World class trainer training. Benefits of training with a world class personal trainer

Coach: Svetkina E
Duration: 8 hours
Place: Fizkult Sport

1. Anatomical and physiological features of arthrosis, arthritis, joint dysplasia.
2. Contraindications to physical activity with these health conditions.
3. Visual diagnostics, motor tests, determination of the compensation zone.

5. Protocols for restorative fitness training, taking into account existing joint diseases.
6. Corrective exercises to restore the functions of the joints.

As a result, you will:
Know and master the rules for building training for clients with joint diseases.
Know and master the selection of exercises based on the pathology of the joints (shoulder-scapular, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle).
Be able to integrate corrective exercises into a standard fitness workout, focusing on the goals of the client, taking into account joint diseases.
Be proficient in compiling effective program training for diseases of the joints.
Learn exercises / positions to reduce pain and restore mobility in the joints.

COST: 3000


Coach: Ushakova G.
Duration: 8 hours
Place: world class Pushkinsky

Drawing up a personal training program:
1. Preparatory stage
- Ways to get clients to PT
- Determination of the goals and end result of the client
- Level detection physical training and health status of clients
2. Planning a PT program to strengthen muscle groups (GFP)
- The basic provisions of the workout
- Frequency
- Intensity
- Duration
- Type of exercise
- Classification of load intensity
- Accounting for age characteristics
3. Designing an OT program for overweight children
- Features of the development of children with overweight
- Planning a training program for a long stage
- Warm-up features
- Selection of cardio and strength exercises for children of this category
- Forbidden exercises

COST: 3000


Coach: Ivanova N.
Duration: 8 hours
Location: World Class Pushkin

1. Acquaintance with the Reformer multifunctional simulator, setting up the simulator and studying safety precautions.
2. What is Pilates? Principles of Pilates
3. Lesson "Reformer"
4. Study and analysis of exercises and their modifications for clients different ages and different levels of preparedness (beginners/continued/advanced)
5. The study of exercises includes: demonstration of exercises, analysis of the biomechanics of movement, goals and benefits of the exercise, precautions and contraindications when performing the exercise.
6. Methodology for constructing a lesson for beginners and advanced clients.
7. Recommendations for building personal training.

As a result of attending the workshop, you will:
Know and master the rules for building a group lesson and personal training.
Know and master the selection of exercises based on the tasks and level of training of the group or client. Be able to quickly integrate and suggest modifications to the exercise when working individually with the client.
Instructor team management skills and correct methodological recommendations.

COST: 3000


Coach: Davydov S.
Duration: 8 hours
Location: World Class Pushkin

1. Goals for the development of flexibility
2. Limiting factors for flexibility development (anatomical and neurological)
3. The concept of passive and active flexibility
4. The Importance of Controlling Feelings During Stretching Exercises
5. Stages of selection of stretching exercises.
6. Demonstration and analysis of stretching exercises in the supine position, on the stomach, sitting

Get theoretical information on the basics of developing flexibility
Learn how to create stretching training programs
Master the technique of performing stretching exercises

COST: 3000


Business coach: Gvozdeva E.
Duration: 8 hours
Venue: Fizkult "Rodionova"

Swimming training for adults of different skill levels, depending on the goals of the client.
Features of the individual training and small group activities.
Using exercises to set the correct swimming technique.
The use of special simulators on land, contributing to the formation of the correct swimming technique.

Theoretical material on the technique of swimming in all styles.
Practical skill of working on simulators, with equipment on land, in water.

Ability to modify tasks, exercises for clients of different levels of preparedness.

COST: 3000


Coach: Svetkina E
Duration: 8 hours
Place: Fizkult Sport

1. Causes of the formation of osteochondrosis, protrusion, hernia in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, lumbosacral spine.
2. Contraindications to physical activity.
3. Visual diagnostics, motor tests, determination of compensation zones.
4. Adapting the training program to the client's goals.
5. Protocols for restorative fitness training, taking into account existing diseases of the spine.
6. Corrective exercises to restore the functions of the spine.

As a result of the training, the student must:
Know and master the rules for building training for clients with spinal diseases.
Know and master the selection of exercises based on the pathology of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, lumbosacral).
Be able to integrate recovery exercises into a standard fitness workout, focusing on the goals of the client.
Own efficient technique exercises for various pathologies of the back.
Learn exercises / positions to reduce pain in each section of the spine.

COST: 3000


Coach: Davydov S.
Duration: 8 hours
Location: World Class Pushkin

1. The relevance of load planning in the work of a personal trainer
2. Types of load progressions
3. Types of sets
4. Flat approach in planning the training process
5. The sequence of training periods. Examples and principles of construction of each period.

As a result of attending the workshop, participants:
Master the skills of building training programs
They will receive a step-by-step algorithm that allows you to independently determine the loads for people with different levels of preparedness and different training goals.
They will master the techniques of long-term planning of the training process.

COST: 3000


Coach: Olenev D.V.
Duration: 8 hours
Location: World Class Pushkin

1. Bioenergetics of muscular activity.
2. Processes occurring in the body during aerobic work.
3. Is running an anabolic?
4. Mitochondrial hypertrophy is a necessary preparatory stage for muscle growth.
5. Can I lose weight through fitness?
6. Can I use exercise to provide local weight loss?
7. Fat burning zone: myth or reality.
8. Training programs.
9. Safety in aerobic training.

COST: 3000


Coach: Gudovsky P.
Duration: 8 hours
Location: World Class Pushkin

1. OUTDOOR training - efficiency, variety, benefits and uniqueness in modern world fitness
2. Directions OUTDOOR workouts, main goals and objectives. Wellness and sports OUTDOOR training
3. Why is the trend of outdoor training becoming popular in the world?
4. Running as a way of life successful people and why does everyone want to run their own marathon?
5. The study of running from the side of physiology and biomechanics.
6. Video analysis of running technique is a unique way to see your run from the side, identify mistakes and make it safe, easy, effective.
7. Video analysis of running technique - a tool professional trainer on the run! The sequence and principles of conducting, shooting conditions, fixing errors, interpreting the results.
8. Programs for correcting and correcting running technique. selection of exercises, execution technique.
9. How to develop an individual training program For cyclic species sport and a specific goal.

COST: 3000


Business coach: Gvozdeva E.
Duration: 8 hours
Venue: Fizkult "Rodionova"

1. Types of equipment for aqua aerobics.
2. The technique of using equipment in water aerobics lessons.
3. Options for using equipment in the classroom.
4. Combination of different equipment.
As a result of the training, you will acquire:
Theoretical material on all major types of equipment.
Practical skill in water aerobics with equipment (dumbbells, noodles, joggers, flowers).
Practical skill in working with equipment on land, side, in water.
Setting, practicing, correcting the technique of performing exercises with equipment.
Knowledge about important points, nuances when working with equipment.
Knowledge and ability to use equipment in strength, interval, circuit training.
Ability to modify exercises for clients of different fitness levels.

COST: 3000


Coach: Fadeeva E.
Duration: 8 hours
Location: World Class Pushkin

1. What is myofascia and its role in our body.
2. Types of fascias and their properties.
3. Contraindications (relative and absolute).
4. The main human myofascial lines (superficial posterior, frontal, lateral, spiral).
5. Acquaintance with the main methods of influencing the fascia, using various equipment.
6. A combination of MFR techniques with subsequent stretching.
7. Practicing techniques in practice.
8. Conducting a MFR lesson lasting 45 minutes.

1. Knowledge and possession of the rules for constructing a lesson, using MFR techniques.
2. Possession of the skills of selecting exercises, taking into account the myofascial lines of a person and the objectives of the lesson.
3. The ability to select exercises based on the level of training of clients.

COST: 3000


Coach: Rybakov R.
Duration: 8 hours
Location: World Class Pushkin

1. Questioning - an example of a questionnaire. Interpretation of anamnesis.
2. Anthropometric measurements - practical exercises.
3. Testing the functional state - the practice of application in fitness.
4. sports injuries- types of injuries, diagnosis of traumatic conditions, treatment activities by types of injuries.
5. Risk factors for injuries - description and preventive actions to prevent them.
6. Safety precautions when exercising in various fitness areas of the club.

As a result, you will learn:
correct collection and interpretation of information received from the client, in order to develop individual complex training sessions.
determine the functional state of their wards.
prevent sports injuries.
diagnose and correct existing deviations in the functional state of the musculoskeletal system of club members.

COST: 3000


Business coach: Svetkina E.
Duration: 8 hours
Place: FizKult "Sport"

1. Types of postures, anatomy of muscle balance disorders.
2. Diagnosis of the type of posture, distinctive features, motor tests.
3. Planning and training protocols, in a weekly cycle, taking into account posture.
4. Corrective exercises.

As a result, you will:
Know and master the rules for building a training session for clients with posture disorders.
Know and master the selection of exercises, based on the characteristics of the client's posture.
Be able to integrate corrective exercises into a standard fitness workout.
Own correct technique exercise when various types posture, scoliosis.
Know motor tests to assess posture.

COST: 3000


Coach: Gvozdeva E.
Duration: 8 hours
Venue: Fizkult "Rodionova"

Fundamentals of rational swimming technique.
Swimming styles: front crawl, breaststroke, back crawl, butterfly.
Swimming lessons for children from 3 years of age.
Features of individual training and classes in small groups/sections.
The main mistakes when swimming in various styles.
Exercises used to establish the correct swimming technique.
Working with equipment for swimmers.
Usage special exercises and simulators on land, contributing to the formation of the correct swimming technique.

As a result of training, students acquire:
Theoretical material on the technique of swimming in all styles.
Practical skill of performing exercises in water.
Practical skills of working on simulators on dry land.
Setting, practicing, correcting the technique of performing exercises.
Knowledge of important points, nuances when performing exercises.
Knowledge and ability to use simulators, equipment in strength, speed, interval, circuit and endurance training.
The ability to modify tasks, exercises for children of different ages and different levels of preparedness.

5. Methods for evaluating effectiveness functional training.
6. Planning and methods for assessing the intensity of the pulse zones.
7. Rules for adaptation to aerobic endurance training with a functional approach to training activities.
8. The practice of compiling a complex of functional training.

As a result of training, students acquire:
1. An in-depth understanding of the principles of building functional training.
2. Practical skills for performing functional exercises.
3. Specific recommendations for the preparation of functional training complexes.

COST: 3000


Coach: Dedlovskikh V.
Duration: 8 hours
Location: World Class Pushkin

From theoretical justification to practical application
1) General anatomical and biomechanical analysis of the musculoskeletal system (ODA);
2) Individual assessment criteria in the main articular "decoupling" in statics, mobilization and dynamics;
3) Anatomical and biomechanical factors of building an exercise;
4) Anatomical and biomechanical criteria for the admissibility of repetitions and approaches to the exercise;
>5) Neuromuscular factors of exercise compatibility.

You will clearly learn: how to competently combine the theoretical justification of knowledge from anatomy and biomechanics in practice with the skills of building and consistently selecting exercises, as well as independently form and justify training methods and their modifications.

2. Personal training for metabolic, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems.
3. Features of personal training for people 50+.
Collection of anamnesis and the need to use information for planning the training process.
Overview of the main age-related pathologies.
Principles of construction of trainings with the selected deviations in the state of health.

After the seminar you will:
Know and master the rules for building training for women, the population of 50+, people with metabolic diseases, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Know and master the selection of exercises, based on the characteristics of the age and health of a person.
be able to embed therapeutic exercises in a standard fitness workout.
To master the correct technique of exercises for various deviations in the work of internal organs.

COST: 3000


Coach: Dedlovskikh V.
Duration: 8 hours
Location: World Class Pushkin

1. What is Energy, where does it come from and where does it go;
2. What is metabolism (anabolism/catabolism), where and how does it occur;
3. Energy pace management;
4. How and in what biological structures, inside the muscles, the intensity of irritation affects metabolism;
5. Genetic dependencies, their influence and manifestation;
6. Conclusions and practical recommendations.

Students will learn about what processes occur in the muscles and the body at the energy level, in response to a particular intensity of irritation training load and how this can be effectively managed in practice by forming and justifying your own training models to achieve the desired result.

COST: 3000

Personal training will help you achieve maximum results in the time you devote to fitness. World Class offers club members the services of personal fitness trainers who will develop and supervise your training program, as well as offer the most effective approaches for training based on correct technique performance, maintaining motivation for training and the optimal combination various kinds classes and programs. This is an excellent opportunity for those who need to create individual programs and special conditions for classes.

Benefits of training with a world class personal trainer

Individual program

Together with the doctor of the fitness club, the trainer will conduct initial testing. This is necessary to determine your initial data: body composition, fitness level, general condition organism. Based on test results personal trainer will design for you individual program and training schedule.

Efficient system motivation

A personal fitness trainer will actively influence the formation of your motivation for exercising, this is one of his key tasks. Exercise should bring pleasure, cause a sense of pride in a job well done. World Class trainers are excellent psychologists, they will always help you quickly solve problems and will sincerely rejoice at your achievements, because you work with them in the same team.

Competent control over the execution of tasks

A personal fitness trainer not only sets goals for you and thinks out a plan to achieve them, he also closely monitors intermediate results. To do this, World Class has special periodic tests that allow a member of the club to track their progress and evaluate the result.

Only the best fitness programs

World Class adopts the most promising Western examples of training and educational programs. A personal trainer will create optimal training conditions for you and adapt each technique exactly to your abilities and individual characteristics.

Wide range of possibilities

Individual training includes not only exercises in the gym. A personal fitness trainer can work with you in a variety of areas: dance and recovery programs, swimming pool, Gym, outdoor functional training, tennis, aerobics, martial arts, yoga and Pilates, fitness for children and expectant mothers.

Education and certificates Higher education. International FISAF certificate. Certified trainer AntiGravity. Certified teacher at Romana's Pilates (5 level).

I have been a trainer for over 15 years and, given my experience in the fitness industry, I can say for sure that the Pilates method is genius, as it works under any conditions and for a wide variety of reasonable goals without risk to health!

Burkova Olga

Education and certificates Manager of Pilates University by World Class. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Certified teacher at Romana's Pilates (3 level).

Creative and sports achivments World and European Champion sports aerobics, master of sports of international class. Author of the first book in Russian about the Pilates method. Online Clubs World Class has been operating since 1993. “Today, the philosophy of fitness has changed significantly: the beauty of the body without positive internal energy and a positive attitude towards the world is of no particular value. Recently, fitness incorporates practices aimed at training not only the body, but also the mind, and spiritual perfection. I am happy that we managed to create a space that brings together the best conscious practices and the best coaches. Our studio is not just a place for first-class training, but also a platform for training and professional development for teachers of conscious disciplines.”

To sign up for personal training

Kalmurzaev Marat

Education and certificates Graduated from the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Traumatologist-orthopedist Certified teacher at Romana's Pilates (4 level) Certified Kinesiology Taping Specialist

Creative and sporting achievements Educational activities manager “I am a traumatologist-orthopedist by profession. I am very glad that my professional knowledge and skills help people to gain health through physical self-improvement and finding harmony in the mind.”

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Bobkova Anna

Education and certificates Graduated from Saratov State University, Faculty of History Certified teacher of Romana's Pilates school (5 level)

Creative and sporting achievements “Having worked for many years in the fitness industry, I have come to a training system in which I find everything I need to develop my body and even more. This system allows me to feel inner balance. Pilates for me is beauty and grace, it is awareness and self-improvement, it is inner strength, it is new discoveries, freedom and lightness.”

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Bulavinov Alexander

Education and certificates Graduated from the Institute of Physical Culture of the Ural Pedagogical Institute Certified AntiGravity Instructor

Creative and sporting achievements Elite trainer of group programs and Mind Body programs Presenter of international fitness conventions “For me, training Antigravity was very interesting! First of all, in this training, I would like to emphasize that each student can choose the direction that is interesting and necessary for him. You can stretch on Antigravity Stretch, strengthen everything muscle groups, work on balance, coordination - on Antigravity Fundamentals, and after injuries it is better to come to Antigravity Restorative. With great pleasure I invite everyone to Antigravity training!”.

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Nepomniachtchi Hope

Education and certificates Graduated from Sakhalin State University Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher Teacher of physical education and sports

Creative and sporting achievements “I started yoga 14 years ago. Through the practice of Yoga, I realized that a person has a natural power that needs to be realized and directed. And the human body consists of the same natural elements. Yoga helps to maintain their balance and develops control, mental flexibility and strength of mind.

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Andrey Us

Creative and sporting achievements “I came to Yoga from a sport where I got seriously injured. Rehabilitated by a yoga therapist. I like to see how the practice of clients changes, it improves from session to session. Bodies change, posture improves, self-esteem increases and you gain confidence in yourself and your abilities.

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Elena Cherkasova

Education and certificates Yoga according to the BCS Iyengar method AntiGravity

Creative and sporting achievements “I started yoga in 2006. Over the years, I have become convinced that the practice of asanas and pranayama has healing power and is accessible to people of all ages. I started teaching children's yoga classes. I believe that with the help of Yoga, children can be taught to be filled with light from within, to be self-sufficient and love life.”

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Ludmila Alekseeva

Education and certificates Secondary medical education. Higher education in the specialty "Management" Certified trainer Romana's Pilates (5 level)

Creative and sporting achievements “I met Pilates in 2001, having many years of experience in fitness. I have gone through more than one school of teaching this technique and consider it one of the most effective for creating a healthy and beautiful body! Thanks to this new experience, it is possible to change not only in physical plane but also gain the ability to control your body!

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Olga Snezhik

Education and certificates Higher (St. Petersburg State Academy of Culture (SPbGAK)) International diploma school Romana's Pilates 5 level

Creative and sporting achievements "I love Pilates because it gives people a feeling of comfort, harmony and perfection."

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Zaslavskaya Galina

Education and certificates Instructor of the Interregional Association of Health Qigong in Russia Associate instructor in the system Mantak Chia"Universal Healing Tao" Certified Taoist Yoga Instructor

Creative and sporting achievements My passion for Taoist practices, Chinese recreational gymnastics qigong gradually developed into a new creative profession. Sharing your knowledge and health exercises I get great pleasure. "The way to beauty and health lies only through pleasure!" is my motto. Completely relax, let go of the flow of thoughts, heal the female reproductive system and, of course, every beautiful Goddess can learn to control her female energy. Dao practices will help you preserve your beauty, give every cell of your body youth and longevity!

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Ryzhova Anastasia

Education and certificates Graduated from Saratov regional school culture and arts, specialty "Teacher, Head of the dance group" Certified teacher at Romana's Pilates (5 level)

Creative and sporting achievements He has been working in the network of World class clubs since 2013. In the studio he teaches Pilates, Antigravity, High_Heels (plastic on heels), works with children, choreographer. “Pilates for me is a whole philosophy of body and mind. Everything strives for balance! He teaches how to activate and relax at the same time. Endless improvement. And dancing is my expression of myself! “High Heels” teaches you to be free, you learn to feel your beauty and use it.”

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