Children's rhymes about physical education. Poems about different sports

Svetlana Khachko
"We will do sports". Poems for preschoolers on a sports theme


All my friends, girlfriends

suddenly announced to mothers:

We leave all the toys!

Sport Now we are best friends!

Let's run, let's jump,

We will chasing the ball all day

Have fun with a scooter

Jump on a skipping rope!

We with made friends with sports.

Became strong that hour!

Even the mothers were surprised

They didn't recognize us!


The pedals are spinning

The bear goes to a distant forest.

Waiting there today

Bear miracle of miracles!

The bees will arrange a holiday here -

How gymnasts will fly up!

And, of course, our prankster

unspeakable will be glad!

He will climb into the hollow to them,

Treat yourself to honey in an instant,

And then it will come back again

He's straight to the lair!


It's time to wake up.

Load up, kids!

One and two steps boldly

Our team is so skilled!

Hands up, lean forward!

Charging gives us strength!

Therefore, I say, brothers,

Charging is necessary study!


We don't play today

In gatherings in the yard.

We are chasing the ball today

All for the joy of the kids!

The girls are screaming at us slides:

Hey! Earring! Hurry up!

Score a goal, Borka!

Look, don't miss!

The ball flies over the meadow

Now to the gate, then back.

Smiling Tatyanka:

That's the dexterity of the guys!

That's it, the match is over!

Football players, rest!

Tomorrow you will meet again

Drive the ball across the clearing!


I twist, I twist the rope.

How fun we have!

Girlfriends: Olya, Check mark

Help me now!

They are so dexterous

And they are all over the place!

And I have my jump rope

I twist, I twist, I twist!

Health is gaining

Only the one who loves sport!

and me with my skipping rope

I'll break the record!


I can’t keep up with the Mouse! -

Fat cat talks

Necessary do sports,

And then the fat will drop.

I'll be so handsome!

I will be strong!

The Mouse will say: -My good!

Oh, athlete my golden!


I'm tired of sickness

Healing tea is tired!

They say it's best

Become a Star sports affairs.

In the morning I wake up

Charge at the same time!

I wash, I temper -

I wipe myself with a towel

I still go barefoot.

I'm not sitting like a sleepy fly!

I'm friends with the bike

I'm friends with a scooter

And I ride a skateboard in the summer

And I go rollerblading!

I'm tired of pills

And I forgot about them!

Because, sport, believe me

I loved it with all my heart!


The ice on the river is clear and bright.

The wind blew the snow off it.

Again joy in the whole world!

I took my skates with me

And went to the river to ride

On skates!

Ice won't crack.

The river is sleeping.

cold shell

Doesn't let her wake up.

Ice creaks, skates sparkle,

That's what winter means sport!

He rides them along the river

Cheerful our people!

Ah yes, brave boys!

As if in sports masters!

After all, for them, skates are their thing!

All skaters - Hooray!


I walk on a log

I try very hard!

I'll tell you frankly:

I do sports.

I want to be a gymnast.

Here I am in the air

Here I am in the circus

I'm breaking records!

That's all the applause for me!

I top class athlete!

I receive compliments

Only from dolls I am now.

Yes, even from mom and dad.

Well, as long as you agree!

I'm not famous yet.

It's clear to everyone here.


On sports arenas the world is born.

It's just a friendly fight here.

For someone and sport is the main idol,

Sport is friendship! Another hobby!

How many masters have already come out of the guys,

Those who grew up in gardens, let's face it,

Who always chase the ball was very happy,

And for whom did mom come to the garden.

Boys grow up and girls grow up

All who dare - hurried to gyms.

They will teach everything! They will love it here!

We want one day said:

This boy - he grew up in your kindergarten!

look, he is an exemplary athlete!

Today in Russia he is in full view of everyone!

We are proud that he is ours! By all means!

And a new, of course, idol will appear,

And he will find new victories.

On sports arenas the world is born,

AND athletes are born on them!"

These poetry 1st place in our regional competition Sport- an alternative to addictions" in the nomination "Literary work" (25.11.2014)

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I am an athlete
I'm seven years old
I go to training
To become strong and dexterous.

I shake the press, I do push-ups,
I squat, I bend
I train leg muscles,
To run faster

I run and jump
I move the trainers...
Sport is hard work:
The shirt is wet with sweat.

At school I learn easily
Russian with arithmetic,
But it's not easy

Now answer me
Easy or not
Everyone - physical education!
(V. Pakhomov)

running Man

I enjoy running
Run, run, run!
I barely touch the ground
Like I'm flying!

free movement,
I can breathe easy!
In a great mood
I run far.

The horizon is looming for me
And the sun from above
Wishing me luck
Pours warm rays!

And fills with strength
Me magical run.
How happy I am
Running Man!
(A. Maltsev)

A song about athletics

Rarely have I been to the gym
I moved a little, and now
My friends told me:
"Your belly is growing!
To develop muscles
Not only intellect
Sign up for physical education
You'll be as skinny as a skeleton!"

Jogging, jumping in place and horse jumping
Two hundred push-ups - it's not for me.
Repeat try these exercises in the gym!
And why was it called "athletics"?

I'm resting on the bench
I consume oxygen
I breathe in through my nose,
I breathe out through my mouth.
Even if you argue, don't argue,
Sports require a soul
But most importantly in sports -
It's right to breathe!

I threw a spear and a hammer, crouched like a clockwork.
Although I am young in body, my soul is not of steel.
I don't even look like a hero from a distance,
And the second breath will not open in any way!

I rest on the grass
I don't sway, I don't rustle.
I exhale and inhale
Wushu method.
My knees are shaking
Almost no consciousness
Wait, fellow coach,
Don't whistle too loud!

Somersaults, jumps somewhere and shot put -
In general, I feel, guys, that it's time for me to wash off.
I flew home faster than a comet, and behind -
Athletes with numbers on their chests rushed on their heels!

I'm standing on a pedestal
Angry and red like a peony:
Having handed me the medal, they said:
"Congratulations, champion!"
I'll hurt myself, I swear, into a cake,
But I will overcome myself...
I'll breathe a little more -
By all means
(A. Eroshin)

Sports section

Rings, ladders, horizontal bar.
I'm used to doing.
Pull up, pull up
I'll get on the rope.

My hands are tenacious!
My legs are fast!
I train every day.
Climb, jump, I'm not too lazy.

Come for an hour
To our sports area.
Exercise with friends
Do it with us!
(E. Melnikova)

In gym

sports goat
I didn't get any
I jumped - and again
Was on the floor.

- Oh, you goat, you goat! -
I was angry.
And he quietly told me:
- You yourself are a goat!

You are a goat
He said,
- You need to go more often, boy,
In gym!
(O. Bundur )

cheerleader mom

I do boxing,
I'm into boxing
And my mother assures me
That I'm into fighting.

Trouble! - Mom sighs. -
I'm so depressed
That I raised my son
Such a brawler!

I called my mother
To the boxing gym
She refused me.
No, he says, I can't
I'll run away from the hall!

And she said bluntly:
- It's disgusting to look at boxing!
I tell her: - Mom!
You don't think sports!

Here's my first fight
I really need a win
My enemy brought with him
Two grandmothers and grandfather.

All his relatives showed up
All for him, against me.

He sees his whole family
Feels supported in battle
And I'm upset! I give up!

And I need to defend the honor
Ryazan schoolchildren.

Suddenly I see - mom,
Mom is here!
Sitting quietly in the hall
Sitting in the twelfth row
And she said - I will not come!

I instantly felt the rise -
Let's beat the enemy now!
Here he is with all the guys
Tangled in ropes.

Well, how did I fight? Boldly?-
I run to my mother.
"I don't know," she sat.
With closed eyes.
(A. Barto)

My swimming style

There are many styles in swimming,
As you know, maybe.
Everyone needs to decide
How to swim the distance.

All faster, of course, free
(In other words, it crawl).
You swim quickly, satisfied,
Like some kind of king!

How beautiful does it look
Swim in style butterfly!
Like a butterfly, playfully
Flutter easily over the wave!

Of course, you need to sweat
To swim in style breaststroke.
Swim with them like a frog
Feelings - just class!

Also, guys, you can
Just swim on the back.
If you're careful
You won't be at the bottom!

But while I'm dreaming
Did not master the crawl and breaststroke,
I prefer styles
Inflatable tight mattress!
(A. Monvizh-Montvid )

Jump into the water

Jump into the water today towers
I want it, it's just glitter!
Jump, fly and be heard
There is a loud splash when entering the water.

But I only look down from the tower,
So right away I'm not up to the depths.
And I don't risk jumping down
I better go to springboard!

But the springboard is too big
Today it seemed to me
I'm kind of scared of him.
Go towards the depth.

I'll jump off the side of the pool
I'll make it easy!
Jump, flight ... I'm sure
That it won't be high here!

Does it matter where I jump from?
And so - not far to fly.
After all, it's all the same - flight and spray,
Everyone will look at me...

Maybe I shouldn't jump.
And just go into the water?
But nothing worries
After all, there is no better way!
(A. Monvizh-Montvid )

About champions

To jump two meters,
It is necessary to accelerate powerfully,
Push off that there is strength
And fly over the bar
Landing beautifully
The audience will roar!

Then you will have bouquets,
Kisses and hello
At the screen is your mother
Wipe a tear off your cheek.

What do you agree? So straight
Now to the gym - go ahead!

So that twenty years before this
Exercise every day
Instead of a computer and a movie.
Is it dumb? That's what it is….
(O. Bundur )

My workout

Let it rain, let the wind
Let the frost tease
I still go in the morning
School is like a holiday.
Waiting for me stopwatch
I'll run along the edge
I will show willpower
I'm working out.

My friend goes to judo
A girlfriend swim.
We know one thing for sure -
We don't go for glory.
We will become faster, stronger
The body becomes dexterous.
Strengthen willpower
We are in training.

Knows and knows everything
My favorite trainer
We communicate easily
No offense or friction.
I am grateful to him
For your skill.
With a joyful heart I go
I'm in training.
(A. Maltsev)


On creaky ice
I'm going to skate...
slip... fall...
Nothing ... I'll learn!
(L. Yakovlev)

On skates

figure skating on skates
It's like being in the clouds.
It looks like a fast flight
As if everywhere the sky, not ice.
And it's hard for the legs after that
Get used to your own boots.
(G. Dyadina )

On the rink

The skates shine, the skating rink shines,
Fluffy snow sparkles
Put on your skates, my friend,
Try to ride.

Let the frost bite you -
Look, don't be afraid.
Let him freeze to tears -
Don't give in to him!

Don't back down, slide forward
Fly faster than a bird.
The angry frost lags behind
From those who are not afraid!
(V. Donnikova)

Figure skating

Sliding, spinning
And flutter like a swallow.
What fun -
Figure skating!

Do you think it's a hallway?
And instead of ice parquet.
I got it, it seems
Figured pirouette.

And passions run high
And the laurels are so close...
But they wear out quickly
Curly socks!
(Yu. Simbirskaya )


Standing with sticks facing each other
in red and blue team Guys.
In helmets, like knights, but don't be shy,
The fight here is training - they play hockey!

There are power tricks here -
Players get knocked down very often.
Who is skating and agile, and faster -
He wins by playing hockey.
(A. Veona)

Puck, stick and skates!

The snow is falling. The ponds are frozen.
Cold days again!
That year I was given
Puck, stick and skates!

I remember how early in the morning
Rushed like a whirlwind to the skating rink!
Ate casserole for breakfast
And I rode as much as I could!

Silver ice in winter
In the yard rallied people -
Our hockey dads
Let's go hockey together!

We defended the gate!
And in the winter chill
The puck was driven until the night
Dads are with us on the rink!

The year flew by like a rocket!
I'm waiting for a holiday surprise.
Lost puck somewhere
My puppy chewed on the stick.

And the skates don't fit
Even though they were big...
Dad promises again
(T. Varlamova )


Can't see
At all each other,
Cheeks are cold
On the run
Let's overtake
We are a blizzard!
Everything is faster
skis flash,
The goal is getting closer
Through the spruce
Through the bushes
From the pass
From high.
No for skiers
Who will rush
Earlier then others?
On the way to
We're rushing
Let it be dangerous
Let the paths
Very cool
Lifts -
We don't give up!
Up and down
Whirlwind run!
Fur tree, pine tree,
Step aside!
Let it rage
Freezing -
will take place
Ski cross!
(Lev Kvitko)


He breaks from the start
On the rolled track,
Scorched by the fire of passion
And a rifle on my back.

Skis lick the snow, which means
With ointment, the service guessed.
It's a difficult task -
Get on the podium first.

Biathlon, biathlon -
Up, down, down

Here are the targets of the mug,
Let the flags drop.

Don't let the rifle miss
And show legs agility.
In the distance of misses
Do not hide from rivals.

Our hero in shooting is not a miss
And skiing - anywhere.
Biathlon crown
Worth the nerves and labor.

Biathlon, biathlon -
Up, down, down
Every moment in this race is not superfluous.
Here are the targets of the mug,
Let the flags drop.
Hey! Good luck shooting skier!
(V. Banifatov )



Possession of the body, trembling of the soul,
And the beauty of the flowing gesture
And elements of difficult turns!

To a sigh, all movements are honed.
She herself is sweet, transparent and light;
But how much perseverance and aspiration is in it,
And liveliness, and strength, and spark!

Female artist drawing on a platform
Ornate pattern of marvelous poses,
She is a thin bridge
Between the real and the land of dreams.

Clubs, a hoop, a ball fly up,
And the wave of the ribbon captivates the monogram.
She's always afraid of failure
But behind the smile hides this fear.

A poem written in motion -
The window to the wonderful world is wide open.
Gymnastics - religion and faith,
And, it seems, Hermes is with her at the same time.
(N. Lubyanko)

football stars

People go to stadiums
Where there is expanse for the soul!
Football is played by millions
And count the stars on your fingers!

When the star overcomes
The heavy burden of the past years,
She will come down, but warms
Football friends her light!
(Yu. Shiryaev)

Dedication to the coach

Athletes arise growing up
From the coach, like branches from the trunk.
The hour has come! Champion on the podium!
And kudos to the coach.

They approach him, shake his hand until it crunches:
"And yours, yours!

And the coach nods his head sadly -
As if lost - not gained ...

As if the Almighty helped him ...
It's like a dream hasn't come true...
And it seems ordinary, familiar
Unseen height...

His pet froze, choking
In the radiance of a gilded crown...
Again to the coach - losing, cursing -
Lead the life of a new youngster.

To feel again that I have returned to my youth,
Whisper with an unsmiling mouth:
"You win!
Just don't worry!"

And know
that validol is at hand ...
(R. Rozhdestvensky)

You can swim, temper,
You can jump, do push-ups.
You can play sports
Everyone, and anywhere.

To stay healthy
Charging needs to be done.
Get on the charger!
Get healthy in the morning!

Sports come to every home
Even where we live.
Take up sports soon
Be healthy for life.

We start the morning with charging,
We strengthen our immunity.
Let's end our day with a run
And we will conquer all diseases!

Sport is important for health
To resist disease.
Need to play sports
And stay healthy!

Sports do wonders
Sport opens all gates.
If you do sports
You will achieve a lot in life.

Sport helps in life
He leaves you healthy.
And everyone needs health in sports,
Therefore, sport is the most it!

How to overcome fatigue
And always be cheerful?
We will answer without difficulty
Sports is the best game!

If you play on the computer
You can get very tired.
If you play sports
You will always stay fresh.

Sports is my favorite game
We always play it.
Those who are passionate about sports
Health is not deprived!

We will be happy to place your articles and materials with attribution.
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I am an athlete

I'm seven years old

I go to training

To become strong and dexterous.

I shake the press, I do push-ups,

I squat, I bend

I train my leg muscles

To run faster

I run and jump

I move the trainers...

Sport is hard work:

The shirt is wet with sweat.

At school I learn easily

Russian with arithmetic,

But it's not easy


Now answer me

Easy or not


Everyone - physical education!

(V. Pakhomov)

Physical training

We run faster than the wind!

Who will answer why?

Vanya jumped two meters!

Who will answer why?

Olya swims like a fish!

Who will answer why? We have a smile on our lips!

Who will answer why?

Shura can make a "bridge"!

I'm climbing the rope.

Because with exercise

We are old friends!

running Man

I enjoy running

Run, run, run!

I barely touch the ground

Like I'm flying!

free movement,

I can breathe easy!

In a great mood

I run far.

The horizon is looming for me

And the sun from above

Wishing me luck

Pours warm rays!

And fills with strength

Me magical run.

How happy I am

Running Man!

(A. Maltsev)

Sports section

Rings, ladders, horizontal bar.

I'm used to doing.

Pull up, pull up

I'll get on the rope.

My hands are tenacious!

My legs are fast!

I train every day.

Climb, jump, I'm not too lazy.

Come for an hour

To our sports area.

Exercise with friends

Do it with us!

(E. Melnikova)

About sport

Sports holiday proudly

comes into its own

The sun of a kind smile

Meets his kids

With sports always on the way

Guys are not afraid of training

Let your heart beat in your chest.

We are brave, and strong, and dexterous

You must always be ahead.

Poems about fashion for sports

It is now fashionable to be sporty again!

With sports you will understand a lot:

Sport - and health without pills,

Sports - and fun without worries.

Do sports with friends

Believe me, really all year round!

Frost - you wear skates,

Then you get up on skis!

Try to do every day

Charging in the morning! There will be laziness

At first, but you'll get used to it soon...

You will become healthy - it's cool!

(Agniya Zhabrova)

Healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle!

It is useful for everyone.

Healthy lifestyle!

Good luck and success.

Healthy lifestyle!

You are with me forever.

Healthy lifestyle!

This is my destiny.

Healthy lifestyle,

Be in everyone's blood!

Healthy lifestyle!

Get up in the morning and run.

Healthy lifestyle!

Breathe fresh air.

Healthy lifestyle!

You will be happy!

(Zheleznov Kirill)


You can buy a lot:

toy, computer,

funny bulldog,

fast scooter,

Coral island

(Even though it's hard)

But only health

It is impossible to buy.

It is for us in life

Always useful.


Treat him.

(A. Grishin)


In the morning you get hardened

Pour cold water on.

You will always be healthy.

There is no need for extra words.

If you want to be healthy

Baby you wanna be healthy

Don't take bad pills

Forget doctor's injections

And drops from pipettes?

In order not to sniff your nose,

And don't cough too hard

Get wet every day

Lei is very plentiful.

To succeed in studies

And there was ingenuity

All kids need

Water hardening.

(T. Semisynova)

Sports do not like the lazy

Sports do not like the lazy,

Those who give up quickly.

Unreliable, cowardly.

He laughs at them.

He is very blessed

To those who are strong in spirit.

And gives victory

He is only resilient.

You need to make friends with sports

You have to be friends with sports.

To all those who are not yet friends with him.

It will help you all to cheer up.

It is essential for health.

There is no secret for anyone

What sport can give to all people.

He will help everyone on the planet

Achieve fabulous heights.

sports people

Sports people - they are so beautiful.

They have so much energy, vivacity, strength.

Do you want to be just like them?

Only sports will help you in this!

Health will increase, success will add.

He will save you from boredom, idleness.

Believe in yourself and achieve heights.

What you dreamed about, only sport will give you.

About sport

Overcome yourself and achieve something

This should be useful to anyone in life.

Sports will help anyone to be hardy.

He is able to strengthen the strength of the spirit for everyone.

Do not be lazy, spend the whole day in motion.

Sports will help you all relieve stress easily.

Make friends with him - gratitude awaits you.

After all, sports will so easily lead you to victories.

I grow up as a worthy replacement

I grow up as a worthy replacement

To all famous athletes.

I am strong and healthy

My answer: always ready!

I'm ready to push

Squat and roll.

I can pull up

Outrun everyone on the run.

And play football and hockey.

And fly on the uneven bars.

Sport is my best friend

Surprise everyone around

I am my energy.

There is no cheerfulness around me!

What is sport

Sport - is life. It's ease of movement.

Sports are respected by everyone.

Sport moves everyone up and forward.

Vivacity, health he all gives.

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy,

They can easily make friends with sports.

I love sports since childhood.

I love sports since childhood.

He taught me to be orderly.

I don't sleep for a long time in the morning.

I'm going to charge.

Then jogging and jumping

And push-ups from the floor.

Yes, exercise is not easy

But I am cheerful and cheerful.

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most interesting poems about sports for children. With their help, the child will get acquainted with various types sports, learns why it is important to do exercises and exercise.


I am an athlete
I'm seven years old
I go to training
To become strong and dexterous.

I shake the press, I do push-ups,
I squat, I bend
I train my leg muscles
To run faster

I run and jump
I move the trainers...
Sport is hard work:
The shirt is wet with sweat.

At school I learn easily
Russian with arithmetic,
But it's not easy

Now answer me
Easy or not
Everyone - physical education!

(V. Pakhomov)

We do exercises

Children's poems about sports
Every day in the morning
We do the exercises
We like it very much
Do it in order.

So that we don't get sick
And don't catch a cold
We are always charging
We'll be doing.

Let not everything be good
It might turn out
- Do not be sad, my friend,
We must learn.
(Z. Petrov)

Physical training

We run faster than the wind!
Who will answer why?
Vanya jumped two meters!
Who will answer why?

Olya swims like a fish!
Who will answer why?
We have a smile on our lips!
Who will answer why?

Shura can make a "bridge"!
I'm climbing the rope.
Because with exercise
We are old friends!


In order
Line up!
For charging

We are growing
In the sun

Our feet
Our shots
And eyes
Not dim.

In order
Line up!
For charging

We are growing
In the sun

(A. Barto)

Sports do not like the lazy

Sports do not like the lazy,
Those who give up quickly.
Unreliable, cowardly.
He laughs at them.

He is very blessed
To those who are strong in spirit.
And gives victory
He is only resilient.

Who ordered Andrei and Lucy ...

Who told Andrei and Lucy
Do a swallow on the uneven bars?
How Zina managed to climb
In a basketball basket?
Like six guys in a circus
They hang on one ring!
Yura is dancing on a log,
What screams - I do not hear.
Our physical education teacher
Went out for a minute.

Stay fit and healthy...

Be sporty and healthy!
It is now fashionable to be sporty again!
With sports you will understand a lot:
Sport - and health without pills,
Sports - and fun without worries.
Do sports with friends
Believe me, really all year round!
Frost - you wear skates,
Then you get up on skis!
Try to do every day
Charging in the morning! There will be laziness
At first, but you'll get used to it soon...
You will become healthy - it's cool!

(Agniya Zhabrova)

There are no shortcuts in sports...

There are no shortcuts in sports
And there are no accidents.
Learn in training
We are all a winning formula.
It's resilience and courage
The strength of the hands and the vigilance of the eyes,
This is the honor of the native flag,
Covering us.
We are fighting guys.
And we are quite capable
All world records
Give to your native country.
Skill matures over the years.
And your finest hour will come.
It's not in vain, friends, sick
Our Motherland is for us.
(S. Medvedeva)


Children's poems about sports
Ah, my skis, skis, -
I am not myself without you.
Well, what in the world is closer
Me snowy winter?
You will fasten on felt boots
crispy belts
And you drive all day
And all day long.
Well, then you breathe a little,
Standing on your feet a little...
Ah, my skis, skis -
There is no better ski in the world!
(A. Vakhitova)

In gym

sports goat
I didn't get any
I jumped - and again
Was on the floor.

- Oh, you goat, you goat! -
I was angry.
And he quietly told me:
- You yourself are a goat!

You are a goat
He said,
- You need to go more often, boy,
In gym!
(O. Bundur)

cheerleader mom

I do boxing,
I'm into boxing
And my mother assures me
What a fight I got carried away

Trouble! - Mom sighs. -
I'm so depressed
That I raised my son
Such a brawler!

I called my mother
To the boxing gym
She refused me.
No, he says, I can't
I'll run away from the hall!

And she said bluntly:
- It's disgusting to look at boxing!
I tell her: - Mom!
You don't think sports!

Here's my first fight
I really need a win
My enemy brought with him
Two grandmothers and grandfather.

All his relatives showed up
All for him, against me.

He sees his whole family
Feels supported in battle
And I'm upset! I give up!

And I need to defend the honor
Ryazan schoolchildren.

Suddenly I see - mom,
Mom is here!
Sitting quietly in the hall
Sitting in the twelfth row
And she said - I will not come!

I instantly felt the rise -
Let's beat the enemy now!
Here he is with all the guys
Tangled in ropes.

Well, how did I fight? Boldly?-
I run to my mother.
"I don't know," she sat.
With closed eyes.
(A. Barto)

My workout

Let it rain, let the wind
Let the frost tease
I still go in the morning
School is like a holiday.
Waiting for me stopwatch
I'll run along the edge
I will show willpower
I'm working out.

My friend goes to judo
A girlfriend swim.
We know one thing for sure -
We don't go for glory.
We will become faster, stronger
The body becomes dexterous.
Strengthen willpower
We are in training.

Knows and knows everything
My favorite trainer
We communicate easily
No offense or friction.
I am grateful to him
For your skill.
With a joyful heart I go
I'm in training.

(A. Maltsev)

On morning exercise

Children's poems about sports
Lazy pigs
Didn't charge
And they became clumsy
They won't come out of the puddle.
No way, no way, no way!

Now we are tired
That run awkwardly
What became so awkward
That there is no skill to jump.
Oink - oink, Oink - oink, Oink - oink!

And our guys
On morning exercise
Everyone does what they need to
They walk in step together.
That's it, that's it, that's it!

All the kids know
From socks to stand on your heels,
Breathe and stretch
Sit down and unbend.
That's it, that's it, that's it!
(M. Ivensen)


On creaky ice
I'm going to skate...
slip... fall...
Nothing ... I'll learn!
(L. Yakovlev)

Once! Two!

We are charging
We start in the morning.
Let diseases fear us
Let them not come to us.

One, two
Wider step!
Do it with us!

Spread branches wide
Near the house is an old maple tree.
The neighbor's cat arched his back -
He loves physical education.

One, two
Wider step!
Do it with us!

The bird spreads its wings
Waking up at dawn.
Teddy bear kneads its paws
At the lair on the carpet.
(V. Viktorov)


Sport is not only a hobby,
But also long, hard work.
Only those who do not know about laziness
Pros and athletes are called.

Training, matches, defeats
To the limit, with the last of my strength.
Violent battles for victory.
Sport is respected. He defeated everyone!
(Svetlana Olegova)


Standing with sticks facing each other
Boys in red and blue.
In helmets, like knights, but don't be shy,
The fight here is training - they play hockey!

There are power tricks here -
Players get knocked down very often.
Who is skating and agile, and faster -
He wins by playing hockey.
(A. Veona)


We love to play tennis
Need to hit the ball
Not in the palms and not in the grid -
In the center of a small racket.

How touched - beat off,
Send the ball to another ...
Jumps loudly on the table,
We're playing the game well!
(E. Melnikova)



Possession of the body, trembling of the soul,
And the beauty of the flowing gesture
And elements of difficult turns!

To a sigh, all movements are honed.
She herself is sweet, transparent and light;
But how much perseverance and aspiration is in it,
And liveliness, and strength, and spark!

Female artist drawing on a platform
Ornate pattern of marvelous poses,
She is a thin bridge
Between the real and the land of dreams.

Clubs, a hoop, a ball fly up,
And the wave of the ribbon captivates the monogram.
She's always afraid of failure
But behind the smile hides this fear.

A poem written in motion -
The window to the wonderful world is wide open.
Gymnastics - religion and faith,
And, it seems, Hermes is with her at the same time.
(N. Lubyanko)

Morning work-out

Wake up, don't be lazy
Get on the charger!
Sun from behind a cloud
We are already waving!

Let's start in order
We are a fun exercise:
Hands up to the clouds
Down to the little flowers

Smile to the sun, to the sky,
Try to be friendly!
Hands to the side, now slopes:
Trees on the left, maples on the right!

All a minute of attention,
Let's start squats:
One and two, one and two:
Sun in the sky and grass!

And now we're flying
Like a flock of birds in the sky!
Fly, fly
Now sit down again!

Pull up on the horizontal bar
There will be muscles in the arm
Strong and strong
Hands will be tenacious!

And now let's start jumping -
Like springs - one, two, three!
We jump like bunnies -
Girls and boys,

We all run in circles
We catch up with each other!
Here is the charging!
Did you guys like it?

Drive away boredom, laziness -
Practice every day:
mood and health
Together they will come to you with love!
(I. Levchenko)

About sport

Overcome yourself and achieve something
This should be useful to anyone in life.
Sports will help anyone to be hardy.
He is able to strengthen the strength of the spirit for everyone.

Do not be lazy, spend the whole day in motion.
Sports will help you all relieve stress easily.
Make friends with him - gratitude awaits you.
After all, sports will so easily lead you to victories.

To always be healthy...

Children's poems about sports
To be always healthy
Do not walk, trembling, to the harsh,
Or even - to very kind,
But serious doctors
To run without looking back
To play hide and seek with friends
Daily exercise
Must be done in the morning.

For feet to stomp
To clap your hands
So that the faces of the kids shone with joy,
So that, like bunnies,
Girls and boys
Running and jumping with a smile from ear to ear!

Need to wake up fast
Don't lie under the covers
Well, what if mom and dad
They like to sleep long in the morning
You can spray them with water
Jump on their bed
And for the heels you can
Tickle them a little.

To, together with dad,
To, together with mom,
You did the exercises by opening the window,
To be together with you
Very very fun
Like during the most wonderful game.

And then, having done the exercises,
You need to quickly and skillfully -
Even if you didn't want to
Everything needs to be done -
brush your teeth, wash your face,
Wash off, get dressed,
Eat breakfast and get ready
To work in Kindergarten.

To be there, like bunnies,
Girls and boys
They ran and jumped with a smile from ear to ear,
For feet to stomp
To clap your hands
So that the faces of the kids shone with joy.
(V. Bezladnov)

I woke up early in the morning...

I woke up early in the morning
And I decided: “I will become an athlete!
I will swim, run, jump,
Like Bruce Lee - kicking his legs,
Like Klitschko - fight in the ring,
Like Schumacher - rush in the map,

How Ronaldo will be accurate
Like Pete Sampras - I'm with a racket
I will win on the court!
I will succeed in sports!

I will, because I am stubborn.
My mother will be proud of me...
So I dreamed half asleep
But my mother said to me:
"You first for order
I would do exercises in the morning! ”

(N. Galishnikova)

I grow up as a worthy replacement

I grow up as a worthy replacement
To all famous athletes.
I am strong and healthy
My answer: always ready!
I'm ready to push
Squat and roll.
I can pull up
Outrun everyone on the run.
And play football and hockey.
And fly on the uneven bars.
Sport is my best friend
Surprise everyone around
I am my energy.
There is no cheerfulness around me!


In beam exercises

So much dexterity and brilliance!

You slide all the way

Like a curtain on a thread.

This white narrow cut

This slippery strip

Your space, your edge of heaven,

Your friend is softer than wax.

Stand on one leg

Spreading your arms wide,

It's like we're in the river

Swim slowly in a circle.

We will eventually understand

Let's see under bright light:

You are unlucky in everything

The rest, but in this, in this...

Who is above the rhyme, who is in a dream,

Who is behind the flute, who is above the abyss -

You are the best on the log,

This is also a gift from heaven.

A. Kushner


On a snow-covered meadow

Only snow will cover the ground,

We are going to three.

Having fun in the meadow

A. Bosev

Summer, summer, lots of light

Lots of sunshine.

Out of stuffy rooms

Come out quickly!

We'll get tanned

Agile and bold.

Everyone is on vacation!

Everything is up in the air!

All sunbathe.

Wash off, temper

engage in physical education,

Grow up strong.

L. Mikhailova

I study at a sports school

I study at a sports school.

The strict coach is pleased with me.

I'm not afraid of training

I'm getting stronger.

I'm not a master of sports yet

And I still don't break records

But charging every day

I'm not too lazy to do it.

I study at a sports school.

I train willpower

In rain and wind and frost

I go out to run cross.

If in vain not to be arrogant,

Exercise every day -

Run, jump, roll the ball -

You can become a champion!

V. Malkov

Hello to all the guys

And this word:

Love sports from an early age -

You will be healthy!

Everyone knows, everyone understands

What a pleasure to be healthy.

Just need to know

How to become healthy!

There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret!

Teach yourself to order -

Do exercises every day.

Laugh more cheerfully

You will be healthier.

Sport, guys, is very necessary!

We are friends with sports!

Sport is an assistant, sport is health,

Sport is a game, physical education ... cheers!

E. Kurganova

By bike

I will spin the pedals

The spokes flicker

I'll fly quickly, quickly

Light as a bird.

The bike will fly

My non-stop

And the flowers will nod after me,

Tilt your heads.

T. Shorygina

funny football

No game in the world

More fun than football!

Loved by adults and children

Score a goal.

On a large sports field,

On the playground in the yard

A ringing soccer ball jumps,

Glad to have fun, happy to play!

Strength, Agility and Agility

The game generously gives us

And with the ball for training

We are in a hurry in the morning!

T. Shorygina

Be healthy!

I will pour water into a basin,

Dissolve a handful of salt.

Better than salt is not simple,

And special - the sea.

Mama soft mitten

Wipe me with water.

Back, arms, neck, chest.

He will tell me: "Be healthy!"

T. Shorygina

Why follow the rules?

I don't follow the rules

I really need a mod!

All day long I'm chasing the ball

Either with friends or alone.

Early morning exercise

Of course I don't get up.

No lunch? dry ration

I'll eat a sandwich.

I like to go to bed late

After all TV programs

And can't wake up

Me mom in the morning.

“You, son, are pale, lethargic

And he looks very sick.

You are already tired in the morning.

Maybe something hurts?

And the father said with annoyance:

“Here is your mistake, son!

Of course, you must follow

In life, the correct mode!

T. Shorygina

My ball is flying

Flying towards you

Look, don't miss!

Hold it, catch it

And throw me again.

My glorious ball

funny ball

Doesn't sit still!

I'll grab him

I'll let him in.

And he flies again.

S. Vysheslavskaya

Even those who are weak in childhood

Clumsy and clubfoot

Become dexterous

Become slim

Become strong like a bear.

Just need

Very very

Wanting very much

want very much

And sweat a little.

The sun rose sour.

Looks - the sky is sour.

In a sour sky, sour

The cloud is up.

And the unfortunate hurry

sour passers by

And eat terrible

Sour ice cream.

Even sugar is sour!

All the jam is sour!

Because sour

There was a mood.

E. Moshkovskaya

Try not to be lazy:

Every time before meals

Before you sit down at the table

Wash your hands with water.

And charge

Daily in the morning

And, of course, temper -

This will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air

When possible, always

Go for walks in the forest

He will give you strength, friends!

I revealed secrets to you

Follow all the advice

And it will be easy for you to live.

A microbe is a terribly harmful animal:

Insidious and, most importantly, ticklish.

Such an animal in the stomach

Climb in and live quietly there.

Climb, fool, and where you want

Walks on the patient and tickles.

He is proud that so much trouble comes from him:

And runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.