How is msmk deciphered in sports. What do sports titles give

Honored Master of Sports
Honorary sports title. The standard abbreviation in sports reference literature is ZMS. The title "Honored Master of Sports" was established in the USSR in 1934 (since 1983 the official name is "Honored Master of Sports of the USSR"). Honorary title - a title assigned on an individual basis by the highest legislative body of the country or the president; honorary sports title - a title awarded on an individual basis by the leadership of the ministry or department responsible for sports; sports title - a title awarded upon fulfillment of the standards established by sports classifications.

Ranks and ranks

The system of sports titles and ranks is the same for all sports. The following categories and titles of athletes are provided (in descending order):
  • International Master of Sports of Russia (MSMK): Grandmaster of Russia
  • Master of Sports of Russia (MS)
  • Candidate Master of Sports of Russia (KMS)
  • 1st sports category
  • 2nd sports category
  • 3rd sports category
  • 1st youth category
  • 2nd youth category
  • 3rd youth category

Russian international class" hspace="22" vspace="22"> Russian international class" hspace="22" vspace="22">

The highest sports title has two name options - "Master of Sports of International Class" and "Grandmaster of Russia". The use of two terms is due to tradition - the title of "Grandmaster" is used for board logic games (chess, checkers, go), and MSMK - for all other sports. Youth categories are assigned only in those sports where age objectively gives an overwhelming advantage over the opponent, regardless of the level of his training (where such qualities as physical strength, speed of movement, endurance, speed of reaction). In those species where age does not play a decisive role (for example, in intellectual games), youth categories are not assigned.

Requirements and procedure for awarding titles

The basis for awarding a rank or title is the achievement of a certain objectively measurable result. sports activities. These may be recognized as:
  1. Occupation of a certain place when performing in an official competition, provided for by the standards.
  2. Achieving the number of victories specified by the standards over rivals of the corresponding rank or category. Wins achieved during the last year are taken into account only in official competitions, the level of which meets the standards.
  3. Fulfillment of quantitative standards, in those types where such are possible (for example, weightlifting) at official competitions of the level corresponding to the standards.
Each title (rank) provides for a certain minimum age of an athlete from which this title can be awarded. For assignment MSMK titles or "Grandmaster of Russia" the athlete is obliged to participate for Russia in international competitions appropriate level. For competitions, according to the results of which titles and categories are awarded, standards are established for the level, composition of participants, required quantity referees of a certain category, the required number of opponents, the number of games, fights, performances in the main and preliminary (qualifying) parts of the competition. For international competitions, according to the results of which the highest ranks are awarded, the required minimum number of participating countries is determined. The highest titles (MSMK, Grandmaster of Russia) are approved by the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports. Lower ranks and ranks are assigned to athletes by regional or local (depending on the rank or rank) executive bodies for physical culture and sports. Sports titles are awarded only to citizens of the Russian Federation.
Sports categories must be confirmed at least once every two years.

Hello, friends. Surely you have heard about the title of international boxing master. But how can an athlete reach his rank? How many fights, and at what level to hold? And what results to achieve? And which celebrities have this title?

How to get an international master of sports in boxing

Every self-respecting boxer from Russia and the post-Soviet space wants to improve his condition and raise his ranks, achieve new titles. This is a very difficult path. You will need to train hard and thoroughly. First, the coach must believe in you in order to take you to local competitions. There you must achieve triumph or prizes. Then there should be more tournaments in your career high level. And so on in ascending order.

You can think as much as you like. But it is better to refer to the official document, which clearly states how to obtain the status of an international boxing master.

Here is a table of standards. Age, tournament and other requirements are indicated. After completing them, you can become a master of sports of Russia of international class.

Competition Status Gender, age Required places Minimum number of battles
OI M. J 1-8
World Cup M. J 1-5 3
KM M 1-3 3
M (team competition) 1-3*
* key criterion: the standard is considered to be implemented if the fighter won half of the fights and participated in at least half of the fights in the team competition of the corresponding tournament.
European Championship M. J 1-3 3
World Cup UM. SOUTH (17-18 years old) 1-2 3
European Championship UM. SOUTH (17-18 years old) 1* 3
* determining criterion: not in a year when the world and continental championships do not coincide
Other ETUC tournaments M. J. 1-2* 3*
* the most important factor: the requirements must be implemented within one year after reaching prizes in the Russian championship.

The designations in the table are as follows:

OI - Olympics.

World Cup is a world championship.

KM - World Cup.

European Championship - European Championship.

M - men.

F - women.

JM - men of junior age

SOUTH - women of junior age

The conquest of these standards is the answer to the exciting question, how to get an international class master of sports in boxing? However, there are some more nuances here.

How to become a master of sports of international class in boxing

The conditions for obtaining this status have already been outlined above. These are hard training, and participation in the designated championships, and the necessary places according to their results, etc. However, there are some other aspects. Their solution will help in the dilemma - how to become a master of sports of international class in boxing?

They are:

  1. cannot be obtained if you do not have the title of MC.
  2. You can become a participant in the competition if you have reached the standard age in the year (according to the calendar) in the year of the competition.
  3. You will not receive MSMK if you participate in competitions in which a different age range of boxers is indicated, and not reflected in the proposed table.

These are all the basic requirements, having fulfilled them, you will officially become a master of sports of international class. And your name will be on the list of international boxing masters of sports. There are already many very and lesser known names. All these fighters in different years conquered worthy peaks.

List of international masters of sports in boxing

Here the information is presented in a table format. The full name of the athlete, the year he received the title of MSMK and the best achievements are indicated.

Some clarifications: the first column indicates the full name of the boxer, the second - the year when he (or she) was awarded this title. Next comes the "Achievements" section. It is divided into 4 blocks: these are places in competitions. 3 blocks are further divided into three columns each. Everything is read simply: for example, Saitov O.E. in 1995 took second place at the World Championships. Lebzyak in 1991 took the same place in a similar tournament.

Full name of the athlete Year of receipt of MSMK Achievements. The place column indicates the year of its conquest.
Places for the World Cup Olympic places European places Victory at IDV
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Belousov E. A 1992 1991 1991 1990
Yakovlev V. Yu 1986 1981 1985 1986
Lezin A. V 1994 1994
Malahbekov R. Kh 1993
Paliani R.K. 1995 1994
Saitov O. E 1995 1999
Lebzyak, A. B 1996 1991 1993 1991
Antonov, V. Yu 1993 1994
Gvasalia P. Yu 1994
Karavaev S. A. 1993 1994
Pakeev A. A 1996 1996
Feofanov E. I. 1997 1960
Garbuzov G. V 1952
Zaev, P. I. 1998
Radonyak Yu. M. 1968
Maletin A. I 1997
Perov A.V. 1998 1952
Mishin, A. M 1999 (1998)
Gaidalov T. Kh 1999 1993
Kshinin I. I
Razyapov I. S. 2000 1999 1998
Gaidarbekov G. A 2000
Ibragimov S. M 2000
Dzhamalutdinov K. A 1999 2000
Chernyshev, V. F 1971
Leonov, A. N. 2001 2000
Gogolev, A. N 2001
Makarenko E. M. 2001
Kazakov S. N. 1998 2000
Domuladzhanova, O. V. 2002 2001 2001
Karpacheva, E. V. 2001 2001
Balakshin, G. R 2001 2002
Povetkin, A. V 2002 2001
Ulyanich, V.P. 2003 1973 1975
Ostrovsky A. A. 1986
Sinetskaya I.V. 2001 2002 2001 2003
Ragozina N. Yu. 2003
Artemiev A.V. 2004 1986
Galkin P. Yu. 1983
Tishchenko A.V. 2004
Khrachev M.P. 2004
Alekseev A. V 2005 2003 2004
G. G. Kovalev 2003 2004 2002
Ochigawa S. A 2006 2005 2005
Ivanova G. V 2005 2005
Korobov M. G 2005
Nemtsova Yu. I. 2005
Sabitova E. V 2001 2004 2005
Slavinskaya O. V 2005 2001 2004
Balanov A.V. 2007 2006
Selimov A. Sh. 2007
Beterbiev A. A. 2007 2006
Yavorskaya M. N 2008 2002 2005 2006 2005 2007 2003 2004
Timurziev I. Ya 2007 2006
Chakhkiev R. R 2008
Mehontsev E. L 2009 2009
Aloyan M.S. 2010 2008 2009
Abzalimov E. M. 2009 2010
Hayrapetyan D.V. 2009 2006
Savelyeva E. V. 2011 2001 2008 2009
Torlopova N.V. 2012 2010 2009 2011
Koptyakov M. V 2011 2008
Zamkova A. V 2009 2012
Kuleshova A. V 2013 2012 2008
Kuzmin S. V 2010 2013
Nikitin V. O 2014 2013 2013
Tishchenko E. A. 2013
Chebotarev A. N 2013 2010
Dunaytsev V.V. 2015 2015 2015
Belyakova A. E . 2016 2014 2014
Egorov V. M 2015 2015
Abramova D. A. 2017 2012 2016

There are a lot of well-known names on the list. Some are less known to the general public. And there are just the stars of the ring. They often appeared on television in broadcasts from various championships, brought the coveted medals to the treasury of the Russian team. Below are their photos without captions. Because these people are very famous.

This list of world-class boxing masters began its calculation almost from the beginning of Russia's life as a separate country. It also included people who reached the heights back in the Soviet era. They became masters of sports of the USSR of international class. And adding them to this list is quite logical. There are many names in the table. It is also worth mentioning another famous athlete. True, he was not famous for such loud triumphs. But in 1979 he became the champion of the USSR. And he became a master of sports of the international class of the USSR in boxing. This is Dzhabrailov H.V.

Certificate of master of sports of international class

The MSMK certificate is issued to all athletes who have reached certain heights and conquered the current standards. Boxers are no exception. Most importantly, do not falsify this document. It won't do any good. If you yourself achieve this title, many fans will know about it. A linden is just an excuse to brag to someone.

Example of this document:


The title of MSMK in boxing is very honorable. Train. Develop. Win high rank competitions. Glorify your country. And you yourself will be on the list.

What do sports titles give.

Sport is an activity of people organized according to certain rules, thanks to which there is a comparison of physical or mental abilities. Most often, there is a comparison of the physical capabilities of a person, for example, who will run the fastest distance or lift the most weight.

Sports titles - titles officially assigned by the state, the level of an athlete's career growth in different areas of sports, that is, his achievements personally or in a team.
Sports titles are awarded for achievements at official sports competitions, subject to the fulfillment of the established sports standards, as well as for pedagogical or coaching.

The first Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK) was introduced in 1994. EVSK defines the titles of "master of sports of Russia" (MS), "master of sports of Russia in national sports", "master of sports of Russia of international class" (MSMK) or "grandmaster of Russia". Contrary to popular belief, a candidate for master of sports of Russia (CMS) is not a sports title, it is only a sports category that requires regular (1 time in 2 years) confirmation.

Not many people know, but for the sports cultivated among the disabled, athletes are also awarded the sports titles “master of sports of Russia among the disabled” (MS) and “master of sports of Russia of international class among the disabled” (MSMK). In addition, in 1995, the regulation on the honorary sports titles "Honored Master of Sports of Russia" and "Honored Coach of Russia" was approved.

Some athletes really want to get sports titles without even thinking about what it will give them. We will not go into details and delve into the past, talking about what happened before, but we will highlight what is happening in our time.

On this moment, having an official sports title can give an athlete something, but not nearly as much as most people would like.

Firstly, a sports title can facilitate admission and study at a physical education or pedagogical university. Usually teachers are sympathetic to professional athletes, so they meet them on controversial issues.

Secondly, the presence of an official sports title gives athletes an advantage when applying for a job in state sports facilities. For example, if an athlete wants to go to work as a coach in a children's youth sports school (CYSS), then the presence of a sports title will be good plus in his resume, although the fact that they will take it without any sporting merit is not ruled out.

Thirdly, the presence of an official rank is taken into account when serving in the army, and is also a reason for receiving an increase in salary for employees of the FSB and other government agencies.

Most people can say that the first two points are not a good incentive to get a sports title, they will be partly right. In conditions modern life, benefits for admission to an educational institution or a check mark in a resume for employment - hardly anyone will be interested. But an increase in salary for each rank will be a very good bonus, for professional athlete.

Now we were talking about official sports titles, but as many already know, in addition to this, there are also titles of alternative federations. The difference between official and alternative federations is that the latter do not have state support, therefore, athletes competing there cannot receive sports titles officially recognized in Russia.

In Bodybuilding and especially Powerlifting, there are many alternative federations, whose activities are observed on the territory of Russia. Apart from official federation referred to as the FBFR (IFBB), Bodybuilding competitions are also hosted by the WFF, NAC and NABBA. It is worth noting that for last years the number of tournaments held by alternative federations has decreased several times, including due to the fact that many athletes began to move to the FBFR, hoping to receive, in addition to medals, cash prizes that are given at some tournaments.

In Powerlifting, the situation is similar, in addition to the official federation of the FPR (IPF), competitions are also held by NAP, VITYAZ, SPR and WRP. All of the above federations have their own sports titles and categories, which are awarded for achievements in competitions. But unlike the title of Master of Sports of Russia, any titles of alternative federations do not provide the advantages that were described earlier, in particular, they do not give an increase in salary.

Nevertheless, the presence of any sports titles or victories in competitions in any sport carries certain benefits for the athlete, especially if he works as a coach. You may have noticed that in most sports clubs, employees have a published resume that lists the most significant achievements.

The presence of sports titles or victories in competitions in any federation, regardless of whether it was officially recognized or not, to say that a person has a certain level of training and experience in this sport, that is, in part, the presence of a sports title, is a confirmation of qualification specialist.

It is impossible to say with certainty whether ordinary people need sports titles now, or it is rather a relic of the past, which is useless in modern life. But it can be assumed that no matter what sport and federation an athlete competes in, a sports title, whether it is 3rd category, ZMS or just a place taken in some tournament, first of all, this is a pleasant memory of the past, for the person himself and people close to him.

Therefore, sports titles are something useful, as it gives people positive emotions and incentive for development.

Sports titles are assigned to athletes and coaches. Employees physical education, public figures are awarded honorary titles, for example, Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports, etc.

An athlete can be awarded the titles of "Master of Sports of the USSR", "Master of Sports of the USSR of international class", "Honored Master of Sports". For the best coaches the title of "Honored Coach of the Republic" or "Honored Coach of the USSR" is awarded.

In order to receive the title of Master of Sports of the USSR and Master of Sports of the USSR of international class, one must first of all fulfill the norms and requirements of the Unified All-Union Sports Classification, i.e., achieve a high degree of sportsmanship. And it's not easy. Sometimes it is not enough to have the ability for sports or even talent, it takes years of hard training, an outstanding character, moral stamina. In addition, every 4 years as you grow sports achievements In the world, the standards of a master of sports, a master of sports of international class are being revised, becoming ever higher and more difficult.

For example, in athletics by classification 1977–1980 the norm of the master of sports in the 100 m run is 10.4 s for men, 11.5 s for women. The master of sports of international class must show "the result of 10.1 and 11.1 s, respectively. These results must be shown at major competitions. In athletics - at the championships of the city, region, region, union republics, Moscow or Leningrad; at the republican championships of the DSO and departments, at all-Union competitions held by the Sports Committee of the USSR, at international competitions.In addition, the title of master of sports of international class in athletics can be won if you take on Olympic Games ah at certain distances 1–8th place; at the World or European Championships in all-around and individual distances - 1-6th place; set a world record among adults in all-around or individual distances at the world championship among juniors in all-around - 1st place. Similar conditions are stipulated for each sport.

To get a high sports title, only sports achievements are not enough. A candidate for the title of master of sports or master of sports of international class must be a worthy citizen. He must constantly raise his political and cultural level, strictly comply with the requirements of Soviet sports ethics. If an athlete holding a high title violates the norms of sports ethics, then he can be deprived of this title.

Masters of sports and masters of sports of international class in a solemn atmosphere are awarded badges, they are presented with certificates. These athletes enjoy the benefits of admission to schools of higher sportsmanship, sports schools youth and physical education institutions, having other equal indicators in the entrance exams.

Chess players are awarded the high title of "Grandmaster of the USSR". This title is awarded to a chess player who takes 1st or 2nd place in the top league of the USSR championship or who twice in 3 years takes at least 6th place in the top league of the USSR championship with the participation of at least 10 grandmasters.

To obtain the title of “Grandmaster of the USSR”, female chess players need to win the title of world champion; or within 6 years to get the right to a match with the world champion twice: or to become the champion of the USSR three times; or win the right to a match with the world champion once and become the champion of the USSR twice.

The highest and most honorable sports title, the title of Honored Master of Sports, was established in 1934. It is awarded to those athletes of our country who have achieved outstanding sports achievements and actively participate in the development of the Soviet physical culture movement. Champions of the Olympic Games, world champions, athletes who have become European champions at least twice or have shown outstanding achievements in major international competitions, players of teams that have won European cups - that's who is honored with such a high title.

Athletes nominated for awards must conduct active social work, pass on their experience to the young, be distinguished by high political consciousness, sports hard work and impeccable behavior in everyday life. The Honored Master of Sports is solemnly awarded a badge and a certificate.

The message about conferring a high rank is published in the newspaper "Soviet Sport". Honored Master of Sports is allowed to visit all sports events in their sport, to use any sports facilities for training.

The title of "Honored Trainer of the USSR" is awarded to trainers-teachers for many years of fruitful work in training outstanding athletes, development and implementation of advanced modern methods education and training. These coaches are to prepare champions of Europe, the world, the Olympic Games, world and European record holders, to educate the masters of sports of the USSR from among young athletes and youth who have achieved victories in international and all-Union competitions. Honored coaches of the USSR also have the right to visit all competitions in their sport free of charge. The title of "Honored Coach of the Republic" is awarded for great merits in the development of sports in the republic.