International Association of Athletics Statisticians. Iaaf President Sebastian Coe: "Surprised that Russia has filed a lawsuit against us"


International Association of Athletics Federations(English) International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) , in Russian the abbreviation is usually used IAAF listen)) is the world governing body for athletics.

The IAAF is established for an indefinite period of time with the legal status of an association under the laws of Monaco.

At the moment, 212 countries are members of the IAAF (4 countries more than FIFA, and 20 representatives more than the UN). In the year the organization's headquarters was located in Monaco, where it is located to this day. President - Lamine Diack (Senegal)




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See what "IAAF" is in other dictionaries:

    IAAF- International Amateur Athletic Federation English: IAAP, International Amateur Athletic Federation English, organization, sport Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. Pb.: Polytechnic, 1997. 527 s ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    - "IAAF Golden League" (eng. IAAF Golden League) is an annual series of athletics competitions held in 1998-2009 under the auspices of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). Sports for these competitions ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Eng. IAAF World Athlete of the Year) a prestigious title awarded annually by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). The award of the title is based on a two-tier voting. Everyone who wishes to vote on the IAAF website ... ... Wikipedia

    Athletics competitions organized by the International Association of Athletics Federations. They were held once a year from 1985 to 2003. In 2003, it was replaced by the World Athletics Final. The best performed at the competitions ... ... Wikipedia

    The eighteenth IAAF Grand Prix Final, held on September 14, 2002 at the Charlety Stadium. in Paris, France. This was the last IAAF Grand Prix Final, in 2003 it was replaced by the IAAF World Athletics Final. ... ... Wikipedia

    View Sports Lightweight Athletics Founded 2011 Continent Europe, Asia, North America (IAAF) Diamond League Official Website Diamond League (English Samsung Diamond League) an annual series of commercial competitions ... Wikipedia

    The sixteenth IAAF Grand Prix Final took place on 5 October 2000 at the Khalifa Stadium in Doha, Qatar. Contents 1 Results 1.1 Men 1.2 Women ... Wikipedia

    It was inaugurated on March 8, 2012 by the President of the International Association of Athletics Federations, Lamine Diack, at a conference in Istanbul. The creation of the hall of fame is timed to coincide with the centenary of the IAAF. Initially, there were 12 athletes who ... Wikipedia

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  • Run! Jump! Throw! The Official IAAF Training Guide for Athletics, VV Balakhnichev. This book was originally written because trainers-lecturers training new trainers needed it again. But when they began to look for such a book, they found themselves empty-handed. ...
  • Introduction to training theory. The Official IAAF Training Guide for Athletics, Peter J. L. Thompson. In the IAAF Coaches Training and Certification System, the pronouns `he`, `him`, `his` refer equally to both men and women. This is important in athletics because it highlights...

- Now you are on juvenile Olympic Games ah in Buenos Aires. What are your impressions of what is happening?

This competition is very high level. Young participants begin to understand more about Olympic Movement, absorb the atmosphere of the Games, and also show very decent results. The local population is also interested in the tournament. Everything goes well.

- Managed to chat with one of the Russian members of the International Olympic Committee(IOC) present in Argentina - , ?

- I have not yet seen Vitaly and Elena, and only talked a little with Tarpishchev.

- How do you feel about the fact that at the Youth Olympics Russian athletes compete under their own flag, and not in a neutral status, as in IAAF competitions?

- We all strive to ensure that Russian athletes can perform exactly like Russian athletes. This is a fundamental question. But for this to happen, it is necessary to fulfill the criteria that are clear and have been agreed between the IAAF and the All-Russian Athletics Federation (ARAF). We have a working group that is working very productively. In November they meet with representatives of the ARAF, and in December they will present a report to the members of the IAAF Council. Naturally, I will wait for this report before drawing any conclusions.

- Don't you think this is discrimination: why can young Russian athletes compete under the flag, while adults can't?

- The situation looks a little different. There is a good productive process going on that is helping to change the state of affairs in athletics as a whole. Everything is extremely transparent. The goal is for all athletes from all over the world to compete "clean". Therefore, we have created a neutral status to enable "clean" Russian athletes perform on an equal footing with others. Obviously, we want this to eventually lead to the restoration of the federation. But this will only happen when both parties agree that all criteria are met.

- How did you react to the fact that ARAF does not agree with these criteria and recently challenged them in the Court of Arbitration for Sport?

- I was a little surprised, but this is solely the decision of the ARAF. We would, of course, prefer not to fight in the courts, but to work together at the negotiating table to fulfill the criteria.

McLaren report - not only about Sochi-2014

Let's talk more about these criteria. Don't you think that they repeat the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for the restoration of RUSADA? Only WADA, unlike the IAAF, showed flexibility and restored Russia, don't you want to?

- Our criteria are specific and related to the situation specifically in athletics. Of course, there are some common elements with WADA requirements, but this is logical. It is not possible to re-establish a national federation if there are concerns about the storage of samples in the laboratory. WADA has required Russia to release samples and electronic data, and this is part of our criteria too. So we will wait for the results of this process, which should appear by the end of this year.

- Why does the IAAF require Russia to recognize a report that is mainly devoted to what is happening at the Winter Olympics in Sochi? And what about athletics?

- It doesn't seem to me that McLaren's report is devoted exclusively to Sochi and winter sports. It contains much broader observations about the system that took shape in Russian sports. In order to move forward, it is essential first to acknowledge what happened before. This is what I think athletes from all over the world want.

- WADA was satisfied with the recognition of the McLaren report, which was contained in a letter from our Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov. Will these general expressions suffice for you - or will you insist on direct exposure to the last?

- I think that after the meeting in November with representatives of the ARAF, the IAAF working group will be able to correctly interpret the position of Russia and convey it to the members of the Council. Again, this is not specific to your country. The fact is that there are clear criteria, and they must be met.

- What do you think about the recent decision of WADA to restore the status of RUSADA? The IAAF Athletes' Commission, for example, was strongly opposed.

- I would not like to comment on WADA's decision, it is a different organization. To the extent that it can affect the state of affairs in athletics, everything will depend on the working group. It is she who must assess the situation.

Solution will be found as soon as possible

- Do you personally want Russian athletics to be restored at the next meeting of the IAAF Council in December?

I cannot express my personal opinion on this matter. Member of a working group led by Rune Andersen includes my colleagues on the IAAF Council. It is necessary to wait for their report, and then form a point of view. Understand, this will be a collective decision of the federation, and not my personal one. It will be hosted by people from all over the world, from Northern Ireland to Brazil. People who are independent and are true professionals. They all want the situation to be resolved.

- How can you assess your interaction with the new leadership of the ARAF and the president personally?

- We have very good relations with your federation, and the working group confirms this. In her latest report, she admits that the federation has made progress compared to 2017. But unfortunately, this is still not enough for recovery, as a number of criteria remain unfulfilled.

- If the criteria are not met by 2020, how do you see the performance of Russian athletes at the Tokyo Games? After all, a neutral status is impossible there and the IAAF will face a choice: either to remove everyone altogether or to give athletes the opportunity to compete under their own flag?

- Let me not answer this question. I don't want to go into speculation and discuss various hypotheses. Again, we want and do our best to find a solution as soon as possible, but subject to the fulfillment of the criteria.

- Let's talk about Russian athletes who are now playing in a neutral status. Our main star is a high jumper...

- Yes, and Shubenkov. But explain why last year Lasitskene, who did not lose a single (!) tournament at all, became the world champion and showed phenomenal results, did not even get into the top three of the best athletes of the year according to the IAAF? If that's not enough, then what do you need to do to get there?

- You must understand that it is not the management of the IAAF who decides on the nominees and winners. This is done by a whole independent jury, made up of the best experts and journalists from around the world, who have already long years work in athletics. Plus, the opinion of the fans, who also have the opportunity to vote, is taken into account. I cannot answer the question why their choice turned out to be that way. But I can guarantee that the decision was independent and made in accordance with the rules.

- This year the situation will be corrected?

- Even I don't know the names of the nominees yet. But I repeat, as the independent jury decides, it will be so.

This article will talk about the international association of athletics IAAF. What it is? How is this abbreviation deciphered? Under what circumstances was the organization formed? All this will be presented below.

Athletics disciplines regulated by the IAAF

“Show and circuses!”, the spectators of the Colosseum shouted in the Roman Empire. If the “king of sports” is football, then the “queen” is certainly athletics. This spectacular view competitions, collecting full stadiums viewers and millions of television fans, consists of this moment of 47 types (disciplines). The most popular are:

  • running 60 meters indoors and 100 meters in stadiums;
  • (42 km 195 meters);
  • various long jumps, triples and high jumps;
  • discus, javelin, hammer throw, shot put;
  • (60, 100, 110 meters);
  • steeple chase - 3000 meters steeplechase, overcoming water pits and barrier bars;
  • sports walking;
  • heptathlon for women and decathlon for men.

In terms of entertainment, athletics can only be compared with the Olympic Games, in the main program of which it is included. The main sports of the queen of sports are held at the main stadiums of the Olympics from the very moment they are held.

IAAF - what is it?

In order to regulate coaches and athletes, hold championships, establish uniform standards and rules for all, record achievements, keep records and promote, we need a central governing body for all this. In each country where there are athletics sections, national federations are formed, which are part of a single federation called the International Athletics Association (IAAF).

After the end of the competition at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm (Sweden), they decided to hold a meeting to approve the world universal rules for competitions in this species sports. As a result, an amateur international athletics federation was formed. IAAF - what is it?

The development of communications, the increase in cash injections into sports, the race for records made me change one of the words, without changing the abbreviation IAAF. So, in 2001 we got a name that has been preserved to this day - International Association athletics federations (IAAF). What it is? How did the organization develop and who is at its helm?

History of the development of the organization

Only 17 countries attended the first Congress of Amateur Athletics, today there are more than two hundred of them. In Berlin in 1913, the congress approved the constitution of the organization, which already featured 34 national federations. Siegfried Edström of Sweden was elected the first president. The same country hosted the headquarters of the federation for the next 30 years. In 1914, where the third congress took place, the first international competition rules were announced, which were to be adopted by all national organizations to train their athletes in the international arena of world championships and the Olympics.

In 1946, the headquarters moved to England for 40 years. At the next congress in Stuttgart (1993), it was decided to move the central office of the federation from cold and rainy regions to warmer and more fashionable places in Southern Europe (to attract sponsors). In the same year, the headquarters moved to the Principality of Monaco, where the UN, Interpol, OSCE, UNESCO, WHO and others are located. international organizations. At the moment, the head of the IAAF is the outstanding runner of the century, Sebastian Coe (Great Britain). By a slight majority of votes, he twice did not get into the presidency. Lord Coe had the advantage because of his greater experience in political affairs.

Composition of the IAAF

The IAAF Council consists of 21 members, the treasurer (whose position was the Russian Valentin Balakhnichev), vice presidents, first or honorary vice president and the president of the federation himself.

The charter of the organization approved 14 noble goals. Patrons are attracted, official partnership agreements are signed with Adidas, Toyota, Seiko, Kenon, TDK, the Sinopek oil company and VTB Bank (the latter terminated the agreement due to a scandal with the Russian team).

In honor of the association's centenary, the IAAF Hall of Fame was inaugurated on March 8, 2012 at a congress in Istanbul by President Lamine Diack (athlete, politician, father of 15 children). Athletics received new round development.

How to become a member of the IAAF?

The criterion for entering the list of the best athletes of all time is the presence of 2 gold medals (Olympic or won at the world championships). Also, at least 10 years must pass from the date of completion of the career. Outstanding athletes times of the USSR, world sports stars are: Sergei Bubka, Vladimir Golubnichy, Natalia Lisovskaya, Janis Lusis, Viktor Saneev, Yuri Sedykh, Tatiana Kazankina, Vladimir Kuts, Sergei Litvinov, Irina Press.

The organization does its best to develop and promote athletics, honest sports, the availability of sports for all categories, regardless of age, race, nationality, religious beliefs. Of course, this is very difficult at the present time.

Development of athletics today

Sports today are not harmless physical exercises to maintain human health and activity. This is already a thirst for fame, fees, dirty intrigues of large corporations, bookmakers and media moguls. In confirmation of this, there was a disqualification due to an alleged doping scandal of the entire Russian national athletics team.

The team was not allowed to the 2016 Olympics and suspended from international starts for two years. Now pharmacology has reached such a level that every teenager who drinks energy drinks and slightly fermented yogurts can be disqualified, plus all grandmothers and colds who bought medicines containing prohibited drugs. anti-doping agency drugs. It's sad that politics has risen above fair sports.

Any decision of the IAAF today is not made without the consent of organizations far from the sport. Many famous athletes that's why they ended their careers.

Elections were held in Beijing on the eve of the World Cup opening here on August 22. Representatives from 207 countries participated in the 50th IAAF Congress. They had to determine who would lead the world of athletics after the 16-year rule of the Senegalese Lamine Diack. 115 delegates voted for Coe, unexpectedly many - 92 for Bubka. Coe became only the sixth president of the second most powerful sports federation after FIFA. Usually people come to the IAAF in earnest and for a long time.

Yes, there were only two candidates. British Coe - two-time champion Olympic Games in the 1500 meters, after sports achievements made a good political career. He was elected to Parliament from the Conservatives, which in his views he is. Received the title of sir, and then Lord. He became the ideological inspirer and president of the Organizing Committee of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, which he held, according to the British themselves, flawlessly.

Sergei Bubka does not need our special introduction. A multiple champion and world record holder in pole vaulting, he also achieved a lot in the new Ukraine. Successful businessman, famous sports head. In the difficult conditions of the current political situation, I am afraid to let Sergei Nazarevich down with unnecessary compliments. Let me just say that even in this far from the best period of relations between our two states, he has retained both sobriety of mind and respect for the country for which he so successfully advocated in his best years. We communicate, find a common language, keep in touch.

Koe, with whom I have worked for many years in the IAAF press committee, is a person of a somewhat different warehouse. A diplomat who sometimes changes his mind to achieve his goal. The character is polite, intelligent, but somewhat dry. I will say that a long acquaintance with him showed that at the right moment, Lord Sebastian Coe or Seb, as he asked me to call him, will not rush to help his neighbor if it is not in his interests. But he was professionally savvy, in the lower house of parliament, and then in the House of Lords, he acquired the skills of a good speaker. An excellent organizer, a solid, as they say now, solver of all sorts of problems, having acquired the necessary and so valued politeness. Knows what to say and to whom. The refusal in his mouth does not sound painful, but, as it were, it becomes an attempt to convince the interlocutor that nothing terrible has happened, it will just be better. The question remains: for whom?

So joyful yet, not a lord or even a sir, but simply Seb Coe was in Moscow, where he proved himself the king of the Olympics-80 - however, at heavy medium distances. Photo: AP

The programs of the two competitors were similar. Bubka leaned on the wider distribution of track and field athletics, which was somewhat delayed in its development under the 82-year-old Senegalese Diak. The pragmatic Koe hit on the most painful places. Promised to annually give large sums to the national federations from the contracts received by the IAAF for television broadcasts. Both swore to fight doping - one of the main troubles of a sport mired in scandals, which is losing popularity and part of those involved because of this.

The victory of the British lord was, in principle, predictable. But Bubka also lost with a decent result. He was predicted a more severe defeat. He became Senior Vice President of the IAAF.

Call to Beijing

We were anxious to see if Mikhail Butov, General Secretary of the All-Russian Athletics Federation, would become a member of the IAAF Council. And, having phoned Beijing, they breathed a sigh of relief. Here is what Mikhail Yakovlevich told us as he left the hall where the voting was still going on:
The fight was hard. There are 30 applicants for nine seats on the IAAF Council.

Wow! And How?

Mikhail Butov: I passed in the second round.

Michael, sincere congratulations. And how many votes?

Mikhail Butov: 69 turned out to be sufficient.

It's great that Russia still has a representative on the board of the capricious IAAF. How are our ladies doing?

Mikhail Butov: Also very successful. Elena Orlova was elected to the technical committee, and Tatyana Lebedeva was elected to the women's committee for the second time in a row.

And Elena Isinbayeva?

Mikhail Butov: She is applying for a seat on the Athletes' Commission. And then you have to wait until the end of the World Championship: the commission is elected by the athletes themselves during the world championship. The result will be known, I hope, already on August 30.

I hope he wins too. Good luck in Beijing. Everything started great!

Mikhail Butov: Thank you. We will try very hard.

By the way

2,800 volunteers will help the World Cup participants. 300 employees of the World Championship Organizing Committee have already taken their places at the Bird's Nest stadium. It is hot in Beijing and 1,116,000 mineral waters have been delivered for all members of the athletics family. TV broadcasts will be conducted with the help of 113 cameras.

Elections were held in Beijing on the eve of the World Cup opening here on August 22. Representatives from 207 countries participated in the 50th IAAF Congress. They had to determine who would lead the world of athletics after the 16-year rule of the Senegalese Lamine Diack. 115 delegates voted for Coe, unexpectedly many voted for Bubka - 92. Coe became only the sixth president of the second most powerful sports federation after FIFA. Usually people come to the IAAF in earnest and for a long time.

Yes, there were only two candidates. The Briton Coe is a two-time Olympic champion in the 1500 meters, after sporting achievements he made a good political career. He was elected to Parliament from the Conservatives, which in his views he is. Received the title of sir, and then Lord. He became the ideological inspirer and president of the Organizing Committee of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, which he held, according to the British themselves, flawlessly.

Sergei Bubka does not need our special introduction. A multiple champion and world record holder in pole vaulting, he also achieved a lot in the new Ukraine. A successful businessman, a well-known sports leader. In the difficult conditions of the current political situation, I am afraid to let Sergei Nazarevich down with unnecessary compliments. Let me just say that even in this far from the best period of relations between our two states, he has retained both sobriety of mind and respect for the country for which he so successfully advocated in his best years. We communicate, find a common language, keep in touch.

Coe, with whom I have worked for many years on the IAAF press committee, is a slightly different type of person. A diplomat who sometimes changes his mind to achieve his goal. The character is polite, intelligent, but somewhat dry. I will say that a long acquaintance with him showed that at the right moment, Lord Sebastian Coe or Seb, as he asked me to call him, will not rush to help his neighbor if it is not in his interests. But he was professionally savvy, in the lower house of parliament, and then in the House of Lords, he acquired the skills of a good speaker. An excellent organizer, a solid, as they say now, solver of all sorts of problems, having acquired the necessary and so valued politeness. Knows what to say and to whom. The refusal in his mouth does not sound painful, but, as it were, it becomes an attempt to convince the interlocutor that nothing terrible has happened, it will just be better. The question remains: for whom?

The programs of the two competitors were similar. Bubka leaned on the wider distribution of track and field athletics, which was somewhat delayed in its development under the 82-year-old Senegalese Diak. The pragmatic Koe hit on the most painful places. Promised to annually give large sums to the national federations from the contracts received by the IAAF for television broadcasts. Both vowed to fight doping - one of the main troubles of a sport mired in scandals, which is losing popularity and part of those involved because of this.

The victory of the British lord was, in principle, predictable. But Bubka also lost with a decent result. He was predicted a more severe defeat.

Now we will see if our Mikhail Butov will become a member of the IAAF Council, if Elena Isinbayeva will become a member of the Athletes' Commission (that's where, believe me, her scores and preferences, coupled with the difficult personal relationships of the stars) and whether Tatiana Lebedeva will make her way to the Women's Commission.