Is it possible to rejuvenate the face with exercise. A loving woman dreams of being always attractive and keeping her youth as long as possible.

It is believed that exercise improves collagen production, makes the skin more elastic, it looks younger - but is it true?

There are even special techniques: yoga for the face, facial aerobics, different exercises- in fact, all this has existed for a very long time, because people have always sought to preserve youth.

The essence of facelift exercises is tension and stretching. facial muscles(as well as neck muscles). I wonder how all this is justified?

Promising gymnastics

In general, there is a simple logic behind these exercises for facial muscles: since this is a muscle, then their training will maintain tone, make the skin more elastic, and there will be better blood supply. If such exercises are performed regularly, you can get rid of small, shallow wrinkles and lines on the face, you can really achieve some rejuvenation, because if, for example, you have flabby arms, then with the help of regular workouts they can become taut, and this works at almost any age (except, perhaps, very old age). It's the same with facelift through exercise.

And how long to wait for the result?

With regular (ideally daily) and safe practice, improvement in the condition of the skin of the face can be noticed in a month or two! It will manifest itself in the form of smoothing fine lines, the chin will become taut, the face will shine with health.

Remember to moisturize

Gymnastics for facial muscles will stimulate blood flow to the skin on the face, as well as increase oxygen exchange in it. This, in turn, stimulates the release of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity. This is supported by data from researchers such as Dr. Bindu Sthalekar, dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Hurkisondas Hospital & Skin Solutions Clinic. Thus, you can not only rejuvenate your face, but also relieve tension in the facial muscles, which will also lead to stress relief in the body, alleviate sinusitis and thyroid diseases.

True, there is an interesting point: although facial rejuvenation exercises give a truly remarkable and long-term result, it is important not to “overdo it” with them so as not to injure the skin.

Why is it important to moisturize the skin before doing facial exercises? This is necessary so as not to damage, not to stretch the skin too much. In other words, this way you can prevent its possible damage if you overdo it with exercises. And in any case, moisturizing the skin of the face will only benefit.

After doing the exercises, do a light massage of the skin of the face and neck - this will help relieve tension, “straighten” the skin.

Avoid too much tension, as well as any extreme movements. The fact is that according to Dr. Apratim Goel (Cutis clinic), wrinkles on the face are divided into two types: dynamic and static. Dynamic wrinkles are formed due to excessive activity of the facial muscles, while static wrinkles are formed due to a decrease in the volume of subcutaneous tissues. That is, if you strain your facial muscles too much, you can earn yourself dynamic wrinkles. The same applies to too intense massage. However, this must be understood correctly, because if the muscles on the face are not trained at all, they will become flabby, and the skin will be the same after them. You just need to do everything harmoniously and correctly.

Examples of simple facial rejuvenation exercises

Forehead: place your index fingers along the eyebrows, and pressing the skin in this place, pull the skin of the forehead up (as when raising the eyebrows). Hold in the final position for 20 seconds, then relax your forehead muscles. Repeat 3-4 times.

Eyes: blink with one eye while closing the other, just blink so that the eye does not close completely (tension of the eyelids will be felt). Hold the "blink" for 20 seconds, then do the same with the other eye.

Cheeks: close your eyes, place your fingers with tips on your cheekbones, palms on your cheeks, as if pulling your cheeks down. Now begin to smile, creating a counter stretch of the skin of the cheeks upwards. In the final position, linger for 20 seconds, then relax. Repeat 4-5 times. After that, open your mouth as wide as you can, hold for 10 seconds, close and relax it. Repeat 4-5 times.

Now, purse your lips tightly, puff out your cheeks, hold for 10 seconds, relax. Repeat 4-5 times.

In fact, there are various facial rejuvenation exercises that can be done safely at home. There is even something as simple as antics- also very effective when all facial muscles are tensed. The main thing is to approach everything reasonably, harmoniously, and then your skin will regain its health, long-awaited tone and beauty.

Who does not dream of staying healthy and full of energy to a ripe old age? However, a beautiful appearance and good health over the years are given more and more difficult. The task is simplified if you are familiar with such a concept as the "eye of rebirth". The exercises of Tibetan lamas are an opportunity to correct the situation by devoting only 15–20 minutes a day to classes. There is a legend that this ritual was invented by monks living in an ancient Tibetan monastery. This belief about the sages who revealed the secret of youth has real grounds. Physical state organism directly depends on spiritual harmony. What failures inside a person lead to premature aging? The philosophy of the Tibetan lamas is definitely of interest.

The impact of exercise on the human body

Secret eternal youth described in Peter Kelder's book. It was he who was lucky in 1938 to meet with Tibetan lamas. It is not known how he managed to persuade the monks to be frank. But as a result, Peter brought valuable knowledge from Tibet, which he later shared with a wide audience.

Effective rejuvenation of the body with the help of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is achieved by influencing the energy sphere. The theory is based on the presence of human body points of accumulation of energy. Rotation takes place around these centers. That is why lamas call such places whirlwinds. Another name is chakras.

The flow of vitality depends on the speed of rotation, and, accordingly, the state of health. A decrease in the power of energy fields provokes aging. Therefore, if you correctly influence certain points, you can extend longevity. Complex special exercises stimulates rotation, bringing its strength to the limit.

In total, there are 19 vortices in the body. A larger number plays a supporting role. The main ones are only 7 chakras. Failures in their work lead to a clear deterioration in the health of internal organs, skin condition. In this case, spiritual disharmony also sets in. The person becomes nervous and aggressive. He is more prone to stress, which, in turn, brings old age closer.

Each chakra is responsible for the functioning of certain glands. When everything is in order, the necessary substances are synthesized smoothly. The processes occurring in the body are regulated by hormones. Because the impact on the vortices using gymnastic exercises is of great importance. We list the aspects of the influence of the "eye of rebirth" on a person:

  • slowing down the aging process;
  • respiratory system training;
  • lung recovery;
  • increase in mental abilities;
  • prevention of many diseases;
  • replenishment of the energy reserve;
  • cleaning from slags;
  • healing of the joints;
  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • improved coordination;
  • muscle training and flexibility development;
  • relaxation of the body;
  • body shape correction.

Normalization of the endocrine system is worth a lot. The normal functioning of the whole organism is hampered by the slightest changes in the hormonal background. Tibetan yoga aims to prevent problems as well as to solve them directly.

The right approach to gymnastics "the eye of rebirth"

Starting to perform exercises for the first time, keep in mind that the load should be minimal. An unprepared body needs time to adapt.. Each time you can add the number of moves until you reach the maximum. According to Tibetan lamas, 21 times are enough to renew prana. More for rejuvenation is not worth doing. Everything should be in moderation. By doubling or even tripling this number of repetitions, people are no longer just showing concern for health. In this case, we are talking about the practice of spiritual improvement.

Load increase scheme:

  • the first days three times for one exercise;
  • the second week - five repetitions;
  • third week - increase the amount up to 7 times;
  • fourth week - perform one exercise 9 times.

It turns out that every new week we add twice. As a result, it will take 9 weeks to reach the number 21. This will be the complete series of rituals. For four months, one approach per day is enough. Choose morning or evening. When yoga becomes a habit, you can do two series daily.

In order for the rituals to give a real result, it is necessary to adhere to the following conditions:

  1. Tibetan yoga of rejuvenation will be effective with a systematic approach. If you are not going to exercise regularly, you should not expect positive changes. Even one missed day delays the goal;
  2. Control the depth of your breath. The effectiveness of the exercises depends on this;
  3. Do your best while exercising. Diligence is the key to success;
  4. It is better to do gymnastics on an empty stomach. The best time is dawn. But this is not essential. It is allowed to return to the rituals at any convenient time. You can do two approaches a day;
  5. You can not force the body in the early days. If you feel tired or sore muscles, postpone the lesson until tomorrow. Overvoltage gives a negative result;
  6. Proper execution - required condition. Every time you improve your skills more and more. Do not do rituals just for show. Strive to transcend yesterday's self;
  7. Take a break between exercises. You need to straighten the body and stand for a couple of minutes. In this case, you should breathe slowly and deeply;
  8. Allow yourself to relax after the rituals. Try to fully relax and mentally protect yourself from the outside world. This does not take much time. Soon you will feel cheerful and will be able to do the usual things.

Gymnastics Tibetan monks- a real treasure. But not for the lazy ones. You can achieve results if you are focused.

Technique for performing anti-aging exercises

Learn the movements and do it yourself Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation of the body is quite possible. There is nothing extremely complicated about them.

Starting position

The vertical position of the body, feet shoulder width apart, arms extended to the sides.

Exercise 1

Doing rotational movements clockwise. After several rotations from left to right, you need to stop and listen to your feelings. If you do not feel dizzy, you can repeat. Otherwise, it's time to stop. Wait for the dizziness to pass. If necessary, it makes sense to sit down or even lie down. To make the exercise easier, experts advise keeping your eyes on one point. Watch her while you can. Then turn around and again look for the selected point with your eyes. As for the pace, it's slow to begin with. You can speed up every time. In this regard, everything is individual. There should be no discomfort after the exercise.

Exercise 2

We take a prone position. The face is directed upward. The back is straight. Hands pressed to the floor. They need to be aligned along the body. We exhale. Then we raise our head until the chin rests on the chest. While inhaling, raise the legs vertically until a right angle is formed with the body. It's important to keep them straight. Over time, you can strive to pull the dogs further towards the head. After lifting, we return to the starting position, while exhaling. Repeat the exercise for as long as strength allows. It is not necessary to torment the body with exorbitant loads. Especially if you are new to this business.

Exercise 3

Kneeling, keep the body straight. Hands should be on hips. We tilt the head forward. After we throw the head back, at the same time bending the spine. Resting hands on the hips helps to maximize the arch of the torso. We straighten up and repeat the exercise again. We control the rhythm of breathing. Deflection - inhale, return to the original position - exhale. We try to fill the lungs completely. The more air, the better.

Exercise 4

Exercise in a sitting position. We take the starting position: sitting on the floor, stretch our legs forward and spread them shoulder-width apart. We press our hands to the body and rest our palms on the floor. We tilt the neck so that the chin is pressed to the chest. Then we throw our head back and raise our torso. At the same time, we bend our legs at the knees. This should happen while inhaling. We keep the body parallel to the floor, straining the muscles of our body. The support goes to the palms and feet. Then slowly sit down on the exhale. We make a break. We repeat the action.

Exercise 5

We take emphasis lying down. We straighten our arms, align the torso, continuing to rest on the palms. We take the head back. We begin to bend so that the fifth point is at the top. You need to take the shape of the letter "L", resting on the palms and feet. The back should remain straight. Raising the body, we inhale the air. Chin pressed against thoracic. We linger in this position for 3-4 seconds. We return to the starting position, exhaling. During the exercise, the muscles of the whole body are constantly tense.

Unaccustomed to the Tibetan rejuvenating gymnastics, the eye of rebirth may seem like a difficult test. In fact physical training will improve each time. Over time, the exercises will no longer be given with such difficulty. In difficult times, remember - the result is worth the effort.

Complementary pearls

Ritual exercises are often called the pearls of Tibet. A person who knows their true value gains health and prolongs his years of life. So that the flow of internal energy does not dry out, it is better to perform exercises in a complex. After all, each of them complements each other. Consider their effect on the body.

The first exercise releases internal energy. Feeling better. There is a surge of strength. Bad emotions recede. Increases stress tolerance. In addition, rotations train the vestibular apparatus.

The second exercise helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Eliminates problems of the genitourinary system. Increases libido. Affects the thyroid gland, improving its work. Plus it rejuvenates the skin.

The third exercise heals the joints, tones the muscles of the back and neck. Also, the ritual can get rid of diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis. Very helpful this exercise for women. This is especially true for those who suffer from irregular cycles.

The fourth exercise has a beneficial effect on internal organs. Improves blood circulation. And during this ritual, the muscles of the back and legs swing. A person forgets about arthritis, back pain and other similar problems.

The fifth exercise makes the body flexible and strong. It affects the brain, stimulates its work. The memory function gradually improves, thoughts become clear, and concentration of attention reaches its possible limit. Internal reserves are opened and a person becomes more collected and active.

There is a sixth exercise that helps to establish a sexual life and restore reproductive function. However, you should be interested in the sixth pearl after the first five take a secure place in your daily plans.

Many people have rejuvenated their own body with the help of Tibetan pearls. This is evidenced by a large number positive feedback. Those who managed to master the skill speak of excellent health, increased efficiency, inner harmony and a youthful appearance. Of course, gymnastics should be accompanied by lifestyle adjustments:

  1. proper nutrition;
  2. rejection of bad habits;
  3. full sleep;
  4. moderate physical exercise;
  5. quality rest.

They say you can't turn back time. Of course, you will never be the same again. But to feel young and look accordingly is an achievement within the power of everyone. Peter Kelder says that the monks who lifted the curtain on the mystery were, in fact, very old. Each of them is over 100 years old. But to call them old people did not turn the tongue. After all, in appearance none of them could be given more than 25 years.

Old age is no reason to surrender to the mercy of nature. If you are ready to go against the current, the "eye of rebirth" is on your side. Just five exercises a day and your physical and spiritual health is in perfect order!

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared ...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...

I have long known that there is fitness for the face. Even tried some exercises. They work well, by the way. Especially after a week or two of daily practice.

But I rather just dabbled, because for men this is not relevant. But women should try. Moreover, it is completely free and takes almost no time.

Everyone knows what physical education is, but not everyone is familiar with the concept of face culture. How to highlight the cheekbones, get rid of the second chin and wrinkles with the help of facial training, was told by the author of the book "Faceculture" Alena Rossoshinskaya.

Our face, just like the body, needs physical activity. But if the fight for the press cubes and tightened buttocks takes place in the gym, the battle against wrinkles, as a rule, unfolds in the beautician's office and on the surgical table.

Fortunately, you can prolong youth and beauty in less radical ways - by training the facial muscles. This approach is simply called face culture.

Facial fitness trainer Alena Rossoshinskaya shared with a set of exercises that will help you forget about some aesthetic problems.

What is face culture?

This is not just a set of exercises, it is the control of facial expressions, psycho-emotional state, bad facial habits, head position and posture. Such facial practices help to slow down the process age-related changes(especially if you start exercising at a young age) and significantly improve the condition of the face.

I never oppose facial exercises to the achievements of modern cosmetology or plastic surgery- these are completely different realities, but they have one goal - to prolong youth and beauty. It is easier for someone to do injection procedures and get an immediate result, for someone only exercises are closer.

No. 1. Highlight the cheekbones

With the help of exercises for the face, you can visually lift the cheekbones.

I recommend doing next exercise: puff out your cheeks, put your palms on them. Lips tightly closed. Make sure that there are no wrinkles and folds in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle and around the eyes! Rhythmically inflate and deflate your cheeks, pressing on them with your palms. Repeat 20 times. Then inflate your cheeks and stay in this position for 20 seconds. After that, relax, gently stroke your cheeks and lightly pat them with your fingers.

No. 2. Working on the volume of the lips

The face is given to us by nature. With the help of facial practices, we can only create an improved version of ourselves.

After regular exercise with a bottle, the lips really increase in size, you can even take a before and after photo. But to fix the result of the exercise, you need to perform several times a day: stick out your lips, squeeze the neck of the bottle between them (it should rest against closed teeth).

Start squeezing the neck with the inner surface of your lips. Make sure that the lip contour is not pinched, but relaxed, and wrinkles and wrinkles do not form on it. Perform 30-50 repetitions.

No. 3. We fight with the second chin

To get rid of the double chin, first of all you need to straighten your back and always make sure that the chin is parallel to the floor. I recommend the following exercise:

Fold a scarf or towel several times, wrap it around your face. Pull the scarf up while resisting with your chin. Repeat 25 times.

I like to do this exercise right after washing my face: the lifting tool - a towel - is already at hand. Exercise is best done in combination with exercises for posture and neck.

If the presence of a second chin is caused overweight- will have to deal with this issue.

No. 4. We remove wrinkles on the forehead

First of all, try to control facial expressions! And do forehead exercises twice a day. Press the palms firmly to the forehead above the eyebrows and to the temples.

Pull the forehead muscle down and slightly to the sides with your fingers, then slowly raise your eyebrows 20 times, resisting with your hands.

For the 20th time, hold the muscles in this position, counting up to 20. Important: the exercise is performed at a slow pace.

No. 5. Get rid of sagging eyelids

Perform exercises for the area around the eyes in combination with exercises for the forehead.

Eye Brow and Upper Eyelid Lifting Exercise: Place the base of your hands on your upper eyelids just below the brow bone. Look down while raising your eyebrows with your hands.

Try to cover your eyes with only upper eyelid. Hold this position for a count of 20. Then relax. Repeat 3 times.


Of course, there are contraindications. Diseases of the skin of the face (pustular diseases, regardless of the location of the focus on the face).

Skin diseases (eczema, fungal diseases, flat warts), inflammatory diseases of the facial and trigeminal nerve, neuropathy.

ENT diseases - runny nose, inflammation of the tonsils (since bacteria can also be carried into the body with the lymph flow).

Diseases of the lymphatic system, disorders of cerebral circulation, hypertension of the third stage, general poor health - until you recover.

Avoid pressure on injured areas of the face and where there are abrasions and scratches.

For chronic paresis facial nerve, facial paralysis of any etiology, do exercises for the oval of the face with great care.

Direct contraindications are diseases in an active form or in the acute stage.

All beauties at any age want their face to remain young and attractive. long years. Nowadays, men also want to look younger and fit. Unfortunately, over the years, quite unpleasant changes occur: loss of elasticity of facial muscles, wrinkles, sagging cheeks and a double chin. Is it possible to turn back time and restore the former beauty?

Facial exercises come to the rescue. Regular exercise will help to rejuvenate and keep external freshness for many years.

What influences our appearance?

Individual appearance depends on many structural factors. So, a person's face acquires certain features based on the shape of the skull, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, and the condition of the muscles.

This living frame includes more than seventy muscles, which eventually atrophy and dry out. In addition, even the shape of the skull changes with age, the ligaments are stretched.

Thus, as a rule, it is not the skin that is to blame for such troubles as sagging cheeks, a swollen oval of the face, and the appearance of deep nasolabial folds.

It only repeats the outlines of the muscular corset, gives out those changes in the skull and ligaments that have occurred. The aging process is individual, moreover, it depends on such factors as dietary habits, the presence of bad habits, and the human environment. Many of them can be influenced systematically by applying some internal efforts.

Even a dull state of mind can affect the appearance, provoking premature aging. And vice versa - a cheerful spirit will be able to maintain the youth of the body.

One thing is for sure - no most expensive cream alone can give freshness to the look if the young years are behind. And only gymnastics for the face from wrinkles can solve the problems that have arisen.

Facebook building or faceforming

Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face has a number of synonyms that have come to us from the West - this is facelift or faceforming (aka facebuilding). This is a specific set of exercises for the muscles of the neck and face.

Exercises, as a rule, are designed on the principle of training muscles with the help of certain facial expressions or hand movements.

A properly designed complex can work wonders:

  • the forehead will again become smooth and taut;
  • bags under the eyes will disappear and stop giving their owner a tired look;
  • the eyelids will return to their former elasticity;
  • cheeks will cease to sag ugly;
  • nasolabial folds will go wrong, the skin will even out;
  • the corners of the lips will rise;
  • the second chin will disappear;
  • restore the shape of the nose.

The first results are usually visible after a few weeks of training.

Gymnastics for the face from wrinkles is carried out either with an instructor or on your own.

A bit of facebook history

The first exercises, according to legend, were developed in 1930 by Reinhold Benz, a famous plastic surgeon of his time. Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face was presented to his beloved as a gift.

Eva, that was the name of Reinhold's love of life, had a toned, youthful body at 42 years old. At the same time, her face betrayed her - it looked flabby and not attractive. And so the word “face building” was born (literally “face building”), denoting a set of special exercises aimed at returning the correct forms and smoothing wrinkles.

Now gymnastics for the face in a variety of ways is denoted by this word. The roots of therapy, however, can be found in ancient times - in yoga, Old Slavonic techniques and the practice of qigong.

Variety of approaches

Now in the network and specialized magazines you can find a lot of different complexes exercises with detailed descriptions. It is important to decide on one approach and stick to it for a certain time.

Here are just a few popular approaches:

  • Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face, developed by Carol Maggio. Active women and men will appreciate this effective strength program. It is important not to pump muscles, so it is better to exercise under the supervision of an instructor;
  • Gentle faceforming program from Benita Cantieni. This gentle technique is suitable for people with delicate skin and muscles. It will take less time, will not stretch the skin. Contains elements of yoga;
  • Men's program designed by Jack Laplan, a well-known bodybuilder. The complex is aimed at the formation correct posture in the area of ​​the neck and upper back, as well as in the fight against mimic wrinkles.

Whatever approach is chosen, it is important to understand the mechanism of action of certain exercises.

mindlessly doing simple moves, you can sometimes achieve the opposite of what you want. For example, you can get the effect of an unnatural face or pump individual muscles, add new wrinkles.

Ideally, facial gymnastics should be carried out under the vigilant supervision of a specialist. It is not recommended to resort to it until the age of 25, and in some cases even up to 35 years.

As with any other method of healing and rejuvenation, there are contraindications. These are diseases of the facial nerve, and a hypertensive crisis, and a two-year period after plastic surgery.

Gymnastics Hadu for the face

This type of exercise is unique in that it excludes any kind of tactile impact.

The effectiveness of the technique depends on the strength of the muscles. Exercises should be performed until the stage of fatigue is reached.

Tangible physical activity provides a rush of blood. Classes can be a wonderful alternative to surgical interventions and novelties in cosmetology.

Gymnastics Hadu for the face was developed by a man, but is popular primarily among women. It is important to follow the instructions exactly and not to abuse the exercises.

Exercises are performed without hands purely due to muscle movement:

  • eyebrows should be moved up and down, accelerating the pace each time;
  • "rat face" - a change of evil and good facial expressions;
  • repetition of the sounds "u-o-s" or "wow";
  • lips need to move to the right, then to the left;
  • various stretch marks of the eyes, lips and neck.

Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face has proven to be effective in solving individual problems of patients.

These four exercises, which will strengthen and stabilize your health, activate your muscles. They will increase your flexibility and mobility, and the more you experience daily activities, the faster you will feel the result.

These four exercises, which will strengthen and stabilize your health, activate your muscles. They will increase your flexibility and mobility, and the more you experience daily activities, the faster you will feel the result.

It would be wrong to say that your muscles will become voluminous and strong, that you can easily sit on the splits and start breaking speed records. This is due to the genetic predisposition, which not everyone has.

4 general health exercises from Kazudzo Nishi

What these exercises really do is increase endurance and muscle softness.. Specifically, this manifests itself, for example, in the fact that you can easily walk longer distances than before or you will not experience discomfort after lifting weights. It will become easier for you to perceive more complex physical activities than before, which means that your body will take the path of progress.

Don’t worry if you don’t notice quick changes, it happens differently for everyone, the main thing is to believe that everything will work out for you.

Getting down to some business, it is very important from the very beginning to believe in victory, in a positive result. I am not asking you to be presumptuous. Of course, effort is important in any business.

Each of us from time to time is faced with the fact that, even having made efforts and having done everything possible, we do not believe in victory, until the end doubting whether what we started will work out.

Thoughts are part of our health, and by thinking about something bad, we thereby bring discord into the operation of systems. If the outcome of the case does not depend on us, then it is better not to think about it at all. It is important to learn to think only well, call it what you want - optimism, positive.

I can tell you about one simple exercise: as soon as you start thinking about something bad - find a secluded place and do 20 squats.

intensive physical activity for some time it will supplant thoughts, and having done a small but good deed for your body, you will no longer be so upset and you will not want to return to heavy thoughts.

And finally, the last tip - enjoy these exercises, think during the session about how you help yourself, - with pleasant thoughts and doing more fun, and, paradoxically, the effect of these exercises is much better than the same, but performed in a depressed state.

Exercise 1

standing; feet shoulder width apart, arms relaxed. There is an object on the floor (you can choose it yourself), which rises above the floor for a certain distance.

Experiment, everything is individual here: find an item that suits you.

You need to reach with the fingertips of your right (then left) hand to this object, and only the torso should be bent, the legs should remain straight at the knees.

Exercise 2

standing straight; feet together, arms relaxed.

Try to reach the ceiling with your fingertips.

Imagine that if you try hard, you will succeed. Stretch with all your might, stretch your arms, torso, legs.

Exercise 3

Close the thumb and forefinger of the hand (first right, then left) into a ring. Then place the middle finger on the middle phalanx of the index finger to make another ring. Do the same with the rest of your fingers.

This exercise helps to develop and keep in good shape the joints of the fingers, as well as the muscles and tendons of the wrists.

Exercise 4

standing straight; legs slightly apart. The arm (first right, then left) is extended forward.

Slowly move your arm back as far as you can. Feel it stretch shoulder joint? Now return your hand to its original position.published.

Katsuzo Nishi "Selected Exercises and Meditations"

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P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet