Local exercises examples. Multi-joint exercises in fitness: new discoveries

Five months flew by like one week. Actually, my 25 years have passed at the same speed. 150 days have passed and our "baby" has grown by 7 kg, from 79 kg to 86 kg. In this he was greatly helped by multi-joint exercises. Remember our old friend Yuri, who came to the gym on July 10, 2013. There we met

How to gain 7 kg

Gain 7 kg of weight? Many can wave their hands and say nonsense. They can be dialed in a month and I agree. It is possible and in 2 weeks to increase your sides with your stomach by growing fat. Or go wild and get hooked on steroids. And you don’t need a lot of intelligence in chemistry, (in order to gain weight) you can at least kill yourself with your forehead against the wall and cover me with obscenities, artificial testosterone, spread by blood all over muscle tissue with cells, does its job right, increasing their volume with minimal effort on your part. But my story is not about chemistry and not about fat.

Basic multi-joint exercises

From the very first weeks, I'm talking about real working weeks, when Yuri went through the first three or four weeks of probation, strengthening his ligaments, joints and balancing his muscles with simple single-joint exercises on simulators, he almost completely switched to multi-joint exercises with free weights. This included - squats with a barbell, deadlift, bench press, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, push-ups on the uneven bars, barbell row in an inclination to the belt and a couple of exercises performed by him on simulators.

He did not do any biceps, triceps, mountains of unnecessary exercises that take away strength and time. And if something from this series slipped, then no more than 10% of the entire workout was given to these things.

Properly built workouts, multiplied by Yuri's perseverance, are not in vain. Muscle mass grows, strength indicators increase. At the last workout, our friend squatted with a weight of 95 kg. I pressed 75 kg and pulled 70 kg to the belt. If you knew what weights he started his training with, then now, you would burst into tears of happiness and be proud of his achievements.

Free weight training


Rod thrust in an inclination to the belt:

Bench Press:

The training turned out to be quite tough and stressful. It is often not necessary to get involved in such complexes. But for a change, once every one and a half to two months, you can arrange such penetrations that work out the whole body.

The continuation of this story will be in a couple of three months, I really hope and believe in Yuri's perseverance. I would like to write a post in which to brag about his new results, with a working squat for 100 and bench presses in the region of 90 kg. Fingers crossed and wish sports success our friend!

Sincerely, Alexey Dinulov

In bodybuilding there are different kinds exercises, which can be divided into:

  • multi-articular– work with a barbell, free weight, own body weight;
  • isolated– work on simulators, blocks, frames.

They differ from each other in that the first is basic exercises for mass gain, and the second - grinding / polishing, carving specific details from the total volume of the mass.

The classic basic exercises in powerlifting are:

There are more basic exercises in bodybuilding, full list basic exercises for muscle groups in bodybuilding are presented below.

The bench press is a basic free weight exercise. To perform it, they lie down on a bench, lower the bar of the bar until it touches the chest, and then raise it until the elbow joint is fully extended. The grip should be wide enough, more than shoulder width. In bodybuilding, the bench press is used as an exercise to develop the muscles of the chest, triceps, and also the anterior delta bundle.

Bench Press incline bench allows you to work out the upper sections of the chest muscles (if you perform it in the “head above the legs” position) or their lower sections (in the head down position).

With the dumbbell press, the bottom point of the movement is much lower than with the barbell press, which allows you to perfectly work out the pectoral muscles. In addition, you can change the trajectory of movement, squeeze parallel dumbbells, bring them together at the top point, which involves new muscle bundles and has a slightly different effect on them.

Due to the fact that the lying dumbbell breeding involves the same muscles as the bench press, the load is focused on the inner edge and middle of the pectoralis major muscle. In this case, the chest is given a convex shape, a clear separation between its muscles is achieved. The layout is also done to improve the relief of the pectoral muscles. Performing this exercise, you can improve your results in wrestling, tennis, boxing, gymnastics, acrobatics, basketball, badminton.

This auxiliary exercise is aimed primarily at strengthening the pectoral muscles, latissimus dorsi back and, indirectly, triceps. Pullover is usually performed as additional exercise when working on the pectoral muscles.

One of the main exercises for strengthening the back muscles. To perform, you need a horizontal bar or crossbar, which is easy to make even at home. This is the simplest exercise, but its value lies in the fact that it is basic and allows you to use a large number of different muscle groups.

As a complex movement, almost all muscles are involved in the deadlift: either to stabilize the position or to lift the weight. This exercise is used to increase the strength and mass of the muscles of the legs, back, and indeed the whole body.

Regularly performing this exercise, you can develop the latissimus dorsi, large round muscles, as well as influence a number of others, which will allow you to achieve a visual and actual thickening of the back. This exercise is used as an addition to various deadlift variations in order to fully work out the back muscles.

This exercise allows you to create an aesthetic V-shaped torso. In this case, the hands should not go back, but move strictly in the plane of the body. The grip should not be wide, optimally when in lowest point forearm perpendicular to the bar. The back should bend, and the legs should be in focus.

already described above

Squatting with a barbell primarily involves quadriceps, synergists (helping in movement) in this case are gluteal muscles, soleus muscles together with the adductor muscles of the thigh. The calf and thigh muscles act as stabilizers. Also work the extensors of the back, muscles abdominals and others.

Exercise perfectly develops the calf muscles. You can perform both sitting and standing. For achievement best result both options are reasonable to combine.

Performance this exercise requires very simple equipment - bars. You can find them in almost any yard, not to mention gyms. For the development of the triceps and pectoral muscles, this is perhaps the best exercise. This also applies to a large number of auxiliary muscles located in the shoulder girdle. Push-ups allow you to qualitatively work out the triceps and chest, but the degree of load depends on the position of the hands.

In order to increase the strength and volume of the triceps, apply french press. It affects all bundles of the triceps, especially the upper and long ones. It also allows you to visually increase the volume of the hand.

To develop upper part triceps and increase its strength and volume, it is worth using a bench press narrow grip. At the same time, despite the largest working weight compared to other triceps exercises, this exercise is used, as a rule, as an addition to pumping the triceps. The reason is simple: in addition to the triceps, the front bundle of the delta and the top of the pectoral muscles work. Another advantage of the close grip press is that you can work out the shape of the triceps very well. When this muscle goes into failure, and the performer continues the exercise with the help of the anterior deltoids and chest muscles, it is these repetitions that allow for excellent grinding of the triceps.

With this basic exercise, you can increase the strength and build mass of the biceps. The load is distributed evenly over both bundles of the biceps, the muscles of the inner surface of the forearm and the shoulder muscle.

If you change the width of the grip, you can shift the load on different bundles of biceps. The narrower the grip, the more the internal beams work. And vice versa.

In order to develop biceps shoulders and forearms, lifting dumbbells for biceps is used. The exercise involves turning the hands outward during lifting. This allows you to achieve maximum contraction of the biceps and synergistic muscles. For training the biceps, this exercise is considered one of the best, since turning the palm while bending the elbow adds efficiency.

This basic exercise is used by most bodybuilders for development. shoulder girdle. It perfectly loads the middle and front deltoid muscles, as well as the upper part of the trapezius muscles.

For the development of triceps and muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is recommended to perform a dumbbell or barbell press overhead in a standing position. Here, the main load falls on the deltoid muscles with the main emphasis on the anterior section, as well as on the triceps.

With the help of this exercise, the rear deltas, the rotator cuff muscles and the trapezius muscle are pumped. Incline dumbbell raises are best for developing the shape and definition of the deltoid muscles.

The exercise is suitable for working out the middle deltas, top and middle of the trapezoid. Also, the pull to the chin separates the trapezius from the deltas, allowing you to draw and hone the shape of the trapezius muscles, as well as draw a clear line between the deltas and the trapezoid.

Scars are used to develop the trapezius muscle. The exercise is quite simple: holding the weight in straight arms, lowered along the body, the shoulders are raised as high as possible, after which the shoulders fall back without bending the arm at the elbow. Shrags are usually performed with kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells or on a special simulator. The bar can be positioned both in front of the hips and behind the body.

Basic exercises and technique — Video

Multi-joint exercises cause the greatest hormonal response. For this reason, they are effective for mass gain. Find out about new discoveries in fitness.

If you focus on basic movements, you will definitely progress. This applies not only to weight gain, but also to power parameters. Say, if you do squats, then the progress will be much greater than when replacing it with others.

Technique for performing a push from the chest while standing in fitness

This is an excellent movement for the development of the muscles of the shoulder, legs and back. On average, an athlete can gain more than ten kilos of quality mass per year thanks to the chest press. Of course, for this it is necessary to perform it in strict accordance with the technique and take it seriously.

This movement is very popular in weightlifting, where it is divided into two phases when performed. First you need to lift the projectile to the chest, thereby working out the muscles of the legs and back, and then perform a push for the shoulder girdle. Now we will talk about the technique of this magnificent movement.

Stage 1

Sit down in the position that you need to take when doing a deadlift. The only difference is in the grip. In this case, it is necessary to use a different grip. Make sure your back is straight and there is a natural arch in your lower back. Raise the projectile only thanks to the effort of the legs. After passing the bar knee joints, blow up the projectile.

Stage 2

Straighten the body and move the shoulders to give the projectile momentum to move up.

Stage 3

Turn the brushes and squat under the projectile. Be careful, as the bar may already begin to move down. Having taken the projectile on the chest, fully straighten up.

Stage 4

Bend your knees and push up, working not only with your arms, but also with your legs. Raising the projectile over your head, lower the barbell. All movement is performed without pauses between stages.

Leg muscle exercises

All athletes know how difficult it is to pump leg muscles. Almost no one likes it, but they need to be trained. In beginners, in most cases, the leg muscles are poorly developed and this is due to several reasons. But now we will not talk about them, but will give advice on how to quickly pump up your legs.
  • Try to work on the muscles of the legs on the first training day of each week and set aside a separate session for this.
  • Quadriceps are best pumped using a pumping effect, which involves performing 12 to 15 repetitions per set. For the muscles of the buttocks and biceps of the thigh, it is better to use a small number of repetitions, from 4 to 6 and work at the same time with a large weight.
  • At the end of each training week, pay special attention to the hamstrings.
  • Take the time to do one specific leg workout per week.
  • In this activity, you need to jump on high blocks, sprint at a powerful pace, and jump up and forward.

Exercise bench press in the prone position

Many pro-athletes have noticed that when doing the bench press in the prone position, the muscles of the upper back are in a state of static tension. This helps increase hand stabilization. Triceps are subjected to a similar load in initial phase movements, thereby helping to keep elbow joints at an angle of 90 degrees.

To increase the load on these muscles, it is necessary to force them to contract intensively. This can be achieved by wearing on the wrists rubber shock absorber in the form of a ring, twisting it in the form of "8". With the shock absorber on your wrists, you can begin to press.

Deadlift exercise

This great exercise performed by all athletes who want to achieve good results. At the same time, it is quite traumatic and you have probably heard about it. To a greater extent, deadlift is dangerous for athletes with poorly developed lower back muscles. But this is a great exercise that you still need to perform, for this reason, now we will tell you how to reduce the risk of injury when doing it:
  • The projectile should be mounted on supports just above the knee joints (this is a tip for beginners).
  • The initial working weight should not exceed half of your body weight.
  • Perform the movement no more than twice a week.
  • Increase the weight no more than 2 or 2.5 kilos. If the load is too high for you, reduce it.
  • Don't work to failure.
  • After the working weight is equal to twice the mass of your body, lower the projectile one notch down and again start with a weight of 0.5 of your mass.
  • Stick to this mode until the projectile is on the ground.
  • When working with large weights, use a different grip.
First of all, you need to bring the deadlift technique to perfection. This is very important, since most injuries are associated precisely with the lack of technique among athletes.

It is necessary to tear off the projectile from the ground (stops) slowly. As soon as the bar is in the air, increase the speed of the projectile, but do it smoothly. After the projectile passes the level of the knee joints, the speed of the bar should be maximum.

Kettlebells are a great addition to basic exercises

You can significantly increase the effectiveness of basic exercises by using in your training program weights. Now we will tell you about the most effective exercises with this sports equipment that will allow you to achieve the following effects:
  • Eliminate fat reserves;
  • Increase functional strength;
  • Give relief to the muscles.
And now about three exercises that have proven themselves well.


Lean sideways on an outstretched arm, and the free leg must be lifted up, keeping it on weight. Press the kettlebell with your free hand. After doing required amount repetitions, do the exercise on the other side.

Squat Kettlebell Press

Lower yourself into a squat while holding sports equipment on an outstretched arm above the head. The second hand at the same time holds the second weight located on the ground. Getting up from the squat, squeeze the second kettlebell up.


Squeeze two weights up and hold the shells in straightened arms. Maintaining this position, begin to lunge while walking. After walking ten meters, turn around and move back.

Why do athletes need basic exercises?

Although the efficiency basic movements proved not only by many years of experience of a huge number of athletes, today it is increasingly possible to meet the opinion that the base is not needed. The only exception here is the bench press, which you don't hear about. Here are the main reasons why athletes refuse to do squats, deadlifts, snatches, etc.
  1. Due to poor technique, you can get injured, because you have to work with large weights.
  2. Often, athletes do not see progress from performing basic movements, which again is due to the lack of proper technique.
  3. Many bodybuilders believe that squats and deadlifts are the most effective for powerlifters. It is useless to argue that in powerlifting these exercises are given a lot of attention, but all pro-bodybuilders also use them during their classes.
The debate about the importance of core exercises will probably never die down. But if you have mastered the technique of these movements, then they should definitely be the basis of your program.

Learn more about interesting and unusual exercises in fitness from this video:

Physiological classification of physical exercises

In their daily activities - at home, at work, during classes physical education and sports - a person performs a wide variety of motor actions: From the point of view of physiology, a set of continuously interconnected motor actions(movements) aimed at achieving a specific goal (solving a motor task) is an exercise.

In a competitive sports exercise, a set of motor actions (movements) is aimed at achieving the maximum possible sports result(examples sports exercises: high jump, javelin throw, shooting, sport game, running or swimming for a certain distance).

A huge number of physical, including sports, exercises necessitates their classification. Physiological classification combines into groups physical exercise with similar functionality. On the one hand, these are such exercises, for the successful implementation of which, to a certain extent, similar modes, means and methods can be used. physical education(sports training). On the other hand, one group combines physical exercises that can be equally used in the system of physical education ( sports training) to increase the functionality of the same physiological organs, systems and mechanisms, and therefore the same physical quality. Thus, the possibilities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which determine the level of endurance development to the greatest extent, can be successfully increased when using different physical exercises of the same group: long run, cycling, swimming, skiing.

General physiological classification of physical exercises

The most general physiological classification of physical exercises can be carried out on the basis of identifying three main characteristics of the activity of the muscles that carry out the corresponding exercise:

1) volume of active muscle mass;

2) type muscle contractions(static or dynamic);

3) strength or power of contractions.

Local, regional and global exercises

Depending on the volume of active muscle mass, all physical exercises are classified into local, regional and global.

Local exercises include exercises in which less than 1/3 of the entire muscle mass of the body is involved (archery, pistol shooting, certain gymnastic exercises).

Regional exercises include exercises in which approximately 1/3 to 1/4 of the entire muscle mass of the body takes part (gymnastic exercises performed only by the muscles of the arms and waist upper limbs, trunk muscles, etc.).

Actually the name speaks for itself. These are exercises in which several joints are involved, several muscle groups are being worked out. Multi-joint exercises are considered the most suitable for athletes of all levels.

Regular implementation of basic multi-joint exercises bring positive results quickly. Also, they are called basic. That is, the main ones for implementation (often mandatory). The following training is built around them.

Basic exercises

These include: bench press, deadlift and barbell squats. Performing basic multi-joint exercises involves not one muscle, but several, which is why they are considered the most popular and effective. Basic exercises done at the start of the workout.

You can do each of the above, the effect of this will only be higher. But still, it is recommended to perform depending on the muscle group being worked out.
If work is to be done on pectoral muscles, you need to start with a bench press. If the goal is to work with the legs - squats with a barbell. Well, in the case of working out the muscles of the back - deadlift. The number of repetitions should fall in the range from 8 to 12. The number of approaches from 3 to 4.

Multi-joint exercises with free weights allow the athlete to diversify the workout. Also build an approach in some non-standard way. Performing multi-joint exercises with free weights allows you to increase your strength indicators. That is, there is no need to become attached to a certain weight, and work with it all the time.

Performing them, you need to carefully monitor the technique. Because several groups of muscles and joints work at once, the risk of injury increases significantly.
Working weight is the weight of your body. Accordingly, there is no need to work on simulators. All you need is a horizontal bar, bars. Pull-ups and push-ups, respectively, are considered classics. But you can use other multi-joint exercises with own weight. For example, on the horizontal bar, perform a lift with a coup. The muscles of the arms, abs and partially the legs are involved here.

Classes with their own weight, favorably with the fact that the risk of injury is almost minimal, unlike working in the gym with large weights.

Multi-joint exercises at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to gym or on the street. Many people work on themselves at home. IN home workout absolutely nothing complicated. It is enough to carry out the following list: push-ups from the floor, squats, lunges forward or backward. But at your discretion, you can add other multi-joint exercises at home. The entire session should take 15 to 25 minutes. Plus 5-10 minutes to warm up. Thus, half an hour of loads, and you will stay in shape. The main thing is to practice regularly.

For high-quality mass gain, multi-joint exercises are perfect. Three of the above basic ones are enough: bench press, squats with a barbell and deadlift. By focusing on them, and correctly determining the required weight, you can quickly and efficiently gain muscle mass.

In order to build muscle, do not combine aerobic training with power. In this case, your muscles will become smaller. By focusing on the base, you can achieve the best results.

Also, do not forget about a good warm-up. Because multi-joint exercises for building mass are the most traumatic.