How to properly run to lose weight. Interval running and running in place

Many consider running the most effective way to lose weight. Like it or not, and how to run correctly in order to lose weight, we learn from experts and those who have already lost weight through this sport.

Physical exercise have always been considered the most effective way to lose weight. They allow you to fight overweight, burning a large number of calories in a safe way for the body. Diet is the breakdown of fat deposits on the abdomen and sides with the help of proper nutrition. When subcutaneous deposits go away, the skin sags, and the body does not take on the shape you dreamed of. Therefore, running for weight loss is exactly what you need!

How many calories are consumed?

How many calories are burned while running? In just an hour of measured jogging or running up the stairs, the body loses up to a third of the calories of the average daily diet. That is, out of 1500 kcal, you can burn 500. If you add proper nutrition to this method, by simple calculations you can come to the conclusion that with the help of ordinary running you will lose the maximum number of kilograms in a short time.

Calories burned while running. Table

How to start running from scratch

For each of the beginners, a running program for weight loss should be drawn up. In addition, important nuances should not be forgotten.

Basic Rules

How to run to lose weight? So follow the rules:

  • Beginners are taught to run at least 3 times a week. Each run is 30 minutes. As soon as you feel that you are used to this load, move on to 45 minutes. You can increase the number of classes up to 4 repetitions weekly. How much you need to run to lose weight in the future, you decide.
  • Doctors argue about whether it is harmful for a person to run in the morning. Numerous studies prove that running in the morning for weight loss is beneficial. The explanation is simple - at this time of day there is an extremely small amount of glycogen in the human liver. Therefore, the body must look for additional sources of its consumption, one of which is body fat. Therefore, during the morning run, the maximum amount of fat is burned. However, if you can't run in the morning, do it in the evening. Such activities will also be beneficial.
  • Warm up before running (including stair climbing). This will warm up the muscles, adjust the breathing to the desired rhythm and prevent sprains.
  • Choose clothes that do not restrict movement for classes, and sports shoes with comfortable soles.
  • You should not run on asphalt or concrete. It is advisable to do this in specially designated places (for example, on a rubberized stadium surface, ground or grass).
  • Get a heart rate monitor that will allow you to control heartbeat throughout the lesson.
  • You should not start running too fast. Feet should not come off the ground too much. Heels should not try to reach the buttocks, and knees should not be raised high. This technique will come in handy in the future, when the body gets used to the loads, and it will be possible to move on to more intense workouts.
  • You need to breathe through your nose. Listen to your body, catch the rhythm and adjust your breathing. It is difficult for beginners to get used to this technique, but you need to try.
  • Don't make sudden stops after a run. Move to a fast pace, gradually slowing down. Only in this way will you give your heart the opportunity to calmly adjust to a different rhythm.
  • At the end of the session, do a little stretching. In the evening, you can take a warm relaxing bath or take a foot bath.
  • In order not to miss a workout in bad weather, work out at home. - at least effective method get rid of excess weight.

You don't have to go outside to get started. Running in place for weight loss in your own apartment for beginners is no less effective. It is enough to open a door or a window to let fresh air into the house. In addition, you can run up the stairs of the entrance when it is not possible to do it on the street. The main thing is to breathe correctly.

Running program for beginners. Table

A week Run plan:
running - walking [- running] (min.)
Total duration
workouts (min.)
1 1 - 2 21
2 2 - 2 20
3 3 - 2 20
4 5 - 2 21
5 6 - 1.5 22.5
6 8 - 1.5 19
7 10 - 1.5 23
8 12 - 1 - 8 21
9 15 - 1 - 5 21
10 20 - 0 20

How to run to lose weight. Coach's comments (video)

Correct heart rate while running

To understand if you are risking your health, measure your heart rate before and after a run. Especially when you start training from scratch.

  • The normal rhythm of the pulse when running in a trained person should be 120-130 beats per minute. A beginner should strive for this.
  • Be sure to measure the pulse after jogging after 15-20 minutes. It should be equal to the one observed before training.
  • In addition, it is recommended to use a heart rate monitor during exercise to monitor the heart rate. When running, the pulse should not rise above 140-150 beats per minute (an increase from the initial rate is no more than 70%). As soon as the heart rate reaches this redistribution, go to the step.
  • If you manage to run (even very slowly) with a pulse of 120-130, this is already a good result for a beginner. In unprepared people, the heart rate may exceed the allowable rate even with slight acceleration. Don't worry, with regular training, you will gradually learn to run "at a low heart rate." In the meantime, do not increase the intensity of traffic, even if you are almost walking, and this load seems quite easy to you.
  • Adjust the question of how much you need to run to lose weight, based on the heart rate. Classes every other day for 30 minutes (with a further increase in intensity) will soon bear fruit both for training the heart and for losing weight!

Remember that by ignoring heart rate control during runs, you can unwittingly wear out the heart muscle instead of strengthening it.

Heart rate for running by age. Table

Age (years) Optimal
heart rate
contractions (per minute)
Maximum frequency
heart rate
(in a minute)
20-25 120-150 200
26-30 115-145 195
31-35 115-142 190
36-40 110-140 185
41-45 105-135 180
46-50 105-130 175
51-55 100-128 170
56-60 100-125 165
61-65 95-120 160
66-70 95-118 155
over 70 90-115 150

Interval running in the morning and evening

Maximum efficiency can be achieved when running in alternating load mode with a belt around the waist. That is, a slow rhythm alternates with acceleration from time to time. At the same time, fat on the abdomen and sides disappears very quickly. For half an hour of jogging, a marathon runner can lose up to 300 grams, and at a mixed pace - up to half a kilogram. As many calories are burned per day when running at intervals, not spent either by walking or by any other type of exercise.

Benefits and rules

Interval running has another plus - slight increases in load make it possible to effectively work on the muscles of the abdomen, calves, thighs and buttocks. In this case, it is a great substitute for expensive exercise equipment and trips to the fitness room. Interval running on the street and at home has its own laws, adhering to which you will quickly achieve your goal - losing weight in a short time:

  • It is recommended to practice in the mornings or evenings at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes.
  • Run in the morning only after charging, and not before it.
  • Gradually increase the time and decide how much you need to run to lose weight, individually.

Interval running for weight loss is a sequence of actions and loads for every day. For beginners, a special system has been developed.

The sequence of actions for interval running is as follows:

  1. You need to start training for weight loss by putting on a weight loss belt (if you use one).
  2. For 5 minutes, run slowly, moving from a quick step to a jog.
  3. Next, do the acceleration and run as fast as possible. What time to run, your body will tell you. Minimum - 2-3 minutes.
  4. Slow down and move on with a jog, listening to your body. Even if you have no strength and want to stop, go to the slowest run, but do not stand still. Moving up the stairs, try not to stop, take a step.
  5. As soon as you feel that the pulse and breathing are restored, run at an average speed.
  6. Now speed up again and repeat the whole complex again.

Interval running program for weight loss. Table

Reviews, which are left in large numbers by those who have experienced interval running for weight loss, say that the results from it are impressive. According to some reports, you can lose weight with the help of such training up to a kilogram per week.

What to eat and how to drink while running?

Particularly impressive results await you with proper nutrition. If you started running for weight loss, the food should be selected taking into account certain features of this type of training.

  • Before training, it is better not to eat anything. How many calories are burned while running if you ate? None! When you have eaten, the body begins to process glucose from the stomach, leaving the stored fat layer. In addition, exercising on a full stomach is uncomfortable and even harmful! If you are very hungry, snack on fat-free cottage cheese or drink a glass of 1% kefir.
  • The maximum amount of water that you can drink half an hour before a run is 1 glass. It is also allowed to drink tea with sugar, coffee or juice.
  • Drinking during and immediately after training is undesirable. It is recommended, if necessary, to take small sips of water or rinse your mouth. After half an hour or an hour, you can drink as much liquid as you want.
  • You need to eat no earlier than 2 hours after cardio.
  • Be sure to eat foods high in protein after a morning run. Food from the store will also work. sports nutrition. The amount of protein consumed should be at least 0.5 and not more than 0.7 g per 1 kg of body weight.
  • If you run in the evening, then in order to lose weight as soon as possible, it is better to have a light meal for dinner (for example, a vegetable salad with chicken breast and kefir will do).
  • A diet that includes fats is not recommended.

The following foods will give the body energy for every day (food that can be consumed only after training):

  • dried fruits;
  • natural honey;
  • tomato juice (freshly squeezed);
  • pasta (you need to cook so that they remain a little damp);
  • rice (any);
  • yoghurts (preferably homemade).

Eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • beans;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • potatoes (in any form);
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • sweets and pastries;
  • fast food;
  • eggplant;
  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach.

All other vegetables and fruits are welcome.

Running Belt: Pros for Weight Loss

Running (including stairs) involves active physical activity, as a result of which fat is split and a huge amount of thermal energy is released. To cool a hot body, the body may begin to sweat. The liquid keeps us from overheating.

It is designed in such a way that it heats the body in places where it is necessary to lose excess body fat. The same is the food film, which is wrapped around the hips and stomach, as a result of which, when jogging, fats are split more actively under the influence of heat.

The principle of operation of the inventory is simple - the body, realizing that it cannot cope with the cooling function, begins to release even more sweat. At the same time, fats are broken down much more actively, allowing you to remove overweight faster.

The belt is especially useful for those who use interval running for weight loss and stair running to reduce the stomach. An additional load will be the contraction of the abdominal muscles while running. This will enhance the effect, help remove fat deposits and tighten the skin on the abdomen.

Running or cycling: which is better for weight loss?

Many prefer both ways to keep their own figure in good shape. Reviews of those who have lost weight differ in this regard. Everyone chooses what he likes best. However, it is worth dwelling on the benefits of each type of training.

Benefits of cycling

  • Bicycling is a much less traumatic sport than running.
  • When cycling, there is no excessive load on the joints and spine, as when running.
  • Cycling gives a more comfortable load on the muscles, without jerks and stress.
  • You can ride a bike without fear even if you are overweight.
  • Cycling allows you to do sports and see interesting places at the same time during the trip. This is a wonderful tool for those who love long-distance travel.
  • Although cycling burns fewer calories than interval or regular running, you can ride for a significantly longer time without overexertion.

Normal driving positive effect will give little. Therefore, to really lose weight, you need to drive fast.

Benefits of running

  • Running is considered one of the most the best views physical activity for human health and for rapid weight loss.
  • Jogging down the street and up the stairs involves the maximum number of muscles.
  • The body burns more energy even when jogging than when cycling.
  • In order to lose the same amount of excess weight, a runner will need 2-3 times less time than a cyclist.

Does running help you lose weight quickly and efficiently? Undoubtedly!

Contraindications and precautions for running

Interval and any other running, in addition to a positive effect on the human body, can also bring some harm. Therefore, it is better for people with the following diseases to choose a more gentle way of losing weight for themselves:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • injuries and disorders of the spinal column;
  • any chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation;
  • problems with knee joints;
  • colds or flu;
  • obesity of a high degree;
  • serious gynecological diseases.

Listen to the state of your body. If you feel unwell, reschedule your run the next day. Learn to distinguish muscle pain after exercise from other causes of pain. Watch your pulse. A rapid pulse may indicate a malfunction in the heart.

The issue of weight loss worries many women and men who are concerned about finding effective methods. In fact, finding the right way to lose weight is quite difficult. Human body It is represented by a special system that functions in a given mode, depending on the lifestyle of a person.

In the absence of movements, the predominance of passivity, a failure in its full-fledged activity may occur. This can result in processes in which the body does not spend the energy received from food, but begins to store it in the cells, which leads to a negative effect on the figure.

Running by the most the best way for weight loss acts.

Since the process of running is accompanied by an acceleration of metabolic processes, there is a huge release of energy.

Typically, people suffering overweight, sedentary and do not even know how to run properly in order to lose weight.

Experts recommend giving Special attention running as an effective recipe for weight loss. Physical activity during running helps to burn calories, saturate the entire circulatory system with oxygen, as a result of which the body begins to function with greater activity, improving general state human health. Consequently, many are concerned not only with how to run properly in order to lose weight, but also with improving their well-being.

How long should running for weight loss last? Only in the event that you want to lose an extra couple of kilograms, then you can limit yourself to two months. When jogging for a long time, the result of losing weight in some cases reaches 10 or more kilograms. Experts recommend additionally introducing some restrictions on the daily diet, excluding high-calorie foods. Despite the excellent results and the simultaneous work of all muscle groups, running is not the only way to reduce weight, so if possible, add other physical activity (biking, swimming, exercising). gym etc.) running is not a panacea.

You should not start jogging if you have any doubts due to a medical condition - consult your doctor for advice on the safety of the technique used.

It is better to choose a place for jogging away from the bustle of the city. In large cities, it is unlikely that you will be able to get out into the forest, suburbs or fields, which are ideal places for running, where you can focus on exercises. Therefore, located near the house is suitable park zone or stadium. Thanks to the lower levels of gas and noise in these places, you will feel the true pleasure of exercising.

Many people prefer to run in silence, completely surrendering to the process. Most run to music, which can be recorded in advance. The choice of musical compositions depends on the taste of everyone: someone likes fast rhythmic music that has an invigorating effect, someone prefers to run, thinking on the go to relaxing music that has a beneficial effect on health-improving running. Adherents of classical works, even during training, do not part with the masterpieces of famous composers.

When running, the principle of gradualness is fundamental. Thus, if you seriously decide to lose weight by running, remember to gradually load the body. It is a mistake to think that "the more, the better." The body must get used to the increasing load. Before intensive classes an adaptation period must pass, the duration of which is determined by the individual characteristics of each. The optimal time for initial runs (first week of classes) is 20-25 minutes.

The process of splitting body fat begins only with 40 minutes of intense running. That is, running for weight loss should last for an hour. Jogging at an average pace will not seem exhausting for the body. For achievement best results you can run on uneven surfaces (small slopes or climbs), which will provide an acceleration of metabolism, including fat burning.

There is another option for running for weight loss.

For those who want to lose extra pounds in a short period of time, you can try interval running. This technique involves alternating fast and slow running.

It is effective to use a different pace of running, for example, run for two minutes, accelerating, followed by a decrease in pace to a slow run. During one run, you can perform up to three accelerations.

In order to prevent the appearance of fatigue and weakness of the body after training, when forced to work in a limited mode with the maximum use of available resources, try to keep moderate pace while running.

A combination of medium-paced runs and uneven terrain in the form of small slopes and climbs can be a good option. This mode causes the heart, under the influence of a small load, to accelerate the course of internal processes, including the burning of excess body fat.

Tips for proper running to lose weight.

For beginners, in any case, it is better to start with an easy run. Do not chase speed when losing weight while running. Lost kilograms are completely independent of the speed of human running. It makes sense to alternate different types of running: easy, fast, jogging, at distances of different lengths, overcoming obstacles, etc. Only after testing different methods, you can find a suitable option, taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of each.
If you have decided that a quick run for weight loss will be much more effective, then remember the basic safety rules. Choose clothes suitable for running, watch your breathing rate, pace of movement.

Training should be carried out only in shoes specially selected for this, which will become not only a guarantee of comfort, but also health benefits. It is necessary to decide on the venue for the classes, on which the model of sneakers will depend to a greater extent. When running on uneven ground, make sure to purchase shoes with studded soles that will provide better grip on the ground. A more natural movement of the foot will be guaranteed with slight relief and special grooves on the folds of the outsole made of artificial materials. The drainage system is good to use, although to a greater extent it is intended for tourism.

Only in the event that you have unpleasant pain in your feet while running, you should change your shoes, as they were most likely chosen incorrectly.

Throughout the training, it is necessary to maintain uniform breathing, performed calmly without delay, in a single rhythm.

The right running for weight loss after a while will bring tangible results, the wrong one is fraught with injuries and poor health.

Internal sensations are also very important after class. According to theoretical data, when running, there is a positive trend. However, the opposite sometimes happens in practice. As a rule, a negative effect is possible only if the basic rules are ignored.
As for the time of jogging for a healing effect, there are some nuances.

Morning running for weight loss is much more effective than evening classes. This fact has been proven not only by researchers, but also by those who have experienced its effect on themselves.

For even better results, run in the morning on an empty stomach. Despite the warm cozy bed, force yourself to get up, and then take a contrast shower, which will quickly invigorate your body and get it in shape. Now you are ready to work.

The most difficult period will be only two or three morning runs for weight loss, after which you will form a habit of them. After running, take a shower again and eat a full breakfast.

What are the benefits of evening jogging for weight loss? Classes in the evening are much inferior to morning running, but for many they are the only opportunity to improve health and lose weight due to a busy work schedule.

As for planning time for jogging, everyone decides on their own, taking into account their inclinations and capabilities. You can also choose a place, depending on your own preferences, it can be treadmill, stadium or cross country.

As a summary, we offer generalized tips on how to run properly to lose weight.

1 start classes better with a light run for weight loss. Should not be taken immediately marathon distances. Running speed in weight loss is not the main factor in weight loss.
2 before finding the best mode for your own runs, experiment with different methods running, accelerating, running different distances, overcoming obstacles, etc.
3 for lovers of musical accompaniment, any device that plays music is suitable. It is better to choose only your favorite compositions that contribute to the addition of cheerfulness and lightness when running. With the help of music, you can set the required pace: fast runs are easier to perform to rhythmic ones, relaxing melodies are suitable for health-improving running.
4 An important point when jogging is the right shoes. You must take care to minimize the possible risks and injuries when running. To evenly distribute the load, buy comfortable sneakers or running shoes.
5 run smart! Only with properly organized running is it possible to burn unnecessary calories. Failure to follow safety rules can result in injury and spoil the mood, which is likely to permanently discourage the desire to study. Listen to your body, do not neglect the signs that speak of your well-being. Only in this way can you be sure that the chosen method is correct.
6 observe the process of your breathing. Jogging will be effective not only with proper running, but also with rhythmic breathing.
7 Asphalt has always been considered an unfortunate training surface. When moving along it, there is an injury to the joints, and in some cases, even damage to the lower back.
Run on surfaces designed specifically for this (treadmills), as well as in stadiums, in the park, in the forest.
8 A full stomach will only get in the way when running. It is best to avoid eating before training altogether.
9 at high air temperatures, as well as in case of poor health, it is better to refrain from running for weight loss. Just walk slowly and breathe in the air.

Thus, losing weight through running is a real possibility. Systematic jogging for weight loss will not only be a means for burning fat, but also a guarantee of vigorous, good health throughout the day.

It is easy to find out how effective running for weight loss is by examining the beneficial effects of daily exercise on the body. Among positive qualities you can note:

  • strengthening the muscles of the body;
  • activation of digestive, metabolic processes;
  • increased strength, endurance of joints, bone tissue;
  • active saturation of blood with oxygen;
  • normalization of blood flow, strengthening of blood vessels, improvement of heart function;
  • beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, running, a person increases the volume of lung tissue.

Another advantage that can be noticed if you actively engage in jogging for weight loss is that endurance, working capacity improves, and the feeling of fatigue does not bother you even after a busy working day.

Is it possible to harm the body by running for weight loss? Despite the numerous advantages of regular jogging, there are several disadvantages of this technique recommended for burning fat. Running negatively affects the body in several cases. Among the cons:

  • wrong runs will not bring the desired results, even if you devote a lot of time to classes;
  • there are several contraindications, the negligence of which will lead to serious disorders in the body;
  • for the desired effect, you will have to arm yourself with patience - rare runs will remain without proper results;
  • you will have to reconsider the daily diet - with the activity of the body, there is an active burning of certain substances necessary for good health.

Usually, jogging has a positive effect on weight loss, but experts do not advise developing exercise programs on your own. Out of ignorance, it is easy to harm the body without achieving the desired effect - problem areas on the body will only increase.

As you know from the previous passage, the most effective fat burning zone is to work within 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. These figures are still a bit arbitrary, some advise 65-75%. In addition, a lot depends on your individual characteristics.

However, it is better to focus on these numbers than to train haphazardly at all. There will be more benefits from the technique. To lose weight, you need to choose classes for 40-60 minutes at the optimal heart rate.

A weight loss workout looks something like this:

  1. 5-10 minutes - easy running, warm-up at 50-60% of the maximum;
  2. 30-40 minutes - training for 60-70%;
  3. 5-10 minutes - a hitch, light running and walking.

In addition, fat burning actively occurs when interval training. The bottom line is the alternation of fast and measured running. For example, a minute at a speed of 12 km / h and a minute at a speed of 7 km / h: only 6-8 such phases per workout. 2 fat burning programs can be found here.

Important! Running at the limit of 90-95% of the maximum heart rate is only acceptable for short periods. For the untrained person long work at such a pulse gives excessive exhaustion.

There is no single answer about the absolute benefits of morning training, many factors are determined by the characteristics and habits of a particular person. With a heavy rise in the morning, you should not mock yourself and go for a run. Feeling broken won't help you reach beautiful figure and will spoil the mood for the rest of the day.

Morning run for weight loss

For a person who wakes up easily, running in the morning will bring a positive result. Before running, you can eat a little, drink a glass of water and start exercising.

Jogging in the morning for weight loss: the benefits

General benefits of regular jogging:

  • Improves blood circulation in the body. The number of heart beats per second increases by 2-3 times, the heart muscle is strengthened.
  • The muscles of the legs, abs, arms, neck develop.
  • The walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

The benefits of running in the morning compared to exercising in the evening:

  • Jogging in the morning, compared to jogging in the evenings, loads the spine less, since the vertebral discs have not yet sagged after a hard day, which means they are less injured.
  • It is more useful to run in the morning because of the cleaner air, since the emissions that entered the atmosphere the day before are already partially processed by plants overnight.
  • Morning exercises accelerate metabolism, which accelerates weight loss.

Can you lose weight by running in the morning?

After waking up, there is an energy deficit in the body, so running spends a third more calories than exercising in the evening or during the day. In the morning, the body will begin to use energy from fat reserves.

Running for slimming legs. How to run for slimming legs

Warm up before every run. She must include breathing exercises, stretching, jumping and squats to warm up the muscles. It is not required to strive to develop tremendous speed, more importantly, how long you will run. The duration of jogging for weight loss of legs should be from 30 to 40 minutes.

During one workout, try to apply different types shuttle runs, back to back, high knees, etc. In this case, the muscles of the legs will train in one moment, and the process of losing weight will become more intense. A huge benefit will bring slow running over rough terrain or running uphill or stairs.

At the end of training, carefully listen to your body: if pain in your calves or knees does not stop for a long time, stop training for a while.

In the case of a lot of weight, running workouts for weight loss of the legs will do more harm than good, and in this case, you should switch to walking, where the shock loads on the knees are not so intense.

The abdominal area is the most problematic: it is quite difficult to lose weight in it, even when performing specialized exercises. Not many people know that regular running will help to lose weight in the abdomen. To do this, it is enough to know only special techniques - which we will talk about in the article.

The effectiveness of running for weight loss in the abdomen

Running is a versatile workout that works. First of all, the action is performed on the legs and back, then on the rest of the body, with the exception of the hands. Running will help you flatten your belly. It promotes - it is this function that provides weight loss in the abdomen. How does it work?

  • The acceleration of the heart makes the blood circulate faster - this affects the metabolism.
  • With a long run of 30 minutes, the process of self-purification of the body from toxins and toxins begins - this will also contribute to weight loss in the abdomen.
  • The abdominal muscles are always included in the work when running, so regular workouts make the press strong and toned.
  • Long runs require a lot of energy. The body takes this energy from fat deposits accumulated in problem areas, including the abdomen.

For one hour of running, about 500-600 kcal is consumed. This is about 50-70 grams of fat. Fat is consumed evenly - that is, the body does not take it from a separate part of the body. Accordingly, a certain part of the lost weight also leaves the abdomen.

Jogging on fresh air- one of the most accessible sports. It contributes to the overall health of the body and helps to lose weight. Before starting training, you need to remember the rules that relate to running technique, frequency and intensity of training.

Effectiveness for weight loss

The main goal of a morning run is to activate metabolic processes. When running, all muscle groups work, that is, calories are consumed more intensively. In addition, you are saturated with oxygen, which speeds up your metabolism throughout the day. At regular classes in a week you can lose from 1 to 3 kg, and in a month up to 5-7 kg. If add power training twice a week, you will be able to lose weight even faster.

Jogging in the morning for weight loss not only helps to gain and maintain a figure, but also:

  • saturates cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • gives a charge of strength and vivacity;
  • improves mood;
  • reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

How to start running in the morning

To go jogging, you can use the advice of psychologists and athletes:

  • Make a clear training schedule and always stick to it.
  • Find yourself a partner. Responsibility to another person will serve as an additional incentive.
  • Get ready to run. Clearly imagine all the advantages that you will get from it, read the reviews of other people.

How to run

It is important for people with a lot of weight when running in the morning to follow safety precautions, because extra pounds put a lot of stress on the joints, ligaments, muscles:

  • If you have never run in the morning before or there was a long break between workouts, you can’t load the body. Start with walking, gradually combining it with short runs.
  • It's best to work out on an empty stomach, but if that's too much for you, have a snack before going outside with yogurt, scrambled eggs, or other protein foods. You can’t eat cereals rich in carbohydrates before classes. In this case, the body will begin to process the incoming glycogen, and not fat reserves.
  • The best places for running are dirt roads in the park, a stadium with a modern surface, and a square.
  • As you run, try to maintain rhythmic breathing through your nose. This will allow you to keep the right pace.
  • If you're a beginner, don't try to run a marathon right away. Better start with short distances and running for 25-30 minutes.
  • Go for a run in spacious sportswear, comfortable shoes. Better buy special running shoes with depreciation. Such shoes will reduce the load on the spine and heels.
  • It is better to start classes half an hour after waking up. Before running, be sure to do a light warm-up: squats, bends or turns of the torso, jumps in place.
  • To lose weight, just running in the morning is not enough. Stick to a low calorie diet.
  • Check your heart rate while running. The normal heart rate is 100-140 beats per minute. Special fitness bracelets will help you measure your heart rate. smart watch. If there are no such gadgets, try saying a simple sentence. If the speech is smooth, the pulse is normal.

Slimming program

Experienced athletes prefer to jog in the morning to maintain good physical shape. This is a kind of jogging, during which it is necessary to constantly maintain the pace set at the beginning. For beginners, interval running for weight loss is more suitable, combining walking, jogging or speeding up with maximum effort.

A weekly weight loss program can be compiled as follows:

  • tachycardia;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • arthritis;
  • flat feet;
  • glaucoma;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Video Running for weight loss How to run

Running for weight loss in the evening. How to run in the evenings for weight loss

First of all, think over the route. You are more likely to consistently run 3-4 times a week where there is adequate coverage and lighting.

If there is no safe park with lanterns nearby, a jogging track might be an option. On it, you can always increase the load by adding incline and speed and easily track the results.

Otherwise, dreams of losing weight with running will be shattered by the harsh reality of unlit parks and fear.

Also, think about when exactly you will run. It's no secret that many people "break" evening workouts due to the inability to finish work early. “Squeeze” your daily activities, throw out all unnecessary activities so that there is enough time for a run on a training day in any case.

One last "preparatory" tip - figure out your diet before you start running seriously. If you eat sweets 2 hours before a workout, the session will not be very effective in terms of burning fat.

Best of all, such a scheme has proven itself - for breakfast, a protein-vegetable or protein-fruit dish, for example, any dietary curd casserole. for second breakfast - a quarter portion of any porridge, lunch - a protein and vegetable dish, a pre-workout snack - something like cottage cheese or yogurt, and dinner - protein and vegetables.

Do not panic to lose weight, you do not have to run every day, in days strength exercises increase the amount of carbohydrate energy at the expense of cereals and bread.

Otherwise, the "evening" running schemes are absolutely identical to the morning ones, and you will not need any special training plan.

So, you have decided to lose weight and are looking for ways to do it as efficiently as possible. If you can't go to the gym, run! Also, often active types of physical activity are contraindicated for health problems. Then, if you want to lose weight, there are two options to choose from: running or walking. Let's try to figure out which of these two types physical activity more efficient.

what is more effective for weight loss - running or walking, unequivocal. During running, the body tenses and more than during walking, therefore. But not everything is simple. The cases when to start playing sports are as follows.

  1. Overweight. It's not about a couple of extra pounds, but about obesity. If the number on the scales has exceeded a hundred, we do not recommend starting with active runs. It is brisk walking that is preferable so that the body does not experience stress. If you start running, you will get a strong load on your knees, in the long run - joint diseases, heart problems. Therefore, first lose weight by walking, and only then you can think about running.
  2. Health problems. It is not recommended to run for people with cardiovascular diseases, knee injuries, or a sore back. Don't run if you have a chronic medical condition such as asthma. Physician must authorize exercise. Check with your doctor and decide what is best.
  3. Age. It is better for older people not to engage in active sports, running. The load is too great, the body can not cope.

In these cases, choose walking if health is important to you. If the problems described do not concern you, choose running.

Very popular lately healthy lifestyle life, so men and women try to maintain their normal weight. Diets, exercise equipment, intense physical activity, often do not have such an effective result as we would like. For example, after using any system for weight loss, you can get rid of fat, but there is a risk of sagging weak untrained muscles, visually it will look unsportsmanlike and unaesthetic. Meanwhile, ordinary running can become effective tool to tone muscle mass and lose weight.

What is the benefit of running

First of all, the load is distributed evenly to all muscle groups without exception, metabolism is activated and fat is split. Regular jogging contributes to the fact that the body becomes more graceful, leaner and slimmer without tiring workouts in the gym. The blood is saturated with oxygen, the vessels and the heart muscle are strengthened, the bone tissue becomes stronger.

Most often, running for weight loss is used by girls, young people use it as a means to dry muscles.

Sometimes “athletes”, devoting 20 minutes to running a day, wonder why, despite their efforts, the result is not felt, and extra pounds continue to remain in their places. Not everything is so simple, to lose weight, you need to follow a certain technique.

Why You Can't Lose Weight

If you approach the matter mechanically, as some kind of not very pleasant duty, nothing will work out, it is for this reason that most people quickly become disillusioned with running and quit classes. Man must experience positive emotions from morning or evening runs, combine business with pleasure.

When running lightly at a relatively low speed, the muscles draw energy from the glycogen produced by the liver. Enough of it for more than half an hour of intensive training.

If the run was short in time, the body will use up glycogen very quickly, and during the first meal it will not be slow to replenish the missing reserves. Thus, the liver simply does not have time to get to the fat, which is a source of energy, and there will be no desired weight loss.

How to lose weight from running

Weight will begin to go away when the body switches to fat as an energy source and focuses on the area of ​​​​fat deposits. A signal that a positive trend has begun will be fatigue and intermittent breathing.

In order for the fat to start to go away, you need to run for at least 40 minutes, and preferably 60. Only then will the metabolism begin to stabilize, and the fats will break down. It is better to increase the speed and time of the run gradually so that the muscles get used to the loads. You shouldn’t devote more than an hour to jogging on the very first day, because the body unprepared for such loads will begin to take energy not from fat deposits, but from proteins, thus, not the desired weight will go away, but the necessary muscle mass.

For those people who do not have a lot of time, as well as smokers and those who have cardiovascular diseases, interval running is perfect. This is a very serious burden for the circulatory system and lungs, but the result will exceed all expectations.

What is interval running? These are intense workouts that include alternating maximum loads and rest.

For example, the first hundred meters is overcome with quick steps, while the muscles and ligaments are warmed up; the second is jogging, at this time breathing normalizes; the third is running at a maximum pace; the fourth - the pace is reduced. At the fourth 100 meters, breathing returns to normal, there is a short rest. Then everything starts over.

During interval running training, colossal physiological changes occur in the human body. During the sprint, calories are consumed due to the split glycogen, and when walking, the liver, in order to make up for the missing supply of this substance, gets to fats. This is how the weight loss process begins.

Fast running for short distances (sprint) provides blood flow to the muscles. Due to this, fats are oxidized and release energy, which is stored in the body in the form of carbohydrates.

The training is very effective, after 20 minutes a person feels tired. In addition, fats are burned even after 6 hours after exercise, muscle mass is not lost.

Running technique

Even with normal walking, there is a load on the spine, let alone jogging, when this load doubles. To minimize the possibility of injury, you should follow a certain running technique:

  1. Avoid abrupt throwing of the body up and heavy landing of the foot on the running surface. You can not swing the body to the sides. Such fluctuations occur due to the unprofessional placement of the feet, they must be on the same line, the whole “blow” is taken by the thumb.
  2. The biggest mistake of novice runners: when moving forward, a person unbends the lower leg earlier, therefore, all the power of the blow falls on the straight leg. This is fraught with injury. What an experienced athlete does: unbends the leg smoothly and brings it forward.
  3. It is extremely important to watch your posture. The body must be motionless, this will prevent injuries to the spine. The arms should be bent in elbow joints, fingers should not be clenched into fists. The head cannot be tilted back - this way the stomach protrudes. You should also not lower it forward, as this makes it difficult to breathe.

It is equally important to choose the length of the step. It should not be too narrow or wide.

You should know it

  1. It is better to start running in the warm season, for example, in the spring, since in winter the risk of getting a cold increases significantly.
  2. Morning running is useful for people suffering from diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. You need to go for a run about an hour before breakfast.
  3. Running during the day helps to strengthen muscles, in the evening it is most effective for losing weight and burning excess fat.
  4. It is desirable to alternate running with a jump rope, by the way, you can take it for a run, and if you take a player with your favorite music with you, then the ordinary process will turn into a pleasant walk.
  5. It is better to choose clothes for running from natural textures, it is better to exclude synthetic fabrics. A sports suit should be comfortable, and, of course, stylish and attractive. Running in a bright cute T-shirt and fashionable trousers is much more pleasant than in old stretched sweatpants.
  6. Preference should be given not to sneakers, but to sneakers, because it is possible that you will have to run on asphalt.
  7. For summer, it is better for girls to purchase special shorts, since in them the body loses weight much more, thereby removing excess fluid from the body. Shorts help fight cellulite.
  8. For men and women, the running program practically does not differ, but for the elderly and young people, it can vary significantly. When compiling a program, one should take into account not only age, but also the state of health of a person, his work schedule. Elderly people should avoid interval running.

Who can't run

Running has contraindications:

  • Overweight. It's about being overly big weight, as there is a load on the lower limbs.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Serious heart problems.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Chronic bronchitis and asthma.
  • The presence of infectious diseases.
  • Vision problems.
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs.
  • Diseases of the spine.
These contraindications should be taken into account and jogging should be replaced with other, less intense ones, such as swimming and fitness, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Can you lose weight with running? The answer, of course, will be positive. Not only to lose weight, but also to pump up muscles without exercise equipment, make them fit and athletic. The main thing is to run systematically and not be lazy. Over time, you will learn to benefit from monotonous tedious activities and lose weight with pleasure. But do not rely on the fact that running is a panacea. Only in combination with a balanced diet will it be effective.

Video: how to run to lose weight

In the article we discuss how running helps for weight loss and in the fight against cellulite. We will talk about effective running techniques, as well as additional activities that you will need to lose weight. You will learn what interval running is and why it is better than the rest.

Running is an intense sport that puts a lot of stress on the heart, muscles, joints and the whole body. If you exercise every morning, then the first signs of cellulite will leave you in a week, as this exercise tones the body. However, there are a number of contraindications in which this method of losing weight is not welcome. This applies to people who suffer from the following diseases:

  • transferred myocardial infarction;
  • heart disease;
  • stroke;
  • angina;
  • tachycardia;
  • circulatory problems;
  • bronchitis with an asthmatic component;
  • lung disease;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • glaucoma;
  • any chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation.

If you have any of the above problems, you should consult a doctor before starting training.

Daily jogging brings joy and health to the body, which gradually adapts to stress. This means that you need to start running gradually, because on initial stage training, discomfort in the muscles of the legs, palpitations, shortness of breath are possible.

To facilitate the addiction stage, special recommendations have been developed for beginners that can help to cope with the first difficulties when playing sports:

  1. You should not run several kilometers at once, as it will be difficult for the body. Better start with a quiet walk (1-2 km). After a week, walk a longer distance, alternating it with walking. Gradually walking is replaced by a slow run, then increase the pace.
  2. In order not to get tired of the monotony, alternate the usual workout with cross-country runs (forest, park) or stairs.
  3. Before starting a workout, be sure to drink a glass of clean water about an hour in advance, and another one in half an hour. A small amount of water is also acceptable during a run.
  4. The best time for training, according to experts, is 06:00-07:00, 11:00-12:00, 16:00-18:00.

How to breathe correctly

In order for jogging to benefit the body, you need to breathe properly. Breathing movements should be deep, even. If the inhalation-exhalation is performed correctly, then the cardiovascular system works normally, without experiencing excessive stress, the permeability of oxygen to organs and tissues increases.

The respiratory process is individual for everyone, but there is basic technique which can be used by beginners. One of the main rules is to breathe through your nose while exercising.

The right "equipment"

During training, you should not be distracted by the inconvenience that clothes and shoes sometimes bring. For a good run, wear tight leggings, in winter - thermal underwear. Such clothes tightly cover problem areas, help to remove excess fluid from cells and help get rid of orange peel.

Use special running shoes with shock-absorbing soles. This will protect the joints from injury. It is desirable to train on soft ground, running on hard asphalt is quite dangerous - the joints experience excessive stress from hitting a hard surface.

Morning running

If you set out to get rid of cellulite and lose weight, then it is better to run in the morning, before breakfast. Morning activities expend energy by burning fat accumulated overnight. In addition, in the morning the air is much cleaner than in the evening.

Before you start your morning workout, you should warm up well. Warming up is very important not only to warm up, stretch the muscles, but also to stimulate the whole body. The warm-up sequence is as follows:

  1. Circular rotation of the head.
  2. Hand movements to the side.
  3. Circular movements of the pelvis.
  4. Alternately lifting the legs with bent knees.
  5. Squats.
  6. Walking, smoothly turning into a run.

Evening run

Evening workouts are useful and also give good results. They help to unload after a hard day's work, relax well, turn off negative thoughts, and relieve accumulated stress.

Jogging is recommended between 19:00 and 21:00. 1-1.5 hours before a run, you can have a light snack (vegetable salads, light soups are suitable).

In order for an evening workout to be beneficial and enjoyable, choose a sparsely populated place, for example, it could be a park. Start with a calm rhythm, the duration of classes is no more than 30 minutes. It is allowed to drink warm water along the way. Before jogging, do a warm-up (the method is described above). Good results you will only be able to receive on a regular basis.

Nutrition rules

  1. Do not run on a full stomach.
  2. Two hours before training, it is allowed to consume foods such as kefir, yogurt.
  3. After jogging, after 30 minutes, you can drink clean water, green tea.
  4. Sweets, fried, smoked foods should be excluded.
  5. Nutrition should be varied, while balanced.
  6. The diet should be more fruits, vegetables, greens.

Running for cellulite

This type of cardio loads perfectly copes with orange peel, eliminates problems in the buttocks area. A large number of different programs have been developed, but in order to achieve a systematic effect, we recommend that you first turn to trained trainers.

Training program

One of the programs is designed for 4 weeks. Training can be carried out at any time convenient for you. There must be two days of rest.

First week. On the first day of training, running should last no more than 10 minutes. After that, 2 minutes of brisk walking, then jogging again for about 5 minutes. Increase subsequent sessions by 3 minutes.

Second week. The duration of the workout is 20 minutes with a rest break of one minute. Finish the lesson with a maximum sprint run (3 minutes).

Third week. Gradually increase the duration of the runs, by Friday you need to run for half an hour.

Fourth week. It is necessary to immediately start running for 30 minutes, increasing the time by 5 minutes every day. By the end of the week, the duration of the workout should reach 50 minutes.

Home workouts

People who lead an active lifestyle always have great shape. For each of us, the day begins with a rush to work and various family affairs. IN modern life I don't have much time to run in the morning.

As an alternative solution, running at home comes to the rescue, which replaces the classic outdoor workouts. They have a good effect on the human body, the burning of calories is activated, the work of the heart and muscles throughout the body improves.

Interval training

Interval running is one of the most common weight loss methods. It is a run with a different load and speed. There are three main types of interval running:

  • repeated;
  • interval sprint;
  • tempo.

The scheme is as follows:

Day 1 - a small warm-up, alternating running (fast - about 200 meters, then 3-minute slow).

Day 2 - warm-up, run up to 800 meters (the intervals remain the same).

Day 3 - alternation (fast - 600 meters, slow - 400 meters).

Benefits of jogging and in place

Jogging is a great way to lose weight and remove cellulite from problem areas. It also helps to strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems. Thanks to running on the spot, the muscles are warmed up, the cells are filled with oxygen.

Such classes are the best option for moms on maternity leave. Remember the basic rules:

  1. Lift your feet off the floor as high as possible.
  2. Keep your back straight.
  3. The stomach should be pulled in, and the arms bent at the elbows.
  4. Shoulders are relaxed.
  5. Breathing should be as follows: inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.

If you run 10-15 minutes a day, then in a month you will see the first positive results.


Stair running is more effective than usual in that there is a load on the muscles of the legs, while up to 850 kcal is burned. It is enough to spend a few simple exercises in the form of a warm-up, and then run up the stairs for 30 minutes.

At the same time, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are involved, which helps to eliminate the orange peel in problem areas.

Training on the simulator

To return the body to good shape, great option will be training on the simulator. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to make morning or evening runs in the fresh air.

The computer, which is built into the simulator, allows you to adjust the speed and time of classes. You should start with walking, gradually increasing time and speed. Half an hour a day of training is enough. In a month you will be able to see the first results. If there are problems with the joints of the legs, then such training is contraindicated.

Which is better - a treadmill or an exercise bike?

The exercise bike perfectly helps to get rid of cellulite, excess weight, and also strengthen blood vessels. Experts say that the effect of a treadmill and an exercise bike is the same.

Treadmill program

The simulator helps to perform various types of aerobic exercises. For effective weight loss, you need to alternate all types of training.

Before starting classes, select the beginner level (classes for beginners). After 3 months of training, switch to an ongoing one. After six months, you can try the advanced one.

The program is designed for 30 minutes and consists of a warm-up, walking, tempo part.

  1. The warm-up takes about 5 minutes. Speed ​​3-5 km per hour.
  2. Walking lasts 10 minutes. The speed is 6 km per hour, which should be gradually increased.
  3. The tempo part runs for 5 minutes. Working speed from 10 km per hour.
  1. When performing exercises, straighten your shoulders, your back should be flat, your arms bent at the elbows.
  2. Breathing should be deep, through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Then the correct blood circulation is maintained, the level of oxygen in the blood rises.
  3. Fat is burned faster if you periodically change the angle of the track and alternate walking with movements during training.
  4. You should alternate speed modes: start with a calm walk, end with an active one.

How to enhance the effect

If the classes do not bring you the desired effect, then you are not exercising regularly. Here are some tips on how to enhance the effect of losing weight:

  1. Choose comfortable equipment.
  2. Focus on running for at least half an hour a day.
  3. Get positive emotions from running.
  4. Watch your movements during classes, follow the running technique.

You can also enhance the anti-cellulite effect by using a special film and applying a special cream under it.


Capsicam wrap and running are the best remedies for orange peel. For wraps, it is best to use blue clay or coffee grounds.

Wraps with blue clay

Clay is sold in every pharmacy. Preparing the mixture is quite simple. To do this, take a container into which pour the powder and dilute with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Apply the mixture with a special brush, and if with your hands, then with gloves. Then wrap the body cling film, put on thermal underwear, and then start training.

Wraps with coffee

Prepare coffee grounds - for this, use the cake from the coffee maker. Apply thick to prepared skin, after steaming it under a hot shower. Then wrap yourself in cling film, put on warm clothes. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes.

If the goal is to lose weight, it is good to use any exercise. But in terms of efficiency, nothing compares to running.

Running is one of the most effective ways burn calories.

Here are four reasons why running can be the most the best exercise when losing weight:

  1. Even while resting after running, the process of weight loss continues. Being a high-intensity exercise, running stimulates the burning of more calories after the cessation of exercise than low-intensity exercise.
  2. Running saves time. In the same amount of time, most people can run two to three times the distance they walk.
  3. Running is comfortable. You can choose any time that is best for running. You can run for weight loss anywhere, no additional equipment not required other than a pair of athletic shoes.
  4. Running gives energy and good mood. Scientists have found a substance that is produced during running, and it is responsible for the feeling of happiness.
Questions: what time is better to run for weight loss, how much to run, when, how are very interesting to many people. Let's try to figure this out.

Note! Like any sport, running has its limitations. It is necessary to consult with doctors if there is the slightest doubt.

Experts claim that with proper nutrition, 20-45 minutes are enough for successful weight loss interval running per day.

Do I need to run every day

Specialists recommend running three to four times a week, combining with other types of training on the remaining days of the week. Some experts advise running five times a week. For rest from any training, one day is required.

How much weight can you lose while running

Researchers claim that in order to lose 0.5 kg in a week, you need to burn 500 calories every day, combining different kinds loads and adhering to a certain diet.

Studies have shown that a woman weighing 68 kilograms burns 495 calories during a 45-minute run if her running speed is 9.7 km / h.

Running every day for 45 minutes at this speed, you can lose 0.5 kg in a week with a body weight of 68 kg.

These figures are given as an example. There are tables by which you can calculate weight loss for each specific case.

Studies have shown that a woman weighing 68 kilograms burns 495 calories during a 45-minute run if her running speed is 9.7 km / h. To do this, you need to know how, when, how much to run and at what time is best for losing weight.

It is important to know! The type of load must be taken into account. Muscles quickly adapt to monotonous loads and burn fewer calories, so prolonged monotonous running is not an effective way to lose weight.

To avoid addiction, it is necessary to diversify the run- include short and long distances, change speed, train in different places and on different surfaces, run up and down the slope.

In this mode, the muscles will work harder and more calories will be burned. Along with calories, weight will go away.

The effectiveness of running by time of day for weight loss

When is the best time to run for weight loss? The choice of what time of day to run is influenced by many factors and life circumstances. For running, you can choose any time of the day, but you should take into account the advice of experts.

Professionals advise listening to the daily (circadian) biorhythm to which a person is subject. Almost all functions of the body exhibit a daily rhythm.

For example, scientists have found that the lowest body temperature occurs in the early morning hours, and the highest temperature is observed in the afternoon, as well as in the evening. Athletes train more efficiently at higher body temperatures.

Research has also found that lung function follows the same pattern.

Because in the morning the body temperature is low, then the muscles lack flexibility, which means that the risk of injury is quite high. Lung function is slow. And also energy reserves were depleted during sleep.

It is important to know! Studies show that heart attacks and strokes are most common in the early morning hours.

After breakfast, lung function improves, body temperature rises, and energy levels are much higher due to protein and carbohydrates from breakfast. This time is suitable for training, but is not optimal.

At lunchtime, the body experiences some slowdown in vital processes, the body temperature is lowered, the functioning of the lungs is not at the peak of activity.

Note! In the afternoon and especially in the evening, the body has its maximum temperature, the muscles are flexible, and the lungs work optimally. This is the time when training will give the best result.

Therefore, to the question what time is better to run for weight loss, you can definitely answer - in the evening. But it is also important to know how much, when and how to run.

The effectiveness of the type of running (interval running, jogging)

Many people take up jogging and think that the more they run, the more weight they lose. This is true to a certain extent. The problem is that over time, the muscles get used to the load, and the number of calories burned decreases, running becomes easier, but less effective for losing weight.

In other words, at first the weight is reduced, but once the body gets used to the training regimen, there is almost no weight loss. Beyond that, jogging long distances takes time and patience.

Fortunately, there is a type of running that burns more fat in much less time. Each workout will take 20 to 45 minutes. This run is called interval., since it consists of alternating periods with a load of different intensity.

There are various interval running programs, but the essence is the same. A period of jogging or walking at a comfortable pace should follow the period fast run , then the whole cycle is repeated several times.

At a comfortable speed, the body receives energy from the inhaled oxygen and hardly any calories are burned. As soon as the speed increases dramatically, the muscles begin to process this oxygen and expend additional energy using other body chemicals.

Increasing your speed burns extra calories. Even during the unloading period following the period of intense exercise, the increased calorie burning process continues.

Experts advise combining intervals of various lengths with different type running, to avoid muscle addiction and get the maximum amount of calories burned.

Running program in the morning (time of intensive, walking run, respite)

It is important to know! You should start training with walking (for several days). Then start interval running in slow pace. Running speed and training intensity should be increased gradually.

In the morning, the load should be gentle to avoid injury and trouble.

If the walking stage is completed, you can start interval running.

The first stage of running, alternating walking and running:

Walking (minutes) Running (minutes)

The total training time is 29 minutes, of which 5 minutes are running.

You can take a breather at any time during your workout if needed. physical state and then resume classes if possible.

By repeating this scheme three to four times a week, you can go to the next level of activity, at which walking takes 33 minutes, and running 10 minutes.

This program is designed for 12 stages of interval running. It starts with a 30 minute walk and ends with a 30 minute run.

Daily running program (time for intensive, walking, respite)

You can use the same program in the morning, afternoon and evening. What is the difference? During the daytime, the lungs and muscles work more efficiently, so running speed can be faster while maintaining the timing.

Running program in the evening (time of intensive, walking run, respite)

The best time to run for weight loss is in the evening., as you can maximize the speed load without any negative consequences.

Be careful! However, you need to listen to your body and reduce the intensity of your workout as soon as any warning symptoms appear.

How to breathe properly while running to lose weight

Oxygen is a powerful fat burning catalyst. People who spend a lot of time outdoors do not have to make much effort to lose weight. That's why, whenever possible, run outdoors. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the correct breathing.

How to breathe:

  1. It is important to breathe deeply. When using the deep breathing technique, a sufficient amount of oxygen enters the body, which contributes to efficient combustion calories and prevents dizziness and nausea.
  2. Breathing and steps must be aligned. If you can't do this, then the run is too fast. You need to slow down your running speed.
  3. Learn to breathe through your nose. This is especially important when the air is cold and dry. When breathing through the mouth, dry air enters directly into the lungs and makes it difficult for them to work. The nose acts as a filter and also warms the air, which partially prevents the negative effects on the lungs.

Nutrition before and after running for weight loss

The rules of running for weight loss include a culture of eating.

Both refusal to eat and overeating are unacceptable.

According to experts, during starvation and large physical activity the body first consumes fat, and then begins to break down muscle, glycogen, without touching the fat.

This causes great harm and causes unwanted structural changes in the organs.

Be careful! Strict dietary restrictions, especially before and after training, can lead to undesirable and even dangerous consequences for health.

Overeating before running is also unacceptable, since in this case the blood will rush to the digestive organs, leaving the muscles without required amount blood for their normal functioning.

To ensure optimal conditions for the work of the body and muscles during training, it is necessary to choose one suitable pre-workout meal option from the following two:

  1. Eat a full meal of a balanced meal two hours before training. In the morning, this option is not entirely acceptable. This can be another reason to postpone your workout until the evening if you still have doubts about the best time to run for weight loss.
  2. Eat an hour or half an hour in advance (150 to 300 calories). Experts recommend a combination of protein and easily digestible carbohydrates with a low fat content. For example, good choice there will be a combination of fruit and low-fat cheese, or a hard-boiled egg with grapes.

This will help maintain a stable blood sugar level and provide the muscles with enough energy to effective work at which the optimal number of calories will be burned.

Eating after a run is also extremely important. Food should be rich in proteins and carbohydrates, contain about 20 grams of protein, which is the building material of muscles and is necessary to restore depleted glycogen.

That's why protein cocktail great as a light snack after a workout. Shakes containing soy, whey and casein proteins are recognized as the best.

It is important to know! Remember to drink plenty of water before your workout, during your run, and after. Drink half a liter of cool water two hours before training. Also, for the successful assimilation of inhaled oxygen, it is necessary to include foods rich in iron in the diet.

Run and lose weight for health!

Briefly. Running rules for weight loss:

  1. It is necessary to run three to four days a week, if possible in the open air, breathing deeply;
  2. Decide what time is convenient for you, but if possible, it is better to run for weight loss in the evening;
  3. One of the interval running programs should be used;
  4. You need to eat right before and after running (foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates).

Do not miss useful videos about the rules of running for weight loss

When is the best time to run for weight loss?

Find out how much to run, when and how to lose weight from this video: