Push-ups from the floor program for beginner girls. What push-ups give for girls and how to do push-ups correctly

Push-ups are an exercise that we have known since school. Despite all its simplicity, it is very effective for working out the muscles of the upper body, and it is useful not only for men, but also for girls. Despite the fact that the last push-ups can be more difficult, many ladies are interested in how to do push-ups for girls, and what this exercise can give us. At correct execution it will be very useful for the fair sex too.

The benefits of push-ups for girls

Push-ups are a popular exercise for increasing strength and endurance, creating relief of the pectoral muscles. It would seem, why do girls need all this? Contrary to the common stereotype, push-ups will not give you huge male arms and shoulders - given the physiology of the female body, this will be very difficult. Push-ups affect women differently, but also positively. Benefit push-ups for girls is as follows:

  • It allows you to maintain the tone of the muscles of the chest and arms, while maintaining elasticity and smartness. You will not pump them over, but you can keep them in good physical form. Additionally, the abdominal muscles are involved, which receive a static load, so push-ups are also good for dealing with excess deposits in the abdomen.
  • Push-ups burn quite a lot of calories. Thus, they help to lose weight and develop muscles at the same time.
  • Push-ups are good for the back and spine. Sometimes professionals advise those who often feel discomfort in this area to perform them.

Push-ups, which are definitely beneficial for girls, will not help you increase breast size. But to improve the figure and keep the muscles in good shape is a task with which they do an excellent job.

How to do push-ups from the floor for girls: features of the technique

It is quite difficult for girls with low physical fitness to push themselves off the floor at least a few times, because their hands are rather weak. It is better to start learning push-ups for girls from scratch with simplified options - push-ups from the wall, from a chair, from the knees, and only then go directly to the classic version.

Wall push-ups

The easiest push-up option for girls, on which you can hone your technique. You need to stand against the wall at a short distance from it, with your hands rest against the wall. Place your palms shoulder-width apart at chest level. Lean on your hands, do push-ups from the wall, bending your elbows to the stop and resting your forehead on the wall. Bend your arms slowly and smoothly. Make sure your knees and back stay straight.

To increase the load, you can move away from the wall further than a step. To begin with, it is enough to do ten exercises, increasing their number over time. By spreading your arms, you can also give yourself a greater load. When the muscles get used to it, move on to more difficult variations of push-ups.

Incline push-ups from the bench

The next step is to help you learn how to do push-ups for a girl. We put our legs together, rest against a bench, chair, sofa, window sill or other surface. We put our hands shoulder-width apart. We do push-ups, bending our elbows, as in the previous version of the exercise.

At first, it is recommended to start with a high support, gradually reducing it. When applying and high support, fix the muscles of the press and back with high quality, try do not bend at the waist. This exercise works well lower part chest muscles. The same muscle groups work as in the classical ones, but the load is much less.

Push-ups from the knees

Push-ups on the knees for girls - a good option for beginners who still find it difficult to perform more complex exercises. They are performed in the same way as classic push-ups, but the difference is that your knees are on the floor, and you rest on them, and not on your feet. It is important that the lower back does not bend. The load is similar to that of the classic push-ups, but lighter. When you can easily do 15-20 knee push-ups, move on to the classic version.

Push-ups from the floor for girls

Classic push-ups for girls are not as difficult as they seem, especially if you have already mastered the previous options. They are performed as follows:

  • We rest our toes and palms on the floor. The body must be perpendicular to the surface.
  • Bending your elbows, lower yourself until your chest touches the floor. As you exhale, slowly return your body to its original position.

Exercise works well pectoral muscles, muscles of the arms and shoulders.

Options for push-ups from the floor for girls

You can distribute the load on the muscles in a different way, changing the position of the hands during push-ups. So, if you spread your arms wider than your shoulders, you get more load. pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle. Such push-ups are done as follows:

  • Take a position with an emphasis on the toes of the legs and straight arms. Place your palms wider than your shoulders by twenty centimeters. Elbows should not go beyond the border of the palms.
  • Tighten your back and stomach muscles.
  • Lower yourself by bending your elbows until they form a right angle. In this case, the chest should almost reach the floor.
  • Straighten your arms, lifting your torso up and strongly pushing off the floor. The force of the push should be concentrated in the shoulder girdle.

If the hands are set narrowly (narrower than the width of the shoulders, but not less than 20 centimeters apart), then the maximum load is received triceps.

  • The palms should be placed strictly along the line of the shoulders. When moving down, do not open your forearms from the body and do not spread your elbows to the sides.
  • For better stability, spread your feet apart.
  • Lower yourself by bending your elbows until a right angle is formed so that your chest is slightly off the floor.
  • Straightening your arms, lift your torso up, actively pushing off the floor. In this case, the maximum push force will come from the triceps.

It is not necessary for girls to use weights, but they can do it if they wish. Push-ups with weights can only be done from the floor. They allow you to provide additional study of the pectoral muscles. These exercises are of an advanced level of difficulty, and beginners should not experiment with them.

Special weighted vests. At home, they are replaced with backpacks filled with something heavy. It is important to fix the weighting rigidly, but in such a way that the exercise is comfortable. The push-up technique is the same as in the usual version, but to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, you need to slightly spread your fingers.

Weighted push-ups are used by women in combination if they have a certain level of training, and if they purposefully want to increase muscle mass. Weighting allows you to increase the load on the pectoral muscles, so women should be careful with it.

To learn how to properly push up from the floor for girls, consider the following recommendations:

  • Girls are recommended to do push-ups at an average pace and with a small amplitude.
  • Increase the number of approaches gradually. If you have recently started doing push-ups, it is enough to do one set of ten exercises. Then gradually increase the load. Once advanced, you will be able to do three sets of thirty push-ups.
  • When performing the exercise, the body from head to toe should be a straight line, do not lift the buttocks.

If you have recently suffered a limb injury, it is recommended to refrain from push-ups for some time. It will not be superfluous to consult with a specialist before starting classes. He will help you choose the right load and master the right technique and create a push-up program for girls.

Push-ups from the floor: a program for girls

The push-up program for girls may differ depending on your goals. It will be enough to perform this exercise three times a week, gradually increasing the load. Consider a sample program for a few weeks.

Week 1

  • Day 1 - 12 pushups in 3-4 sets.
  • Day 2 - 15 pushups for 3-4 sets.
  • Day 3 - 22 pushups for 3-5 sets.

Week 2

  • Day 1 - 24 pushups for 3-5 sets.
  • Day 2 - 26 pushups for 3-5 sets.
  • Day 3 - 30 pushups for 3-6 sets.

Week 3

  • Day 1 - 45 pushups for 3-6 sets.
  • Day 2 - 50 pushups for 3-6 sets.
  • Day 3 - 55 pushups for 3-5 sets.

In the following weeks, increase the number of push-ups performed. The number of approaches can be as you feel comfortable. You can perform all repetitions at once, or you can break them into sets. The optimal break between sets is no more than a minute. The push-up table for girls, which you can use as a sample, will help you navigate.

Push-up technique for girls: common mistakes

When doing push-ups, beginners may initially allow typical mistakes that violate the technique, affecting the effectiveness and safety of the exercise. Their list is as follows:

  • Sagging or, on the contrary, lifting of the pelvis. The entire body should be in a straight line, from head to toe. The hips and buttocks should neither be above nor below the back.
  • Widely spaced legs. It can be hard to keep them close to the body at first, but you have to get used to it - this is a must for proper technique. Otherwise, you can damage and stretch the muscles.
  • Another mistake, or rather, a delusion, is to replace regular push-ups with push-ups from the knees. The last option will not give you a full load. It can be included in the program, but only if you have not yet mastered the classic bench press technique.

Push up plan

Any workout, no matter what type it is, must begin with a warm-up. Therefore, before moving on to push-ups, do a little training, as such, any cardio exercise will do. Three to five minutes will be enough, only they will need to be completed with circular rotations of the arms (or the Mill exercise), as well as jerks of bent arms in front of the chest.

After that, you can go directly to push-ups. Take an emphasis lying down, put your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, palms looking forward, legs on toes, back straight.

Slowly and without jerking, do as many full-fledged push-ups as you can. No need to lie to yourself, simplifying the execution process and striving to do more repetitions at any cost.

This means that you can’t bend your lower back, lower your hips and stomach, “beat” your chest off the floor, etc.

If you manage to do 10 “clean” push-ups, great. So your level is 14-20 push-ups for 3-4 sets.

It didn’t work out 10, it doesn’t matter, reduce the initial number of push-ups using the table below, and slowly increase the frequency and duration.

You need to do 3 days a week, with a maximum rest between sets of 90 seconds (better - no more than 60).

pushup table for girls

For your convenience, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the finished training program, designed for five weeks of classes, three training days each.

Using this system, you can increase the number of push-ups performed by almost 10 times. If the first week seems too easy for you, you can start right away with the second, just don't overdo it.

Day 3 13 9 11 13 9 55
Week 4
Day 1 16 14 10 11 12 63
Day 2 16 18 12 12 14 72
Day 3 20 18 13 13 16 80
Week 5
Day 1 23 21 15 15 17 91
Day 2 25 23 17 15 21 101
Day 3 27 25 25 15 19 111

Don't let the big numbers of the last week scare you. Believe me, by conscientiously doing, you can reach much greater peaks.

So get busy, drink more water and you will be surprised by the results that this program will give. Moreover, they will be visible both visually and morally, in the form of strengthening willpower and self-confidence.

What are the benefits of push-ups for girls

Like any basic exercise, push-ups are aimed primarily at increasing strength, developing endurance and coordination of movements, as well as carefully working out the pectoral muscles, creating their relief.

You say that girls do not need all this? No matter how! Anyone who does not know how to do push-ups normally will not submit to any sport associated with serious loads. From strength training to harmless fitness.

And, even if these sports do not particularly interest you, then here are a few more arguments in favor of push-ups:

  1. Push-ups help to remove the stomach, making it taut and embossed. Don't believe? Then right now try to do at least one full-fledged push-up from the floor, relaxing your stomach. Well, have you gone through at least half of the prescribed trajectory? Hardly.
  2. Push-ups are the best way to train the pectoral muscles. Do you want firm and tightened chest? Why am I asking, who doesn’t want it. So push-ups can help with this. And if, alas, they do not increase volumes, then they will give the desired shape. And a strong roundness will always win over shapeless volumes.
  1. Strong arms and shoulders are also created thanks to push-ups. And not broad shoulders, like swimmers, namely, strong, rounded shoulders that can withstand prolonged stress and look extremely attractive.
  2. Push-ups burn a lot of calories. In this indicator, they can compete with jogging and skipping rope. Moreover, for a rather serious load, a small set of push-ups in a dozen repetitions and several approaches will be enough.

So, you see, a slender figure, a developed chest and a flat stomach are a worthy price to pay for doing such a difficult exercise.

Girls tend to worry about breast size. It always seems like more would be better. Meanwhile, even though “size matters”, Equally important is the form. A small but firm, raised chest looks very attractive. Sympathy. net wants to reassure doubters that this result can be achieved fairly quickly. Push-ups for girls not only make your chest beautiful, but even - posture, and even taut - the press.

About the benefits of push-ups

To many lovely ladies, this type of exercise seems absolutely unfeminine. And even school times will be remembered by some, including the “C grade” for doing push-ups. And absolutely in vain.

After all, this is not so much, which, by the way, you can get to know in more detail on our website, but for the whole organism.

True, various muscles are involved during such training to varying degrees, but push-ups are especially for girls with regular classes may sometimes replace a whole set of exercises.

The abdominal press will be strengthened, because it has to work "to lift" the whole body. In addition, while doing push-ups, you can feel how the leg muscles tense up, which means that they are also actively involved in the process. The shoulder and pectoral muscles will become more elastic and stronger, since they bear the main load.

And, despite the fact that it seems paradoxical to others, push-ups, including from the floor, are recommended for girls. for back problems. Of course, after consulting knowledgeable people.

Push-ups for girls: features

The principle of performing exercises is, in general, the same for ladies and gentlemen. But still, the weaker sex, by definition, is entitled to some indulgences.

Traditionally, women rarely perform push-ups with weights, or, say, with an emphasis on the knuckles. In addition, it will probably be difficult to find a girl who can repeat the famous trick of Adriano Celentano from the movie "The Taming of the Shrew", when during push-ups he manages to perform claps under the chest.

Ladies during classes are usually satisfied changing positions of the body and hands- depending on the goal.

As a rule, the hands are located at the width or slightly wider than the shoulders.

Push-ups for girls require, as a rule, an average pace, a relatively small amplitude and unsharp, accurate movements. The back and legs should be kept straight, as if along the same line, the palms should be parallel to each other, the stomach should be pulled in.

As with any workout, make sure you breathe: go down - inhale, rise in IP - exhale. You can start with literally a few repetitions (5-7), often more for beginners and it doesn’t work out.

Before exercising, you need to warm up a little. A few squats, arm swings, walking in place will help prepare the body for the load.

It would not hurt to also remember that, just in case, in order to avoid injuries and discomfort, it is worth removing rings and bracelets, choosing comfortable clothes - not tight, but not too loose (for example, excessively long sleeves or wide trousers may interfere).

Types of push-ups for girls

Basic (traditional) push-ups for girls

Emphasis on straight arms. Lower the body until the chest almost touches the floor. Then, straightening your arms, raise your body up.

Push-ups for unprepared girls may be quite simple. At the same time, it is recommended to increase the number of repetitions compared to standard push-ups - at least up to 10.

  1. Wall push-ups. The distance to the support is about a meter, taking into account your height. Palms rest against the wall. Slowly bend and unbend your arms to the maximum, while keeping your knees and back straight.
  2. Push-ups with support. As it can be used a chair, a bench, a fitness ball. Legs - very close to each other, lower the body almost to the very support.
  3. Push-ups from the knees. During this exercise, the knees are on the floor, the socks are extended up. All other requirements are the same.

Complicated push-ups

Here the site offers options that require good physical fitness from girls - for those who do not want to stop there.

  • First, you can change hand position- put at a distance significantly exceeding the width of the shoulders, or vice versa - very close to each other. In both cases, the load increases and various groups muscles: with a wide setting, mainly pectoral muscles, with a narrow setting, mainly triceps.
  • You can also complicate the exercises by changing the position of the legs - lifting them on a chair, bench, ball. These are the so-called "low" push-ups. The angle between the floor and the raised legs should be at least 10 degrees. The position at the bottom should be fixed for 1 or 2 seconds. Exercises are recommended to be repeated from 3 to 40 times.
  • Push-ups for physically developed girls can also be performed with support alternately on the right, then on the left legs. The difficulty of this exercise is that you need to maintain balance, which, accordingly, requires additional effort. Starting position - as in regular push-ups, but one foot rests on the other so that only the toe of the lower foot is on the floor. The elbows are close to the body.
  • Behind next exercise it should be taken only by experienced athletes who have succeeded in performing other types of push-ups. Push-ups on one arm difficult for girls, but will be of interest to those of them who want to have strong triceps, muscles of the forearms and chest. The legs during this exercise should be spread wider than the shoulders - for the stability of the body, one arm (for starters, the one that is weaker) is wound behind the back. It will be easier to maintain balance if you turn the body in the opposite direction from the supporting arm. It is necessary to lower yourself until the chin practically touches the floor. When returning to the starting position, do not fully straighten the supporting arm.

So, push-ups for girls are compact, inexpensive in time and, thanks to the numerous variations of the exercise, offer great opportunities. for development and improvement.

Push up - and you will be graceful, slim and visible in any crowd!

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For each person, sport is one of the means of self-realization, self-development, self-education. Many people associate their lives with it, others use it to develop strength, muscle mass or for body shaping. Everyone, without exception, uses sports in their lives and knows that its benefits are quite impressive.

Sport is our assistant in life. It allows:

  • learn to overcome your fear;
  • get rid of shortcomings and superstitions;
  • teaches you to make quick decisions;
  • promotes the development of muscle mass;
  • able to organize a person;
  • helps to correct figure flaws;
  • allows you to find happiness and peace.

From a scientific point of view, this is a set of specific exercises. For some, it is simple and easy, while for others it is complex and intricate. However, without exception, all complexes include push-ups from the floor, the benefits of which are enormous.

What are push-ups

Push-ups are one of the most simple exercises. It involves all muscle groups when performing, which allows us to judge its impressive benefits. It is performed on the floor. In general, it can be described as a bench press in reverse.

This exercise allows you to use the muscle group that you need. For example, in order to stimulate the top of the pectoral muscles, they use incline press, bottom - perform head down. They give the greatest effect when the hands and feet are widely spaced and stand on some support. This allows you to go lower and guarantees a greater load on the muscles.

Aerobatics is considered push-ups with one hand. Just one month of doing such exercises guarantees a chiseled figure with brightly protruding muscles.

Types of push-ups

There are quite a few varieties this exercise. The most popular and sought after are:

  • classical;
  • head up;
  • head down;
  • push-ups from the knees;
  • push-ups with a jump;
  • push-ups with cotton;
  • push-ups on fists;
  • push-ups with one hand;
  • push-ups with wide staging hands;
  • plyometric push up.

Each of the types has a certain level of complexity and affects to a greater extent on different groups muscles. Before you start training, you should carefully familiarize yourself with each of the types, find out what the exercises give and determine the most appropriate for yourself.

The most difficult is push-ups on one hand. In this case, you should alternate hands so as not to pump one of them. The most effective - with a wide setting of hands. Its benefits are obvious. It optimally engages all types of muscles, allowing you to exercise correctly, harmoniously developing all muscles.

The benefits of push-ups for men

Push-ups from the floor for men carry a lot of advantages. The effect they have on human body, huge. This exercise allows you to engage and work out the following muscle groups:

  • gastrocnemius;
  • triceps;
  • intercostal;
  • back muscles;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • gluteal muscles, especially if you raise one leg during the exercise;
  • deltoid muscles;
  • chest muscles.

The load on these muscles regular performance will ensure the coordinated work of the whole organism as a whole. This means that the benefits are invaluable. There is a lot of stress on the spine. It is useful and has a beneficial effect on the muscles around it. This allows muscle strength. Also a plus is improved coordination of movement.

The benefit of push-ups from the floor also lies in the fact that the hands are strengthened. This is undoubtedly important for every person. In particular, this effect is useful for those who are engaged in various types martial arts or boxing. Strengthening the hands allows you to ensure the clarity and direction of the blow, and also protects the hands from fracture. You should know that the greatest effect is achieved with push-ups on the fists, and not on the hands.

This exercise also effectively affects the development of endurance. For this, training is carried out regularly. They differ in a large number of approaches and multiple repetitions. Breaks are minor. Then the benefit will be really worth it.

If your goal is to build muscle, you should perform exercises from the floor with extra weight. If you want to improve the speed of reaction, you need to accompany push-ups with claps. Exercise will complement any sports complex, will have a positive effect on any person, help to get a charge of vivacity and return the muscles to shape, which means that their benefits are enormous.

The benefits of push-ups for women

Many are convinced that push-ups are an exercise that is only suitable for men. Women refrain from doing it, afraid to look pumped. In fact, the benefits of exercise are enormous for the weak half of humanity. If exercise proper push-ups, harm to the figure is unlikely to be done.

The benefits of this exercise for women are as follows:

  • the pectoral muscles and their relief are being worked out;
  • the neckline becomes attractive in appearance;
  • posture is aligned;
  • the chest is tightened and strengthened;
  • endurance develops;
  • hands become outwardly attractive without sagging skin and sagging;
  • the abdominal muscles are worked out, which allows you to form slim stomach;
  • there is a release from excess fat due to high physical activity.

Push-ups from the floor are those exercises that allow each girl to shape her figure, make her outwardly attractive. On average, 30 push-ups can burn up to 100 kcal if performed correctly. Greater results in the same time are only able to provide speed run or jumping rope. The benefits of push-ups from the floor are the same for both women and men.

Harm push-ups

Push-ups from the floor, like any other physical exercise, can also cause harm. First of all, it is associated with failure to comply with elementary rules during training and multiple repetitions of exercises at initial loads. In general, push-ups can help:

1) Pumping chest. This is possible in cases where you engage exclusively in push-ups, forgetting that other muscle groups should also be loaded.

2) Overwork. It is achieved in cases where athletes "tear themselves" during training, do not warm up and take minimal breaks.

3) Traumatism. Most often, it is observed in cases where athletes do not stretch their muscles before training.

It should also be remembered that push-ups are exercises that should be refrained from by those who are prone to high pressure or has rather fragile bones. In this case, the harm is obvious, so you should find yourself some other exercise to carry out the necessary physical activity.


It can be concluded that push-ups from the floor are useful for both men and women of any age. The only condition is the dosing of the number of repetitions and approaches. This exercise will:

  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • improve metabolism;
  • strengthen the heart
  • get rid of extra pounds;
  • strengthen the respiratory system;
  • improve metabolism;
  • develop endurance;
  • strengthen bones;
  • develop the speed of blows;
  • strengthen joints;
  • develop the dexterity of the body;
  • achieve a sports figure;
  • improve endurance;
  • increase muscle mass.

The benefits of push-ups are obvious to everyone. If you perform the exercise correctly, the result will not be long in coming.

Video about the benefits and dangers of push-ups

The benefits of push-ups for women cannot be underestimated. Exercise is one of better ways burning a significant amount of calories, for weight loss, toning muscles and shaping perfect figure. To maintain health, a person must perform strength exercises and training for the cardiovascular system. Push-ups are a versatile exercise, and allow you to strengthen the entire body. For greater effect, it is recommended to combine them with other exercises. What are the benefits of push-ups for girls?

Push-ups strengthen the upper body

Gradually increasing the repetitions of push-ups, you can significantly increase the strength in the upper body. In this case, you do not need to deal with weights. During the exercise, the chest, shoulders, arms work. With regular exercise, the upper body will be much slimmer and more attractive.

During push-ups, the press works

Although push-ups, to a greater extent, have a beneficial effect on upper part body, but they can strengthen other muscles if you follow the technique of the exercise.

Always keep your body straight, and try to statically strain your muscles. abdominals. Many people doubt that push-ups can strengthen the press, but this is a deep delusion. When performed correctly, the muscles of the abdominal cavity actively work.

Pushups give you energy

This exercise may seem like the worst way to get rid of general weakness, but this is a misconception. While moving, blood circulation improves, the temperature rises, which allows you to burn more fat, and brain performance improves. The advantage of push-ups is that they do not require special equipment. They can be performed anytime and anywhere.

Push-ups strengthen bones

As the body ages, bones become more fragile, which increases the risk of fractures. Push-ups help strengthen bones. During the exercise, not only muscle groups work, but also wrists and elbows. As a result, exercise can reduce the risk of injury.

Push-ups boost metabolism

During the exercise, various muscle groups work, blood flow increases, and breathing quickens. All this leads to an increase in metabolic rate, which is one of the keys to losing excess weight and health improvement. It is important to note that the exercise allows you to simultaneously work on strength and endurance.

How to do push-ups?

If you want to lose weight, tone your muscles, then you must definitely do push-ups. However, the effect can only be achieved if the exercise is performed correctly.

  1. You need to lie on your stomach. Keep your legs together.
  2. Rest your palms on the floor. The distance between the palms should be shoulder width apart.
  3. The toes need to be bent to maintain balance.
  4. Then you need to lift the body with the help of the strength of the hands. The body should be straight, the gaze is directed forward.
  5. Then you need to lower yourself again and repeat the movements. required amount once.

To begin with, do as many repetitions as you can, you should not put a lot of effort, as the body is not yet used to such loads. Over time, the number of repetitions should be increased. Now you know what the benefits of push-ups are for women, so do not neglect this exercise.

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Push-ups are classified as simple and effective exercises with which you can keep your body in shape. Someone is doing special programs and tracks the results, and someone just does several approaches daily. Both of them claim to get excellent physical activity. So is it really worth thinking about? Let's see if it is possible to do push-ups every day, and what will come of it.

The value of daily training

It is important to understand that daily exercise is definitely useful. But every day to go to Gym and doing heavy strength exercises is rather harmful.

If you approach physical activity as a prevention of blood stasis, heart disease and physical inactivity, then it makes sense to give it to yourself daily. But if we are talking about strength progress, gaining muscle mass - in this regard, our body is not as fast as we would like.

Recovery muscle fibers after active training occurs for 48 hours or more (you yourself can judge this by soreness and lack of strength after training).

So, we conclude:

  1. Push-ups from the floor every day do not lead to the development of strength and an increase in muscle mass. The body simply does not have time to recover a day after the previous load. And, let's be honest, the load is not so great if you can easily repeat the workout the next day.
  2. But as a charge, to maintain muscle tone and prevent various diseases, push-ups every day will be most welcome.

And, since there is no expediency of push-ups for increasing strength and mass in the daily version, let's talk about the "morning exercise" mode.

Push-ups for exercise

Morning exercises often include push-ups and squats (for the lower body). This is the simplest set of exercises that can lift arterial pressure and to tone a large number of muscles.

Therefore, these exercises are used as a daily physical activity. Squats target the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. And push-ups strain the muscles of the core, triceps, shoulders, chest. The same starting position for push-ups corresponds to the “plank” exercise, which is designed to train just the core muscles.

In general, the benefits of such an exercise as push-ups are as follows:

  1. If you do push-ups every day or every other day, your arms and chest are much stronger and more resilient than the average person.
  2. If you do at least 20 push-ups, there is a chance that you will be able to push off an opponent who has fallen on you or a heavy object in an unforeseen situation.
  3. Push-ups are necessary to train breathing and increase blood circulation. And the latter is required for good health and the prevention of many diseases.
  4. Any workout is a reminder to the muscles and joints of their functions. They even say about cars that it is “harmful” for them to stand in the garage for a long time.

How many push ups in the morning

It is advisable to limit yourself a little in push-ups so as not to overwork your muscles. If you decide to practice in the daily version, you don’t need to overwork yourself.

To determine the number, do push-ups in the morning as much as you can. Take 60-80% of that number, round it up and do that number of push-ups as a workout. Thus, you will find out how many push-ups per day you need.

You can make it even easier - use round numbers. For example, push-ups in the morning 10 or 20 times. After charging, you should have some reserve of energy, because there is still a whole day ahead.

If you are well prepared, and you practically do not feel fatigue with several dozen push-ups, raise your legs to a slight elevation or use weights. At the same time, carefully monitor the condition of your joints, because the load on them will increase.

What happens if you push yourself to the floor

If you suddenly decide to do push-ups every day to the maximum, and your maximum is far from 5–10 times, but much more, see what this can lead to:

  • There is a risk of getting overtired and losing weight more than normal due to muscle wasting.
  • You will constantly feel tired hands, which is not very pleasant. Muscles will not have time to recover.
  • Your elbows may start to hurt. The joint resource is also not infinite.

Further, there can be 2 outcomes: either you will get a chronic joint disease, or your body will adapt to the load, and endurance will grow noticeably. It all depends on the characteristics of your body. But it's still better to check carefully.

Of course, this all applies to those who are able to wring out many times in a row. If your limit is 2-3 reps, do as much as you can.

Push-ups when passing the TRP standards

If you are interested in passing the TRP standards, push-ups are performed there in a certain way.

The recommendations are as follows: it is necessary to do push-ups so that the knees and pelvis do not touch the floor, and the chest, on the contrary, touches it. Under certain conditions, a so-called contact platform 5 cm high is used. It is touched with the chest instead of the floor. The norm is when the angle between the elbows and the body is not more than 45 degrees. That is, push-ups mainly due to the chest will not work - you will have to pump up the triceps as well.

It will be interesting to know how many times you need to do push-ups according to these standards? It all depends on how old the subject is, what gender he is and what sign he claims. So, for example, boys at the age of 6-8 years old must do push-ups 17 times for a gold sign, and girls - 11. For 9-10 years old, these are 16 and 12 times, respectively, for 11-12 these are 20 and 14 times and so on.

Push-up patterns

To strengthen your arms and chest, you can do push-ups in several ways.

Scheme 1

Every morning you do 10-30 push-ups in the same position. Namely, as the TRP standards recommend - that is, the body is straight, like a string, and the elbows are not spaced further than 45 degrees relative to the body.

For maximum effect stay in the lower position for half a second.

This scheme will help you evenly load the triceps and chest muscles.

Scheme 2

Every morning you do 20-40 push-ups in 4 variations:

  1. Elbows pressed to the body - 5-10 times. Here the main load goes to the triceps.
  2. Elbows to the sides, palms inward - the same amount. Breasts work.
  3. 5-10 times in the pose indicated in scheme 1. Uniform load.
  4. 5-10 times on fists. Fists are needed in order to increase the range of motion. This will involve the pectoral muscles more.

Scheme number 2 will strengthen your triceps and chest from all sides. This is the most preferred option if you want to give a complex load on the body while charging. If you just need to wring out, scheme 1 would be preferable.

Now you can see for yourself that thanks to push-ups you will be healthy and ready for work and defense at any time.

They will not give a serious increase in mass, or huge strength, but they are great for people who do not have time for the gym to keep their bodies in shape.

Among all the exercises that the fair sex performs in pursuit of a slim and attractive figure, push-ups for girls from the floor occupy one of the places of honor. When performing this exercise, all major muscle groups are involved.

In many training complexes there are varieties of this exercise, as it forms a beautiful relief of the body, makes the figure slim, removing overweight.

If you do push-ups regularly, at least 2-3 times a week, then after a few weeks you can feel a surge of strength and positive changes in your body.

How are they useful for girls?

Different ways of doing this exercise help to work out different muscle groups. Classic push-ups, which everyone did back in school, load the muscles of the chest, arms, shoulders, and form a flat stomach. The main benefit of push-ups for women is that they great for burning calories.

When performing this exercise, we use the following muscles:

  • Press;
  • back;
  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • chest;
  • Biceps;
  • Triceps;
  • Deltoid.

The exercise is convenient to perform at home, if the time for gym And you don't have enough trainers. If you want to lose extra pounds and get slim figure with relief muscles - push-ups for you! Pleasant changes you can notice after two months of regular training.

Carefully! Perform an intense warm-up before training, for at least five minutes, in order to warm up the muscles. Failure to warm up can lead to injury.

How to learn to do push-ups for a girl? 3 lightweight options

An ideal option for beginners from scratch is to perform a program of movements in a lightweight form. Classic push-ups should be started if you have adapted and acquired the skill of pushing up from higher surfaces.

1. Wall push-ups

This exercise is a light version of push-ups.

  1. We become to the wall at a short distance. We rest our hands on the wall. Putting the palms at chest level shoulder width apart.
  2. We lean on our hands and perform push-ups from the wall, bending our elbows to the stop with our forehead against the wall.
  3. We bend and unbend the arms slowly and smoothly, the knees and back remain straight.

If you want to increase the load by doing this exercise, you can move away from the wall than one step.

You can start with ten exercises, each time increasing the number of repetitions. When spreading the arms, the load will double. Having accustomed the muscles to loads, you can begin to perform more complex types of push-ups.

2. Inclined from the bench

  1. Feet together, palms resting on gymnastic bench, sofa, bed, table, window sill. Hands are straightened at shoulder width.
  2. We perform push-ups, bending our elbows, as in the previous version.

Performing these exercises for girls it is recommended to start with a high support, gradually moving to lower options. When pushing up from a high support, you need to firmly fix the muscles of the press and back, do not bend in the lower back.

The exercise works well on the lower part of the chest muscles. We use the same muscles as in the classic version of the exercise, but they are loaded much less.

3. From the knees

Knee push-ups are great for beginners if the harder variations are still too difficult for you to complete.

  1. This exercise is performed in the same way, with the only difference being that the knees are on the floor.
  2. Focus on the lower back - it should not bend.

The same muscles are loaded as in the classic version, but the load is lighter. Performing these exercises, you can perfectly work out the muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle and arms.

Classic push ups

Classic push-ups are very easy exercises to perform. But before you start it, you need to train, performing easier options. Correct technique push-ups from the floor for girls:

  1. We rest our toes and palms on the floor. The body is placed perpendicular to the floor;
  2. On arms bent at the elbows, we lower ourselves until we touch the floor with our chest.
  3. Slowly, as you exhale, return the body to its original position.

Regular performance of this exercise contributes to the formation of a raised attractive chest.

Important! We do all exercises for effort on the exhale, relaxation on the inhale. When doing push-ups, inhalation falls on lowering (relaxation), exhalation - on push-ups from the floor (effort).

What is the effect of changing the width of the setting of the hands?

The starting position of the arms affects the muscles you want to work. The following commonly used options are:

Wide stance

This position of the hands distributes the load in a different way, since the emphasis is primarily on the pectoral muscles and on shoulder girdle. How to do them right?

  1. We rely on straight arms and toes. We place the palms wider than the shoulders by twenty centimeters. Elbows do not go beyond the line of the palms. We strain the muscles of the abdomen and back.
  2. We lower ourselves, bending our elbows, until a right angle is formed. The chest at the same time does not reach the floor a little.
  3. Straightening your arms, raise your body up, pushing off the floor with force. We concentrate the push force in the shoulder girdle.


This position of the hands distributes the effort to the triceps.

  1. We place the palms strictly along the line of the shoulders. Moving down, the forearms do not come off the body, but elbows do not move apart.
  2. We spread the feet for greater stability of the body. We lower ourselves, bending our elbows until a right angle is formed, while the chest does not reach the floor a little.
  3. Straightening your arms, raise your body up, pushing off the floor with force. The push force comes from the triceps in this variation.

When should additional weights be used?

Physically developed girls weights may be used. This push-up is performed only from the floor. We use this species exercises to further work out the pectoral muscles. This push-up refers to an advanced level of difficulty, and is not suitable for those who first decide to practice this type of exercise.

For performance, special vests with weights are used. Can be used at home a backpack filled with something heavy. The main thing is to fix it firmly, but so that the exercises are handy to perform. It is performed similarly to the classic one, but the fingers need to be slightly spaced to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport. The same muscles are involved, but the forearm is also loaded.

This type of exercise is used by women as part of other exercises if they have reached high level and purposefully pump muscles. When performing such push-ups, a large pectoral muscle which supports and lifts the chest. Those who perform this exercise regularly manage to cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as sagging breasts.

  • For girls, the most acceptable is average execution rate small range exercises.
  • Increase the number of approaches gradually. If you have just started doing push-ups, then one set of ten exercises will be enough. In the future, focusing on your condition, you need to increase the number of approaches. As you get closer to the advanced level, you will be able to do three sets of thirty reps.
  • Legs and crown should form a straight line- buttocks can not be raised.
  • With underbaked injuries of the extremities of push-ups cannot be performed as this could lead to further injury. Before you start doing push-ups, consult with an instructor. It will help you to correctly calculate the load and control the technique of performing exercises.
  • Pushing up on the slope you need to try to keep the body at a level of 45 ° to the surface. Try to constantly improve the technique of performing the exercise. Remember that a lower level of incline gives a greater load on the muscles, which helps to increase the efficiency of the exercise. The greatest load gives push-ups from the floor.

Push-ups, which are performed gradually, “with feeling, with sense, with arrangement”, and most importantly - regularly, replace the complex gymnastic exercises. The advantage of any type of push-up is that it is a "small simulator" that can load all the major muscle groups. To do it, you only need desire and patience!

Do you like push-ups or are you, as a girl should be, on your back during push-ups of your boyfriend? General physical training sooner or later knocks on the life of women who want to be athletic. Push-ups for girls are not only a chest exercise, and they are not only useful for men!

Push-ups for girls: how useful is the exercise?

Push-up refers to basic exercises With own weight body, which means that it involves several joints and muscle groups. A complex load is the most effective during weight loss, and this is what most girls are doing.

To get rid of the tummy, you need to spend more calories than you consume. Therefore, training should be energy-intensive. Push-ups are worth learning because they burn twice as many calories as crunches.

The complex and coordinated work of all parts of the body during the exercise provides a number of advantages:

Doing a hundred push-ups can burn 100 calories, and a hundred twisting or lifting the body will burn half as much.

The answer lies in the work of several muscles:

Push-ups are useful in that they relieve many women's issues: draw in the stomach by activating the transverse muscle, correct posture by strengthening the back, remove loose skin on the shoulders and tighten the chest.

Therefore, a weight loss program must include them.

Of course, one or even ten repetitions will not burn the calorie requirement that is needed for weight loss, but if you introduce three approaches into your workout, then total energy expended will increase to 500 kcal. Why? Therefore, the program with push-ups forms a synergy with other exercises, complicates them.

How to do push ups for a girl It's never too late to learn!

To learn how to do push-ups, you must first do them regularly. Stand in a plank position: arms straightened at the elbows, palms are in line with the shoulders, but slightly wider.

Align your back, removing excessive lumbar deflection, but do not protrude the pelvis. Draw in the abdominal muscles and tighten the hips to stabilize the body. Bend your elbows, trying to touch the floor with your chest (bring as close as possible).

Elbows look back, forming a trapezoid, but perpendicular to the body to the sides. You need to do push-ups so that your elbows form a 45-degree angle with the floor. The chin, chest, and hips should rise and fall in sync, without any bouncing of the body.

For beginners, the following mistakes are typical: protrusion of the buttocks, diving head to the floor, sagging of the abdomen to the floor.

In this case, you need to additionally strengthen the hips, back, and abs, respectively, in order to wring out the girl correctly.

If the strength of the hands is not enough even for one time, the versions for beginners will help:

  • girls are recommended to focus on their knees, similarly supporting the body in one line;
  • Push-ups can be made easier by placing emphasis on a table, chair, or bed, and this version helps you learn to keep your whole body straight.

Push-up program: how to learn from scratch?

Push-ups from the floor for girls from the first time are given hard to the weaker sex.

During the first week (2-3 workouts), in order to prepare for the exercise, it is necessary to develop a connection between the muscles and the brain - to train the movement, which can be done in several ways:

Girls need to draw up a similar push-up program, focusing on their own capabilities: someone immediately manages to push out with an emphasis on the feet, someone only from the wall.

Negative reps are the basis for building arm strength, which is needed to learn push-ups. Lie on the floor, put your palms on both sides of your shoulders, push off and raise your straight body, extending your arms at the elbows.

Then go back down to your stomach. Any program for beginners must include negative reps, as they prepare the muscles for the load.

Program: does it make sense?

A common scheme for increasing the number of repetitions works for everyone individually. Therefore, you should never focus on someone else's experience when teaching push-ups.

It is better to set other goals and use more stimulating techniques:

Push-ups according to the scheme for girls should not be in the nature of a race for the result, since the average will be updated every two weeks. To increase strength, the following scheme operates - 5-10 repetitions every hour will accustom the muscles to the fact that such a load is necessary. The muscles of the upper body in women are underdeveloped, and the program of its strengthening should include training with dumbbells.