In what year did the Olympic Games begin? In what year and where were the first Olympic Games held? In what year were the first

The first Olympic Games took place in Olympia in 776 BC. This date has survived to this day thanks to the custom of the ancient Greeks to engrave the names of Olympic champions (they were then called Olympionists) on marble columns that were installed on the banks of the Alpheus River. The marble preserved not only the date, but also the name of the first winner. It was Koreb, a cook from Elis. The first 13 games involved only one type of competition - running for one stage. According to Greek myth, this distance was measured by Hercules himself, and it was equal to 192.27 m. Hence the well-known word "stadium" came from. Initially, athletes from two cities took part in the games - Elisa and Pisa. But soon they gained immense popularity, spreading to all Greek states. At the same time, another remarkable tradition arose: throughout the Olympic Games, the duration of which was constantly increasing, there was a "holy truce" for all the fighting armies.

Not every athlete could become a participant in the games. The law forbade slaves and barbarians from performing at the Olympics, i.e. foreigners. Athletes from among the free-born Greeks had to sign up with the judges a year before the opening of the competition. Immediately before the opening of the Olympic Games, they had to provide evidence that they had been preparing for the competition for at least ten months, supporting sportswear daily exercise. Only for the winners of the previous Olympic Games, an exception was made. The announcement of the upcoming Olympic Games caused an extraordinary stir among the male population throughout Greece. People flocked to Olympia. True, women were forbidden to attend the games under pain of death.

ancient olympics program

Gradually, more and more new sports were added to the program of games. In 724 B.C. diaul was added to the run for one stage (stadiodrome) - a run for a distance of 384.54 m, in 720 BC. - dolichodrome or running on the 24th stage. In 708 BC The pentathlon was included in the program of the Olympic Games, consisting of running, long jump, wrestling, discus throwing and javelin throwing. Then the first wrestling competitions took place. In 688 BC the program of the Olympics included fisticuffs, after two more Olympics - a chariot race, and in 648 BC. - the most cruel type of competition is pankration, which combines the techniques of wrestling and fisticuffs.

The winners of the Olympic Games were revered as demigods. Throughout their lives, they were given all sorts of honors, and after the death of the Olympionist, they were ranked among the host of "small gods".

After the adoption of Christianity, the Olympic Games began to be perceived as one of the manifestations of paganism, and in 394 BC. Emperor Theodosius I banned them.

revived Olympic Movement only at the end of the nineteenth century, thanks to the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin. And, of course, the first revived Olympic Games were held on Greek land- in Athens, in 1896.

In what year and where were the first Olympic Games held?

  1. The Olympic Games have been held in honor of the god Zeus since 776 BC. e. in Olympia 1 time in 4 years
  2. The first as early as the 5th century BC in Grazia
  3. in 776 BC. uh
  4. Olympic Games and #769; sport competitions modernity, which are held every four years.

    The tradition that existed in ancient Greece was revived at the end of the 19th century by the French public figure Pierre de Coubertin. The Olympic Games, also known as the Summer Olympics, have been held every four years since 1896, with the exception of years during World Wars. In 1924, the Winter Olympic Games were established, which were originally held in the same year as the summer ones. However, since 1994 the timing of the Winter Olympics has been shifted by two years from the timing of the Winter Olympics. summer games.

  5. The first games were in 776 BC
  6. ..And yet the first Olympic Games should be held in Greece, decided de Coubertin. On his advice, the Greek Crown Prince Constantine appealed to the people to donate funds to the fund for the preparation of the Olympics. And the money started coming in. And not only from the inhabitants of Greece, but also from London, Marseille, Constantinople and other cities where rich Greek colonies existed. With the money received from Alexandria from Georg Averoff, an ancient Olympic Stadium. A velodrome and a shooting range were also built in Athens. Placed in the city center tennis courts. Athletes were provided with pavilions with boathouses and locker rooms for rowing competitions.

    Finally, on April 6, 1896, at the Marble Stadium, the King of Greece declared the Olympic Games open. “It was an exciting moment,” recalled Pierre de Coubertin. One thousand five hundred and two years ago, the Emperor Theodosius banned the Olympic Games, no doubt believing that by destroying this hated relic of paganism, he contributes to the cause of progress. Now the Christian monarch announced the formal abolition of the imperial decree. . .When the king again took his place, a choir of 150 voices performed the Olympian ode, written especially for this occasion by the Greek composer Samara. 311 athletes from 12 countries took part in the 1896 Olympics: Australia, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, USA, France, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden. They were going to take part in the first Olympiad and Russian athletes, however, due to lack of funds, our team was not sent to the Games. Several athletes managed to leave Odessa, but they returned halfway, because they ran out of money. Only a resident of Kiev, Nikolai Ritter, managed to get to Athens and applied for participation in wrestling and shooting sports, but then withdrew his application and did not take part in the competition.
    First Olympic champion modernity was the American athlete James Conolly, who won gold medal in the triple jump, and the marathon winner Spyridon Louis became the national hero of Greece. By the way, the first Olympic scandal: Pierre de Coubertin did not let black athletes into the Olympics. They had to perform at the parallel "Anthropological Games". And yet, despite various annoying overlays, the first Olympics was an exceptional phenomenon and launched all subsequent Games.

  7. 1. The first Olympic Games took place in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. e. in Olympia (an ancient Greek settlement, a place of worship of the god Zeus). Competitions were held and an agreement was concluded to hold games once every 4 years, the numbering of games was established.
    2. Starting from 776 BC. e. the names of Olympic winners were carved on marble columns that were erected along the Alpheus River in Olympia. The first winner was the chef Koreb.
    3. The French historian, writer, teacher Pierre de Coubertin proposed to organize the modern Olympic Games.
    4. Ancient games were held in April 1896 in Athens. Athletes from 13 countries participated.
  8. Thank you)

In Paris, in the Great Hall of the Sorbonne, a commission has gathered to revive the Olympic Games. Baron Pierre de Coubertin became its general secretary. Then the International Olympic Committee (IOC) took shape, which included the most authoritative and independent citizens of different countries.

The first modern Olympic Games were originally planned to be held in the same stadium in Olympia where the Olympic Games were held. Ancient Greece. However, this required too much restoration work, and the first revived Olympic competitions took place in Athens, the capital of Greece.

On April 6, 1896, at the restored ancient stadium in Athens, the Greek King George declared the first modern Olympic Games open. The opening ceremony was attended by 60 thousand spectators.

The date of the ceremony was not chosen by chance - on this day, Easter Monday coincided in three directions of Christianity at once - in Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. This first opening ceremony of the Games laid two Olympic tradition– opening of the Games by the head of state where the competitions are held, and execution Olympic anthem. However, such indispensable attributes modern Games, as the parade of participating countries, the ceremony of lighting the Olympic flame and the recitation of the Olympic oath, was not; they were introduced later. Did not have Olympic village, invited athletes provided themselves with housing.

241 athletes from 14 countries took part in the Games of the I Olympiad: Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary (at the time of the Games, Hungary was part of Austria-Hungary, but Hungarian athletes competed separately), Germany, Greece, Denmark, Italy , USA, France, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden.

Russian athletes were quite actively preparing for the Olympics, but due to lack of funds Russian team was not directed to the Games.

As in ancient times, only men took part in the competitions of the first modern Olympiad.

The program of the first Games included nine sports - classical wrestling, cycling, gymnastics, Athletics, swimming, bullet shooting, tennis, weightlifting and fencing. 43 sets of awards were played.

According to ancient tradition, the Games began with athletics competitions.

Athletics competitions became the most massive - 63 athletes from 9 countries took part in 12 events. The largest number of species - 9 - was won by representatives of the United States.

The first Olympic champion was the American athlete James Connolly, who won the triple jump with a score of 13 meters 71 centimeters.

Wrestling competitions were held without uniform approved rules for wrestling, there were also no weight categories. The style in which the athletes competed was close to today's Greco-Roman, but it was allowed to grab an opponent by the legs. Only one set of medals was played among five athletes, and only two of them competed exclusively in wrestling - the rest took part in competitions in other disciplines.

Since there were no artificial pools in Athens, swimming competitions were held in an open bay near the city of Piraeus; the start and finish were marked with ropes attached to the floats. The competition aroused great interest - by the beginning of the first swim, about 40 thousand spectators had gathered on the shore. About 25 swimmers from six countries took part, most of them are naval officers and sailors of the Greek merchant fleet.

The medals were played in four types, all heats were held in "freestyle" - it was allowed to swim in any way, changing it along the distance. At that time, the most popular swimming methods were breaststroke, overarm (an improved way of swimming on the side) and "trend-style". At the insistence of the organizers of the Games, the program also included applied view swimming - 100 meters in sailor's clothing. Only Greek sailors participated in it.

In cycling, six sets of medals were played - five on the track and one on the road. Track races were held at the Neo Faliron velodrome specially built for the Games.

In the competition for gymnastics eight sets of awards were played. Competitions were held outdoors, at the Marble Stadium.

In shooting, five sets of awards were played - two in rifle shooting and three in pistol shooting.

Tennis competitions were held on the courts of the Athens Tennis Club. Two tournaments were held - in singles and doubles. At the 1896 Games, there was not yet a requirement that all team members represent one country, and some couples were international.

Weightlifting competitions were held without division into weight categories and included two disciplines: squeezing the ball bar with two hands and lifting the dumbbell with one hand.

In fencing, three sets of awards were played. Fencing became the only sport where professionals were also admitted: separate competitions were held among "maestro" - fencing teachers ("maestro" were also admitted to the 1900 Games, after which this practice ceased).

The culmination of the Olympic Games was the marathon. Unlike all subsequent Olympic competitions in marathon running, the length of the marathon distance at the Games of the I Olympiad was 40 kilometers. classic length marathon distance- 42 kilometers 195 meters. The Greek postman Spyridon Louis finished first with a result of 2 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds, who became a national hero after this success. In addition to the Olympic awards, he received a gold cup, established by the French academician Michel Breal, who insisted on the inclusion of marathon running in the Games program, a barrel of wine, a voucher for free meals throughout the year, free tailoring of dresses and use of hairdresser services throughout life, 10 centners of chocolate, 10 cows and 30 sheep.

The winners were awarded on the closing day of the Games - April 15, 1896. Since the Games of the First Olympiad, a tradition has been established of performing the national anthem in honor of the winner and raising the national flag. The winner was crowned with a laurel wreath, he was awarded a silver medal, an olive branch cut in the Sacred Grove of Olympia, and a diploma made by a Greek artist. The second place winners received bronze medals.

Third place finishers were not counted at the time, and only later did the International Olympic Committee included them in the medal count among countries, however, not all medalists were accurately identified.

The greatest number of medals was won by the Greek team - 45 (10 gold, 17 silver, 18 bronze). The second was the US team - 20 awards (11 + 7 + 2). The third place was taken by the German team — 13 (6+5+2).

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources