Katsuzo Nishi system. healthy spine

The Nisha Health System has a healing effect on the human body with the help of special gymnastics, a unique macrobiotic nutrition system and various recommendations for improving health.


The Nishi system came to us from Japan, its founder was Katsuzo Nishi, who believed that the basis of all health problems is a malfunctioning spine and disruption of the capillaries. The theory of the great Japanese practitioner has shown stunning results in real life. Katsuzo Nishi suffered from intestinal tuberculosis, and all the doctors predicted an early death for him. However, the young Japanese refused such a prospect and decided to recover at all costs.

Katsuzo Nishi from childhood loved to watch the uninterrupted movement of Nature, and one day he came to the realization that all life in this world is trying to maintain its health and avoid the onset of disease with all its might. Man, according to Nishi, refused to comply with the natural laws of nature, trying to get rid of the diseased state as soon as possible and not realizing the full strength of his healthy essence.

Therefore, inventing his extraordinary health system, Katsuzo Nishi strove for the natural restoration of all vital body systems without the use of various medicines, massages and other tricks. He especially focused on the regeneration of the natural functions of the base, the supporting structure of our body - the spinal column, as well as the healthy functioning of the capillary system, which covers our entire body with the smallest blood threads.

The Niche system implies regular execution health-improving gymnastics, macrobiotic nutrition, meditative practices, as well as the use of oxygen, sunbathing and hydrotherapy to maintain the vitality of the body and restore its basic functions.

Bed and pillow that protect

According to Katsuzo Nishi, the key to good health is a perfectly even, perfectly functioning spine and, of course, proper blood circulation. To maintain the stable operation of the entire spinal apparatus, it is necessary to pay close attention to the bed and pillow on which we usually sleep. Spring mattresses or soft featherbeds are not allowed on the bed, since they do not fix the spine in the correct position during sleep, they allow it to bend, which ultimately
can cause clamps and displacement of the vertebrae. For longevity and natural health, you need to choose a solid surface for sleeping. For example, you can put a board or plywood made of wood on the bed. To achieve the ideal effect, it is worth trying to sleep on the floor, especially in the summer. A hard surface will ensure a smooth horizontal position body, thus allowing full circulation of blood throughout the capillary system.

A firm pillow is also an essential attribute of a healthy spinal structure, as it properly supports the neck, preventing it from twisting and dislocating during sleep. Practitioners of the Nishi system recommend using a tight fabric roller or half-cylinder, made of wood with your own hands, and placing it under the cervical region. Unaccustomed to sleeping on a hard roller can be quite painful, but over time, a stunning effect will come: all stiffness and pain from the cervical region will go away, headaches will stop, blood circulation in the face and neck area will normalize, and chronic diseases of the ears, throat and nose will disappear.

Macrobiotics - the path to longevity

Japanese practitioner Katsuzo Nishi focused on the quality of nutrition. His health system differs from analogues by the macrobiotic principle of nutrition. Macrobiotics considers food as a source of health, longevity, favorable mood. It includes only products of natural origin, since it is believed that whole (natural) food strengthens a healthy mind in our body and saturates it with the necessary life energy.
The Niche system involves the gradual abandonment of animal, meat foods, which are recommended to be eaten only occasionally, in favor of macrobiotic foods, the list of which is vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes and other plant foods. Such a diet contains a rich complex of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the vitality of the body and activate internal energy. The macrobiotic system promotes the elimination of various toxins and slags from the body, returns the body to its natural state of health.

Sun, air and water...

IN Japanese system health, close attention is paid to hydrotherapy, oxygen and solar procedures. Katsuzo Nishi thought effective application contrast baths to normalize the work of capillaries and the circulatory system as a whole. Hydrotherapy in the Nishi system takes place in several courses. During the procedure, the patient takes alternately hot and cold baths, while the procedure ends with a cold bath to maintain skin and vascular tone. Upon completion of the procedure, the patient is thoroughly dried with a towel and remains naked until completely dry if the procedure is performed on fresh air e. The effectiveness of solar and contrast air baths, respectively, is based on the nourishment of the body with ultraviolet radiation and the variable effects of atmospheric heat and cold. Air baths are best done in the cold season for an effective result.

Nisha's health system also emphasizes the ability to relax, as well as positive thinking. Katsuzo Nishi recommended not to bring all the troubles and negative thoughts accumulated during the day into the bedroom, try to get rid of them long before going to bed. The main function of sleep is rest and normalization of all body systems, so negativity and anxiety will not be the best companions at the stage of proper rest.

Also, the Japanese practitioner taught his followers that any problem in life is passing, and you just need to take it for granted.

The use of gymnastics in the Nishi system

Recreational gymnastics is a key step in the entire Nishi system. However, it will not give a full effect without following all the above recommendations. Gymnastics is focused on the restoration of the entire musculoskeletal system and the capillary system, which, according to the teachings of Nishi, is the life foundation of our body.

We offer you several exercises from the Sixth Rule of Nisha's health, which allow you to independently strengthen your health and maintain it for a long time. However, I want to start with an exercise for capillaries.

Since capillaries can be found in any part of our body, their condition is the leading parameter of the health of the whole organism. Their proper functioning ensures the cleansing of cells from accumulated decay products and the delivery of fresh, healthy elements, and also guarantees a complete cleansing of the circulatory system from harmful substances. The largest number of capillaries is located on our limbs. In the case of an immobile lifestyle, there is a loss of their elasticity and ability to contract, which causes blood stagnation and the accumulation of decay products. Vibrations created by shaking the limbs will help get rid of stagnation and restore the vital activity of capillaries. The Niche system offers an easy and interesting exercise that includes vibrations. During its implementation, you need to lie on the floor or a hard surface, raise your arms and legs up and start shaking them vigorously. Stagnant capillary areas are activated, thus normalizing the vital activity of the arms and legs along the entire length.

Warm feet and running in place

The therapeutic effect of the entire musculoskeletal system is the usual running on the spot. The Niche system is built on the fact that the basis of life is movement. Even a casual movement on the spot can bring your body a long-awaited healing. Every day, you need to perform a smooth jog in place for several minutes. In this case, you should not strain your legs, you need to move them freely and slowly, lower your arms along the body and let them just hang out.
At first, this type of running will seem unusual, from time to time there will be a desire to run faster or make some kind of sudden movement. However, harmony and slowness are important in recovery, so it is a leisurely daily run on the spot that will give an amazing result.

To get rid of the syndrome of constantly cold extremities is suitable effective exercise"Reed in the wind". It helps to improve blood circulation, prevents its stagnation. The exercise is performed lying on the stomach on a hard surface, the legs are bent at the knees and completely relaxed, as if turned into the thinnest reed, subject to any breath of wind. Allowing the legs to move freely, with ease and without tension, begin to bend and unbend them, trying to reach the buttocks with your heels. Even if at first you will not be able to reach the buttocks, it does not matter, the main thing is the smooth and gradual implementation of this exercises. Over time, daily exercises of this kind will increase blood flow, saturate muscles and tissues with useful substances, and relieve fatigue in the lower part of the body.

Small breaks between exercises of everyday health-improving gymnastics can also be filled with benefits. To do this, it is necessary, intensively squeezing, to roll two walnuts between the palms. Perform a similar massage with the feet, rolling the nuts on the floor with your feet. This type of massage will improve blood circulation, relax nervous system and bring back a wonderful feeling of well-being.

The health of the spine is in its flexibility

Gymnastics Nishi, aimed at aligning the spine and harmonizing the entire spinal sphere, improves blood circulation, removes tightness, straightens the back and puts the vertebrae in place.

Thanks to the effective Leaf exercise, the blood supply to the brain is normalized. At the beginning of its implementation, it is necessary to lie face up on a hard surface and completely relax. Then, slowly bending your knees without lifting your heels off the floor, try to bring your legs as close to your buttocks as possible. After that, slowly raise your head and pull your hands to your knees without lifting your spine from the floor. Reaching your knees as much as possible, freeze in this position for a while, and then slowly return to the starting position and rest a bit. The exercise is performed every day in the morning and evening.

Exercise "Willow branch" is done in a standing position, legs are placed as wide as possible, the back is straightened, and the hands are placed on the lower back. In the starting position, completely relax the body, feel it as if weightless. Then slowly begin to bend back, gently tilting your head back. Bending as much as possible, freely lower your arms and freeze like this for a while. If you feel a slight fatigue, put your hands on your lower back again and slowly straighten up to the starting position. The exercise is performed daily.

The bowstring pose will restore the lumbar region and prevent the deposition of salts in the spinal column. To perform the exercise, you need to kneel and place your hands along the body. Then gently bend back and clasp the ankles with your hands, stay in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Exercise should be done daily from three to ten times, depending on age and well-being.

Healing self-massage

Nisha's daily gymnastics ends with the Flexible Vine exercise. To perform it, you need to stand up straight, place your hands on lumbar. Then slowly massage the area along the spine with your fingers, gradually reaching the cervical region. Next, you should lean forward, trying to reach your hands to the floor. After that, straighten up and immediately bend back smoothly to the maximum. Then straighten up again and make several tilts of the body to the right and left. Exercise is done daily and is an excellent way to improve blood circulation and flexibility of the entire musculoskeletal system.

The use of the Niche system helps to prevent the occurrence of chronic forms of a whole range of diseases. Due to the gentle approach of this therapeutic method, there are no contraindications in the application of Nisha's health system. However, any treatment must be carried out under the close supervision of a specialist, so a preliminary consultation on the use of therapeutic baths, or a discussion of the optimal diet will positively affect your health. Nishi's wellness gymnastics will allow the body to heal in a new way and get rid of health problems, even if they have already become old ones.

The famous Katsuzo Nishi Health System is not just a set of rules and exercises, it is a whole philosophy. Elements of ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian medical practices, methods of Tibetan, Chinese, Philippine medicine and yoga were combined by a Japanese scientist into an integral, complete, self-sufficient system, the essence of which is life according to the laws of nature. This System is truly miraculous, but anyone can master it.

A series: Nishi Health System

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by the LitRes company.

Movement Healing

Golden rules of health

The first rule of health hard bed.

It is no coincidence that they say: if you have many diseases, treat your spine. To tidy up the spine, you first need a solid bed.

The human spine consists of 33 vertebrae, which form 5 sections: cervical (7 vertebrae), thoracic (12 vertebrae), lumbar (5 vertebrae), sacral (5 vertebrae fused into one bone - sacrum) and coccygeal (most often - one bone from 3–4 vertebrae). Between the vertebrae are cartilage and ligaments. Thanks to such a mobile connection of the vertebrae with each other, the spine can elastically bend when moving the torso, flexion and extension, tilting to the sides and rotation are possible in it. The most mobile cervical and lumbar regions, less mobile thoracic region. Connecting with each other, the vertebrae form a canal in which the spinal cord. Thus, one of the main functions of the spine is to protect the spinal cord - the most important control center, without which the skeletal and muscular systems, as well as the main vital organs, would not be able to work. In the middle of each vertebra is a vertebral process, from which, in turn, there are lateral processes. They protect the spinal column from external impacts. From the spinal cord through the holes in the arches of the vertebrae depart nerve fibers serving various parts of the body.

The structure of the spine

I - cervical; II - thoracic; III - lumbar; IV - sacrum; V - coccyx

In case of violation of the articular and ligamentous apparatus - the most common pathology called subluxation - the vertebrae are slightly displaced, move to the side, compressing the nerves and blood vessels extending from them, and preventing them from functioning normally. This leads to circulatory disorders, numbness of the pinched nerves, resulting in various disorders in those organs to which the pinched nerves are “connected”. This is what causes various diseases.

The cervical spine is especially prone to subluxations, since it is the most mobile. And the eyes, face, neck, lungs, diaphragm, abdomen, kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, spleen and intestines suffer from subluxations of the cervical spine. So, if subluxation occurs in the 4th vertebra, the eyes, face, neck, lungs, diaphragm, liver, heart, spleen, adrenal glands, teeth, throat, nose, ears are most likely to be affected.

If you are not all right with your eyesight, your throat or stomach often hurts, your thyroid gland does not function well - this is most likely due to subluxation of the 5th thoracic vertebra. Your heart, intestines, nose, eyesight may suffer due to subluxation of the 10th thoracic vertebrae. Few people know that inflammation Bladder(cystitis), appendicitis, impotence, pathological changes in the prostate gland in men and gynecological diseases in women result from subluxation of the 2nd lumbar vertebra. If the 5th lumbar vertebra is subjected to subluxation, diseases such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, rectal cancer are possible.

Subluxations that do not correct support pathological changes in the body and lead to diseases.

In addition, a sick spine cannot normally perform its main functions - to be the axis of the body, for which it needs to be elastic and at the same time strong; provide movement of the head, neck, upper and lower limbs, the whole body; support the neuromuscular apparatus; protect the central nervous system (spinal cord), from which the nerves depart to the muscles and internal organs. Even the slightest violation in the spine can adversely affect the condition of other parts of the body, as well as lead to disharmony between the physical and mental state. Therefore, to improve the overall health of the body, it is necessary to cure the spine.

Certainly, best exercise for the spine - maintain good posture. A person who is accustomed to stooping needs to constantly control himself in order to keep his back and shoulders straight, his stomach taut. To get a feel for what it means to stand up straight, lean back against a wall with your legs slightly apart and your arms loosely at your sides. The back of the head, shoulders, calves and heels touch the wall. Then try to approach the wall so that the distance between it and the lower back is no more than the width of a finger. Tuck in your stomach, stretch your neck a little and straighten your shoulders. Now move away from the wall and try to keep yourself in this state as long as possible. Difficult? If you are used to slouching, as most people do, normal posture will seem uncomfortable to you, because the muscles and ligaments become too weak and too tense from holding the body in correct position. The harder it is for you to keep your back straight, the more your posture is broken.

Correct position of the spine

During the day we perform a lot of different movements. Many people spend a lot of time in a sitting position, which is not ideal for the spine. People often straighten incorrectly or lean too far, shift the torso too far from the center of gravity, forcing the spinal muscles to hold very big weight. Usually, the back muscles still cope with such a load, but at the same time they act at the limit of their capabilities. This is why by the end of the day our backs get tired and it becomes increasingly difficult for us to maintain proper posture.

However, we spend a third of our lives sleeping at night, and this time can be used not only for rest, but also for correcting our posture. That is why the bed on which we sleep should be flat and firm. To maintain the habit of perfect posture, there is no better remedy than to constantly correct the violations that occur in the spinal column by sleeping on a hard, even bed.

A firm, even bed promotes even distribution of body weight, maximum muscle relaxation and correction of subluxations and curvature of the spine.

It is good to sleep on the floor, but you can make a hard bed by placing a plank or piece of plywood on your bed; you can also recommend a mattress stuffed with cotton wool, hair or sponge rubber. The options may be different, the main thing is to avoid a spring mattress.

On a hard and level bed, subluxations and curvature of the spine are easily corrected, since the spine is in the correct position during a night's sleep. In a soft bed, all the disturbances that arose during the day are preserved. In addition, a soft bed warms the intervertebral discs, makes them easily shifted, thereby laying the foundation for new disorders. A sleeper in a soft bed allows his nerves to atrophy, and therefore illnesses come to him uninvited.

A firm, even bed has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs, including such an important organ as the liver. When the group of vertebrae from the 3rd to the 10th is located evenly in a horizontal position, the work of the liver is not disturbed. But one has only to lie down on a soft bed, as the vertebrae form a slight bend, which leads to disruption of the liver. The nerves of the 4th and 8th thoracic vertebrae, "connected" to the liver, are pinched, liver secretion is disturbed, which affects the quality of blood purification. Further, the chain is easy to trace: poorly purified blood begins to circulate throughout the body, causing diseases of various organs. A person, not knowing the root cause, begins to treat diseased organs with the help of drugs that become poisons for an already diseased liver. It's not hard to guess the consequences...

So, a flat and firm bed helps to restore and maintain correct posture, correct spinal disorders, restore the functioning of the nervous system, and improve the functioning of internal organs.

The second rule of health hard pillow.

You need to sleep not only on a hard, even bed, but also on a hard pillow, best of all on a pillow-roller. You lie flat and place your neck on the pillow so that the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae are literally resting on it. Its dimensions should be such that it can fill the hollow between your nape and shoulder blades. The point is that the spine from the 3rd cervical vertebra is straightened and is on a flat and hard surface. Large and soft pillows that seem so comfortable actually make our necks contort. In Japan they say: "A crooked neck is a sign of a short life."

First, you can put either a towel or a piece of soft cloth on a hard cushion-roller. However, you must remember: you need to remove this fabric from time to time and gradually try to get used to a hard pillow. Thus, after a while you will get used to it and will sleep comfortably without any emollient.

Position of the spine during sleep:

A- correct; b- wrong

This rule is associated primarily with the functioning of the nasal septum. It is known that by acting on its certain points, it is possible to stimulate the activity of internal organs. For example, when you faint, they give you a sniff of ammonia. In this case, the peripheral endings of the trigeminal and sympathetic nerves receive the necessary impulse, and the person regains consciousness. It has been established that the state of the nasal septum can affect the occurrence of diseases such as hay fever, asthma, fibroids, tension of the heart artery, diseases of the genital organs, endocrine system, parathyroid and thymus glands, urinary incontinence, pain during menstruation, enteritis, constipation, weakening of the diaphragm , diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, ears, as well as irritability, anxiety, dizziness.

Subluxations of the cervical vertebrae cause inflammation in their joints, and neck mobility suffers from this, sharp and dull pains occur not only in the neck itself, but also in the back of the head. In addition, subluxations of the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae are the cause of dental disease - the upper and lower incisors.

So, a hard pillow replaces the stimulation of the reflex centers in the nasal cavity, curing any inflammation of the nasal septum; beneficial effect on the cervical spine; adjusting the vertebrae to each other, stimulates cerebral circulation and thus prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

The third rule of health doing the exercise gold fish».

The problem of osteochondrosis has never been as acute as it is now. In addition, prolonged incorrect position of the spine can cause scoliosis not only in children but also in adults. Correction of posture, as we have already found out, helps the first and second rules of health. The third rule is also aimed at eliminating disorders in the spine. Daily performance of the “Goldfish” exercise gives the greatest effect in correcting posture, and therefore in establishing balance in the body: balance of nutrition, cleansing and nervous balance.

Exercise "Goldfish"

Starting position: lie on your back on a flat bed or on the floor. Throw your arms behind your head, stretch them to full length, also stretch your legs to full length; put your feet on the heel perpendicular to the body, pull the socks to the face. Press the spine, hips and heels to the floor.

Stretch several times in turn at the expense of "7", as if stretching the spine in different sides: heel right foot crawl forward on the floor, and with both outstretched arms simultaneously stretch in the opposite direction. Then do the same with the heel of the left foot (with the heel stretch forward, with both hands stretch in the opposite direction).

Exercise "Goldfish"

Now put your palms under the cervical vertebrae, connect your legs, pull the toes of both feet to the face. In this position, begin to vibrate with your whole body like a fish wriggling in the water. Perform vibrations from right to left for 1-2 minutes. The body vibrates left and right, but not up and down. You can only lift the feet and the back of the head (position A on the image). For beginners, vibration can be created by a partner, setting the required pace and accustoming the body to new sensations and movements (position b on the image).

This exercise should be done every day in the morning and evening.

Correcting the condition of the vertebrae, this exercise thereby eliminates the overstrain of the vertebral nerves, normalizes blood circulation, and coordinates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The Goldfish exercise tidies up the nerve fibers that exit from each side of the spine, which relieves them of pressure.

The Goldfish exercise not only corrects spinal disorders, but also promotes pulsation of the veins that return blood to the heart from various organs, releasing decay products (slags and urea) through the skin along the way. Thus, this exercise improves the functioning of the heart and cleanses the skin. In addition, this exercise improves intestinal motility, which means it is an excellent tool in the fight against constipation - one of the main causes of various diseases. So, the main cause of mental disorders is blockage and twisting of the intestine due to constipation. Poisons formed during constipation are absorbed into the blood and, participating in the general blood circulation, reach the brain, poisoning its cells, which causes expansion or inflammation of the capillaries and leads to impaired mental functions. Exercise "Goldfish", acting on intestinal motility, helps to cope with this problem.

So, the third rule of health is aimed at correcting posture, improving blood circulation, coordinating the work of the internal and external nervous systems, improving the functions of the intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, brain and heart.

By the way, if you look closely at the animals, you can see that they follow the above three rules of health: they sleep on a hard floor, lay their heads on their paws, waking up in the morning - first of all they “stretch”, spin, shake their heads, shake their whole body.

The fourth rule of health exercise for capillaries.

Every cell in the body receives its nourishment from the blood. Blood connects and nourishes all organs and systems of the body. What kind of force is needed, what a powerful pump is needed to deliver blood, along with oxygen and nutrients, to every cell?

From time immemorial it was believed that this force is the heart, a powerful motor that accelerates blood throughout the body. But modern research has proven that the power of the heart is not so great. It is only enough to push blood through the arteries and bring it to the capillaries. The power of the heart is not enough to move blood through a giant network of capillaries! Nevertheless, the blood passes through the capillaries, and then returns back and enters the veins.

Here's what happens: the blood from the heart enters the arteries, which are a kind of stretchable, with the ability to expand the suction tubes - they seem to "suck" the blood from the heart. Then the arteries carry the blood to the capillaries, and, having passed through the capillaries, the blood is thrown into the veins to return back to the heart. A vein is something like a suction tube that pushes blood to the heart and does not allow it to return back - there is a special valve in the veins for this. The power of the heart is only enough to drive blood through the arteries to the capillaries. Then by what forces does the blood from the capillaries rise into the veins? Where is this pump that makes the blood go into the vein? There can be only one answer: this pump is located in the capillaries themselves.

The role of capillaries is underestimated by medical and anatomical science. The significance of this gigantic vascular network is still not understood, and this is a huge number of peculiar microhearts! Capillaries contract, pulsate, and act as a blood motor - not only not secondary to the heart, but, perhaps, the main one!

Capillary diseases underlie virtually every disease in the world. human body. This is an indisputable conclusion. Being healthy means making the capillaries contract. Our health depends on the health of every cell in the body. And the health of the cell depends on the state of the capillaries that carry the cells nutrition, vitality and cleanse it of decay products.

Capillaries are thin, and therefore very fragile and vulnerable. They are the first to become contaminated, break, die, and become damaged. When capillaries become damaged and stop contracting, blood cannot reach every cell in the body. Cells deprived of nutrition begin to die. When cells die, they create diseases of the organs. Poor functioning of the capillaries leads to stagnation of blood, disruption of its normal movement through the vessels. Waste and harmful substances, which are inevitably formed during the life of each organism, cease to be excreted on time and begin to accumulate in threatening quantities. Useful substances are not delivered to organs and tissues in the required volumes. Organs begin to hurt from lack of nutrition, from the formation of dead cells, from accumulations of unremoved toxins. The body begins to poison itself, turning into something like a dump of sewage. This causes many diseases. Impurities affect the skin, blood vessels, nervous system. Despondency, gloominess of spirit and melancholy arise from impurities. Obesity and sleep disturbances, constipation and lung diseases arise from sewage. There are no diseases that would not be associated with circulatory disorders and disharmony between substances introduced into the body and excreted from the body.

That is why without the normal operation of capillaries, the life of cells, tissues, organs, systems of our body is impossible. That is why it is desirable to start work on improving the body with the improvement of blood and blood vessels.

Exercise for capillaries is almost a complete replacement for running. With it, anyone can “run”, and this should be done twice a day, even for bedridden, debilitated, elderly people, as well as those suffering from any kind of heart disease. Exercise for capillaries completely replaces jogging, but at the same time eliminates the load on the heart and joints. Performing this exercise in the nude will bring double benefits, as it will increase skin respiration, and hence the cleansing of the body from toxins through the skin.

Exercise "Vibration"

Starting position: lie on your back on a hard and flat surface, put a hard pillow or roller under the cervical vertebrae. Then lift both arms and legs up so that the soles of your feet are parallel to the floor.

Performing the exercise: in this position, shake both arms and legs. Perform the exercise for 1-3 minutes.

If your legs are slightly bent at the knees when doing this exercise, do not pay attention: this is not of fundamental importance for vibration.

Exercise "Vibration"

Exercise for capillaries and the exercise "Goldfish" are built on vibration. This is fundamentally important. The human body is never completely at rest - muscles, stomach walls periodically contract, undulating movements are inherent in the intestines. And the heart? It does not stop for a minute, knocks, vibrates - and we live. The walls of blood vessels shrink. When we speak, the vocal cords vibrate.

Try to keep your arms outstretched forward. Soon you will notice that the tips of your fingers tremble finely. Apparently, the body needs such micromovements for some reason, if it produces them. Natural microvibration plays a certain role in the filtration processes in the tissues, it is necessary for the implementation of heat transfer, thanks to which the blood circulation of the working organs is enhanced.

We know that the vertebrae in the spine are interconnected by ligaments and cartilage. By vibrating with the whole body, performing the “Goldfish” exercise, we train the ligamentous apparatus of the spine, strengthening it, making it more elastic and durable. The proposed exercises are available to everyone, they do not require special devices, they can be performed even by a bedridden person. So, vibration contributes to a more energetic pulsation of the veins, which means it increases the overall vitality of the whole organism.

Fifth rule of health performing the exercise "Closing the feet and hands."

In addition to capillaries, the heart has another indispensable assistant - the diaphragm. The number of movements of the diaphragm in one minute is approximately one quarter of the number of movements of the heart. But its hemodynamic pressure is much stronger than the contraction of the heart, and it pushes the blood more strongly than the heart. The work of the diaphragm will help the exercise "Closing the feet and hands."

The first part of the exercise improves blood circulation in the body, which means it improves its nutrition and cleansing. Exercise is also useful in that it coordinates the functions of the muscles and nerves of the right and left sides of the body, especially the internal organs.

Exercise "Closing feet and hands"

The first, preparatory, part.

Starting position: lie on your back (on a hard, flat surface, put a roller under your neck).

Close your feet and hands and spread your knees.

Press the fingertips of both hands against each other (10 times).

Press first with the fingertips, and then with the palms of both hands on each other (10 times).

Squeeze both closed palms (10 times).

Stretch your closed arms to full length, throw them behind your head and slowly draw them over your face to the waist, as if cutting the body in half, while the fingers of the palms are directed to the head (10 times).

Turning the fingers of both hands towards the feet, move them from the groin to the navel (10 times).

Stretch your arms as much as possible with closed palms and carry them over the body, as if cutting through the air with an ax (10 times).

Stretch your arms with closed palms up and down to failure (10 times).

Exercise "Closing feet and hands"

Set your hands with clasped palms over solar plexus and move your closed feet (about 1-1.5 foot lengths) back and forth, trying not to open them (10 times).

At the same time, move your closed palms and feet back and forth, as if trying to stretch the vertebrae (10-60 times).

The second, main, part of the exercise.

With your feet and palms together, close your eyes and stay in this position for 10-15 minutes. Hands with closed palms should be placed perpendicular to the body.

This exercise, like everyone else from the Health System, it is desirable to perform, if possible, in the nude. After all, all exercises are aimed at strengthening deep cellular respiration, they make every cell breathe, and the clothes that we wear almost constantly prevent this.

This exercise coordinates the functions of the muscles, nerves and blood vessels in the groin, abdomen and thighs, which is especially useful during pregnancy, as it helps the baby grow normally in the womb and even corrects its incorrect position.

Performing the exercise "Closing the feet and hands" for 40 minutes leads to the establishment of the necessary balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, as well as to the harmony of the general waters in the body. It is no coincidence that in almost all religions there is one common gesture: the palms are folded in front of the chest. Such a gesture has a hidden physiological justification. In this case, the general waters in the body - blood, lymph, etc. - are neutralized and balanced. Try to check. Measure your pressure, write down the difference between the upper and lower pressure. Then put your palms together for 3-4 minutes and then measure the pressure again. You will be surprised to find a much more balanced pressure than before. In addition, folding the palms together restores the acid-base balance in the body, so it is very useful before each meal to keep the palms together in front of the chest for 1.5 minutes or more. But if you do this exercise every day, then you can not fold your palms before eating.

So, the fifth rule of health helps the forces of mind and body to achieve balance.

The sixth rule of health performing exercises for the back and abdomen.

The implementation of this health rule is dedicated to several important tasks. First, it coordinates the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. What does it mean?

All our internal organs can be conditionally divided into animals and plants. Animal internal organs include muscles and the external nervous system, while plant organs include the respiratory, digestive and internal nervous systems. Animal nerves are located in the muscles of the arms, face, legs, neck, chest, abdominal cavity, that is, in those muscles that we can contract at will, for example, raise our arm.

Plant nerves are located in the muscles of the internal organs and blood vessels, and we cannot contract these muscles at will, for example, stretch the stomach. They regulate the activity of the organs of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, reproduction, and metabolism.

Plant nerves (in other words, the autonomic nervous system), in turn, are divided into two systems: parasympathetic and sympathetic. The cranial parasympathetic nerves control the activity of the digestive organs, kidneys, small intestine, spleen, pancreas, heart, and respiratory organs. The pelvic parasympathetic nerves control the functioning of the colon, bladder, and genital organs. The sympathetic nervous system has three large plexuses: cardiac, which connects the branches of the vagus nerves with the branches of the ganglions; solar, which is located between the stomach, diaphragm and aorta; pelvic, located in the sacrum and common in all internal organs.

With simultaneous movements of the spine and abdomen, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems begin to function in concert, which leads to the strengthening and healing of the entire nervous system as a whole. A healthy nervous system makes it possible to withstand any adversity.

Exercise "Movement of the spine and abdomen" helps to establish the acid-base balance in the body.

Conventional muscle-strengthening sports maintain acidity, while deep breathing and meditation healing saturate the blood and other body fluids with alkali. Thanks to this exercise, abdominal breathing and meditation are performed simultaneously with the movements of the spine, which establishes an acid-base balance in the body. And maintaining the acid-base balance is the first way to proper treatment.

In addition to coordinating the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, restoring and maintaining the acid-base balance in the body, the Movement of the Spine and Abdomen exercise helps regulate bowel activity.

Finally, following the sixth rule of health creates the spiritual power to become healthy. “I feel how I think of myself” – this truth is the basis of suggestion treatment. That is why in the exercise the movements of the spine and abdomen are combined with self-hypnosis. By uttering positive affirmations, we seem to set ourselves up for a wave of health and joy. Your ears, your voice, your consciousness and subconsciousness are tuned to this wave. If you believe that you will be healthy, that you will overcome your disease and live happily ever after, then so be it.

Since we were able to create all our diseases with our previous negative thoughts, then by using opposite, positive beliefs, we can get rid of them. If every day in the morning and in the evening, doing the exercise, you set yourself up for health and victory over diseases, your subconscious mind will perceive this information and will work for you, even when you sleep. And your cells, having received such information, will begin to function better, thereby giving rise to positive processes that, ultimately, will lead to the improvement of the whole organism as a whole.

Exercise "Movement of the spine and abdomen"

Starting position: kneel down on the floor, pelvis on your heels (you can also sit down in Turkish style).

Fully straighten the spine, keeping the balance on the coccyx.

Intermediate exercise

It is necessary to perform after each of the six actions below, once in each direction.

I. Stretch your arms in front of your chest parallel to each other.

Turn your head to the left, look over your left shoulder, trying to see your tailbone.

Now imagine a golden-solar ball the size of an orange, located at the coccyx, and mentally run it up the spine to the cervical vertebrae, trying to feel its gentle healing touch of the vertebrae and nerve endings, starting at the vertebrae and heading to all internal organs.

Return your head to the starting position.

Turn your head to the right, look over your right shoulder, repeating the action in the same sequence.

It does not matter that at first you cannot see the coccyx or the entire spine - do it in your imagination.

II. Raise your arms up parallel to each other, straighten your spine and quickly do the same as in point I.

This intermediate exercise builds up the vertebrae, protecting them from subluxations, which means that it heals and insures against all kinds of diseases of the blood and various organs.

Preparatory exercise

1. Raise and lower your shoulders (10 times). Do an intermediate exercise.

2. Tilt your head to the right and left (10 times to each shoulder). Do an intermediate exercise.

3. Tilt your head back and forth (10 times). Do an intermediate exercise.

4. Tilt your head to the right-back and left-back (10 times to each shoulder). Do an intermediate exercise.

5. Tilt your head to the right (right ear to right shoulder), then slowly, stretching your neck, roll your head to the spine (10 times to each shoulder). Do an intermediate exercise.

6. Raise your arms parallel to each other, then bend them at the elbows at a right angle, clench your hands into a fist, tilt your head back so that your chin looks at the ceiling. In this position, at the expense of "7", take your elbows back, as if you want to bring them behind your back, pull your chin to the ceiling (10 times). Do an intermediate exercise.

Basic exercise

After relaxing for a while after completing the preparatory part, straighten the spine again, balancing the weight of the body on the coccyx, and begin to sway to the right and left, while moving the stomach back and forth. This must be done within 10 minutes.

Basic exercise for the back and abdomen

Simultaneously with the exercise, it is advisable to say firmly and confidently, as if convincing yourself: “I feel good, and every day I will be better, better, better, better. Every cell in my body is renewed; the blood becomes fresh, clean, healthy; endocrine glands work great; muscles, skin, blood vessels become elastic, elastic, healthy, clean, renewed; bones - strong, joints - flexible, mobile; all organs and systems are subject to the work of the brain; the brain functions perfectly, the brain perfectly controls the work of all organs and systems; All organs and systems work wonderfully. I become healthier, smarter, kinder, wiser, more capable of great creative deeds, more useful to people and to myself. I feel good, and every day I will be better, better, better.

So, the implementation of the sixth rule of health will give rise to positive processes that will eventually lead to the improvement of the whole organism.

Now you know the six rules of health. All of them are effective and easy to do, you just need to start, overcome the very first barrier and make the first efforts. If you are lazy, it means that you do not want to become healthy and happy enough. These rules are a system that allows you to normalize the work of every cell and every organ. They are subordinated to a single task - the awakening of the healing forces of the whole organism. However, the Health System is not limited to these six rules.

Movement and health of the heart and blood vessels

As you master the Golden Rules of Health, in particular exercises for capillaries, you can, depending on your state of health, move on to other exercises that also have a healing effect on the circulatory system and on the whole body as a whole.

Special exercises aimed at making the capillaries contract, and therefore, making the blood circulate normally - the first step to pulling your body out of the abyss of immobility, out of the abyss of illness. To start moving means to start recovering!

Running in place

Many people know the healing properties of running, but in order to become healthy, we do not need to run like athletes and athletes do. Recreational running is completely different. For health, we do not need exorbitant loads on our muscles and heart, we do not need a state of exhaustion and fatigue, which any athlete inevitably comes to at the end of the competition. We don't need running as a sport and as a competition. We need running as a way to return the life-giving vibration to the body and force the capillaries to contract. And for this, loads leading to exhaustion are useless. Such loads are not only not useful, but harmful.

Easy and relaxed running in place is a great way to make your body “vibrate”, which means how to stimulate blood circulation and make the capillaries work. Running is a completely natural phenomenon and condition for every living creature on earth, including humans. Running on the spot does not aim to overcome any distance, and therefore performs a purely therapeutic function. It is difficult to imagine a more useful method of recovery. Such a run, without exhausting us unnecessarily, ideally warms up the body to each of its cells, which is why the decay products are intensively melted and removed through the pores. This means that not only blood circulation is stimulated, but the blood is also cleansed!

Running in place is great for working out breathing, and at the same time does not require too intense and deep breathing- and therefore, when jogging, the blood is perfectly enriched with oxygen.

But in order for running to benefit, and not harm, you need to know a few rules.

The body should be completely relaxed, so that the arms dangle like whips, the legs are freely bent at the knees and not tense. The feet should only slightly lift off the ground, making light jumps - you don’t need to raise your legs high and jump. The condition for such a run should be pleasant, not tense, not tiring. We must try so that from such a run the whole organism vibrates only slightly and pleasantly, and in no case does it receive rough shakes.

In such a run, the main thing for us is the very effect of a light jump, which shakes all the muscles. Any muscle tension should be avoided. Let this jump be barely noticeable at first. The first time, the main thing is to force yourself to do at least a few of these relaxed bouncing movements. Over time, running in place will become easier and easier, but restrain yourself, do not make sudden and strong movements, stay relaxed calm state only slightly gently bouncing, barely lifting the feet off the ground.

Special exercise

In addition to vibration exercises and running, for the treatment and prevention cardiovascular diseases special exercises for the legs help.

Exercise "Reed in the wind"

Starting position: lie on your stomach on a hard surface.

Bend your knees and remove any tension from your legs, imagining that your legs from knee to toe have turned into reeds, freely surrendering to the will of the wind.

Having completely given freedom of movement to the legs, give them the opportunity, bending and unbending, to try to hit the buttocks. It will not be possible to reach the buttocks immediately and not for everyone. But imagine that your legs are a reed, which the wind attacks with more and more force, and the legs either together or alternately bend lower and lower, approaching the buttocks. In any case, you should try to make such movements as if you want to hit yourself on the buttocks, even if you can’t reach them.

Do the exercise daily, trying to ensure that the heels still begin to reach the buttocks.

Exercise "Reed in the wind"

This exercise significantly increases blood flow along the entire length of the legs, improves the nutrition of muscles and tissues, relieves fatigue from the legs from the hip to the feet.

Massage with nuts

Many people know the massage of the limbs with the help of nuts. This massage improves the blood supply to the limbs, relieves nervous tension and improves overall well-being.

Take two walnuts, put them between your palms, pressing harder, and start doing rotational movements. It is important to make an effort so that the nuts are pressed more tightly into the palms.

Then put a nut under each foot and start rolling them with your feet on a hard surface, making efforts to press the nuts more tightly into the foot.

Movement and health of the spine

In addition to the exercises of the Golden Rules of Health, the following exercises will help you to shape your spine.

Exercise "Leaflet"

Starting position: Lie on your back face up on a hard, flat bed or on the floor.

Relax your body and imagine that it is completely empty inside, and therefore light, weightless.

Bend your knees without lifting your heels from the surface on which you lie. To do this, slowly pull your heels to the buttocks as close as possible. Then, without lifting your spine from the surface on which you lie, slowly raise your head forward and at the same time stretch your palms to your knees. Reaching your bent knees with your palms and lifting your head with your spine horizontal, stay in this position for as long as you can. Imagine that a stream of energy, the healing Energy of Life, is pouring into your body through the top of your head. Then slowly return to the starting position and relax.

Exercise should be performed every morning and every evening for 1-2 minutes.

Exercise "Leaflet"

This special exercise will allow you to straighten your posture, put the vertebrae in place and release the clamped blood vessels, thus strengthening and correcting the circulation of blood through the vessels. Exercise stimulates blood circulation in the brain.

Exercise "Willow Branch"

Starting position: stand straight, put your legs as wide as possible, feet parallel to each other.

Focus on your body, imagine that it has become light, weightless, as if empty.

Grasp the kidney area with your palms, connecting your fingers at the sacrum, and begin to slowly bend back. Bend your spine slowly, slowly and carefully tilting your head back. When the spine bends to the limit, freely drop your hands back. Now the body begins to sway lightly, like a green willow branch bending over a river. When slight fatigue appears, grasp the kidney area again and straighten the spine to a vertical position.

Exercise "Willow Branch"

This exercise gives a powerful healing effect for back pain, as well as lethargy of cardiac activity.

Exercise "Bowstring"

Starting position: kneel down.

Bend your back back, and grab the ankles of both legs with your hands. Stay in this position for at least 5 seconds, then straighten up. Do this 3 to 10 times depending on age and how you feel. The blood flow will increase, which will not allow harmful substances to stagnate in the lumbar region and back and will not allow salts to be deposited in the spine.

Do the exercise every day.

Exercise "Bowstring"

This exercise helps to strengthen and normalize blood circulation in the back.

Exercise "Flexible Vine"

Starting position: stand up straight.

With your thumbs, slowly massage the areas of the back in the lumbar region on both sides along the spine, imagining how the body, softening, becomes more flexible. Then vigorously, but smoothly, and not abruptly, lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands.

Straighten up and bend back as low as possible - also with smooth, soft movements, and not with a jerk. Straighten up again and do some vigorous, but gentle tilts to the right and left.

Do the exercise every day.

Exercise "Flexible Vine"

This exercise improves blood circulation not only in the back, but also in the legs. Consequently, diseases of the back and legs disappear.

Movement and balance of the spirit

In the human body, opposing forces are constantly at work. This is what happens in the arteries and veins - the former suck out blood, the latter suck it in. This is how acids and alkalis interact, which neutralize each other. This is heat and cold, inhalation and exhalation, this is the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

How opposites balance each other determines the health of a person. Especially dangerous is the violation of the acid-base balance and the balance between the input of nutrients into the body and the removal of decay products. As soon as one of the processes begins to predominate over the other (the predominance of acid over alkali and vice versa, the predominance of input substances over output ones and vice versa), the disease begins.

Meanwhile, the body itself is constantly striving for a harmonious balance of all its components. We just need to help him with this. In addition to the main exercise - “Closing the feet and palms”, the following exercise will help with this.

Exercise "Sky by the river"

Starting position: Lie on your back on a hard surface. The whole body is relaxed, legs are extended.

Throw your hands behind your head and clasp in a lock at the top of your head. Now begin to slowly raise your torso so that you are in a sitting position. Continue to bend your torso as close to your legs as possible without stopping. When the torso bows to the legs as low as possible (try to touch the knees with your forehead), freeze and imagine that you are near the river. Your inclination is the inclination towards the river; you look into the water of the river and seem to dissolve in it. Begin to straighten up, gradually unbending the spine and returning first to a sitting position, then to a lying position. At the same time, do not lose the feeling of dissolution in the river, and, raising your eyes, imagine that you see the sky. Turning to the sky, also feel the dissolution in the sky.

Do the exercise every morning and every evening.

Exercise "Sky by the river"

Anyone who wants to be healthy should also do this exercise twice a day every day. It also allows you to establish the necessary balance of body and spirit, not only favorably affecting the circulatory system and spine, but also allowing you to develop imagination and intuition.

As you do all these exercises, mentally tell yourself that you are feeling better and better every day. If you do the exercises without believing in success and being pessimistic, then success is not to be expected. You must believe that health will come. If you believe that you will be healthy, that you will overcome the disease, then it will be so.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Nishi Health System: Methodology. Exercises. Meditation (Katsuzo Nishi, 2009) provided by our book partner -

In the Japanese health system, close attention is paid to hydrotherapy, oxygen and solar procedures. Katsuzo Nishi considered it effective to use contrast baths to normalize the work of capillaries and the circulatory system as a whole.

Hydrotherapy in the Nishi system takes place in several courses. During the procedure, the patient takes alternately hot and cold baths, while the procedure ends with a cold bath to maintain skin and vascular tone. Upon completion of the procedure, the patient is thoroughly dried with a towel and remains naked until completely dry if the procedure is performed outdoors. The effectiveness of solar and contrast air baths, respectively, is based on the nourishment of the body with ultraviolet radiation and the variable effects of atmospheric heat and cold. Air baths are best done in the cold season for an effective result.

Nisha's health system also emphasizes the ability to relax, as well as positive thinking. Katsuzo Nishi recommended not to bring all the troubles and negative thoughts accumulated during the day into the bedroom, try to get rid of them long before going to bed. The main function of sleep is rest and normalization of all body systems, so negativity and anxiety will not be the best companions at the stage of proper rest.

Also, the Japanese practitioner taught his followers that any problem in life is passing, and you just need to take it for granted.

Bed and pillow that protect

According to Katsuzo Nishi, the key to good health is a perfectly even, perfectly functioning spine and, of course, proper blood circulation.

To maintain the stable operation of the entire spinal apparatus, it is necessary to pay close attention to the bed and pillow on which we usually sleep. Spring mattresses or soft feather beds are not allowed on the bed, since they do not fix the spine in the correct position during sleep, they allow it to bend, which can eventually cause clamps and displacement of the vertebrae

For longevity and natural health, you need to choose a solid surface for sleeping. For example, you can put a board or plywood made of wood on the bed. To achieve the ideal effect, it is worth trying to sleep on the floor, especially in the summer. A solid surface will ensure an even horizontal position of the body, thereby enabling full blood circulation throughout the capillary system.

A firm pillow is also an essential attribute of a healthy spinal structure, as it properly supports the neck, preventing it from twisting and dislocating during sleep. Practitioners of the Nishi system recommend using a tight fabric roller or half-cylinder, made of wood with your own hands, and placing it under the cervical region. Unaccustomed to sleeping on a hard roller can be quite painful, but over time, a stunning effect will come: all stiffness and pain from the cervical region will go away, headaches will stop, blood circulation in the face and neck area will normalize, and chronic diseases of the ears, throat and nose will disappear.

Who is Katsuzo Nishi

Nishi Katsuzo in childhood he was a weak child and doctors predicted a short life for him. His parents were told that he was unlikely to live to be 20 years old. But Nishi Katsuzo himself categorically disagreed with such a verdict. Thanks to the healing system he developed himself, he lived a long interesting life and died at the age of 75 not at all from an illness, but as a result of a car accident.

Working as an engineer, Nishi Katsuzo devotes a lot of time to various non-traditional methods of healing. especially proper nutrition. Separate healing methods are organically woven into the system, and in 1927 the public gets acquainted with the Nishi Health Improvement System. Since that time, Nishi Katsuzo has been engaged only in medical practice and the publication of his works.

Katsuzo Nishi developed a set of exercises for the back, testing various techniques on himself.

Simple and efficient system wellness is rapidly gaining popularity around the world. At the request of fans of Nishi Katsuzo makes a tour of the cities of the United States, and then in 1936 his first book was published, written in English language.

Nishi Katsuzo pays a lot of attention to back health. Due to the weakness of the muscles and ligaments, children and adolescents often turn out to be sick, become stooped. Not in the best position are adults, who are forced to study all day long. sedentary work. As a result, the vertebrae are displaced, pain and fatigue are felt.

Lust for life can work wonders

We all want to live a long, happy life, and most importantly, we don't want to get sick. The famous Japanese healer K. Nishi believed that only through his own efforts a person can overcome all difficulties, always be healthy, which happened to him. As a child, he was given a disappointing diagnosis, the doctors said that he would live at most until he was 20 years old, they shrugged, saying that there was no way to cure.

Nishi was a weak, sickly child. The doctors diagnosed him with intestinal tuberculosis and lymphatic inflammation of the apex of the lung. After the examination, the doctor issued a verdict: “Unfortunately, this child is not allowed to reach the age of 20 years.” As a child, he did not want fancy toys like his peers, he craved health.

Diseases did not leave Nisha either in childhood or in adolescence. They did not allow him to live normally, did not allow him to get the profession of an engineer. Katsuzo realized that he could not achieve anything in life if he did not take care of his health.

He used different techniques treatment, recovery, followed the recommendations of Fletcher - the author of the nutrition system, thanks to which he managed to lose weight, and then get rich and become famous all over the world, studied Sinclair's works on hunger therapy.

As a result, Nishi managed to develop own methodology recovery. She didn't show up right away. The healer gradually improved his methods, selected the best from what was already known to mankind. He called the technique of K. Nishi - the Health System. It was made public when he was 44 years old (the average life expectancy of a Japanese of those times).

Many years passed, Nisha, who was predicted to die early, thanks to the desire to live, as well as faith, and then the author's technique, managed to maintain his health.

Description of the wellness system Nishi

The Katsuzo Nishi system is not simple complex exercises, rules. It is a way of life that develops a habit according to the laws of nature. The author did not accidentally call it a system. Here you can not give preference to one rule, everything is interconnected in the system, just like in the human body.

The technique does not cure diseases, it contributes to the creation of health. The system considers a person as an indivisible whole. The merit of the healer is that from a huge number of materials he was able to choose the most important, and then combined the selected basics into a system that can be applied to absolutely everyone, regardless of gender, age category. The teachings of philosophers, ancient healers, various literature related to health - ancient Greek, Tibetan, Chinese, Philippine - sources, in general, there were more than 70 thousand copies.

Nishi's theory was first published in 1927, and in 1936 the first book in English was published. Today there is an institute in Tokyo that works on the principles of Nishi's health. The system has been tested by practice and time. Thanks to the technique, many people got rid of terrible diseases, improved their health.

The system contributes to the prolongation of youth, it gives a chance to enjoy life, helps to resist difficult conditions, fight ailments, stress. This is a kind of teaching about the observance of the laws of life and nature. A person who observes these laws, in return receives the most valuable gift - health.

The technique is now available in different languages, there are many books, teachings that are based on the Katsuzo Nishi healing system. There are many followers who, just like Nishi in his time, got rid of incurable diseases with the help of a healing system. Maya Gogulan is a strong woman who followed in the footsteps of Nisha and, thanks to the technique of a Japanese healer, defeated cancer.

Before getting familiar with the methodology

From childhood, we are taught to keep our posture: at school at the desk, at home at the table. And it's not in vain. When a person slouches, this leads to weakening of the muscles and ligaments. After sitting all day at the computer, by the end of the day there is fatigue, back pain.

The method of recovery provides for the formation of the correct posture with the help of special exercises, as well as swimming, a healthy diet, rest, sleeping on a hard bed and pillow. Thanks to gymnastics, the spine will gain flexibility, and thanks to proper nutrition - a building material, it will become stronger, posture will be formed.

The diet should be enriched with food sources of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium. You should also take care that, in addition to these elements, vitamins A, C, D regularly enter the body - they are most important for the spinal column.

Books by Japanese healer Katsuzo Nishi

You can treat with your hands. It has long been proven that the palms are capable of emitting mysterious rays. By touching with the palms, the treatment is based on the action of these rays. At the beginning of the use of the rays, it is necessary to bring to life the energy potential of the palms as follows: sit down, raise your hands up, join your elbows at chest level, close your palms, fingers lightly touching each other. For 40 minutes continuously concentrate your mental energy on the palm of your hand.

It is necessary to do this once, no matter how hard it may be, this will allow you to fully activate the energy in the palms. The very technique of treatment with the palms is satisfied, simple: you need to touch a short time palm to the sore spot. To achieve more significant results, you should first perform the exercise for the capillaries yourself, and then help the patient do it.

6. Exercise for the abdomen and spine.

The first part is preparatory:

  • It is necessary to sit on a chair, raise and lower your shoulders 10 times;
  • Tilt your head to the right and left in each direction 10 times;
  • then tilt your head left-back and right-back 10 times;
  • stretch your arms horizontally forward and turn your head to the left and right (once);
  • both hands raise up in parallel and turn your head to the left and right once;
  • lower your arms to shoulder level, bend them at the elbows;
  • holding your hands in this position, throw them back as far as possible, stretching your chin up.

The second part is the main one:

After completing the preparatory part, you need to relax, putting your palms on your knees for a while and proceed to the main part of the exercise: straighten the body, trying to maintain balance on the coccyx. You begin to swing the body to the right and left, while simultaneously performing movements with the stomach, for 10 minutes daily in the morning and evening. During these movements, say to yourself: "Every day I feel better in every way."

Exercise is good for the spine and abdomen, it coordinates the function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and regulates the functioning of the intestines.

Introduction to the exercises

Many children and adolescents are diagnosed with scoliosis, which causes a stoop in the back as their ligaments and muscles weaken. In adults who sit all day at work, fatigue and pain appear in the back. This causes displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other.

The Katsuzo Nishi recovery system helps to form the correct posture with the help of special exercises, it is necessary proper nutrition for strengthening the spine, swimming, sleeping and relaxing on a hard bed.

Exercise allows the spine to gain flexibility, and nutrition provides the necessary building blocks for shaping and strengthening posture.

Nutrition necessarily includes foods enriched with calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Together with organic substances, the body needs vitamins in large quantities. The most important for the spine are vitamins A, C and D.

Katsuzo Nishi System

As Katsuzo Nishi argued, all diseases have a single root - the alienation of man from wildlife and the conduct of an increasingly unnatural, too technical and synthetic lifestyle. He deduced a set of rules that compensated for environmental conditions, capable of restoring and maintaining the health of the body.

Health rules:

  • drink from 1.5 liters of pure water per day, 30 ml every half an hour;
  • replenish vitamin C by eating foods rich in its content;
  • eat at least 10 g of seaweed per day;
  • roast sesame seeds with salt, eat a teaspoon of the mixture a day;
  • every day eat raw vegetables, at least 3 types, weighing 100 g;
  • practice two meals a day, without breakfast;
  • once every 21 days, carry out a daily salt-free diet;
  • to cleanse the body;
  • regular antihelminthic treatment;
  • practice sunbathing;
  • hold regular water procedures;
  • sleep in the nude;
  • set yourself up for a positive outcome.

There are a few more points in the above list, which it would be right to talk about separately. They are called "Six Golden Rules of Katsuzo Nishi for Healing" and directly affect the state of blood vessels, blood and spine.

What is the Niche system based on

  1. First principle is sleep on a flat and firm bed. The system prohibits the use of mattresses. Better yet, rest on plywood or on the floor. Nishi believed that a flat surface is the best support and support for the spine, because it improves blood circulation throughout the body, and also prevents pinching of nerve endings, activates the process of digestion of food and improves the activity of almost all organs in the body.
  2. Second principle sleep on a hard pillow. The best option is a pillow-roller. In this case, during the night's rest, the spine will be in the correct position, especially the cervical vertebrae, as well as the brain and nervous system will work in the most optimal way.
  3. third principle is to perform a special Nishi exercise called "Goldfish". It successfully copes with the curvature of the spine and maintains it in the correct position. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on the floor, remove your hands behind your head, stretch your legs, and press your heels with hips firmly to the floor. Being in a similar position, you should pull yourself up 5 times, stretching the spine and separating the vertebrae from one another. The hands in this case diverge in one direction, and the left heel in the other. Then everything is reversed. This was the preparatory stage, and now the exercise itself: you need to press your spine and legs to the floor and begin to vibrate with your whole body in different directions. Nishi believed that this practice helps to cleanse all cells and activate all mechanisms in the body.
  4. Fourth principle performing exercises for capillaries. Thanks to him, blood supply and the work of all capillaries improve, plus lymph flows much better. It is performed as follows: a person lies down on a flat and hard surface, simultaneously raises his arms with legs (it is important that they are perpendicular to the floor) and begins to shake them very quickly while in the same position. You can imagine that you are trying to beat off small pebbles that fall on you from above.
  5. Fifth principle performing the exercise of connecting the feet with the palms. The practice is of particular benefit to women in position, as well as to all those who have not yet been able to achieve harmony between body and soul. First of all, you will need special training: you need to lie on the floor, a roller is placed under your head, your feet are connected to your fingers (you will look very reminiscent of a frog). Then you begin to press first with the fingers of one hand on the fingers of the other, and then you need to equalize the pressure and then start squeezing with the help of the palms. The arms are extended, raised, held above the head, the face and the whole body, and stop at the waist. Now it is necessary to move the clamped palms in the opposite direction, and then cut the air with them with the help of sharp movements up and down. And then the hands are located in the chest area and you begin to move your bent feet also first up, then down, then use your arms and legs at the same time. Then the main part of the practice lies ahead: you need to stretch your palms together, your feet also remain brought together and your knees are bred to the maximum distance. In this position, you need to linger for about ten minutes.

That's what it is basic principles famous health system Katsuzo Nishi. Their observance is designed to provide a person with the most happy and healthy life. Nishi himself experienced the miraculous effects of these exercises, and millions of people around the world were convinced of their effectiveness. We also suggest that you use this knowledge to improve your health and get rid of all pathologies.

And in the end, watch an interesting thematic video:

A little about Katsuzo Nishi himself

Nishi was born in 1884 to middle-level entrepreneurs. They simply adored their baby and although the family was not very rich, Katsuzo provided an atmosphere of happiness, full prosperity and love.

Katsuzo's father was constantly forced to work very hard and a lot, and he dreamed that his son could receive the most promising education. However, the boy had to face a significant shock - he could not pass the entrance exams to high school. The school authorities explained to the parents that their son was in poor health and would most likely not be able to cope with the academic load. At the same time, Nishi constantly suffered from colds, as well as painful gastrointestinal disorders.

At a doctor's appointment, Nishi was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - it turned out that he was suffering from chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes and tuberculosis of the small intestine. The verdict of doctors had a sobering effect on the future genius of science. He realized that if he wanted to live a full life, he needed to restore his health. And he can do this only by making enough of his own efforts.

Therefore, Nishi began to go to classes in the fencing section. samurai swords, and also began to visit the temple, where he meditated. It turned out that changing habitual life is a rather difficult task. After all, in order to noticeably improve your physical condition It took three niches long years. But the efforts had a result - now the doctor's forecast has become much more optimistic and the guy was able to do his studies.

Trying to catch up with what was missed during his illness, Nishi constantly read different scientific literature. But his health began to deteriorate again. Then the parents decided to send him to a real school for the specialty "civil engineer". But due to regular pathologies, his life was rather boring and monotonous. Then Nishi for the second time in his life came to the conclusion that the most valuable thing that every person has is his health. To improve his condition, Katsuzo took up the study of scientific works in matters of health. At the same time, he tried to immediately check all the knowledge he received on his own experience.

The first thing he did was to read all scientific works his contemporaries, and then studied the works of Tibetan, Chinese, Egyptian and ancient Greek scientists. His work was very long and productive. It should be noted that the Niche system was created on the basis of more than 50 scientific papers.

Nishi Katsuzo spent more than one year of his life in order to develop his own health system. His work was published only in 1927 at the age of forty-three. After that, the man quit his position as chief engineer in the Tokyo subway and devoted himself entirely to the cause of his life.

Six months after his book saw the world, the author began to actively accept patients from all over the globe. This excitement has not subsided to this day - people continue to go to the Institute of Health (Tokyo), where they still work with the Nishi system.

Additional healing methods according to Nishi

Along with the golden rules of healing the body, Katsuzo Nishi recommends practicing other gymnastic exercises for blood vessels and spine.

It also makes sense to learn to relax. Relaxation system from Katsuzo Nishi offers complete immovable peace human body for at least 40 minutes. It is necessary to find the most acceptable position, close your eyes, calm your breathing and not think about anything.

Water procedures can do a lot. With the help of water, you can improve blood vessels, muscles, skin, internal organs, blood, restore all vital functions. Hot and cold baths, contrast showers and douches are of particular benefit.

The Japanese advises to practice and specific running on the spot. More precisely, walking with jumps in a certain sequence.

However, the main guarantor of success in the application of the Katsuzo Nishi body healing system is a positive attitude and self-hypnosis.

Being in harmony with nature and with oneself, a person can accomplish incredible things, and self-healing in the first place. The example of Katsuzo Nishi is a very clear evidence of this. But you should always remember that any system of healing is allowed for use only after consulting a doctor.

The essence of the technique of Katsuzo Nishi six golden rules

Niche's system offers a set of special exercises for correct posture, and also recommends resting on a hard bed and eating right. This supplies the spine with the substances necessary for its formation and strengthening of posture, and exercises make it more flexible.

Foods that are good for the spine should be enriched with elements such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. The food should also contain the right amount of vitamins, of which A, C and D are the most significant.

In addition, Nishi points out the basic rules that are the basis of back health.:

  • hard surface for sleeping- such a rule will seem unusual to many, but Katsuzo Nishi advises sleeping only on a firm and flat surface, that is, actually on the floor, some kind of plywood sheet or something similar can also be an option, thanks to such a surface, the internal organs function in the best way, and the spine straightens;
  • hard pillow- ideally, a roller is used, which is placed under 3-4 cervical vertebrae, that is, the roller rests quite a bit on the base of the back of the head and creates a natural bend in the neck, when the spine in this area is slightly bent, and the back of the head rests on the ground in order to get used to such the pillow may first lie quite a bit and then adapt to falling asleep on such a surface;

One of the golden rules of Katsuzo Nishi is to sleep on a hard surface and a pillow.

  • gold fish- a simple exercise that is regularly performed lying on your back, first they are completely pressed to the surface, the toes are pulled towards themselves, the opposite legs and arms gradually stretch the spine, the palms are placed under the neck, then vibrations begin in different directions (similar to how a small fish moves and oscillates in water) with completely pressed to the surface bottom bodies, perform at least a couple of minutes;
  • capillary stimulation- lying on your back, arms and legs lift up, stretching to the ceiling, intense vibrations begin and shake your arms and legs for a couple of minutes;
  • clenching of hands and feet- lying on your back, join your palms in front of your chest, make forward / backward movements, then connect your feet and begin to simultaneously raise your legs in order to connect knee joints and lower the legs to open the hips, and the joined palms also raise to the top from the chest;
  • body rocking- after a short warm-up, they sit on their heels, while the knee joints are spread apart, resting on the floor at the base of the toes, for at least eight minutes they swing the body from side to side, tuning in to recovery and feeling positive energy.

These exercises and rules should be used every day. They are the backbone of spinal health. It is best to perform the complex in the morning and evening.

What did Katsuzo Nishi talk about?

The author of the "6 rules of health" system was born a weak, sick child, to whom doctors immediately predicted a short life. They believed that Nishi would live to a maximum of twenty years. But contrary to the predictions of doctors, Katsuzo lived a very long, healthy, eventful life.

Recovery was not easy for him: he stubbornly and with incredible diligence studied medical literature, tried all kinds of methods of treatment. Within a few years, he managed to create his own system aimed at the rapid recovery of the body.

Nishi's system justifies itself completely: the author himself died only at the age of 75, and not from a natural death, but tragically died in a car accident. Despite the fact that the great author has long been dead, his books and works have already helped many people to find a long-awaited recovery.

Here are some key points Nishi's teachings:

  1. Movement is life. If you constantly lead an exclusively sedentary lifestyle, you must definitely find time for recreational gymnastics. Otherwise, longevity and well-being will only have to be dreamed of.
  2. Katsuzo did not invent anything and is not the discoverer of some radically new method. He only received a lot of knowledge, from which he was able to isolate all the most effective methods and combine them into a system.
  3. The exercises that we will discuss below are only part of the entire system that the great author proposed. We also recommend reading his book from cover to cover. Title of the work: "Golden Rules of Health".

The Katsuzo Nishi system is based on 6 rules

1. hard bed

The spine is the backbone of life. Minor curvatures lead to disruption of the functions of various organs, therefore correct posture very important. Try to always pull the crown up. By following this simple rule, your spine will be straight. If you sit, hunched over, and when you stand - stoop, then you are very harmful to the internal organs. And if your back is straight and you look constantly forward, then:

  1. the spine will not experience overload;
  2. your height will increase by a couple of centimeters;
  3. internal organs will take their places;
  4. the functions of the digestive and excretory organs will be restored;
  5. thyroid function and blood circulation will return to normal.

All these changes will not be as effective if you sleep on a soft bed. Of course, it's nice to fall into a soft bed, but your spine suffers greatly from this. The spine is in tension all night and this contributes to its curvature.

2. Hard pillow or cushion

To sleep, you need a cushion or a firm pillow. This is necessary so that the cervical vertebrae are in their natural position during sleep. Compliance with this rule affects the nasal septum, the poor condition of the nasal septum causes various diseases, causes irritability and dizziness. Nishi suggests using a firm pillow-roller, lie down so that the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae are exactly on the pillow.

3. Exercise "Goldfish"

This exercise should be performed as follows: you need to lie on a flat bed up or down face down, pull your toes in the direction of the body, put both hands crossed under the neck, at the 4th or 5th cervical vertebrae. In this position, vibrate, squirm with the whole body, repeating the movements of the fish in the water. You need to perform this exercise for one to two minutes twice a day.

This exercise will cure scoliosis, get rid of the curvature of the spine and allow you to relieve the overstrain of the vertebral nerves, normalize blood circulation, promote intestinal motility, coordinate the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

4. Exercise for capillaries.

Lying straight on your back, head lies on a hard pillow, legs and arms stretch vertically up in relation to the body and vibrate them easily.

Exercise gives a load to the capillaries in the organs, thereby improving blood circulation throughout the body, increases the movement and renewal of the lymphatic fluid. Exercise to carry out every day in the morning and in the evening, within one - two minutes.

5. Exercise "Closing the palms and feet".

The exercise is performed lying on your back, the head is on a hard pillow. The first part of the exercise. Put your hands on your chest. Open your palms, connecting the fingertips of both hands, press them against each other and relax, repeat this several times. Then move your hands with closed fingertips back and forth. After that, close your palms over your chest.

The second part - continue to lie on your back, raising your legs up above the body, while connecting your knees, close your feet. Raise and lower your legs and arms at the same time 10-60 times. After completing the exercise, rest in the starting position and meditate every day for one to two minutes in the morning and evening.

This exercise coordinates the work of the muscles and nerves of the left and right sides of the body, especially the limbs. Exercise is of great importance, also because it coordinates the work of muscles, blood vessels, nerves in the abdomen, groin and thighs. During pregnancy, exercise helps in the womb. This exercise is useful for the expectant mother, for the normal growth of the child and for the easy passage of childbirth.

Nishi's system helped its creator cheat death

The creator of these exercises, a Japanese engineer, aikido teacher and healer Kazuro Nishi (1884 - 1959), lived only 75 years. For Japan, where the average life expectancy is 83 years, this is not so much, if not for one "but". From the birth of Kazuro, Nishi was in such poor health that doctors predicted his death in early youth.

But the thirst for life and the scientific mindset helped him develop a simple system of rules, thanks to which even a very sickly person can live to a ripe old age, while maintaining excellent mobility and performance.

Despite the verdict of famous doctors, according to which Kazuro Nishi had to die before he even reached the age of twenty, the young man stubbornly played sports and invented his own methods of maintaining health. Today this system is known as the "Nishi Health System" or "Nishi Method", and thanks to it, so many "hopeless" patients have found not only hope, but also the opportunity to live a full life.

Warm feet and running in place

The therapeutic effect of the entire musculoskeletal system is the usual running on the spot. The Niche system is built on the fact that the basis of life is movement. Even a casual movement on the spot can bring your body a long-awaited healing. Every day, you need to perform a smooth jog in place for several minutes. In this case, you should not strain your legs, you need to move them freely and slowly, lower your arms along the body and let them just hang out.
At first, this type of running will seem unusual, from time to time there will be a desire to run faster or make some kind of sudden movement. However, harmony and slowness are important in recovery, so it is a leisurely daily run on the spot that will give an amazing result.

To get rid of the syndrome of constantly cold extremities, the effective exercise "Reed in the wind" is suitable. It helps to improve blood circulation, prevents its stagnation. The exercise is performed lying on the stomach on a hard surface, the legs are bent at the knees and completely relaxed, as if turned into the thinnest reed, subject to any breath of wind. Allowing the legs to move freely, with ease and without tension, begin to bend and unbend them, trying to reach the buttocks with your heels. Even if at first you will not be able to reach the buttocks, it does not matter, the main thing is the smooth and gradual implementation of this exercises. Over time, daily exercises of this kind will increase blood flow, saturate muscles and tissues with useful substances, and relieve fatigue in the lower part of the body.

Small breaks between exercises of everyday health-improving gymnastics can also be filled with benefits. To do this, it is necessary, intensively squeezing, to roll two walnuts between the palms. Perform a similar massage with the feet, rolling the nuts on the floor with your feet. This type of massage will improve blood circulation, relax the nervous system and restore wonderful well-being.

The Six Golden Principles of the Niche System

Nisha's healing system is simple, like everything ingenious. It is its simplicity and effectiveness that have made it immensely popular all over the world. With its help you can:

  • eliminate the stoop of adolescents;
  • relieve adult fatigue:
  • accelerate the formation of correct posture;
  • maintain the flexibility of the spine for many years.

In addition to proper nutrition and regular sunbathing, the system includes only six basic principles.

  1. Sleep on a hard bed.

Despite the well-known fact of this fact, it is necessary to remind those who want to radically improve the health of their spine all the time.

Yes, this is associated with certain costs, because if you just lie down on hard boards, then no recovery will come of it. On the contrary, a whole bunch of unpleasant diseases will join.

It is necessary to choose a mattress that provides the correct position of the spine, and has sufficient elasticity to ensure proper rest. And such models today are not cheap. But sleeping on a hard bed is the first component of spinal health.

Put a fairly firm pillow under your head, or better - a roller.

Choosing a pillow is just as important as choosing a mattress.

Generally speaking, choosing a hard bed is pretty easy. If it hurts or is uncomfortable for you, then this is the wrong stiffness. If you lay down on a hard bed and feel that you are resting, then the rigidity is suitable for your body.

Exercise "Goldfish".

This exercise can be done even if the person is very weak or sick. Even bed rest is not an obstacle to the implementation of the "Golden Fish".

In order to perform the exercise, you need to lie on a hard bed or on a fitness mat, stretch out and put your hands under your neck (4-5 cervical vertebrae). Then you need to make wave-like movements with your whole body, imitating the movements of a fish.

Only 1-2 minutes in the morning and evening of such “swimming” can dramatically improve the functioning of almost all body systems and even fight scoliosis.

Exercise for capillaries.

Lie on your back, raise your arms and legs up and make quick vibrating movements. The duration of the exercise is 1-2 minutes. By the way, professional dancers always do this exercise when they need to quickly put their muscles and blood vessels in order after (or before) long-term loads.

Exercise "Closing the palms and feet."

Take the pose shown in the picture. Rhythmically press your palms against each other.

Then, without opening your palms, raise your hands, put them behind your head and lower them to your waist, as if you were cutting the figure lengthwise with a “knife” of closed palms. Repeat the up and down movement several times (from 10 to 60).

Exercises for the spine and abdomen.

This is a whole range of exercises that improves well-being and even regulates, returning it to normal:

  • sit on a chair, straighten up, understand and lower your shoulders 10 times;
  • Tilt your head to each side 10 times;
  • turn head to the right and left different position hands: horizontally in front of you; raised up: bent at the elbows at shoulder level;
  • bend your elbows at shoulder level and take them back, lifting your chin up.
  • Sit down, as shown in the figure, and make swinging movements with the body, straining the stomach. Continue 10 minutes.

As they say, it’s better to see once than hear (or read) a hundred times - therefore, in conclusion, I suggest watching a video that shows in detail the technique for performing all Nisha’s gymnastics exercises.

Golden rules of health

Nishi argued that there are six golden rules that are important to follow if you want to live a long and happy life. It is necessary

If you ignore them, gymnastics will not give the desired effect.

Here are the rules:

  1. Sleep on a hard bed. A person spends a third of his life in bed. Therefore, for the health of the back and spine, it is so important to sleep on a hard bed. The spine, according to Nisha, is the basis of life, the core of all health. Therefore, first of all, it is the spinal column that needs to be healed with the help of gymnastics: to treat stoop and all kinds of clamps.
  2. Instead of a soft pillow - a hard roller. Yes, at first it will be unusual and uncomfortable. But it will ensure the health of your neck. If there are clamps in this area, the brain, skin and hair do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. This is fraught not only with a loss of energy, but also with problems with appearance. Therefore, it is important to eliminate clamps with the help of gymnastics, and while sleeping on the “correct” pillow, maintain neck health.4
  3. Do the "Goldfish" exercise in the morning. Lie on your back and stretch your whole body as if into a string: hook your big toes on each other, stretch your arms up, connecting your little fingers. Strive to stretch as much as possible, imagining how your spine is stretched. Feel and feel your body vibrate. Repeat the exercise several times a day if possible. Under the shoulder blades, you can put a roller of dense fabric to strengthen your back at the same time.
  4. The fourth rule: strengthen the capillaries. Lie on your back, on the floor. You can not do the exercise on the couch or bed, because their surface is not hard enough. While lying down, raise your arms and legs up so that they are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the torso. While in this position, shake your arms and legs with vibrating movements for 1-3 minutes.
  5. Fifth rule - lie on the roller for five minutes a day. You need to make a roller by rolling a towel, or buy a ready-made one. Place it under the shoulder blades, lie on a hard surface, stretch your arms and legs, closing your palms and feet with each other.
  6. The sixth rule - do not forget to strengthen the stomach and back. To do this, the author of the system has developed a whole set of exercises. It is best to first study their technique on the video, and only then proceed to independent practice.

Watch in the video an example of another exercise to strengthen capillaries:


The Nishi system came to us from Japan, its founder was Katsuzo Nishi, who believed that the basis of all health problems is a malfunctioning spine and disruption of the capillaries. The theory of the great Japanese practitioner has shown stunning results in real life. Katsuzo Nishi suffered from intestinal tuberculosis, and all the doctors predicted an early death for him. However, the young Japanese refused such a prospect and decided to recover at all costs.

Katsuzo Nishi from childhood loved to watch the uninterrupted movement of Nature, and one day he came to the realization that all life in this world is trying to maintain its health and avoid the onset of disease with all its might. Man, according to Nishi, refused to comply with the natural laws of nature, trying to get rid of the diseased state as soon as possible and not realizing the full strength of his healthy essence.

Therefore, inventing his extraordinary health system, Katsuzo Nishi strove for the natural restoration of all vital body systems without the use of various medicines, massages and other tricks.

He especially focused on the regeneration of the natural functions of the base, the supporting structure of our body - the spinal column, as well as the healthy functioning of the capillary system, which covers our entire body with the smallest blood threads.

The Niche system implies regular health-improving gymnastics, macrobiotic nutrition, meditative practices, as well as the use of oxygen, sunbathing and hydrotherapy to maintain the vitality of the body and restore its basic functions.

The use of gymnastics in the Nishi system

Recreational gymnastics is a key step in the entire Nishi system. However, it will not give a full effect without following all the above recommendations. Gymnastics is focused on the restoration of the entire musculoskeletal system and the capillary system, which, according to the teachings of Nishi, is the life foundation of our body.

We offer you several exercises from the Sixth Rule of Nisha's health, which allow you to independently strengthen your health and maintain it for a long time. However, I want to start with an exercise for capillaries.

Since capillaries can be found in any part of our body, their condition is the leading parameter of the health of the whole organism. Their proper functioning ensures the cleansing of cells from accumulated decay products and the delivery of fresh, healthy elements, and also guarantees a complete cleansing of the circulatory system from harmful substances. The largest number of capillaries is located on our limbs. In the case of an immobile lifestyle, there is a loss of their elasticity and ability to contract, which causes blood stagnation and the accumulation of decay products. Vibrations created by shaking the limbs will help get rid of stagnation and restore the vital activity of capillaries. The Niche system offers an easy and interesting exercise that includes vibrations. During its implementation, you need to lie on the floor or a hard surface, raise your arms and legs up and start shaking them vigorously. Stagnant capillary areas are activated, thus normalizing the vital activity of the arms and legs along the entire length.

Healing self-massage

Nisha's daily gymnastics ends with the Flexible Vine exercise. To perform it, you need to stand up straight, place your hands on the lumbar. Then slowly massage the area along the spine with your fingers, gradually reaching the cervical region. Next, you should lean forward, trying to reach your hands to the floor. After that, straighten up and immediately bend back smoothly to the maximum. Then straighten up again and make several tilts of the body to the right and left. Exercise is done daily and is an excellent way to improve blood circulation and flexibility of the entire musculoskeletal system.

The use of the Niche system helps to prevent the occurrence of chronic forms of a whole range of diseases. Due to the gentle approach of this therapeutic method, there are no contraindications in the application of Nisha's health system. However, any treatment must be carried out under the close supervision of a specialist, so a preliminary consultation on the use of therapeutic baths, or a discussion of the optimal diet will positively affect your health. Nishi's wellness gymnastics will allow the body to heal in a new way and get rid of health problems, even if they have already become old ones.

For the system to work, it is important to comply with all its components. Only an integrated approach to working with yourself and your health can bring significant results.

Therefore, follow all the stages of work with Nisha's golden rules.

  1. Don't forget about proper nutrition. Most of Nisha's exercises are aimed at activating blood circulation, so nutrients will be more actively supplied to the internal organs. If you eat "food garbage", its negative impact on the body will increase. If you only use healthy foods, their benefits will increase several times.
  2. Sports, massage, stretching and swimming are not a whim, but the needs of your body that must be satisfied. Therefore, devote enough time to these activities.
  3. Additionally, you can find and visit a good osteopath. Many people do not even suspect how many problems it can detect and cure, which will significantly change the quality of life.

And, most importantly: follow Nisha's rules day after day. Only regular practice can bring significant results.


In summary, the following points should be noted::

  • the technique of Katsuzo Nishi miraculously healed the author and has proven high efficiency;
  • the rules can be difficult and not always accessible, but it is possible to get used to them;
  • you need to take into account the conditions of your own body before doing exercises;
  • visualization and concentration are used in the process of execution;
  • you need to do exercises regularly, and positive motivation and self-coding help here.

In general, the system is not exotic and seems to be quite suitable for people of other cultures, the method of improving the spine is almost universal.

Live capillaries: The most important factor of health! Methods of Zalmanov, Nishi, Gogulan Ivan Lapin

Recommendations for those who are going to do Nisha exercises

Anyone who will follow these rules will very quickly feel full of energy, energy, joy, protected from illness and bad mood. Ideal health will flow into the cells of your body.

But you will have to work, starting to move along the path from the "Unhealthy" station to the "Health" station.

Nishi noted that pain may occur, the temperature rises, you may feel chills, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting may occur. Don't take medicine right away. Don't call " ambulance". All these unpleasant phenomena are the beginning of the healing forces of your body. Do not interfere with them, stop eating, overworking, hypothermia, nervous, scared. Calm yourself with the thought that you are now under the protection of Nature itself, which created you, that the Nisha Health System has already helped many, that it will help you too, because it is built on the reasonable use of the laws of Nature, the life and mind of mankind.

Drink plain water. Be patient for a while, overcoming the first sensations of strangeness and inconvenience in the implementation of the Six Rules of Health. The pain and feeling unwell will soon disappear. And they will be replaced by freedom from any disease, bad health and bad mood.

Katsuzo Nishi's exercises may seem difficult at first. But they are designed for the most unprepared of us. Everyone can master them and easily apply them daily.

These exercises contain the quintessence of all knowledge that is taught individually in various teachings about breathing, movement, physical education, gymnastics, manual medicine, massage, hydrotherapy, nutrition. Moreover, all this knowledge works in different medical practices. But here everything is assembled into a single, well-thought-out system that normalizes the work of every cell and every organ with the sole purpose of raising the coefficient useful action healing powers of the whole organism as a whole, and make it equal to one hundred percent.

Well, at the end of the chapter, we recall that it is necessary to perform the exercises in a ventilated room or in fresh air. It is better to do them in the naked form, as far as possible, so that the whole skin participates in the metabolic processes and better performs its functions as a kind of respiratory organ. Through the open skin, the body receives oxygen and nitrogen, while removing toxins. Oxygen is necessary for the body not only to burn toxins and cleanse the body, but also for all metabolic processes and for cell nutrition. Don't forget about it. This concludes the story of the Six Principles of Katsuzo Nishi. But the Health System itself has more surprises. They are discussed below.

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RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE NISH SYSTEM - GOGULAN note: Katsuzo Nishi - Japanese naturopath, founder health system, which allowed thousands of people around the world to get rid of the most serious ailments. Being himself a person with poor health, Nishi devoted his whole life to

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Osteopathic doctor Alexander Ivanov, a regular contributor to BUSINESS Online, continues his story about well-known healing practices based on a holistic approach that considers a person as a single system, and not as a set of organs. Today we will talk about the Japanese health system of Dr. Katsuzo Nishi.

If you have many diseases, Nishi said, treat your spine
Photo: pixabay.com

WHO IS Katsuzo Nishi

Katsuzo Nishi(1884-1959) - famous Japanese doctor who created a system of healing. It is based on proper nutrition and maintaining the health of the spine. If you have many diseases, Nishi said, treat your spine.

Nishi was a weak and sickly child, and the doctors gave a disappointing prognosis: it is unlikely that he will be able to live to 20 years. But thanks to the search and practice of healing techniques, Nishi was able to cope with the disease and lived a long and happy life. The author of the method died at the age of 75, but not from old age, but from radiation sickness, which developed against the background of increased radiation in Japan.

1. Practice only in a good mood, with good intentions!

2. Start with a small number of repetitions, do the exercises slowly, monitor the quality of the exercises, do everything with pleasure!

3. It is better to practice outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

4. You can not exercise immediately after eating or on an empty stomach. It is better to do exercises an hour after eating.

5. Breathing during exercise is normal.


We spend about a third of our lives in bed, so it should be as comfortable and physiological for the spine as possible. Sleeping on a soft bed leads to spinal deformity, scoliosis and poor posture, while a flat bed allows you to relax all the muscles and release the spinal nerves. It is important, Dr. Nishi said, that the bed warms our body during sleep, so he recommended properly organizing the bed and not sleeping, for example, on the floor or just plywood.


Dr. Nishi advised using a hard pillow or roll under the neck while sleeping. IN cervical region the spine has a physiological bend - lordosis, under which the doctor recommended making a lining in the form of a roller. Sleeping on a low or soft pillow, Nishi said, eventually leads to neck pain, numbness in the arms, and poor posture.

Dr. Nishi warns that sleeping on a hard pillow or bolster can be uncomfortable at first, as the body gets used to the "wrong" soft pillow, but over time, the discomfort should go away.


Starting position: lying on your back, you can do it on a bed or other hard surface. We start stretching the body, for this we pull the heel of the right leg away from us, and the arms in the opposite direction, then we do the same with the left leg. Next, we put our hands under the neck and, without lifting the body from the floor (the heels, hips and spine are pressed to the floor!), We make wave-like movements with the whole body like a “fish” from left to right (but not up and down - this is an important condition!) for 1 -2 minutes.


Capillaries are microscopic blood vessels that feed the cells themselves, their diameter is so small that even red blood cells (erythrocytes) are deformed when passing through them. The role of capillaries is difficult to overestimate - without them, the cell dies. Nishi offers an exercise that improves the flow of blood through the capillaries and therefore the nutrition of the cells.

Starting position: lying on your back, put a roller under your neck. We raise our legs up, feet parallel to the floor, we also raise our hands up. In this position, we perform active shaking with our arms and legs for 1-3 minutes.


The exercise involves the main respiratory muscle - the diaphragm, which improves blood circulation in the internal organs. Exercise is especially useful for pregnant women, as it also has a beneficial effect on the fetus.

Preparatory part of the exercise

Starting position: lying on your back, on a hard flat surface, a roller under the neck. We close the feet and palms, as shown in the figure.

In this position, we will perform several different movements, each 10 times.

1. Without changing the position of the arms, legs and torso, we simply press each other with the fingertips.

2. We begin to press each other with the fingertips and continue pressing with the whole palm.

3. Firmly squeeze the entire surface of the palms.

4. Extend the closed hands as far as possible behind the head and draw a line from the position from behind the head to the waist, while the fingers do not change position and look towards the head, keep the palms as close to the body as possible.

5. Turn the fingers of both hands so that they look at the feet, and move them from the groin to the stomach.

6. We make movements similar to paragraph 4, but now we do not hold our hands close to the body, but we do it at the maximum distance from the body, as if cutting through the air.

7. Stretch your arms up, return back, try to make the movement to the maximum length.

8. The arms remain closed over the solar plexus, and the soles of the feet move back and forth without opening the feet.

9. We combine movements, moving the legs, as indicated in paragraph 8, we add movements with the palms in the same order.

The main part of the exercise is performed after paragraph 9, the palms are closed over the solar plexus, the feet are closed, the knees are spread apart, we close our eyes and, without changing the position of the legs and arms, lie down for 10-15 minutes.


Starting position: sitting on the floor, we lower the pelvis on the heels, while the back is even, the hands are on the knees. All manipulations are performed 10 times.

Intermediate exercise

After each main element, we perform intermediate actions - we stretch our arms in front of us, then we look back and to the left, as if trying to see our sacrum, then we slowly mentally look from the sacrum to the neck. We do the same on the opposite side. Then we perform the same actions, only the arms are extended upwards.

1. The first element - raise and lower the shoulders + intermediate exercise

2. Tilt your head to the right and left + intermediate exercise

3. Tilt your head forward and backward + intermediate exercise

4. Combine points 2 and 3: tilt your head to the right and back, then to the left and back + intermediate exercise

5. We tilt our head to the shoulder, then slowly roll it over, touching the back of the head with the back + intermediate exercise

6. We raise our hands from our knees, bending them in elbow joints and, forming a right angle, we firmly squeeze our palms, tilt our head back slightly, look at the ceiling and spread our elbows to the sides, trying to connect them behind our back, at this time the chin stretches up + intermediate exercise

The main part of the exercise. Starting position: sitting on the floor, we lower the pelvis on the heels, while the back is even, the hands are on the knees.

At the beginning of the exercise, you should relax, and then tighten your stomach, straighten your back and make pendulum movements with your body, swinging left and right, while moving your stomach back and forth. You should perform the exercise for 10 minutes.


There are many videos of exercises on the Nishi system posted on the Internet. For those who find it difficult to understand the technique with the help of text and pictures, I recommend to look.

Be healthy!

Yours sincerely,
Ivanov Alexander Alexandrovich— candidate of medical sciences, osteopath, neurologist, naturopath,
Member of the Russian Osteopathic Association, promoter of a healthy lifestyle and a conscious approach to health.