Shooting at the plates on a round stand. Bench shooting

Shotgun shooting is a type of shooting sport. Shotgun competitions are held at open shooting ranges. Shooting is carried out from 12-gauge smoothbore guns using shot cartridges (with a pellet diameter of not more than 2.5 mm) at flying targets-cymbals. If even a few pellets hit the plate, it breaks. Targets are thrown into the air with the help of special throwing machines. Currently, an ecological technology for the production of targets is being developed and implemented, which excludes the use of components that are harmful to the environment.

History of clay shooting

Clay shooting originates from the distant past, when the nobility had fun shooting at a flying target. In the Middle Ages, live birds were used as targets, most often pigeons, which were thrown out from behind shelters. Later, they began to plant them in holes covered with a cap, which was pulled off with a rope, and the dove got the opportunity to fly up. Over time, the caps were replaced by special cages, equipped with devices for ejecting birds at the right time. In the middle of the last century, shooting at artificial targets appeared, which were thrown by the invented device using a leaf spring at a distance of up to 32 meters. Targets - glass balls with a diameter of 6.35 centimeters were filled with smoke, dust or feathers, which, when hit, gave the shooting a special effect. In 1880, first in America, and then in Germany and France, throwing machines and targets appeared in the form of modern plates. Soon skeet shooting quickly spread throughout almost all of Europe. In Russia, in 1887, in St. Petersburg, on Krestovsky Island, the first special stand for shooting pigeons was equipped. Wealthy people who could afford this rather expensive entertainment were fond of this type of shooting. In the early nineties, clay skeet shooting was already practiced in several big cities. The competitions were held on primitively equipped stands using simple throwing machines, the first samples of which were brought from abroad. Throwing machines were mounted on boards, fixed on the ground with stakes. Targets were made locally from clay and sand. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, stands were equipped in almost all provincial Russian cities.

The Olympic program includes 5 exercises: “Trap, men”, “Trap, women”, “Trap, mixed teams”, “Skeet, men”, “Skeet, women”.

Shotgun shooting is one of the shooting sports that is considered part of Olympic Games.

Competitions are held on specially equipped open areas - shooting ranges.

Athletes fire from shotguns shot charges on targets (plates), which are launched by special machines from trenches.

Clay shooting lessons in the DOSAAF shooting club or sports school, sections

Shotgun classes are held at the following institutions:

    Sports shooting clubs, for example, DOSAAF. This is a voluntary self-governing public-state association.

    Its main task is to strengthen the country's defense capability and national security, as well as civil defense.

  • Sports shooting schools, for example, DYUSSH (children and youth sports school).
  • Sports shooting sections for children on the base sports schools where shooting master classes are held.

Types of competitions and their rules

Clay shooting is divided into four main disciplines: trench bench, round bench, double-trap and sporting.

trench stand

This task is suitable for people who are just starting to master the technique of shooting.

In another way, the trench stand is called ladder(from English trap, which means "trap" in Russian).

Arrows while shooting stand in the same line of fire. From a hidden trench, which is located in front of the shooting line, due to throwing machines (there are 15 in total) plates fly out in different directions.

round stand

Another name for the discipline is skit. Its occurrence in the mid 20s of the last century associated with an American named Davis. The task is to shoot at targets flying along the same trajectories and at a constant speed.

Athletes are moving from one position to another (there are 8 in total). Due to the change of positions, the fire is fired at different angles.

Plates are served from two throwing machines located at a distance 40 meters apart at opposite ends of the circle with seven positions.

Last thing eighth place set in the center of the semicircle.

Targets are launched one by one or in pairs. Total in one series there are 25 plates.

Double trap

This discipline is shooting at doubles saucers (doublets) that are launched from the trench and fly almost parallel to each other.


Sporting is different from round and trench stand larger area. Organizationally, it is also much more difficult.

Sporting helps an athlete develop different skills in shooting.

An athlete who specializes in sporting can easily change disciplines, as he masters the basic technique and is able to navigate in almost all types of shots.

Features of this discipline:

  • variety of trajectories flight targets;
  • the most distant shooting distances;
  • strict requirements for at the ready arrow;
  • necessity move equipment over a vast territory (as in hunting).

Reference! Term sporting can be applied to all types trap shooting.

One Series includes 25 shots. It is required to move around the area (from one position to another). Starts in shooting at the same time 4 to 5. Duration one series with transitions is about an hour.

What is an Olympic sport?

The following are considered Olympic disciplines in shooting sports: three:

  • ladder;
  • skit;
  • double ladder.

They are distinguished by the conditions that the shooter must fulfill during the passage of the task on the site.

Weapons and Equipment

In addition to the gun and cartridges, the shooter must also have other ammunition, in particular, special clothing(vest), earmuffs and goggles.

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Bench shooting is carried out from smoothbore guns. What specific characteristics do they need to meet?

Shooting vest

The vest is one of the important components of all the equipment of an athlete-shooter. He must be as convenient as possible so as not to interfere with the preparation and production of shots. Shooting vests for athletes differ in connection with the specifics of tailoring.

What are the basic requirements for a shooting vest?

  • It does not restrict the movement of the shooter, but at the same time wraps around his body.
  • Shoulders vests, as a rule, get off leather or special fabric, which prevents the weapon from slipping. Thus, the smoothbore gun is well fixed on the shoulder.
  • The vest must have many pockets that help free your hands. For example, pockets are used to carry cartridges, and they can from 30 to 50 pieces.

Photo 1. Shooting vest with breathable mesh inserts, manufactured by Blaser, Germany.

It is also advisable to choose a vest depending on the discipline in which you specialize. For sporting, for example, a vest with double pockets, because you have to transfer four types of ammo. Obviously, it is better not to mix them.

What are the features of vests for sporting?

  • Additional pockets for carrying interchangeable choke constrictions.
  • Special visible line in front of the vest below the shoulder line by 25 cm. It can be located both on the left and on the right, depending on whether the person is left-handed or right-handed. Above this line, according to the rules, you can not raise the heel of the butt before the target takes off.

Important! On vests for a round stand is also present brand, but in this case it is located on the waistline. There is no such line on clothing for a sporting compact, since the position of the gun in preparation for a shot free.

There are also summer, winter and demi-season vests. Winter, as a rule, very dense and insulated. At the same time, they have a larger size, as they are worn on a jacket in winter. In summer, instead of a vest, you can use large pockets that are attached to the belt.


Shooting range goggles are a must.

Photo 2. Saber shooting goggles with interchangeable 3mm lenses, manufactured by Wiley X.

The shooter may not even be allowed to complete the task without them, as this is important eye protection: Fragments can bounce and get into the eyes, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Reference! Points are not broken by shots of small lead shot from a distance of 10 meters.

High strength due to the material from which they are made. These are high strength polymers. Application glass production is strictly prohibited.

The quality that fundamentally distinguishes shooting glasses from sunglasses is contrast, a high level of which allows the shooters to see the flying saucer against any background.

The effect is achieved through filters of various colors. Typically applied more than 10 shades at once.

The athlete's eyes are thus easily adapted to any target color, background and type of light.

Developed three main filter colors:

  • dark grey- For bright sun;
  • yellow- for cloudy weather or twilight;
  • red— for partly cloudy.

If a person has poor eyesight, he can order shooting glasses with diopters.


Shots from weapons that usually have 12 gauge, create dangerous pressure on the hearing organs. To protect the ears, put on special headphones.

Important! If this protection is neglected, the athlete will not be able to avoid "bell ringing" in the ears and regular migraine attacks.

One of the leading headphone companies Peltor. Headphones in model range of this company differ in the degree of sound insulation. The higher it is, the more weight the products have.

There are also two types of headphones for shooting ranges:

Each pair of shooting headphones includes head size adjustment and also folds for easy transport.

Although the headphones large shells and differ high level protection, they are not always convenient to use: during a vskidka, the butt can touch them.


Since trap shooting is included in Olympic Games program, shotgun cartridges must meet certain parameters.

  • The sleeve must not be longer than 70 mm.
  • projectile weight - no more than 24 years
  • The pellets are made in the shape of a sphere lead alloy or pure lead. The diameter is - no more than 2.5 mm.
  • The cover may be copper, nickel and other materials.
  • Fraction size - from 7 to 9.
  • The sleeve can be either plastic, or folder.

Any of us, thanks to the successful performances of our athletes on Olympic Games heard about the existence of sport shooting from smoothbore weapons on the Round and Trench stand, also known as Shotgun shooting. The rules of the competition strictly regulate the location of the throwing machines, the size and trajectory of the targets, and the positions of the shooters. All this is united by one concept - a stand.

Over time, as a result of the desire to extend the “hunting season” for hunters, improve the skills of safe handling of weapons and increase the accuracy of the participants, training and competitions in sports and hunting target shooting began to be held on the ground and in the field - skeet, which received a generalized name - Sporting.

Shooting grounds can be successfully organized in almost any cluster far enough from residential buildings, which can be several forest clearings, banks of water bodies, a field or an abandoned quarry. The main goal is to create shooting conditions that are as close as possible to the conditions of hunting for game birds and hares. This is what allows the organizers of sports and hunting shooting to create for the participants the most complete feeling of being on a real hunt. Another important factor is that the sizes and types of targets used are very diverse, which, together with a large selection of flight paths, makes it possible to quickly and flexibly adjust cymbal flights to the requirements of competition and training.

Yes it is. Arrows undergo mandatory testing before admission to the stand. On site, everyone is given special glasses and hearing protection. Each shooter is assigned his fire zone, which he has no right to go beyond and cannot even go beyond - thanks to special frames. Shooting starts at the command "Start" and stops with the command "Stop", and the process is observed by professional athletes-instructors. We can say that this type of recreation is not for those who like to joke and “take a picture with guns”.

2 Bench shooting. What is this?

Bench shooting got its name from the place of action - the athlete stands on the stand and shoots at the cymbals soaring into the sky. Shotguns and shotguns are used for shooting. Modern plates are made from bituminous pitch and cement. This composition makes them brittle and they are easily broken when even one pellet hits. Special machines are used to launch the skeet at our partners' venues - the same as those used at the Olympic Games.

    Shotgun shooting is one of the oldest Olympic sports sports and has been part of almost all modern Olympics since 1900 - the only exceptions were the games of 1904 and 1936. Separate competitions for women and men have been held only since 1996, before that athletes competed in overall standings without division by gender.

3 What do you need to know and be able to shoot on the bench?

First of all, you need to want to shoot and at least theoretically imagine the process of hunting birds. Secondly - do not be afraid to press the butt to your shoulder and pull the trigger at the right time. Do not worry and remember, you will not harm anyone except the target-plate. All stands are located in deserted places far from residential areas, and the stands themselves are separated from each other by special bounding boxes. Plus, the trajectory of the flight of cymbals eliminates the presence of other people between the target and the shooter.

4 How to dress for the shooting range?

We recommend choosing loose, comfortable clothing and sturdy sports shoes on a wide flat sole. Think about special equipment at first trial lesson no need - glasses and headphones will be given free of charge, and nothing else is required.

Shotgun shooting is carried out by our partners:

  1. 1 Sporting Club Podolsk

    In the shooting club "Sporting club Podolsk" there are five shooting ranges for shooting at flying targets. Each stand has its own level of difficulty. To get a taste for novice shooters will help professional trainers- they will acquaint you with safety precautions, talk about the rules for handling weapons, put you in correct stance. You can get to the club from Moscow along the Kaluga and Simferopol highways.

  2. 2 Biserovo-Sporting

    The road to "Biserovo-Sporting" lies along the Gorky highway. The club is located in a pine forest and we can say that this is an ideal choice for those who have already held a gun in their hands and fired it at least once or twice. That is, for professional hunters and lovers of outdoor activities. For the convenience of guests, on the territory of the shooting club there is a restaurant, cafe, guest houses and a shop with an excellent selection of shooting equipment.

It is important to know

  • The certificate is valid for 8 months.
  • To sign up for clay shooting, activate the certificate on our website.
  • In bad weather conditions, the shooting range is closed, so be sure to call your chosen club the day before your scheduled visit and ask if it is worth coming.

Appearance of certificates

Gift box


A bright envelope made of thick designer paper will add a festive mood to your gift. The rich colors used on envelopes and certificates, even without reading the information about the service, will make the recipient rejoice with pleasure.

The certificate received by e-mail will certainly touch the recipient, because together with the gift you will be able to express the warmest words and congratulations to him. The name of the donor will be the icing on the cake. And how else will the recipient know who to thank for such a wonderful gift?

Clay shooting in Podolsk (35 shots)

The certificate has arrived and is ready to give impressions, emotions and memories

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A hunter is not just a man with a gun; first of all, he is a man with a big soul.

Classes on the stand or on impromptu shooting sites turn a mediocre shooter into a well-aimed hunter!

Many people say: they say, targets don’t fly like ducks and don’t quack like ducks. I will answer: it does not matter that the targets do not fly like live ducks, and even more so they do not quack. It is important to learn how to use weapons, correctly determine the distance to the target and choose the right lead.

I note that the result of hunting game is influenced not only by the skill of the shooter, but also by the hunter's knowledge of the habits of the game, the right place at dawn, the ability to disguise and hide the game.

I will give a number of tips and lead-up exercises for acquiring the skill of shooting on the hunt, through training on the stand or shooting from portable throwing machines (MM).

The recommendations are intended primarily for hunters and differ slightly from the requirements for training athletes. If there is a stand nearby, the training will take place without problems, and where there are no stationary stand sites, buy a throwing machine and several boxes of cymbals for yourself or in a pool. As a result, it will not be so expensive, and in this case, at least two people can engage in shooting. A portable throwing machine, even the simplest design, will be quite enough to get good shooting skills in flight, and with a thoughtful approach to classes and the use of the following recommendations, even without the help of an instructor.

Before you start shooting

The first thing to do before you start shooting is to adjust the gun (there is a lot of literature and articles on this subject). Special attention pay attention to the length of the stock, the height of the ridge and the pitch (using the pitch you can adjust the point of impact of the center of the shot scree, it is desirable that the center of the shot scree falls below the target). For hunting, the stock can be a little short, better than long, and the height of the comb (butt died) should not leave the aiming bar open, when the cheek is “pressed” into the crest of the stock, the front sight can even “fall through” slightly.

For "hunting shooting" the gun should be held 20-25 cm above the hip, the rules for the position of the gun when shooting on a round stand should be adhered to only relatively and slightly advanced forward to the level of the shoulder cavity, which will facilitate and speed up the shotgun, especially for beginners.

Hands serve only to lift and hold the gun; all turns, both in horizontal and vertical directions, are carried out only by the body. When vskidka, try to ensure that the ends of the barrels do not “nod” down and remain after raising the gun at the level of the initial manufacture or the intended flight path of the target (game), the barrels follow the flight path and only the butt rises to the shoulder.

The general position of the gun at an angle of about 45 degrees to the shoulder line

The trigger finger is tight, and the shot is made without stopping the gun during the leash.

How to study properly

The course should be divided into several stages. Once you master one technique, move on to the next.

If you encounter difficulties in performing any exercise, do not try to get an immediate positive result by repetition. Better stop, take a break, try to analyze your actions and possible mistakes.

The first stage - shooting at a hijacking target

Practicing shooting at a hijacking target on the 7th number of a round stand or from a throwing machine (MM) located next to the shooter (in order to avoid injury, install a barrage shield between the MM and the hunter) to obtain general shooting skills for flying targets.

Initially, shoot from the shoulder at a hijacking (flying away) target, with the barrels ready along the target's flight path. The aiming point is along the bottom edge of the plate. Don't fuss, but fire right after you align the front sight with the aiming point, and the hits will follow one after the other.

Complicate the exercise by deviating the gun from the target's trajectory for large distances when ready. different sides and bring the barrels (with the body) to the desired point, you need to bring the barrels from below to the target. Five, ten shots at the most, and now the cymbal is confidently struck. The target casting range is 50-60 m, and the flight height of 20 m from the machine is 4-5 meters. Having mastered these movements, proceed to shooting at the position of the gun before the target takes off at the waist.

If you work out a vskidka (home training) before shooting, then the results will be no worse, and the perception of the target’s flight will be much simpler. Look initially at the skeet with both eyes and only after lifting slightly squint your left eye (right-handed), if in the open state it interferes with aiming (if you see the target well with both eyes open, then you don’t need to squint your left eye).

The second stage - a target flying by

Primary for waterfowl hunting. Let's start by shooting at the second shooting station of the round stand at an oncoming target or at a MM target flying about 15 meters to the left of the shooter.

MM is installed from the hunter in 30-35 meters. When setting the MM and marking the shooting places, if possible, be guided by the dimensions of the round stand area; to simulate shooting from a tower, if the terrain allows, set the MM on a hillock.

Ready, the gun is 20-25 cm above the hip, the barrels are slightly to the left of the target. After the target takes off, make a vskidka (without jerking) and a leash (smoothly and working only with the body) behind the target, go forward 30-40 cm (maybe a little more) and, without stopping the gun, fire a shot when the target approaches the optimal distance. This simple exercise easy to learn.

Then go to number 6, and when using MM, stand so that the target flies to the right of the shooter. The movements on the oncoming target are similar, only turning the body to the right is somewhat more difficult (for a right-handed person) than moving to the left, so “twist” the body a little, making it into the shooting zone (the left foot looks with its toe in the direction of the shot), and then turning the body in the direction of departure targets without stepping foot.

To avoid "sagging" of the cymbal and a shot from above, the leash passes slightly below the target's trajectory with access to the point of the shot. Then master oncoming targets on numbers 3 and 5 on the stand or increase the distance from the flight path of the MM target to 20-30 meters; Leads will increase accordingly to 100-120 cm. Shoot at the oncoming skeet at 1 and 7 places or fired from the MM at 30-40 m and flying from the shooter at 5-10 m.

The difficulty here is due to the fact that the distance with the plate is rapidly decreasing, and the movement (rotation) of the body will be accelerated; the only difficulty is this, but the lead is minimal - 10-20 cm. In most cases, it is more rational to shoot at an oncoming target (game) at the shortest distance, when the direction of the shot is perpendicular to the target’s trajectory, so the visible lead coincides with the true one, which makes it easy to control, even by yourself shooter, both his mistakes in the amount of lead, making the necessary corrections, and the correct actions.

I note that in the most massive hunt, which is duck, if you do not yawn, then 90 percent of the shots will be on flying ducks. If oncoming targets are worked out, then success on duck dawns is guaranteed.

The third stage - hijacking targets on a trench stand

Working off theft targets - it is better to start on a trench stand with a reduced distance of 5 meters and a small target casting range - about 50 meters.

Shooting is carried out from the shoulder, the barrels are directed to the target or a little higher, the gaze is focused about 5 m further than the departure and slightly above the place where the skeet appeared.

After the appearance of the target, determine the trajectory of the target's flight, calmly make a movement with your body, as if drawing under the target and taking a lead depending on the angle of departure of the target. Fire a shot without stopping the gun, at the first miss, try to quickly make the necessary correction and work out with a second shot. Naturally, on direct (hijacking) targets or with small deviations, the lead is small and mainly only along the vertical.

In no case do not "aim" the hijacking, as well as the left and right targets, the shot should sound as soon as all the movements for working out the target are completed. Do not fuss, do not rush immediately after the target, when you are too ahead of the target (game), you have to slow down, and this is usually a shot from behind with an involuntary stop of the gun.

The movements of the gun on the left or right hijacking targets on the trench stand (from under the pointer post), as a rule, are accelerated. When practicing shooting hijacking targets from MM, shoot from a distance of 5 to 15 meters from the departure, changing shooting positions so that the angle of the trajectory of the skeet with the continuation of the line "arrows - MM" to the left and to the right is from 0 to 45 degrees; also change the altitude of the target.

At a shooting distance of 15 m from the MM, depending on the angle and casting distance, visible leads are up to 100-120 cm, this is not so far from the target. Having achieved 50-60 percent hit on a trench stand, work out shooting at hijacking targets on a round stand, at the beginning at 6 and 5, then at 2,3 and 4 places, and with MM - first hijacking targets going to the left and then to the right.

When aiming at a target, use the skills learned from skeet handling in trench shooting.

Ready, the position of the gun on the circle when shooting at stealing targets is somewhat further from the departure than when shooting oncoming targets, but the gaze is directed to the place where the target appeared. Since you are preparing for a hunt, distribute the weight of the shooter-hunter on both legs, and at the time of the vskid, leashes and shot, try not to strain and work only with the body.

Workout at home

The ability to control your body is not always as easy as it seems. In front of the mirror, try to raise the gun to your shoulder with your hands, so that the shoulder remains in place. It may not work right away. Bring the barrels quickly by turning the body to various intended points, at first it will be difficult to do this accurately.

Conclusion, before you start shooting, do a home workout.

Home practice is very important when shooting offhand.

This shooting technique is often used in hunting snipe, grouse in the forest, autumn woodcock.

For a more complete skeet skill, diversify your training, including approach shooting, pre-handled positions, various MM settings, and double shots.
If the booth is equipped with sports grounds nearby, then it is not difficult to do this.

Training safety

When practicing on your own, do not forget about safety precautions: after firing and when reloading the MM, unload the gun and keep it always open, and the semi-automatic with an open bolt, and do not point the barrels of even an open gun towards people.

Install MM so that undamaged cymbals fall on tall grass and are reused without breaking.

When practicing shooting, it is advisable to use sports cartridges (less fatigue from recoil), headphones or earplugs in order to exclude the negative impact of a strong shot on the training process.

When the time comes for hunting, at dawn, having calmed down after a possible couple of misses, using the acquired skills of skeet shooting, without difficulty and with great pleasure from correct shooting, you will shoot the amount of game allowed for prey.