Methods of teaching types of athletics. Lectures on athletics with teaching methods

There are the following teaching methods: whole, divided, mixed.

Holistic method learning involves the study of the entire action as a whole and is used when teaching simple actions. It is also used in teaching promising students who have high level coordination abilities. As the whole action is studied, attention is paid to the general picture of movements, its main function (for example, to jump as far as possible in length), then individual unsuccessful details that interfere with the formation of high-quality movement technique are studied and corrected.

Dismembered method training is the most common and applied on initial stage training and in teaching technically complex actions. A holistic action is analyzed, divided into parts (technical details) that can be performed separately. Then the sequence of studying individual details is determined, a plan-scheme for teaching their technique is drawn up, methods and means of training are selected. The next stage is to study, if necessary, a group of details, i.e. structural links are formed between the details of technology. The final stage is the study of the entire action as a whole, consolidation and improvement.

mixed method learning includes elements of holistic and dissected methods.

Along with general teaching methods, there are direct teaching methods: verbal, visual, physical exercise, direct assistance.

verbal method plays an important role in the study of movement technique. The teacher, with the help of explanations, stories, helps to create an idea of ​​the movement, to understand the movement, to characterize it. The word connects all the means, methods and techniques of teaching. main role this method plays an explanation, after which the student tries to perform this or that movement, then, having sorted out the mistakes, again tries to perform it. The main means of the verbal method are: a story, an explanation, a reminder, an explanation, an indication, a hint, an analysis of the performed action, an analysis of errors.

visual method -- while watching the demonstration, the student can take in the whole picture of the technique, get an idea of ​​the complexity or ease of performing the movements. Visual perception of the demonstrated technique gives the most objective reflection of it in the minds of students, creates the correct motor representation, subject to an exemplary demonstration. There are two types of visibility: 1) direct visibility- a reliable image of movements - an exemplary display, the use of drawings, posters, cinematographs - planar visibility, layouts, models - three-dimensional visibility, film and video recordings - hardware (technical) visibility; 2) auditory clarity- sound design of movements, which is very important when studying the rhythm and tempo of movements.

Direct Assistance Method used in teaching postures in various conditions in slow pace. This method, in fact, is the correction of errors from the outside.

Training means and methods of their application (methods) are organically interconnected, i.e. it is impossible to separate them from each other, and only for a better understanding of the essence of the training process, theoretically, they are considered separately. The main method of training athletics– method of exercise, i.e. repetitive performance of movements and actions in different conditions (strictly regulated exercise, game, competitive). The most important feature of the exercise method is the repetition of actions. There is no exercise without repetition. Only with systematic and repeated repetition of movement cause certain changes in the form, structure, functional capabilities of a person. Only thanks to the repetition of movements, the qualities of a person develop, certain traits of his character are formed.

Depending on the tasks of training and the preparedness of athletes in practical work, different options for the method of exercises are used: uniform, repeated, variable, interval, circular, game, competitive.

Uniform is a method in which a relatively constant speed is maintained for a long time. The method is used mainly to improve endurance and consists in the fact that a long exercise is performed once with relatively the same intensity (long distance, cross-country, etc.).

Repeated- a method of performing exercises in which the action is performed repeatedly with a given constant efficiency at random intervals. This is the most versatile method that is used to solve a wide variety of tasks: training, improving motor skills and physical qualities, education, etc. The method has a number of varieties: maximum effort, unlimited effort “to failure”, “shock method”, statistical effort, etc.

Variable training method is characterized by a change in the intensity of repetitive movements and actions (physical exercises). In athletics, it is used to develop motor qualities (strength, speed, general and special endurance, agility), tactical abilities, to correct mistakes in the technique of performing movements, as well as in organizing outdoor activities.

interval method is the performance of standard exercises through strictly dosed intervals of incomplete rest. It is used to improve special endurance.

Circular method - sequential performance of exercises that affect various muscle groups and functional systems by type: a) repeated work, b) interval work, c) by the type of the same time of work and rest (actually circular). Usually, exercises are combined into a “circle” of 4 or more task-exercises (“stations”), which are repeated 2 or more times. It is used, as a rule, to improve physical qualities.

Game method - a method in which the exercise is organized in a playful way (who is better).

For competitive method characterized by the performance of physical exercises (mainly basic sports) with the greatest intensity. At the same time, the athlete observes the rules of the competition and strives to achieve high results. The competitive method is used to increase the load, the emotionality of classes, to check the level of fitness, to sum up the results of the training process. This method constitutes a specific feature of the sport.

In the process of training, all methods of training are used. Their skillful application and variety makes the training process varied and effective.

Types of training in athletics

During the course physical education and sports, it is necessary to work with those involved in athletics within the established notions of training in this sport: psychological training, theoretical, physical, technical and tactical training.

Psychological preparation . The following categories should be attributed to the morally significant qualities to be educated in students: honesty, discipline, diligence, civil courage, patriotism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, respect for elders, etc. Effective methods moral education are: a personal example of a trainer-teacher, persuasion, purposeful setting of complicating tasks, encouragement and punishment. Volitional and psychological preparation is carried out from the first steps in athletics. The manifestation of will is diverse and is expressed in the following characteristics: purposefulness and overcoming difficulties, independence and initiative, perseverance and courage, endurance and self-control, dedication and "ability to endure". The highest expression of volitional qualities is found in the manifestation of the so-called "fighting qualities", i.e. the ability to concentrate all physical and spiritual efforts as much as possible at the moment of responsible competitions, endure fatigue, pain, break the opponent's resistance and demonstrate the maximum capabilities necessary to achieve victory. A distinctive sign of the development of volitional qualities is precisely the achievement of higher results in competitions than in training.

Theoretical training Theoretical training of an athlete consists in deepening the knowledge related to sports specialization, with an understanding of all aspects of one's training.

Theoretical training provides the following range of knowledge:

Knowledge of the goals and objectives of the training process for this athlete;

Know the basic provisions of building the training process;

Know the basics of the technique of your type of athletics;

Know your individual characteristics;

Know the basics of medical control;

Be able to keep records of training work (training diaries, analysis of work performed).

Theoretical training is carried out with the help of conversations held during training sessions, special lectures and reports. In addition, athletes are required to regularly read books, newspapers, magazines, watch special films, etc.

Physical training of athletes

Physical training is aimed at improving physical fitness involved, i.e. strengthening of organs and systems, increasing their functionality, developing the motor qualities of athletes: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination. Physical training is divided into general and special. The task of the general physical training for any athlete, regardless of the type of specialization in athletics, to create the foundation of functional readiness for improvement in the chosen specialization, to achieve high performance of the body when performing any activity.

Technical training

Reaching high sports results is impossible without mastering the basics of the technique of selected types of athletics and continuous improvement in technique. The complexity of movements in athletics does not allow you to immediately teach the technique of exercises in general. As a rule, when teaching the technique of athletics exercises, two methods of teaching an exercise are used - in parts and as a whole. To make learning easier, difficult exercise to simplify as much as possible, to single out in it the main movement, the decisive phase, the main link in the chain of movements, to which all the others are subordinate. At the same time, athletics exercises cannot be simplified mechanically, since all phases are organically linked into a single whole.

tactical training

Sports tactics refers to the use of special techniques wrestling during the competition in order to achieve best results or victory over a relatively equally prepared opponent. Tactical training of an athlete is an integral part sports training. The most expedient implementation of tactical plans is possible only with a good command of technology, a high development of qualities, with a strong will, great perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal. Tactical training provides for consistent armament, dealing with the following knowledge and skills:

- study of the rules of competitions and the possibilities of this type of athletics for tactical wrestling;

- study of the main provisions of tactics in this form;

- study of the individual characteristics of rivals;

- study of the places of the upcoming competitions;

– selection of the scheme of tactical actions for specific competitions;

- testing the scheme of tactical actions for training;

- implementation of the chosen variant of tactics in competitions;

- analysis of the results of the use of tactical in competitions.

One day, parents face a choice: whether to send their child to sports, and if the answer is yes, then to which sport. Suppose, or hockey - they will provide your son with a stable (sometimes huge) income - but there will be a few lucky ones, and those who do not settle in the club of the second league, who get injured and forever tie up with professional sports - the majority. If you think that your child will grow up healthy and comprehensively developed, and, moreover, could earn good money over time (and travel around international competitions), then its path is the path to athletics. MirSovetov draws your attention to the fact that you can practice athletics for yourself, developing and improving your body (at the same time, you can devote no less time to education), you can practice professionally (this, again, will not affect your studies - and with possible "excesses" in the future you will have a plan B). In a word, the advantages clearly outweigh in favor of this particular sport.

General information about approaches to athletics training

Officially, athletics includes 5 sports: in everyday life, we talk about athletics as a combination of running and long jumps, excluding all-around and pushing sports. In addition, in the last decade in some regions of Russia, the peak of popularity is experienced by race walking.
For children school age athletics is, first of all,. Prepare for competitions in different ways outdoor stadiums and in arenas. MirSovetov recommends starting with taking the child to non-commercial competitions, plus competitions with the status of “non-competitive” like “Cross of Nations”, “ All-Russian day running ”... Moreover, from childhood it is necessary to lay both a physical and tactical foundation. Your child must clearly understand what is closer to him - to run away or catch up, sit behind the backs of rivals the entire distance and give all the best only at the finish line or fight for the entire race for a place in the leading group and lead the peloton behind him. However, it is the responsibility of the coach to teach the child to correctly distribute forces over the distance, to see in him a finisher or a tactician who confidently distributes forces over the distance. From the age of 5-6, your child should understand what running is and choose a specialization - short or long distances. Sprinting requires a completely different approach to the training process than, for example, running 400 meters or working out long distances. In addition, it is very important to choose a coach, namely “your” coach, ideally suited to your child, frequent change of coaches is a very painful phenomenon for a young athlete when he has to change his approach to training in short periods of time. Consequences: injuries, bias towards tactics or physics, loss of confidence and psychological failures in competitions, loss muscle mass, prolonged detraining, complete loss of form ...
It is necessary to distinguish between an interval approach to training and a non-interval one. With the interval approach, you can equally train both sprint (short) and stayer (long) distances. The essence of interval training is to gradually move from long segments to short ones (all this in one workout): for example, give all the best for 4 km for half an hour, run another 2 km for twenty minutes, devote ten minutes to a leisurely run for 1 km, then decompose these ten minutes for two segments of 500 m, then master 200 and 100 m in a similar way. The training is ideal both physically and tactically, the non-interval approach develops only endurance in the athlete. The physical foundation that you lay in one workout using the interval method, you can build up in 4-5 “endurance” workouts. Following the interval training method, make allowances for one thing: in no case should you give all your best in any of the sections of the distance, the interval method is for running at “your” even pace, here the running rhythm and distance work for you, not you them, as is the case with wear training. In the intervals between intervals, naturally, no one will let you walk or rest in the shade: you continue to run, only at a slower pace.
Some coaches place too much emphasis on heart rate. You just have to remember that with such interval training, the frequency of strokes should not exceed three per second. Working in the arena, you can successfully train an interval distance of 200 m (given that the length of the track in the arena is exactly this), you can do up to 40 repetitions per workout, alternating active sections with passive running. Please note that in winter indoor stadium you can successfully train sprint distances: interval training will go to 100 and 200 m. Those who are just starting to engage in such practices or quite young athletes can take passive breaks up to one minute (for a well-trained athlete, a passive segment is half a minute or less). If you work out a distance half as long, i.e. 100 m, add about a quarter of a minute to the indicated results.
Some coaches adhere to the method of contrast training, when they begin to train a very young athlete in initially contrasting conditions. If you start building a physical foundation in the winter, be sure that you will easily deal with rivals in competitions in the summer. Those. during the spring and summer, the athlete will not have to gain physical fitness, but only maintain and adjust the stages of training. Contrasting conditions are crosses in winter, adding ski training, and with the advent of spring - roller skiing. But do not overdo it - otherwise an overworked athlete will stray into form failures all the active time of the year. The ideal number of winter training days per week is 4, summer - 5, when approaching competitions, athletes are given only a day of rest per week. At the same time, up to 4 workouts can be carried out per day - taking into account 1-2 in a gentle mode. It is worth considering the fact that a sprinter can, of course, make a slight emphasis on crosses, but not in winter.
Let's dwell on the question of time shortly before training. , of course, is very important, but only if you pre-warmed up the body with an unobtrusive run for 15-20 minutes. Let us also pay attention to the fact that any static exercises before athletics training - risk of injury, do as much as possible more exercise in dynamics, disperse the blood, approach the lesson with burning cheeks.
MirSovetov strongly advises parents who see their child in big sport, immediately give it to the care of the coach, best of all - personal. However, he will grow to a personal level, becoming a professional, but it is necessary to have a mentor at a young age - only a person with a special education can draw up a training plan and skillfully smooth out periods of decline in form.

Professional and amateur approach to athletics training

You must know from the very beginning whether to send your child to professional or purely amateur sports. Money and medals or just medals plus excellent physical state until old age in both cases. Parents must make a clear choice: a professional approach requires much more time devoted to sports. In addition, a lot more money will have to be invested in a professional athlete, given the cost of uniforms, proper nutrition, travel to more competitions.
Note also the fact that the professional spends much more time on pre-competition training. Particularly responsible starts should be approached with a month and a half of continuous training. Moreover, if you train a certain, “your” distance, during the lead-in period, the emphasis is only on it (then the training includes a warm-up run: 1-1.5 hours, plus running at your distance, taking into account your maximum time, plus running at maximum speed for the maximum distance, i.e. as much as you can, plus a warm-up run after training - 20-30 minutes).
Professionals also have a special balanced training: running at the limit of strength (maximum acceleration segments in interval running), tempo recovery run plus exercises for muscle development, pumping up the press, i.e. a set of strength exercises.
For a professional, contrast training is of great importance: this may include the refusal of a special form for the duration of training, the deliberate weighting of shoes, the frequent use of studs for short distances, running on unprepared terrain - achieving results in such conditions, the athlete will sharply add to ideal conditions competitions.
Emphasizing what a professional should have personal trainer, MirSovetov warns that the athlete on his own in rare cases can control the interval load: an increase in the number of repetitions at the limit of strength and a decrease in the duration of pauses is the prerogative of the coach and his plan, and not the young athlete. Correctly plan the training process, we repeat, only a qualified specialist can.
Athletes at a young age are often advised to focus on polyathlon to hone their track and field skills and keep fit. Strength exercises (abs + ), coordination exercises (rifle shooting) plus running / skiing are the ideal filling of the training and competitive life of an athlete throughout the year. In rural areas, often deprived of arenas and special conditions for training, polyathlon is resorted to as a panacea. In addition, diversity in the life of an athlete-athlete is a rather rare thing, but here it is obvious.
A professional athlete, given 4-6 hours of training per day, should also have special strength training.
As warm-up and interval pieces during the main training, groups of athletes are used as unloading relay sessions. Although an athlete does not need to be able to work in a team, it is still not a team sport.

Recommendations for young athletes and parents who send their child to athletics

Parents must decide which type of athletics to send their child to when he is 5-6 years old. In the event that fermentation from type to type begins, there is always a fallback option - athletics all-around. Having enough skills and a solid training background, the young athlete will definitely not get lost in this form. If you initially focus on sprint as the most popular and spectacular view athletics, then MirSovetov warns you: if your child stops progressing in this form by the age of 11 and there is no growth in results, perhaps you should change the distance to the distance. Pay attention to the physical data of the child: for example, at the age of 7-8 he runs well short distances, and by the age of 12, his growth has increased - the physique is clearly not a sprinter anymore - hurry to retrain him as a jumper, he is more likely to achieve results there than in the sprint.
If a child chooses the path of a stayer, then it is worth warning: you will have to do a huge amount of rough work. In order to feel adequately at a distance of 5000 m at the international level, it will be necessary to work out a 30-40-kilometer running volume every day for 3-4 workouts (this is on the way to 16-20 years, in childhood two and three times less). It will become quite common for you even on weekends to run through the forest or through the park for 12-15 km, during which you have the right to empty a one and a half liter bottle of sugared water.
The wrong approach is to devote as much time as possible to traveling to competitions and leave as much energy as possible at commercial starts. This is completely useless for a young athlete: changes in form at a young age are so frequent that even an excess of impressions from new places will not help the cause. Your child will quickly become a passive "competitor" rather than a winner of the competition and his physical growth will be undermined. Therefore, until the age of 16, it is important to focus on the training part, on getting in shape and developing skills. Having become a professional, your child can already devote himself to commercial starts, and until this age, you need to strive for progress, and not for reaping the fruits.
Pay attention at that moment that the stayer should not work out only stayer distances in training, it will be useful for him to run with sprinters as well - large volumes of leisurely running, more like walking, detrain the athlete and lead to the extinction of the form, after which there are no peaks and you won't have to think about the results.
A sprinter is determined by the ability to start well, a stayer is determined by the ability to give an impressive finish. Some coaches prepare their athletes to finish even a little further than the finish line.

Detailed description of training approaches

The American School of Athletics is considered the world's leading track and field school. Training process in the States it is usually divided into three stages (we are talking about a professional approach): during the out-of-competition period from September to the beginning of winter, technique is being worked out and basic skills are laid for beginners. Training groups of young athletes from 5-6 years old begin to train physical skills, give all the best in training one hundred percent (here you should not overdo it and not discourage the desire to train for life), from 9-10 years old - a total emphasis on running technique , which was supposed to be worked out and developed from 5 to 9 years old, after 11 - improving skills, increasing the volume of training. During the three-four-month preparatory period, the athlete varies the approach to training, but the emphasis is hard - to do a huge amount of work in order to have a solid base for the competitive period. During the preparatory period, you can resort to the technique of "ladder" training, similar to the "ladder" method for pull-ups - from the minimum to the maximum and back to the minimum, including the warm-up and post-workout parts.
After the Christmas holidays, the "ladder" method, which tests the athlete for strength, is usually shortened, and the time comes to work out the main distance, for which the athlete is intended. For some coaches, this period concerns only the calendar winter, for some it stretches until mid-spring. Moreover, it is not necessary to allow competition in training: the athlete must fight exclusively with himself and with his time at a distance. The final months of training and reaching the peak of form occur until the middle of summer. With the interval approach, the time spent on rest between the worked segments increases here. It would be useful to note that during this period it is useful for the coach to introduce strength exercises: for example, jumping with a sand-filled ball placed over the shoulders. In general, you should load your legs and prepare them for the high-speed drive of the competition, to the wear limit. At the same time, this type of training looks positive: for an hour or two, a group of athletes trains ups and downs in hilly terrain. Moreover, the more lifts, the better for working out the athlete’s technique and endurance, especially if the lifts take place at a fast pace. For such an hour-long workout, you need to perform at least 12 paired ascents and descents, all this in a group with a constantly changing leader.
According to another American approach, you need to lay the foundation in the fall under rather poor training conditions, work out the “ladder” method in the winter, and take on the main distances in the spring and summer. Moreover, the preparatory period may consist of frequent strength training plus crosses (regardless of the athlete's sprint/stayer orientation).
Sometimes athletes use the principle of a two-time workout: a reinforced session in the morning, including many hours of running (with alternating types of running: smooth, trotting, with segments of acceleration, constant at the limit of strength, warm-up) plus an evening session, including walking with slight insertions of acceleration plus a control cross. If possible, alternate days when you run in the stadium with days when you do it in a park area or area with a lot of hills, i.e. focus on lifting. Intensive weekly workouts with a clearly scheduled schedule and under the constant supervision of a personal trainer, it should be done only from the age of 16-18, when the body approaches the peak of balance. Before that - frequent training in the group, the accumulation of muscle mass, attempts to reach the limit of results.
Even if the workouts replace one another, preparations are underway for important starts, a weekly employment cycle is used - even if every 10-12 days, athletes need to be given 1 day of unloading and rest, or for a couple of days to give them light tasks.

The transition from youth to adult sports

Your child, having reached the age of 15-18, must decide whether he will continue to play professional sports, whether he will connect his life with this until the age of 30-35.
For a painless transition to adult sports, it is necessary to successfully engage and compete with athletes of more age categories every year.
In competition, you should focus on your main distance, but you should not give it all the attention. You can try yourself in as many starts as possible in one competition. Only then the athlete will understand the limits of his strengths and capabilities, correctly assess his potential.
You need to start competitions at the adult level in a sparing mode: carefully, in order to eliminate the risk of injury, which could end your entire subsequent sports career.
MirSovetov draws your attention to the fact that without a qualified personal trainer professional athlete not enough. In addition, the athlete's equipment must be the best - to participate in international competitions, where the athlete can make a name for himself.

Belgorod Medical School of the South-Eastern Railway

Technique and methodology for teaching athletics exercises


Short distance running

For the convenience of studying, the running technique is conventionally divided into 4 parts: start, starting run, distance running and finishing.



Having gained maximum speed, the runner seeks to maintain it throughout the entire distance. The transition from the starting run to running along the distance is carried out smoothly, without a sharp straightening of the body, without changing the rhythm of running steps. Distance running should be strived to be performed with a wide step, with active pushing. An important role is played by the active extension of the hip forward and upward, which creates the prerequisites for placing the foot on the track with an active raking movement. Mastering the technique of running, you need to strive from the first lessons: run on the front of the foot, hands should work along the body in the direction of movement, the hands are relaxed, half-bent, the gaze is directed forward, breathing is rhythmic.


1. Running with different speed segments 40 - 80 m.

2. Special exercises to master the technique:

a) running at the gymnastic wall;

b) work of hands on the spot;

c) running with high hips;

d) mincing run;

e) running with shin overwhelm.

3. Run with acceleration and increase in rhythm

4. Running at a speed of 80% of the maximum on segments of 40-60 m.

5. Running in full force 40 - 60 m.


All running exercises and accelerations should be performed without tension, freely. The number of repetitions depends on the level of physical fitness. After each acceleration, the teacher draws attention to the main mistakes, offering to eliminate them in the next run. Simultaneous instruction to the student to correct 4-5 errors will not allow him to eliminate even one.

Main mistakes:

1) Head thrown back;

2) Non-linear running, the upper body swings, the arms move across the body;

3) Top part the trunk is excessively tilted forward;

4) Setting the foot from the heel;

5) The legs are placed on the ground indirectly, wide gray;

6) Socks turned outward;

7) The foot becomes either behind or at the level of the knee joint;

8) No active foot raking;

9) Shoulders are raised, hands are enslaved;

10) The push is up, not forward.

Turning run

The technique of running along a turn differs from running along a straight distance in the following features:

When running along a turn, to overcome the action of centrifugal force, it is necessary to tilt the body to the left, place the feet with a slight turn to the left;

The right hand moves more inward, the left - outward;

Exiting a turn into a straight line is accompanied by a gradual decrease in inclination.


1) Imitation of the movement of the hands in place (active, wider movement of the right inward);

2) Snake running, running in a circle with a radius of 10–20 m.

3) Running with acceleration along the turn with acceleration on segments of 60 - 70 m. Repeat acceleration at different speeds when entering and exiting the turn;

4) Running with acceleration along a turn along a large and small arc (1st and 8th tracks).


Pay attention to the need to run freely and loosely, monitor the timely inclination of the torso to the center of the turn, change in the movements of the arms and legs, turn the feet to the left, wider and freer work right hand.



Beginning of the run (start): the most beneficial is a low start. It allows you to quickly start running and on small area reach maximum speed. For a better stop with your feet at the start, a starting machine or blocks are used. The location of the starting blocks is in different options depending on the length of the body and the characteristics of the runner's technique. The front block (for the strongest leg) is set at a distance of 35 - 45 cm from the starting line (1 - 1.5 tables), and the back block - 70 - 85 cm (or at a shin length distance from the front block). Some runners shorten the distance between the blocks by one foot or less by pushing the front shoe back (stretch start) or bringing the back shoe closer to the front (close start). The support platform of the front block is inclined at an angle of 45 - 50 °; and back - 60 - 80 °. The distance in width between the axes of the pads is 18-20 cm.

A low start is performed in the following sequence: having installed the blocks, the runner moves back 2-3 meters and focuses on the upcoming run. At the command "Start! » The runner approaches the blocks, crouches and puts his hands on the track. Then, with the foot of the weaker leg, it rests against the supporting platform of the rear block, with the foot of the other leg - against the front block, and kneels behind standing foot. Lastly, he places his hands in front of the starting line at shoulder width or slightly wider. Hands at the line rest on the thumb, index and middle fingers, thumbs facing each other. The arms are straightened at the elbows, the gaze is directed down to the starting line.

At the command "Attention!" it is necessary to raise the pelvis above the shoulders by 20-30 cm, but do not fully straighten the legs in the knee joints. Regardless of the placement of the blocks and the anthropometric data of the sprinter, the angles between the thigh and lower leg, respectively, are 100 - 130 °. The shoulders move forward, the weight of the body is distributed over 4 reference points.

The starting run is performed on the first 7 - 14 running steps. On this segment of the distance, the runner must gain maximum speed. On the first 2 running steps, the runner tends to actively straighten his legs during repulsion. The movement is directed forward, while the torso is straightened. The length of the steps gradually increases and depends on the individual characteristics of the runner - leg strength, body length, physical fitness. Acceleration ends as soon as the stride length becomes constant.


1) Running from various positions of the high start, 15 - 20 m.

a) I.P. - stand facing the finish line, legs together, arms freely along the body. Fulfillment - falling forward, start running.

b) I.P. - the same. Push leg in front, swing leg in back. The execution is the same.

2) Teach how to install starting blocks

3) Teach the commands "To the start!" and "Attention!". At the command "Attention!" learn to rationally distribute body weight on legs and arms

4) Teach how to run from the starting blocks

a) try out a low start, running 20-30 m segments;

b) I.P. - emphasis lying on bent arms. Execution - with simultaneous straightening of the arms, take out each leg in turn until the knee touches the chest (628 times with each leg).

c) stand in the blocks, put your hands at a distance of 60-70 cm in front of the start line. Fulfillment - take out the swing leg with the knee to the chest while straightening the push leg (7-8 times);

d) stand in the stocks, execute the command "Attention!" and, strongly pushing off, make a triple jump with the transition to a run.

e) put several mats 60 cm high on the track 1 m in front of the starting line. Stand in the blocks, execute the command "Attention!". Pushing off strongly, send yourself forward until you fall on the mats.

5) Master the technique of a low start in general on segments of 30 m

6) The same, fixing the time

Low start on a turn

The starting blocks are located at the outer edge of the track, which ensures that the start of the distance runs in a straight line, tangent to the arc of the inner edge. In the future, the technique is the same as in the low start in a straight line.


1) Explain and show the rational placement of pads;

2) Starts along the turn at different speeds;

3) Use the straight start low start training aids.


When installing the pads, it is advisable to start training with the usual low start option. The correct distribution of body weight on 4 reference points should be controlled. The location of the shoulders relative to the starting line and the pelvis relative to the shoulders. All starting exercises at the beginning of training should be performed at optimal speed and without a command, and then gradually move on to group starts with commands.

Basic Mistakes

1) The head is thrown back, because the runner is looking at the finish line, the back is arched;

2) Arms are bent, the center of gravity is shifted back;

3) Shoulders are well forward of the starting line.


Finishing is the efforts of the runner in the last meters of the distance.

The run is considered completed when the runner crosses the imaginary plane of the finish line with any part of the body. The finish line is run at maximum speed, performing a throw at the finish line with the chest or shoulder at the last step.


1. Walking with torso forward and arms back;

2. The same, in a calm and fast run;

3. Shoulder finishing with medium and maximum speed


Perform exercises first on your own, and then in a group of 3-5 people.

Basic mistakes.

1. Finishing with a jump;

2. Stop immediately after the finish;

3. Early torso tilt

After completing the training in sprinting, they move on to its improvement.

Long jump "bending legs"

The run is used to create the initial speed of the body. It is characterized by a certain angle of steps, a change in their length and pace, running speed and overall length.

The length of the takeoff depends on height, gender, fitness in jumping and, most importantly, the ability to accelerate while running.

The starting position and the start of the run should ensure that the steps are standard in length. The amplitude of the first step is limited, the beginning of the movement is characterized by a forward fall, that is, always with the same effort and acceleration. The highest take-off speed should be at the moment of repulsion.

When choosing a run, students start running from the general mark set by the teacher, with the same foot. Observing the place of repulsion, the teacher indicates how much to bring or carry the run. Thus, the student correctly determines the length of his run. With their feet, students measure their takeoff and further refine it.

For the harmonious development of a person, not only mental stress is necessary, but also physical exercise. Therefore, many parents prefer to send their children to different sport sections. The leader is Athletics.

What is athletics?

This is a sport that uses running, walking, throwing, jumping. This sport has existed since ancient times - athletes appeared back in ancient greece. This is evidenced by paintings on vases, pots, jugs and various frescoes.

Athletics running. It is divided into several types:

  1. Sprinting is a run over short distances, such as 100, 200 and 400 meters. This also includes relay races.
  2. Middle distance running - 800 and 1500 meters. To run such distances, endurance and colossal time spent on training are necessary.
  3. Long distances - 5000 and 10000 meters. In this race, a marathon run (42 km 195 m) is distinguished.
  4. Race with obstacles and barriers. Performed at 110, 400, 3000 meters. For this competition, people with high growth. Since the height of the barrier is about 1 meter. It is worth mentioning that only men perform the 3000m race. Hurdling requires special endurance, speed and coordination.

Athletics competition rules

In any competition (even non-sports) there are prescribed rules. This is necessary so that the participants are honest and obey the general rules of conduct, and the winner wins a well-deserved victory and receives his reward. The rule can be called the distribution of participants by age groups. A boy of 11 cannot compete with a man. The requirements for them are fundamentally different. Athletes are divided into groups based on the date of birth. This is a group of teenagers (11 and 13 years old); youth junior and youth senior group; group of adults.

Running for short distances (up to 110 meters) is carried out along a straight track, without turns. All distances exceeding this figure are performed in a circle (counterclockwise). Each participant has his own lane, from which he has no right to go. If the length of the race is 800 meters, the athletes run along their lanes until the first turn, and then continue the race along the general line. In other cases, the competition takes place on a common track.

The competition takes place in several stages:

  • Run directly.
  • Quarterfinal.
  • Semifinal.
  • The final.

These stages compete best runners. But this approach is possible only with a large number of participants. To start running, the athletes are given a signal: to start, attention, march. There must be sufficient time between these commands to allow the runner to prepare and start. The march is served either by a red flag or a pistol shot. If at least one runner started moving before the march command, the entire team returns to its original position. After two incorrect starts, the athlete is disqualified for the violation. Interestingly, even extra movement can provoke others to run prematurely. And this is also considered a violation.

If the athletes run each in their own lane, they should not step over the line and interfere with the movement of a competitor. Running on a common track is considered more difficult. You can only overtake an opponent on the right side.

Disqualification conditions:

  1. The participant independently left the track or stopped.
  2. Stepping into someone else's lane.
  3. Reducing the distance by any means.

If we are talking about hurdles, then the participant does not have the right to knock down obstacles, run around them and interfere with the opponent by moving to his line.

This sport is different from normal walking. There are a number of conditions that must be followed. For example, the leg should always be straight at the knees. Keep your supporting leg in contact with the ground. The leg should not be torn off the floor, as this happens when running. This sports activity requires the use of mental abilities, as it is necessary to control the speed. If brisk walking turns into running, the participant loses the right to compete further. There are different mileage requirements for men and women. This is true, since the stamina in men is much higher.

Athletics sprint

This run is also called sprinting. In this competition, good reaction and adaptation to rapidly changing environmental conditions is important. The running distance is from 30 to 400 meters. 30-meter races are held indoors, and all the rest - in stadiums. Also allocate a sprint with the transfer of the baton. It requires great skills and the ability to work well in a team. For a fair evaluation of the results (who came to the finish line first), a photo finish is used. This is an undeniable opportunity to prove superiority.

There are several types of jumps: long, high and pole vault. To jump higher and further, the coordinated work of every muscle of the body is necessary. The jumper must have good coordination of movements. It is worth noting that it is preferable for an athlete to have a small weight. Overweight people will not be able to effectively transfer body weight in space during the flight. Overweight will pull the athlete to the ground. Long legs is also a definite plus. Jumps are performed both from a place and from a run. Need to push off flat surface(an ordinary flat piece of land is suitable) or from a wooden platform laid in the ground.

Discus, ball throw

A big misconception is that throwing objects is easy. Probably, at school, many passed the standard for throwing objects and did not always get a good mark for it. In addition, after such throws, muscle stiffness and pain were often felt. An unprepared person can injure himself, for example, dislocate shoulder joint or stretch your muscles. To throw balls, you need to "agree" with each muscle group. The athlete must understand which muscle is tense, in which direction to turn the body and with what scope to take the arm back. Throwing a javelin, discus, shot or ball is performed from a running start. Shot throwing occurs in a jump. This is the main feature and difference.

In any sport, training plays an important role. If you or your children decide to get serious about running, jumping, throwing, be prepared to spend a lot of time and effort. To achieve a good result, you should practice every day. Self-training is less effective, so sign up for a section or find an athletics coach. Three periods are distinguished in training: preparatory, competition and transitional. The first and second periods last for 6 months, and the transition period - about 3 weeks. During the competition, the athlete tries his hand at sports competitions. Based on the results, the coach makes a conclusion on which exercises should focus on.

Special methods have been developed for training. They can be presented in different versions, but the essence is the same - to train endurance, improve speed and quality. Sports require discipline and organization. Athletes are forced to qualitatively plan the workload of the day, leaving enough time for physical activity.

It is important to calculate the strength of your own body so as not to cause nervous and physical exhaustion. Everyone knows that active and constant physical activity exhausts nervous system weaken immunity. To prevent this from happening, it is important to include rest in your schedule. It doesn't have to be passive. Changing the type of activity has a positive effect on overall well-being.

Proper balanced nutrition is necessary to maintain the functioning of organs and systems in an enhanced mode of operation. Sleep at least 8 hours, walk on fresh air and sunbathing is also essential. Since the body is working for wear and tear during training, it needs support in the form of multivitamins. To choose the right complex of macro and micronutrients, consult a doctor. Basically, training is aimed at developing endurance, strength, speed, flexibility of joints and muscles. Regular practice builds will and character.

Athletics section

In every country, region, city and even village there are sections for athletics. Nothing special is required to enroll in such a school. The main desire is yours or your child's.

You should pay attention to the state of health and the presence of contraindications. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, spine, head injuries, tuberculosis, chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys do not allow you to practice any kind of sport. In addition, the acute phase of the flu, colds is also an obstacle to exercise. Bruises and injuries of the limbs can remind of themselves if you do not stop training or behave carelessly.

Children are very energetic and active. They need to turn energy into action, only in this case there will be no mental and physical discomfort. To give the child into the hands of creativity or sports is up to the parents. Already in the preschool period, it will become obvious what your child prefers. In the Youth Sports School, children go in for athletics in their age group. In addition to the positive impact on physical development, this and good time forwarding. Children are under the guidance and supervision of a coach. They learn to be organized, disciplined, responsible.

To have a complete understanding of this type of activity, search the video search engine " sport easy athletics".

I would like to highlight another side of athletics - this is the use of doping. Often in pursuit good results and victory, participants take stimulant drugs. Given the strict control system, deception is often discovered and the athlete is disqualified.

Athletics is well suited for energetic people who are worried about their physical development.

2. Technique of jumping types of athletics.

3. Throwing technique.

Running for medium and long distances includes running 800 m and 1500 m and running from 3000 to 10000 m. Conventionally, running can be divided into start and starting acceleration, distance running and finishing.

Start and starting acceleration. On the command to start! the runner takes his starting position at the starting line. The push leg is at the line, and the fly leg is placed 2-2.5 feet behind. The torso is tilted forward at 40-45 degrees. The arms are bent at the elbow joints and occupy the opposite position to the legs. On the command "march"! the athlete actively starts running. Starting acceleration depends on the length of the distance, and lasts 15-20 m. Running along the distance. The technique of running on straight segments of the distance is somewhat different from the technique of running on. Hands in running are bent at the elbow joints at 90 degrees. The movement of the hands forward inward, backward - outward. The foot is placed from the toe to the outer arch, descending to the moment of the vertical on the entire foot. In running, the inclination of the torso changes within 2-3 degrees. The length of a step in running depends on the height of the athlete, physical fitness, and the length of the distance. When running along a turn, the body leans slightly to the left, the right arm works in a sweeping manner, the length of the step of the left leg is somewhat less than that of the right, the foot of the right leg is placed with a turn inward. Finishing. In running for medium and long distances, runners perform a finishing throw, the length of which reaches 150-200 m. To analyze the technique of sprinting, the start, starting acceleration, distance running, and finishing are conventionally distinguished. Start In sprinting, the start is low, used in this case starting blocks. There are 4 types of low start (according to the location of the blocks): regular, extended, close, narrow. On the command to start! the athlete rests his feet in the blocks, puts his hands to the start line, kneels behind the standing leg, the head continues the vertical of the body, the back is even or slightly semicircular, the arms are straightened at the elbow joints, located slightly wider than the shoulders. At the command "Attention"! the runner tears off the knee behind the standing leg, raising the pelvis from the support (7-15 cm above shoulder level). On command "March"! the runner instantly starts moving forward, pushing off the track with his hands while simultaneously pushing off the back of the standing leg from the back block. Further, along with the forward swing movement of the standing leg behind, repulsion from the block in front of the standing leg begins, which sharply unbends in all joints. Starting acceleration. The starting run-up lasts from 15-30 m. The first steps the runner runs in an incline (6-7 steps). The first step must be performed as quickly and powerfully as possible in order to create the initial speed of the runner's body. Distance running. The inclination of the torso when running at a distance of 10-15 degrees in relation to the vertical. The leg is placed elastically starting from the front of the foot, there is no complete lowering to the entire foot. The length of a step in distance running is 125% of the athlete's height. The arms are bent at the elbow joints at an angle of 90 degrees. Finishing. Max speed it is not possible to maintain until the end of the distance, approximately 20-15 m before the finish line, the speed usually decreases by 3-8%. The winner is the athlete who crosses the finish plane faster with his torso, for this two methods are used: chest throw and shoulder rotation.

relay race type of athletics. The special feature is the transmission baton in the corridor 20 m. The relay race can be carried out without changing the baton. With shifting the baton. There are 2 ways to pass the baton: from bottom to top and from top to bottom. The runner of the first stage starts from a low start, making a stick grip with three fingers (little, middle and ring fingers). The runners of the subsequent stages start from a high start or from a one-handed start. When the passing runner reaches the reference mark, the receiving runner begins the starting run. The transfer of the baton is controlled by the transmitter and is carried out at his command “HOP”, the baton is passed at a distance of outstretched arms of both athletes, while passing the baton, the receiver of the baton must not turn back.

Technique of jumping types of athletics

The long jump with a running start can be conditionally divided into 4 parts: takeoff, repulsion, flight, landing.

The run in the long jump is used to create the optimal speed of the jumper. p length

run from 10 to 24 running steps. The run itself can be conditionally divided into 3 parts: the start of the run, speed gain, preparation for repulsion. At the start of the run from a place, the athlete starts from the control mark by placing one foot forward, the other behind on the toe. With an honest number of take-off steps, the push leg is placed on the control mark and the movement begins with the fly leg and vice versa. When gaining speed, the jumper performs running steps similar in technique to sprinting. In preparation for repulsion on the last 3-4 running steps, the athlete must develop the maximum speed for himself. The penultimate step in the run is the longest, and the last one is the shortest. Repulsion. The repulsion leg is placed on the entire foot or from the heel. The angle of setting the push leg is about 70 degrees. In the depreciation phase from the moment the foot is placed on the support to the moment of the vertical, in the first fractions of a second there is a sharp increase in the reaction force of the support, then there is a rapid decrease under the action of these forces, bending occurs in the knee and hip joint. The optimal takeoff angle is within 75 degrees, and the optimal departure angle is within 22 degrees.

Flight. The height of the rise of the OCM is 50-70 cm. The take-off in all methods of jumping is basically the same. It represents flight in a step. The simplest flight phase of the jump is "bending the legs". After taking off in the step position, the pushing leg is bent into knee joint and is brought to the fly leg, the shoulders are retracted somewhat back, the arms slightly bent at the elbows rise to the top. When the trajectory of the GCM begins to go down, the shoulders are sent forward, the arms go down, the legs approach the chest, straightening at the knee joint. Landing. Preparation for landing begins in the last part of the flight: the jumper straightens the legs at the knee joint, the shoulders go forward, the arms, slightly bent at the elbow joints, are retracted as far back as possible. After the feet and legs touch the landing surface, the jumper actively sends his arms forward, bending his legs at the knee joints. It must be remembered that bringing the arms forward prematurely will cause the legs to drop down and lead to an early touchdown on the landing site. High jump in the "stepping over" method. Conventionally, this jump can be divided into 4 main structural phases: run-up, repulsion, crossing the bar, landing. The run consists of 6-8 running steps, performed at an angle of 30-45 degrees to the bar. Repulsion is performed with the foot farthest from the bar at a distance of 70-80 cm from the projection of the bar. The push leg is placed almost straight at the place of repulsion, it should not be too bent at the knee. The swing is performed with a straight leg, which at the highest point can be slightly bent at the knee. The body is held vertically, the arms, slightly bent at the elbow joints, actively rise up - forward to the level of the head. When the swing leg is above the bar, the push leg is pulled up, slightly bent at the knee. The fly leg falls behind the bar, the push leg is transferred through it. At the moment of transferring the push leg, the shoulders turn towards the bar, the push arm is pulled back, helping to take the shoulders and torso away from the bar. Landing is carried out on the fly leg sideways, turning the chest to the bar. You can land in a sand pit raised above the runway surface or, in the conditions of the hall, on a stack of mats.

Athletics throwing technique

Javelin throwing technique.

The holistic action of javelin throwing can be divided into:

    run; final effort; braking

Run-up - can be divided into 3 parts: preliminary run-up, steps of retraction of the spear, the final part of the run-up. The length of the entire take-off ranges from 20 m to 35 m, for women it is slightly less, and depends on the qualification of the athlete. The take-off speed for each athlete is individual and should not interfere with the thrower's preparatory actions for the final effort.

The abduction of the spear begins from the moment the left foot is placed on the control mark. Throwers use two methods of retracting the javelin: straight - back with an arc forward - down - back. The first option is simpler, the second is somewhat more complicated in terms of execution technique.

The final part of the run-up consists of the last two steps before the final condition: "cross" step placing the foot at point blank range The "cross" step technique is a forced technique after retracting the spear. The thrower is sideways to the direction of throwing and is forced to take a powerful and fast “cross” step in order to overtake the pelvis and shoulders with his legs. The "cross" step is performed with the foot of the same name as the throwing hand, in this case the right one. An active swing is made with the thigh of the right leg forward and up, the lower leg is bent at the knee joint at an angle of about 120 degrees, the foot is slightly turned outward. Simultaneously with the swing of the right leg, a powerful repulsion is performed with the left leg following the movement of the GCM, when its projection has gone as far as possible from the place of repulsion.

The final effort - after setting the left leg at close range, when the braking of the lower links (foot, lower leg) began, the pelvis continues to move forward - up through the straight left leg. Right leg, straightens at the knee joint, pushes hip joint forward - up. The shoulders and the right arm remain and are behind the projection of the GCM. Then the thrower sharply takes the left arm back through the side, stretching the muscles of the chest, the left shoulder goes back, the athlete passes through the position of the “stretched bow”. Further, the right leg is fully extended, breaking away from the support, the shoulders are actively moving forward, the right arm, still straightened in elbow joint, located at the back. When the projection of the GCM approaches the foot of the left leg, the right arm bends at the elbow joint, the elbow moves forward - up. After passing the right hand past the head, it straightens at the elbow joint, directing the spear at a certain angle. Braking - after the release of the projectile, the athlete continues to move forward, and he needs to stop in order not to step over the throw line. At the same time, the thrower performs a jump from the left to the right leg, moving the left leg back slightly upwards and leaning slightly forward, but then straightens up, pulling the shoulders back, helping himself with his hands. To perform braking, it is necessary to put the left foot in the final effort 1.5-2 m from the throw line.


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