The theory of macrocycling in powerlifting. Training methods of foreign and Russian powerlifting specialists How to build cycles in powerlifting

The optimal length of the training cycle for a powerlifter above the MMS level is 6 months. Planning should be more strategic than tactical. No one is immune from disruptions, so it is better to solve tactical tasks according to the circumstances. Try to plan your cycle in such a way that you suffer from breakdowns as little as possible.

It is very important to set minimum goals for yourself - this will allow you to avoid disappointments (hurry up slowly - the ancients said). Strategic planning should begin with setting goals, but, as a rule, most of the tasks being solved (for example, such as increasing strength endurance and reaching peak strength) contradict each other and cannot be solved simultaneously at one stage, so it is advisable to break the training cycle into several phases There are usually three main phases.

Tasks are prioritized

phases first (6 weeks) second (8 weeks) third (10 weeks)
tasks to be solved
  1. Set of muscle mass
  2. Leveling "weak" places
  1. Strength increase
  2. Leveling "weak" places
  3. Improvement of speed-strength qualities
  4. Strength Endurance Increase
  5. Improving movement technique
  6. Improving joint mobility and flexibility
  1. Reaching the peak of strength
  2. Strength increase
  3. Leveling "weak" places
  4. Improvement of speed-strength qualities
  5. Improving joint mobility and flexibility

Phase One
usually, in this phase, the triathlete "rests" after reaching the peak (after the competition),
a little pitching is like a rest for a security officer.

Kit muscle mass
To gain muscle mass, it is necessary to create such adaptive processes in muscle tissue that will cause its growth. Intensity - 50-70% of the RM (maximum maximum) with the appropriate number of repetitions (from 10 to 6) is most preferred, speed is also important ( concept of explosive movement) - the impact on a certain type of fibers depends on the speed (if there is speed - white ones are "loaded", no speed - red ones are "loaded").

At this stage, the athlete must dramatically increase the caloric intake and the percentage of proteins in his diet.

Improving movement technique
Any technique knows the right to life, but there are several postulates that must be sacredly used ...


  • The back should be straight
  • The back should deviate from the vertical as little as possible.
  • The knees should not go too far forward.
  • The pelvis should not "go" back much
  • An increase in dynamics leads to an increase in the return from the suit and bandages
Bench press
  • Maximum deflection in the lower back ensures the minimum amplitude of the press
  • The shoulder blades brought together make it possible to reduce the amplitude and increase the rigidity of the reception of the barbell on the chest.
  • The back should be straight
  • IN initial phase movements should work only legs
Leveling "weak" places

squat assistance exercises

problems with the removal of the rod from the racks and withdrawal
  1. Calf raises
  2. Bent over with a barbell
  3. Sitting Barbell Bent Over
problems with lowering and passing the corner
  1. Leg curls
  2. Deadlift
  3. Bent over with a barbell
  4. Hyperextensions
  5. Sitting Barbell Bent Over
Problems with the "stiffness" of the back, you can not "hold" the back
  1. Hyperextensions
  2. Deadlift
  3. Bent over with a barbell
  4. Sitting Barbell Bent Over
  5. Block pull to the chest with different grips (reverse-straight, narrow-wide)
  6. Bent Over Row with Medium or Wide Grip
You are "pressed" at the very bottom
  1. In Leg Press
  2. Squats in "yielding" mode
  3. Squats with a barbell on the chest
  4. Barbell Squats
  5. leg extension
  6. Power rack squats from a standstill
stops you at a certain point
  1. Bench squats
  2. Power rack squats from a standstill

Bench press
auxiliary exercises for bench press
Selection of basic exercises for "working out" "weak points"
Exercises are listed in descending order of effectiveness.

problems with falling off the chest and poor "acceleration" of the bar
  1. Barbell bench press from the chest with a medium or wide grip
  2. Bar push-ups
  3. Dumbbell bench press horizontal bench at a fast pace
  4. Mahi dumbbell standing forward (alternately)
The barbell "gets stuck" in the middle
  1. Dumbbell bench press on a horizontal bench, work with a small amplitude with large weights at a fast pace
  2. Pressing the bar from a dead center
  3. Close grip bench press
  4. Medium Grip Press
  5. Bar push-ups
In problems with pressing the bar
  1. Close grip bench press
  2. Pressing the bar from a dead center with a weight> 100%
  3. Bar push-ups
  4. French bench press lying on the floor (barbell and you are lying on the floor)
  5. Extension of the arms on a vertical block
In poor stabilization of the bar when lowering to the chest
  1. Bent over row
  2. Lifting the barbell for biceps standing with a reverse grip
  3. Barbell curl for biceps
  4. Biceps curl with one arm dumbbell

assistance exercises for traction
Selection of basic exercises for "working out" "weak points"
Exercises are listed in descending order of effectiveness.

bad break
  1. Hyperextensions
  2. Deadlift
  3. Draft rod from the pit
  4. Bent over with a barbell
  5. Sitting Barbell Bent Over
  6. leg press
  7. Squats with weight between benches
  8. Low Bench Squats
  9. Exercise bike (maximum intensity)
"stop" at the level below the knee 5-10 cm
  1. Hyperextensions
  2. Deadlift
  3. Bent over with a barbell
  4. Sitting Barbell Bent Over
"pulling" problems
  1. Deadlift in a power rack from a dead center
  2. Shrugs (with a barbell or dumbbells)
  3. Bent Over Row with Medium or Wide Grip
  4. Block pull to the chest with different grips (reverse - straight, narrow - wide)
The bar falls out of hand
  1. Holding the bar for a while
  2. Static weight hold

Improving joint mobility and flexibility
To solve this problem, it is best to combine both classic exercises to improve flexibility, and specialized powerlifting.

Phase two
This phase is usually transitional, it is necessary to “let yourself down” as much as possible for the decisive stage of preparation, to the tasks solved in the first phase, an increase in strength, an improvement in speed-strength qualities and an increase in strength endurance are added

Strength increase
In the article power, speed and strength aspects (physiological and physical) are considered in detail, to increase strength, the intensity should be 70-90% of the RM (maximum maximum), the number of repetitions with this weight ranges from 4-8.

Improvement of speed-strength qualities
To improve these qualities, exercises performed in this mode are used.
(cm. explosive movement concept):

  • high intensity aerobic training (see)
  • all kinds of sharp jumps with and without weight, etc. (it all depends on your imagination)
Strength Endurance Increase
This problem is solved by increasing the number of sets and frequency of training (the frequency of bench presses for some strength athletes reaches 3-4 per week, the frequency of squat training up to 2-3, the frequency of traction training up to 2)

Phase three
This is the last, final stage of preparation, at this stage it is extremely important to increase neuromuscular efficiency and reach peak strength, in addition, it is very important to maintain high psychological motivation until the competition. Improving neuromuscular efficiency (increased motor unit mobilization)
(detailed anatomical aspects of increasing neuromuscular efficiency are described in the article
power, speed and strength)

  • Increasing intensity over 90% of maximum effort
  • Explosive jumping training - e.g. explosive vertical jumps
  • Electro-muscle stimulation
  • Changes in the sensitivity threshold of some motor units (this area is little explored)
  • Isokinetic training (isokinetic machines compensate for the increase in kinetic energy of the projectile, which does not allow the athlete to reduce effort as leverage and speed increase)
Reaching the peak of strength
Increasing the intensity to 90-100% of the RM (maximum maximum) (old, not calculated, if you try to raise the record in the hall on the eve of the competition, then consider that you have already retreated) - the number of repetitions from 1 to 3.

Organization of micro and macro cycles
In the article macrocycling theory the aspects substantiating the need for macrocycling are considered in detail.

In order to progress, you must be guided by the following postulates:

  • to create the prerequisites for the adaptation process, it is necessary to take into account the selectivity with which the muscle reacts to stress
    (choose a goal and solve it with an appropriate stressful impact - see below about this)
  • the higher the intensity (% of the working weight from the maximum) and the KPSh (the number of lifts of the bar), the more time it takes to fully recover
  • small muscle groups recover much faster than large ones
    (use this knowledge to competently build a training cycle)
  • the recovery rate depends on one's own body weight - the recoverability of a heavyweight differs from that of a lightweight in a smaller direction. More Muscle Mass Requires More Recovery
Adaptation processes (types of stress) -
  1. Strength Endurance:
    - aerobic exercise with a very high intensity for a sufficiently long time
    V V (for example - the ultimate force of a bicycle)
    - Long-term workouts (up to 5 hours)
    - training with a large number of approaches (up to 10)
  2. Speed-explosive qualities:
    - sharp, explosive movements (sharp jumping with and without weight)
    - aerobic training with high intensity and maximum speed on a small time In the interval - sprint distances.
  3. Muscle mass:
    - training with an intensity of 50-70% of the RM (maximum maximum) for 6-10 repetitions
    B B Rest time between sets in basic basic 2-3 minutes B B B
  4. Strength (due to an increase in muscle fibrils and a change in the concentration of enzymes):
    - training with an intensity of 70-90% of the RM for 3-6 repetitions,
    In addition, speed is very important - this allows the white fibers to respond to the load
    B B Rest time between sets in the main basic 5-10 minutes
  5. Power (improvement in neuromuscular efficiency, reaching peak strength):
    - training with an intensity of 9-100% for 1-3 repetitions
    In the time of rest in the main basic 7-15 minutes (until the complete resynthesis of ATP)
    - training with partial (partial amplitude) repetitions with an intensity of 90-130% for 1-3 repetitions
    - isokinetic training - isokinetic trainers, use of chains
Recommended rest time after training depending on the intensity
2-5 5-8 7-12 rest time (day)
(including partial amplitude repetitions)
2-5 5-8 8-14 rest time (day)
bench press
(including partial amplitude repetitions)
1-3 3-4 4-5 rest time (day)

The recommended rest time is indicated in the interval because each individual has a different combination of red-white fibers. Athletes with mostly red fibers recover faster than athletes with mostly white fibers.

Organization of the microcycle
On this moment two types of microcycling are most common - "Russian cycle" and "classic cycle"

Russian cycle

  • bench press easy - intensity 50-70%
    recommended number of repetitions 7-10, number of approaches 3-4
  • bench press medium - intensity 70-80%
    recommended number of repetitions 4-7, number of sets 3-5
  • bench press heavy - intensity 80-95%
    recommended number of repetitions 2-4, number of sets 2-8
  • heavy squat - intensity 75-95%
    recommended number of repetitions 2-5, number of sets 2-8
  • squat light - intensity 50-75%
    the recommended number of repetitions is 6-10, the number of sets is 3-5
Advantages of this microcycle:
  • great opportunities for macrocycling (organization of percentages in the squat, bench press and deadlift)
  • bad recovery mode
  • no crash protection
  • quickly "sags" the psyche
Classical microcycle
In principle, you do not need to tie this microcycle to the days of the week,
the main thing is to follow the “bench-squat-bench-pull” sequence, and the rest time can be any up to full recovery.

Advantages of this microcycle:

  • this microcycle allows you to fully recover (which is especially good for heavyweights)
  • allows you to use a wider range of additional exercises
  • minimal impact of "failures" on the training process as a whole
  • squat and deadlift, regardless of intensity, are performed no more than once a week
"Classic cycle" I recommend to use absolutely everyone.

Macrocycle organization
In the article macrocycling theory the main concepts of macrocycling are described in detail.

When constructing a macrocycle, one should be guided by the following postulates:

  • only a periodic increase in the load leads to progress
  • constant progression of load leads to overtraining
  • after reaching the peak of strength, there is always a decline
Load Macro Cycling Example

As you can see, on the graph (built according to the real training process), all the main postulates of macrocycling were used.
In other words, the load of the optimal macrocycle is a function of a sinusoidal dependence with a constantly increasing amplitude (P - load, t - time (training ... day)).

perfect macrocycle planning

Organization of the macrocycle in the first phase (set of muscle mass, 6 weeks)
Since the main task in this phase is to gain muscle mass, macrocycling along a sinusoid should fluctuate between 50% of RM for 10-8 reps (local minimum) and before 70% of RM for 8-6 reps (local maximum).

An example of a macrocycle for the development of muscle mass with a smooth transition to strength work

Organization of the macrocycle in the second phase (gaining strength, increasing endurance, improving speed-strength qualities, 8 weeks)

To gain strength, sinusoidal macrocycling should range from 70% to 90% intensity with 3 to 6 repetitions.

An example of a macrocycle for the development of strength and strength endurance

Organization of the macrocycle in the third phase (reaching the peak of strength, gaining strength, 10 weeks)

To gain strength, sinusoidal macrocycling should range from 75-80% intensity to 90-95% and higher with the number of repetitions from 1 to 5.
However, taking into account the task of increasing strength endurance, the number of approaches should be quite large - up to 8!

An example of a macrocycle for the development of strength and the exit of a peak of strength

For more information about macrocycling, see the article.

Characteristics of the training process in powerlifting

It is known that one of the most urgent problems in powerlifting is the problem of strength endurance at the stages of peak load and off-season training for powerlifters. The most important task is to optimize the process of strength and functional training at all stages of the training of powerlifters of sportsmanship, as well as taking into account the methods and techniques of the correlation of this training with each other. It should be noted that the problem of increasing strength endurance becomes most relevant when an athlete is at the stage of sports improvement and higher sportsmanship, when the body of an athlete-powerlifter is already formed and physically developed.

The problem of training athletes in powerlifting has not yet been fully studied, there are practically no Scientific research in the field of powerlifting. There are only general data in the field of studying the problem of the manifestation of strength training in weightlifting. The training of athletes in powerlifting is carried out on the basis of the provisions set forth in scientific papers on problems sports training in weightlifting and bodybuilding or based on popular foreign publications.

In our opinion, direct borrowing of recommendations and methodological provisions from weightlifting is not entirely correct, since powerlifting is distinguished by its specific training and competitive activity. For example, unlike weightlifting in powerlifting, movements are performed in a different phase of movement, therefore, for an athlete, such a factor as muscle composition is of particular importance, and it is necessary to train both slow and fast muscle fibers. In our opinion, in modern powerlifting, increasing strength endurance, training cardiovascular and respiratory system undeservedly little attention is paid, because therefore all the efforts of triathletes in the process of preparing for competitions are focused on improving the result and the so-called “absolute strength” of the athlete, the formation of which is carried out through the use of a different methodological approach based on a small number of repetitions and a reduction in training.

However, the use of only specialized training tools, especially based on early stages skill is not enough for the harmonious development of an athlete and the creation of a basis for the growth of his sportsmanship. Ever-increasing level and density sports results in the largest Russian competitions and at the international level, the intensity of the struggle poses increasingly difficult tasks for the athlete and coach in the field of improving the results and training methods. Victory in competitions, winning prizes becomes impossible without many years of year-round training with a scientifically based ratio of volumes and intensity of general and special loads.

The training of an athlete covers the use of the whole set of such factors as means, methods, conditions, with the help of which an increase in sports achievements is ensured.

As you know, the main conditions for the preparation of an athlete are: physical, technical, tactical, mental and integrative training.

Physical training is aimed at improving health, achieving a good level of physical development, education physical qualities. Physical development It is customary to subdivide into general physical training (GPP) and special physical training (SFP). SFP is aimed at educating individual physical qualities necessary in selected form sports. It is held constantly and helps the athlete prepare for his own performances.

Technical training is aimed at teaching the athlete the concept of movements corresponding to the characteristics of a specially chosen sport.

Tactical training. In the theory and practice of sports training, this is the ability of an athlete to competently build a course of struggle in competitions, taking into account the characteristics of the chosen sport, their individual characteristics, the capabilities of rivals and external conditions.

Integrative training is aimed at coordination and implementation of various components in competitive activity: technical, physical, tactical and psychological readiness.

The training process for beginner powerlifters takes 1-2 years, during this period of time the main training consists in volume training tonnage, where the emphasis is on general physical training exercises, coordination and training of the cardiovascular system. Training takes place three times a week in one weekly microcycle. Such basic exercises as competitive squats are performed once every 5-7 days, competitive bench press is performed once every 5-7 days and deadlift competitive is performed once every 7-10 days. Auxiliary basic exercises related to squats and bench press are performed in each workout with low and moderate intensity, the exception is the auxiliary deadlift exercises, which are also performed once every 7-10 days as well as the main competitive deadlift. Isolation exercises for small muscle groups can be performed at every workout due to their small effect on the body. At the stage of an already longer training experience for powerlifters (groups of sports improvement and higher sportsmanship) - from 2 to 5 years - the emphasis is more on specifically physical exercise, the purpose of which is actually power abilities, with a general decrease in the tonnage of training. Such basic exercises as competitive squats at this stage are already performed by an athlete once every 7-10 days, competitive bench press once every 7-10 days, and competitive traction once every 14, or even less often. This is due to the global and local effect on the entire body of a powerlifter in order to protect the athlete from overtraining. Other auxiliary basic and isolating exercises are performed in the same manner as for beginner powerlifters.

The following periods are distinguished in the annual training cycle of powerlifters.

Microcycle - a small training cycle, with a weekly duration, including from 2 to several sessions.

- recovery microcycle- a microcycle following a series of high volume or intensity microcycles, as well as competitions; used for the purpose of restoration;

- retracting microcycle- microcycle used after a forced or planned break in the training process;

- unloading microcycle- similar to the recovery microcycle;

- competitive microcycle- the microcycle used in the competition period or modeling;

- training microcycle- a number of basic microcycles, the most intense in terms of volume or intensity. Includes basic, special preparatory, model, as well as supply microcycles.

Mesocycle - average training cycle lasting from 2 to 6 weeks, including a complete series of microcycles:

- basic mesocycle- the main type of the mesocycle of the preparatory period, aimed at increasing the functional capabilities of the body, the formation of new and the consolidation of previously motor skills;

- retracting mesocycle- mesocycle applied after planned and forced breaks; the preparatory period usually begins with it;

- control and preparatory mesocycle- transitional form between basic and precompetitive mesocycles; used in the 2nd half of the preparatory period and in the competitive period;

- transitional mesocycle- mesocycle of the transitional period;

- precompetitive mesocycle- mesocycle, aimed at leading the athlete to the competition. It is characterized by undulating load with a decrease in its parameters in the last microcycle;

- competitive mesocycle- mesocycle used during the main competitions.

Macrocycle- a large training cycle such as semi-annual (in some cases 3-4 months), annual, long-term, associated with development, stabilization and temporary loss sportswear and including a complete series of periods, stages, mesocycles.

These cycles form the general mode of work and tasks for the sports season of triathletes - powerlifters.

The construction of annual training based on one cycle is called single-cycle, on the basis of two macrocycles - two-cycle, three macrocycles - three-cycle. There are three periods in each macrocycle: preparatory, competitive, transitional.

Years of process sports training from a beginner to a master can be designated as alternating stages, including the stages of many years of training, related to the age and qualifications of the athletes (Fig. 1).

The long-term process of training and competition of an athlete is based on the following methodological provisions.

  1. Unified pedagogical system, means, methods, organizational forms of training of all groups. The main criterion for the effectiveness of training is the highest sports result achieved at the optimal age for the chosen sport.

Rice. 1. Two and three cycle planning of yearly training in powerlifting and weightlifting

  1. A special focus on the highest sportsmanship in the process of preparation for the main age groups.
  2. The optimal ratio of all aspects of the athlete's preparedness in the process of training.
  3. Constant growth of funds special training. The increase in the specific weight of the volume of special training means in relation to the total volume of the load and, accordingly, the general physical training decreases.
  4. A systematic increase in the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads. Each period of the new cycle should start at a higher level of training loads compared to the periods of the previous annual cycle.

In order to rationally build a long-term training process, one should take into account the time frame required to achieve the highest results. Capable athletes achieve their first great success after 4-6 years, and the highest achievements - after 7-9 years of specialized training.

Along with mastering the basics of the technique of the chosen sport Special attention should be given to the development of those physical qualities and motor skills that are important in the chosen sport.

Powerlifting is the kind of sport that develops such important qualities as strength, dynamics, the ability to assemble as much as possible in a difficult competitive environment. Powerlifting is characterized by such strength exercises: squats, bench press and deadlift with a barbell. Therefore, in powerlifting, the main determining factor in achieving high sports results is the actual strength training.

The concept of strength endurance and factors for its increase

Endurance is the ability to withstand physical fatigue during muscular activity. In power triathlon, the time is measured during which the level of a given efficiency of motor activity is realized. Distinguish between general and special endurance. The latter is associated with training in the chosen sport. General endurance is acquired with versatile physical training.

General endurance is the ability to perform work of moderate intensity for a long time. In another way, it is also called aerobic endurance. General endurance is acquired with versatile physical training. Special endurance is endurance in relation to a certain motor activity.

Special endurance is classified: according to the signs of a motor action, with the help of which a motor task is solved; on signs of motor activity; according to signs of interaction with other physical qualities (abilities), they are necessary for the successful solution of a motor task (for example, power endurance, speed endurance, coordination endurance, etc.).

Special endurance depends on the capabilities of the neuromuscular apparatus, the speed of resource consumption within the muscle energy sources, on the technique of mastering a motor action and the level of development of other motor abilities.

Different types of endurance are independent or slightly dependent on each other. For example, you can have high strength endurance, but insufficient speed or low coordination endurance.

Strength endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue caused by relatively prolonged muscle tension of significant magnitude. Strength endurance reflects the ability to perform strength work for a long time without reducing its effectiveness. Motor activity in this case can be acyclic, cyclic and mixed.

To develop endurance to power work, various exercises with weights are used, performed by the method of repeated efforts with repeated overcoming of unlimited resistance until significant fatigue, as well as by the method circuit training. In cases where they want to develop endurance for strength work in a static mode of muscle work, they use the method of static efforts.

Depending on the mode of muscle work, static and dynamic strength endurance are distinguished. Dynamic strength endurance is typical for cyclic and acyclic activities, and static strength endurance is typical for activities related to maintaining the working voltage. For example, when holding a barbell, static endurance is manifested, and when bench press, squatting with a barbell, the weight of which is 20-50% of the maximum human strength capabilities, dynamic endurance is affected.

Since performance in motor activity depends on many factors, in particular on the speed and strength abilities of a person, two types of endurance indicators should be taken into account:

Absolute (abstracted from specific indicators of strength and speed in this person; such endurance ratings include those given above);

Relative, partial (taking into account the speed and power capabilities of the student). There are quite a few partial indicators that can be proposed.

In practice physical education integral external indicators of endurance are most often:

In exercises of a cyclic nature aimed at overcoming weight - at an average pace;

In serially repeated exercises of an acyclic and combined nature - the total number of repetitions (or the total number of movements) at a given time (for example, in 20-30 minutes at a "maximum pace" as part of a "circular training").

Endurance, manifested in various complex forms of motor activity, is a complex multifactorial ability. According to modern research data, it is based mainly on factors such as:

Personal-psychic - first of all, those that are characterized by the strength of motives and the stability of the attitude towards the result, the volitional qualities manifested in it, perseverance, endurance, the ability to endure;

Factors of functional stability that allow maintaining the activity of the functional systems of the body at one level or another during adverse changes in its internal environment caused by work (increase in oxygen debt, increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the blood, etc.).

The main factor limiting the continuation of work is fatigue. Early onset of fatigue indicates insufficient endurance. The delay in the onset of fatigue is a consequence of an increase in the level of endurance development.

The relationship between endurance and fatigue is complex. Fatigue occurs as a result of work and is expressed in a decrease in performance. It represents the state of the body. Endurance is his quality, which is characteristic of him regardless of whether the work was done or not. It would seem that the one who is less tired is enduring, but in practice this is not always the case. An endurance athlete can push himself to a deeper level of fatigue. In a less hardy athlete, a decrease in performance during fatigue is accompanied by minor changes in the physiology of functional endurance. In a more enduring person with the same fatigue, working capacity remains at a higher level.

When fatigued to the same level of performance, a more enduring athlete experiences more dramatic changes in physiological functions: in the blood, in the cardiovascular, respiratory systems. The ability to perform work for a long time is determined by the stability of the central nervous system to various fatigue factors.

Since endurance can be seen as the ability to overcome fatigue, it should be considered a major factor in the development of endurance. Only work until fatigue overcoming the coming fatigue can increase the endurance of the body.

Powerlifter's special endurance is developed in training in lifting weights by using a large and gradually increasing number of lifts in sets per training session.

The main method of increasing a powerlifter's endurance is to increase the number of lifts in a workout. The best increase in strength occurs during training with high resistance, which athletes are able to overcome for the approach no more than 2-3 times. If, however, endurance is developed due to a lot of repetition of barbell lifts in approaches, then you will need to train with a barbell weighing 50-60% of the maximum. But the work of professional athletes with such a weight contributes to the acquisition of basically only endurance. The increase in strength will be very limited.

In order to increase strength endurance, it is necessary to build the training process in such a way that a change occurs in the following physiological indicators:

Increase the number of mitochondria;

Increase stocks of creatine phosphate.

Change the activity of enzymes involved in the mechanism of energy supply.

Accordingly, it is fashionable to note that the main object of application of efforts is myofibrils and mitochondria.

In modern physiology, it is believed that the fibers inside the muscle are divided into two main types - "fast" and "slow" (MMV and BMW). It is believed that slow fibers are much weaker than fast fibers. And slow ones are much more enduring than fast ones. These fibers are also divided by color - into red and white. It is also known that slow fibers are easily excitable and turn on from a low-frequency signal coming from the brain, while fast fibers turn on only when the signal from the brain increases significantly.

It is also believed that slow fibers work when the weight lifted by an athlete does not exceed 25-30% of the maximum limit (the weight that we can lift at a time), in its pure form, “fast” fibers are included in the work when the weight reaches 70- 80% of the maximum. In the interval between these percentages, fibers of the intermediate type are "turned on".

In an effort to increase strength, a strength athlete, as a rule, works with weights of the order of 60-80% of the maximum. With such a weight (depending on natural data), it is possible to perform from 12-10 to 3-4 repetitions in one approach. At the end of the approach, a failure occurs. Failure triggers mechanisms that make it possible for more myofibrils to form. Myofibrils become larger - the strength grows.

But failure occurs only in the so-called fast muscle fibers (hereinafter referred to as BMF), while in the “slow” muscle fibers (hereinafter referred to as MMF), failure does not occur - and in order to achieve this, it is necessary to consistently (without interrupting the working approach) reduce the working weight. It is known that this principle is applied in bodybuilding and is known as "undressing the bar", but in terms of "general stress" and subsequent recovery (overcompensation), this principle is incorrect. The muscle will be under load for too long. In this case, the destruction will outweigh the overcompensation.

From the point of view of creating factors that trigger the synthesis of myofibrils and mitochondria, it is not the number of repetitions that is important, but the time of loading. To start the growth of myofibrils in the IMF, this should be on average about 30 seconds.

Thus, the whole point of the development of strength endurance lies in the equally equal development of fast and slow muscle fibers through, respectively, oxygen-free oxidation of muscle fibers and oxidative phosphorylation, as well as the composition of muscle fibers and the combination of the work of two biochemical processes of the body (aerobic and anaerobic), for the optimal course of training process and the development of the athlete's functional abilities.

Methodical approaches to increasing strength endurance in powerlifting

Powerlifting is a sport associated with proper strength abilities and the harmonious development of a composition of different types of muscle fibers. Therefore, in powerlifting, the determining factor in achieving high sports results is the strength training of an athlete, including his strength endurance.

In 85% of cases, only the training process, organized without taking into account the individual capabilities of the athlete, leads to insufficiently high results in this kind of sport. An increase in microtrauma and, as a result, a decrease in results, in most cases is the wrong method of strength training in powerlifting. Overtraining, injury, and consequently low performance are the result of forced training in powerlifting.

Researchers have identified features of the development of strength in powerlifters: strength develops in large muscle groups ah (legs, arms, torso), priority is given to the development of pulling force (35-45% of the result in triathlon falls on deadlift and squats); as the qualifications of athletes increase, the number of exercises for the development of strength increases; each training session for strength training includes a general study by the athlete of the main muscle groups.

The literature emphasizes the need to apply the methodology of strength training of athletes in powerlifting based on an individual approach. Individual training programs of strength training are differentiated by the ratio of general and special physical training means for beginners and sportsmen - 6:10, for high-class athletes - 4:10.

For a more qualitative approach of the methodology proposed by the authors of an individual approach to the development of strength and strength endurance in powerlifters, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The adaptation of muscles to increased loads proceeds faster than the adaptation of cartilage, bones, tendons and ligaments. Therefore, you should slowly and gradually increase the intensity of the load.
  2. Limitation of flexibility due to unilateral muscle hypertrophy (in particular, limitation of flexion-extension elbow joints, rotation-flexion hip joints and knee flexion) should be accompanied by stretching exercises.
  3. When training the deadlift in the sumo style, you should:

In the starting position, turn the feet in accordance with knee joint, it should be borne in mind that if the bar of the bar is closer to the toes, then in the initial phase of the movement the amplitude lever between the support and the center of gravity will increase, as a result, the load on the back will increase and the separation of the bar from the floor will become more difficult, and in the future - and straightening of the entire corps;

At the start, poor knee separation removes the pelvis from the bar and increases the load on the lumbar spine, and also makes it difficult to lift the bar off the platform, in the end round back at the end of the movement phase leads to problems when straightening the back, so it is necessary to turn the shoulders “to the limit” and at the same time keep the back arched;

Lift the pelvis together with the shoulders at the same time, otherwise the separation of the bar from the floor will be technically complicated;

When lifting the bar, try not to remove the neck from the legs;

At the end of the movement, the back should be straight and ensure the movement of the shoulders back.

  1. It is necessary to control the growth of strength indicators of the relative intensity of the load, since the cessation of such growth may indicate a lack of effectiveness of the applied methodology for developing strength.

As a result of the analysis of literature data, it was shown that the means and methods of strength training of athletes were developed by scientists on the basis of overall results athletes. For example, V.M. Zatsiorsky (1972), when developing strength training methods, relied on the data of the American scientist R. Berger (1962), who found that the best increase in muscle mass and strength occurs when 5-10 repetitions are performed in one approach. Capen (1956) obtained the same data. With a decrease in the number of lifts in the approach and an increase in the weight of the bar, strength mainly increases, and the increase in muscle mass is insignificant. These experimental data have not yet received an accurate explanation from the standpoint of biochemistry and physiology of muscle activity. Traditionally, the following exercises are used to develop strength in powerlifting.

Shoulder barbell squat. This exercise can be roughly divided into two phases:
  1. Lowering below the parallel of the floor in comparison with the thigh. The main load falls on the quadriceps femoris muscle, a large gluteal muscle, extensor muscles of the back and biceps femoris. The movement is performed relatively slowly (for comparison, the squat while taking the barbell on the chest in weightlifting lasts an average of 0.7-0.8 seconds, depending on the level of the athlete). In powerlifting, lowering into a squat takes from 1 to 3 seconds), so both BMWs and MMWs can create effort.
  2. Lifting the bar. The same muscles are involved in the work as in the negative phase of the movement. The movement is slow because the weight limit is used, so both BMW and MMV are involved in the work.

Bench press lying on a horizontal bench. This exercise can be roughly divided into four phases:

  1. Lowering the bar to the chest. Involved in the work: front bundles deltoid muscles, pectoralis major, triceps.
  2. Holding the projectile on the chest. The force is created by the same muscles as when lowering the projectile to the chest.
  3. Breaking the bar from the chest. At this stage, an effort is added to the effort of the anterior bundles of the deltoid muscles, triceps and pectoralis major muscles. latissimus dorsi back to stabilize movement throughout the movement phase.
  4. We press. At this stage, the force is created by the anterior bundles of the deltoid muscles and triceps (for comparison, a push from the chest in weightlifting lasts an average of 0.25 -0.35 seconds. In powerlifting, the bench press takes from 1.8 seconds to 1.8 seconds.

At all stages, the movement of the bar is performed slowly (relative to high-speed sports), therefore, both BMW and MMV can create effort.

Deadlift. All muscle groups of the back, and all the main muscle masses of the legs take part in the work. The deadlift is relatively the slowest exercise in powerlifting. For comparison, lifting the bar with a push to full extension in weightlifting lasts an average of 0.8-1 seconds, while in powerlifting, deadlift takes at least 2 seconds, while both BMW and MMW can create an effort.

When performing exercises in powerlifting, muscle contractions are performed at a low speed, so it is very important to increase the strength of both FMV (Fast Muscle Fibers) and SMF (Slow Muscle Fibers).

Endurance acquired as a result of exercises in other sports, which differ sharply in the nature of muscular activity from the special one in the chosen sport, has little effect on the main one. Example: track and field athletes have significantly more endurance in running on long distances than powerlifters. At the same time, weightlifters have less endurance than powerlifters. In powerlifters, heavy lifting, powerful muscular work, cannot be provided with oxygen. Muscle contraction takes place under anaerobic conditions, without sufficient oxygen supply. In completely different - aerobic - conditions, muscle work takes place in athletes-stayers. In the former, positive shifts are observed in the bone-motor apparatus. In the latter, pronounced changes are noted in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body.

Moreover, studies show that endurance work (for example, the bench press for the maximum number of repetitions) negatively affects the development of strength, and conversely, strength training (working with a barbell) negatively affects the development of endurance. Therefore, a powerlifter should very competently combine moderate-intensity multi-repetitive efforts with proper strength abilities.

By nature all exercises aimed at increasing strength endurance are divided into three main groups: - general, - regional, - local effects on muscle groups. General impact exercises include those in which at least 2/3 of the total muscle volume is involved in the work, regional - from 1/3 to 2/3, local - less than 1/3 of all muscles.

The traditional approach to developing strength endurance is repetitive effort method. This is a training method in which the main factor is not big weight weights, but the number of repetitions of an exercise with optimal or submaximal weight (resistance).

For the development of strength endurance, weights up to 40-60% of the maximum available to the athlete are used with a significant increase in the number of repetitions. When selecting weights, pace, duration of the exercise and rest interval, the physiological characteristics of the exercises should be taken into account, since the direction of the load changes as it adapts to it.

For beginners, the amount of weight is taken within 20-50% of the maximum, for more trained - 40-60%. For the more prepared, as the strength develops, the weight is gradually increased to 5-6 repeated maximum, up to approximately 80% of the maximum (see Table 1, Fig. 2). The essence of this technique lies in the repeated repetition of an exercise with weights of light and medium weight (from 30 to 60% of the maximum) with a number of repetitions from 15 to 50. For the development of general and local strength endurance, the method of circular training with total stations from 5 to 15-20 and with a weight of 40-60% of the repeated maximum.

Table 1 Approximate ratio of weight weights and the maximum number of repetitions in strength exercises

Conditional intensity levels Weight of burden, in% of the maximum Number of possible repetitions in one approach (R.M., repeated maximum)
1 St. 100 1
2 100 1
3 95 2-3
4 90 3-5
5 85 5-7
6 80 8-10
7 75 10-12
8 70 12-15
9 65 15-18
10 60 18-20
11 50 20-30
12 40 St. thirty

Rice. 2. Approximate ratio of weights (in % to the maximum weight of the bar being lifted) and the maximum possible number of repeated maximum of this weight in one approach: horizontal strokes and numbers above them - approximate boundaries of individual variations of the RM

At the stages of the main use of strength exercises, intensive methods to ensure long-term functional changes in all the main parts of the musculoskeletal system are exercises of general and regional impact (not counting local ones), which are included in classes, as a rule, at least 2-3 times a week. , 3-4 or more types in a separate lesson with serial repetitions of each (2-3 series of repetitions of each type of exercise within a given RM). A significant amount of muscle work performed with serial repetitions of exercises with low weights significantly activates metabolic and trophic processes in muscles and other body systems, causing the necessary hypertrophy with an increase in their physiological striated fiber, thereby stimulating the development of strength abilities and a general increase in functionality. the whole organism.

Methods that provide an increase in the level of functional capabilities of the body acquire leading role when it is necessary to increase the volume of muscles, not to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, to prepare the body for maximum strength capabilities, and are also conditions for increasing the overall performance of the athlete's body.

So, if the goal is to stimulate muscle volume with an increase in muscle mass, the weight is regulated in such a way that the PM, as a rule, does not exceed 8-12 in a series; such a number of repetitions is especially favorable for the activation of metabolic and trophic processes in the muscles, which are accompanied during the period of recovery and hypercompensation of the muscles and the whole organism as a whole. If, however, it is planned to stimulate the development of strength without a premature increase in muscles and body weight, the PM is often reduced to 4-6 in a series, respectively, increasing the weight of the projectile. When training is focused on the development of strength endurance, the RM is increased to 15-25 in a series, respectively, reducing the burden of the weight of the bar.

Conducted theoretical analysis scientific and methodological literature and analysis of the practical experience of sports training in powerlifting made it possible to generalize and highlight the following methods of strength endurance (special endurance) training:

Russian press. This method is only suitable for a specific exercise, in our case, the bench press, and is a method of multi-repetition efforts. Russian bench press is a bench press, but not on Weight Limit, but on the maximum number of repetitions in the approach. This helps: strengthen the bone-ligamentous apparatus, stimulate the development of slow muscle fibers and give a qualitative set of muscle mass, thereby increasing strength, strength and general endurance.

In the Russian bench press, the approach is considered successful if the athlete managed to complete 8 or more repetitions (in the heroic nomination of 200 kg, the test number is 5 repetitions).

The following record and standard results of competing athletes in various nominations of the Russian bench press are given in the literature.

  • 200 kg - 12.5-7 reps.
  • 150 kg - 30, 15-20 reps.
  • 125 kg - 45, 20-30 reps.
  • 100 kg - 60, 30-45 reps.
  • 75 kg - 100, 50-70 reps.

From the above results, you can see how different the results are between heavy and light nominations in terms of the number of repetitions.

It should be noted that the nomination of 200 kg refers to strength and is inherent only in leading athletes who press 10 or more repetitions, in this case, strength endurance is affected to a small extent. The most difficult is the 150 kg nomination, since the muscles must cope with heavy weights in a large number of repetitions. In this nomination, both strength and strength endurance are already equally involved. In lighter nominations, the main role is played by strength and general endurance.

Methodology for constructing the training process of the Russian press, proposed by L. Liberant: When preparing an athlete for the heroic nomination of 200 kg, as the main one, the training process differs little from the classic strength training of a powerlifter or "bench presser". It is recommended to reach the maximum one-time bench press a month before the competition, after which 3-4 weeks to work with weights of 90-110% of 200 kg. No special work aerobic mode should not be performed.

The most difficult is the nomination - 150 kg, which combines the strength qualities of an athlete and a high level of strength endurance.

To develop strength endurance in the methodological literature, it is proposed to use the following training methods:

  1. Bench press with staleness. (For example - 150 12 reps + 90 seconds "lying" under the bar + 4 reps + 90 seconds "lying" under the bar + 2 reps).
  2. Interval press for 5 minutes. (For example - 150 6 + 40 sec barbell on racks + 150 6 + 40 sec barbell on racks + 150 6 + 40 sec barbell on racks + 150 4 + 40 sec barbell on racks + 150 2 ).
  3. Decay bench press with weight reduction.
  4. Interval bench press with weight reduction.
  5. Combination bench press - using medium, extremely wide and narrow grips and reducing weight.
  6. Press with pauses on the chest 5-10 seconds.
  7. Press with fixation on straightened arms 5-10 sec.
  8. Presses with an average grip in a power rack for 10 or more repetitions.
The 125 rating is similar to the 150, but more emphasis should be placed on strength endurance training rather than absolute strength training. But light nominations 100 and especially 75 kg require a fundamentally different approach.

In light nominations, when the result approaches 100 repetitions, general endurance begins to play a decisive role. At the same time, the athlete’s body “leaves” the anaerobic zone and works either in an aerobic-anaerobic mode or in a pure aerobic mode, so work at an increased heart rate (about 160-170 beats per minute) should be included in the training. In the opinion of L. Liberant, these can be breathing squats, supersets, squats, bench press or, vertical block pull and the like. But with endurance work, you need to know the measure so as not to burn muscle mass.

crossfit workout. Another methodical approach to strength endurance training is Crossfit training. This method consists in the comprehensive development of strength endurance, in all its manifestations. For powerlifting this method useful in that it helps to develop large and small muscle groups in equal proportion to each other, as well as the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

From the name, it becomes clear that Crossfit is "circular training". These are very high-intensity cardio exercises, or hybrid workouts for intense work in a mixed mode (cardio / strength) with maximum power. The main task is to complete the specified program for a certain or minimum time, while minimizing the rest between sets.

The basic rule of CrossFit is that there is no specialization and maximum diversity, with this method of training, the athlete uses different groups muscles. But a mandatory requirement is the need for alternation of both types of loads and their sequence.

In classic training schemes, the following scheme is usually used: 3 + 1, that is, 3 consecutive days of training + 1 day of rest, and then the cycle repeats. Or a scheme adjusted to a weekly work cycle: 5 + 2 (5 days of training + 2 days of rest). Sometimes it is recommended to stop at a 4-day weekly microcycle, inserting workouts on those days that are most convenient for the athlete, for example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Three types of load are used: M = "cardio", G = gymnastics, W = weightlifting, which alternate with each other in various variations.

There is a standard scheme for alternating loads of different types of training: 1st day - M, 2nd day - GW, 3rd day - MG, 4th day - rest, 5th day - G, 6th day - WM, Day 7 GWM, Day 8 rest, Day 9 W, Day 10 MG, Day 11 WMG, Day 12 rest. This diagram is for general orientation in the alternation of load types. Modern CrossFit has already departed far from this scheme for compiling training programs, almost everywhere there is a program, only the principles of a variety of workouts and all types of loads remain common.

Power Extreme. In our case, this method is of the greatest value from the point of view of the harmonious development of the actual strength abilities and strength endurance. This method is often called "strongman" from a combination of two English words strong - strong and man - a man. In our country, it is also called "heroic games." Power extreme is a sport that is unique in its characteristics. Officially, power extreme was born relatively recently, only about ten years ago. Power extreme athletes use cars, engines, refrigerators, airplanes, all the same old logs, stones, huge concrete balls, car wheels, etc. as projectiles, both for training and for performances.

The following exercises can be cited as examples of classic extreme power competitions:

Tire tilting is a mandatory exercise in the relay, a very spectacular and interesting exercise. Tire weight varies from 320 to 360 kg, the number of revolutions in the relay reaches 9;

Walk "farmer" - the essence of the exercise is to carry two weights (suitcases, cast-iron chocks), one in each hand, the starting weight in amateur competitions is 80 kg. In the professional league, the weight of one projectile can reach 180 kg;

Carrying the rocker, the athlete loads weight on his shoulders and speed, or runs a relay race for a distance. It would seem that a simple exercise, but the weight in the professional league reaches - 440 kg;

The log bench press - or another name for “long lift”, unlike the classic movement in weightlifting, the inconvenience of performing the exercise lies in the non-standard projectile, which, due to its thickness and the peculiar arrangement of the handles, forces the athlete to perform a completely different movement pattern.

The World's Strongest Man concept, as the method was originally called, was developed in 1977 by Ink David Webster of Scotland. The basis of the strongman's training program is a 4-day split, divided into three days of work in gym, and one day for practicing technique, speed, etc. The first day is for performing pulling exercises, the second day is for overhead exercises, the third day is for pushing movements, and the weekend is for practicing the technique and speed of competitive movements and evaluating the results.

The split might look like this:

  • Monday - pulling exercises
  • Wednesday - Overhead exercises
  • Friday - pushing movements
  • Saturday / Sunday - the day of "competitive movements"

In the first three days, basic movements are performed - deadlifts, pushes / snatches of the barbell, squats with a barbell on the chest / back.

In addition to the main movements, auxiliary exercises are also included in the strongman's training process. So the accessory exercises performed on the day of pulling exercises will be aimed at developing the muscles of the upper and lower back, biceps and thighs.

A typical Monday workout would look something like this:

  • Deadlifts
  • Different types of pulls (barbell, dumbbells, sitting, standing)
  • Top links to the chest block simulator
  • Deadlift on straight legs or "good morning"
  • Hammer curls or another biceps exercise

For a strongman, the most best exercise for biceps, hammer curls, as the strength developed by this exercise is used in a variety of competitive movements: flipping car tires, lifting Atlas stones are just two examples.

The next method for developing biceps in the extreme power elite is the empty bar curl with a very high number of repetitions (50 or more). An example of this is Marshall White's training journal, in which he recorded 140 repetitions in curls in 2 minutes for the upcoming workout. The point of this method is to develop biceps endurance in preparation for the truck pull.

On overhead exercise day, select exercises such as bench presses, classic hard presses, and some kind of deltoid exercise.

A typical Wednesday workout looks like this:

  • Power Rack Clean & Jerk / Clean and Press
  • Lifting the bar to the chest (if the pushes of the bar were previously performed in a power rack)
  • Bench press
  • Seated Dumbbell Press
  • Side dumbbell raises
To increase the strength endurance of the legs in the power extreme, the Carlsen squat exercises are used.

Working with a high number of repetitions in exercises such as the leg extension on the barre develops the strength endurance of the legs, which are the main load in truck pull and various movements of weights. Carlsen's squats provide the strength foundation for exercises like tire flips and truck pulls.

Also of great interest for our work is such a well-known method as Cooper test. This method is of the greatest value, first of all, for training: the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system.

Kenneth Cooper is a renowned American medical practitioner who developed numerous tests to assess physical condition organism. Cooper's tests are simple and convenient.

Most of the loads imposed on the body during the Cooper tests can be attributed to "aerobic". The intensity of these loads is such that it allows the cells to use the oxygen they have. Such loads are very useful for the body and can even be used by people with a weakened state of health.

In addition, the loads in the Cooper tests are of the so-called "global" nature. Thus, these loads have a great impact not only on the muscular apparatus, but also on the systems that provide muscle activity, primarily on the cardiovascular and respiratory. When performing Cooper's tests, it is possible to indirectly assess the functional state of the body.

The Cooper test is based on a short circuit training, with the aim of increasing the functional readiness of the body. The following types are used sample programs doing circuit training.

Program #1:

  1. We do 10 push-ups and stay in an emphasis lying down.
  2. We make a tray of legs in a position of an emphasis sitting and we return to an emphasis lying, and so 10 times.
  3. We turn over on the back. Press. Either lifting the body to the vertical, or we throw our legs behind our heads, or we fold our elbows to our knees at the same time. Lumbar separation is required.
4.10 jumps from a full squat or 10 stretches, 5 for each leg, knee touching the floor. These 4 exercises are performed 10 times - one circle / cycle. 4 laps in 3 minutes - excellent, in 3.30 - good, in 4 minutes - satisfactory. More time is bad. Program number 2:
  1. Bench press 15 times your weight;
  2. Pull-ups 12;
  3. 20 push-ups on the uneven bars;
  4. 30 body curls incline bench;
  5. 36 pushups;
  6. Raising the legs in emphasis on the forearm 30 times.

In addition, the Cooper test helps determine the risk of heart disease. Therefore, if the body copes well with such loads, we can talk about a good functional state of the body. On the contrary, an organism that does not cope well with these loads has a weakened heart that is prone to various diseases.

Thus, the analysis of theoretical sources allows us to conclude that the main method of developing strength endurance is the method of repeated efforts with the implementation of various methods.

Increasing the effectiveness of training loads is associated, first of all, with an analytical approach to their application, that is, with the use in one training session of such exercises and their complexes that have a selective, directed effect on the "leading" factors, and the combination of which within one training session classes gives a positive delayed increase in working capacity.

Local muscular endurance depends on bioenergetic factors. The high power of muscular activity is associated with the alactic anaerobic mechanism. Therefore, the ability to increase the duration of local power work is associated with an increase in the power and capacity of this process.

With intensive strength work lasting more than 10 seconds, intramuscular phosphagenic energy sources are depleted. To ensure work lasting more than 10 seconds, a glycolytic anaerobic mechanism is activated. Lactate accumulating in the muscles and blood at the same time negatively affects both the maximum power of muscle efforts and the duration of work, which negatively affects the strength abilities of the body. Adaptation of the body to local strength work under conditions of severe fatigue is the second direction in improving strength endurance.

Lactate accumulating in muscles during work can be eliminated in working muscles (in aerobic - "red" muscle fibers), in the liver, and also in the heart muscle, for which it is a good "fuel".

The development of strength endurance has its own peculiarities, and the main methodological foundations. Hence, the effect of training "on strength endurance" is determined in general:

1) the magnitude of the load, 2) the pace of movements, 3) the duration of work and its nature, 4) the intervals between training sessions, 5) the duration of the training period, 6) the initial level of development of strength endurance.

For the development of strength endurance, mainly repeated work with a weight of 25-50% of the maximum strength at an average pace (from 60 to 120 times per minute) is used. When working with the same load and at the same pace, the efficiency of strength endurance development will be higher if the work is performed to complete fatigue (“to failure”), although shorter-term work (60% of the initial performance time) gives enough good results(Ya. A. Egolinsky, 1953; A. V. Korobkov, 1953; V. D. Monogarov, 1958; V. M. Dyachkov, 1961, etc.).

Thus, the main method for the development of strength endurance should be considered the method of repeated repetition of an exercise with weights of a small and medium nature. The weight of the weight is determined based on the dynamics and intensity inherent in the specialized exercise. Where significant effort is required, optimally high weights should be used in combination with light weights. In case if special exercise is associated with a prolonged manifestation of moderate effort, it is advisable to work with light weight in repeated series - to fatigue and "to failure".

It depends on the duration of the work, due to what types of energy the activity will be carried out. If the duration of work does not reach 3-5 minutes, then the respiratory processes do not have time to intensify sufficiently and the energy supply is taken over by anaerobic reactions. As work is reduced, the role of respiratory processes decreases more and more and the importance of first glycolytic and then creatine phosphokinase reactions increases. Therefore, to improve glycolytic mechanisms, a load from 20 seconds to 2 minutes is mainly used, and to enhance the phosphocreatine mechanism, from 3 to 8 seconds.

The number of repetitions determines the total value of the impact of the load on the body. When working in aerobic conditions, an increase in the number of repetitions causes a long time to maintain a high level of activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Under anaerobic conditions, an increase in repetitions sooner or later leads to the exhaustion of oxygen-free mechanisms. Then the work either stops, or its intensity decreases sharply.

Thus, the sequence of predominant influence on various aspects of endurance in the process of physical education should be as follows: first, on the development of respiratory capabilities, then on glycolytic, and, finally, on the capabilities determined by the ability to use the energy of the creatine phosphokinase reaction. This applies to entire stages of physical education (for example, stages of sports training). Speed ​​endurance in the zone of submaximal loads is mainly provided by the anaerobic-glycolytic mechanism of energy supply and often aerobic, so the work is done in an aerobic-anaerobic mode. The duration of work does not exceed 2.5-3 minutes. When educating endurance, three main tasks are solved:

1) increase in anaerobic capacity (mainly their glycolytic component);

2) improving aerobic capacity, in particular, improving the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

3) increasing the physiological and psychological boundaries of resistance to changes in the internal environment caused by hard work. Table 2 shows the different modes of operation of muscle fibers in various training conditions. Table 2 effects Duration of exercisesIntensity of exerciseResting timeNumber of repetitionsBetween exercisesBetween seriesIn one seriesSeriesLactate endurance5-10s90-100%2-3min4-6min3-45-6Lactate endurance30s-2min85-95%10-45sunlimited4-124-10 Main load indicators aimed at the development of high-speed (anaerobic) endurance effectDuration of exerciseIntensity of exerciseRest timeNumber of repetitionsBetween exercisesBetween seriesIn one seriesSeriesAlactate endurance5-10s90-100%2-3min4-6min3-45-6Lactate endurance30s-2min85-95%10-45sunlimited4-124-10 Special endurance linked to glycolytic anaerobic capacity broken down and improved in intensive work lasting 20-40 seconds.

In our case, the method of developing strength endurance consists in repeated repetition of the exercise with a weight of light weight, as well as with resistances and difficult environmental conditions, i.e., weights of projectiles (barbell, dumbbells and other sports equipment) are meant.

  1. The mode of muscle work is dynamic with a combination of overcoming and yielding.
  2. The amount of weights is 50-60% of the maximum available. When performing special preparatory exercises, the resistance value is approximately equal to this indicator in a competitive exercise or exceeds it by 10-15%.
  3. The pace of the exercises is the preservation of the temporal characteristics of competitive exercises (or close to them).
  4. The duration of individual exercises is from 15-20 times to 30-35 or more times (sometimes to failure). The duration of special preparatory exercises is determined by the volume and length of the workout and can be up to 2-3 minutes.
  5. The duration of rest pauses depends on the duration of the exercises and the volume of muscles involved in the work and, as a rule, is 1-3 minutes. Rest pauses can be regulated by heart rate (at the end of the rest pause, heart rate should be 120-130 beats / min.).
  6. The total amount of load in a lesson can be from 30-40 minutes to 1 hour.

For the development of general and local strength endurance, the method of circular training is effective; in our case, this method will be used with great care so as not to lose strength indicators in the main basic movements and overtrain the body.

In the process of sports training, two large groups methods: 1) general pedagogical, including verbal and visual methods; 2) practical, including the method of strictly regulated exercises, game and competitive methods.

One of the criteria by which one can judge the development of strength endurance, in our case, is the number of repetitions control exercises performed "to failure" with a weight of 50-60% of the maximum.

Strength training was also included functional training during the off-season of a powerlifter, namely, at the stages of volume training, when efforts are not required to reach the peak of maximum strength, because all methods of increasing strength endurance will auxiliary means in achieving high performance in triathlon competitions, and not in the main ones. After some time, the so-called phenomenon will turn on. "muscle memory", which will be developed during volume training during the athlete's off-season, which will allow the powerlifter to feel comfortable during the period of gaining extreme muscle mass (for heavyweights and superheavyweights), without causing a state of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) in training and competition . Thus, this approach will always keep the cardiovascular system and respiratory system normal, it will be easier to endure low-volume and high-volume strength training.

It should be noted that for the period of strength endurance training, we did not exclude the main exercises of powerlifters from the program: squats, bench presses and deadlifts, so as not to lose strength results and develop other movements related to: speed, speed, endurance. The classification of the main exercises in powerlifting is shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Scheme for the classification of exercises used in powerlifting MESOCYCLE:

- base mesocycle. The main type of mesocycle of the preparatory period. It is aimed at increasing the functional capabilities of the body, the formation of new and the transformation of previously mastered motor skills.

In our case, we will consider the construction of a one-year training based on two macrocycles - a two-cycle one. Three periods are distinguished in each macrocycle: preparatory, competitive, transitional (Table 3).

Table 3 Construction of the training process of powerlifters of sports improvement groups in the annual cycle of training microcycle microcycle microcycle microcycle microcycle microcycle microcycle

As can be seen from Table 3, the competitive-annual two-cycle macrocycle begins with three months of the preparatory mesocycle for the competition, which consists of three different microcycles. This is followed by one month of the competitive period (competition itself), which consists of one mesocycle and one microcycle. They are followed by a two-month recovery-transition period. The second stage of the semi-annual macrocycle begins with two months of the preparatory mesocycle, which consists of three microcycles. This is followed by one month of the competitive period and three months of the summer recovery-transition period.

Table 4 shows an approximate weekly supply microcycle. The table shows: training days, exercises, rest time, intensity percentage, sets and repetitions. Auxiliary basic exercises are performed in the style of strength endurance (multi-repetitive efforts), with a minimum rest break between sets. The main basic exercises are performed in an extremely strong style, bringing up the actual strength abilities.

Table 4 The content of the methodology for increasing strength endurance in training process in the preparatory-competitive period

Preparatory-competitive period
days Exercises Rest (min.) Intensity Approaches repetitions
Monday squats 4-7 85% 2-3 5
auxiliary bench press 2-3 50% 3 25-30
barbell biceps 2-3 70% 3 12-15
Wednesday barbell bench press 4-5 80% 2-3 6
auxiliary squats with barbell 2-3 50% 3 17-20
bench press from the chest with a barbell 3x12 3-4 60% 3 10-12
Friday Deadlift from the floor 4-7 90% 2-3 4
auxiliary bench press 1-2 70% 3 12-15
auxiliary deadlift 2-3 50% 3 12-15
triceps with dumbbells 2-3 70% 3 10-12
maximum training load peak

As a side note, before training, the athlete performs a cardio warm-up and muscle stretching to prepare the body for the next hard workout. After a workout, a hitch follows, i.e., an easy end to the workout.

Table 5 shows an example of three different strength endurance workouts during the recovery-transition period. The first workout is designed for volume-strength endurance. The second workout develops self-strength endurance and the third workout develops general and special endurance in combination. Also, such a program provides for a cardio warm-up and stretching before training and a hitch at the end of the workout, i.e., a smooth end of the workout, which includes light cardio and static muscle stretching.

Table 5 The content of the methodology for increasing strength endurance in the training process in the recovery-transition period

Recovery-transition period
days Exercises Rest (min.) Intensity Approaches repetitions
Monday (volume-strength endurance) Farmer's walk 3-5 sets of 30 meters 3-5 50% 2-3 30 meters
Barbell Squat 3x20 with Load 3-5 50-60 % 3 20-25
Bench press 5 sets drop set 1-2 50% 6 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25
Lifting a trapezoidal barbell standing with a hammer 1-2 40% 5 30-40
Wednesday (strength endurance circuit) Deadlift (classic) 3-5 50% 3 15-20
  1. "Log" 15-20. Standing press, hammer grip.
30 seconds 40% 2-3 15-20
Tire flipping (tipping) 10-15 times 30 seconds 40% 2-3 10-12
"Stone of Atlas" throwing a stone over the bar 30 seconds 40% 2-3 12-15
Friday (general and special endurance) Push-ups from locks times without weights 30 seconds 35% 2-3 70, 60, 50
Lunges with dumbbells alternate on each leg 30 seconds 40% 2-3 15
Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 30 seconds 50% 2-3 maximum
Quick step with a pancake (dragging a load) 30 seconds 30% 2-3 30 -50 meters
Weightlifting push long cycle 30 seconds 30-35% 2-3 12-15
Below are exemplary generalized programs for strength and functional endurance within two mesocycles, in the preparatory and precompetitive periods:

The first day (volumetric - power);

  1. Farmer's walk 3-5 sets of 30 meters.

It allows you to strengthen the grip of the hands, make strong trapezius muscles in a short time, strengthen the motor skills of the heart, straight back extensors and strength endurance.

  1. Squats with a barbell 3x20 with a load of 50-60% of the working maximum.

Develops volume of legs, venousness, general endurance.

  1. Bench press 5 sets of drop sets - 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25 reps.

It gives the overall shape and volume of the arms and pectoral muscles, as well as the endurance of the biceps and triceps muscles of the hands.

  1. Lifting the trapezoidal barbell standing with a hammer 5 sets of 30-40 times.

Allows you to increase the endurance of the hands and the total volume of the biceps muscle.

We finish the workout with exercises for the press for 10 minutes "non-stop".

Rest between sets of at least 5-7 minutes and no more than 10-15, between exercises 12-15 minutes.

A day or two of rest.

Second day (circular training-strength);

  1. Deadlift (classic) 15-20

Allows you to mobilize all the resources of the body and the entire muscle frame, develops a strong back and overall functionality of the body.

  1. "log" 15-20

Develops the overall array and strength of the deltoid muscles.

  1. Tire flipping (tipping) 10-15 times

Strengthens the vestibular apparatus, develops back and grip strength.

  1. "Stone of Atlas" 15 lifts with throwing over the bar

Develops lower back strength and arm strength.

Only three to five circles, depending on general condition athlete.

Rest between exercises 1-3 minutes, between circles 10-15 minutes.

A day or two of rest.

Third day (general endurance);

  1. Push-ups with a deepening 3x70, 60, 50 times without weights

Develops the volume of the pectoral muscles, the strength of the ligaments of the elbow joint.

  1. Lunges with dumbbells alternate 3x15 on each leg

Well develops the overall strength endurance of the body, strengthens the adductor muscles and ligaments of the inner thigh.

  1. Pull-ups 5 sets max reps

Strengthens the strength of the grip, the strength of the hands, the fastening of the ligamentous apparatus on the hands.

  1. Run with a pancake (drag load) 5 times 30 meters

Develops the overall functional endurance of the body.

  1. Weightlifting long cycle clean and jerk 3x12-15

One of the most difficult functional exercises, it strengthens the ligamentous apparatus of the whole organism and develops strength endurance.

  1. Fast walking on a cardio machine treadmill) within 20-30 minutes.

Strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Rest between sets 2-3 minutes, between exercises 3-5 minutes.

All weights and intensity in the above program should not exceed 70-80% of the one-time maximum lifting of shells in a separate exercise.

Second week (load intensity 50-70%):

First day (weight training):

  1. long cycle push 3x15
  2. short cycle push 3x20
  3. jerk with one hand alternately 3x25
  4. kettlebell rolls standing and sitting 3x30
  5. 3 x 50m kettlebell run
  6. a hitch of 10-15 minutes.
Second day (preliminary muscle fatigue):
  1. flexion + extension of the legs in the simulator for 3x20
  2. squats with dumbbells 3x20
  3. lying layout with dumbbells 3x15
  4. dumbbell bench press 3x15
  5. hyperextension 3x25
  6. deadlift 3x8-10
Third day (cardio and abs)
  1. brisk walk on treadmill 20 minutes
  2. hanging leg raises with weights 100 reps
  3. exercise bike 15 minutes
  4. roman bench 50 reps
  5. running in place with dumbbells 5-8 minutes
  6. full folding lying down 5 minutes
  7. a hitch of 10-15 minutes.

- Basic mesocycle. The main type of mesocycle of the preparatory period. It is aimed at increasing the strength endurance of the body, the formation of new and the transformation of previously mastered motor skills, it is used with caution in the competitive period.

An approximate two-week training cycle for a powerlifter three weeks before a competition:

Precompetitive mesocycle. A mesocycle aimed at leading an athlete to a responsible competition. It is characterized by undulating load with a decrease in its parameters in the last microcycle.

First week (load intensity 50-70%): First day (Monday):
  1. barbell squats 80%, 3x5
  2. auxiliary bench press with a barbell 60%, 3x15-20
  3. barbell biceps 70% 3x12-15
  4. a hitch of 10-15 minutes.
Second day (Wednesday):
  1. barbell bench press 80%, 3x6
  2. auxiliary squats with a barbell 60%, 3x15-20
  3. bench press from the chest with a barbell 60%, 3x12
  4. cooldown 10-15 minutes
Third day (Friday):
  1. Deadlift 90%, 3x4
  2. auxiliary bench press 70%, 3x12-15
  3. auxiliary deadlift 60%, 3x8
  4. triceps with dumbbells 70%, 3x10-12
  5. a hitch of 10-15 minutes.
Second week (load intensity 50-70%): First day (Monday):
  1. barbell squats 90%, 3x3
  2. auxiliary bench press with a barbell 65%, 3x15
  3. cooldown 10-15 minutes
Second day (Wednesday):
  1. barbell bench press 85%, 3x4
  2. barbell squats fast 60%, 3x12-15
  3. a hitch of 10-15 minutes.
Third day (Friday):
  1. deadlift 90%, 3x2
  2. barbell bench press fast 60%, 3x12-15
  3. a hitch of 10-15 minutes.
Weekly rest before the competition.

Thus, in our case, the method of developing strength endurance consists in repeated repetition of the exercise (multiple efforts) with light and medium weights, thereby combining two modes of muscle work: aerobic and anaerobic (with oxygen consumption and oxygen-free muscle oxidation). The development of aerobic and anaerobic capabilities is combined with each other. Glycolysis depends on the respiratory capacity and at the same time is itself the basis for the alactic process. Based on this, it is advisable to plan the development of these capabilities in the system of classes in the following sequence: aerobic - lactate. The development of endurance by influencing anaerobic capabilities is based on the adaptation of the body to work in conditions of accumulation of underoxidized products of energy supply and is characterized by the solution of two problems: 1) increasing the power of the glycolytic (lactate) mechanism; 2) increasing the power of the creatine phosphate (alactate) mechanism.

For the development of strength endurance, 1) methods of continuous exercise (uniform and variable) were used; 2) methods of interval intermittent exercise (interval and repeated); 3) circuit training method.

Education of strength endurance with the use of unlimited weights. The concept of this technique is to create the maximum power of work through unlimited weights in exercises performed at the maximum possible speed for these conditions. Unlimited burdening is taken in the range from 30 to 60% of the maximum. The number of repetitions is from 15 to 30, depending on the weight of the burden, rest intervals are 3-4 minutes between sets.

Method of dynamic forces. The essence of the method is to create the maximum power voltage by working with unlimited weights at maximum speed. The exercise is performed with full amplitude. This method is used in the development of fast strength and strength endurance, i.e. ability to display great strength in conditions of rapid movements.

static dynamic method. It is characterized by a consistent combination in the exercise of two modes of muscle work - isometric and dynamic (yielding and overcoming mode of work).

To develop endurance for strength work, a variety of exercises with weights are used, performed by the method of repeated efforts with repeated overcoming of unlimited resistance until significant fatigue or “to failure”, as well as by the method of circuit training.

circuit training method. For the development of general and local strength endurance, the circuit training method is effective with a total number of stations from 2 to 5 circles and with a weight of 40-50% of the repeated maximum, the number of repetitions for large muscle groups is from 15 to 30, for small muscle groups from 20 to 50 repetitions, rest between each approach of the complex should be at least 3-4 minutes. Exercises are often performed "to failure". Provides a complex effect on various muscle groups. Exercises are carried out by stations and are selected in such a way that each subsequent series includes new muscle masses. The number of exercises that affect different muscle groups, the duration of their performance at the stations depend on the tasks solved in the process of training, age, gender and preparedness of those involved.

uniform method characterized by continuous long-term operation at a uniform speed. At the same time, the practitioner seeks to maintain set speed, rhythm, pace, effort, range of motion. Exercises can be performed with low, medium and maximum intensity.

variable method differs from uniform by sequential variation of the load during a continuous exercise by a directed change in speed, pace, amplitude of movements, magnitude of effort, etc.

interval method provides for the performance of exercises with standard and variable loads and with strictly dosed and pre-planned rest intervals. As a rule, the rest interval between exercises is 1-3 minutes (sometimes 15-30 seconds). Thus, the training effect occurs not only and not so much at the time of execution, but during the rest period. Such loads have a predominantly aerobic-anaerobic effect on the body and are effective for the development of special endurance.


The technique of increasing strength endurance in powerlifting of sports improvement groups showed its high efficiency at the stages of its introduction into the training process of athletes at the stages of the beginning and end of the experiment. Good indicators of strength and functional endurance were achieved in the experimental group, as well as a slight increase in the same indicators in the control group.

The technique of increasing strength endurance was used for about six months in dosed proportions in relation to the main trainings and justified its introduction into the training process by the following factors:

  1. Improving sports results in competitions;
  2. Increasing special endurance;
  3. Increasing the general and special working capacity of the body;
  4. Strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  5. Strengthening of the bone-ligamentous apparatus;
  6. Reducing the negative impact of excessive high load due to the transfer of the body to another mode of operation;
  7. Increasing the mode of work in the aggregate of aerobic and anaerobic training in training and competitions;
  8. An increase in high-quality muscle mass by increasing the number of repetitions and, consequently, hypertrophy of muscle fibers.

The main three basic exercises: squats, bench press and deadlift with a barbell were used once in a weekly microcycle, i.e. once a week with a large number of repetitions, the exception was the exercise - deadlift with a barbell, due to the fact that in squats and Deadlifts work the same muscle groups. Therefore, loading large muscle masses once a week would be an unjustified risk in the training process. Therefore, it was decided to do the deadlift once or twice a month throughout the entire experiment during the competitive period.

In the summer, a stake is made on strength or special endurance in basic movements in order to give the psyche and body a break from heavy, monotonous movements in power triathlon. Transfer the body to another mode of operation without giving up the main exercises. Combine the load in the anaerobic and aerobic mode of muscle work due to a longer stay of the body under the barbell and an increase in the amount of cardio exercise by reducing the high intensity in training weights.

This method demonstrates its novelty in the process of training athletes - powerlifters during the competitive period, as well as during the off-season, when the athlete is mainly focused on restoring and transferring the load to a less intensive mode of work (in terms of training weights) and the study of small muscle groups. And the combination of various methods involved in powerlifting: Russian bench press, Cooper test, crossfit and power extreme, makes this technique inherently unique.

It is advisable to abandon heavy exercises such as deadlifts in the summer or do them extremely rarely during the recovery period, since in squats with a barbell the athlete will compensate for this movement and recover faster between workouts.

In optimal modes and competent load, the combination of these methods prolongs sports longevity, prevents injuries and psychologically relieves powerlifters from heavy basic movements.

The main task of a powerlifter is to improve performance in competitive exercises. Learn the principles of the popular macrocycling theory in powerlifting.

The human body should be considered as an adaptive system capable of self-regulation. We can say that a person is a collection of various functions that have feedback. The number of different effects on the body is very large and it makes no sense to start listing them.

Many athletes may have noticed that psychological and physiological tones differ on individual days. You can easily set a personal record after a busy day, while after a few days of rest, sports equipment is lifted with great difficulty. The reason for such "anomalies" are biological rhythms.

The body has a mechanism that does not make it possible to exhaust all available energy. Scientists distinguish three components of biorhythms:

  • Psychological;
  • intellectual;
  • Physical.

Since today we are talking about the theory of macrocycling in powerlifting, the psychological as well as the physical components are of the greatest interest to us.

Powerlifters need to improve their squat, bench, and deadlift performance. In addition, muscle groups should also be developed. To achieve this result, athletes need to adhere to the main principle of training and increase the intensity of training, as well as working weights.

At the same time, uncontrolled weight gain can lead to overtraining, the main symptoms of which are:

  • Sleep disturbance;
  • drop in appetite;
  • increased fatigue;
  • Low physical and psychological tone, etc.

The state of overtraining is a kind of signal from the body, saying that the load is very high. Almost all periodic laws are sinusoidal, including biological rhythms. Their full cycle averages two weeks. Since the construction of the training process cannot be built according to the law of ever-increasing functions, it can be adjusted to your own biorhythms. In this case, the question arises - what to do with the progression of loads? The thing is that the growth of muscle mass is quite enough when each subsequent cycle exceeds the previous one in its amplitude.

What is load in macrocycling?

Before talking about the theory of macrocycling in powerlifting and building training cycles, one should define the concept of load. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the factors that affect the effectiveness of the training:

  • Weight sports equipment;
  • The number of sets and repetitions;
  • The duration of pauses between sets;
  • The duration of rest between training sessions;
  • Movement style.

Undoubtedly, ideal option all the above factors will be taken into account, but this will greatly complicate everything and it is not advisable to do so. Of course, total weight and reps are important, but, for example, when doing 100 kg squats in ten sets or 200 kg in five sets, the loads will vary and quite significantly.

To create a correct macrocycle, it will be enough to use the following formula to calculate the load: P=Mf*N. Here Mf means the mass of the sports equipment, which is multiplied by the significance factor. This indicator, in turn, is calculated as follows - Mf= m*f. N is the total number of repetitions, N=n*s, where n is the number of repetitions and s is the number of sets.

Thus, we can say with confidence that the weight of the sports equipment, the number of sets and repetitions are important for powerlifters. For this reason, the macrocycle will be built depending on these indicators. The concept of explosive training tells us that the number of repetitions for athletes who perform them mainly at a fast pace should be in the range from 2 to 8. At the same time, the number of sets should be less than 6.

It is quite clear that training with a high number of repetitions and a weight of an sports equipment of about 70% of the maximum provides a lower load compared to two repetitions and close to the maximum weight of a sports equipment. This gives us the opportunity to conclude that during the local minimum of the entire macrocycle, it is necessary to work with a weight from 70 to 75 percent of the maximum for 6-8 repetitions in 3-5 sets.

The local minimum of the macrocycle in our case is training with 1 or 2 repetitions with the projectile weight close to the maximum.

You should not hope that you will immediately be able to compose a correct macrocycle that will work perfectly. It affects enough big number factors, for example, the rate of recovery of the body, the ratio of fibers of fast and slow type etc. All these factors are unique and each person has their own. Before you make the right cycle, it will take a lot of time.

Using the theory of macrocycling in powerlifting, you can make significant progress, but this will take time to compose the correct macrocycle. To compile an accurate macrocycle in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to conduct a sample of high-level powerlifters (at least CCM) in the amount of about 10 thousand. In this case, for almost every athlete, an accurate macrocycle schedule can subsequently be drawn up.

It should also be said that it is very important to correctly compose the macrocycle before the competition. On average, this is about 12 training sessions.

More information about macrocycling in this video:

How to develop strength endurance in powerlifting

It is known that one of the most urgent problems in powerlifting is the problem of strength endurance at the stages of peak load and off-season training for powerlifters. The most important task is to optimize the process of strength and functional training at all stages of the training of powerlifters of sportsmanship, as well as taking into account the methods and techniques of the correlation of this training with each other. It should be noted that the problem of increasing strength endurance becomes most relevant when an athlete is at the stage of sports improvement and higher sportsmanship, when the body of an athlete-powerlifter is already formed and physically developed.

The problem of training athletes in powerlifting has not yet been fully studied, there are practically no scientific studies in the field of powerlifting. There are only general data in the field of studying the problem of the manifestation of strength training in weightlifting. The training of athletes in powerlifting is based on the provisions set forth in scientific papers on the problems of sports training in weightlifting and bodybuilding or on the basis of popular foreign publications.

In our opinion, the direct borrowing of recommendations and methodological provisions from weightlifting is not entirely correct, since powerlifting has its own specifics of training and competitive activities. For example, unlike weightlifting in powerlifting, movements are performed in a different phase of movement, therefore, for an athlete, such a factor as muscle composition is of particular importance, and both slow and fast muscle fibers must be trained. In our opinion, in modern powerlifting, undeservedly little attention is paid to increasing strength endurance, training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, because all the efforts of triathletes in the process of preparing for competitions are focused on improving the result and the so-called "absolute strength" of the athlete, the formation of which is carried out through the use of a different methodological approach based on a small number of repetitions and a reduction in training.

However, the use of only specialized training means, especially on the basis of the initial stages of mastery, is not enough for the harmonious development of an athlete and the creation of a basis for the growth of his sportsmanship. The constantly growing level and density of sports results in the largest Russian competitions and at the international level, the intensity of the struggle pose increasingly difficult tasks for the athlete and coach in the field of improving the results and training methods. Victory in competitions, winning prizes becomes impossible without many years of year-round training with a scientifically based ratio of volumes and intensity of general and special loads.

The training of an athlete covers the use of the whole set of such factors as means, methods, conditions, with the help of which an increase in sports achievements is ensured.

As you know, the main conditions for the preparation of an athlete are: physical, technical, tactical, mental and integrative training.

Physical training is aimed at improving health, achieving a good level of physical development, and educating physical qualities. Physical development is usually divided into general physical training (GPP) and special physical training (SPT). SFP is aimed at cultivating certain physical qualities necessary in the chosen sport. It is held constantly and helps the athlete prepare for his own performances.

Technical training is aimed at teaching the athlete the concept of movements corresponding to the characteristics of a specially chosen sport.

Tactical training. In the theory and practice of sports training, this is the ability of an athlete to competently build a course of struggle in competitions, taking into account the characteristics of the chosen sport, their individual characteristics, the capabilities of rivals and external conditions.

Integrative training is aimed at coordination and implementation of various components in competitive activity: technical, physical, tactical and psychological readiness.

The training process for beginner powerlifters takes 1-2 years, during this period of time the main training consists in volume training tonnage, where the emphasis is on general physical training exercises, coordination and training of the cardiovascular system. Training takes place three times a week in one weekly microcycle. Such basic exercises as competitive squats are performed once every 5-7 days, competitive bench press is performed once every 5-7 days and competitive deadlift is performed once every 7-10 days. Auxiliary basic exercises related to the squat and bench press are performed in each workout at low to moderate intensity, with the exception of the auxiliary deadlift exercises, which are performed once every 7-10 days as well as the main competitive deadlift. Isolation exercises for small muscle groups can be performed at every workout due to their small effect on the body. At the stage of a longer training experience for powerlifters (groups of sports improvement and higher sportsmanship) - from 2 to 5 years - the emphasis is more on specifically physical exercises, the purpose of which is actually strength abilities, with a general decrease in the tonnage of training. Such basic exercises as competitive squats at this stage are already performed by an athlete once every 7-10 days, competitive bench press once every 7-10 days, and competitive traction once every 14, or even less often. This is due to the global and local effect on the entire body of a powerlifter in order to protect the athlete from overtraining. Other auxiliary basic and isolating exercises are performed in the same manner as for beginner powerlifters.

The following periods are distinguished in the annual training cycle of powerlifters.

Microcycle - a small training cycle, with a weekly duration, including from 2 to several sessions.

- recovery microcycle- a microcycle following a series of high volume or intensity microcycles, as well as competitions; used for the purpose of restoration;

- retracting microcycle- microcycle used after a forced or planned break in the training process;

- unloading microcycle- similar to the recovery microcycle;

- competitive microcycle- the microcycle used in the competition period or modeling;

- training microcycle- a number of basic microcycles, the most intense in terms of volume or intensity. Includes basic, special preparatory, model, as well as supply microcycles.

Mesocycle - average training cycle lasting from 2 to 6 weeks, including a complete series of microcycles:

- basic mesocycle- the main type of the mesocycle of the preparatory period, aimed at increasing the functional capabilities of the body, the formation of new and the consolidation of previously motor skills;

- retracting mesocycle- mesocycle applied after planned and forced breaks; the preparatory period usually begins with it;

- control and preparatory mesocycle- transitional form between basic and precompetitive mesocycles; used in the 2nd half of the preparatory period and in the competitive period;

- transitional mesocycle- mesocycle of the transitional period;

- precompetitive mesocycle- mesocycle, aimed at leading the athlete to the competition. It is characterized by undulating load with a decrease in its parameters in the last microcycle;

- competitive mesocycle- mesocycle used during the main competitions.

Macrocycle- a large training cycle such as semi-annual (in some cases 3-4 months), annual, long-term, associated with the development, stabilization and temporary loss of sports form and including a complete series of periods, stages, mesocycles.

These cycles form the general mode of work and tasks for the sports season of triathletes - powerlifters.

The construction of annual training based on one cycle is called single-cycle, on the basis of two macrocycles - two-cycle, three macrocycles - three-cycle. There are three periods in each macrocycle: preparatory, competitive, transitional.

A long-term process of sports training from a beginner to a master can be indicated in the form of alternating stages, including the stages of long-term training related to the age and qualifications of athletes (Fig. 1).

The long-term process of training and competition of an athlete is based on the following methodological provisions.

  1. Unified pedagogical system, means, methods, organizational forms of training of all groups. The main criterion for the effectiveness of training is the highest sports result achieved at the optimal age for the chosen sport.

Rice. 1. Two and three-cycle planning of a year of training in powerlifting and weightlifting

  1. A special focus on the highest sportsmanship in the process of preparation for the main age groups.
  2. The optimal ratio of all aspects of the athlete's preparedness in the process of training.
  3. Constant growth in the volume of special training funds. The increase in the specific weight of the volume of special training means in relation to the total volume of the load and, accordingly, the general physical training decreases.
  4. A systematic increase in the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads. Each period of the new cycle should start at a higher level of training loads compared to the periods of the previous annual cycle.

In order to rationally build a long-term training process, one should take into account the time frame required to achieve the highest results. Capable athletes achieve their first great success after 4-6 years, and the highest achievements - after 7-9 years of specialized training.

Along with mastering the basics of the technique of the chosen sport, special attention should be paid to the development of those physical qualities and motor skills that are important in the chosen sport.

Powerlifting is the kind of sport that develops such important qualities as strength, dynamics, the ability to assemble as much as possible in a difficult competitive environment. Powerlifting is characterized by such strength exercises: squats, bench press and deadlift with a barbell. Therefore, in powerlifting, the main determining factor in achieving high sports results is the actual strength training.

Similar information.

From the late 80s to the mid-90s of the last century, Russian powerlifters and their coaches eagerly pounced on the methodological articles of foreign bodybuilding and powerlifting experts, which were published in various bodybuilding magazines. Moreover, the authority of these specialists was so high that Russian coaches(mostly coming from weightlifting) unconditionally adopted these training methods.

Well-known American specialist in power sports in our country, Dr.

F.C. Hatfield, in his book The Comprehensive Guide to Strength Development (1983), says that the maximum return on strength training occurs (on average) only when training loads exceed 8o% of the athlete's maximum capacity.

F.C. Hatfield claims that the average triathlete is capable of doing at least 10 reps with this weight. But most triathletes do fewer reps. In general, during the off-season, you should perform 6-8 repetitions with weights,

exceeding 85% of your maximum. Peak cycles include sets of three repetitions with loads exceeding 90% of the maximum.

American powerlifter Tom McCullough, in his article "How to Develop a Training Plan," offers a method of periodization. He describes the periodization method as follows: “Periodization is the staggered cycling of training focus, intensity, and volume to achieve peak strength levels. The cycle gradually progresses from high volume and low intensity to low volume and high intensity training. The length of the cycle (usually several weeks) is chosen taking into account the date of the competition. A typical powerlifting cycle consists of three phases: a hypertrophy phase, a strength building phase, and a power training phase. The phase usually lasts from one to six weeks. At this time, sets of 8 repetitions are used with an intensity of 65% to 79% of the maximum one-time achievement. During it, approaches of 5-8 repetitions are used, the intensity gradually increases to 80-90% of the maximum one-time achievement. Obviously, this phase of the cycle is designed to increase muscle strength. It uses sets of 1-4 repetitions with intensity gradually increasing from 90% to about 107% of the maximum single achievement. During this phase, the athlete reaches peak strength for competition.

One of the strongest athletes in the world, Rick Wail (1986), believes that the main thing in the training process is the correct cycling of weight training. Cycling means climbing to the top of your performance not in leaps but in steps. He claims that 4 to 7 reps per set is the only thing that really builds power and strength. Rick warns that during this cycle, the athlete should not attempt to bench press one rep. To achieve the desired power, approaches of 1-2 repetitions are not suitable. Louis Simmons (2003) has his own opinion on the training methodology: “A simple progressive training method (6, 8, 0 repetitions: progressive increase in load) works well in the beginning. Extensive research has shown that for top performers, 4-6 reps at 70% of your max is the optimal regimen. In the progressive increase in load method, which is used more often than others, at the beginning the intensity is low and the volume is high. Later in the cycle and closer to the competition, the situation changes exactly the opposite. Forget the method of progressive load increase. It's a dead end."

Michael Sipson, who for ten years with his athletes tested the most different techniques training, came to the conclusion that the most effective is the method of Soviet weightlifting coaches. Based on it, he developed a training program to increase results in the bench press.

Ted Arcidi suggests, “If you want to improve your performance, you must train with as much weight as possible. If you can complete even one rep beyond what is prescribed work program, then you are not lifting heavy enough weights. ”

Jim Vendler - Chief Editor EliteFitnessSystems magazine proposed the 5/g/1 rep method to diversify the number of repetitions throughout the year. In the 5/3/1 program, he suggests training three or four days a week, each workout is built around one basic exercise: squat, deadlift, bench press, bench press.

Each training cycle lasts four weeks. For each of the basic movements, the scheme for performing sets-repetitions is as follows:

week 1 - 3x5, week 2 - 3x3, week 3 -3x5; 3; 1,

Stefan Korte's 3x3 training program has been used by some of Germany's top powerlifters, including World Junior Champion Ralf Giers. The basic concepts of this program have been used by almost every weightlifter, including a large number of world championships over the past 40 years.

The 3x3 system is an eight-week training cycle that consists of two phases. Phase 1 is the high volume phase while phase 2 is the competitive phase. This part is similar to Louis Simmons' workout style. The similarity is that there are no dead seasons, training weights are 58-64 percent of the maximum, and the focus of 3x3 is on the high volume phase. Another similarity is very little exercise when you start at 80-95 percent of your max.

Stefana Korte states that: “One thing that makes the 3x3 system unique compared to the Simmons system and other powerlifting systems is that there are only exercises that you do in competition! No accessory exercises! Why? The answer is very simple. To gain strength in the squat, you need to train your quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, and lower back. Other programs use different ways to train these muscles. You can do a lot different exercises or use some assistance exercises along with squats. Another option is to train the squat, and only the squat. We already know that this exercise works all the muscles mentioned above. Most important advantage of this option is that in the squat, exactly the muscles that we need in the competition work! .

The well-known methodologist and author of books on power sports V. N. Plekhov (1988) recommended to train bench press three times a week. “The first workout is a competitive bench press, the second is the development of the main muscle groups and the third is auxiliary bench exercises. In each exercise, three to eight approaches are performed, from one to six repetitions per approach.

S. A. Cherednichenko (1991) suggested lifting training weights of 6o-8o% of the maximum in competitive movements. The pace of the exercises is moderate, the number of repetitions in the series is from 6 to 12 with a constant weight of the projectile. The weight of the weights should constantly increase and reach 85-95% of the maximum, the number of repetitions in the series should be reduced to 4-6. Once a week, the author recommended using a “steep” pyramid to bring the weight of weights in competitive disciplines to near-limit and limit ones.

P. X. Shagapov and O. P. Sliva (1998) suggested load modes that were even more overestimated. Thus, the authors recommend that during the off-season, squatting with a weight of 8o% of the maximum should be performed 6 sets of 10 times. Barbell row 8o% of the maximum to perform in the next workout

in the mode of 8 sets of 6 times. Bench press with a weight of 75% of the maximum is recommended to perform 10 sets of 8 times.

P. Rybalsky (2000) in the competitive month offers with 2-time training

a week to train in a competitive mesocycle with weights of 85% 5-6 times, 90% for 5rx5p, 95% for Zrx5p.

Powerlifting training planning

P. N. Chernyshev (1999) in the article “Bench press, nothing but a bench press” wrote: “In no case do additional exercises (triceps, biceps and others). You only need to do the bench press, that's all. I can explain why: those forces, the energy with which you start training, must go into the exercises that you need, otherwise it's a waste of energy. We must not forget about the recovery process, it is easier to recover from one thing than from everything.

V. / 1. Muravyov (2001) in his program also said that for those occupying power, it is necessary to exclude almost all additional exercises on the chest, triceps and deltas. Bench press only (classic), bench press, bench press narrow grip.

A. V. Faleev (2006, 2008) shares the same opinion: “For a sharp increase in muscles and results, you should do only three exercises: bench press, squats, deadlift. Everything else will only harm. By doing unnecessary and unnecessary exercises, you take away those precious energy reserves that could give you an incredible jump in basic exercises. These exercises load all the muscles of the body and make all other types of loads unnecessary.

I. V. Velsky (2003) holds a completely opposite opinion: “You cannot go to extremes, and even in the competitive period you should not refuse to train muscle groups that are not directly involved in the bench press. By the way, this is a mistake that many athletes make, motivating this with a common truth: “If you want to press, press,” or, in other words, the result is concentrating on only one press, and performing other exercises is an extra waste of energy, and, in addition, from it is easier to recover from one exercise than from several” [i, 11].

A. M. Gorbov (2004) argues that many successful powerlifters successfully use this version of the weekly cycle, when the first workout in the microcycle remains virtually unchanged throughout the mesocycle, and the intensity increases only in the second and third workouts.

Thus, both the necessary gradual increase in intensity and the spasmodic nature of this increase are ensured.

In the "Nine-Week Competitive Cycle" proposed by the author in the book "Systems effective workout”, loads are recommended at 6, 7 and 8 weeks, which are highly doubtful. If you plan on a heavy load on the muscles of the legs and back in deadlifts on Wednesdays (in the 6th week - 8o% brxp, in the 7th week - 85% 5rx5p and in the 8th week - 90% 4rx4p), then it is unrealistic to perform a large load in squats on Fridays (in the 6th week - 90% 4px4p, in the 7th week - 95% zpxzn and in the 8th week - 0% 2px2p).

Gorbov states: “It has been proven that if the load (volume or intensity) increases smoothly and gradually, then you will inevitably encounter stress that exceeds your adaptive capabilities, while adaptation does not occur, and you find yourself in a state of overtraining. On the contrary, if the intensity of the load increases gradually, but not smoothly, but abruptly, according to the principle “one step back - two steps forward”, then this state, as a rule, does not occur, and the effectiveness and fitness increase.

I. V. Velsky (2003) also offers a considerable number of lifts. In his book, the author gives a table of the maximum number of repetitions that he recommends performing with various weights.

Powerlifting. From beginner to master

A. V. Faleev (2006, 2008) holds a completely opposite opinion, who categorically states: “So, there should not be any rises to the maximum! For these purposes, competitions are used. Such lifts, firstly, are harmful from the point of view of training - by doing approaches to the maximum, you thereby seem to be missing a “hard” workout. Secondly, it is very traumatic. It is because of such frequent and thoughtless penetrations that athletes have to heal muscle microtears for six months. ”

in 3-4 approaches, with a margin of one repetition. And the last bench workout should be 4-7 days before the competition. In this workout, Rogozhnikov suggests doing a bench press.

in 2-3 sets for 6-8 repetitions, with a margin. You don't need to do a back up. For pure benchers, he recommends 3 to 4 days of complete rest between workouts. You can go to the gym, you can do some work in the gym, but you don’t need to load those muscle groups that are involved

in the bench press, that is, deltas, triceps, pectoral muscles. And do not overload yourself before hard workouts.

A theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic sources showed that the main principle of most of the methods proposed by domestic experts in power sports of the late 19th and early 20th centuries was to increase the weight of the projectile with the gradual addition of the number of lifts (from 5 to 10 or more times) in one approach. . This led to a large amount of training session load at low intensity and slowed down the growth of sports results. Since the beginning of the 30s, the system of training weightlifters and athletes

in others power types sport has changed. The training volume and intensity increased, but the problem of views on the training methodology among specialists remained.