How to calculate body fat content. Body Fat Percentage: Theoretical Foundations

This page contains calculators to help you determine a number of key parameters that are very important to combat overweight and subsequent maintenance of normal weight.

Here you can calculate: metabolic rate, body mass index, daily calorie requirement, body type, etc.

Attention! All parameters are calculated based on your individual anthropometric data, so enter input values ​​as accurately as possible, in tenths and hundredths of numbers if possible.

To calculate parameters with other input data, there is no need to refresh the page, just edit the original values ​​and click the calculate button.

The question mark means that there is additional information for this item. To read it, move the mouse cursor over the sign.

Basic parameters

Enter your basic anthropological parameters, which will be the basis for all subsequent calculations. For some calculations, you will need to fill in additional fields that are given in each calculator separately.

Parameter Meaning
Weight, kg):

By default, this field is automatically populated with your current weight, which is retrieved from your weight recorder.

If you do not keep a weight recorder or the data is outdated, fill in this field yourself.

Height (cm):
Floor: Female Male
Level of vital activity: Sedentary lifestyle Little activity Moderate activity High activity Very high activity

Passive lifestyle- little or no exercise, sedentary work

little activity- small exercise stress or exercising 1-3 times a week

moderate activity- enough physical activity or sports 3-5 times a week

high activity- heavy physical activity or sports 6-7 times a week

Very high activity- very large daily physical activity or training 2 times a day, such as a marathon

Basal metabolic rate

The value of the main exchange (SBI)- this is the minimum number of calories needed to maintain the vital activity of the body in a state of complete rest. Simply put, this is the amount of energy (measured in calories) that the body will expend if you spend 24/7 in immobility.

The basal metabolism can burn up to 70% from total calories burned, but this figure varies depending on various factors. Calories are expended on various physiological processes, such as breathing, blood circulation and maintaining the desired body temperature. Naturally, on average, the body burns more calories than the BOO.

Basic metabolism is one of the most important factors determining the intensity of metabolism in general. This indicator tells us how many calories the body needs in order to maintain weight, lose it or gain it.

Calculation method: According to the Muffin-Jeor formula According to the Harris-Benedict formula

Methods for calculating the SBI

Mifflin–St. Geor formula the “youngest”, it was launched in 2005, according to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), today it is considered the most accurate in calculating calories for a healthy person.

Harris-Benedict Formula was withdrawn in 1919. It has large errors when applied to modern people with their lifestyle. As a rule, calculating calories using this formula gives an increase of about 5%, and this must be taken into account.


SBI based on lean body mass. Percentage of body fat

The disadvantage of both formulas presented above is that they do not take into account the percentage of musculature in the body, although, as you know, it is muscle mass that directly affects the metabolic rate.

Therefore, these formulas are well suited for people of average build. However, in some cases it is more correct to use the formula Ketch-McArdle, which is based solely on the indicator of "dry" body weight.

To calculate "lean" body weight, you must first determine the percentage of fat in the body. To do this, you need to specify additional initial data.

Parameter Meaning
Neck circumference (cm):

Neck circumference is measured by placing a tape around the neck horizontally.

Measurements should be taken so that the tape is tensed but not compressing the skin.

Waist circumference (cm):

Men measured horizontally, at the level of the navel.

Women measured horizontally, at the level of the minimum width of the abdominal cavity.

Hip circumference (cm):

The largest horizontal circumference around the hips should be measured.

Attention! This dimension is only relevant for women. Men can fill in this field with any number.

After filling in all the fields, click the calculate button.


Body fat percentage: -

Mass of fat: -

Basal metabolic rate: -

Daily calorie requirement: -

Body mass index

Body mass index (BMI)- a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s mass and his height, and thereby indirectly assess whether the mass is insufficient, normal or excessive.

To calculate your BMI, click the calculate button. In addition, you will be shown a WHO interpretation of your BMI ( World Organization healthcare).


Body mass index: -


Ideal weight

One of the most accurate methods for calculating ideal weight is the formula Brock. It takes into account the ratio of weight, height, body type and age of a person. It has been proven that with age, the weight of both women and men gradually increases - this is a normal physiological process. And kilograms, which some consider "superfluous", in fact, they may not be.

To use Brock's formula, you must first determine your body type. To do this, you must specify another additional parameter - the value of the circumference of the wrist (it is also called the "Soloviev index").

The calculation of the percentage of body fat helps to monitor and control the level of effectiveness of the chosen weight loss strategy.

How and what to measure?

You need to measure height, weight, waist circumference, neck and hips. Also indicate the daily activity level. Enter the obtained measurements into the calculator, click the "Calculate" button.

Your height (in centimeters):

Your weight (in kilograms):

Your waist (in centimeters):

Your neck (in centimeters):

Your hips (in centimeters):

Physical activity:


Body parameters

To take measurements, you will need a measuring tape and. Take measurements with an accuracy of 0.5 cm. Make sure that the measuring tape does not tighten the skin, but also does not hang freely.

  • Height- measure your height without shoes;
  • Weight- stand on the scales in the morning, without clothes, first visit the toilet and do not have breakfast;
  • Waist- measurements of the waist for men should be carried out in the navel, for women - in the narrowest part of the abdominal cavity;
  • Neck- measure the circumference of the neck under the Adam's apple;
  • Hips- Measure at the widest part of the hips.

Activity level

  • Minimum- passive lifestyle, work at the computer, rare irregular loads;
  • Moderate– daily walking, work on the move, outdoor activities;
  • Activeregular classes sport, hard physical labor.

Deciphering the results

Body mass index- the ratio of weight and height of a person. The formula BMI = kg / m2 allows you to determine how your weight is normal. The formula does not take into account the features of the physique, therefore, it gives inaccurate results if you are an athlete with developed muscles.

BMI< 18.5
Norm BMI 18.5 - 24.9
Overweight BMI 25-29.9
Obesity BMI ≥ 30

Waist to height ratio- allows you to determine how much abdominal fat found in the human body. Underdevelopment and a large amount of abdominal fat lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Percentage of body fat- the allowable amount of fat in men and women is different. The accumulation of fat on the abdomen and thighs in women is due to the need to have an additional source of nutrition and energy in case of pregnancy. The body of a man needs more muscle to protect and provide for the family.

Lean body weight- is calculated by the formula: Mass x (100 - percentage of fat). The calculation allows you to find out the weight of a person without body fat.

Minimum calorie requirements- the result shows how many calories a person of a certain height and weight needs for normal life. The calculation depends entirely on the BMI value if the body mass index is greater than 25 (which means overweight or obesity), the calculator reduces your daily calorie intake by 15%.

The amount of protein per day– the result is affected by the body mass index, growth, the level of human activity. The protein norm is calculated from the calculation:

  • 0.8 grams per 1 kg of weight for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • 1.1 grams for moderately active;
  • 1.4 grams for energetic, active people.

Based on the daily protein intake, the amount of other components of the diet is adjusted. The diet must include the right amount of protein to ensure normal muscle growth with reduced calorie intake. The proportion is used: 30% protein, 30% fat, 40% carbohydrates.

protein diet

low carb diet

Allowable Fat Percentage

How much fat mass can be contained in the human body? Professional bodybuilders, preparing for competitions, reduce the amount of fat mass to 3-4%. Their bodies are an ideal relief of muscles that are drawn at the slightest tension.

A low mass index and an insufficient amount of adipose tissue lead to metabolic disorders in the body. The condition of the skin and hair worsens. Sex hormones are not produced, reproductive function is disturbed.

  • Minimum index- 5% for men and 10% for women.
  • Normal amount of adipose tissue 12-20% in men and 18-25% in women. This index corresponds to an athletic, moderately embossed physique and good health.
  • Clear signs of overweight and obesity: muscle underdevelopment, body mass index over 30, fat percentage over 30% in men and 35% in women.

With obesity, the appearance of a person first of all suffers - breasts, increased sweating, unaesthetic appearance.

Moreover, there is a risk cardiovascular disease, joints are destroyed, the spine is bent under the weight extra pounds. The psyche suffers - self-esteem decreases, self-dislike, irritability, depression appear.

How else to calculate the percentage of body fat?


You can find out how much fat is in the body using the bioimpedance method (measuring electrical resistance). Doctors studied the difference in electrical resistance of fat, muscles, bones, water and, based on the knowledge gained, created a device for determining the percentage of fat. The accuracy of the method is an error of no more than 2%.

Now you can buy a household analogue - scales for measuring the percentage of fat and muscle, whose work is based on the bioimpedance method.

Scales pass a weak electrical impulse through the body. The current strength, taking into account the potential difference, shows the degree of electrical resistance of tissues in the body. Depending on the degree of resistance, the composition of the tissue is determined.

Balances based on the bioimpedance method have a number of disadvantages:

  • Use the scales only in a warm room at normal body temperature. Expansion or narrowing of blood vessels due to exposure to external temperatures is unacceptable.
  • Weight measurement is carried out on an empty stomach. You can not take diuretics - the result is greatly distorted.
  • You can not get heavy loads or take a shower before measuring weight, in order to exclude external influence on the water-salt balance in the body.
  • The electrical impulse travels along the shortest path, so the device takes into account only the resistance of the leg tissues. If you have thin legs but a large stomach, the scale will not show an accurate result.

Weighing in water

To study the stage and degree of obesity, physicians use weighing in water. The method is based on theoretical knowledge of fat density, which differs from muscle tissue.

A person is weighed in air and in water, then using complex formulas, the difference between the indicators is calculated and the percentage of fat is calculated.

The procedure is as follows: a person sits in a special chair for measuring weight, connected to the scales. You need to take a deep breath, after which the chair is immersed in water for 10 seconds. To obtain accurate measurements, the procedure is carried out three times.

Measurement of the fat fold

Measuring the percentage of fat by the thickness of the fat folds is a simpler and safer method for studying the degree of obesity. Physicians have a special caliper for these purposes, but you can use a caliper and even a regular ruler.

The essence of the method is to pinch fat fold at four points on the body and measure its thickness:

  • Pinch the fat fold on the triceps, in the middle between the shoulder and elbow joint, and measure the thickness;
  • Similarly, measure the fat fold on the biceps.
  • Measure the crease under the shoulder blade, pinch the skin at a 45° angle to the vertical. Make sure that the fold is located along the line that connects cervical region spine and sides.
  • Take a measurement of the fat fold in the navel, choosing the place with the most fat.

Fat is a reserve source of energy that can accumulate in our body in unlimited quantities. Therefore, its excess inevitably leads to disruption of all vital systems of the body ... As a result, due to the general problem of obesity, the question arises of how to measure subcutaneous fat.

As is known, ideal weight is a very arbitrary concept. For everyone it is his own perfect formula to determine it - does not exist, and even more so to determine the amount of fat in our body. One thing is for sure, your weight depends on many factors: the amount of muscle mass, the amount of fat, water, bone structure, and so on. Unfortunately, people quite often (especially women) take (realize) for " excess weight are already critical figures indicating obesity.

Or, on the contrary, through exhausting diets (starvation) and training, they get rid of the hated kilograms, the level of which goes beyond the minimum allowable weight, which can also impair health, as with obesity. Therefore, a small amount of body fat is necessary, although this required amount- it is not visible to the eye (does not hang or stick out anywhere)!

But what is most interesting, often, many formulas and methods for determining overweight fail before an athlete with a well-trained muscle mass. Since muscle is much heavier than fat. And therefore, 100 kilograms can look different, in one case it is a lot of excess fat (fat folds), in the other an athletic body (large muscle volumes).

Types of fat in our body

Fat is not only subcutaneous and visceral (internal), but also intramuscular. Strictly speaking, all three types of fat are needed by the body - they save the human body and its internal organs from cold, physical influences (hold the organs in place), supply energy, help in the production of hormones, and so on. It's all about the ratio of internal and external fat.

Many will be surprised to learn that some seemingly completely non-fat people (thin) “carry” all the fat inside, that is, around internal organs. But its excess is much more dangerous than an excess of subcutaneous fat! However, it is not so easy to determine internal fat, it is much easier to determine subcutaneous fat, but even here it is better that a specialist does this for a more accurate result. You will learn more about all the ways to measure subcutaneous fat below.

The ratio of fat to body weight

The level of subcutaneous fat, shows what percentage of your weight is adipose tissue. The higher this percentage, the more excess weight you have, more precisely - excess fat. If the percentage is small, then most of your weight is made up of muscles, bone tissue and water. But the higher this figure, the higher your chance of being among the people with the most common disease on the planet - obesity.

For example, for men it is considered normal percentage fat no more than 12%, and better - 8-10%. It is this figure that will allow a man to become the owner of relief muscles and cherished cubes on the press. For women, levels are slightly higher at around 14% due to the presence of the female hormone estrogen. This is due to the fact that women by nature should have a large fat reserve, because they need fat for bearing and feeding children. In addition, the very structure of the female body implies the presence of adipose tissue in a small amount, even female breast consists mainly of it.

But do not forget that an excessively low percentage of body fat is fraught with health problems. If it is already laid down by nature that there should be a certain supply of fat in the human body, then you should not go against nature. For men, a body fat percentage below 5-7% is fraught with the cessation of testosterone production. This means that the sex drive is gone. It can even be said that a man ceases to be a man as such. In women, an excessive decrease in the percentage of subcutaneous fat levels threatens to disrupt the menstrual cycle, up to its complete stop. Which also leads to serious consequences and health problems.

So conceived by nature - if a person has too little fat, then he is starving and not even able to feed himself. Therefore, he cannot think about offspring, because he also needs to be fed! Thus, the body is reinsured and does not give the opportunity to conceive a child ...

Medical fact - the relationship of excess fat and "bad" cholesterol

By the way, experts have proven that the presence of a large amount of fat in women in the waist area is an indicator that there is a lot of “bad” cholesterol in the body. It is this that causes cholesterol plaques and atherosclerosis. After all, there is also “good” cholesterol - the one that is involved in the metabolic processes of the body, it is necessary. So, “bad” cholesterol is an “indicator” of excess fat deposits on the buttocks and thighs, this is for women. Simply put, a woman with a slender booty and slim waist healthier than a woman with folds on her stomach, thighs and buttocks.

The situation is the same in men, only they store fat mainly on the stomach and chest. Since this place is most beneficial to the body, since they do not need to bear a child, unlike women. Representatives of the strong half last years more and more women are obese. This happens from an overabundance of "female" hormones (estrogen). There can be many reasons, for example, proper nutrition- many manufacturers are actively pumping their products with hormones and trans fats. Passionately plays an important role loved by men beer. Alas, a true foamy drink has little in common with that infernal cocktail that is sold in stores.

In both men and women, the cause of fat accumulation is hypodynamia (low mobility) and malnutrition.

Why you need to know the level of adipose tissue:

  1. To monitor your health and adjust your diet.
  2. And monitor the progress of training aimed at fat burning (drying).

How to measure subcutaneous fat - methods

There are a huge number of ways (methods) to measure the level of subcutaneous and internal fat So, let's look at each of them:

First way

The simplest, but not particularly reliable, is the waist-to-hip ratio. To do this, you need a centimeter tape, and a minute of free time. So let's take a measurement:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart - measure your waist circumference one centimeter above your navel.
  2. Feet slightly apart and the stomach relaxed - measure the circumference of the hips at the widest point, 2-3 centimeters below the waist.

Then divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference. The result shows us that the lower the ratio, the better things are, and the higher it is, the sooner you need to start training and proper diet (proper nutrition). In particular, it is worth taking care of yourself if the resulting number is greater than 0.8.

Second way

The next method, known to modern mankind, is pinching the skin. So, with your fingers, pinch the skin fold in several places. In place of the triceps, slightly above the armpit, on the thigh and abdomen. Without removing your fingers, release the fold and measure the distance between them. If it turned out more than 2.5 centimeters, then you clearly have excess fat. Such a measurement in several places shows exactly where you have the most excess fat on your body.

Method three

Determined through the body mass index - BMI. And in order to find out this BMI, you need to divide the weight in kilograms by the height in meters squared. The resulting number is your BMI.

Formula for determining BMI:

BMI = weight (kg) / height (m) * height (m)

For example, height = 180 cm = 1.8 m, weight = 80 kg;

80 / (1,8 * 1,8) = 24,7;

If the resulting number is greater than 25, then this means that you need to take care of yourself to reduce weight.

18.5 - 24.9 - normal weight.

25 - 29.9 - overweight.

30+ increased health risk.

But this method not suitable for athletes - their weight is due to developed muscles.

Fourth Method

Ultrasound measurement - many private clinics offer this service as an accurate technique, but in reality it is not so. Ultrasound of adipose tissue is performed in the same place as when measuring with a caliper, with only one difference in the device and measurement technique. The results obtained are substituted into the formula and the table looks at the level of adipose tissue in the human body. This method gives an adequate measurement only for the average patient, but for athletic athletes and obese people, then this measurement method is extremely inaccurate for them.

Method five

Infrared measurement is from the same series of measurements as ultrasound, but the methodology and formulas are different. This study is completely safe, but there is no accuracy in it, only for the average person.

Sixth way

Computed tomography is one of the accurate methods for determining adipose tissue in the human body, and thanks to this method, you will learn a lot about the state of your body (its health). But computed tomography is practically not used to determine the ratio of adipose tissue, due to its high cost.

Seventh way

Bioimpendancemetry - measurement of bioelectrical resistance (BES). Since fat cells, unlike muscle cells, do not contain water, it is possible to determine the structure of the body by the resistance of the human body. And this measurement takes place in this way:

  1. Electrodes are attached to the arms and legs.
  2. And then a weak electric charge is passed through the human body, along these same electrodes.

As a result, this device gives a complete picture of the ratio in the body of fat, water, muscle and bone tissue. But, again, it can give an error, depending on the amount of fat in the body, the food eaten, the amount of water drunk, and so on.

Eighth way

There are scales that work on a similar principle as bioimpendancemetry (BES), but only at home. When you stand on them with bare feet, then they begin to pass a weak electric current from one foot to the other, so top part body is measured inaccurately or not measured at all. As a result, such scales are most suitable for women, since their excess weight is most often located in the lower body (thighs and buttocks).

You can buy such scales in almost any sports store or pharmacy.

Ninth way

Calipometry. In principle, having at hand a table for determining the level of subcutaneous fat, a caliper (it can be easily replaced with an ordinary caliper) and some kind of assistant, you can find out the amount of excess fat yourself. This method has proven itself well, does not require material costs (unless you buy a caliper - so it will fit on the farm) and is quite accurate.

So, you will need to measure the thickness of the fat folds in four places.

First place: The measurement is made on the front side of the arm - the biceps. Pinch the vertical fold of skin on the biceps and measure it with a caliper, while recording the result. Figure #1.

Second place: Measurement should be done on the back of the arm - triceps. The actions are the same as for the biceps. We look at figure number 2.

Third place: The measurement is made on the back, just below the shoulder blades. The fold should be at an angle of 45 degrees, as in the figure under #3.

Fourth place: And the last one stopped on his stomach, just above the pelvic bone, in horizontal position as shown in Figure 4.

Sum the data obtained and put it in the table. Indications vary by age and gender.

Tenth way

One of the banal methods is - measuring clothes. You yourself have already guessed how to use it, if the clothes become small for you, then you are gaining weight (adipose tissue has increased), if on the contrary it has become large, then you are losing weight (adipose tissue has decreased). But everything would be fine if the clothes did not stretch or shrink. Although it may be like this: if you drink a lot of water or eat something, then, as a result, the stomach will stretch. But this does not mean at all that you have gained fat so quickly. Such a situation can also beat: if you drink little liquids and sweat a lot (in a sauna, bath, gym), then, consequently, the water balance will decrease and the tummy will become smaller. Therefore, this method is very doubtful and not accurate, but nevertheless I cited it as one of the indirect methods.

Method eleven

As for me, so the most best method determining excess subcutaneous fat is your reflection in the mirror. With the help of which, undressing to underwear, you will see a real picture of what is happening. The criterion for determining this method is a sound view of oneself from the outside. If folds and skin do not hang anywhere, then everything is in order (normal). If, on the contrary, you see drooping folds and skin, then you definitely have an extra fat reserve.

Some facts

With age, certain changes occur in the human body. But the level of subcutaneous and internal fat, thanks to regular workouts, can remain virtually unchanged. However, if a person does not lead an active lifestyle and does not eat properly, then adipose tissue, in this case, will increase more and more every year.

So, in people aged 18-25 years, leading a fairly active lifestyle, the level of subcutaneous fat is usually small, but the amount of muscle is very significant. But the older a person is and the less active he leads, the more his metabolism slows down and the ratio of fat to muscle changes more noticeably. That is why many people get fat in old age, and as a result, they have even more sores due to excess fat. After all, as I already mentioned, excess fat reserves drastically disrupt all systems of our body (life activity). No wonder nutritionists advocate proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

And remember, losing weight is not as easy as it seems. Everything should be in a complex: move more, exercise and eat right ( proper diet). Otherwise, if you do one thing, then in 90% of cases it will bring you absolutely nothing. Therefore, in order to achieve good results- I advise you to read the articles:, and.

So, today you have learned all the ways to measure subcutaneous fat in our body, which will help you control your weight (for health) and monitor the results on the way to a slim and beautiful figure. But which method to choose for you personally is up to you to decide, since each of them is unique and effective in its own way. I gave all the existing and most common methods. After all, the most important thing is to have in everything common sense and measure, then you will not have problems with excess weight and its lack.

Exercise, eat right and get better - good luck to you.

How to use a calculator to measure the body obesity index, as well as acceptable obesity rates for women and men, and types of body fat.

Obesity Index Calculator

Body obesity index (BMI) allows you to estimate the percentage of body fat and is an alternative method for determining the body mass index (BMI).

  • Female Male
  • 20-39 40-59 60-79

  • Hip circumference, cm

Body obesity index in women (table)

Age (years) Below normal Norm Excess Obesity
20-39 Less than 21% 21% — 33% 33% — 39% above 39%
40-59 Less than 23% 23% — 35% 35% — 41% above 41%
60-79 Less than 25% 25% — 38% 38% — 43% above 43%

ICU classification for men

Age (years) Below normal Norm Excess Obesity
20-39 Less than 8% 8% — 21% 21% — 26% above 26%
40-59 Less than 11% 11% — 23% 23% — 29% above 29%
60-79 Less than 13% 13% — 25% 25% — 31% above 31%

The human body needs a certain amount of fat to function properly, conserve energy, and protect vital organs. Triglycerides, cholesterol and other essential fatty acids that the body receives from outside act as messengers and allow the protein to do its job. They are responsible for the chemical reactions that help control growth, immune function, reproduction, and other aspects of basic metabolism.

Important control the fat balance of the body to avoid adverse effects.

Fat and its role in the human body

Everyone should include fat in their diet, as it helps the body maintain its temperature, absorb nutrients, and provide much-needed energy. Its consumption is necessary every day so that the body maintains all functions.
But it's important to keep in mind that certain fats have positive functionality while others don't. The good ones work to keep the internal organs healthy and protect the heart. Bad ones, on the contrary, worsen the functioning of the cardiovascular system and increase the risk of disease.

Fat in the human body performs several functions:

  1. Provides energy.
  2. Absorbs vitamins.
  3. Creates reserves for later use.
  4. Maintains proper body temperature.
  5. Protects the body.

Other functions provide work:

  • brain;
  • hormones;
  • healthy balance of hair and skin.

Sources of Healthy Fat

It is important to always choose monounsaturated (MUA) or polyunsaturated (PUFA) fats. These species help reduce the risk of developing and also stabilize cholesterol levels.

Bad fats (trans and saturated) increase LDL cholesterol, which can raise blood pressure and harden arteries, increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack.

The norm of body fat for women and men

Essential fat is present in the human body - this is the minimum amount necessary for physical and physiological health. Ideal percentage additional body fat varies depending on various factors.

Affects these indicators:

  • body type;
  • heredity;
  • age;
  • activity level;
  • eating habits;

The norm of fat for the male and female body is different. Women have a higher degree of body fat compared to men. female physiology, hormones, breasts and genitals need fat accumulation. In addition, they require more for ovulation, a healthy pregnancy, and continued feeding of the baby.

There are two tables for determining fat indicators. The first takes into account gender differences and the constitution of the body. The second one is also based on age-related changes. It is the last percentage chart that is used to measure fat using the caliper method.

Ideal body fat percentage

Level Men Women
Vital 2-5% 10-13%
Sports 6-13% 14-20%
Fitness 14-17% 21-24%
Average 18-24% 25-31%
Above average 25+ 32+

Table number 2

Age Men Women
20 8,5 17,7
25 11,5 18,4
30 12,7 19,3
35 13,7 21,5
40 15,3 22,2
45 16,4 22,9
50 18,9 25,2
55 20,9 26,3

Types of body fat

Fat deposits cause health and beauty problems ranging from atherosclerosis to low levels of self-esteem, hormonal imbalances and obesity. To fight excess fat, it is important to study and determine its types.

Main types:

  1. brown;
  2. white;
  3. visceral;
  4. subcutaneous;
  5. in the abdomen.

They can be grouped into two main categories: visceral fat (surrounds internal organs) and subcutaneous fat (located under the skin and makes up about 80% of all fat).

Visceral fat

This type is the most dangerous. It is located on the cell surface of the internal organs and impairs their functioning. It can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, and is thought to be linked to dementia.

Big waist or belly - a sign visceral fat, and its loss requires diet and exercise. This type of adipose tissue is involved in insulin resistance and affects the production of leptin, a hormone that controls appetite, learning, and memory.

To stay healthy, you should strive to reduce visceral fat as much as possible.

Fat in the abdomen

This type is part visceral, part subcutaneous, and it is impossible to determine which part of it is in which category. It is much more dangerous than fatty tissue on the thighs or buttocks, as it has more strong influence on blood lipid levels and increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. Men tend to accumulate it in their bellies, while women tend to accumulate it on their thighs and buttocks.

subcutaneous fat

It is considered less dangerous than visceral. The main areas where it is located are Bottom part bodies for women and upper body for men, although other variations are possible. Women also tend to accumulate it in their arms, covering the muscles of the triceps and on the inner surface of the knees or thighs. In men, it predominates on the hips.

white fat

Generates energy and produces hormones, which are then released into the bloodstream. It also produces adiponectin, a hormone that helps the liver and muscles use insulin and sugar efficiently, reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

brown fat

Often considered a type of muscle tissue as it burns white fat to support weight loss. Increasing brown fat may help treat obesity and other health problems. overweight.

Caliper fat measurement

To calculate the degree of body fat, a caliper caliper is used. To do this, the length of the folds in different areas is measured. The indicators are calculated using the Jackson Pollock method. Gender and age must be taken into account. Measurements are taken on the right side of the body.

For men:

  • Take a chest measurement between the anterior axillary line and the nipple. The fold will be diagonal.
  • Measure the fat fold of the abdomen near the navel. The fold will be vertical.
  • Measure the indicators on the front of the thigh, between the groin area and the knee. The position is vertical.

For women:

  • Take a measurement of the triceps on the back of the arm between the shoulder and elbow. The fold will be vertical.
  • Measure the waist crease. The fold will be diagonal.
  • Take a measurement on the front of the thigh, between the inguinal crease and the knee. The position is vertical.

Carrying out calculations:

  1. Calculate body mass using the Jackson Pollock equation to further determine body fat percentage.
  2. For men, body density \u003d 1.10938 - (0.0008267 x the sum of all indicators in mm) + (0.0000016 x the square of the sum of indicators in mm) - (0.0002574 x age).
  3. For women, body density \u003d 1.0994921 - (0.0009929 x the sum of the indicators) + (0.0000023 x the square of the sum of the indicators) - (0.0001392 x age).
  4. Converting the density of the constitution into a fat percentage according to the following equation: percentage body fat = [(4.95 / male/female body density) - 4.5] x 100.

Important! Do not measure after physical activity due to fluid loss.

Would you like to know how to measure your body fat percentage but don't know how? Today it is as easy as shelling pears: just turn on the online calculator, and it will calculate the necessary. With the help of a special table, which will display the ratio of body weight and age, height, gender, you can find out exactly how to calculate how many calories the body needs for normal functioning.

If you are on the way to improving your figure, then, of course, you need to calculate the body mass index, the content of proteins, carbohydrates in food. Can help with all of this. body fat calculator. Of course, how many calories we consume or burn daily, depends on our physical form. From the excess of these same calories, subcutaneous tissue begins to be deposited. fat mass and soon need a diet or good sport program to get rid of them.

Naturally, if you are planning to go on a diet, the first question will be: how to measure the amount of fat in the body. This problem has already been solved, since the calculator will calculate it by itself. The next step is to discuss plans with a dietitian. It is better to consult than to hurt yourself even more because of the wrong approach to fixing the problem. It is also important to understand that you need to limit yourself only in the amount of food, and you need to use everything in moderation. Meals should have a balanced amount of such components:

  • carbons;
  • proteins;
  • fats.

low calorie diet can bring you a lot of harm, because it is not able to give human body everything you need for a normal life. Fatty acids are especially important, from which other substances are then synthesized in the body. They are extremely important for the growth of hair, nails, the renewal of skin balls and the normal functioning of organs.

So, the online calculator is not only the answer to the question of how to calculate the presence of fat in the body, but also your indispensable assistant in everything related to nutrition and figure.

How to measure body fat percentage

How does the calculator determine the presence of fat in the body? Naturally, he is able to calculate it using a number of formulas. But in order for the calculator to give a definition, you must specify all the necessary parameters, without which it will be impossible to make a calculation. What should be entered:

All instruments necessary for measurements:

  • scales;
  • measuring tape.

The analyzer will only show actual results if you have made all measurements accurately. That is why the tape must be used in such a way that it does not tighten the skin and does not hang freely, and it is worth making sure that the scales are accurate. It is also worth measuring weight in the morning and without clothes, without eating, and height - without shoes and with a straight back.


This point is also important. How we live depends on the need of our body for various substances. There are different levels of activity:

Given the way of life and other above-mentioned indicators, you can correctly calculate the required number of different useful substances. Naturally, the whole diet will be significantly different. First you need to calculate the amount of protein that you need to consume daily, because protein is a building material human body, it is important for muscle tone, for the production of hormones. The more active your lifestyle, the more protein your body needs. Norms for fats and carbohydrates should be calculated based on the amount of protein.

If you are going to go on a diet, first analyze your indicators together with your doctor, then it will be easier to choose the type of diet that is most suitable for you. There are protein, and low-calorie, and many other diets. But whatever you choose, remember that health is above all. No need to starve your body or reduce the required rate of vital substances.

Explanation of the numbers

Body mass index- the ratio of mass to height. The smaller your figure, the smaller the index. It is measured in kilograms per square metre. But you need to pay attention to the fact that the formula does not take into account the characteristics of your body, so the results may not be true, for example, for athletes. The index may indicate that a person is overweight, but if their amount of body fat shows the category of athletes, then they are pumped up, not fat.

The ratio of height and waist - indicates the amount of abdominal fat. Everyone knows that its excess is very dangerous, since the work of the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, vessels. Thus, there are many complex diseases, which are very difficult to cure.

It should be noted that each organism has different levels of fat. They are different for men and women. Men are more muscular, and if they still have fat deposited, then this happens in most cases on the stomach. In women, fat is deposited not only on the stomach, but also on the hips.

Lean body weight- the mass of a person, excluding fat. Here, the mass index is very important in the calculations, because with it the calculator will calculate the required number of calories. If necessary, he will reduce or increase the rate.

Calories required each day are the calories that the body expends. Their number depends on lifestyle, activity. This is a very important indicator that is taken into account with every choice of diets.

Protein - it, of course, must be consumed daily, because it is one of the most important components in our body. When laying down the right diet, first of all calculate how much protein is required. Everything else is adjusted based on it.

Fat Percentage

So how much body fat is normal? For each it's own. For example, bodybuilders and athletes have a few percent less body fat than people who lead a less active lifestyle. Their bodies are basically muscles in very good shape. But it's not worth "degreasing" your body. There is no need to be a fanatic of a small and fragile figure, because this is not suitable for every organism.

Do you know what a lack of fat for the body turns into? First of all, the metabolism, the condition of the skin, hair and muscles, the functioning of organs worsens, the production of hormones, including sex hormones, stops, which causes serious illnesses.

Don't Predict Your Obesity, after all, excess weight is determined by the percentage of fat above 30%. If this percentage is less, you are quite normal, healthy body. If the fat mass is only 5-10%, this is already a problem. You need to rethink your diet and exercise.

Both obesity and anorexia are terrible diseases. Because of them, the work of the whole organism as a whole is disrupted. The spine, heart, digestive system and even perspiration - all this depends on the mass of fat. A appearance generally changes beyond recognition. Here already suffers not only physiological, but also mental health. A person does not like himself, which causes depression, apathy and even nervous breakdowns are not uncommon.

Other ways to calculate body fat

To date, the calculator is far from the only device capable of such actions. For example, to calculate obesity, use bioimpedance. But such a device is not very convenient, since it can be used exclusively at home. If you want to know the most accurate result, then this device will help you.

For those who do not want or cannot visit a medical laboratory, scales have been created that are able to determine the ratio of muscle to fat as a percentage. How does this device work? With the help of electrical impulses passed through the human body. Therefore, do not neglect the safety precautions when using these scales. Take measurements exclusively in a warm room and only at a body temperature of 36.6. do not take food or diuretic drugs as the results will not be accurate. Even a pre-shower can hurt you when calculating your body fat percentage.

Practice even weighing in water. Of course, only in laboratories. The patient's weight is measured first in air and then in water. The results are compared, and with the help of various formulas and differences in the density of adipose tissue in different environments, the percentage of body fat is calculated. This method is quite accurate and helps to correctly determine the degree of obesity.

You can also measure the amount of fat by simply measuring the fat folds on the body. You just need to pinch the fold in four places:

  • on the triceps;
  • on the biceps;
  • in the navel;
  • under the shoulder blade.

Doctors use a caliper - a special device to measure the thickness. But at home, a caliper or the most common ruler will do. According to the special table, determine your result. It is important to know that this table takes into account both age and gender of a person. Over the years, the amount of fat in the body still increases, and this is quite normal.

To quickly determine the percentage of body fat, the online calculator is best used daily, independently compiling a table or graph. This approach will help the user navigate and will clearly show real changes. In general, in order not to worry about the question of how to find out the percentage of fat in the body, it is important to lead an active life.

Be healthy and take care of your figure!

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