3 day workout. 3-Day Gym Workout Program for Beginners

This program is well suited for both beginners and athletes who have returned to strength sports after a long break. Its main advantage is simplicity.

What is the essence of the training program

The program consists of five exercises:

1. Back squat: 5 sets of 5 reps.

2. Bench press: 5 sets of 5 reps.

3. Deadlift: 1 set of 5 reps.

4. Bench press standing: 5 sets of 5 times.

5. Bent Over Row: 5 sets of 5 reps.

These exercises consist of two workouts:

  1. Workout A: squat, bench press, bent over row.
  2. Workout B: squat, bench press, deadlift.

You work out three times a week and constantly alternate workouts A and B. Rest at least one day between two workouts.

Here is a sample workout schedule for the week:

  1. Monday: workout A.
  2. Tuesday: rest.
  3. Wednesday: Workout B.
  4. Thursday: rest.
  5. Friday: Workout A.
  6. Saturday and Sunday: rest.

You start the next week with Workout B.

To keep track of your progress and keep track of your progress, you can download the StrongLifts 5x5 app. It has a schedule with exercises that you can customize for yourself. You mark completed sets and reps right during your workout, after which the rest timer starts.

Also in the application there is a video with the technique of exercises, a history of training, and after the first three classes, you can track your progress.

The paid version has a warm-up set chart, a pancake calculator, integration with Google Fit and Health (iOS), the ability to mark sets without unlocking the screen.

What weight to start

If you are already familiar with the exercises and do them with correct technique, select the maximum weight with which you can perform five sets of five repetitions.

If the exercises are new to you or you haven't done them for a long time, start with half of your five-rep maximum or even less:

  1. Squats, bench press, standing press: 20 kg (bar bar without plates).
  2. Deadlift: 40 kg (hang two 10 kg pancakes on the bar).
  3. Bent over row: 30 kg (hang two 5 kg plates on the bar).

In the first weeks you will be very light, but the weight will increase rapidly. In four weeks, you will be squatting 30 kg more, bench press 15 kg more.

Start back squatting and you can reach 100kg in 12 weeks.

How to increase weight

  1. Squats. If you were able to complete five reps on all five sets, next time add 2.5 kg - small pancakes of 1.25 kg on each side. If you can't do five reps, keep using that weight until you can.
  2. Bench press, barbell press, bent over row. Men add 2.5 kg, women - 1 kg.
  3. Deadlift. Add 5 kg - 2.5 kg on each side. Deadlift engages more muscle so you can add weight faster.

If there are no 1.25 kg pancakes in the gym, buy your own and wear them to workouts.

How to warm up

Avoid doing cardio before your workout: it can tire your leg muscles before squats. Three to five minutes of brisk walking or gentle jogging will suffice.

If you're doing exercises with an empty bar, you don't need warm-up sets because the weight is too light. You can do two sets of five.

As you move up to heavier weights, warm-up sets are a must. They allow you to warm up the target muscles and test your technique.

Perform two warm-up sets of five reps with an empty bar. After that, add 10-20 kg each and perform 2-3 times until you reach your working weight.

Don't rest between warm-up sets. Pause only after them, before starting the set with working weight.

How much rest between sets

At first, because of the light weights, you will not need a long rest. But when the weight starts to increase, it may take longer to recover from the set.

  1. 1.5 minutes if you completed the last set without much effort.
  2. 3 minutes if you had to try hard to complete the set.
  3. 5 minutes if your last rep went to muscle failure.

You can also navigate by your breathing. If during the exercise you have, rest until it is fully restored.

What are the goals and timing of the training program

Plateau: what to do when there is no progress

The first thing to do if you fail to complete the set is to rest longer. Put down the barbell and wait 5 minutes and then try again.

If it didn't work this time, check if there are any errors:

  1. They warmed up badly: the lack of warm-up approaches makes you work on cold muscles, and the excess tires them.
  2. They did it with bad technique. The wrong rod trajectory increases the risk of failure.
  3. Missed a workout. If you don't load your muscles consistently, you won't grow.
  4. Did too much cardio or additional exercises which slowed down the recovery.
  5. Didn't get enough sleep. Lack of sleep slows recovery.
  6. Didn't eat. Lack of nutrients also slows down recovery.

If you can't complete all sets and reps for three workouts in a row, it's worth reducing the weight or the number of sets and reps.

How to reduce the load

You will not be able to add weight all the time, sooner or later the process will stop. If the working weight does not increase for three workouts in a row, reduce the load as follows:

  1. Three sets of five reps.
  2. Three sets of three reps.
  3. One set of three reps and two sets of three reps with -5% of the weight.

You can also reduce the weight to 10% of the worker and add it again, watching the technique and correcting your mistakes.

Why is this training program effective?

There are several factors that make the 5×5 program very effective:

  1. Free weights. You have to maintain balance, which additionally loads the muscles.
  2. Minimum equipment. All you need is a barbell and a bench, so you can do 5×5 at any gym or garage.
  3. Multi-joint exercises. Compound exercises involve more muscles and thus allow you to lift more weight.
  4. Easy start. Light weights in the first workouts allow you to test your technique and avoid injury.
  5. Intensity. The workouts are hard but short. You finish before you get tired, so you always stay focused.
  6. progressive overload. Constant weight gain forces your body to adapt faster. Muscles get bigger, bones and tendons get stronger.
  7. Clear plan and confidence. You know what to do in every workout and you know the program is working.
  8. Excitement. You are wondering how much weight you can reach, how long you can increase the weight. This adds excitement and makes many challenge themselves.
  9. Simplicity. No need to invent, search and select. You master the technique once, and then just add weight.

The program has no gender restrictions. She is suitable for different ages, including for healthy teenagers and people after 40 years.

Of course, not everyone will like this program. For example, if you like variety, five exercises performed every day will quickly bore you. As a result, you will lose motivation and quit training.

If you like consistency and need a clear plan of action, 5 × 5 is perfect for you and will help you achieve good results.

September 29, 2016

With the advent of winter, the average person begins to understand that the next beach season is just around the corner, and the arrow on his scales shows impermissible numbers. So it's time to take matters into your own hands. So, in most cases, there is a desire to go to the gym. Once there, a person discovers a new world in which he, most likely, does not understand anything.

Today we will talk about what you need to pay attention to if you signed up for a gym. For beginners, it is extremely important not to miss anything so that a positive result is not long in coming.

Below will also be considered the main training programs for beginners.

The first thing to do when entering the gym is to hire a trainer. no matter how smart and successful person you were not, a professional knows more about sports, because this is his job. Therefore, pride in this case is best left with shoes in the locker room. After a couple of months, when you already know the technique of all exercises, you can refuse the trainer. But at first it is better to trust a professional.

If you can't afford a trainer, or just don't want to hire one, there is still a way out. On the Internet you can find a lot of information about fitness and bodybuilding. Articles and videos will help you get a knowledge base sufficient for a beginner. Another way to gain knowledge without a coach is to communicate with more experienced athletes. In the hall, no one will refuse you advice or safety net. Just do not often distract people from their own activities.

An important component of successful classes is support. Therefore, in order to always remain motivated, it is better to go to the gym with a friend. When you are exhausted and want to stay at home, lying on the couch watching your favorite series, a faithful friend will simply force you to go to the gym. You will do the same for him. In addition, when there is at least one acquaintance nearby, beginners in gym feel much more comfortable.

The main thing is not to show off your achievements to a friend and experienced athletes. If you have not been involved in sports for a long time and have just begun to tone your body, then excessive zeal will lead to the fact that for the next few days you will not be able to do anything due to wild muscle pain. And this is only the best case. And for people who have been practicing for more than one year, it doesn’t matter how much newcomers are reaping. People come and go in the hall. No one pays attention to strangers. However, if you need advice or help, then an experienced athlete will not refuse.

Training for beginners in the gym is difficult at first. The beginner does not understand what he is doing, does not feel his muscles. He just follows the instructions of the coach. But after a while, full awareness of actions will come. Then every movement will be deliberate. Do not be shy if at first you do something wrong. No one will laugh with you, since everyone once started. The right technique will definitely come, just be patient.

The above programs can serve as an excellent guide for a novice athlete. However, before starting classes, it is necessary to correct the material based on individual characteristics (age, health status, lifestyle, etc.).

Split training program for beginners

A three-day split for a beginner might look like this:

Monday (back muscles, biceps)
Warm up5-10 minutes
Deadlift2 sets of 8 reps
Bent over row3 sets max
Weight lifting for biceps (with a barbell)2 sets of 12 reps
Working out the press3 sets max
Stretching5 minutes
Wednesday( pectoral muscles, triceps)
Warm up5-10 minutes
Bench press with wide staging hands5 sets of 5 reps
Bench press with narrow stance2 sets of 12 reps
french press3 sets of 12 reps
Working out the press3 failure sets
Friday (legs and shoulders)
Squats3 sets of 6 times
Leg press in the simulator2 sets of 18 reps
Raising on toes in a sitting position3 sets of 15 reps
Breeding hands with dumbbells2 sets of 12 reps
Army press3 sets of 8 reps
Stretching5 minutes

After Friday, the body needs rest for 2 days. Training of this type can be continued for several months, eventually getting acquainted with new principles of training.

Circuit training with simulators for beginners

Circuit training in the gym is the best option for a beginner. Among the clear advantages of such classes:

  • the possibility of mastering exercises in terms of the technicality of their implementation;
  • gradual adjustment of mental-muscular coordination;
  • high-quality preparation of muscles for more significant loads.

With this kind of training, the fitness trainer usually adheres to the principle of “from large to small”. However, according to practice, not every beginner will have enough energy and physical endurance after heavy exercises for the lower part to work out other muscle groups.

The most favorable option circuit training for a novice athlete the following:

  1. After a five-minute warm-up, we completely perform the first exercise on the back muscles (in 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions). Having done one set, we rest. Then we proceed to chest exercises (2-3 sets of 12-15 reps). Then we move on to the shoulders and continue on the same principle. Thus, you can train for the first two weeks.
  2. With the beginning of the third week, we add another exercise for the main muscle groups (back, chest). Then we continue to adhere to the same principle: after performing 2 exercises for the back muscles (in 2-3 sets), we proceed to work out the chest. We are not in a hurry with our legs: we leave one previous exercise (squat or bench press). The same applies to small muscles - we perform one exercise for biceps, triceps and shoulders.

Cardio workout for beginners

For a novice athlete in the process, it is important to perform a block of exercises that would allow you to evenly load all areas of the body. This goal is perfectly achieved when doing aerobics, dancing

In the process of performing a specific element, tension should be maintained in those muscle groups that are currently tense - this will increase the effectiveness of the exercises.

The following exercises may be included in the cardio training complex for a beginner:

  1. Run in place. Grab the hips with the heels.
  2. Jumping (breeding / mixing legs). You can also use your hands, simulating the rotation of the rope.
  3. "Jumping Jack" - wide jump. We raise our hands at the same time.
  4. Running with high hips.
  5. "Mill".
  6. Scissor legs jumps. We jump and change legs in the direction back and forth. We press our hands to the body.
  7. "Pendulum". The body is vertical to the floor, hands are pressed to the shoulders, one of the legs is supporting, the other is taken to the side. Alternately change the emphasis on the leg.
  8. Feet together, jump to the sides.
  9. Boxing.
  10. We squat deeply, the back is even, we throw our hands out in front of us.

Such cardio workouts for a beginner should be preferred during the first two months. After that, you can connect the run to fresh air, running on sports simulators, cycling, exercise bike, jumping rope, etc.

Training from basic exercises

The basic training program involves the use of maximum weights with a small number of sets and repetitions of each movement. Also her distinctive feature is the presence of long periods of rest - from 2 to 5 minutes inclusive.

Training from basic exercises should simultaneously involve as many muscle groups as possible in the work. Ideally, an athlete is generally recommended to work out all the muscles in one workout. Therefore, while developing such a program, you need to be very careful.

A basic training program might look like this:

  1. On Monday, do the following exercises:
  • weighted squats;
  • bench press in a horizontal position;
  • triceps press in the simulator;
  • lifting on socks in the simulator;
  • rod pull in an inclined position.
  1. On Wednesday, do the following exercises:
  • deadlift;
  • bench press from the chest;
  • classic pull-ups;
  • barbell lifts for biceps;
  • "bar" for the press.
  1. On Friday, repeat the program on Monday, and devote all other days to resting the muscles. After all, it is at rest that they grow especially actively. Basic training for a super body should sometimes be interrupted, for rest.

Stick to the program in question in the first week of training, and in the second - swap the complexes. That is, those exercises that you did on Monday and Friday now need to be transferred to Wednesday, and the complex from Wednesday of the first week to Monday and Friday, respectively.

It is also important to follow the basic rules of basic training. Basic training for a super body will be more successful if you do exercises in sets of 3 to 7 repetitions, resting for 2 to 3 minutes

What muscles can be pumped in one workout

Here is the most common and logical option:

The main muscle groups are distributed by day. To each large group are added small muscle groups that take part in the training of the main (excluding the training of the shoulders and legs). It's simple: take a chest workout, which includes exercises based on pushing (squeezing) weight from chest. This function is taken over by the triceps, which should be trained along with the pectoral muscles.

We follow the same principle when planning a back and biceps workout. The shoulders are not involved in pumping the legs, but Friday is the most convenient day for ensuring a quality load of the deltas.

The above program should not be taken as a postulate and there is an alternative training plan for muscle groups. As follows:

This option is less popular. Its supporters consider it pointless to train a minor muscle after it has already been involved in the study of the main muscle groups. Therefore, the biceps and triceps in the table have moved.

The third and no less effective training option for beginners: working out all the main muscle groups in one workout. This plan is the most energy-intensive and will not suit everyone.

How to choose weight, number of sets and repetitions, and how to add them

For each exercise, you should use the weight selected for it, which does not change from set to set. For example, to understand that 20kg on the bench press is right for you, you must be able to do all 3 sets with this weight. If you have to reduce weight from set to set, then 20kg is still too much for you. If, after completing the exercise, you realize what else you could do whole approach or a couple, so the weight was insufficient.

When you can do 3 sets of 10 reps with this weight, maintaining proper form, next time you can increase the weight to the lowest possible (usually 2.5 kg). With a barbell weighing 22.5 kg (again, just an example), it will be more difficult for you, which is why training allows you to perform 8 to 10 times in one approach. Gradually move towards doing 3 sets of 10 reps and increase the weight again.

This applies to all exercises. You just need to maintain the technique, add weight smoothly and do 8-10 repetitions with the same weight in each approach.

As a beginner, you will add weight frequently. Partly because you will hone the right technique, partly because beginners always largest stock growth than anyone else. The more advanced you become, the slower you will progress. So use your body while you can!

But we want to remind you again: in the beginning, you should do exercises with a weight that is obviously light for you. For faster progress First stage should go with the feeling that you can do more, and not skipping reps / sets / workouts because you have chosen a load that is too heavy for you yet.

Beginner training program

If you haven't trained in a while, or if this is your first time at all, your main goal for the first few weeks will be to learn the correct form for each exercise. Only after that, you can be sure that you will take everything you need from the program. If you're used to isolation exercises (e.g. biceps curls, calf raises), then you may find that two exercises won't be enough for a workout. But the whole difference lies in the fact that we perform complex exercises that involve all large groups muscles, which means they burn a lot of fat.

Basic program for girls

The basic training program for girls, as a rule, consists of exercises that must be performed in the rep range from 10 to 15. With this exercise regimen, you will overload the joints and ligaments, but quickly tone the muscles. The emphasis is on hard work gluteal muscles and hamstrings.

Monday (chest + triceps + shoulders + abs)
Incline dumbbell bench press3x12
Wiring dumbbells lying on horizontal bench 4x10
French bench press with a dumbbell3x10-12
Rope handle extensions3x12
Wednesday (back + biceps)
Pull-ups in the gravitron wide grip 4 - to failure
thrust vertical block wide grip3x12
Horizontal traction in a block simulator3x12
Bending the arms with a barbell on the Scott bench3x15
Friday (legs)
Leg extension sitting in the simulator3x15
Wide stance leg press4x10-15
Raising legs while sitting in the simulator4x15
Leg curls sitting in the simulator3х12-15
Deadlift with barbell on straight legs3x8-12
Lifting socks while standing in the simulator4х20-30

The bulk of the work falls on the quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks and adductors of the thigh - exactly those areas that most girls consider "problematic". Work on them is carried out in a fairly high range of repetitions, which allows you to achieve a good pumping. This is exactly what you need to tighten the shape and remove excess fatty tissue from the thighs. The remaining muscle groups are worked out in a relatively gentle mode so as not to overload the joints and ligaments and focus all training stress on the target. muscle group, then the progress in it will be maximum.

The main mistakes of beginners

Beginners training weights grow very quickly, because the adaptive resources of the body are very large. Many are tempted to constantly try how much they will "raise at a time." But this is just premature. Too frequent penetrations slow down progress. Not to mention the likelihood of injury and violation of the technique of performing exercises.

Many novice athletes in the pursuit of weight begin to abuse cheating and schwung, that is, a little "cheating", forcing the body to lift more weight or do more times. They squirm like a snake during the bench press, unnecessarily help themselves with the body when lifting the biceps, and so on.

Do not fool yourself by cheating in training - this method is good for the pros, and beginners need to learn how to feel their body.

As a result, later the athlete has to re-master the technique, and, in case of injury, a completely natural rollback can occur. Training program for beginners must be performed with the correct technique. Having worked out on it and similar programs for six months or a little more, the athlete already roughly imagines what he can do and what he wants to achieve.

Someone will be attracted to competitive bodybuilding, someone will decide to try powerlifting, someone will decide that he should pay more attention to weight loss, and someone, continuing to progress on this program, will decide not to change anything drastically for now. Thus, a well-formed basic program for beginners lays the foundation for further success of the athlete.

Training program step by step

Turning to a conversation about how to draw up a training program, you should immediately notice that their complexity and intensity should increase in stages.

Stage 1. Aerobic training

The duration of the stage is up to a month.

Stage 2. Full Body

Uniform loads on all muscle groups (in the English version - “on the whole body”, or Full Body) are basic, and are recommended for all athletes, regardless of the level of training. The already mentioned groups of exercises with pulls, squats, presses, pull-ups and push-ups are the best way to pump the muscles of the whole body, accompanied by increased blood circulation and testosterone production.

For beginners and those professionals who for some reason had to miss certain period active classes, the Full Body stage is recommended to be practiced for 2-3 months.

Each session should include:

  • 10 minute warm-up;
  • 1 set with 10 repetitions with 50% weight (warm-up);
  • 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions for each exercise with a full weight (for the press and calf muscles - 20 repetitions each).

The duration of each approach, depending on the number of repetitions, is from half a minute to a minute. Pulse rate - plus 70-80% to the usual (i.e., about 120-140 beats / min.) A decrease in heart rate means that the load should be increased, if it rises above the specified limits, reduce it.

Stage 3. Split two days

Muscles that have fully adapted to average loads in the third stage can begin to build up. To do this, increase the working weights, the intensity of execution and gradually introduce into the program not only basic, but also special isolating exercises.

In order to prevent a general overload (when activating loads on individual muscles), split-training is introduced into the schedule.

Stage 4. Three-day split

This stage is a full-fledged entry into a serious mode of training. Mandatory for him is the alternation of loads on various groups muscles by day, as well as 2-day breaks after a standard three-day activity. An example exercise would be the following schedule.

Day 1 - biceps, back muscles:

  • 10 minutes of warm-up;
  • deadlift (2 sets of 8 reps);
  • incline row (3 sets of 8 reps);
  • pull-ups - wide grip (2 sets of 12 repetitions);
  • bicep curls (2 sets of 12 reps);

2nd day - triceps, legs:

  • 10 minutes of warm-up;
  • squats (barbell, 3 sets of 6 reps);
  • leg press (barbell, 2 sets of 18 reps);
  • calf raises (barbell, 3 sets of 15 reps);
  • back press - narrow grip (barbell, 2 sets of 12 reps);
  • bench press "in French" (barbell, 12 repetitions);
  • rocking the press without weights (three twists);
  • 10 minutes cool down (light exercise).

3rd day - delta, chest:

  • 10 minutes of warm-up;
  • back press - wide grip (barbell, 5 sets of 5 reps);
  • push-ups (3 sets, to failure);
  • military press (barbell, 3 sets of 8 reps);
  • dilution of arms to the sides (dumbbells, 2 sets of 12 repetitions);
  • 10 minutes cool down (light exercise).

The fourth stage is also extended by 2-3 months.

Stage 5. Introduction of periodization waves

The period is similar to the previous one, but begins to include isolating exercises (from 5 to 15 repetitions for each). At the same time, the training scheme changes periodically - this is how the absence of stagnation in the working weight is achieved.

If you are a beginner, your goal is to learn how to lift correctly, not a lot. In addition to the fact that you must correctly perform the basic exercises, you need to follow some safety rules to reduce the risk of injury now and in the future.

Hire personal trainer or work out regularly with a friend so they can keep an eye on whether you're at risk of injury

There are several benefits - the person who knows you can understand when you need or don't need a helping hand, and last but not least, you don't have to go to the first person you meet who may have attention span issues.

Avoid joint strain like the plague. Achieving full range of motion during the exercise is correct, but overloading the joint beyond its natural limits is asking for trouble. In most cases, this is not even a conscious action.

A classic example is the lying leg curl. We constantly see people who, after doing a set of exercises, sit for only a couple of seconds. Their thigh muscles are on fire, so they relax their muscles, take a few breaths and stand up. No harm here, right? False, the whole exercise puts a huge strain on knee joints virtually without any muscle support.

Exercise regularly with a friend so they can keep an eye on whether you're at risk of injury.

Of course, it doesn't cause direct pain, so people don't consider it a problem until the day they get to the point where something in their body breaks down. That's when the pain is more than enough. This applies to the elbows, wrists, shoulders, and virtually all joints.

If you are doing calf presses on a classic leg press machine, always use the safety stopper. They won't interfere with calf work, but if your foot slips off the disc, you'll be quite glad you did. Otherwise, several heavy discs with sharp metal edges will fall on you, and you can say goodbye to your kneecaps.

Learn to voluntarily contract the abdominal muscles and keep their middle part tense. This will help you stabilize your torso and avoid unnecessary back strain. Remember that getting injured is an important step towards long-term success. Make it a habit of yours to always tighten up when curling, pressing, or lifting weights, especially when doing exercises with your arms outstretched, like the bench press.

Remember to use proper lifting technique (back straight, knees bent, abs tight) when you remove and put on the discs. Just because it's not an exercise doesn't mean you can ignore safety rules when handling 20kg discs. Control also the capture of discs. If your palms are sweaty, you risk dropping discs on your foot and breaking your fingers if you don't dry your palms first.

Some people like to use the "monkey" grip, that is, to hold the bar without grabbing it with their thumb. This is a bad idea for two reasons. When you bench press, you are forced to tilt your arm back to prevent the bar from slipping out of your hand and decapitating you.

Unfortunately, this means that the bones in the forearm and hand will rub against each other, which can become quite painful if it becomes a habit. Secondly, there is a chance that a part of a bar weighing over 80 kg will touch your front teeth. It's quite memorable event and it will leave a deep impression.

Basic training program

1. Training day. Emphasis on the chest, triceps.

1 Bench press exercises:

Incline bench press recommended. Lower the bar until it touches your chest and press up. Full amplitude, touch, smooth operation. With a ladder you rise to working approaches, working 1-3 approaches. Your maximum approach for 6-8 reps with your maximum weight, this is the first worker. The second working approach for 6-8 repetitions with a maximum weight. The third endurance work is a multi-rep set of 12-15 reps after dropping the weight off the projectile. Between them, up to 4 minutes of rest is recommended. The main thing is to recover.

If you don't want to start with the incline bench press, you can change it to the flat bench press. It's the way you like it. Both exercises are great for the top of the chest and the middle.

After the first exercise, pause for 10 minutes. In a pause, you can shake the press approach three.

2 Exercises push-ups on the uneven bars:

if you choose the first incline press, then it is recommended to do the second exercise with an emphasis on the pectoral muscles. Elbows to the side, knees up and look at the floor. If you chose the first exercise on a horizontal bench, then it is recommended to work on the uneven bars for triceps. Narrow setting elbows. Three work sets. For beginners, maybe one. 5-10 minutes recovery.

3 Arm extension exercises in the triceps block:

isolating exercises, two sets with increasing weight. Two working sets with maximum weight.

The bottom line is that basic training for mass contains 1-2 working approaches, but if you are working on endurance and fat burning, add a third multi-rep approach. 12-15 repetitions in each of the exercises.

2. Training day. Focus on the back.

1 Pull-up exercises:

choose for yourself the most priority type of pull-ups. All pull-ups work the biceps and back. The first option is on the back with a wide grip, the second option is narrow reverse grip so that the biceps work in half with the back. Do exercises in full amplitude so that it is not just work on the biceps. An exercise option is possible as follows: 1 working set with a wide grip, 1 working set with a narrow reverse grip and 1 more working set with a wide grip, but no more than three working sets.
As on the first day, a 10-minute pause for the press. Approximately three approaches.

2 bent over row exercises:

the essence of the exercise is an average grip, pull the barbell at an angle back, the neck along the legs, until it touches bottom point belly. Excellent exercise for back thickness. 1-3 working approaches. 5-10 minutes pause.

3 dumbbell curl exercises sitting on an incline bench:

you can do one working approach with supination, the second hammer. 1-2 working approaches.

The basic mass training program includes minimalism in the number of repetitions in the exercise, if you are working on relief then there may be more approaches. Then it is no longer the point of restoration and muscle growth, and most importantly in maximum energy consumption.

3. Training day. Legs, shoulders.

1 exerciseclassic squats or squats in Smith:

There are two working sets in this exercise. If you are working on endurance or fat burning, then do three sets and the third set is energy-intensive with high reps in the region of 15. Working sets in the region of 6-8 reps per muscle mass.
Recovery 5-10 minutes.

2 exercises lifting the elbows to the middle delta:

three or two working sets. Lifts are carried out with a straight back, without a jerk. With maximum elbow lift.
Rest 5-10 minutes.

3 dumbbell abduction exercises:

we use the bundles of the front and rear deltas. Very important point, lies in the fact that the movement should occur strictly in a vertical plane, along a line passing through the shoulders (not forward, not backward, but strictly to the sides), and as soon as your ELBOWS are at the SHOULDER LEVEL (not higher, namely SHOULDER LEVEL), exhale and return your hands to their original position.

Thus, the basic training program contains not only weight gain, but also develops endurance with fat burning. It all depends on what goals you are pursuing.

Recommendations: Three day split per week. Between them 1-2 days of recovery. Three exercises per split. 1-2 warm-up sets. 1-2 approaches for mousse, 1-3 for fat burning. 6-8 reps with maximum weight per mass. 13-15 multi-rep for fat burning.

The basic training program is suitable not only but also for experienced natural athletes. Everything varies in approaches and the number of repetitions performed.

  • The training program for beginners is usually calculated for one year. Its modification occurs constantly - both in the direction of complication and progression, and in terms of periodic change of schemes.
  • Never strive to achieve a certain result in an excessively short time frame. The body needs time to adapt to stress. In addition, the gradual increase in intensity has a beneficial effect on health - strengthening not only the muscles, but also the cardiovascular system.
  • When starting training, at first, do not include daily workouts in your schedule for classes. Practicing every other day (approximately 1 - 1.5 hours) for a beginner is more than enough.
  • In fitness training for beginners, it makes no sense to introduce specialized pumping exercises for one specific muscle. This is not the task of the first week or even the first month - because first you need to work out the basic programs with the formation of all muscle groups as a whole.

Coaches Mistakes

For beginners, the training program is important, and it is unacceptable for a beginner to make it himself if he does not have the proper experience and knowledge.

The literacy of the compiled program will determine the result to which you will come. However, people working in fitness clubs are not always gurus in their field.

A beginner, unfamiliar with the world of iron, focuses on the size of the muscles and the relief of the coach's figure. That is, the healthier the coach, the more he will inspire confidence. The beginner does not know that impressive dimensions could be achieved through the use of steroid drugs, pharmacology. That is, the coach achieved good results, but, alas, he can not always tell how to achieve something without chemistry.

This is the main problem - an experienced jock is not always an experienced coach. He may recommend a chemist program that is not suitable for straight athletes. In the case of chemists, the program will work great, and in the second case, the beginner will waste time, will not achieve the desired result. He wanted a biceps of 50 cm, and received an increase to the existing result of only 1 cm. Without knowing these subtleties, you might think that the beginner has bad genetics, or he did the exercises incorrectly. But it's not.

Therefore, when addressing a person for a program, focus on what interests you exactly. natural set masses.

Irresponsible attitude to the health of a beginner

Many people suffer from back pain. They are advised to strengthen their backs, start going to the gym. This correct recommendation because you need to train your back and abs. Then the load on the spine will be less, the pinched nerves will pass. Muscular corset will create comfortable cushioning when jumping and moving.

What do trainers do: a person complained of lumbar osteochondrosis or a hernia. And they told him. You probably already know how this will all end.

Of course, at careful attention everything will be fine on the part of the instructor, the person will be able to treat his back. But in some cases there is no such control, most beginners walk in the gyms on their own. Beginner and deadlift - an explosive mixture, after the explosion of which there is an injured lower back.

The same applies to squats. Wrong technique, haste with the choice of weight - and now, the beginner is already at the appointment with a neurologist.

Basic training program for beginners what, why and why

As you know, recently the project has the opportunity to draw up individual programs workouts. So, you said that this topic is interesting for you, and therefore I decided to periodically sketch out various ready-made training schemes that you can use in the gym. From time to time we will review all areas of bodybuilding, athlete levels and their corresponding programs. Well, we will begin our first acquaintance with studying the basic training program for beginners.

Actually, stop pouring water 🙂 let's get to the point.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Newbie PT Features

Each program has its own characteristics, i.e. a strategic scheme for its implementation - what follows what, what time of rest, and so on. That's what we'll talk about. The first step is to decide on the answer to the question: who is the newcomer.

Answer: this is a person who, for whatever reason, decided to go to the gym / fitness room without any clear strategy and tactics, what and how he will do, and his continuous training experience ranges from 1 before 6 months. He has no neuromuscular coordination, and the body's ability to recover from stress is extremely low. I note that we are not talking only about young ladies or only males, it can be young ladies and “people for ...”, in general, everyone who has decided to change their physique, but do not know where to start and what training program to work on .

So, congratulations to Sharik, you are a dumbass! You with the honorary title of newcomer! You should not be ashamed of it somehow and add experience to the work book in order to appear more advanced in the eyes of others. Everything will come and everything will be, the main thing is that you took the first step - you made a decision and came to the hall, but then time will tell, history will tell.

Now that we have decided on the status, we can move on to the guiding training principles that every newbie should follow. These include:

  • classes 2-3 once a week;
  • work scheme - work on the whole body without separation of muscle groups;
  • low volume training;
  • exercises are basic or conditionally basic, with a minimum inclusion of isolation-training exercises;
  • little variety of exercises;
  • lack of “shocking” techniques () of working with muscles;
  • focus on smooth and consistent progression of weight.

All of these guidelines aim to achieve the often identical and specific goals of newcomers.

The main goals of the training program for beginners

In general, the tasks of beginners who come to the gym for the first time are similar. Of course, someone is interested in losing a little more fat or gaining muscle mass, someone wants to become stronger, but in general everyone wants to get out beautiful body and healthy look.

So, these are not quite true goals that a beginner should set for himself. Of the girls, most want to lose weight, of the guys - to gain weight. (get bigger), get stronger. When you come to the gym for the first time, you need to set a “banal” goal - to get better from workout to workout.

In a more detailed form, this can be expressed as follows;

  • development of general fitness - the ability of the body to “better” endure loads and better recover from stressful stress;
  • improving muscle coordination and performing exercises in the proper form;
  • improving performance - increasing the volume of training in comparison with the initial value;
  • an increase in the basic level of strength indicators, an increase in endurance.

For a beginner, it is these goals that are important, and achieving them allows you to bring others closer - an increase in muscle mass, a decrease in fat, general improvement well-being and health as a “side” effect. Therefore, try to focus specifically on the “banal” goals – to become better today than yesterday, and the rest will catch up. We pulled ourselves up on Wednesday one more time than on Monday - excellent, they began to work out the entire program for 50 minutes (compared to previous 60 ) and less tired - great!

That's all, now let's move on to the practical part.

  1. When doing basic training programs in the gym, pay more attention to rest and recovery. It makes no sense to train every day - your muscles and ligamentous apparatus are still not ready for this, sooner or later it will end in injury.
    2. Don't put squats and deadlifts on the same day. This will be too much stress on the lower back and extensors of the spine.
    3. Take a day or two of complete rest after training a priority muscle group. This will help speed up recovery and growth.
    4. Time your rest between sets. Try to rest no more than one and a half minutes, in squats and deadlifts, this time can be increased to 3-4 minutes.
    5. Focus on the technique of the exercise and the sensations of muscle contraction, and not on the working weight. Without technique, weight means nothing.
  2. Adjust your workouts to fit your schedule. For example, if Saturday is your day off, on which you can sleep longer and eat more, and, therefore, better recover, then it is better to put the hardest workout on Saturday.
  3. Don't forget to periodize the load. Monotonous training always leads to stagnation. If you feel that you have stopped growing and becoming stronger, you need to make adjustments to your training process. Train hard for one week and light for the next, dropping your weights by 30-40% without going to failure. So you give rest to the muscles, joints and ligaments from heavy weights and this will lead to more progress in the future.


It takes time, concentration and consistency to build a body.

If you are a beginner, you may train more frequently than intermediate and advanced athletes. The reason is simple: when you have a lot of experience, you know how to strain your muscles harder and you can do more damage from which it will take a long time to recover. Beginners, in turn, have sore muscles, but they recover faster, since muscle damage is not so serious.

If the word "damage" makes you wince, don't worry. For a bodybuilder, moderate muscle damage is beneficial, as it forces the body to recover and supercompensate (grow) a bit to prepare for future workouts. This is the essence of bodybuilding - a constant cycle: one step back, two steps forward, which is repeated over and over again from week to week.

If you keep this in mind, it becomes clear why rest and sleep are so important, since it is at this time that the body takes those very two steps forward.

So instead of training each muscle group once a week, you can start with two workouts a week and work your way up. Moreover, we are going to split the body over two days: top part body except for the abdominals on the first day, Bottom part body plus abdominal Press on the second day. Since we intend to train each muscle group twice a week, this means that we can arrange the first and second days on Monday and Tuesday, for example.

Then we repeat the first and second day again on Thursday and Friday, leaving Wednesday and the weekend to rest and relax. The next week, you start all over again on Monday, that is, the first day, and so on.

We want to introduce you to the basics, so we will focus mainly on classical exercises. Once we master these more simple exercises, we're taking it to the next level with a new focus on more complex, multi-joint exercises

Now it is more important to learn how to perform the exercises correctly and achieve the right feel for each exercise, rather than lifting as many weights as possible.

Some exercises, such as the high pull-down row and most dumbbell side raises, are especially difficult to get to work. target muscle if you use too big weight. Start easy; choose a weight that you can lift 10-12 times correctly and increase the load as you get the technique right. Track your workouts - write down in a notebook or in a special training diary the weight and number of repetitions so that you can later refer to it.

When doing exercises such as the pulldown on a high block or lifting the dumbbells to the sides, it is especially difficult to get the right muscle to work if you use too much weight.

How to start exercising in the gym

Stage one - REGULAR aerobic training

They decided to go to the gym, but for a hundred years they did not do physical education. Take your time to start training with iron, start with aerobic exercises. Running, swimming, skiing, skating, etc. are suitable for this purpose.Before aerobic training be sure to warm up: warm up the muscles, move the joints. The main task is to improve blood circulation in the muscles, warm up the ligaments and stretch the joints.

This period will prepare the body for high intensity workouts in the gym. If you are simultaneously fond of another sport (for example, wrestling, hand-to-hand combat, swimming, etc.), then the first period can be omitted.

The duration of the stage is 4-6 weeks.

Stage two - light strength training

After passing the first preliminary step, it is possible to proceed precisely with strength training with relief. Set aside 10 minutes before starting your workout. To warm up, and only after it proceed to the main exercises.

Use in exercise additional burden. Find a working weight with which you can master all the planned repetitions. All exercises begin with the first warm-up set of 10 reps with approximately 50% of your working weight.

Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps for each exercise.

The duration of the stage is 6-9 weeks.

As practice shows, training 2-3 times a week is optimal for the vast majority of people. But, alas, the majority of people do not have the opportunity to independently draw up a training program for themselves (in most cases, due to lack of knowledge).

Stage three - basic strength training

An example of a basic weight training program

Monday: biceps, back

  • Warm up 5 minutes
  • Deadlift 1 set x 12 reps; 1×10; 3×6
  • Pull-ups 4×8
  • Dumbbell row with one hand in an incline 3 × 8
  • Lifting the bar for biceps while standing 3 × 10
  • Hammer curls for biceps 3 × 10

Wednesday: legs, abs

  • Warm up 5 minutes
  • Barbell squats 1×10; 1×8; 3×6
  • Deadlift on straight legs 1×10; 1×8; 3×6
  • Hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar 3×20

Friday: chest, shoulders, arms

  • Warm up 5 minutes
  • Bench press 1×10; 1×8; 3×6
  • Dumbbell laying at an angle 3 × 10
  • Bars 2×15
  • Barbell row to the chin with a wide grip 2 × 15

Remember! The program must be changed periodically so that the muscles do not get used to it, ideally, you can work on one program for 6-9 weeks. Then modify the program or select a new one.

The training program presented here for beginners, which is based on basic exercises, since it is basic exercises that can build muscle mass.

You can take the given training program. Or you can repost the post on my VKontakte wall and get a small book with a dozen examples of training programs for naturals from beginner to advanced athlete.

Basic training program for horizontal bars and parallel bars

Two chest exercises and two back exercises. We will work well on the bottom and middle of the chest on the uneven bars, and the widest on the horizontal bar.

1 exercise super set on the horizontal bar and parallel bars:

We start with push-ups on the uneven bars. Elbows to the side, knees bent, look at the floor. This technique works well on the chest.

As for repetitions, everything is the same as in the gym. If you have a goal of endurance, then the number of repetitions to the maximum. If the goal is muscle growth, 8-15 reps with weights.Rest 30-60 seconds.

We turn to pull-ups on the horizontal bar. The grip is wide, the narrower the grip, the more the chest turns on, but our task is to load the chest on the uneven bars, and on the horizontal bars on the back. The principle of repetitions is the same as on the uneven bars. A good basic training program is that all exercises are performed without jerking, smoothly with the correct technique for muscle growth or endurance.

How to increase pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Why can't we talk about exact repetitions in an exercise. Because everyone's preparation is different. Therefore, if the basic training program is aimed at burning fat, then working approaches are performed to the maximum. If the growth of muscle mass is 6-8 repetitions with a ratio. That is, select the weight so that the number does not exceed 8.
Rest 2-5 minutes.

2 push-up exercises:

Push-ups should be as deep as possible in order to stretch your chest as much as possible. Endurance work maximum repetitions, muscle growth 6-8 with weights.

After push-ups rest 30 seconds. Next exercise in a set of Australian pull-ups. During such pull-ups, you should not bend back. We focused, brought the shoulder blades together and began to perform the exercises. Endurance maximum reps, growth 6-8 with weights.

3 squat exercises.

I think there is no need to talk about the execution technique. This is the main basic exercise. Three sets to the max. Or 6-8 with weights.

Next, rest for 5 minutes and move on to the first super set. Starting the second round of our workout. There are three such circles.

Thus, we have a complete effective bass training program. 2-3 such workouts per week will positively affect your endurance or muscle growth.

Basic training program for horizontal bars and parallel bars general recommendations

Nice outdoor workout. Does not require additional equipment. If your goal is to burn fat, it is recommended to run 20-40 minutes before or after your workout. Don't forget a good workout. Also the correct execution technique. Observe recovery time between exercises and sets. As for the repetitions, I think they figured it out. For burdening, you can use any improvised means, as an example, 5 liter bottles of water.

Here is such a great basic training program that is not inferior to training in the gym.


To maintain your new, more active lifestyle, you need to rethink your daily diet. There is no single "perfect diet", but there are general guidelines that you can follow whether you are a thin teenager or over 40 and overweight.

Give up unhealthy food. Believe me, this is your most important step. Fast food, candy, sugary sodas, and the like don't just give you too many calories to turn into a Michelin ad man, they fill you up with empty calories that keep you from getting the nutrition you really need!

Increase your protein intake. Muscles are protein, and in order for muscles to repair effectively, your body needs building materials. Try to include leaner, protein-rich foods such as chicken, tuna, lean beef, low-fat milk, and tofu in your daily diet.

If you are like most people, you are not eating enough fruits and vegetables. If you're not a fan of wholemeal bread and don't eat bran flakes for breakfast, chances are you're not getting enough fiber.

This is a big mistake, since fiber is essential to keep your digestive system in shape. You need a stomach to keep up with your new, more intense nutritional needs, so make it a habit to get fiber with every meal (except the meals right after your workouts).

The importance of water cannot be overestimated. If you are dehydrated, you cannot function properly.

Negative effects range from lethargy and fatigue to headache and nervous breakdown. Make sure you drink enough water, not coffee and soda, throughout the day, even on non-training days.

Try to split your meals into several small meals.

Many bodybuilders aim to drink about 4 liters of water per day, but you probably need to consider your body weight, climate, and activity level.

Try to divide your meals into several small portions. This will help you stabilize your blood sugar levels and ensure a constant supply of nutrients to your body.

Avoid eating carbohydrates late in the evening. are the main source of energy for training, they work in much the same way as gasoline in a car.

However, unlike in a car, you cannot fill up a full tank and leave it until the morning. Instead, large portions of carbohydrates at night will be processed by the body and stored as body fat, if there is no immediate need for additional energy.

To continue the car analogy, in the morning you will have a practically empty tank, but you will gain some fat. If you feel like snacking late at night, choose something that is all protein, as protein won't be stored as fat, and it also provides extra "building blocks" while your body is restoring, i.e. sleeping.

Initial training process

The first few months of the beginner's program in the gym includes honing the technique of performing movements. That is, the weight should be small, the work is not to failure. The exercise itself should be performed slowly, in strict technique. In order not to waste time while “learning” the technique, after training the technique, you can do alternative, “finishing” exercises, but without fanaticism. So, for the bench press, it will be push-ups on the uneven bars, for the squat - leg press, for the deadlift - pull-ups. All this time you are working at a minimum of your strength, also minimally increasing the weight on the bar (by about 2-3 kg). Only after 2-3 months you can start more intensively, but at the same time slowly increase the load in training.

During the period when you are just learning the technique, and also for about 5-8 more months, the gym training program for beginners involves doing all the basic exercises together, 3-4 sets, plus “finishing” and isolation in the amount of 1-2 sets for the entire workout. The body of a beginner is able to recover quickly enough after exertion, so this approach is fully justified. After 8-12 months or earlier, when the weight stops growing, you can start splitting - dividing the workouts of each part of the body into separate days. The best option will:

  • 1 day - squat
  • Day 2 - bench press + parallel bars
  • Day 3 - deadlift + pull-ups

Basic exercises should be performed in 5 sets, for 8 repetitions. Pull-ups and bars - optional, in the amount of 1-3 sets for 6-8 repetitions. Subsequently, the number of repetitions in basic exercises can be reduced to 5, so it will be possible to progress for a sufficiently long period of time. Do not immediately take a lot of weight, which you can master for 5-6 repetitions. The best option would be a smooth but steady increase in weight, and reducing the number of repetitions can be done about once every 3-4 months. After the weight stops growing at 5 repetitions (it is understood that you have been training for a long time, following the strict technique of performing exercises), you can move on to cycles, but this is a separate topic that occupies an entire article, and will not be useful to you in the future.

  • Squats.

Bench press.

Basic exercise program

Day 1

rest: 120 seconds
4 approach to 5 repetitions

Squats with a barbell on the chest
rest: 90 seconds
3 approach to 6 repetitions


Kettlebell squat (goblet)
rest: 60 seconds
3 approach to 10 repetitions

Lunges back with dumbbells (reverse lunges)
rest: 60 seconds
3 approach to 8 repetitions

Day 2

Bench press
rest: 120 seconds
4 approach to 5 repetitions

Dumbbell bench press
rest: 90 seconds
3 approach to 6 repetitions


Bent over row
rest: 60 seconds
3 approach to 10 repetitions

Incline dumbbell row
rest: 60 seconds
3 approach to 8 repetitions

Day 3

Deadlift with barbell
rest: 120 seconds
4 approach to 5 repetitions

Traction in a power rack
rest: 90 seconds
3 approach to 6 repetitions


Romanian deadlift
rest: 60 seconds
3 approach to 10 repetitions

Romanian deadlift
on one leg; rest: 60 seconds
3 approach to 8 repetitions

Day 4

Military bench press
rest: 120 seconds
4 approach to 5 repetitions

Seated Dumbbell Press
rest: 90 seconds
3 approach to 6 repetitions


rest: 60 seconds
3 approach to 10 repetitions

Traction to the face
rest: 60 seconds
3 approach to 12 repetitions

Technology, technology and more technology

The first month is devoted to the study of patterns basic movements, honing technique, the ability to feel the working muscle and determine the appropriate working weight for each exercise. After the warm-up sets, which should never go to muscle failure, you will perform 3-4 working sets with the intended reps listed in the training plan.

Understanding the relationship between load and reps is essential. While it seems obvious that the higher the weight, the fewer reps you can perform, during the first month you need to figure out the weight with which you can perform exactly 12 reps, no more. If you set the weight too light and you can do more than 12 reps, add a load on the next set.

You have to make sure that on the last rep or two you have a very hard time and you are working on the verge of failure. If in the last one or two repetitions you start to neglect the correct technique, this does not count. The burden is still too great for you.

Mass gain program 3 training days

The optimal training regimen for beginners will be classes every other day, with such a schedule and correctly selected loads, muscles, ligaments and joints are perfectly restored. Which favorably affects the overall progress and helps to move towards the goal faster.

Three day program workouts for gaining muscle mass can be performed on any convenient days of the week, subject to the main rule - there should be one day of complete rest between workouts.

A prerequisite for progress is to take a rest day between two workouts.

A beginner who has crossed the threshold of the gym initially needs to accustom his body to loads, develop the correct technique for performing exercises in order to avoid injuries in the future. Therefore, it is worth starting with small weights, but in a large number of repetitions 12-15 repetitions per approach. It is worth working during this period in the circuit training mode, when the whole body is worked out at a time in one lesson.

Further, when the body is drawn in and stronger, and the correct technique for performing the exercises is mastered, you can switch to split training and gradually increase the working weights. In split mode, mass training is also performed 3 times a week, but it involves working out individual muscle groups on different days.

Popular split workout routine:

Mon. - chest, biceps

Wed - legs, shoulders

Fri. - back, triceps

Let's divide our weight training program into two periods - introductory and basic.

In the introductory period, we work for 12-15 reps per set with a margin of one rep in each working set. Rest between sets 1-2 minutes. Exercises are performed under control and preferably under the guidance experienced trainer. The purpose of this period of training is to adapt the body to the loads, learn to feel the body, and master the correct exercise technique. The duration of the introductory period is 3-6 months, depending on the level of preparedness, there are also those who have never tried push-ups from the floor.

The main task of the introductory period is the adaptation of the body to loads and the development correct technique performing exercises.

In the basic period of training, we do the main thing - we grow our cherished mass. To do this, we work for 6-10 reps per approach, rest between sets until full recovery of 2-3 minutes. The weight is selected so as to perform a given number of repetitions, but the last should be at the limit. If in 2 approaches you were able to complete the specified 6 repetitions, and in the third one you barely mastered 4, then this working weight is great for you and should be reduced. The duration of the base period is not limited, while progress is being made, nothing needs to be changed, then your experience will tell you how to make adjustments. The main thing is to learn to feel, your body and your muscles.

Now the important question is how to progress? You need to increase the weight gradually, it is desirable to have a step of 1-2.5 kg no more, for a deadlift you can walk 5 kg. That is, everything was done according to plan in training, and with a margin, on the next increase the weight by one or two kg.

Before each workout, a warm-up is required in the form of general GPP, swings, rotation of the arms, body, legs, head, torso, you can pre-run on the track or pedal on the exercise bike in moderate pace 5-10 minutes.

And now let's move on to the training schemes, the first digit is the number of approaches, the second is the number of repetitions. Approaches and repetitions are indicated working, excluding warm-ups, of which there must be at least 3, including a warm-up with a barbell.

Introductory period (a given cycle of exercises is performed 3 times a week)

  1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 3x12
  2. deadlift or Romanian draft on straight legs - 3x12
  3. Bench press - 3x12
  4. Lifting the bar for biceps while standing - 3x15
  5. Pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip - 2-3xmax
  6. Push-ups on uneven bars - 2-3xmax
  7. Bench press standing from the chest army press- 3x15

Base period

Workout 1

  1. Bench press - 3x6-8
  2. Lifting the bar for biceps while standing - 4x10
  3. Rod pull to the belt in the slope - 3x10
  4. Any exercise on the press - 3xmax

Workout 2

  1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 3x6-8
  2. Barbell bench press standing from the chest, he is also an army bench press - 3x10
  3. Any calf exercise
  4. Any exercise on the press - 3xmax

Workout 3

  1. Deadlift or Romanian deadlift on straight legs - 3x6-8
  2. Pull-ups on the crossbar with a wide grip - 3xmax
  3. Bench press narrow grip- 3x8-10
  4. Push-ups on uneven bars with weights - 3x10
  5. Any exercise on the press - 3xmax

The third day

The program is slightly transformed:

  1. Warm up.
  2. Legs: squats with a barbell, extension and flexion on the simulator.
  3. Shoulders: breeding dumbbells in an incline, abduction of arms on the Peck-Dek simulator.
  4. Press.
  5. Stretching.

All exercises are performed in three sets of 10-15 times. Except for those near which a different number of repetitions is indicated. The weight of the shells should be selected in such a way that you can do exactly as many approaches as indicated above. Of course, in exercises where everything depends on your strength, for example, in pull-ups or training the press, you need to do as much as possible, trying to bring your performance to the maximum.

In addition to the warm-up, at the beginning of the workout, warm-up approaches with an empty neck will not be superfluous. You need to do them not before each exercise, but before starting to train a particular muscle group. 10-20 repetitions will be enough for the muscles to be enriched with nutrients that are known to come with blood.

Above was a standard training plan in which each muscle group is worked out on a specific day. But there is another method. According to him, the whole body trains in a complex way - in one trip to the gym. For beginners, this approach is also very effective. Let's take a look at it for comparison.


The first thing you need to understand is that all workouts are strictly on schedule. For a beginner, training 3 times a week for all muscle groups is best. Moreover, they should be performed in the format of the form "1-2-1 2-1-2". This designation implies that you have only 2 types of training, which are alternately repeated for 2 weeks, and then everything starts over again. To make it clearer, take a look at this chart:

Week 1

  • Monday: first training
  • Tuesday: rest
  • Wednesday: second workout
  • Thursday: rest
  • Friday: first training
  • Saturday: rest
  • Sunday: rest

Week 2

  • Monday: second workout
  • Tuesday: rest
  • Wednesday: first training
  • Thursday: rest
  • Friday: second workout
  • Saturday: rest
  • Sunday: rest

As you can see, there are only 2 types of workouts that replace each other, and between them there is 1 or 2 days of rest. It makes no difference what days you will train: Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday, the main thing is that there is a day of rest between classes and 2 days of rest after three classes.

That's about all there is to say about the schedule. Now is the time to move on to the exercises. And there are 2 options here.


Training for beginners in the gym can turn into sheer stress if there is no reasonable approach to classes and an experienced mentor. At first, most likely, nothing will work. Therefore, you should be careful if you decide to go to the gym. For beginner men, this path will be easier than for women. But the representatives of the weaker sex are also good at sports, there would be a desire

Today we learned what difficulties await a beginner in the gym and what exercises should be paid attention to at first.

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The mass training program: 3 days a week, is designed in such a way that, in principle, both novice athletes and more advanced athletes can work on it.

Under the concept "novice athlete", I mean someone who has been in the gym for at least a year and trained regularly, worked out the technique of exercising and adhered to a special plan for a balanced diet. Advanced Athlete, in turn, is no less three years regular workouts.

Mass training program, the essence of the complex.

Three sessions per week are ideal for successfully recovering from a previous workout. The main focus is on large muscle groups. Legs are a must! Leg training should include squats for 8-12 times, do not lower less than 6 - 8 repetitions, the effect of this exercise will decrease significantly! The squat should be your #1 exercise.

Starting to engage in this training program in the gym, stick to it from 1.5 to 2 months. Rest between sets - 2 minutes. Sleep 8-10 hours a day, eat 5-6 times a day, drink 1.5-2 liters of water and daily protein intake of up to two grams per kilogram of body weight.

You can practice on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The rest of the days are days of rest and recovery.

Mass training program.

Before each workout - a general warm-up, 5 - 10 minutes. Choose any cardio machine and run it at low speed to get your core to work. nervous system(CNS) and perform an articular warm-up of the trained muscle groups.

After completing your workout, do a cool down (stretching exercise). Muscles after the load to which they are exposed throughout the workout, significantly increase in size and fill, becoming rigid and inactive. This leads to pain and discomfort during movement. A hitch relieves tension from them and reduces muscle pain. Spend a hitch for 10 minutes.

MONDAY (Legs, Abs)

1. - 2 warm-up sets, 3 workers of 20 warm-up reps and 10 - 15 workers.

2 .

3. - 1 warm-up set and 2 workers for 15 warm-up repetitions and 10 workers.

4. - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

5. - 1 warm-up set and 3 workers for 15 warm-up repetitions and 10 workers.

7. - 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

8. - 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

WEDNESDAY (Back, Delts, Abs)

1. or - 4 sets of 6 - 10 repetitions.

2. - 1 warm-up set and 3 workers for 15 warm-up repetitions and 6 - 10 workers.

3. - 3 sets of 6 - 10 repetitions.

4. - 2 warm-up repetitions and 3 working repetitions of 15 warm-up repetitions of 6 - 10 working repetitions.

6. - 1 warm-up set and 3 workers for 20 warm-up repetitions and 6 - 10 workers.

7. - 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

8. - 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

FRIDAY (Chest, Arms, Abs)

A large number of beginners or more experienced athletes are interested in questions: what is the best gym workout program for men? is she working? This training program in the gym is working and effective. The program is designed to visit the hall three times a week.

As many years of practice and advice from professionals show, visiting the gym three times a week is the most optimal for most people. But, alas, almost all beginners cannot create a program for themselves (there is not enough knowledge in this area), therefore, this article describes a training program three times a week.

It is worth remembering: The base is the head of everything. Basic exercises are what everyone should be doing - Psitting, bench press, deadlift.

Many neglect the base and then whine why there is no result. Many beginners make a big mistake. Usually they only train biceps and sometimes chest, and wait why they don’t have such results as in Arnold Schwarzenegger. So you want to be beautiful, big, strong? - do basic exercises and other exercises.

Eat right, exercise with an emphasis on basic exercises and in 2-3 months you will have a good result.

Training program for gaining muscle mass 3 times a week

Monday: legs - deltas

  • Squats - 5 sets of 5 times, warm-up: 2 x 20 kg x 20 times (warm-up), 30x10, 40x8, 50x6, and 5x5 - working (60 kg);
  • Squat with a barbell on the chest 3x8;
  • Hak car 3x15 (semi-squats);
  • Lifting dumbbells to the sides 4x15;
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you 4x15 in the amount of 30;
  • Rises on socks, standing 2 x 25;
  • Press 3x20;
  • Leg raises on the horizontal bar 3x10;

Wednesday: chest - triceps

  • Bench press 5x5 working weight, 2x20 kg warm-up, 30x10, 40x 8, 50x 6, 60-5x5;
  • Bench press on an inclined bench 4x8;
  • Dumbbell press lying on a bench 4x 15;
  • Bench press standing from the chest 4x15;
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you on one hand 4 x15 (15 - on one hand);
  • French bench press 3x6;
  • Press 3x20;
  • Leg raises on the horizontal bar 3x10;

Friday: back - biceps

  • Deadlift 5x5, warm-up 40x10, 60x 8, 90x6, worker 100kg 5x5 (select the weight for yourself);
  • Sitting block pull to the chest 4 x 15 (pick up the weight so that in the 4th approach you can do 15 times);
  • Pull-ups to the chest 3 x 3-8; if it’s hard then pull the bar to the belt 4x15;
  • Rise for biceps average grip warm-up 20 kg for 20 times, worker 30 kg 4x15;
  • Dumbbell lifts of hammers standing 4x15 (15 times for 1 hand, in the amount of 30);
  • Press on the bench body lifts 4x20;
  • Leg raises on the floor 3x15;

Useful tips or secrets:

  • If Mon, Wed, Fri does not suit you, That Tue, Thu, Sat will be more convenient for you;
  • The program is very efficient. A master of sports in powerlifting and a world championship medalist compiled a program for you. So envy yourself training diary and beautifully write everything down there what you did, or what didn’t work out. You can ask your questions below in the comments, on weight loss, exercises, diets - if possible, I will try to answer everyone;
  • Watch the loads carefully, if it's hard - reduce the weight, if it's not enough, add a little, but so that you can complete the 4th approach for 15 times, or the 5th approach of the base for 5 times.
  • We remember that it is impossible to pump up muscles without the right diet, so you can read the article how to gain muscle mass quickly, you can also buy

It's no secret that splits are more effective at gaining muscle mass than full-body workouts. Often the priority is a 3-day mass training program, which is convenient to follow during the working week. And this is quite justified. Such a program will never let you down, and will help build impressive muscles worthy of admiration.

Although training on this system alone is not enough to fully realize its full potential in 3 days a week. But do not despair, I will guide you. I will provide the perfect 3-day split program for fast muscle growth for men.

It is impossible to reap the benefits of split training without a competent integrated approach. This means that everything must be considered, from the choice of exercises, the combination of muscle groups, the frequency and intensity of training to the length of rest between sets. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the expected results and justify all the hopes placed on this complex.

A split is a variety strength training, implying the simultaneous load of several muscle groups on the days of the week. Therefore, in one day you do not work on the whole body as a whole, but only on individual muscle groups.

The two main advantages of this method, which ensure its high efficiency in bodybuilding, are related to the fact that the split allows you to concentrate on each muscle group, working them out more thoroughly than during full-body workouts. Also, you have more days to recover and grow muscle fibers.

If you read my previous post about, you know that the two most important aspects of building muscle along with a balanced diet are training intensity and good rest.

A three-day split meets all these requirements. Moreover, this system is very easy and convenient to practice. Personally, I alternate three-day and four day splits: 90 days I am engaged in the first program, and 90 days in the second, and so on in a circle. For me, this is the best mode.

Reasons for the popularity of the three-day split

9 out of 10 average heavyweight athletes who live in a frantic pace and find time to maintain a good physical form It is always preferable to have a training program for gaining muscle mass 3 times a week. It is perfectly balanced because 3 days of training is not too much, but not too little. With this you can live full life and pay attention to other duties without the risk of becoming a permanent resident of the gym.

It will be easy for you to stick to this program, so you won't miss too many workouts (which is crucial for muscle growth). But a key productivity factor this complex is the ability to choose the most optimal combination of the six largest muscle groups for each training day.

This complex is also notable for the fact that a 3-time visit to the hall fits perfectly into the framework of the working week. So, you can train chest and triceps on Monday, back and biceps on Wednesday, and devote Friday to pumping shoulders and legs. See how simple. You don't even need to write anything down to remember the sequence.

What are the main benefits of 3-day splits?

Comfort is far from the first sign of shock training. If the program's only asset is its convenience and scheduling flexibility, then don't waste your time on it. Easy and effortless activity has not yet brought anyone meaningful results in any area of ​​life, and fitness is no exception.

The true benefit of three-time split training, as I summarized above, is precisely the ability to focus on a particular muscle group and work harder on it than during full-body circuit training.

Proper rest

Each muscle group is given a weekly rest. When you are not exercising, your muscles are growing. In the gym you destroy muscle fibers and when you come home, you create the conditions for their self-healing through an optimal diet and rest regimen. Therefore, when you purposefully load your chest once every seven days, then during the remaining six, these muscles recover and grow.

Even when you do not perform special exercises for a particular muscle, it still contracts, playing an auxiliary role in the development of neighboring groups. For example, by training the muscles of the shoulders, you thereby load the pectoral muscles due to their adjacent location and proximity to the attachment points. So in reality, the muscles are never idle for a whole week, which is even good.

The intensity with which the stabilizer muscle has to be strained provokes even more growth and does not harm the recovery process at all. Excessive rest should be avoided. If you ever visit third world countries, you will be surprised by the number of people with well-developed arm muscles who, nevertheless, have never been to the gym. The muscles of these guys grow through daily manual labor and the use of environmentally friendly products.

I am not advocating this lifestyle, but you should keep it in mind the next time you want to count calories, or start to worry about lack of rest or sleep. All that is required of you is not to cheat in training, eat well, do daily activities, and everything will work out. the best way. So, I gave enough arguments in favor of the split method and listed all the advantages of a three-day training complex. It's time to give you what you came for.

Weight training program 3 times a week

Do all the exercises in the exact order. Rest no more than two minutes between sets. Before static stretching, do a series of dynamic stretching exercises (this is optional, but very helpful). When starting the exercise, do not forget to warm up by doing a couple of approaches using 40-60% of your working weight. Keep in mind that the warm-up does not count towards working sets, so after it you will have three main sets with the maximum working weight.

Monday: Chest, triceps, abs


  • Bench press: 3 sets of 6-12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 3/8-12
  • Hand reduction on the simulator: 3/8-10
  • Push-ups on the bars on the chest: 3 / 8-16 (legs back, body forward)


  • Arm extension: 3/10-12
  • Dips for triceps: 3/8-12 (holding legs in front)
  • Extension of arms with dumbbells from behind the head: 3/6-10
  • Close Grip Bench Press: 2/8-10 (elbows forward, arms about 12cm apart)


  • Hanging leg raises: 3/8-12
  • Fitball crunches: 3/8-12
  • Incline bench sit-ups: 3/8-16

Wednesday: Back and biceps


  • thrust upper block: 3/8-10
  • Rowing thrust: 3/8-10
  • Deadlift: 4/ 6-8
  • Pull-ups: 4 / maximum number


  • Dumbbell Hammer Curl: 3/8-10
  • Barbell curl: 3/8-10
  • Narrow grip chin-ups: 4/8-10

Friday: Shoulders, legs, abs


  • Raising dumbbells through the sides: 3/8-10
  • Military press: 3/6-10
  • Raising hands forward on the lower block: 3/8-10
  • Seated Dumbbell Press: 3/6-8


  • Flexion on the simulator: 3/8-10
  • Extension on the simulator: 3/8
  • Squat: 3/6-10
  • Rise on socks: 4/8-12


  • Situps: 3/8-12 (with slow and controlled muscle contraction)
  • Crunches: 4/8-12 (slow, can be made more difficult by adding weights)
  • Leg raise: 3/8-12

This easy-to-perform complex will help with a set of muscle mass. Remember that the working weight should allow you to complete a given number of repetitions. Therefore, you should not take too light shells and immediately stop the exercise when the desired number of repetitions is reached. So you won't get results. Instead, stop at a weight that you can't do more reps than indicated.