"Zenith-Arena": the stadium as a symbol of shame in Russia. How the most scandalous stadium was opened in St. Petersburg in disgrace

In St. Petersburg, in disgrace, they opened the most scandalous stadium

The main long-term construction of the country is the most shameful sports facility Russia was supposed to open up just like that. The very first match at the "Raw Saw Arena", as the fans call it, ended in a grandiose scandal. Details - in the column of sports correspondent Znak.com Andrey Varkentin.

The Krestovsky stadium in St. Petersburg was built for a very long time, an incredibly long time. It's hard to believe, but in August 2007, the then governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, announced that Zenit would play the first match at the new stadium in March 2009. That is, eight years ago. Since then, the opening date has been pushed back several times. For example, in April 2014, the then Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko said: “The Zenit Arena stadium in St. Petersburg will be commissioned by May 2016 and will host the first match at the same time.”

Officials changed positions, but the stadium continued to be built. The estimate grew almost every day. It increased from 8 billion rubles to 48 billion rubles. And it's not over yet. So, the other day, the administration of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for St. Petersburg announced that the stadium would probably have to be redone.

It's hard to believe it, but Zenit CEO Maxim Mitrofanov said on April 11, 2016 that the club did not want to move to a new stadium at all.

“To be honest, we would not play our matches at this stadium now. But there are certain obligations for the host of the 2018 World Cup, which in this case is St. Petersburg. She is obliged to hold three events at the stadium before the Confederations Cup, it is not indicated, by the way, which ones, so de jure this is not necessary football matches. We will not go into details, but I can say that the football field that was created by the stadium contractors is dead. What we have now is grown by Zenith specialists. It is growing now in the best way. Because the engineering systems of the field do not fully work and have not been delivered. And also because it is not yet possible to open the roof for a number of reasons. And our field lacks air. The grass is bad, ”Mitrofanov noted.

Zenit did not want to play at the stadium. But it was necessary - the interests of Russia are above all - it was necessary to play three matches before the Confederations Cup. Although the stadium was not ready.

And now the day of the game - April 22, the match of the Russian Football Championship "Zenith" - "Ural". The roof leaked first. Right during the match, the workers fussily covered the holes with polyethylene. “The problem with the roof of the stadium arose shortly before the match - it turned out that the reflective film of one of the cards with an area of ​​120 square meters had a factory defect, it had to be replaced with polyethylene during the game,” explained Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin.

Then it turned out that the lawn still died. And everyone is unhappy with them. “A specific field, it has not yet fully matured, young grass,” said Main coach Zenith Mircea Lucescu. Zenit football player Yuri Zhirkov almost vomited because of the closed roof. As the player will later tell, it was very difficult for him to play. Also, during the game and after, all those present could see the holes that remained in the lawn after almost every hard hit footballers.

But the stadium needs to be opened. The main VIPs arrived at Krestovsky - the former head of the RFU Sergey Fursenko and the head of Gazprom Alexei Miller.

In the first half of the match "Ural" - "Zenith" the game was equal, at the beginning of the second, Yekaterinburg went ahead, almost scored a goal. And apparently this scenario did not suit someone. After that, in the 61st minute, referee Alexei Eskov sent off two Ural players at once in just 60 seconds - Eric Bikfalvi and Roman Pavlyuchenko.

It was just incredible: first the second yellow card received Bikfalvi for a foul on Smolnikov. In fact, the Yekaterinburg player played the ball, which caused an angry reaction from the Ural players. Pavlyuchenko went to the judge, began talking to him in a raised voice and also received a red card, which was also extremely strange. Thus, "Ural" was forced to continue the match with nine.

"Circus. Now, in order for Zenit to win at home against Ural, two must be sent off. And the first player, Bikfalvi, played the ball. And due to inertia, he hit the leg, ”the well-known sports journalist Igor Rabiner commented on his Facebook refereeing.

It really was a circus. But Eskov did not calm down and removed another player from Yekaterinburg - Roman Emelyanov, after which the Urals remained to play in eight. Such in the Russian football premier league It was never.

After the game, everyone was indignant - from ordinary fans to the management of Ural. “Win honestly at least once!” Alexander Dantsev says after the match. The man, whose voice is similar to the voice of the president of "Ural" Grigory Ivanov, continues: "What are you doing? Do not be ashamed at all, you have no conscience! There will never be football in Russia with such refereeing.”

Now even RFU President Vitaly Mutko paid attention to refereeing. “I believe that the FIFA referee should not lead the match this way, this is my position. As president of the RFU, I am responsible for whether he will receive the status of a FIFA referee or not. Here I am, having watched the match today, I did not see a FIFA referee on the field. A FIFA referee is, first of all, highly qualified. He cannot allow the situation on the field to be the same as he allowed it to be. And in fact, to a certain extent, he provoked this situation himself. I hope that the commission will consider all these points in detail. The situations he created were elementary, they could have been avoided,” Mutko said.

But, as you know, even such words will not change anything. Miller and Fursenko embrace and applaud - thank you all.

Relatively recently, the authorities of St. Petersburg officially opened the "Bottomless barrel for dough", "Black hole of St. Petersburg", "Monument of corruption" officially this shame of the country is called "Zenith Arena", I already wrote about how they stole during construction. Naturally, St. Petersburg bloggers were invited to the opening to suck up, lick off, I can’t even find a word, in general they wrote and showed people how good everything was and that all the money was well spent) Today I am publishing a post by an unpaid Petersburger about the first visit to the stadium and his emotions before , after and during the match Zenit - Terek. As Zadornov says: "Take more air into your lungs and get ready"

“If I were a media person and I was asked about the disappointment of the year, I would answer: Zenit Arena.

Yesterday I was at the match Zenit - Terek and was simply depressed. This is a real disgrace. By the way, I don’t really like to go to football live because of the football experts who surround me from all four sides, but on new arena I bought expensive tickets, sat two meters from Rakhimov, who was running around the technical area, one and a half meters from the players entering the field. I sat on fucking chairs that were purchased 10 years ago and no one had the mind to change them for new ones. But, in order.

First, about getting there. Shuttles are cool, but it's still not clear why you need to bring from Chkalovskaya to the metro, and not to the parking lot. Or why not drive as close to the arena as possible? Well, to hell with it, I'm not an expert here. It just infuriates that it is so tricky to get there.

2. At the entrance, polite stewards taxied my business partner with a backpack, in which there was a sweater, to the storage room. In the cell they told us: guys (well, like this, in a simple way, guys), keep in mind that after the match I’m only open for half an hour, then that’s it, if you don’t have time, you will pick it up at the next game. And felts gigiknul, roofing felts grunted. Adding: Why are you so surprised? I got paid so much. By the way, I read on the site about backpacks and it seemed to me there was something from the series "we recommend not to take it." I may be wrong, but when we saw people with backpacks inside, my guest was disappointed.

3. Find a toilet there - that's another quest. On the navigation, a man and a woman are drawn, you fuck in that direction, and there it is only for ladies. Every time you poke like a mole, turning to the stewards on every issue. By the way, there are a million of them and everyone is ready to help. But when I did go to the toilet before the match and saw that there were 5 urinals and 5 booths (or maybe even four) in a large sector, I swelled up. And going into the booth, closing the door behind him and finding. that there is no light and there is no hole for the lamp on the ceiling, I started to fucking quietly quietly. Well, during the break, when I saw the queue there, I started having a migraine.

4. Hot dogs and coffee, worse than at the Omsk railway station, where I last ate them in 1998. The bottom is straight. Popcorn is also the maximum possible bespontovy.

5. on the second tier (or on the first, xs) the ceilings are so low that they directly put pressure on you.

6. a lot of empty spaces. Well, here, no doubt, they will be filled with souvenir shops in the near future, but what is so difficult about this and why this is not done by the first game - I do not understand.

7. not all doors are open yet, FIG you will understand where to go, where to go. Well, okay, I’ll also write it off for the novelty of the arena and that soon all this will work (they are sure that they don’t).

8. Doors to the sector, probably produced in 1988. Closers? What are you, why. As a result - when entering the 107th sector, from constant blows of the pen, THE WALL BITCH was BREAKED. Wall. Arena, which opened 2 weeks ago.

9. The benches near the arena and on the territory are all the same as in the parks 30 years ago. Well ebushkivorobushki, well, what the hell are you??????????

10. Field. What is there to say at all?

It was impossible to watch Zhirkov's interview yesterday after the match without tears. I don't know who to blame for these three must-have games in the shitty arena: the city? or the state? but whoever made that edict/order, forcing Zenith to play three mandatory games to accredit the arena for CC2017, are criminals. Well, everyone who took an attitude to the management of the construction of this shame of the millennium should be condemned and punished. This is a real shame, I am very ashamed of this arena.

And I have no idea how to fix it. How can toilets be added? Put bio on pantus? It will be epicfail, but it seems there is no other way out. In general, it is necessary to demolish it, like the Kirov stadium, and rebuild it. A good, modern arena, like in Krasnodar, like the current champions, like in Europe, and not what they built on Krestovsky and where else they thought of bringing the KK and the World Cup."

As expected, another example of corruption in the country, or will there be (


“We will never have football in Russia with such refereeing”

How the most scandalous stadium was opened in St. Petersburg in disgrace

The main long-term construction of the country - the most shameful sports facility in Russia - was supposed to open just like that. The very first match at the "Razpil Arena", as the fans call it, ended in a grandiose scandal ..

The Krestovsky stadium in St. Petersburg was built for a very long time, an incredibly long time. It's hard to believe, but in August 2007, the then governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, announced that Zenit would play the first match at the new stadium in March 2009. That is, eight years ago. Since then, the opening date has been pushed back several times. For example, in April 2014, the then Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko said: “The Zenit Arena stadium in St. Petersburg will be commissioned by May 2016 and will host the first match at the same time.”

Officials changed positions, but the stadium continued to be built. The estimate grew almost every day. It increased from 8 billion rubles to 48 billion rubles. And it's not over yet. So, the other day, the administration of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for St. Petersburg announced that the stadium would probably have to be redone.

And the general director of Zenit, Maxim Mitrofanov, said on April 11, 2016 that the club did not want to move to a new stadium at all.

“To be honest, we would not play our matches at this stadium now. But there are certain obligations for the host of the 2018 World Cup, which in this case is St. Petersburg. It is obliged to hold three events at the stadium before the Confederations Cup, it is not indicated, by the way, which ones, so de jure these are not necessarily football matches. We will not go into details, but I can say that the football field that was created by the stadium contractors is dead. What we have now is grown by Zenith specialists. It's not growing well right now. Because the engineering systems of the field do not fully work and have not been delivered. And also because it is not yet possible to open the roof for a number of reasons. And our field lacks air. The grass is bad, ”Mitrofanov noted.

Zenit did not want to play at the stadium. But it was necessary - the interests of Russia are above all - it was necessary to play three matches before the Confederations Cup. Although the stadium was not ready.

And here is the day of the game - April 22, the match of the Russian Football Championship "Zenith" - "Ural". The roof leaked first. Right during the match, the workers fussily covered the holes with polyethylene. "The problem with the roof of the stadium arose shortly before the match - it turned out that the reflective film of one of the cards with an area of ​​120 square meters had a factory defect, and had to be replaced with polyethylene during the game," explained Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin.

Then it turned out that the lawn still died. And everyone is unhappy with them. "It's a specific pitch, it's not fully matured yet, it's young grass," Zenit head coach Mircea Lucescu said. Zenit football player Yuri Zhirkov almost vomited because of the closed roof. As later the player will tell that it was very difficult for him to play. Also, during the game and after, all those present could see the holes that remained in the lawn after almost every strong blow of the players.

But the stadium needs to be opened. The main VIPs arrived at Krestovsky - the former head of the RFU Sergey Fursenko and the head of Gazprom Alexei Miller.

In the first half of the match "Ural" - "Zenith" the game was equal, at the beginning of the second Yekaterinburg went ahead, almost scored a goal. And, apparently, this scenario did not suit someone. After that, in the 61st minute, referee Alexei Eskov sent off two Ural players at once in just 60 seconds - Eric Bikfalvi and Roman Pavlyuchenko.

It was simply unbelievable: at first, Bikfalvi received a second yellow card for a foul on Smolnikovo. In fact, the Yekaterinburg player played the ball, which caused an angry reaction from the Ural players. Pavlyuchenko went to the judge, began talking to him in a raised voice and also received a red card, which was also extremely strange. Thus, "Ural" was forced to continue the match with nine.

"Circus. Now, in order for Zenit to win at home against Ural, two must be sent off. And the first player, Bikfalvi, played the ball. And due to inertia, he hit the leg, ”commented the well-known sports journalist Igor Rabiner on his Facebook.

Indeed, it was a circus. But Eskov did not calm down and sent off another player from Yekaterinburg - Roman Emelyanov, after which the Urals remained to play in eight. This has never happened in the Russian Premier League.

After the game, everyone was indignant - from ordinary fans to the management of Ural. “Win honestly for once!” Alexander Dantsev says after the match. The man, whose voice is similar to the voice of the president of "Ural" Grigory Ivanov, continues: "What are you doing? Do not be ashamed at all, you have no conscience! There will never be football in Russia with such refereeing.”

Now even RFU President Vitaly Mutko paid attention to refereeing. “I believe that the FIFA referee should not lead the match this way, this is my position. As president of the RFU, I am responsible for whether he will receive the status of a FIFA referee or not. Here I am, having watched the match today, I did not see a FIFA referee on the field. A FIFA referee is, first of all, highly qualified. He cannot allow the situation on the field to be the same as he allowed it to be. And in fact, to a certain extent, he provoked this situation himself. I hope that the commission will consider all these points in detail. The situations that he created were elementary, they could have been avoided, ”Mutko said.

In St. Petersburg, the most scandalous stadium was opened in disgrace

The main long-term construction of the country - the most shameful sports facility in Russia - was supposed to open just like that. The very first match at the "Raw Saw Arena", as the fans call it, ended in a grandiose scandal. Details - in the column of sports correspondent Znak.com Andrey Varkentin.

The Krestovsky stadium in St. Petersburg was built for a very long time, an incredibly long time. It's hard to believe, but in August 2007, the then governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, announced that Zenit would play the first match at the new stadium in March 2009. That is, eight years ago. Since then, the opening date has been pushed back several times. For example, in April 2014, the then Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko said: “The Zenit Arena stadium in St. Petersburg will be commissioned by May 2016 and will host the first match at the same time.”

Officials changed positions, but the stadium continued to be built. The estimate grew almost every day. It increased from 8 billion rubles to 48 billion rubles. And it's not over yet. So, the other day, the administration of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for St. Petersburg announced that the stadium would probably have to be redone.

It's hard to believe it, but Zenit CEO Maxim Mitrofanov said on April 11, 2016 that the club did not want to move to a new stadium at all.

“To be honest, we would not play our matches at this stadium now. But there are certain obligations for the host of the 2018 World Cup, which in this case is St. Petersburg. It is obliged to hold three events at the stadium before the Confederations Cup, it is not indicated, by the way, which ones, so de jure these are not necessarily football matches. We will not go into details, but I can say that the football field that was created by the stadium contractors is dead. What we have now is grown by Zenith specialists. It's not growing well right now. Because the engineering systems of the field do not fully work and have not been delivered. And also because it is not yet possible to open the roof for a number of reasons. And our field lacks air. The grass is bad, ”Mitrofanov noted.

Zenit did not want to play at the stadium. But it was necessary - the interests of Russia are above all - it was necessary to play three matches before the Confederations Cup. Although the stadium was not ready.

And now the day of the game - April 22, the match of the Russian Football Championship "Zenith" - "Ural". The roof leaked first. Right during the match, the workers fussily covered the holes with polyethylene. “The problem with the roof of the stadium arose shortly before the match - it turned out that the reflective film of one of the cards with an area of ​​120 square meters had a factory defect, it had to be replaced with polyethylene during the game,” explained Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin.

Then it turned out that the lawn still died. And everyone is unhappy with them. "It's a specific pitch, it's not fully matured yet, it's young grass," Zenit head coach Mircea Lucescu said. Zenit football player Yuri Zhirkov almost vomited because of the closed roof. As the player will later tell, it was very difficult for him to play. Also, during the game and after, all those present could see the holes that remained in the lawn after almost every strong blow of the players.

But the stadium needs to be opened. The main VIPs arrived at Krestovsky - the former head of the RFU, Sergei Fursenko, and the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller.

In the first half of the match "Ural" - "Zenith" the game was equal, at the beginning of the second, Yekaterinburg went ahead, almost scored a goal. And apparently this scenario did not suit someone. After that, in the 61st minute, referee Alexei Eskov sent off two Ural players at once in just 60 seconds - Eric Bikfalvi and Roman Pavlyuchenko.

It was simply unbelievable: at first, Bikfalvi received a second yellow card for a foul on Smolnikovo. In fact, the Yekaterinburg player played the ball, which caused an angry reaction from the Ural players. Pavlyuchenko went to the judge, began talking to him in a raised voice and also received a red card, which was also extremely strange. Thus, Ural was forced to continue the match with nine men.

"Circus. Now, in order for Zenit to win at home against Ural, two must be sent off. And the first player, Bikfalvi, played the ball. And due to inertia, he hit the leg, ”the well-known sports journalist Igor Rabiner commented on his Facebook refereeing.

It really was a circus. But Eskov did not calm down and removed another player from Yekaterinburg - Roman Emelyanov, after which the Urals remained to play in eight. This has never happened in the Russian Premier League.

After the game, everyone was indignant - from ordinary fans to the management of Ural. “Win honestly at least once!” Alexander Dantsev says after the match. The man, whose voice is similar to the voice of the president of "Ural" Grigory Ivanov, continues: "What are you doing? Do not be ashamed at all, you have no conscience! There will never be football in Russia with such refereeing.”

Now even RFU President Vitaly Mutko paid attention to refereeing. “I believe that the FIFA referee should not lead the match this way, this is my position. As president of the RFU, I am responsible for whether he will receive the status of a FIFA referee or not. Here I am, having watched the match today, I did not see a FIFA referee on the field. A FIFA referee is, first of all, highly qualified. He cannot allow the situation on the field to be the same as he allowed it to be. And in fact, to a certain extent, he provoked this situation himself. I hope that the commission will consider all these points in detail. The situations he created were elementary, they could have been avoided,” Mutko said.

But, as you know, even such words will not change anything. Miller and Fursenko embrace and applaud - thank you all.