. 6-8 times in each direction.

4. I. p. - stand the legs together, the ball in the hands below. 1 - arc to the left the ball up and tilt the torso to the right, right leg to the side on the toe, exhale; 2-straighten up, put the right leg-gu, arc to the left the ball down, inhale; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. Perform together, do not hold the ball below. 8-10 times.

5. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball between the feet. 1-2 - raise straight legs with the ball forward, inhale; 3-4 - exhale. In the future, the exercise can be somewhat accelerated by making all movements in two counts. 12-15 times.

6. I. p. - stand legs together, straight arms with the ball forward. Spread your arms, release the ball, quickly sit down and, preventing the ball from falling to the floor, catch it with both hands below. The width of the spread of the hands should be gradually increased. 6-8 times.

7. Breathing exercise. 3-4 times.

8. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball at the shoulder in the palm of the bent arm. Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands. 8-10 times with each hand. Walking in place or moving forward, hitting the ball on the floor with your left hand and catching it with your right and vice versa. Breathing is uniform (20-30 s).

Complex No. 6

Exercises with a gymnastic stick

1. I. p. - leg stand together, stick below. 1-2-stick up, rise on your toes and stretch, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., you-doh. 6-8 times.

2. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick below. 1 - tilt forward, touch the floor with your hands, exhale; 2nd. p., inhale. During the tilt, the legs are straight, the task is complicated by changing the width of the grip. 12-15 times.

3. I. p. - leg stand apart, stick in front, grip wider than shoulders. 1 - turn the body to the right; 2nd. P.; 3-4 - the same on the left side. When turning, fasten the shoulder girdle, but do not move the gi from its place. Breathing is even. 10-12 times.

4. I. p. - stand legs together, stick below. 1-4 - lifting the stick forward, sit on the floor and stretch your legs; 5-8-get up without touching the floor with your hands and stick. 10-15 times.

5. I. p. - stand legs together, stick horizontally at the top. 1 - right leg to the side on the toe, tilt to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same on the left side. When tilting - exhale, when straightening - inhale. 10-12 times.

6. I. p. - lying on the chest, stick at the top (hands lie freely on the floor). 1 - 2 - bend over, raising the stick higher, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. The grip width can be changed by gradually reducing the distance between the hands. 6-8 times.

7. I. p. - lying on your back, stick below, grip on shoulder width. 1-2 - bending the leg forward, hold it between the hands and the stick, straighten it and lower it down (the stick between the legs); 3-4 - and. n. Perform the exercise alternately with the left and right legs. Breathing is arbitrary, do not hold. 10-12 times.

8. I. p. - about. s., stick on the floor on the right. Jumping sideways over a stick, alternating them with one intermediate jump in place. Jump softly, on your toes. Do jumping over the stick higher, helping with the movement of the hands. Breathing is even. After jumping, switch to walking (20-30 s).

Complex No. 7

General developmental exercises with flags

1. I. p. - about. s., hands with flags below. 1-2-3 hands to the sides, up, forward; 4 - i. n. 4 times.

2. I. p. - about. s., hands with flags to the sides. 1 - lunge right forward, put the flags on the knee; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 the same with the other leg. 6 times.

3. I. p. - legs apart, hands with flags up. 1 - tilt forward, hands with flags down, exhale; 2 - i. p., inhale. 6 times.

4. I. p. - about. with., hands with flags down. 1 - sit down, hands forward; 2nd. n. 6-8 times.

5. I. p. - legs apart, hands with flags forward. 1 - turn left, left hand with a flag to the side, look at the flag; 2 — i. n. - the same in the other direction. 6 times.

6. I. p. - about. With. 1 - step left forward, hands with flags forward-red-up, bend over; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg. 6 times.

7. I. p. - legs apart, hands with flags to the sides. 1 - swing left foot forward, hands with flags down; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg. 6 times.

8. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hands with flags up. 1 - tilt forward, touch the flags of the left leg; 2 - i. P.; 3 - the same to the other leg. 6 times.

9. I. p. - lying on your back, hands with flags to the sides. 1 - raise the left leg forward, touch the toe with the flags; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg. 6 times.

10. I. p. - about. s., hands with flags below. 1 - left hand to the side; 2 - right hand to the side; 3 - left hand down; 4 - right hand down. 4-6 times.

Complex №8

General developmental exercises with a hoop

1. I. p. s., keep the hoop down, 1 - raise the hoop forward, look into it; 2nd. n. 6-8 times.

2. I. p. - legs apart, hold the hoop at the chest with bent arms. 1 - turn to the left, straighten your arms, take the hoop to the left; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 6-8 times.

3. I. p. - legs apart, leave the hoop in front of you. 1 - on a slope forward, put the hoop on the floor, exhale; 2 - straighten up, inhale; 3 - tilt forward, take a hoop; 4 -i. n. 6-8 times.

4. I. p. - about. s., keep the hoop down, from the inside. 1 - hoop up; 2 - lower the hoop behind your back; 3 - lift up, 4 - and. n. 6-8 times.

5. I. p. - about. with., keep the hoop in front. 1 - lowering the hoop down and back, step over with your left foot inside the hoop; 2 - step over with the right; 8 - lowering the hoop down and forward, step out of the hoop with your left foot back; 4 - the same right. 4-6 times.

6. I. p - legs apart, hoop up. 1 - tilt to the left; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same to the right. 6 times.

7. I. p. - legs apart, hold the hoop behind your back in lowered hands. 1 - tilt forward, bending, take the hoop back; 2 — i. n. 6 times.

8. I. p. - about. With. in the center of the hoop lying on the floor. 1 - sit down, take the hoop with both hands, exhale; 2 - stand up, raise the hoop with both hands, inhale; 3 - sit down, put a hoop; 4 - i. n. 6-8 times.

9. I. p. - about. s., hands with a hoop forward. 1 - swing with the left foot, touch the hoop; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same with the right foot. 6-8 times.

10. I. p. - about. s., hoop vertically on the floor, hands with a grip on top, keep the brushes nearby. 1 - swing the left leg back, bend over; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same with the right foot. 6-8 times.

11. I. p. - lying on the floor, a hoop on the floor behind the head, hold with both hands. 1 - raise straight legs and hoop forward, touch the top of the hoop; 2-3 - hold; 4 - i. n. 6 - 8 times.

12. I. p. - lying on the floor, hold the hoop in front with bent arms. 1-2 - raise the hoop, stick out the stomach forward, inhale; 3-4 -i. p. - draw the stomach into yourself, exhale. 3-5 times.

Complex №9

General developmental exercises "Charging the skier"

1. Walking in place with arms swings.

2. In the leg stance apart, springy semi-squats with different positions of the hands.

3. Tilts of the torso to the sides, forward, backward, hands on the belt.

4. Circular movements of the arms forward, backward.

5. Alternate lunges forward, arms to the sides.

6. Jumping with a change in the position of the legs from the right leg stand apart with opposite hand movements.

Knowing the terminology, it is easier to compose and record exercises. To record a SPECIFIC EXERCISE, you must:

    Determine the starting position - for example, stand, legs apart, arms to the sides.

    Designate the actual movement - turn, tilt, etc.

    Indicate the direction of movement - right, left, back, etc.

    Set a score for movements (as a rule, exercises are performed at a multiple of 4: 4, 8, 16 counts to enable the exercise to be performed to music).

    Specify end position. As a rule, the starting and ending positions are the same, otherwise it will be inconvenient to perform the exercises several times in a row.

An example of a recording of a specific exercise.

I.P. - main stand.

1-2 tilt to the right, arms up.

However, the exercise makes sense when used in a set of exercises. The ORU complex is a logically thought-out sequence of exercises of a general developmental nature. Before proceeding with the selection of exercises, it is necessary to determine its PURPOSE purpose. It can be designed for morning hygienic exercises, for the complex or directed development of physical qualities, for the formation of posture, etc.

Knowing the direction of the complex, it is necessary to decide which exercises and in what sequence should be included in the complex. Specialists of St. Petersburg State University of Physical Culture im. P.F. Lesgaft offer the following typical outdoor switchgear sequence diagram in the complex.

    Stretching exercises (to straighten the spine, activate breathing).

    Exercises for leg muscles (squats).

    Exercises for the muscles of the body in the anteroposterior direction (tilts forward and backward).

    Exercises for the muscles of the hands.

    Exercises for the oblique muscles of the body (tilts to the sides, turns, rotations).

    Complex exercises in sitting (lying) positions with the inclusion of the muscles of the abdomen and back.

    Stretching exercises.

    Jumping with the transition to walking.

It should be noted that a certain dosage of exercises has been adopted for outdoor switchgear - at least 2-3 exercises for each of the indicated points.

The following exemplary ORU complex without objects for morning hygienic gymnastics can become the basis for compiling other sets of exercises. Subject to the rules for compiling a separate exercise, the order of including exercises in the complex, the selected dosage, counting, as well as well-placed accents on the dominance of certain exercises, depending on the task of the complex being solved, its use will be effective.

Table 1

An approximate set of oru without items for ugg (morning hygienic gymnastics)

p / p.



I.p. – o.s.

1 - arms to the sides

2 - hands up, rise on toes

3 - arms to the sides

The pace is calm


1-4 - circular movements of the head to the right

5-8 - the same to the left

The pace is slow

perform without harsh


I.p. - stand, legs apart, hands on the belt

1-3 - three spring forward tilts

Tilt to perform with a straight back, look forward

I.p. - stand, legs apart, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, arms up

3-4 - the same to the left

Tilt to perform exactly to the side, arms straight

I.p. – o.s.

1 - half squat, arms forward

3 - squat, arms to the sides

Back straight, breath

do not delay

I.p. - stand, hands up

1 - swing right forward, arms down

3-4 - the same with the left

Legs during the swing

bend, back straight

I.p. - stand, hands on the belt

1 - jump, legs apart, arms to the sides

2 - jump, legs crossed, arms up

3 - jump, legs apart, arms forward

With every execution

try to pick up the pace

I.p. – o.s.

1-2 - stand on toes, arms up, inhale

3 - half-tilt forward, arms down, exhale

Regain your breath

On count 3 - relax

A complex of hand-to-hand combat without weapons for 8 accounts

Starting position - combat stance.
1. With a step forward with the left foot, prepare for battle.
2. Execute with the forearm of the left hand, beating up and with the fist of the right hand, strike forward straight.
3. Kick with the right foot forward straight.
4. With a step to the right, perform a backhand left blow with the edge of the palm of the right hand.
5. With a step with the right foot back, beat the forearm with the left hand inward.
6. With a step with the right foot forward, strike with the fist of the right hand forward from above.
7. Perform a strike with the left foot forward straight and, without lowering the leg down, with a step with the left foot forward, take the left-sided preparation for battle.
8. With a step with your left foot back, take a combat stance.

Mistakes personal:

  • the movements of the arms and the withdrawal of the leg (step) forward during the preparation for battle are not synchronous

  • 2.
  • when performing a rebound with a hand up, the elbow is above the level of the wrist
  • no return of the left hand (to the hip) when performing a strike with the right hand (fist) forward
  • punch not marked
  • kick not marked
  • "failing" forward upon impact, is equal to setting the foot forward after the impact

  • 4.
  • backhand blow (with the edge of the palm) performed with a straight hand
  • setting the foot to the side (to the right) and the punch were not synchronously performed
  • full turn of the body to the right
  • beating inward with a hand and retreat (step) with a foot back are not performed synchronously
  • not observed the width of the rack when moving back
  • punch from above and step forward with the foot are not synchronized
  • punched with a straight hand
  • not respected the width of the rack when moving forward
  • loss of balance while kicking
  • kick not marked
  • "failing" forward upon impact, is equal to setting the foot forward immediately after the impact
  • separation of the heel of the supporting leg when performing a kick
  • movements of the legs and arms during preparation for battle are not synchronous
  • the width of the stand was not observed when preparing for battle
  • when taking a combat stance, the hands are not “at the seams”
  • combat stance not completed
  • front turn "left" is not performed

    Command errors:

  • non-synchronous execution of the complex (“inconsistency”)
  • loss of orientation when performing (actions in different sides)
  • performing the complex with opposite hands (feet)
  • gap in the initial distance (in width and depth of formation)
  • leaving the site by the team members before the command of the referee

    Complex assessment (personal)

  • It should not be forgotten that the warm-up has a great influence on the psyche, helps to eliminate excessive excitement before the meeting, especially in its first minutes, regulates your pre-start and starting state, especially if you have arranged a competition. What are general provisions doing a workout? First of all, it is important to choose the right exercises. And having picked them up, provide for a gradual increase in their intensity. Do each warm-up exercise 5-10 times. We recommend using 10-15 exercises in the warm-up complex. Start with walking or light running, then do some exercises for small " muscle groups, gradually moving on to heating larger ones. Gradually increase the range of motion as well. At first, it is better to give a load to the muscles of the upper body, and then to the lower one.

    The signal for the end of the warm-up will be the beginning of sweating, slight reddening of the skin, and the appearance of heat in the muscles.

    A warm-up is best done in the form of a set of exercises that you can compose based on your well-being and the focus of the upcoming lesson. Usually the complex begins with warming up and breathing exercises- various types of walking, running, running with jumps and hand movements. Then there are exercises for the development of the muscles of the body, shoulder girdle, arms and legs - tilts, squats, circular movements of the trunk and pelvis, push-ups, etc. We advise you to perform swing and jerky movements of the arms and legs with a large amplitude and flexibility exercises after the muscles have warmed up. The complex is also recommended to include exercises that imitate the technique of strikes and movements individually or in combination. By the nature of the movements, they are close to the technique of the game, help to master and consolidate it in simplified conditions, gradually lead you to playing on the table, so the complex is usually completed with imitation exercises.

    We bring to your attention a number of exercises, on the basis of which you can create a warm-up complex. The exercises are listed in order of increasing difficulty.

    Running exercises.

    (Fig. 38)

    1. Snake running, running around racks or various objects.

    2. Running with arbitrary acceleration of 3-5 m.

    3. Running, "throwing" straight legs forward.

    4. Running, "throwing" straight legs back.

    5. Running with high hips.

    6. Running with an overflowing movement of the lower leg back.

    7. Running backwards.

    8. Movement with side steps (right, left).

    9. Moving with side steps in the tennis player's stance alternately with the right and left side (after two steps, after one step).

    10. Moving with side steps in the rack of a tennis player facing forward with simultaneous movement to the right and left.

    11. The same, but backwards.

    12. Moving sideways (right, left) with cross steps (“lezginka”): for example, when moving with the right side, place the left leg alternately crosswise either in front or behind the right. The right leg is only moved to the right.

    Jumping exercises.(Fig. 39)

    1. Hands on the belt, jumps on one leg with a change of legs.

    2. Hands on the belt, jumping on both legs in a triangle or square.

    3. Jumping to the side from one foot to the other in place through the lines drawn on the floor.

    4. Jumping out of the squat (half squat) up.

    5. Jumping out of the squat (half squat) forward.

    6. Hands on the belt, jumping on both legs with a turn of 180° (360°).

    7. Jumping on one leg moving forward.

    8. Jumping on one leg left and right.

    9. Jumping on both legs, pulling the knees to the chest ("kangaroo").

    10. Jumping with both feet over the bench.

    Exercises for the muscles of the hands.(Fig. 40)

    1. Standing in the main stance - arms forward, to the sides, up.

    2. Hands to the shoulders - circular rotations of the hands.

    3. Circular rotations with straight arms - 4 times forward, 4 times back, gradually increasing the amplitude.

    4. Circular rotations with straight arms in different directions: right forward, left back and vice versa.

    5. Circular rotations of the forearm in and out from the position of the hand to the sides.

    6. Circular rotations with brushes clenched into a fist, in one

    and the other side, with both hands simultaneously and alternately from the position of the hand to the sides or forward.

    7. Squeezing and unclenching the hands into a fist from the position of the hand forward.

    8. Legs apart, jerks with arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest with a turn of the torso.

    9. Clutch the brushes “in the lock” - kneading.

    10. Right hand at the top, left hand at the bottom jerking hands back.

    11. Right hand above, left below - with jerks of hands back and

    to the sides, a gradual (8 counts) change in the position of the hands: left at the top, right at the bottom.

    12. Standing facing the wall - repulsion with both hands from the wall, gradually increasing the distance to it.

    13. Emphasis lying - push-ups from gymnastic bench or from the floor, leg push-ups on the gymnastic bench.

    14. Pull-ups on the bar with an overhand or underhand grip.

    Exercises for the muscles of the body.(Fig. 41)

    1. Feet shoulder-width apart - tilts, reaching the floor with your hands.

    2. Legs wider than shoulders - tilts, reaching the floor with your elbows.

    3. Feet shoulder-width apart, bending over, arms to the sides - turning the torso, reaching out with the toes of the legs.

    4. Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt - circular movements of the pelvis.

    5. The same, feet shoulder-width apart, arms "locked" above the head - - rotation of the body, trying to describe a large circle with hands.

    6. Tilt back, bending over, reaching for the heels with your hands.

    7. Tilt back, bending over, taking out the left heel alternately with the right hand and vice versa.

    8. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt - three springy tilts in one direction and the other.

    9. The same as the exercise but the hands are clasped above the head.

    10. The same as the exercise, but with two side steps in each direction and reaching the floor with clasped hands.

    11. Feet shoulder-width apart, one hand at the top, the other at the bottom - for each count, tilt to the sides with an overflowing movement of the hands behind the back.

    12. Lying on the stomach, hands behind the head - bending back.

    13. Emphasis on the back - unbend and bend your arms, bending your torso.

    14. From a supine position, arms along the body - tilt to straight legs with a return to the starting position.

    15. The same, but hands behind the head.

    16. The same, but hands up.

    17. Lying on your back, arms to the sides - raise straight legs up and lower alternately to the left and right side.

    18. Feet shoulder-width apart, standing with your back 30-50 cm from the table - without taking your feet off the floor, reach the far corner of the table with your hand.

    Exercises for leg muscles.

    (Fig. 42)

    1. Squats with arms extended forward, do not take your heels off the floor.

    2. Hands on the belt - lunge with the right foot, three springy swings. Same, lunge with the left leg.

    3. The same, but change of legs in a jump.

    4. The same, but lunge with the foot to the side.

    5. Hands put forward - alternately swinging your legs forward, reaching your hands with your toes.

    6. Hands to the sides - alternately swinging the legs to the sides, reaching out with the toes of the hands.

    7. Emphasis crouching, right leg to the side - without taking your hands off the floor, change legs in a jump.

    8. Jump position change - emphasis crouching, emphasis lying.

    9. Slightly bend your knees, put your hands on your knees - circular rotations in the knee joints.

    10. Hands on the belt, leg on the toe - circular rotations in the ankle joint.

    11. Stepping back 60-80 cm from the wall and resting your hands on it - lifting on your toes.

    12. Hands on the belt - from a deep squat, alternately "throwing" straight legs forward - squatting dance.

    1. A set of morning exercises
    Contents of the 1st complex:
    1. Walk slowly. Breathing is uniform; 2-3 steps - inhale, 3-4 - exhale. Keep your head and torso straight. Hands perform free movements. (Load dosage 20-30 seconds).

    2. Sipping. From ip - the main stance, hands to the shoulders, elbows down, in 2 counts (to yourself) raise your arms up - to the sides, bend in the thoracic part of the spine and rise up - inhale. On the next 2 counts (but more slowly), lowering your hands to the starting position and tilting your head forward - exhale. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 9-10 times).

    3. Tilts to the side. I.p. - main stance, legs shoulder-width apart, arms to shoulders, elbows slightly pressed, chest forward for 2 counts, tilt the torso to the left, raise your arms up, look up - inhale, for the next 2 counts, return to ip. The same - on the other side. (Load dosage from 9-10 to 13-14 times).

    4. Squats. I.p. – o.s. Feet on the width of the foot, socks parallel. On 2 counts, slowly bending your knees and spreading your knees to the side, lower yourself into a semi-squat, relying on a full foot, arms forward, palms down. Straighten up for 2 counts. When lowering - exhale, when straightening - inhale. (Load dosage from 9-10 to 13-14 times).

    5. Walking is soothing. Relax your arms and shoulders, breathe deeply. (Load dosage 45-50 seconds).

    6. Rotation of brushes. I.p. - o.s., arms to the sides, hands clenched into a fist for 4 counts circular movement of the hands up - back - down - up. For the next 4 counts, circular movements in the opposite direction. Keep straight, arched, breathing is arbitrary. (Load dosage from 6-7 to 9-10 times. At the beginning, perform at an average pace, then more slowly and with greater effort).

    7. Touching the floor with your foot. I.p. - o.s., right leg in front on the toe, hands on the belt, torso straight. For 7 counts, alternately touch the floor with the heel and toe. Put your foot on the count of 8. The same with the left foot. Breathing is arbitrary. (Load dosage from 4-5 to 6-7 times).

    8. Run in place. (Dosage 140 steps per 1 minute, 2-3 minutes).
    Contents of the 2nd complex:
    1. Walking slowly with a gradual increase in pace. (Load dosage 40-45 seconds).

    2. Flexion and extension of the arms. I.p. - legs apart, hands in front, fingers interlaced with palms outward. 1- bend your arms by force, hand on the chest, palms inward - inhale. 2 - force straighten your arms in ip. - exhale. (Load dosage 13-14 times)

    3. Lifting on socks. I.p. stand at some object, forefoot on the edge of a plank 3-4 cm thick. 1-8 alternately raising and lowering on toes, arms forward. 9-16 - calm walking in place with deep breathing. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 7-8 times).

    4. Tilts to the sides. I.p. - o.s., legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 tilts to the left, left hand behind the back, right behind the head - exhale. 3-4 - i.p. - breath. The same - on the other side. When tilting to the left, bend the right leg, when tilting to the right, bend the left. (Load dosage from 10-11 to 13-14 times).

    5. Squats. I.p. - stand with your right side to the back of the chair, put your right hand on the back, your left hand on your belt. 1-2 - sit down on the right leg, left leg forward (bend or straight) - exhale dash, 3 - put the left foot to the right, 4 - stand up and turn to the chair with the other side - exhale. The same with the other leg. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 7-8 times, deep squat, swing leg straight).

    6. Walking slowly. (Load dosage 30-40 seconds)
    Contents of the 3rd complex:
    1. Walking is slow, with some acceleration towards the end. (Load dosage 1 minute)

    2. Sipping. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. On 1-2 (count) - take your hands back to the sides, turning your palms up, bend tensely in the thoracic part of the spine, rise on your toes, look up, take a deep breath: on 3-4 (count) return to I. p. - relax, lower your shoulders and head slightly forward - exhale. (Load dosage from 10 to 12 times).

    3. Tilts to the sides. I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart. 1-2 - springy tilt to the left, right hand swing to the side - up above the head, left hand behind the back: 3-4 - changing the position of the hands, springy tilt to the right, breathing arbitrarily. (Load dosage 12-13 to 14-15 times in each direction, with a pause, with a large amplitude).

    4. Walking is soothing with deep breathing. (Load dosage up to 1 minute)

    5. Tense deflection. I.p. - standing with your back to the two chairs made up (seats). 1 - put the lower leg of the left leg on the seat of the chair, pull the toe, hands on the back of the nearest chair; 2-3, bending tensely, lean forward (back), move your hands to the back of a distant chair, actively helping to bend, - inhale; 4 - i.p. - exhale. The same with the right foot. (Load dosage from 4-5 to 6-7 times with both legs).

    6. Breathing exercise. I.p. - o.s., left hand on the chest, right on the stomach; 4 times - abdominal breathing, 4 times - chest breathing, 4 times - mixed breathing. (Load dosage 3-4 times)

    2. A set of physical education exercises
    1. I.p. - hands behind head. 1-2 - take your elbows back, bend over - inhale, 3-4 - sp. - exhale (8-10 repetition).

    2. I.p. - leg stance apart. 1 - arms to the sides, turn the head to the left, 2 - rise on toes, tilt the head back, hands up with palms inward, 3 - turn the head to the right, arms to the sides, 4 - i.p. (8-10 repetition).

    3. I.p. - hands behind head. 1 - turn the torso to the right, arms to the sides, 2 - ip, 3-4 - the same to the left, 5 - half squat, arms up, 6 - ip, 7 - half squat, arms forward, 8 - and. P. (4-6 repetition).

    4. I.p. - arms bent at the elbows. For each account, “shaking” with brushes (for 16-32 accounts).

    5. I.p. - hands to shoulders. 1 - half squat, left hand up, right hand forward, head turn to the right, 2 - ip, 3 - half squat, right hand up, left hand forward, head turn to the left, 4 - ip. (4-6 repetition). Take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-6 seconds.

    3. A set of gymnastics exercises before classes

    On command, take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-6 seconds.

    1. Walking in place with high leg raises, guarding correct posture(for 32-48 accounts).

    2. I.p. - stand legs apart with hands behind the head. 1-2 - torso tilt back, arms to the sides - inhale, 3-4 - ip - exhale (8 repetitions).

    3. I.p. - wide leg stance apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right, bending the right, arms to the right, 2 - the same to the left (6-8 repetition).

    4. I.p. - hands on the belt. 1 - lunge to the right, arms to the sides, 2 - ip, 3 - semi-squat, arms up, 4 - ip, 5-8 - the same to the left (4-6 repetition).

    5. I.p. - crouching emphasis. 1-2 - stand up, right back on the toe, arms up, bend over - inhale, 3-4 - ip. - exhale, 5-8 the same, left back (4-6 repetition).

    6. I.p. - walking in place, maintaining the correct posture (for 32-48 accounts). While walking in place for 4 steps - hands through the sides up - inhale, for the next 4 - hands down - exhale. (4-6 repetition).

    7. I.p. – o.s. 1 - right to the right to the toe, left hand up, right hand forward, 2 - ip, 3-4 - the same with the left hand to the other side with a change in the position of the hands. (4 repeat).

    4. A set of exercises for the formation of posture
    We offer a complex gymnastic exercises for the prevention of osteochondrosis.

    Exercises this complex can be performed from 1 to 6 times a day, repeating each of them 4-5 times a day slow pace, to feasible pain (if any), with the maximum possible range of motion. When performing exercises, pull your toes towards you. At the end of each movement and at the end of each exercise (where possible) you need to do a static tension. At first, the tension should be from two to four seconds, gradually bring it up to 8-10 seconds. When releasing tension, you should exhale completely with a sound.

    1. I.p .: stand legs apart, hands in front of the chest, fingers interlaced into the lock. Turn the body, head, arms to the right; then stretch your arms forward, turning your hands with your palms away from you, with a static delay to the right; exhale. The same to the left.

    2. I.p.: the same. Hands forward, then turning the torso and head to the right, take the right elbow back, twisting the hands with the palms away from you. With the left hand, press on the right hand with tension (while looking at the right elbow so that the muscles of the neck tense); exhale. The same to the left.

    3. Turning your torso to the right, raise your arms above your right shoulder, turning your hands with your palms away from you. Press with the left hand on the right; exhale. The same to the left.

    4. I.p .: stand legs apart, hands behind the head, fingers in the “lock”. Turn the body to the left, spread the elbows, bend in the SP, bring the elbows together, tilt the head down, press the back of the head with the brushes several times. The same to the right.

    5. I.p .: stand legs apart, hands down to the castle. Make a circle with your hands to the right, while turning your hands outward. The same to the left.

    6. Exercises with a gymnastic stick. I.p .: leg stand apart, gymnastic stick below. Turning the torso to the right, stretch the right arm up and to the side. Press the stick with your left hand, exhale. The same to the left.

    7. I.p .: stand legs apart, stick down, grip from above. Raise your arms up above your head, make three torso forward, three back, three to the right, three to the left, then three turns of the torso to the right and three to the left. Exhale after each series of movements.

    8. I.p .: stand legs apart, stick behind the back below. Make three turns of the torso to the right, pressing the stick on the left thigh. The same to the left.

    9. I.p .: stand legs together, stick on the shoulders. Make three torso tilts to the right, left, forward, and backward, then three turns of the torso to the right and left, while bending the legs at the knees. Exhale after each series of movements.

    10. I.p .: sitting on the heels, hands in front of you. Bring the right hand through the top behind the back, and the left through the bottom, hands in the lock. Hold the pose for 5 seconds. The same, changing the position of the hands.

    11. I.p .: sitting legs together, hands forward. Bend the right knee and cross it over the left thigh. Bring your left hand under the bent knee. Bring your right hand behind your back and slowly twist the torso, trying to connect your hands. The head is turned to the right. Hold the pose for three to five seconds. Come out of the pose slowly, turning your head, then arms, torso, straighten your legs. The same on the other side. Breathing is arbitrary.

    12. I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Slowly regroup, while taking a deep breath. Maintain the pose for as long as you can hold your breath. Then exhale slowly, returning to the I.P.

    13. I.p .: emphasis lying on bent arms. Take a slow, smooth breath, holding your breath. Bend in the back, slightly straightening the arms. Hold the pose for three to five seconds. Return to I.P.

    14. I.p .: sitting on the heels, hands down. Slowly lean forward, as low as possible, put your hands behind your back. Hold the pose for five to thirty seconds. Return to I.P.

    15. I.p .: lying on your back with bent legs, hands behind your head. Turn your knees to the right and touch the floor with them, head to the left. Do not lift your elbows off the floor. The same to the left.

    As a rule, with age, as a result of weakening of the muscles of the legs and torso, incorrect or forced position of certain parts of the body at work or at home, posture worsens. The constant use of special selected exercises will help maintain a correct and beautiful posture for many years.

    I.p. - hands down to the castle. 1-2. Hands up - down, rise on toes, bend. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - standing at the support, hands on the support. 1-2. Rise on your toes, bend, spread your shoulders. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - hands on the belt. - 1-2. Half tilt forward, rise on your toes, look forward. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - a stick from behind with a grip on the ends from below. 1-2. Leaning forward, bending over, take the stick back - up. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - a stick on the shoulder blades with a grip on the ends. 1-2. Tilt to the left. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same to the right.

    I.p. - standing with your back to the wall at a distance of a step. 1-4. Tilt back, arms up and back with support against the wall, bend over, head back, look at the palms. 5-8. I.p.

    I.p. – o.s. 1-2. Sit on your toes, hands behind your back. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - emphasis lying on the stomach. 1-2. Straighten your arms, bend over. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - emphasis sitting behind. 1-2. bend over. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - sitting on the floor. Lie on a support (bench). 1-2. Leaning backwards. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - lying on the floor on the stomach in front of gymnastic wall. 1-2. Fingering the slats from the bottom up, bend over. 3-4. I.p.

    5. A set of exercises to regulate body weight
    It is possible to use any proposed set of exercises with an increase in the dosage of the load.

    6. A set of exercises for development physical quality"flexibility":
    Cervical spine.

    Exercise 1. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

    1-4 - head tilt to the right, the same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times.

    Exercise 2. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

    1-4 - tilt the head forward, trying to "curl up" as it were.

    Same back. Repeat 2 times.

    Exercise 3. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

    1-4 head turn to the right.

    Exercise 4. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

    1-4 - circular rotation of the head to the right.

    The same on the other side. Repeat 2 times.

    Shoulder joints.

    The shoulder girdle takes part in respiratory movements, the high mobility of its joints affects the amount of inhalation and exhalation. In addition, good mobility in the shoulder joints is extremely important for maintaining the correct, beautiful posture.

    Exercise 1. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides.

    1-7 - “hug your shoulders, trying to raise your elbows higher and move your fingers as close to the spine as possible.

    8- i.p. Repeat 8 times.

    Exercise 2. I.p. - standing at a step distance facing the back of the chair, feet shoulder-width apart.

    1-7 - leaning forward, put your hands on the back of the chair and, without bending your elbows, stretch shoulder joints to the floor;

    8 - i.p. Repeat 8 times.

    Exercise 3.I.p. - standing, bend the right arm with the elbow up so that the fingers touch the shoulder blades.

    1-7 - pressing the left hand on the right elbow, try to lower the palm lower;

    8 - change the position of the hands. Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise 4. I.p. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands forward.

    1-7 bend the right hand to the glue shoulder, take the right elbow with the left, pressing on it, try to bring the right hand closer to the left shoulder;

    The same on the other side. Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise 5. I.p. - standing with arms folded behind your back.

    1-7 - take the brush of one by the elbow of the other hand;

    8 - i.p. Repeat 8 times.

    Exercise 6. I.p. - standing, twist the hands of the lowered hands behind the back.

    1-7 - turn your shoulders, trying to bring your elbows closer to each other;

    The same with raising the intertwined hands back. Repeat 8 times.

    Exercise 7. (performed with a rope folded four times; rubber band).

    I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, pick up the rope.

    1-4 - raise your arms up and, without bending your elbows, move back (pulling the rope)

    5-8 - the same in reverse order. Repeat 6 times. The distance between the hands can be gradually reduced.

    elbow joint.

    Its natural mobility, as a rule, is sufficient in most people and does not require special training. However, in people with highly developed muscles, full extension in the elbow joint, which is associated with an increase in the tone of the muscles - the flexors of the forearm. On the contrary, in people with poorly developed muscles, even overextension can be observed in this case.


    The flexibility of the entire human body is largely determined by the mobility of the staves of the spine. It is the spine that is most susceptible age-related changes associated with limited mobility. This is expressed by the beginning fusion of the vertebrae, bone "whiskers" appear between them. Negative phenomena are also intensified as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, when the spine experiences no less overload than when lifting excessive weights.

    Exercise 1. I.p. - standing in a horizontal inclination forward, legs apart, hands on knees;

    1-2- raise the lower back, lower the head, round the back;

    3-4-lower the lower back, raise the head, bend. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 2. I.p. - Sitting, legs bent knees up, press your chest to your hips, grab your heels with your hands;

    1-4- try to straighten the legs without lifting the torso from the legs;

    5-8 - return to I.p. Repeat 12 times.

    Exercise 3. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.

    1-4- put your feet on the floor behind your head;

    5-8- return to sp. Repeat 12 times.

    Exercise 4. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.

    1-4 - bend in the chest, leaning on the elbows and without lifting the pelvis and head from the floor;

    5-8 - return to I.p. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 5. I.p. - lying on the stomach, legs apart bent, hands to grasp the feet;

    1-4- try to straighten your legs, lifting upper part torso;

    5-8 return to sp. Repeat 12 times.

    Exercise 6. I.p. - lying on your back, legs slightly apart, arms along the body;

    1-2 - take the torso to the right, without lifting your back from the floor;

    3-4 - return to ip.

    Exercise 7. I.p. - sitting, legs as wide apart as possible, hands behind the head.

    1-2- tilt the torso to the right, trying to touch the elbow of the floor behind the knee of the right leg;

    The same on the other side. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 8. I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent knees up.

    1-2 - tilt your knees to the right, trying to touch the floor with them, and your head to the left;

    The same on the other side. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 9. I.P. - sitting bent legs apart, feet on the floor, arms bent in front of the chest.

    1-2- turn the body to the left, touch the left knee with the right elbow, take the left hand as far back as possible and put it on the floor;

    The same on the other side. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 10 - standing - legs apart.

    1-4- - circular movements of the body to the right;

    5-8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.

    Hip joint.

    The biggest in human body. It is the site of attachment of large, well developed muscles. These muscles provide the ability to perform a variety of human movements - running, jumping and many others. Mobility hip joint also important for the development right position pelvis, and hence posture.

    Exercise 1. I.p. - Lying on your back.

      1. straighten the leg with the help of hands;

      2. bend the right leg, holding the shin with your hands;
    The same with the other leg. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 2. I.p. - sitting.

    1-3 - tilt forward, trying to touch the legs with the chest, arms forward, do not bend the legs at the knees;

    4 - i.p. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 3. I.p. - sitting on your knees and heels.

    1-3- straighten and bend, trying to bring the hips as far forward as possible;

    4 - i.p. Repeat 12 times.

    Exercise 4. I.p. - standing on the left knee, bent right leg in front, hands on the right knee.

    1-3 - move the left thigh and pelvis forward - down;

    The same with the other leg. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 5. I.p. - standing with your right side to the chair, holding on to the back.

    1-3 - crouching on the left, take the right as much as possible to the side, the body is vertical;

    The same in another. Repeat 12 times.

    Exercise 6. I.p. - wide stance, hands on hips.

    1-3 - semi-squat on the right, tilt forward;

    The same in another (Fig. 69). Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 7. I.p - sit your legs apart, palms in front of you on the floor with your fingers suddenly towards your friend.

    1-3 lean forward, trying to put your elbows on the floor;

    4- i.p. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 8. I.p. - wide stand

    1 - tilt forward, put your palms on the floor;

    2 - spread the heels to the sides;

    3 - spread socks to the sides;

    4 - spread the heels to the sides;

    5 - move the heels inward;

    6 - move the socks inside;

    7 - move the heels inward;

    8 - i.p. Repeat 10 times.

    Exercise 9. I.p. - emphasis sitting behind, legs bent apart.

    1 - lower the right knee inward, trying to touch the floor with it;

    The same with two legs at the same time (Fig. 72) Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 10 - sitting, legs bent, feet together, knees apart.

    1-3 - resting your hands on your knees, lower them as low as possible to the floor;

    4 - i.p. (Figure 73). Repeat 16 times.


    Its mobility in most people is usually satisfactory. At the same time, there are cases of underextension in the knee joints, as well as overextension in them. In the latter case, knee-joint becomes especially vulnerable to injury during sudden exertion, unsuccessful landing after jumping. Often, without receiving sufficient loads, the joint is rebuilt. To avoid this, it is necessary to strengthen the joint by constantly exercising it. However, you can not get involved in deep squats. This can lead to overload of the knee joint.

    Exercise 1. i.p. - standing, hands on the belt.

    1-2 - sit down without taking your heels off the floor (the angle between the thigh and lower leg is 90 degrees);

    Exercise 2. I.p. - standing, right foot in front, left behind.

    1-3- bending the right leg, lunge on it, hands on the knee;

    4 - i.p. The same in the other direction (Fig. 78).

    Exercise 3. I.p. - emphasis sitting behind.

    Alternately bend your legs, simulating cycling (Figure 79).

    Exercise 4. I.p. standing, hands on the belt.

    1-2-half squat, horizontal circle with knees to the right;

    3-4- i.p. The same in the other direction (Fig. 80).

    Exercise 5. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent up, hips vertical, knees horizontal.

    1-2 - circular movement of the lower leg to the right. The same in another (Fig. 81).

    Exercise 6. I.p. narrow stance, hands on the belt.

    1 - 2 - crouching, connect your knees in front;

    3-4 i.p. (Fig. 82).

    Exercise 7. I.p. - on your knees, hands on the belt.

    1-2- sit to your right;

    3-4- ip .. The same to the other (Fig. 83).

    Exercise 8. I.p. - kneeling, socks apart, hands on the belt.

    1-2- sit on the floor between the socks;

    3-4- i.p. (Fig. 84).

    Exercise 9. I.p. - sitting, legs crossed.

    1-2- stand up without the help of hands;

    3-4- i.p. (Fig. 85).

    Ankle joint.

    To improve the mobility of the ankle joint, the elasticity of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, we perform special exercises.

    Exercise 1. I.p. - emphasis sitting behind.

    1 - "take" socks on;

    2 - return the socks, trying to touch the floor with your thumb. Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 2. I.p. - Same.

    1. - raise the right leg straightened at the knee;
    2-3 - two circular motion foot out;

    4 - i.p. Same other. The same with the rotation of the foot inward (Fig. 90). Each rotation is 4 times one and the other.

    Exercise 3. I.p. – o.s.

    1- bend the right leg on the toe and move the heel forward (the load is distributed evenly on all toes);

    2 - ip .. The same with the other leg (Fig. 91) Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 4. I.p. - narrow stance, hands on the belt.

    1 - rise on your toes as high as possible;

    2 - i.p. (Figure 92). Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 5. I.p. - Sitting on heels, toes extended.

    1. leaning with the left hand on the floor, grab the left knee with the right and try to lift it;

    2. i.p. The same with the other leg (Fig. 93). Repeat 16 times.
    Exercise 6. I.p. - standing, socks on weight, hands to grasp the support.

    1 - try to lower the heels as much as possible down;

    2 - i.p. (Figure 94). Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 7. I.p. standing facing the back of the chair in a lunge position with support from the hands.

    1 - bending at the back standing foot, stretch her knee to the floor, do not tear off the heels from the floor;

    2 - i.p. The same with the other leg (Fig. 95). Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 8. I.p. – o.s.

    1. rising on toes, move the heels to the right;

    2. leaning on the heels, lift the socks and move them to the right. The same in another (Fig. 96). Repeat 8 times.
    Exercise 9. I.p. o.s.

    1. raising the socks, roll onto the heels, arms forward;
    2 - lowering your hands, roll from heels to toes (Fig. 97). Repeat 16 times.

    Exercise 10 - narrow stand

    Jumping on legs straightened at the knees, pushing off exactly with the foot (Fig. 98). Repeat 24 times.

    7. A set of exercises for the development of physical quality "coordination"
    I.p. - stand with legs together. 1-2. Turn the body to the right, arms to the sides. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same on the other side.

    I.p. - hands to shoulders. 1. Left forward on the toe. 2. I.p. 3-4 the same on the right.

    I.p. - hands on the belt. 1-2. Left foot forward to the toe (in line with the right foot), left hand to the side, head to the left. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same with the right leg.

    I.p. – o.s. 1-4. Balance on the right (“swallow”). 5-8. I.p. 9-16. The same on the left.

    I.p. - hands behind head. 1-2. Left foot forward. 3-4. Hold. 5-8. I.p. 9-18. From the right foot.

    I.p. - left before right (on the same line). 1-2. Tilts to the left, right arm under the armpit. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same to the right.

    I.p. - left in front of right, hands to shoulders. 1-2. Turn the body to the right, arms up. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. Rotate the body to the left.

    I.p. hands up, heels and toes together. 1-2. Tilt forward, to the left, touching the floor near the heel of the left foot. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same to the right.

    I.p. - emphasis crouching, hands holding on ankle joints. 1-2. Straighten your legs, head down. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - on my knees. 1-2. Emphasis standing (straighten your legs), rise on your toes. 3-4. I.p.

    I.p. - hands to shoulders. 1-2. Swing the right hip up, rise to the left toe. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same left.

    I.p. - hands on the belt. 1-2. Bend the left back - to the right, grab the sock with your right hand. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same with the other leg.

    I.p. - a stick with a grip on the ends from below. 1-2. Hands up, put the toe of the left foot on the knee of the right. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same on the other side.

    I.p. - hands up to the castle. Walking on toes with closed eyes.
    8. A set of exercises for corrective gymnastics
    9. Complex of breathing exercises

    I.p. - o.s., stick horizontally below with a grip on the ends. 1-2. Stick forward, up - a deep breath. 3-4. I.p. - exhale (4-8 times).

    I.p. – o.s. 1-2. Hands through the sides up behind the head, bend over - inhale. 3-4. Tilt to the side - exhale. 5-8. I.p. - exhale (4-8 times).

    I.p. – o.s. 1. Right to the side, arms to the sides - inhale. 2. Tilt, hands to toes - exhale. 3. Count 1 - inhale. 4. I.p. - exhale. (4-6 times)

    I.p. – o.s. 1-2. Hands up, right back, bend - exhale. 3-4. Deep squat - exhale. 5-6. Count 1-2 - inhale. 7-8. I.p. - exhale. (3-4 times)

    I.p. - Focus on your knees. 1-2. Swing left back - inhale. 3-4. I.p., head forward - exhale. 5-8. The same with the right (3-4 times with each leg).

    I.p. - sitting on the floor. 1-2. Tilt forward - exhale. 3-4. I.p. – inhale (4-6 times)

    I.p. - emphasis lying on bent arms. 1-2. Bend over, inhale. 3-4. I.p. - exhale. (4-6 times)

    I.p. - Lying on your back. 1-2. Group up - exhale. 3-4. I.p. - breath.

    Guidelines: exercises are performed calmly, pay attention to inhalation and exhalation in combination with movement. Between exercises, calmly walk for 20-30 seconds.

    Accelerated walking 100-150 meters, calm walking 100 meters.

    Easy run 50-80 meters.
    10. A set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet
    Exercises for flattened and flat feet

    1. walking on gymnastic stick other similar objects lying on the floor, covering them with the arch of the foot.

    2. Rolls from heels to toes and back, standing with the middle of the foot on a gymnastic stick.

    3. Picking up with your toes a rope, twine, cord lying on the floor; grasping and shifting with the toes of various objects.

    4. Walking on the heels or outer sides of the foot with the balls caught in the toes.

    5. Grab objects with the fingers of one foot, pass them with the fingers, transfer them from the hands to the floor with the fingers of the other foot.

    6. In a sitting position on a bench, grab the stop ball with the arches and raise your legs to the “corner”, hold and lower to the floor.

    7. Sitting across the bench, grab the mace with the fingers of one foot, pass it over the bench to the other leg and lower it to the other side.

    8. Sitting on a bench across, rearrange the mace with the arches of two feet from one side to the other.

    9. Sitting on a chair, place your feet parallel. Tighten your toes without lifting them off the floor. Heels are close to the floor.

    10. Without taking your heels off the floor, raise your toes as high as possible.

    11. Differentiated walking: 8 steps on the heels with high toes, then 8 steps on the toes. Steps are small, knees are straight. Mostly the hip joints work.

    12. Walking back to front: standing on the left leg, move the right leg far back and put it on the toe. Then transfer the weight of the body to it and slowly put the entire foot on the floor, transferring the weight of the body to the heel.

    13. Various jumps.
    Complexes for children with flat feet should not consist only of exercises for the muscles of the legs. They should be used in combination with ORU for muscles. upper limbs, shoulder girdle, torso. It is also necessary to do exercises in lying and sitting positions.

    In summer it is useful to walk on sand and gravel. In winter, you can use a box or basin with sand and gravel.