Kazikov Igor Borisovich head of the sports. Kazikov, Igor Borisovich

Unlike Leonid Tyagachev, who tries once again not to catch the eye of reporters, Igor Borisovich does not hide from journalists and agrees, without losing his composure, to listen to even unpleasant questions. Of which, over the ten days of the Games in Vancouver, a cart and a small cart had accumulated ...

- Lieutenant Golitsyn would shoot himself in your place, Igor Borisovich.

- Is that a question?

- Statement. What else is left for a real Russian officer?

- Yes, I served in Dynamo, carried weapons, but, in my opinion, the situation today is not as sad and tragic as other hotheads try to portray. Everyone immediately pays attention to the winners, and we, if you don’t know, have seven more fourth places. Our athletes stopped a step away from the podium.

- And since when did we start counting “wooden” medals?

- You need to look at what is happening in Vancouver through the prism of Sochi, look for hidden reserves that will allow you to successfully perform at the Games at home.

“Then they wouldn’t come here at all, they wouldn’t spend the state money.

“I repeat, it’s too early to panic. The situation of the starting days, when the Russian team was left without, it would seem, the right awards, is being corrected, the biathletes won the first medals, including gold. Three bronzes in a day were brought by the men's and women's relay races in the ski sprint, the dancing couple in figure skating

– Small joys against the backdrop of big disappointments.

- We are also not satisfied with the intermediate results, we would like more. But let me remind you of this fact: in 1984, at the Olympics in Sarajevo, the Soviet team won only five gold medals. You probably know that at that time there was a tough and powerful state system of sports management, without a signal from above, no one dared to step either to the right or to the left. Nevertheless, even such a seemingly debugged machine was malfunctioning.

- The mechanism was adjusted, and four years later the USSR national team brought eleven gold medals from Calgary. Russia in Turin-2006 had eight medals of the highest standard, while in Vancouver-2010, at the time of our interview, only two. How much more we can scratch out - God knows.

- You see, we were hostages of the 90s, when everything fell apart in the country, including sports. The backbone of today's Russian Olympic team is a generation that, for a number of subjective reasons, has been largely lost for sports highest achievements. The best of those who managed to be preserved and brought to the proper level defend the honor of the country in Vancouver, trying to do it with dignity.

- For the past decade, which for some reason is stubbornly called dashing, you can write off anything, it will endure everything. But since you, Igor Borisovich, are talking about history, remember at what time the Soviet teams made their debut at the Olympics. For some reason, then it never occurred to anyone to refer to the post-war devastation and mowed down generations. People performed in sports arenas and won. For myself and for the guy who didn't come back from the fight.

Let's not go too far into days gone by

- You started first!

- I agree, but I gave an example from the past to explain: there is no need to make a tragedy. It is better to try to answer whether we are doing everything for development sports movement in modern conditions. Unfortunately, today they have completely forgotten about the reserve, about children's and youth sports, we invest little in it. The State Council was recently held in Kazan, where, in my opinion, radical decisions were made. If they come true, in the near future we will get out of not the most prosperous state in the field of sports.

- Who are "we?

- Russia, country.

- And with whose personal help will we get into a bright Olympic future?

- I'm talking about the measures taken. The decision of the State Council does not say who will carry them out. So, first of all, you need to deal with the Youth Sports School. Do we need such a number, if not all schools are able to prepare children at the national team level? Maybe, better part funds allocated by the Children's and Youth Sports School should be directed to mass sports? So that every child can do whatever they want at their place of residence. And for those who are especially gifted, create a coherent system of training with training camps, competitions and everything necessary.

Now I'm answering your question. Previously, there were powerful sports societies in the country - Dynamo, CSKA, Spartak, Labor Reserves, which, in fact, represented states within a state. Now there is no such thing, and the center of gravity for the preparation of athletes for elite sports has been shifted to the regions, the issue has been included in the area of ​​responsibility of the territorial authorities. Great hopes are placed on the development of university sports, which have proven effective, for example, in the United States.


- Igor Borisovich, you are taking the conversation either to yesterday or tomorrow, and I am trying to linger on today. You brought 175 athletes to Vancouver…

– 179.

- Especially. They didn't come here as tourists, did they? Before flying overseas, in an interview with the Rossiya TV channel, you said that fifty were ready to fight for medals. Where are these heroes? Or is the entire Bykov hockey squad included in this shock group?

- Why? I gave you the fourth places, which, with a good combination of circumstances, could become third. For example, the skier Legkov fought up to last second. Or skater Skobrev. And there are many such facts. Dozens! Do not give in to emotions and flog a fever. Let's wait until the end of the Olympics, calmly analyze everything and soberly weigh it.

- For an objective debriefing, a starting point is needed, but the ROC and the Ministry of Sports for the first time in history abandoned the medal plan. Reasonable question: why? The answer lies on the surface: it's easier to get away from punishment for failure. Like, we did not promise anything, so there is no demand from us.

- Let's go in order. Why did you decide that only Russian athletes should win? In your opinion, representatives of other countries do not want to win?

- They have their own journalists, so let them figure out who wants what. In this case, foreigners don't care for me. I think that some Burkina Faso and one Olympic medal of any denomination would be happy until the end of the century, but Russia and two gold are not enough, and three.

- No, but do you think that our material and financial support is better than in the USA? Or Germany and France?

- Everyone says: there is no such support for elite sports as in Russia anywhere.

- Incentives for the result - yes. By the way, there is something to think about. If an athlete has a good chance of doing well at the Games, it may make sense to limit his participation in commercial tournaments in Olympic year by offering appropriate financial compensation? You can't master the preparation technique during competitions, it can be done during training camps. Our biathletes began to win at the stages of the World Cup in the fall. Perhaps it was worth holding back the horses to Vancouver, not wasting energy and not throwing out emotions? Still, the Olympics are the main competition not even for a year, but for four years.

However, we were talking about something else. There are two main ways leading to the emergence of young talented athletes. From mass to mastery, as in the USSR. Or another option: take a few people and bring them to a high standard. There are five strong ski jumpers or bobsledders and that's it. At the same time, the sport will not receive much development in the country. We should think about how the champions set an example for the youth: peaks are achievable if you work hard and correctly. This creates motivation, contributing to the physical recovery of the nation.

Now back to the medal plan, a big stupidity that existed until recently. How can you plan ahead in sports? So you talked to Bubka, he did not lose at the world championships in which he participated, but he took only one Olympic gold out of a potential four. Or Opalev, who won everything before Athens, but stumbled at the 2004 Olympics. Well, Maxim was able to rehabilitate himself in his own eyes in Beijing. Or Silnov, who was included in the team at the last moment and became the champion of the 2008 Games. Is it possible to plan such things in advance?

- Well, no personalities are needed, why not name the total figure before the Games?

- Explain why you need it.

- To have evaluation criteria. For example, I can tell you what is planned in the February 28 issue of the newspaper, and what is planned for March 1. All Olympic editions were scheduled back in Moscow. For any publication someone is personally responsible. How else?

- Change places with the athletes: they will write, and you will run and jump. And then we'll see what kind of planning you get.

“Everyone should mind their own business and be judged by results.

- Gold words! According to the IOC Charter and Russian legislation, the functions of the ROC include providing everything necessary for the national team at the winter and Summer Games– equipment, transportation, insurance, accreditation, creation of conditions for preparation for competitions. All this is done one hundred percent. From the athletes, we do not hear anything but thanks. You can ask anyone. Participation in international competitions and training camps are almost entirely funded from the budget through the Ministry of Sports. Here, too, everything is flawless. For the preparation of athletes for the Olympics, the federations in various sports are responsible. They set themselves planned tasks for the four years, approved a targeted comprehensive program, and ask them based on the results of their speeches.

“You mean you have nothing to do with it?”

- There is a headquarters Olympic training, which includes the ROC, but, I repeat, the personal responsibility lies entirely with the federations. Someone after Vancouver will probably have a hard time. But once again I urge you not to stir up passions, to have a little patience.

- It would be good, you can wait.

I hope we're talking about the same thing. After all, the question is not to appoint an extreme and hang all the dogs on him. It is much more important to understand the reasons for failures. Russia is far behind the rest of the world in the system of sports management. In twenty years, only two doctoral dissertations have been defended on this topic. I know this for sure because I do it myself. scientific work. It shouldn't be like this, it's wrong!


– Hockey players of our team complained about the shortage not of dissertations, but of tasty and satisfying food in the Olympic Village. This is your area of ​​responsibility, Igor Borisovich, if I understand correctly.

- Yes, the cuisine there is unique, the range of dishes is poor, although the IOC requirements are met in terms of the number of calories. This is enough for some, but it turned out to be not enough for the hockey players, they are healthy, big guys. I spoke with the mayor of the Olympic village, he was upset by this fact, he suggested strengthening the food, adding salads, meat, chicken, fish, ordered to allocate a separate room for our team. But the guys have already agreed with an Italian restaurant where they liked it. Okay, we agreed and paid for the team's lunches until the end of the tournament.

- Isn't it the Russian Ice Hockey Federation? Tretiak said they were banking.

- I repeat: this was done by the ROC, the decision was made personally by Leonid Tyagachev. Dinner for hockey players was ordered at the Russian House. It's a five minute walk from the Olympic Village. Problem solved. Like the rest. There are no bottlenecks in our work, do not look. For example, we moved technical staff and almost the entire administrative staff of the delegation to city hotels so that the athletes would have more space. For example, Plushenko lives alone, although he has a double room. And hockey players, for the most part, too. We conducted and fully paid for the Internet, which was not originally provided for in the Olympic Village. This is very serious money - communications, equipment for wi-fi. We rented TVs so that our athletes could watch the competition without leaving their rooms. We ordered an additional fifteen cars, plus the eleven allocated to us by the organizing committee for free. But now the federations do not know the problems with transport. It's done, and I'm ready to account for everything.

- What games do you have, Igor Borisovich?

- Fifths. According to the level of living in the Olympic Village, I think here Better conditions. There are certain overlays and questions regarding the organization of competitions. In Beijing, everything worked like a Swiss watch. Vancouver roughness resembles Athens 2004. But the breakdown of the ice filling machine and other failures seem like nothing compared to the death of an athlete on the first day. This is a real tragedy.

Pleased with the absence of near-sporting scandals related to doping or gross refereeing errors that influenced the final result.

- By the way, some people are not very successful results Russian athletes in cyclical disciplines, he explains that at the very top they decided to go to these Games clean so as not to expose themselves to Sochi. This is our real strength today: where are thirds, where are fourths, and where are tenths.

And we must be clean. Russia is taking unprecedented measures to combat doping. This is right! But we also need a system for restoring the body's resources after overload. So far there are problems with this. Previously, there were several research institutes in the country that served elite sports. VISTI remained, and he does not work so well. It is necessary to revive the production of sports equipment in Russia. It is not always possible to buy the best and most modern in the West. There, first they equip their athletes, and then they remember the rest. No one will help us, we will have to do everything ourselves if we really want to win.

- And what place of Russia in the team standings do you consider acceptable at the end of this Olympiad?

- The IOC Charter says that there is no official count of medals.

- What does it essentially change if everyone is doing arithmetic?

- The main thing, I repeat, is to perform with dignity. Let's stop work now, sprinkle ashes on our heads and mournfully retire into the distance. Do you think our athletes will perform better because of this? I highly doubt it! Conclusions, including organizational and personal ones, will surely follow, but not now, under the pressure of emotions and negative circumstances, but later, after a thorough analysis of what happened.

- In a word, the fate of Lieutenant Golitsyn and cornet Obolensky does not threaten you, Igor Borisovich.

- Again you about yours! Calm down, no one is going to shoot. By the way, I am a former master of sports in biathlon. I'm good at hitting targets. But now my main weapon is the word. Hope I convinced you...

Chapter 1 The system of training athletes for the Games of the Olympiad, as an object of control (analytical review).

1.1. Theoretical prerequisites and retrospective analysis of the development of the training system in elite sports

1.2. Factors affecting the effectiveness of preparation and participation in the Games of the Olympiad.

1.3. The main factors and conditions affecting the dynamics of sports achievements at the Games of the Olympiad and its management.

Chapter 2 Tasks, methods and organization of research.

2.1. Research objectives.,.

2.2. Research methods.

2.2.1 Theoretical analysis and generalization.

2.2.2. Pedagogical examination of the process of training athletes and teams.

2.2.3. Expert assessments of specialists.

2.2.4. Experimental comparative verification of the empirical characteristics of the Olympic training system (pedagogical experiment).

2.2.5. Forecasting the development of sports and results competitive activity.

2.2.6. Modeling the system of preparation for the next Olympic Games.

2.2.7. Mathematical and statistical methods of data acquisition processing.

2.3. Organization of research.

Chapter 3 Major Development Trends modern Games Olympics

3.1. Retrospective analysis of the program of the Games of the Olympiad and the participants of the competitions.

3.2. A retrospective analysis of sports results of the Games of the Olympiad and some factors influencing the unofficial team standings.

3.3. Further prospects for the development of the Olympic Games.

F Chapter 4 The main trends in the development of the competition system in modern Olympic training.

4.1. general characteristics competition systems.

4.2. Trends in the development of the competition system in various groups sports on present stage.

4.3. Discussion of the research results.

Chapter 5 The main trends in the development of the training system in modern Olympic training.

5.1. General characteristics of the training system in the sport of the highest achievements.

5.2. Trends in the development of the training macrostructure.

5.3. Features of the structure of the training of Olympians different ages and experience.

5.4. Discussion of the results of the study.

Chapter 6 Programming and modeling as elements of management of Olympic preparation at the final stage.

6.1. Forecasting achievements in the system of preparation of the country's Olympic teams.

6.2. The stage of direct preparation for the Olympic Games and its modeling.

6.3. Factors negatively affecting achievement sports results and conditions for overcoming them.

6.3.1. Changes in the body that occur in the process of adaptation to new climatic and geographical conditions

6.3.2. Peculiarities sports training during the period of acclimatization and reacclimatization.

6.4. Discussion of the research results.

Chapter 7 Strategy for Olympic preparation and ways to implement F strategic plans.

7.1. Study of the strategy of Olympic preparation in Russia.

7.2. Problems of the Olympic preparation strategy that currently do not have agreed solutions

7.3. Organization of management of Olympic preparation.

7.4. Coordination and cooperation of the work of all departments involved in the Olympic preparation.

7.5. Discussion of the research results.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • The system of competitions and the structure of the stage of direct preparation for the main start of highly qualified cross-country skiers 2007, candidate of pedagogical sciences Vyalbe, Elena Valerievna

  • Scientific and organizational foundations for the development of athletics in the Russian Federation 1999, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Balakhnichev, Valentin Vasilyevich

  • Individual system of competitions in sprint disciplines and its relationship with the training structure 1999, candidate of pedagogical sciences Shepel, Svetlana Petrovna

  • The system of competitions in the long-term training of sprinters 2004, candidate of pedagogical sciences Balakhnichev, Alexander Valentinovich

  • Russian Olympic strategy in winter sports 2008, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Cherkashin, Petr Vitalievich

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "The system of training Russian athletes for the Olympic Games in modern conditions of sports development"

The relevance of research. The problems of sports, the training of high-class athletes and the management of their competitive and training activities in the face of ever-increasing competition in the international arena have been the subject of research by many domestic and foreign specialists (24, 32, 64, 67, 79, 88, 95, 109, 112, 123, 125, 127, 128, 144, 151, 162, 164, 174, 201, 247, 290, 292, 339, 349, 362, 373).

Therefore, significant success of athletes at major competitions has become possible thanks to a well-organized and managed training system for athletes and teams that operates in the field of diverse human contacts.

This system plays a special role in the course of preparation and participation in the Games of the Olympiad, which are the highest level of modern international competitions, where sporting achievements are of great importance for the prestige of the country and its contribution to the universal culture (105, 129, 182, 216, 237).

Currently, more than 200 countries have joined the Olympic movement, and representatives of 199 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) participated in the 2000 Games in Sydney.

The intense rivalry between the national teams of the USSR, the USA, Germany, and in recent years, China has become the powerful catalyst that gave the post-war Olympic movement an unprecedented impetus for growth and development. confrontation sports systems of these countries during the Games for decades has always been under the influence of politicians and often accompanied by confrontation (182, 231).

Although according to the Olympic Charter - a set of laws, there can be no country - the winner of the Olympic Games. However, the leaders of many federations, journalists and often government officials use various systems for determining the winners of the Games by the largest number of gold medals or the largest amount of medals of all denominations, which is called the "unofficial team standings" (NCZ).

For many decades, the problem of using the Olympic Games for political and ideological purposes remained relevant. And not only for the approval and propaganda through the sport of their own socio-economic system or the prestige of their country. But also, which is much more dangerous, for "search for the enemy" and fomenting confrontation.

No one could put it more precisely than US President Ronald Reagan: "Sport is the last opportunity that our civilization provides to two opposing sides for physical aggression without resorting to war."

However, positive moments were also formed in the world elite sport and the Olympic movement. The influence of advanced in sports and economic countries on the development of sports in the states of the "third world" has increased, which has contributed to an increase in the level of skill in certain sports that best meet the ethnic characteristics and social conditions of their population.

Numerous facts indicate that the successful performance of the national teams of the country at the Olympic Games is the most important factor in uniting the nation, a component of the national idea and a significant attribute of the people's pride in their country. This is confirmed by the evaluation of the success domestic athletes at the summer and winter Olympic Games, which was given by the presidents of our country.

In the context of increasing competition at the Olympic Games, when its program is increasing, as well as the number of countries winning gold, silver and bronze medals, the question arises of correcting the system for managing the Olympic training of the national teams of the country, taking into account the socio-economic and political system in Russia.

This is also due to the fact that only a few of the most economically developed countries with a large population and a high level of theory and methodology of sports can claim victory in the unofficial team standings. These include Russia, USA, Germany, China, Australia, Great Britain and some others.

Most countries, however, link their training strategy to success in one sport or even one type of competition. This leads to the fact that "small" countries win a significant number of medals, which intensifies the struggle for victory in the unofficial team standings between the largest teams in the world. Therefore, the scientific development of problems aimed at improving the efficiency of the system of preparation for the Games of the Olympiad in modern conditions new Russia is a current issue.

The work was carried out according to the R&D plan for 2002-2004 of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for FC and Sports. Problems 02.11.00 and 03.01.00.

Problematic situation. established by the early 1990s. the system of training highly qualified athletes and the strategic planning of preparation for the Olympic Games began to not fully correspond to the new socio-economic and demographic conditions in Russia, the processes of commercialization and professionalization taking place in world sports, which requires appropriate changes in the management structure not only in the sports industry, but also the preparation of national teams of the country.

A deeper introduction of the basic laws of modern sports theory and management theory into the organization of the training of national teams requires a correction adopted in our country, although it ensured the successful performance of domestic athletes at the Olympic Games in 1952-2000.

The commercialization of certain sports included in the Olympic program has led to the fact that the tactical interests of certain groups of participants in the preparation, leaders of NOCs and national sports federations, sponsors and managers; athletes and coaches began to disperse, which naturally damages the national strategic interests of preparation and the Games of the Olympiad.

Goal of the work. Improving the domestic system of preparing Russian national teams for the Olympic Games in modern economic and social conditions.

working hypothesis. Preservation and further improvement of the indicators of the unofficial team standings at the Games of the Olympiad in modern conditions of Russia is possible only with a change in the general strategy of Olympic preparation, an increase in the efficiency of managing the competitive and training activities of national teams for the years of the four-year and one-year cycles, with strict consideration of social, economic, demographic and climatic factors operating in the country and cities where the Games are held.

Object of study. The system of training in elite sports, including subsystems of competitions, training and factors that increase their effectiveness.

Subject of study. Patterns, principles, structure of the competition process management, training, managerial and methodological solutions that increase the effectiveness of competitive and training activities.

Scientific novelty. The paper summarizes for the first time the features of the system of Olympic training and its management in the new socio-economic conditions of Russia.

The main factors that influenced the expansion of the program of the Games of the Olympiad and the prospects for their further development are determined.

The main patterns of development and parameters of the official and individual system of competitions in the conditions of commercialization of most sports included in the Olympic program are determined.

The trends in the dynamics of modern parameters of training loads and their differentiation are determined both for young athletes going to their first Olympics and for veterans preparing for the next Games.

The most effective models of the structure of the annual training-competitive macrocycle used in various sports and their influence on the management of the sports form of athletes and game teams.

The factors that negatively affect the successful performance in the Olympic Games are identified, and measures are proposed to eliminate or minimize them.

Methods for correcting forecasts for the results of the Olympic Games are proposed.

To improve the management of the Olympic training system, a correction of the structure of the main documents is proposed: “Concepts for preparing for the Olympic Games” and “Targeted comprehensive programs for sports”, reflecting the changes that have occurred in world and domestic sports in recent years.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that the main provisions of the organization and management of Olympic training developed by the author in the conditions of commercialization and professionalization of high performance sports clarify not only the provisions of the general theory of sports, but also supplement the theory of management of the industry - physical culture and sports in modern socio-economic conditions Russia.

Practical significance. On the basis of research, the strategy of Olympic preparation at the present stage, associated with the economic and demographic conditions of Russia, is determined.

The main provisions and specific results of the study are used in the preparation of the Russian national teams for the next Olympic Games.

The generalization of the parameters of the competition system and the training system will make it possible to compare them, make adjustments to the target complex programs for related sports.

A comprehensive analysis of the factors influencing the effectiveness of training allows the coaching councils of national teams to choose the optimal structure of the annual cycle and the stage of direct preparation for the main start and minimize the negative impact of individual environmental factors.

A large amount of factual material on the development of the Games of the Olympiad and the system of preparation for them allows coaches to avoid mistakes in the course of current and operational management of training and regulate the condition of athletes at all its stages.

The results of the work can be used in educational process special physical education institutions, faculties for advanced training of managers and coaches, in the courses "General Theory of Sports" and "Management of Physical Culture and Sports".

Provisions for defense:

1. Patterns of dynamics and prospects for further development of the Games of the Olympiad, as well as factors influencing changes in their programs.

2. The main requirements for the general and individual calendar of competitions for the years of the Olympic cycle in the conditions of the commercialization of sports, which make it possible, first of all, to decide sports tasks, and in the second - economic.

3. The main trends in the development of training at the present stage of elite sport and its features for young athletes and Olympic veterans, expressed in a different structure of four-year training cycles.

4. The strategy of preparing national teams for the Games in modern conditions of Russia and the principles of forecasting team and individual results on the basis of a complex of objective factors in the development of sports in various countries.

5. A comprehensive solution to the problem of exofactors that negatively affect the success of preparing for participation in the Games of the Olympiad.

6. Models of the structure of annual cycles and the stage of direct preparation for the Games of the Olympiad, which make it possible to reliably manage the state sportswear athletes and game teams.

7. Principles of coordinating the activities of all participants in the preparation for the Games: federal, regional, departmental organizations, sports federations and coaches of national teams.

8. The list of corrections to the main documents of Olympic training: "Concepts of preparation for the Olympic Games" and "Targeted integrated programs for the training of national teams in sports", based on the laws of management science and experience in preparing for the past Games.

Similar theses in the specialty "Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture", 13.00.04 VAK code

  • The structure of training basketball teams in the annual competitive training cycle 2001, candidate of pedagogical sciences Furaeva, Natalia Valerievna

  • The system of sports training of highly qualified fencers with spinal cord dysfunctions in the Olypian cycle 2013, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Yulamanova, Guzel Miniakhmetovna

  • Formation of professional sports in Russia in team (game) and individual disciplines 2006, candidate of pedagogical sciences Shelestov, Vladimir Stanislavovich

  • Acmeology of sports achievements: Theoretical and applied aspects 2002, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Kuramshin, Yuriy Fedorovich

  • Theoretical and methodological aspects of improving the process of training highly qualified athletes based on the use of models of the structure of competitive activity and preparedness: On the material of cycling 1999, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Polishchuk, Dmitry Arsentievich

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture", Kazikov, Igor Borisovich

1. The successful performance of the Russian national teams at the Olympic Games is of great importance for uniting the peoples of the country and is a component of the national idea. In this regard, it is necessary to further improve the system of training athletes and teams, functioning on the basis of the laws of modern science of management and the general theory of sports.

However, the organizational and methodological aspects of managing the Olympic training system, in the context of the commercialization and professionalization of elite sports, remain insufficiently developed.

2. The programs of the Games of the Olympiads of our time are constantly expanding and currently include 301 types of competitions. The number of medal sets played out over the past 50 years has increased: in cyclic sports - from 52 to 106, in combat sports- from 33 to 61, in complex coordination types - from 19 to 32, in sports games ah - from 4 to 29, in shooting disciplines - from 7 to 21. To a lesser extent, the types of programs in equestrian sports, speed-strength disciplines, all-around and sailing developed.

The political factor that influenced the expansion of the Olympic program has lost its leading importance in recent years. Currently, the IOC includes new, most popular (especially among young people and women) disciplines in the Games programs and reduces the number of disciplines that are gradually losing their popularity in the world.

3. Increasing competition for Olympic medals and significant financial incentives for athletes stimulated the emergence of negative phenomena in sports. The problems of doping, violations of the rules of "fair play", etc., have become aggravated. Some Western futurologists predict the decline of the Olympic Games, but such forecasts are refuted by an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the development of the Olympic Games.

For 108 years, the number of sports has increased 4 times (from 9 to 37), the number of competitions - 7 times (from 43 to 301), the number of participating countries - 14 times (from 14 to 202), the number of participants - 43 times (from 245 to 10,651 people), including women from 0 to 4,069 people. The number of countries that have won gold medals at the Olympic Games has increased 5 times (from 10 to 51); countries that won medals of various denominations - 8 times (from 10 to 80).

The trend of further development of the Games of the Olympiad is confirmed by the active participation of television in them. So, if the cost of selling the rights to broadcast the Olympic competitions in 1960 was 66 thousand dollars, then by 2008 this amount had increased to 1690.8 million dollars.

All these facts indicate that the Olympic Games are developing successfully and in the future most of the negative phenomena will still be eliminated.

4. At present, the commercialization and professionalization of the majority Olympic sports sports lead to a significant expansion of the calendar of official and commercial competitions, most often series (World Cups, Grand Prix), characterized by significant prize amounts for winners, prize-winners and finalists.

This contributes to the intensification of the entire training system, increasing the physical and psychological tension of the starts. In many sports, the individual calendar mainly consists of serial competitions of World Cups or Grand Prix abroad, qualifying competitions and 2-4 socially significant starts of the Russian and international calendar.

At the same time, despite the significant expansion of the international calendar, in most individual sports the number of individual starts has not practically increased, and in some sports ( Athletics, rowing, synchronized swimming, fencing, track cycling, etc.) even decreased.

In command game types sports, the number of official and commercial games has increased significantly (up to 70-90 per year) due to the holding of play-off series and international tournaments in the domestic championship.

Thus, the management of the competition system began to play a decisive role in the successful preparation for the Games of the Olympiad.

5. The most important parameter of competitive practice in the Olympic year is the number of competitions in the annual cycle, since in most Olympic sports annually World Championships or European Championships have begun to be held.

In most sports, the number of starts and Games in the final year of the Olympic cycle (in relation to the average) remains unchanged, however, at the stage of direct preparation for the main starts (ENP), participation in competitions a week before the start of the Olympic Games should be considered inappropriate.

At the same time, in the team sports Games, participation in competitions at the ENP is necessary before the very beginning of the Games in order to ensure teamwork and mutual understanding of the players who came to the team from different clubs.

6. An analysis of the results of the participation of Russian athletes in the Olympic competitions and serial starts of the World Cups and Grand Prix showed that in most sports even the strongest fail to achieve double success in the Olympic year. This is available only to athletes who have a significant advantage over their rivals.

In this regard, in the Olympic year, first of all, a reasonable combination of a series of starts with periods of intense training and limitation of participation in World Cups, Grand Prix and commercial starts before the start of the Olympic Games are necessary, and only then solve the financial problems of athletes.

7. The problem of training activity is connected with the control of the state of sports form, and, consequently, with the optimal structure of annual training and competitive cycles.

The study showed that in individual sports, the single-cycle structure is applied in rowing and canoeing and synchronized swimming; one- and two-cycle structures, depending on the traditions and level of preparedness of athletes - in athletics, bullet shooting, weightlifting. Most sports use the most effective two-cycle (double) structure: fencing, judo, boxing, triathlon, diving, trampolining, road cycling, gymnastics, freestyle wrestling, etc. The three-cycle structure is used in swimming, academic rowing , cycling - track, taekwondo and badminton.

8. At present, the structure of training in four-year training cycles is more dependent on the frequency of the World and European Championships in individual years.

The target modeling of the four-year cycle should take into account the age and practical experience of the athletes and be different for young athletes preparing for their first Olympic Games, and for veterans preparing for the second or third Games. This is primarily expressed in the magnitude and dynamics of training and competitive loads.

A gradual increase in training loads in a four-year cycle is in most cases typical for the training of young athletes, and undulating dynamics is typical for the training of veterans.

An analysis of the results of the past Games of the Olympiad showed that in some years veterans need a certain unloading - skipping the next world and European championships. It can be assumed that the relative failures of some outstanding athletes at the Games of the XXVII Olympiad in Sydney due to the fact that for several Olympic cycles they continuously participated in all the world and European championships. At the same time, many two-, three- and four-time Olympic champions from different countries of the world had unloading years in almost every four-year cycle.

9. The most important issue of managing the Olympic preparation is the renewal of the teams for the next Games of the Olympiad. The analysis showed that in the national teams, from 20-30% (cycling - track, athletics, swimming) to 80% of the athletes of the previous composition (softball, equestrian sports, academic rowing) are retained. A more frequent change of lineups is associated with the development of sports in our country.

Comparison of load parameters showed that after the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul there was no increase in its total volumes according to three generalized indicators: total hours spent on training and competition, the number of training and competition days. At the same time, the further growth of sports achievements occurred to a greater extent due to an increase in the intensity of loads and a more rational construction of training and competitions. This trend will be observed in subsequent Olympic cycles.

10. The effectiveness of the Olympic preparation management system largely depends on the accuracy of forecasting the sports achievements of the national teams of the country and its main rivals.

An analysis of the balance of power by year of the Olympic cycle showed that the teams of Russia and Germany are reducing the number of medals won at the Olympic Games compared to the results achieved in the 3rd year of the Olympic cycle, while the teams of the USA and China, on the contrary, are increasing. An examination conducted among senior managers of Russian sports management did not reveal any reliable reasons for this situation (p > 0.05). This is due to the fact that certain simplest methods are used in the forecasting process, often the wishful thinking is given as the actual one, and the main reference point is the results of the 3rd year of the Olympic cycle, as a result of which the emergence of new talented athletes and the tactics of veterans are not taken into account.

11. In the Olympic year, the decisive stage of preparation is the stage of direct preparation for the main start. At this stage, the national teams of the country suffer great losses, despite the fact that they include the best athletes who have undergone training and a complex selection system.

An analysis of the causes of breakdowns at the Olympic Games during the examination showed that the first place is occupied by the unsatisfactory mental state of the athlete, the second place - by the unsatisfactory operational state of the athlete on the day of the start, and the third place - by the incorrectly chosen tactics of competitive activity. The concordance coefficient was significant (p< 0,05).

A separate processing of the answers of experts in martial arts and cyclic sports fully confirmed the general conclusions.

These data indicate that under stressful wrestling the most operational components of the sports form are reduced - mental and tactical readiness, while its basic components - physical and technical readiness - remain more stable.

12. The timing of the final selection to the national teams, the principles of this selection and, in connection with this, the duration of the stage of direct preparation are of paramount importance for a successful performance at the Games of the Olympiad.

The national teams of Russia use different principles of selection: based on the results of the Russian Championship; according to the results of the main qualifying competitions; by the amount of conditional points scored during the Olympic season; by decision of the coaching council.

US, Chinese and German teams use the same criteria

Place taken in the national championship or in the main qualifying competition. From a sporting point of view, this seems to be a more efficient and fair principle for completing national teams.

13. The Russian national teams use three different models for building ENP for the Games of the Olympiad.

Most teams use the most efficient average duration (5-8 weeks). The whole stage consists of two mesocycles

Special-basic and professional, which ensures the fulfillment of the necessary tasks: active rest, maintaining and increasing the level of preparedness, modeling competitive activity, bringing to the start in an optimal state, solving the problems of climatic, temporal, altitude and socio-psychological adaptation.

A short-term ENP (3-4 weeks) has disadvantages, since it is impossible to solve all the necessary tasks within these periods, give athletes a relative rest after the final selection, provide an eyeliner for the Olympic Games and completely solve the problem of acclimatization.

For sufficiently long ENPs (more than 12 weeks), which are a separate macrocycle, a temporary loss of sports form is characteristic, therefore, in the future, difficulties arise associated with its restoration and further increase.

14. Sports in Russia are developing in new socio-economic conditions, which are significantly different from the conditions of the former USSR. The population of the country has decreased by 2 times, the level of per capita income and other social parameters have decreased. In this regard, it became necessary to adjust the strategy for the development of Olympic sports.

The examination carried out among the senior managers of sports management did not reveal a consensus of opinions on this issue (p > 0.05), which requires additional research and the adoption of special decisions by the Federal Executive Body in the field of physical culture and sports and the Russian Olympic Committee.

However, when using the preference criterion, in the first place was the further development of the most successful sports for the country; in second place is the development of medal-intensive sports, and only in third place is the uniform development of all types of the Olympic program. The data obtained coincides with the strategy of our main rivals - the US, China and Germany.

15. An analysis of the participation of Russian athletes in the 1996 and 2000 Olympiads showed that the Russian team is gradually reducing the number of medals in cyclic sports with an objective assessment of results (gold - from 8 to 2 and in total - from 18 to 11) and increases the number of medals in sports with a subjective assessment of the results, where "referee pressure" is manifested and scandalous situations may arise.

Our main rivals - the United States and Germany - over the past Olympic cycle have increased the number of medals won in the most medal-intensive cyclic sports and in sports with an objective assessment of results, while reducing their number in sports with a subjective assessment.

16. Strategic planning and management in any evolving system involves the constant adjustment of the basic documents that ensure the development of sports, which is often hampered by the presence of old structures, skills, personnel and management styles that are not suitable for new tasks.

The main documents that determine the direction of Olympic training in Russia were created in the 70s of the last century and have hardly changed to date.

The Concept of Olympic preparation lacks a number of important sections related to strategic planning, including those on overcoming the backlog in medal-intensive sports. At the same time, the Concept includes separate sections of a methodological nature, which should be included in the content of targeted comprehensive programs.

Most of the ITCs that detail the strategic concept of Olympic preparation do not take into account the main feature of modern sports - commercialization and professionalization, as well as a significant increase in competition at the Games of the Olympiad. As a result, they lack detailed planning of the competition system, careful study of the structure of the annual cycle and the stage of direct preparation for the Olympic Games, issues of managing the state of the sports form and especially its most operational component - mental fitness. In this regard, it is necessary to review the content of these documents.

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339. Starischka S. Trainingsplanung. Schorndorf, 1998. - 160 p.

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345. The Games of the XVIII Olympiad Tokyo 1964. The official Report of the Organizing Committee. Tokyo, 1964. - 720 p.

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353. Viru A., Viru M. Biochemical monitoring of sport training. Champaign, III: Human Kinetics, 2001. - 283 p.

354. Wallechinsky D. The complete book of the Summer Olympics. -New York: Aurum Press, 1991. 763 p.

355. Watts D. Periodization a planning process. In: International Coaching Conference, Calgary, August 17-24, 1986. P. 1-19.

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358. Wilmore J.H., Costill D.L. Physiology of sport and exercise - Champaign Jeenois: Human Kinetics, 1994. 49 p.

359. Wollstein J. Periodization an essential coaching tool for modern coaches. Australian squash coach (Melbourne, Aust.) Spring 1993. - 1. -P. 20-23.

360. Zanon S. Biologische oder pedagogische Priorität in der Teorie des Trainings. // Leistungsport, 1999. No. 3. - P. 3 - 22.

361. Zhelyazkov Ts. About the essence of sports form // National Sport Academy Sofia, 1997. P. 24-28.

362. Russian Olympic Committee Questionnaire of expert survey1. Dear colleague!

363. The Athens 2004 working group is working on summarizing the experience gained in preparing for the Games of the Olympiad:

364. This expert survey is devoted to the strategy, organization and management of the preparation of Russian national teams. Leaders and specialists of Olympic training (current and former) are involved in it.1. Expert information: 1. Surname I.O.

365. Education: higher (general, special) (underline)

366. Academic degree: candidate, doctor (underline)

367. Leading experience in sports: years, including those associated with Olympic training: years.

368. Sports rank: ZT USSR, ZT Republic, ZMS, MSMK, MS (underline)

369. Please express your opinion on the following issues:

370. Throughout the history of the Olympic Games, their program has changed.

371. What factors underlie the changes? Rank them in order of importance (from 1 to 3)1. Rank 1 to 3

372. Political, associated with lobbying and collusion of representatives of certain countries

373. Development of the sport in the country hosting the Games

374. Economic (inclusion of high income sports)

375. Given that even the leading countries (USA, Russia, China, Germany) win gold medals in a limited number of sports, what should be the strategy for Olympic preparation in Russia?

376. Rank by importance (from 1 to 4)1. Rank 1 to 4

377. Uniform development of all kinds

378. Development of further success in strong sports

379. Pulling up lagging species

381. What factors influence the correlation of forces over the years of a 4-year cycle? (In the USA and China there is an increase in the number of gold medals by the Olympic year, in Russia and Germany in Last year numbers are going down).

382. Rank by importance (from 1 to 4)1. Rank 1 to 4

383. Shortcomings in the organization of the final stage of training

384. Significant renewal of teams in the US and China in the first 3 years

385. Much attention to championships and world cups in Russia and less in the USA1. Other factors (name)

386. Will there be a further downward trend in the share of gold medals won (in % of the total number of played) among the leaders (the last 32 years after the Games in Mexico City from 26% to 13.3%)? Yes, no (underline).

387. Rank by importance (from 1 to 4)1. Rank 1 to 4

388. Reducing the number of people involved in these sports

389. Insufficient funding for these sports

390. Lack of sports facilities

391. Backlog in the theory and methodology of training

392. Why in Russian sports in some types of women perform better than men, in others vice versa?

393. In Russia, the composition of the population according to the 2002 census is 44.6% men and 55.4% women).

394. Rank the significance of the factors (from 1 to 4)1. Rank 1 to 4

395. Miscalculations in the methodology of preparation

396. Different effects of means of improving efficiency

397. Features of the body of men and women1. Other reasons (name)

398. How do you assess the role in the system of Olympic training of the activities of the working groups: "Atlanta-1996", "Sydney-2000", "Athens-2004"?

399. Positive, neutral, negative (underline).

400. Of what specialists should the working groups of R & D (emphasize) managers, specialists in the training system, and support specialists mainly consist.

401. Has it decreased compared to the period of the 1900s? the level of scientific-methodical and medical-biological support of Olympic training? Yes, no (underline).

402. If yes, please rate the significance of the factors that influenced the decline (from 1 to 5)1. Rank 1 to 5

403. Reduction in state funding scientific organizations

404. Reducing the level of qualifications of personnel

405. Stopping the renewal of scientific equipment and instruments

406. Reducing the volume of scientific and applied research on sports, pedagogical and medical and biological problems of elite sports1. Other factors (name) 1. Thanks for answers!

407. Russian Olympic Committee Expert survey questionnaire1. FULL NAME.

408. Seniority coaching(general)

409. As the head of the national team

410. Sports title (ms, msmk, zms)

412. Education: higher, secondary, special: yes, no (underline).

413. Academic title (professor, associate professor, senior researcher) Academic degree (doctor, candidate, master)

414. The main contingent of athletes in your work (men, women, both, underline).

415. How has the general calendar of competitions in your sport in the country for athletes (game teams) of the highest qualification changed since 1992?

416. A. Quantitative indicators: increased, decreased, no change.

417. B. Qualitative indicators of physical and mental intensity of competitive activity: increased, decreased, no changes.

418. How has the international calendar for your sport changed since 1992?

419. A. Quantitative indicators: increased, decreased, no change.

420. B. Qualitative indicators: increased, decreased, no change.

421. In the Olympic year, the number of starts (competitions) decreases, increases, remains at an average level?

422. Are there commercialization processes (payment for competitions) in your sport? Not all competitions, at individual competitions, have not started yet (underline).

423. Are there international serial competitions in your sport: World Cups, Grand Prix, tournaments or similar events? (emphasize).

424. The number of stages (tournaments) during the year of starts (games) at the stage (tournament).

425. Of these, they count (starts).

426. What are the conditions for admission to these competitions? Quota by country, sports results at the level of the strongest in the world, other conditions (underline).

427. In how many stages do admitted members of your team take part?

428. Maximum, minimum, speed. necessary

429. Do members of your national team participate in commercial starts?

430. A. If not eligible for World Cups or Grand Prix. B. Participate in parallel with WC and GP.

431. B. Do not participate in commercial competitions, but only GP and WC (underline).

432. When, in your opinion, should you serially participate in the stages of these competitions?

433. A. Evenly throughout the competition period.

434. B. At the beginning of the competitive period and in the middle of the competitive period (underline).

435. B. After the main competition of the year.

436. D. Should I participate in these and other competitions at the stage of direct preparation for the main start: yes, no. Three weeks: yes, no. Two weeks: yes, no. Last week: yes, no.

437. Is it necessary to take part in serial competitions during the Olympic year, without the necessary acclimatization?

438. In a hot climate: yes, no. In mid-mountain conditions: yes, no.

439. How many days should one arrive in the country for a training camp before the Olympics?

440. A. With a time zone shift of more than 5 hours.1. B. With hot climate days.

441. B. With altitude (from 1500m) days.

442. D. With 2 or 3 of these climatic parameters days.

443. How many days should one enter the Olympic village?

444. Veteran athletes preparing for their 2nd, 3rd or 4th Olympiad must have a number of competitions: (in relation to the average)

445. A. Over a four-year cycle, more, less, no change.

446. B. In the 3rd year of the cycle, more, less, no change.

447. B. In an Olympic year, more, less, no change.

448. Should veteran athletes be given a “unloading” year (in terms of the number of competitions, volume and intensity of training)?1. A. You shouldn't.

449. B. It is necessary in the first, second, third year of the Olympic cycle (underline).

450. What methods do you and your employees use when predicting achievements (results) at the Olympic Games and World Championships1. Rangot 1 to 5

451. A. Intuitive foresight B. Historical analogy B. Expert survey

452. D. Extrapolation of achievements

453. E. Other more complex ones, such as mathematical modeling

454. If you use these methods, please rank them in order of importance (from 1 to 5).

455. When are the world and European championships held in your sport in the Olympic cycle?

456. Competition 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years1. World Cup

457. A. Between all years. B. Between 3 and 4 years.1. B. Between 2 and 4 years.

458. The number of medals won (gold and all) from your team by years of the Olympic cycle at the World Championships and European Championships. Increases, decreases or remains for the Olympics.

459. What percentage of athletes remain in the team from one Games to the next? 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%, 0%, another.

460. How do you select in Olympic team?

461. A. Based on the results of the Russian Championship.

462. B. According to the results of the main qualifying competitions.

463. B. Based on the amount of conditional points scored in the main competitions of the season.

464. D. By decision of the coaching council, but taking into account sports results (underline).

465. How many weeks before the Olympics does the main selection end (two, three, four, five, six, other dates).

466. How do you rate yourself as an expert on this issue (1, 0.95, 0.90, 0.85, 0.8, 0.75, 0.70)

467. Source of argument Degree of influence1. High Medium Low

468. Own theoretical analysis2. Sports experience

471. Acquaintance with foreign experience6. Intuition 1. Thanks for the answers1. Expert signature

472. Russian Olympic Committee Expert survey questionnaire1. Dear colleague!

473. The Athens 2004 working group is working on summarizing the experience gained in preparing for the Games of the Olympiad:

474. This expert survey is devoted to the trends in the development of the training system for Russian national teams. The leaders of the Russian national teams in sports are invited to participate in it.1. Expert information: 1. Surname I.O.

475. Education: higher (general, special) (underline)

476. Academic degree: candidate, doctor (underline)

477. Experience of coaching in sports: years, including those associated with Olympic training: years.

478. Sports title: ZT of the USSR, ZT of the Republic, ZMS, MSMK, MS (underline).

479. What is the age of the members of your national team at the beginning of the Olympics. minimum., maximum., average.(years)

480. Bring the total experience of playing sports of the members of the national team by the beginning of the Olympic Games, minimum., Maximum., Average. (years)

481. What is the current trend in the implementation of the total volume of training loads in your sport, compared with 70-80 years? increase, decrease, unchanged (underline)

482. What are the maximum, average and minimum parameters in the annual cycle of the total load at the present time (underline the indicators).

483. Restorative measures, theoretical studies are not taken into account).1. Hours:550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1200 1250 1300

484. Training and competition days: 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360

485. Training sessions and competitions: 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 "700 725

486. What are the total volumes of loads performed by veterans (preparing for their II or III Olympiads) in relation to young athletes? Large, smaller, the same (underline)

487. What is the current trend in the volume of the most specific intensive means of training in comparison with the 70-80s? Increased, decreased, without change;

488. The same for veterans: increase, decrease, no change (underline).

489. What is the strategy for fulfilling loads in a four-year cycle by years? (total volumes, volumes of specific most intensive agents): young: continuous increase up to 4 years, undulating dynamics with a tendency to increase by 4 years (underline)

490. Your option, not provided for by the veterans' questionnaire: is there a year of unloading (in terms of load and competitions)? First, second, third year of the Olympic cycle (underline).

491. The results of what year of Olympic training do you focus on when predicting achievements at the Olympics? (taking into account the fact that in the pre-Olympic year we collect more gold medals than in the Olympic year): for young people 1,2,3 for veterans 1, 2, 3

492. Rank the main causes of breakdowns at the Olympics among members of the national team (the most common in your sport). The main reason is 1 rank and so on.1. Rank 1 to 7

493. Unsatisfactory general operational condition of the athlete on the day of the start

494. Unsatisfactory mental state on the day of the start

495. Decline physical fitness

496. Decrease in the level of technical readiness

497. Wrongly chosen tactics

498. General decrease in sports form to OI

499. Other reasons (warm-up, general fatigue from preliminary starts, etc.)

500. What type of centralized training do you use? With the involvement personal trainers Without the involvement of personal trainers

501. Another option. (underline) 1. Signature1. Thanks for answers!

502. APPROVED: | 1st Vice-President of the First Committee of Russia1. V.A. Vasin1. Ъсао*у-/ 2004 1. AKTo implement the results of scientific research into practice

505. APPROVED: President of the All-Russian Federation of Athletics, V and tse-prez and dent of the European Federation Professor1. Balakhnichev1. TEAM4^20041. AKTo implement the results of scientific research into practice

507. Nazarov V.M. Maslakov I.B. Kazikov

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- Igor Borisovich, your visit to the Apennines coincided with the pre-Olympic week. Do you already feel the breath of the Olympics?

“Preparations are in full swing. Most of the facilities are being tested with might and main by athletes. Together with representatives of the ROC and a number of federations, we visited, in particular, figure skating competitions. The skating rink, to be honest, is not impressive. It is small, with stands for eight thousand, and is unlikely to accept everyone who wants to get to the figure skaters' ball. But the springboard in the Pragelato area surprises with its power, novelty of designs. It is quite possible to fly two hundred meters! Hotels in good condition. Nevertheless, the issues of accommodation and transportation have not been finally resolved. We also dealt with transport matters.

- What is the problem?

– The number of parking spaces is limited. In Turin and its environs - narrow streets, complex interchanges. In general, movement in the mountains is always difficult and unsafe, traffic jams and congestion are possible. We decided not to limit ourselves to those buses that TOROK, the organizing committee of the Games, promises to assign to us. For the first time in the history of the Games, the hosts open three olympic villages. Moreover, from one of them - in Sestriere - to Turin about a hundred kilometers, and it is located high in the mountains. Which is also very problematic. Athletes will live at an altitude of 2035 meters, and compete - much lower. Such sudden changes do not pass without a trace for the body and can adversely affect the results. Therefore, together with Vladimir Loginov and Alexander Tikhonov (presidents of the Federation cross-country skiing and the Russian Biathlon Union. - "NI") we were engaged in the selection of housing in the immediate vicinity of the launch site. True, resellers have already worked here, and prices bite.

Do economic issues come to the fore?

“They need to be addressed along with others. And literally everything is important: from providing members of the delegation with mobile phones to equipment. And yet the main thing is to provide coaches and athletes with information for reflection, practical advice how best to prepare for difficult Italian conditions.

- What do you have in mind?

- For the first time in history winter olympics competition will be held at such a high level. It was higher only in Mexico City - in the summer of 1968. Have you ever heard of oxygen starvation? Not only will athletes experience significant overloads - in some, under such conditions, hemoglobin immediately rises. There are many athletes in our team, as they say, who by nature have a high content of red blood cells. Sports fans probably remember what problems skater Dmitry Shepel and skier Vasily Rochev had in this regard ...

- How to be in this case?

- Do not rely on chance, carefully examine all candidates for a trip to Turin, and then send the relevant documents to the international sports federations, the IOC and WADA. We intend to keep this situation under control. You can't step on the same rake twice!

- After Salt Lake City, many critical arrows were fired at your predecessors. And the long-term head of the sports delegation, Olympic champion Viktor Mamatov even lost his post. Are there any conclusions?

- We have significantly strengthened the composition of the expert commission. It is headed by Professor VNIIFK (All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports. - "NI") Vasily Martynov. We are advised by Ph.D. Felix Suslov, the largest specialist in the issues of adaptation of athletes in conditions of medium and high mountains. In particular, he analyzed the reasons for the failures of the then Soviet Olympians in Mexico. In general, in our opinion, special attention should be paid to the medical and biological support of those who will perform in Turin.

- Are the line-ups already known?

- At the end of the season, the circle of candidates will be more or less determined. But I would like to warn you: as practice shows, the third year of the pre-Olympic cycle is not typical for forecasts and conclusions. Not all the strongest foreign athletes spend it under maximum load. Rather, the previous season should be taken as reference points. It is possible that some of our future Olympians will have to adjust their training.

- Not without your, presumably, help?

- In March, we gather head coaches, specialists, heads of federations. We will bring methodical literature, recommendations. Let's analyze the results of monitoring the performances of domestic and foreign leaders at the world and European championships, at the stages of the World Cup. We will meet personally with the candidates, their personal mentors. Special attention Let's turn to the final stage of preparation. We will discuss the schedules of arrivals in Italy, taking into account the types of sports and the individual characteristics of the athletes.

- Are you encouraged by the successes of Russian lugers, bobsledders, figure skaters this winter?

- Let's not rush to conclusions. Some of the opponents do not give all the best and even miss individual tournaments. The alignment of forces will become clear closer to Turin. Although I would not belittle the achievements of our athletes. Moreover, they often win not because of, but in spite of the conditions that exist in the country. Now the federal sports agency is directly subordinate to the government. We are supervised by First Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov. At this level, it seems that any task is up to the task. But apparently not yet big sport. At least the organizing committee, created by order of the president at the beginning of the Olympic cycle, has never met. And it's only a year before the Olympics.

Igor Borisovich Kazikov(born December 31, 1950, Kanashsky district, Chuvash ASSR, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian scientist and public figure. Head of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Participation in the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Former First Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee. Head of the working group "Turin 2006" and "Beijing 2008".


Born December 31, 1950. In 1972 he graduated from the Kiev Institute of Physical Culture. In 1980 he graduated from the Kiev Institute of National Economy. 1972-1975 - instructor in physical culture, chairman of the regional sports committee of Kyiv. 1975-1988 - Secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol of Kiev, head of the department of sports, defense-mass work of the Kyiv city Komsomol committee, instructor of the department of sports and defense-mass work of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

1988-1994 - Head of the International Department, Head of the Personnel Department of the Central Council of the VFSO "Dynamo". 1994-2004 - First Deputy Head of the Working Group, Head of the Working Group for the preparation for the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. 2004 - Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports. 2004-2009 - Head of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Participation in the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. At the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Nagano, Sydney, Athens, Turin, Vancouver, he was the deputy head of the sports delegation. 2009-2010 - First Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee.

Since 2010 - Advisor to the President of the Russian Olympic Committee. Member of the Executive Committee of the Freestyle Federation of Russia. Since November 2010 - Vice-President of the Russian Triathlon Federation, President of the Moscow Triathlon Federation. Head of the Russian delegation at the 2015 European Games in Baku.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical Training of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He defended his thesis on the topic "Management modern system preparation of high-class athletes for major international competitions, including Olympic Games". He has 56 published scientific papers.