Write a story about the sport of swimming. Research work "Swimming is life! Swimming is cool!"


IIntroduction __________________________________________________ _ 3

1. Why we chose this topic. The objectives of the study, the relevance of the work. .

IIMain part ______________________________________________ 4

1. Working with the dictionary of S. M. Ozhegov

2. What is swimming. Types, styles of swimming.

3. The history of the emergence of swimming.

4. Famous swimmers. Their advice.

5. Can swimmers help people in an emergency?

6. Medals "For the salvation of drowning people." Children who received these medals.

7. The impact of swimming on people's health.

8. Diagnostics of the study "The impact of swimming on our health."

IIIConclusion _________________________________________________ 11

IVReferences ____________________________________________ 12

VAppendix __________________________________________________________ 13


Why did we choose this topic?

“When I was very young, I often had colds. My mother was very upset, but tirelessly treated me. Dad said that I needed hardening. Once, at a family council, my parents decided to sign me up for swimming, this was advised to the wives by the local doctor. Daniel: And since childhood I dreamed of being strong. With mom and dad, we often spend time in nature. We love to go to Kama. And having come to the first class, our teacher took us to the pool, because we - sports class!

Here we learned to stay on the water, as well as dive and swim at "cruising speed". We love swimming very much. This is an amazing sport .. But I want to know more about it! We guys think thatSwimming is life, swimming is cool!

When our teacher Natalya Sergeevna announced the competition in the class, we were very happy. After all, this is a unique opportunity to learn something new and interesting about your hobby.

And so, we chose the topic: “Swimming is cool!

At the beginning of the work, we set ourselves the goals of our research:

1. Find out what swimming is and what are its types.

2. What is the history of the emergence of swimming.

3.Is there famous people in this domain? What are they doing?

4. How does this sport affect human health and our health? 5. Where can the ability to swim be useful in life.

The relevance of my work.

In Russia, about 25 thousand people die on the water every year. This is much more than in different wars where modern weapons are used. More than half of those who die on the water are people who cannot swim and violate the rules of behavior on the water. Anyone who cannot swim, being on the shore of a reservoir or in the water, endangers his life.

To prevent this from happening, we want to learn how to swim quickly and dexterously. The country needs people who can swim perfectly, rescue, teach others their skills. Deserve medals in sports competitions, competitions, olympiads. Thus, to glorify their homeland - Russia !!! The health of the Russians leaves much to be desired, and sport strengthens it, makes a person strong and invincible.


On the advice of Natalya Sergeevna, we began our study with simple questions:

1. What is swimming?

2. What types of swimming are there?

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, the word "swimming" denotes a sport that consists in overcoming various water distances in the shortest possible time.

A "swimmer" is a person who practices swimming as a sport, or simply swims.

What types of swimming exist?

We read about it in the Encyclopedia of Sports.

Sports swimming includes four main types. Among them: crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, as well as crawl on the back.

The normal crawl is swimming on the belly. With this style of swimming, you need to row first with one hand, then with the other hand, and constantly move your legs up and down.

Butterfly is swimming on your stomach. The swimmer makes simultaneous swings with both arms, and makes wave-like movements with his legs. This is a very difficult swimming style. But with its help you can develop a good speed.

Breaststroke - like crawl, and butterfly - swimming on the stomach. The swimmer bends his arms at the elbows (while the palms are connected outside) and then pulls them forward. At the same time, the legs are bent at the knees and straightened. It is not the fastest swimming style, but it uses the least amount of energy.

The back crawl is a type of swimming on the back, in which the arms alternately make strokes, and the legs move up and down.

And what styles?

Swimming styles are coordinated movements of the legs and arms that propel the body forward through the water. You should move clearly and smoothly, avoiding strong bursts.

Known freestyle, backstroke. In addition to the basic styles of swimming, there are others, such as trudgeon, swimming on the side.

Conclusion: We do not master all kinds of swimming types and styles.. So you need to study a lot!!

After watching television programs, leafing through many magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, we found interesting material about the history of swimming.

Swimming is an ancient pastime and exercise. Many experts believe that our ancestors learned to swim by observing and imitating the behavior of water-dwelling animals such as fish and frogs. The earliest records of swimming people are found in the Cave of Swimmers dating back to 4000 BC. and located in the southwest of the Egyptian desert, near the border with Libya.

hunting and fishing, fleeing from enemies, the primitive man overcame water barriers by swimming. At the beginning of AD V Ancient Rome at the terms began to build pools for swimming with heated water. In the second half of the 18th and early 19th centuries, the first schools were organized in Germany, Austria, France, and Czechoslovakia. The first such pool was opened in 1891 in Moscow at the Central Baths.

In 1896, swimming was included in the program of the first Olympic Games, and has been consistently included in the Olympic program ever since. In 1899, major international competitions with the participation of athletes from several European countries; then they began to be held annually in various European countries and were called the "European Championship".

Popular Russian swimming school, where it was widely staged sports work, was the Shuvalov School, organized in 1908 on the initiative of the naval doctor V.N. Peskov on Lake Suzdal.

In 1941 Germany attacked our USSR. The development of sports, including swimming, has slowed down in the country. Sports organizations restructured their work in the interests of the front. During the war years, a lot of work was done on military physical training. In 1943 alone, about 500 thousand people were trained in swimming and swimming. In combat operations at sea, during landings and crossings, the ability to swim and stay on the water in uniform and with weapons contributed to the victory of Russian soldiers and saving their lives.

Conclusion: we learned that people from very ancient times knew how to swim, but they did it not in sports interests. Swimming came into the sport in the 16th century. Only in the 19th century did pools begin to appear, which contributed to the development of swimming as a sport.

In 1908, the International Amateur Swimming Federation was created. In Russia, the first swimming competition was held in 1913. It should be noted that for a long time in Russia, and then in the USSR, there were no conditions for the development of this sport, since swimming required indoor pools in which to swim all year round. However, over time, they began to gradually appear.

Studying the history of the emergence of swimming, we came across the names of different people who were engaged in swimming. There were quite a few of them, but we singled out a few:

Boychenko Semyon

One of the legendary Soviet swimmers, who started swimming in our country. Eight-time world record holder.

Semyon Boychenko learned to swim in his native Maryevka, where the Ingul River is nearby. And his talent was noticed during the naval service. So he ended up in Moscow. In 1935, the Spartak sports society was created, Semyon Boychenko joined it along with such outstanding athletes like skaters Zoya Mironova, Ivan Anikanov, football players Nikolai, Alexander, Andrey and Peter Starostin, Stanislav Leuta, weightlifters Sergo Ambartsumyan and Georgy Popov, boxers Nikolai Korolev and Ivan Ganykin.

The first record holder of the country of the Soviets

November 8, 1935 - at international competitions in Prague, Semyon Boychenko swam 100 m breaststroke in 1 minute. 12.2 s., exceeding the official European record. Less than a month later in Moscow, he also surpassed the world record, showing 1 min 09.8 s.

At competitions in Moscow, Boychenko in the 100-meter butterfly stroke showed a result that exceeded the world record. Foreign specialists in swimming did not believe reports of this result.

In the Parisian pool, his performance attracted the attention of swimming connoisseurs, not to mention correspondents, sports fans and just curious. Boychenko performed alone, his opponent was time. As well as judges and experts - do they recognize that the technique of the Soviet swimmer meets the requirements International League swimming? Boychenko defeated both time and picky experts. Having traveled the distance full force, he, at the request of the judges, demonstrated his technique in slow motion. She raised no objections. Even, on the contrary, a lot was said and written about Boychenko's style then, as about the most rational.

Conclusion: We were struck by the fate of this swimmer. On his example, we saw that in order to become a successful swimmer, you need to study a lot, be interested in your business. Despite the fact that in 1948 the athlete was arrested, he went through torture and humiliation; he did not break down, did not become embittered, but continued his work.

Semyon Boychenko said: In sports, one must be able to endure. Only through patience and pain can success be achieved.

Swimming lessons develop such personality traits as purposefulness, perseverance, self-control, determination, courage, discipline, and the ability to act in a team. I am working on instilling these qualities. This is not very easy. It is especially difficult to work on discipline and the ability to act in a team.

And how can swimmers help people in extreme situations? Is it possible?

Shavarsh Vladimirovich Karapetyan

Born May 19, 1953, Kirovakan, Armenian SSR - 11-time world record holder, 17-time world champion,

13-time European champion, seven-time USSR champion in scuba diving. Honorary President of the Russian Diving Association. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

On September 16, 1976, having accidentally found himself at the scene of the incident, making a morning run, he saved passengers from a trolley bus that had fallen into Yerevan Lake. At a depth of 10 meters, he broke the rear window of the trolleybus with his feet and pulled out 20 passengers one at a time. Karapetyan was one of the very few people on Earth physically capable of such a feat. The rest of the passengers could not be saved. After that, Shavarsh Vladimirovich fell ill with pneumonia, which was complicated by sepsis. A serious illness ended in disability and the termination of a sports career.

It became interesting to us, if you save a person, are they awarded medals for this? It turns out that not only athletes are awarded.

In total, more than 24,000 people were awarded the medal "For the salvation of the drowning" in Russia. There are many real heroes among those awarded this medal!

BUT today there is no medal "For saving the drowning." Those who saved drowning people are awarded the medal "For the Salvation of the Perishing". This medal is awarded for courage shown - when saving people from fires, natural disasters and accidents.

It turns out that several Russian schoolchildren have already been awarded this medal! For example, in the city of Gus Khrustalny lives Anton Chusov, who was awarded the medal "For Saving the Perishing" at the age of 11 - he saved two drowning girls.

But Anton knew how to help a drowning person, because saving a drowning person is a huge risk for the rescuer himself!

Conclusion: Therefore, I was not too lazy, and carefully studied the posters and instructions for saving people and actions on the water, in case of fires, accidents. These posters are in every school, and maybe someday they will save the life of not only other people, but also myself!

The ability to swim is an important component of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue services and special detachments of military sailors, who care about our safety day and night!

How does this sport affect health?

At present, our state is facing quite acute problems of the health of the younger generation, education in children of the need for healthy way life, healthy leisure. Children's health is the wealth of the nation, this is relevant at all times, and today this is the most important thing, given the environmental situation in practiceanywhere in the world.

Swimming has a beneficial effect on the functions of the central nervous system: strength, mobility and balance of nervous processes and, as a final result, on mental activity. This is why students who regularly play sports perform better in general education subjects.

Athletes are not afraid of sudden colds, they suffer less from colds, including tonsillitis and flu. As a result, they miss classes less often, which also has a positive effect on academic performance. It is important that under the influence exercise increases the body's resistance to overheating, hypothermia, motion sickness, noise and vibration, the influence of various toxic substances.

Swimming lessons during adolescence are very important for ensuring harmonious physical development. They activate mental processes, stimulate growth, help strengthen bones and develop muscles, increase muscle strength and elasticity, their ability to relax and contract, form correct posture and prevent deformities of the spine and foot.

Physical benefits of swimming:

If we are talking about a sport that at the same time allows you to stay in good physical form, calms the nerves, teaches to control breathing, stimulates blood circulation and does not put stress on the joints - there is no other sport that can be compared with swimming. Unlike running and weight lifting, during which certain muscle groups are developed, swimming allows you to harmoniously develop muscles. shoulder girdle, torso and legs. Moreover, it is one of the most quick ways improve strength, endurance and cardiovascular function.

Conclusion: We are constantly engaged in sports. And mom and dad noticed that we stopped getting sick at all. We became more active and mobile. We study well at school andwe get to do other things. We are not afraid of cooling, overheating. They became more resilient and stronger. we are growing fast. Unas develops muscles, and bones are strengthened, the correct posture is formed.

Thanks swimming!

At the request of our parents, the medical worker of the Druzhba pool helped us diagnose our health over the past six months, as we visit the pool.


By researching this topic, we have learned a lot about swimming as a sport. This sport has gone through a long development and the test of time. Swimming takes a lot of practice. To cultivate in oneself such qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, self-control, determination, courage, discipline, the ability to live and act in a team.

The famous swimmer Semyon Boychenko said: “In sports, you have to endure. Only through patience and pain can success be achieved.” These words are remembered for a lifetime. After all, success in swimming is not only medals, flowers, glory, but also work and trials.

Studying the biographies of swimmers, we became even more convinced of our desire to learn how to swim perfectly. We are sure that if we work on ourselves, we will succeed.

Working on our topic, we learned how to use a dictionary, use additional literature, and even find answers to questions I need on a computer.

Now we know how to become an athlete. For this you need to study a lot. Now we can save a drowning man. And most importantly, we were convinced that sport is life! Swimming is good for our health. After all, now we do not get sick at all. We please mom and dad with our good health.

The guys and I are convinced that such competitions are very necessary. After all, many through these works are affirmed in their goal, they learn a lot of new and interesting things. Thanks to the organizers of this good and necessary cause.

Once you start swimming, you will find that it is addictive and your body wants to dive in and get to work. This is because all parts of the body are trained in water, while the brain enjoys rest and tranquility. So grab your towel and swimsuit and let's go! Swim, swim, swim!

5. Inyasevsky K.A. Nikitsky B.N. Swimmer training. S. - P. 2000 pp. 46 - 98.

6. Swimming. Directory Compiled by ZP Firsov. - M .: "Physical culture and sport", 1976. - 384 p.

7. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu. Dictionary Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions. The Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradova. - 4th ed., supplemented. - M.: Azbukovnik, 1999. - 944 p.

8. Internet.


Swimming styles

Swimming in the SOK "Friendship".

Active work of the coach Fatkhullin Ilnaz Fazautdinovich

Boychenko SemyonShavarsh Vladimirovich Karapetyan

Medal "For the salvation of the dead."

Dynamics of development of growth and increase in lung capacity, before swimming lessons, and after prolonged swimming lessons.

September-October November-December January-February

Swimming is one of the oldest sports. Sports swimming appeared at the end of the 15th century. In 1515, swimming competitions were held in Venice, these were one of the first swimming competitions. In 1538, the first sailing guide by the Dane P. Winman was published. The first swimming schools appeared in the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries in Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and France. In the middle of the 19th century, the first artificial pools appeared, and this was due to a sharp increase in the popularity of this sport at the end of the 19th century.

In 1890, the first European swimming championship was held. In 1896, swimming was included in the program of the Olympic Games. In 1908, the FINA International Amateur Swimming Federation was organized, and in 1973 this organization united 96 national federations. In Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, swimming was not as widespread as in Europe. During this period, there were only seven technically imperfect indoor pools in Russia, and yet about one and a half thousand people were already engaged in sports swimming. The insufficient number of pools determined that the training had to be carried out mainly in open water in the summer. The results were low. In 1913, the Russian swimming championship was held for the first time. In 1918, the first swimming competition of the USSR was held in Moscow. In 1920 V.N. Peskov organized the Dolphin Sports Swimming Society, which had an outdoor pool. Several swimming schools opened in Moscow in the 1920s. In 1921, the first championship of the USSR was played on the Moscow River. Swimming competitions were included in the program of the USSR Olympics in 1928. Since then, swimming competitions have been held regularly.

Swimming consists of four sections, which are called sports, games, applied and figured (artistic) swimming.

Swimming includes various types of competitions in types and distances determined by special rules. Competitions are held in pools of standard sizes (25 and 50 m) at distances from 50 to 1500 m, as well as in open water in the form of swims at different distances.

In competitions, sports (correct) swimming methods are used, which, compared with original methods, have a great advantage in speed.

swimming contains a variety of outdoor games and entertainment in the water. Such swimming is used mainly in the education and training of young swimmers. Games evoke great emotions, increase the activity of children, promote the emergence of initiative, foster a sense of camaraderie, etc.

swimming includes techniques for rescuing a drowning person, diving in length and depth, as well as overcoming water obstacles.

  • A year is, on the one hand, a lot of time, on the other hand, a rather short period, during which, with a serious approach and large-scale goals, you really do not have time to do anything.

    So, about a year ago, my doctor friend, with the most serious expression on her face, which there was no way to ignore, opaquely hinted that swimming should be in my life, period. Exactly. No options. It makes no sense to list the arguments known to everyone and everyone about how useful and practically irreplaceable this species physical activity, but I will repeat the main arguments of the specialist: the harmonious work of almost all muscle groups, a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system (read, an almost ideal environment if there are problems with the spine or, for example, knees) and the cardiovascular system. If you are suddenly interested, you can ask Google, for example, to compare the volume of the lungs of a swimmer with us, land. There is a difference.

    What does a person who works in a cool fitness company do? Right! He understands that the option “there is no pool nearby and in general” is not viable, not only a resource in the form of several dozen excellent pools is at hand, but also a team of pros, conducts a series of self-hypnosis sessions and calls a swimming coach friend (successfully, right?) with a question how to start swimming. For example, tomorrow, so as not to change your mind and start asking yourself unnecessary questions...

    Here is a small digression: I can swim. All my childhood smelled like a swimming pool, and by the age of 17, a persistent allergy developed both to the process and to the smell. The pool was confidently excluded from the shortlist with the wording: “Swimmed. We know. Forgotten forever." Therefore, all attempts to “sell” me the idea of ​​​​swimming training for the next 20 years or so were not successful. Water has long ceased to smell like bleach, a lot of interesting equipment and programs have appeared for every taste and interest, but, alas, this did not work for me.

    So here's a coach friend who recent years five-seven from time to time made attempts of varying degrees of intensity to bring me for swimming and knew the whole story, apparently, out of pure curiosity, agreed to look at this number, and we quickly agreed where and when.

    As a result, I came out with three main impressions-revelations:

    Revelation number 1 (expected): for twenty years, some kind of swimming technique, in principle, remains. Not that one could rest on one's laurels and turn up one's nose, but the arms and legs are able to reproduce the necessary sequence of movements in agreement with each other.

    Revelation number 2 (unexpected): 500 meters is a lot! Really long and hard.

    Revelation #3 (Bonus): The pool is absolutely the perfect place to take a break from the flow of information, calls, and conversations. 100% hit on target!

    Feelings after the first workout are difficult to describe. The main thing that I remember was the feeling of incredible pride in myself and the expression on the face of my friend-trainer when we agreed on the next lesson.

    The next few weeks were all about integrating swimming into my life and me into swimming as much as possible. A proven reliable scheme was brought to work, which proved to be excellent in the history of running.

    So, I firmly believe in two things: public commitments (pride simply does not allow you to quit what you started and makes you resist and move forward) and the right equipment that pleases the eye. The swimsuit, cap and goggles should be cool, functional, matching in style and color. This is my extra motivation! The most extensive and in-depth studies of the issue were carried out, which ended with the acquisition of several sets. For the mood.

    Swimming, among other things, is wonderful because, firstly, almost all muscle groups work, and secondly, it is absolutely impossible to skip and shirk, although in my childhood I somehow solved this problem. But that childhood, then sport was for my mother, it didn’t give me much pleasure myself ... Now it’s a different matter and a different motivation.

    Literally a month later, I caught myself on the fact that the goal of “swim for health, but where to go” changed to “I want to swim longer and faster.” At this stage, a beautiful swimsuit still pleases, but it doesn’t help so much anymore ... A system was needed. Training according to the schedule and plan, not for fun. Diet and recovery. Proteins, amino acids and isotonics. The goals loomed: to swim such a distance in this time, to track how the result changes. Compare yourself with yourself two weeks ago, complain to the coach that you can’t see the result, despite all my titanic efforts, and hear the surprised: “Come to yourself, you’ve only been training for a few months! And anyway, it's time to add Gym. At the same time, there will be something to run. We need muscles."

    Gym?! Wait a second! This was not in the plans. What kind of base?

    Ok, let's go to the hall. Yes, yes, public commitments and equipment, of course. My closet was just looking forward to another portion of something functionally cute.

    The situation with the schedule, meanwhile, is starting to approach the tragic: running, swimming and the gym require time and attention. There is no way to give up just one thing, and I begin to angrily look through the posts of triathletes in social networks and look unkindly at my acquaintances who naturally talk about how sports in general and triathlon in particular entered their lives organically and unstressedly. How it strengthens, tempers, inspires and organizes. Tri-at-lon! I don’t do it yet, but I don’t really understand where cycling training could be attached. I would like to set up a swim-run-simulator in the corners so that they do not swear with each other. Space people, but oh well ... At the very least, life has improved, and thanks for that! And here, like thunder among clear sky, another statement from my coach, who had almost been a girlfriend by that time, because sometimes it turns out to endure all these bullying and still love her as if she were her own with visible tension: “It would be nice to start swimming in open water.”

    A curtain. Let's go. I don't like open water. Drowning. I remember. Did not like.

    A couple of weeks later, my long-suffering closet got acquainted with a beautiful, functional wetsuit ...

    Who, excuse me, is responsible for making decisions here?

    Supported by:

1. Introduction.

2. History of sailing.

2.1. History of swimming as a sport

3. Methods, system and rules for conducting swimming competitions

4. Types of swimming

4.1. Freestyle

4.2. On the back

4.3. Breaststroke

4.4. Butterfly

4.5. Integrated swimming

5. Conclusion.


  1. Introduction.

Swimming is a very beautiful and exciting sport. In addition, this is a very useful and at the same time enjoyable sport, as it strengthens all muscle groups, and also helps to relax the body and the likelihood of injury is quite small here.

Swimming is also one of effective means hardening of a person, contributing to the formation of persistent hygiene skills. The temperature of the water is always lower than the temperature of the human body, therefore, when a person is in the water, his body radiates 50-80% more heat than in the air. Bathing and swimming bring up resistance to colds. If swimming is carried out in a natural reservoir, then the natural factors of nature - the sun and air - also have a hardening effect. Swimming eliminates posture disorders, flat feet, harmoniously develops almost all muscle groups - especially the shoulder girdle, arms, chest, abdomen, back and legs. Swimming perfectly trains the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

2. History of sailing.

Swimming has an unusually long history. Even the Ancient Slavs held swimming competitions, their essence was as follows: people swam in the river and caught fish with their hands, the one who brought the largest fish to the shore was considered the winner. These competitions are not at all similar to modern ones, but nevertheless, the ability to swim was of decisive importance in them. The history of the development of swimming has very long roots.

In ancient times, the cult of water was among all peoples. People revered the gods who commanded the waters (Poseidon, Neptune).

Most early images, which show people swimming in ways similar to breaststroke and front crawl, date back to the 4th 2nd centuries. BC. The art of swimming was greatly appreciated. Every year in Hermione, in honor of the holiday dedicated to the god of the seas, and since 1300, swimming competitions have always been held at the Games held on the Isthma at the sanctuary of Poseidon every two years.

In the Middle Ages, a knight at his initiation had to demonstrate his ability to swim in armor. The first amateur swimming school was founded in 1785 in Paris. In Russia, such an institution first appeared in 1825 in St. Petersburg.

2.1. History of the development of swimming as a sport

The first international swimming competitions took place in 1889 in Budapest, the capital of Romania. Swimming made its debut at the modern Olympics already at the first of them in 1896 in Athens.

Swimming became especially popular at the end of the 19th century. In 1890, the first European swimming championship was held. Since 1896, swimming has been included in the program of the Olympic Games.

In 1908, the International Federation of Amateur Swimming (FINA) was created.In 1973, this organization united 96 national federations.

In Russia, swimming in ancient times developed mainly as applied view, and only at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century did it become a separate sport.

The first major swimming competitions in Russia were held at the Russian Olympics in Kyiv in 1913. They went down in history as the first Russian swimming championship. It was attended by about 60 people. The second Russian Olympiad, which included swimming, was held in 1914 in Riga. About 70 swimmers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv and other cities came to the competition. Sports results in swimming at this Olympiad were also low.

In 1922, the Dolphin Swimming Society was formed, which soon became a kind of center for sports swimming in the country.

In 1928, the All-Union Spartakiad took place in Moscow, which contributed to the further spread and development of swimming in our country. In the period 1926-1929. Soviet athletes hold their first international swimming competitions.

IN Olympic Games in 1952, Soviet swimmers took part for the first time. They performed poorly, only M. Gavrish took the 6th place in the final of the 200m breaststroke.

The first participation of Soviet swimmers in the European Championship falls on 1954. At that time, women were very inferior in terms of development to men. Only men took part in this championship. The greatest success in the international sports arena of Soviet swimmers falls on the 60s. Speaking at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, which were held in 1964, G. Prozumenshchikova, a 16-year-old schoolgirl from Sevastopol, became the first Olympic champion swimming 200m breaststroke.

Galina Prozumenshchikova

Between 1966 and 1968 on the account of the Soviet swimmers was 1st place in Europe and 3rd place in the world. In general, during the period from 1947 to 1975, our swimmers set new world records 41 times, 128 European records, and also won at the Olympic Games: 1 gold, 13 silver and 26 bronze medals and about 40 European champion titles.

3. Methods, system and rules for holding competitions

Swimming methods and distances

In swimming, competitions are held and records of the world, Europe and Russia (women and men) are recorded in the following ways and distances:

freestyle - 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500 m;

on the back - 50, 100, 200 m;

breaststroke - 50, 100, 200 m;

butterfly - 50, 100, 200 m;

integrated swimming - 100 (only in the pool 25 m), 200, 400 m;

freestyle relay - 4x100, 4x200 m;

combined relay - 4x100 m.

Pool length

According to the first rules for swimming competitions (adopted by FINA in 1908), world records could be recorded in any pools that were at least 25 yards long. But at the same time, official international swimming competitions could only be held in pools 50 and 100 meters long. Since the mid-1980s. winter and spring swimming competitions in 25-meter pools have become very popular.

Swimming competitions are held indoors or outdoor pools 25 or 50 meters long, at least 1.2 m deep at the starting point. Number of lanes: eight (six for 25-meter pools).The optimum water temperature is +26C.

Level 3 competitions are allowed to be held in non-standard and floating pools, open water bodies. In the presence of a current, half of the distance must be overcome against the current. Competition distances of 25, 50 and 100 m are allowed to be overcome by any style, arbitrarily changing it.

Swimming competition system

Since 2001, official swimming competitions have been held according to a system consisting of preliminary, semi-final and final heats. Preliminary heats are held in the morning, final and semi-final in the evening.

At distances of 50, 100, and 200 meters, according to the results of the morning preliminary heats, 16 participants are selected, who (in the evening of the same day) participate in two semi-finals, where 8 participants in the final (which is held the next day) are determined.

For more long distances and in the relay races in the morning preliminary heats, 8 participants in the final are immediately determined (for distances of 800 and 1500 meters, the final is held the next day, for the rest in the evening of the same day).

If, according to the results of the preliminary (or semi-final) swims, the athletes show the same result, a re-swim is held, in the final swim, the participants who show the same result share the place.

General rules.

1. The start is carried out by jumping from the starting table or pushing the legs from the wall of the pool when starting from the water (track numbers are counted from right to left).

2. After a series of short whistles from the referee, the swimmers take off their training suits. After a long whistle, athletes take their places on the starting tables (so that both feet are at the same distance from the front edge of the table) or in the water near the pool wall. In the absence of a referee, the preparatory commands are given by the starter.

3. After making sure that all participants are ready to start, the starter fires a shot, which is the executive signal.

4. If one or more participants start prematurely, then all participants in the swim return and the start is repeated. On the first and second false starts, the starter returns. After the third false start of the heat, all swimmers who started before the starting signal are disqualified.

6. In the relay, the participants of the first stage start according to the rules of the competition. Participants in subsequent stages of the relay race must take the start so that their legs are separated from the starting table (starting wall) no earlier than a member of their team finishing the previous stage touches the finish shield.

4. Types of swimming

4.1. Freestyle.

Swimming freestyle a discipline of swimming in which a swimmer is allowed to swim in any way, arbitrarily changing them along the course of the distance. At the same time, over the entire distance, with the exception of a segment of no more than 15 m after the start or turn, "any part of the swimmer's body must break the surface of the water." But already in the 1920s. most athletes began to choose a faster crawl as a freestyle.

Crawl (English "crawl" "crawl") swimming style on the chest, during the movement of which the athlete makes wide strokes along the body alternately with the right and left hands, and at the same time constantly performs kicks in the vertical plane (up and down). The athlete's face is almost constantly in the water; periodically, during one of the strokes, he turns his head to the side, lifting his face out of the water in order to take a breath.

4.2. Backstroke.

This style of swimming is similar to the reverse crawl. Here, as in the crawl, the athlete performs alternate strokes with his hands (but: the arm is extended straight over the water, and not bent, as in the crawl), and at the same time performs alternate kicks in the vertical plane (up and down). The athlete's face is almost constantly (with the exception of the start and turns) above the water.

Backstroke This is not the fastest swimming style, but it can swim faster than, for example, breaststroke. And this is the only style of swimming in which the start is made from the water. The athlete, facing the bedside table, holds on to the starting rails with both hands, resting his feet on the side of the pool.

Backstroke was first included as a separate event in the 1900 Olympics.

4.3. Breaststroke

The name of this swimming style comes from the French word "brass" "hand". Breaststroke is a swimming style on the chest, during which the athlete performs simultaneous and symmetrical strokes with his hands, as well as simultaneous and symmetrical pushes with his legs in a horizontal plane below the surface of the water.

This is the oldest and slowest swimming style. In the Egyptian "Cave of the Swimmers" there are rock paintings depicting swimming people who, apparently, moved in the water in much the same way as modern athletes swim breaststroke.

At the beginning of the 20th century, even professional athletes swam breaststroke, keeping their heads above the water. Only in the 1930s. many swimmers (including representatives Soviet school) began to lower their heads into the water while stretching their arms forward.

In 1904, breaststroke was included in the program of the Olympic Games in the form of a swim over a distance of 402 meters, only men were allowed to compete. On next games it was replaced by the 200m, which has been featured in every Olympics since then. Since 1924, the 200-meter race among women has been held at the Olympics, and since 1968, the 100-meter race has been added to the 200-meter race for both men and women.

4.4. Butterfly.

The name of this swimming style is translated from English as "butterfly" (colloquial name in Russia "dolphin"). When swimming with a butterfly, the athlete performs simultaneous and symmetrical movements of the left and right parts of the body. The swimmer makes a powerful wide stroke with his hands (at the same time top part his body rises above the water), while simultaneously performing symmetrical wave-like kicks "from the pelvis". Butterfly is the most energy-intensive swimming style, it requires maximum endurance and perfect mastery of technique.

This swimming style is the youngest. Butterfly is one of the most difficult ways of swimming and is considered the second fastest after the crawl. Butterfly "came into the world" in 1935, and at that time it was considered simply the newest variety of breaststroke. Only almost 20 years later, in 1953, the butterfly was officially recognized as an independent swimming style.

4.5. Integrated swimming

Integrated swimming is a discipline in which a swimmer overcomes equal parts of the distance with butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle.
The program of the Olympic Games includes two distances of integrated swimming, both for men and women - 200 meters and 400 meters. At a distance of 200 meters, participants swim in a 50-meter pool for 50 meters with each style, in a swim twice as long as 100 meters with each style.

The 200m individual medley was included in the program of the Games for the first time. 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, but then it was excluded. The distance returned to the Olympic program in 1984 in Los Angeles. 400-meter race appeared at the Games in 1964 in Tokyo.

4.6. combined relay

Swimming relay, during which four team members alternately swim four different styles. The order of styles differs from the order in individual medley:

  1. On the back
  2. Breaststroke
  3. Butterfly
  4. Freestyle (crawl)

The program of the Olympic Games includes one 4x100 meter medley relay for both men and women. She first appeared in the program of the Games on 1960 Olympics in Rome. There is also a 4x50 meter medley relay, held in both long and short pools, not included in the Olympic program.

5. Conclusion

Training of high-class swimmers capable of achieving victories in major international competitions is carried out in many countries of the world. Over the past decade, swimmers from the USA, Australia, Russia, Germany, China, Ukraine, Hungary, Ireland, South Africa, Finland, Canada, Spain, Japan, New Zealand, Belgium, Costa Rica, Poland, Sweden have become champions of the Olympic Games and the world , Netherlands, France.

The work of the Russian Swimming Federation is perceived with satisfaction in Europe and in the world. The fact of recognition of the efforts of the Federation in the international arena is the election in 2000 of G.P. Alyoshin Vice President of FINA. He is also President of the Russian Swimming Federation and Vice-President of the Russian NOC. A sign of the authority of Russia in sports swimming is decision about holding in Moscow in 2002 the World Championship on "short" water. Today, a number of names of athletes trained recently are known all over the world: A. Popov, D. Pankratov, Ya. Klochkova, R. Sludnov, I. Chervinsky, D. Silantyev and others. Over the past three years in Russia, 13 athletes have received the title "Honored Master of Sports", 55 swimmers became masters of sports of international class.

Finishing the work, I would like to draw the following conclusions: swimming has been known to man since ancient times: images of people found during excavations, swimming in ways similar to crawl and breaststroke, date back to the 4th millennium BC. Swimming develops muscular system, mobility in the joints, improves coordination of movements, strengthens the nervous system, improves metabolism, expands the functionality of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. There are recreational, sports and applied swimming.

Recreational swimming one of the forms of mass physical culture and health-improving work with the population. Systematic swimming exercises have a hardening effect, contribute to the prevention of respiratory diseases, improve physical development.

Sports swimming is one of the most popular sports. Training in sports swimming should start from the age of 5, from 9 years old it is allowed to participate in competitions.


1. Gordon S. M., "Technique of sports swimming", M., "Physical culture and sport", 1978.

2. Materials from the site http://www.sport.iatp.org.ua/

3. Firsov Z.P. Swimming for everyone. M., 1983.

4. Wikipedia: Swimming.

6. http://www.fizkult-ura.ru/node/211

Shokina Sofia

The work is aimed at developing a positive attitude towards swimming among students.



Scientific and practical conference

"Your first steps into science"


"Swimming is my favorite sport"

Work completed

Student 3 "B" class

MOU "National (Tatar) gymnasium"

Shokina Sofia

Scientific director

Tugusheva R.R.

Saratov, 2014

1. Introduction

2.Main part

a) The history of the emergence of swimming

b) Swimming like olympic look sports

c) Basic rules, styles, benefits of swimming

D) Interesting facts

f) My research (questionnaire)


4. List of references

5. Applications


I decided to choose this topic because it is very close and interesting to me. There are several athletes in my family: my grandfather is a skier, my father is a master of sports in fencing. Therefore, I decided to continue the sports family tradition - I took up swimming. I learned to swim at the age of 7 on the Black Sea. At the age of 8, I came to the pool and firmly decided to become an athlete. In my work, I want to talk about the benefits, history, styles, interesting facts this sport. And thus to interest, to attract students to swimming.

Swimming is a sport that consists in overcoming the swim for the leasttime of different distances.

Swimming is very important for a person. They improve metabolism and blood circulation, strengthen the heart, blood vessels and lungs, develop muscles, relieve many diseases, have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional sphere, make a person slimmer and more beautiful, help us to always be active, efficient, maintain interest in life until the end of our days. .

Research objectives:

Explore and explore one of the most popular types sport is swimming. WITHto form a positive attitude towards swimming among students, acquiring the skill of reliable and long-term swimming in deep water.

Project objectives:

  1. in the course of the study, collect the maximum amount of information on this topic, form ideas about the formation and occurrence of swimming.
  2. prepare and conduct surveys
  1. based on the survey I conducted, draw conclusions, show and tell how swimming and sports in general affect the upbringing and development of the younger generation.

The implementation of this goal is ensured by the solution of the following tasks:

  1. Develop student motivation for quality performance program requirements.
  2. Strengthen the health of students, develop and improve physical qualities throughout the years of schooling.
  3. To teach students the technique of two or three ways of sports swimming, to improve a variety of swimming skills.
  4. To develop students' coordination and conditioning (mainly endurance) abilities.
  5. To promote the education of moral and volitional qualities.

Research hypothesis:

Swimming is not only a pleasure, but also a way of life for a person.

Main part

The history of swimming.

From the time of its appearance on Earth, man has always been associated with water. It was in the valleys of the great rivers - the Nile, the Tigris and the Euphrates, the Yellow River and the Yangtze, the Indus and the Ganges - that human civilization was born. Water was of great importance in the life of primitive people, which was the reason for the deification of this element, which inspired a feeling of admiration and fear, still weak in the struggle with nature. The cult of water has existed among almost all peoples since ancient times. One of the main Olympic gods, the lord of the seas among the ancient Greeks was Poseidon. Much later (3rd century BC), the ancient Romans began to identify it with Neptune.

The fact that the ancient Greeks attached great importance to the ability to swim is also evidenced by the famous saying of Plato: "Can people who are the opposite of the wise, who cannot swim and read, be entrusted with the service?" In Athens, a person who could not swim was considered flawed. The extreme degree of human lack of culture was expressed by the saying "He can neither swim nor read"

The first swimming competitions were of a pronounced applied nature. An example is the mass competitions of the ancient Slavs on the Pochaina River, a tributary of the Dnieper, where the best swimmers-divers gathered. All of them simultaneously jumped into the river and had to catch fish with their hands for a certain time. The one who managed to catch the most big fish, was declared the winner and received a silk fishing net as a gift.

In 1890, the first European swimming championship was held, in 1896 it was included in the program of the first modern Olympic Games.

In 1889 Budapest hosted the first international swimming competitions with the participation of swimmers from Hungary, Austria, Germany and Sweden. In 1896, swimming was included in the program of the first modern Olympic Games, which had a great influence on its further development.

Swimming as an Olympic sport

P Swimming has been known to man since ancient times. Being engaged in hunting and fishing, escaping from enemies, the primitive man overcame water barriers by swimming.

At the end of the 19th century, when the construction of artificial pools began, sports swimming gained wide popularity in various countries of the world. A reflection of this was the inclusion of swimming competitions in the program of the first modern Olympic Games, held in 1896 in Athens, and since then this sport has been invariably included in the program of all Olympic Games.Women began to take part in the Olympic swimming competitions from 1912.

Participants of the first Olympic competitions they swam mainly in the breaststroke and sideways methods without taking their hands out of the water. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new style of swimming appeared, which turned out to be the most perfect and fastest way of swimming known to man. It outwardly resembled the movements of a crawling person and therefore received the name "crawl". This word translated from English means "to crawl". This style of swimming was first demonstrated by Alain Wickham, who was born in the Solomon Islands in pacific ocean and learned how to swim from the locals. In the future, the original crawl, freestyle swimming technique - the so-called two-stroke crawl, in which one leg movement per stroke of each hand - was repeatedly improved.

Currently, the following styles are also used at the Olympic Games:



The length of the pool at the Olympic Games is 50 m, the depth over the entire area is 3 m. All lanes are marked with lines and numbered from 1 to 8. The water temperature during the competition should be from 25 ° C to 27 ° C.

Basic Rules

There are several basic swimming rules:

1. You should swim with empty stomach. Water exerts strong pressure on the entire abdominal cavity. To avoid problems, it is better not to eat 2 hours before class. An hour after training, you can have a light snack (fruit, yogurt). Best time for load period between 16 -19 hours.

2. Swimming should be in a bathing suit that fits snugly to the body.

3. rubber cap on the head is worn to protect the hair roots from loosening by streams of water. Therefore, the hair must be carefully hidden.

4 .In the pool, such a nuisance as a fungus may lie in wait. Therefore, in no case should you walk barefoot in the pool, shower, sauna. Experts advise lubricating the feet with an antifungal cream.

5 .Before you dive into the pool, you need to take a warm shower. It will replace a light warm-up before swimming, under the skin, which begins to be affected by hot water from the shower, it activates blood circulation, the muscles warm up. If you immediately jump into the water without a warm-up, there is a high probability that the muscles of the lower leg can reduce, this is not only painful, but also dangerous.

6. To lose weight and strengthen muscles, you should train regularly, at least 3 times a week. You need to swim non-stop for 40 minutes.

Each style of swimming gives a good load on the muscles. The champion in energy consumption is the crawl. Breaststroke is a little behind, but trains well respiratory system. There's a secret: SWIMMING WILL BE BIGGER IF YOU ENJOY IT. A regularly swimming person protects himself from all diseases.

Swimming styles


The crawl on the chest is characterized by alternating and symmetrical movements of the arms and legs. This is the fastest sports way swimming and the most popular. The swims of master rabbits, especially on short distances, always look with great interest. The popularity of the front crawl is also explained by the fact that it is mainly used when playing water polo, figure swimming and when swimming in reservoirs.


This way of swimming has been known since ancient times. In some instructions of the last century, this method was called “frog swimming”. Breaststroke is easier than in other ways to swim in clothes, to transport any objects on the surface of the water, to navigate in the direction of movement. It is economical and is easier for most people to master.

Butterfly (eng. Butterfly - butterfly) - the most tiring and technically difficult style of swimming, the second fastest after crawl.

Butterfly is characterized by simultaneous symmetrical movements of the arms and legs, as well as undulating movements of the torso, which help the movements of the arms and enhance the work of the legs. The individual elements of the technique of this swimming method (the movement of the arms and legs) are not much different from the front crawl technique.
At the Olympic Games from 1935 to 1953, breaststroke and butterfly athletes competed together. Jimmy Higgins was the first to demonstrate it. In 1953, the butterfly became an independent swimming style, at the same time (instead of alternately) synchronous up and down movement of the legs was allowed. So there was a high-speed variety of butterfly - "dolphin", in which the athlete makes a wave-like movement with his whole body.
In terms of swimming speed, the butterfly takes the second place (after the front crawl).

The benefits of swimming

The therapeutic effect of swimming on the body is noted by many experts. It has a beneficial effect on the main indicators of human physical development:

Height Weight
- is an excellent means of preventing and correcting posture disorders, scoliosis, flat feet
- strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous system

Slides captions:

The work was done by a student of the 3rd "c" class of the MOU "National (Tatar) gymnasium" Shokina S.V. Scientific adviser Tugusheva R.R. Swimming is my favorite sport

Research objectives: To explore and learn one of the most popular sports - swimming. To form a positive attitude towards swimming among students, acquiring the skill of reliable and long-term swimming in deep water.

Research hypothesis: Swimming is not only a pleasure, but also a way of life for a person

Introduction Swimming is a sport that consists in overcoming various distances by swimming in the shortest time.

The history of swimming Ancient pools

In 1889 Budapest hosted the first international swimming competitions with the participation of swimmers from Hungary, Austria, Germany and Sweden.

Swimming as an Olympic sport Swimming was included in the program of the first Olympic Games in Athens in 1896.

Participants in the first Olympic competitions swam mainly in the breaststroke method. Currently, the following styles are also used in the games: “Swimming on the back” “Butterfly” The length of the pool at the Olympic Games is 50 m, the depth over the entire area is 3 m.

Basic rules 1. You should swim with an empty stomach. 2. Swimming should be in a bathing suit that fits snugly to the body. 3. A rubber cap is worn on the head to protect the hair roots from loosening by water flows. Therefore, the hair must be carefully hidden. 4. In the pool, such a nuisance as a fungus may lie in wait 5. Before diving into the pool, you need to take a warm shower 6. To lose weight and strengthen muscles, you should exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week. You need to swim non-stop for 40 minutes.

Swimming Styles Crawl This is the fastest and most popular way of swimming.

Breaststroke This method is also called “frog swimming”.

Butterfly Butterfly is the most tiring and technically difficult style of swimming. In terms of swimming speed, the butterfly takes the second place (after the front crawl).

The benefits of swimming - correction of posture disorders, scoliosis, flat feet - strengthening of the cardiovascular and nervous system - development respiratory apparatus and muscular system

Interesting facts In water, a person feels 90% lighter. A newborn can be taught to swim as early as the third week. Swimming is the second sport after skiing that trains all major muscle groups. Even if you stand for a minute in water at a temperature of +20 degrees, the level of hemoglobin in the blood rises. .

Kinds of sports

Conclusion In conclusion, I want to say that swimming is not only a pleasure and a great benefit, but also a way of life for a person. I recommend to everyone: go swimming!

Thank you for your attention!