Strength training system. Types of strength training

1. Focus on core exercises

Compound exercises are those exercises that work most of the muscles in your body at the same time. Most important exercises are barbell squats, deadlift and bench press. Basic exercises will do much more than isolation exercises and give 90% of the results in gym.

2. Use good technique

Good technique is very important when you start lifting. big weight, because it allows you to avoid in the long run sports injuries. As the weight being lifted increases, technique will become more important. Work on building good technique with lighter weights before you start breaking your records. Injury caused by poor exercise technique can keep you out of work for weeks or months, and you should never neglect good technique.

3. Increase the weight

Of course, in order to become stronger, you need to challenge your body in the form of increasing the lifting of the load for several weeks. You should always keep this in mind if you want to get stronger - the weight you lift must increase. You won't always be able to lift more each week because other factors such as fatigue or lack of focus may discourage you from doing so. Try to increase the weight in small amounts each time you show up at the gym.

4. Set goals

In order to make progress and be successful in any field, you must have the solid and achievable conditions you aspire to. If you go to the gym without knowing what you will be doing, then you will have a low-yield workout. Before you put your foot on the threshold of the gym, you should know exactly what exercises you will perform and what kind of loads you will try to lift. I would recommend carrying a laptop with you to record your progress and the exercises you have done. If you have a clear list of goals, you will achieve much more during your workout.

5. Don't overexert yourself

Overexertion is the worst enemy when it comes to training, strength and sports competitions. If you overexert yourself, your body will not be able to regenerate properly and eventually you will not progress and become weaker. Your body gets stronger and regenerates when you rest, not in the gym. Enough food and sleep are needed for the body to recover. In order to get stronger you have to take long breaks between workouts. Take a good rest between workouts so that your body fully recovers after a hard workout. A two or 3 day break may be advised if strength is your main goal.

6. Focus on your diet

Nutrition is an essential part of any strength training. To become strong and muscular, you need a diet rich in vegetables, protein, complex carbohydrates and fats. Diet can provide 80% success in the gym. If your diet is evil, then your strength and stamina will be too. Anyone who wants to be strong should consume at least six types of protein-rich foods throughout the day.

7. Be persistent

No one has made any progress during the week and there will be times when you will seem to be making no progress. extensions muscle mass and increasing strength is an unpredictable process and needs to be worked on even if it seems like you are standing still. Most people at some stage are in a situation where they don't get stronger. This is completely normal, because in the end, you will become stronger and you will get the volume of muscles that you were striving for. Focus on good food, rest and you will see results.

In this article, I have compiled bodybuilding training programs based on the principles and articles of this resource. I guarantee that by adhering to these schemes, you will finally be able to quickly build muscle mass.

In my opinion, building muscles is not only physical work, but also intellectual work. It is important to think carefully and plan everything here. And the better you do it, the best results achieve.

Therefore, I prepared this lesson so carefully, in which I will tell and show absolutely everything.

  • Training diary+ pen or AtletiQ bodybuilding fitness app
  • Water (regular without gas 1-1.5 liters, at your discretion)

1) Training diary (step #1 specifics is the key to success)

The essence of the diary: manage muscle growth.

The growth of muscle mass is a constantly progressive load.

In order to have a progressive load, you need to control your working weights, repetitions, approaches, write everything down in a diary and see what and how!

In this scheme, we will use such a progression of the load (see below for explanations)

1st method. Let's say on Monday you work in the bench press for incline bench 50 kg for 6 reps, which means that the next workout (next Monday) you must do 50 kg for 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 reps (depending on your strength). In any case, if you did one or two or three repetitions more than on the previous one, then your task is completed.

Conclusion: On that week there were 50 kg for 6 times, on this one already 7 times or 8 or 10 (depending on how much you got) = load progression = muscle growth.

2nd method. Okay, we're up to 12 reps on the incline bench press. That is 50 kg for 12 times. The next progression will be to increase the working weight, not reps.

That is: 52 kg for 6-12 repetitions you see is no longer 50, already 52 = progression of weights (so, let's say, it turned out 52 kg for 8 repetitions, we use again the 1st progression method - repetitions) do 52 kg not for 8, and already at 12.

Then again we use the 2nd method, increase the weight = 54 kg by 6-12 (etc.). I think you get the gist.

We did less than 12 repetitions (let's say there are 10 we use the 1st method, we increase the repetitions), as soon as we reach 12 repetitions we increase the weight (2nd method).

And one more thing, you should use load progression (both methods) in all exercises, not just in the bench (this is just an example for you).

Conclusion: in order to manage the progression of the load (muscle growth), you need to have a training diary.


It is vital during training, because dry mouth will not bring you anything good. On the contrary, it can only do harm (dizziness, nausea), do not be afraid, water is not high in calories, you can drink it as much as you like (of course, if it is plain water, not Coca Cola, etc. otherwise it will already be high in calories) + water during training , enveloping the joints and penetrating into soft tissues protecting them from injury.

For those who have amino acids in soluble form (powdered) that can be mixed with water and absorbed during training, this will be most effective. (not necessary)

Conclusion: take plain non-carbonated water with you at least 1-1.5 liters.

It’s good what to have with you in training and why we have already discussed. Now I present to you the compositions training complex, by days and weeks.

I have identified 4 training programs, from which I repelled:

  • For beginners (3-4 or 2 workouts per week)
  • for the intermediate level (split 3 days a week)
  • for intermediate and more experienced (split both 3 and 5 days a week)
  • for experienced athletes (split 5 days a week)

For beginners (3-4 or 2 workouts per week)

Having started bodybuilding according to this training program in the gym, stick to it for at least 6 months. Then you can move on to the next training program.

The essence of this training program is as follows: we divide the body into two workouts using a split. Split - translated from English. split. This means that we will split muscle groups on different days. Namely:

  • Day 1 - Legs, back.
  • 2nd day - Chest, shoulders, arms.

After each such workout in the gym, we rest the next day. If you are not young or you have a very stressful job, you can safely put two days of rest instead of one.

Therefore, in a week we will get either 3-4 or 2 workouts in the gym.

  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - Chest, shoulders, arms
  • Day 4. Thursday - Rest
  • Day 5. Friday - Legs, back
  • Day 6. Saturday - rest
  • Day 7. Sunday - Chest, shoulders, arms

Etc. did you get the gist? For those who have a nervous job, constant stressful situations, poor nutrition, if you are already old, etc. and so on. feel free to add two instead of one day of rest.

It will look like this:

  • Day 1. Monday - Legs, back
  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - rest
  • Day 4. Thursday - Chest, shoulders, arms
  • Etc.


  • Sitting leg extension 4xMAX (in order to warm up the knee joints)
  • Squats 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working sets)
  • Leg press 1-2x8-10 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (workers)
  • Pull-ups (if you can) or deadlifts vertical block to the chest 4X8-12
  • Rod thrust in the slope 4X8-12


  • Bench press on an inclined bench 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working)
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 4x8-12
  • Bench press, standing from the chest 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working)
  • Lifting the bar for biceps 1x10-15 (warm-up) + 4x8-12 (working)
  • Bars 4x6-12

Intermediate (Split 3 days a week)

First of all, decide whether the first training program continues to work or not?

If you continue to add strength and muscle mass, then nothing needs to change. This rule applies to any training scheme. While the complex exercise works in the gym, don't change it. If progress is not visible, go to the next level.

The essence of this training program is as follows: we pump the whole body in three workouts.

We train the back with the deltas, and the chest with the arms.

For the legs, we have specially allocated a separate day (this will allow you to better train the biggest muscle group). Training days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) are customizable.

Stick to this program as long as there is progress, it is very efficient system workouts that will give you guaranteed results!

It will look something like this:

  • Day 1. Monday - Legs
  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - Back-Delta
  • Day 4. Thursday - Rest
  • Day 5. Friday - Chest, Arms
  • Day 6-7. Saturday-Sunday - rest

This is what the training split looks like:

  • Back Delta
  • Chest Arms

Program and selection of exercises:

  • Squats 4x8-10
  • Leg press lying 3x8-10
  • Sitting leg extension 3xMAX (finishing exercise)
  • Rises on socks, standing 3x8-10

Back deltas

  • Pull-ups or thrust of the block to the chest 4x6-12
  • Bent over row 4x6-12
  • Horizontal pull 3x6-12
  • Bench press, standing from behind the head 3x6-12
  • Broach (rod pull to the chin, medium grip) 3x6-12
  • Abduction of arms with dumbbells to the side 3x6-12


  • Bench press, lying on an inclined bench 4x6-10
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 3x6-10
  • Bars 4x6-12
  • french bench press, lying 3x6-10

For the intermediate level and more experienced (Split is suitable for both 3 and 5 days a week)

The essence of this training program is as follows: we train one muscle group in training, the intensity of the training increases, because we have more strength, and we can fully work on a specific target muscle more thoroughly.

This is what the training split looks like:

  • Mon. Breast
  • Tue Back
  • Wed Legs
  • Thu. Shoulders
  • Fri. Hands

Program and selection of exercises

Mon. Breast

  • Bench press on an incline bench (30 degrees no more) 4x6-12 reps

Tue Back

  • Chin-ups or rows (for those who can't pull up) 4x6-12 reps
  • Lever pull 4x6-12 reps
  • Leg press 4x6-12
  • Sitting leg extension 4x6-12
  • Lying leg curl 4x6-12

Thu. Shoulders

  • Standing swings (3 sets of drop set first heavy, medium, light all for 6-15 reps, rest 20sec)
  • Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-12
  • Hammers with dumbbells 4x6-12

Features of these training schemes (see explanation for the programs)

  • Split 2,3,5 days a week
  • Macroperiodization in all schemes is mandatory
  • There is a load progression (mandatory in all schemes)
  • Training time - 40-45 minutes
  • Basic exercises in all schemes
  • Work in 4 sets of 6-12 reps
  • Last repetition failed

Explanations for all training programs

  • We use competent 2, 3, 5-day splits that do not cause conflicts in the recovery process.
  • We use macroperiodization (we gradually increase weights at each workout and work in the planned number of repetitions without breaking the schedule - we don’t take more heavy weight than planned).
  • We keep a training diary, thanks to which we use both methods of progression of loads (1st method of repetition, 2nd method of increasing weights).
  • We use basic exercises(these are exercises in which several muscles or muscle groups are involved, in short these are heavy exercises that are performed with free weights). Why? How more muscle participates in the work, the better for general development muscle mass.
  • We use the golden mean, namely 3-4 working sets, after 2 warm-up sets (these sets include a warm-up + a warm-up set, where the warm-up is an empty bar, then add weight (50-60% of working weight) in the range of 12-15 Then add more weights and do a lead-in set (already 70-80% of the working one) for 8-10 reps, and only then do the working sets (100%).
  • In each exercise, 6-12 repetitions are performed. The only exceptions are the calf muscles (lower leg) where we perform 15-20 repetitions. Why? The fact is that muscle failure should occur in the interval of 10-30 seconds. During this time interval, you will have time to complete no more than 6-12 repetitions. But in the case of the calf muscles (lower leg), because. there the amplitude is very short, then where we managed to do 6-12 repetitions during this time, then here we will have time to do 15-20 repetitions during this time. That's the whole secret of the increased number of repetitions for the lower leg.
  • Using FAILURE (i.e. the last repetition is a failure) you are no longer able to complete the last repetition of the exercise with the correct technique. Important: failure should occur within 10-30 seconds (6-12 repetitions).

Your pre-workout activities

1) Open the training diary and see the previous results for that week.

Then write down:

  • Day of the week (for example, Monday)
  • Muscle group (for example, chest)
  • Number (e.g. 1.07.2013)
  • Working weight, approaches, repetitions (for example, 50kg x 10 times x 4 sets).

In the last point, it is important to progress (look at the previous results for that week in order to know how much to increase the load now. All this is done in order to control the progression of the load thanks to the diary (see below how to keep it).

How to keep a workout diary

I think this method is the most convenient and understandable, but you can use other methods that are convenient for you (the main thing is that you understand the very essence).

On the first Monday, I wrote down all the exercises, weights, repetitions, approaches. For you to understand, below is a clear example of how easy it is to maintain (but I also added - here we use the 1st method, you don’t need to write this, so you understand).

Monday: chest (1.07.2013)

  • Incline Bench Press 50kg x 6 reps x 4 sets
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 16kg x 6 reps x 4 sets
  • Bench press on horizontal bench 50kg x 6 reps x 4 sets

Next Monday: chest (8.07.2013) - here we use the 1st progression method

  • 50kg x 10 x 4
  • 16kg x 10 x 4
  • 50kg x 10 x 4

Next Monday: chest (07/15/2013) - here we use the 1st progression method

  • 50 kg x 12 x 4
  • 16 kg x 12 x 4
  • 50 kg x 12 x 4

Next Monday: chest (07/22/2013) - here we are already using the 2nd progression method

  • 53 kg x 6 x 4
  • 18 kg x 6 x 4
  • 53 kg x 6 x 4

2) Do a good workout. Warm-up without weights. For 5 minutes, until the forehead is covered with perspiration. Rotate your body, swing your arms up and down, left and right, jump rope..

This is where your imagination comes into play.

The purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the body, muscles, ligaments and joints and prepare the body for strength work.

Then proceed to the exercise, for example, bench press, perform with small weights (50-60% of the working weight) in the range of 12-15 repetitions.

Then add more weight and do a lead-in approach (already 70-80% of the working one) for 8-10 repetitions.

And only then perform working approaches (100%). All these warm-up and lead-up sets are done in order to warm up and prepare the muscles and heavy strength work.

IN following exercises the warm-up is no longer so important, you need to look at how you feel (for the psyche, you can also do a lead-in).

3) After each workout, it is important to do a hitch

Cooldown - performed at the end of the workout.

It consists of calming exercises to calm the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of congestion in the blood muscles, prevent muscle pain, return contracted muscles to normal, lower body temperature to normal, etc. You can just lie down and relax.

4) Immediately after training after you entered the locker room, it is important to eat simple carbohydrates + fast proteins

At this time, the protein-carbohydrate window opens, and nutrients are absorbed many times better and faster. But remember, you can fully eat only after 30-40 minutes after training, so we eat fast carbohydrates + fast proteins.

For example:

  • Simple carbohydrates (any sweet: chocolate bar, snickers, gingerbread, banana, sweet juice)
  • fast squirrels ( Whey Protein either amino acids, gainer, or regular boiled egg foods).

In combination with proper nutrition this training scheme will help you achieve fantastic results, believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

Well, at this point, I have given you three training complexes (2,3 and 5-day splits), told you about the features and explanations for all the schemes, and gave you step-by-step actions.

The last set of exercises I took out for these three, because it is fundamentally different from those training programs. Why, you will find out by studying it!

Now I will share some bodybuilding tricks, namely, I will tell you about the fascia training system, Fascia Stretch Training-Seven (FST-7).” Famous bodybuilders such as Jay Cutler, Phil Heath and others train according to this system.

Fascia is a connective tissue sheath that covers organs, vessels, nerves and forms sheaths for muscles in vertebrates and humans; performs supporting and trophic functions.

By training the fascia, our main goal is to deliver as many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oxygen, etc. as possible. into the muscle, as well as stretching the fascia that surrounds it - this allows you to achieve maximum muscle growth.

Fascia is a limiting factor in muscle growth, as it the muscle grows only as long as there is free space. By training them in 7 sets of pampas, we can stretch the fascia and thus make room for muscle growth.

IN human body There are 3 types of fascia, but bodybuilders should only pay attention to one of them - deep fascia. It is a dense fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels of the body.

The high density of this collagen fiber provides the deep fascia with its strength and integrity. Its extensibility and elasticity is determined by the number of fibers. In other words, some of us have fasciae that are bulkier and more rigid than others.

Genetically gifted bodybuilders have thin fasciae so their muscles look bigger and puffier, classic examples are Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath who have thin fasciae. Their muscles expand more easily.

But, for example, Jay Cutler has thick fasciae. But as you can see, this did not prevent him from gaining a lot of muscle mass, but his muscles look kind of round.

How to train fascia?

You must train with heavy weights using basic exercises, in general, as usual within 6-12 repetitions, when you have completed the planned number of exercises for a specific target muscle group, you must perform the last exercise at the end of the workout (usually in simulators where isolation load) in 7 sets of 12-15 repetitions, the rest between sets is minimal (no more than 30 seconds, this is the only way we will get the maximum possible pumping. (this will be training the fascia).

The last exercise in 7 approaches is performed at the end of the workout with the same weight, as a rule, we reduce the weight by 30%.

For example, if you are doing 70 kg in the bench press, then 70 * 30:100 = 21 kg. This means that the last exercise (fascia training in 7 sets will be performed with 21 kg).

It is vital to drink as much water as possible while exercising. At least 1.5 liters it depends on your personal characteristics (sweating), season and your weight. More water is needed in summer.

What exercises are best for 7 sets of fascia training?

Basic multi-joint exercises such as deadlifts, squats, etc. - a bad choice for two reasons:

  • They involve other muscles and interfere with giving a full load to the target muscle.
  • Required good technique and balance that gets messed up when you try to hit a lot of sets in a short amount of time.

The best choice is on simulators (because there is an insulating load), which is what interests us.

An example of a compiled training program along with fascia training

I made a specific example of a training program, split 5 days a week (the program is suitable for experienced athletes) for beginners, it makes no sense to train on it. The usual training scheme, but at the end, the final exercises are fascia training, this is what we discussed today.

  • Sitting leg extension 4xMAX (as a warm-up, the exercise can be ignored altogether)
  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 4x6-12
  • Leg press 4x6-12
  • Lying leg curl 4x6-12
  • Calves, standing in the simulator 4x15-20
  • Calves sitting in the simulator 4x15-20
  • Fascia: sitting leg extension 7x10-15

Tue Breast

  • Bench press on an incline bench (30 degrees no more) 4x6-12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press (30 degrees) 4x6-12 reps
  • Bench press on a horizontal bench 4x6-12 reps
  • Fascia: Incline Barbell or Dumbbell Press on Smith Machine 7x10-15

Wed Back

  • Chin ups or rows (for those who can't pull up) 4x6-12 reps
  • Bent Over Row 4x6-12 reps
  • Dumbbell row with 1 hand in an incline 4x6-12
  • Horizontal block pull 4x6-12 reps
  • Fascia: horizontal thrust block 7x10-15

Thu. Shoulders

  • Rod pull to the chin with an average grip (broaching) 4x6-12
  • Bench press, standing from the chest 4x6-12
  • Wiring dumbbells to the side (swings) 4x10-15
  • Fascia: Standing Swings (3 sets drop set first heavy, medium, light all for 6-15 reps, rest 20sec)

Drop sets are weight loss sets. For example, you take 12 kg for 6-15 reps done, immediately take 10 kg for 6-15 did, immediately did 8 kg for 6-15 and did such 3 runs with a rest of 20 seconds.

  • Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-12
  • Bars (emphasis on triceps) 4x6-12
  • Hammers with dumbbells 4x6-12
  • Barbell bench press narrow grip 4x6-12
  • Fascia: Lifting the barbell for biceps + Extension of the arms at the block) with a superset 7x10-15.

A superset is a type of weight training in which a bodybuilder combines two different exercises designed to work the same muscle group without rest. In our case, we did a barbell raise for biceps, we immediately do an extension of the arms at the block without rest!

I tried to touch and show you everything, I don’t know what else to add. I assure you, other resources will never share anything worthwhile, at least for free. Therefore, I hope for your positive feedback.

Request: Dear bodybuilding gurus, if you are already copying information from this site, then at least insert a link to the source, be people!

Any strength training program is designed to increase strength in one movement. In other words, the athlete seeks to increase his ability to lift a large amount of weight in one approach. In parallel with this, other indicators also increase, although the most noticeable increase will be precisely the weight on the bar in one repetition.

What is the purpose of such training? In bodybuilding there is Golden Rule stating that two muscles are always stronger than one. Muscle fibers divided into slow and fast. The former train mainly with volume training for mass, while for fast fibers, the most effective are strength programs. Therefore, if you use both types of training, then the result will certainly be better than when training one of the types of muscle fibers.

A strength training program does not pump the slow muscle fibers that make up the bulk of them well, but, nevertheless, you will still add mass. Without increasing mass, it is impossible to increase strength. By developing fast muscle fibers, you can not only increase your potential, but by increasing your strength indicators, you can progress further by following a training program that leads to mass gain.

When training strength indicators, you have to work a lot with very large weights, so you need to observe some periodicity of the load. The essence of this approach is to move forward not constantly, but periodically, as if in waves. In other words, you need to alternate heavy, light and medium workouts. If this is neglected, then overtraining will begin to appear, and the athlete will stop progressing, and sometimes even strength indicators begin to degrade.

The need for alternating loads is explained by the fact that otherwise the body will not have time to recover. You can also squat with half as much weight as your own, then you can not alternate loads, but constantly perform only hard workouts. But this option is possible only for those who sleep well and do not get too tired in everyday life.

A strength training program not only requires dedication, but you also have to give up alcohol. Taking a course of creatine will greatly help the process, since this supplement gives exactly the effect that is required for this program.

Before the beginning training program it is necessary to perform the so-called “driving”, the essence of which is that after a preliminary warm-up, a certain weight is placed on the barbell, which would allow you to do 2-3 approaches. But in this case, you need to do only one approach, and then with each approach, you should increase the weight of the bar until the approach becomes unbearable. The last weight you reached with this exercise is the one Weight Limit from which the calculations will be made.

strength training program

  • Day one - legs, chest
    • 90% - 7 approaches: 3x5, 4,3,2,1;
    • 70% - 5 sets x 5 reps;
    • - 3 sets x 12 reps.
  • Day Two – Shoulders, Triceps, Back
    • - 5 sets x 8 reps;
    • - 4 sets x 8 reps;
    • - 4 sets x 8 reps;
    • - 3 sets x 20 reps.
  • Third day - chest, back
    • 55% - 5 sets x 5 reps;
    • 90% - 5 sets: 5x2, 4, 3, 2;
    • 90% - 5 sets x 5 reps.

Between workouts, 1-2 days of rest, which depends on the speed of recovery of the body. The training program is designed for 30 workouts that fit into the interval of 12 weeks.

5 Principles of Strength Training

6 day program training from Arnold Schwarzenegger Ronnie Coleman workout program

The term "strength training" is most commonly associated with dumbbells and bodybuilding, but it actually encompasses a much wider variety of exercises. We can say that strength training is always used when it is necessary to tone any muscle group: the banal pumping of the press, which is included in school curriculum, also applies to strength training, as well as complex exercises with weights on power machines. In fact, strength training is the other side of the cardio medal: if the latter allows you to lose weight, then the former allows you to form a beautiful and elastic body with strong relief muscles. It is this goal - the formation of a strong, toned and beautiful body - that is central to the entire system of strength training.

“works” as follows: you perform exercises at a low or medium pace that affect certain muscle groups - with or without weights. For example, to pump the press, you raise the torso and legs, and also perform side bends that work the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Exercise strengthens muscles and increases muscle mass. Thus, an “iron” and relief press is formed: the more developed the muscles and the thinner the fat layer, the better the outlines of elastic muscles are visible through the skin. Upon reaching the desired shape, your mission is not completed: the muscles are prone to gradual atrophy, if you do not continue exercising, they will weaken again, become flabby and slowly but surely grow treacherous fat. Therefore, you continue to exercise in order to keep your muscles in good shape.

Strength training, although not aimed at intense calorie burning, is still helps to fight overweight . The fact is that muscles consume much more energy than subcutaneous fat And internal organs. The more muscles in your body, the more calories you need to maintain their vital functions, the more energy your body spends daily. Therefore, muscle mass literally keeps you in shape even when you are at rest. Besides, well developed muscles play the role of supporting your skeletal system, spine and joints. Well-developed and strong back muscles, for example, are a determining factor in the development of the correct and beautiful posture. In general, the impact of strength training that develops muscles on the body can be called comprehensive and very beneficial in every sense.

Strength training features

Despite the narrow focus of strength training, which consists in carefully working out various muscle groups, they perform several functions at once, each of which can be a full-fledged goal in itself:
  • Building muscle mass. Power training with weights (on weight machines or with the help of simple dumbbells and barbells) in combination with a diet rich in protein, they give a correct and fairly quick result, expressed in building muscle mass. If body fat if you have a thin one, then the relief of the muscles will soon become visible, but if the fat layer is significant, then the actual build-up of muscle mass will become noticeable by an increase in body volume. If your goal is specifically to build muscle mass, trainers recommend focusing on gradually increasing the weight of weights while working out certain muscle groups. The weight of weights and the number of repetitions and approaches are determined strictly individually, depending on physical condition person, his initial weight, age, etc.
  • The development of muscle strength. There is a wide variety of approaches to the development of muscle strength - from the maximum effort method to the "shock" or dynamic effort method. The choice of one or another method of developing muscle strength depends on the goals and training program. For example, max effort method is based on work with the maximum (and exceeding the maximum) weight of weights; isometric force method- on the performance of short-term exercises, the tension in which lasts no longer than 5-10 s; method repeated unremitting efforts- on repeated exercises with medium or light weights; dynamic force method- on high-speed performance of exercises with minimal weights. The most complete and harmonious strength training, designed professionally, should, if possible, include several methods at once.
  • Formation of a beautiful body. To form a beautiful toned body Most often, exercises of medium and high intensity with minimal weights are used. If your goal is not to build muscle mass, then classic strength exercises that work out various groups muscle is what you need. And by performing such exercises in a connected complex and at a fast pace, you get the effect of burning fat and getting rid of overweight. On this principle, for example, shaping and power aerobics are based. However, to strength exercises that form beautiful body, include such "eternal" workouts as squats, push-ups, leg raises - without weights, using only your own body weight.

Types of strength training

Strength exercises can be divided into three groups according to the type of resistance, which, in fact, forces us to make efforts that develop muscles.

  • Exercises with overcoming the weight of your own body (without weights)
This type of exercise does not involve the use of weights (dumbbells) and any other devices. You perform exercises by overcoming the opposing force of your body. As an example, we can recall push-ups or pull-ups on the horizontal bar, squats. Efficiency is achieved by a large number of repetitions and deep, correct execution.

How much barbell weight to build strength

According to the American College sports medicine(ACSM), in resistance training, an intensity of 60-70% of 1RM is needed to increase maximum muscle strength in people with low and moderate fitness levels. Roughly speaking, if your maximum barbell weight with which you can squat 1 time is 100 kg, then the most effective training weight for strength growth - 60-70 kg.

Scholars Confirm: Based on a meta-analysis (Rhea et al, 2003) optimum intensity for untrained (less than a year of continuous training) 60% of the RM.

Significant increases or decreases in weight relative to 60% RM should not be used. The effectiveness of training in untrained people decreased at an average training intensity of 80% of the RM..

People with high level ACSM recommends an intensity of 80-100% RM for strength gains..

Basic work for experienced: 70-80% of the RM

The legendary Soviet weightlifter Yuri Vlasov (Zozhnik compiled) talks about the principles of strength training by Soviet weightlifters: “Increasing the load leads to long-term (structural and functional) changes that serve as the basis for the progress of strength skills. Of course, strength is growing at the same time, but not too fast. Then increasing the intensity allows you to quickly achieve new results. However, by itself, the high intensity of work does not lead to a deep adaptation of the body.

Raise to failure?

We figured out the weight with which to effectively perform the exercises. But is it necessary to do the exercise “to failure”? In most cases, performing repetitions “to failure” is not recommended by experts, (including to reduce the risk of injury).

Soviet weightlifters did most of the work from 1/3 to 2/3 repetitions from the repeated maximum (when working with a range of 70-90% of the RM). That is, if they could squat with a barbell to failure 3 times, then they performed either 1 or 2 repetitions, but not all 3.

For weights greater than 90% of the RM, only single repetitions were performed. For weights lighter than 70%, the number of repetitions is usually 1/3 of the maximum possible.

Fitness expert Sergey Strukov cites the following disadvantages of working to failure: the technique of performing exercises is inevitably violated, therefore, in those exercises where refusal is used, either some “reserve of technique” is needed or a situation in which a change in technique will not cause injury.

However, failure is inevitable in some approaches with a gradual increase in load. Performing an exercise with safe technique to failure is periodically included in the training to refine the result of the training and, possibly, to stimulate further adaptation in experienced athletes.

Load variability: you can not constantly increase the weight

The variability of the load also needs to be increased in parallel with the growth of fitness.

For example, Pavel Tsatsulin, a US-based trainer and author of books on weight training,.

Previously, among power athletes, the basic scheme was “three weeks of increasing loads with one week of rest,” but back then in the Soviet Union it was practiced only by novice athletes. Professional Soviet weightlifters did not increase the load every week, so that after 3 weeks they would be as exhausted as possible, and for 4 weeks they would do something completely different. The intensity of training changed unexpectedly, but not so dramatically.

Professor Arkady Vorobyov found out that unexpected load changes during training have a bigger impact than anything else. A classic experiment by a researcher from his group, A. Ermakov, showed that the “jumps” of the load turned out to be 61% more effective than programs training with a planned gradual increase in load.

Target and assistance exercises

Based on preliminary testing, 1-3 exercises are selected as “target” exercises in which it is necessary to increase strength in the first place. This is mainly squats, deadlifts, free weight presses.

The remaining exercises of the training program are auxiliary. They performed at a lower intensity, often with a higher number of repetitions, rest between sets is also reduced. Such a scheme increases the diversity of the training stimulus and, probably, leads to a greater net increase in strength.

One of the most common mistakes: excessive load intensity in auxiliary exercises.

It is not necessary to arrange a test of the body for strength from training. In target exercises, an attempt to increase the weight in the approaches is made no more than once every two weeks. It is considered that the load should be increased if one or two additional repetitions can be performed in the required intensity zone (for example, 8-10RM) in two workouts in a row.

Auxiliary exercises are performed strictly within the prescribed scheme of repetition approaches.

Rest Between Reps

In strength training manuals, it is believed that for maximum growthstrength needed long rest intervals (3 minutes)between sets, and for maximizing muscle growth between sets it is recommended to rest about 1 minute.

However, until recently there were no studies proving this point of view. Relatively recently, the famous “fitness scientist” Brad Schoenefeld spoke about the study of the dependence of the growth of strength and muscle volume on the amount of rest between sets.

A group of 21 young men were randomly divided into 2 subgroups: one rested 1 minute between sets and the other 3 minutes. All other components of the training program remained unchanged. The subjects trained in a standard bodybuilding-oriented style, performing 7 exercises and working out all the major muscle groups of the upper and lower parts body.In each exercise, 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions were performed, while the training itself took place 3 times a week for 8 weeks.

Participants were tested before the study and immediately after its completion. Bench press on a horizontal bench and squats were used as test exercises to determine the growth of strength indicators (the indicators were determined based on the growth of 1RM).

When analyzing changes based on the 1 RM test, in the group that rested longer (3 minutes), both in the bench press on a horizontal bench and in the squats, the indicators of growth in maximum strength were significantly higher.


Now let's summarize the above in a short list. recommendations for maximizing muscle strength:

Operating weight : for beginners - 60-70% of the RM, for experienced ones - the main work is 70-80% of the RM, rarely - 80-100% of the RM.

Number of repetitions : for beginners - it is necessary to finish the exercises 1-2 repetitions BEFORE failure and generally do not do exercises to failure. Experienced athletes also do the main work in training up to 2/3 repetitions to failure, rarely to muscle failure.

Load change : the unexpected change in load (within certain limits) gives the best effect. You can not constantly only increase the load, you need rest and periods of reducing the load.

Rest between sets : Research shows that resting 3 minutes between sets is noticeably more effective than resting 1 minute between sets.

Sources:,, Brad Schoenfeld: What is the Ideal Rest Interval for Muscle Growth? Implications from Our Recent Study.