The system of sports training for children and adolescents. Scientific and methodological foundations of long-term training of athletes The main criterion for the effectiveness of long-term sports

In the process of building sports training, the integrity of the training process is ensured on the basis of a certain structure, which is a relatively stable order of combining components (subsystems, sides and individual links), their regular relationship with each other and the overall sequence. The structure of the training is characterized by:

  • 1) the order of interconnection of the elements of the training content (means, methods of general and special physical, tactical and technical training etc.);
  • 2) the necessary ratio of the parameters of the training load (its quantitative and qualitative characteristics of volume and intensity);
  • 3) a certain sequence of different parts of the training process (separate classes and their parts, stages, periods, cycles), representing the phases or stages of this process, during which the training process undergoes regular changes.

The process of training highly qualified athletes can be conditionally divided into three interrelated components: the construction of the process, its implementation and control over the course of training.

In the process of building sports training, the integrity of the training process is ensured on the basis of a certain structure, which is a relatively stable order of combining components (subsystems, sides and individual links), their regular relationship with each other and the overall sequence.

The structure of the training is characterized, in particular:

the order of interconnection of elements of the training content (means, methods of general and special physical, tactical and technical training, etc.);

the necessary ratio of the parameters of the training load (its quantitative and qualitative characteristics of volume and intensity);

a certain sequence of different links of the training process (separate classes and their parts, stages, periods, cycles), representing the phases or stages of this process, during which the training process undergoes regular changes.

Depending on the time scale within which the training process takes place, there are: a) microstructure - the structure of an individual training session, the structure of a separate training day and a microcycle (for example, a weekly one); b) mesostructure - the structure of training stages, including a relatively complete series of microcycles (with a total duration, for example, about a month); c) macrostructure. -- the structure of large training cycles such as semi-annual, annual and multi-year.

Rational construction of a multi-year sports training is carried out on the basis of the following factors: optimal age limits, within which the highest results are usually achieved in selected form sports; duration of systematic training to achieve these results; the predominant focus of training at each stage many years of preparation; the passport age at which the athlete started training, and the biological age at which the special training began; the individual characteristics of the athlete and the rate of growth of his skill.

The long-term process of training and competition of an athlete is based on the following methodological provisions:

  • 1. A unified pedagogical system that ensures the rational continuity of tasks, means, methods, organizational forms of training for all age groups. The main criterion for the effectiveness of long-term training of Boxers is the highest sports result achieved within the optimal age limits for this sport.
  • 2. The effectiveness of long-term training is the highest sports result achieved within the optimal age limits for this sport (Boxing).
  • 3. Target orientation in relation to the highest sportsmanship in the process of preparation for all age groups.
  • 4. Optimal ratio (proportionality) of various aspects of an athlete's preparedness in the process of many years of training with boxers.
  • 5. Steady growth in the volume of general and special training, the ratio between which is gradually changing. From year to year, the share of the volume of special training means in relation to the total volume of the training load increases and, accordingly, the share of general training decreases.
  • 6. Progressive increase in the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads. Each period of the next annual cycle should begin and end for more than high level training loads compared to the corresponding periods of the previous annual cycle.
  • 7. Strict adherence to gradualness in the process of using training and competitive loads, especially in classes with children and adolescents, since comprehensive preparedness is steadily increasing only if training and competitive loads at all stages of the long-term process fully correspond to his biological age and the individual capabilities of the athlete.
  • 8. Simultaneous Parenting physical qualities athletes at all stages of long-term training and the predominant development of individual qualities in age periods that are most favorable for this. In school years, there are opportunities for the development of all physical qualities, if an effective pedagogical influence is ensured, which, however, should not fundamentally change the patterns of age development of certain parties. motor function person.

Table 1 approximate sensitive (sensitive) periods of development of height and weight indicators and physical qualities of school-age children are shown.

Height-weight indicators physical qualities

Age, years

indicators and physical quality

Strength maximum


Speed-strength qualities

Endurance (aerobic capacity)

speed endurance

Anaerobic 1 possibilities


Coordinating ability

The predominant orientation of the training process at the stages of long-term training is determined taking into account these sensitive periods of development of physical qualities. At the same time, it is advisable to pay attention to the education of those physical qualities that are not actively developed at this age. It is especially important to observe proportionality in the development of general endurance and speed abilities, in the development of general endurance and strength, i.e. qualities that are based on different physiological mechanisms.

In girls, the sensitive periods of the formation of physical qualities occur one year earlier.

In order to rationally build a multi-year training process, one should take into account the time frame required to achieve the highest sports results in one sport or another. As a rule, capable athletes achieve their first big successes in 4-6 years, and highest achievements-- after 7-9 years of specialized training.

19.1. Sports training as a long-term process

and its structure

The process of training highly qualified athletes can be conditionally divided into three interrelated components: the construction of the process, its implementation and control over the course of training.

In the process of building sports training, the integrity of the training process is ensured on the basis of certain

ny structure, which is a relatively stable order of combining components (subsystems, parties and individual links), their regular relationship with each other and the overall sequence.

The structure of the training is characterized, in particular:

    the order of interconnection of elements of the training content (means, methods of general and special physical, tactical and technical training, etc.);

    the necessary ratio of the parameters of the training load (its quantitative and qualitative characteristics of volume and intensity);

    a certain sequence of different links of the training process (separate classes and their parts, stages, periods, cycles), representing the phases or stages of this process, during which the training process undergoes regular changes.

Depending on the time scale within which the training process takes place, there are: a) microstructure - the structure of a separate training session, the structure of a separate training day and a microcycle (for example, a week); b) mesostructure - the structure of training stages, including a relatively complete series of microcycles (with a total duration, for example, about a month); c) macrostructure. - the structure of large training cycles such as semi-annual, annual and multi-year.

The long-term process of sports training from a beginner to the heights of mastery can be represented as successively alternating large stages, including separate stages of long-term training (Fig. 38) associated with the age and qualification indicators of athletes.

It should be noted that in some sports there are no clear boundaries between the stages and stages of a multi-year process, as well as strict time frames for these stages and stages.

Rational construction of long-term sports training is carried out on the basis of the following factors: optimal age limits, within which the highest results are usually achieved in the chosen sport; duration of systematic training to achieve these results; the predominant focus of training at each stage of long-term training; the passport age at which the athlete started training, and the biological age at which the special training began; the individual characteristics of the athlete and the rate of growth of his skill.

The long-term process of training and competition of an athlete is built on the basis of the following methodological provisions.

1. A unified pedagogical system that ensures the rational continuity of tasks, means, methods, organizational

forms of training for all age groups. The main criterion for the effectiveness of long-term training is the highest sports result achieved within the optimal age limits for this sport.

    Target orientation in relation to the highest sportsmanship in the process of preparation for all age groups.

    Optimal ratio (proportionality) of various aspects of an athlete's preparedness in the process of many years of training.

    Steady growth in the volume of funds for general and special training, the ratio between which is gradually changing. From year to year, the share of the volume of special training means in relation to the total volume of the training load increases and, accordingly, the share of general training decreases.

    Progressive increase in the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads. Each period of the next annual cycle should begin and end at a higher level of training loads compared to the corresponding periods of the previous annual cycle.

Table 31 shows approximate sensitive (sensitive) periods of development of height and weight indicators and physical qualities of school-age children.

The predominant orientation of the training process at the stages of long-term training is determined taking into account these sensitive periods of development of physical qualities. At the same time, it is advisable to pay attention to the education of those physical qualities that are not actively developed at this age. It is especially important to observe proportionality in the development of general endurance and speed abilities, in the development of general endurance and strength, i.e. qualities that are based on different physiological mechanisms.

In girls, the sensitive periods of the formation of physical qualities occur one year earlier.

In order to rationally build a long-term training process, one should take into account the time required to achieve the highest sports results in a particular sport. As a rule, capable athletes achieve their first great successes after 4-6 years, and the highest achievements after 7-9 years of specialized training.

The process of long-term training of athletes is conditionally divided into 4 stages: preliminary training, initial sports specialization, advanced specialization in the chosen sport, sports improvement (Table 32).

The duration of the stages of long-term training is due to the characteristics of the sport, the level of sports preparedness of those involved. There is no clear boundary between stages. When deciding on the transition to the next stage of training, one should take into account the passport and biological age of the athlete, the level of his physical development and fitness, the ability to successfully fulfill age-related training and competitive loads.

Approximate age limits of the stages of training in the process of long-term training in various sports are presented in Table 33.

The preliminary preparation stage covers primary school age and passes to the next stage with the beginning of sports specialization. At this stage, the following tasks are solved in the training sessions:

    mastering available knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports by those involved;

    formation of the necessary basic fund of motor skills from certain sports, their consolidation and improvement;

    promoting the harmonious formation of a growing organism, health promotion, comprehensive education of physical qualities, mainly speed, speed-strength abilities, general endurance.

The preparation of children is characterized by a variety of means, methods and organizational forms, the wide use of elements

various sports, outdoor and sports games. The game method helps to perform exercises emotionally and naturally, maintain children's interest when repeating educational tasks. At this stage, training sessions with great physical and mental stress, involving the use of monotonous, monotonous educational material, should not be carried out.

Stage of initial sports specialization. The main tasks at this stage are to ensure the comprehensive physical fitness of those involved, their further mastery of rational sports equipment, creating favorable conditions for achieving the highest results at an age that is optimal for each sport.

Specialization has a "multi-faceted", by no means narrowly focused character. Along with mastering the basics of the technique of the chosen sport and other physical exercises, special attention is paid to the development of those physical qualities and the formation of motor skills that are important for successful specialization in the chosen sport.

Versatile preparation with relatively little volume special exercises more promising for subsequent sports improvement than highly specialized training.

The predominant trend in load dynamics during the years of initial specialization should be an increase in volume with a slight increase in the overall intensity of training. Although the intensity of exercise also increases, the degree of increase in intensity must be normalized within narrower limits than the increase in total volume. Particular care in observing the measure of intensity of loads is required during the intensive growth and maturation of the body, when natural plastic, energy and regulatory processes are sharply activated, which in itself is a kind of load for the body.

Large training cycles are characterized by an extended preparatory period. The competitive period is presented as if in a collapsed form.

Stage of in-depth specialization in the chosen sport falls on the period of an athlete's life, when the formation of all functional systems is basically completed, ensuring high performance and resistance of the body in relation to adverse factors that manifest themselves in the process of intense training. At this stage, the training process acquires a pronounced specificity. The proportion of special training is steadily increasing due to an increase in the time allotted for the implementation of specially preparatory and competitive exercises.

The total volume and intensity of training loads continue to increase. The number of co-

jealousy in the chosen sports discipline. The system of training and competition is becoming more individualized. Means of training to a greater extent in form and content correspond to the competitive exercises in which the athlete specializes.

At this stage, the main task is to ensure the perfect and varied possession of sports equipment in difficult conditions, its individualization, to develop those physical and volitional qualities that contribute to the improvement of the technical and tactical skills of an athlete.

Stage of sports improvement coincides with the age favorable for achieving high sports results. At this stage, the main tasks are preparation for competitions and successful participation in them. Therefore, in comparison with the previous stages, training acquires an even more specialized focus. An athlete uses the whole complex of effective means, methods and organizational forms of training in order to achieve the highest results in competitions. The volume and intensity of training loads reach a high level. Increasingly, training sessions with heavy loads are used, the number of sessions in weekly microcycles reaches 10-15 or more. The training process is more and more individualized and is built taking into account the characteristics of the athlete's competitive activity.

19.2. Building a workout in small cycles (microcycles)

microcycle- this is a small training cycle, most often with a weekly or near-weekly duration, usually including from two to several sessions.

External signs of the microcycle are:

    the presence of two phases in its structure - a stimulation phase (cumulative) and a recovery phase (unloading and rest). At the same time, equal combinations (in time) of these phases are found only in the training of beginner athletes. In the preparatory period, the stimulation phase significantly exceeds the recovery one, and in the competitive period, their ratios become more variable;

    often the end of the microcycle is associated with the recovery phase, although it also occurs in the middle of it;

    regular repetition in the optimal sequence of classes of different directions, different volumes and different intensity.

Analysis of the training process in various types sports allows you to select a certain number of generalized in the direction

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training microcycles: retracting, basic, control-preparatory, bringing, as well as competitive and recovery.

In the practice of individual sports, there are from four to nine various types microcycles.

Retracting microcycles are characterized by a low total load and are aimed at leading the athlete's body to intense training work. They are used in the first mesocycle of the preparatory period, as well as after illness.

Basic microcycles (general preparatory) are characterized by a large total volume of loads. Their main goals are the stimulation of adaptive processes in the body of athletes, the solution of the main tasks of technical-tactical, physical, volitional, special mental training. "Because of this, the basic microcycles constitute the main content of the preparatory period.

Control and preparatory microcycles divided into specially preparatory and model.

Specially preparatory microcycles, characterized by an average amount of training load and high competitive or near-competitive intensity, are aimed at achieving the required level of special performance in competitions, polishing technical and tactical skills and abilities, and special mental preparedness.

Model microcycles are connected with the modeling of competitive regulations in the process of training activity and are aimed at controlling the level of preparedness and increasing the ability to realize the accumulated motor potential of an athlete. The overall load level in it may be higher than in the upcoming competition (over-impact rule).

These two types of control-preparatory microcycles are used on final stages preparatory and competitive period.

Supply microcycles. The content of these microcycles can be varied. It depends on the system of bringing the athlete to the competition, the features of his preparation for the main starts at the final stage. They can address issues of full recovery and mental adjustment. In general, they are characterized by a low level of volume and total intensity of loads.

Recovery microcycles usually complete a series of intense basic, control and preparatory microcycles.

1 Volitional training - a system of influences used to form and improve the volitional qualities necessary for an athlete (purposefulness, determination, courage, perseverance, stamina, etc.).

Restorative microcycles are planned even after intense competitive activity. Their main role is to provide optimal conditions for recovery and adaptation processes in the athlete's body. This causes

I low total load of such microcycles, wide use of means active rest.

Competitive microcycles have the main mode corresponding to the competition program. The structure and duration of these microcycles are determined by the specifics of competitions in various sports, the total number of starts and pauses between them. Depending on this, competitive microcycles

\ may be limited to starts, direct approach to them and recovery sessions, and may also include special training sessions in the intervals between individual starts and games.

In the practice of sports, microcycles are widely used, called percussion. They are used in cases where the preparation time for a certain competition is limited, and the athlete needs to quickly achieve certain adaptive changes. In this case, the impact element can be the volume of the load, its intensity, the concentration of exercises of increased technical complexity and mental tension, conducting classes in extreme environmental conditions. Shock can be basic, control-preparatory and competitive microcycles, depending on the stage of the annual cycle and its tasks.

In separate microcycles, both work of a different orientation, ensuring, if possible, the improvement of various aspects of preparedness, and work of a more or less pronounced predominant orientation in accordance with the patterns of building training at specific stages of annual and multi-year training, should be planned.

19.3. Building a workout in medium cycles (mesocycles)

A mesocycle is an average training cycle lasting from 2 to 6 weeks, including a relatively complete series of microcycles.

The construction of the training process on the basis of mesocycles makes it possible to systematize it in accordance with the main task of the period or stage of training, to ensure the optimal dynamics of training and competitive loads, the appropriate combination of various means and methods of training, the correspondence between the factors of pedagogical influence and rehabilitation measures, to achieve continuity in the education of various qualities and abilities.

External signs of a mesocycle are: 1) repeated reproduction of a number of microcycles (usually homogeneous) in a single sequence or alternation of different microcycles in a certain sequence. At the same time, in the preparatory period they are more often repeated, and in the competitive period they alternate more often; 2) the change of one direction of microcycles by others also characterizes the change of the mesocycle; 3) the mesocycle ends with a recovery (unloading) microcycle, competitions or control tests.

An analysis of the training process in various sports makes it possible to single out a certain number of typical mesocycles: retracting, basic, control and preparatory, precompetitive, competitive, recovery.

Retracting mesocycles. Their main task is to gradually lead athletes to the effective implementation of a specific training work. This is ensured by the use of exercises aimed at increasing or restoring the performance of systems and mechanisms that determine the level of various components of endurance; speed-strength qualities and flexibility; development of motor skills and abilities. These mesocycles are applied at the beginning of the season, after illness or injury, and after other forced or planned breaks in the training process.

basic mesocycles. They plan the main work to increase the functionality of the main body systems, improve physical, technical, tactical and mental readiness. The training program is characterized by the use of the entire set of means, a large volume and intensity of training work, and the widespread use of classes with heavy loads. Basic mesocycles form the basis of the preparatory period, and are included in the competitive period in order to restore physical qualities and skills lost during the starts.

Control and preparatory mesocycles. A characteristic feature of the training process in these mesocycles is the widespread use of competitive and specially preparatory exercises that are as close as possible to competitive ones. These mesocycles are characterized, as a rule, by a high intensity of the training load, corresponding to the competitive one or close to it. They are used in the second half of the preparatory period and in the competition period as intermediate mesocycles between strenuous starts, if there is adequate time for this.

Precompetitive (leading) mesocycles are intended for the final formation of a sports form by eliminating individual shortcomings identified during the preparation of an athlete, improving his technical capabilities.

A special place in these mesocycles is occupied by purposeful mental and tactical training. An important place is given to modeling the regime of the upcoming competition.

The general trend of load dynamics in these mesocycles is characterized, as a rule, by a gradual decrease in the total volume and volume of intensive training means before the main competitions. This is due to the existence in the body of the mechanism of "delayed transformation" of the cumulative effect of training, which consists in the fact that the peak of sports achievements, as it were, lags behind the peaks of the general and particular most intense load volumes. These mesocycles are typical for the stage of direct preparation for the main start and are important when athletes move to new contrasting climatic and geographical conditions.

Competitive mesocycles. Their structure is determined by the specifics of the sport, the features of the sports calendar, the qualifications and the level of preparedness of the athlete. In most sports, competitions are held throughout the year for 5-10 months. During this time, several competitive mesocycles can be held. In the simplest cases, mesocycles of this type consist of one incoming and one competitive microcycle. In these mesocycles, the volume of competitive exercises is increased.

Recovery mesocycle forms the basis of the transitional period and is organized specifically after a tense series of competitions. In some cases, during this mesocycle, it is possible to use exercises aimed at eliminating the manifested deficiencies or improving physical abilities that are not the main ones for this sport. The volume of competitive and specially preparatory exercises

[eny is significantly reduced. 19.4. Building a workout in large cycles (macrocycles) Macrocycle- this is a large training cycle such as semi-annual (in some cases 3-4 months), one-year, multi-year (for example, four-year) associated with development, stabilization and temporary loss sportswear and including a complete series of periods, stages, mesocycles.

Construction of training in multi-year macrocycles(at the stage of higher achievements). In the practice of sports, it is customary to single out four-year cycles associated with preparation for the main competitions - the Olympic Games, and for young people - for the Spartakiads of the peoples of Russia, held once every 4 years. Options for constructing a four-year Olympic cycle are presented in Table 34.


Building training in yearly cycles. In the training of highly qualified athletes, there is a construction of a one-year training based on one macrocycle (one-cycle), on the basis of two macrocycles (two-cycle) and three macrocycles (three-cycle) (Fig. 39). In each macrocycle, three periods are distinguished - preparatory, competitive and transitional. When building a two- and three-cycle training process, options are often used that are called "double" and "triple" cycles. In these cases, the transition periods between the first, second and third macrocycles are often not planned, and the competitive period of the previous macrocycle smoothly passes into the preparatory period of the next one.

The preparatory period is aimed at the formation of a sports form - the creation of a solid foundation (general and special) for preparing for the main competitions and participating in them, improving various aspects of preparedness. In the competitive period, the stabilization of the sports form is carried out through the further improvement of various aspects of preparedness, integral training is provided, direct preparation for the main competitions and the competitions themselves are carried out. The transitional period (a period of temporary loss of sports form) is aimed at restoring physical and mental potential after high training and competitive loads, and at preparing for the next macrocycle.

Preparation period(the period of fundamental training) is divided into two major stages: 1) general preparatory (or basic) stage; 2) a specially preparatory stage.

General preparatory stage. The main tasks of the stage - leveling up physical fitness athletes, improvement of physical qualities that underlie high sports achievements in a particular sport, the study of new complex competitive programs. The duration of this stage depends on the number of competitive periods in the annual cycle and is usually 6-9 weeks (in some sports there are variations from 5 to 10 weeks).

The stage consists of two, in some cases - of three mesocycles. The first mesocycle (duration 2-3 microcycles) - retracting - is closely connected with the previous transitional period and is preparatory to performing high-volume training loads. The second mesocycle (duration 3-6 weekly microcycles) - basic - is aimed at solving the main tasks of the stage. In this mesocycle, the increase in the total volumes of training means, unidirectional private volumes of intensive means, which develop the main qualities and contribute to the mastery of new competitive programs, continues.

Special preparatory stage. At this stage, the volume of the training load, the volumes aimed at improving physical fitness are stabilized, and the intensity increases due to the increase in technical and tactical means of training. The duration of the stage is 2-3 mesocycles.

Competitive period(period of the main competitions). The main objectives of this period are to increase the achieved level of special preparedness and achieve high sports results in competitions. These problems are solved with the help of competitive and close to them specially preparatory exercises.

The organization of the process of special training in the competitive period is carried out in accordance with the calendar of the main competitions, which are usually not more than 2-3 for qualified athletes in most sports. All other competitions are both training and commercial in nature; special training for them, as a rule, is not carried out. They themselves are important links in the preparation for major competitions.

The competitive period is most often divided into two stages: 1) the stage of early starts, or the development of the actual sports form; 2) the stage of direct preparation for the main start.

The stage of early starts, or the development of the actual sports form. At this stage, lasting 4-6 microcycles, the tasks of increasing the level of preparedness, reaching a state of sports form and improving new technical and tactical skills are solved.

kov in the process of using competitive exercises. At the end of this stage, the main qualifying competition is usually held.

The stage of direct preparation for the main start. At this stage, the following tasks are solved:

    restoration of working capacity after the main qualifying competitions and championships of the country;

    further improvement of physical fitness and technical and tactical skills;

    creation and maintenance of high mental readiness in athletes due to the regulation and self-regulation of states;

    modeling of competitive activity in order to lead to the start and control over the level of preparedness;

    providing optimal conditions for the maximum use of all aspects of preparedness (physical, technical, tactical and mental) in order to transform it into the highest possible sports result.

The duration of this stage varies between 6-8 weeks. It usually consists of 2 mesocycles. One of them (with a large total load) is aimed at developing the qualities and abilities that determine a high level of sports achievements, the other is at leading an athlete to participate in specific competitions, taking into account the specifics. sports discipline composition of participants, organizational, climatic and other factors.

Transition period. The main objectives of this period are to ensure proper rest after the training and competitive loads of the past year or macrocycle, as well as maintaining a certain level of fitness to ensure optimal readiness of the athlete for the start of the next macrocycle. Special attention should be drawn to a full physical and especially mental recovery. These tasks determine the duration of the transition period, the composition of the means and methods used, the dynamics of loads, etc.

The duration of the transitional period usually ranges from 2 to 5 weeks and depends on the stage of long-term training at which the athlete is, the system for organizing training during the year, the duration of the competitive period, the complexity and responsibility of the main competitions, and the individual abilities of the athlete.

Training in the transition period is characterized by a decrease in the total amount of work and minor loads. Compared, for example, with the preparatory period, the amount of work is reduced by about 3 times; the number of classes during the weekly microcycle does not exceed, as a rule, 3-5; classes with heavy loads are not planned, etc. The main content of the transitional period is a variety of means of active recreation and general preparatory exercises.

At the end of the transition period, the load gradually increases, the amount of active recreation equipment decreases, and the number of general preparatory exercises increases. This allows you to make a smoother transition to the first stage of the preparatory period of the next macrocycle.

With the correct construction of the transition period, the athlete not only fully restores strength after the past macrocycle, adjusts to active work in the preparatory period, but also reaches a higher level of preparedness compared to the same period of the previous year.

The duration and content of periods and their constituent stages of preparation within a single macrocycle are determined by many factors. Some of them are related to the specifics of the sport - the structure of effective competitive activity, the structure of the preparedness of athletes, the system of competitions that has developed in this sport; others - with the stage of many years of training, patterns of formation of various qualities and abilities, etc., others - with the organization of training (in conditions of centralized training or in the field), climatic conditions (hot climate, medium-range), material and technical level ( simulators, equipment and inventory, rehabilitation means, special nutrition, etc.).

Sep 30, 2015 Sep 18, 2017 by vaulter

The purpose of sports training

The goal is to achieve the highest possible level of technical-tactical, physical and mental fitness for a given individual, due to the specifics of the sport and the requirements for achieving the highest possible results in competitive activity.

The main tasks of sports training

  • mastering the technique and tactics of the chosen sport;
  • ensuring the necessary level of development of motor qualities, the capabilities of the functional systems of the body that carry the main load in this sport;
  • education of proper moral and volitional qualities;
  • ensuring the necessary level of special mental preparedness;
  • acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical experience necessary for successful training and competitive activities;
  • complex improvement and manifestation in the competitive activity of various aspects of the preparedness of an athlete.

These tasks in the most general view determine the main aspects (directions) of sports training, which have independent features: technical, tactical, physical, psychological and integral. From the content of each of these parties, specific training tasks follow.

In area technical improvement such tasks are: creating the necessary ideas about sports equipment, mastering the necessary skills and abilities, improving sports equipment by changing its dynamic and kinematic parameters, as well as mastering new techniques and elements, ensuring the variability of sports equipment, its adequacy to the conditions of competitive activity and the functional capabilities of the athlete , ensuring the stability of the main characteristics of technology to the action of confounding factors.

Tactical Improvement involves an analysis of the features of the upcoming competitions, the composition of rivals and the development of optimal tactics for the upcoming competitions. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly improve the most acceptable tactical schemes for a particular athlete, work out the best options in training conditions by modeling the features of the upcoming competitions, the functional state of the athlete, characteristic of competitive activity. It is also necessary to ensure the variability of tactical decisions depending on the situations that have arisen, to acquire special knowledge in the field of technology and tactics of sports.

In progress physical training an athlete needs to increase the level of capabilities of functional systems that provide a high level of general and special fitness, develop motor qualities - strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination abilities, as well as the ability to manifest physical qualities in competitive activities, their "conjugate" improvement and manifestation .

In progress psychological preparation the moral-volitional qualities and special mental functions of an athlete, the ability to manage their mental state during training and competitive activities are brought up and improved.

A separate group of tasks is associated with integration, i.e., combining qualities, abilities, skills, accumulated knowledge and experience into a single whole, mainly related to various aspects of preparedness, which is achieved in the process integral training.

The division of the training process into relatively independent aspects (technical, tactical, physical, psychological, integral) streamlines ideas about the components of sportsmanship, allows to some extent to systematize the means and methods of their improvement, the system of control and management of the process of sports improvement.

At the same time, in training and, especially, competitive activity, none of these aspects is manifested in isolation; they are combined into a complex complex aimed at achieving the highest sports performance(Platonov, 1997). The degree of inclusion of various elements in such a complex, their interrelation and interaction are determined by the patterns of formation of functional systems (Anokhin, 1975), aimed at the final result, specific for each sport and component of training or competitive activity.

It should be borne in mind that each of the sides of preparedness depends on the degree of perfection of its other sides, is determined by them and determines their level. For example, the technical improvement of an athlete depends on the level of development of various motor qualities - strength, speed, flexibility, coordination abilities.

The level of manifestation of motor qualities, in particular endurance, is closely related to the efficiency of technology, the level of mental stability to overcome fatigue, the ability to implement a rational tactical scheme of competitive struggle in difficult conditions. On the other hand, tactical readiness is connected not only with the ability of an athlete to perceive and quickly process information, the ability to draw up a rational tactical plan and find effective ways to solve motor problems depending on the situation, but is also determined by the level of technical skill, functional readiness, courage, determination. , purposefulness, etc.

The tasks arising in the process of sports training are specified in relation to homogeneous groups of athletes, teams, individual athletes, taking into account the stage of long-term training, type of training, level of sportsmanship, health status, preparedness and other reasons.

Means of sports training– various physical exercise directly or indirectly affecting the improvement of the skills of athletes. The composition of sports training means is formed taking into account the characteristics of a particular sport, which is the subject of sports specialization.

Physical exercise

Means of sports training - physical exercise- can be conditional divided into four groups: general preparatory, auxiliary, special preparatory, competitive.

To general preparatory include exercises that serve the comprehensive functional development of the athlete's body. They can both correspond to the features of the chosen sport, and be in a certain contradiction with them (when solving the problems of comprehensive and harmonious physical education).

Auxiliary(semi-special) exercises involve motor actions that create a special foundation for subsequent improvement in one or another sports activities.

Special preparatory exercises occupy a central place in the training system of qualified athletes and cover a range of means, including elements of competitive activity and actions close to them in form, structure, as well as in the nature of the manifested qualities and the activity of the functional systems of the body.

Competitive exercises involve the implementation of a complex motor actions, which are the subject of sports specialization, in accordance with existing rules competitions. Competitive exercises are characterized by a number of features. Firstly, when they are carried out, high and record results are achieved; the limiting level of the athlete's adaptive capabilities is determined, which he achieves as a result of the use of general preparatory, auxiliary and special preparatory exercises in his training. Secondly, competitive exercises themselves can be considered as the most convenient and objective visual models of an athlete's reserve capabilities (Laputin, 1986).

Means of sports training are also divided according to the direction of impact. It is possible to allocate funds that are mainly associated with the improvement of various aspects of readiness - technical, tactical, etc., as well as aimed at developing various motor qualities, increasing the functional capabilities of individual organs and body systems.

Sports training methods

Under the methods of sports training, one should understand the methods of work of a coach and an athlete, with the help of which the mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved, the necessary qualities are developed, and a worldview is formed.

For practical purposes, all methods are conditionally divided into three groups:

  • verbal;
  • visual;
  • practical.

In the process of sports training, all these methods are used in various combinations. Each method is not used in a standard way, but is constantly adapted to specific requirements due to the characteristics of sports training. When choosing methods, one should ensure that they strictly comply with the tasks set, general didactic principles, as well as special principles of sports training, age and gender characteristics of athletes, their qualifications and preparedness. In sports, where a special place is given to communication with practice, and also due to the specific features of sports activities, the main role is given to practical methods.

To verbal methods used in sports training include storytelling, explanation, lecture, conversation, analysis and discussion. These forms are most often used in a laconic form, especially in the preparation of qualified athletes, which is facilitated by special terminology, a combination of verbal and visual methods. The effectiveness of the training process largely depends on the skillful use of instructions and commands, comments, verbal assessments and explanations.

Visual Methods, used in sports practice, are diverse and largely determine the effectiveness of the training process. First of all, they should include the methodologically correct demonstration of individual exercises and their elements, which is usually carried out by a coach or a qualified athlete.

In sports practice, auxiliary means of demonstration are widely used - educational films, videos, layouts of playgrounds and fields for demonstrating tactical schemes, electronic games. Orientation methods are also widely used. Here one should distinguish both the simplest landmarks that limit the direction of movement, the distance covered, etc., and more complex ones - light, sound and mechanical leading devices, including those with program control and feedback. These devices allow the athlete to obtain information about the tempo-rhythmic, spatial and dynamic characteristics of movements, and sometimes provide not only information about the movements and their results, but also forced correction.

Practical exercise methods:

1) methods, mainly aimed at the development of sports equipment, i.e., on the formation of motor skills and abilities characteristic of the chosen sport;

2) methods, mainly aimed at the development of motor qualities.

It should be taken into account that the development of sports equipment almost always involves the simultaneous mastery of the tactics of applying techniques and actions in competitive conditions. This is especially true for martial arts, sports games, cycling, skiing, in which the mastery of one or another technique (for example, a technique in wrestling or basketball) necessarily involves the study of the tactics of applying this technique in competition conditions.

A wide arsenal and a variety of physical activities characteristic of the second group of methods develop not only physical qualities, but also improve technical and tactical skills, mental qualities. Both groups of methods are closely interrelated, are used in inseparable unity and together provide an effective solution to the problems of sports training.

Methods aimed primarily at the development of sports equipment

It is necessary to highlight the methods of learning the exercise as a whole and in parts. The learning of movement as a whole is carried out during the development of relatively simple exercises, as well as complex movements, the division of which into parts is impossible. However, when mastering a holistic movement, the attention of those involved is consistently focused on the rational implementation of individual elements of a holistic motor act.

When learning more or less complex movements that can be divided into relatively independent parts, the development of sports equipment is carried out in parts. In the future, the integral implementation of motor actions will lead to the integration into a single whole of the previously mastered components of a complex exercise.

When using the methods of mastering movements, both in general and in parts, a large role is given to leading and imitation exercises. Lead-up exercises serve to facilitate the mastering of sports techniques through the systematic mastering of simpler motor actions that ensure the implementation of the main movement. This is due to the related coordination structure of the leading and basic exercises. So, in the training of a runner, running with a high raising of the hip, running with an overwhelm of the lower leg, mincing run, jumping, etc. are used as lead-up exercises.

Each of these exercises is leading in relation to running and contributes to a more effective development of its individual elements: effective repulsion, high hip extension, reduction of support time, improvement of coordination in the activity of antagonist muscles, etc.

In simulation exercises, the general structure of the main exercises is preserved, however, when they are performed, conditions are provided that facilitate the mastery of motor actions. As simulation exercises, pedaling on a bicycle ergometer can be used - for cyclists, imitation of swimming movements - for swimmers, work on rowing machine- for rowers, etc. Imitation exercises are widely used in improving the technical skills of both beginners and athletes of various qualifications. They not only allow you to create an idea of ​​the technique sports exercise and facilitate the process of its assimilation, contribute to setting up the optimal coordination structure of movements immediately before the competition, but also provide effective coordination between motor and vegetative functions, increase the efficiency of the functional potential realization in a competitive exercise (Dyachkov, 1972; Shapkova, 1982).

The effectiveness of methods aimed at mastering sports techniques depends to a decisive extent on the number, complexity and combination of the exercises used. When mastering movements, especially complex ones in terms of coordination, it is very important to choose a set of exercises united by a common program, starting positions, preparatory and basic actions, and differing only in coordination complexity. At the same time, the development of each complex technical reception involves the presence of a large number of exercises of varying complexity, linked into a single didactic chain. In the case of a rational selection and distribution of exercises in this chain, it is possible to ensure a systematic process of mastering sports equipment with a wide use of the possibilities of positive transfer of motor skills, in which the development of a new exercise is based on a wide foundation of prerequisite skills and abilities (Gaverdovsky, 1991, Matveev, 2001).

The effectiveness of teaching methods is directly related to the selection of exercises based on their structural relationships and their corresponding medical techniques. As the main techniques developed on the material of one of the most technically complex sports - gymnastics, the following are recommended:

  • inclusion - the introduction of a previously well-mastered movement into a new, motor action;
  • extrapolation - the complication of movement by quantitatively increasing the feature already included in the movement;
  • interpolation - mastering a new exercise on the basis of already mastered easier and more difficult exercises, when the formation of a skill intermediate in complexity is required.

Methods aimed primarily at the development of motor qualities

The most important indicators that determine the structure of practical methods of training is whether the exercise in the process of a single use this method continuous or given at intervals for rest, performed in a uniform (standard) or variable (variable) mode.

In the process of sports training, exercises are used within the framework of two main methods - continuous and interval.

continuous method characterized by a single continuous performance of training work; interval - provides for the implementation of exercises with regulated rest pauses. When using both methods, exercises can be performed both in uniform and in variable modes. Depending on the selection of exercises and the peculiarities of their application, training can be of a generalized (integral) and selective (primary) character.

With a generalized impact, a parallel (complex) improvement of various qualities is carried out, which determine the level of preparedness of an athlete, and with a selective one - the predominant development of individual qualities.

With a uniform mode of using any of the methods, the intensity of work is constant, with a variable - varying. The intensity of work from exercise to exercise can increase (progressive variant) or change repeatedly (variable variant).

Continuous training method, used in conditions of uniform work, it is mainly used to increase aerobic capacity, develop special endurance for work of medium and long duration. Examples include rowing at distances of 5,000 and 10,000 m at a constant speed at a heart rate of 145-160 bpm -1, running at distances of 10,000 and 20,000 m at the same heart rate. These exercises will help increase the aerobic performance of athletes, develop their endurance to long work, increasing its efficiency.

Possibilities continuous method training in conditions of variable work is much more diverse. Depending on the duration of the parts of the exercise performed with greater or lesser intensity, the features of their combination, the intensity of work when performing individual parts, it is possible to achieve a predominant effect on the athlete's body in the direction of increasing speed capabilities, developing various types of endurance, improving private abilities that determine the level of sports achievements in various sports.

In the case of using a varying variant, parts of the exercise performed at different intensities or with different intensities and varying durations can alternate. For example, when skating a distance of 8000 m (20 laps of 400 m), one lap is run with a result of 45 s, the next one is free, at an arbitrary speed. Such work will contribute to the development of special endurance, the formation of competitive technique, and an increase in aerobic-anaerobic capabilities.

The progressive variant is associated with an increase in the intensity of work as the exercise is performed, and the descending variant is associated with its decrease. So, swimming a distance of 500 m (the first hundred-meter segment, which swims in 64 seconds, and each subsequent one - 2 seconds faster, i.e., in 62, 60, 58 and 56 seconds) is an example of a progressive option; skiing 20 km (4 laps of 5 km) with results of 20, 21, 22 and 23 minutes respectively - an example of a downward variant.

interval training method, which implies uniform performance of work, is widely used in the practice of sports training. Performing a series of exercises of the same duration with a constant intensity and strictly regulated pauses is typical for this method. Examples include typical series aimed at developing special endurance: 10 x 400 m - in running and skating, 10 x 1000 m - in rowing, etc. An example of a varying variant can serve as a series for developing sprint qualities in running: Zx 60 m s maximum speed, rest - 3-5 minutes; 30 m from the move at maximum speed, slow run- 200 m.

An example of a progressive variant is complexes that involve successive passage of segments of increasing length (running a series of 400 m + 800 m + 1200 m + 1600 m 4-2000 m) or a stable length with increasing speed (swimming a distance of 200 m 6 times with results of 2 min 14 s, 2.12, 2.10, 2.08, 2.06, 2.04). The descending variant assumes the opposite combination: sequential performance of exercises of decreasing length or performance of exercises of the same duration with a gradual decrease in their intensity.

In one complex, progressive and descending variants can also be combined. As an example, a complex widely used for the development of special endurance in swimming at a distance of 1500 m can be presented: 600 m, rest 30-40 s; 400 m, rest 20-30 s; 200 m, rest 15 s; 100 m, rest 10 s; 50 m, rest 5 s; 50 m (speed 85-90% of the maximum available on the corresponding section). In this case, from one repetition to another, the swimming speed steadily increases and the length of the segments decreases.

Performing exercises using the interval method can be continuous (for example, 10x800 m - running, 6 x 5 km - in skiing etc.) or serial 6 x (4 x 50 m) - in swimming, etc.

As independent practical methods, it is also customary to single out gaming and competitive methods. game method provides for the performance of motor actions in the conditions of the game, within the limits of its characteristic rules, the arsenal of technical and tactical techniques and situations. The use of the game method provides a high emotionality of classes and is associated with solving problems in constantly changing situations, effectively in the presence of a variety of technical and tactical and psychological tasks that arise during the game. These features of game activity require initiative, courage, perseverance and independence from those involved, the ability to manage their emotions and subordinate personal interests to the interests of the team, the manifestation of high coordination abilities, quick response, quick thinking, the use of original and unexpected technical and tactical solutions for opponents. All this predetermines the effectiveness of the game method for solving problems related to various aspects of the athlete's training. However, the effectiveness of the game method is not limited to solving problems related to increasing the level of preparedness of athletes. Equally important is its role as a means of active recreation, switching those involved in a different type. motor activity in order to accelerate and increase the efficiency of adaptation and recovery processes, maintain the previously achieved level of preparedness.

Competitive Method involves a specially organized competitive activity, which in this case acts as the best way to increase the effectiveness of the training process. The use of this method is associated with exceptionally high requirements for the technical-tactical, physical and psychological capabilities of an athlete, causes profound changes in the activity of the most important systems of the body and thereby stimulates adaptation processes, provides an integral improvement of various aspects of the athlete's preparedness.

When using the competitive method, the conditions for conducting competitions should be widely varied in order to bring them as close as possible to the requirements that are most conducive to solving the tasks set. Competitions can be held in difficult or light conditions in relation to those that are typical for official competitions.

Examples of complicating competition conditions include the following:

  • holding a competition in the middle mountains, in a hot climate, under bad weather conditions;
  • competitions in sports games on fields and grounds of a smaller size, with a larger number of players in the opposing team;
  • conducting a series of bouts (in wrestling) or fights (in boxing) with relatively short pauses against several opponents;
  • competitions in games and martial arts with "uncomfortable" opponents who use unusual technical and tactical schemes of wrestling;
  • the use of weighted projectiles during the competition (in hammer throwing, shot put), restrictions on respiratory cycles in cyclic types sports.

Facilitation of the conditions of the competition can be provided:

  • planning competitions at shorter distances in cyclical events, reducing the duration of fights, fights - in martial arts;
  • simplification of the competitive program - in complex coordination types;
  • the use of lightweight projectiles - in throwing, a decrease in the height of the net - in volleyball, the mass of balls - in water polo and football;
  • the use of a “handicap”, in which a weaker participant is given a certain advantage - he starts a little earlier - in cyclical events, gains an advantage in abandoned pucks or balls - in sports games, etc.

The material is taken from the book by V.N. Platonov "The system of training athletes in Olympic sports"

Current page: 19 (total book has 23 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 16 pages]


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5.4. Sports training in cold climates

In the course of evolution, a person, in a purely biological sense, has become extremely sensitive to cooling, and is easily subjected to various disturbances under the influence of cold (V.P. Kaznacheev, 1982). The widespread use of artificial means of protection from the cold has significantly expanded the range of external temperatures at which a person can work and live, but at the same time it also caused a negative effect: it demobilized his own protective mechanisms that ensure a constant body temperature.

In a harsh cold climate, the body of an athlete performing intense training and competitive activities is in a rather serious condition.

This is primarily due to the fact that at low temperatures, moisture freezes out of the air, and air dryness occurs. At a temperature of -40 °C and a relative humidity of 90%, the absolute humidity - the amount of water vapor - is only 0.16 g / m 3 of air, and at a heat of +40 °C and 20% relative humidity, the absolute humidity is 10.18 g / m 3. In temperate climates, this figure is 6–8 g/m 3 . Dry air increases fluid loss from the body during breathing and through the skin. At the same time, evaporation through the skin is twice as high as in a temperate climate, which is accompanied by heat loss. In this regard, in the process of work, thirst arises.

Increased excretion of fluid through the lungs is accompanied by functional blood filling of the lungs and their more intense activity. This causes shortness of breath, often occurring even during moderate-intensity work. A significant loss of fluid leads to the loss of trace elements and vitamins. At low temperatures, the insulating ability of the skin increases due to vasoconstriction by 5–6 times.

In the process of training sessions and competitions, the energy consumption increases significantly, which is used to ensure performance and heat the inhaled air. Adaptation of the body to the effects of cold, hypoxia and physical activity has common mechanisms associated with energy deficiency, which activates the genetic apparatus of the cell. All this leads to certain morphological and functional adaptive changes in the body.

Under the influence of low temperatures, a certain phase sequence of adaptive reactions occurs in the body.

1 phase. In the skin and mucous respiratory tract there is a spasm of small superficial vessels, as a result of which the heat transfer decreases.

2 phase. Reflexively through the neuroendocrine system, metabolism increases, energy production in various organs increases, blood supply increases, skin vessels expand, and the number of functioning capillaries increases.

3 phase is already a consequence of overstrain and disruption of regulatory and protective mechanisms. The blood flow in the skin slows down, the skin acquires a bluish tint (the so-called "goosebumps"), an unpleasant "chill" is felt. The appearance of this phase is a sign of hypothermia, which, if systematically repeated, leads to a breakdown in adaptation.

Such a sequence of the body's reaction to the action of low temperatures is fully consistent with the theory of stress. Due to the loss of water by the body and an increase in energy consumption during training sessions in cold weather, drinks containing a glucose concentration of 2.5–5% should be taken every 20 minutes, with a volume of 100–200 g of the drink at one time, with a liquid temperature of 25–30 °.

During the competition it is necessary to drink from 200 to 500 g of liquid before the start, in combination with a good warming up of the body.

The colder the weather, the more concentrated the solution (up to 5%). Drinking in the process of competition on the ground when passing stayer distances should be taken on flat areas, before descents, every 20-30 minutes.

In places where athletes are accommodated in hotels and hostels, when the weather is cold outside, air humidifiers should be provided. Clothing should be such that the athlete could not experience either a feeling of cold or excessive heat for a long time, i.e. correspond not only to the ambient temperature, but also to the duration of stay in it, as well as the nature of training and competitive activities in this weather.

In connection with the foregoing, it should be considered that it is not advisable to conduct training camps, as well as responsible competitions in areas characterized by low temperatures (below 20 ° C), for two reasons: a decrease in sports performance and the risk of being exposed to colds.

In conditions of the need to conduct competitions at low temperature conditions, their program should be changed - to reduce the length of the distance or the duration of competitive activity in time. With a sharp change in temperature, usually occurring when moving north from places with a temperate climate, representatives winter views sports to increase the periods of snow or ice training, the construction of training under conditions of temperature acclimatization practically corresponds to the structure of training during the period of adaptation to a mountainous and hot climate, both in terms of the dynamics of training loads and the use of basic training tools. The lower the ambient temperature, the longer the adaptation phases and the duration of the corresponding training microcycles.

In conclusion, it can be stated that the acclimatization and training of athletes in conditions of mountain, temporal and climatic adaptation has many common patterns and must certainly be taken into account by the coach and athlete in the specific conditions of the competition venue and training camp.

Questions and tasks for self-examination

1. For what purpose do athletes go to train in the mountains?

2. What are the three options for the use of mountain conditions used by athletes to improve the effectiveness of sports training in mid-mountain conditions?

3. How long does the increased functional state of an athlete last when moving to the plain?

4. What are the three stages of climate adaptation when flying through five or more time zones?

5. What is the difference between flying west and flying east?

6. What are guidelines athletes training in high ambient temperatures?

7. What are the ways to increase the thermal stability of athletes in preparation for competitions in hot climates?

8. What should athletes do when it is necessary to compete at low temperatures in a harsh cold climate?

Chapter VI. Building sports training

6.1. The structure of long-term training of highly qualified athletes

The process of training highly qualified athletes can be conditionally divided into three interrelated components: the construction of the process, its implementation and control over the course of training.

In the process of building sports training, the integrity of the training process is ensured on the basis of a certain structure, which is a relatively stable order of combining components, their regular relationship with each other and a common sequence.

The structure of the training is characterized in particular by:

1) the order of interconnection of the elements of the training content (means, methods of general and special physical, tactical and technical training, etc.);

2) the necessary ratio of the parameters of the training load (its quantitative and qualitative characteristics of volume and intensity);

3) a certain sequence of different parts of the training process (separate classes and their parts, stages, periods, cycles), representing the phases or stages of this process, during which the training process undergoes regular changes.

Depending on the time scale within which the training process takes place, there are: a) microstructure - the structure of a separate training session, a weekly cycle; b) mesostructure - the structure of training stages, including a relatively complete series of microcycles (for example, a monthly cycle); c) macrostructure - the structure of large training cycles such as semi-annual, annual and multi-year.

The problems of the optimal construction of training consist precisely in the fact that, relying on the objective laws of the training and competitive processes, to give them forms that most fully ensure the solution of the intended goals and the conditions for their implementation.

As the long-term training process unfolds over time, its structure is constantly becoming more complex, because the tasks, age, level of preparedness of athletes, as well as their narrow or broad specialization within the sport, change. In general, the long-term process of sports training from a beginner to the heights of mastery can be represented in the form of stages associated with the age and qualification indicators of athletes, namely:

initial training(1–3 years);

– initial sports specialization (2 years);

– in-depth training (3 years);

– improvement of sportsmanship (3 years);

– higher sportsmanship;

- sports longevity.

It should be noted that in individual sports there are no clear boundaries between the stages of a multi-year process, as well as strict time frames for these stages.

Rational construction of long-term sports training in a sport is carried out on the basis of the following factors:

– optimal age limits within which the highest results are usually achieved;

– duration of systematic training to achieve these results;

- the predominant focus of training at each stage of long-term training;

- the passport age at which the athlete started training, and the biological age at which the special training began;

- the individual characteristics of the athlete and the growth rate of his skill.

The long-term process of training and competition of an athlete is built on the basis of the following methodological provisions.

1. A unified pedagogical system that ensures the rational continuity of tasks, means, methods, organizational forms of training for all age groups. The main criterion for the effectiveness of long-term training is the highest sports result achieved within the optimal age limits for this sport.

2. Target orientation in relation to the highest sportsmanship in the process of long-term age training.

3. Optimal proportionality of various aspects of an athlete's preparedness in the process of many years of training.

4. A steady increase in the volume of general and special training, the ratio of which is gradually changing.

5. Increasing the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads, their compliance with the biological age and individual capabilities of the athlete.

6. Education of the physical qualities of an athlete at all stages of long-term training with the predominant development of the dominant quality and taking into account sensitive periods.

In order to rationally build a long-term training process, one should take into account the time required to achieve the highest sports results. Capable athletes achieve the first great success (fulfillment of the standard of a master of sports) after 7-9 years from the start of training, and the highest achievements (fulfillment of the standard of an international master of sports) - after 9-12 years.

This chapter discusses the construction of sports training at the stages of higher sportsmanship and sports longevity.

In the practice of sports, it is customary to single out four-year cycles associated with targeted preparation for the main competitions - the Olympic Games, and for young athletes - for the sports days of the peoples of Russia, held once every 4 years. Having traditionally emerged as an organizational category, four-year cycles began to have a significant impact on the construction of a multi-year training (L.P. Matveev, 1977).

And although the patterns of the structure of the training process within the framework of the Olympic cycle have not yet been studied enough, a retrospective analysis of the training of outstanding athletes of our country who participated in one or three Olympics allows us to propose certain options for building four-year macrocycles, characterized by certain patterns. Achieving maximum results in these cycles is usually accompanied by maximum values parameters of the training load and individual competitive practice of highly qualified athletes.

The whole process of sports training is aimed at adapting the body to these loads, at improving technical and tactical skills and their subsequent implementation in competitions in strict accordance with the requirements of the chosen specialization. This causes an increase in the proportion of the most specific and highly intensive special-preparatory and competitive exercises, which cause a significant activation of adaptive reactions.

Since the duration of the performances of athletes at the level of the highest achievements in different disciplines is different and ranges from 1 to 3-4 Olympic cycles, a strictly individual approach is required. Practice shows that athletes who are at the stage of the highest achievements are well adapted to the most diverse means of training influence and, as a rule, the previously used options for planning the training process, methods and means fail not only to achieve progress, but also to keep sports results at the same level. . Therefore, it is necessary to vary the means and methods of training, to apply sets of exercises that have not been used before, as well as new training devices, additional means that stimulate working capacity and the efficiency of performing motor actions.

Achieving the highest results in the last year of a four-year cycle is possible with various options for the dynamics of training loads:

The first is a smooth gradual increase in the total volume and volume of the load of increased intensity. A special case of this variant is a significant jump in the total amount of work in the last year of the cycle;

The second is the stabilization of the total volume of training loads while stabilizing the volume of the load of increased intensity in the fourth year of the cycle;

The third is the undulating dynamics of the total volume and private volumes of intensive funds with their increase in last year cycle;

The fourth is stabilization, and then a decrease in the total volume of loads with a significant increase in the private volumes of the load of increased intensity.

The first version of the four-year cycle structure is recommended for young athletes preparing for their first Olympics or Spartakiad and who have not yet exhausted the possibility of increasing training loads. A special case of this option is a sharp increase in volume in Olympic year- can be used by athletes with very high functional capabilities who have sufficient training experience. However, after using this option, there is often a stagnation of sports achievements in the next one or two years.

The second option is used, as a rule, by experienced athletes whose body has adapted to very high volume training loads after a long period of their growth. In this variant, competitive loads increase.

The third variant is observed in experienced “veteran” athletes who are preparing for the second or third Olympics with significant load fluctuations in certain years of the cycle. At the same time, the last ascent, as a rule, coincides with the highest sports results.

The fourth variant is found in practice among athletes who had high total volumes and insufficient partial volumes of increased intensity load in previous years.

All four variants of load dynamics can be considered as successive phases of long-term training for 10–12 years, starting already at the stage of sports improvement.

6.2. Building a workout in yearly cycles
Factors that determine the structure of the annual cycle

The trend towards expanding the common calendar sports competitions, including from 2 to 4 of the most responsible, distributed more or less evenly throughout the year, forced specialists to build an annual cycle of several macrocycles. This was facilitated by the improvement of the material base. The appearance of arenas, cycle tracks, winter stadiums, a wide network of swimming pools made it possible to abandon seasonality in many sports. This is how 2–3 macrocycles appeared during the year in cycling (track), athletics, swimming, skiing. At the same time, in sports associated with long-term, intense competitive activity or requiring a lot of time for preparatory work, one-cycle planning has been preserved to this day.

Features of the calendar in sports games largely determine the construction of the training process during the year. Along with annual macrocycles (in football, hockey), there are semi-annual training macrocycles (in basketball, volleyball, etc.).

Thus, in the training of highly qualified athletes, there is a construction of a one-year training based on one macrocycle (one-cycle), on the basis of two macrocycles (two-cycle), three (three-cycle), etc.

In each macrocycle, three periods are distinguished - preparatory, competitive and transitional. With two- and three-cycle construction of the training process, options are often used that are called "double" and "triple" cycles. In these cases, the transition periods between the first, second and third macrocycles are often not planned, and the competitive period of the previous macrocycle smoothly passes into the preparatory period of the next one. The described options for constructing an annual cycle in various sports are based on the basic laws of the dynamics of a sports form and the alternation of its phases.

Under sportswear understand the state of the athlete's optimal (best) readiness for achievement, which is acquired under certain conditions in each macrocycle. The sports form expresses the harmonious unity of all sides (components) of the athlete's readiness to achieve (physical, mental, sports-technical and tactical) (L.P. Matveev, 1991).

In its development, the sports form goes through a number of phases: formation, stabilization and temporary loss.

The state of sports form stabilization to a certain extent is quite long (from 1 to 4–5 months) and depends on the duration of the formation phase. Generally, the shorter the growing phase, the shorter the stabilization phase. At the same time, in sports practice, the term “peak sports form” is used, which can be characterized as the operational state of an athlete who is in sports uniform and has achieved the highest results due to the combination of many favorable external and internal conditions (weather, equipment, competition, spectator support). , objective refereeing, good conditions accommodation, meals, well-being, the ease of moving to the competition site, the correct approach to the start, etc.). Thus, in a state of sportsmanship, an athlete may have several such peaks. At the same time, in the unsatisfactory state of some of the listed factors, disruptions can also be observed, which should not be associated with the loss of sports form.

The duration of the phase of the formation of a sports form for most athletes is individual - from 2 to 8 months and depends on the reactivity of the body systems and the dynamics of the means of training used (shorter for complex and longer for selective sequential solution of the main tasks of training). Replacing one set of training effects with others can also increase the duration of each of the two phases. In this case, the above sequence of phases of the formation of a sports form is optional. The results of experimental studies (A. P. Bondarchuk, 2007) indicate that the process of sports form development can have a different sequence. So, in cases of simultaneous use of certain complexes of training influences, after the transition period, some athletes follow the classical alternation of the phases of formation, stabilization and loss. In another combination of loads, the formation of a sports form is preceded by a phase of loss. For representatives of the third group of athletes, the alternation of phases (after the transition period) occurs in the following sequence: the stabilization phase, the phase of loss, etc.

Since the goal of all training in the annual cycle is to achieve the highest results in the main competitions - Olympic Games, World, European and Russian championships, the level of sports form with which an athlete approaches them should be the highest precisely at the time of the main start. In this regard, the number of completed triads (formation, stabilization and temporary loss of sports form) in the annual cycle should be such as to ensure the highest level of readiness within the specified time frame.

In this regard, one should speak about the unidirectional construction of training in a one-year time interval, despite two, three or more competitive periods, since some of them should have only a subordinate value.

For example, with three-cycle planning for the preparation of high-class athletes, the first macrocycle is basically basic in nature, it involves mainly complex training and performance in competitions that are less responsible than the main competitions of the season; in the second macrocycle, the training process becomes more specific, provides for targeted preparation for performance in important competitions of the cycle; in the third macrocycle, aimed at achieving the highest results in the main competitions of the season, the intensity of specific training and competitive loads reaches maximum values. At the same time, in the same sport, separate outstanding athletes build their training in a one-year time interval, including one, two, and three macrocycles, which indicates the need for an individual approach to the structure of sports training.

Preparation period is aimed at the formation of a sports form - a solid special foundation for further preparation for major competitions and participation in them, improving various aspects of preparedness. IN competitive period stabilization of sports form is carried out through further improvement of various aspects of preparedness, integral training is provided, direct preparation for the main competitions and the competitions themselves are carried out. Transition period- temporary loss of sports form - aimed at restoring physical and mental potential after high training and competitive loads, to prepare for the next macrocycle.

The duration and content of periods and their constituent stages of preparation within a single macrocycle are determined by many factors. Some of them are related to the specifics of the sport - the structure of effective competitive activity, the structure of the preparedness of athletes, the system of competitions that has developed in this sport; others - with the stage of many years of preparation, the patterns of formation of various qualities and abilities, etc.; the third - with the organization of training (in conditions of centralized training or in the field), climatic conditions (hot climate, middle mountains), material and technical level (simulators, equipment and inventory, rehabilitation means, special nutrition, etc.).

All this variety of factors determines the direction of the training process and, as a result, the structure of macrocycles, periods, stages and its smaller formations. The division into periods and stages helps to plan the training process, more effectively arrange its content according to tasks and time.

A large number of factors that determine the structure of macrocycles, and the significant role of each of them in achieving the final result, determine the exceptional complexity of building a training process in macrocycles. For example, recommendations to ensure long-term unidirectionality of training loads during entire periods or stages of training can find some application in microcycles or individual mesocycles in sports with a limited arsenal of technical and tactical actions, mental tasks, a relatively narrow structure of physical fitness (for example, in speed-strength disciplines), but are not acceptable in martial arts, games, complex coordination sports, many sports of a cyclic nature, since the unidirectionality of loads causes unidirectional fitness, the structure of which is characterized by multifactoriality.

Depending on the sport, the stage of long-term preparation, the timing of the main competitions, the duration of various periods and stages within the macrocycle can vary over a wide range. For example, the duration of a competitive period in cyclic endurance sports can be 1.5–2 times shorter than in sports games or cycling.

Seasonal sports are characterized by longer preparatory and shorter competitive periods.

The significant increase in the annual cycle of competitions, which currently cover a period of 9-10 months, requires top athletes to participate in competitions almost throughout the year.

Characteristic for modern sports trend - the use of participation in competitions as one of the most effective methods preparation of high-class athletes, well adapted to the usual training loads, has created the appearance that the established system of periodization of sports training has come into conflict with the best sports practice. A number of specialists began to reject the existence of preparatory, competitive and transitional periods with their inherent specific tasks and content, to introduce monthly and phased planning of the training process with preparation for each more or less responsible competition, to use a variety of new designations of the structural formations of the training process (stages of accumulation and realization of the potential , "spirals", blocks), etc. Some specialists even seek to eliminate the existing periodization and propose to consider the training process as a continuous chain of direct training and participation of athletes in various competitions.

A serious analysis of the training system and the results of participation in competitions of the world's strongest athletes specializing in various sports convincingly testifies to the scientific groundlessness of the position that denies modern periodization, and its negative impact on the theory and methodology of sports training in general.

An analysis of the structure of the training process of successfully performing weightlifters indicates the presence in their training of two or three macrocycles during the year with clearly defined preparatory and competitive periods, and the first macrocycle is distinguished by a general preparatory orientation, the second and third (in the case of a three-cycle periodization) are specialized and relatively short. preparatory period. This pattern is clearly visible in other sports, in which there is a desire to demonstrate high sports results for a significant part of the year in several major competitions (V. A. Platonov, 1987, 2014).

An analysis of the world championships held four times in winter and summer shows that the winners of the winter championship in summer manage to repeat their success only in 15-20% of cases. Among the winners in winter and summer, there are only athletes who were “head and shoulders” stronger than their rivals. 75-85% of winter champions performed worse in summer and did not win highest title. An even more depressing picture is observed among the winners and finalists. All this indicates the need for a strict periodization of the annual cycle.

Characteristics of the preparatory period

Modern training of athletes, regardless of age and qualifications, in the preparatory period should create physical, mental and technical prerequisites for subsequent more specialized training. The exception is cases when the level of physical fitness requires a more significant development of individual muscle groups or functional systems of the body to eliminate "weak links". This involves the widespread use of a variety of general preparatory exercises. During the preparatory period, the composition of means and methods changes: the share of competitive and special-preparatory exercises increases, close to competitive ones in form, structure and nature of the impact on the body.

The preparatory period is divided into two to four stages. The ratio of their duration largely depends on the duration of the macrocycle and the qualifications of the athlete. For example, with two-cycle planning (“double” cycle), the first macrocycle is characterized by a longer basic stage and a relatively short-term special preparatory one; in the second macrocycle, the ratio is opposite. When training highly qualified athletes in sports games with single-cycle planning, the duration of the preparatory period is very short and most of it is occupied by the basic stage. At the same time, the tasks of the special preparatory stage are largely solved at the beginning of the competitive period, which can be considered as a combined special preparatory stage and the stage of early starts.

General preparatory, or basic stage

The main objectives of the stage are to increase the level of physical fitness of athletes, improve the physical qualities that underlie high sports achievements in a particular sport, study new complex competitive programs. The duration of this stage depends on the number of competitive periods in the annual cycle and is usually 6-9 weeks (in some sports there are variations from 5 to 10 weeks). The priority name of the stage is “basic”, although in practice there are other names for it.

The stage consists of two, in some cases - of three mesocycles. The first one, lasting 2–3 microcycles (MC), is retractive, closely related to the previous transitional period and is preparatory to performing high-volume training loads. The second one, lasting 3–6 week microcycles, is aimed at solving the main tasks of the stage. In this mesocycle, the increase in the total volumes of training means, unidirectional private volumes of intensive means, which develop the main qualities and contribute to the mastery of new competitive programs, continues. The intensity of the training process is at an average level. When building a training session according to the principle of one annual macrocycle, 2 basic mesocycles are usually carried out, each lasting 3-4 microcycles. At the same time, the level of loads by volume gradually increases over 12-15 weeks. In the future, it stabilizes, and the intensity increases. It is desirable to carry out this increase by including new means of training and methods for their implementation. When using a two-cycle structure, the total volume increases within 8-10 weeks.

Preparation process highly qualified athletes can be divided into three interrelated components:

building a process

its implementation and

control over the progress of training.

The long-term process of sports training from a beginner to the heights of mastery can be represented in the form of stages of long-term training associated with the age qualification indicators of athletes (Table 4).

Tab. 4 Stages of long-term sports training

Allocate next steps many years of sports training:

· Pre-preparation stage– solves the problems of general physical training, mastering basic skills and skills in the chosen sport, instilling interest in sports (the duration of the stage is 3 years).

· Stage of initial sports specialization– solves the problems of mastering rational sports techniques and creating favorable conditions for achieving the highest results at an age that is optimal for each sport (prod. 2 years).

· Stage of in-depth specialization in the chosen sport- solves the problems of improving the technical and tactical skills of an athlete, educating his volitional qualities (prod. 2-3 years).

· Stage of sports improvement- coincides with the age that is favorable for achieving high sports results, and solves the problems of preparing for competitions and successfully participating in them (2-3 years). Namely, the achievement of sports results, characteristic of the zone of the first great successes in this specialization (the standard of the master of sports).

In some sports there are no clear boundaries between the stages and stages of a multi-year process, as well as a strict time frame for these stages and stages.

The long-term process of training and competition of an athlete is based on the following methodological provisions .

1. Unified pedagogical system, providing rational continuity of tasks, means, methods, organizational forms of training of all age groups. The main criterion for the effectiveness of long-term training is the highest sports result achieved within the optimal age limits for this sport.

2. Target orientation in relation to to the highest sportsmanship in preparation for all age groups.

3. Optimal ratio(proportionality) various aspects of preparedness athlete during many years of training.

4. Steady growth in the volume of funds for general and special training, the ratio between which is gradually changing. Year after year the share of the volume of special training means in relation to the total volume of the training load increases and, accordingly, the share of general training decreases.

5. Progressive increase in the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads. Each period of the next annual cycle must begin and end at a higher level of training loads compared to the corresponding periods of the previous annual cycle.

6. Strict observance of gradualness in the process of using training and competitive loads, especially in classes with children, adolescents, since comprehensive preparedness is steadily increasing only if the training and competitive loads at all stages of the long-term process fully correspond to his biological age and the individual capabilities of the athlete.

7. Simultaneous education of the physical qualities of athletes at all stages of long-term training and the predominant development of individual qualities in the age periods that are most favorable for this(sensitive periods).

Sensitive periods (sensitive) are periods of intensive development of one or another physical ability person. The predominant orientation of the training process at the stages of long-term training is determined taking into account these sensitive periods of development of physical qualities.

In order to rationally build a long-term training process, one should take into account the time required to achieve the highest sports results in a particular sport. As a rule, capable athletes achieve their first great successes after 4-6 years, and the highest achievements after 7-9 years of specialized training.