How to gain weight with Ayurveda. Ayurvedic natural remedies for weight gain

If you are a Pitta type, you are lucky to have an average build, fair skin with freckles, a strong metabolism, good digestion, and a great appetite. The Pitta dosha body type can gain weight, but it is also easy to get rid of it.

Such a person has constantly warm to the touch hands and feet. The hair is soft and tends to gray prematurely or fall out. They sweat easily. In a psychological aspect, Dosha Pitta implies attentive and intelligent people who have good ability to understand the situation and oratory. They like structure and organization, and are also considered good planners. For the most part, they are leaders and achieve material well-being by working in their element. Demonstrate wealth and property with pleasure and pride. They are ambitious and athletic.

Qualities of Dosha Pitta

The Pitta Dosha type got its name from Sanskrit. The main qualities of Pitta-man: oily, sharp (harsh), hot, light, "smelling of meat" and liquid. Thus, if the Pitta constitution prevails, then all these qualities are generously expressed against the background of the mental, emotional and physical condition. You can find their reflection in your strengths and weaknesses.

  • The oily quality characterizes the softness of the skin, but, in excess, can manifest as oily skin or acne;
  • A sharp quality can manifest itself as a sharp, bright intellect, and a "sharp tongue" if it is exceeded;
  • "Heat" is manifested by a warm, rosy complexion, a warm (permanently elevated) body temperature, a strong metabolism, and an appetite. When "fire" is in excess, ulcers, heartburn, or irascibility are possible;
  • The quality of light can lead you to slim body or to the possibility of earning anorexia if you thoughtlessly skip food and allow weight loss;
  • The quality "smelling of meat" manifests itself in the form of a strong body odor;
  • Liquid quality is expressed in the form of excess sweating; when it is combined with a hot quality, there may be excess acid in the stomach.

Reducing or balancing Pitta

Since such a constitution is naturally hot, hot weather, hot foods, warm seasons and times of day, and even hot emotions can increase it. The same principle applies to liquids.

Stress is the main reason for the imbalance of all three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Only in Pitta this can happen somewhat destructively. Thus, any practice, such as meditation, yoga will help the body itself to come into balance. And of course, you need to work with consciousness, find the reason why the imbalance began. Eliminate this cause, change your attitude to the situation if the problem is not solved.

With regards to reducing or increasing Pitta by taste preferences, then:

  1. Spicy, sour and salty tastes increase Pitta, by increasing its hot quality. An example is the hot taste of chili peppers; sour pickles and salt;
  2. Sweet, bitter and astringent tastes will reduce it. An example of a natural sweet taste is wheat; bitter and tart (which are often combined): lots of greens and herbs.

As for color therapy, Pitta is calmed by cool colors. It can be blue, blue or green shades.. And very often Pitta girls intuitively choose such colors. Whereas red, orange and yellow colors are more suitable for Kapha Dosha.

Description of aromatherapy. Sandalwood is suitable for the Pitta constitution, as well as for the Kapha dosha. Lavender soothes the imbalance very well, lemon is also used from citrus scents.. You can use pine, cedar, spruce aromas that have a calming effect on the mind. We must not forget that this type does not tolerate very strong odors. If you use aromatherapy, then use oils in small amounts, just a little bit, and before applying the oil to the body, take a test of its perception.

Lavender is the ideal scent for Pitta.

Opposites in climate and lifestyle

The ideal environment for a Pitta person is cool and dry.. The best are cold weather sports such as skiing and skating or doing gymnastic exercises early morning. A daily 10-20 minute gentle self-massage using warm sunflower oil will cool the heat and keep you wanting to relax, calm down and “go with the flow”, and not with the help of your will, using the energy flow.

Sweet scents, melodious music, and positive vibes are wonderful "medicines" for Pitt.

From an emotional and psychological point of view, the tendency to seek aggressive self-control and unified dominance in your relationships, as well as the unbridled development of personal ambitions, can eventually lead to mental or physical "burnout". Such diseases in Pitta are best treated by positive feedback of emotions. If you can develop your faith in a relationship with divine or natural power, this will help you to relax and release pressure and tension. For this reason, it is beneficial and vital for a Pitta person to enjoy regular meditation before proper meals. It needs to be done with a special mood and approach, and not just done as if it were another task that they need to master.

Possible effects on the body from the point of view of medicine

A Pitta person is usually troubled by diseases related to the fire principle: metabolism, digestive diseases, allergies, inflammatory diseases, various eye diseases, skin rashes, burning, heartburn, acidity in the stomach, diarrhea, ulcers, colitis, or pain. in the throat, fever, toxins in the blood.

  1. Small intestine: The small intestine holds food until it is completely digested. If digestion is slow or weak, metabolic waste from the growing number of bacteria causes acidity to build up. The body responds by increasing Pitta dosha;
  2. Stomach: hydrochloric acid is sharp, capable of breaking food particles. If the lining of the stomach is too thin, an ulcer may develop;
  3. Sweat and sebaceous glands: body odor and is a sign of poor digestion. When the digestive tract is normal, perspiration and bad breath disappear;
  4. Blood: When Pitta is elevated in the small intestine, acid and bile are absorbed through the mucosa gastrointestinal tract into the blood. Pitta in the blood causes rashes, fever and irritability;
  5. Eyes: When Pitta enters the blood, vision deteriorates. Many people of this type wear glasses. Other signs: inflamed or yellow eyes;
  6. Leather: Pitta in the blood causes rashes, eczema and psoriasis.

Constitution and character of Pitta Dosha

Dosha of this type is rarely able to get out of balance, however, if this happens, the consequences can cause various disorders for the human body. A huge store of energy lives within the Pitta Dosha. People of this dosha enjoy power, control, authority. They want to control all events, all people around. All this allows Pitt people to achieve influence, success and self-confidence.

According to Ayurveda, it was the people of Pitt who helped civilization develop and improve, it is to them that science owes such breakthroughs in the field of knowledge. The character of Pitta Dosha can be described as: domineering, reliable, courageous, honest, purposeful, punctual, responsible and does not shy away from difficulties. In a word, leaders. However, Pitt people also have negative features. These are temper, irritability, anger, anger, envy. These negative traits appear when the dosha is not in the right, correct balance.

As for the constitution of the body, Pitt's people can boast of their good, proportional and athletic figure, normally developed muscles.

The limbs of the body are medium in size. The hands of Pitt people are often warm and sweaty. There are also many moles on the body. Often have a triangular or heart-shaped face, features are sharp, sharp. Pitta Dosha skin is slightly oily, oily and often problematic. The piercing and attentive look of Pitt's people can at the same time inspire both trust and fear. The eyes are often light.

The main task of Ayurveda is to convey to a person the knowledge that helps him maintain his body strong and healthy. A healthy person is one who normal weight and growth has excellent health and lives in harmony with himself and the world around him.

Low weight and its causes according to Ayurveda

With the ubiquitous problem of overweight, there are people who are unsuccessfully trying to gain weight. Difficulties with weight gain are usually experienced by people who are dominated by Vata dosha. Vata is characterized by activity, restlessness, and a fast metabolism that instantly burns calories from food. People with this body constitution, even with enhanced nutrition, cannot accumulate the necessary kilograms.

The cause of low weight may be Vata imbalance. With such a problem, it is important to monitor its balance, remembering that Vata rises due to anxiety, insomnia, fasting or eating cold and dry food, exposure to cold. With high Pitta, there can also be low weight - the body "burns" itself.

Ayurveda has many recipes for solving the problem of low weight, but people who want to gain weight should first think - do they really need it? Indeed, according to Ayurveda, a healthy person is thin, and if low weight does not threaten health and is not accompanied by poor health, then it is better to leave everything as it is. Another thing is if a person has low Ojas ( Vital energy), weakness and Vata-type diseases.

When gaining weight, it is better to try to increase not fat mass, but muscular, by doing moderate loads on the muscles, while not increasing Vata. The ideal option is yoga.

Ayurveda and human growth

For the growth and structure of the human body, the creation of new and restoration of damaged cells. Kapha answers. Kapha (the elements of Water and Earth) creates the structures of the body, binds them together and creates a lubricant (in the joints, tissues, cells).

Of course, you can’t argue against genetics, and a person in whose family there were people of short stature is unlikely to become a giant, but Ayurveda has special remedies that help increase growth a little. There are also special recipes for the normal development of a person in adolescence.

Ways to normalize height and weight

1. Appropriate diet - "anti-Vata", with the intake of sour, salty and sweet foods; the use of root vegetables, dates, bananas, whole grains, nuts, butter, sugar, cheese and cottage cheese.

2. Self-massages with oils that improve metabolic processes.

4. Meditation and the ability to relax.

5. Healthy sleep and rest.

6. Reception of tonic herbs - licorice, shatavari, ashwagandha, boiled in milk.

7. Taking Ayurvedic drugs to help gain muscle mass.

Ayurvedic preparations for increasing height, body weight and during sports

Excellent results are shown by such natural herbal preparations as: Chyawanprash, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Dashamulaharitaki, Narasimha rasayana, Dhatupaustik, Kapikachhu, Aja mamsa, Methikhils, Bala churna, Ratan Hightop, Swasth vardhak.

In recent years, active research has been carried out in the field of optimization sports achievements in athletes. It is necessary that the funds found do not give side effects and helped speed up recovery after high loads. In this regard, Ayurvedic preparations, which are produced exclusively from natural ingredients, are of significant interest.

Not being medicines, Ayurveda preparations gently and naturally allow you to achieve the desired results.

Gain weight, build muscle, lose weight.

In today's episode, we'll cover a few related questions:

Letter 1:

I have a "Vata" constitution, after some stress and nervous tension, the weight has even decreased. What would you advise in nutrition to increase weight to normal? (Now there is no nervous tension, the stress is gone :)) I read on your website in the table of favorable and unfavorable foods for Vata that it is allowed to eat meat, but I don’t eat it , though only a few months, but now I don’t want to start.

Letter 2:

How to increase muscle mass, 5 kilograms?

First of all, it is important to understand which dosha imbalance results in weight loss. Such a formulation of the question may be surprising, since everyone knows that thinness is characteristic of Vatas. However, not only Watam.

There is another dosha that can give thinness, and strong. Don't be surprised - it's Kapha.

Yes, yes - this is the same Kapha that so torments many with its excess weight. And, nevertheless, there is such an interesting subdosha - Avalambaka-Kapha, - with an imbalance of which a person develops thinness, gradually developing into dystrophy.

Vata imbalance with leanness can be distinguished from Avalambaka-Kapha imbalance with depletion by accompanying signs. If Vata imbalance is accompanied by a person’s psychological lightness, mobility and other signs of high Vata, then Avalambaka-Kapha imbalance is already accompanied by signs of Kapha - heaviness, laziness, prolonged depression, etc. Often it is severe depression that accompanies exhaustion along the Avalambaka-Kapha subdosha .

Depending on the cause, the method of weight gain may vary. In cases of Avalambaka-Kapha imbalance, Special attention pay attention to psychological moments - work with depression, psychological methods to awaken a taste for life in a person, move him to movement, to physical level take care of cleansing the body, etc.

In cases of Vata imbalance, it is enough to confine oneself to the standard methods of the Vata regimen.

If the weight is reduced strongly, then in both cases, a highly nutritious diet is taken as the basis of nutrition, close to the Vata diet, but in cases of Avalambaka-Kapha imbalance with the additional measures mentioned above. A special tonic diet can be used, which has already been published on the website:

Especially it should be said about meat and products from it, which are actively used and recommended by Ayurveda in cases where it is necessary to gain weight or increase the tone of the body. At this point, it is appropriate to consider another letter:

Hello Eugene! I like everything in your newsletter, but it seems that Ayurveda promotes vegetarianism, and in the 3-day cleanse I see recipes with meat. Somehow it doesn't fit.

First of all, it should be said that Ayurveda does not promote anything. Ayurveda is not a set of religious rules, prescriptions and prohibitions, but an ancient medical system that impartially reports what will happen if you do this or that.

An analogy can be easily found in modern medicine, which uses, for example, alcohol or drugs in its therapeutic measures. To lubricate the injection site with alcohol or to give drugs to a person dying of cancer with insane pain syndrome is normal and correct. And medicine painstakingly explains how and when to do it. But the same medicine explains that if you use alcohol or drugs for other purposes, then it will end not just badly, but deadly badly.

The same is true in Ayurveda. Like modern medicine, Ayurveda can use both poisons and tamasic products when needed. The promotion of vegetarianism is the lot of spiritual practices that are practiced by healthy people. Ayurveda, on the other hand, works with sick people and sets itself the task of bringing them to that state of ideal health, in which they can already practice spiritual practices.

However, the same Ayurveda tells us that very often quite successful substitutes can be found from a number of products of a higher level.

For example, Ayurveda knows that the best way to restore and grow some tissue is to eat that same tissue. This means that the best way to restore blood is to drink blood, and the best way to build muscle is to eat meat. But even for a non-vegetarian, eating blood can be creepy. And what about vegetarians who generally do not accept all this? - This is where Ayurvedic knowledge about substitutes comes in handy.

For example, chlorophyll has the qualities of blood. The chlorophyll molecule differs from the hemoglobin molecule only in that its iron atom is replaced by a magnesium atom. Due to such a strong similarity, Chlorophyll is very favorable for the blood, as well as for the liver, biliary tract, perfectly balances Pitta and cleanses the body. This breadth of effects is precisely due to the strong similarity of Chlorophyll to blood. After all, blood, as you know, washes, and therefore heals the entire body, if it is healthy. And she (blood) destroys the whole organism, if sick. Therefore, the restoration of blood should be the most important in any treatment.

The same is true with muscle tissue. If you refuse meat, then the analogue remaining in the diet muscle tissue It is a protein food of animal origin. And we have one such - it is milk and dairy products. True, there is a problem here - the concentration of protein in milk is very low. Much more protein in cheese and cottage cheese.

Modern technology offers us another wonderful protein product— milk whey concentrate Nutri Burn. This is a real whey protein, from which fast-growing tissues of a newborn are built, the best way suitable as a building material for muscles. At the same time, the product is completely lacto-vegetarian (made from milk), does not contain fat, unlike cheese, and does not cause the accumulation of Ama, unlike cottage cheese.

Nutri Burn applied as an additional food to the main meal on the background exercise will promote the active growth of muscle tissue.

By the way, due to its affinity for muscle tissue, Nutri Burn will reduce weight if it is used instead of food. Actively growing muscle tissue against the background of a decrease in caloric intake will displace adipose tissue, which will lead to a decrease in body weight and an improvement in its external forms.

That is, in order to lose weight, it turns out that it is necessary not only to reduce the calorie content of the diet, but also to give the body the necessary nutrients. Let's remember the Ayurvedic principle again - "what kind of tissue we eat, that tissue grows." If we eat fat and foods that turn into fat when overeating (carbohydrates), then we get an increase in body weight due to adipose tissue.

But no one wants to have a fat, obese body. Everyone wants to be slim, fit and elastic. And this means that you need to reduce the amount of fat and foods that turn into fat in your diet, and increase the amount of foods that promote muscle tissue growth, in particular, use Nutri Burn. Naturally, this change in nutrition should be made against the background of an increase in physical activity. Otherwise, if you do not train the muscles, they will not grow even if there are proteins in the diet.

Pitta is fire and the fiery energy of digestion, which is responsible for the vital processes in the body. Everything that enters the body must be processed and assimilated, from food to sensory experiences, including what is seen or heard. This is the main task of Pitta - to maintain the viability of the body and the ability to adequately perceive both reality and appetite and thirst.

Pitta has a tremendous store of solar energy, which is concentrated in the “Manipura Chakra” or “Sparkling Gem Realm” (Skt.), and this phrase perfectly describes the fiery energy of Pitta.

The main features of Pitt type people are energy, ambition and aggressiveness.

Such people always translate their ideas into reality and know how to make a fairy tale come true. Pitta is focused on success, she knows how to concentrate on one task and throws all her strength into its implementation. Pitta not only always demands the lion's share of everything he participates in, but he usually gets it. It also plays the role of a catalyst, the very acceleration force that mobilizes the activities of the other two types of people - Vata and Kapha.

But Pitts can instantly and completely unpredictably lose their temper. If at this moment you stand in the way of Pitta, then immediately burn in their fire. Pitta is a ferocious fire-breathing dragon that frantically rushes forward, demonstrating furious pressure to everyone and leaving a scorched desert behind him. Trying to calm Pitta down is like trying to put out a wildfire during a drought. The irritability and anger of Pitta can strike any imagination, and these people have to work hard on themselves in order to understand that there are other people on earth besides them. At the same time, the indomitable will of Pitta is responsible for all the giant evolutionary breakthroughs of mankind in the field of science and technology (however, as well as for the flowering of their environmentally dangerous species)

Pitta can be easily recognized by such character traits as purposefulness, insight, ambition, integrity of character and authority. They have a lively and sharp mind, they are quick-witted, able to concentrate and have a good memory. They tend to be logical and exploratory thinking. Their mind is always busy, they like to solve all kinds of puzzles. As a rule, Pitts have outstanding oratory skills, they are excellent organizers and leaders in various areas of human activity. Pitta always becomes the center and guiding force in a team where Vata is the vanguard and Kapha is the rear.

Solar energy gives Pitta people brightness and originality, they are spectacular and effective in a breathtaking performance called "Life". They are always unstoppable at the start, but at marathon distance Pitta people should regularly slow down their run and look around to see what the rest of the runners are doing. After all, the center is called the center only when there is a periphery around it, it cannot exist by itself. Only when there is a team around Pitta will she be able to complete the task, so Pitta always needs to be mindful of the people around them!
Pitta is endowed with such a high energy potential that sometimes she begins to be mistaken, believing that material achievements and power powers are the measure of success in life. But when Pitts overcome these illusions drawn by their own egos, they can become excellent teachers and Gurus for many seekers of Truth.

What attracts in Pitts?

They are good-natured and witty, energetic and socially active, they have high intelligence, cordiality and courage. When you first meet the Pitts, their discipline and inner harmony are striking. They are sociable and responsible, they are one of those who can cause fire on themselves and enter into a difficult fight for the life of a friend. Pitts rarely give in to circumstances, more often forcing them to work for themselves. As a rule, Pittas are perceptive, punctual and picky even in small things. They remember important information well and quickly forget unnecessary information. When a person is said to "be able to focus", make no mistake, he refers to the type of people with a predominant Pitta dosha. Pitta people are loving and gentle spouses, they are good parents, among them there are many athletes and artists, bosses and gourmets.

What's annoying about Pitts?

Pitts sometimes become overly fanatical, and when they choose an idol they follow the path indicated by them, they certainly want to devote everyone around them to their faith. If the dosha of Pitta is out of balance, then people of this type become excessively harsh, irritable and aggressive. They lose their temper, blame the failures of others, fall into a rage, yell and wave their fists. During such periods, they become extremely rude, argue violently, criticize bitterly and become extremely belligerent, adamant and merciless. Intolerance and anger, jealousy and domestic despotism are all manifestations of Pitta that is out of control.

In addition, Pittas are rajasic, and, accordingly, proud and vain. Pride, arrogance and the desire to show off in front of others often leads them to regression, to a fall into the dark realm of Tamas. Although the duty of every person of Pitta is the subjugation of their own Ego and the ascent to the shining Sattvic heights. For example, when Pitta becomes patient, knows how to remain calm, when she learns to respect people and respond to other people's needs, then her real strength increases many times over. Until Pitta learns patience, acceptance, and compassion, she will rush pointlessly at breakneck speeds until she burns to the ground. Pitts must first learn to ask for forgiveness and forgive.

Pittas are detrimental to people:

1. Resentment
By nature, Pittas are touchy. When they suppress their grievances, trying to show external calmness, they tend to gnaw at themselves from the inside, which does not add health. They need to learn to abstract from the situation and look at it through the eyes of an outside observer.
2. Losses
These people love to compete and always want to win. They are often possessed by a fighting spirit that pulls them to exploits and achievements, but Pitta does not have enough endurance for the marathon called "Life". And when they lose, they experience the defeat extremely hard, believing that their honor has been violated. The remedy for Pitta in such cases is humility and faith.
3. Gluttony
Pittas tend to overeat and drink. They need to remember that when they start to abuse their excellent “food fire”, preferring sour, spicy, fried, salty and canned food, then their dosha very quickly gets out of balance.

Energy and appearance

Pittas are beautifully proportioned. Usually, Pitta people have well-developed muscles, which gives them a figure. sporty look. They have a determined and balanced gait, they never stoop when walking. There are often many moles on the body of Pitta, freckles and a blush are also a characteristic manifestation of Pitta dosha. They always have hot hands and feet, they sweat frequently and profusely and blush easily. Pittas gain weight easily, but also lose it easily. If you see a fine girl in front of you with a fairly developed chest, smooth beautiful hips, a narrow waist and slender, but not long legs and hands of medium thickness, do not hesitate - Pitta dosha is strongly expressed in her constitution. Pittas often experience energy ups and downs. This is reflected in their appearance, well-being, sleep and the ability to remember new information.


Since Pitta is ruled by the Sun, the sunshine comes from all their activities. Like the Sun, the Pittas are in the thick of things, they are always on central arena life battles. The brightness and splendor of the Sun affects the fate, personality and aspirations of Pitta. They strive always and everywhere to be the first, including fiery passion in love relationships.

Pitts consider themselves brilliant lovers, but in reality they often lack patience and humility. The inability to compromise often prevents them from getting along harmoniously with their love partners. A typical picture for Pitta people, when burning with passion, they break from the start, frantically rushes at full speed ... and burn to the ground before reaching the finish line.

Or for example, when Pitta interacts with Kapha, then as a rule, difficulties arise in relationships, because the fire of Pitta fades and sinks in the bottomless waters of Kapha. In a word, Pitta can reach the heights of passion and become the most violent and passionate lovers only when she feels her own independence and freedom. They can experience great happiness in intimate relationships, unless these relationships prevent them from moving towards their goal. The task of Pitta is to bring tenderness, affection and care for a partner into a love relationship. In order for Pittas not to burn out to the ground, but to maintain their ebullient energy, they must pass their emotions not through the genitals, but through the heart. Otherwise, they are threatened with impotence and infertility.

The most suitable partners for Pitta people are Kapha, Kapha-Pitta and Pitta-Kapha. It is a healing balm for Pitta wounds and burns.


Fire people are amazing. They deserve applause and appreciation for the kind of innovation that other types of people are not capable of. They are born to play the main roles in the performances of life, so they do not need to interfere, but on the contrary - you need to give them leading roles and express their respect. If Pitt feels that she is being appreciated, then she, with a dear soul and an open heart, will rush forward, faster and higher to achieve her goal. But if you do not notice Pitta, do not support with words of gratitude, do not say how wonderful she is, then like a sheep, she will stubbornly stand in one place. The people of Pitta desperately need our respect and attention.

The solar energy of Pitta illuminates the business world and advanced activities on the material plane. If Kapha copes well with everyday, earthly and maternal tasks, and Vata succeeds in the sciences and the spiritual sphere, then Pittas are successfully engaged in those activities that contribute to progress.

Pittas are born leaders and leaders; these are presidents and prime ministers, directors and chiefs, heads of government agencies and organizations. Pitts often become designers, architects, engineers, and scientists. Their insight and intuition are useful in innovative deeds, when a new path is being laid and the very first steps are being taken. Pittas thrive in high and advanced technology areas. They can be excellent programmers in space flight control centers or in the military-industrial complex. The Pitts have excellent artistic vision and are successful in the visual arts and design fields.

Live with your heart! The golden mean in everything! Those Pittas who live according to these formulas have perfectly balanced health, and, accordingly, lead a harmonious and happy life.

Seasonal and casual activities

Summer is the season of Pitta, meaning Pitta people have a lot of problems during the summer. The natural fire of Pitta under the hot sun intensifies, so they should prudently reduce their level of activity.

For example, ideal option for Pitt is family vacation near cool streams or lakes where you can swim. It is not recommended to rest on the hot sea beaches of Pitts, they easily “burn out” in the sun. They can only appear on the beach early in the morning and closer to sunset, when it is useful for them to swim and jog on the beach sand.

If Pitts are angry or stressed, they must find the strength not to explode as usual, but to calm down and cool down. Pittas can achieve a state of peace and tranquility when they paint landscapes, admire the beauties of nature, green meadows, fields dotted with flowers, the sparkling smooth surface of the river. Coolness, peace, contemplation and serenity, bathing in the moonlight - all this perfectly harmonizes Pitta.

During the activation of the Pitta dosha from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 22.00 to 02.00, they should try to avoid situations that provoke irritation and stress in them. At this time, it is advisable not to enter into heated arguments or conflicts, especially in the middle of the day and before bedtime.

With Pitt's irrepressible appetite, light food and weak drinks are recommended. They should not abuse spices, spicy, burning and bitter seasonings or spices that stimulate the appetite and disperse the blood, and especially alcohol. If Pitts follow this advice, they will stop being angry and explosive.

Pitt's digestive fire is at its peak at midnight and noon. Pittas can eat well throughout the daylight hours because they have a high metabolic rate. Proper nutrition well regulates the fiery nature of Pitta - food for them is a kind of medicine. Therefore, Pittas must purposefully form their taste and eating habits and eat consciously.

To tame the inner fire and unwind after a day's activities, it is helpful for Pittas to meditate before bed. It is useful for them to visualize beautiful landscapes in muted or pastel colors, in which the cool waters of the river rolls measuredly, sands and snows turn white, forests turn green, animals move gracefully and birds sing.

In the middle of the night, the Pitts have a burst of creative energy, but they will do very well if they can resist the temptation to spend the night without sleep and fall asleep at dawn. Pitt's normal sleep lasts 6-8 hours. Good sleep is an excellent opportunity for Pitta to strengthen and improve vital energy.

Free time Pittas should devote to charitable or social activities and karma yoga. Performing selfless service, Pitta learns to sympathize and empathize with people and begins to realize that narcissism and the desire to assert oneself is ridiculous, but spiritual qualities, compassion, acceptance and love are more important.

Exercise stress

Fiery people by nature love sports, but they should always remember that any sports with high energy costs (running, aerobics, rowing, tennis, football, etc.) can only be practiced during the cool time of the day. They benefit from such physical activity that is uniform and regular, and not intermittent. Swimming, acrobatics, skiing are very useful for their health. figure skating, speed skating, cycling, jogging, long cross country, tennis, badminton, chess, tracks and climbing. And it is especially useful for them to perform a complex of yogic asanas and pranayama twice a day. Pittas should pay special attention to bringing their mind (Ego) into a calm, peaceful state. And remember: if you want to stretch the body or work out certain systems and organs with the help of yoga asanas, you should do this before starting any other sports activities.

Style, colors and gems

As a rule, Pitta people dress sophisticatedly and elegantly, rightly believing that they “meet by clothes” and thus often win success in society. They do not understand and do not allow negligence in clothing. Pitta will never wear unfashionable things, but at the same time she will try not to be too conspicuous. If someone puts on a similar dress, Pitta will definitely change clothes, just to present herself in a winning light.

Pitta people want to attract the attention of others, so they like to wear elegant outfits that perfectly emphasize their athletic, energetic figure. Pitta is often ahead of the mainstream trends and styles in fashion. They are always neatly and well dressed, and their clothes often have some kind of “zest”, by which you can easily recognize him in the crowd. Pittas should wear natural fabrics in whites, greens, blues, lilacs, purples, shades of mallow, lilac, lavender, pastels, and combinations thereof.

With an excess of Pitta, people of this type are contraindicated in wearing precious stones and metals of fire. On the contrary, healing stones for them will be those that increase the energy of all chakras, except for manipura. For example, lilac-purple carries the power of ether and water, helping fire control emotions. When worn around the neck in a gold frame, it balances the fire and endows the wearer with compassion. Also, healing stones for Pitta are pearls (the primary elements are water, air and earth), turquoise, sapphire, emerald, and metals - copper and platinum.


Pitta types benefit from dry, cool, sweet flavors that are slightly spicy but not tart. To balance the dosha of Pitta, it is useful to inhale the aromas of rose, leaves and young roots of bitter orange, cinnamon, vanilla, sandalwood, calamus, myrtle, daffodil, lotus, peppermint, nutmeg, artabothris, jasmine, licorice, violet.


(that which transforms) is the biological manifestation of tejas, or the transformative power of the universe. Washes the mental body of a person.
Elements: Fire and Water
In the human body, Pitta is responsible for all processes of metabolism, transformation and transformation, both at the physiological and mental levels. That is, Pitta allows you to digest food, feelings and thoughts, converting them into energy, warmth and vitality.
body level: digestion, assimilation, absorption, body temperature control, control of hormonal functions and metabolism
mental level: understanding, perception, motivation, curiosity and inquisitiveness of the mind, internal energy
Dosha Qualities: hot, fluid, slightly oily, sharp, light, sour.
Body type: medium, proportional, well developed rib cage, muscle mass moderate
Weight: easy to dial, easy to reset
face shape: triangular with pointed chin
Leather: warm, soft, reddish or pink, shiny, prone to allergic reactions and heat burns
Hair: fair-haired, reddish, red
Eyes: light brown, hazel, gray or green, does not tolerate bright light
Nose: medium size, with sharp outlines, pointed
Appetite: good or excessive, very good digestion, tendency to increased thirst, cravings for cold food
Endurance: moderate
Flaws: anger, jealousy, aggressiveness, irritability, arrogance, lack of self-confidence,
Worthy: energetic, sensitive, compassionate, sharp penetrating mind, quick wit, have good oratory skills
lower Pitta - bitter, astringent, sweet
increase Pitta - sour, spicy, salty
Dominant Feelings: sight and taste
Pitta Localization Organs: liver, gallbladder, small intestine, heart, eyes
Common Pitta Problems: inflammation (internal and external),
heartburn, high fever, excessive sweating, allergies, vision problems
skin type: sensitive
Activity season- summer
Climate zone for balancing: temperate climate (up to + 25)
Age: 16 - 50 (55) years
Times of Day: 10-14; 22- 02
Pitta Symbol- a ram, or ram, with wild pressure rushing forward with its horns.

Pitta is a fiery dosha and therefore cold or room temperature food is favorable for this type of people, but not hot. Pitta type people have good digestion, they can eat everything and always, but they should not overeat and abuse salty, sour or sweet foods. best view Nutrition for Pitta is vegetarianism.

Rules of Ayurvedic nutrition for people of Pitta type:

* Chilled, plentiful and dry food with a minimum content of salt, spices and oil is favorable. Food should be freshly prepared, not "long-playing".
* Fried, fatty, salty and heavy foods, especially fatty meats, as well as overeating should be avoided.
* Pitta's diet should include a large amount of raw food and juices, as well as foods with a bitter or astringent taste (especially salads and vegetables), and a minimum of pickles, marinades, canned food, sausages and cheeses.
* For Pitta, a vegetarian diet is ideal with a predominance of vegetables, cereals and milk in the diet, potatoes and legumes are also useful, and ice cream in summer.
* Drinks and juices should be consumed chilled, coffee, tea and alcohol should be avoided
* For breakfast, cold oatmeal or rice porridge, cinnamon bread or toast with sweet apple juice or mint tea is good
* At lunch you can drink a glass cold water, eat salad instead of hot soup, bread with a little butter and skip dessert
* Pitta should not eat at night, and also in an angry or depressed state
* A remedy for reducing excess Pitta: stir two teaspoons of ghee in a glass of warm milk and drink instead of dinner.

DAIRY. Useful milk, cream, cottage cheese, soft and processed cheese, baked (ghee) and creamy unsalted butter. Fermented milk products (buttermilk, yogurt, kefir, curdled milk, sour cream), sharp, salty and hard cheeses, salted butter should be excluded.
SWEETS, HONEY and SUGAR. Everything is good, especially halva, limit only the consumption of honey
VEGETABLE OILS. The best oils are sunflower, olive and ghee. Coconut oil is ideal for external use. You should limit the use of corn and sesame oil, as well as margarine in the diet.
BREAD PRODUCTS. Useful non-yeast bread, pasta, croutons, crackers, crackers, bagels, dryers, breakfast cereals, bran, popcorn (unsalted), pancakes, cheesecakes and pancakes, germinated wheat bread; avoid excessive consumption of rye bread and muesli
VEGETABLES. Favorable: potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, sweet peppers, all kinds of cabbage, lettuce, green beans and peas, black olives, pumpkin, asparagus, celery, mushrooms. Avoid: eggplant, tomatoes, raw: carrots, beets, radishes, spinach, corn, turnips; green olives, onion, garlic, chili, mustard, capsicum
Fruits and berries. Sweet fruits are favorable, such as: pears, cherries, grapes, ripe sweet apples, cherries, pineapples, oranges, plums, mangoes, watermelons, melons, prunes, figs, raisins. Any sour or unripe fruits and berries should be avoided, such as: cranberries, grapefruit, lemon, unripe (sour): oranges, apples, pineapples, mangoes, kiwi, plums. Limit the consumption of bananas, apricots, peaches, persimmons, strawberries
CEREALS and PULSES. Favorable: Wheat, barley, white rice, oats and all legumes except red lentils. Limit consumption of corn, rye, millet, brown rice, buckwheat
SPICES. Favorable: parsley, dill, cilantro, parsnip, mint, coriander, corn, fennel, cumin, orange peel, vanilla, saffron, cumin, and a small amount of fresh ginger and black pepper. It is worth limiting the consumption of ketchup, mayonnaise, vinegar, salt, horseradish, mustard, ginger, lemon, soy sauce, spicy chutney, cloves, anise, pepper, bay leaf and chocolate
NUTS and SEEDS. The most useful are sunflower and pumpkin seeds, from nuts - coconut and peeled almonds, all other types of nuts and seeds should be excluded
MEAT & SEAFOOD. Possible chicken, pork and game, other meat products - exclude
TEA, COFFEE AND DRINKS. Favorable: warm herbal teas, hot milk with spices, coffee from cereals, black and green teas, cocoa, kvass, beer, vegetable juices and sweet fruit juices: apricot, pineapple, orange, grape, cherry, pomegranate, apple, pear, peach, plum, mango, papaya. Drinks should be excluded: carbonated and iced, lemon water, iced tea, natural coffee, sour, berry and tomato juices, alcohol
HERBS and PLANTS: Marshmallow, Wintergreen, Hibiscus, Blackberry, Jasmine, Strawberry, Ginger (fresh), Catnip, Nettle, Red Clover, Lavender, Licorice, Lemongrass, Burdock, Alfalfa, Raspberry, Melissa, Peppermint, Oat Straw, Borage, Dandelion , Comfrey, Chamomile, Passionflower, Yarrow, Fennel, Violet, Hops, Chicory, Barley. Not suitable: Ajwan, Basil, Hawthorn, Clove, Ginseng, Ginger (dry), Yerba Mate (Paraguayan tea), Holly, Mormon tea (Ephedra), Peppermint, Fenugreek, Sassafras, Sage, Rosehip, Eucalyptus, Juniper Berries
STARVATION. Preventive fasting is recommended to be carried out 2 times a month with cool boiled water or pomegranate juice.

29.05.2012 Naturalist No comments yet

Useful properties of figs.

Thanks to what useful properties Figs have been valued for over 5,000 years? How to choose the sweetest figs? How to make a healthy breakfast out of it? You will find out the answers to these and other questions in just a few minutes.

A fig tree, a fig, just a fig, a fig tree - as soon as they are not called Ficus carica - a deciduous subtropical ficus. Its homeland is considered the mountainous region of ancient Caria, which is in Asia Minor, therefore it is called Carian. By the way, "ficus" is a modified word from "fig".

This is one of the oldest plants chosen by the best resorts: Egypt, Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey, the Caucasus, Crimea. And also you can meet it in India and America, in Central Asia and on the Absheron Peninsula. Trees live on average 60-100 years, but there are also three-hundred-year-old representatives.

Fig fruits pear-shaped, weighing about 40-70 g, reddish, yellow or purple in color. They are covered with skin with fine hairs. At the top of the fruit is an eye, which is covered with scales. Inside are many seeds. Ripening figs become sweet and juicy. And unripe fruits are not edible.

How to choose figs? The "elite" of the fig family are considered yellow fruits. Reddish and dark purple - also have the right to visit your table. But black fruits are not honored in the East.

The figs should be smooth, without mold, not too large. The best tender figs are fruits with more than 900 seeds. If there are less than 500 seeds, the figs are classified as mediocre. Naturally, hardly anyone will recount them. Just know that the smaller the figs and the more seeds they contain, the tastier they are.

Unfortunately, fresh fruits of figs can only be eaten in places where they grow. They have very short term storage. Because inside the fruits there is a sweet jelly that starts to ferment very quickly. In this regard, they are also called wine berries.

Therefore, dried figs are more common in mid-latitudes. Choose fruits that are yellowish in color, not candied, without plaque.

How are figs used? In the East, they make jam, jam, marshmallow and, of course, wine from it. They also prepare condensed fig juice - dushab. And fig gin is called Buha.

It is advisable to soak dried figs overnight before use, and eat them together with the infusion in the morning. The peel must be removed, and the pulp must be chewed for a long time. 3 figs a day will make up for the lack of iron.

And it is not advisable for drivers on the road to get involved in figs, especially fresh ones. It contains alcohol.

Keep Dried figs are best refrigerated in a container as they absorb odors.

Compound: dried fruits can contain up to 50% sugars, fresh - up to 24%. Also in figs there are tannins, a little fat (only 0.5%), organic acids, proteins (up to 1.3%), vitamins B1, B3, B6, C, PP, folic acid (10 mg), beta-carotene, phosphorus (32 mg), calcium (34 mg), sodium (18 mg), potassium (268 mg), magnesium, iodine, copper. It contains quite a lot of iron (more than in apples), useful enzymes, pectins and about 2% alcohol.

Keep in mind that figs are quite high in calories - 214 kcal per 100 g.

Properties of figs.

First of all, it is necessary to mention the extraordinary nutritional value of these fruits. It is a good supplier of energy, vitamins and minerals. Dried fruits are convenient to take with you to work and travel. And fresh ones quench your thirst well, so do not neglect them on vacation. Figs are very high in calories, so they are quite suitable for those who need to get better.

Figs are rich in fiber, thanks to which it treats constipation, improves intestinal motility, and also lowers cholesterol and cleanses the blood.

A large amount of potassium makes figs useful for both the treatment and prevention of heart disease, venous insufficiency and hypertension.

Potassium relieves blood vessel tension, lowers blood pressure and is good for the kidneys. Ficin promotes the resorption of blood clots, lowers blood clotting.

A significant amount of iron makes figs useful for anemia. Pregnant women and children need to include it in the diet.

Figs have been used in medicine since ancient times. It is one of the best cough medicines bronchial asthma, with inflammation of the respiratory tract and pain in the chest. They are used to treat angina. A decoction on the water is used for colds, the pulp has an antipyretic effect.

Figs have diuretic properties, useful in diseases of the liver and spleen. The pulp of the fruit is used for fungal skin diseases.

And the leaves contain furocoumarins - substances that are used in the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of antispasmodic, vasodilator, antitumor agents, as well as drugs for the treatment of vitiligo. In addition, decoctions from the leaves are used to regulate metabolism.

Figs in Ayurveda considered to be good products. And the fig tree itself is considered in ancient india sacred tree.

Fresh fig taste has a sweet astringent, cold energy. It increases kapha and decreases vata. Dried has a hot nature, reduces kapha and increases vata. For people of Pitta constitution, figs are shown in any form.

Fresh figs quench thirst, which is caused by excess mucus. But in large quantities it is difficult to digest. Unripe - removes warts when used externally.

Dried is useful for back pain, cleanses the lungs. Combined with thyme and savory, it cleanses the kidneys and bladder. Figs pair wonderfully with other sweet fruits and nuts. It is better to use it in the morning

Recipe. Energy breakfast with figs

You will need: three small dried figs, 10 almonds (or any other), 10 dates, 1.5 teaspoons of fennel seeds, 1 teaspoon of ground cardamom.

Preparation: put everything in a bowl, fill it with a mill of water overnight, leave it in a cool place. In the morning, peel the almonds, remove the pits from the dates. And beat the dried fruits and nuts in a blender along with the infusion.

The dish adds energy and strengthens the immune system.