Healthy spine. Wellness seminar from Ekaterina Fedorova "healthy spine, young and lively face" Taoist health complex with Ekaterina Fedorova

We invite you to a unique, effective and beautiful seminar on spinal health and facial rejuvenation from Ekaterina Fedorova.

The uniqueness of this seminar lies in the fact that two effective programs will be available at once:


"Healthy spine - Taoist health complex"

The program will include exercises honed by the centuries-old traditions of China, as well as detailed explanations of the physiological processes that occur in the body during practice.

Thanks to the exercises that you will learn at the seminar, blood microcirculation is restored, tissues are filled with oxygen where muscles and tissues are not involved in ordinary life: the first cervical vertebra, the tops of the lungs, lumbar, sacrum-coccyx, hip joints, the very tips of the fingers and toes, and more! This will help to remove stagnation and improve the entire body!

In practice, you:

  • Learn about "nutrition" and restoration of intervertebral discs.
  • Find an individual balance between strengthening and relaxation deep muscles back.
  • Learn to work with the musculoskeletal system as a whole, removing the entire chain of stress from head to toe.
  • You will discover amazing ways of deep, invisible work with the body from the inside.
  • Learn every move well effective exercises for the health of the spine and the whole body, which you can then use in your daily life.

Gymnastics for the face "Hollywood is resting"

Then this workshop is for you!

The seminar will give a set of the most effective exercises for the health, beauty and youth of the face, with a detailed explanation of all the processes that occur during work. Participants are guaranteed an individual approach!

In practice you will learn:

  • How to keep facial features from sagging down, while maintaining a clear and youthful oval of the face.
  • How to heal the very structure of the skin and improve its condition from the inside, thanks to the improvement of blood circulation and metabolism in all skin and subcutaneous layers.
  • How to safely and effectively smooth out wrinkles by exercising the facial muscles.

The whole complex prevents aging and qualitatively increases the level of energy. Come and feel the effectiveness of simple and safe exercises!

The seminar will last 6 days, of which 4 full days will be completely devoted to practices.

In addition to classes during the seminar, you will be able to fully relax your body and soul from everyday life, surrounded by magnificent reserved nature and first-class service.

Copied from the site ""

Leading seminars on Taoist practices: "Taoist secrets of rejuvenation and healing for men and women. Self-massage of the abdomen", "Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face", "Healthy spine", " Diaphragmatic breathing"," The rebirth of women.

Practicing since 1999, lecturer and coaching experience since 2003.

Ekaterina is the author of her own system "Beauty through Health".
The leader of theoretical seminars and regular practical programs that allow everyone to comprehensively improve their body and start rejuvenation processes.

Qualification confirmation (training and courses)

Higher education:
1. Ural State University, Faculty of Philology.
2. Ural State University of Physical Culture. Department of Theory and methods of health technologies and physical culture of the East (yoga, Ayurveda, qigong, wushu, Thai massage).

Training and courses:
Fitness Academy (Moscow). Fitness yoga instructor.
Department of Business Professional Education (Moscow). Gymnastics for the face.
American University of Business Administration, San Francisco, USA. Face Gymnastics.
Help Yourself Medical Center (Moscow) Body-flex instructor.
FITNESS-EXPRESS (Moscow) Pilates method in fitness training.
Fitness Academy (Moscow) Pilates instructor.
Author's lectures and courses on healthy eating the following scientists: V. Tutelyan - academician, director of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; B. Sukhanov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, one of the leading experts in the country in the field of food hygiene; A. Pogozheva - Doctor of Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Pathology of the Nutrition Clinic at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Head of the Food Probation Center at the Research Institute of Nutrition; V. Dadali - Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Biochemistry of the Academy. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg.
Seminars by Anatoly Nekrasov: "Man and Woman", "Master of a Happy Life".
Conflictology course by George Lakey.
Workshop on the psychological system "Epowerment".
Practical seminars Sing Shen Juan, female Taoist practices of Anna Vladimirova.
Master classes and seminars by Manteka Chia: "Healing Tao", "Bone Marrow Neigong" - bone breathing practices, practical seminars by Jun Yuan "Qigong-1,2 steps", training seminars by Yoga and Vedanta Master Swami Parmanand Ji Muharaji.
Intensive course by Alexei Dolgushin: "Modern concepts and ideas about the structure and functions of human body» as part of a series of events dedicated to the study of applied anatomy, physiology and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
Informational and practical seminar by Alexei Dolgushin on the physiology of pregnancy: healthy lifestyle life, food, physical activity pregnant woman, practical advice, prevention of complications and methods of correction.

Taoist health complex with Ekaterina Fedorova

A proven set of therapeutic yoga for the alignment of the spine. People feel improvements in their back and posture after the second day of classes (even problem ones). The seminar gives a scheme, skills, subtleties of implementation.

"Is there an ideal spine?" - you ask me.

And I will answer: "Yes, but only for those who deal with it."

  • We invite everyone who suffers from spinal pain to join our program!
  • Anyone who gets out of bed in the morning with a stiff lower back.
  • Who hurts cervical or thoracic spine, or waist, sacrum and coccygeal zone.
  • Who is ready, finally, to put a barrier to this terrible enemy of modern mankind - osteochondrosis.
  • Who understands the risk of developing pathologies of the intervertebral discs.

Friends! We invite you to an amazingly competent, efficient and beautiful program to improve the spine with Ekaterina Fedorova!

The seminar will present a holistic system for the development of the musculoskeletal system, which allows you to correct violations received from the very early childhood and throughout life.

The program will include exercises honed by the centuries-old traditions of China, as well as detailed explanations of the physiological processes that occur in the body during practice.

Thanks to the exercises that you will learn at the seminar, blood microcirculation is restored, tissues are filled with oxygen where muscles and tissues are not involved in ordinary life: the first cervical vertebra, the tops of the lungs, the lumbar region, the sacrum-coccyx, the hip joints, the very tips of the fingers and legs, and not only!.. This will help remove congestion and improve the whole body!

The whole complex prevents aging and qualitatively increases the level of energy. Come and feel the effectiveness of simple and safe exercises!

At the seminar:

    You will learn about "nutrition" and restoration of intervertebral discs.

    Find an individual balance between strengthening and relaxing the deep back muscles.

    Learn to work with the musculoskeletal system as a whole, removing the entire chain of tension from head to toe.

    You will discover amazing ways of deep, invisible work with the body from the inside.

    Qualitatively learn every movement of effective exercises for the health of the spine and the whole body, which you can then use in your daily life.

    In the process of training, large muscles, deep layers of muscles and ligaments will be worked out. The complex includes exercises for all parts of the body.

    All exercises are performed smoothly, carefully, carefully, without sudden movements.

    This is extremely safe work with the body, it does not require special physical training and people of all ages can take part in the workshop.

Ekaterina Fedorova

    Instructor of fitness yoga, Pilates, body flex, facebuilding

    Coaching experience since 2003

    Higher education: Ural State University (Faculty of Philology), Ural State University of Physical Culture (Department of Theory and Methods of Health Technologies and Physical Culture of the East)

    Additional education: Department of Business Professional Education (Moscow), American University of Business Administration, San Francisco, USA, Help Yourself Medical Center (Moscow); FITNESS-EXPRESS (Moscow)

    Workshops by Sing Shen Juan, Manteka Chia, Vedanta Swami Parmanand Ji Muharaji, Alexey Dolgushin

From the author of the program

“At the university, at the native department of theory and methodology of health technologies and physical education I defended the East and still develop and deepen the topic "Combination of Western and Eastern systems of health improvement in physical culture".

For several years of work in this direction, I realized that Western people are too carried away by the external, give them all the "beautiful wrapping". The same principle works even when we are engaged in the body - people "build" the muscles in bodybuilding or dancing, they think that they "align" the back. In fact, the muscles will be pumped up ... yes, the back will become even from these exercises, but ... is it healthy?

The intervertebral disc needs to receive good food, i.e. the blood flow around the disc should always be full. But what prevents him from recovering at rest (at night, during sleep)? The muscles that remained in a state of tone, spasm, and namely the DEEP muscles that are in the intervertebral space. As you can see, the state of pumped up, biceps, triceps will not give the effect of healing the spine and joints. Yes, and the dancers have completely sore knees and backs, from the fact that certain muscle groups are overstrained. And no one knows how to relax them correctly and align. But all the same - if many people are engaged in themselves, they focus only on the external effect.

Therefore, we really want to increase our knowledge of our own body, to bring practical enlightenment to people, so to speak, about our own structure and the unlimited possibilities of our body, using the Eastern approach to healing.

In the East, while teaching bodily practices, masters begin healing and gaining strength from the student's understanding of the basic principle: "Any internal movement is a thousand times more useful than any external movement." And then they hone this inner movement to perfection for a long time. For example, "stretching the seventh cervical vertebra on the left", gently, from the inside, smoothly, slowly. And at the same time, it is important how the feet, pelvic bones and shoulders stand. Because they work there not with the "collar zone" separately, as we do - after all, then the tension will only move to another place, - but with the entire musculoskeletal system, removing the entire chain of stress from head to toe, thereby creating conditions for active longevity, conditions For healthy body. After all, spiritual growth can only occur in a body in which health is grown and maintained.

This principle underlies our training at the Spine Health seminar. All exercises are performed smoothly, without sudden movements. But there are many nuances in every movement. Therefore, we will teach for 3 days, and then polish each movement to the smallest detail, to automatism.

Why is it effective? Because there are no pills for the treatment of ligaments in medicine. You can check in pharmacies. And therapeutic oriental gymnastics can achieve both the removal of spasms from the deep muscles of the spine, and the healing of the ligaments. All serious work with the body and consciousness in the East begins precisely with the improvement of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. Remember another famous principle? "To change the visible, first change the invisible." It's all about the same...

So, when working with health, the most important aspect is extremely safe work with the body. No special training is required. People of any age can practice.
. We will start with large muscles, and then move on to work with deep layers muscles and ligaments.
. The complex includes exercises for all parts of the body.
. We will qualitatively study and work out every movement.
. There will be theory needed to understand the exercises

You will learn how to perform the exercises in such a way that they are most useful.

See you in class!"

Participant feedback

“The body got stronger, the area of ​​the sacrum came to life, the blood circulation of the brain improved. Sensation of high in the neck. Working capacity increased enormously due to the improvement of the emotional background. The host of the seminar has an exceptional sensitivity both to the audience and to each individual participant”

“Lightness in the back, no morning stiffness, after the 5th session, blood circulation in the sacrum improved, sleep improved”

“The body has improved in every sense of the word. Breathing is easier, peripheral vision and mobility in the body have improved. More energy. The quality of the lessons is excellent. I liked the coach - he perfectly conveys and conveys his experience, a lot of aesthetics and knowledge"

“I felt that I could sit longer with a straight back, improved head fit and overall well-being. Katerina (coach) explains everything very competently and thoroughly, she is a professional in her field”

“This is a holistic system for the development of the human musculoskeletal system, which allows you to correct violations received from early childhood. Exercises honed by the centuries-old traditions of China allow us to be confident in the correctness of the physiological processes occurring in our body during practice.
During exercise, blood microcirculation is restored, tissues are filled with oxygen where muscles and tissues are not involved in ordinary life: the first cervical vertebra, the tops of the lungs, the lumbar region, the sacrum-coccyx, the hip joints, the very tips of the fingers and toes.
As a result, congestion is removed there, and this allows the body to experience less stress, wear out, and age.
The whole complex prevents aging. And as the quality of the tissues inside improves, so does the quality of life.”

O.A. Kwan, teacher at Ural State University of Physical Culture, doctor, specialist in qigong and medical yoga

“My“ pin ”from the sacrum is gone. He was always, a "lump" stood when she bent or sat down. From the second lesson, she lost the "pin". On the 5th day, the neck stretched out, the posture changed or something, I see everything further now, as if from a higher point. I felt how the vertebrae of the thoracic region really open up. On the first day, I didn’t understand “how is it?” And on the fifth, I really felt “they are” and they open up ”

“Sensations in a change in posture. Before, everything crunched on me, but now everything seems to have “snapped open”. And I go straightened out all day, I don’t want to “hunch over”. What is more interesting: I have a long history of smoking, but after the first day of the seminar I decided not to smoke. I do not smoke the 6th day! And do not want to! And there is no oppression!”

“After the first day there was severe pain in thoracic region, as if a stake was driven in there, as if the segment did not move there, but now it is moving. Good feeling of cheerfulness, even at the end of the day”

Schedule and prices


2000 rub. for seminar participants
3000 rub. for others

* To fix the cost, an advance payment of 50% is sufficient

** Additional discount 1000 rub. for pensioners and rehabilitation specialists

Consolidated schedule:

Presentation (free entrance)

Fitness for the face "Hollywood is resting!" 1 step. Activity 1 of 3

Fitness for the face "Hollywood is resting!" 1 step. Activity 2 of 3

Fitness for the face "Hollywood is resting!" 1 step. Activity 3 of 3

Fitness for the face "Hollywood is resting!" 2 step. Activity 1 of 3

Healthy spine. Lesson 1 of 3 (open, admission free)

Healthy spine. Activity 2 of 3

Training for men

Healthy spine. Activity 3 of 3

Restoration of nutrition of cerebral vessels

Fitness for the face "Hollywood is resting!" 2 step. Activity 2 of 3

Healthy Spine: An Advanced Course. Activity 1 of 2

Fitness for the face "Hollywood is resting!" 2 step. Activity 3 of 3

Healthy Spine: An Advanced Course. Activity 2 of 2