When was Klitschko born? The Klitschko brothers: biography, age, sporting achievements

Place of Birth. Education. A native of the village of Belovodskoye, Moscow Region, Kirghiz SSR. Together with his parents (his father is an aviation officer, his mother is an employee) and his younger brother (he also became a world-famous boxer) he lived in different parts of the Soviet Union. In 1984 the family moved to Ukraine.

In 1995, Klitschko graduated from the Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Pedagogical Institute named after Dragomanov (specialty - teacher of physical education). PhD in physical education and sports (he defended his dissertation on the topic "Methodology for determining the abilities of boxers in the system of multi-stage sports selection").

In 2011 he graduated from the National Academy government controlled under the President of Ukraine, having received a master's degree in the specialty "Management of social development".

Sports achivments. He started boxing at the age of 14. At one time he became interested in kickboxing (and performed quite successfully). For a 30-year sports career, he has reached world-class heights (since 1996 - in professional boxing).

Klitschko - six time champion world champion in kickboxing, three-time champion of Ukraine in boxing, silver medalist of the world amateur championship, multiple European champion among professionals, intercontinental WBO and WBA champion, world heavyweight champion weight category according to the WBO and WBC.

According to statistics, he had 210 fights in the amateur ring (185 won, 80 of them by knockout). In the professional ring - 37 fights (35 wins ahead of schedule, 2 losses). In 1999, he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the first world heavyweight champion to win 26 fights by knockout, for which he needed the fewest rounds. He was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine.

In 2007, he announced his decision to return to professional sports. After that, he won the fight with, who had previously taken the championship from the Russian Oleg Maskaev; defended the WBC title against mandatory challenger Juan Carlos Gomez of Cuba, won the fight with Chris Arreola. In a fight against American Kevin Johnson in December 2009, he set a new record for thrown jabs for a fight in heavyweight champion- 749. In May 2010, Klitschko defended his title in a duel against European champion Albert "Dragon" Sosnowski from Poland, in October of the same year - with American Shannon Briggs.

The World Boxing Council has named the WBC world champion Ukrainian Vitali Klitschko the best puncher in the history of the heavyweight division.

He had 43 fights in the professional ring: 41 wins (38 by knockout), 2 losses.

In 2003, the Klitschko brothers presented their book "Our Fitness. Simple Secrets of Champions" (published in several languages). It became a bestseller and won the "Best non-fiction book of the year" award at the Leipzig Book Fair.

Political career. In 2005, Klitschko became an adviser to the President of Ukraine. In October 2006, he received the post of staff adviser to the head of state. Even earlier, during the 2004 presidential race, during the days of the Orange Revolution, the Klitschko brothers openly supported the opposition candidate.

In the 2006 elections, Klitschko simultaneously ran for people's deputies of Ukraine (under No. 1 of the list of the PORA-PRP bloc), for deputies of the Kyiv City Council and for the post of mayor. As a result, he received only the mandate of the deputy of the legislative body of the capital. He led a group named after himself. In the election of the mayor, he took second place, losing to the odious, but bypassing the ex-mayor of Kyiv.

In fact, the chair of the parliamentarian was not for Klitschko the object of his political dreams. It is no coincidence that the champion ignored the early parliamentary elections of 2007 (in which, according to some sources, he had the opportunity to get into the “passing” part of the bloc's list). But in the duel for the post of the capital's mayor, the people of Kiev saw the world boxing champion again.

Immediately after the announcement by the Verkhovna Rada in early 2008 of the early elections of the capital's authorities, Klitschko announced his intention to run for mayor. An attempt to "knock out of the ring" Chernovetsky was unsuccessful. In the early elections of the city authorities in May 2008, Klitschko took third place, losing to Chernovetsky and BYuT. At the same time, the young politician again managed to hold his bloc in the Kyiv City Council.

April 24, 2010 political party New Country was renamed the party (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms), headed by Vitali Klitschko.

In 2012, he led his UDAR party to the parliamentary elections, which, according to the voting results, took third place after and, with 13.96% of the popular vote. In total, UDAR received 42 seats in the Verkhovna Rada of the 7th convocation. Klitschko himself became a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on State Building and Local Self-Government.

At the end of November 2013, he joined the mass protests in the country, which grew into the Revolution of Dignity.

In the early presidential elections on May 25, 2014, Klitschko did not run, supporting the candidacy. On the same date, early elections of the Kiev city chairman and deputies of the Kiev City Council were scheduled, as a result of which Klitschko became the mayor of the capital (56.7% of Kiev residents voted for him), and his UDAR party received a majority in the Kiev City Council.

On June 25, 2014, by decree of President Petro Poroshenko, he was appointed head of the Kyiv City State Administration, replacing him in this post.

In the local elections in the fall of 2015, he again runs for the post of mayor of Kyiv. According to the results of the first round on October 25, he is gaining 40.57% of the votes, and together with, who has secured the support of 8.87% of the people of Kiev, he enters the second round. In the second round on November 15, Klitschko won - 66.5% of voters voted for him, 33.5% for Bereza.

On January 23, 2015, Vitaliy Klitschko was elected head of the Association of Cities of Ukraine, before him he held this post.

After the unification of the UDAR and BPP parties, at an extraordinary congress on August 28, 2015, Vitali Klitschko was elected head of the BPP Solidarity party. Since 2015, the party has not officially had a leader, after Vitali Klitschko became the mayor of Kyiv and left this post in accordance with the party charter.

Social activity. In 1998-2003 Klitschko was the head of the board of the international fund for the promotion of sports "Sport - XXI century". Since 2002, he has been a UNESCO Special Commissioner for the Education for Children out of Poverty program. Since 2003 - the head of the board of the charitable organization Klitschko Brothers Foundation.

State awards. Order "For Merit" 3rd class, Order "For Courage" 1st class. In December 2004 he received the title of Hero of Ukraine.

Family. Klitschko is married. Wife Natalya Egorova is a former athlete and fashion model. Children - sons Yegor (born 2000) and Maxim (born 2005) and daughter Elizabeth-Victoria (born 2002).

Find out where Klitschko Vitali is from? Where was born and raised? He is one of the best in kickboxing. It is interesting to know which of the boxers is the mayor? And why do some of his statements end up in collections of jokes, becoming memes? Then read the article right now! If you are interested in it personal life And last news about him, here are all the details about the athlete-politician.


Klitschko's repeated victories in the ring glorified our country. Today it is better known as the Kyiv head. Successful athlete went into politics, determined to succeed in this field. His awards and facts sports life indicate that Vitali Klitschko is a bright, outstanding personality.

Languages: English, German, Russian. Ukrainian began to study not so long ago. I haven't learned to speak the language correctly yet. The result is blunders that are made fun of on the Internet. There are even entire community pages on social networks about this (for example, Instagram). And many people of Kiev, and not only, join them.

According to rhetoric teacher Vitaly, he speaks English and German better because he studied these languages ​​in his youth. And besides that, I talked to them more. Criticism of the six-time kickboxing world champion title holder and jokes in this regard confuse him very much, and therefore new incidents arise.

They joke about the mayor of Kyiv and through pictures-memes. There are plenty of funny images on social media. Users share funny jokes to cheer themselves up. The "best" quotes of the Kyiv mayor form the basis of the images.

Memes with unsightly expressions of the world boxing champion are walking around the boarding school, causing users to smile. For example, his following statements gained popularity: “and today, tomorrow, not everyone can watch”, “it is easy not to understand and impossible to understand”, “weekends fly by like 2 days”, “the older a person is, the older he is”, etc.

Among the professionals according to the WBO versions (1999-2000), he, of course, was the best. But his sayings in Ukrainian fail. Some quotes from his speeches became network hits and, like the statements of great people, turned into aphorisms.

But, perhaps, soon the titled Ukrainian politician will still master the Ukrainian language. And ridicule and jokes about it will stop. The main thing is not to give up and go purposefully on the planned path.

Policy parameters: height - 202 cm, weight - 109 kg.

Anthropometric data: arm span - 203 cm, chest volume - 117, biceps - 43, neck - 46, chest volume on inspiration - 123, waist - 89, forearm - 43, fist - 28, wrist - 18, thigh - 58.5, calves - 43.

Characteristic: strong, sympathetic, sincere, outstanding athlete, one of best boxers in world history.

Zodiac sign: Cancer, born in the year of the Boar.

Nickname, nickname: Doctor Iron Fist.


As a child, he had to move from place to place, since his father, Vladimir Rodionovich, is a military man. Vitaly was born in the village of Belovodskoye, Kirghiz SSR. And his younger brother Vladimir (born 1976), Olympic champion in boxing in the heavyweight division, in Semipalatinsk.

Where only their father, who graduated from a flight school, did not have to serve: in Kazakhstan, Czechoslovakia, Kyrgyzstan, the Baltic states. Major General participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Was a military attaché.

Father Vitaly's parents are from the Cherkasy region. Grandmother Vitaly, Tamara Efimovna, was born in the town of Smela. Graduated from the Korsun Pedagogical College. She worked as an elementary school teacher. Grandfather, Rodion Petrovich, head of the passport office with. Vilshans of Cherkasy. And his father, great-grandfather Klitschko, is a police officer.

During the Second World War, Rodion Petrovich had to hide his wife underground from the German invaders. Her entire family perished in the dungeons of the ghetto. It was not possible to save their eldest son. They left for Kazakhstan after the end of the war. Vladimir was born there and two daughters, Raya and Anna, were born.

Klitschko's mother, like her father's grandmother, was a primary school teacher. Many relatives of Nadezhda Ulyanovna were shot during the Holocaust because they had Jewish roots. Others suffered during the repressions, some died during the famine.

After Kazakhstan, the Klitschko family lived for five years in the small Czechoslovak town of Mimon (from 1980 to 1985). Then the father was transferred to serve in Ukraine, where they remained permanently.

Family: wife Natalya Egorova (b. 1974) Children: sons Egor-Daniel (b. 2000) and Maxim-Alexander (b. 2005), daughter Elizabeth-Victoria (b. 2002)

The couple got married in 1996. His wife and children live in Germany. The mansion is located in Hamburg. She is engaged in vocals - meditative music in the New Age style. Vacations for spouses are also separate. While, for example, Vitaly was in Egypt, his wife managed to visit Greece on the island of Corfu.

Natalia comes here every year - she attends the esoteric Gayatri festival. As you know, a woman prefers meditation, listening and singing mantras. Klitschko's wife leads healthy lifestyle life. Strenuously engaged in stretching and plastic surgery. In the past, she practiced gymnastics and synchronized swimming.

The first lady of Kyiv rarely visits Ukraine. Previously, she worked as a model, thanks to which she met Vitaly. Recently, information periodically appears on the Internet that Klitschko is divorcing his wife or has already divorced.

According to rumors, they planned to divorce back in 2009. But then, it seems, they decided to save the family. Many say that reports of their divorce are just black PR. And in fact, love and harmony reign in their relationship. And allegedly, on the eve of the elections, more and more dirt is poured on the politician-athlete.

Nationality: Ukrainian.

Hobbies, hobbies: diving, chess, music.


From the age of fourteen he began to box. In the professional ring - from the age of twenty-five. Won twenty-six fights with the least amount of time. His name, as the first champion, has been in the Guinness Book of Records since 1999.

At twenty-four he graduated from the Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Pedagogical Institute. He also studied at the Postgraduate School of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine.

In 2000 he defended his PhD. He has a degree: candidate of sciences in the field of physical education and sports.

Later he studied at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.

Career and business

Since 1988, after graduating from school, - the army. He became an army "authority" as soon as his colleagues learned that he was the boxing champion of the USSR.

He had thirty-five fights in the kickboxing ring. Thirty-four of them won, twenty-two ahead of schedule.

At the beginning of their career in Germany, the brothers were even offered to change their citizenship.

The first defeat took place in 2000. Then he fought with Canadian Chris Byrd. The Ukrainian was severely injured in the shoulder. He endured pain for a long time, but between the ninth and tenth rounds he refused to fight, and the victory was recognized for the enemy.

Later, Vladimir's fight with the Canadian was called "brother's revenge." Then Vitaliy entered the ring with the American Ros Purity and wiped his brother's offender's nose.

His autobiography includes the fact that in 2003 he set up a charity called the Klitschko Brothers Foundation with his brother.

About Completion sports career Vitali stated in 2005. And two years later he said that he was resuming it. He finally retired from boxing in December 2013.

In conclusion, he fought with the Lebanese professional boxer Manuel Charr. In this fight, Klitschko's opponent was knocked down for the first time in his professional career. After Vitaly cut the Lebanese cheekbone under his right eye in the fourth round, which led to heavy bleeding, the referee stopped the fight.

On June 5, 2014, he received the post of mayor. He paid and continues to pay a lot of attention to the construction and reconstruction of schools/kindergartens. Over the past four years, 7 schools and 19 kindergartens have been built and reconstructed in Kyiv.

We are especially proud of the new school No. 334 in the Darnitsky district of the capital. She is equipped the latest technologies. The educational institution is the best in Ukraine: energy efficient, equipped with a "smart home" system, comfortable.

Compromise and rumors

Today, the life of a professional boxer is always on everyone's lips. The fact that one day the mayor of the city, who expressed a desire to ride a bicycle to work and on business, did not go unnoticed, fell off him.

The fall from the bike was connected with a high curb, which he could not overcome. As a result, the fact that occurred in 2016 caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

There are other interesting points regarding his personality. So, in 2017, journalists managed to capture on video a fairly drunk mayor of Kyiv with a cigarette in his hands. This happened at the time of his arrival on a charter flight from Naples.

Developer Nikolai Mikitas and businessman Vadim Stolar were flying with him on board the plane. In an interview, the mayor of the city excused himself by saying that he can fly with anyone. After all, he does not know who bought a ticket for the seat next to him on the plane.

State famous boxer millionth. In the electronic declaration for 2016, he declares more than eight and a half million euros lent to third parties. He provided a loan of almost 750 thousand more dollars.

Of the real estate in his property - a metropolitan apartment with an area of ​​​​251.8 m². The wife is the owner of a 785.5 m² mansion, which is located in Lyutezhi, Vyshgorodsky district, Kyiv region. Here, Natalia Valerievna owns a land plot of 2,500 square meters.

Of the valuables, the declaration includes: an antique mantel clock, several men's watches brands IWC, Frank Muller, Mont Blanc. My wife has jewelry and expensive watches.

Of the vehicles, his wife owns Toyota Sequoia, 2014, Land Rover Discovery, 2013.

Vitaly has a Fine Custom Puncher motorcycle, 2009, Ironhorse Widebody platform trailer, 2013. Eight expensive bicycles are held according to the declaration: Scott Addict CX10 (for example, the current cost of such a new “iron horse” is 174 thousand UAH), cycers Scott Genius, Scott Big Jon, Coratec Revolution, Corate Link Carbon, Cannondale, 201 4 g., Scott Genius 700 Plus Tund Bike 2016 onwards, Scott Spark 700 Plus Tund Bike 2016 onwards

Many different statements appeared on the Internet about how Vitali Klitschko kisses the icon. The mayor unsuccessfully kissed her and hit his head. As a result, a video of a small incident with a loud "boom" immediately circled the World Wide Web. The Internet was full of headlines: “Klitschko butted the icon”, “The mayor hit the icon with his head - horror! shock!”, “What is stronger: the icon or the head of Klitschko?” etc.

Today, Klitschko is engaged in a major overhaul of the capital's streets. He notes on his page on the social network that the repair continues day and night, and on weekends. And soon he promises to open another renovated and beautiful street in the city center.

A cyclist has restored the cycle track. The object works, pleases the people of Kiev, gives the opportunity to play sports. It continues to work and provide residents of the capital with new locations for recreation and mass sports.

Nevertheless, there are also dissatisfied citizens who believe that it would be better if the mayor paid attention to the railway station or are outraged about the illegal construction of a number of facilities in the capital.

On August 2, 2018, the presentation of the monument to Ilya Muromets took place. The sculpture of the hero has become a real decoration of Kyiv. A lot of work has been done for the money of patrons. Not a penny of money has been allocated from the budget for the project. Vasily Verastyuk posed for the eleven-meter sculpture, which was erected in the Muromets park.

In 2018, Vitaly turned 47 years old. On his birthday, he left for a few days in a camp with children in the United States. Once this age seemed to him the sunset of life. But now, as Klitschko himself notes, "it is not age that matters, but its content." The mayor claims that his 48th year will be even more productive, interesting and eventful.

In addition, recently Vitali Klitschko got into a big corruption scandal. He was noticed on a charter in a company with the owners of large construction corporations. The mayor of Kyiv was accompanied by the ex-member of the supervisory board of the construction company City Capital Group Maria Kazantseva, who is engaged in the construction of cottage townships in the capital.

In addition, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada and the head of the state corporation "Ukrbud", which is an "umbrella" for offshore companies, Maxim Mykytas, was the mayor's companion.

And what about the promise of the mayor of Kyiv to give each participant in the hostilities in the east and the families of the dead 10 acres of land. Then the authorities took up this matter, but either they failed to bring it to mind, or they simply decided that it was not at all profitable to give away so much land. The promises remained in the distant 2014 year.

Yes, there were isolated cases of land transfer - only 135 families. And this is only half a percent.

All this is explained by the fact that there is simply not enough land in Kyiv. But this is a bit strange, because at almost every meeting the deputies of the Kyiv City Council distribute land to developers for new shopping centers, residential complexes, and so on. It is not yet clear how they are going to solve this problem, and this issue is unlikely to move forward in the near future.

Let's not forget about the situation with Vitali Klitschko's deputies. In addition to the joke that "two, four of which ...", there is also a rather deplorable situation with the fact that they are constantly changing and not from a good life. For 3 years, Vitali Klitschko lost two first deputies, that is, in fact, "second persons in the team", which indicates problems within the city government

On this moment the mayor of Kyiv has 6 deputies.

Deputies Vitali Klitschko

This happened after the victory of Vladimir Zelensky in the elections. Klchiko, in turn, almost immediately expressed a desire to hold mayoral elections several months ahead of schedule.

Leonid Kosakovsky, who served as the first head of the KSCA from 1993 to 1996, the head of the Kyiv City Council from 1994 to 1997 and the Kyiv city head in 1997-1998, gave a rather interesting analysis of what is happening.

"The semi-legitimate Vitali Klitschko panicked. He, like all heads of administrations, will have to write a letter of resignation to the newly elected President. Whether they will reappoint him or not is a big question. The statement that new team he doesn’t take the old ones, the way he “drowned” for Poroshenko in the elections, the recognition that he himself voted for him, the results of the will of the people of Kiev, make you worry,” the expert said.

As Leonid Kosakovsky emphasized, a huge legal blunder is added to all this - the lack of official approval of him as head of the Kyiv City State Administration.

“He was forgotten to be appointed head of the Kyiv City State Administration after the next mayoral elections in the fall of 2015, despite the legal position of the Constitutional Court. That is, he remains only appointed according to the Yanukovych-Popov scheme and therefore can be easily replaced in this post by another person. That is why he recently launched Nemtsov in the DW project. Interview" to test the reaction to the thesis of early mayoral elections, which in turn largely depend on who will head the capital's administration after the inauguration, so there may also be surprises here," explains Leonid Kosakovsky.

Evaluation of the work of Vitali Klitschko as mayor

In April 2019, on the Facebook page of the "Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine, the Territorial Branch in Kiev" started about Vitaliy Klitschko. Users of the social network were asked to evaluate the actions of a politician as mayor of Kyiv. Couldn't get an average. But users were divided into two camps: those who put a solid 0 and those who liked his work as mayor.

Beating of ATO Veteran

In December 2018, Vitali Klitschko got into trouble because of his bodyguards. During the planar meeting of the Kyiv City Council, news was heard that surprised everyone. Then Oleksiy Novikov, deputy of the Kyiv City Council, turned to the mayor: “I learned that a combatant, a journalist and my friend, foreman Sergey Yakovlevich, was beaten at night. According to him, from about 1:00 to 2:00 at night he was filming on Bolshaya Khmelnytsky Street near the Opera House and filmed your cortege. After that, he was attacked by your guards, whom he knows personally by sight,” he said.

Vitali Klitschko then only said that he would take the situation under control and deal with all this. But no action was taken after that, visible to the people, and the story remained open.

Shulyavsky bridge

The reconstruction of the Shulyavsky Bridge began on March 16, 2019. And, of course, here, too, did not pass without

Find out where Klitschko Vitali is from? Where was born and raised? He is one of the best in kickboxing. It is interesting to know which of the boxers is the mayor? And why do some of his statements end up in collections of jokes, becoming memes? Then read the article right now! If you are interested in his personal life and the latest news about him, here are all the details about the political athlete.


Klitschko's repeated victories in the ring glorified our country. Today it is better known as the Kyiv head. A successful athlete went into politics, deciding to succeed in this field. His awards and the facts of sports life indicate that Vitali Klitschko is a bright, outstanding personality.

Languages: English, German, Russian. Ukrainian began to study not so long ago. I haven't learned to speak the language correctly yet. The result is blunders that are made fun of on the Internet. There are even entire community pages on social networks about this (for example, Instagram). And many people of Kiev, and not only, join them.

According to rhetoric teacher Vitaly, he speaks English and German better because he studied these languages ​​in his youth. And besides that, I talked to them more. Criticism of the six-time kickboxing world champion title holder and jokes in this regard confuse him very much, and therefore new incidents arise.

They joke about the mayor of Kyiv and through pictures-memes. There are plenty of funny images on social media. Users share funny jokes to cheer themselves up. The "best" quotes of the Kyiv mayor form the basis of the images.

Memes with unsightly expressions of the world boxing champion are walking around the boarding school, causing users to smile. For example, his following statements gained popularity: “and today, tomorrow, not everyone can watch”, “it is easy not to understand and impossible to understand”, “weekends fly by like 2 days”, “the older a person is, the older he is”, etc.

Among the professionals according to the WBO versions (1999-2000), he, of course, was the best. But his sayings in Ukrainian fail. Some quotes from his speeches became network hits and, like the statements of great people, turned into aphorisms.

But, perhaps, soon the titled Ukrainian politician will still master the Ukrainian language. And ridicule and jokes about it will stop. The main thing is not to give up and go purposefully on the planned path.

Policy parameters: height - 202 cm, weight - 109 kg.

Anthropometric data: arm span - 203 cm, chest volume - 117, biceps - 43, neck - 46, chest volume on inspiration - 123, waist - 89, forearm - 43, fist - 28, wrist - 18, thigh - 58.5, calves - 43.

Characteristics: strong, sympathetic, sincere, outstanding athlete, one of the best boxers in world history.

Zodiac sign: Cancer, born in the year of the Boar.

Nickname, nickname: Doctor Iron Fist.


As a child, he had to move from place to place, since his father, Vladimir Rodionovich, is a military man. Vitaly was born in the village of Belovodskoye, Kirghiz SSR. And his younger brother Vladimir (born 1976), Olympic heavyweight boxing champion, in Semipalatinsk.

Where only their father, who graduated from a flight school, did not have to serve: in Kazakhstan, Czechoslovakia, Kyrgyzstan, the Baltic states. Major General participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Was a military attaché.

Father Vitaly's parents are from the Cherkasy region. Grandmother Vitaly, Tamara Efimovna, was born in the town of Smela. Graduated from the Korsun Pedagogical College. She worked as an elementary school teacher. Grandfather, Rodion Petrovich, head of the passport office with. Vilshans of Cherkasy. And his father, great-grandfather Klitschko, is a police officer.

During the Second World War, Rodion Petrovich had to hide his wife underground from the German invaders. Her entire family perished in the dungeons of the ghetto. It was not possible to save their eldest son. They left for Kazakhstan after the end of the war. Vladimir was born there and two daughters, Raya and Anna, were born.

Klitschko's mother, like her father's grandmother, was a primary school teacher. Many relatives of Nadezhda Ulyanovna were shot during the Holocaust because they had Jewish roots. Others suffered during the repressions, some died during the famine.

After Kazakhstan, the Klitschko family lived for five years in the small Czechoslovak town of Mimon (from 1980 to 1985). Then the father was transferred to serve in Ukraine, where they remained permanently.

Family: wife Natalya Egorova (b. 1974) Children: sons Egor-Daniel (b. 2000) and Maxim-Alexander (b. 2005), daughter Elizabeth-Victoria (b. 2002)

The couple got married in 1996. His wife and children live in Germany. The mansion is located in Hamburg. She is engaged in vocals - meditative music in the New Age style. Vacations for spouses are also separate. While, for example, Vitaly was in Egypt, his wife managed to visit Greece on the island of Corfu.

Natalia comes here every year - she attends the esoteric Gayatri festival. As you know, a woman prefers meditation, listening and singing mantras. Klitschko's wife leads a healthy lifestyle. Strenuously engaged in stretching and plastic surgery. In the past, she practiced gymnastics and synchronized swimming.

The first lady of Kyiv rarely visits Ukraine. Previously, she worked as a model, thanks to which she met Vitaly. Recently, information periodically appears on the Internet that Klitschko is divorcing his wife or has already divorced.

According to rumors, they planned to divorce back in 2009. But then, it seems, they decided to save the family. Many say that reports of their divorce are just black PR. And in fact, love and harmony reign in their relationship. And allegedly, on the eve of the elections, more and more dirt is poured on the politician-athlete.

Nationality: Ukrainian.

Hobbies, hobbies: diving, chess, music.


From the age of fourteen he began to box. In the professional ring - from the age of twenty-five. Won twenty-six fights with the least amount of time. His name, as the first champion, has been in the Guinness Book of Records since 1999.

At twenty-four he graduated from the Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Pedagogical Institute. He also studied at the Postgraduate School of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine.

In 2000 he defended his PhD. He has a degree: candidate of sciences in the field of physical education and sports.

Later he studied at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.

Career and business

Since 1988, after graduating from school, - the army. He became an army "authority" as soon as his colleagues learned that he was the boxing champion of the USSR.

He had thirty-five fights in the kickboxing ring. Thirty-four of them won, twenty-two ahead of schedule.

At the beginning of their career in Germany, the brothers were even offered to change their citizenship.

The first defeat took place in 2000. Then he fought with Canadian Chris Byrd. The Ukrainian was severely injured in the shoulder. He endured pain for a long time, but between the ninth and tenth rounds he refused to fight, and the victory was recognized for the enemy.

Later, Vladimir's fight with the Canadian was called "brother's revenge." Then Vitaliy entered the ring with the American Ros Purity and wiped his brother's offender's nose.

His autobiography includes the fact that in 2003 he set up a charity called the Klitschko Brothers Foundation with his brother.

Vitaly announced the end of his sports career in 2005. And two years later he said that he was resuming it. He finally retired from boxing in December 2013.

In conclusion, he fought with the Lebanese professional boxer Manuel Charr. In this fight, Klitschko's opponent was knocked down for the first time in his professional career. After Vitaly cut the Lebanese cheekbone under his right eye in the fourth round, which led to heavy bleeding, the referee stopped the fight.

On June 5, 2014, he received the post of mayor. He paid and continues to pay a lot of attention to the construction and reconstruction of schools/kindergartens. Over the past four years, 7 schools and 19 kindergartens have been built and reconstructed in Kyiv.

We are especially proud of the new school No. 334 in the Darnitsky district of the capital. It is equipped with the latest technology. The educational institution is the best in Ukraine: energy efficient, equipped with a "smart home" system, comfortable.

Compromise and rumors

Today, the life of a professional boxer is always on everyone's lips. The fact that one day the mayor of the city, who expressed a desire to ride a bicycle to work and on business, did not go unnoticed, fell off him.

The fall from the bike was connected with a high curb, which he could not overcome. As a result, the fact that occurred in 2016 caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

There are other interesting points regarding his personality. So, in 2017, journalists managed to capture on video a fairly drunk mayor of Kyiv with a cigarette in his hands. This happened at the time of his arrival on a charter flight from Naples.

Developer Nikolai Mikitas and businessman Vadim Stolar were flying with him on board the plane. In an interview, the mayor of the city excused himself by saying that he can fly with anyone. After all, he does not know who bought a ticket for the seat next to him on the plane.

The state of the famous boxer is a millionth. In the electronic declaration for 2016, he declares more than eight and a half million euros lent to third parties. He provided a loan of almost 750 thousand more dollars.

Of the real estate in his property - a metropolitan apartment with an area of ​​​​251.8 m². The wife is the owner of a 785.5 m² mansion, which is located in Lyutezhi, Vyshgorodsky district, Kyiv region. Here, Natalia Valerievna owns a land plot of 2,500 square meters.

Of the valuables, the declaration includes: antique mantel clocks, several men's watches from the brands IWC, Frank Muller, Mont Blanc. My wife has jewelry and expensive watches.

Of the vehicles, his wife owns Toyota Sequoia, 2014, Land Rover Discovery, 2013.

Vitaly has a Fine Custom Puncher motorcycle, 2009, Ironhorse Widebody platform trailer, 2013. Eight expensive bicycles are held according to the declaration: Scott Addict CX10 (for example, the current cost of such a new “iron horse” is 174 thousand UAH), cycers Scott Genius, Scott Big Jon, Coratec Revolution, Corate Link Carbon, Cannondale, 201 4 g., Scott Genius 700 Plus Tund Bike 2016 onwards, Scott Spark 700 Plus Tund Bike 2016 onwards

Many different statements appeared on the Internet about how Vitali Klitschko kisses the icon. The mayor unsuccessfully kissed her and hit his head. As a result, a video of a small incident with a loud "boom" immediately circled the World Wide Web. The Internet was full of headlines: “Klitschko butted the icon”, “The mayor hit the icon with his head - horror! shock!”, “What is stronger: the icon or the head of Klitschko?” etc.

Today, Klitschko is engaged in a major overhaul of the capital's streets. He notes on his page on the social network that the repair continues day and night, and on weekends. And soon he promises to open another renovated and beautiful street in the city center.

A cyclist has restored the cycle track. The object works, pleases the people of Kiev, gives the opportunity to play sports. It continues to work and provide residents of the capital with new locations for recreation and mass sports.

Nevertheless, there are also dissatisfied citizens who believe that it would be better if the mayor paid attention to the railway station or are outraged about the illegal construction of a number of facilities in the capital.

On August 2, 2018, the presentation of the monument to Ilya Muromets took place. The sculpture of the hero has become a real decoration of Kyiv. A lot of work has been done for the money of patrons. Not a penny of money has been allocated from the budget for the project. Vasily Verastyuk posed for the eleven-meter sculpture, which was erected in the Muromets park.

In 2018, Vitaly turned 47 years old. On his birthday, he left for a few days in a camp with children in the United States. Once this age seemed to him the sunset of life. But now, as Klitschko himself notes, "it is not age that matters, but its content." The mayor claims that his 48th year will be even more productive, interesting and eventful.

In addition, recently Vitali Klitschko got into a big corruption scandal. He was noticed on a charter in a company with the owners of large construction corporations. The mayor of Kyiv was accompanied by the ex-member of the supervisory board of the construction company City Capital Group Maria Kazantseva, who is engaged in the construction of cottage townships in the capital.

In addition, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada and the head of the state corporation "Ukrbud", which is an "umbrella" for offshore companies, Maxim Mykytas, was the mayor's companion.

And what about the promise of the mayor of Kyiv to give each participant in the hostilities in the east and the families of the dead 10 acres of land. Then the authorities took up this matter, but either they failed to bring it to mind, or they simply decided that it was not at all profitable to give away so much land. The promises remained in the distant 2014 year.

Yes, there were isolated cases of land transfer - only 135 families. And this is only half a percent.

All this is explained by the fact that there is simply not enough land in Kyiv. But this is a bit strange, because at almost every meeting the deputies of the Kyiv City Council distribute land to developers for new shopping centers, residential complexes, and so on. It is not yet clear how they are going to solve this problem, and this issue is unlikely to move forward in the near future.

Let's not forget about the situation with Vitali Klitschko's deputies. In addition to the joke that "two, four of which ...", there is also a rather deplorable situation with the fact that they are constantly changing and not from a good life. For 3 years, Vitali Klitschko lost two first deputies, that is, in fact, "second persons in the team", which indicates problems within the city government

At the moment, the mayor of Kyiv has 6 deputies.

Deputies Vitali Klitschko

This happened after the victory of Vladimir Zelensky in the elections. Klchiko, in turn, almost immediately expressed a desire to hold mayoral elections several months ahead of schedule.

Leonid Kosakovsky, who served as the first head of the KSCA from 1993 to 1996, the head of the Kyiv City Council from 1994 to 1997 and the Kyiv city head in 1997-1998, gave a rather interesting analysis of what is happening.

"The semi-legitimate Vitali Klitschko panicked. He, like all heads of administrations, will have to write a letter of resignation to the newly elected President. Whether they will reappoint them or not is a big question. The statement that the new team does not take the old ones, the way he "drowned" Poroshenko in the elections, the recognition that he himself voted for him, the results of the will of the people of Kiev, make us worry," the expert said.

As Leonid Kosakovsky emphasized, a huge legal blunder is added to all this - the lack of official approval of him as head of the Kyiv City State Administration.

“He was forgotten to be appointed head of the Kyiv City State Administration after the next mayoral elections in the fall of 2015, despite the legal position of the Constitutional Court. That is, he remains only appointed according to the Yanukovych-Popov scheme and therefore can be easily replaced in this post by another person. That is why he recently launched Nemtsov in the DW project. Interview" to test the reaction to the thesis of early mayoral elections, which in turn largely depend on who will head the capital's administration after the inauguration, so there may also be surprises here," explains Leonid Kosakovsky.

Evaluation of the work of Vitali Klitschko as mayor

In April 2019, on the Facebook page of the "Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine, the Territorial Branch in Kiev" started about Vitaliy Klitschko. Users of the social network were asked to evaluate the actions of a politician as mayor of Kyiv. Couldn't get an average. But users were divided into two camps: those who put a solid 0 and those who liked his work as mayor.

Beating of ATO Veteran

In December 2018, Vitali Klitschko got into trouble because of his bodyguards. During the planar meeting of the Kyiv City Council, news was heard that surprised everyone. Then Oleksiy Novikov, deputy of the Kyiv City Council, turned to the mayor: “I learned that a combatant, a journalist and my friend, foreman Sergey Yakovlevich, was beaten at night. According to him, from about 1:00 to 2:00 at night he was filming on Bolshaya Khmelnytsky Street near the Opera House and filmed your cortege. After that, he was attacked by your guards, whom he knows personally by sight,” he said.

Vitali Klitschko then only said that he would take the situation under control and deal with all this. But no action was taken after that, visible to the people, and the story remained open.

Shulyavsky bridge

The reconstruction of the Shulyavsky Bridge began on March 16, 2019. And, of course, here, too, did not pass without

Born on July 19, 1971 in the village of Belovodskoye, Kirghiz SSR. The athlete fights in the heavyweight category. The physical data of Vitali Klitschko are as follows: height 200 cm, weight 112 kg. Throughout his biography, Vitali Klitschko has earned 35 victories. Of these, 34 fights were won by knockout.

Having moved to Ukraine with his family as a child, Vitaly became interested in martial arts. However, a more serious interest in kickboxing, discipline, the desire to win, perseverance contributed to winning the title of world kickboxing champion.

Sportsman in 1995 graduated from the Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Pedagogical Institute, then postgraduate studies at the National University physical culture and sports. In the same place, in 2000, Vitaly defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Boxing: Theory and Methods of Sports Selection”.

Vitaly has been playing sports professionally since 1996. Four times Vitaly became the world champion in kickboxing among professionals, twice more among amateurs. In addition, Vitaly won second place at the World Championships, first place in World Games military personnel.

In 1998, the boxer began to fight in America, then to play for the Universum Box-Promotion club, having achieved prestigious titles. In the same year, Vitali Klitschko was recognized as the WBO Intercontinental Champion. Due to the very short time of fights (most of which were won by knockout), Vitali Klitschko was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. 1998 was rich in victories in the biography of Vitali Klitschko. In the autumn of the same year, the athlete won the title of European champion.

In the sports career of Vitaly there were defeats. The first lost fight was a duel with Chris Byrd, in which Klitschko injured his shoulder.

After the fight in 2002 with Larry Donald, Vitali Klitschko was given the WBA world title. The legendary victory in the fight with Lewis further strengthened Klitschko's authority among athletes and fans. Thanks to the victory over Corrie Sanders in 2004, Vitali was awarded the WBC world title. With this honorary title, the boxer announced his retirement from the sport.

However, in 2007 Vitaly resumed his career. The first fight as a result of disagreements did not take place. The next fight with Jameel McCline was canceled due to Vitali's injury. In March 2008, Klitschko lost to Samuel Peter, but Vitali intends to meet the new WBC WBC world title holder once again.

Vitaly, together with his brother Vladimir, founded the International Sports Development Fund, designed to help athletes and coaches. In addition to his passion for sports, Vitaly is engaged in political activities. Klitschko is a member of the Kyiv City Council, being the head of the Vitaliy Klitschko Bloc. In 2006, he ran for the post of mayor of Kyiv, in the elections he took second place. Vitali Klitschko has several national awards: the Order of Merit, the Order of Courage, and the title of Hero of Ukraine.

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The biography of Vitali Klitschko is not so simple and interesting that people in many parts of the Earth have recently been interested in it. This man not only reached significant heights in boxing, but also became a kind of "phenomenon", having left professional sports for the politics of the country, which by and large never was his home.

Family of the future boxing star

Like many Soviet children, Vitali Klitschko knew all the joys and hardships of the pioneer-Komsomol childhood. He was born on 07/19/1971 in the village. Belovodskoe. This settlement was located in the then At that time, families of Soviet military personnel lived on its territory. Vitali Klitschko's parents: father - Vladimir Rodionovich (died in 2011) was a descendant of an impoverished Cossack family. He served as a pilot and ended his career as a major general in the military attache of Ukraine in Germany. Boxer's mother Nadezhda Ulyanovna worked as a teacher.

The homeland of Vitaly's ancestors was the Kiev region. His great-grandfather and other relatives suffered during the mass repressions of the 1930s. Ancestors on the mother's side were shot by the Nazis during the Holocaust. It is the references to these relatives that have now been developed. So, many argue that Klitschko is closer by nationality to Jews than to Ukrainians.

Moving to Ukraine

The biography of Vitali Klitschko baffles many. Some can't understand why this former athlete such love for Ukraine. This is because the citizenship of Vitali Klitschko, especially in recent times, causes many heightened interest, which is not confirmed by official information. In fact, the love for this country appeared in the future boxing star in childhood, when his family moved to Ukraine in 1985. After the endless steppes real homeland Vitaly and other charms of garrison towns, green and blooming Ukraine simply could not help but arouse delight and love in a teenager. And although the life of the Soviet military was far from comfort and luxury, at that time it was normal.

With his outstanding data, Vitaly simply could not help but get into the sport. A prominent and very capable boy, with the blessing of his parents, began to engage in various martial arts. In the 80s of the twentieth century. kickboxing was very popular, which the future boxer preferred. This one captured the guy so much that he devoted all his free time to him. After several years of hard training and thanks to his desire to win at any cost, Vitaly became the world champion.

The collapse of the USSR and moving to Germany

The biography of Vitali Klitschko since 1991, like that of millions of other Ukrainians, has changed dramatically. After the collapse of the USSR, everyone who lived on the territory of Ukraine at that moment and had no objections accepted the citizenship of this country. Thus, the majority of people born in the Soviet Union became citizens of the republics in which they were located at the time of the collapse of this vast country.

After spending some time in Ukraine, Vitali Klitschko, a biography whose family were closely connected with Germany (through the new service of his father a boxer), decided to move to this country to develop his professional career. There, Fritz Sdunek became his first coach. During the years spent in this country, Vitaly received a residence permit in Germany. There is information that he pays all taxes from his income there. The citizenship of Vitali Klitschko has always been of particular interest, since according to the laws in force in Ukraine, foreigners cannot apply for the post of President of the country.

Vitali Klitschko, whose biography is rich not only in sports, but also in other events, has a higher education. In 1995, he graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in the city of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky (Ukraine) and received a diploma as a "Teacher of Physical Education". After that, he successfully entered the graduate school of the National University of Physical Education and Sports. The training was successful, so in 2000 Vitaly defended his Ph.D. thesis, the topic of which was quite predictable: "Methodology for determining the abilities of boxers in a multi-stage selection system." After graduating from the National Academy of Public Administration, Vitaly received a master's degree. His specialty is "Community Development Management".

Physical parameters of Vitaly

According to its constitution, this athlete has always resembled an epic hero. His height is 202 cm. The usual weight during his sports career is 112-114 kg. It was these physical data that led to his transition to the heavyweight category.

Professional career

Being a three-time champion of Ukraine among amateurs, Vitaliy has become a professional athlete. He twice received the title of world champion in kickboxing among amateurs and four times among professionals. In addition, he took first place in the games of military personnel, in which athletes from all over the world performed. Since 1998, the boxer began to hold his fights in the USA. After that, he began to play for the Universum Box-Promotion club, where he achieved very prestigious titles. In 1998, Vitaly was recognized as the WBO Intercontinental Champion. His distinctive feature fights have always been short. And almost all of them were won by knockout in the first rounds. Thanks to such "lightning" victories, his name was included in the Guinness Book of Records. He is listed as the athlete who won 26 fights by knockout in the fewest rounds. In the same year he becomes the European champion.

In 2002, having defeated Larry Donald, Vitaly won the WBA world title. This was not his last success. The victory in 2004 over brought him the title of champion according to the WBC.

In the amateur ring, he had 95 fights (80 - victory, 72 of them - knockout). In the professional ring, he participated in 47 fights (45 - victory, 41 of them - knockout).

Vitali Klitschko defeats

The fights of Vitali Klitschko were not always victorious for him. In his professional career, there were also high-profile defeats. So, during a fight with him, he injured his shoulder and for the first time lost to his serious opponent. Legendary fight with which Vitaly received many cuts, but did not want to stop the fight, further raised his authority in the boxing environment, despite his defeat.

Departure and return to professional boxing

The biography of Vitali Klitschko is very reminiscent of a roller coaster. Unlike the “calm” sports career of his younger brother, Vladimir, who is quite satisfied with everything anyway, the older brother could not stop at boxing. His ambition in 2004 pushed him to an unexpected step - he announced his retirement from professional sports. Possessing the honorary title of world champion, Vitaly decided to plunge headlong into the big politics of the country, of which he became a citizen back in 1991. Despite the fact that his opposition comrades-in-arms, whom he supported during the mass protests on the Maidan in 2004, won and ruled Ukraine, he did not get a prestigious place among this elite at that time. Vitaly had to be content with the title of deputy of the Kyiv City Council. In 2006 he ran for mayor but finished second. It was because of the failures in his political career that in 2007 he again resumed his sports career.

Return to big box not without incidents. The first announced fight did not take place due to some disagreements between the opponents. And the next fight was canceled due to an injury received in training. In 2008, Klitschko lost the fight to Samuel Peter, but then returned the WBC world title. His last fight took place on 09/08/2012.

Vitali Klitschko awards

He is the Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. This eminent athlete has national awards. Among them, the most honorable are the orders "For Courage" and "For Merit". He also has the title of "Hero of Ukraine".

Social activities and hobbies

Together with his brother Vladimir, Vitaly founded the International Fund for the Promotion of Sports. Since 2002, he has been a UNESCO Special Commissioner for the Education for Poor Children program. Since 2003, Klitschko has been the head of the board of the Klitschko Brothers Foundation. Since 2005, Vitaliy has been a member of the NOC of Ukraine.

In his free time from politics and boxing, he enjoys chess, surfing, diving, volleyball, athletics, basketball, cycling. Vitaly loves to listen to music.

Klitschko in politics

Vitali Klitschko's "Udar" party during the last parliamentary elections in Ukraine entered the Supreme Council of Ukraine with quite a great result. This abbreviation stands for "Ukrainian Democratic Reform Alliance". A serious political career of a boxer began in 2006. At that time, he ran for elections to the Kyiv City Council and the Supreme Council of Ukraine. Today he is the head of the "Blow" faction. In his parliamentary activities, Vitaliy was remembered for regular blocking of the speaker's podium and not very intelligible and not constructive speeches.

The latest events that shocked not only Ukraine, but the whole world, began with the President's refusal, quite typical for the political life of normal democratic countries, to urgently sign agreements with the EU that are unfavorable for Ukraine. The sluggish confrontation between supporters of the European Union and law enforcement agencies, which began in the late autumn of 2013, on February 20, 2014, grew into real fighting battles on the main square of the capital of Ukraine. And all this time, Vitali Klitschko with his opposition associates (A. Yatsenyuk and O. Tyagnibok) from the constantly growing barricades called on everyone to disobey the authorities and revolutionary actions.

When the first victims appeared, no matter how he guaranteed the prevention of further bloodshed, he could not fulfill this promise. As a result of the clashes between the protesters and the police, who had already managed to arm themselves at the call of the radicals, more than 100 people (civilians and law enforcement officers) died in a few days. There are still hundreds of victims in hospitals. To date, mass protests continue in all regions of the country. It is sad that now everyone stands up for something of their own, and opponents do not want to hear each other. The awakened “self-consciousness” of the people of Ukraine cannot calm down in any way, therefore Russia and the whole world are already involved in the conflict between citizens. Apparently, Vitali Klitschko, calling people to the barricades, did not expect such a large-scale result of his slogans. He realized this even when the raging Protestants poured a fire extinguisher over him, such a well-known and democratic person, when he asked them not to attack the line of policemen.

Political ambitions

After the events in Ukraine in 2013-2014. Vitali Klitschko announced his intention to fight for the presidency in early presidential elections, although his political force did not receive a single seat in the newly formed government. In fact, Vitaly's political career after the terrible events that took place this year is in big question, since many of his former supporters were completely disappointed in him, and he never gained new ones.


Vitaly is married to (former fashion model). Has two sons - Yegor (2000), Maxim (2005), and also a daughter, Elizaveta (2002).