How easy it is to stand the bar. What gives the plank exercise

Anna Voronina, founder of Crow Studio

You need to stay in the plank for as long as possible. Until you collapse

That's absolutely not! The plank is needed to activate the muscles of the so-called internal block: the muscles of the pelvic floor, the transverse abdominal muscle, the multifidus muscle of the back. The function of these muscles is to instantly stabilize the abdominal area and protect the lumbar spine. And they are not able to maintain the maximum voltage for a long time. One of the well-known researchers of biomechanics, Dr. Stuart McGill, in his research showed that these muscles are able to maintain maximum tension for 10–15 seconds, and then the surrounding larger muscles begin to turn on. By the 37th second of continuous tension, the muscles of the internal block are completely switched off and you remain hanging on all the compensatory included muscles. Therefore, in order for the exercise to be effective specifically for the target muscles, Dr. Stuart McGill recommends the so-called "fractional bar": you stand in the bar for 10-12 seconds, and then lower your knees to the floor for 3-5 seconds. And yes No need put pancakes on your back and put the coach on top. This is the path to injury, not to increasing the effectiveness of the exercise.

Twist the pelvis so that the lower back does not bend

Nonsense that can eventually cost the lower back. The natural curves of the spine must be preserved in the plank, we must train our internal block muscles to support them, and not include the rectus abdominis to twist the pelvis and flatten the lower back. And at the same time increase the pressure on the intervertebral discs in the lumbar. Often needs to be adjusted thoracic and not the waist.

Clasp your hands and rest your head, stay longer

Longer, you can't argue. With neck overload pectoral muscles, the upper portion of the trapezius muscle - in short, everything that is not needed. Especially about “longer” - see point 1. To activate the back muscles and stabilize the shoulder blades, on the contrary, try to put your forearms in parallel and turn your thumbs up. Press your fists into the floor and pull slightly to the sides.

Hello my dear readers! We continue to analyze ours, there is already a little left, today we are studying the penultimate exercise, which is called the Plank Elbow Stand. The exercise is quite original.

In each of the exercises we studied, there was a striking similarity: the positive phase of the movement was on the exhale, the negative phase was on the inhale. In today's exercise, there are no twists or straightening. The exercise is static, all the time of the exercise we are in one position. Unusual, right? for the rectus abdominis, according to research, it is equivalent to classic twisting on the floor. For the oblique muscle, "Planck" showed a very high efficiency, gaining 2.3 points.

The bar can be used to reinforce your abs workout by doing the exercise after other exercises planned in the workout. Elbowstand can also be used as a daily exercise. Just 2 minutes a day will be able to make the press elastic and muscles toned. Of course, hovering above the floor, even if only for a couple of minutes a day, is not an easy task. But the results will begin to appear after two weeks.

This is the second edition of the article about the bar. After the first publication, I began to actively carry out this exercise, and today in the article there will be personally noticed features by me.

Elbowstand Benefits:

  1. Just a few minutes a day is enough to keep the body in good shape;
  2. No contraindications, you can do it even on a full stomach;
  3. Great help;
  4. Very fast results;
  5. All muscles work;
  6. The bar can be done anywhere your heart desires, no equipment is required.

What muscles are working?

The main muscles involved are the abs, buttocks, and core muscles. But in order to use the muscles as efficiently as possible, you need to follow the technique as correctly as possible.

Exercise technique

Out of habit, I almost began to write: "in the starting position ...". Here, in fact, you just need to master the starting position. Since the exercise is static, it is very important to consider the position of the body in detail. I propose to look at the figure below and consider each item carefully:

Body location:

  • Elbow position: So that there is no excessive load on the deltas, the elbows should be placed clearly under the shoulders.
  • Belly: To increase the effectiveness of the "Plank" you need to tighten the press and in this position pull it to the ribs. It is necessary to keep the stomach in tension from the beginning to the end of the time allotted for the exercise, while breathing evenly, no holding your breath.
  • Loin: The main condition is that there is no discomfort. It happens that at a certain position, the lower back pulls and aches (especially when the lower back bends). So this shouldn't be. I noticed by myself that when rounding the lower back and at the same time tensing the abdominal muscles, the abdominal muscles are worked out especially cool! In general, we listen to our own feelings and feel how comfortable we are, and how not.
  • Buttocks: Keep your buttocks tense the entire time you do Plank. A tense butt increases the load on the core muscles.
  • Legs: Straight legs, the muscles of which are tense all the time, will increase the load on the press. If you allow yourself to relax your legs, part of the load will leave the muscle we need.
  • Feet: It is better to press the feet together. The area of ​​support will decrease, balance becomes more difficult to maintain, and, accordingly, the load on the abdominal muscles will increase.

How long to hold Plank?

Of course it all depends on your level of training. Someone holds the Plank for 2 minutes, someone for 10 seconds. For beginners, I advise you to start with a small time. For example, on the first day, stand for 15 seconds, the next 25, and so on incrementally reach your maximum. The main thing is not to stop at any limits. If you managed to do 2 minutes, you do not need to anchor on this figure.

Typical beginner mistakes

The most common plank mistake is arching your lower back. A arched lower back brings us discomfort and a possible risk of injuring the lower back.

In order to avoid these mistakes, you need to pull the lower abdomen, as it were, to the chest, and pull the tailbone, as it were, to the heels. It is important to form an even, parallel to the floor, line from the chest to the knees to the chest. When performing the exercise, you need to feel your abs, it is especially important to feel taut lower part belly. To do this, the heels can be pulled back a little.

I try to strain the press as much as possible while doing the Plank. And although I have been actively practicing this exercise for half a year now, at maximum tension, everything beats me. After 3 sets of Plank, the press becomes just stone.

  • The knees are tense all the time, which will not allow you to sag down;
  • You need to hang in the air with the help of tension in the press and stretching the spine, you do not need to shift the weight forward by moving the load on the forearms;
  • The shoulder blades with the "Planck" are pressed to the spine, and do not stick up like wings;
  • The head should not go down, no need to pull the chin to the chest, the gaze is directed just above the horizon line;
  • The socks are brought together, the wider the socks, the more load goes from the press to the knees.

Exercise for the press Planck as a morning exercise

Plank is a wonderful way to wake yourself up in the morning. Crawling out of bed, you can hover above the floor with your eyes closed for 30–90 seconds. It's hard, of course, but awakening is guaranteed. Ideally, you can repeat the procedure after the morning toilet.

Consequences of the elbow stand

A few more words about Planck

When mastering the Plank, it is quite possible that the press and legs will tremble. It's okay: trembling means tense, and tense means working!

Plank Variations

When the classic "Plank" no longer inserts, it has become too boring, you can try different variations of this exercise:

Plank on straight arms

Perhaps from this type of "Planck" it is necessary to master the exercise. This type static exercise for the press minimally strains the lower back and, in fact, is the easiest.

We get into the starting position of push-ups from the floor and fix in this position. After, when it’s already not difficult to hold such a “Plank” for 2 minutes, we move on to the classic bar on the elbows.

Leg Raised Plank

You need to stand in a rack as for a regular Plank, and then raise one leg and gain a foothold in this position for a certain, maximum possible amount of time. Then take a break and do a Plank with the same amount of time for the second leg. This version of the exercise will greatly increase the work of the core muscles during execution. The area of ​​support decreases, and the load directly increases proportionally.

Well, the exercise, of course, becomes more difficult to do, not without it. An excellent solution, for trained people, would be to stand in the classic “Plank” for two minutes, and then stand for a minute on each leg.

Raised Arm Plank

It is also necessary to stand in the rack as for the usual “Plank” on the elbows, fix the position of the body, and then straighten the arm. Stand on one hand for as long as possible, and after a little rest, do the exercise on the second hand. The raised arm variation is more difficult than the leg variation. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the exercise increases.

Side Plank

Of course, the exercise becomes much more difficult, because instead of four points of contact with the floor, there are only two. The balance is more difficult to maintain, respectively, and the load on the muscles increases.


  • Lying on one (conditionally right) side, you need to substitute your elbow under your shoulder. The other hand rests on the thigh. The legs are strictly straight.
  • Raise the case as shown in the figure. We strain the press and tear off the pelvis from the floor. We raise it to a position until the body takes a flat diagonal line.
  • Balancing on the forearm and the side of the foot, we hold on to the forearm for the maximum amount of time. In a good way, this is 30-60 seconds, but there who will get how much.
  • Having done the exercise on one side, you need to rest a little and do the exercise with the same time on the second side.

Lateral Complicated Plank

This variation is for gourmets. This version of the exercise is very difficult, for its implementation it is not enough to be an amateur, you need to professionally play sports. To perform, you must first fix in the side plank, and then stretch your arm and leg up. Hand and foot are as even as possible.

In this position, fix for a while, then roll over to the opposite side and repeat the exercise.

Fitball Plank

The fitball is perfectly able to add weight and at the same time diversify the exercise. It is more difficult to keep balance on the fitball, at the same time as the muscles on the ball, the sense of balance is also trained. To perform the exercise, you must first kneel in front of the fitball, rest your hands on the ball, then straighten your legs and stay in position for the required amount of time.

Exercise for the press Planck video:


The Plank Elbow Stand is a great shaping exercise. beautiful body. According to the results of the study, this exercise caught up in effectiveness with the classic twists on the press. We already know what to pump nice abs only possible through an integrated approach. However daily execution elbow stands as a charge can improve results and bring each of us closer to the dream of a beautiful and sexy body.

I wish everyone to quickly approach the standards of beauty and sexuality. And of course, success in sports and happiness in your personal life!

As usual with you Vitaly Okhrimenko .

Hello readers of my blog! Today we will talk about how to properly stand in the bar, what this stand is, what muscle groups it works on, to whom it is indicated and contraindicated.

Plank is effective exercise with a static load, designed to affect almost all muscle groups. It is recommended by girls, women, men and teenagers, as well as anyone with posture problems.

What muscles are working?

The most intensively involved in the work of the press. Along with them, with a certain technique, the buttocks and thighs are worked out, the muscles are strengthened shoulder girdle, arms and back.

The benefits and harms of exercise

With proper study, the necessary muscle “corset” is formed, stoop disappears, unloads cervical region, the tension in the back is relieved, the stomach and fat from its lower and lateral parts go away.

With an illiterate approach, you can not only not get the best result, but also harm your health. Incorrect loading is fraught with sprains of the lumbar muscular plexuses, infringements in the cervical region and back pain.


If you have problems with the spine, there are problems with the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure and kidneys, be sure to consult your doctor before performing the stance. I also do not recommend that pregnant women get particularly involved in such activities (or do it under the supervision of a fitness trainer) - strong physical exercises in statics on the lumbar and abdominal sections will be unnecessary, and can even cause harm rather than benefit to the expectant mother.

Can you lose weight with a plank?

One of the visible effects that is noted when doing a rack is a decrease in body fat in problem areas, including thighs, buttocks and abdomen, body lift and toning. But it is important to understand that the pose itself and its regular performance are not the key to losing weight. For a pronounced effect of losing weight, an integrated approach is needed, including proper nutrition and diet, and most importantly, regular classes.

Proper technique and exercise options

Since this special exercise has many variations, it can be adapted to individual fitness levels. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • The back should always be parallel to the floor and not sag.
  • It is unacceptable to slouch or unnecessarily bend upwards.
  • There should be no perceptible tension in the cervical region.
  • The weight should be distributed evenly between the legs and arms.

Now let's look at several main types of bar exercises:

on the elbows

Like the classics, this is the simplest variety that helps to tighten the figure, strengthen the dorsal and abdominal muscles, increase arm strength, remove the second chin and straighten your posture.

  • We get on our knees, hands are placed clearly under the shoulders.
  • Stepping back with one foot, after which we stretch the second to it.
  • We put both legs shoulder-width apart, bend our elbows and rest our forearms on the floor, transferring the main load from the hands to them.
  • We direct our gaze downwards, keep our heads straight, follow the distribution of weight.

Classic version on one arm or leg

This is a kind of plank statics, which is performed on outstretched arms with straightened limbs raised.

  • We accept the starting position, as in the first embodiment, and raise an arm or leg parallel to the floor.
  • You can lift both limbs, but in this case they must be opposite, otherwise you will not be able to balance properly.


In fact, this is a pose borrowed from yoga. It is especially useful for arthritis of the upper shoulder joints, as well as for a good stretching of muscle fibers.

  • Unlike other variations, here the starting position is standing.
  • From IP we put our feet shoulder-width apart, lower upper part body to the floor with the removal of hands forward.
  • We firmly press our palms to the floor, focusing on the carpal base. At the same time, we straighten our shoulders and spread our fingers to the sides.
  • We press our legs to the floor and straighten our knees.

With a projectile (fitball)

The fitball is great for focusing on the core muscles - the enhanced action of the pose contributes to accelerated weight loss.

  • Get on your knees, put your hands under your shoulders.
  • We step back with one foot on the fitball, after which we pull the second to it.
  • Both feet should be shoulder width apart.
  • We look down, keep our head straight.

Workout Example

I will give an example of a weekly training program with the inclusion of planks for beginners at home and with a fitball for more experienced gym goers.

At home

  • It is better to start with lighter versions with a minimum number of sets and duration of retention, gradually complicating workouts.
  • If it is difficult for you to complete even the basic version, start by focusing on your knees.
  • It is important to conduct classes regularly (every day), if possible in the morning and evening, and, of course, monitor the accuracy of performance.

How long do you need to hold the bar?

The degree and quality of working out all muscle groups. For beginners, I never recommend holding a stance for more than 30-45 seconds. More experienced people can increase this time to 1 minute and three sets.

How to learn to stand in the bar for a long time?

If you want to learn how to hold the bar longer than your minimum time, strive to do it as correctly as possible from the very beginning. It all depends on the correct study of the muscles that hold the body in the right position.

Common mistakes

  • Most beginners tend to overexert the cervical region and distribute the load unevenly on the limbs.
  • Often there is a bending of the muscles of the cortex upwards or vice versa, "falling through" the abdomen.
  • Too far apart arms and legs form an incorrect load and make the training ineffective.


In general, the bar can be considered one of the most effective static exercises helping to quickly get rid of excess weight, straighten your posture and tighten the abdominal part of the abdomen. Efficiency is enhanced by proper nutrition and regular exercise (you can perform with music or video tutorials to set the desired pace).

In contact with

The versatility of the plank is amazing. Majority exercise are aimed at working with specific muscle groups and ignore the rest, which often leads to comical results. The bar allows you to evenly strengthen and heal the body, it does not disregard either the back or the legs.

1, 5, 10 minutes planks - what will happen to the body?

Let's look at the beneficial effects of the plank on a specific example. As a sample for research, let's pay attention to the classic plank, because most beginners start work with it. Pay attention to the results depending on the duration of the approaches. They will tell you how many minutes you need to stand in the plank for weight loss or muscle development.

1 minute

You read the instructions and learned the correct technique, stood up and were surprised to find treacherously trembling abs and wobbly legs! This is not surprising - an unprepared person will very quickly get tired of the colossal tension directed at once to all muscle groups. But let's talk about the pleasant - in 1 minute in the bar you burned 5 calories, kneaded and surprised your muscles. Blood circulation has improved, the muscle corset is strengthened and receives more oxygen. Beginners should stop at this mark so as not to overstrain unprepared muscles.

5 minutes

5 minutes of a flawless plank is a result worthy of respect. During this time, you have burned 25 calories, warmed up and tensed every muscle fiber in your body. Speaking of muscles. After 5 minutes in the rack, they should begin to "clog", which signals that you have received enough load and you can stop the exercise.

10 minutes

To the madness of the brave we sing a song! Standing in a plank for 10 minutes is a severe test even for a trained body. You got rid of 50 "extra" calories, the abdominal muscles work at full capacity, your posture becomes smoother, and your movements are more confident. It is worth stopping at this, so as not to inadvertently damage muscle fibers. That's all for today, relax, you deserve it!

Tip: do not chase the duration of the approach. short but regular exercise will bring more benefit than long and tedious classes.

Optimal exercise time

"How long do you need to hold the bar?" - probably the most common question that fitness instructors or just experienced and trained people face. There is no unequivocal answer to it, since the duration of the approach rests on the capabilities of your body - where someone can easily stand for 3 minutes, the other will not stand even 30 seconds. Soberly assessing your strengths, you will choose the best option that brings not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Making a schedule for the month

Despite the fact that the duration of the approaches is selected individually, general recommendations According to the training schedule for the month, they still exist. They consist in a gradual increase in the volume of training and their duration. Following this technique, you will achieve excellent results and make your body stronger and more resilient. Let's start with the classic plank and short approaches. Looking back at the end of the month, you will be surprised to find that you have increased the approach time several times.

Here is another example of a training schedule for a month (with rest on certain days):

1 day - 20 seconds Day 16 - 2 minutes
Day 2 - 20 seconds Day 17 - 2 minutes
Day 3 - 30 seconds Day 18 - 2 minutes 30 seconds
Day 4 - 30 seconds Day 19 - rest
Day 5 - 40 seconds Day 20 - 2 minutes 30 seconds
Day 6 - rest Day 21 - 2 minutes 30 seconds
Day 7 - 45 seconds Day 22 - 3 minutes
Day 8 - 45 seconds Day 23 - 3 minutes
Day 9 - 1 minute Day 24 - 3 minutes 30 seconds
10 day - 1 minute Day 25 - 3 minutes 30 seconds
Day 11 - 1 minute Day 26 - rest
Day 12 - 1 minute 30 seconds Day 27 - 4 minutes
Day 13 - rest Day 28 - 4 minutes
Day 14 - 1 minute 30 seconds Day 29 - 4 minutes 30 seconds
Day 15 - 1 minute 30 seconds Day 30 - 5 minutes

While you are in the plank, your body is working!

Do not build illusions about the fact that the bar can replace full complex sports exercises or save you from having to go to the gym. Relief muscles and slim figure you will have to work hard and then, but know that the bar not only facilitates this process, but also turns it into a kind of game. By devoting a bar a few minutes a day, you provide the body with an invaluable service, prevent diseases of the digestive and excretory systems, and also get rid of back pain. Standing in the bar in the mornings or evenings will not become a painful necessity for you. Remember that your health is your treasure and sport is the best way save it.

We invite you to watch the video various types dynamic bar:

Stunning plank results: before and after photos

You involuntarily become a witness of how new trends capture the minds of hundreds of millions of people around the world. How new currents penetrate everywhere and find their followers. Then it becomes a panacea for everything in the world, for stress, for headaches, for extra pounds and for "cockroaches" in the head ...

So it happened with a simple, at first glance, exercise asana kumbhakasana / plank / in the people "plank". Now this is a global trend, and only the deaf have not heard of the bar.

Remember - the world record is 8 hours. Do you understand me? 8 hours plank without toilet, internet, coffee and facebook.

Without a doubt, this is a unique exercise, and the benefits of it are significant, there are hundreds of articles on this topic on the Internet. Surely you tried many times to stand in the plank and not even for one minute, and each time you wanted longer, something worked, but something didn’t.

If you still want to stand longer, it is better to use a reasonable and systematic approach to training. I have collected a lot for you actionable advice and checked them out personally. Trust me, it works. By themselves, each point is very valuable, and by putting them into practice, you can improve your results from a few seconds to several minutes.

stay in the plank longer

  1. It is better to do the bar in the morning after 1.5 hours after waking up. First you need to properly wake up and start all the body systems.
  2. Be sure to do a warm-up and exercise before the bar, warm up the whole body.
  3. Pay special attention to the warm-up elbows, knees, shoulders, lower back and ankles.
  4. Be sure to stretch lumbar, leaning forward on straight legs, head down, as well as using circular rotations.
  5. Stretch the feet, toes and stretch the Achilles tendon, you still have to stand on them.
  6. Correctly choose the position of the elbows, they should be under the shoulders and perpendicular to the body.
  7. Do not fold your hands and fingers into the castle, but slightly clench into fists and bring them together a little.
  8. The closer the feet are to each other, the harder it is to perform the exercise for the press.
  9. Before starting the exercise, you need to breathe, saturate the body with oxygen. 15-20 deep full breaths and exhalations. Start plank only after full recovery of breathing.
  10. Put a terry towel under the mat where your elbows will be, this will reduce the load on the joints.
  11. 20-30 minutes before the start of the exercise, drink water and be sure to go to the toilet.
  12. To keep track of time, use a stopwatch (in any smartphone), not a timer. The timer demotivates at the very end, you want to quit and the seconds drag on forever.
  13. Make a wish and say to yourself “The longer I stand in the bar, the younger and stronger I will be, the more beautiful and successful, the more money, the better the relationship,” etc.
  14. For convenience, turn on music, classics or meditation, choose to your taste, but so that you don’t switch anything later, it’s distracting.
  15. During execution, you can watch a movie or any other interesting content.
  16. Put your phone on silent or airplane mode. Plank is sacred. And let the whole world wait.
  17. You can additionally inform that no one touches you for 30 minutes. May they protect your peace.
  18. Be sure to learn how to meditate - this is the most important thing in the plank. Otherwise, you will not move beyond a few minutes.
  19. Before you plank in a room or indoors, be sure to ventilate, you will need oxygen. Lots of oxygen!
  20. Follow the temperature in the room in advance, the ideal would be 18-20 C and humidity 55-60%.
  21. To increase the result in time, train according to the 3 + 1 system (3 days of work, 1 day of rest), before entering the maximum, rest 2 days.
  22. Head: keep it straight, do not twist, do not lower or raise. Before the bar, do gymnastics and stretching for the neck.
  23. Breathe properly, find your pace, not fast and not slow.
  24. If you are running a marathon for 30 days, add 10 seconds each workout, this is where a timer is needed. Remember! Turned on the timer and don't look at it again until you hear the signal.
  25. The bar itself does not replace all other exercises, in order to stand for a long time, you need to work on improving the entire physical form rather than one particular area. Of course, it is absolutely fair to recall that the bar, like any physical activity, performed in comfortable and comfortable clothes, the same applies to shoes.

I must warn you, long is not good. Latest Research in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning led scientists to the conclusion that several short sets of 2-3 minutes are much more effective than long plank. But how do you want to declare somewhere in the company about 30 minutes! Great records are still needed!

Enjoy every workout, increase your results in the bar, regular exercises, self-confidence and useful tips will help you with this.

I believe! You can take longer!