Proper top pull technique. How to properly perform the vertical block pull exercise for girls and with what weights? Anatomy and Benefits

The main types and principles of the exercise

T Yaga upper block- one of basic exercises, it affects almost all the muscles of the back and imitates. The difference is that the athlete does not pull his weight up to the crossbar, but rather pulls it towards him.

Unlike traditional exercises on the horizontal bar, pulling the upper block to the chest or behind the head allows you to adjust the weight and shift the angle of the pull in any direction, working out certain areas of the back. As on the horizontal bar, the athlete can use different variants grip: wide, narrow, straight, reverse.

Main types

Two versions of the vertical block traction - to the chest and behind the head - affect different parts of the back. Studies of bioelectric muscle activity during the execution of different variants vertical thrust, carried out using electroneuromyography, proved that it was the pull of the upper block to the chest wide grip works best on the latissimus dorsi. When the block was pulled behind the head, the rear deltoid muscles and biceps of the shoulder, for pumping which there are many separate exercises.

It is important to know that when pulling the upper block behind the head, the shoulder joints are in an unnatural position. Increased load on the rotator cuffs and anterior capsules shoulder joints.

Too abrupt movement can even lead to temporary paralysis of the hands if the nerve plexus is damaged. In the lower phase of the movement, with a strong jerk, the athlete risks harming himself by hitting the cervical vertebrae with the crossbar.

The benefits of exercise and working muscles

Pulldown of the upper block to the chest- an exercise in which different groups joints and muscles: not only the back is actively working, but also the muscles chest and shoulders. The biceps also participate in the process, but with correct execution traction occurs due to the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major muscles.

List of working muscles:

When pulling on the head the load goes to the same muscles of the back, albeit a little weaker, but the deltoid muscles and arm flexors work much more actively (biceps, shoulder muscles). It is not recommended for those who have started exercising recently to do traction behind the head - this is an exercise for experienced athletes. It requires increased attention to the correct execution, since the relaxation of the shoulder girdle in the process can cause sprains. In addition, you have to constantly monitor the distribution of the load - it is more likely that the biceps will take on most of it.

Vertical thrust in block simulator suitable for, as it serves as an adequate replacement for pull-ups on the horizontal bar and with the help of a gravitron. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the back, makes it possible to increase their strength and mass, to make the back embossed.

Regularly performing vertical rows in combination with warm-ups and other exercises helps beginners in training to quickly feel the work of the back muscles. For advanced bodybuilders, the pulldown of the upper block is useful in both variations, as it allows you to work out all the muscle fibers.

Implementation principles

In order for the pull of the upper block to the chest to bring maximum benefit and not lead to injury, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

The same principles apply to the pull behind the head - but when choosing this version of the exercise, it is better to use less weight and be especially careful when lowering the handle down. The contact with the neck should be very light.


For execution traction of the upper block to the chest you need to sit on the bench of the simulator - the back is straight, the gaze is directed forward - and grab the bar with both hands. The forearms are parallel to each other. As you inhale, slowly lower the handle towards you until it touches your upper chest. Beginners are advised to bring the handle at least to the level of the collarbone. The cable does not deviate from the vertical. In order not to touch the chin with the handle, you should make a deflection in the lower back, pushing the chest forward.

IN lowest point- squeeze the shoulder blades even more and freeze for 1-2 s. After that, start a slow return to the starting position. At the same time, the arms do not unbend to the end - with a sharp straightening of the arms, the muscles are greatly stretched, which can lead to injury. Some people straighten and relax their arms between repetitions while hanging from the bar, but it is worth remembering that this overloads the ligaments and joints, which may not be mobile and stretched enough. If straightening the arms with weight does not cause any discomfort, it can be done with caution.

At narrow grip pulldown more biceps work and more range of motion. Using wide grip(palms on the folds of the handle) the back muscles are used as much as possible. But it is not convenient for everyone.

If the athlete is doing an exercise for general muscle strengthening, it makes sense to use the middle one (palms slightly wider than the shoulders) or narrow grip, additionally loading the biceps and forearms.

The biceps are most strained when traction of the upper block with a reverse grip. When using it, it is recommended to place the palms closer together than you are used to, so that the latissimus dorsi get maximum load. Some athletes use wrist straps or straps when performing this subtype of exercise, since the biceps and forearms get tired much earlier than the back.

Doing pull of the upper block behind the head, you need to take up the places of the bend of the handle (wide grip). Position the body strictly vertically, slightly lower the head forward so as not to touch the back of the head. Gently pull the weight down until the handle touches the neck. After holding the weight in the lower position for 1-2 seconds, slowly return to the starting position. Since this exercise option is considered the most traumatic, it is better to do 10-15 training repetitions without weights and only after that proceed with approaches with working weight.


Be careful with any back problems. Significant curvature of the spine, limited shoulder mobility - these health problems can be exacerbated by the traction of the upper block.

The pulldown to the chest is safer than the pulldown for the head, but with any version of this exercise, all the muscles of the back are involved, as well as the biceps and deltoid muscles. The wider the grip, the greater the load on the back. To avoid injury during training, it is worth warming up the muscles before working with weights. It is equally important to follow the correct technique: do not round your back, do not make jerks and sudden movements, pull the weight straight down.

The thrust of the upper block behind the head allows you to improve your posture, open your shoulders, learn to “collect” your back in such strength exercises like the squat and bench press. The movement belongs to the classic heritage of bodybuilding. But recently, fitness trainers have begun to massively criticize the exercise, arguing that it is too traumatic for the shoulder joints. There is some truth in this, if a person does not have the opportunity to put straight arms behind his head due to hypertonicity of the pectoral and trapezium, perhaps he should first learn to pull to the chest, while simultaneously developing the mobility of the shoulder joints, and stretching pectoral muscles. One way or another, the movement will help people with significant weight get all the bonuses from regular pull-ups without disturbing the work of the shoulder joint.

Main driver and goal exercises - lats back muscles. In movement they are helped by biceps, brachialis and brachiradialis. The lats should take on the bulk of the work. The trapezius and round muscles also help with movement. The muscles of the body, chest, and thigh muscles work as stabilizers.

The movement is multi-joint, basic. It is aimed at the development of the back, and the latissimus dorsi are rather strong muscles, and in order to properly load them, you need to take significant weights. But the joints work in an anatomically limiting position. Therefore, heavy weights in this movement are not recommended. Choose moderate weights and use this movement as an additional one.

The deadlift can be used as a rehabilitation exercise for spinal injuries, but several conditions must be met:

  • Weights should be comfortable, the increase should be gradual;
  • The mobility of the shoulder joints is good;
  • If pain and discomfort occur, the exercise should be replaced with a more comfortable one until the discomfort disappears completely.

The test for admission to this version of the block pull is the introduction of hands behind the head. Usually a person is asked to stand up, take his hands gymnastic stick grip slightly wider than shoulders, and due to bending in elbow joints lower it to the top of the trapezius muscle, and then smoothly return it up.

Approaches, repetitions, weight weights - individual parameters. The principle is that the number of repetitions should be less, in the range of 8-12, if a person is trying to gain weight, and a little more, up to 15, if work is practiced for rehabilitation purposes.

A warm-up is usually practiced if this exercise comes first in terms of improving posture, and allows you to work out correct position body. For those doing head rows after doing wide grip rows, chest rows, and waist rows, a warm-up is not required.

It is imperative to adopt the correct starting position. To do this, you need to adjust the height of the cushions-fixators of the simulator. The thighs should pass freely under them in a position where the thighs are perpendicular to the shins. This allows you to maintain a stable position of the body, remove inertia, and thereby reduce the load on the ligamentous apparatus.

Having adjusted the height of the clamps, you need to stand straight facing the simulator, and grab the handle with a comfortable wide grip. This will allow you to fix the body while sitting, and comfortably lower the handle behind your head. The width is selected individually, so that there is no pain in the shoulders, and the maximum lowering of the handle behind the head is possible. For most people, this is a grip width 5-10 cm wider than the shoulders, but there may be options for a wider fixation of the palms. Hands should lie on the surface of the handle of the simulator at the same distance from the imaginary center, ensuring symmetry.

Then you need to sit on the bench of the simulator, at the same time taking your hands behind your head, and lowering your shoulder blades to the spine. The back will take a slightly arched position. It is necessary to go down straight, fixing the legs symmetrically. Then gently pull the handle to the top of the trapezoid, leading the elbows along the body along an arcuate path, and gently gathering the "halves" of the back to each other, controlling the latissimus dorsi. At the lowest point, you can statically contract the muscles, and gently bring the shoulder blades together so as to feel the latissimus even more. Then you need to take your hands to their original position.

This exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the back, not the biceps, so you need to be careful about the technique. If only the biceps get tired of the movement, and not the back, a technical error is made. It is necessary to pay attention to the muscles of the back consciously, and not to start by bending the elbows. The first movement should be to tighten the shoulder blades to the spine and lower them down, as it were, then the sipa will turn on earlier than the biceps and will take on most of the load.

Typical errors are associated with overloading the trapezoid, bad posture, or traction by bending the arms at the elbow joints.

When performing traction for the head, avoid:

  • Shoulder rounding forward. If such a posture is associated with an overload of the chest muscles, you must first stretch them slightly and gently roll them with a foam roller;
  • Start by bending the elbows, tensing the biceps. This allows you to redistribute the load on the arms, and not on the back;
  • Asymmetrical grip, which does not allow equally loading both halves of the back;
  • Incorrect position of the legs, causing the buttocks to tear off the bench with every movement;
  • Lack of fixation of the legs;
  • Movement in jerks, due to the push of the body forward, and the force of inertia

Some technical subtleties will help to better feel the muscles of the back and work it out in this exercise as efficiently as possible:

  • The back must be kept straight, the muscles kept in good shape so as not to overload the shoulder girdle with unnecessary shoulder abductions during movement;
  • When lowering the handle, the body can be slightly forward, removing the head from the path;
  • The body should be tense, but not clamped, it is better to remove the shoulders from the ears immediately;
  • To fix the hands on the handle, you can use the straps as for deadlift or block traction, so that discomfort in the forearms does not interfere with the exercise

The technically correct execution of the pull behind the head is safe, so at first you don’t have to chase the weights, but you should ensure a stable position for yourself, learn how to perform the movement stably and correctly, and regularly include it in the training process.

Fizkult-hello, my dear! Wednesday on the calendar 12 April, which means it's time for a technical note on . And today we’ll talk about the upper block head pull exercise.

After reading, you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out how effective it is and whether it is advisable to include it in your training program.

So, if everything is in the collection, let's start, perhaps.

Thrust for the head of the upper block. What, why and why?

Believe it or not, but this article was written at the request of the working people, namely, several brisk girls who (almost simultaneously) wrote to the project mail and shared their situation regarding the pull for the head of the upper block. And the situation was that the young ladies wanted to try this exercise in their gym. But as soon as they tuned in to perform, the local coach categorically forbade her / them to do this. Of course, without explaining anything to the ladies. They still have questions: what, in fact ... We will try to shed light on the voiced attacks on this craving and find out if this is a taboo exercise, but first we will say a few words about prohibitions.

If you are not aware, then all people, with all their similarities, are unique in their musculoskeletal structure. This should tell us that the chosen base of exercises when drawing up a training program should be individual for each specific case. And no personal trainer not able to conduct such a selection for you better than yourself. Moreover, it is often non-standard exercises / variations that give a better feeling of muscle work. For example, a lady cannot feel the muscles of the buttocks, performing, however, by adding some touch - placing small pancakes under her heels, she achieves a feeling of the work of the buttocks. This can be the case with absolutely any exercise, i.e. you need to modify it for yourself. And often these pieces or movement variations can be your ideal option.

And in the spirit of what has been said, we will consider one of the variations of the pull of the upper block, behind the head.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of basic / conditionally basic with the type of pull force (pull) and is aimed at working out the muscles of the back.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - the broadest;
  • synergists - brachialis, brachioradialis, biceps, large round, large pectoral (sternal head), small pectoral, rhomboid, levator of the scapula, bottom of the trapezium;
  • dynamic stabilizers - triceps (long head).

A complete muscle atlas is such a picture.


By performing the pull-up for the head of the upper block, you can count on receiving the following benefits:

  • creating a V-shaped torso;
  • an increase in the width of the back;
  • increase in strength;
  • development of detail/relief of the back;
  • visual narrowing of the waist;
  • the formation of an even posture.

Execution technique

The pull for the head of the upper block refers to exercises of an average level of complexity. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step #0.

Go to the “upper block” simulator and set the bar straight. Then choose the height of the rollers that is optimal for your height, placing your legs / knees under the latter. Take a sitting position in the simulator, slightly shifting the body forward. Stretch your arms up and grab the bar (in places of its fold) overhand grip wider than shoulder width. Arch your back and tighten your abs statically. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

As you exhale, begin to pull the bar down behind your head. As soon as you lightly touch the back of your neck with it, linger in this position, squeezing your shoulder blades together as much as possible. After that, while inhaling, straighten your arms and return them to the PI. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

On the move so...


In addition to the classic version, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • thrust to the chest with a triangular handle;
  • thrust to the chest with a reverse narrow grip;
  • pull to the chest with a wide grip.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • slightly tilt the body and head forward when lowering the bar by the neck;
  • do not hold the neck too low, bring it only to the middle of the back of the neck;
  • move in one plane, moving your elbows back and down;
  • at the bottom of the trajectory, bring the shoulder blades together and linger for 1-2 accounts;
  • at the top point of the trajectory, do not straighten your arms to the end, maintaining tension in the widest;
  • slowly and under control lower the bar up and pull down explosively;
  • sit firmly in the simulator and do not fidget in it in the course of the movement;
  • do not use heavy weights;
  • before the exercise, warm up the rotator cuff;
  • breathing technique: exhale - when lowering the neck down, inhale - when lifting up;
  • numerical training parameters: number of sets 3 , repetitions 10-15 .

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

Pulling the block behind the head causes a shoulder injury?

Many athletes do not use this exercise due to the compromise of their deltas. However, all people are different, and subject to the following 2nd conditions will be ok: 1) the neck should not be driven too low, 2) the grip should not be much wider than shoulder width, it can be used in the PT.

It is most effective to train the back on this simulator in the superset mode, combining two variations of traction - the first to carry out to the chest, and the second after (without rest) behind the head.

How to turn on the lats as much as possible on the block pull?

Researchers from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (USA, 2014 ) found that chest pulls lead to maximum activation of the latissimus dorsi muscles, while in head pulls, the posterior delta and biceps show higher electrical activity (EMG). Moreover, the width of the grip does not significantly affect the activity of the “wings” and it must be selected based on comfort for the shoulders. As for the handles themselves, the greatest activity of the lats was shown when using the upper wide and narrow (triangular) ones.

General conclusion: before throwing the exercise out of your arsenal, try it live in the gym ..


Today we got acquainted with the thrust behind the head of the upper block. I propose to reinforce the virtual mode with the real one, i.e. put theory into practice. How are you, for? Then we blow into the hall, success!

PS: Do you do prohibited exercises? which?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 Karma points guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Traction of a vertical block behind the head

Video: traction of the upper block behind the head

The pull of the vertical block behind the head for girls

Description of the exercise

The traction of the upper block behind the head is performed on a simulator specially designed for this purpose and to a large extent imitates pull-ups on the crossbar.

As in the case of pull-ups, this exercise is aimed mainly at developing the muscles of the back. Although this is a "training" exercise, it is often included in the so-called "base" for the very reason that its effectiveness is comparable to conventional weighted pull-ups.

Working on a simulator with an upper block is very popular with both beginners and experienced athletes.

To a large extent, all kinds of films contributed to this. Indeed, traction on the upper block is a fairly effective and spectacular exercise. At the same time, options for its execution are possible - both to the chest in front of you, and straightening the arms - for the development of triceps - as well as traction behind the back. It is this exercise that will be described below.

Traction of a vertical block behind the head - working muscles

Exercise primarily captures the latissimus dorsi muscle. As auxiliary - the large round muscle and biceps work. And also involved to some extent the brachioradialis muscles, rhomboid backs and Bottom part trapezius muscle.

How to do block pull behind the head

The athlete sits on a bench facing the simulator. At the same time, the legs should be apart and firmly rested to ensure the necessary stability. If the simulator is equipped with rollers, the knees must be brought behind them.

The back is held straight, the head is down. The exercise is performed with a wide grip on the bar. However, a grip that is too wide will prevent maximum range of motion. Therefore, the width of the grip must be selected in such a way that at the lowest point the shoulder blades are connected as much as possible.

Weight pulls down smoothly, but quickly enough. At the bottom of the trajectory, the shoulder blades should be brought together as much as possible, and the elbows should be in a direction perpendicular to the floor. In this case, let's allow a slight tilt of the body forward: in this way it will be possible to reduce the shoulder blades even more.

At the same time, you need to try to keep your hands as little as possible involved in traction. Weight should be taken mainly from the muscles of the back. This requires the correct selection of weight. Too large will inevitably lead to the fact that the hands will be included in the work, and this should never be allowed. It is even better to work out the technique and feel each muscle with a weight that is half as much as the worker.

At the lower point of the amplitude, the bar of the simulator should touch the back of the head. After that, a stop is made for 1-2 seconds - and then the weight falls smoothly and under control. When the arms are straightened, it is not recommended to relax them completely. Shoulder girdle must be kept under tension. Here you can relax a little, take 3-4 deep breaths before starting a new repetition.

Big mistake in execution this exercise the following can be considered:

  • weight is taken with the whole body or with the participation of hands;
  • when lowering the weight, its free fall occurs, while the athlete’s buttocks come off the bench;
  • stooping of the athlete during the execution of the traction movement;
  • too much weight, due to which it is impossible to perform the exercise correctly. Optimal weights can be considered at which it is possible to perform from 8 to 10 repetitions in one set.

Some athletes use straps or simply tie their hands to the bar to turn off the work of the forearms and additionally load the latissimus dorsi.

Coming in Gym, many people want to learn how to pull up. The most effective and efficient exercise that will help in this matter is the pull of the upper block behind the head. For those who want to strengthen the muscular corset and reduce the amount of fat, the exercise is also suitable. It's complicated multi-joint exercise in which several muscle groups work.

Working muscles

The main muscles involved in the work are the trapezoid (lower part), rhomboid, posterior delta bundle and biceps shoulder. Additionally, the muscles of the forearms work.

How to do the exercise

Pulling the upper block behind the head is a fairly traumatic exercise, and it requires correct technique. The movement starts from a sitting position, the legs are fixed under the rollers at an angle of 90 degrees between the thigh and lower leg, hands on the handle.

Grip Options

To perform the exercise, you can use different grip options: straight, reverse, wide, narrow.

Pulling the upper block behind the head with a wide grip loads the lateral parts of the back muscles. Performing this option, you can add volume to the back. If you use the curved ends of the handle, then the amplitude of the muscle stretch will increase.

Narrow reverse grip in exercise, it shifts the load to that part of the latissimus dorsi, which is closer to the spine.

Thus, in order to work out the muscles located closer to the spine and increase their relief, you need to use a narrow grip.

Separately, you can disassemble the neutral grip. In it, the palms are directed towards each other - this is the average grip between forward and reverse. Neutral grip loads mainly the middle part of the latissimus dorsi.


The exercise begins with the reduction of the shoulder blades. The handle moves down on exhalation, returns on inspiration. Pulling the upper block behind the head is the most traumatic version of the exercise. In addition, you can perform traction with a flat back and lower the handle to upper part chest. And you can also tilt the body back a little. The working muscles will remain the same, but the load will shift to the lower bundles of the latissimus dorsi.

When performing any variant of traction, it is necessary to monitor the position of the head. The neck is an extension of the spine. We try to keep the position of the head motionless throughout. The gaze is directed forward (if doing a variant of pull behind the head), forward or up (if doing other traction options).

The position of the elbows when performing

All repetitions must be performed with correct technique. Elbows tend closer to the body. In a position where the arms are straightened, one should not allow full extension of the arms.

Pulldown of the upper block behind the head, the number of repetitions

To increase strength or volume, the best number of repetitions is 6-12 times. Gradually, the amount can be increased.

Contraindications and errors

The most common exercise mistakes are round back. You need to imagine what the spinal column looks like in a natural position (standing). It is straight, with natural curves in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions.

When performing the exercise, you should always keep your back straight, avoid unnecessary movements. It is important to remember that the working joints are the shoulder and elbow.

Quite often, the thrust of the upper block sitting behind the head is performed using too heavy weight. This results in unnecessary injury. The most common in this exercise are stretching the shoulder and elbow joints.

If there is already a joint injury, then this exercise is initial stage recovery should be avoided. Various diseases associated with spinal injuries are also a contraindication to performing the traction of the upper block. In this case, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the issue of training and gradually strengthen the muscles of the back, without the risk of injury.

Who can exercise

Exercise is suitable for absolutely everyone. Both men and women, and the elderly, and people with overweight. The thrust of the upper block behind the head for girls is great option for Unlike men, girls can use more repetitions in training, working to strengthen the muscle corset and increase endurance.

Not everyone can pull up, but many would like to learn. The thrust of the upper block will help you achieve your goal in the shortest possible time.