Bodybuilding exercises for 4 days. Four day split

The training program proposed in the article is aimed at the maximum possible increase in muscle mass for 8 - 10 weeks.

Training split.

  • Monday- chest/triceps
  • Tuesday- back/biceps
  • Wednesday- rest
  • Thursday- shoulders/arms
  • Friday– Legs/abs
  • Saturday Sunday- rest

About the program.

This is a simple, in terms of organization of the training process and a combination of exercises, but a very effective training program, designed for 4 days of training per week to maximize muscle growth over a period of 8 to 10 weeks.

Each muscle group is worked out once a week, mainly with basic (multi-joint) exercises.

To get the most out of this program, it is recommended to take a high-calorie, at least 5 times a day + additional nutritional supplements, multivitamins, amino acids and whey protein in addition to protein foods.

In the exercises, use the maximum possible weight with which you can perform the indicated number of repetitions, but try to avoid muscle failure.

The program may seem simple, but it is not recommended for beginners to train. The level of preparation for passing the program is intermediate (at least a year of continuous training with iron) or advanced (at least three / five years)

Many who have worked on this program have noted that even cutting carbohydrate food for a period does not slow down muscle growth at all.

Also, many were skeptical about the number of approaches and the selection of exercises for the mass gain program. Nevertheless, having passed it according to the prescribed plan, we also noticed the results in terms of recruitment.

Undoubtedly, you can change some exercises in the complex to similar ones or perform the last isolated approach with a large number of repetitions - it's up to you, but I recommend sticking to the prescribed plan.

  • Equipment used in the program: Mainly barbells and dumbbells.
  • The target audience: men and women.
  • Program type: split

Weight training program 4 days a week.

1. Before the start of each workout - a general warm-up on cardio machines, 5 minutes at an average pace.

2. At the end of each workout - a hitch (stretching the trained muscle groups)

3. Rest between sets - 45 seconds, between exercises up to 5 minutes.

MONDAY (chest, triceps)

2. - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

4. - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

5. - 2 sets of 10 reps (alternate every week)

Despite the popularity of training 3 times a week, the use of an additional fourth day allows you to optimally load all the main muscle groups, breaking them into pairs. The only drawback of this approach to training is the need to find time for the fourth training day and a little more difficulty in planning rest time, since for amateur athletes training is not the main occupation in life, but is combined with work/study and days off.

Principles effective workouts by weight 4 times a week

  • Training each antagonist muscle group on a separate day.

This means the division of all major muscle groups into pairs according to the principle of combining antagonist muscles. For example, chest + back, quads + hamstrings, biceps + triceps, front, middle delts + rear delts, traps. Antagonists are called muscles that perform directly opposite functions to each other - the biceps flexes the arm, the triceps unbends; the chest is tight, the back is pulling; biceps femoris flexes the leg, quadriceps - unbends; etc. The main feature of these muscles is that no matter how intense they are, they do not interfere with each other and do not negatively affect strength / endurance in specific exercises.

  • High intensity exercise.

Basic exercises should be performed in a heavy strength manner to "failure", using an average number of repetitions - from 5 to 8. These exercises have the strongest effect on the growth of muscle mass and strength.

  • High volume in exercises.

Isolation exercises do not have such strong influence to increase muscle mass, however, they help to “finish off” well working muscle while fulfilling secondary muscle growth factors (lactate accumulation, microtears muscle tissue etc.). Isolation movements are performed at the end of the workout, with light weight, with the highest quality, with a range of repetitions from 15 to 20.

Mass program: workout 4 times a week

Day 1– Chest + Back.

Exercises Approaches repetitions
3 6-8*
3 6-8*
2 to failure**
2 to failure**
2 to failure***
2 to failure***

* - use the maximum working weight for a given number of repetitions.
** - use the maximum working weight for 8 repetitions. Do not count the completed repetitions, but do until you can not complete a single repetition.
*** - use working weight for 12 repetitions. Do your reps slowly. Do not count the completed repetitions, but do until you can not complete a single repetition.

Day #2– Quadriceps + Biceps thighs.

Exercises Approaches repetitions
3 6-8*
3 6-8*
2 to failure**
2 to failure**
2 to failure***
2 to failure***

Day #3deltoids, trapezoid.

Exercises Approaches repetitions
3 6-8*
3 6-8*
2 to failure**
2 to failure**
2 to failure**
2 to failure***

Our fitness editor Dmitry Smirnov has been thinking about this training program for gaining muscle mass for fourteen years, and here you are - in front of you is a new edition of his rules that help to make the body big and strong. Don't be afraid right away - try to penetrate first!

When I read my articles from the early 2000s, I invariably remember the main question that readers who know my work ask me: has anything changed in my training views since 2004?

Strength progress is required!

No matter what you do, no matter what methods you use, no matter how pretentiously you modify exercises or approaches, but if your working weights do not increase, your muscles will definitely not grow. From the word "absolutely". You can train as intensely as possible, concentrate on working muscles, be filigree in terms of exercise technique and scrupulously calculate BJU, but without strength progress, this whole process will mostly be aimed at heating the gym. Just check: have your working weights in the main exercises in sets changed by 6-10 times over the past two to three months? If not, I'm sorry, but you've wasted all this time.

Frequency is the key to health!

At the beginning of my coaching journey, I was convinced that you need to train hard, but rarely enough to have time to recover and let your muscles grow. That's how I was taught. And I followed a similar strategy for many years, until I began to notice that, let's say, if I suddenly need to do three workouts not every other day, but in a row - in connection with an urgent trip, for example - then my muscles and my strength suddenly begin to add much more noticeable. As a result, I am convinced today that for maximum progress it is necessary to train as often and as hard as it is possible for you personally - subject to adequate recovery. In practice, for the average person in good shape, this means five to six workouts a week, and believe me, this is not much at all. An outstanding practitioner, theorist and world-famous trainer Charles Poliquin recommends natural athlete gradually reach the level of two workouts a day five to six times a week.

It is necessary to work to failure!

Many athletes and coaches of my generation remember the statement that churned out one sports publication after another: the dangers of muscle failure. The horrors of possible injuries and inhuman suffering of the central nervous system were described. But really, guys! - 40-60 minutes of even the most intense workouts three times a week will definitely not drive anyone into overtraining. At any sports section you will be asked to exercise much more often, longer and harder, and you will also ask for supplements. And in general: this was not tolerated in the war. So, I think that failure training is extremely useful for hypertrophy, but the degree of intensity of failure simply needs to be regulated. For example, than easier exercise, the closer you can get to the edge of the rejection abyss. The more difficult the exercise, the less it is necessary, and in principle it is possible. Simple example: deadlift and any exercise for the forearms. It is clear that it is reasonable to do drop sets and reach failure only in the second exercise, but not in the first.

Twice, no less!

As part of a weekly microcycle, the same region of the body (legs, upper body) or the same movement (presses, deadlifts) should be loaded or repeated at least twice, and ideally all three times. If you look at successful training programs that brought you significant results, you will definitely notice just such a system. I would like to recall that the athletes of the golden era of bodybuilding loaded one muscle exactly three times a week. And this despite the fact that the state of their hormonal system was much more natural compared to the current generation of bodybuilders who load the same place no more than once a week, while placing in themselves volumes of pharmacology that would be enough for the entire Gold's Jim" of the seventies at once. At the same time, I ask you to pay attention to a strange paradox: if some muscle suddenly begins to lag behind in development, even today's bodybuilders double the frequency of its training. So train more often and don't be afraid of anything. Moreover, remember that there is muscle groups, which, in principle, grow only from almost daily work, for example, caviar.


The biggest problem with bodybuilding training is the lack of a clear periodization. The vast majority of athletes stupidly try to "destroy, score, kill, annihilate" and so on their muscles in training, after which they go to rest. But human physiology doesn't work that way. "Exists a big difference between training for adaptation and training for demonstration. Let me explain: as a coach, it’s not at all necessary for me to drive my athlete to maximum weights every workout to know that he is progressing. Moreover, most of the training time is usually spent on fairly moderate working weights,” these are the words of the great Alvin Cosgrove. Yes, reaching peak loads should be mandatory, but such workouts must be clearly planned, and not dumped on your head chaotically and according to your mood.

photo: Shutterstock/

There are few working additives, but they are

Here I am unlikely to say something new, because over the years of my work, my attitude towards supplements has shifted more and more into a natural old school. As a result, today my personal top 5 supplements and pharmaceutical preparations for the growth of strength and muscle mass looks like this.

  • Protein

Regular whey protein, in my opinion, solves all issues. There is no need to look for a hydrolyzate or so-called long proteins. And the timing of protein intake does not really matter: you just need to drink it to finish off the daily amount of protein, which was mentioned above. BCAAs - and I don't care how much research says they're useless. BCAAs taken during a workout do something fabulous with performance, strength gains and muscle fullness. Only BCAA should be a lot - about 40-60 grams per day at least. Such doses, however, are very painful for the wallet, so in general you can get by with the same whey protein. As I have already noted, he solves all issues.

  • Vitamin C

One gram of effervescent vitamin C will do more to restore your connective tissue than any massage or any more expensive and fancy remedy. A healthy connective tissue is a steady increase in strength. In addition, ascorbic acid has a positive effect on protein synthesis, helps fight decay products accumulated after training, and generally invigorates the body and spirit.

  • Riboxin

It's such an old metabolic drug that it still remembers the self-published Schwarzenegger posters that were sold on the street. Riboxin improves cellular metabolism and increases the force of contraction of the heart muscle, has an antihypoxic effect on the tissues of your body and is involved in glucose metabolism. Taking 4-6 tablets per day, you will get an effect comparable to a number of prohibited and harmful drugs. Jokes aside. But remember that you can’t get carried away with riboxin and drink it all the time, because this is fraught with the development of such an unpleasant disease as gout. Limit the period of Riboxin consumption to a month and a half.

  • Potassium orotate

Another invariable drug from the arsenals of the grandfathers of domestic bodybuilding, which I respect and love very much. Potassium orotate is a non-steroidal anabolic agent, and that says it all. It improves appetite, enhances protein synthesis, and therefore it is even prescribed for patients with dystrophy. So three to four tablets a day in small courses of 4-6 weeks will give your training a solid acceleration.

The program must be long.

There is an old saying: "Don't fix what isn't broken." It is a pity that training programs are rarely treated with such wisdom. Most often, I see how the program is changed to a new one just because “something is not rushing”. Well, two weeks later, such an athlete is again not rushing, and again, and again. And the problem is that our bodies have incredible inertia - they do not want to change, this is disadvantageous from the point of view of physiology and even from the point of view of survival. Therefore, any incentives in the form physical activity, which you begin to regularly apply to yourself, must first "enter into trust" in your body. After all, initially he believes that you are not doing it on purpose and that it will still cost. And only after a month or two, he finally realizes that his owner is serious about building up unnecessary 10 kilograms of muscle mass, and begins to adapt to this, changing his previous physiological habits.

There are no hardgainers

Show me a hardgainer and I'll show you a person who doesn't want results. In my brain, the words "hardgainer" and "willless person" are almost synonymous. Because the one who really wants something, especially from his body, really gets it. For he does not have “I can’t stuff food into myself” or “I can’t go to Gym so often," he just does what needs to be done, for as long as it needs to. There are no quick results, there are no magic pills, there are definitely no magical programs, there is no easy way - there are only years of constant struggle with yourself, built on willpower and a dream. Excellent physical form, like an excellent education or a successful business, require constant, daily, painful, many years of effort. For those who are not ready to swallow such a thought, it is better not to cross the threshold of the gym at all.

Technology above all else

To get bigger, you have to get stronger. To get stronger, you have to train long enough. To train for a long time, you have to do without injuries that would throw you back. In order to train without injuries, you must be able to do each of the exercises in your program flawlessly: cleanly, technically, to the fullest amplitude available to you personally. And if it doesn't, don't expect results, but expect sore shoulders, elbows, knees, and lower back. Remember that an athlete high level- this is always a professional in his field, and you should take an example from him in this, whether you are at least a hundred times an amateur.

Count BJU

Are you eating enough to grow? Right? Do you just throw everything that is not nailed into yourself? Are you constantly eating something? Do you count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? No, everything is somehow on the eye? Then it's no wonder you haven't seen progress since Arnie first said, "I'll be back." I myself fell into this trap for many years, believing that someone, but I definitely eat a lot. But it was not there. It was enough for me to pick up a calculator once to understand: I have a chronic lack of protein. And without protein, my friends, it is impossible to grow by definition. Today, I consider proteins and fats to be the main nutrients for gaining muscle mass. I recommend consuming a lot of proteins - 2–2.5 grams per kilogram at least. Ideally, it should be 3 grams or more. Fats - about 0.8–1.2 grams per kilogram. If you count the amount of food that comes out in the end, you can easily understand why I'm not very careful about carbohydrates. After consuming this amount of protein, a lot of carbohydrates are unlikely to fit into you, so you can eat them without restrictions, but it is very desirable to refrain from simple sugars.

Training program

Here is the latest of my 10 week hypertrophy regimens. It is divided into two blocks of four weeks, after each of which an easy unloading week is performed.

During the same block, the load grows uncontrollably. Workouts can be distributed arbitrarily throughout the week, but they definitely need to be packed in seven days. Ideally, you should practice five days in a row.

The program is based on cluster approaches. They are performed as follows.

If you see the numbers 4 (4 * 2), this means 4 sets (first number), each of which consists of 4 short series (second number) of 2 repetitions (third number). It is done like this. You put the weight on the bar, equal to 6-7 RM. Let it be, for example, a bench press on an inclined one. You do 2 repetitions, put the barbell on the racks, rest for 10-15 seconds. You do 2 more repetitions. Put the barbell back on the racks and rest for 10-15 seconds. You do the third time 2 repetitions. Again, the barbell on the rack and rest for 10-15 seconds. And the last time - the fourth - you do 2 repetitions. All - 1 approach completed. Rest until full recovery and repeat three more times.

The program shows only working approaches, the whole warm-up is on you. Rest between sets - until full recovery.

Periodization methods:

  • In the first week follow all the approaches as written.
  • In the second week combine all exercises in pairs, except those that are performed in a cluster manner. And alternate sets of exercises of each pair with normal rest, that is, use stretched supersets.
  • In the third week you also leave cluster approaches alone, and combine the rest of the exercises into double sets, that is, you do two exercises for the same muscle group in a row, without rest, after which you rest and repeat.
  • In the fourth week do some exercises in drop set mode - lose weight by 20 percent twice and work to failure, and others - with partial repetitions. Finish the set of full-range repetitions with a series of 8-10 short repetitions in one-third of the amplitude.


  • * max reps- do as many reps as you can to failure;
  • + often- complete the set with a series of 8-10 short repetitions in a third of the amplitude;
  • others 10–10–10- drop set. Do 10 reps with the original weight, reduce the weight by 20 percent and do 10 more reps, again reduce the weight by 20 percent and do 10 reps again;
  • (PhD)- the number of repetitions is indicated for each leg;
  • (k.r.)- the number of repetitions is indicated for each hand.

Workout 1

1. Bench press on an incline bench

Week 1: 4(4*2) | Week 2: 3(4*2) | Week 3: 6(4*2) | Week 4: 4*10–12

2. Wiring with dumbbells on the horizontal, bent legs on the bench

Week 1: 3*10–12 | Week 2: 4*8–10 | Week 3: 5*6–8 3 | Week 4: dr 8–8–8

3. Seated Dumbbell Leads

Week 1: 4*12 | Week 2: 4*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 4*20+frequent

4. Pull one dumbbell to the chin while standing

Week 1: 3*12 (short) | Week 2: 4*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 4 dr 6–6–6

5. Vertical thrust wide grip Per head

Week 1: 4*12 | Week 2: 4*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 4*10+frequent

6. Vertical pull with V-handle

Week 1: 3*12 | Week 2: 4*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 4 dr 6–6–6

7. Dumbbell curls sitting on an incline bench

Week 1: 3–4*15–12 | Week 2: 4*10–12 | Week 3: 5*10–8 | Week 4: 4*8–6

8. Twisting lying on the floor, legs raised

Week 1: 3–4*max reps | Week 2: 3–4*max reps | Week 3: 3–4*max reps | Week 4: 3–4*max reps

Workout 2

1. Extension of the lower leg with two legs

Week 1: 4*10–12 (PhD) | Week 2: 3*25 | Week 3: 5*20 | Week 4: 3 dr 12–12–12

2. Front squat with a pause (2 seconds) at the bottom point

Week 1: 5*6–8 | Week 2: 6*6 | Week 3: 5*8–10 | Week 4: 6*6+frequent

3. Bulgarian split squat with dumbbells

Week 1: 4*10–12 (PhD) | Week 2: 4*8–10 (PhD) | Week 3: 6*6–8 | Week 4: 3*12–10+frequently

4. Sitting calves with two legs

Week 1: 3*30 | Week 2: 3*20 | Week 3: 4*25 | Week 4: 3 dr 12–12–12

5. Sitting calves with one leg

Week 1: 2*15–20 (PhD) | Week 2: 2*15–20 (PhD) | Week 3: 4*15–20 (PhD) | Week 4: 2*20+frequently

6. Vacuum in front bar position

Week 1: 4*40–60 seconds | Week 2: 4*40–60 seconds | Week 3: 4*40–60 seconds | Week 4: 4*40–60 seconds

Workout 3

1. Seated Smith Press

Week 1: 4(4*2) | Week 2: 3(4*2) | Week 3: 6(4*2) | Week 4: 5*10–12

2. Lifting the dumbbells forward while sitting, with both hands at the same time, palms pointing down

Week 1: 3*10–12 | Week 2: 4*8–10 | Week 3: 5*6–8 | Week 4: 3 dr 6–6–6

3. Bent Over Row

Week 1: 4*12 | Week 2: 4*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 6*6

4. Single dumbbell row with support on a slightly inclined bench

Week 1: 3*12 (short) | Week 2: 4*10 (short) | Week 3: 6*8 (short) | Week 4: 4 dr 6–6–6

5. Information on the chest on the blocks, lying on a horizontal bench

Week 1: 3*12 | Week 2: 4*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 3*12+frequent

6. Push-ups on the uneven bars

Week 1: 2*15–20 | Week 2: 4*15–12 | Week 3: 6*max | Week 4: 2 dr*15–15

7. Extension on top block kneeling with a rope

Week 1: 3–4*15–20 | Week 2: 5*15–12 | Week 3: 6*12–10 | Week 4: 5*10–8

8. Incline Reverse Crunches

Week 1: 3–4*max reps | Week 2: 3–4*max reps | Week 3: 3–4*max reps | Week 4: 3–4*max reps

Workout 4

1. Flexion of the lower leg in the simulator lying down, with one leg

Week 1: 4*12 | Week 2: 3*15 (PhD) | Week 3: 5*12 (PhD) | Week 4: 3dr 10–10–10

2. Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

Week 1: 3*20 (c. n.) | Week 2: 5*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 4*6

3. Glute Bridge one foot, shoulders on the bench, foot on the floor

Week 1: 3 * max (c. n.) | Week 2: 3 * max (c. n.) | Week 3: 6 * max (c. n.) | Week 4: 4–5 * max (c. n.)

4. Calves standing in the simulator

Week 1: 4*20 | Week 2: 3*20 | Week 3: 4*15 | Week 4: 3dr 10–10–10

5. Calves standing on one leg

Week 1: 2*max | Week 2: 3*max | Week 3: 4*max | Week 4: 2*max+frequent Week 4: 4dr 10–10–10

3. Incline Dumbbell Press

Week 1: 4*12 | Week 2: 4*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 4dr 6–6–6

4. Crossovers on the bottom block

Week 1: 3*12 | Week 2: 4*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 3*10+frequent

5. Wiring with dumbbells in an incline with forehead support on an inclined bench

Week 1: 4*12 | Week 2: 4*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 4dr 6–6–6

6. Reverse wiring on standing blocks

Week 1: 3*12 | Week 2: 4*10 | Week 3: 6*8 | Week 4: 3*10+frequent

7. Raising the legs in the simulator "press bars"

Week 1: 3–4*max reps | Week 2: 3–4*max reps | Week 3: 3–4*max reps | Week 4: 3–4*max reps

Unloading 5th week

As part of this week, it is critically important to train not to failure, with light and comfortable weights for you, until you feel a good pump in the working muscles. Rest between sets no more than 60 seconds.

Workout 1

1. Information in the simulator on the chest | 3*20

2. Crossover classic | 3*20

3. Leads on the block with one hand while standing | 6*20 (short)

4. Vertical pull with a wide grip to the chest | 6*20

5. Bicep curls on the block while standing | 4*20

Workout 2

1. Leg extension in the simulator | 4*20

2. leg press | 6*20

3. Leg extension with one leg | 4*20 (c. n.)

4. Calves sitting with two legs | 2*50

Workout 3

1. Leads with dumbbells standing | 3*20

2. Bench press in the simulator on the deltas with one hand | 3 * 20–15 (short)

3. Frontal thrust of the block sitting narrow grip | 6*20

4. Push-ups on bars with own weight | 4*max

5. Two-handed dumbbell extensions | 5*20

Workout 4

1. Leg curls in the lying machine | 4*20

2. Inclined hyperextensions with weights | 5*20

3. Leg curls in the simulator sitting with one leg | 3*20 (c. n.)

4. Calves standing in the simulator | 2*50

Workout 5

1. Reverse vertical pull | 4*20

2. Information on lower blocks lying on an incline bench | 4*20

3. Vertical pull with one hand | 3 * 20–15 (short)

4. Reverse wiring in the simulator (on the rear deltas) | 6*20

5. Forearms - optional | 3–5 sets

After completing this week, go through four weeks of the main block again, but change the main exercises - those in which you did cluster sets, and increase the working weights wherever possible.

    Or, in other words, a four-day training program is used by advanced athletes with at least one year of training experience who have used in training process like , and . They have already been able to achieve excellent results in terms of building muscle mass, as well as increasing strength indicators in the main basic exercises.

    Four day split this is one of the varieties of a separate training system, which involves the division of all muscles into four individual groups(workouts), each of which is worked out, as a rule, once a week. That is, you train 4 times a week, working out 1-2 muscle groups in each workout. For example, on Monday we work the muscles of the back, on Tuesday the muscles of the chest, on Thursday the legs, and on Friday the arms and shoulders. Unlike two and three-day programs training, a training program four times a week for mass, thanks to the introduction of an additional training day into the weekly microcycle, contributes to a deeper and better study of the muscles.

    For example, you used to work out on a three-day split program, working out the back and biceps in the first workout, the chest and triceps in the second workout, and the legs and shoulders in the third workout. Agree, after training the back, the biceps get very tired, just like after training the chest, the triceps get tired. Options three day split a lot of. But in any case, due to fatigue, we cannot work out small muscle groups at 100%. A four-day mass split gives us the opportunity to more qualitatively and deeply work out not only large, but also small muscle groups, such as arms and shoulders.

    You can distribute muscle groups in different ways by day, depending on your goals and preferences. My favorite is the four-day mass split option below. On Monday I work the back muscles, on Tuesday the chest muscles, Wednesday is a rest day, on Thursday I train the muscles of the legs and on Friday the arms and delts. Saturday and Sunday are days off.

    Four-day split for mass: training program

    Monday (BACK)

    1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 3-4 sets 8-12 repetitions

    2. Classic deadlift 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps

    3. Bent Over Rows 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

    4. Horizontal pull in block simulator sitting 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

    5. Shrugs 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

    Tuesday (CHEST)

    1. Bench Press 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

    2. Incline dumbbell bench press 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

    3. Wiring dumbbells lying on a bench with a positive angle of inclination 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

    Thursday (LEGS)

    1. Barbell squat 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

    2. Deadlift on straight legs 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

    3. Leg press 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

    4. Rises on socks in a standing position 3-4 sets pl 12-15 repetitions

    5. Rises on socks in a sitting position 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions


    1. Bench press with a narrow grip lying on a bench 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

    2. Dips with an emphasis on triceps 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

    3. Standing barbell curls 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

    4. Hammers with dumbbells 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

    5. Bench press up sitting 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

    6. Barbell row to the chin 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

    Four-Day Workout Program: Notes

    This version of the four-day split mass training program trains each muscle group once a week, not counting the indirect loading of small muscle groups. The alternation of training days and days of rest occurs according to the scheme of the weekly microcycle 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 (Mon and Tue - training, Wed - rest, Thu and Fri - training, Sat and Monday - rest).

    Unlike a 3-day split, a four-day mass split allows you to work out each muscle group more efficiently. You can distribute muscle groups differently over the days and change the order of the exercises, adjusting this four-day split for mass for yourself. You should not stick to the same one for a long time without any changes. Remember that variation is one of the key principles of bodybuilding. Good luck friends!