Swimming is what kind of sport. Swimming as a sport

1. Introduction.

2. History of sailing.

2.1. History of swimming as a sport

3. Methods, system and rules for conducting swimming competitions

4. Types of swimming

4.1. Freestyle

4.2. On the back

4.3. Breaststroke

4.4. Butterfly

4.5. Integrated swimming

5. Conclusion.


  1. Introduction.

Swimming is a very beautiful and exciting sport. In addition, this is a very useful and at the same time enjoyable sport, as it strengthens all muscle groups, and also helps to relax the body and the likelihood of injury is quite small here.

Swimming is also one of the effective means of hardening a person, contributing to the formation of persistent hygiene skills. The temperature of the water is always lower than the temperature of the human body, therefore, when a person is in the water, his body radiates 50-80% more heat than in the air. Bathing and swimming bring up resistance to colds. If swimming is carried out in a natural reservoir, then the natural factors of nature - the sun and air - also have a hardening effect. Swimming eliminates posture disorders, flat feet, harmoniously develops almost all muscle groups - especially shoulder girdle, arms, chest, abdomen, back and legs. Swimming perfectly trains the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

2. History of sailing.

Swimming has an unusually long history. Even the Ancient Slavs held swimming competitions, their essence was as follows: people swam in the river and caught fish with their hands, the one who brought the most big fish, and was considered the winner. These competitions are not at all similar to modern ones, but nevertheless, the ability to swim was of decisive importance in them. The history of the development of swimming has very long roots.

In ancient times, the cult of water was among all peoples. People revered the gods who commanded the waters (Poseidon, Neptune).

Most early images, which show people swimming in ways similar to breaststroke and front crawl, date back to the 4th 2nd centuries. BC. The art of swimming was greatly appreciated. Every year in Hermione, in honor of the holiday dedicated to the god of the seas, and since 1300, swimming competitions have always been held at the Games held on the Isthma at the sanctuary of Poseidon every two years.

In the Middle Ages, a knight at his initiation had to demonstrate his ability to swim in armor. The first amateur swimming school was founded in 1785 in Paris. In Russia, such an institution first appeared in 1825 in St. Petersburg.

2.1. History of the development of swimming as a sport

The first international swimming competitions took place in 1889 in Budapest, the capital of Romania. Swimming made its debut at the modern Olympics already at the first of them in 1896 in Athens.

Swimming became especially popular at the end of the 19th century. In 1890, the first European swimming championship was held. Since 1896, swimming has been included in the program of the Olympic Games.

In 1908, the International Federation of Amateur Swimming (FINA) was created.In 1973, this organization united 96 national federations.

In Russia, swimming in ancient times developed mainly as applied view, and only at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century did it become a separate sport.

The first major swimming competitions in Russia were held at the Russian Olympics in Kyiv in 1913. They went down in history as the first Russian swimming championship. It was attended by about 60 people. The second Russian Olympiad, which included swimming, was held in 1914 in Riga. About 70 swimmers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv and other cities came to the competition. Sports results in swimming at this Olympiad were also low.

In 1922, the Dolphin Swimming Society was formed, which soon became a kind of center for sports swimming in the country.

In 1928, the All-Union Spartakiad took place in Moscow, which contributed to the further spread and development of swimming in our country. In the period 1926-1929. Soviet athletes hold their first international swimming competitions.

Soviet swimmers took part in the Olympic Games in 1952 for the first time. They performed poorly, only M. Gavrish took the 6th place in the final of the 200m breaststroke.

The first participation of Soviet swimmers in the European Championship falls on 1954. At that time, women were very inferior in terms of development to men. Only men took part in this championship. The greatest success in the international sports arena of Soviet swimmers falls on the 60s. Speaking at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, which were held in 1964, G. Prozumenshchikova, a 16-year-old schoolgirl from Sevastopol, became the first Olympic champion swimming 200m breaststroke.

Galina Prozumenshchikova

Between 1966 and 1968 on the account of the Soviet swimmers was 1st place in Europe and 3rd place in the world. In general, during the period from 1947 to 1975, our swimmers set new world records 41 times, 128 European records, and also won at the Olympic Games: 1 gold, 13 silver and 26 bronze medals and about 40 European champion titles.

3. Methods, system and rules for holding competitions

Swimming methods and distances

In swimming, competitions are held and records of the world, Europe and Russia (women and men) are recorded in the following ways and distances:

freestyle - 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500 m;

on the back - 50, 100, 200 m;

breaststroke - 50, 100, 200 m;

butterfly - 50, 100, 200 m;

integrated swimming - 100 (only in the pool 25 m), 200, 400 m;

freestyle relay - 4x100, 4x200 m;

combined relay - 4x100 m.

Pool length

According to the first rules for swimming competitions (adopted by FINA in 1908), world records could be recorded in any pools that were at least 25 yards long. But at the same time, official international swimming competitions could only be held in pools 50 and 100 meters long. Since the mid-1980s. winter and spring swimming competitions in 25-meter pools have become very popular.

Swimming competitions are held indoors or outdoor pools 25 or 50 meters long, at least 1.2 m deep at the starting point. Number of lanes: eight (six for 25-meter pools).The optimum water temperature is +26C.

Level 3 competitions are allowed to be held in non-standard and floating pools, open water bodies. In the presence of a current, half of the distance must be overcome against the current. Competition distances of 25, 50 and 100 m are allowed to be overcome by any style, arbitrarily changing it.

Swimming competition system

Since 2001, official swimming competitions have been held according to a system consisting of preliminary, semi-final and final heats. Preliminary heats are held in the morning, final and semi-final in the evening.

At distances of 50, 100, and 200 meters, according to the results of the morning preliminary heats, 16 participants are selected, who (in the evening of the same day) participate in two semi-finals, where 8 participants in the final (which is held the next day) are determined.

At longer distances and in relay races in the morning preliminary heats, 8 participants in the final are immediately determined (for distances of 800 and 1500 meters, the final is held the next day, for the rest in the evening of the same day).

If, according to the results of the preliminary (or semi-final) swims, the athletes show the same result, a re-swim is held, in the final swim, the participants who show the same result share the place.

General rules.

1. The start is carried out by jumping from the starting table or pushing the legs from the wall of the pool when starting from the water (track numbers are counted from right to left).

2. After a series of short whistles from the referee, the swimmers take off their training suits. After a long whistle, athletes take their places on the starting tables (so that both feet are at the same distance from the front edge of the table) or in the water near the pool wall. In the absence of a referee, the preparatory commands are given by the starter.

3. After making sure that all participants are ready to start, the starter fires a shot, which is the executive signal.

4. If one or more participants start prematurely, then all participants in the swim return and the start is repeated. On the first and second false starts, the starter returns. After the third false start of the heat, all swimmers who started before the starting signal are disqualified.

6. In the relay, the participants of the first stage start according to the rules of the competition. Participants in subsequent stages of the relay race must take the start so that their legs are separated from the starting table (starting wall) no earlier than a member of their team finishing the previous stage touches the finish shield.

4. Types of swimming

4.1. Freestyle.

Swimming freestyle a swimming discipline in which a swimmer is allowed to swim in any way, arbitrarily changing them along the course. At the same time, over the entire distance, with the exception of a segment of no more than 15 m after the start or turn, "any part of the swimmer's body must break the surface of the water." But already in the 1920s. most athletes began to choose a faster crawl as a freestyle.

Crawl (English "crawl" "crawl") swimming style on the chest, during the movement of which the athlete makes wide strokes along the body alternately with the right and left hands, and at the same time constantly performs kicks in the vertical plane (up and down). The athlete's face is almost constantly in the water; periodically, during one of the strokes, he turns his head to the side, lifting his face out of the water in order to take a breath.

4.2. Backstroke.

This style of swimming is similar to the reverse crawl. Here, as in the crawl, the athlete performs alternate strokes with his hands (but: the arm is extended straight over the water, and not bent, as in the crawl), and at the same time performs alternate kicks in the vertical plane (up and down). The athlete's face is almost constantly (with the exception of the start and turns) above the water.

Backstroke This is not the fastest swimming style, but it can swim faster than, for example, breaststroke. And this is the only style of swimming in which the start is made from the water. The athlete, facing the bedside table, holds on to the starting rails with both hands, resting his feet on the side of the pool.

Backstroke was first included as a separate event in the 1900 Olympics.

4.3. Breaststroke

The name of this swimming style comes from the French word "brass" "hand". Breaststroke is a swimming style on the chest, during which the athlete performs simultaneous and symmetrical strokes with his hands, as well as simultaneous and symmetrical pushes with his legs in a horizontal plane below the surface of the water.

This is the oldest and slowest swimming style. In the Egyptian "Cave of the Swimmers" there are rock paintings depicting swimming people who, apparently, moved in the water in much the same way as modern athletes swim breaststroke.

At the beginning of the 20th century, even professional athletes swam breaststroke, keeping their heads above the water. Only in the 1930s. many swimmers (including representatives Soviet school) began to lower their heads into the water while stretching their arms forward.

In 1904, breaststroke was included in the program of the Olympic Games in the form of a swim over a distance of 402 meters, only men were allowed to compete. At the next games, it was replaced by the 200 meters, which has been present at every Olympics since then. Since 1924, the 200-meter race among women has been held at the Olympics, and since 1968, the 100-meter race has been added to the 200-meter race for both men and women.

4.4. Butterfly.

The name of this swimming style is translated from English as "butterfly" (colloquial name in Russia "dolphin"). When swimming with a butterfly, the athlete performs simultaneous and symmetrical movements of the left and right parts of the body. The swimmer makes a powerful wide stroke with his hands (at the same time top part his body rises above the water), while simultaneously performing symmetrical wave-like kicks "from the pelvis". Butterfly is the most energy-intensive swimming style, it requires maximum endurance and perfect mastery of technique.

This swimming style is the youngest. Butterfly is one of the most difficult swimming methods and is considered the second fastest after the crawl. Butterfly "came into the world" in 1935, and at that time it was considered simply the newest variety of breaststroke. Only almost 20 years later, in 1953, the butterfly was officially recognized as an independent swimming style.

4.5. Integrated swimming

Complex swimming is a discipline in which a swimmer overcomes equal parts of the distance with butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle.
The program of the Olympic Games includes two distances of integrated swimming, both for men and women - 200 meters and 400 meters. At a distance of 200 meters, participants swim in a 50-meter pool for 50 meters with each style, in a swim twice as long as 100 meters with each style.

The 200m individual medley was included in the program of the Games for the first time. 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, but then it was excluded. The distance returned to the Olympic program in 1984 in Los Angeles. 400-meter race appeared at the Games in 1964 in Tokyo.

4.6. combined relay

Swimming relay, during which four team members alternately swim four different styles. The order of styles differs from the order in individual medley:

  1. On the back
  2. Breaststroke
  3. Butterfly
  4. Freestyle (crawl)

The program of the Olympic Games includes one 4x100 meter medley relay for both men and women. She first appeared in the program of the Games on 1960 Olympics in Rome. There is also a 4x50 meter medley relay, held in both long and short pools, not included in the Olympic program.

5. Conclusion

Training of high-class swimmers capable of achieving victories in the largest international competitions conducted in many countries around the world. Over the past decade, swimmers from the USA, Australia, Russia, Germany, China, Ukraine, Hungary, Ireland, South Africa, Finland, Canada, Spain, Japan, New Zealand, Belgium, Costa Rica, Poland, Sweden have become champions of the Olympic Games and the world , Netherlands, France.

The work of the Russian Swimming Federation is perceived with satisfaction in Europe and in the world. The fact of recognition of the efforts of the Federation in the international arena is the election in 2000 of G.P. Alyoshin Vice President of FINA. He is also President of the Russian Swimming Federation and Vice-President of the Russian NOC. A sign of the authority of Russia in sports swimming is decision about holding in Moscow in 2002 the World Championship on "short" water. Today, a number of names of athletes trained recently are known all over the world: A. Popov, D. Pankratov, Ya. Klochkova, R. Sludnov, I. Chervinsky, D. Silantyev and others. Over the past three years in Russia, 13 athletes have received the title "Honored Master of Sports", 55 swimmers became Masters of Sports international class.

Finishing the work, I would like to draw the following conclusions: swimming has been known to man since ancient times: images of people found during excavations, swimming in ways similar to crawl and breaststroke, date back to the 4th millennium BC. Swimming develops muscular system, mobility in the joints, improves coordination of movements, strengthens nervous system, improves metabolism, expands the functionality of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. There are recreational, sports and applied swimming.

Health-improving swimming is one of the forms of mass physical culture and health-improving work with the population. Systematic swimming exercises have a hardening effect, contribute to the prevention of respiratory diseases, improve physical development.

Sports swimming is one of the most popular sports. Training in sports swimming should start from the age of 5, from 9 years old it is allowed to participate in competitions.


1. Gordon S. M., "Technique of sports swimming", M., "Physical culture and sport", 1978.

2. Materials from the site http://www.sport.iatp.org.ua/

3. Firsov Z.P. Swimming for everyone. M., 1983.

4. Wikipedia: Swimming.

6. http://www.fizkult-ura.ru/node/211

Swimming- this is the most useful activity, which is recommended to everyone and everyone. It comprehensively develops all the muscles of the body, and. Being in the water tones up, so you can experience physical activity for a longer time. No wonder they say that one who cannot swim loses half his life. However, in order to get the maximum effect from classes, you need to know the types and styles of swimming, and be able to perform them in practice. Let's consider the issue in more detail.

  • sports- includes a variety of varieties sports disciplines in water. As a rule, they consist in overcoming the required distance for the maximum a short time. And, sometimes, just overcoming a certain distance, like in a triathlon.
  • applied- swimming in the water, associated with the solution of specific problems. For example, saving a drowning person.
  • synchronous- girls in swimsuits perform elements in the water to the music. It looks beautiful, however, it requires maximum coherence and effort of each team member.
  • game- this includes both serious Olympic disciplines, for example, water polo, and simple games in the "catch me" style.
  • wellness– swimming and performing various exercises in the water is recommended for the prevention and treatment of many diseases and injuries. However, for such classes, you need to either find a suitable instructor, or immediately contact a specialized center.
  • underwater- perhaps ancient species swimming, because even in ancient times, people dived deep into the reservoirs to get ... anything, from pearls to lost keys.
  • divingspectacular view sport and very traumatic when trying to repeat. Never jump into open water. Seriously, even if you are absolutely sure that you will not hit the bottom, it is not worth the risk. You can easily break your spine or twist your neck.

Swimming styles

Swimming style determines not only the speed with which you will overcome the distance, and how quickly you get tired, but also the muscles that are included in the work when moving. Therefore, in our classes, we recommend choosing a couple of suitable techniques and using them alternately. To distribute the load more evenly and not get tired for a long time.

Freestyle (crawl)

In general, the concept freestyle'came to us from big sport, since there is such a sports discipline where swimmers are allowed to swim in any way. Yes, you can swim even backwards, but despite this, all athletes use the crawl. It's simple - it's faster. Yes, this method is more exhausting, however, this way you will cover a greater distance in a minimum of time, which is more important in competitions.

When swimming, you need to move with wide and alternate movements of the arms, while the legs make movements in a vertical plane. At the same time, according to the technique, most of the time the head should be kept in the water, raising it in order to take a breath. It is not recommended to constantly keep it above water, as this can cause neck injury.


Not only sports discipline, but also a great way not to drown. Tired? Roll over on your back, don't drown. It takes very little strength to maintain the position. In addition, you can slowly but surely move around, making movements with your legs. Although it seems like a lazy style, in sports, swimmers develop really high speeds by working with their hands. Naturally, this requires appropriate preparation and flexibility, especially in the shoulders.


In other words - " frog style". In fact, it is very similar to the movement of this creature, since all movements are made in a horizontal plane. As with swimming on your back, this method takes little effort, so it is used to overcome long distances.


As the name implies, you will have to move like a butterfly, performing symmetrical strokes with both hands. The swimmer pushes himself out of the water, while simultaneously performing wave-like and synchronous leg movements. If you want to get out of breath in a couple of minutes, use this style, because it is the most energy-intensive among all the others.

Swimming is one of the most popular and massive sports. Undoubtedly, swimming is also one of the most beneficial species physical activity. The purpose of this article is to familiarize the reader with the varieties of swimming and some types of water sports.

According to the classification of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) swimming as a sport, includes: sports swimming, water polo, diving and synchronized swimming. The development of swimming in the world is coordinated by the International Swimming Federation (FINA), founded in 1908 and holding world championships since 1973, and in Europe by the European Swimming League (LEN), established in 1926 and holding European championships since 1926. In terms of the number of medals played at the Olympic Games, swimming is in second place, second only to athletics.

You can consider swimming not as a set of water sports, but from the point of view of the purpose of movement. Then swimming can be divided into several types (sports, applied, health-improving, figured, game, underwater). Each of the types of swimming is characterized by special movements or methods of movement in the aquatic environment. And the way of movement in the water, in turn, determines the technique of swimming.

We present the above in the form of a diagram and consider in more detail the types of swimming and some types of water sports.

Sports swimming

Sports swimming includes various kinds of competitions held in pools with a length of 50 or 25 meters at a distance of 50 to 1500 meters, as well as in open water in the form of swims on long distances(5, 10, 25 km). The first swimmer (team) to reach the finish line wins.

The distance must be overcome by various strictly regulated competition rules in ways. TO sports ways swimming include: freestyle (crawl on the chest), butterfly (dolphin), breaststroke, backstroke (crawl on the back). By the speed of the most fast way swimming is front crawl, then butterfly, back crawl and breaststroke.

Swimming styles (from left to right): backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle

Sports swimming was included in the program of the First Olympic Games in 1896, held in Athens. Then the following distances were presented: 100 meters, 500 meters, 1200 meters freestyle and 100 meters for sailors.

At present olympic swimming program in a 50m pool includes 32 numbers (16 distances for men and 16 for women):

  • single swimming in sports ways at various distances: freestyle (50, 100, 200, 400, 800 meters for women and 50, 100, 200, 400 and 1500 meters for men), back crawl (100 and 200 meters), breaststroke ( 100 and 200 meters), butterfly (100 and 200 meters),
  • integrated swimming (200 and 400 meters). Equal segments of the distance are overcome by different ways of swimming, changing in a clear sequence;
  • freestyle relay races 4 * 100 and 4 * 200 meters. Four swimmers swim alternately freestyle the same length;
  • combined relay 4 * 100 meters. Each participant swims his stage in a certain way of swimming.
Since 2008, the Olympic program has included marathon swimming in open water at a distance of 10 km.

The program of the world championships and other international competitions is somewhat different from the Olympic one. In addition, competitions are held separately in the "short water" (in a 25-meter pool).

A variety of sports swimming are swims- swims over long distances (more than 2 km), held on natural reservoirs. Marathon swims are held at a distance of 5, 10, 25 km. There are swims up to 100 - 150 km long. Swimming participants have the right to use any swimming methods at a distance, change them while overcoming the distance, and also eat while being in the water in an unsupported position.

Sports swimming at various distances is included as a mandatory exercise in different kinds all-around(modern pentathlon, officer pentathlon, etc.).

By clicking on the links you can get acquainted with the successes of Soviet and Russian Olympians, read about the outstanding swimmers and swimmers of the world, read.

Play swimming

Play swimming is the use of all kinds of outdoor games in conditions aquatic environment. Games cause great emotions, increase activity, develop coordination, promote a sense of camaraderie and the emergence of initiative. A variety of games and entertainment are widely used in health camps and when organizing water holidays. One such game, water polo, has become an Olympic sport.

- a sports team game with a ball on the water, the goal of the game is to throw the ball into the opponent's goal as many times as possible and not let the ball into your own goal. The game takes place in a pool measuring 30x20 meters, at least 180 cm deep. There are marking lines at the bottom of the water field, they are also indicated by floats of different colors along the pool border. The game involves 2 teams, 7 players each, one of them is the goalkeeper. Gate size: 3 meters wide, 90 cm high. The goalkeeper is the only player on the team who can touch the ball with both hands. The water polo ball is similar to a volleyball, it should not absorb water, the color of the ball is usually yellow, the circumference is from 68 to 71 cm, the weight is from 400 to 450 grams (3 sizes in total: for children, juniors and adults). The game consists of 4 periods, lasting 8 minutes of pure time. Each team can have possession of the ball for a maximum of 30 seconds.

Water polo was invented in the second half of the 19th century by the Scot William Wilson. The prototype of the game was rugby. Water polo is one of the oldest Olympic sports. Water polo among men's teams entered the Olympic program in 1900, and women's - only 100 years later. The largest number of medals at the Olympic Games (gold and total) was won by the Hungarian water polo players. Soviet water polo players have been participating in the Olympic Games since 1952 and have repeatedly won Olympic medals (2 gold, 2 silver, 3 bronze). Russian water polo players have 1 silver and 2 bronze medals.

The World Water Polo Championship among men has been held since 1973, among women - since 1986 under the auspices of FINA.

Sports diving

Sports diving- one of the most spectacular competitions in water sports. Athletes jump from a springboard or tower, performing a number of acrobatic actions during the jump (screws, revolutions, rotations). Jumps are single and synchronized doubles. The judges evaluate the takeoff and stand on the projectile, repulsion, the quality of the performance of acrobatic elements in flight, entry into the water and synchronization (in pair jumps).

Sports diving

Projectiles for jumping into the water are:

  1. Springboard- a special springy board, one end of which is fixed on the side of the pool. Board size: length - 4.8 meters, width 50 cm. The front edge of the springboard protrudes beyond the edge of the pool by at least 1.5 meters. Performing a springboard jump, the athlete first swings on it and then, powerfully pushing off, jumps into the water. Springboard is meter and three meters.
  2. Tower- a structure with several platforms at different heights. Each platform is 2 meters wide and 6 meters long. The edge of the platform protrudes beyond the edge of the pool by at least 1.5 meters. Jumps are performed from a tower of 5, 7.5 and 10 meters.
Each sports jump has its own coefficient of difficulty (from 1.2 to 3.9). Jumps into the water are distinguished: according to the initial position - from the front and back racks, from the handstand; in the direction of rotation - forward, backward and with screws (rotation around the longitudinal axis). Jumps from the front stance can be performed from a place or from a running start. The combination of different elements allows you to perform more than 60 options for ski jumping and more than 90 from the tower.

As a sport, diving appeared in the middle of the 19th century in Germany. For the first time, single jumps entered the program of the Olympic Games in 1904, synchronous in 2000. The most successful athletes in this sport were athletes from the United States, who by 2013 had won more than 130 Olympic medals(more than a third of which are gold). At the Olympic Games, 8 sets of medals are played: 4 sets are played for men and women in diving from a 3-meter springboard (single and synchronous) and a 10-meter tower (single and synchronous). Diving is included in the program of the World and European Aquatics Championships.

figure swimming

Figure (artistic, synchronized) swimming is a combination of various movements, including elements of choreography, acrobatic and gymnastic combinations. It can be performed individually (solo), in pairs and in groups. Synchronized swimming is one of the most beautiful sports.

Synchronized swimming originated in Canada in the 1920s, when this type of swimming was called "water ballet". olympic view Synchronized swimming became a sport in 1984. Competitions consist of technical (mandatory) and long (free) programs. IN technical program athletes must perform certain figures to the music. In the free program, there are no restrictions on musical or choreographic composition. A jury of 10 judges evaluates the technique and artistry of the performance on a 10-point scale. By total medals for Olympic history this sport is ahead of the Japanese (12 awards). At the Olympic Games in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. all gold medals were won by the Russian team - this is the largest number of gold medals in Olympic synchronized swimming.

Applied swimming

Applied swimming- the ability of a person to stay on the water (that is, to master the skill of swimming) and to perform vital actions and activities in the water.

Applied swimming is used when performing certain applied tasks, such as swimming across a water barrier, helping a drowning or tired swimmer, getting objects from the bottom, transporting objects through a water barrier, etc. The ability to swim is necessary for people of many professions, for example, fishermen, fleet workers, biologists, military personnel, geologists, rescuers.

Applied Swimming Includes:

  • swimming in sports, original and combined ways of swimming
  • diving and underwater movement
  • applied diving
  • rescuing the drowning and helping tired swimmers
  • swimming in extreme conditions
  • overcoming water barriers
For problem solving applied swimming the technique of sports methods of swimming (crawl on the chest, breaststroke on the chest, crawl on the back, dolphin), elements of sports methods of swimming (for example, swimming only with the help of crawl or breaststroke legs) and combinations of elements of sports methods (for example, crawl legs - hands breaststroke), purely applied methods of swimming (swimming on the side, breaststroke on the back).

More often than others, breaststroke, breaststroke on the back, swimming on the side are used to transport drowning people; for a quick swim to the object - crawl on the chest (if the swimmer is not constrained by clothing); to overcome long distances - breaststroke, crawl on the chest without carrying out hands, for transporting goods - breaststroke on the back, breaststroke on the chest, swimming in the way on the side.

Diving and jumping into the water is of great practical importance. When diving, a slightly modified technique of sports swimming methods is used: breaststroke, crawl, or a combination of the techniques of these methods. Elements of sideways swimming and dolphin style can also be used. For a quick dive from a reference position (from the shore, boats), jumping into the water upside down and upside down is used. From a supportless position, it is also possible to dive upside down or upside down.

Saving the drowning and helping tired swimmers is also a section of applied swimming. The rescuer's actions can be divided into stages: entering the water, swimming up to the victim, searching for the victim under water, freeing him from possible seizures, transporting him to the shore, and providing first aid on land. Each of these stages is very important, because the life of the rescued person (and sometimes the rescuer himself) depends on the qualifications of the rescuer.

Recreational swimming

Recreational swimming- the use of the features of swimming movements and the presence of the body in water for therapeutic, prophylactic, restorative, tonic, hygienic, tempering and other purposes. Swimming is one of most effective means recovery. Recreational swimming is used in the system physical education person throughout his life, from infancy to old age. Swimming has a minimum of restrictions for people with various health problems compared to other types of physical exercise.

Regular swimming lessons beneficial effect on human health and performance, trains the maximum number of organs and systems of the body, while being one of the least traumatic types of physical activity. Swimming strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system, develops and strengthens the musculoskeletal system, helps to form a beautiful silhouette, allows you to control weight, improves skin smoothness . Children who swim a lot and regularly grow faster. Swimming promotes the development of endurance and coordination of movements. Swimming allows you to maintain excellent flexibility of the spine and normal range of motion of the joints until old age, and prevents the development of osteochondrosis. Swimming also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of those involved. Swimming improves sleep, reduces stress levels, relieves tension and increases efficiency. A person who regularly goes in for swimming is less prone to colds due to the improvement of the thermoregulation mechanism.

Swimming is recommended remedy for various curvatures of the spine, posture defects, degenerative joint diseases, diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, obesity, neuroses, for recovery after operations and injuries.

In recreational swimming, a wide variety of swimming methods (both sports and original) can be used, and special exercises in water, game swimming elements.


Diving- this is a person swimming under water with the help of various supporting means and devices. Scuba diving also exists as a species (more precisely, a group of species) underwater sports. Underwater sport is a broad concept that includes a set of sports disciplines related to the athlete's stay partially or completely under the surface of the water. The International Federation of Underwater Sports is the World Confederation of Underwater Activities (CMAS), recognized as the International Olympic Committee. However, underwater sports are currently not included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Underwater sports (from left to right): underwater orienteering, fin swimming, underwater rugby, underwater shooting

The disciplines of underwater sports are:

  1. Apnea (freediving)
    A group of underwater sports disciplines that require the athlete to perform certain exercises or cover a distance while holding his breath. Competitions are held in the pool and in open water. The following areas of apnea can be distinguished:
    • Dynamic apnea with and without fins (monofin). The goal is to overcome the maximum distance in length while holding the breath. Competitions are held in the pool.
    • Static apnea. Purpose: to demonstrate the longest possible breath holding in a stationary state, lying on the surface of the water with the face immersed in water. Competitions are held in the pool.
    • Diving with constant or variable weight. Purpose: to dive to the maximum depth while holding your breath and ascend. Depending on the variety, special equipment (drop weights, cart, fins) may or may not be used. Also, depending on the variety, descent / ascent along the cable with the help of hands is allowed or not. Competitions are held in open water.
    • Apnea-square. Purpose: to overcome the maximum distance along the trajectory along the faces of a cube with a side of 15 meters. Competitions are held in open water.
  2. sport diving
    Sports diving competitions are held in the pool in the following disciplines:
    • Combined swimming 300 meters. Goal: cover the distance in the shortest possible time. Part of the distance is required to pass under water using the basic autonomous respiratory apparatus, part - on the surface, using a breathing tube.
    • Obstacle course 100 meters. Purpose: to overcome the distance in the shortest possible time, while performing certain exercises, which are a demonstration of the basic skills of a diver and overcoming special obstacles.
    • Night diving. Purpose: to collect in the shortest possible time three loads, each weighing 1 kg, located at a given distance from the trigger end. A light-tight cover is put on the athlete's mask.
    • Load lifting. Goal: in the shortest possible time to reach a 6-kilogram load located under water at a distance of 25 meters from the start line. Then carry out the lifting of the cargo by means of a standard buoy.
  3. Scuba diving with fins
    The goal of finswimming competitions is to overcome the distance on/under the surface of the water in the shortest time. Athlete's equipment: swimming suit, bi-fins or monofins, mask. In this group of disciplines, there are a very large number of competitive distances, some of which are covered using a snorkel and scuba gear.
  4. underwater orientation
    Underwater orienteering competitions are held in open water. Athlete's equipment: wetsuit, scuba gear, mask, fins, magnetic compass, log (distance counter) and depth gauge. The task of the athlete is to overcome a certain route with maximum accuracy in the minimum time. The competition program includes various individual ("zones", "landmarks", "star", "map", "parallels") and group exercises("MONK", "command search"). The results are evaluated by the accuracy of orientation and by the time to overcome the distance.
  5. Underwater tourism
    Underwater tourism - participation in expeditions to study various reservoirs. The readiness of an underwater tourist is assessed by the number and degree of complexity of expeditions, the implementation of special control standards.
  6. Underwater sports shooting
    Underwater sports shooting is the defeat of stationary and moving targets from a certain distance from an underwater gun. Shooting is carried out without scuba gear while holding the breath. Competitions are held in the pool.
  7. Spearfishing
    Spearfishing is carried out in open water and involves the search for and defeat of a living target - fish for a certain time in a given area. Hunting is carried out by holding the breath. Equipment: mask, fins, spear gun or crossbow.
  8. Aquathlon (underwater wrestling)
    Aquathlon is a competition between two athletes who make short bouts in and under water while holding their breath, trying to take possession of the tape attached to the opponent's ankle. The fight takes place in the ring 5 * 5 meters, the depth of the pool is 2-6 meters. The competition consists of three 30 second rounds. Wrestlers equipment: swimming suit, fins, mask, 2 ankle cuffs, 2 fabric tapes attached to the cuffs.
  9. Underwater hockey
    The game involves 2 teams, each of which consists of 6 players equipped with fins, masks, snorkels, clubs. The object of the game is to drive the puck into the opponent's goal by pushing it along the bottom of the pool. The size of the hockey pool is 2581582 meters. The length of the gate is 3 meters. The game lasts 2 periods of 15 minutes each.
  10. Underwater rugby
    Competitions are held under water in a pool with a depth of 3.5-5 meters. On the playing field measuring 10-12 meters wide and 15-18 meters long there are 2 teams, 6 people each. Player equipment: fins, mask and snorkel. The object of the game is to drive a negatively buoyant ball into the opponent's basket at the bottom of the pool. The diameter of the basket is 40-45 cm, the diameter of the ball is 25 cm. The game lasts 2 periods of 15 minutes each.
  11. underwater photography
    Underwater photography is carried out in open water. The task of the athletes is to make the most successful photograph from an artistic point of view in a certain time and with a limited number of frames. Equipment: digital camera, basic set of diving equipment.

Swimming is an Olympic water sport, which consists in overcoming different distances swimming and in the least time. Regardless of the type of swimming, a swimmer is allowed to swim no more than 15 meters underwater (at the start or after a turn).

The history of the emergence and development of swimming

The ubiquitous finds of archaeologists indicate that people learned to swim a very long time ago. Rather, learning to swim was initiated by foraging and warfare.

In 1515, the first swimming competitions were held in Venice. In 1869, the first amateur swimming school was opened in England (the Association of Amateur Sports Swimmers of England). A little later, similar schools appeared in Sweden, Germany, Hungary, France, the Netherlands, the USA, New Zealand, Russia, Italy and Austria.

At the end of the 19th century, there was a surge in the popularity of water sports, a prerequisite for this was the appearance of artificial pools.

Swimming has been part of the Olympic Games since 1896. In 1899, a major European championship was held, which was called the "European Championship".

In 1908, the International Swimming Federation (FINA) developed and fixed the main distances for holding competitions, as well as the procedure for conducting heats.

Swimming styles in the pool

In sports swimming, there are 4 styles:

Crawl is the fastest form of swimming, which is characterized by alternating and symmetrical movements of the arms and legs. Each arm makes a wide stroke along the axis of the swimmer's body, while the legs alternately rise and fall.

The front crawl is a swimming style that is visually very similar to the front crawl. The athlete also performs alternating arm strokes with alternating raising and lowering of the legs, but swims on his back and carries out a straight arm sweep over the water.

Breaststroke is a type of swimming in which the athlete lies on his chest, and performs symmetrical movements with his arms and legs in a plane that is parallel to the water surface.

Butterfly is one of the most technically difficult and tiring forms of swimming. When moving with a butterfly, the athlete makes a wide and powerful stroke, lifting the swimmer's body above the water, and the legs and pelvis make wave-like movements. It is considered the second fastest after the crawl.

In swimming, there is a freestyle, which is usually understood as a discipline in which an athlete is allowed to swim in any way. Nowadays, all athletes use crawl as it is the fastest style.


Swimming pool - a rectangular bath designed for practicing water sports sports. For sports swimming, the dimensions of the pool must be:

  • 50 meters long and 25 meters wide (for tracks 2.5 meters wide);
  • 50 meters long and 21 meters wide (for 10 tracks 2 meters wide);
  • 25 meters long and 16 meters wide (for 8 lanes 1.9 meters wide);
  • 25 meters long and 11 meters wide (for 6 lanes 1.75 meters wide);
  • 25 meters long and 8.5 meters wide (for 5 lanes 1.6 meters wide).

According to FINA rules, bathtubs must be 50 meters long and 25 meters wide. The pool should be divided into 8 lanes.

The strips of tracks are separated from each other by dividing garlands of floats with a diameter of 5-15 cm. The first and last 5 meters of each of them consist of red floats. The rest of the space is filled with floats in green for lanes 1 and 8, blue for lanes 2, 3, 6 and 7, and yellow for lanes 4 and 5.

The water temperature should be between 25 - 29 degrees.


Swimwear is designed to provide maximum comfort, as well as reduce water resistance. Swimming equipment includes:

  • A swimming cap is a headgear for swimming in water that protects the swimmer's hair from chlorinated water. Swimming caps are: latex, silicone, fabric and combined.
  • Swimming trunks or sports swimsuit - shorts for swimming made of a special material (polyamide with the addition of lycra or a mixture of polyester and PBT).
  • Swimming goggles are an accessory for sports swimming, which is designed to provide normal vision under water, and also protect the eyes from chlorine fumes.

Refereeing in swimming

The chief referee is responsible for conducting swimming competitions, and also heads the panel of judges.

Starter - calls the athletes to the start, checks the correctness of the employed starting positions and gives the command to start.

Timekeeper - measures the time of the swim participant on a certain track from start to finish.

The judge at the finish line - determines the order in which the participants arrive at the finish line, in the absence of an automated system for determining the winners.

Judge at the turn - determines the correctness of the turns on the track allotted to him.

Technical judge - monitors the technique of the corresponding swimming style.

Competition system

At modern official competitions, there are morning and evening programs. The morning program includes preliminary swims, the results of which determine the participants in the semi-finals and finals (evening program).

"The history of the emergence and development of swimming in Russia"


History of the development of swimming

Swimming in modern Russia




Drawings on archaeological finds show that people in ancient Egypt, Assyria, Phoenicia and many other countries knew how to swim several millennia BC, and the swimming methods known to them resembled modern front crawl and breaststroke. At that time, swimming was purely applied in nature - with fishing, hunting for waterfowl, underwater fishing, in military affairs. IN Ancient Greece swimming began to be used as important tool physical education.

The first swimming competitions date back to the turn of the 15th-16th centuries (for example, in 1515, swimming competitions were held in Venice). First sports organization swimmers originated in England in 1869 (“The Association of Sports Swimmers of England”), followed by similar organizations appeared in Sweden (1882), Germany, Hungary (1886), France (1887), the Netherlands, the USA (1888), New Zealand (1890). ), Russia (1894), Italy, Austria (1899) ... The growing popularity of sports swimming at the end of the 19th century is associated with the beginning of the construction of artificial pools.

In 1896, swimming was included in the program of the first Olympic Games, and since then it has always been included in the Olympic program. In 1899, major international competitions were held in Budapest with the participation of athletes from several European countries; then they began to be held annually in various European countries and were called the "European Championship".

History of the development of swimming

Swimming has been known to man since ancient times. Sports swimming originated at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. Among the first swimming competitions were the swimming competitions in 1515. in Venice. In 1538 the first swimming guide by the Dane P. Vinman was published. The first swimming schools appeared in the second half of the 18th and early 19th centuries in Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and France.

Swimming in Russia in ancient times developed mainly as an applied sport, and only at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century did it become a separate sport. In the middle of the 17th century, swimming training was introduced in the Russian troops. Peter I includes it in the training program for officers of the army and navy: all new soldiers without exception must learn to swim, there are not always bridges . In the 18th century, the idea of ​​the importance and usefulness of swimming as a hygiene exercise and as an applied skill. In the then-circulated edition Economic calendar for 1776 noted; In justice it should be for everyone young man learn to swim, because in many cases the ability to swim depends on saving a life A. V. Suvorov, as A. Petrushevsky testifies, taught soldiers to swim, to ford and swim across rivers.

Long before the development of navigation in Russia in the West, it was successfully carried out organized learning swimming, and there were quite numerous cadres of professional teachers, among whom were not only military personnel, but also specialists who worked for free hire. For example, in St. Petersburg Vedomosti for 1782 was printed: those wishing to teach cadets in the Naval gentry cadet corps would come for an agreement on the price.

Sports swimming in pre-revolutionary Russia was not widespread. Only in the 19th century did the first swimming schools appear in Russia. So, in Petersburg in 1834. at summer garden a swimming school is opened, organized by gymnastics teacher Pauli; Pushkin and Vyazemsky were among its visitors.

At the end of the 19th century, construction began in Russia indoor pools for swimming. In 1891 a swimming pool was opened in Moscow at the Central baths, in 1895 - at the Sandunovsky baths. Swimming pools are being built at military educational institutions: in the 1st and 2nd Naval Cadet Corps, in the Corps of Pages in St. Petersburg, in the Kiev Cadet Corps, etc. But these were small-sized pools (from 10 to 15-16m long.) suitable only for primary education swimming.

Swimming became especially popular at the end of the 19th century. In 1890, the first European swimming championship was held. In 1894, swimming competitions were included in the program of the modern Olympic Games, which had a great influence on the development of all types of swimming.

A popular Russian school of swimming, where sports work was quite widely staged, was the Shuvalov School, organized in 1908. on the initiative of V. V. Peskov on Lake Suzdal in the suburbs of St. Petersburg - Shuvalovo. In the Shuvalov swimming school, the number of members and the so-called competing members reached 300-400 people in different years. These were predominantly students of secondary and higher educational institutions, who, together with their parents (clerks and petty bourgeois), left St. Petersburg in the summer for a summer cottage in Shuvalovo. This school provided training in sports methods of swimming, and organized water festivals and competitions in swimming, diving and water polo, tests for the master and candidate of swimming were conducted. This school had a significant impact on the development of swimming in pre-revolutionary Russia. In 1912 organized in Moscow Moscow Society of Swimming Fans (MOLP), which conducted classes not only in summer, but also in winter (in the Sandunovsky baths).

A major role in the development of both mass and sports swimming in Russia was played by the swimming school, founded in 1908 in Shuvalov (near St. Petersburg), which lasted until 1917. It was organized for voluntary on the initiative of the naval doctor V.N. Peskov. During summer season it taught swimming to 400 people. The training was carried out in all the swimming methods existing at that time: crawl on the chest, breaststroke on the chest and on the back, swimming on the side. The basis of training was the breaststroke method. Those involved annually participated in competitions and could receive the title of masters and candidates of swimming under the conditions of fulfillment of 12 following exercises:

.) Swim - 3000m. It was necessary to swim across the lake several times, return to school and overcome the distance of 50m.

.) Swim - backstroke 1500m.

.) Swim - 1500m. In clothes and shoes in the breaststroke way.

.) Swim - 450m. on the back. Only with hands.

.) Swim - 450m. Only on one leg.

.) Swim the distance - 30m. On the back, legs breaststroke, with a stone weighing 2kg. With one hand, the athlete carefully rowed, with the other hand he held the stone so that it did not get wet, resting his elbow on his chest.

.) Diving under water 30m.

.) Diving to a depth of 4-5m. With the task to get a stone from the bottom: 5 times in a row with a rest of 2-3 seconds.

.) Undressing in the water - removing clothes and shoes.

.) Combined swimming 75m. The swimmer must jump from the start, swim 50m, grab the “drowning man” and swim 25m with him. The task is executed for time (from 100 to 80).

.) Rendering first aid to the “drowned”.

.) Jumping into the water from a 7-meter tower: 3 jumps from a place, and 3 from a run (upside down).

The obvious complexity of these norms testifies to the excellent training of Russian swimmers. Understanding that for the development of sports swimming in Russia it is necessary to develop mass swimming, the graduates of the Shuvalov school organized swimming schools in Feodosia, Baku, and a little later also in Kyiv, Chernigov, Batumi, Nikolaev.

By the beginning of the First World War (1914), swimming began to be cultivated in such cities as: Kiev, Chernigov, Baku, Batumi, Rostov-on-Don, Feodosia, Sevastopol, Kharkov, Yaroslavl, Mariupol, Riga, Samara, Sestroretsk, Oranienbaum and in other cities.

Sports swimming in Russia during these years was only making its first steps. Trainings were held mainly in open water, and the results of the swimmers were not high. Therefore, participating in the V Olympic Games in Stockholm in 1912, Russian swimmers were not successful. The first major swimming competitions in Russia were held at the Russian Olympics in Kyiv in 1913. Oli went down in history as the first Russian swimming championship. It was attended by about 60 people. Shuvalov swimmers took all the first places, although their results were far behind the achievements top athletes peace. The second Russian Olympiad, which included swimming, was held in 1914. in Riga. About 70 swimmers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv and other cities came to the competition. Due to the unpreparedness of the base, almost all swimmers from other cities refused to participate in the competition. Sports results in swimming at this Olympiad were also low.

In 1922 swimming society was formed Dolphin , which was the successor to the traditions of the Shuvalov school and soon became a kind of center for sports swimming in the country. Under the guidance of trade union organizations, educational and sports work in swimming begins. open sports schools swimming, competitions are organized. For example, since 1921. major competitions began to be held annually in Moscow. Physical education institutes opened in Moscow and Petrograd began to train teachers and swimming coaches. Since 1926 In swimming, European championships began to be held, since 1969. - European Cups, since 1973. - World Championships, and since 1979 - World Cups in swimming.

In 1928 The All-Union Spartakiad took place in Moscow, which contributed to the further spread and development of swimming in our country. In the period 1926-1929. Soviet athletes hold their first international swimming competitions. Swimming is developing in all Soviet republics. In a relatively short period of time, a solid foundation for the development of mass navigation was laid in our country.

In 1941 Germany attacked our country. The development of sports, including swimming, has slowed down in the country. Physical culture organizations restructured their work in the interests of the front. During the war years, a lot of work was done on military physical training. Only in 1943. about 500 thousand people were trained in swimming and swimming. In combat operations at sea,

during landings and crossings, the ability to swim and stay on the water in uniform and with weapons contributed to the victory of Russian soldiers, saving their lives. Thanks to active work sports organizations by 1948 the pre-war level of the number of people involved in swimming sports in the country was reached.

An important act in the development of sports swimming in the country was the entry in 1947. membership in the International Swimming Federation (FINA) and the development of sports relations with swimmers from foreign countries.

For several years after the war (until 1950-1951), Soviet swimmers could not reach the pre-war level of sportsmanship. Records of the USSR were updated very rarely (mainly in swimming on the side) and for the most part known in 1940-1941. swimmers.

At the 1952 Olympic Games Soviet swimmers took part for the first time. They performed poorly. Only M. Gavrish (Kyiv) took the 200m final. breaststroke 6th place with a score of 2:58.9s. and brought the team a single point. The reason for this was the change of generations of swimmers: L. Meshkov, S. Boychenko, V. Ushakov and other outstanding masters of the water track finished their performances, and young swimmers had not yet reached the heights of sportsmanship and had no experience of participating in international competitions.

In 1954 Soviet swimmers took part in the European Championship for the first time. At that time, the level of development of sports swimming among women was significantly lower than among men. For this reason, only men participated in the European championship.

In 1956 at the XVI Olympics in Melbourne, 5 Soviet swimmers became bronze medalists. The Soviet team of swimmers scored 10 points in Melbourne and moved from 15th place at the XV Olympiad to 7th.

In 1961, a unified system for organizing educational and sports work in the country was created. The improvement of the work of the Youth Sports School was also facilitated new calendar sports competitions and the obligatory organization of recreational activities during the summer holidays sports camps.

In 1969, at the initiative of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, the club "Neptune" was created, which is doing a lot of work to involve children in regular class swimming. In a number of cities, swimming was compulsory for all students in grades 1-4. The number of pools has increased significantly in our country.

Soviet swimmers achieved their greatest success in the international sports arena in the 60s. Speaking at the XVIII Olympic Games in 1964. (Tokyo), 16-year-old Sevastopol schoolgirl Galina Prozumenshchikova was the first among Soviet swimmers to become the Olympic champion in swimming in the 200m breaststroke.

In 1966-1968. Soviet swimmers moved to 1st place in Europe and 3rd in the world (after the USA and Australia). At the XI European Championship (1966, Utrecht), the Soviet team outstripped swimmers from 25 European countries and won the men's and women's team Cups by a large margin in points, receiving 8 gold medals, 7 silver and 4 bronze. Victories in the European arena were secured in Mexico City after 2 years - at the XIX Olympiad. Here, Soviet swimmers, men and women, got 61 points and took 3rd place in the world, and men - 2nd place, losing the championship to US swimmers.

In 1971, FINA recognized swimming as an important complementary source of health for infants. Since 1977, in Moscow, and then in other cities, swimming training for infants began at children's clinics with pools.

In 1976 at the XXI Olympiad in Montreal at a distance of 200m breaststroke, 3 Soviet swimmers took prizes: M. Koshevaya 2.33.35s. (M / r.), M. Yurcheniya and L. Rusanova.

In 1980, at the XXII Olympiad in Moscow, Vladimir Salnikov for the first time in history "floated" at 1500m. (freestyle) of 15 minutes, with a score of 14.58.27s. Since many leading teams did not come to the Olympics, the overwhelming majority of awards in swimming went to the USSR team.

At the Olympics in Seoul, I. Polyansky brought gold medals to our team at 200m. (back), with a score of 1.59.37s. and V. Salnikov

at 1500m. (freestyle), with a score of 15.00.40 seconds.

At the XXV Olympiad in Barcelona, ​​in the 4x200m relay. (freestyle), the Russian team consisting of: D. Lepikov, V. Pyshnenko, V. Tayanovich and E. Sadovyi, set a new world record. In the freestyle, A. Popov (50.100m, freestyle) and E.Sadovyi (400m, freestyle) won gold medals.

At the last Olympics in Atlanta, D. Pankratov (100.200m, butterfly) and A.Popov (50.100m, freestyle) won gold medals.

Swimming in modern Russia

patterns sports training in swimming in the past century received a deep comprehensive justification and development. It is known that the concept of sports training turned out to be the most tested and scientifically substantiated in the field of physical culture and sport concept. As part of sports swimming improved to the greatest extent. Today it is one of the most popular and popular types sports. In terms of the number of medals played at major international competitions, our sport is second only to athletics. So, at the 1998 World Championships, medals were played in 36 types of competitions, and at the Olympic Games in Sydney - in 32 types. If we compare the number of competitive distances of this last Olympics with the Games in Rome (1960), it turns out that the number of distances has more than doubled in four decades. 982 swimmers from 150 countries of the world took part in the swimming competitions at the Olympic Games in Sydney (2000). This large number almost does not include African countries. The swimmers of the African continent, as a rule, do not achieve outstanding results in international competitions. Many African countries are still not represented in the International Swimming Federation (FINA). Today, only a few of them show attention to the work of FINA, participating in referee seminars and its various events (Angola, Brunei, Cayman Islands, Congo, Fiji, India, Iran, Kuwait, Nicaragua, Papua New Guinea).

Swimming in "open" water is becoming more and more popular every day. They gather a huge number of spectators. World, European and national championships are already being held. Our swimmers perform successfully at distances of 5, 10, 25 km. In 1998, at the World Championships, A. Akatiev became the winner at distances of 5 and 25 km. In 1999, the Russian men's and women's teams became European champions. As part of the team, a Yaroslavl athlete, master of sports of international class O. Shalygina received a gold medal.

Experts note noticeable trends in the commercialization of swimming as a sport at the present time. The World Cup stages already allow leading swimmers to earn decent money. The system of the World Cup in swimming in "short" water (25-meter pools) is being improved. There are 10-12 starts per year. Here are the cities that hosted the World Cup in the 2000/2001 season: Rio de Janeiro - Washington - Edmonton - Shanghai - Melbourne - Naples - Sheffield - Berlin - Stockholm - Paris. Today the task is to "work out" the calendar of competitions, successfully combining commercial starts with official championships.

The most significant addition to the program of swimming competitions in recent years is the "ultra-short" sprint. He greatly increased the entertainment of swimmers' competitions, expanded the circle of fans, including television ones. The distance of 50 meters gathers the most athletic athletes. It is characterized by the sharpest, sometimes dramatic struggle. The slightest mistake at the start or at the finish excludes the possibility of success: swimmers at the finish line are separated, as a rule, by thousandths of a second. What is their price? Recall the final swim at the Olympic Games in Atlanta. On the podium - US President B. Clinton. He is personally going to give $1 million to an American athlete if he wins this ultra-short distance. Our A. Popov wins the gold medal... The winner of the next Olympic Games in the 1500 m freestyle will receive 1 million dollars - this is what FINA decided.

Training of high-class swimmers capable of achieving victories in major international competitions is carried out in many countries of the world. Over the past decade, swimmers from the USA, Australia, Russia, Germany, China, Ukraine, Hungary, Ireland, South Africa, Finland, Canada, Spain, Japan, New Zealand, Belgium, Costa Rica, Poland, Sweden have become champions of the Olympic Games and the world , Netherlands, France. Despite the enormous difficulties that sport is currently experiencing in countries former USSR, the specialists of these countries managed to achieve significant results in the training of high-class swimmers. We can talk about the system of the Soviet swimming school. Evidence of this is a number of names of athletes trained recently: A. Popov, D. Pankratov, Ya. Klochkova, R. Sludnov, I. Chervinsky, D. Silantyev and others. Over the past three years in Russia, 13 athletes have received the title of "Honored master of sports", 55 swimmers became masters of sports of international class.

The work of the Russian Swimming Federation is perceived with satisfaction in Europe and in the world. The fact of recognition of the efforts of the Federation in the international arena is the election in 2000 of G.P. Alyoshin Vice President of FINA. He is also President of the Russian Swimming Federation and Vice-President of the Russian NOC. A sign of Russia's authority in sports swimming is the decision to hold in Moscow in 2002 the World Short Course Championship and the International Medical Congress.

Swimming is traditionally considered to be a youth sport. Due to this circumstance, many people imagine that age and some natural prerequisites play a decisive role in sports swimming, and the age of an athlete is short. However, it is not. Today average age winners of the largest international competitions for men is from 18 to 25 years old. Women have a similar range - from 16 to 27 years. All modern technologies sports training in swimming, 10-12 years of systematic training are provided. Such a long period allows a person to go from a beginner to an international master of sports, to reach the international level of competition.

The optimal age to start swimming for boys is 8-10 years, for girls - 7-9. There are currently many opponents of early swimming training among specialists. It also seems to us that the entire preschool period should be a simple finding of a child in the water, hardening, mastering at the age of 5-6 some elementary movements necessary for further study of swimming techniques. In working with children of this age, the principle should be: "Do no harm!" (as in medicine). Directed learning, however, can begin only during the period of primary school age. This period is effective in terms of mastering motor skills of various complexity.

Every year the effectiveness of training swimmers is increasingly determined by the level of special knowledge. IN last years he has risen sharply. This period is characterized by fruitful research work in the field of morphology and physiology, biomechanics and biochemistry. Interesting and practically valuable knowledge was gained during the development of the structure competitive activity swimmers ways to optimize the system of control, management and modeling in the system of sports training; methods of development of motor qualities - strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, coordination abilities; effective options sports equipment, methods of psychological preparation; optimal structure of long-term training, annual cycle, macro- and microcycles, direct approach to the most responsible sports competitions.

Today, a huge scientific potential is concentrated in swimming. Evidence of this is, for example, the number of published works of a scientific and methodological nature in the oldest domestic scientific and theoretical journal "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture". The list of such works is 550. We have analyzed the structure and content of domestic dissertations on swimming for the period from 1940 (when the first dissertation appeared) to 1999. . During this time, 320 dissertations were defended. Among them are doctoral dissertations by V.A. Parfenova, N.Zh. Bulgakova, S.M. Vaitsekhovsky, L.P. Makarenko, V.B. Issurina, D.F. Mosunova, E.I. Ivanchenko, S.V. Kolmogorova, T.G. Menshutkina. About 1000 inventions and discoveries are registered with the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries of the Russian Federation.

World famous developments on problems sports selection and sports orientation of professor N.Zh. Bulgakova. Her monographs have been translated into many foreign languages. N.Zh. Bulgakova was the first sports scientist in our country to become a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education. The works of G.D. Gorbunov on the topic: "Psychology of sports training and competitions". He long years fruitfully worked with the outstanding swimmer V. Salnikov, proving in practice the truth of his scientific positions. On the example of swimming, the concept of improvement was developed motor actions athlete. Its author is St. Petersburg researcher D.F. Mosunov. Huge "swimming" material allowed V.N. Platonov to write the world's first sports textbook. The most sophisticated control and measuring equipment, electronic equipment, computers, simulators are used.

The sports achievements of Russian swimmers are still high. A. Popov and R. Sludnov are the authors of world records. European records at individual distances still belong to A. Popov, R. Sludnov, D. Pankratov, E. Sadovoy, V. Salnikov, the freestyle quartet in the most difficult type of relay swimming - 4x200 m freestyle - D. Lepikov, V. Pyshnenko , V. Tayanovich, E. Sadovoy.

Huge opportunities for improving the system of special knowledge are opened by the experience of swimming centers in various countries of the world. The most advanced organizational, methodological and logistical achievements of modern navigation are concentrated here. There is such a center in Volgograd. Dozens of highly qualified trainers work there. Athletes have excellent medical care and pharmacological support. Equipped biochemical laboratory. The center is well funded. The annual training of an athlete in such a center costs a lot of money. Club President - Main coach Russian national team V.B. Avdienko - recognized by FINA as the best coach in the world for the last four years. Our outstanding coach G. Turetsky successfully works under a contract in Australia, the victories of the swimmers of the Australian team at the Sydney Olympics are associated with him (M. Klim, J. Thorp). In July 1999, a swimming department was created at the School of Higher Sportsmanship in Moscow (SHVSM). His task was to train the strongest swimmers in Moscow to participate in Russian and international competitions. Swimmers provided Better conditions sports complex "Olympic". There are excellent opportunities for working in swimming in St. Petersburg. Excellent swimmers grow there from year to year.

However, this was not always the case. In 1952, in Helsinki, our team took part in the Olympic Games for the first time. The first Olympic team included 18 swimmers (15 men and 3 women). The result was mediocre: only one hit in the final, and there - 6th place.

On next Games Olympics (1956) in Melbourne, Soviet swimmers also showed poor results: only two bronze medals. The Olympics in Rome (1960) did not bring us success either: not a single medal, two fifths and one sixth place. Here is how Z.P. Firsov: "The main reason for the weak results of Soviet swimmers was methodological miscalculations in preliminary training, the lack of exactingness of coaches for the implementation of training plans by athletes. A number of swimmers did not show sufficient volitional qualities, violated their diet, significantly increased their weight." IV Plenum of the Central Council of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR noted that "due to weak physical technical training and special endurance, our best swimmers were not able to maintain high speed throughout the entire distance, reduced results from preliminary heats to semi-finals and finals. Most of the swimmers of the national team do not know the technique of turns well, they do not have an effective stroke with their hands, especially with a frequent rhythm of movements. "Even before the Olympics, it was clear that our swimmers were lagging behind due to underestimation physical training. Even then, the best Australian, Japanese and American swimmers swam 6-7 km in one training day with the passage a large number segments at high speeds (ours are only 2-3 km). The Presidium of the Central Council made a decision: the coaches of the national team "failed to prepare the team, grossly violating all the basic principles of modern training methods."

In the highlands of Mexico City (1968) - the situation turned out to be slightly better: 23 medals, but not a single gold one. American swimmers won 21 gold medals!

A huge increase in achievements was noted at the Olympic Games in Munich (1972): 30 world records, 79 Olympic and 313 national. Our swimmers experienced a decline: only 2 silver and 3 bronze medals.

Such a situation in the "medal-winning" sport - swimming - did not suit the leadership of the CPSU and the Soviet government. There was a struggle between the two political systems. The Central Committee of the CPSU decided: "Catch up and overtake America!": after all, since 1920, most of the medals in swimming traditionally went to American athletes. By 1942, more than 30,000 covered buildings had been built in the USA. swimming pools. In our country, their number reached 1,000 only by 1977 (today there are about 2,200; in the USA - over 4,500,000). After the decision of the Central Committee, the “flywheel” of the system began to rapidly “unwind”. Swimming departments were opened at the Youth Sports School, sports swimming schools were intensively created, departments were organized in the universities of physical culture. Leading coaches of the country went to the regions to "raise" swimming centers. They were provided with all conditions for work.

A few years later, the system of organizational measures gave its results. Soviet swimmers in the late seventies achieved outstanding results in the international arena. This is clearly evidenced by the victories of V. Salnikov, M. Yurchenya, M. Kosheva, L. Kachushite, I. Polyansky, S. Fesenko, A. Krylov, S. Koplyakov, Yu. Bogdanova and many others. A radical restructuring in order to get out of a seemingly hopeless situation was provided by a number of leading specialists headed by the head coach of the USSR national team S.M. Vaitsekhovsky.

What is the reason for such a significant shift in domestic sports swimming?

First of all, serious organizational and logistical prerequisites were provided for the implementation modern system preparation. In particular, the following main organizational points were highlighted:

organic interconnection of higher (national teams) and lower (DYUSSH, SDYUSHOR, SHISP, teams of DSO and departments, union republics) organizational units in terms of goals, objectives, personnel, material, technical and scientific and methodological training of athletes;

conditionality of the system of competitions, material and moral stimulation of coaches by the quality of building a system of sports training from the standpoint of the interests of the national teams of the country;

creation of conditions that ensure the constant healthy competition of athletes during training process and its use as a factor in increasing efficiency, more complete mobilization of the body's functional reserves and optimization of adaptive processes;

Union the best coaches and the best athletes, regardless of their departmental affiliation and territorial location, and thereby creating conditions for an effective exchange of experience and for training sparring;

concentration of efforts of all interested organizations on solving the problems of accelerating growth sports achievements;

creation of a particularly favorable social atmosphere around the national teams of the country.

swimming swimmer sports


The swimmer training system developed and implemented in the country was based on the methodology of a systematic approach and ensured the unity of training, competition, out-of-training and out-of-competition factors. Much attention was paid to material and technical factors. The availability of training bases, the widespread introduction and use of simulators, the developed complex of rehabilitation measures, purposeful educational work, a radical change in the system of sports training (an increase in the volume of training and competitive loads, intensity, strength training on land, rational construction of loads at the stage of maintaining the highest sports achievements, an original method developed for direct preparation for the main starts of the season, differentiated improvement of the components of a swimmer's competitive activity - start, turns, sections of a "smooth" distance, finish, and much more) quickly yielded positive results. There was a Soviet system of sports training.

In the rivalry and struggle of swimmers from different countries, the world has gained a huge knowledge about swimming, which needs to be studied and put into practice.


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Swimming. Textbook for university students in physics. culture / Under the general. ed. V.N. Platonov. Kyiv: Olympic Academy, 2000.

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