Professor Seluyanov fat burning. Local fat burning: is it possible? Is it possible to work out glycolytic and oxidative fibers within the same workout

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Is it possible to independently determine the composition of muscle tissues?

This is quite difficult to do at home, since in different muscle groups, the composition of tissues can vary significantly. A person is unique from birth and the ratio of slow and fast fibers will differ. Starting to play sports, we find the type in which we can achieve maximum results with our composition of muscle tissues.

However, some people refuse to follow the recommendations and cannot show their best. For example, a person is told that his potential is revealed, maybe in weightlifting, but he decides to start doing it. skiing. At the same time, there is a way to get a rough estimate of the ratio of the two types of fibers in the muscles of the legs.

And to do this is quite simple - perform a long jump from a place. According to existing standards, boys aged 10 to 12 years old should in this case show a result of 180-200 centimeters. Of course, some can significantly exceed this result. It should be noted that now the methodology for the selection and subsequent training of athletes is much inferior to that. What was used in the days of the USSR.

For example, most middle-distance runners, performing a long jump, showed results of about 300 centimeters. Today it is a maximum of 250. To sum up this conversation, then in order to determine the composition of the muscular tissues of the legs, it is necessary to perform a long jump from a place and compare the results with the existing standards.

The more high score you show, the more fast fibers in your tissues. However, it is necessary to take into account the level physical training. The technique we have discussed above is suitable for beginner athletes. If you are interested in the ratio of glycolytic and oxidative fibers, then you need to conduct appropriate research. This is due to the fact that fast and slow fibers can use any type of energy production.

What type of training contributes to a stronger hormonal response of the body: strength or static-dynamic?

Scientists also asked this question and conducted a special study. As a result, there were no significant differences in the rate of synthesis of anabolic hormonal substances. To obtain the maximum hormonal response, the athlete must follow all the technical details of the exercise. The subjects performed leg extensions in the simulator using power and statodynamic modes. They conducted one developmental and two tonic classes.

As a result, the same transverse increase in the quadriceps and a similar increase in muscle mass were recorded. However, when working in the statodynamic mode, oxidative fibers underwent hypertrophy, and in the power mode, glycolytic ones.

The overall increase in hormone levels was similar, although somatotropin was more actively synthesized when performing exercises in a statodynamic mode. We also note that the concentration of creatine phosphokinase did not increase with this training regimen. This suggests that the fibers increased their transverse dimensions even without the microtraumas inherent in strength training.

Is it possible to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time with natural training?

A similar situation is possible, but it is necessary to approach with all responsibility the observance of an appropriate nutrition program. First of all, this concerns the ratio of the main nutrients in the athlete's diet. The amount of fat should be minimized, and the amount of carbohydrates should be such that muscle mass is gained. In turn, protein compounds must be present in large quantities.

For example, an athlete weighs 70 kilos, and in this case he needs to consume 140 grams of protein daily, at least 140 grams of carbohydrates, and no more than five grams of fat, and of a plant nature.

However, based on the practical experience of leading bodybuilders, for a significant loss of fat mass, it will be difficult to do without ephedrine. The fact is that this substance accelerates the basic metabolism and during rest, the athlete loses weight.

Is it possible to speed up the basal metabolism without the use of sports pharmacology?

To solve this problem, first of all, it is necessary to choose the optimal combination of power and cardio loads. the best way increasing basal metabolism is aerobic training. However, it is known that excessive cardio loads can lead to the destruction of muscle tissue. To eliminate this negative moment, it is necessary to find a balance between the two types of training.

In this case, the optimal choice is to conduct a cardio session in the morning, and strength training in the evening. It is important to remember that the brain uses only carbohydrates as an energy source. Muscles, in turn, are able to work actively thanks to fats.

However, the brain does not require large amounts of carbohydrates. For example, when cycling, it is enough to eat one candy every hour of training. This will allow the brain to function normally and not experience a lack of energy.

How to gain muscle mass with minimal body fat growth and how to lose weight with minimal muscle loss?

First of all, you must comply the right program nutrition. If you want to get rid of fat, but at the same time not lose muscle mass, you need to carry out tonic strength training, and the volume can be increased. In this case, a carbohydrate-free diet should not be used.

This is due to the need to ensure the normal functioning of the brain. Of course, the amount of carbohydrates must be limited and their sources should be consumed only before the start of the training and after its completion.

Is it necessary to use a certain number of repetitions for training different muscle groups during a period of mass gain?

This is a fairly popular question, inspired by the recommendations of the association of coaches for novice athletes. You must understand that the expert opinion can be expressed first of all by scientists. Coaches create training programs based on results scientific research. The choice of training volume depends on the composition of muscle tissues.

For example, if glycolytic fibers predominate in you, then the emphasis should be on static-dynamic exercises. Otherwise, work only in power mode. Thus, your task at the initial stage of training is to determine the composition of muscle tissues.

How to use the principle of periodization correctly?

Let's start with the fact that in a properly organized annual training cycle, rest should not be provided at all. If you use excessive loads, then the body, or rather the hormonal system, wears out a lot, which leads to the need to rest for two or even three months. Most representatives of various sports disciplines today use excessive loads.

It is this fact that leads to the need to use powerful types sports pharmacology, For example, . When compiling your training plan, you need to use four weeks of developmental sessions, and on the fifth to do only tonic workouts. This will allow the body to rest and you will not need to rest in the off-season for a long time. If you feel that you will not be able to work efficiently in the upcoming lesson, then your hormonal system is depleted, and you need to give it a rest.

What is supercompensation?

No scientific experiment conducted to date has investigated the presence or absence of supercompensation. We can safely say that such a stage simply does not exist, since it was not possible to fix it. The growth of muscle tissue is a consequence of the decoding of the information contained in the RNA synthesized under the influence of physical activity.

Often, the term "supercompensation" means the depletion and replenishment of the glycogen depot. Note that for the first time they began to talk about this in the fifties and this topic continues to be actively discussed today.

How to overcome the training plateau?

Most often, a plateau is the result of a strong wear of the hormonal system. This is possible when using heavy loads against the background of a low-carbohydrate or no-carbohydrate nutrition program. In power sports disciplines to determine the state of your body, it is recommended to perform penetrations once a week. If after that the weight drops, then you should reconsider your nutrition program and.

Is it possible to work out glycolytic and oxidative fibers within the same workout?

If the training process is built correctly, then it is quite possible. Your main task in this situation is to quickly eliminate lactate from muscle tissue. However, this applies more to cyclic species sports.

How do you feel about crossfit and is it possible to start doing this sport without initial physical training?

This sport can be considered quite unhealthy, due to the active acidification of muscle tissues. I do not recommend starting to practice, but it is better to choose another sport. However, once again it should be repeated that it is necessary to avoid strong acidification of the muscles. Many American crossfit coaches try to bring each training session as close as possible to the competitive process. It is absolutely impossible to do this.

Why is a carbohydrate-free nutrition program dangerous for the body, and how to properly use carbohydrates during the drying period?

I have already said that carbohydrates are essential for brain function. It is with this that the main harm of a carbohydrate-free nutrition program is associated. Carbohydrates must be consumed before the start of the training, during the session and immediately after its completion. The rest of the time you can not use this nutrient. Today it is often said that carbohydrates are to blame for the increase in fat mass. However, it all depends on the dosage of the nutrient. If you are eating low carbs just to keep your brain working, then there are no problems with overweight will not occur.

Many athletes wonder if taking carbohydrates during training increases insulin levels. I can say with complete certainty that this is not happening. The fact is that under the influence of physical activity, the synthesis of adrenaline, growth hormone, norepinephrine is accelerated. These hormonal substances inhibit the production of insulin.

It should also be recalled here that taking small doses of carbohydrates during training can significantly increase the intensity of work, since glycogen stores will be depleted more slowly. I recommend taking an isotonic drink instead of BCAA during class.

How effective is the ketogenic diet nutrition program?

Ketone bodies can partially replace carbohydrates as a source of brain nutrition. You must remember that during strength training, the body does not use adipose tissue for energy. During exercise, the body first consumes the supply of blood glucose, and then moves on to glycogen. It is impossible to allow the consumption of amines during the lesson, because in this case the muscles will not grow. for weight loss.

Often on the network you can find a statement about the importance of using free amines, in particular BCAA to compensate for the body's energy costs. It is fundamentally wrong and you should remember that energy must be obtained exclusively from carbohydrates, and amines must be spent on the growth of muscle tissue. It is now about strength training. Here we should also remember about the restructuring of the body for various modes of operation of the energy system from carbohydrates to fats. This is possible only during rest and with a high basal metabolism.

If you want to train correctly, then you cannot do without the advice of a qualified specialist. Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich, the head of the scientific laboratory "IT in sports", which was organized at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, can be attributed to these. Seluyanov's training methods are based on the features physiological structure human body. So, it is recommended to refuse to perform strength exercises for people who have atherosclerotic plaques. Neglect of this recommendation can cause blockage of the arteries due to the detachment of these same plaques. They can come off due to increased pressure during exercise.

Methods of bodybuilding training according to Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich

Being engaged in bodybuilding, you need to understand how to properly perform different kinds exercises. To do this, you need to be familiar with the work of the musculoskeletal system when performing a certain type of exercise. Otherwise, there is a risk of injuring the body. For example, if you are doing squats using heavy weight and tilt the body incorrectly, you can injure the lumbar.

During training, when performing each exercise, it is imperative to achieve tension: full and maximum. You can achieve this in one of the following ways:

  • high intensity. With this method of training, the required number of repetitions is from 1 to 3. The main advantage of this training process is the lack of accumulation of products due to which protein synthesis occurs. This method of training helps to improve neuromuscular control;
  • average intensity. Up to 12 repetitions are performed in one approach. One exercise takes an average of 70 seconds. The greatest effect will give the exercise to the limit. It is important not to neglect the implementation of the last few approaches, they are the ones that give best result;
  • low intensity training. The required number of repetitions is up to 25 at a time. The duration of one exercise does not exceed 70 seconds. Throughout the approach, it is not allowed to relax the muscles. Rest between sets varies from 20 to 60 seconds.

Bodybuilding training program according to Seluyanov - what and how to do

Training program divided 4 days:

  • on Monday, the athlete needs to complete a developmental workout for the spinal muscles (trapezium and deltas). 4-9 sets per exercise. Other muscle groups are trained with less intensity - 1-2 sets;
  • Tuesday - workout for the extensors of the arms and muscles abdominals. Training mode - developing - 4-9 sets;
  • Thursday - work on the extensor muscles of the legs and the flexor muscles of the arms. 4-9 sets. The remaining muscle groups train with less intensity (1-2 sets);
  • Friday - work on the bending joints of the legs. Perform 4-9 sets per exercise.

If you are not sure how to properly perform all the above techniques, be sure to watch the Seluyanov training video to avoid injury.

Seluyanov interval training - the main principles

The interval training method according to Seluyanov should be built in compliance with the following main principles:

  • You don't need to overload your body. It is necessary to correctly distribute the load depending on the goals of the training: an increase in strength, endurance or speed. It is necessary to select the load on the body, taking into account the age of the athlete. For example, it is necessary to engage in rocking the heart (increase the volume of strokes) from the age of 18. Until this age, it is necessary to engage in the development of physiological qualities;
  • the main goal of interval training is to achieve a certain balance between oxygen consumption muscle tissue and heart muscle. It is thanks to the achievement of this balance that the athlete will be able to withstand fairly large loads;
  • First stage interval training- it is necessary to create strong muscle fibers, which will process lipid cells and lactic acid. This stage can be called fat burning training. After preparing the muscles, the athlete needs to begin to increase the stroke volume of the heart. This can be done by giving the body long-term static loads with a pulse of 100-120 beats. Long-term loads are intended to increase the "elasticity" of the heart. This is ensured by the fact that the heart begins to stretch due to the constant flow of blood in large volumes. You can increase the heart in volume by almost 2 times, since it is a “hanging” organ, unlike the musculoskeletal system. With this method of increasing the volume of the heart, anabolic steroids, amino acids and gainers are recommended for admission. They need to be consumed in small doses. Keep in mind that with regular use of steroids and a lack of protein in the body, dystrophy of muscle fibers may begin.

The peak of training, according to Seluyanov, is the saturation of the muscles, including skeletal muscle mitochondria. This happens as a result of regular workouts, and due to dynamic pushes - training for speed, races and other competitions.

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Local weight loss or point reduction of fat is a very controversial issue. Moreover, almost everyone who is somehow connected with fitness, bodybuilding or the sports field argues about it. Almost everyone considers it their duty to enter into a discussion about local fat burning, from fitness instructors who have just completed fitness courses to science luminaries, laboratory heads and professors. However, it is not surprising that this topic causes such a resonance. After all, if the possibility of local fat burning exists, then any splits aimed at losing weight, general cardio and strength loads, and performing the “base” of bodybuilding for those who want to lose weight lose their meaning.

Division of opinion

We are used to paying attention to the opinion of authorities. That is, if the big uncle-trainer in our gym tells us that local fat burning does not exist, then we tend to believe him, because he, in principle, is an authority for us. But the problem is that his authority rests solely on the fact that we do not have other authorities. But, even going through our domestic scientists, you can find a lot scientific works and studies confirming that localized fat burning exists. Moreover, some even develop training systems that can provide local fat burning and which, by the way, are widely used in the West and for some reason are completely ignored by our athletes.

By the way, most fitness trainers and gym trainers are literally foaming at the mouth ready to prove that local fat burning does not exist and all these exercises “for slimming legs”, “for tightened buttocks" etc. nothing more than a marketing ploy. Here, two questions naturally immediately arise: is training for all muscle groups, which, by the way, beginners are recommended to perform exclusively under the supervision of that same coach, is this not a marketing ploy? And the second question: on the basis of what do you declare the impossibility of local fat burning? Most often, the coach is not able to give an exhaustive answer to either the first or the second question. Moreover, there are very few published and widely known studies regarding localized fat burning. That is, we can conclude that the opinion of the majority of coaches is formed by the “senior”: coaches, teachers and mentors, from whom they once studied.

A huge layer of people specializing in "home training" does not think at all about the issue of local fat burning and stubbornly does all these "exercises for slender legs" and "exercise from riding breeches" day after day. And, based on my own experience, I can say that some of them really achieve notable results if the training being performed is at least close to the conditions in which local fat burning occurs.

Physiology of fat burning

Let's take a quick look at the mechanism for eliminating fat reserves. Fat in human body stored in specially designed cells - lipocytes. When released from the lipocyte, fat is broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. Next, fatty acids need to get into the mitochondria of the muscle cell, where the process of oxidation occurs with the release of energy. Each lipocyte has receptors that respond to hormones that have lipolytic ability. These hormones are secreted by endocrine glands. There are several varieties of lipolytic hormones, respectively, the same number of varieties of receptors that interact with one or another hormone. Hormones with which lipocyte receptors interact: adrenaline, adrenocorticotropic hormone, glucagon, norepinephrine, thyroid-stimulating hormone, vasopressin, α and β-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, growth hormone

So, the full-fledged process of fat burning looks like this: as a result of the influence of external and / or internal factors, hormones with lipolytic ability are released into the blood. Moving along the bloodstream, they interact with lipocyte receptors, as a result of which fatty acids and glycerol are released from lipocytes into the bloodstream. In a special way, fatty acids are transported to the mitochondria, where the long-awaited fat burning takes place.

Local fat burning

The considered physiology of the fat burning process allows us to analyze the arguments of both sides: those who claim that local fat burning is impossible and their opponents. So, the most weighty arguments of the first:

1. Blood moves throughout the body, so it is impossible to “lose weight” in any one place;
2. The activity of cellular receptors that respond to hormones with lipolytic ability is much less in areas of the body that are physiologically intended for storing fat reserves (buttocks, abdomen). Accordingly, these areas “lose weight” last, so all massages, wraps, etc., designed to stimulate fat burning in these areas, are completely useless.

Consider the opposite point of view. The first counterargument: despite the fact that the blood moves evenly throughout the body, it is quite possible to increase its volume in a particular area of ​​the body. In bodybuilding, even such a technique exists, it is called pumping. It consists in "pumping" a huge amount of blood into one specific muscle. Interestingly, bodybuilders use pumping everywhere, they are perfectly familiar with the physiology of this process, but at the same time they claim that blood circulates evenly throughout the body, so local weight loss is impossible.
In addition, the ability of the body to increase the vascular network if necessary is well known. Simply put, if there is always a lot of blood in one place, new vessels are formed, designed to normalize its circulation. This involuntary attempt of the body to prevent local fat burning requires an increase in the load to maintain the concentration of hormones in the blood.

The second counterargument: if the receptors of certain cells are able to reduce sensitivity to hormones over time, then why not the reverse process is possible? It is quite realistic that with the right approach, the receptors of the body zones physiologically designed for fat storage will increase their sensitivity to hormonal effects, or the number of receptors will increase.
So, we have substantiated the fact that it is possible to multiply the volume of blood in a specific area of ​​the body. The only caveat is that this blood must be saturated with hormones that have lipolytic ability. And this can be achieved with the help of appropriate training or pharmacological preparations.

Scientific evidence

The issue of local fat burning was scrupulously considered by our compatriot Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov. This topic interested him, as he noticed that athletes involved in arm wrestling, body fat on the hands disappear much faster than on any other area of ​​the body. Well, then it started ... As a result, a number of studies, analyzes were carried out, a patent was issued "A method for changing the proportion of the composition of tissues of the entire human body and in its individual segments" and a training system was developed. Interestingly, studies conducted by V.N. Seluyanov, confirmed the possibility of not only point fat reduction, but also local hypertrophy. In other words, in order to form a volumetric gluteal muscle, it is not necessary to work with all the muscles of the muscle group to which it belongs. It is enough to work correctly with one, specific muscle.
Further, the professor developed a training program aimed at changing the body composition, and a nutrition program corresponding to this training. In Russia, it is little known, but it is widely used in the West. This program was later adapted for local fat burning or hypertrophy and is now quite actively used in the training of wrestlers. Unfortunately, almost none of the modern trainers in fitness clubs and gyms tell their clients about the possibility local weight loss, forcing them to perform long training splits for all muscle groups over and over again.

From theory to practice

And finally, the most interesting thing is how to organize local fat burning. As you remember, two conditions must be met - a large volume of blood in the "problem area" and a high concentration of hormones with lipolytic ability. And, of course, to ensure the utilization of fatty acids, that is, to create an energy deficit. For this, a diet is used that, in general, corresponds to the standard diet for weight loss, combined with appropriate training.

The easiest way to ensure the synthesis of the hormone adrenaline is to do interval cardio (HIIT). After that, without interrupting to rest, we begin to fill the muscle located in the problem area with blood. In parallel, the blood will also enter the adipose tissue, respectively, the lipocyte receptors will react to the presence of the hormone. The training regimen for the spruce muscle is 30 seconds of intense work, then 30 seconds of rest. This is one approach. Three such approaches must be performed, and then interrupted for 1-5 minutes for leisure. Three sets make up a set. It is optimal to complete 10 such sets, the minimum number is 5 sets. After that, the training can be considered finished. According to this system, you should train twice a week, interspersing such workouts with regular cardio. The result will be noticeable after two weeks.
I would like to note that the effectiveness of the training was tested by me personally, so I can assure you that this is not just another marketing ploy like “buy a program from Seluyanov”, etc., but a really really working training system. The result is a significant improvement in the appearance of the fifth point (in two weeks!) And an almost broken machine for the bench press.

If you want to reduce the amount of fat in a certain area of ​​your body, then you want to exercise local fat burning. Some say it's possible, others say otherwise. Who is right?

Local fat burning has long been discussed in books, magazines, commercials and more. It seems logical to the inhabitants that “what muscle group works, such and loses weight.

However, back in 1971, a study was conducted on tennis players at the University of California. Each of the athletes had a "dominant" hand, which served, respectively, she received a lot of work over the years. It might be expected that the layer subcutaneous fat on this hand will be less than in other areas. However, when measurements were taken, it turned out that this was not the case at all. What's on the left, what's on right hand the subcutaneous fat layer was the same.

But there are training slender hips, but there is for flat stomach. Pick up any fitness magazine, you're bound to find six-pack workouts and the like. Does any of this work at all? Can we really influence where the fat burns? Answer A: You cannot directly influence the fat burning site through exercise.

Studies have shown that in a trained muscle, blood flow or polylysis increases (which means fat cells are used for energy), but this does not happen in a large enough volume.

The impossibility of local fat burning has real physiological reasons. The fat found in fat cells exists in a form known as triglycerides. Muscle cells, in turn, cannot directly use triglycerides for energy (for the same reason cars use gasoline instead of crude oil). Fats are broken down into glycerol and free fatty acids, which enter the bloodstream. As a result, the fat used for energy during training can be from any area of ​​the body, and not just from the part that receives the load.

In reality, training a muscle group firstly burns calories, and secondly leads to the growth of this same muscle group, both of which contribute to fat loss, but do not directly lead to the fat burning process in a particular place.

Many of the exercises that people associate with localized fat burning don't really burn that many calories, and if your calorie expenditure is low, you won't be able to lose significant amounts of fat. The execution of a long time, in this regard, will be more effective than power training with iron.

Getting rid of fat occurs throughout the body, provided that you have created a calorie deficit.

You can work your abs out with exercise, but you won't see six-packs without losing fat all over your body, which in turn is facilitated by diet.

Local fat burning is possible!

Interview with a permanent scientific consultant, an outstanding scientist, Professor Viktor Nikolayevich Seluyanov, who developed in detail the method of local fat burning.

IRON WORLD: Hello, Viktor Nikolaevich! What facts can you give that confirm the possibility of local fat burning?

Viktor Seluyanov: Hello! In fact, there is a lot of evidence in practice physical education and sports. We often have to test players. So, the players of the Caucasian republics are very much concerned about their appearance. And having a relief press for them is a very important goal. As a result, even the laziest player on the team performs strength exercises on the abdominal muscles. As a result, every single player has clearly defined press cubes. And the players of other clubs do not have this. But at the same time, the thickness of the skin-fat folds in other areas practically does not differ from the thickness of the folds of Caucasians.

At the end of the 50s of the last century, the so-called athletic (or better, artistic) appeared in the USSR. women's gymnastics, originally invented for people who have finished playing sports. Even before coming to the country of aerobics. Practicing this gymnastics and following the ballet diet (two apples and a glass of kefir a day) gave excellent results.

And about local weight loss, you can cite Mokhova's data. The dissertation was defended at the State Center for Physical and Physical Education (80s). The female subjects were divided into groups, depending on the type of motor activity. One group trained on skis, another ran, the third did rhythmic gymnastics, the fourth - swimming, and the control group - something like physical training. Six months after the classes, anthropometric testing of all participants in the experiment was carried out. It turned out that the one who ran lost fat mainly from the legs, and the one who swam lost fat from the arms, because the experiment involved non-athletes women who did not know how to use their legs properly in swimming and kept themselves on the water mainly due to the muscles of the hands. IN rhythmic gymnastics and skiing fat went evenly. And then it became clear that, depending on the types of exercises performed, the removal of fat from body segments would also depend.

Later in the country appeared the new kind physical exercises - shaping (from the English shaping - shaping), and in shaping they were engaged directly in the shape of the body. Those who practice first did circular exercises on all muscle groups, then on problem areas, that is, on certain muscle groups, so that fat goes away there (and this is local weight loss). The first circle was done on all 12 muscle groups, and the second, third and fourth - on those groups where there was excess fat. And the result was positive. They trained the abdominal muscles - the fat left the abdomen, they trained the quadriceps muscle of the thigh - the fat left with the quadriceps. And when the fat was more or less gone, exercises were done to develop muscle mass.

The scientific rationale was primitive: they say, fat is lost because lipolysis is active during low-intensity training. The idea is correct, but when shaping, local strength exercises are performed at a high pace for 1-2 minutes. to exhaustion, to a heart rate of more than 160 beats / min., sometimes up to 200 beats / min. What kind of lipolysis can we talk about after that, but local weight loss is happening!

J. M.: How can this be explained from the point of view of classical physiology?

Viktor Seluyanov A: We have a sympathetic nervous system. And when we start to engage exercise, it is activated. Under the action of signals passing through the sympathetic nerves, excitation comes not only to the muscles, but also to the fat located above the muscle. These signals also come to the adrenal glands, to their medulla, and from there adrenaline and norepinephrine begin to be released. These hormones enter the general circulation and are absorbed from it by those tissues that are active. That is, if an athlete trains one muscle group, then adrenaline will flow there. And in the muscle group, and in the adipose tissue located above this muscle group.

J. M.: Should the load be stressful?

Viktor Seluyanov: As a rule, these are the so-called gymnastic strength exercises, which are done for 20-30 repetitions per approach and cause severe acidification, a burning sensation, which leads to painful stress.

When performing aerobic exercises that involve many muscle groups, adrenaline and norepinephrine are distributed throughout the body and contribute to overall weight loss. But the most interesting thing in the mechanism of local weight loss is different. From the endings of the sympathetic nervous system the neurotransmitter is released. And if acetylcholine serves as a mediator in muscles, then in the sympathetic NS, which activates adipose tissue, norepinephrine is released as a mediator.

J. M.: What exercises are most effective for local fat burning?

Viktor Seluyanov: The most effective exercises are performed in statodynamics. We already talked about this training regimen when we described a technique aimed at hyperplasia of myofibrils in the OMF. They cause severe pain stress, while the weight of the burden is insignificant, which allows you not to strain the articular-ligamentous apparatus. The endocrine system is excited, activating the sympathetic nervous system, it sends signals to where the source of stress comes from. When the muscle is tense, the blood flow there is difficult, and in the adipose tissue, the blood flow does not stop, and hormones come there during the exercise. The exercise time depends on the endurance of a particular person, but should be within 20-40 seconds. It is necessary to navigate so that a strong burning sensation is from 4 to 8 seconds in each approach. This is enough to activate hormones. Another important point: when performing exercises in this mode, due to the activation of hormones, the metabolism is intensified by 1.5 times, which lasts for 12–24 hours.

J. M.: Does the process of splitting fat occur during work or after its completion?

Viktor Seluyanov: If we are talking about norepinephrine and adrenaline, then lipolysis occurs directly during work and in the next five minutes after its completion. These hormones are easily attached to the outer membrane and do not enter the cell. Their the main role to activate cell metabolism. Anabolic hormones, such as growth hormone, can already penetrate into the active cell. But growth hormone has a much more prolonged action. It enters the fat cell and stays there for several days until it is disposed of. And he expels fat all night into the general bloodstream. If you have not used up your glycogen and fat reserves, then he has nowhere to go, he can return to another segment of the body, and if energy consumption occurred during training, then this fat will go to restore the energy potential of the muscles and plastic processes. We lose weight and build muscle mainly at night, during sleep. And not under the influence of adrenaline and norepinephrine, but under the influence of growth hormone and testosterone. But if we talk about women, then they have little testosterone, and the main factor stimulating the release of fatty acids into the blood is growth hormone. In men and women, this hormone is secreted in equal amounts.

J. M.: On a number of power sports forums, in topics about local fat burning, a quote from the book “Healthy training according to the ISOTONE system” is often quoted: “Unfortunately, the distribution of fat is under strong genetic control. Therefore, "locally" fat can only be removed surgically - liposuction. And they ask, how can Professor Seluyanov talk about local fat burning, if he himself writes the opposite in his book?

Viktor Seluyanov: This book was written by me in co-authorship with Evgeny Myakinchenko, and he wrote the quoted section. At that time, he intensively studied aerobics, collaborated with Russian and foreign specialists, wrote a book on aerobics. Perhaps he inserted the text for aerobics imprudently into the book about the ISOTON system. I did not correct the text before printing, because I could not admit that my students, who experimentally showed the possibility of local weight loss, could write such an incorrect text. My opinion about local fat burning is unequivocal. This is a scientifically established fact.

J. M.: What can you say about dietary recommendations during the period of getting rid of excess fat?

Viktor Seluyanov: There is a training day when we do a static-dynamic workout. Low calorie content is associated with hunger, and hunger is associated with brain function. In order to “turn off” the brain from hunger strike, it is necessary to constantly introduce small doses of carbohydrates before and during training sessions, as well as immediately after them. Isotonic drinks can be used, they do not cause insulin release, but a slight increase in blood glucose concentration contributes to the normal functioning of the brain. There are other products that help normalize brain activity on a reduced calorie diet. For example, at night we recommend taking lean meat.

J. M.: To increase the concentration of amino acids in the blood during sleep?

Viktor Seluyanov: Not only. In addition to the building material itself, lean meat contains a number of ingredients that can be absorbed in the brain instead of glucose. For example, ketones.

J. M.: What should we take after a fat burning workout?

Viktor Seluyanov: After training, be sure to take a small portion of carbohydrates that do not lead to the release of insulin. For example, eat one candy and drink an isotonic drink. The principle is very simple. Eating large amounts of carbohydrates or carbohydrates with a high glycemic index leads to a significant increase in blood sugar levels. This leads to a reactive release of insulin, the hormone responsible for fat deposition. If you regularly stimulate the release of insulin, then the adipose tissue will get used to this state. Receptors will be formed that will bind to insulin, and the cell will begin to consume carbohydrates to turn them into fat. And if you stimulate receptors that will bind to somatotropin and conduct it inside the cell, then adipose tissue will be built according to a completely different principle. She will be ready to give fat, and insulin is poorly perceived, because she will have few of the receptors that bind to it. Therefore, people who are starving stimulate the development of receptors that bind to insulin, and under the action of our isotonic exercises it's the other way around. Adipose tissue is rebuilt. If a person was starving or sitting on a strict diet, then as soon as he switches to a normal diet, the amount of fat mass in him immediately begins to increase and returns to its original level, or even exceeds it. But for people who practice according to our method, this does not happen. Our women who use the ISOTON system go on vacation for two or three months in the summer, stopping training, and return to the gym in the fall, having quite a decent shape, despite the lack of exercise and the absence of any diet. Of course, during the lessons on this system, clients receive theoretical information about the right methods workouts and diets, so during the holidays, as a rule, they behave in a civilized manner. Naturally, in order to train such adipose tissue in oneself, it is necessary to regularly trigger the release of growth hormone. That is, regularly do local strength exercises before burning to cause stress.

J. M.: Let's get specific practical recommendations. For example, the goal is to remove fat in the abdominal region as quickly as possible. How often should you exercise?

Viktor Seluyanov: Well, first of all, of course, you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake, especially in the afternoon, in order to remake your adipose tissue and make it less sensitive to insulin. Secondly, you need to perform static-dynamic exercises on the abdominal muscles daily and several times a day, doing from 30 to 90 seconds in the approach, depending on the level of training.

J. M.: And from such frequent training, the endocrine system will not be overloaded?

Viktor Seluyanov: If only one muscle is being worked on, then it will not. A man, without overloading the endocrine system, can perform up to 30 approaches per day. Naturally, not all at once.

J. M.: That is, if we usually do three sets in a series at 30-second rest intervals, then during the day we can perform up to 10 such series, evenly distributing them throughout the day?

Viktor Seluyanov: Yes, but in this mode - 10 episodes a day - you can work for two weeks. Then all the same, the endocrine system will begin to overload. But in these two weeks, the result will be visible! However, 10 episodes is, of course, too tough a regimen when it is very necessary to remove the stomach in two weeks. We generally recommend doing a series of ab exercises 30 minutes after each meal.

J. M.: But with this mode of operation, it is possible to quickly get used to the load, and the exercise will not cause pain sufficient for stress. Maybe it makes sense, after the pain during the exercise has decreased, to perform another exercise in static dynamics before the press exercises, for example, squatting? There will always be pain during this exercise.

Viktor Seluyanov: Yes, this is quite a competent approach. For the release of hormones is always preferable basic exercises. This is observed, for example, when training hands. When working with your hands, hormones do not want to stand out - not a large enough muscle group. Therefore, for the best effect, you must first do one approach to the legs. Hormones will be released, and with subsequent approaches to the trained muscles, we will force the hormones to be absorbed by these particular muscle groups. Moreover, one approach to the legs per day is quite enough. You don't have to do it before every episode.

J. M.: Can we always clearly control progress by anthropometric testing?

Viktor Seluyanov A: Basically yes. But there is one aspect not described in the literature. In addition to subcutaneous visceral fat, there is still fat between the muscles. Like in bacon fatty layers. Especially a lot of this fat accumulates in the elderly, and this fat must be removed. I personally had to face this problem. I went to Malta to train. I was then 45 years old, and I had not trained for a long time. I bought myself a bicycle and rode it two or three times a day, including in the mountains. scored good shape, but when, after a month and a half, I did anthropometric testing, I was somewhat puzzled. Before training, the thigh circumference was 60 cm. After that, it became 56. And despite the fact that strength and, accordingly, muscle mass increased, and the loss of subcutaneous fat could not lead to such a decrease in the circumference of the thigh. And I realized that in this case there was getting rid of intermuscular fat. Unfortunately, modern methods testing to determine the amount of intermuscular fat is not possible. Often former athletes that retained muscle volume and came to Gym, are surprised at the strong decline in results. It seems that there is a little fat on the arm (leg). The girth is only 2-3 cm less than it was. Why did the power indicators drop so much? And because the muscles are smaller than it seems. Intermuscular fat preserves the external shape of the muscles, and it is impossible to see the real picture of how much muscle and how much fat. This moment needs to be known and taken into account in training and testing. It is especially pronounced in women and the elderly.

If you want to reduce the amount of fat in a certain area of ​​your body, then you want to exercise local fat burning. Some say it's possible, others say otherwise. Who is right?

Local fat burning has long been discussed in books, magazines, commercials and more. It seems logical to ordinary people that "which muscle group works, this one loses weight."

However, back in 1971, a study was conducted on tennis players at the University of California. Each of the athletes had a "dominant" hand, which served, respectively, she received a lot of work over the years. One would expect that the layer of subcutaneous fat on this arm would be less than in other areas. However, when measurements were taken, it turned out that this was not the case at all. Both on the left and on the right hand, the layer of subcutaneous fat was the same.

But there are workouts for slender hips, and there are for a flat stomach. Pick up any fitness magazine, you're bound to find six-pack workouts and the like. Does any of this work at all? Can we really influence where the fat burns? Answer A: You cannot directly influence the fat burning site through exercise.

Studies have shown that in a trained muscle, blood flow or polylysis increases (which means fat cells are used for energy), but this does not happen in a large enough volume.

The impossibility of local fat burning has real physiological reasons. The fat found in fat cells exists in a form known as triglycerides. Muscle cells, in turn, cannot directly use triglycerides for energy (for the same reason cars use gasoline instead of crude oil). Fats are broken down into glycerol and free fatty acids, which enter the bloodstream. As a result, the fat used for energy during training can be from any area of ​​the body, and not just from the part that receives the load.

In reality, training a muscle group firstly burns calories, and secondly leads to the growth of this same muscle group, both of which contribute to fat loss, but do not directly lead to the fat burning process in a particular place.

Many of the exercises that people associate with localized fat burning don't really burn that many calories, and if your calorie expenditure is low, you won't be able to lose significant amounts of fat. Performing a long time, in this regard, will be more effective than strength training with iron.

Getting rid of fat occurs throughout the body, provided that you have created a calorie deficit.

You can work your abs out with exercise, but you won't see six-packs without losing fat all over your body, which in turn is facilitated by diet.

Local fat burning is possible!

Interview with a permanent scientific consultant, an outstanding scientist, Professor Viktor Nikolayevich Seluyanov, who developed in detail the method of local fat burning.

IRON WORLD: Hello, Viktor Nikolaevich! What facts can you give that confirm the possibility of local fat burning?

Viktor Seluyanov: Hello! In fact, there is a lot of evidence in the practice of physical culture and sports. We often have to test players. So, the players of the Caucasian republics are very much concerned about their appearance. And having a relief press for them is a very important goal. As a result, even the laziest player on the team performs strength exercises for the abdominal muscles at every training session. As a result, every single player has clearly defined press cubes. And the players of other clubs do not have this. But at the same time, the thickness of the skin-fat folds in other areas practically does not differ from the thickness of the folds of Caucasians.

At the end of the 50s of the last century, the so-called athletic (or better, artistic) women's gymnastics appeared in the USSR, originally invented for people who had finished playing sports. Even before coming to the country of aerobics. Practicing this gymnastics and following the ballet diet (two apples and a glass of kefir a day) gave excellent results.

And about local weight loss, you can cite Mokhova's data. The dissertation was defended at the State Center for Physical and Physical Education (80s). The female subjects were divided into groups, depending on the type of motor activity. One group trained on skis, another ran, the third did rhythmic gymnastics, the fourth - swimming, and the control group - something like physical training. Six months after the classes, anthropometric testing of all participants in the experiment was carried out. It turned out that the one who ran lost fat mainly from the legs, and the one who swam lost fat from the arms, because the experiment involved non-athletes women who did not know how to use their legs properly in swimming and kept themselves on the water mainly due to the muscles of the hands. In rhythmic gymnastics and skiing, fat went away evenly. And then it became clear that, depending on the types of exercises performed, the removal of fat from body segments would also depend.

Later, a new type of physical exercise appeared in the country - shaping (from the English shaping - shaping), and in shaping they were engaged directly in the shape of the body. Those involved first did circular exercises for all muscle groups, then for problem areas, that is, for certain muscle groups, so that fat would go there (and this is local weight loss). The first circle was done on all 12 muscle groups, and the second, third and fourth - on those groups where there was excess fat. And the result was positive. They trained the abdominal muscles - the fat left the abdomen, they trained the quadriceps muscle of the thigh - the fat left with the quadriceps. And when the fat was more or less gone, exercises were done to develop muscle mass.

The scientific rationale was primitive: they say, fat is lost because lipolysis is active during low-intensity training. The idea is correct, but when shaping, local strength exercises are performed at a high pace for 1-2 minutes. to exhaustion, to a heart rate of more than 160 beats / min., sometimes up to 200 beats / min. What kind of lipolysis can we talk about after that, but local weight loss is happening!

J. M.: How can this be explained from the point of view of classical physiology?

Viktor Seluyanov A: We have a sympathetic nervous system. And when we start exercising, it activates. Under the action of signals passing through the sympathetic nerves, excitation comes not only to the muscles, but also to the fat located above the muscle. These signals also come to the adrenal glands, to their medulla, and from there adrenaline and norepinephrine begin to be released. These hormones enter the general circulation and are absorbed from it by those tissues that are active. That is, if an athlete trains one muscle group, then adrenaline will flow there. And in the muscle group, and in the adipose tissue located above this muscle group.

J. M.: Should the load be stressful?

Viktor Seluyanov: As a rule, these are the so-called gymnastic strength exercises, which are done for 20-30 repetitions per approach and cause severe acidification, a burning sensation, which leads to painful stress.

When performing aerobic exercises that involve many muscle groups, adrenaline and norepinephrine are distributed throughout the body and contribute to overall weight loss. But the most interesting thing in the mechanism of local weight loss is different. A neurotransmitter is released from the endings of the sympathetic nervous system. And if acetylcholine serves as a mediator in muscles, then in the sympathetic NS, which activates adipose tissue, norepinephrine is released as a mediator.

J. M.: What exercises are most effective for local fat burning?

Viktor Seluyanov: The most effective exercises are performed in statodynamics. We already talked about this training regimen when we described a technique aimed at hyperplasia of myofibrils in the OMF. They cause severe pain stress, while the weight of the burden is insignificant, which allows you not to strain the articular-ligamentous apparatus. The endocrine system is excited, activating the sympathetic nervous system, it sends signals to where the source of stress comes from. When the muscle is tense, the blood flow there is difficult, and in the adipose tissue, the blood flow does not stop, and hormones come there during the exercise. The exercise time depends on the endurance of a particular person, but should be within 20-40 seconds. It is necessary to navigate so that a strong burning sensation is from 4 to 8 seconds in each approach. This is enough to activate hormones. Another important point: when performing exercises in this mode, due to the activation of hormones, the metabolism is intensified by 1.5 times, which lasts for 12–24 hours.

J. M.: Does the process of splitting fat occur during work or after its completion?

Viktor Seluyanov: If we are talking about norepinephrine and adrenaline, then lipolysis occurs directly during work and in the next five minutes after its completion. These hormones are easily attached to the outer membrane and do not enter the cell. Their main role is to activate cell metabolism. Anabolic hormones, such as growth hormone, can already penetrate into the active cell. But growth hormone has a much more prolonged action. It enters the fat cell and stays there for several days until it is disposed of. And he expels fat all night into the general bloodstream. If you have not used up your glycogen and fat reserves, then he has nowhere to go, he can return to another segment of the body, and if energy consumption occurred during training, then this fat will go to restore the energy potential of the muscles and plastic processes. We lose weight and build muscle mainly at night, during sleep. And not under the influence of adrenaline and norepinephrine, but under the influence of growth hormone and testosterone. But if we talk about women, then they have little testosterone, and the main factor stimulating the release of fatty acids into the blood is growth hormone. In men and women, this hormone is secreted in equal amounts.

J. M.: On a number of power sports forums, in topics about local fat burning, a quote from the book “Healthy training according to the ISOTONE system” is often quoted: “Unfortunately, the distribution of fat is under strong genetic control. Therefore, "locally" fat can only be removed surgically - liposuction. And they ask, how can Professor Seluyanov talk about local fat burning, if he himself writes the opposite in his book?

Viktor Seluyanov: This book was written by me in collaboration with Evgeny Myakinchenko, and he wrote the quoted section. At that time, he intensively studied aerobics, collaborated with Russian and foreign specialists, wrote a book on aerobics. Perhaps he inserted the text for aerobics imprudently into the book about the ISOTON system. I did not correct the text before printing, because I could not admit that my students, who experimentally showed the possibility of local weight loss, could write such an incorrect text. My opinion about local fat burning is unequivocal. This is a scientifically established fact.

J. M.: What can you say about dietary recommendations during the period of getting rid of excess fat?

Viktor Seluyanov: There is a training day when we do a static-dynamic workout. Low calorie content is associated with hunger, and hunger is associated with brain function. In order to “turn off” the brain from hunger, it is necessary to constantly introduce small doses of carbohydrates before and during training sessions, as well as immediately after them. Isotonic drinks can be used, they do not cause insulin release, but a slight increase in blood glucose concentration contributes to the normal functioning of the brain. There are other products that help normalize brain activity on a reduced calorie diet. For example, at night we recommend taking lean meat.

J. M.: To increase the concentration of amino acids in the blood during sleep?

Viktor Seluyanov: Not only. In addition to the building material itself, lean meat contains a number of ingredients that can be absorbed in the brain instead of glucose. For example, ketones.

J. M.: What should we take after a fat burning workout?

Viktor Seluyanov: After training, be sure to take a small portion of carbohydrates that do not lead to the release of insulin. For example, eat one candy and drink an isotonic drink. The principle is very simple. Eating large amounts of carbohydrates or carbohydrates with a high glycemic index leads to a significant increase in blood sugar levels. This leads to a reactive release of insulin, the hormone responsible for fat deposition. If you regularly stimulate the release of insulin, then the adipose tissue will get used to this state. Receptors will be formed that will bind to insulin, and the cell will begin to consume carbohydrates to turn them into fat. And if you stimulate receptors that will bind to somatotropin and conduct it inside the cell, then adipose tissue will be built according to a completely different principle. She will be ready to give fat, and insulin is poorly perceived, because she will have few of the receptors that bind to it. Therefore, people who are fasting stimulate the development of receptors that bind to insulin, and under the influence of our isotonic exercises, the opposite is true. Adipose tissue is rebuilt. If a person was starving or sitting on a strict diet, then as soon as he switches to a normal diet, the amount of fat mass in him immediately begins to increase and returns to its original level, or even exceeds it. But for people who practice according to our method, this does not happen. Our women who use the ISOTON system go on vacation for two or three months in the summer, stopping training, and return to the gym in the fall, having quite a decent shape, despite the lack of exercise and the absence of any diet. Of course, when practicing this system, clients receive theoretical information about the correct methods of training and diet, therefore, during the holidays, as a rule, they behave in a civilized manner. Naturally, in order to train such adipose tissue in oneself, it is necessary to regularly trigger the release of growth hormone. That is, regularly do local strength exercises before burning to cause stress.

J. M.: Let's move on to specific practical recommendations. For example, the goal is to remove fat in the abdominal region as quickly as possible. How often should you exercise?

Viktor Seluyanov: Well, first of all, of course, you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake, especially in the afternoon, in order to remake your adipose tissue and make it less sensitive to insulin. Secondly, you need to perform static-dynamic exercises on the abdominal muscles daily and several times a day, doing from 30 to 90 seconds in the approach, depending on the level of training.

J. M.: And from such frequent training, the endocrine system will not be overloaded?

Viktor Seluyanov: If only one muscle is being worked on, then it will not. A man, without overloading the endocrine system, can perform up to 30 approaches per day. Naturally, not all at once.

J. M.: That is, if we usually do three sets in a series at 30-second rest intervals, then during the day we can perform up to 10 such series, evenly distributing them throughout the day?

Viktor Seluyanov: Yes, but in this mode - 10 episodes a day - you can work for two weeks. Then all the same, the endocrine system will begin to overload. But in these two weeks, the result will be visible! However, 10 episodes is, of course, too tough a regimen when it is very necessary to remove the stomach in two weeks. We generally recommend doing a series of ab exercises 30 minutes after each meal.

J. M.: But with this mode of operation, it is possible to quickly get used to the load, and the exercise will not cause pain sufficient for stress. Maybe it makes sense, after the pain during the exercise has decreased, to perform another exercise in static dynamics before the press exercises, for example, squatting? There will always be pain during this exercise.

Viktor Seluyanov: Yes, this is quite a competent approach. For the release of hormones, basic exercises are always preferable. This is observed, for example, when training hands. When working with your hands, hormones do not want to stand out - not a large enough muscle group. Therefore, for the best effect, you must first do one approach to the legs. Hormones will be released, and with subsequent approaches to the trained muscles, we will force the hormones to be absorbed by these particular muscle groups. Moreover, one approach to the legs per day is quite enough. You don't have to do it before every episode.

J. M.: Can we always clearly control progress by anthropometric testing?

Viktor Seluyanov A: Basically yes. But there is one aspect not described in the literature. In addition to subcutaneous and visceral fat, there is also fat between the muscles. Like bacon fat. Especially a lot of this fat accumulates in the elderly, and this fat must be removed. I personally had to face this problem. I went to Malta to train. I was then 45 years old, and I had not trained for a long time. I bought myself a bicycle and rode it two or three times a day, including in the mountains. I got in good shape, but when I did anthropometric testing a month and a half later, I was somewhat puzzled. Before training, the thigh circumference was 60 cm. After it became 56. And despite the fact that strength and, accordingly, muscle mass increased, and the loss of subcutaneous fat could not lead to such a decrease in thigh circumference. And I realized that in this case there was getting rid of intermuscular fat. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the amount of intermuscular fat with modern testing methods. Often, former athletes who have retained muscle volume and come to the gym are surprised at the strong decrease in results. It seems that there is a little fat on the arm (leg). The girth is only 2-3 cm less than it was. Why did the power indicators drop so much? And because the muscles are smaller than it seems. Intermuscular fat preserves the external shape of the muscles, and it is impossible to see the real picture of how much muscle and how much fat. This moment needs to be known and taken into account in training and testing. It is especially pronounced in women and the elderly.