A volleyball player removed from a flight due to long legs will not sue for a "victory". Nikolai Kapranov: “There is disappointment from the season, but there are no complaints against the guys

The director spoke about the results of the past season and plans for the future in an interview volleyball club"TORCH" Nikolay KAPRANOV.

Nikolai Vasilyevich, how, in your opinion, did the last season turn out? Did the team cope with the tasks set?

Three tasks were set before the team for this season: to compete for the Russian Cup, for medals of the national championship and victory in the Eurocup. We coped with one of them - we took the Eurocup. With other tasks, it did not work out a bit. It was objectively difficult for the team in the Russian Cup - there were many injured players just at the moment when they played the final, although we made it to this final quite successfully. As for the Russian championship, here, of course, it's a little insulting - the guys objectively could be in the top four and fight for medals. But the first match of the "Final Six" did not work out for us - with "Belogorye", if we played it a little more confidently, everything could have turned out differently in the end. But the guys got invaluable experience, which, I'm sure, will be useful to them in the future. In general, I can say that this season turned out better than the previous one, but we have something to strive for. We will work further.

- Did the invitation to the post of head coach of the Italian specialist Camillo Plachi justify itself?

Undoubtedly. I am very glad that we managed to invite such a specialist. Camillo Plachi rather quickly made his own adjustments to the training process, set the job, and, most importantly, the guys reacted to it with great dedication. The results are already visible, but, of course, not much time has passed, so the next season will show how fruitful our cooperation turned out to be. Camillo is a coach of the highest level, one of the best in the world, with a lot of experience. So the guys will only benefit from working with him.

Now main team FAKELA is on vacation. When will the players gather before the new season? Will the training camp be held again in Belarus?

After the "Final Six" of the Russian Championship, the players of the men's team went on vacation. Five of our volleyball players were called to the national team to Sergei Shlyapnikov and after three days went to the location of the national team, the rest of the guys will spend their holidays at their own discretion. And of course, each of them has a plan. individual training at the time of rest. The youth team is still at its base in Serpukhov and will go on vacation a little later. The youth team will hold preparatory camps in July in Belarusian Kobrin, just like last year. And then in August he will join the first team for a training camp under the leadership of Camillo Plachi in Serpukhov.

That is, the men's team will hold a training camp in Serpukhov this time? Are there also all the conditions for full preparation for the season?

Yes, and we plan to improve these conditions over the summer - we will purchase a new Teraflex surface, install additional racks and a net so that teams can train on two sites at once. And the rest there is everything you need - a stadium, a swimming pool, a gym.

- Will the club continue the tradition of bringing up its own young personnel for the first team next season?

Of course, we will continue this policy. The education of young people is one of our top priorities. It is very important for us to work not only for the good of the club, but for the whole country. Several people in our club are working on selection, looking for talented guys who want to achieve great success in volleyball, who have potential, burning eyes, certain physical characteristics. If a guy meets our criteria, we will do everything possible and necessary to have him in our club. We also consider personal appeals of parents or the children themselves. After all, it is difficult to embrace everything, there are individuals who, perhaps, are not yet in sight. Therefore, we study everything that comes to us, we do not close our eyes to anything.

We also make every effort so that, having got to our club, young guys develop, grow in skill and are involved in the national teams of the country. And, as practice shows, there are always 2-3 players in the youth teams of all ages from our club.

- With such a policy of the club, the youth team of "FAKELA" has a great responsibility ...

Of course, and everyone understands this. Therefore, advances for our youth team are over. Even last year, we could be content with being the youngest team in the Youth League championship and talking about our great potential. Now the guys already need to prove their worth, to prove that they are needed by the first team as well. This season, as in the previous one, our youth finished the championship in 9th place. There were objective reasons for this too. But next season they will face a specific task - to play in the final and fight for championship medals. They can do it, now the team has strong competition in almost all positions. We have created unique conditions for the guys to work and grow: a good base in the Serpukhov district, where there is everything you need - living conditions, a school, a priority in the Nadezhda Sports Palace, where training takes place. For all this I would like to say a big thank you to the head of the district Alexander Shestun.

In September, Novy Urengoy will host the first children's international arctic volleyball tournament. Can it also become a breeding ground?

This children's tournament is created, first of all, to popularize volleyball in the country as a whole, and in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in particular. Novy Urengoy now has a new Zvezdny sports palace, which has also become an additional impetus for the development of volleyball, and at the tournament the guys will be able to see their peers who are already able to play enough high level. And maybe the boys and girls come to go to sports school to learn how to play the same way and achieve the same results.

The tournament will be representative: the national teams of Moscow and Novosibirsk have already confirmed their participation in it, teams of other volleyball centers of our country are also expected. A team from Bulgaria and other countries is also planned, so that the international status of the tournament will be maintained. I think it will only develop in the future. We have had a problem in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for a long time that the guys rarely go somewhere further than the Ural federal district, and for 20 years of the existence of volleyball in the city, no one came at all. So this tournament will open the gates of Yamal and show young volleyball players the Arctic.

We are planning, for example, to open a merchandise store for our club. Our trademark has been registered, and painstaking work is underway to prepare and manufacture the assortment - this is not very easy, so the fans still need to have a little patience. We understand that there is a demand for TORCH paraphernalia, so we will try to do everything as soon as possible. In this regard, we are cooperating with our equipment partner, the Zasport company, which won the tender for the equipment of the Russian national team for Olympic Games. They have a new collection coming out and we are planning to merge our club store with the Zasport store.

We will also continue to work on creating a support group for the club. I would like FAKELA's home matches to become even brighter and more attractive for the audience. I hope that a cafe will open in Zvezdny next season so that the sports palace becomes a place for pleasant meetings with friends. Still, of course, Zvezdny needs to work on making it comfortable for people to purchase tickets. In this regard, the leadership of the sports palace promised that with the acquisition of a certain technical equipment this process will be established and spectators will be able to buy tickets for matches online. I note that the proceeds from tickets go exclusively to the maintenance of the "Star" - the costs of the palace are quite serious, they need this source of income. Our club, if it were possible, would be ready to see all the fans for free. I also want to thank everyone for their support, it was very nice to see a full house at the final of the Challenge Cup. Fans are our additional player on the court, your support drives the team forward. I urge everyone next season to continue to come to our matches in any weather, because we play just for you!

Olga Preobrazhenskaya, Press Service of VK "FAKEL" Novy Urengoy.

Nikolai Kapranov, the director of Fakela, tells about the unfinished “Kimerov case”, the invitation to the team of the Italian Plachi and the tasks of the club.

Recently, Novy Urengoy "TORCH" has been in the center of everyone's attention. It's not even about the pretty decent results of the team and not about winning the Challenge Cup. An unusual noise was made by the story of the diagonal team Alexander Kimerov, who was dropped off in Samara from the plane of the Pobeda low-cost airline due to his high (215 cm) height. If Vladimir Zhirinovsky from the rostrum of the State Duma remembered this incident, then we can assume that something extraordinary has happened. Director of "FAKELA" Nikolai Kapranov in an interview with "Championship" told how the scandalous story ended, what is expected from the Italian head coach and the goals of the team in the championship.

“Police require Kimerov to appear for interrogation”

scandalous stories with Pobeda, judging by numerous reports, continue. And what is the state of the “Kimerov case”, in which the Investigative Committee is interested?

“Today, the passions have subsided somewhat. But some things still affect the normal training process player and the whole team. They constantly pull Sasha, call him somewhere. When registering tickets at Sheremetyevo Airport a few days ago, when the team was flying to Novy Urengoy for the final match of the European Cup with the French Chaumont, the police escorted Kimerov to the linear department. Fortunately, the team manager was nearby, Kimerov was once again taken testimony and handed a summons demanding to immediately appear for interrogation in Samara. Otherwise, it was stated in the prescription, the player will be taken by force to the place of the call. We even laugh about it: either the volleyball player is dropped off the plane, or they are going to be forcibly taken for interrogation. And this despite the fact that Kimerov has repeatedly given explanations for what happened, like many witnesses - the passengers of the plane. And everything is in favor of the player.

And in Novy Urengoy, Sasha was interrogated at the request of the Samara investigators. We don't give up on anything. But I would like to have an adequate understanding that we have serious playoff matches ahead of us. Our lawyers have drawn up a corresponding letter, in which they said that the player will be busy until the end of the championship and is not able to appear on the agenda. I think everyone understands that the situation is not worth a damn. We received a huge number of letters from the passengers of the flight, and just from citizens from all over the country in support of the player and the team. And the girl who suggested Sasha to switch places called and said that she had already been in Samara for interrogation and told the investigators that the incident was provoked by a flight attendant. Lawyers were also willing to help us. But we are not going to make a big deal about this and we want the player and the team to be left alone. It is more important for us to defend the honor of the region and the country as a whole in sports competitions, and not sue on an idiotic occasion. Despite all the troubles, we were able to win the European Cup.

“The fact that Kimerov was not allowed to train is a misunderstanding”

- "TORCH" became the first Russian club who won the Challenge Cup. And the fact that almost half of the FAKELA volleyball players is included in the extended list of candidates for the Russian national team speaks in favor of the team.

- It's really very nice that five players were included in this number - Yegor Klyuka, Dima Volkov, Ilya Vlasov, Sasha Kimerov and Vadim Likhosherstov. Three volleyball players from the youth team were preparing for the European Championship, which begins the other day. And we did and continue to do everything so that the representation of FAKELA in the national team only increases. For example, we were contacted Main coach and the doctor of the national team, so that we can take care of Vlasov, who has not yet fully recovered from knee surgery. And you probably noticed that Ilyusha did not start in the final matches with the French. But the player himself was eager to fight, and, even if a short time, the coaches released the blocker onto the court. However, in the person of Vanya Yakovlev, Vlasov turned out to be a worthy replacement.

- A great help was the ability to take on rivals in the new sports complex"Star", which was idle for a long time. But the next day after the final of the same Kimerov, who came to Gym to work out in their free time, they were not allowed to go there, motivating the refusal by the fact that this time is reserved for paid groups.

“It's really some kind of misunderstanding. I must say that the management of the sports complex is only building its structure, of course, they need to earn money, cover the costs of maintaining the sports palace. But at the same time, there should be an understanding that the main priorities should be given to volleyball, the only game Olympic look sports. It is good that we have so far managed to agree that we will pay the required amount. But I hope this doesn't happen again in the future.

"Cry is a very strict coach"

- Of the 14 clubs in the Superleague, only TORCH and Dynamo Moscow decided to change their coach during the regular season. What caused the changes? And why was the Italian specialist Camillo Plachi at the head, and not someone else? Let him be Italian, but with knowledge of the Russian language. After all, there was already a precedent when the TORCH was led by Ferdinando De Giorgi, or simply Fefe, who did not succeed. And now Fefe led the Polish national team.

- Many volleyball specialists know that the team had a problematic period related to finances. And the first task was to overcome this crisis and try to develop further. We were able to cope, paid off all debts, without compromising the result - last year we took fifth place. And Igor Chutchev, who led the team recently, coped with his task. But it was clear that the skill of the players is growing, and they already needed a more experienced specialist to move forward. We had to take the next step. It was not a spontaneous decision, we thought for a long time, choosing from several candidates. And when the option arose to invite a coach, I think, of a world-class level - the Italian Camillo Plachi, an experienced specialist, we hooked on him. We have a complete understanding with Igor Sergeyevich, we discussed this option with him before. In short, Chutchev was ready for such changes. And in favor of Placha, they said that he had already worked with the Russian team, helped Alekno at the Beijing Olympics, and with the Bulgarian team took fourth place at the London Olympics, the highest in the history of this team. There is a language barrier, but this is a solvable issue. Camillo will definitely learn Russian. But so far everyone understands each other - the players of the coach, the coach - the players.

— There is a feeling that the team has added with the arrival of the Italian?

— I'm not a coach, but the progress is obvious. Moreover, Cry is a very strict coach. Immediately after winning the Challenge Cup, he immediately stopped the players who wanted to relax, announcing that a difficult playoff series with Ural was ahead.

- What task did you set for the new coach and the team as a whole?

— We always set maximum goals. And they outlined them even before the start of the season: to compete for two cups - the country and the European one and win medals in the championship. We managed to cope with one - the Challenge Cup became ours. Now the task is to get into the Final Six, on the way to which we have to fight with a team from Ufa. Either way, it's going to be a tough fight. And much will depend on the form in which the teams will approach final tournament club season.

Interviewed by Lev ROSSOSHIK


The season for "TORCH" is almost over, and it is already possible to start "collecting stones", that is, to sum up. The director of the club, Nikolai Vasilyevich Kapranov, spoke about the result and prospects for the future.

- Nikolai Vasilievich, let's start with the main question: before the season, certain goals were set - to win the European trophy and storm the top three Russian championship. How would you rate the outcome?

The goals have not been achieved - in our asset there is neither the European Cup nor the medals of the national championship. We lacked literally one step in Europe and two steps in the Super League. Everything was close, and after this season, I think the guys themselves realized that these goals are real. Even now I can say that next year the same tasks will be set before the team - regardless of the line-up we will play with. We will not lower the bar.

- If we ignore the result - do you, as the director of the club, have any satisfaction from the season, or vice versa?

There is satisfaction. The season has been good. Yes, it was difficult and intense, there was no time for a break - constant flights and games. And for this I want to say a big thank you to the team - they are great! We gained tremendous experience, and at the same time we took a worthy place and again won the right to play in the European Cup. There was a chance, of course, to climb higher in the championship of Russia, but the trend of "TORCH" is correct. And all this despite the fact that we had difficulties with the FIVB sanctions - we do not have the right to play foreign players. I want to say that these difficulties have been resolved on our part - the debts to foreign athletes have been closed, now it's up to the FIVB. All this happened during the season, we spent quite a lot of money on it, we didn't spend money on the current performance of the championship. And with all this, the team performed well.

- In this regard, the next question: does FAKELA have any financial guarantees, confidence in the upcoming season?

Yes, I have. But, in any case, we will live within our means. As long as we continue our development strategy, we will not be strengthened by top stars. We grow, fill bumps and fight on our own.

- Is there any certainty on the composition for next year?

We have a backbone of players who definitely remain in the team. For those whose contracts expire, negotiations are underway. The club is interested in leaving everything for next season as it was in this one.

- One of the most painful questions for the club is the new hall. What are the chances of "TORCH" to play on new arena next year?

The Zvezdny Sports Palace is in a high degree of readiness. We can say that it is ready, with the exception of some nuances of commissioning. We plan to start new season in the new room.

- What are your plans for the nearest future?

Everyone got ten days off. We release the collections before the start of the training camp in the national team. On April 24, the rest return to Serpukhov and work according to a calm, not very busy schedule, where the main emphasis will be placed on individual work with everyone, as well as on physical training. There will be a minimum of work with the ball - the guys, it seems, cannot see the ball now (smiles). They will work until the end of May, after which they will go on vacation for a month and a half. In the twentieth of July, we leave, go through UMO and start working.

- The youth team "FAKELA" took the ninth place in the championship. How do you rate this result?

The guys have some progress, some matches they played were really good, but in general, this team can and should play better. There is no satisfaction with their performance, but they still have a certain carte blanche, the guys have been given a certain advance payment, so to speak. So far, we do not demand results from them here and now. I emphasize that this is only for now - the moment will come, and we will demand the result.

Yes, we are growing our players, who would potentially be able to play in the Superleague team. Perhaps the result in the Youth League is not particularly important for this, if we talk about individual players. However, it is necessary to bring up the feeling of a winner in the guys, and for this we need victories, we need medals and a pedestal.

- What would you like to say to you, as the director of the club, before the "TORCH" goes on vacation for a while?

I would like to apologize to our fans for the blurred end of the season in the match against Yugra-Samotlor, it upset everyone. I can assure you that none of the team, of course, wanted such an ending, everyone tried, but, apparently, the accumulated fatigue and injury of the captain and a good physical state rivals made themselves known. "Samotlor" was better prepared, and we had an obvious decline.

In general, the year in terms of pain was wonderful: the fans filled the stands to the eyeballs in every match, and this always gave the guys an additional incentive to win. I hope that next year "Star" will be filled even better! We will do our best not to disappoint them.

Only the most flattering words for our sponsors - everything we agreed on was fulfilled. The budget for this year has been formed and there is no doubt that everything will go as it should. We are also very grateful for the understanding of the issue of the prompt payment of old debts - to all without exception - Gazprom Dobyche Urengoy, Achimgaz, the leadership of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region. We have formed the Club's Supervisory Board, which holds and will hold regular meetings on the club's development strategy - everyone is actively involved in the life of the club, and this is very good.

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O. Bychenkova; Press service of VK "FAKEL" Novy Urengoy .

This guy is only 21 years old, but he had to go through a lot to prove his right to wear the uniform of the Russian national team.


- Why did volleyball become a priority sport for you from the very beginning?
- Yes, I didn’t have much choice: my mother in the first grade insisted that I go to the volleyball section. It was her decision, and I had no right to disobey. My mother graduated from the Malakhov infinizkult, at one time she studied athletics. And her friend coached volleyball players. And my mother brought me to her. However, my mother taught me the basics of the game, and from the age of six I was already standing against the wall and practicing with the ball.

- But the uncle, the famous volleyball player Evgeny Petropavlov, probably played a certain role in this choice?
- At that time he played for Nova from my native Novokuibyshevsk. And since the fifth grade, I have not missed a single match of this team - I served balls, wiped the floor. All the time I tried to be like my uncle, I spent a lot of time with him, asking questions that interested me.

- And again, did your mother put you in the Fakel club system?
- I had offers from other clubs. But my mother went to Anapa, where at that time she was based youth team Fakela, she liked everything there, and together with the coach they decided that this option was the best for me. So at 16 I left home to start new life.

- Did any of the current players on your team start with you then?
— Ilyusha Vlasov. He came from Ufa. The rest of the guys who go out with me today to the site were added a year later.

- So you graduated from school in Anapa?
- Yes, I studied there in the 10th and 11th grades, and then immediately entered the university in Krasnodar physical education where I still continue to study. But I'm going to defend my diploma next year. I was not alone: ​​after graduating from high school, many of the guys went to college and some to university.

— And in the youth team you were fast enough?
- In the very first year of playing for the "Torch". Since childhood, I dreamed of wearing a T-shirt with the word "Russia" and was proud when it happened. At 16!

- But very soon there was a misfortune - a back injury.
“I must admit that my back has bothered me before. But I endured the pain. Moreover, she appeared sporadically. At some point, when we were preparing for the World Cup in Mexico, I already felt unwell all the time. But he played all the matches at the championship, we won gold. And when I returned home, I realized that something had to be done. After visiting a number of doctors in Moscow, who, after examining, recommended finishing with volleyball and going to study, I concluded for myself that it was useless to contact Russian traumatologists with serious problems. In other countries, they recommended an operation, but at the same time they did not give a 100% guarantee that after it I would be able to play. And then Gurgen, the doctor of the Russian national team, found a clinic in Switzerland, where - thanks to our All-Russian Volleyball Federation - we went for another examination. It was there that they decided that the operation was not needed, and developed a clear program of treatment and rehabilitation. And for half a year I had to follow all the instructions of the Swiss doctors at home, in Novokuibyshevsk.

Why not at the club?
- This question is not for me, but for the then leadership of Fakel. They actually refused my services. They probably did not believe that I could return to duty. And at that moment, Nikolai Vasilyevich Kapranov, at that time the manager of the youth teams of Russia, helped, who was able to get a referral for rehabilitation in one of the sanatoriums near Moscow, where I spent a month. Plus, for another month personally with me at Volya Grad, again not without the participation of the VFV, Alexei Sergeevich Konstantinov, the current physical training coach of Fakel, worked with me. Since then, I have not experienced any major back problems.


“But injuries don’t seem to let you go all the time. Here you have a hand again in a cast. And before that there was a fracture, again on the right hand.
— Yes, and very close to today's fracture. It happened two years ago in my first season in the Superleague. But I hope that all these ailments are not as serious as that back injury.

- After a year of treatment, you nevertheless returned to the Novy Urengoy club.
- Not right away. At first I was invited to the training camp before the European Championships by Sergei Konstantinovich Shlyapnikov. We won the tournament, I was looking for a club. But what was offered did not suit me. And I ended up in "Fakel", again not without the participation of Alexander Mikhailovich Yaremenko.

- How would you rate your debut in the Superleague?
- For the first season, everything was successful: I quickly became a player in the squad, at the age of 18. And this despite the fact that the team had quite experienced guys of the same role - Dima Krasikov, Anton Fomenko. In general, everything turned out in the best possible way, and I even received an invitation to the student team, which also played at the first European Games in Baku.

- Do you remember how your invitation to the first team to the pre-Olympic training camp happened?
- It was known in advance about the extended list of candidates. I was glad to see my name in it. And we discussed the chances of each of the guys. And between us it turned out that I had to go to the collection. And when the club received a letter of challenge and sent it to me, the dream of a lifetime turned out to be nowhere closer.

"Oh, RIO, RIO!"

- Did you believe that you could compete with more experienced players and get the opportunity to go to Rio?
- Initially, when I went to Anapa, I thought more about the experience that I would get from the training of Vladimir Romanovich Alekno and communication with experienced “collectors”. Especially with Sergei Yurievich Tetyukhin. After all, it was the idol of my childhood, and now we ended up together in the same team, and at the Games also in the same room in Olympic village. Even during training at Volya Grad, I experienced some embarrassment when I left the gym before him. O Rio at first tried not to bother, but in the course of classes I felt that I was no worse than others, I was not inferior to many in anything, and in some other ways I was superior. Then I realized that it was quite real for me to be in the Olympic dozen.

- Almost until the last day, 16 players remained in the roster, of which only 12 could go to the Games. When did Alekno announce the final roster?
- The day before departure. But by that moment, in relation to myself as a coach, I felt that Vladimir Romanovich trusted me.

- What is your impression of the first Olympics?
- First of all, I would like to thank once again Vladimir Romanovich that he believed in me, that he included me in the squad. Many complained about living conditions and other inconveniences. I liked everything. I walked with my mouth open. The main thing is that I participated in the Olympics, plunged into its unique atmosphere. It was cool.

- What, in your opinion, prevented the Russian team from performing better at the Games?
Perhaps it is too early for me to answer such questions.

But do you have your own opinion?
“Most likely it’s the injury. Dima Musersky could not go at all, and Max Mikhailov could not perform in full force. He missed almost all the training. He stayed in the hall for a long time - a real workaholic. But he could not play the way he does, for example, today, in Rio.

"It's a shame that I'll be left without VOLLEYBALL for two months"

— You had a very strong start of the season. And, if not for the injury, they could have remained the true leader of their team.
“I feel it myself. The summer pre-Olympic training camp helped a lot. The coach revealed to me a lot of all sorts of nuances that helped me to look at my game differently. I know about my mistakes that I make. I'm currently working on them a lot in training.

And then this ridiculous injury. What do the doctors say?
- That you will have to spend a month in a cast, and then another month will be spent on rehabilitation.

Now you have free time. What do you do? What are you reading, for example?
- I was lucky to live with Tetyukhin in the same room. And I got to know him no longer as a player, but as a person. This is a truly outstanding personality, unique even. So there he gave me Dan Brown's Inferno to read. For Games I overcame this book. I just finished reading Usain Bolt's autobiography. I really like to read autobiographical works.

Russian team awaiting restructuring. Have you seen any guys in the current national championship who could join the national team and replace the veterans?
- Nikita Alekseev added very cool. Few expected him to shoot like that. I had a chance to play side by side with him. But back then he didn't do that much. And in "NOVA" he opened up. Handsome, happy for him. And Vityok Poletaev looks very cool.

- Is it important for you who will lead the Russian team?
- No. The main thing is that I myself must prove that I can help our national team.

Interviewed by Lev ROSSOSHIK