Woman fitness trainer complex from scoliosis. Do you need exercise equipment to treat scoliosis?

Spinal curvature is treated comprehensively, but the leading role in this process is given to physiotherapy exercises. Active influence on the muscular corset, which is exerted by physical activities, allows you to slow down the progression of the disease, and subsequently completely eliminate the deformation. Consider what exercises to do for scoliosis of the spine, how to perform them correctly, and whether they have contraindications.

Exercise therapy exercises are designed to develop the muscles of the back and ligamentous apparatus: they relieve tension from overly loaded areas, activate unused muscle groups, and increase blood circulation. In the process of training, there is a gradual alignment of the tone. muscular system, and it becomes easier for a person to keep the spine in the correct position. To eliminate deformities, exercise therapy should be carried out daily for a long time.

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An indication for the appointment of exercise therapy is a curvature of the spine of 1, 2 and 3 degrees, S-shaped and C-shaped type, as well as any posture disorders.

At the same time, a set of exercises is selected separately for each patient, taking into account the age, degree of curvature, the place of its localization and the characteristics of the body. Most intensive classes are prescribed for people with impaired posture and scoliosis of the 1st degree, with more serious deformities, physical activity should be moderate. Remember that excessive activity instead of a positive effect can provoke a lot of complications.

Degree of curvatureCharacteristicsTreatment

The angle of curvature does not exceed 10 degrees, external changes are hardly noticeable. There is a slight asymmetry of the shoulder blades, some vertebrae protrude more than others.Therapeutic gymnastics, massage.

The angle of curvature is from 11 to 25 degrees, deformations are clearly visible. The spinal column is displaced to the side, the shoulders and shoulder blades are asymmetrical, convex and concave areas on the back can be observed.Complex exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy.

The curvature reaches 26-50 degrees, arcuate deformations are observed, a costal hump may form. Internal organs squeezed, displaced, the patient is disturbed by severe back pain.exercise therapy, breathing exercises, massage, wearing a corset.

Curvature from 50 degrees, severe deformation of the spinal column, the presence of a hump in the area of ​​the ribs. The internal organs are displaced, their functions are disturbed, the patient feels constant severe pain.Operational intervention.


Therapeutic exercises in some cases may be contraindicated in whole or in part, until the risk factors for complications are eliminated. Individual patients can perform exercises only in the exercise therapy room, under the supervision of a specialist. All this is determined by the attending physician during the examination, but it is impossible to independently assess the risks to health.

The main contraindications for the appointment of exercise therapy are:

  • scoliosis 4 degrees;
  • accelerated progress of the disease;
  • serious violations of the functions of the cardiac or respiratory system;
  • high intracranial pressure.

Reasons for temporary cessation of classes:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious and catarrhal diseases, accompanied by high fever;
  • postoperative period;
  • increased pain in the spine after physical exertion.

Until the condition stabilizes, it is impossible to perform exercises so as not to provoke deterioration. If pain or discomfort is associated with the back, be sure to tell your doctor about it and do not try to solve the problem on your own. There are many nerve endings in the spine, which are often pinched due to deformation of the vertebrae. When examining in a clinic, it is easy to identify problem areas and eliminate the cause of pain, but at home this is unlikely to be done. And the more neglected the state, the more difficult it will be to cope with it.

Under the supervision of a physician, hypertension, core patients, patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be dealt with. The same applies to pregnant women for a period of 3 months or more: it is difficult to control the distribution of the load at home, so it is better to work out in an exercise therapy room with an experienced one.

Exercise rules

In order for the classes to be as effective as possible, several rules should be observed:

  • clothes for classes should be chosen from light, "breathable" materials, according to their size. Excessively narrow or, conversely, wide clothing makes it difficult to fully perform exercises, which affects their effectiveness;

  • the room should be well ventilated, the temperature during classes should be in the range of 18-20 degrees;
  • you can eat no later than 1.5-2 hours before exercise, you can’t do it on a full stomach;

  • it is recommended to start gymnastics with a warm-up: you need to intensively move your arms, perform sips, tilt forward and to the sides. When the muscles are warmed up, the effectiveness of classes increases markedly;

  • exercises are performed from simple to complex, gradually increasing the load. Movements are only smooth, jerks and sharp bends in scoliosis are dangerous;
  • It is desirable to do at the same time, for 20-30 minutes at least.

And most importantly - observe the measure. Increasing the load or duration of classes will not help align the spine faster. So don't exhaust your body additional exercises, but rather concentrate on the pleasant sensations that physical activity gives.

Scoliosis Exercises

If you want to know in more detail how to perform it correctly, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Any exercise therapy complex is based on basic exercises that are suitable for most people with scoliosis. It is these exercises that we will consider.

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On the back

  1. You need to straighten your legs, stretch your arms along the body. While inhaling, the arms are slowly raised so as to touch the floor behind the head, and slowly lowered back. The arms should remain straight at all times. After completing these movements 5-6 times, they throw their arms back again and, remaining in this position, begin to pull their palms up, heels down, stretching the spine. On the inhale they stretch, on the exhale they relax, and so on several times.

  2. Extend the arms parallel to the body. While inhaling, bend one leg and raise it, then exhale and lower it. Raise the second leg, and so, alternating, perform several times.

  3. Put your hands to the sides, palms turn to the floor. They take a breath, raise their hands, join their palms in front of them, without bending their elbows. Slowly lowered back. At the same time, the body should not move, the legs remain straight.

  4. Lie flat on your back, legs extended, arms at your sides, palms on the floor. Raise one leg, bend and pull to the stomach, then raise the second and connect the knees. The first leg is lowered, followed by the second. The body and arms should remain in the same position.

  5. The arms are extended parallel to the body, both legs are bent at the knees. The feet are pressed to the surface. While inhaling, you need to tear the pelvis off the floor and raise it as high as possible. Hold the body for 3-4 seconds and lower to the floor. Feet and hands cannot be moved.

  6. Hands lie freely on the sides, the body is relaxed. Now you need to raise both legs up: one is bent, pulled to the stomach, held, the other is lifted straight. The straight leg is lowered first, followed by the bent leg. Change legs and repeat the movements.

  7. The same pose, legs straightened. Hands are bent, hands are placed on the shoulders. Commit with forearms circular motions forward 5-6 times, and the same back. It is impossible to tear off the hands from the shoulders.

  8. Hands can be spread out to the sides or placed under the lower back, legs are straightened. While inhaling, raise one leg, hold on weight, raise the second. As you exhale, first lower the first leg, then the second. Perform 5-6 times.

  9. The position is the same, straight arms are spread out to the sides. While inhaling, wrap your arms around yourself, exhale. Inhale again - hands are returned to their place. The body cannot be moved, the legs remain straight.

  10. One arm is extended along the body, the other is thrown back. On inhalation and exhalation, change the position of the hands, tensing the shoulder muscles as much as possible.

  11. The legs are bent, the feet are pressed to the floor, the arms are parallel to the body. Tear off the pelvis from the floor and straighten one leg. Hold for 5-6 seconds, lower as you exhale, repeat with the other leg.

  12. The pose is straight, legs bent, knees together, and feet pressed to the floor. On inhalation, the legs are simultaneously spread apart, with the feet touching the floor. On the exhale, put the legs in the starting position. Hands can be put under the head or stretched out to the sides, whichever is more convenient for you.

  13. Lying on your back, straighten your legs, put your hands under your hips. While inhaling, the legs are bent and raised to the stomach, then straightened up. On exhalation, bend again, stretch parallel to the floor, but without touching the surface. Raise again and so 5-6 times. If it is difficult to keep your legs on the weight, you can put them on the floor when lowering, but the effectiveness of the exercise will be lower.

  14. The position is the same, we perform the exercise "bike". Hands can be placed under the hips or under the head. When moving the leg, it is desirable to fully straighten it, holding it vertically or parallel to the floor. Perform within 30-40 seconds.

    Exercise 14

  15. You need to relax, put both hands on your stomach, and bend your legs. When inhaling, the stomach should be drawn in; when exhaling, it should inflate. Hold your breath for 1-2 seconds each time.

  16. Throw the left arm back, bend the right leg. When inhaling, they change the position of the legs and arms, while exhaling they change back, and at the same time. Here you need to maximize the use of the press and shoulder muscles.

  17. Hands under the hips (can be placed along the body), legs bent. Inhale, straighten and simultaneously raise both legs. Then they are bred to the sides, on exhalation they are brought together, bent and touch the surface with the feet.

  18. The body is straightened, the arms are bent at the elbows, the hands rest on the shoulders. When inhaling, the elbows are raised up, while exhaling they are lowered back. The hands must not be torn off the shoulders.

  19. Next, make "scissors". Hands can be placed as comfortably as possible, for example, under the hips. Try not to bend your legs while moving and keep them high.

  20. Lying on your back, you need to put your hands under your hips and raise your straight legs at an angle of 45 degrees. You need to hold for about 20-30 seconds, but if the muscles start to hurt, then 10 seconds is enough.

On the stomach


Lie on your stomach, arms stretched out in front of you with palms to the floor. When inhaling, they begin to stretch simultaneously with their arms forward, legs in the opposite direction. Stretch your spine as much as possible. Hold the tension for 5-6 seconds, then relax and stretch again.

Put your hands together in front of you and rest your forehead on your hands. Bend your legs and try to pull them up to the buttocks, but not much, then lower them back.

In the same position, the forehead rests on the hands. When inhaling, raise the body above the floor by 10-15 cm, do not take your hands off your head. On exhalation, they fall to the floor.

performed in the same position. The legs are simultaneously bent, then alternately lifted up as far as possible. Top part the body must not move.

Lying on your stomach, put your hands under your head. When inhaling, they raise the body along with the arms, then, holding on to weight, straighten the arms to the sides. On exhalation, they are again connected and lowered to the floor.

They spread their arms to the sides, while inhaling they simultaneously raise the body, arms and one straight leg. Hold the pose for a few seconds, arching the spine as much as possible. They fall to the floor, then, together with the body, raise the second leg.

Arms extended forward, legs straightened. Take a breath and tear off the floor at the same time the left arm and right leg. Having fixed the pose for 4-5 seconds, lower the limbs to the floor and raise right hand and left leg. The spine should be arched as far as possible, the legs should be kept straight.

Lying on your stomach, you need to raise the body, stretch your arms to the sides and make circular movements parallel to the floor, as if you are swimming. You can simultaneously raise your legs a little if the muscles do not hurt.

The position is the same, arms extended forward. When inhaling, at the same time, hands and feet should be torn off the floor and held on weight for about 3-4 seconds. On exhalation, they lower it, and raise it again, trying to bend the spine more.

Lying on the stomach, hands are brought behind the back and connected to the lock. Raise the legs and body together, arching the back. Hold the pose for 2-3 seconds, lower the body to the floor. You can not bend your legs, you need to keep your head straight. Having performed several times, they repeat the same movements, but with arms extended forward, trying to hold the pose for as long as possible.

Lying on your stomach, straighten your legs, bend your socks, put your hands under your head. Having rested the socks on the floor, they raise the body and at the same time tear off the knees from the floor, then spread their arms to the sides. You need to hold for 2-3 seconds, after which they return to their original position.

Hands are placed under the head or rest on the elbows on the sides of the body, the legs are bent. Then they spread their legs to the sides and again connect them together.

Stretch your arms forward. Raise straight legs and arms at the same time and spread them apart as wide as possible. It is not necessary to lift high.

The legs are straightened, the arms are bent and connected at the back of the head. Lift your elbows off the floor and raise them above your head as far as possible. When deflecting, the shoulder blades should touch each other.

On knees


Hands should be placed in front, knees slightly apart. The feet must remain together. Now you need to sit on your heels without lifting your palms from the surface. Reaching for the heels, they return to their original position.

Raise up the right arm and left leg, fix the position for a few seconds, lower it into place. Next, raise the left arm and right leg, and so on several times. Try to keep your leg, arm and back lines at the same level.

Kneeling, rest their hands on the floor and put one foot on the other. Hands should be placed wide and slightly in front of the body. After that, they begin to do push-ups, while raising their legs and holding their feet together.

The bent leg should be taken to the side and up, keeping the back straight. For convenience, the arms can be stretched forward a little and placed shoulder-width apart.

The position is the same. Alternately shake the legs, holding on weight in a bent form. Try to lift higher without straightening completely. Each leg performs at least 10-12 movements.

Sitting on your heels or kneeling, you need to raise your hands above your head and connect them into a lock. After that, slowly stretch up to feel the tension in the spine. Perform 5-7 stretches, relax.

Kneeling, feet are joined together, arms are extended along the body. Reject the body back as far as possible, and return to the starting position.

Exercises are performed from 5 to 10 times, depending on their complexity. If some movements are difficult or cause pain, temporarily abandon them and try after a while, when the muscles are a little stronger.

Scoliosis - specialists in Moscow

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Good afternoon my dears! Today we will touch upon such an actual problem today as scoliosis training. Is it possible to visit gym for scoliosis, and what is the specifics of training for a person who has such a problem? During my work as a group program instructor and an online trainer, I periodically come across the fact that a fairly large percentage of people have back problems, in particular, scoliosis or osteochondrosis. Therefore, making individual programs training, I often have to work with such clients. I will say right away that scoliosis training are not contraindicated, but you need to properly organize the training so as not to harm your health in any case, since we come to the gym not only for beautiful toned body but also for health.

Let's first define what scoliosis is?

Scoliosis is a deviation of the spine from its vertical line, in simple terms, a curvature. A person with scoliosis has a curved spinal column, unlike a healthy person without scoliosis.

There are several types of scoliosis, depending on where the curvature is located:

- lumbar and cervical lordosis;

- thoracic and sacrococcygeal kyphosis;

- flat back

And now let's move on to the actual practical side of the issue and find out if scoliosis training, Or is it still not worth writing off yourself so early?!

Can you exercise with scoliosis?

In 95 cases out of 100, people diagnosed with scoliosis have probably heard such words from their attending physician: “You absolutely cannot exercise in the gym and lift heavy weights!" This phrase is said by all orthopedists, and on the one hand they are right, but on the other hand, it turns out that every 10th person on the planet cannot be engaged in the gym ...

What are doctors right about? Of course, when there is curvature in the spinal column, then it becomes easily vulnerable to lifting large weights and is unable to withstand a lot of compressive pressure when performing certain exercises, such as squats. That is why, scoliosis training should be radically different from conventional training when healthy back and spine. But gym for scoliosis you can and even need to visit, BUT! taking into account all contraindications and recommendations of the doctor and your trainer.

Let's first of all analyze the exercises that categorically cannot be performed with scoliosis of any kind and form.


  1. All bench presses: army press with dumbbells, bench press from behind the head / from the chest, extension of the arms from behind the head to the triceps with a lot of standing weight.
  2. Classic deadlift and full range sumo deadlift*
  3. In some cases, exercises such as lunges and lying leg curls are prohibited, as they can cause unnecessary tension in the lower back, creating excessive pressure on the vertebrae**

* Possible only in the Smith machine and only for a shortened amplitude.

*If you do not feel discomfort in the lower back when doing lunges and bending the legs while lying down, then you can include these exercises in your training program but with small weights.

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And now let's look at those exercises that, on the contrary, will help you strengthen your muscle corset around the spinal column and have a positive effect on the condition of your spine as a whole.

  1. Plank exercise
  2. Good morning exercise
  3. Hyper/reverse hyper (floor/machine/ball)

Pictures are clickable.

Due to these exercises, the vertebrae are stretched and there is no compressive pressure on them.

So, let's now summarize all of the above and highlight the basic rules training for scoliosis gym.

  1. Use special belts or corsets that hold the spine.
  2. Don't lift big weights! Weight Limit, with which you can work, is equal to 50-60% of your own weight.
  3. Avoid exercises that put pressure on your vertebrae: squats, running, jumping rope, etc.
  4. At the beginning of each workout, do a warm-up and start your workout with a hyperextension.
  5. Stretch your spine at the end of your workout and between exercises: hanging on the bar, in cat/dog pose.
  6. Use unilateral exercises such as one-arm rows block simulator or in emphasis on one knee, as they allow you to load both sides of the back evenly. It is important to do the same number of repetitions and approaches on each side!

That, perhaps, is all that I wanted to tell you. I hope I reassured everyone who has scoliosis a little, since this diagnosis is not yet a sentence and it would be a big stupidity to completely refuse to work out in the gym. Just scoliosis training have some differences and features that you now know about. Therefore, if you have scoliosis, but at the same time there is a wild desire to go to the gym and look beautiful, then consult your doctor, consult a competent trainer and train for health! Gym for scoliosis with a well-built training, it will help you get rid of not only back pain, if any, but also give you the opportunity to have a beautiful athletic figure.

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

P.S. Friends, at the moment it is possible to send questionnaires for. I will be glad to work with you! =)

Fitness is a great opportunity to gradually improve your body, while at the same time forming a beautiful proportional body. Fitness involves regular exercise and rational food choices. Fitness includes a whole system, not just physical education. It's a culture, it's a routine, it's a diet, it's a way of looking at life and health, which ultimately gives you great well-being and a great mood. This is a long-term experience of specialists, a special training system and a special lifestyle, a whole philosophy of life, an excellent way to prolong youth. Being engaged in fitness, you will not only be able to effectively lose weight, but also significantly increase your self-esteem, endurance, self-confidence, desire to set and achieve new goals. Together with overweight uncertainty, self-criticism and complexes will also go away.

Fitness classes are so harmonious and aesthetic that it creates a sense of celebration. The person in itself is beautiful by nature and fitness once again emphasizes this. Fitness classes are a great way to keep fit and take care of your own health. Fitness trains muscle strength, endurance, develops flexibility, increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, speeds up metabolism and contributes to the speedy removal of decay products from the body. Fitness classes help restore mental performance, improve the human body's resistance to viruses and stress, and reduce the likelihood of the psyche being susceptible to the most common disease - depression.

Scoliosis and deadlift are seemingly incompatible concepts. However, there are methods for treating lateral curvature of the spine using weights. They allow within a short time to achieve high results in restoring the physiological position of the vertebral axis.

Are deadlifts and horizontal bars allowed for scoliosis

Strength training equipment (deadlift, kettlebells, dumbbells) significantly increases resistance muscle groups back to high loads. As a result, the skeletal muscles quickly strengthen and support the spine. At the same time, there is an additional positive effect strength exercises regarding body fat. They eliminate excess mass and reduce body weight, which has a beneficial effect on functionality.

The horizontal bar with scoliosis affects health in a similar way to medical traction (). With it, weights are tied to the limbs of the patient. When applying the procedure for several weeks, conditions are created for expanding the height of the intervertebral discs and increasing the overall length of the spinal column. The procedure is prescribed by doctors when pain occurs in the lower back.

You can repeat the traction mechanism in the gym or at home with the proper use of power simulators, but first you need to study the safety precautions when working with them.

How to choose the right sports equipment

When it is very important to choose the right not only equipped gym, but also a “therapeutic” gymnastic simulator. It should be beneficial and prevent muscle injury.

Principles for choosing devices for "therapeutic" bodybuilding:

  • Safety and reliability is determined by the presence of manufacturer's certificates, as well as technical inspection documents;
  • For the treatment of scoliosis, simulators are needed that have the ability to adjust the height and angle of the bench;
  • For children, it is necessary to select a deadlift according to age;
  • The set of equipment should include supported belts that prevent injury to the spine and soft tissues during training.

Main Models

There are 3 main types of power simulators by weight:

  • free;
  • own;
  • With built-in scales.

Free mass models allow you to improve coordination of movements and increase muscle mass. Used in bodybuilding.

With frontal deformity of the spine, they can be used to strengthen the muscles on the anti-bending side. For example, if the vertebral axis is deviated to the left in lumbar, then with the help of strength exercises you can “build up” the muscles in the right side of the lower back. This effect is caused by adjusting the width between the uprights of the device, as well as the use of an asymmetric support belt.

Products of own weight develop flexibility and endurance. The load force in them is formed by the person's own "traction force". The power of the deadlift is regulated by the tilt of the bench.

Models of built-in scales allow you to strengthen individual groups muscles. This effect in scoliosis allows you to "increase" only the necessary muscle fibers without the risk of "pumping" the muscles, which is in a state of hypertonicity. To adjust the force, the devices contain cam and lever mechanisms.

How to do exercises for scoliosis

Rules and principles for performing exercises with weights for scoliosis:

  • The maximum weight of the load should not exceed 50% of the body weight;
  • The intensity of stretching during bodybuilding increases gradually from session to session. On early stages enough weights, barbells and deadlifts weighing about 5 kilograms for men and 3 kg for women;
  • There should be no pain while exercising. If it appears, reduce the intensity of the stretch or stop exercising;
  • It is optimal if during 5 approaches with scoliosis a person lifts from 12 to 15 kilograms without discomfort from the back, and the pain does not interfere with pulling up;
  • remember, that correct position back in bodybuilding is more important than the weight of the load you lift. Physiological posture must be maintained in any position. Even squats for scoliosis should be performed with a flat back;
  • You need to pull yourself up, observing;
  • Before starting classes in the gym, it is necessary to prepare the muscles for physical activity. For these purposes, massage, a warm bath, manual therapy or gymnastics are suitable;
  • Push-ups and lifting weights should be done carefully without jerks and sudden movements;
  • Torso forward bends are accompanied by high traumatization of soft tissues. When bodybuilding, try to keep your back straight.

Summing up, we will focus the attention of readers on the fact that the choice of strength exercises should be carried out primarily by the attending physician. It is better if the scheme of "therapeutic" bodybuilding in the gym is developed jointly by a vertebrologist and an instructor of physiotherapy exercises.

Features and danger of training is that exercises in the gym are performed bilaterally with a symmetrical load. An important feature of the pathology is muscle imbalance. The muscles on either side of the spine oppose each other. When one muscle is weakened, its antagonists will process and spasm, which will lead to displacement of the vertebrae and the formation of an arc.

You need to choose exercises for scoliosis in the gym, taking into account the knowledge of weakened muscles or avoid overloading the body. There are several training options.

What are the loads in the gym?

There are two different concepts: strength and muscle tone. Strength is manifested by conscious active movement performed during strength training. Tone is an unconscious reflex aimed at muscle work without changing the length of the fibers. The tone is important for posture and is lost in scoliosis, determined by special muscle tests. The essence of scoliotic deformities is related to the fact that muscle weakness is compensated by antagonists and synergists, which spasm and change other muscle relationships due to the effect on the bones.

During a workout in the gym with scoliosis, muscles that are initially weakened will receive less work, as the body is used to working at the expense of other resources. The influence of force loads can be negative if the curvature is not compensated. Compensation can be determined in a simple way: in a standing position, draw a vertical line down the center of the back of the head. If it passes in the middle of the sacrum, then the scoliosis is compensated, if it is displaced, then other deformities may appear.

Find out which ones are recommended.

Read and what kind sports activities best to choose.

An isolated load on weakened muscles does not always give the desired effect:

  • fibers cannot fully contract because they are attached to displaced vertebrae;
  • the muscle may receive less innervation (impulses of the nervous system);
  • spasmodic synergists prevent the muscle from fully engaging in movement.

To improve muscle work, you need to remove all the factors that interfere with its reduction: work with organs, vertebrae, trigger points. Restoration of tone does not guarantee the correction of scoliosis, because a person is used to moving without weakened muscles in Everyday life for years.

What to do in the gym?

If the muscles are under one side of the spine or chest will not work, that is, there are three options for exercising with scoliosis in the gym:

  • perform regular exercises without heavy weights;
  • use unilateral movements;
  • correct dysfunction factors and train weak muscles.

The first option involves doing squats, planks, deadlifts, push-ups, or presses with light weights without trying to gain muscle mass. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times.

The second option is to search own exercises, which load one side of the body:

  • lunges with a step back with a press of the same hand;
  • lunges with a step back and thrust with the opposite hand;
  • Turkish rise.

In these exercises, the difference between the two sides will be noticeable. For example, tension will be felt where it should not be: at the points of muscle attachment, in the joints, the sacrum, on the back of the head, or even on the sole. When a muscle is not working, a ligament is tensed instead to keep the body in balance. Specialists can identify weak muscles that “fall out” of the movement algorithm and help develop the necessary compensation.

The third option is to work together with an osteopath or a chiropractor for the long-term elimination of muscle hypotension factors and their consistent strengthening.

Options for dysfunction and correction

Dysfunctions begin with the neck or come to it (see). Therefore, the first step is to release the suboccipital muscles and turn on the long extensors of the neck:

  • when tilting the head (keeping the gaze in front of you) during traction, squats, planks, small muscles between the back of the head and the first vertebra are loaded, the joint is blocked, and hypermobility appears in the underlying segments;
  • to work the long extensors, you need to press the chin into the neck and push the back of the head back and up, maintaining this position during the entire workout.

The cervical region is related to the lumbar, as both represent lordosis. Neck problems are a reflection of lower back pain, and vice versa.

Attention to the ribs! They are supposed to be symmetrical. We compare the costal arches, the width of the chest, the presence of hollowness or bulge.

If there are shortened intercostal spaces (see), then you need to learn to breathe with a diaphragm:

  • release of the phrenic nerve by lowering the clavicle on exhalation, grabbing the bone with the fingers and tilting the head in the opposite direction;
  • wrapping the chest with a towel and inhaling, opening the ribs to the sides (practice for 5 minutes a day).

Attention to the pelvis (see). Compare the position of the pelvic bones in front and behind:

  1. In front, symmetry is provided by the oblique muscles of the abdomen, which provide a turn of the body to the side. We stand in front of the mirror, determine which way the turn aligns the costal arches. Then we combine this turn with the step of the opposite leg before each workout.
  2. Behind the symmetry is provided by the square muscles of the lower back. The difference in the position of the last rib from the side of the back and the presence of a scoliotic arc indicates a spasm. The muscle overstrains if the large muscle weakens. gluteal muscle or contralateral quadratus lumborum.
  3. The gluteus maximus weakens due to a violation of the step, weakness of the hip flexors - antagonists, as well as compression syndrome at the level of the quadratus lumborum or piriformis muscle.

We stretch the spasmodic square muscle on the side of the lowered last rib, and massage the opposite muscle at the attachment points and train with side planks.

Muscles cease to interact normally, namely, the relationship between the legs and top body. It becomes impossible without functional muscles abdomen - oblique, which rotate the body relative to the pelvis. In the gym, there are no exercises that provide a load on the buttocks and latissimus dorsi back at the same time, oblique and thigh muscles.

Focus on lunges

Lunges are closest to a step, but in the conditions of the gym they are done with dumbbells or a barbell, immobilizing the hands. Combining lunges with single dumbbell rows or bench presses makes them feel more natural. A drop in balance in a lunge indicates poor biomechanics:

  • reduce lunge step;
  • add a turn of the torso in relation to the leg in front;
  • put your feet on the width of the step;
  • tilt the torso to the hip.

Read how deviations of the spinal column are determined.

Everything about : important rules, contraindications to classes, a set of exercises.

In this version of the exercise for scoliosis in the gym, the gluteal muscles and abs will immediately be felt, which will be the beginning of the restoration of proper movement and posture. It is important to ensure that the pelvis does not tilt or move to the side.

Scoliosis correction

When people are interested in how to fix scoliosis in the gym, they are faced with a proposal to pump up their back and strengthen the extensors of the spine. Symmetrical pull-ups, deadlifts, bench presses and inclines are prohibited in this case, as is hyperextension. Weak muscles should be included in chains that are natural for everyday movements. These muscle connections cross the body under the diagonal, which must be taken into account when choosing exercises.