Static exercises against the wall. Exercise "chair" against the wall: sequence of execution

Find out more ways to do squats to maximize leg and glute development.

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To improve the shape of the gluteal muscles and legs, there are a lot of exercises. Many girls are sure that the best among them are power movements, as well as explosive cardio. At the same time, they completely forget that static loads can also bring excellent results. Today you will learn how the wall chair exercise will help you make your legs even more attractive. You can do it at home and it won't take long.

Benefits of wall chair exercise

The main advantage of this exercise is its accessibility. You do not need specialized sport equipment which allows you to exercise at home. In addition, this exercise will help you qualitatively stretch the muscles after strength training. Here are the main positive effects wall chair exercises:
  • effective when dropped internal organs, as it allows you to reduce pain and return the affected organs to their normal position;
  • allows you to improve your posture - this will not only make you even more attractive, but also extremely beneficial for the body, since the internal organs begin to function normally;
  • develops a sense of balance;
  • not contraindicated in flat feet - most power movements cannot be performed with this disease, but not the exercise chair against the wall;
  • accelerates blood flow and relieves swelling;
  • is an excellent means of preventing intervertebral hernia, as it strengthens the spinal column;
  • static exercises can improve concentration;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • isometric exercises extremely effective and scientifically proven.

Exercise wall chair: what muscles work?

To assess the degree of effectiveness of any exercise, you should figure out which muscles it can use in work:
  • quadriceps - located on the front surface of the thigh and, with proper pumping, gives a beautiful silhouette to the legs;
  • gluteal muscles - there is no such girl who would not want to make her ass even more elastic;
  • muscles of the back and neck;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • calf muscle;
  • hands.
When you begin to perform the exercise chair against the wall, you will immediately feel it. How all of the above muscles are actively working. They are in constant tension, which is one of the main strengthening factors. We have already talked about the benefits that this exercise brings. You can talk on this topic for a very long time, but it’s still not worth dwelling on this topic. The only point that I also want to pay attention to is the ability to strengthen ligaments with tendons. This is very important, since most often it is the articular-ligamentous apparatus that gets damaged in athletes.

Technique for performing the exercise chair against the wall

Be sure to do a quality warm-up before doing the main part of the lesson. And now let's take a closer look at how to properly perform the chair against the wall exercise:
  1. Press your back against the wall, placing your feet parallel to each other at the level of the shoulder joints.
  2. If you are just starting to do the chair against the wall exercise, then you can stretch your arms down, resting them against the wall. This will allow you to take a more stable position.
  3. Inhaling the air, begin to sink down, as if sitting on a chair. In this case, the back should slide along the wall. As soon as the thighs are parallel to the ground and the lower leg is perpendicular, stop the movement. The back of the head should be pressed against the wall, and the gaze is directed forward.
  4. Freeze in this position and tighten the muscles of the whole body. Your breathing should be even and all breaths should be counted. Hold static position until you feel that it has become completely unbearable.
  5. Start sliding up the wall smoothly, trying to push yourself out of the sitting position. It should be noted that it is the upward movement that is most effective for the buttocks and thighs, and in a static position all the muscles of the body also actively work.
The wall chair exercise can be done in two or three sets with a minimum rest pause, but do not move away from the wall. At first, it may be difficult for you to perform such a training volume and you should limit yourself to one set. It is important in the future to bring the number of approaches to the above and be in a static position for as long as possible.

Exercise options wall chair

Above, we talked about a lightweight version of this movement, with which you should start. As you increase your fitness to get good results load needs to be increased. Here more complex types of this movement will come to the rescue, which will be discussed now.

No wall support

In fact, this movement is an analogue of the stepping transition to mabu, although outwardly it resembles static squats. As you exhale, lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground. In this case, the lower leg is located strictly vertically, the back is straightened, and the gaze is directed forward. That is why you did the first time the chair against the wall exercise in order to learn how to take the correct position.

Extend your arms out in front of you, parallel to the ground, palms down. If you have a sufficient level of training, then you can take dumbbells in your hands to complicate the movement and provide more high load on the muscles. As soon as your strength is running out, lift your body up. We recommend doing three sets.


This exercise is known to all of us from schoolwork physical education. In the classic version, this movement must be performed without relying on the wall, but at first it will be difficult to achieve this. Although it's worth a try, to increase stability, keep some kind of reliable support. Correct technique movement involves keeping your back straight. And the straightened leg should be as parallel to the ground as possible.

With a fitball

Many girls have a fitball at home, which can also be used when performing a high chair against the wall. Thanks to this simple sports equipment you will be able to additionally use the back stabilizer muscles in the work. The execution technique is similar to the first exercise we considered, but there is a fitball between the wall and the back.

What is the difference between static exercises and dynamic ones?

Dynamic exercises are performed in motion, and this is one of the main differences in comparison with static ones. Dynamic movements allow you to build mass or strengthen muscles. Static, by the way, they are also called isometric, primarily designed to strengthen the ligaments. You probably know the name of Alexander Zass.

This person is the founder of the domestic direction of static gymnastics. In his opinion, the basis physical strength make up precisely strong tendons and complete control over the muscles. One can also agree with his other statement that Strong arms better than huge biceps. If a person has large muscles, but he is not able to fully use them in ordinary life, then they are of little use.

Stand "wall" in martial arts

Today we talked about such an effective exercise as a chair against the wall. In fact, it is an analogue of the “wall” combat stance, and the difference lies in the absence of a wall behind the fighter’s back. In wushu, this position is called "mabu", and in karate - "kiba dachi". If karatekas use the “wall” to move further to the side, then in wushu the position is static, but it is important to maintain mobility.

If we talk about the differences between the martial arts stance and the exercise we reviewed today, in that our version affects mostly the extensors of the legs. The eastern stance engages the gluteal muscles to a greater extent. To take the mabu stance, the legs are spread apart twice the width of the shoulder joints.

The feet are parallel, but the toes are turned slightly inward to increase the stability of the body. Note that in kiba dachi, the toes point outward. bend knee joints so that they do not go beyond the level of the socks, and the thighs are parallel to the ground. The body is straightened, and the gaze is directed forward. Also, your buttocks should be on the same level with the knee joints.

Effective exercise to strengthen the buttocks "bike"

Let's look at another very effective exercise which, rightly, is dynamic is the bicycle. Thanks to it, you can strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. It is these areas of the female body that are the most problematic and girls are constantly looking for a way to develop them.

During scientific research it has been proven that cycling helps to eliminate adipose tissue from the legs and abdomen. However, it should be remembered that in order to obtain the desired result, you must also eat right and exercise regularly. You must understand that fats are not disposed of in one place, but are burned throughout the body. And first, the processes of lipolysis are activated in the upper part of the body.

Actually, the weight loss formula is not a secret, and for this you need to consume less energy than you expend. Only thanks to an artificially created calorie deficit, the body activates the processes of lipolysis. However, let's return to the movement we are considering now and find out which muscles are involved in the work.

All the muscles of the abdomen work as actively as possible when performing the “bicycle”. In addition, the buttocks, muscles of the lower back and thighs are involved. In this case, the load is evenly distributed between the legs, which allows you to develop the body harmoniously.

Get into a supine position with your legs stretched out in front of you. lift up shoulder joints and place your hands behind your head. It is very important to ensure that lumbar back did not come off the ground. Raise your legs and bend them at the knees so that your hips are at a 45-degree angle to the ground. After that, begin to perform alternate movements with your legs, as if you are moving on a bicycle.

The ideal option for performing the movement is touching the knees and elbow joints. However, it will be difficult for beginners to achieve this, but it is necessary to strive for such a technique. Movements must be uniform and jerks must be avoided. According to research, the “bike” movement is second only to squats and glute bridges in terms of the effectiveness of pumping the buttocks.

How to perform a chair against the wall, see below:

In the arsenal of athletes there are hundreds of practices for pumping and correcting the lower body. Some squat with own weight, others carry the barbell. In most cases, sports fans ignore. It would seem, what could be easier than squats without weight against the wall? But if you try to lower your buttocks onto an illusory chair and freeze in a motionless position on weight for at least 10 seconds, the impression of a “high chair against the wall” will immediately change. Well, how about we test the effect on ourselves?

Why do the exercise "high chair" against the wall

First of all, the practice is necessary for women who want to round the buttocks and outline the line of the hips. "Stool" is also suitable for those who need to give shape. If there is no time to complete base complex for legs, it is enough to go up to the wall twice a week and train them with squats. Athletes prefer to sit on the “high chair” at the end of the training in order to “finish off” the bottom of the body.


  • develops endurance;
  • strengthens the quadriceps heads and biceps of the thighs, knee joints;
  • forms the basis for performing strength exercises;
  • helps to keep balance;
  • activates blood circulation in the lower part of the body.

Practice is classified as isometric. When performing the "high chair" technique against the wall muscles work:

During squats, the stomach is drawn in, due to which the abdominal muscles receive a certain portion of the load.

Step-by-step technique for performing a "high chair" for legs

  1. They approach the wall, the shoulder blades and lower back are pressed to the surface.
  2. Retreat forward, legs are placed on the line of the shoulders with toes outward.
  3. On inspiration, they slide down the wall with their backs to the parallel of the buttocks with the floor, as if they want to sit on an impromptu chair. The angle of the knee joints is 90°.
  4. In a sitting position, they linger on 30-40 seconds until a burning sensation appears in the calf muscles and knees.
  5. Raise the body with the effort of the muscles of the legs.

What you need to know

The complexity of the technique entry level consists in the correct position of the back in negative and positive phases. A weak muscular corset does not allow keeping it static for a long time. To properly do the exercise for the priests "high chair", Every movement is controlled. To get the maximum benefit when lowering the body, the knees do not close. To balance the body, put your hands on your knees. Required at the end of the training.

When the back and legs are trained, the technique is complicated, the number of repetitions is increased, the movements are modified. In the first month commit 4-6 sets with a pause at the bottom of 30 seconds. After some time every time pause is increased by 10 seconds. The rhythm of breathing is arbitrary - inhale and exhale through the mouth.

  • Good performance for men- sitting on a chair 80-100 seconds;
  • for women60-70 .

With the indicated values, it is realistic to receive in a month strong legs and elastic buttocks of a round shape.

Complicated versions

Those who confidently maintain the allotted time are recommended to complicate the technique.

  1. IP is basic.
  2. Hands are stretched out in front of you or squeezed at the chest.
  3. Laying back, squat on an imaginary chair.
  4. Remain in a squat until the knees tremble.
  • Option - squatting on one limb.
  • An alternative technique involves alternately raising straight legs in lowest point.
  • For complication, dumbbells are held in arms extended in front of them.

Aerobatics- "high chair" on weight. It is performed in the same way, but without support against the wall. This the best option for those who wish to develop balance and improve coordination. For balance, at the moment of squatting, the hands on the back of the head close into a lock.

At first, cramps sometimes occur in the legs. This indicator is weak developed muscles or deficiency of magnesium, vitamins of group B. This often happens after taking diuretics. Usually, after taking vitamins and strengthening the legs, the problem is solved.

Not all women like to engage in video training or actively squat and lunge. But you want to be able to expose slender and tanned legs. In this case, we have good news - lose weight and strengthen lower part body, ruthlessly break cellulite on the legs and buttocks without working with iron - it's possible! And your main assistant will be the static "Stool".

Many women who want to get their bodies in order do not know that not only frenetic cardio and explosive strength training can achieve their goal. No less effective are exercises that give a high static load on the whole body. Let's talk about the secrets and intricacies of the Highchair, and also show you how not to quit training even if you do not see results in the mirror after 2-3 weeks.

The first impression about the exercise is very deceptive. After all, after 20-40 seconds, you will understand why fans of cardio and strength training call this simple isometric pose the "chair of death."

Execution technique

If you are interested in such an effective static exercise for the muscles of the legs and buttocks, it's time to talk about how to perform it correctly:

  1. Stand with your back to the wall, press against it. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. At the same time, make sure that your heels are at a distance of 20 cm from the support.
  2. Take a deep breath and lower yourself down by bending your knees. When you reach the maximum point (thighs parallel to the floor), relax your arms or cross them over your chest. Stay in the pose for as long as possible.
  • In the process of performing the classic Chair, be sure to keep your back straight. Otherwise, the feet and knee tendons will receive a large load, which is not very good for them.
  • During isometric poses, watch your breath.
  • After doing the exercise, do not try to stand up abruptly. After all, your legs will ache terribly and tremble. For those who are just starting to practice the Highchair, it is best to slowly lower yourself to the floor and rest.
  • To reduce stress on the knees and hip joints lean back against the fitball sandwiched between you and the wall. In this case, it is recommended not to sit down to a deep squat.
  • Keep your stomach pulled in while doing the Highchair exercise. Thus, under a small load there will be not only the muscles of the lower body, but also the abdomen.
  • If you have good physical fitness, then do the exercise, holding dumbbells in your hands. This option (like Plank for weight loss) works out the muscles of the lower and upper parts back, abdominal Press. No dumbbells? Spread your arms out to the sides. This will be enough for you to feel the growing tension in your muscles.
  • Do not immediately try to achieve the perfect execution of an isometric exercise. It is not necessary to squat until the thighs are parallel to the floor. You can quite hold the pose in a half squat.
  • If your body is strong and the Wall Stool option seems too easy, we advise you to perform the exercise without support, but next to the sofa. The fact is that while holding the pose, when the muscles reach the limit, your legs will tremble. Therefore, a soft sofa is the best insurance.
  • Don't forget about rest. After completing your maximum program, lie down for a bit. After such a serious static load, taking a warm bath will not hurt either. The water will help your muscles relax, and the krepatura (pain from exercising) won't be as pronounced the next day.
  • Never neglect your warm-up. When exercising on unheated muscles, many people complain of cramps.

Benefits of High Chair

An isometric pose will be very useful for those who want to go to Gym, and for those who are just diving into the world of fitness and training. In the first case, the exercise will strengthen the muscles and increase strength in the legs. And this is important for those people who start training using dumbbells or barbells.

Those involved in the gym are advised to build on goals. If you want to focus specifically on the implementation of the High Chair, then it is better to sit down in it after the warm-up. And if your goal is to “finish off” the muscles and at the same time stretch them after intensive training in the gym or at home, then do it at the end of a sports lesson.

In no case do not start holding this isometric pose on cold muscles.

What muscles work

Of course, the largest share of the load falls on the buttocks and quadriceps, the inner surface of the thigh. But it should be noted that during the reference exercise, a considerable load is felt by:

  • muscles rear surface hips (because in the process of holding an isometric pose they are responsible for stabilizing the knees and joints);
  • caviar;
  • stomach;
  • muscles of the lower and upper back, neck;
  • arm muscles (if you take dumbbells, put on weights or just spread your arms to the sides).

Like power training, static allows you to force out cellulite. Moreover, sitting in the Chair helps to say goodbye to the so-called ears - the eternal problem of many young ladies of all ages.

10 reasons to make a high chair

If you're still wondering if you should include isometric poses in your gymnastics for weight loss and vigor, we have valuable information:

  1. Static strengthens the muscles of the lower body. And, unlike strength training, the girl will not get the legs of a football player, and the muscles will not grow under a layer of fat.
  2. Air Chair increases stamina.
  3. Improves flexibility and helps stretch muscles.
  4. As in yoga, while sitting in the Chair, you concentrate on breathing and sensations. In the process, learn to listen to your body.
  5. Some varieties of isometric techniques for weight loss and slimness strengthen the body and develop a sense of balance.
  6. The exercise will be useful for people suffering from flat feet.
  7. Holding the posture on a regular basis normalizes blood pressure, and enhances the supply of tissues and internal organs with oxygen.
  8. The chair strengthens the ligaments and tendons.
  9. Freezing in a pose will allow you to improve your posture. But walking and sitting with a straight back is useful not only for external attractiveness and grace, but also for the full functioning of internal organs.
  10. This exercise is an excellent prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In particular, it strengthens the intervertebral discs, which will avoid the development of such a pathology as a hernia.

Highchair Benefits

Thanks to a number of features, the pose has won love among neophytes and experienced athletes. The advantages include that:

  • To perform Highchair don't need a lot of space. That's the beauty static exercises. All you need is a wall. You will definitely find it both at home and on vacation in a hotel. You can hold the pose even at work during your lunch break. It is only necessary to break away from the chair and put your hands on the table. You yourself will soon realize that sitting has never been so useful and painful (in relation to the muscles of the body).
  • Statics contributes to the development and strengthening not only large, but also small muscles, which are weakly involved in everyday life and during dynamic exercises.
  • You can get by without additional sports equipment . It is very convenient while watching your favorite series. Only if you wish, you can do the Stool with dumbbells, or by putting a pancake on your knees.
  • Allows you to relax your muscles and rid them of puffiness. It's no secret that static makes your muscles longer and more flexible.

Chair in numbers

Many people who want to lose weight are interested in how many calories are burned while holding a pose. On average, this is 6.6 kcal. in 1 minute (subject to the exercise against the wall).

That is, if you do the High Chair 10 times and sit in it for one minute, you burn 66-70 calories. If you choose the option without support or on toes, then the number of energy units spent increases slightly.

You probably think that this is very small. But we will act as defenders of the isometric pose called Highchair and give some examples strength exercises. For a minute of doing squats at an average pace and without sports equipment, the average person will burn 5-7 kcal, and with lunges - 8-9 kcal.

How to diversify the exercise

Over time, when your muscles get stronger, or even now (if you have a decent level physical training), you may get tired of doing an exercise called High Chair, just standing against the wall. We offer to prepare in advance for this day and learn how to diversify static posture and enhance the effect of fading in it.

  • Chair without support. Keeping your weight against the wall is a real challenge for beginner fitness enthusiasts. But if you have already learned to sit in a classic highchair for a long time, and your body requires changes in the sports diet, we offer another way. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Now sit down slowly. Make sure your knees don't go past your toes. Sit in this position for as long as possible.
  • For everyone who wants to work out the inner surface of the thighs as efficiently as possible, we advise you to perform Chair with a fitball sandwiched between the knees for weight loss. In this case, you can choose two options for the development of the scenario - sit still or hold a pose and at the same time squeeze the inventory with your feet. If there is no fitball, then a regular ball for sports games is also suitable.
  • Another variation Chair without support. This version of the exercise is often performed during the warm-up dance (called plie). You need to stand up straight, straighten your back and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Now slowly rise on your toes and sit down so that your knees look to the sides, tighten your tailbone. Hold the pose for as long as possible. Such a high chair "kills" not only the muscles of the legs, buttocks, but also the calves. And also it allows you to get rid of the rollers above the knees, which for many women are still that chagrin. By the way, the pose on the toes allows you to improve the coordination of the body.

This exercise has several options. In addition to the proposed method, you can sit in the Chair and take the pelvis back.

Contraindications and harm

When it is undesirable to perform the High Chair:

  • In the presence of joint injuries. Of course, the exercise is more gentle than dynamic squats with free weights. But still keep in mind that when it is performed, the knees receive a considerable load. And also you should be careful with the Highchair if you have had injuries in the past. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor before heading into the world of static.
  • With too much body weight. If you are obese, it is recommended that you first lose 7-10 kilograms, for example, through intuitive eating or nordic walking for weight loss, and then proceed to sitting in the Chair. Otherwise, there will be too much stress on the knees and joints, which is fraught with not the most pleasant consequences.


Static work on the body allows you to not only strengthen the muscles of the legs, make the buttocks rounded and toned, but also increase the endurance of your biological suit. Unlike dynamic weight training, you won't get big quads after a month of training. Therefore, the exercise High chair against the wall is recommended for those whose ideas about beautiful body slightly different from those imposed by the fitness industry.

But how not to quit classes if the muscles do not grow, but only slowly but surely strengthen? We encourage you to track your progress. to increase endurance. And then the process of static training will turn into an exciting game.

For these purposes, we recommend that you keep a notebook or notebook and after each sitting in the Chair, write down how many seconds or minutes you lasted. Do not rely on self-counting, but entrust this matter to the stopwatch on your phone.

With each workout, you will see how endurance and strength increase. A little later, the results will be reflected in the figure!

Pumping up the buttocks and legs in just a month is easy if you perform the simplest exercise "Stool" daily. Training takes up to 10 minutes a day, you can do it anywhere, as long as you can sit down against the wall or even without it at all.

This is a static training that does not pump muscles, but makes them stronger and more resilient, strengthening joints and tendons. So, we figure out how to do this exercise correctly, what effect can be achieved, and what are the features.

Positive effect

Despite the fact that the Highchair exercise is primarily designed for the legs and buttocks, you will notice benefits for the whole body. Here are just a few reasons to get started today:

  • The shape of the hips improves, active stimulation occurs, the muscles tighten and become stronger. The “ears” disappear, the interfemoral space becomes more pronounced.
  • The buttocks are tightened, they become stronger. And although static training does not pump up muscles on them, fat deposits go away.
  • Due to the tension of the abdomen, the lowered organs rise, the internal muscles gradually strengthen, and properly support them.
  • The posture becomes more beautiful, the back straightens. , and a way to get rid of it early.
  • Blood circulation becomes more active, cells are supplied with oxygen, metabolism is accelerated. Chinese experts recommend such isometric exercises to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Develops a sense of balance and self-control.

One of the main bonuses of this exercise is the ability to deal with people with flat feet, and even get rid of it, but you must train barefoot. Not all lower body workouts are acceptable for this disease, but the High Chair is completely safe and even recommended.

Load for the whole body

When performing the Highchair exercise, it is important to know which muscles are working and which should be “off”. In fact, there are several muscle groups as well as hip and knee joints. If you wish, you can additionally load your arms and shoulders, but this is not for beginners.

List of muscles involved:

  • Gluteal;
  • All muscles of the back, upper, lower;
  • cervical;
  • Calf;
  • All departments of the press;
  • Quadriceps (quadriceps femoris);
  • Arms and shoulders (optional).

Tension should be felt only in the legs and buttocks, the back and lower back should not hurt or be involved. Follow your feelings. In fact, this is an analogue of the Plank, only the main load goes to the buttocks and hips.

Execution technique

Before doing a squat, you need to warm up the muscles, for which a light warm-up is carried out. Wave your arms and legs, sit down, do a few bends. Should not be exercised in a sluggish state.

Choose a vertical, smooth surface that you can glide across: a wall, a closet, a door, or something else.

  • Stand against the wall, press your back, shoulder blades and head against it.
  • You can slide your arms along the surface, or keep them extended in front of you, but this is a more difficult option.
  • Step back with your feet about half a meter, still touching the wall with your body.
  • Lower yourself as if you were going to sit on a chair until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Between the calves and thighs should be an angle of 90 degrees, if it doesn’t work out, step back with your feet from the wall a little more.
  • Breathe deeply and sit as long as you can bear it. You will immediately feel tension in the muscles of your legs.
  • Slowly stand up, sliding up the wall (it is at this moment that the buttocks tighten).
  • Rest 15 seconds and repeat.

Everyone decides how many repetitions to do, it is important to feel the “burning” or “trembling” of the muscles. Do not worry, in 1-2 days they will recover, and then it will be easier.

Watch video from correct technique performing the exercise High chair against the wall:

How to give muscles a stronger load

If you can confidently sit in the stance for 3 minutes, it is worth trying to train further, choosing more complex techniques so that the muscles develop and your strength and endurance grow. Move on to more difficult workouts gradually, starting again with small intervals.

With dumbbells

An option for those who want to pump their arms as well, and at the same time intensify their leg workout. Take dumbbells and exercise: you can hold them in your arms extended forward, up or to the sides, and later on you can do swings, bends, and whatever you like, while you are sitting against the wall or without it. The main thing is to control the angle in the legs and keep the back straight.

Without a wall

While you are leaning against the support, your back is involved much less. Try squatting just like that, and you will notice how the load increases. Try to sit as long as possible without support, holding your hands behind your head or stretched forward. Exercise actively develops a sense of balance and coordination.

On one leg

The exercise is somewhat similar to the “pistol gun” familiar to everyone from school. Squat with a straight back, one leg straight forward, the other at a 90-degree angle, as before. Only instead of the squats themselves, you need to lock in position. Then change legs. The load increases even more than 2 times, since you also need to keep the outstretched leg straight, which gives a diverse load on the muscles in one exercise.

Real achievements in a short time

Numerous reviews on the network confirm that clear changes are visible in just a month. Not only legs or buttocks are pumped, but in principle it goes away excess weight from the hips and abdomen, as these muscles also tense. If you do this twice a day, you will quickly achieve success.

Look at the photo of the results "before" and "after" the Chair: you too can succeed. The main thing is to make the lesson regular. You will no longer be able to make excuses that you do not have time to go to the gym, or there is no time for a full workout.

A couple of minutes of warm-up, 3 minutes in the rack, repeat in the morning and evening.

Is there a wall nearby? Do you have 5 minutes? Start your workout right now!