Big arm workout. Basic hand exercises

Better hand exercise, is there one? If you ask the visitors of the gyms, the answers will be different. Exercises that cause muscle growth on one person may be completely useless for another. (This is another reason why we constantly have to change the training program, the sequence of exercises, change the number of repetitions and rest time in order to stress the muscles for active muscle gains.).

Arm exercises at the gym and at home

We offer a list the best exercises on your hands. The presented exercises are the most effective for training hands.

If you want to pump up big arms, then remember that the volume of the biceps in the total volume of the arm is only 1/3. Another 2/3 in the size of the arm puts triceps. That is, you need to use movements that will effectively load the biceps and triceps.

Another important nuance- the body will not endlessly build muscle in one place without growth in others. That is, you will never pump huge arms if you have Thin legs and weak back. Therefore, we have included movements in this list that will indirectly load the arms and pump other muscle groups.

Standing barbell curls are great for adding meat to your arms. Why? Curls with a barbell are a heavy basic exercise that loads the biceps along the entire length, stretches it well, which gives it an incentive to grow.

For the exercise to be effective, it is necessary to follow the technique of movement, smoothly lower the arms with the barbell down until the muscle is completely stretched and cut the biceps without jerking in one explosive movement. To involve more fibers in the work, it is necessary to tighten the muscle at the beginning of the exercise and keep it in tension during the entire set. And also minimize (even squeeze) the biceps at the top of the amplitude.

If the muscles no longer respond to this exercise (volume and strength do not grow), you can change the width of the grip of the barbell to surprise the muscles.

Dumbbell concentration bicep curls are a great exercise to put extra strain on your muscles after lifting the barbell. It allows you to pump the biceps in isolation and bring additional blood into it for better growth. Move smoothly with maximum stretch in lowest point amplitude and peak contraction at the top of the amplitude.

#3 Standing Dumbbell Curl

The next exercise to train your arms is curling your arms with dumbbells. It also allows you to pump the biceps in isolation. Start with a small warm-up weight of 5 kg for each arm. You can perform both together and sequentially. Stick to better range 10-12 reps for each arm in 3-4 sets. This exercise will help increase the size of the biceps and forearms.

#4 Incline Dumbbell Curl

This exercise is not only aimed at training the biceps. It allows you to additionally use the brachialis ( shoulder muscle), which is located under the biceps and, as it were, pushes it outward, which allows you to give additional volume to the arm.

Lie face down on a bench at a 45° angle and grab a dumbbell or barbell in your hands. Without shifting your shoulders forward/backward, contract your biceps powerfully and lift the dumbbells up. Hold the muscle contraction for 1 second, and then return to the starting position, stretching the muscles as much as possible. With this exercise, you will feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

#5 Incline Dumbbell Curl

This version of the dumbbell curl is good because it allows you to turn off the auxiliary muscles from the movement and load the biceps as much as possible.

Set up the bench at a 60º angle. Take the dumbbells with an overhand grip and alternately bend your arms to chest level. When lifting the dumbbells up, twist the dumbbells by turning the brushes inward. This will allow you to make a peak contraction at the top of the amplitude. Keep your elbows close to your body while performing the movement. This exercise will perfectly load the long head of the biceps brachii (biceps).

#6 Push-ups on bars for triceps

Triceps push-ups are an excellent exercise for increasing the volume of the arms, which does not require special equipment. It can be done anywhere, but it's not as easy as it seems. With each rep, you lift your weight and hold it entirely with arm strength. That allows you to create training stress and stimulate muscle growth.

You can also perform this exercise with additional weight.

#7 French bench press

french press lying with a barbell allows you to stretch all 3 heads of the triceps as much as possible and pump it over with high quality. You need to start with small weights and gradually increase the load so as not to get injured. You can perform with a straight bar or use an EZ bar, which allows you to lighten the load on the hands. The movement must be performed smoothly and under control, lowering the barbell to the forehead or even behind the head, for maximum stretching of the triceps.

Focus on the muscle at the bottom of the range of motion and pause for a second, then slowly contract the triceps as you straighten your arms. This will maximize the load on the triceps and make it grow.

Another tip: keep your arms at a 45-degree angle to the floor; this will help the muscles stretch better and stay under more tension during each rep.

#8 Dumbbell bench press from behind the head sitting on triceps

Another great exercise for working out the triceps is the dumbbell bench press from behind the head while sitting. Grab a dumbbell with both hands, palms up. Keeping your shoulders still, bend your elbows and slowly lower the weight behind your head until your forearms are below parallel. Keep your elbows as close to your head as possible. In this exercise, you need to achieve a burning sensation in the triceps.

Lie down on a bench and hold the dumbbells directly over your chest muscles. Your palms should be facing inward. Without moving your shoulders forward or backward, bend your elbows and slowly lower the dumbbells down towards your head. Stop when your forearms are below parallel, contracting your triceps, raise the dumbbells to the starting position.

#10 Pull-ups for biceps

Pull-ups are a great basic biceps exercise (two joints work) that allows you to pump the biceps brachii muscle well using body weight. Most guys don't understand that The best way actually increase the size of the hands and become stronger can be used simple exercises and your body weight.

Push-ups from the floor allow you to include our triceps in the work, and also allow you to pump up the pectoral muscles and deltas. But if you want to emphasize the load on the triceps, use the so-called diamond push-ups (palms rest on the floor next to each other, forming a diamond).

Diamond pushups is great exercise to pump the triceps muscles. Keeping your palms close to each other is like a diamond shape, you will load the triceps to the maximum.

Once again, being able to lift your own body weight will load the triceps very effectively to start building. muscle mass and increase strength. If you are just starting out on increasing your arm size, this is also the best way to avoid injury and increase your endurance.

A few more exercises for the arms and other muscles

#12 Dumbbell row with one hand to the belt

To perform this exercise, place your left knee and left hand on your left knee and secure them firmly on a horizontal bench. Your left hand should serve as a support for your body. Squeeze the dumbbell and slowly lift it up, tensing the biceps, back muscles and rear deltas, lift the dumbbells up until it is above the body; then slowly lower the dumbbells until the muscles are fully stretched. When doing this exercise, you should feel a burning sensation in your back, triceps, biceps and forearms.

#13 Bent Over Row

Hold the bar in front of your body with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width, hold the bar not far from your legs, straighten your back, and lower your torso down to a 60 degree angle. Next, with the effort of the muscles of the back and biceps, pull the bar up to the stomach. Hold for 1 second and return to the starting position. The exercises will work your biceps and back.

Grab two dumbbells, palms facing you, and pull them toward your chin with your biceps and shoulders. This exercise will work your biceps, forearms, shoulders, and chest well. It is one of the most effective workouts for building muscle mass in your arms and upper shoulders.

Publication date: 2015-07-15

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Hands are the part of the body that attracts attention in the first place. Despite the fact that this is only a small part of the entire human body, there is no escape from the general desire to pump up the “banks”. For most guys who come to the gym, increasing their arms in volume, making them embossed is the main, and sometimes the only goal of training.

Without right program training to reach its maximum potential is impossible. First, let's look at the anatomical features of the muscles of the hands, and then move on to a discussion of how to pump up huge biceps and triceps using the maximum effective complex exercises.

Everyone knows what "biceps" and "triceps" are. However, in order to achieve maximum growth, it is also important to understand how these muscles work.


Biceps brachii

  • Tendons connect the muscles of the biceps to the bones of the arms.
  • Biceps shoulder consists of two heads: long and short.
  • The long head is on outside arm and makes up most of the biceps brachii.
  • The short head is on inside hands.
  • Forms the overall size of what is called the biceps. Most of the exercises are aimed at causing hypertrophy of this muscle.

shoulder muscle

  • It is located deeper than the biceps of the shoulder.
  • This muscle does not play big hand in functional movements, helping the biceps of the shoulder to bend the arm at the elbow joint.
  • Even though the brachialis is not a significant part of the arm, it is still important in balancing muscle size. By adding exercises that target this muscle to your arm training program, you can further increase the volume of your arms, getting a more holistic and harmonious picture. Your arms will look as strong as those of professional bodybuilders.

Triceps brachii

  • Consists of two sections or heads that form the famous horseshoe shape and make up the entire back of the arm.
  • An important muscle to stabilize shoulder joint.
  • The triceps make up one third of the total arm size. If you want to pump massive hands, then you should pay attention to exercises that cause maximum triceps hypertrophy.
  • Undertraining the triceps can lead to overtraining of other muscles, which increases the risk of muscle strains and tears. It is very important to train the triceps with the same frequency and load as the biceps.


  • Consists of several smaller muscles including:
  • Flexor carpi ulnaris ( outer part wrist)
  • Long palmar muscle(not everyone has it. If there is, it is located in the center of the wrist)
  • radial flexor wrist (middle part of the wrist)
  • Pronator roundus (inside the wrist)
  • And a few more smaller muscles
  • The forearm is important for wrist and elbow flexion.
  • The forearms also balance appearance hands Large, inflated biceps and triceps, with underdeveloped forearms, not only look unaesthetic, but also increase the risk of injury.

The interaction of the muscles of the hands

It would seem to pick up a water bottle or throw basketball- a fairly simple action, but each movement requires a complex set of actions and reactions from the muscles of the hands. In order to perform a particular movement correctly, the muscles must work together in harmony.

When you push something, the triceps should tense up, while the biceps, on the contrary, should relax. When you pull, the situation is reversed. When the biceps are active, the triceps are relaxed, and vice versa.

It is important to understand these principles before embarking on muscle building workouts. Pay Special attention how your muscles work during each movement. Direct all the tension to the active muscle, so you can stimulate muscle hypertrophy, which leads to an increase in muscle mass.

Basic principles for increasing arm muscle mass

There are many theories and techniques on how to make your arms bigger by using muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

The two main training principles boil down to high reps at low intensity and low reps at high intensity. Which one is correct? Actually, both. To achieve maximum growth, you need to concentrate on complex movements during training, devoting an entire day to the load on the muscles of the hands.

Let's find out what points it would be good to observe during training

What is important to remember during the best arm workout


  • 4 to 6
  • According to a study published in the American Journal sports medicine”, in order to achieve muscle hypertrophy, in one workout you need to perform from 40 to 60 repetitions for each muscle.
  • 4-6 sets just allow you to complete these 40-60 repetitions necessary for growth.

Rep plan

  • 6 to 10
  • As mentioned above, 40-60 repetitions for each muscle group maximally stimulates the process of its growth. You can achieve these values ​​by performing 5 to 10 repetitions in each approach.
  • For example, 4 sets of 5 reps with a heavy weight followed by 4 sets of 10 reps with a lighter weight will allow you to reach your target 60 reps.
  • 75 to 85 percent of your rep max or 1RM ( Weight Limit, which you can lift in one rep).
  • This may be contrary to what you have been taught, however, using more load has been shown to cause maximum muscle hypertrophy during arm training.
  • In order not to lose motivation and keep interest in training, variety is important. This way you can break up the training program: one day to train at a high intensity, the next at a low intensity, and so on. This will help you not to give up training and pump up your hands.

Choice of hand exercisesAnd

When it comes to increasing muscle growth, it is very important to choose the right exercises. No need to invent something unimaginable. Many are excellent for simulating muscle hypertrophy. classic exercises for biceps and triceps. Next, we will analyze them in more detail.

  • It is also important to change your training program every 6-10 weeks, depending on your level. This will help to avoid plateaus in training and just dilute boredom.

Training frequency

  • According to a study by the American Journal of Sports Medicine, the most top scores can be obtained by training one part of the body every 5-7 days.
  • It is also important to remember that many compound exercises, such as push-ups and deadlifts, involve several muscle groups, so objectively there is no point in 2 or more days of hands per week. You will get results even if your training program has a day dedicated exclusively to the arms once every two weeks.

The best exercises for growing muscle mass in the arms

Not all arm exercises are the same. Some involve only certain areas of the hands, while others may just look spectacular, but in fact do not bring any significant benefit.

We have collected the best and effective exercises for pumping up massive, muscular arms.

All of the exercises below are performed with free weights. This is due to the fact that by training with free weights, you have more room for movement. For many muscle groups, simulators are completely unsuitable.

List of the best bicep exercises

Barbell Biceps Curls

  • Hold the bar reverse grip on outstretched arms, the core muscles should be in tension, and the back should be straight.

Biceps Curls with EZ Bar

  • Hold with an EZ bar with a reverse grip on outstretched arms, the core muscles should be in tension, and the back should be straight.
  • holding upper part hands motionless, bend your elbows. Keep your wrists straight while doing this.
  • Bend your arms until the stay is as close to your shoulders as possible.
  • Stop briefly at the top.
  • Slowly and smoothly lower your arms to the starting position.

Alternate bicep curls with dumbbells

  • Take a pair of dumbbells, hold them with a reverse grip. Stand straight, core muscles tense.
  • The palms should be facing forward.
  • Keeping your upper arms still, bend your elbows. Keep your wrist straight while doing this.
  • Concentrate on the tension in the biceps, stop briefly at the top point.
  • Slowly and smoothly lower your arm to the starting position.

Biceps Curls with Hammer Dumbbells

  • Take dumbbells in your hands. Make sure your core is tight and your back is straight.
  • The palms are directed towards the body.
  • Bend your elbows, keeping your shoulders still. The movement is like working with a hammer.
  • Slowly and smoothly lower your arms to the starting position.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

  • Hold on to the horizontal bar with a reverse grip. Keep your hands approximately shoulder-width apart.
  • During the exercise, keep your core muscles in tension, and your arms slightly bent at the elbows.
  • Pull yourself up until your chin is level with the horizontal bar.
  • Lower yourself slowly and repeat again.

List of the best triceps exercises

Close grip bench press

  • Lie on the bench, grab the barbell, palms already shoulder-length. Push the bar straight up over your chest.
  • Slowly lower the bar to your chest. Try to feel the tension in the triceps.
  • Keeping your elbows bent, raise the bar to the starting position and repeat.

Dumbbell press from behind the head

  • Exercises can be performed both standing and sitting. Holding a dumbbell with both hands, raise it above your head.
  • Elbows should look up, and the movement should come from the forearms. Elbows move minimally.
  • Lower the dumbbell behind your head, stop, then slowly raise the dumbbell to the starting position.

French bench press

  • Hold the EZ bar with a straight grip. Sit on a flat bench and slowly lie down on your back.
  • Hold the bar behind your head.
  • Throughout the exercise, the elbows are pointing up.
  • Slowly and smoothly lower the bar to your face, stop, then return to the starting position.

Extension of the arms in the upper block for triceps

  • Make sure the handle on the crossover is in the correct position at the top.
  • Grasp the handle, make sure that the upper part of the hands is at the sides of the body throughout the exercise.
  • Pull the cable down, paying attention to the tension in the triceps.
  • Stop at the bottom point, then slowly and smoothly lower your hands to the starting position.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

  • Grasp the bars firmly in the overhead position. Straighten your arms all the way, while keeping your core muscles in tension.
  • Bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself down.
  • Starting from the bars, go back up. Watch your posture and exercise technique.
  • Also, this exercise can be performed, starting from the bench behind you.

List of the best forearm exercises

Reverse Curls

  • Stand up straight, hold the EZ bar with a reverse grip.
  • Without moving your shoulders, bend your elbows and lift the bar up.
  • Stop at the top, then slowly and smoothly lower your arms back to the starting position.

Workout program

Close Grip Bench Press:

  • 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps

Barbell curls:

  • 2 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps
  • 3-4 working sets of 4-8 reps

Push-ups (optional: you can hang weights on your belt)

  • 3-4 sets of 4-8 reps

Curls for biceps with dumbbells "Hammer":

  • 3-4 sets of 4-8 reps

Alternate bicep curls with dumbbells:

  • 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps

It is not enough to simply do the above exercises. It is necessary to constantly overdo yourself, increase the load, the number of approaches, the weights used. Performing the same exercises without any changes will lead to a plateau, when the growth of both strength and muscle mass stops.

  • Try to increase the working weight by 0.5-2 kilograms every workout. At the same time, make sure that the execution technique is close to ideal.
  • When doing high-intensity sets, reduce the rest time between them. This will force the body to use the energy it receives more efficiently, as well as increase endurance.
  • Include work to failure in your workout. It is advisable to leave the approach to failure at the end of the exercise. Just do as many reps as you can on the last set without breaking the technique.
  • Don't forget to change the training program after 6-10 weeks, with other exercises, more high load and lots of repetition.
  • Focus on the muscle you are working on this moment. Review the anatomy section to understand how this muscle works, which will help you visualize the effect of stress on it. This understanding will increase muscle tension and hypertrophy.

Everyone dreams of being fit and beautiful hands. Exercises with dumbbells will help to achieve this goal.

You can have a slim figure without visiting the gym, doing it regularly and purposefully.

It is necessary to practice increasing loads gradually: ignoring this principle can lead to injury. Make a training plan and do not put it off - the sooner you start to implement it, the sooner you will notice the results!

A bit of anatomy

The target arm muscles that require stress are the biceps and triceps. These muscles are not heavily involved in Everyday life. Without receiving a load, they acquire a jelly-like consistency. This applies to both men. If they are worked out with the help of effective strength exercises, you can increase the volume of muscle mass, form a relief and get rid of both thick and too thin limbs. If you want to make the limbs smaller and thinner, you need to stick to.

Power training are at the forefront in terms of effectiveness for the arms and shoulder. It must be remembered that in these exercises The shoulder joint is subjected to a strong load, which can be easily injured. Therefore, you must strictly follow the recommendations on the execution technique and work out each movement before using even a small weight.

A set of workouts of 10 exercises

The presented complex will help to work out and strengthen as efficiently as possible. It is popular and chosen by a large number of people for its simplicity and affordability. It can be performed at home and outdoors. Execution on fresh air provides a double benefit!

1. Hand swing

This exercise is also the shoulders. With it, you must definitely begin the implementation of the complex to strengthen the limbs.

We stand straight, do alternately energetic swings with our hands up.

We perform ten exercises with three approaches.

2. Different types of push-ups

They are in first place among. Harmoniously work out muscle groups, making the shoulders and arms beautiful and thin. Variations of this movement own weight allow you to increase and decrease the load, as well as shift its focus to different areas of the muscles.

practiced most often to warm up target muscles before training. Taking a step away from the wall, we push out with our hands located at chest level the maximum number of times.

  1. We hold the dumbbells with a direct grip, feet shoulder-width apart, tilt the body forward. The position of the body should be comfortable and stable.
  2. Bend your elbows and pull the dumbbells up the side of your thigh.

We repeat as many times as possible.

4. Curl with dumbbells

Simple, but one of the . The biceps receive most of the load.

  1. We perform standing, arms with dumbbells stretch in front of the chest.
  2. We make a movement in the elbow, bending and unbending it.
  3. Keep your hands parallel to the floor only the elbow works.

To begin with, we do as many repetitions as possible. This move helps a lot.

5. Standing Dumbbell Press

Perfectly works through the entire shoulder girdle.

We become even, squeeze the dumbbells up, while the body maintains a straight line, and arms should be parallel at the maximum point.

We perform the maximum possible number of repetitions.

6. Plank

The best exercise to perform at home, popular among beginners and professionals. Due to the retention of isometric and static posture perfectly burns calories and strengthens the press.

Works out muscles with an emphasis on the arms. Strengthens the forearm. Many people perform this exercise at home in order to prevent the accumulation of body fat.

  1. We lie down on the floor and rest on our toes and palms.
  2. The body, elongated in a line, forms a plank. We breathe freely and measuredly. Hold this position for a minute.

We repeat three times. This is excellent.

7. Bending the arms behind the head with one dumbbell

Works out the triceps. The muscles of this zone are usually those who do little exercise. This exercise and hands, gives the muscles strength.

  1. Holding one dumbbell in both hands, raise it as high as possible.
  2. We start by the head. Movement occurs at the elbow joint the rest of the parts and bodies are static.
  3. We focus on how the thoracic region and the inner surface of the forearm are stretched.

8. Incline dumbbell raises

We are working on the forearms and back. The load also goes to the extensor muscles and latissimus dorsi. Helps.

  1. We hold the dumbbells with our palms inward.
  2. We tilt the torso, bend the knees a little for stability. We keep the natural anatomical curve in the lower back!
  3. We freely lower our hands with dumbbells.
  4. With the help of the shoulder joints, we spread and bring our hands together. The body is motionless, only the shoulders work.

We repeat eight times.

Attention! You can't make sudden movements. This can lead to strain or injury!

9. Jump rope

This is a universal exercise for the main muscle groups. Jumping gives a good load on the inner side of the forearm: it is usually not easy to work it out!

We jump at a fast pace for ten minutes.

The exercise is very popular and is included in many gymnastic complexes with emphasis on hands. It is this intense cardio load that will help.

10. Hand rotation

With this exercise, you can finish the complex, removing the load from the hands and relaxing the muscles. Such a hitch will avoid the next day. Also used for stretching and developing flexibility.

  1. We stand straight.
  2. Slowly and smoothly rotate your hands clockwise.
  3. We tilt the body and do small shaking with our hands.

How to train hands and fingers?

Many novice athletes, training their hands, underestimate the role of hand and finger strength. However, by working out the extensor muscles, you can achieve arm strength in general.

Basically, it is customary to focus on the shoulders and forearms. But if you pay attention to training the hand, then the strength of the forearm will increase.

Experienced trainers pay attention to the fact that the wrist helps to properly hold the weighting agent and increases the return on strength exercises on the shoulders and forearms. Classes are held in several areas.

The compressive force is developed with the help of expander and tennis ball. By squeezing and unclenching them, as well as twisting the expander in the form of a figure eight, you can achieve good results brush strengthening. You can train anywhere several times a day.

On a note! The holding force will help to improve the thick neck of the bar or bodybar. Pinching power of the fingers can be developed by holding the pancake away from the bar with your fingertips.

  • The number of exercises. For beginners, the number of exercises performed should be minimal. You need to focus on your feelings. Muscles cannot be overloaded, you need to add loads gradually.
  • Training mode. Only strengthened muscles can be trained in the mode - from twelve to fifteen exercises with three repetitions! This figure is an average - it can be increased or decreased depending on your physical training, age, weight and other individual characteristics.
  • Time mode. In order not to overload the muscles, you need to exercise every other day. Muscle tissue must be restored, so daily training cannot be practiced.
  • Proper Diet is your first assistant. The presence of protein foods, slow carbohydrates will help build slim figure and masculine silhouette.

Attention! Remember that all advice is advisory in nature. Performing exercises, focus on your individual feelings. If some exercise clearly does not suit you, exclude it.

In order to have toned and sculpted muscles, it is necessary to draw up a training plan and constantly follow it. You can use the arm-focused complex described above, as well as consult with a sports doctor or trainer, and develop individual training personally for yourself. It is important to remember that missed classes bring you back and force you to start all over again. Regular and targeted training will help you notice positive results pretty soon and reach your goal!

    What will be required

    Basic exercises for hands is one of the most effective tools for training large and well-developed hands. After all, as you know, isolated exercises good only as additions to the basic ones. Let's figure out how to still pump up big arms, including at home with the help of basic exercises for arm muscles.

    What does it take for muscles to grow?

    Firstly, you need to train the muscle regularly, and secondly, let it recover. And if there are no problems with arm training: we pump every workout, or we pump it on a separate day, then recovery, as a rule, is a disaster, and precisely because we so devoutly exploit our arm muscles. What is the point? Biceps and triceps, by themselves, are quite small muscle groups, but with very important functions in terms of helping large muscle masses. So, the biceps is a traction muscle group that actively assists in the same movements to the back, the triceps is a pushing muscle group that “helps” the deltas and pectorals. Accordingly, by loading large muscle groups, you are simultaneously training your arms, therefore, without using specialized exercises for biceps and triceps at all, you can add solid muscle volumes to the latter. But there are several conditions:

    • you have to work with very solid weights;
    • you should feel very well the work of the “target muscles” (lats, pectorals or deltas);
    • for a certain time, abandon the "point" pumping of the muscles of the hands;
    • be sure to train your leg muscles hard - do deadlifts and squats - it is exercises for the lower body that lead to the strongest activation of your hormonal system and lead to a powerful natural release of testosterone.

    Following all of the above tips on how to build big arms will lead to an increase in overall muscle mass, that is, all your muscles will increase in volume, including the muscles of the arms. At the same time, they will become much stronger - this will definitely come in handy for us, but more on that below. So, we have created a certain muscle mass of the hands, but we want more.

    We divided our material into 2 conditional blocks on basic exercises for the arms: 1 - these are exercises for triceps, 2 - these are, respectively, exercises for biceps. Let's start with the 1st.

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    Specialized triceps training

    It is from this moment that we begin to do specialized exercises for the muscles of the arms, while remembering that 2/3 of the volume of the arms sets the triceps and only one third - the biceps. Respectively, triceps shoulder becomes a priority for us. Despite the fact that the triceps consists of three heads, it has one tendon, respectively, when we unbend the arm in the elbow joint, the entire muscle contracts, not some separate bundle. However, depending on the position humerus relative to the belt upper limb, you can change the involvement of the muscle in the movement.

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    Our goal is a large triceps, therefore, our task is to include, first of all, "the largest head of the triceps." This is the middle one, its proximal end is attached to the scapula. To turn on the middle head “to the fullest”, we must raise our arm above the head and, bending it at the elbow, bring the forearm behind the head, followed by extension of the arm. The second option is to straighten the arm in the elbow joint while changing the position of the shoulder relative to the body. Basic exercises for training arms and, accordingly, triceps are given below.

    french press

    Push-ups on the uneven bars with an emphasis on triceps

  1. Starting position - hanging on the uneven bars, the body is straight, fixed on straightened arms perpendicular to the ground.
  2. With a fixed position of the body, or with a slight tilt of the body forward, bend the arms in elbow joints to an angle of 90-100 degrees, without spreading the elbows to the sides - this will shift part of the load to pectoral muscles. Deeper push-ups in this version are highly discouraged due to the increased injury risk for the shoulder joint.
  3. Straighten your arms under control, trying to create maximum pressure with your palms on the bars.

  1. We sit on the edge of the bench, grab the edge with our hands. The grip is shoulder-width apart, it can be a little narrower, here you need to find a comfortable position for the wrist joint.
  2. We take the buttocks forward, transfer the weight of the body to the hands. The legs are straightened in knee joints and brought forward. The heels are on the floor, or you can use the second bench as a support (the main condition: the same height with support under your arms).
  3. We smoothly bend our arms at the elbow joints, we try not to spread our elbows to the sides. Buttocks and back fall to the floor, parallel to the bench. Elbows are bent to an angle of 90 degrees, we fix the position with a stretched position of the triceps muscle of the shoulder.
  4. Next, we unbend our elbows, trying to focus on the sensations in the triceps. We fix the tension in the target muscles. To complicate this exercise, you can use weights, in this case, it should be located on the hips, as close as possible to the pelvis.

Biceps workout

As for the biceps, for its maximum hypertrophy it is advisable to use alternate bending of the arms from two main positions: when the shoulder is in line with the body and when the shoulder is laid back relative to the body. I’ll explain why this is so: alternate bending gives a clearer mental control over the muscle being worked out and allows you to focus 100% on working out the biceps on both sides. A change in the position of the shoulder relative to the body provides a shift in emphasis from short head biceps (shoulders pressed to the body) to long (shoulder retracted backwards). It is important to understand that in each variant, the entire muscle contracts, as a whole, only the degree of involvement of muscle bundles in the movement changes.

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Standing dumbbell curls

  1. The starting position is standing, the best option, pressing your back and elbows against a fixed support, excluding swinging movements of the body. The forearms are supinated, in the hands of a dumbbell. The forearm is in line with the wrist.
  2. The arm is bent at the elbow joint to an angle of 100 degrees, that is, not completely (ideally, you should bend your arm until you feel maximum tension in the biceps). If you bring the dumbbell to the shoulder joint, you will thereby remove part of the load from working muscle, and lose a fraction of the efficiency of movement.

The most effective mode of performing the exercise: under control and slowly unbend the working arm at the elbow, preventing complete relaxation of the biceps, perform a given number of repetitions with the working limb, then switch to working out the second arm.

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Alternate bending with dumbbells of the arms sitting at an angle of 45 degrees

Optimal I.P. - sitting on a bench, back at an angle of 45 degrees. Hands with dumbbells hang freely on the sides of the body. The position of the hands is the same as described in paragraph 1 above. The essence of the exercise is to bend the arm at the elbow joint, without additional movement of the shoulder. The technique of the movement itself is the same as described above.

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Simultaneous bending of the arms with a barbell

  1. I.P. corresponds to that described in paragraph 1. The bar is fixed in the lowered hands, at the level of the hips, the grip is shoulder width apart. The neck can be used both curved and Olympic, EZ, of course, is preferable, as it allows you to work more comfortably and, accordingly, better concentrate on the work of the target muscles.
  2. Under control we bend the arms in the elbow joints to an angle of approximately 100 degrees, we fix at the point of maximum tension of the biceps, under control we return the barbell to its original position.

How to combine arm training with training the rest of the muscle groups

For effective growth arm muscles, 4 conditions are important (according to V.N. Seluyanov - source "" (read from page 126)):

  • pool of free amino acids;
  • free creatine;
  • anabolic hormones;
  • hydrogen ions.

The first two conditions depend on your nutrition, but the last ones depend solely on your training. Muscles acidify during work in the mode of 12-15 repetitions, that is, when working with weights of 65-70% of your maximum. Good acidification is indicated by a burning sensation in the muscle.

Anabolic hormones are released in response to the training of large muscle groups, in the largest amount - when training the legs. Accordingly, it makes sense to train biceps and triceps on leg day, after the latter. Or tie the biceps training to the day when you work out the back, and do the triceps after the chest. In the latter option, you should not perform more than 2 exercises in 3 sets each. In the combination of hands and feet, it is optimal to do 2-3 exercises for triceps in 3 sets and 1-2 exercises for biceps in the mode of 3-4 sets each.

In conclusion, a useful video about warm-up / cool-down massage for active recovery of biceps and triceps:

Build strong, lean muscles and shed belly and flank fat for a dramatic change in your physical form in record time with this training program in gym for men and nutrition plan.

How much can you change your body in four weeks? Stronger than you think, if you have three things: a good training system, reasonable nutrition rules, and the right attitude to follow them with focus and purpose.

The proposed four-week plan was designed to gain mass in a way that constantly challenges your body and pushes it beyond your comfort zone while shaping your abs and hips. In this case, your body has no choice but to build new muscle mass and burn fat, radically transforming your body. That is why each week of the program contains its own little tricks: these changes will "puzzle" your body, and make it change.

Totally modifying your body in four weeks is difficult, but possible. Start slowly, both in the gym and in the kitchen, and soon these small steps will make a big difference in your shirtless look.

  1. Plan

The plan consists of two 2-week blocks. The first is designed for four workouts per week: chest and back; legs and press; hands; shoulders and abs. The second also includes four training days, but the workouts are different: chest and triceps; legs and shoulders; chest and triceps; back and biceps.

  1. Powerful start

The workouts of the first week of the first block are given below. Then the tables show the workouts of the second week of the block. Perform the complexes in order, respecting the number of sets, reps, pace, and the indicated rest periods, so that the beginning of the plan is as effective as possible.

Tempo refers to the number of seconds to complete each phase of an exercise. On the example of the bench press, the first number corresponds to the duration of the lowering phase of the weight, the second to the pause at the bottom of the amplitude, the third number indicates the duration of the weight lift, and finally the fourth to the pause at the top of the amplitude.

  1. grand finale

The big difference in the second week of the block is that you will work your chest, back, and arms twice a week. This increase in training volume shocks the body, causing it to build more muscle mass and burn fat. excess fat so you get bigger and leaner at the same time.

  1. Steady progress

The complexes consist of the same exercises in the same order for the first and second, third and fourth weeks. But the number of sets and reps varies to keep your body working at its limit. This approach will accelerate the onset of positive changes in your physical form.

  1. Rest

Let's be honest: the proposed four-week plan is very difficult, but otherwise there is no way you can change your body for the better for so long. a short time. It means that good food and quality rest play a key role. Follow the nutritional guidelines below to keep your body hydrated, and try to go to bed early every night.

For building lean muscle mass and gaining flat stomach The food you eat is just as important as good program workouts in the gym for men on relief. Follow these four rules to be successful.


If you don't eat enough protein - white and red meat, fish and eggs - don't be surprised if your muscles grow more slowly than you'd like. Because of the rise heavy weights microscopic tears form in the muscles, and it is the protein that heals these wounds and builds a stronger and more voluminous muscle tissue. Try to consume high-quality lean protein in at least fist-sized portions at every meal.


You don't have to cut out carbs completely to transform your body. On the contrary, choosing your carbohydrate sources wisely will help you get bigger, stronger, and leaner. Avoid sugar and reduce your intake of fast-digesting carbohydrates like white bread and pasta, which are devoid of the lion's share of their nutrients and fiber. Instead, opt for slow-digesting carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice, and plenty of nutritious, high-fiber vegetables.


If you fail to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day according to the famous five-a-day system, you are depriving yourself of a lot of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients that can give you good health and slim body. Eat plenty of vegetables of different colors to supply the body with the necessary nutrients after a hard workout. In addition, fiber will prolong the feeling of fullness and stabilize blood sugar levels, so that you will not crave sweets.


For maximum results in four weeks, you should completely eliminate alcohol. It's full of calories you don't need, and drinking too much will kill your drive to train hard and eat right. The best option for you, drink plain water, green tea, and black coffee to stay hydrated and get antioxidants to help you recover from your workout.

A set of exercises in the gym for men

Block 1: Week 1

Monday Workout: Chest and Back

1. Bench press

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2010 Rest 60 sec.

Lie down on horizontal bench, grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip. Rest your feet on the floor and tighten your muscles. Lower the bar until it touches your chest, then force it up.

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2011 Rest 60 sec.

Stand up straight, holding the barbell with an overhand grip shoulder-width apart. Bend forward from the hip joint, but at the same time the chest should be lifted, and the core muscles should be tense. Pull the bar to the body, bending your arms at the elbows, linger at the top point and lower.

3. Breeding dumbbells lying on an incline bench

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2010 Rest 60 sec.

Lie down on incline bench head end up, holding two dumbbells with straight arms directly above the chest. Bend your elbows slightly, then slowly lower your arms to your sides until you feel a stretch in your chest muscles. Contract your chest muscles to return to the starting position.

4. Thrust of the upper block to the chest on a wide grip

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2011 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on the simulator, holding the handle with a direct grip at shoulder width. Keeping your chest up and tensing your abs, pull the handle down while bending your elbows. Hold at the bottom for a second and return to the starting position.

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Stand with your back to the crossover with the D-handle in one hand. Push your chest up, tighten your abs, and press forward with one arm, straightening your elbow. Come back and complete all reps, then change hands.

6. Pullover with a dumbbell

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 4 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Lie on a flat bench with your back pressed firmly against it and holding a dumbbell with both straight arms above your chest. Slowly and in a controlled manner, lower the dumbbell behind your head with straight arms, then lift it up to the starting position.

Wednesday Workout: Legs and Abs

1. Back squat

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Stand up straight with the bar on your back deltoid muscles Oh. Lifting chest and tensing the muscles of the whole body, bend your knees and lower yourself into a squat as low as possible, while not allowing your knees to fall inward. Push off with your heels and lift yourself up.

2. Romanian traction

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Stand straight with a straight grip on the barbell. With your chest up and your core contracted, bend forward into hip joint, sliding the neck along the front of the legs until you feel a stretch in the muscles rear surface hips. Climb up.

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on the simulator correct position, in which the soft roller is located at the bottom of the legs in front. Tighten the muscles in your upper body and lift your feet by straightening your legs. Hold at the top, holding the quadriceps, then return to the starting position.

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on the machine and take the correct starting position: the soft roller should touch the back of the bottom of your legs. Keeping the muscles of the body in tension, lower the feet down, bending the legs. Hold at the bottom point, contracting the muscles of the back of the thigh, and return to the starting position.

5. Twisting

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Lie on your back, bring your hands to your temples and bend your knees. Contract your upper abs and lift your torso off the floor, then crunch as you reach your torso towards your knees. Slowly lower yourself to the floor, keeping your abs tight all the time.

Approaches 3 Time 30 sec. PaceRest 60 sec.

Get into a position with your elbows under your shoulders, feet together, hips lifted, and abs and buttocks squeezed so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position without letting your hips sag.

Friday Workout: Biceps and Triceps

1. Reverse lat pulldown

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on the simulator, holding the handle with a reverse grip shoulder-width apart. Raise your chest, tighten your abs and pull the handle down by bending your elbows. Pause for a second at the bottom and return to the starting position.

2. Push-ups on the uneven bars

Approaches 3 Reps 6-10 Pace 2 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Take a position on parallel bars, straightening your arms and crossing your feet behind. Keeping your chest up and tensing your abs, bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle as you lower yourself down. Push up, returning to the starting position.

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Stand straight, take a dumbbell in each hand, turning your hands palms forward. Press your elbows to your sides and lift the dumbbells to your shoulders. Clench your biceps at the top, then lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Stand straight, take dumbbells in each hand, holding them behind your head with straight arms. Keeping your elbows pointed straight at the ceiling, lower the dumbbells behind your head, then straighten your arms, returning to the starting position.

5. Crossover Curl

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Stand facing the crossover, attach a double rope handle to the upper block and grab it with a reverse grip. Push your chest up, press your elbows into your body, and bend your arms to shoulder height. Clamp your biceps at the top and lower your arms.

6. Crossover Triceps Extension

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Facing the crossover, grasp the double rope handle attached to the upper pulley with an overhand grip. Raising the chest and pressing the elbows to the body, press, straightening the arms, then slowly return to the starting position.

Saturday Workout: Shoulders and Arms

1. Seated Dumbbell Press

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on an upright bench with a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height. Keep your chest up and your core tight, and press the dumbbells straight up while straightening your arms. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

2. Mahi dumbbells through the sides while sitting

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on an upright bench, grab a light dumbbell in each hand, and bend your elbows slightly. Push your chest up, lock your core, and lift the dumbbells out to your sides to shoulder height, starting at your elbows, then slowly return to the starting position.

3. EZ Bar Vertical Pull to Chin

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Stand straight, holding an EZ bar with an overhand grip. With your chest up and your core tight, lift the barbell up to chin height, starting by bending your elbows. Pause at the top, then return the bar in a controlled manner to the starting position.

4. Hanging knee raise

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 1 1 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Hang on the horizontal bar, grasping it with a direct grip and straightening your legs. Clutching your core, glutes, and keeping your feet together, pull your knees toward your chest. Hold this position, then straighten your legs and return to the starting position.

5. Weighted crunches

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Lie down on a horizontal bench, holding a dumbbell or plate in front of your chest with bent arms, bend your knees. Strain upper press and lift your torso off the bench, then twist your upper body, bringing your torso closer to your knees. Lower yourself slowly.

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Lie on the floor on your back with your arms extended along your body and your knees bent. Tighten the entire press and, due to the work of its lower part, pull your knees to your chest, then tear your pelvis off the floor. Return to starting position.

Block 1: Week 2

Continue building lean muscle and losing belly fat by working out even harder.

With four week 1 workouts under your belt, you may already be starting to feel a little stronger, lighter, and more agile. That is why we are now going to raise the stakes to accelerate your positive progress.

The four workouts of the second week are similar to those of the first. In the same order, you will work out the chest and triceps; legs and press; arms and then shoulders and abs. But for greater efficiency, two big changes have been made to the program. First, you will additionally perform one additional set of the first and second exercises of each complex. Also in the last four exercises of each workout, the number of repetitions increases to 12.

For what? Because now you know how to do these exercises correctly, so increasing the load on the muscles will force your body to build muscle and burn fat even more intensively. Stay focused and keep correct technique performed throughout all four workouts for the fastest results.

Monday: Chest and back

Exercises Approaches repetitions Pace Rest
1. Bench press 4 10 2 0 1 0 60 sec.
2. Vertical thrust in tilt 4 10 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
3. Breeding dumbbells lying on an incline bench with the head end up 3 12 2 0 1 0 60 sec.
4. Pull the block down to the widest 3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
6. Pullover with a dumbbell 3 12 2 0 1 0 60 sec.

Wednesday: Legs and Abs

Exercises Approaches repetitions Pace Rest
1. Squats 4 10 2 0 1 0 60 sec.
2. Romanian traction 4 10 2 0 1 0 60 sec.
3. Leg extension in the simulator 3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
5. Crunchy 3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
3 45 sec. - 60 sec.

Friday: Biceps and Triceps

Exercises Approaches repetitions Pace Rest
1. Reverse Lat Pulldown 4 10 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
2. Push-ups on the uneven bars 4 6-10 2 0 1 0 60 sec.
3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
4. Extension of arms with a dumbbell for triceps 3 12 2 0 1 0 60 sec.
5. Crossover Hammer Curl 3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
6. Extension of the arms for triceps in the crossover 3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.

Saturday: Shoulders and Abs

Exercises Approaches repetitions Pace Rest
4 10 2 0 1 0 60 sec.
2. Lifting dumbbells through the sides while sitting 4 10 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
3. EZ-bar vertical link 3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
4. Hanging knee raise 3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
5. Weighted crunches 3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.
6. Inverted crunches 3 12 2 0 1 1 60 sec.

Block 2: Week 1

Workout 1: Chest and Back

1. Bench Press

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Lie on an incline bench, grab the bar with an overhand grip. Press your feet to the floor and tighten your muscles. Lower the bar until it touches your chest, then jerk it up.

2. Pull the upper block with a wide grip to the chest

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on the simulator, holding the handle with a wide grip, twice as wide as your shoulders. With your chest up and your abs squeezed, pull the handle down by bending your elbows. Hold at the bottom for a second and come back up.

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Lie down on a bench, take a dumbbell in each hand and hold them at chest level. Rest your feet on the floor and tighten your muscles. Squeeze the dumbbells straight up, straightening your arms, then lower them down in a controlled manner.

4. Seated rowing

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on the machine with both hands on the dual handlebars. Keeping your chest up, pull your arms toward your torso from your elbows. Hold the top position and return to the starting position.

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Stand with your back to the crossover with the D-handle in one hand. Push your chest up, squeeze your core muscles, and straighten your arm with a press motion. Return to starting position and repeat until the end of the set, then change hands.

6. Press with straight arms down in the crossover

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Stand facing the crossover with both hands on the straight handle. Keeping your chest elevated, pull the bar down to your hips in a slightly arcing path, pause at the bottom, then return to the starting position.

Workout 2: Legs and Shoulders

1. Back squat

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Stand straight with the bar on the back of your deltoid muscles. Raise your chest, tighten your whole body and bend your knees, squatting as low as possible, while keeping your knees inward. Push off from your heels to rise up.

2. Army press

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Stand straight, holding the bar in front of your chest with an overhand grip. With your chest up and your core tightened, push the bar up over your head while straightening your arms. Lower the bar in a controlled manner, returning to the starting position.

3. Leg extension in the simulator

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on the simulator in the correct position: the roller is at the bottom of the front of the shins. Tighten your upper body and lift your feet, extending your knees. Pause at the top to activate your quads and lower your legs back to the starting position.

4. Lifting dumbbells through the sides while sitting

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on an upright bench with dumbbells in both hands with your elbows slightly bent. Push your chest up, lock your core, and lift the dumbbells out to your sides to shoulder height, starting at your elbows. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Sit on the simulator, taking the correct starting position, in which the soft roller is located at the bottom of the lower legs at the back. Keep your torso muscles tense, and lower your feet down, bending your knees. Pause at the bottom point, squeezing the muscles of the back of the thighs, and return to the starting position.

6. EZ Bar Vertical Pull to Chin

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Stand up straight, grab a barbell with an EZ bar with an overhand grip. Raise your chest, tighten your core, and pull the bar to your chin by bending your elbows. Pause at the top and lower the bar in a controlled manner to the starting position.

Workout 3: Chest and Triceps

1. Bench press

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Lie down on a flat bench with a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Press your feet to the floor and tighten your muscles. Lower the bar until it touches your chest, and jerk it up.

2. Breeding dumbbells lying on an incline bench

Approaches 3 Reps 10 Pace 2 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Lie down on an incline bench with two dumbbells straight above your chest. Slightly bend your arms at the elbows and slowly spread them to the sides, until a feeling of tension appears in the muscles of the chest. Return to starting position by contracting your chest muscles.

3. Push-ups on the uneven bars

Sets 4 Reps 6-10 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Take a starting position on parallel bars, straightening your arms and crossing your feet behind your back. Raise your chest, tighten your abs and lower yourself down, bending your elbows to a right angle. Push your hands up, returning to the starting position.

4. Incline Dumbbell Press

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Lie on an incline bench with dumbbells in both hands at chest level with palms facing out. Rest your feet on the floor and tighten your muscles. Squeeze the dumbbells straight up, straightening your arms, and lower them down in a controlled manner.

5. Crossover Triceps Press

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Stand facing the crossover and grab the double rope handle attached to the top block, direct grip. Raise your chest and press your elbows to your sides, press your arms down, extending your elbows, then slowly return to the starting position.

6. Push-ups

Approaches 4 Reps 10-15 Pace 3 0 1 0 Rest 60 sec.

Stand in an emphasis lying down: put your hands on the floor, shoulders and elbows are on the same line, feet together. Squeeze your core muscles and bring your chest closer to the floor by bending your elbows. Push off the floor with your hands, returning to the starting position.

Workout 4: Back and Biceps

Approaches 4 Reps 6-10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Hang on the horizontal bar with a reverse grip, hands shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your abs and glutes and, with your chest up, pull your torso up until your chin touches the bar. Hold this position, then slowly return to the starting position.

2. Block pull with a wide grip to the chest on the latissimus dorsi

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Take a starting position on the simulator, holding the handle with a direct grip at shoulder width. With your chest up and tensing your abdominal muscles, pull your arms towards you by bending your elbows. Hold at the bottom for a second and return to the starting position.

3. Lying Dumbbell Row

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Lie on your stomach on an incline bench, head up, with dumbbells in both hands. Pressing your chest against the bench, pull the dumbbells up, starting the movement by bending your arms at the elbows. Lock at the top point, and lower the dumbbells down, returning to the starting position.

4. Breeding dumbbells lying face down

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 60 sec. Rest 60 sec.

Lie on your stomach on an incline bench with a light dumbbell in each hand. Press your chest against the bench and raise the dumbbells to the sides, starting from the elbows. Pause at the top position and lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Stand straight with a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing forward. Pressing your elbows to the body, raise the dumbbells to shoulder level. Clench your biceps at the top, then lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

6. Bending the arms with dumbbells "hammer"

Approaches 4 Reps 10 Pace 3 0 1 1 Rest 60 sec.

Stand straight, dumbbells in both hands, palms facing each other. Press your elbows firmly to your sides and raise your arms to your shoulders. In the upper position, tighten your biceps, then, extending your arms, return to the starting position.

Block 2: week 2

As you noticed in the first week of the second block of this plan, some new movements were introduced into the program to stress the muscles to keep them growing. These sets, reps, and tempo have also been adjusted so that each set of each workout is slightly more challenging. nervous system and muscles. This means that the second block of the plan is psychologically and physically more difficult, but focus and try to give your best on each set to the best of your ability. And you will be amazed at what results you can achieve in terms of increasing strength, muscle growth and improving body relief.

The last week's workouts are tabulated below, and although they consist of the same exercises in the same order as the first week of the block, the sets and reps are changed here again. This means that every time you enter the gym, you will give your muscles a new stress load that they are not used to, because this is the only way to keep progressing your results.