Medium squat with a narrow stance. Squat Techniques for Different Muscles

Squats are one of the four main workout exercises, along with pull-ups, push-ups, and dips. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are a huge number various kinds squats, which allow you to focus on the work of certain muscles, and simply introduce a certain variety into training.

And today we want to introduce you to some of them!

1. Classic squats

For what: all the muscles of the legs are evenly trained.

Initial position: standing, feet hip-width apart, arms along the body.

How to perform: while inhaling, taking the pelvis back, bend your knees to a right angle. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

2. Plie Squats

For what: emphasis on gluteal muscles, quadriceps femoris and inner thigh.

Initial position: standing, legs wider than shoulders, socks turned outward at right angles, hands on the belt.

How to perform: Also.

3. Squats with narrow setting stop

For what: strengthen the gluteus maximus, quadriceps femoris and outer surface hips.

Initial position: feet together, arms along the body.

How to perform: Also.

4. Curtsy Squats

For what: emphasis - on the gluteal muscles.

Initial position: standing, legs crossed.

How to perform: while inhaling, taking the pelvis back, bend your knees to a right angle. Keep your body weight on the front leg, the foot of the second leg should not touch the floor with the heel. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

5. Balance squats

For what: to increase the load.

Initial position: feet at the width of the pelvis, one of the heels is raised up.

How to perform: While inhaling, pulling the pelvis back, bend your knees to a right angle. Keep your body weight on the leg that is completely on the floor. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

6. One-Leg Pistol Squats

For what: for a significant load increase.

Initial position: on one leg, the second - in front of the weight, bent at the knee. Hold onto a chair with your hand.

How to perform: while inhaling, bend the supporting leg at the knee to a right angle, straighten the free leg forward. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

7. Squats on one leg "swallow"

For what: as in the previous exercise, but the load is shifted to the buttocks, the extensor muscles of the back and the back of the thigh.

Initial position: as in the previous exercise.

How to perform: while inhaling, bend the supporting leg at the knee, and take the free leg back, tilting the body forward. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

8. Jump Squats

For what: to increase the intensity of training and the development of explosive strength.

Initial position: feet shoulder width apart.

How to perform: while inhaling, bend your knees to a right angle, while exhaling, straightening your legs, jump up. As soon as your feet touch the floor, immediately begin to squat.

9. Side step squats

For what: the abductor and adductor muscles of the thigh are included in the work, the heart and respiratory system are trained.

Initial position: feet together.

How to perform: step to the side and, moving the pelvis back, bend your knees to a right angle. As you exhale, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

10. Jump Squats
jump up, spread your legs apart in a jump and, as soon as the feet touch the floor, bend your knees to a right angle. Extending your legs, push yourself up again, connect your legs in a jump and return to the starting position.

OPTIONAL: Hand position

The difficulty of squats also depends on the position of the hands. There are several options, I will list them in ascending order of difficulty:

- straight arms extended forward, hands folded into the castle. This makes it easier to keep a balance.

- hands on the belt. Stabilizer muscles are included in the work.

- hands crossed on the shoulders. Less counterweight means more work for the stabilizer muscles.

  1. For safety reasons, follow this exercise in a squat frame. First, adjust the racks so that the bar is slightly above your shoulders. Load the barbell with the required weight. Get under the bar and place it on the back of your shoulders (slightly below your neck).
  2. Grasp the bar with both hands and lift it off the racks, tensing your legs and torso.
  3. Step away from the stance and place your feet at a distance closer than shoulder width. Feet should be at a distance of approximately 8-15 cm from each other. The toes are slightly turned outward. The head is raised, the back is straight and arched at the waist. This will be your starting position.
  4. As you inhale, begin to slowly squat, bending your knees and pulling your pelvis back. Keep your back. Continue downward until the angle between your thighs and calves is just under 90 degrees. Hint: when correct execution exercises, the knees should create an imaginary straight line with the toes of the feet and be perpendicular to the line of the body.
  5. As you exhale, lift up, straightening your legs, pushing off the floor, returning to the starting position.
  6. Complete required amount repetitions.

Attention: If you have back problems, replace this exercise with dumbbell squats or do leg presses in the machine as an alternative. Make sure that your back is arched at the waist throughout the entire exercise, otherwise you can injure your back. If you have any doubts about the chosen weight, it is better to take less than more weight.

Variations: You can also do this exercise using dumbbells, a Smith machine, or a belt with a weight strapped to it. You can use a small block placed under the heels of the feet. This makes it possible for beginners or people with insufficient flexibility to perform the exercise correctly.

How is it heard? And on this midday, on the agenda is a tech note about barbell squats with wide staging legs.

After reading, you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also conduct some comparative analysis of the types of squats and identify the degree of effectiveness of each of them.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, let's start broadcasting.

Barbell squat with wide stance. What, why and why?

A long time ago, or maybe a little earlier :) one of the fitonies said her weighty word - you can’t build a good ass without squats! And all the ladies began to faithfully follow this commandment. However, the fitness diva forgot to clarify the main thing, namely, about the information in small print, the setting of the legs. And therefore, the current realities are such that the ladies have an average-mediocre fifth point, but very, very representative hips. This is how one phrase carelessly thrown at one time can be reflected for several generations (not in the best way) on the most beloved in swinging women muscle group- buttocks.

And really, ladies, look at your bottom training program: is it really aimed at working out and increasing your wife? Often statistics say otherwise, i.e. in fact, we have swaying legs / hips and shrunken buttocks. What to do in this case? Read the note about wide stance barbell squats to the end.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of compound (basic / conditionally basic) with the type of force push (push) and aims to work out the gluteal and anterior thigh.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - quadriceps, buttocks;
  • synergists - large gluteal, large adductor, soleus;
  • dynamic stabilizers - thigh biceps, calf;
  • stabilizers - extensors of the spine;
  • antagonists-stabilizers are the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

A complete muscle atlas is such a picture.


By performing the wide stance barbell squat exercise, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • development of leg muscle strength;
  • working out at once a large muscle mass with an emphasis on quadriceps and buttocks;
  • volumetric increase in the buttocks without a significant increase in the anterior thigh;
  • strengthening and development of stabilizer muscles;
  • the release of anabolic hormones into the blood, which (including) contribute to weight loss.

Execution technique

The wide stance barbell squat is a mid-range exercise. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step #0.

Equip the barbell with weight and go under it, placing the neck, taken wide grip on the trapeze. Pull your shoulder blades together, spread your elbows out to the sides and statically tighten your abs. Keeping your back straight, move the barbell away from the racks to 2-3 step back. Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders, turning your hips to the sides and slightly bending your knees. Look forward (or slightly up). This is your starting position.

Step #1.

As you inhale, lower yourself down, bending your knees and pulling your buttocks back. Sit down parallel to the floor or slightly lower. With an emphasis on the heels as you exhale, push yourself up into the PI. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

On the move so...


In addition to the classic version, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • squats with a wide setting of legs in a power rack with limiters;
  • deep squats in Smith with a wide stance;
  • squats in Smith with elastic bands on the hips.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • use the full range of motion - squat just below the parallel of the floor;
  • put the barbell not on the shoulders, but on the bottom of the trapezium;
  • choose the maximum width and depth of the squat for your flexibility;
  • delay for 1-2 accounts in lowest point trajectories;
  • make sure that the lowering down and the push up are made with emphasis on the heels;
  • slowly go down and explosively “shoot” up;
  • do not nod, look ahead;
  • as you progress in weight, use a weightlifting belt;
  • if you are a girl, then do not do squats anymore 1 once a week;
  • if you are a beginner, then use the squat option in the Smith machine;
  • follow the execution technique by standing sideways to the mirror;
  • breathing technique: inhale - when lowering down, exhale - when lifting up;
  • numerical training parameters: number of sets 3 , repetitions 10-12 .

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

Wide-stance barbell squats - an effective exercise for the buttocks?

Researchers at the University of Abertay (Great Britain, 2016 ) analyzed squats with different leg positions and found that, from the point of view of buttocks development, the variant with a wide leg position showed the highest electrical activity of the muscles. Quadriceps EMG with wide and narrow legs were identical.

Conclusion - if you are a girl, and your priority is a volumetric increase in the buttocks without swinging the front thigh, then use the squat option with the maximum (as much as possible) wide setting of the legs and the depth of “immersion” down. And in this case, wide ones may be the best option.

How to make the ass big and not pump your legs at the same time?

If you are a girl and make up a PT for yourself, then include in it those exercises in which the setting of the legs differs from the classical one, shoulder width apart (this condition true for all sit-ups and leg presses). In addition, do two workouts per week on the bottom, dividing separately by day - buttocks (working through all 3 groups / departments - large, medium and small gluteal) and legs, using an average of 4-6 exercises (one for each muscle unit) for a workout.

It is this scheme that will provide the volume and roundness of the "zhenya" without swinging the legs.

Actually, we’ve finished with the main part, let’s move on to ...


Today we have studied the new kind seda - squats with a barbell with a wide setting of the legs. I am sure that many young ladies will enjoy this exercise. And it’s hard to even imagine how after it men will like your buttocks to taste :). Therefore, we blow into the hall and run the theory into practice. Good luck!

PS: ladies, how do you squat, with what setting?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 Karma points guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Squats with a barbell are one of the main exercises in bodybuilding, powerlifting. Such exercises help develop the muscles of the legs on the hips and buttocks. Squats have always been used in sports training. If you use a barbell, the load on the muscles increases and your efforts will become more noticeable.

Squats. Stanislav Lindover. YouGifted channel.

In order to use correctly Sports Equipment you need to have some knowledge. You need to learn how to squat properly.

Barbell squats are basic exercises. They activate the work of several muscle groups, but a greater load falls on the main muscles of the legs. Additionally involved lumbar, abdominal muscles.

When performing one exercise, you simultaneously load different groups. This approach can lead to growth muscle mass the whole organism.

At the moment of squatting, you have an increase in muscle mass. All the muscles that are located in the lower part of the body take part in this. During the exercise, you can adjust the load. The standard barbell squat involves:

  • Quadriceps;
  • Gluteal muscles;
  • soleus muscles;
  • hamstrings;
  • Calf muscles;
  • Synergists;
  • Muscles of the abdominal region;
  • Back muscles.

Barbell Squat Technique

It is necessary to follow a few rules in order for the exercise to bring the desired result.

The setting of the legs should correspond to the width of the shoulders, the socks look forward, you can separate them a little. This starting position can be called classical. At the beginning of mastering barbell squats, this option will be the main one. In the future, you can experiment. If at the moment of squatting you tear off your heels from the floor, you can put pancakes. But it doesn't do any good. Imagine that you are walking with special heel supports.

Grip. Usually, a closed neck grip is used (position b in the figure). The distance between the hands on the bar doesn't really matter. It should be noted that they should be located symmetrically from the center. This is necessary so that at the moment of squatting you do not lose balance.

When squatting with a barbell, you need to look slightly above the horizon. This allows you to maintain the correct position of the neck and keep it straight. If you lower your eyes, the neck will automatically tilt. Performing an exercise with such a posture, there is a risk of osteochondrosis or injuring the spine. Remember not to look at the floor while squatting.

You can hold the bar on your shoulders, shoulder blades or on the front delta. There is no universal rule here, and everyone picks up something of their own, usually this is the golden mean - on the shoulders. When located on the shoulders, the entire load will be distributed between the back and legs. Such loads are used in fitness and bodybuilding.

Starting position and downward movement.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly outward, to remove the barbell from the rack, use the closed grip for the neck and place the barbell on your neck in the rear delta area, then move away from the rack one step back. When squatting, keep your back straight with a slight forward tilt, this will reduce the load on the spine.

You need to look straight ahead. In the process of squatting, the buttocks will protrude back, and the knees should not protrude further than the feet are located. It is necessary that the main load was carried by the muscles of the legs and the movements were smooth. When performed correctly, the exercise will involve the back and front muscles of the thigh, buttocks and lower back.

Squat depth. You can perform the exercise to a parallel position with the floor or go lower. Many are of the opinion that parallel squatting reduces the load on the knee joint. This effect will be only in the case of free squatting - uncontrollably, and if not, then the load will be quite large. By squatting deeply, you will be involved in the exercise of the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, and with this variant of squats, the effectiveness of the exercise increases.

Begin to rise by pushing your heels off the floor. Straightening your legs, return to the starting position. Repeat for the specified number of repetitions.

When moving up and down with the barbell, you need to monitor your breathing. When moving down, inhale and up, exhale. You need to sit down smoothly and then do not spring, rise as well. In the upper position, the legs should be left slightly bent and fix this moment. The number of repetitions of the exercise depends on your training, the weight of the barbell used.

The main types of squats

There are several basic types of squats. They require compliance with certain rules in order to achieve the desired goal. We will acquaint you with how it is necessary to take the starting position and perform the exercise:

Squats for beginners. Beginners can use the chair squat. Take the standard starting position. In the process, use a chair at the moment when the torso becomes parallel to the floor, you sit down on a chair.

If you have a good physical training and mastered the basic exercises with a barbell, you can try squats against the wall. Take a starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, and lean your back against the wall, hold a pancake in your hands, which you need to press to your chest. At the moment of squatting, linger for a few seconds at the moment when the thighs become parallel with the floor. With a fairly heavy load and maintaining the pace of the exercise, you will have all the load on the anterior thigh muscle.

This is the same exercise as the classic squat. The starting position will be the same. The main difference lies in the setting of the legs, i.e. in the classics it is shoulder-width apart, but here, as you understand, the setting of the legs is narrow. When performing the exercise, give most of the load to the anterior thigh muscle, and the back will play a supporting role. Due to the fact that the setting of the legs is narrow, the movement will not work in full amplitude, i.e. to sit down to the floor does not work, and that is why rear surface the hips will not receive the load that he receives in the classic squat.

The squat technique in the Smith machine is very similar to regular squats, but there are significant differences. First you need to set the bar at a comfortable height for you (it should be such that the bar is located just below the shoulders). Next, you sit down under the bar, take it with an overhand grip and straighten up. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and 20-25 cm further than your hips. The pelvis is retracted back, the back should be strictly perpendicular to the floor. Take a deep breath and sit up, pushing your pelvis back. You need to sit down just below the parallel. As you exhale, push yourself up with only the effort of your legs and buttocks.

Attention! When performing, you need to look strictly forward and maintain the natural deflection of the spine.

Accept the standard starting position. The bar will not be at the back, but at the front delta. To perform such squats, you need to have some experience. With this exercise, the work of the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, calf, buttocks is carried out. Reduces stress on the back and the possibility of injury to the knee. You do not lean forward, while the lumbar region is not strained. Performing the exercise, look straight ahead. The starting position will be standard, the difference is only in the location of the bar. Elbows are exposed forward. Squat slowly, while the chest should go in front. The depth of the squat is up to you. You begin the upward movement from the chest, without helping yourself with your elbows, raising them even higher.

Do squats hurt your knees?

If you haven't been injured knee joint and the technique of performing exercises is observed, you can not worry. But in order not to harm you need to follow a few rules:

  • Be sure to select the weight of the bar for squats. Increase the load gradually. No need to immediately try to bring it to the maximum;
  • Be sure to do a warm-up and warm up your muscles;
  • Squats should be performed smoothly, avoid jerks and sudden movements;
  • You need to squat to an angle of 90 0. In this position, the muscles receive maximum load on the legs and buttocks.

Are squats good for girls?

It is necessary to take into account the goal pursued by the girl when performing squats with a barbell. With the right load, you can pump up the buttocks, and their shape will become rounded, the leg muscles will tighten. This exercise is popular with all athletes and people involved in sports not on a professional basis. It causes a large expenditure of energy, loses weight well and strengthens muscles.

If you do not have the task of increasing the muscles of the legs, you can adjust the weight of the bar. But prerequisite is the observance of the technique of the exercise. Harm can be caused by injury incorrect execution squats. But this also applies to men.

If a girl has chronic diseases associated with internal genital organs and any other complex diseases, before choosing physical activity V gym consult your doctor. If we talk about the dangers of exercise and the possibility of ruining your waist, then this is not a true statement. Squats with a barbell can make your figure beautiful, and the development of muscles of certain groups depends on the applied load. Therefore, you can perform squats only with a neck or light weight. No barbell squats visit gym will be inadequate.

The effectiveness of any exercise depends on the correctness of its implementation.

First of all, you need to properly prepare. The bar must be properly removed from the rack. It is better to bring the shoulder blades together and squeeze it with your hands very hard, while taking a deep breath and two steps back. Elbows should be directed to the floor, the chin is directed to the chest, take another breath and begin to squat smoothly.

It is necessary to apply the correct supply of the pelvis. Pay attention that when squatting, the hips go a little faster back than the knees. This will reduce possible pain in the knees. Try to load the gluteal muscles and tendons that are located under the knee. This will allow you to do deep squats.

One of the most common mistakes is considered a shallow squat. Unless you have a leg or knee injury, be sure to maintain the correct squat depth. The front of the thigh should be below the height patella. When asked to do an incomplete squat, it allows for a decrease in depth, but it does not need to be done all the time. You will not succeed in achieving your goal in the right way.

Videos barbell squat


Barbell squats are aimed at strengthening the legs and buttocks. With proper technical performance, you can avoid injury and achieve desired results. We recommend that you follow these tips and success will be guaranteed. Girls do not need to worry that their figure may deteriorate, for this, choose the necessary load. Barbell squats can work many muscle groups and even small stabilizers. Until now, there are no more effective exercise for weight loss and bringing muscle mass to the desired tone.

Be sure to read about it