Viktor Blud is a real surname. natural athletes

The World Armlifting Association WAA is a young association founded in 2010 in Podolsk. The president is, the chief secretary is Nikolai Vitkevich.

What is Armlifting?

For those who don't know, we'll tell you. The essence of armlifting is to raise as much as possible big weight on the principle of deadlift, holding it by an uncomfortable twisting handle. It is also called rolling. This sport is good strength grip and powerful forearms.


Scandals in the federation

The first nuance occurred on April 5, 2015 at the Eastern European Competition. For unacceptable statements, strong athletes Alexander Kapralov and Viktor Bashun were suspended. This caused a huge resonance and indignation among the audience. Athletes did not like:

  • Unreasonably high cost of participation fee.
  • There were no prizes for places, only certificates were given out.
  • Low air temperature in the hall where the competition was held.

Alexander Kapralov

Viktor Bashun

The second disadvantage occurred at the same competitions, when the main prize was lost - the author's forged rolling. For him, the athletes were ready to fight to the end. But Sergei Badyuk, without justifying the reason, carried him off the prize table.

The third episode happened very recently. One of top athletes Association Roman Penkovsky decided to leave the ranks. The athlete does not really like the situation that hangs over the federation. Here is how he explained his decision: “After the World Cup, there are so many changes that it seemed that only a unicorn could surprise. First, dirt and false statements in the network of athletes, the departure of the president, then an absurd interpretation of the behavior of some participants, and now also the appointment of a new president. The one-sidedness of all events is due to the lack of choice, in particular, the federation in which to compete - there is only WAA. Such an extensive resonance of opinions, mixed into a mess of false and real, cannot leave me indifferent. Due to the loss of confidence in the WAA, and, in particular, in the managers of this organization, I stop performing within this federation ».

Here are anthropometric data (body measurements) and strength records of natural athletes. They all achieved their sports results without shamanism with medicines and pills, because trained in the "pre-steroid era". Testosterone was synthesized by scientists in 1935. You probably heard about many of them since childhood, read in books, saw films about them.

You can choose one of them, such as height (like you) and physique (which you like), as your guideline. God willing, and your perseverance will allow you to surpass one of these great people in terms of strength and anthropometric indicators. Still, we live in the 21st century, training methods have stepped far forward, take at least periodization. In addition, there appeared sports nutrition. Yes, and ordinary food is now not in short supply and is available to most.

Every person can and should be strong.

Anthropometry of natural athletes

AthleteA countryYears of lifeHeightWeightBreastWaistNeckBicepsSuggestHipShin
Germany, England1867 1925 174 92 122 80 45 45 66 42
Canada1863 1912 177 157 147 62 55 79 48
Austria1882 1933 177 170 128 113 45 46 74 45
France1813 1881 179 95 124 83 45 41 85 44
Poland1880 1967 175 120 130 100 50 52 39 72 46
Russia1882 1917 182 130 135 108 53 46 38 76 47
Russia, England1878 1968 177 95 126 85 50 47 37 68 45
Sergey EliseevRussia1876 1938 172 94 121 80 45 44 63 39
Russia1871 1933 169 88 116 72 46 46 40 69 41
Russia1876 1920 176 90 122 88 45 40 59 40
Russia1879 1953 188 120 134 46 49 73 46
1871 1949 184 120 134 104 50 45 37 72 47
Russia1880 1948 186 122 128 100 49 46 36 68 43
France1862 1928 190 108 128 100 47 49 42 75 50
180 117 121 46 46 38 66 46
171 90 116 45 42 61 44
Germany1878 1921 175 89 120 43 38 60 41
184 103 115 105 44 43 34 66 44
Russia 184 105 128 103 46 44 69 44
Alexander ZnamenskyRussia1877 1928 170 85 118 81 45 45 35 61 40
USA1978 1917 181 95 114 86 49 43 37 66 45
195 127 132 48 44 65 44
Jess PedersenDenmark 181 102 115 46 44 35 69 42
Karl KornatskyAustria 180 114 136 50 44 36 70 47
Yakub ChekhovskayaRussia 180 125 138 52 50 72 48
Guido Mayer 186 110 127 112 46 72 45
Jan KrauseRussia1893 1920 178 91 110 92 43 42 35 64 41
France1903 1962 173 105 132 97 47 47 70 46
Anatoly ParfenovUSSR1925 189 113 115 48 42 65 44
Nikolai ZherebtsovUSSR 182 99 121 88 49 44 37 69 44

Some cells were left blank. If you have missing data - write them in the comments to the article, we will supplement the table together. In the future, I will try to devote a separate article to each athlete, which will contain a biography, photographs of the athlete and strength records. Links will appear as articles are written.

Records of strongmen of the presteroid era

Here are the records of the past, most of which were set by athletes in the pre-steroid era of strength sports (testosterone was obtained by chemists in 1935). Maybe a natural athlete cannot expect to ever swing his arms to 60 cm, but at least one of these records can be repeated or improved!

Carrying on the back two cannons weighing 456 kg - Henri Stiernon (France) 1876

Bench press (weight 34 kg) with two hands 845 times in a row - Max Danton (England) 1891

Back somersault, holding in each hand a weight of 1.5 pounds (24 kg) - Frederick Miller (, Germany) 1891

Carrying weights (weights, pieces of iron, barbells) 854 kg - Anton Riha (Czechoslovakia) 1891

Lifting with the back from the platform stands with a load of 1867 kg without devices - (Canada) 1892

Lifting the ball bar right hand(without strap) to the knees - 440 kg - (Canada) 1892

Deadlift to straighten the legs and back - a core weighing 36 pounds 25 pounds (600 kg) - Tom Walter Kennedy (USA) 1893

Twisting (lifting press) with the left hand, then lie on your back, then stand up, holding a barbell weighing 115 kg in a straightened hand - Frederick Miller (, Germany) 1896

After lifting on the chest with both hands, twisting with the right hand 154 kg - Arthur Hoening (, Germany) 1902

Push with two hands of the barbell (weight 110 kg) with transfer to the right hand, and left juggling with a three-pound weight (49 kg) - Emil Voss (Germany) 1903

Breaking a Horseshoe in 23 Seconds - John Grün (Germany) 1907

Carrying on the back of a live horse - Grigory Kosinsky (Kashcheev) (Russia) 1908

Press with the left hand of a two-pound kettlebell in a soldier's stance 86 times in a row - (Russia) 1909

Tearing an unopened deck of playing cards in 55 seconds - Paris (France) 1912

With a load on his back (a bag of metal) weighing 250 kg lay down and stood up - Hermann Gessler (Germany) 1912

Lifting with both hands from the floor up a full barrel of beer without a device - Hans beck (Germany) 1912

Lifting the load with the back with the help of straps from the platform - 2105 kg - Oskar Valund (Sweden) 1912

Snatch with the right hand - 101 kg - (France) in the period from 1923 to 1931

Discovery of a method for the synthesis of testosterone from cholesterol 1935

Shoulder Squat - 425kg - Paul Anderson (USA) 1955

Semi-squat with wagon ramp 900 kg - Paul Anderson (USA) 1955

Holding feet, lying on a bench, a motodrome with two moving motorcyclists - Grigory Novak (USSR) 1969

In the video, Grigory Novak performs a bench press, and not the mentioned record, but this video clearly shows what kind of muscle development a person can achieve without the use of anabolic steroids, peptides, and even without sports nutrition.

Snatch left hand 100 kg - Sergo Ambartsumyan (USSR) 1940

Lifting two adult bulls with the back using straps from the platform - Nikolai Zherebtsov (USSR) 1945

Right hand clean and jerk 117.5 kg - Georg Brunstedt (Sweden) 1947

Left hand clean and jerk 114.1 kg - Ivan Maltsev (USSR) 1949

Natural athletes of the 21st century

Evgeny Kushnarenko « Iron Mine»

Yuri Ivanov « Weightlifting in Tver»

Nikolay Zhukov Youtube channel

Alexey Refrigerator“The Sign of the Hammer” (the archive of the site from 2007 remains - I send it to VK on request)

Mikhail Solyanik"Dinotraining"

Victor Blud « old school strongmen»

Dear readers, if you have records, anthropometry and biography of other famous natural athletes, please send me I will complete this table.

Sincerely, Igor Novozhilov

The Russian strongman of the early 20th century, Alexander "Samson" Zass, bent iron bars and carried a stage with a piano and dancers on his shoulders. His contemporary Pyotr Krylov broke with bare hands stones. “And if anyone does not believe that the stone is real, turn your head - we will try it on it,” he urged the audience.

the site figured out how the strongmen of tsarist Russia trained, and at the same time found those who train according to the methods of the "old school" in the 21st century.


According to tradition, the date of birth of Russian athletics is August 10, 1885. On this day, a circle of athletics lovers began to exist in St. Petersburg. It was created in the apartment of Dr. Vladislav Frantsevich Kraevsky (who would later be called "the father of matletism in Russia"). Kraevsky saw weight training as a remedy for all diseases. He filled the apartment with kettlebells and barbells, equipped with bars and rings for training. On the opening day strength exercises weightlifting was demonstrated by the circus strongman from Berlin, Charles Ernst.

There were so many people who wanted to study “in the apartment” of Kraevsky that it soon ceased to accommodate everyone. Up to 50-70 people could train at the same time. In 1897, in St. Petersburg, a group of professional athletes, at the expense of Count George Ribopier, opened the St. Petersburg Athletic Society. Then the first weightlifting championship in Russia is held. Petersburger Guido Meyer wins: he presses a weight of 115 kg over his head, and then with one hand - 100 kg. Already a few months later, this record will be repeated by the young strongman Georg Gakkenshmidt, followed by a whole galaxy of athletes who, having heard about athletics and Kraevsky, go to try their hand to Petersburg.


The circus has traditionally been a habitat for strongmen. Spectators were surprised by unprecedented numbers. Strongman Ivan Zaikin, a native of the Simbirsk peasants, wore an anchor of 25 pounds (409 kg) on ​​his shoulders, bent iron beams on his neck. Muscovite Pyotr Krylov, a former navigator of the merchant fleet, got into the wrestling bridge - a wooden platform was erected on it, where a car drove. According to legend, Krylov could break stones with his bare fists.

Alexander Zass, a strongman from Saransk, later nicknamed Samson, carried a horse around the arena and held a whole stage with his teeth on a leather belt, on which stood a piano and several people.

Power numbers alternated with the assembly. Ivan Zaikin met Ivan Poddubny 15 times: at the world championship in Paris, they fought for 66 minutes without a break. Zaikin lost 10 fights. Five managed to draw - for other wrestlers who bypassed Poddubny, this was tantamount to a miracle.


The 1916 book Weightlifting, written by the athlete Ivan Lebedev (aka the legendary strongman Uncle Vanya), provides such training recommendations.

You should start the morning with light gymnastics - running in place (3-5 minutes), stretching rubber (it was a kind of analogue of our expanders) - 10 minutes, light exercise dumbbells - 10 minutes. Then - a walk for 1-2 hours, and sometimes you need to go over the foray from a step. In the afternoon - classes on rings or bars (if there are no bars, the author advises to put two chairs and do push-ups on them). In the evening - heavy training with kettlebells, one hour. The weight of kettlebells is not the maximum: if you can squeeze a maximum of 72 kg, start with 32 kg and increase the weight to 56, Lebedev writes. Increase the weight a little at each session. Break the exercises into days: on one day - bench presses and bench presses, on the other - pushes and jerks. Add squats and biceps curls to every workout.

Of course, for such a regime, the athlete must be free all day, the author concludes.

The Hercules magazine No. 14 of 1915 tells about the training of Georg Hackenschmidt, who became the prototype of future bodybuilders. Gakkenshmidt or "Gakk" generally avoided light dumbbells, and devoted most of his time to barbell squats.

The collapsible bar as we know it today already existed, but the squat rack had not yet been invented. Therefore, the barbell was first placed vertically, the athlete sat down under it, put the bar on his shoulders, and only then got into a position for a squat. According to the same scheme, he removed the barbell.


Ivan Lebedev advises strong men to avoid meat: "It introduces putrefactive decomposition products into your body." He also recommends eating more eggs and drinking more warm milk with sugar. “Drinking alcohol and smoking is not advised at all. Sleep - 7-8 hours. Dress without wrapping up and without wearing warm underwear.

Dr. Krajewski, who had taken young Georg Hackenschmidt under his care, on the other hand, fed him meat broth in large quantities. A plate of broth, writes the Hercules magazine, was cooked from 6-7 pounds of meat (about 3-3.5 kg). On the broth, along with the base strength training“Gakk” literally in three months was heard in the chest by 12 centimeters and began to resemble a statue of Hercules of Farnese in its appearance, the publication adds.


Petersburger Viktor Blud is the creator of the show "Strongmen of the Old School", which reproduces the tricks of the athletes of Tsarist Russia and supplements them with new ones.

These old-school athletes are based on heavy basic exercises. To reproduce them realistically, the desire to work is important, says Blud, who juggles kettlebells, bends nails, tears books and lifts people into the air in his performances.

A few years ago, during the show, he severely cut his hand when he bent a 300 mm nail, but this did not stop him: Viktor Blud's signature trick is to roll a heart out of a nail and present it to a female viewer.

The most difficult tricks are those for which you need to get a lot of special equipment. Recently we did the “stretching with motorcycles” trick, and in the future I would like to try to pull a train or tram, lift an elephant, - says Victor Blud.

A healthy lifestyle today is not just a popular movement. It covers more than 60% of youth and 40% of the adult population.

It is fashionable to play sports, to be strong and strong. As a result, more and more bloggers devote their channels to this topic and contribute to the improvement of our society.

Victor Blud is the founder of the "Old School Strongmen" or SSS movement. He helps young people to believe in themselves. Thanks to his projects, the young men and women of Russia develop their physical abilities.

Childhood and youth

There is very little information about the athlete, mostly users are interested in his achievements, and not in his life. The real name is Bashun, "Fornication" is just a creative pseudonym.

Born in St. Petersburg and lives there until now. Victor has a brother and sister: Zinaida and Dmitry.

Date of birth - March 13. Age young man unknown, approximately 24-25 years old. From 2009 to 2011 he studied at the Art and Restoration Lyceum No. 11 in St. Petersburg. this moment he is a student of the coaching faculty of the National State University physical education and health named after Lesgaft. Celebrities have also studied there:

  • Leysan Utyasheva;
  • Alexander Kerzhakov;
  • Olga Kapranova;
  • Vyacheslav Malafeev and other Russian sports stars.

Victor recalls that at the age of 15 he weighed 49 kg with a height of 156 cm, but already at 17 he began to actively play sports and set his first records.

At first these were martial arts especially karate. But later, the passion for kettlebell juggling became the main one and laid the foundation for Blud's weightlifting career.

Vitya calls his idol Alexander Zass (Iron Samson), who was also short - 165 cm. Thanks to him, the athlete became interested in bending iron and hammering nails with his hands.

At the moment, the guy's weight is only 72 kg, and he can lift twice and three times more. In 2014, Blud became the champion of Russia in armlifting.


In 2013, Victor met his future partner Alexander Kapralov. The guys trained together for a long time and decided to show people their abilities. Already in the spring, they performed at the St. Petersburg city festivities with a show program of strongmen:

  1. Bending and unbending reinforcement and nails;
  2. Deformation of household items (warmers, reference books);
  3. Non-interaction with the public, challenge to the arena of men and women.

After that, young people seriously thought about creating their own permanent team. They called it "Strongmen of the old school" and perform in the cities of Russia even now. The program often changes: new extreme and interesting numbers are added.

The show can be ordered by anyone for their event. “It causes incredible emotions when the crowd looks at you. The real stress is when there is no one around, ”Vitya says in an interview.

A little later, the partners created their own thematic group and movement for healthy sport. The name was left the same. The guys oppose doping, chemistry, drugs, urge to train according to special methods without simulators and expensive sports equipment.

Strongmen also have their own SSSH store, which offers sports accessories: bar extensions and rubber loops.

Personal records and achievements Victor and Alexander publish in another group "Typical High School Strongman". Here they communicate with their fans and talk about their daily routine and training.

In 2017, I had the opportunity to receive a real certificate from the SSS. Various competitions were held, and the winners were awarded with prizes. But at the moment the project is closed for an indefinite period.

YouTube channel

The first videos appeared on the channel in 2011. They were devoted to Victor's personal training and his training methods. Now the blogger does not have many subscribers - 101,000 people.

However, even the most popular YouTubers can envy their activity. Each video has at least 20,000 views, and the most popular ones get 300-700 thousand.

One of the most viewed videos is "Tearing three decks of cards." The name speaks for itself: the strongman broke 3 decks, folded into one, in 40 seconds.

At the moment, Victor uploads his speeches, online training, interviews. Iron oppresses the camera, climbs the ropes and lifts heavy weights- everything to attract new viewers to the channel.

Viktor Blud now: personal and everyday life

At the time of January 2018, Victor was in a serious relationship, but there is no information about his companion yet.

Recently, in the winter of 2018, the guy was seriously injured during a performance - a rupture of the ligaments of his hand with a suspected fracture. Because of this, the team temporarily did not give performances.

But Victor continues to train and recover, says that this is far from the first problem: he ripped his hands with nails and stretched his muscles.

In March 2018, Denis Vovk and Viktor Blud began to prepare for the competition together, finding out along the way who was stronger. This is how the new show "Road to Strong" began, which airs on the FitStars channel.

As special issues, videos were shot with Goga Tupuria, an honored coach of Russia. Together with Vitya, they tried themselves as rock climbers, acrobats and even tow trucks (pulling cars to speed). A total of 6 official episodes and 8 additional episodes were released.

In addition to creative and sports activities the young man is a trainer at the Neva CrossFit club. “Everyone comes here with a purpose, and everyone needs help,” Blud says.

All exercise programs are built on a load of at least five muscle groups. He also gives paid advice on training and proper nutrition, although he himself mentioned more than once that he does not adhere to any diets.

A sports career is not all the hobbies of a blogger. The young man loves to read and develop himself. He also clogs his body with tattoos, at the moment there are already 8 of them on Viti's body.

Novice athletes are advised not to drive themselves into the framework of fashion, but to do what they like. He believes that the most important thing to achieve results is discipline and adherence to the regime.