Forums. One of the best ways to lead a healthy lifestyle

Two years ago, Shirley Webb from Illinois started going to the company with her granddaughter. At that time, to get up from the floor, she needed a chair or some other support. Shirley could climb the stairs only by holding on to the railing.

Two years later, Webb is proud to say that he has successfully completed both tasks. It all happened thanks to the coach weightlifting John Wright, who before Shirley did not have such elderly charges. It took half a year of preparation for the old woman to be able to lift a barbell weighing 90 kg (200 pounds).

Ida Herbert Becomes a Yoga Instructor at 76

Michelle Siu/

Ida Herbert learned about yoga in the 60s. At the time, the 50-year-old woman lived in Toronto, worked as a secretary at a school, and regularly did "hated aerobic exercise." One morning in the gym, Aida noticed a woman who was doing. It looked very unusual, and Herbert became interested. She began to practice yoga and study thematic literature.

After retiring, the Herberts began to spend their winters in Florida. Aida's teaching career began there. The woman showed simple exercises to everyone, she taught for free what she loved so much. Later, Ayda received an instructor certificate.

In the fall of 2012, when Ida Herbert was 96 years old, she entered the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest yoga instructor.

Robert Marchand returned to cycling at 67

Robert Marchand is a French cyclist who, at the age of 35, finished seventh in the Grand Prix des Nations (1946). He returned to the sport in 1978 and trains to this day.

In February 2012, Robert Marchand set a world record in the 100+ age group: he traveled 24,250 meters in an hour. In 2014, the 102-year-old athlete improved his result to 26,927 meters.

Jeffrey Life went in for sports at 59

In 1997, Jeffry Life was a 59-year-old family doctor with overweight, neglected body and constantly deteriorating health. Tying shoelaces turned into a difficult quest, breathing was constantly confused, the stomach was huge, and the muscles and joints ached.

Once, in a fitness magazine, Life came across an article about the winner of the Body-for-LIFE contest, and the doctor decided that it was time to really take care of himself. Thanks to proper diet and training at the age of 60, Jeffrey became the champion of the same Body-for-LIFE.

Now Jeffrey is 77 years old, and, in his opinion, he is at the peak of his physical form. He hits the gym five times a week, has written three books (The Life Plan, Mastering the Life Plan, and The Life Plan Diet) and continues to work out. medical practice. In 2012, he was included in the list of 25 most athletic men according to Men's Fitness magazine. Breast cancer did not stop Patricia. She took and takes part in the Senior Olympics at distances of 50, 100 and 200 meters in the age group 50+.

There are many inspiring examples. The main thing is not to allow the thought that you are a waste material and at your age you do not do gymnastics, crossfit, dancing or figure skating. Are engaged. So just try it!

Hello dear community!
Such a sore point for me, comrades - Isn't it too late to start doing street workout at 32?
The fact is that I, like many, I think for a long time did not quite healthy lifestyle life, and just over a year ago I decided to change direction towards a healthy one. I quit smoking (although before that I could smoke three packs a day, if under beer), I also almost completely excluded alcohol. . .food is correct. . .etc. And so the workout really hooked me. . .It's a pity that in my youth there was no such movement (by the way, like parkour, which is also very interesting to me)! Of course, I hung at home on a makeshift horizontal bar all the time (until I fell head down with it on the back of my head. . . For two weeks I remembered what was what in life...) For a year or two I hung on it. . 15 times pulled up easily. . but that is in the distant past, in a stormy and reckless youth. But these are lyrics, but harsh truth life is such that it is somehow old, it seems to me that I am for such feats. . .although I really don’t want to admit it and believe in it ((From here I want to ask you, dear friends, what do you think, is it worth tearing the veins or calm down and live as it is - with a beer belly and a second chin? (((So - I want to prove to myself and others that there is still gunpowder in the powder flasks!)) For simplicity and clarity, I will attach a poll, well, I really want to hear live opinions, arguments and thoughts on this topic.
Thanks in advance. Regards. Toha Greetings dear community! Such a sore point for me, comrades - Isn't it too late to start doing street workout at 32? The fact is that I, like many, I think, for a long time led a not quite healthy lifestyle, and just over a year ago I decided to change direction towards a healthy one. , smoke a day), alcohol is also almost completely eliminated. . .food is correct. . .etc. And so the workout really hooked me. . It’s a pity that in my youth there was no such movement (by the way, like parkour, which is also very interesting to me)! Of course, I hung at home on a makeshift horizontal bar all the time (until I fell head down with it on the back of my head. . . For two weeks I remembered what was what in life...) For a year or two I hung on it. . 15 times pulled up easily. . but that is in the distant past, in a stormy and reckless youth. But these are lyrics, and the harsh truth of life is such that it’s somehow a little old, it seems to me that I am for such feats. . .although I really don’t want to admit it and believe in it ((From here I want to ask you, dear friends, what do you think, is it worth tearing the veins or calm down and live as it is - with a beer belly and a second chin? (((So - I want to prove to myself and others that there is still gunpowder in the flasks!)) For simplicity and clarity, I will attach a poll, well, I really want to hear live opinions, arguments and thoughts on this topic.

You are already 30 years old. You think it's too late to start martial arts, and those years when you fought almost every day are already behind you. But you are deeply mistaken, because it is never too late to become better and acquire new skills. Moreover, classes of this kind can one day help save your own or someone else's life. If you are one of those who think that after 30 it is too late to start martial arts, then this article will help you look at this issue differently.

1. You learn something new by improving your body.

You are already at the age when your personality has been formed, goals for the future have been set, and you are moving towards them with leaps and bounds. This is the time to start taking care of your body. To make yourself a fighter who can protect himself and his family is never too late, but in adulthood you will more clearly understand why these workouts are needed and how to properly improve your body. In addition, visiting the martial arts section is an opportunity to get the figure you have always dreamed of and increase the functionality of your body.

This is a great age to endure: the body copes well with stress, and the head is capable of perceiving new techniques and knowledge. In addition, thanks to such training, you will find harmony with your body and spirit.

2. New interesting acquaintances

After 30 years, your social circle is usually formed and you are in no hurry to expand it. Near only proven people with whom you plan to continue to go through life.

Believe me, new acquaintances can make your life much brighter. As a rule, only a person who cares about how he looks and who strives for the best for himself will engage in self-improvement. So, you can find a lot of new acquaintances who will be close in spirit. In addition, friendship with athletes will not be superfluous, because you never know what life situation you may find yourself in. You can always establish new social connections - it is especially pleasant to do this in a society of like-minded people.

3. Opportunity to look at your life differently

Starting a new hobby or playing a sport is always exciting. Martial arts will open a new world for you, where you will get to know your body and be surprised by its capabilities, gain new abilities and self-confidence. The warrior within you will awaken, and this will affect all areas of life: work, relationships and communication in society.

Everything that will happen in training will become a revelation for you about yourself. In a year, you, looking at your former self, will be glad that you came to this sport.

4. One of the best ways to lead a healthy lifestyle

When you turn 30, you will find that a hangover is a very real phenomenon, and an extra burger can settle on your sides. Every day the body will need more and more training. In order not to turn into a flabby fat man, you will need to keep yourself in shape.

Regular diets won't build muscle though proper nutrition will be an excellent assistant in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Martial arts will help you quickly restore your former shape. In training, you will not only wave your fists. To prepare your body for sparring, you will have to improve your stretching, tone your muscles and spend a lot of time on cardio, otherwise you will not last three minutes. Classes in such a section will help to diversify your body, making you more functional than before.

5. Martial arts are a great antidepressant.

In addition to the fact that this sport develops you from a physical point of view and tempers your spirit, martial arts It is also an excellent antidepressant. After a hard day at work, the brain needs a reboot. The accumulated burden of the past years, stress and conflicts put enormous pressure on the psyche and adversely affect health.

Training will help to leave all the negativity in the gym. The emotions that you experience during training, the efforts that you put into each blow - all this will help unload the psyche and, upon returning home, be a rebooted version of yourself for the family, friendly and open to communication.

6. Delusional reasons why you are afraid to start

No matter how beckoning the prospects of new beginnings, each of us can be tormented by doubts and our own insecurities, which often close the doors to new achievements.

Some beginners think that they will be ridiculed when they join a sport because of their physical condition or lack of skills. A delusion caused only by uncertainty and delusional thoughts. Not a single person comes to training with acquired skills. All skills are acquired in the course of classes, and you, like others, will eventually understand this and master your body. Ashamed that you can't do something initial stage, stupid.

Only by overcoming yourself and your own fears will you be able to protect your family.