Women born in the year of the fiery horse. Horse: description and characteristics

people born in the year Horses, have the same grace and nobility for which this animal is known. Their life is usually interesting and bright. They have a rich inner world. They are able to handle multiple projects at the same time. Horses are loyal, reliable friends. You are lucky if you have a Horse friend. His inexhaustible energy in the most positive way affects all his surroundings.

The horse masterfully finds a way out of any situation. And he does it with the utmost dignity and honesty. Need to say, honesty is the creed of the Horse. Whether with enemies, with friends, she will never be cunning and cunning, finding favorable conditions for her. Even though this will bring her discomfort, but for her, the bitter, but the truth is better.

The horse strives for harmony all his life. She loves freedom, you can already feel it in early childhood, since the Horse child is difficult to keep at home. Four walls around oppress him, he needs space, Fresh air, distant horizon. This trait persists throughout life. Horses are avid travelers, they are attracted by everything secret and unknown. The passion for adventure also originates from childhood.

The horse loves life, takes everything from it. As the saying goes: “if money, then a million, and if you love, then the queen” - this is the life motto of the Horse. Although money for the Horse is not of fundamental importance. They intuitively calculate every financial situation, and do it so skillfully that during the life of the Horse, by and large, there are no problems with finances.

Horse very strongly attached to family. This is both good and bad at the same time. After all, through this attachment, ill-wishers find its weak points. You can’t just take a Horse, it is “impenetrable”, but if something happens to relatives, then the Horse drops everything and goes to the rescue, up to self-sacrifice. However, if she finds out where the evil comes from, then it is easier for the enemies to immediately prepare for the transition to the next world, the retaliatory blow of the Horse will be fatal.

Man - Horse

The Horse Man is like a family talisman. He, like a wall, protects the family from possible adversity. Devoted to his parents, he will never leave them in old age. Honors traditions. In his family, he is faithful to his relatives and hardworking. He does everything so that his wife and children do not need anything. If this requires working at least three jobs, he will not hesitate for a minute and take on this burden.

Horse Man - central figure at home and at work. Since the well-being of the family depends on him, he requires unquestioning obedience from everyone. But he does it very tactfully. So that others themselves want to follow the Horse, to satisfy his whims.

The first half of the life of the Horse man is “explosive”, when the deed is considered after it has been completed. At this age, "horse blood" just boils, emotions gush with a fountain. A more measured life comes in a more adulthood, there is already a clear adherence to goals and constancy.

It is advisable for a Horse man to choose a profession where there is room for action, the opportunity to reveal his working capacity potential. And if you have your own team, then it is most preferable that it consists of the same energetic people aimed at the success of the common cause.

Horse Woman

Intellectually developed personality. The Horse Woman feels her superiority over others and developed conceit can significantly complicate her life. A bright individuality in everything is the main feature of the Horse woman. Alas, in addition to natural conceit, selfishness and stubbornness are also highly developed in her. These two qualities make it very difficult for her to find a worthy life partner, since not every man is able to endure this. The Horse woman falls in love very much, no matter what period of her life she meets her true love. To create a real strong family, she does not have to get married as early as possible, she needs to find her soul mate. Therefore, she should be guided by what her heart tells her, and not those around her.

She can achieve a lot in life on her own. Climbing the career ladder or getting another higher education is not difficult for her. It is not easy for other people to adjust it for themselves, it needs freedom, including freedom of choice. It is difficult to be friends with her, but there is no cunning and lies in her, for which the Horse woman is respected by others.

She is very brave. Will bypass anyone who gets in her way. But, despite such a “militant” appearance, the Horse woman attracts with her nobility and royal article.

Horse by zodiac sign

The horse is hardworking, smart and insightful. However, these qualities are strengthened, weakened, and somewhere they appear quite unexpectedly due to the combination with the horoscope according to the signs of the Zodiac.


This is a hurricane of passion. An unrelenting whirlwind. If the Horse-Aries has already decided something, then it is impossible to convince her. She stubbornly goes to her goal, leading astray all the obstacles that arise. Horses-Aries, like no one else, manage to achieve their intended goals in the shortest possible time, to carry out plans. Sometimes, however, they do not pay attention to the fact that they hurt the feelings of other people. However, they also know how to negotiate.

These are the people of the movement. Stagnation is a disaster for them. There is no such field of activity where the Horse-Aries could not prove himself, but they looking for a job exclusively for their liking, the material side is of little interest to them. And financial illiteracy is their main disadvantage. Aries Horses often live beyond their means, litter with money. They have many friends. They are not particularly in a hurry with their personal lives, as they are freedom-loving individuals.

Taurus Horse

They are organized, generous and patient people. Like all Horses, they are hardworking. However, if something does not work out in the work, they can infuriate with their “whining”. When the Taurus Horse is preoccupied or unhappy with something, it is better not to get in its way. In addition, they are vindictive. If you are unlucky to be on her black list, it is better not to wait for indulgence.

People born under this constellation love to travel, but always return to their cozy, family nest. By the way, in the family life of Taurus Horses, everything may not be going smoothly because of their stubbornness. Often they get hung up on themselves and their interests, which spoil the relationship. Taurus Horses very talented, but this talent needs to be “awakened” in oneself.

Gemini Horse

They live active life. We can say about them that they are everywhere and at once. Energy flows through them their mind constantly requires nourishment in the form of new knowledge and the Gemini Horse often satisfy this need by reading. They are sharp on the tongue and, at times, this leads to conflicts with others. That is why Gemini Horses have few real friends. But those who are, can be sure that they will receive a truthful answer to any of their questions, and the call for help will not go unheeded.

These are creative individuals, they need a job where they can show their talents. As for love, everything is ambiguous here. It’s definitely impossible to push the Gemini Horse for yourself, to re-educate them. They will begin to listen to a partner only if they are convinced that they are understood.

Cancer Horse

These are sensual and vulnerable natures. They protect themselves from the rudeness of the outside world by withdrawing into themselves. Often they become hostages of their own mood. But in plain sight, these people always keep themselves in hand, trying to make a good impression. Reputation is not an empty phrase for them.

They are kind, generous with disinterested help. In love, they express to their partner all their tenderness and care. Although it will take time to see the Cancer Horse from this side, since usually people born during this period look at it for a long time and only then open it. They love children.

Lion horse

Working Horses. They inject, as they say, not sparing the stomach, spending twice as much energy as is actually required. They constantly at the peak of activity. They are bored of being in one place for a long time, so Leo Horses are characterized by frequent job changes. They love traveling and new places.

These are merry people, they even approach questions of love with irony. Marriage with the Lion Horse is called unusual. The horse needs freedom, but it is very difficult for the Horse-Lion to live without a family nest. For relationships to work, you just need to accept them for who they are.

Horse Virgo

These are the most responsible people, excellently coping even with routine work. They real intellectuals, it's interesting with them. However, the mixture of these signs gives rise to an additional internal contradiction in people born under such influence of the stars. Often they cannot understand and accept themselves for who they are. Because of these internal conflicts, Virgo Horses are visited by depressions.

They With positive side manifest themselves at work, but Virgo Horses need such a field of activity where there would be a manager above them who would completely control their work situation and help them make the right decision in an emergency.

They value their family and loved ones. They will drop everything if they need help.

Horse Libra

These people are distinguished by beauty and elegance. They, like air, need communication. Even carrying out their plans, they attract a lot of people to this business: friends, relatives, buddies. Of course, at the same time, the Horse-Libra takes all the laurels for itself, but this selfishness does not make their circle of communication smaller.

These are optimists with a capital letter. It's hard to keep them depressed. Usually they try to find a way out of any situation from the best side for themselves.

The Libra Horse has a delicate taste. They have their own style of dress. The interior of their home collects envious glances. They are easy to communicate, easily find friends.

The family is in the first place for them, where they try to keep calm and peace by any means.

Scorpio horse

People with a mix of these horoscopes constant, do not like change. There is always a goal in their life, towards which they go, albeit slowly, but surely, carefully spending their vital energy.

Scorpio horses are sociable and truthful. They know how to defend their rightness and achieve their goal, while trying not to conflict.

They like beautiful life and luxurious environment. To provide for their needs, the Scorpio Horse does not need a patron, they achieve everything themselves.

True, it makes sense to pay attention to your emotional state during conflicts, when the Scorpio Horse is able to break firewood, and subsequently regret it.

Sagittarius Horse

These are seekers of new experiences that will color boring gray everyday life. They have a rich inner world, it is easy and interesting to communicate with them.

They energetic, quickly addicted to something new. True, often at the same time they forget about the close environment. Any work is given to them easily and naturally. Maybe it's because the word "difficult" is not in their vocabulary. These are born organizers, they can easily be entrusted with any business.

The Sagittarius Horse is very amorous. And this feeling of love helps them move mountains.

However, there is another side to the coin in the character of Sagittarius Horses - their self-doubt. They successfully fight with her, but sometimes she takes over.

Capricorn Horse

In these people, the endurance and perseverance of the Horse and the responsibility and sense of duty of Capricorn are intertwined. They have the gift of bringing people together with one goal. They just need to reach leadership positions. The reins of any company, with any number of employees, they will be able to.

In love, they are stable. They hold their emotions in their hands, so living with them is a pleasure. True, you should not even try to take the reins of government into your own hands, the Capricorn Horse will tactfully point you to your place.

Horse Aquarius

These are people with a deep imagination. Because of this, they are often called strange. This is because their ideas do not fit in their heads, and they tend to quickly get rid of them in communication. Aquarius Horses very talented and dedicated. However, they are not interested in money. No, they love beautiful things, but never the beauty of trinkets, clothes, etc. do not put above human qualities.

In love, Aquarian Horses are gentle and passionate. Just do not like to solve domestic problems. If the second half does not have a desire to accustom her to matters relating to everyday life, then their marriage will be very happy.

Pisces Horse

The qualities of Pisces give the Horse softness, patience, flexibility. Horse-Pisces, unlike other Horses, knows how to consider a problem from different angles before proceeding to solve it.

They optimistically go through life and are looking for the same companions. They are sociable and hospitable. There are always many guests in their house.

The Pisces Horse is talented, she needs to reveal her abilities. She is quite independent in the sense that she prefers to resolve her difficult situations alone, without resorting to the help of others.

They are too dreamy. This habit often takes them away from reality, which can be dangerous.

Women and horses know how to find a common language. This animal is very sensitive and affectionate. From him, the fair sex took over the most best qualities. But selfishness did not bypass these beautiful creatures.

The horse woman is very obstinate. Other signs are far from it. Ladies born in the summer are self-confident and know their worth. She does not know how to control herself, and even with age, the female horse does not succeed. She always suspects everyone. And if someone decides to encroach on her independence and personal space, then he can kick her hoof without hesitation.

Woman Horse Personality Characteristics

The Horse Woman loves company and willingly makes friends. In the company of relatives and friends, she opens up and even tries to joke. She does it skillfully and will never offend anyone with her statements.

The smile of a horse-woman is crazy. She knows how to behave in any society. She won't talk if she doesn't need to. Horses and women are similar natures. They are very artistic. To realize all her plans, she needs to work hard. But she will never give in to her goals. Always goes only forward and does not think to give up.

Baba-horse is a stone wall. It can both protect and warm. A person in need is always ready to help, a loved one will never betray and will love. People are drawn to her and want to be friends.

Female horses easily find friends and also easily quarrel with relatives. They are incapable of forgiveness and compromise. Their mood changes dramatically and that is why they can shout and express everything they think about a person. They may and will regret it, but they will never show their suffering in public. For others, this is a forgiving and strong-willed person.

The character of a female horse is complex and contradictory. In a conflict, she never concedes to her opponent, she will prove her case to the end. But even if she is wrong, it is difficult to stop her and explain something. In anger, she can kill. At these moments, the female horse does not spare any relatives, friends, or colleagues. All are subject to distribution. After such a clarification of the relationship, she practically does not have friends. There are no other problems for her. There is only she, and the rest are just extras.

The horse woman is a very romantic nature. She loves to travel and discover new horizons. She will never be able to sit still. She has a free spirit. The obstacles that arise on the way do not frighten her, but rather make her stronger. Her activity and willpower can be simply envied.

A woman with a horse is able to conquer even the highest peaks. This lady is very hardy and never complains about her health. She is not ready for the second role. Everywhere a woman-horse should be the main and only one. She is very smart and does a lot to be enlightened in any field.

A horse woman does not know how to sit idle. In any situation, she will strive to realize herself and prove to everyone that she can do any job.

Year of the fiery horse Characteristics of a woman

A fiery horse woman is a bright lady who is capable of unusual deeds. Fire makes her hot and very active. She is not afraid of anything and goes to the conceived head over heels.

Such a horse will not be bored. Her life is always full of various events. Surrounding admire her character and stamina. girl born in the year fiery horse, never thinks and quickly makes the right decision. He will never be silent and hide his feelings. She is used to saying everything in person, and she never thinks about feelings.

How to Win a Horse Woman

The horse woman is endowed with a strong imagination. It is this quality that allows her to come up with something new and create beautiful images.

Men simply idolize such a lady. She is able to chat anyone and talk even the most silent representative of the stronger sex. A female mare will never shy away from communication and repel a potential boyfriend. If she liked a man, then she will not wait, but she will try to make contact. There are always a lot of fans around her. It flatters her. Therefore, the female horse does not push anyone away and does not leave anyone.

The female horse is a very loving person. She rushes into new feelings with her head and rarely thinks about the consequences. She is not afraid of new relationships and gladly accepts courtship. For this reason, it is difficult for her to create a family and strong relationships. She demands a lot from her soulmate and always lowers not the earth from the sky. No plans for the future, only actions that will bear fruit.

Despite their openness and disposition to communication, female mares demand that men achieve them and perform reckless acts. If they love, they give their whole soul and try to make their soulmate happy.

Girls born in the year of the horse are passionate and hot partners. But, first of all, they only think about themselves, and then about their partner.

To win a woman-horse, you need to make a lot of effort. Despite the fact that these ladies are independent individuals, they dream of meeting a handsome prince and living happily ever after with him. Therefore, if you want to win the favor of a lady who was born this year, then try. All your efforts will pay off in full.

Each date should be special and in no case be repeated. The main thing is that she should not be bored. Endless sitting under the moon. She will never like it. But walks in the countryside are what you need. Peace and quiet is not for her. Although a woman-horse is a born romantic, she will gladly exchange gatherings in a restaurant for an extreme vacation.

A man who does everything right will get a beautiful lady with whom he will never be bored.

Horoscope women Horses Career

Choosing a life's work for a female horse is very difficult. She can never decide. Today she likes one thing, and tomorrow another. That is why, in her life, she can try herself in various fields of activity. The main thing is that she should be interested and it does not matter at all what the salary will be.

A woman with the sign of a horse thinks only about today. She does not plan a budget and does not collect for a rainy day. It is important that it is good now, and the rest does not bother her much. She can easily quit her job and go on a long journey.

Horse-woman is not afraid of difficulties. And if she is offered something worthwhile, then she will take on a new business, despite her workload. Her work should not be riveted to one place, a horse woman needs to move and create. She likes to lead and does not tolerate when she is directed. She should give advice, and others are simply obliged to listen to her.

A horse woman will find herself in journalism, she can become an excellent artist, singer or model. An incorrectly chosen specialty can lead her astray, but not for long. Soon she will come to her senses and quickly learn to live by the new rules.

Routine work, where you need to sort through papers or reduce debit with credit, will not interest her. In this case, a horse woman can go into business and soon she will become a successful business woman.

Woman Horse in love and family

A horse woman always strives to equip her home, make it beautiful and comfortable. Household chores are secondary activities. She dedicates her life to her career, loves to spend time usefully. She likes it when other people do the housework, and she just leads the process.

A horse lady in love is capable of doing stupid and rash acts. If love is strong and she is sure that the other half loves just as much, then the horse woman can change her life and forget everything that she previously dreamed and aspired to.

A horse woman will make her husband happy, and he is obliged to provide her with a comfortable existence. The husband should not forbid or infringe on her rights. She cannot bear this. Total control offends her.

Unrequited love brings a horse woman to the extreme. She finds consolation in things that are not peculiar to her. To bring her back to life, you need to do something special.

A mare girl cannot accept the fact that a man earns less than her. She will constantly irritate her partner and not perceive in any way. Helpful and weak-willed men are simply not interesting to her, she weaves ropes from them, but she will never create a serious relationship. She needs a self-confident man who can provide for the family and become a support and protection.

The Fire Horse became the symbol and patron of 1966 according to the Eastern calendar. This means that the traits that characterize this animal will be largely characteristic of a person who was born during this period.

1966 by Eastern calendar: Year of the Fire Horse

In this article you will learn:

1966 what year according to the eastern calendar

The temperament of the Fire Horse is distinguished by restlessness, which is very useful in sports. People born under the sign of the Fire Horse are very fond of walking a lot, just as their patron likes to run free.

The nature of those born in the year of the Fire Horse is courageous, assertive, brave, independent. At the same time, she can be quick-tempered, uncompromising in some matters. The horse is a noble animal, hardy, hardworking. She projects all these features onto people born in the year of her influence.

The thinking of these people is atypical, original, as a result of which new beginnings are very favorable to them.

In love, the Horse demonstrates sincerity of feelings, straightforwardness, the partner cannot but feel his importance.

The sign of the Fire Horse corresponds to cheerful, cheerful people. Among all the signs of the Chinese horoscope, their character is one of the brightest. The life of a Fire Horse is full of unforgettable moments, memorable moments. Such people delight everyone around, demonstrating their inquisitive mind and determination.

Features of the sign of the Fire Horse according to the Chinese calendar

True Horses can hardly endure criticism in their address, they have an incredible sense of self-confidence, independence. They are distinguished by fearlessness, love of freedom.

These traits can be traced in all representatives of the Horse sign, but in Fire Horses they appear in the highest degrees.

The eastern horoscope Horse gives people an incredible sense of humor, a thirst for movement.

Horses succeed in business, they make good inventors, designers, hairdressers, journalists - specialists in creative professions.

Freedom of expression is the motto of the Horse. These people are very sociable and friendly. Despite the ability to easily contact people, the Horse has a complex character.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Fire Horse

The advantages of the Fire Horse are such qualities as beauty, determination, pride, independence, independence, an ardent mind and the desire to learn.

The Fire Horse has many acquaintances and friends, but they rarely show interest in their problems and concerns. They will listen, sometimes you can get a good idea from them good advice, but they will immediately forget about the problems of the interlocutor, since they are exclusively busy with themselves.

They do not need other people's advice, because they have their own view and opinion on almost any occasion.

However, despite the large number of advantages, representatives of the sign can be too emotional, straightforward:

  • They are outraged by attempts to interfere in their lives, including personal ones. They become furious at the advice of others.
  • The blood of the Fire Horse is very hot. She will seek to destroy the enemy who dared to go against their will.
  • Sometimes the Fire Horse should moderate its ardor, show great restraint, tolerance, try to stop on time.
  • People are born in this year, often more selfish than those who appear in other years.

Years of the Horse according to the Chinese horoscope: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

, Metal Horse , Water Horse .

The Fire Horse is just a hurricane, it is unique. A violent, irrepressible character does not give her a moment's rest. Her life is full of work and social activities. Around her, life is always in full swing, she has enough time and energy for everything. This Horse is a speaker, a tribune. She will not leave anyone indifferent, is able to raise and lead the masses to any cause. The Fire Horse is a clear leader, a leader, and is not ready to cede supremacy to anyone. She perceives advice or wishes with hostility and as an attempt to take her away from business. Many people adore the Fire Horse for its positive energy, sense of humor, but such qualities as irascibility and rudeness, quite often, spoil this impression.

Outrageous, adventurous Horse, endowed with excellent intelligence and great personal magnetism. She tries to change what she wants with willpower and coercion. Being the most daring of all the lunar signs, in her race to the goal, she can forget about caution.

This is a double fire sign (Fire is also the main element of the Horse), and such a person will be excitable and quick-tempered. The Fire Horse is easily confused; she is too fickle to perform repetitive tasks. She is idiosyncratic, witty and charming, but the endless stream of brilliant ideas makes her incredibly changeable. The Fire Horse is multifaceted, it needs sharpness and variety in life. She takes the greatest pleasure in living a double or triple life, or in acquiring several interesting and profitable professions.

He loves to travel and act very much, anticipates new trends, works most effectively if he is included in the share. Rarely recognizes someone's control, even from superior people. Able to insist on her own, constantly trying to surpass herself.

The Fire Horse loves to compete and loves the thrill. She can accurately assess any person and situation at a glance, she knows how to interact with anyone. Able to solve delicate and complex problems, but, alas, likes to argue and behaves recklessly. And with her speed and reaction, she will never give up without a fight - and you can bet that she will win.

Fire Horse Chinese Zodiac

The Fire Horse is impulsive in nature, its initiative and excitability sometimes go beyond all limits. These people are Active, versatile and hot, they need strong emotions to prove to themselves that they are still alive. If something comes into their heads, then all their indestructible will will gather into one fist in order to reach the desired goal. Fortunately, they have the talent to get out of difficult situations.

They are inventive, and have a gift for unraveling intricate problems, and the difficulties they encounter only stimulate their development and growth. However, they often lack constancy and perseverance. People born under the sign of the fiery horse themselves get tired of their own plans very quickly. When their goal is achieved, it immediately loses its appeal.

In love and personal life pleasure-seeking often makes them optional and not prone to fidelity. They are constantly attracted by everything new. The Fire Horse spends his energy without hesitation, and when he is in love, he will stop at nothing and achieve the desired result.

Fire Horse Man

A strong-willed, energetic man actively takes on the solution of any problems. Sitting still is an almost impossible task for him. Loves to overcome difficulties and difficulties. The Fire Horse is an impulsive man, so he does not delve into the details, but immediately rushes into battle. Often he is accused of selfishness, indeed, he rarely thinks about the feelings of others. Always in the first place - their own interests and personal gain. Such is the nature of the man of this sign, it is difficult for him to cope with his emotions, he prefers to act rather than think. However, this is a reliable person who will never let down someone who hopes for his help. He is famous for his hard work, in the professional field he achieves great success.

The man of this sign loves thrills, he is not interested in insipid, boring relationships. From the novel, he expects a firework of feelings and emotions, and with a calm woman he will quickly get bored. The Fire Horse man is quick-tempered and unpredictable, his chosen one must be ready for any turn. Today - crazy passion and love, tomorrow - complete indifference. This is a very generous person, ready to shower his partner with all the treasures of the world. But she has to deal with household chores herself. Too energetic and impulsive to get bogged down in trifles. Full of the most ambitious plans, his wife and children should support him in everything, and not interfere or distract him with requests for help with cleaning and preparing for lessons.

Fire Horse Woman

For this impulsive, emotional woman, there are no obstacles and barriers. Acts boldly and decisively, does not pay attention to the opinions of others. For her, there are no, and there can be no really good reasons to abandon her plan. The Fire Horse is an energetic woman, if she sets a goal for herself, then she will definitely achieve victory. She cannot be entrusted with the performance of routine duties; from the need to perform monotonous actions, she instantly becomes depressed. The authorities usually give her creative tasks, because she has a good imagination, a rich imagination. Therefore, he comes up with original ideas that greatly facilitate the workflow.

In a love relationship, he demonstrates a frantic temperament, without hesitation gives vent to feelings. She will not modestly wait for the chosen one to pay attention to her. The Fire Horse is a brave woman, so she will try to interest a man. Although the fans do not give her a pass anyway, she is such a spectacular person. It can be capricious and wayward, does not consider it necessary to adapt to the interests of a man. For all its outward beauty, natural sexuality, it often remains alone. Men get tired of her impulsiveness, eccentricity. But she does not want to change, she is too selfish person, fixated on herself. However, she will try to become a good wife for a truly beloved man.

The horse belongs to the Yang group. According to the Eastern horoscope, this is the 7th sign of the zodiac, and rules the time interval from 11 am to 1 pm Her lucky season is summer, and the peak of this season is in June. According to the European zodiac sign, the Horse is equated with the sign of Gemini. Its element is Fire. The color that brings them well-being and happiness is fiery scarlet. Plants and flowers that bring them good luck are palm, peony, orange tree, hawthorn, nasturtium. Top countries for the favorable living of people under the sign of the Horse: Indonesia, Algeria, Romania, Austria, Lebanon.

Years of the sign of the Horse in our century

  • January 25, 1906 - the element of the year is fire
  • 1918 February 11 - element of the year earth
  • 1930 January 30 - element of the year metal
  • February 15, 1942 - the element of the year is water
  • 1954 February 3 - element of the year tree
  • 1966 January 21 - element of the year fire
  • 1978 February 7 - element of the year earth
  • 1990 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • February 12, 2002 - the element of the year is water
  • January 31, 2014 - element of the year tree


James Baker, Neil Armstrong, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonard Bernstein, Ingmar Bergman, Aron Vergelis, Leonid Brezhnev, Oles Gonchar, Jean Luc Godard, Musa Jalil, Georgy Danelia, Wolfgang Koeppeng, Boris Yeltsin, Galina Kulakova, Semyon Kirsanov, Frederic Chopin, Leon Cooper, Bob Geldof, Sean Conory, Helmut Koll, Douglas Hart, Paul McCartney, Ulyanov-Lenin, John Boynton, Isaac Newton, Sergei Korolev, Giacomo Puccini, Muslim Magomayev, Vasily Peskov, Eco Ota, Elena Potapova, Oleg Popov, Roberto Rossellini , Fedor Reshetnikov, Andrey Starostin, Mohammed Sadat, Vitaly Sukhomlinsky, Stanley Stephens, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Andy Williams, John Travolta, Mark Tullius Cicero, Michael York, S Yergey Markov, Samuel Beckett, Rembrand Harnes van Rijn, Buffalo Bill, Barnum, Dmitri Shostakovich, Andre Chenier, Maurice Denis, Duke Delacroix, Leonard Finn, Maurice Druon, Caesar Franck, Charles Foucault, Louis Pasteur, Maeterlinck, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Renoir Schuman , Duke of Windsor, Vivaldi.

A horse is a great friend of man, a very harmonious relationship has formed between them, the strongest which is possible only between an animal and a person. IN ancient greece the mystical Centaur looked like the torso of a Horse, but the torso of a man. With the Horse, man conquered vast earthly spaces, and there are many myths and legends about their relationship. Horses have different types colors and suits, they carry heroes on themselves. Come across and wild horses, and all because people could not completely conquer these animals.

The Horse differs from other animals in that it can bring some surprises to a person, as it is fraught with hidden power. Helping people in their dangerous adventures, she will not become completely open to man. The horse came out of the bowels of the earth, out of the darkness, it is able to pick up the wanderers whom it meets on the way. In many cultures, the Horse personifies growth and grain, she was in the world of the dead, went through cold, heat and cold, carrying the human burden of labor, keeping it in the bins. Therefore, the Horse is also a symbol of renewal.

Many rituals of the Irish and Celts were associated with the Horse - for example, they had a fire worship festival, the peasants jumped on horseback over the fire, and then a huge wooden Horse appeared, people sat on it and she also jumped over the burning fire and chased people, so they performed the ritual of the spirit of grain and war.

The Horse has a good reputation, unlike the Snake. She looks proud, and is used to attending all the wars and battles that people have arranged, as well as peaceful crops and harvests. The horse is a regular participant in sports. Many people love it, but not everyone dares to sit on it. After all, she can lick and throw off the saddle. Horses are smart and loyal. But in case of danger, they lose their sense of proportion, and they become dangerous if they are not controlled.


People under the sign of the horse are happy if they were born in winter - at this time she does not have such a hot head. The youth of the people of the sign of the Horse is tense. Because of what, the desire to leave the family often arises in her, she wants to establish herself in the world and gain freedom. This time is full of ups and downs, which often brings disappointment and irritation. To build a good life, people under the sign of the horse, do not know how. It happens that she is unlucky in love and finances, and often she starts all over again.

Thanks to her perseverance in overcoming difficulties, by mature years, she acquires peace and balance in life. Old age, they almost always pass quietly.


People born under the sign of the Horse always look very good, they are sexy and know how to dress fashionably. Noble and proud, behave very dignified, but appearance often deceptive, they often lack composure. They can live under the impression of emotions and feelings. They love nature, they are sociable, they are often considered the soul of the company. These people are sociable, have a subtle sense of humor and know how to please when they want. They are popular and attract the attention of others. From the side of the Horse, they inspire the impression of courageous people who are able to endure many difficulties. They are very self-confident and unshakable.

But everything that was described above is considered only an outer shell, and behind it lies fear, anxiety and vulnerability. People under the sign of the Horse do not like criticism and even the slightest reproach in their direction can easily hurt them. The contempt of their enemies can shake their confidence. They are in great need of approval and praise, otherwise they may fall, and it all depends on their environment. If someone leaves them, it completely unsettles them, and if you don’t talk to her for a long time, she immediately loses control of herself, because silence is worse than torture for them, she needs to talk.

It is often fickle people their mood swings harm them in communication. These are people who rush to extremes, from side to side. They are often visited by pessimistic thoughts of doubt that they are good for nothing, and it is difficult for them to prove the opposite. People under the sign of the Horse should have constant confidence that she is the most intelligent, only then will she become viable.

These people are active and impatient. They rush towards the target with great speed, but just as often change direction. In their souls, they often hide fear in failures, both in their personal lives and in their profession. Even the smallest problems and troubles they consider a big tragedy. These people are maximalists who can easily throw themselves into the seething stream of life with their heads, and they have no time for doubts. A miss for them, death is like. In deeds and actions, they often want to find oblivion, so that they never think about obstacles, they only strive forward at a gallop. These people are very straightforward and do not like to prevaricate. Everything they do is sincere and noble. But in couples they are intolerant, they do not want to enter into someone else's position, thus they often injure others.

They love crowds, attend concerts, theaters, meetings and various competitions, very often they are excellent athletes. Funny, funny, and usually always, everyone loves them. People under the sign of the horse know how to compliment and know how to delicately put the conversation. Horses make friends very easily, but often they are common buddies. But it can be difficult to argue with them, they love discussions, but they often lack patience. Often, she simply simply does not allow her mouth to open, her tactics are attacks. And if suddenly the opponent began to argue with her, she, in a fit of blind anger, can completely tarnish her reputation. But these people are able to predict the moves and arguments of the enemy, therefore, they always have the last word. They know how to win and often have great authority.

People under the sign of the Horse often do not realize how they should act in a given situation - whether to follow according to their imagination, or to act on their momentary whim. As a rule, they do not allow themselves to think much, these are individuals with a crazy head and hot blood, they are quick-tempered, and because of which they often lose friends, who had to see their outbursts of anger, often change their minds about them. To say that they are mediocre would not be true, rather, they simply lack depth. Horses do not have the talent to be an organizer, but, on the other hand, they are quick-witted. When they start a conversation, they themselves do not realize how they will end, but intuitively complete everything as it should, thereby simply disarming the interlocutor, from the outside it looks like manipulation and use of others, but people under the sign of the Horse do this without malicious intent.