negative exercises. The training principle of negative reps in bodybuilding

Negative reps are a way to shock the muscles and work in super-in-ten-siv-me-me with a weight that is more per-so-nal-no-go mak-si-moo-ma at-le-ta for one repetition. Apply negative repetitions in their workouts should only be experienced by experienced athletes who have already reached such a level of strength for -te-lei, when prog-res-si-ro-vat due to an increase in the working weight becomes-but-wit-sya not-effective-tiv-but. This does not mean that it is not necessary to-ra-schi-va-vat si-lo-vye-ka-for-the-whether! The point is that an increase, for example, in a bench press of 1-2 kg in 1-2 months is not the prog-res-siya load-ru-zok that can most effectively stimulate us - neck growth. In such cases, it already makes sense to apply method-to-lo-gi-ches-tions on you-full-non-su-per-pri-e-mov, because in such conditions they are already eff-fek-tiv-nee-nei-noy prog-res-sii loads.

Negative repetitions are also used to strengthen the su-tav-but-connected-zoch-no-go ap-pa-ra-ta and pro-ra-bot-ki technique for performing the exercise in the ex-tsen-tri-ches-koy fa -se. In addition to that, working with a lot of weight is also useful for psycho-ho-lo-gi-ches-ki, since the athlete attaches to weight. Among the well-known fatherly security officials, not everyone has a given point of view, for example, the Ukrainian at-let is against no one Dmitry Go-lo-win-s-cue, someone is convinced that working with a weight higher than per-so-nal-no-go mak-si-mu-ma is not the next etc. It is necessary to admit that the point of view is quite justified, since the inclusion of non-positive repetitions in the tri-ro-voch-ny process requires sub-ho -dya-schey of his or-ga-ni-za-tion, which can pre-five-with-t-in-vat do-ti-the-same-tion of other goals. On the other hand, there are dos-ta-to-ch-but a lot of av-ri-tet-ny athletes and coaches who claim the opposite! Who is right?

Most likely, both of them are right, and the application of certain me-to-lo-gi-ches-kih indications should be considered in-di-vid-du -al-but. For example, if we are talking about non-ha-tiv-ny pov-to-re-ni-yah, then they are able to dull the work of su-ho-vein-no-go-or-ha-na Gol-d- well, thanks to what the central nervous system of the athlete will be able to give out more powerful nerve impulses, allowing the athlete to have a stronger in-ner -vi-ro-vat muscles. If the at-let is already psycho-ho-lo-gi-ches-ki under-go-to-flax, and his nervous system “does not ots-ta-et” from the muscular-muscular, pos-in -lyaya mak-si-mal-but re-a-li-zo-you-vat on-ten-qi-al of the last, then he doesn’t need non-ga-tiv-ny pov-to-re-niya. And in this case, since for the central nervous system, working in a high-pro-centre from PM is stress-some, from similar super-in-ten-siv -nyh receptions should be abandoned.

If we are talking about bodybuilding, in which the development of speed-strength-for-bodies is not an end in itself, but is only a way to make muscles grow, not positive repetitions can play a significant role and even turn out to be not-behind-me-ne-we-mi. The bottom line is that such sets, when an athlete works for a long time in the ex-cen-three-chess phase, stimulate-mu-li-ru-yut you-ra-bot-ku ions water-do -kind-yes, which activate cell division of satellites in muscle fibers of type II type. For knowledgeable people, this suggests that some kind of exercises are able to be done in-with-in-own-with-t-in-vat muscle hyperplasia fibers, but the same knowing people are good-ro-sho from the West, but that this is only possible if dispute-tiv-noy far-ma-ko-lo-gie . Does this mean that in real bodybuilding there is no place for such methods? No, it doesn't mean!

Amateur bodybuilders can afford to use negative reps for the purpose of sho-ki-ro-va-ing muscles, passing plateaus and as an unusual stimulus for their hyper-trophy. The well-known Methodist Charles Poliquin recommended doing every 4 no-de-li for the target muscle group 3-4 sets of 5 repetitions, in some of the last at-years you are only in the negative phase. Thus, at-years you-half-nya-et to “from-ka-za” 4 repetitions, then the partner throws another 20% of the ra-bo-th weight on the barbell, helps to pass the end-price -tri-chess phase of the exercise, and then at-years already in those 6-10 seconds returns the barbell to its original position. In the con-centre-rich-chess phase, the steam-nick should take on most of the load-load, ideally all 100%, in a way it’s possible ask two people to lift the bar for you. From-breath between sub-ho-da-mi - 5 minutes.

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All athletes know that sooner or later any, even the best, training program loses its effectiveness. To improve the quality of training, you have to increase the weight in the exercises, the number of repetitions or approaches.

But another technique that can surprise your muscles and give them an unusual load can be negative reps. What is it - negative repetitions? Let's figure it out.

What are negative reps

Negative reps are a high intensity training method in bodybuilding. Its essence lies in the fact that the concentric phase is almost completely excluded from the exercise, and only the eccentric phase remains. The concentric phase is called the raising of the projectile, and the eccentric phase is its lowering.

Why negative repetitions are needed and what benefits they bring

Performing "negatives" allows you to work with a large working weight, thereby strengthening the work. desired muscle in the eccentric phase. This approach leads to explosive muscle growth. Special efficiency this species exercise brings with a certain stagnation in training, when increasing weight becomes inappropriate and even dangerous. According to research data, after 1 week of negative training, strength indicators increase by 10-20%.

Note: negative reps are not suitable for beginner athletes. It is worth doing them only for those people who have been doing it for at least 2-3 years. When performing them, one cannot do without the help of a strong partner.

It is not recommended to use this type of training on an ongoing basis. Include it in your program once every 5-6 months to achieve maximum results and at the same time not have time to get used to unusual loads for the body.

Correct execution technique

The most important role in negative repetitions is played by the technique of their execution. It depends on it whether your performance will increase and how much your muscles can increase. You need to start any workout, including those with negative repetitions, with a joint warm-up for all muscle groups. It will help to avoid injuries, warm up the ligaments and joints and prepare the body for a more difficult load.

At the beginning, do 2 warm-up sets with an empty bar or a weight equal to half of your working weight. Do the first and second working approach with a weight of 60-70% of the maximum, and in the last approaches you can take your Weight Limit. Follow correct technique performance, no need to increase the weight at any cost. Also pay attention to a few important points:

  1. When you include negative repetitions in the program, you cannot avoid the help of a partner. So, you must lift the bar with outside help, and you need to lower it yourself.
  2. Give up with light weight. Negative repetitions are very difficult and energy intensive in themselves.
  3. Lower the projectile slowly, stretching the muscle and feeling its work. If you lower the weight faster than in 7-8 seconds, then the desired effect will not be achieved.
  4. Important: after completing the “negatives”, be sure to arrange a day of rest. Your muscles should not only fully work, but also keep up.

What exercises should be done

Doing negative reps only makes sense when doing basic exercises with free weights. So, in the bench press () this type of training helps to significantly increase the performance and take more working weight, see other options for increasing performance in the material:. To properly perform it, you must raise the barbell with the help of a partner, and lower it yourself.

For biceps, you can perform barbell or dumbbell lifts, and pull-ups on the horizontal bar with extra weight help develop latissimus dorsi back and deltas. Do not forget about leg exercises such as squats and. When performing them, you also cannot do without an assistant who will lift the weight.


Negative reps are a great technique for increasing your strength and training variety. But don't forget about good recovery, and proper nutrition with lots of protein. Then the result will not keep you waiting!

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Not doing negative reps yet? So you do not have a biceps of 45 cm. Learn the secrets and nuances of execution right now.

Probably, someone will say that Mike did not have very many followers, but suffice it to recall Dorian Yates, who won Olympia six times. This proves the effectiveness of negative reps.

What are negative reps?

Many athletes know that muscles can lower more weight than they can lift. It is on this fact that the training principle of negative repetitions in bodybuilding is built. Most often, negative training is used by weightlifters and powerlifters, but it is also quite common in bodybuilding. Let's look at how a bodybuilder can benefit from negative reps.

Let's start with theory to make it easier to understand why muscles can lower more weight than they can lift. Many believe that this is due to the body's ability to better synchronize the work of muscles and connect more fibers to it in the negative phase. However, based on the results of the available studies, we can say that this is an incorrect assumption.

It should be recognized that there are two theories on this score that do not have contradictions at all and it would be more correct to consider them as a single whole. So, the first theory suggests that during muscle stretching, an additional element called titin is connected to work. As you know, muscles work due to contractile protein compounds - myosin and actin. However, now we also know about the presence of titin, which is included in the work when the muscles are stretched, creating additional resistance.

The second theory is also related to muscle stretching, but considers only the actin filament. During muscle contraction, actin can bind to myosin only in certain areas. In turn, when stretched, the number of these sections increases, which causes more resistance.

How to use negative training in bodybuilding?

Now that we have dealt with the theories, we can go directly to the question of using the training principle of negative reps in bodybuilding. Since bodybuilders have different goals than powerlifters and weightlifters, there are certain nuances in the use of negative reps.

Bodybuilders need to achieve hypertrophy of muscle fibers. Actually, two postulates have long been known that allow hypertrophy to be achieved:

  • The greater the working weight, the greater the muscles will be;
  • The stronger the stress for the tissues during exercise, the more powerful the supercompensation will be (muscle growth, to put it simply).
By by and large you can use only these rules and nothing else to invent. However, as you know, there is no limit to perfection. Negative training allows you to achieve hypertrophy of myofibrils. For bodybuilders, it is important to achieve this particular type of hypertrophy, since the percentage of myofibrils in muscles is about 80 percent, and, therefore, tissue growth in this case will be stronger.

Based on all of the above, we can now consider several techniques based on the training principle of negative reps in bodybuilding.

Method #1

Let's start with the method already mentioned today by Mike Mentzer. His system uses negative training in its classic form. The athlete should work with maximum weight and perform 3 to 4 repetitions. Since the weight sports equipment is close to the maximum, then almost all motor units are involved in the work.

Literally from the first repetitions of the exercise, the load on the muscles is high and type 2A fibers will be acidified to a greater extent, and, consequently, injured. It should be recalled that this type of fiber is responsible for the strength performance of athletes.

Method #2

In this case, the athlete needs to use such a working weight with which he is able to perform from 8 to 12 repetitions. When performing a classic set, the muscles get tired and acidified, but the approach itself is not yet completed.

The athlete needs to perform a few more negative repetitions, which in this case can be called forced repetitions. In this case, remember that you will need the help of a friend. Although if you do not perform the first repetitions to failure, then you can then work independently in the negative phase. It is only better to reduce the number of regular repetitions to 6-10.

It is also important to remember that during the eccentric phase of the movement of the sports equipment, it is necessary to resist its weight. This can be achieved by deliberately lengthening this phase by lowering the projectile longer than it was raised.

And the last thing you need to pay attention to when using this technique - the eccentric phase should begin with the maximum contraction of the target muscle. Simply put, during the lifting of weights, it is necessary to contract the muscles as much as possible. This technique allows to achieve hypertrophy of type 2B fibers.

Interestingly, in strength exercises, the lowering phase of the weight has always been considered trifling. Like, the main thing is to lift weight. That's where the mistake was! Furthermore, in the phase of lowering the weights, they usually saved strength - they lowered the weight faster. Meanwhile, just this phase in any strength exercise is the main one. And it needs to be tightened up. Lowering the weight is much more effective in terms of increasing strength, volume and overall muscle tone. In bodybuilding, this phase is called negative reps.

We will tell you about latest method training with a partner or instructor who is more likely than others to bring you the desired results. Someone else will lift the weight for you, and you will only lower it. We warn you in advance, you will be much more tired!

Answer a seemingly simple question: when do the leg muscles get more load - when climbing uphill or when descending? It would seem that there is nothing to think about, it is clear that during the ascent! But no! Your muscles work much more actively when descending a mountain. The same thing happens when doing strength exercises.

The muscle itself is created by nature to overcome weight by shortening the length. Its stretching is usually associated with rest and relaxation, and here is a critical power load! Here everything is activated in the muscle - from biochemical reactions to the last muscle fiber. According to competent scientific research, the force applied when lowering the weight is greater than the dynamic one (when lifting it), at least one and a half times! This is where the fast results come in!

If you are still perplexed about the imaginary paradox, then here is its scientific explanation. Remember, when you lift a weight, what muscle is it? Right! It shortens, that is, reduces its length. What if you drop? That muscle is stretched. But! At the same time, she experiences the same effect of weight. In fact, it didn't get any better. So, force stretching is given to the muscle much more difficult.

Negative Rep Exercises

The phase of lifting weights in bodybuilding is called positive, and lowering is called negative. So, the technique for performing negatives depends on the specific strength exercise. Take, for example, an exercise for developing chest muscles. In this case, everything is simple - the partner stands behind your head, grabs the bar of the bar and helps you throw it on the stops. Well, you can handle lowering the bar yourself.

It is curious that negatives consume such muscle quality as strength endurance to a lesser extent. And if you only have enough stamina for 8-10 full presses barbells, then with the same weight you can easily overcome up to 15 negatives. So if you need to stay within the limits of the previous number of repetitions, the weight of the barbell in negatives should be increased by at least 10-12%.

A similar technique can be used when lifting the bar for biceps. The partner helps you to throw it up to the collarbones. Lower the bar yourself.

Forced negatives

Sometimes forced negatives are used. In the same biceps curl, you lift the bar of a regular working weight to the top of the amplitude, and then your partner puts his hands on the bar and presses to increase the load in the negative phase. A similar technique can be used in pull-ups, extensions and leg curls.

Often negatives are used when the muscles are already tired, and the mood is still fighting. This is where a partner helps you do some extra pure negative reps at the end of the set.

Be that as it may, but negative repetitions do miracles with muscles - and this is a fact. Experts believe that negative repetitions can only be used occasionally - the load on the muscles is too great. Let's say once a week for one muscle or. Or for “pulling up” a lagging muscle as part of a monthly specialization program.

In any case, you need to fundamentally change the routine method of performing strength exercises. Remember: the positive phase is not that important to you, so go through it faster. But always tighten the negative phase. To accustom yourself to the correct way to perform exercises, always count to yourself: “one-two” - lifting the weight, “one-two-three-four” - negative lowering. Believe me, you will notice the result of the new technique in 2-3 weeks!

Negative Rep Safety Techniques

  • Negative repetitions give an unusual load on the ligaments. In order not to provoke injury with an awkward or abrupt movement, be especially punctual in following correct technique. Lower the weight smoothly and evenly
  • If you make clean negatives with a partner, the working weight should be raised by 10-12%.
  • During a forced negative rep, the partner puts pressure on the bar, thereby increasing the resistance of the weight. It is clear that the partner must have professional experience in the field of bodybuilding. Performing negatives with an amateur can lead to injury.
  • Negative repetitions are the best tool to improve overall muscle tone. It's fine if you end some sets with a negative, but "clean" negatives are still the most effective.
  • The stress received by the muscles during negative training is much higher than during normal training. So the recovery period between workouts should be increased by at least a day.
  • If you are new to bodybuilding, then it is quite enough to practice negatives only once a month (per muscle or muscle group).
  • In any exercise, try to lift the weight with a quick dynamic effort, but lower it with emphasis on slowness - at the expense of “one-two-three-four”. From time to time, lengthen the phase of lowering the weight to the count of “five” and even “six”.

Many athletes, beginners and already established, add to the cycle strength training negative repeats. Using such exercises, the athlete can make the exercises as intense and difficult as possible. This means that quickly and impressively it becomes possible to significantly increase muscle mass, and increase power indicators too. When there is stagnation in training, negative repetitions are very effective.

These are classes in a rather impressive intensity mode in bodybuilding. During such exercises, the bodybuilder pays maximum attention to lowering the weight, practically excluding its lifting. During weight lifting, the force of muscle contraction is used - at this moment a positive movement occurs. achieve maximum effect from the negative becomes possible with a slow eccentric phase - when the heaviness descends. Here the athlete controls every movement.

Many people get help during negative rep exercises. Thus, it is possible to ensure that the muscles are not injured when lowering the weight. The help of other trainees during classes is of little benefit - you will only load your muscles and not allow maximum mobilization of forces in order to overcome the barrier and move towards the intended goal.

Those who train on their own achieve impressive success. Indeed, in this case, you have to cope with the loads yourself, which means that during the approaches more significant weight will be gained, without a feeling of virtual success.

If you work independently, then the weight must be lifted with both hands, and lowered with one. Negative reps are a great workout for tendons and ligaments.

The Benefits of Negative Reps

Those exercises that lead to a reduction in muscle length are positive. As for negative exercises, when they are performed, the muscles are stretched.

Picking up big weight, muscle contraction occurs - they shorten. If in slow pace lower weights, then the muscles will be impressively tense as a result of gravity. At the same time, they are strenuously stretched - lengthened. Due to the unnatural position, the muscles receive impressive stress. And there is also tearing of muscle fibers.

Against the background of everything that happens, the mechanism of healing of damaged muscles is turned on - this leads to an increase in their growth. This means that by focusing on the negative phase of the exercises, you direct the actions of the muscles towards their increased growth.

Negative repetitions are a great factor influencing the muscles and giving them maximum load. After performing such repetitions, recovery will take a long period of time.

While many benefits can be gained from using negative repetitions, it cannot be the basis of training. The thing is that negative repetitions do not involve the positive phase of the training, but it is also necessary. Such repetitions should be used if you have not had progress for a long time, you feel that the muscles do not experience an impressive load. Thanks to the negatives, they will wake up and remember what a real load is.

Lesson examples

It is very important that athletes are experienced enough to train with negative repetitions like this. In addition, it should be remembered that preparing for such exercises takes an impressive amount of time. Here it is necessary to adjust the racks, return the shell after each set to its place. Let's take a look at the classic negative biceps workout.

We put the weight on the bar - with it you should be able to achieve four repetitions. After that, load another twenty percent of the total weight, and then proceed to the negative. To raise the bar, you can use the help of a partner, when lowering it is no longer required - do it yourself.

Moreover, it is important that these movements are as slow as possible. Then rest for about five minutes, after which you can safely do a new set. For the entire workout, the number of approaches should not exceed four - optimally 3-4.

With negative training, microtrauma of the fibers is possible. muscle tissue. After recovery, nodules form in this place. They give muscle volume. But here it is very important to be very careful, because the frequent use of negative exercises will only harm your body.

It should always be remembered that negative reps in bodybuilding put an impressive strain on nervous system. So, it is strictly forbidden to use such training daily.

Rules for performing negative repetitions

It is important to load the target muscles as much as possible - they need to experience additional stress. The more impressive the load, the better the growth will be. But here one should not overdo it. After all, the body is not unlimited in its capabilities, it also needs rest and recovery. So, the load in training should be maximum, but not more than an hour and a half. Then you need to eat well and sleep enough.

Consider how to properly perform negative repetitions:

  1. The athlete must be experienced, with a solid base. The thing is that negative exercises create stress for the elbows. The same goes for the shoulders.
  2. Negatives should be dealt with once every few weeks. If you use such exercises more often, then a drop in efficiency is likely - the muscles will get used to such a load very quickly.
  3. When you do negative reps, you push out the weights in the traditional form and lower the weight in a slower mode. This is where the help of a training partner is needed. As for lowering, you will have to do everything yourself, and the movements should be as slow as possible.
  4. The first exercise will require two to three negative sets. Extend the negative phase to four or even eight seconds. It is important to repeat the exercises until you get tired. Perform negatives exclusively in gym. It is important.
  5. When lowering, you should always hold your breath while inhaling - while exhaling rib cage relaxes, and the stability of the position is lost. It turns out the following scheme: first, inhale, then move, after the end point and exhale.
Useful tips for doing negative reps:
  1. It is best to do this training for a short time. The thing is that in the case of a search using this technique, overtraining is quite possible.
  2. Against the background of the use of negative repetitions in the classroom, post-workout soreness in the muscles may appear.
  3. After the exercises are over, cool the main muscle groups by applying ice to them. Don't forget about the joints that are left tight after training with negative reps. If the joints began to hurt - to help you, it will quickly relieve pain.
  4. It is worth thinking through everything to the smallest detail: important elements such as calories and amino acids are necessary to ensure muscle growth. The same goes for hormones.
  5. Rest is definitely needed - this should not be forgotten in any case.
  6. Work during training should be hard, but not overdoing it. It is important to remember that negative training is an impressive load for the muscles. So now is the time to take advantage of it.

Features of negative repetitions

Here are some examples: bench and seat presses, leg curls, and curls and biceps curls. The technique of pure negatives can be applied to any exercise - deadlifts can be an exception. After all, there is a rather powerful load on the lumbar region. Yes, and at least two athletes will be required to help.

Clean negatives are a traumatic technique in bodybuilding. It should be used only by those who already have impressive training experience behind them. Such a shocking technique cannot be the main one for the entire training. It should be used periodically in order to shake up muscles that have already adapted to normal work. After such a session, do not forget to set aside time for a full recovery. Rest is an indispensable assistant in this case.

Negative repetitions are most often used in a sport such as bodybuilding. After all, it is here that volume is very important. What does it look like? Let's say you're doing an exercise for 10 reps with a certain load. After that, the eleventh repetition is performed by you already through force, and then you slowly lower the projectile to its original position.

For the effectiveness of training, you can ask someone to become an assistant after you yourself complete the eleventh repetition. Have a partner help lift the bar, then do a few more negative reps.

Slow repetitions of training accelerate muscle growth. Such training will be an excellent choice for beginner athletes who dream of mastering the technique of performing exercises, as well as for those who decide to return to the sport after a long break or due to a serious injury. Slow repetitions should be done slowly, at a fairly slow pace. Thus, the joints will not be loaded, there is no risk of injury. Professional bodybuilders use slow reps as a component of periodization during training.

Classes aimed at strength growth are most often used in powerlifting, in basic exercises. How does this happen? Imagine that the maximum possible weight for training in your case is 90 kg. Now add another ten or fifteen kilograms for the bench press.

When practicing using negative repetitions, insurance is necessary - one, or maybe even two people should help perform such exercises. This is especially true for those moments when you do them in the bench press. An assistant is also needed when the bar is removed from the racks, as well as when one repetition is completed and it is necessary to raise the bar to complete the second.

About negative repetitions - look at the video: