Olympic champions of the Kuban biography. Kuban athletes in the Olympic Games

History of student participation sports schools education systems Krasnodar Territory in the Olympics

Olympic Games The Olympics are the largest international complex sports competitions that are held every four years. The tradition that existed in Ancient Greece, was revived at the end of the 19th century by the French public figure Pierre de Coubertin. The Olympic Games, also known as the Summer Olympics, have been held every four years since 1896, with the exception of the years during World Wars. In 1924, the Winter Olympic Games were established, and were originally held in the same year as the summer ones. However, since 1994, the timing of the Winter Olympics has shifted by two years from that of the Summer Games.

The Olympic Games are the most prestigious sports competition in the world, victory on Olympic Stadium considered the most valuable sports world. Medals are awarded for each competition: gold medals for first place, silver for second and bronze for third, a tradition that began in 1904.

In 1951, the USSR created Olympic Committee. Soon he was recognized by the IOC. So our country became a full member of the Olympic family.

In 1952 at the X Games V Olympics in the capital of Finland, Helsinki, the debut of athletes of the USSR took place.

Kuban athletes who began their journey to Olympic fame and glory in sports schools of the education system, took part in the Games for the first time XVI Olympics in Melbourne in 1956.

Sixty-one athletes out of 15 municipalities Krasnodar Territory participated in the Olympic Games from 1956 to 2010 as part of the national teams of the USSR, CIS and Russia at twelve summer and three winter Games:

Krasnodar - 30 people;

Sochi - 10 people;

G. Armavir - 3 people;

Yeisk district - 3 people;

G. Gelendzhik - 2 people;

Bryukhovetsky district - 2 people;

Dinskoy district - 2 people;

G. Goryachiy Klyuch - 1 person;

Gulkevichsky district - 1 person;

Kavkazsky district - 1 person;

Slavyansky district - 1 person;

Starominskiy district -1 person;

Temryuk district - 1 person;

Timashevsky district - 1 person;

Tuapse district -1 person;

Uspensky district - 1 person.

Olympians won54 medals, of which: 18 gold, 14 silver, 22 bronze, including 1 silver and 1 bronze medals at the Winter Games (Appendix 3).

Gold medalists

No. p / p

First Name Last Name

Kind of sport

City and year of the Games

Vera Duyunova ( Galushka)

volleyball (twice)

Mexico City (1968)

Munich (1972)

Natalia Kudreva (Zaichenko)


Munich (1972)

Vladimir Kondra


Moscow (1980)

Ludmila Chernova


Moscow (1980)

Valentina Ogienko


Seoul (1988)

Andrey Lavrov

handball (three times)

Seoul (1988)

Barcelona (1992)

Sydney (2000)

Dmitry Filippov

handball (twice)

Barcelona (1992)

Sydney (2000)

Pavel Sukosyan


Sydney (2000)

Eduard Koksharov


Sydney (2000)


Oleg Khodkov


Sydney (2000)


Dmitry Kuzelev


Sydney (2000)


Stanislav Kulinchenko


Sydney (2000)


Alexander Moskalenko


Sydney (2000)


Evgeny Kafelnikov


Sydney (2000)

Silver medalists

Yuri Radonyak


Rome (1960)

Lyubov Rusanova


Montreal (1976)

Zoya Yusova (Kosacheva)


Montreal (1976)

Vladimir Kondra


Montreal (1976)

Vladimir Repiev


Moscow (1980)

Valentina Ogienko


Barcelona (1992)

Natalia Shikolenko


Barcelona (1992)

Oksana Lyapina


Atlanta (1996)

Alexander Moskalenko


Athens (2004)


Evgeny Lukyanenko


Beijing (2008)


Marina Shainova


Beijing (2008)


Irina Bliznova


Beijing (2008)


Inna Zhukova


Beijing (2008)


Alexey Voevoda

bobsleigh ( winter Games)

Turin (2006)

Bronze medalists

Anatoly Lagetko


Melbourne (1956)

Vladimir Nemshilov


Mexico City (1968)

Vladimir Kondra


Munich (1972)

Lyubov Rusanova


Montreal (1976)

Alexander Salnikov

basketball (twice)

Vladimir Tkachenko

basketball (twice)

Montreal (1976), Moscow (1980)

Leonid Nazarenko


Montreal (1976)

Natalya Anisimova (Guskova)

handball (twice)

Seoul (1988)

Barcelona (1992)

Tatyana Dzhandzhgava Shalimova)

handball (twice)

Seoul (1988)

Barcelona (1992)


Natalia Tsygankova


Seoul (1988)


Galina Borzenkova (Tyan)


Barcelona (1992)


Galina Onoprienko (Zhivilo)


Barcelona (1992)


Svetlana Rozintseva


Barcelona (1992)


Andrey Lavrov


Athens (2004)


Eduard Koksharov


Athens (2004)


Tatyana Chernova


Beijing (2008)


Yuri Patrikeev

Greco-Roman wrestling

Beijing (2008)


Alexey Voevoda

Bobsleigh (Winter Games)

Vancouver (2010)

Pupils of sports schools took part in 17 sports in the Summer Olympic Games and in one sport (bobsleigh) in the winter ones:

Handball - 17 people;

Athletics- 15 people;

Basketball - 5 people;

Volleyball - 5 people;

Trampoline jumping - 3 people;

Bobsleigh - 3 people;

Boxing - 2 people;

Rowing in kayaks and canoes - 2 people;

Swimming - 2 people;

Weightlifting -2 people;

Greco-Roman wrestling - 1 person;

Beach volleyball - 1 person;

Artistic gymnastics - 1 person;

Rhythmic gymnastics - 1 person;

Tennis - 1 person;

Football - 1 person

Names of athletes who have taken part in two or more Olympics

Performed twice: Vera Duyunova, Valentina Ogienko - volleyball; Inna Zhukova - rhythmic gymnastics; Natalya Anisimova, Tatyana Dzhandzhgava, Eduard Koksharov - handball; Alexander Moskalenko, Alexander Rusakov - trampolining; Alexander Salnikov, Vladimir Tkachenko, Zakhar Pashutin - basketball; Victoria Gurova - athletics; Nizami Pashayev - weightlifting; Victoria Tokovaya, Alexey Voevoda - bobsleigh.

Dmitry Filippov - handball and Vladimir Kondra - volleyball took part in three Olympiads.

Andrei Lavrov was a participant in five Olympiads (handball).

During the period from 1956 to 2010, 38 Kuban athletes became champions and prize-winners at twelve Summer Olympic Games (1956, 1960, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008) and two winter olympics ah (2006, 2010).

Thirteen Kuban athletes are multiple champions and winners of the Olympic Games:

Andrey Lavrov - participant of 5 Olympiads, three-time Olympic champion in 1988, 1992, 2000, bronze medalist 2004 Olympics;

Dmitry Filippov - participant of 3 Olympiads, two-time Olympic champion in 1992, 2000;

Vladimir Kondra - participant of 3 Olympiads, Olympic champion in 1980, silver medalist of the 1976 Olympics, bronze medalist of the 1972 Olympics;

Vera Duyunova (Galushka) - two-time Olympic champion in 1968, 1972;

Valentina Ogienko - Olympic champion in 1988, silver medalist of the 1992 Olympics;

Alexander Moskalenko - Olympic champion in 2000, silver medalist of the 2004 Olympics;

Eduard Koksharov - Olympic champion in 2000, bronze medalist of the 2004 Olympics;

Lyubov Rusanova - silver and bronze medalist at the 1976 Olympics;

Natalya Anisimova (Guskova) - two-time bronze medalist of the Olympic Games 1988, 1992;

Tatyana Dzhandzhgava (Shalimova) - two-time bronze medalist of the Olympic Games 1988, 1992;

Alexander Salnikov - two-time bronze medalist of the Olympic Games 1976, 1980;

Vladimir Tkachenko - two-time bronze medalist of the Olympic Games 1976, 1980;

Alexey Voevoda - participant of 2 Winter Olympics, silver medalist of the 2006 Games, bronze medalist of the 2010 Olympic Games.

Summer Olympics

GamesXVI1956 Olympics Melbourne (Australia)

In 1956, for the first time, the Kuban pupil of the regional children's sports school of the department of public education - boxer Anatoly Lagetko took part in the X Games VI Olympics in Melbourne as part of the USSR team and opened the scoring for Olympic medals, becoming a bronze medalist.

GamesXVII1960 Olympics Rome (Italy)

In 1960 at Games X V II Olympiad Kuban was represented by only one athlete - boxer Yuri Radonyak ( graduate of the regional Children's School of Public Education), who won a silver medal.

Games of the XIX Olympiad 1968 Mexico City (Mexico)

In 1968, two Kuban athletes competed at the X Games IX Olympics in Mexico City as part of the USSR team. Vera Duyunova (Galushka), a volleyball player from the Regional Youth Sports School of the Department of Public Education, became the first Olympic champion, and swimmer Vladimir Nemshilov from the Youth Sports School No. 2, Sochi, won a bronze medal in the 4 x 100 m combined relay and was fourth in the 100 m butterfly.

Games of the XX Olympiad 1972 Munich (Germany)

At the XX Olympic Games in Munich in 1972, the Olympic delegation included 4 athletes, three of them returned with awards:

Vera Duyunova (for the second time) and Natalya Kudreva as part of the women's volleyball team became Olympic champions - both pupils of the regional Children's and Youth Sports School of the Department of Public Education; Vladimir Kondra - volleyball player from the mountains. Sochi (DYuSSh-2) as part of the country's men's national team won a bronze medal; athlete Mikhail Bariban graduateYouth School No. 2 mountains Krasnodar in the triple jump took 9th place.

Games of the XXI Olympiad 1976 Montreal (Canada)

In 1976 at XXI The Olympic Games in Montreal were attended by 6 athletes, all of them returned with medals. Volleyball players again excelled, silver awards for the national team were won by: Sochi resident Vladimir Kondra at his second Olympics and Zoya Yusova (Kosacheva) - a pupil of the regional Children's and Youth Sports School of the Department of Public Education; in basketball competitions, Alexander Salnikov (Youth Sports School No. 2, Tuapse) and Vladimir Tkachenko (Youth Sports School No. 2, Sochi) as part of the USSR national team were awarded bronze medals.

Two Olympic awards were received by Lyubov Rusanova (DSSH-1, Krasnodar) in swimming competitions - a silver medal at a distance of 100 m and a bronze medal at a distance of 200 m breaststroke.

For the first time in the history of Kuban football, Leonid Nazarenko, a pupil of the SDYUSSHOR of the Gulkevichsky district, participated in the Olympic Games and became a bronze medalist.

Games XXII Olympiad 1980 Moscow (USSR)

In 1980 XXII The Olympic Games were held in our country for the first time. 5 pupils of sports schools of the education system participated in the Moscow Games, who repeated the success of the Montreal Olympics, having won 5 medals. Two of them were awarded gold medals: track and field athlete Lyudmila Chernova as part of the team in relay race 4 x 400 m (SDYUSSHOR No. 1, Armavir) and Vladimir Kondra as part of the volleyball team (SDYUSSHOR No. 2, Sochi), which became the only volleyball player in the world to win full set Olympic medals - "gold" Games XXII Olympics in Moscow (1980), "silver" at the XXIst Games in Montreal (1976) and "bronze" at the XX Games in Munich (1972).

The silver medal was awarded to Vladimir Repyev, player of the national handball team, which took second place.

Basketball players Alexander Salnikov repeated their success of the previous Olympics (Youth Sports School No. 2, Tuapse) and Vladimir Tkachenko (Youth Sports School No. 2, Sochi), who took third place in the USSR national team, were awarded bronze medals.

GamesXXIII1984 Olympics Los Angeles (USA)

The XXIII Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1984 were held for political reasons without the participation of Soviet athletes.

XX GamesIV1988 Olympics Seoul (South Korea)

In Games XX IV The 1988 Olympics, held in Seoul, fought for medals were 5 athletes and all returned with awards.

Andrey Lavrov as part of the handball team (regional SDYUSSHOR No. 4) and volleyball player Valentina Ogienko (regional DYUSSH ONO) climbed to the highest step of the podium.

Natalya Anisimova, Tatyana Shalimova and Natalya Tsygankova (regional SDYUSSHOR No. 4) as part of the national team women's team won bronze medals in handball.

XX GamesV1992 Olympics Barcelona (Spain)

In 1992 at XX V At the Olympic Games in Barcelona, ​​the USSR national team played as a separate team for the last time. Only now this team was called the national team of the Union of Independent States (CIS).

The Joint Team included 10 athletes who competed in handball, athletics, volleyball, they won 9 medals: (men's handball -2gold; women's handball - 5 bronze; women's volleyball - 1 silver, athletics - 1 silver).

Special mention must be made of the pupils.regional specialized children's and youth sports school Olympic reserve № 4 - seven athletes competed in national handball teams. Andrey Lavrov and Dmitry Filippov played in the men's team. The team won, and the team's players became the owners of Olympic gold medals, while Andrei Lavrov received his second Olympic gold medal.

Five Kuban handball players - Galina Borzenkova, Galina Onoprienko, Svetlana Rozintseva - won bronze Olympic medals, while Natalia Anisimova and Tatyana Dzhandzhgava repeated their success at the Seoul Olympics, winning bronze medals for the second time.

Silver awards for the national team were won by Valentina Ogienko as part of the women's volleyball team (regional Youth Sports School ONO) and Natalya Shikolenko, a pupil of the Children's Youth Sports School of Gelendzhik in athletics in the javelin throw, Irina Mushailova (Youth Sports School No. 2, Krasnodar) was awarded a diploma for 5th place in the long jump.

XX GamesVI Olympiad 1996 Atlanta (USA)

1996 Games XX VI The Olympics were held in the American city of Atlanta and were dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the modern Olympic Games. For the first time after the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Olympic team competed independently, it included 5 pupils from sports schools of the education system. Only one medal was won by the Olympians in Atlanta.

Oksana Lyapina (Armavir, SDYUSSHOR No. 1) was awarded a silver medal as part of the country's national team in gymnastics, in which the Kuban made their debut at the Olympics.

After the triumph of four years ago at the Games in Barcelona, ​​handball players Andrey Lavrov and Dmitry Filippov remained without medals,the team finished in fifth place.

In athletics competitions, two long jumpers Yuri Naumkin (Yeisk, Youth Sports School No. 1) and Alexei Petrukhnov (Kropotkin, Youth Sports School) could not get close to the medals. Yuri Naumkin took 10th place, while Alexei Petrukhnov did not qualify for the final.

The last games in the 20th century

In 2000 XXVII The Olympic Games were held for the second time in Australia in the city of Sydney.

The Russian national team included 13 athletes from the Kuban. It was the most successful Olympiad - 9 Olympians returned home as winners of the Games.

Highest Samples were won by seven pupils of the regional SDYUSSHOR No. 4 in handball competitions: Eduard Koksharov, Oleg Khodkov, Dmitry Kuzelev, Stanislav Kulinchenko, and Dmitry Filippov became a two-time Olympic champion. Your third highest title won the standard-bearer of our delegation, outstanding athlete, captain of the Russian national handball team Andrey Lavrov . For the first time, his team won at the Games in Seoul, the second time - in Barcelona.

The first ever Olympic champion in trampolining (a new discipline in the program of the Games) was Alexander Moskalenko (Youth Sports School, Bryukhovetsky district).

Yevgeny Kafelnikov, a graduate of the Sochi Youth Sports School No. 5, was the first Russian to win a prestigious tennis tournament.

In track and field athletics, javelin thrower Tatyana

Shikolenko (Youth Sports School, Gelendzhik) took 7th place. All-around from the edge

SDUSSHOR "Youth of Russia" Dina Koritskaya settled in 15th place.

Two brothers Evgeniy and Zakhar Pashutin (Youth Sports School No. 2, Sochi) participated in the basketball tournament as part of the Russian national team - the team took 8th place.

XX GamesVIII2004 Olympics Athens (Greece)

In XXVIII The Olympic Games in Athens were attended by 9 athletes who competed in 6 sports, they won 1 silver and 2 bronze medals. This result was much inferior to what was shown at the previous Games.

The legend of the Kuban sports Alexander Moskalenko failed to confirm his high class of the Olympic champion of the Games in Sydney in the trampoline competition - he won a silver medal, and the debutant of the Olympics Alexander Rusakov (Yeisky district, SDYUSSHOR No. 2) took a high fifth place.

Andrei Lavrov at his fifth Olympics , and Eduard Koksharov were not left without awards in the second place, as part of the handball team they took third place and were awarded bronze medals.

Olga Kostenko, a pupil of the Youth Sports School of the Starominsk District, was the only woman who represented the Russian national kayaking team and became17 at a distance of 500 meters (single kayak).

Athlete Victoria Gurova (Youth Sports School No. 1, Sochi) performed unsuccessfully in the triple jump competition - she could not make it to the final.

Alexander Volkov - a reserve participant in the relay team 4 x 100 meters was left without a place.

Inna Zhukova learned the basics of rhythmic gymnastics in Russia in the regional SDYUSSHOR of the department of public education, then moved to Minsk. At the Athens Games, she placed 7th in the individual all-around rhythmic gymnastics in the national team of the Republic of Belarus.

Another pupil of the Kuban sports defended the flag of another country - Nizami Pashayev, a pupil of the Youth Sports School, Goryachiy Klyuch, represented Azerbaijan at the Olympics in weightlifting competitions.

Nizami Pashayev was the standard-bearer of the Azerbaijani delegation.

XX GamesIXOlympics 2008 Beijing (China)

For the fifth time (after Tokyo 1964, Sapporo 1972, Seoul 1988 and Nagano 1998), the Olympic Games were held in Asia, the most populated continent in the world.

At Games XXIX Olympics in Beijing, the Russian Olympic delegation included an unprecedented number of students from the Kuban sports schools - 18 people. They competed in 9 sports. But this Olympics was not gold. Olympians won 4 silver and 2 bronze medals.

Silver medals for the national team were won by Marina Shainova from the Youth Sports School of the Uspensky District in weightlifting competitions (weight up to 58 kg), athlete Yevgeny Lukyanenko (SDYUSSHOR No. 1, Slavyansk-on-Kubani) in pole vaulting, Irina Bliznova (regional SDUSSHOR No. 4) in the Russian women's handball team.

Inna Zhukova (regional SDYUSSHOR of the department of public education) at her second Olympics won the silver medal of the tournament in rhythmic gymnastics as part of the national team of the Republic of Belarus.

Young athlete Tatyana Chernova (regional sports school "Youth of Russia"), the daughter of Olympic champion Lyudmila Chernova, received a bronze medal in the heptathlon.

The bronze medal was won by Yuri Patrikeev (Youth Sports School No. 1, Dinskoy District) in competitions in Greco-Roman wrestling played for Armenia at the Beijing Games.

In the weightlifting competition Nizami Pashayev(Youth Sports School of Goryachiy Klyuch) represented Azerbaijan for the second time at the Olympics and took 5th place.

Unfortunately, our trampolines Alexander Rusakov (this is his second Games) and the debutant of the national team Dmitry Ushakov did not get to the medals - both athletes of the SDYUSSHOR No. 2 of the Yeysk region, respectively, took 7th and 6th places.

On Olympic tournament handball players in the Russian national team were representatives of the Krasnodar handball school Oleg Grams and Valery Myagkov - the team took 6th place.

Our basketball athletes, Zakhar Pashutin, a participant in the second Olympiad, and Alexei Savrasenko (Youth Sports School No. 6, Krasnodar) did not justify their hopes and took 9th place as part of the Russian national team.

Dmitry Barsuk (Youth Sports School No. 2, Armavir) made an unsuccessful debut in the Olympic tournament in beach volleyball- only 9th place.

Viktor Melantiev (Youth Sports School, Bryukhovetsky District) finished only eleventh in the single canoe competition at a distance of 1000 meters.

Anna Bogdanova - a pupil of the Sochi Youth Sports School No. 1 at the Games in athletics in the heptathlon became the 6th.

The second Olympic fiasco was suffered by the athlete Victoria Gurova in the triple jump.

Javelin thrower Maria Yakovenko (Youth Sports School, Timashevsky district) settled in 47th place.

Olympic Winter Games

X gamesIX2002 Olympics Salt Lake City (USA)

First Olympic Winter Games XXI century were held in 2002 in the US city of Salt Lake City.

For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, bobsleigh competitions among women's pairs took place. The Russian team in this type of program was represented by 2 athletes from the Krasnodar Territory Victoria Tokovaya (Youth Sports School No. 1, Sochi) and Christina Bader (Youth Sports School No. 1, Dinskoy District), both were previously involved in athletics.

For her first Olympics in Salt Lake City, Victoria Tokova prepared as a pilot, and Christina Bader was her overclocker. This was the debut of the athletes of the southern Kuban at the Winter Olympics, the Russian duet finished eighth. But one participation in the Games is worth a lot.

X games X2006 OlympicsTurin (Italy)

In 2006, the Games of the XX Olympiad were held in Turin. The Russian national team included 2 athletes from the Sochi Youth Sports School No. 1 Victoria Tokovaya and Alexei Voevoda in bobsleigh competitions.

Alexey Voevoda, before switching to bobsleigh, was engaged in arm wrestling and became a three-time world champion. Professional bobsledder since 2002.

For the first time in the history of the Winter Olympics, our fellow countryman climbed the podium, as part of the crew of the Russian four in bobsleigh, Aleksey Voevoda from Sochi became the silver medalist. In addition, in the unofficial rating, Alexey Voevoda is recognized as the best overclocker.

D for Victoria Tokova - this is the second Olympiad, speaking in a two-man crew together with Nadezhda Orlova, she took 7th place.

X gamesXIOlympics 2010 Vancouver (Canada)

Games of the XXI Olympiad were held in 2010 in Vancouver. Aleksey Voevoda from Sochi played as part of the Russian national team at his second White Olympicsand won a bronze medal in the bobsleigh competition. Alexander Zubkov (pilot) and Aleksey Voevoda (accelerator) lost only to two German duets in the two-man races.

Zubkov and Voevoda were the first Russian bobsledders to win Olympic medals in this class of bobsleigh. This is their second award won at the White Olympics. Four years ago, in Turin, they became silver medalists in the four-man competition.

IN Olympic history forever remain the names of great athletes, their amazingly beautiful goals, record jumps, rapid races, but we do not all know their first coaches, who were able to consider the future great Olympic and world champions in inconspicuous boys and girls.

Here are the names of the mentors who started in big sport to their pupils: Volleyball - Anna Dzyuganova, Yuri Demin, Eduard Tretyak, Vadim Litvinov , Valentin Ignatiev.

Basketball - Victor Fionov, Vladimir Eldin, Yuri Pakhmutov, Alexander Tarannikov, Yuri Kostetsky.

Handball - Valentin Shiyan, Yuri Zaitsev, Alexander Dolgiy, Alexander Ovsyannikov, Alexander Frolov, Alexander Panov, Yuri Polulyakh, Yuri Drobotov, Pavel Morzhov, Leonid Milidi, Konstantin Simanovich, Sergey Kos, Irina Kos.

Rowing and canoeing - Vladimir Teterev, Pavel Petrov.

Greco-Roman wrestling - Valery Budnik.

Athletics - Artem Agaekov , Vladimir Kudryavtsev, Maria Poddubnova, Yuri Kolba, Sergey Chernov, Lyudmila Chernova, Vladimir Petrov, Boris Mordyshev, Evgeny Kachanov, Nikolai Petkhov, Vladimir Borodavkin, Sergey Gripich, Tatyana Semenyuta, Vladimir Belash, Gennady Mikhailovsky, Victor Dmitrichenko.

Swimming - Arkady Melkomyan, Vladimir Volkov.

Trampolining - Anatoly Rusin, Sergey Epelbaum, Lydia Zaporozhchenko, Oleg Zaporozhchenko.

Gymnastics - Tatyana Abramova, Nadezhda Butenko.

Tennis - Valery Shishkin.

Weightlifting - Sergey Poyrazyan, Vladimir Shainov.

Football - Anatoly Lyz.

Gymnastics - Vera Nizovtseva.

Armwrestling - Viktor Isaev.

Hello reader. Behind is the festive closing of the XXXI Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Russian athletes came back home. The Games of 2016 will be remembered by all of us not only for the desperate struggle for the right to participate in competitions, but also for the dizzying dashes to the finish line, tears of happiness from unexpected and long-desired victories: 19 gold, 18 silver and 19 bronze medals were brought by our athletes. Despite all the difficulties, our athletes showed what a great power is capable of. Congratulations!!!

Kuban was represented by 20 athletes at the Olympics, adding to Russian team piggy bank four gold, one silver and two bronze medals(medal score). These are the athletes who caused a storm of joy, delight and pride for the Krasnodar Territory, for Russia.

In the very first days of the Olympics, the highest standard was won by Beslan Mudranov from Armavir, who won the judo competition in the category up to 60 kg. It was his confidence and calmness that were transferred to other representatives of the Krasnodar Territory in Brazil.

Sochi tennis player Elena Vesnina together with Muscovite Ekaterina Makarova became the winner of the women's doubles tennis tournament Olympics 2016. In the decisive match, the Russian duet confidently outplayed the representatives of Switzerland, one of the strongest couples in the world - Timea Bachinsky and Martina Hingis. Yes, Sochi residents have something to be proud of: what tennis traditions are here, what names - Kafelnikov, Sharapova! Now Vesnina has rightfully taken her place in this row.This is the first Olympic medal in the history of Russian women's doubles tennis. And immediately - the highest standard!

Also, the first Olympic award for Russia in women's sailing was won by a very young Stefania Elfutina from Yeysk. The 19-year-old yachtswoman became a bronze medalist in windsurfing. To take a place on the podium, Stephanie had to overcome not only her rivals, but also herself. During the start, she was too worried and almost turned her board with a sail. Only with an incredible effort of will, Stephanie was able to cope with nerves, ride the wind and catch up with rivals who had gone far ahead. At the finish line, she lost only to two much more experienced rivals - Frenchwoman Charlene Picon and Chinese Chen Peine.

Unforgettable emotions Kuban at the Olympics gave boxer Yevgeny Tishchenko, a native of the village of Kanevskaya, speaking in the category up to 91 kg. In the final match, our fellow countryman defeated Vasily Levit from Kazakhstan in a beautiful style.

Another representative of the region, freestyle wrestler Aniuar Geduev, immediately declared that he had come to Rio for gold. After all, these Games are most likely the last in the career of our athlete - next year he will turn 30 years old. IN decisive battle in the category up to 74 kg, Geduev was opposed by Hassan Yazdani. Aniuar immediately took a serious lead in the score, but the Iranian, not without the help of referees, snatched victory in the very end. What is there to say?! This is a sport! And silver is also a precious metal.

Bronze award Kuban wrestler Sergey Semenov, representing the Greco-Roman style and performing in the most prestigious category - up to 130 kg, a good application for the future. In the midst of the Olympics, Sergei turned 21 years old. Given his youth and talent, many experts today compare Semenov with the legendary Karelin and expect him to continue the glorious traditions of the Russian school of heavyweight classics.

With a big exclamation point, the performance of our athletes in Brazil was completed by the pupils of the Kuban handball school - Marina Sudakova, Ekaterina Marennikova, Vladlena Bobrovnikova, Anna Sen and Irina Bliznova. As part of the Russian women's team, which outright defeated the French in the decisive match, they won gold medals at the Olympics. supervised Russian team coach of the Krasnodar "Kuban" Evgeny Trefilov. After silver in Beijing 2008, this is the second Olympic medal in women's handball For Russia. By the way, at the Olympics in China, the team was also led by Trefilov, and it included Bliznova and Marennikova.

- Despite the huge pressure, our Olympians showed that Russia - great country. It is gratifying that the Kuban athletes adequately represented the region, having won a fifth of all awards for the country. I hope that by the next Olympics new sports stars will grow up in our sports schools who will join the national Olympic team and show the whole world the sports power of our country. We will make every effort for this. I congratulate our Olympians on a worthy victory and wish them further success, - commented the head of the region Veniamin Kondratyev to regional journalists.

The post-Olympic sports season did not make us bored, and the Kuban people, we are already used to it, pleased us with their achievements at the largest competitions not only in Russia, but also on an international scale.

Not only bobsledders shone. Olympic tennis champion doubles Elena Vesnina from Sochi, together with Ekaterina Makarova, triumphed at the legendary Wimbledon, at the end of the season this outstanding duet is the second in the world ranking. Phenomenal hurdler Sergei Shubenkov is the silver medalist of the World Championships in athletics.

The fighters just went crazy. Stepan Maryanyan from Dinskaya - bronze medalist of the World Championship, winner of the European Nations Cup in the Russian team, national champion. And how do you like the performance of Lyubov Ovcharova from Belorechensk? She is European Champion! The first in the history of wrestling in the Kuban. And how good was Ksenia Nezgovorova from Gulkevichi! Ksyusha brilliantly won the junior world and European championships. Ekaterina Poleshchuk, another athlete from Gulkevichi, is the winner of the European Nations Cup and the prize-winner of the national championship. Daria Leksina - champion of Russia.

Trampolines confirmed their high class. Dmitry Ushakov is the silver medalist of the World Championship in individual jumps, Yana Pavlova from Krasnodar performed excellently at the World Cup stages. The famous paddle master from Krasnodar Viktor Melantiev brilliantly proved himself at the World and European Championships in kayaking and canoeing.

Another canoeist, Alexander Kovalenko from Dinskaya, also became world champion. Olesya Romasenko, the best Russian canoeist from Krasnodar, won two silver medals at the world championship. Alexander Bogdashin excelled at the World Championship in rowing in the USA - he has a silver medal. Bronze medals for Elena Oryabinskaya, Anastasia Tikhanova, Ekaterina Potapova.

At the Sochi World SAMBO Championships, Tatyana Kazenyuk from Armavir demonstrated the highest class. Aslan Mudranov and Bayzet Hatkhohu are silver medalists.

One of the strongest masters on the planet trap shooting Alexander Zemlin from Krasnodar returned from the European Championship with a gold medal, from the World Championship - with a bronze medal. Daria Chebulanka, Polina Plastinina and Ksenia Zagoskina are winners of the World Games and European champion in sports acrobatics. An amazing yachtswoman from Yeysk Stefania Elfutina, bronze medalist of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, gathered a rich harvest of awards. She won gold medals at the junior world and European championships, won a silver medal at the adult European championship and was third in the World Cup.

Honored Master of Sports in small towns Vasily Dukhanin won two medals at the World Championships - gold and silver. Ruslan Murashov, bronze medalist of the World speed skating in the 500 meters, showed at this distance the third result in history.

Sergei Semenov, Olympic bronze medalist, and Alexander Golovin won the youth championship world Greco-Roman wrestling. A group of climbers led by Ivan Aristov climbed the summit of Manaslu (Himalayas). "Ekaterinodar" is the strongest club in Europe in beach handball, "Kuban" is the owner of the European Rugby Champions Cup.

What a palette of colors, what geography - the sports stars of the Kuban were applauded on all continents ...

As you can see, we were faced with a difficult task: all the candidates are painfully good ... Sin removes one thing from the soul - the conditionality of dozens. Elena Vesnina, and Viktor Melantyev, and Tatiana Kazenyuk, and Lyubov Ovcharova, and Stefania Elfutina, and Stepan Maryanyan could become the best athletes of the year - everyone has their own trump cards ... We chose the four bobsledders.

Alexander Kasyanov (Sochi regional center Olympic training in winter sports), Alexei Pushkarev, Alexei Zaitsev, Vasily Kondratenko (all from Krasnodar) - bobsleigh.
Elena Vesnina (Sochi) - tennis.
Viktor Melantiev (Krasnodar) - rowing and canoeing.
Dmitry Ushakov (Yeisk) - trampolining.
Sergey Shubenkov (Krasnodar) - athletics.
Stefania Elfutina (Yeisk) - sailing.
Stepan Maryanyan (Dinskaya) - Greco-Roman wrestling.
Alexander Kovalenko (Dinskaya) - rowing and canoeing.
Olesya Romasenko (Krasnodar) - rowing and canoeing.
Lyubov Ovcharova (Belorechensk) - women's wrestling.
Tatyana Kazenyuk (Armavir) - sambo, judo.

Now about the athletes themselves


These are amazing guys. Courageous, desperately brave - you simply cannot be different in bobsleigh. And, of course, purposeful, persistent, unusually stubborn. These guys know what they want and are determined to achieve their dreams. By the way, it is Kasyanov's crew that owns the record of the Olympic track in Pyeongchang... The World Cup is the most difficult competition. They are held in several stages, in different countries, which completely excludes any kind of accident. And in this incredible competition, our guys left behind the famous quartets from Germany, Switzerland, Canada, the USA, Latvia ... They solved the problem of extreme complexity, putting a spectacular end to the final stage.


Her appearance on the court is always a joy for the audience, who simply adore her, the beautiful Elena. For the beauty of the game, for the never-ending excitement and inspiration, for the irrepressible thirst for victory.

As a doubles player, Vesnina is simply irreplaceable. On account of duets with her participation, there are many impressive victories. A pair of Elena Vesnina - Ekaterina Makarova is a terrible force in world tennis. Lena and Katya are the Olympic champions of Rio 2016, in the past year, charming Russians, in addition to the legendary Wimbledon, also won the prestigious tournament in Indian Wells. Vesnina and Makarova are second in the world ranking according to the results of the 2017 season.


Rare talent and hard worker. One of the brightest diamonds discovered by the Bryukhovets kayaking and canoeing school. Thanks to the multifaceted talent of the outstanding specialist, Honored Coach of Russia Pavel Petrov, a rowing boom began in the village. Recently, Viktor, who moved to Krasnodar, has been training with the honored coach Vitaly Mikhailovsky.

We admire the stability of Melantiev, who returns with medals from all major regattas. 2017 was no exception. The Kuban canoeist won two awards each at the World (gold and bronze) and European (gold and silver) championships. Here is the class!


The silver medalist of the 2012 London Olympics is one of the few in the world who can fight with the Chinese jewelry and even beat them. At the current World Championship in Bulgaria, Dmitry overtook the famous Don Don and slightly lost to Gao Lei. Ushakov has two more medals of the Sofia championship: silver for the team tournament and bronze in synchronized jumps, which he won together with Andrei Yudin.


Outstanding hurdler. The ex-world champion, multiple European champion in the 110 meters, has phenomenal results at this distance - he is one of those who managed to run out of 13 seconds! Sergey has had a brilliant season, demonstrating the world level in many major competitions. At the 2017 World Championships in London, Shubenkov lost only to Omar McLeod, leaving behind a whole galaxy of celebrities. Keep it up, Sergei!


Pride of the domestic sailing and just a beauty. The Kuban sportswoman burst into the world elite. She is the owner of the Rio Olympic bronze medal. This season, Stefania has confirmed the pattern of her Olympic success. Elfutina was third in the World Cup and in the European Championship, won the junior championships of the world and Europe, became the champion of Russia in the RS: X class. She is the winner of the national award "Yachtwoman of the Year". Elfutina is the main Olympic hope of Russia in sailing.


Russian national team leader weight class up to 59 kg. Swift, tenacious, quick-witted, he knows how to create problems for his opponents on the mat. Winner of the First European Games. It was Maryanyan who was supposed to compete at the Olympics in Rio, but behind-the-scenes games left him behind Olympic team. Cruel injustice hurt the soul of a talented athlete. However, Stepan is strong not only in technique, but also in spirit.

This year, he convincingly proved to everyone who is the first number of the team. Stepan became the champion of the country, and won a bronze medal at the world championship in Paris. The Russian national team, which, of course, included Stepan Maryanyan, won the European Nations Cup.


She fell in love with the canoe, which was not in the women's Olympic program, but you can't tell what to do with your heart. Olesya worked hard, enjoying doing what she loves, and with her talent and perseverance she managed to achieve international recognition.

She - two-time champion Europe, multiple winner of world championships. At the 2017 World Championships, Olesya won two silver medals - in a single canoe and a pair. And there was no more pleasant news for Olesya than the message that the women's canoe had become olympic view. Go ahead, Olesya!


He is a born sprinter. Alexander won all the awards at international regattas at short distances- both singles and doubles. He won his first silver medal at the World Championships in Duisburg four years ago, then there was the gold of the Portuguese European Championship and the bronze of the Moscow Championship of the Continent. In the outgoing year, Alexander Kovalenko became the world champion in canoe-deuce at a distance of 200 meters.


She first announced herself in earnest at the 2013 Russian Cup. And since then, all the time in the minds of experts. An athlete from Belorechensk, a multiple winner of the junior world and European championships, was third at the Grand Prix tournament in Germany, played for the national team in the European Nations Cup victorious for Russia ... This year, finally, lightning flashed and thunder struck. She won the championship of Russia for the first time and became the champion of the continent.


Pupil of the famous Armavir wrestling school. Strong-willed, highly technical athlete. He has a rich arsenal of tricks. Feels equally confident on the carpet and on the tatami. Tatyana is the winner of the World Military Games in judo, the silver medalist of the European Championship in team competitions, the owner of the silver and bronze medals of the Russian Championship.

The outgoing year was the year of sambo for her - a gold medal in the national championship and a triumph at the Sochi world championship. Our

Tanya is the best!


2.Most best advice that you got in your life?

3. Favorite hobbies and recreation in your free time?

4.Who were on New Year at school or kindergarten?

5. Is your heart free today? Arsen Galstyan, 21 years old.

Lives in Adygea in the village of Giaginskaya. Master of Sport international class, bronze medalist of the world championship in judo.

1. - For me, bronze at the World Championships, which was held in Japan, the birthplace of judo, is very valuable. In the semi-finals, I met with an opponent to whom I had lost three times before, but this time I won!

2. - I don’t remember who first told me the phrase that became my motto in life: “Work on yourself and go towards the goal no matter what!”.

3. - I like spending time with friends. I miss them and my car. When I come home, I find time to ride around my native places.

4. - I remember myself dressed in a Zorro costume.

5. - My heart is still free. Judge for yourself, I'm either at competitions or at training camps, I just have no time to spin novels. For now, sport comes first. But nothing, still ahead.

Svetlana Balandina, 29 years old, Krasnodar.

Honored Master of Sports, European champion and bronze medalist of the World Championship in double mini trampoline jumping.

1. - The most memorable victory was at the European Championships in 2006. Then I became the absolute champion of Europe. My opponents were mostly Russians.

2. - Always be yourself!

3. - I get so tired physically after sports activities that I like to relax primitively - lying on the couch and clicking the TV remote control.

4. - In kindergarten, she was a Snowflake and a Golden Fish.

5. - My heart is free!

Alexander Ivanov, 21, village Novomyshastovskaya.

Master of sports of international class, world champion in weightlifting.

1. In 2005, I also competed at the European Championships for the “young men” and became the champion of the Old World there.

2. - My father often said that the main thing in sports is not physical advantage, but psychology. I treated this phrase with a smile, but now I understand - the way it is.

3. - At school he was a musketeer!

4. - I love fishing. Rarely is it possible to go somewhere, to the same paid ponds, but if it turns out, I feel great pleasure.

5. - My girlfriend's name is Oksana, we've been together for four years.

Eduard Kurginyan, 24 years old, Armavir.

Master of sports of international class, bronze medalist of the World Championship and winner of the World Cup in Sambo.

1. - In 2004 in Tashkent he competed at the World Championships, where he became the winner.

2. I liked the phrase from the last part of the movie "Rocky": "It's not how you hit, but how you hold the punch that matters. No one hits harder than life!"

3. - The astrologer costume at school was sewn by the whole family.

4. I love billiards, football. I appreciate a good movie, I try not to miss a single premiere.

5. There is no certainty in personal life I'm in search.

Ekaterina Loginova, 25 years old.

In 2000 she moved from Rostov Azov to Krasnodar. She and her colleagues in the acrobatic trio Ekaterina Stroynova and Aigul Shaikhutdinova are world champions in sports acrobatics. But it is Ekaterina who is the person on whom the whole friendly company rests, because she is the very “bottom”!

1. - World Games 2009 in Thailand, where she knitted gold.

2. - If you work hard, you can achieve everything!

3. - I haven’t been anyone: a snowflake, a bunny, and even a bear!

4. - I love spending time with my beloved dog, a toy terrier named Tyson. My four-legged friend already knows all the basic commands.

5. - I have a boyfriend.

Elena Syuzeva, 23 years old, Krasnodar.

Master of Sports, European Champion, winner of the Sailing World Cup.

1. - Victory at the European Championships in May 2010 in Austria.

2. - Work for victory, with full dedication, not only physical strength but also thoughts.

3. - Snowflake.

4. - The case when sport coincides with a hobby. After all, under sail you can go out just to relax.

5. - Free.

Alexey Voevoda, 30 years old.

Lives in Sochi. Honored Master of Sports, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Vancouver in bobsleigh. Before switching to bobsleigh, Alexey became a three-time world champion in arm wrestling. In November 2010, Alexei Voevoda was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Sochi".

Am I in the top 10?! - the athlete laughed evilly. - It's a pity that no one noticed my success in arm wrestling for many years, except perhaps only Komsomolskaya Pravda. It's sad that now they remember me, as if I won the Olympics.

1. - I have never had such a monstrous jitters, as at the World Armwrestling Championship in 2000, - the athlete recalls.

2. - Advice I took for myself when I started sports career, sounds relevant now: “If you are afraid - don’t do it, if you do it - don’t be afraid!”.

3. - At school he was a sailor, in kindergarten - a bunny.

4. - Reading books, hiking, driving a car, yoga.

5. - How did the word love appear, you know? "God's people know." Based on this position, my heart is occupied.

Besik Kudukhov, 24, moved to Krasnodar from South Ossetia in 2005.

Honored Master of Sports, world champion and winner of the World Cup in freestyle wrestling.

1. - I remember the very first victory in 2001 in the city of Beslan. He then competed in the 40 kg weight category.

2. - The advice that the coach gave me: "No matter how hard it is, to remain human."

3. - Pirate.

4. Stay with friends, go fishing with them.

5. The amateur wrestler professionally avoided answering.

Irina Karavaeva, 35 years old, Krasnodar.

First Olympic champion in trampolining, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1996), judge of the international category.

1. - Definitely a victory at the Sydney Olympics, when trampolining was first introduced to the program of the Games. Olympic medal- the most important award and victory, perhaps, in the career of every athlete.

Honored Master of Sports, bronze medalist of the World Championships in Athletics.

1. - In 2008, I made my main victory. Victory over myself. In triathlon, she managed to set a personal best in the 800 meters. I had to seriously overcome my own fear.

2. - Many good advice dad gave. One of them sounds like this: “Falling and rising, we grow.”

3. - Snow queen, fairy, astrologer.

4. - I am very passionate about studying at the university physical education. I write a diploma and scientific articles for foreign sports magazines. I also like to work on a computer with a photo and I am fond of designing clothes.

5. Refused to comment.


The results of the Kuban grow from year to year

IN last years the number of medals annually won by athletes of the Krasnodar Territory in Russian and international competitions, increased by 12.2%. Today, the national teams of Russia in 37 sports include 580 Kuban athletes. For comparison: in 2008 - 380 athletes in 27 sports. In 2010, our athletes won over 860 medals at all-Russian and international competitions.


Three athletes were given the keys to new apartments

Awarded in Krasnodar top athletes. From the administration of the region, the keys to the new apartments were received by the world champion in freestyle wrestling Besik Kudukhov, the world champion in sports acrobatics Ekaterina Logunova and the winner of the world and European championships in swimming Danila Izotov.

Dear readers! And who is your favorite athlete? How, in your opinion, can one really raise the prestige of sports in the Kuban? Tell us about it in your comments.

Raznochintsev Anatoly Ivanovich (gg.) Master of Sports of the USSR in swimming, Honored Coach. The first Kuban participant in the Olympic Games in 1952 in Helsinki. At the Olympics, at a distance of 400 m freestyle, he took 28th place.

Rakityansky Pavel Dmitrievich (gg.) The first Olympian of the Kuban. Master of Sports of the USSR in modern pentathlon, participant of the XV Olympiad in Helsinki. The USSR team took 5th place, in the individual competition Rakityansky took 23rd place.

Lagetko Anatoly Nikolaevich (gg.) Bronze medalist in boxing at the XVI Olympic Games in weight up to 60 kg. Champion of the RSFSR. Spent 286 fights, won 265. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR in boxing.

Kondrashov Gennady Was the only athlete of the Kuban at the Olympic Games in Mexico City (1968). He competed in the Soviet Union's athletics team. Multiple national champion. One of the strongest hammer throwers in the world. G. Kondrashov took 6th place in this Olympics with a score of 69 m. 0.8 cm.

Filippov Dmitry Winner of the Cup of Games of the Handball Federation (1991), two-time champion of the country, winner of the Goodwill Games (1990), silver medalist of the Super Cup (1992), world champion among students (1990) At the Olympics in Barcelona (1992) won gold medal in the CIS national handball team.

Moskalenko Alexander Silver medalist of the Athens Olympics (2004) in trampolining. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, five-time champion world in individual jumps, multiple champion of Europe and Russia, six-time winner of the World Cup. The owner of every conceivable title on the planet. There are few sports stars on the globe with such a rich collection ...

Lavrov Andrey Ivanovich Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, three-time Olympic champion in handball. Born March 26, 1962 in Krasnodar. Graduated from the Krasnodar State Institute of Physical Education Olympic champion in 1988 (Seoul), 1992 (Barcelona), 2000 (Sydney), bronze medalist of the 2004 Games (Athens) Listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Evgeny Alexandrovich Kafelnikov Born in 1974 in the city of Sochi. The most titled tennis player in the history of Russian tennis, winner of 26 tournaments, including two of the Grand Slam series in singles; Olympic champion in 2000 at the Sydney Olympics, winner of the Davis Cup in 2002. In total, Kafelnikov has 26 victories in singles and 25 in doubles.