Strength training. Best 7 Day Workout Program

Is it possible to build muscle without gym? Yes, you can, and below we will give you a 7-day training program, which is designed for 4-5 months. After a month of training, start adding new exercises to the program.

So, first you need to get:
1) bars - they should be wide;
2) crossbar - should be such that you can take wide grip. In order to avoid slipping hands, you can use isolet;
3) dumbbells - 2 pieces, each of which must be at least ten kilograms;
4) a backpack - must be durable and withstand at least twenty kilograms. If you are physically not very strong, then you will not need a backpack.


1 DAY:
1. Pull-ups on the bar: if your physical form allows, then hang a backpack in front of your chest, in which you put dumbbells or sand (since it is heavy). Do five sets of 3-5 times, the grip should be as wide as possible.
2. Dumbbell press sitting or standing: arms from shoulder to elbow should fit snugly against the body, only works Bottom part arms starting at the elbow. Do four sets of ten times.
3. Lifting dumbbells in front of you: three sets of ten times. The same exercise can be done with one dumbbell.
4. Raising the bent legs on the bar: you do this exercise in the hang 3 sets as many times as you can yourself.

2 DAY:
1. Push-ups on uneven bars with extra weight: hang a backpack with a weight on your back. Do four sets of 5-7 times;
2. Dumbbell Overhead Raise: Do this exercise while standing, four sets of 10 reps;
3. Push-ups from the floor: do 4 sets as many times as you can. The break between sets should be 1-1.5 minutes;
4.: four sets of 15-30 times;
5. Lunges with dumbbells: four sets of 10-12 times.

3 DAY:
On the third day of training, take a break, rest.

4 DAY:
1.: perform three sets of 10 times;
2.: perform three sets of 15-20 times;
3. : perform this exercise in four sets with push-ups to failure. The break between sets should be 1-1.5 minutes;
4. : do 4 sets of 10-12 times.

5 DAY:
On the fifth day of training, take a break, rest.

6 DAY:
1. Power out on the bar: perform five sets of 10 times. If you do not have enough strength or the crossbar does not allow you to fully complete this exercise, then do these pull-ups with an average grip;
2. : do five sets of 20-40 times. If physical strength enough, then you can do this exercise with a backpack with a weight, or you can do the exercise on one leg.
3. Raising the legs to touch the bar: do this exercise in four sets and to failure. By doing this exercise legs should be straight.

DAY 7:
1.: put your feet on the sofa. Do 10 sets of 10 reps. In this case, perform the first approach to failure. The break between sets should be 1 minute;
2.: do 4 sets of 10 times;
3.: do seven sets of 10-20 times;

Attention: The break between all the indicated exercises, except for those where the break time is indicated, is three minutes.

Four-day split for mass or, in other words, four-day program training is used by advanced athletes with at least one year of training experience who have used in training process like , and . They have already been able to achieve excellent results in terms of building muscle mass, as well as the growth of power indicators in the main basic exercises X.

A four-day split is one of the varieties of a separate training system, which involves dividing all the muscles into four individual groups(workouts), each of which is worked out, as a rule, once a week. That is, you train 4 times a week, working out 1-2 muscle groups in each workout. For example, on Monday we work the muscles of the back, on Tuesday the muscles of the chest, on Thursday the legs, and on Friday the arms and shoulders. Unlike two and three-day programs training, a training program four times a week for mass, thanks to the introduction of an additional training day into the weekly microcycle, contributes to a deeper and better study of the muscles.

For example, you used to work out on a three-day split program, working out the back and biceps in the first workout, the chest and triceps in the second workout, and the legs and shoulders in the third workout. Agree, after training the back, the biceps get very tired, just like after training the chest, the triceps get tired. There are many options for a three-day split. But in any case, due to fatigue, we cannot work out small muscle groups at 100%. A four-day mass split gives us the opportunity to more qualitatively and deeply work out not only large, but also small muscle groups, such as arms and shoulders.

You can distribute muscle groups in different ways by day, depending on your goals and preferences. My favorite is the four-day mass split option below. On Monday I work the back muscles, on Tuesday the chest muscles, Wednesday is a rest day, on Thursday I train the muscles of the legs and on Friday the arms and delts. Saturday and Sunday are days off.

Four-day split for mass: training program

Monday (BACK)

1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 3-4 sets 8-12 repetitions

2. Classic deadlift 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps

3. Bent Over Rows 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Horizontal thrust V block simulator sitting 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

5. Shrugs 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

Tuesday (CHEST)

1. Bench Press 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Incline dumbbell bench press 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

3. Wiring dumbbells lying on a bench with a positive angle of inclination 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Thursday (LEGS)

1. Barbell squat 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

2. Deadlift on straight legs 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

3. Leg press 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Rises on socks in a standing position 3-4 sets pl 12-15 repetitions

5. Rises on socks in a sitting position 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions


1. Bench press narrow grip lying on a bench 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

2. Dips with an emphasis on triceps 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

3. Standing barbell curls 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Hammers with dumbbells 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

5. Bench press up sitting 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

6. Barbell row to the chin 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

Four-Day Workout Program: Notes

This version of the four-day split mass training program trains each muscle group once a week, not counting the indirect loading of small muscle groups. The alternation of training days and days of rest occurs according to the scheme of the weekly microcycle 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 (Mon and Tue - training, Wed - rest, Thu and Fri - training, Sat and Monday - rest).

Unlike a 3-day split, a four-day mass split allows you to better work out each muscle group. You can distribute muscle groups differently over the days and change the order of the exercises, adjusting this four-day split for mass for yourself. You should not stick to the same one for a long time without any changes. Remember that variation is one of the key principles of bodybuilding. Good luck friends!

Ecology of life. Fitness and sports: If nature "rewarded" you with an ectomorphic body type, do not despair. On the one hand, a fast metabolism prevents effective recruitment masses, but with the right approach, these "flaws" easily turn into virtues.


If nature "rewarded" you with an ectomorphic body type, do not despair. On the one hand, a fast metabolism prevents effective weight gain, but with the right approach, these “disadvantages” easily turn into advantages.

The main attention should be paid to basic exercises. Workouts should be intense and last no longer than 45 minutes.

For each muscle group, you need to do 4-6 sets of 6-8 repetitions, this will ensure the maximum possible progress.

It is for an ectomorph that the rule is very important " Bigger doesn't mean better!.

Ectomorph training program:

DAY 1 (legs, shoulders)

Squat 3x8

Leg press or hack squat 3x6-8

Bench press standing from the chest or from behind the head 3x6-8

Seated Dumbbell Press 2x6-8

DAY 2 (rest)

DAY 3 (chest, triceps)

Bench press 3x8

Press on incline bench or push-ups on wide bars 3x6-8 (with weights)

french press lying or standing 3x6-8

Extension of the arms on the block while standing 2x6-8

DAY 4 (rest)

DAY 5 (back, biceps)

Wide grip pull-ups (with weights) 2 max

Deadlift 3x6-8

Bent-over barbell row or 2x8 T-bar row

Lifting the bar for biceps 3x6-8

DAY 6-7 (rest)


Mesomorphs are most prone to power types sports. They have naturally developed muscles, a long torso, a wide rib cage and shoulders, low percentage of body fat. They quickly increase strength and gain lean muscle mass, so if you were born a mesomorph, consider yourself very lucky!

You need to train on a three-day split program, since a three-day split is most suitable for building muscle mass.

A feature of training for mesomorphs is that they can include isolating exercises to improve muscle shape when working on mass.

The number of approaches per muscle group is 6-8, the number of repetitions is 8-12.

In one workout, we work out 2-3 muscle groups.

Example training program per mass for mesomorph:

DAY 1 ( back, shoulders)

1. Pull-ups on the bar with weights 2 sets to failure;

2. Deadlift 3x8;

3. Rod thrust in the slope 3x10-12;

4. Bench press from the chest while standing 3x8-10;

5. Lifting dumbbells through the sides 3x12;

6. Lifting dumbbells through the sides in an incline 2x12;

7. Press 5x25.

DAY 2 (rest)

DAY 3 (chest, arms)

1. Bench press 3x10;

2. Dumbbell bench press lying on an inclined bench 3x12;

3. Wiring dumbbells lying on a bench 2x12;

4. Lifting the bar for biceps 4x10;

5. Lifting dumbbells for biceps 3x12;

6. French bench press with a barbell lying on a bench 4x10;

7. Extension of the arms on the block down 3x12;

8. Press 5x25.

DAY 4 (rest)

DAY 5 (legs)

1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 3x10-12;

2. Leg press 3x8-10;

3. Leg extension on the machine 2x12-15;

4. Bending legs on the machine 3x8-10;

5. Rise sitting / standing on toes 4x12-20;

6. Press 5x25.

DAY 6-7 (rest)


Endomorphs are genetically inclined to be overweight.

They pick up easily excess weight, which is deposited mainly on the abdomen, hips, shoulders and chest.

Therefore, the training of endomorphs has its own significant differences.

You need to train according to a three-day split program.

The program is based on heavy basic exercises that contribute to gaining muscle mass and burning a large number of calories.

The duration of each workout for endomorphs should be in the range of 90-120 minutes, be sure to start with a thorough warm-up and end with a hitch.

Rest between sets is minimal, about 60-90 seconds.

Endomorph training program


1.) Shoulder Squats 4 sets of 12-15 reps.

2.) Leg press lying on the simulator 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

3.) Unbend the legs on the machine 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

4.) Bend the legs on the machine 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

5.) Standing Barbell Chest Press 4 sets of 10-12 reps.

6.) Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 sets of 12 reps.

7.) 2-3 exercises for the press.

DAY 2 (rest)


1.) Bench Press horizontal bench 4 sets of 10-12 reps.

2.) Incline Dumbbell Press 3 sets of 12 reps.

3.) Wiring dumbbells lying on the bench 3 sets of 12 times.

4.) French bench press with EZ bar lying 3 sets 10-12 times.

5.) Extension of the arms down on the block 3 sets of 12 times.

6.) 2-3 exercises for the press.

7.) Jogging, jump rope or other aerobic exercise for 10-12 minutes.

DAY 4 (rest)


1.) Pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip to the chin or chest 4 sets of 8-15 times.

2.) Deadlift 3 sets of 8 reps.

3.) Bent over barbell row 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

4.) T-bar row to the chest in an inclination 3 sets of 8-10 times.

5.) Lifting the barbell for biceps while standing 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

6.) Lifting dumbbells for biceps sitting 3 sets of 10-12 times.

7.) 2-3 exercises for the press.

8.) Jogging, jump rope or other aerobic exercise 10-12 minutes. published

DAY 6-7 (rest)

When you have a clear action plan for the week ahead, you don’t need to fill your head with thoughts about how I will train tomorrow. Therefore, we have prepared for you a full 7 afternoon workout. Practice this program for 2 months and your friends and relatives will be pleasantly surprised by your transformation. Here we go!

1 day:

1. Press. 2 sets of 35;
2. Squats. 3 sets of 30;
3. Raising dumbbells in front of you: 3 sets of 10 times. The same exercise can be done with one dumbbell;
4. Raising the legs in a prone position. 3 sets of 25.

Day 2:

1. . 3 sets of 10 times;
2. Reduction of dumbbells over your head: do this exercise while standing, four sets of 10 times;
3. Jumping rope. 5 minutes;
4. Squats with dumbbells: four sets of 15-30 times;
5. Lunges with dumbbells: four sets of 10-12 times.

Day 3:

On the third day of training, take a break, rest.

Day 4:

1. Press. 3 to 30;
2. Push-ups. 3 to 15;
3. Plank - emphasis lying. 1.5 minutes;
4. Lifting dumbbells for biceps: do 4 sets of 10-12 times.

Day 5:

On the fifth day of training, take a break, rest.

Day 6:

1. Plank - emphasis lying. 1.5 minutes;
2. Calf raises with dumbbells in your hands: do five sets of 20-40 times. If there is enough physical strength, then you can do this exercise with a backpack with a weight, or you can do the exercise on one leg;
3. Raising the legs in a prone position. 3 times 25.

Day 7:

1. Push-ups from the floor: put your feet on the sofa. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. In this case, perform the first approach to failure. The break between sets should be 1 minute;
2. Press. 3 times 20;
3. Dumbbell Squats: Do seven sets of 10-20 reps.

Attention: The break between all the indicated exercises, except for those where the break time is indicated, is three minutes. Be always slim and beautiful, and we will help you with this!

This training system can be divided into any number of training days, but I believe that 4 days per week per training should be enough for maximum results. This material presents a four-day training plan, designed for 4 weeks.

Here is a typical weekly plan training on this system:

  • Day 1: Chest, Biceps and Abs;
  • Day 2: Quadriceps, Hamstrings & Calves;
  • Day 3: Rest;
  • Day 4: Shoulders, Triceps and Abs;
  • Day 5: Back, Trapeze and Forearm;
  • Day 6: Rest;
  • Day 7: Rest or start 1 day;

The basis of HIML-4 training is rotation 4 different styles workouts for all 4 weeks:

  • 1 Week: a week of heavy weight training. We focus on 5-7 repetitions and basic exercises;
  • 2 weeks: a week of intensive training. We focus on negative repetitions, repetitions to complete fatigue and drop sets;
  • 3 week: week from medium load. We focus on exercises with 10-12 repetitions, mixing exercises with free weights with exercises in the simulator;
  • 4 week: a week of light exercise. Doing isolated exercises 15-20 repetitions;

Week 1 - "Heavy" week

Do not add exercise on these training days. This week is based on basic exercises, each using the same weight. Do the maximum number of repetitions in each exercise, but not more than 7 and at the same time without complete fatigue. When you have completed 7 repetitions every 4 sets, then increase the weights in the next workout.

Week 2 - Intensive Training

During the second week we train with a limited number of sets, but each set will be very intense. Each set should end with fatigue.

If you complete 10 repetitions in each set of exercises, then in next time increase working weights.

Rest as much as necessary for physical recovery.

Week 3 - Moderate Training

The third week of training is a workout with an increased number of repetitions per set and a slightly higher working weight. Rest between sets - 2-3 minutes. During this week, it is important not to train until you are completely tired. Stop doing a set when you feel that the next repetition may be the last due to fatigue. When you feel like you can do more than 12 reps in each set of an exercise, increase the weight next time.

Week 4 - Light training

The fourth week of the training is a light version of the program of the previous weeks. During this week, we must allow our joints and connective tissues to recover normally from the heavy loads they have received for three weeks. Training should not be to the point of complete fatigue. We end the set when we feel that the next repetition can be the last.

The fourth week workout is high reps and low weight.